


	WHEREAS, Pennsylvania Power & Light Company ("Company") has 
adopted the Pennsylvania Power & Light Company Employee Stock 
Ownership Plan ("Plan") effective January 1, 1975; and
	WHEREAS, the Plan was amended and restated effective Janu-
ary 1, 1987, and subsequently amended by Amendment Nos. 1, 2, 3, 
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12; and
	WHEREAS, the Company desires to further amend the Plan;
	NOW, THEREFORE, the Plan is hereby amended as follows:
  I.	Effective as of the "Effective Time" as defined in the 
Agreement and Plan of Exchange between Pennsylvania Power 
& Light Company and PP&L Resources, Inc. the following 
sections of Articles I, II, IV, V, VII, X and XII are 
amended to read:
	1.1  The purpose of this Plan is (a) to provide for a portion 
of the present and future capital needs of the Company (b) to 
provide Employees some ownership of stock of PP&L Resources, 
Inc., substantially in proportion to their relative incomes, 
without requiring any reduction in pay or other employee bene-
fits, or the surrender of any other rights on the part of Employ-
ees, and (c) to invest primarily in the stock of PP&L Resources, 

	2.12  "Dividend-based Contribution" shall mean the contribu-
tion made by the Company or Resources in accordance with Section 

	2.30  "Resources" shall mean PP&L Resources, Inc. and its 

	2.33  "Stock" shall mean the common stock of Resources.

	4.4  Dividend-based Contribution.  Commencing with the 1990 
Plan Year, the Company or Resources may contribute to the Plan an 
amount determined at the sole discretion of the Company or 
Resources relating to the reduction in taxes arising out of the 
payment of dividends to participants and the contribution thereof 
to the Plan.  The Dividend-based Contribution is in addition to 
contributions made pursuant to Sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3.  All 
contributions by the Company are expressly conditioned upon their 
deductibility for federal income tax purposes.

	4.5  Investment in Stock.  All TRASOP, PAYSOP, Dividend-
based, and Matching Contributions may be in cash or in Stock; 
provided, however, that (a) if a Contribution is in cash, the 
Trustee shall use such Contribution to purchase Stock from  
Resources or others on or before the last day on which the Con-
tribution could have been made under Section 4.1(c) and (b) if a 
Contribution is in Stock, the number of shares contributed will 
be determined by the Market Value of the Stock. 

	5.3  Allocation of Earnings.  Any dividends or other distri-
butions on the Stock allocated to a Participant's Account shall 
be paid no later than 90 days after the close of the Plan Year to 
the Participant in cash either by the Trustee or directly by the 
Company or Resources. 

	5.5  Maximum Allocation.  The provisions of this Section 
shall be construed to comply with Section 415 of the Code. 

	(a)  Notwithstanding anything in this Article to the con-
trary, in no event shall the sum of (1) any Company or Resources 
contributions and other employer contributions, (2) any forfei-
tures and (3) the Participant's own contributions, if any, allo-
cated for any Limitation Year to any Participant under this and 
any other defined contribution plan maintained by the Company or 
any 50% Affiliated Company, exceed the lesser of (A) $30,000 plus 
the lesser of $30,000 or the value of the Stock contributed to 
the Plan for such Plan Year or (B) twenty-five percent (25%) of 
any Participant's compensation for the Limitation Year.  Amounts 
described in Sections 415(l) and 419A(d)(2) of the Code contri-
buted for any Plan Year for the benefit of any Participant shall 
be treated as annual additions to the extent provided in such 

	8.3  Reliance on Reports and Certificates.  The members of 
the Employee Benefit Plan Board and the officers and directors of 
the Company and Resources shall be entitled to rely upon all 
valuations, certificates and reports made by the Trustee or by 
any duly appointed accountant, and upon all opinions given by any 
duly appointed legal counsel.

	8.5  Indemnification of the Employee Benefit Plan Board.  
Each member of the Employee Benefit Plan Board, the Administra-
tive Committee, and each of their designees shall be indemnified 
by the Company against expenses (other than amounts paid in set-
tlement to which the Company does not consent) reasonably 
incurred by him in connection with any action to which he may be 
a party by reason of the delegation to him of administrative 
functions and duties, except in relation to matters as to which 
he shall be adjudged in such action to be personally guilty of 
negligence or willful misconduct in the performance of his 
duties.  The foregoing right to indemnification shall be in addi-
tion to such other rights as the member of the Employee Benefit 
Plan Board, the Administrative Committee, and each of their desi-
gnees may enjoy as a matter of law or by reason of insurance 
coverage of any kind.  Rights granted hereunder shall be in addi-
tion to and not in lieu of any rights to indemnification to which 
the member of the Employee Benefit Plan Board, the Administrative 
Committee and each of their designees may be entitled pursuant to 
the bylaws of the Company.  Service on the Employee Benefit Plan 
Board shall be deemed in partial fulfillment of the Employee 
Benefit Plan Board member's function as an employee, officer 
and/or director of the Company or Resources, if he serves in such 
other capacity as well.

	10.1  Amendment.   The Plan and the Trust Agreement may be 
amended or terminated at any time by or pursuant to action of  
the board of directors of Resources.  In addition, the EBPB may 
make such amendments to the Plan as it deems necessary or desir-
able except those amendments which substantially increase the 
cost of the Plan to the Company or significantly alter the bene-
fit design or eligibility requirements of the Plan.  Except as 
expressly provided elsewhere in the Plan, prior to the satisfac-
tion of all liabilities with respect to the benefits provided 
under this Plan, no such amendment or termination shall cause any 
part of the monies contributed hereunder to revert to the Company 
or to be diverted to any purpose other than for the exclusive 
benefit of Participants and their beneficiaries.  No amendment 
shall have the effect of retroactively depriving Participants of 
benefits already accrued under the Plan.  Upon complete termina-
tion of the Plan without establishment or maintenance of a suc-
cessor plan (other than an employee stock ownership plan as 
defined in Section 4975(e)(7) of the Code), Participants may 
receive distribution of their Accounts.  Amendments to the allo-
cation formulas contained in Article V shall not be made more 
frequently than once every six months.  

	10.2  Termination.  The Plan and the Fund forming part of the 
Plan may be terminated or contributions completely discontinued  
at any time by or pursuant to action of  the board of directors 
of Resources.  In the event of a termination, partial termina-
tion, or a complete discontinuance of contributions or in the 
event the Company is dissolved, liquidated, or adjudicated a 
bankrupt, the interest of the Participants, their estates and 
beneficiaries, shall be nonforfeitable and shall be fully vested, 
and distributions shall be made to them in full shares of Stock 
and cash in lieu of fractional shares based on the price at which 
the Trustee sells such Stock or the fair market value thereof.  
When all assets have been paid out by the Trustee, the Fund shall 
cease.  Any distribution after termination of the Plan may be 
made at any time, and from time to time, in whole or in part in 
full shares of Stock and cash in lieu of fractional shares based 
on the price at which the Trustee sells such Stock or the fair 
market value thereof; provided, however, that no Stock may be 
distributed to a Participant within seven years after the month 
in which such Stock was allocated to the Participant's Account 
except in the case of the Participant's retirement, Total Dis-
ability, death or other termination of employment with the Com-
pany.  In making such distributions, any and all determinations, 
divisions, appraisals, apportionments and allotments so made 
shall be final and conclusive.

	10.3  Special Rule.  In the event that the Plan is terminated 
in accordance with Section 10.2, unallocated amounts held in a 
suspense account described in Section 5.5 shall be allocated 
among Participants, subject to the limitations of Section 5.5, in 
the year of termination and amounts which cannot be allocated by 
reason of the limitations of Section 5.5 may be withdrawn from 
the Fund and returned to the Company or Resources.

	12.2  Source of Benefits.  All benefits payable under the 
Plan shall be paid or provided for solely from the Fund, and 
neither the Company nor Resources assume liability or responsi-
bility therefor.

	12.5  Incapacity.  If the Employee Benefit Plan Board deems 
any Participant who is entitled to receive payments hereunder 
incapable of receiving or disbursing the same by reason of age, 
illness or infirmity or incapacity of any kind, the Employee 
Benefit Plan Board may direct the Trustee to apply such payment 
directly for the comfort, support and maintenance of such Partic-
ipant or to pay the same to any responsible person caring for the 
Participant as determined by the Employee Benefit Plan Board to 
be qualified to receive and disburse such payments for the Par-
ticipant's benefit, and the receipt of benefit such person shall 
be a complete acquittance for the payment of benefit.  Payments 
pursuant to this Section 12.5 shall be complete discharge to the 
extent thereof of any and all liability of the Company, 
Resources, the Employee Benefit Plan Board, the Administrative 
Committee (if any), the Trustee, and the Fund.

	12.7  Voting Stock.  A Participant or a beneficiary may, in 
accordance with procedures adopted by the Employee Benefit Plan 
Board, instruct the Trustee as to the voting of the shares of 
Stock credited to his Account as of the end of the Plan Year 
preceding the record date for any shareholders' meeting.  Full 
shares of Stock shall be voted by the Trustee in accordance with 
such instructions.  Fractional shares shall be combined and voted 
by the Trustee to the extent possible to reflect the instructions 
of Participants credited with such shares.  Before each meeting 
of the shareholders of  Resources or other occasion permitting 
the exercise of voting rights with respect to Stock, the Employee 
Benefit Plan Board shall cause the proxy materials which are sent 
to shareholders of record of  Resources to be sent to each Par-
ticipant who has shares of Stock credited to his Account on or 
before the record date for the exercise of such rights.

	12.9  Put Option.  In the event the Stock is ever not readily 
tradeable on an established market (whether or not the Plan is an 
employee stock ownership plan at such time), the Company or 
Resources shall issue a "put option" to each Participant or Bene-
ficiary receiving a distribution of Stock from the Plan.  Such 
put option shall permit the Participant or Beneficiary to sell 
such Stock to the Company or Resources, at any time during two 
option periods (described below), at the then fair-market value, 
as determined by an independent appraiser (as defined in Section 
401(a)(28) of the Code).  The first put option period shall be a 
period of 60 days commencing on the date the Stock is distributed 
to the Participant or Beneficiary.  If the put option is not 
exercised within that period, it will temporarily lapse.  Upon 
the close of the Plan Year in which such temporary lapse of the 
put option occurs, the Employee Benefit Plan Board shall estab-
lish the value of the Stock, as determined by an independent 
appraiser, and shall notify each distributee who did not exercise 
the initial put option prior to its temporary lapse in the pre-
ceding Plan Year of the revised value of the Stock.  The second 
period during which the put option may be exercised shall com-
mence on the date such notice of revaluation is given and shall 
permanently terminate 60 days thereafter.  The Trustee may be 
permitted by the Company to purchase Stock tendered to the Com-
pany or Resources under a put option.  At the option of the Com-
pany, Resources or the Trustee, as the case may be, the payment 
for Stock sold pursuant to a put option shall be made in the 
following forms: 

	(a)  in substantially equal annual installments commencing 
within 30 days from the date of the exercise of the put option 
and over a period not exceeding five years, with interest payable 
at a reasonable rate on any unpaid installment balance, with 
adequate security provided, and without penalty for any prepay-
ment of such installments; or 

	(b)  in a lump sum as soon as practicable after the exercise 
of the put option. 

	The Trustee, on behalf of the Trust, may offer to purchase 
any shares of Stock (which are not sold pursuant to a put option) 
from any former Participant or Beneficiary, at any time in the 
future, at their then fair-market value as determined by an inde-
pendent appraiser.

	12.10  Compliance with Rule 16b-3.  With respect to Partici-
pants subject to Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 
1934, transactions under this Plan are intended to comply with 
all applicable conditions of Rule 16b-3 or its successors under 
the 1934 Act.  To the extent any provision of the Plan or action 
by the Board of Directors, the board of directors of Resources or 
Employee Benefit Plan Board involving such a Participant is 
deemed not to comply with an applicable condition of Rule 16b-3, 
it shall be deemed null and void to the extent permitted by law 
and deemed advisable by the Board of Directors, the board of 
directors of Resources or Employee Benefit Plan Board.

 II.	Except as provided for in this Amendment No. 13, all other 
provisions of the Plan shall remain in full force and 
	IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment No. 13 is executed this   
  _____ day of October, 1994.
                              PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY

                                    /s/ John M. Chappelear
                                 John M. Chappelear
                                 Vice President-Investments &