WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549


                       PURSUANT TO RULE 13A-16 OR 15D-16
                    OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                          FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 2009

                       COMMISSION FILE NUMBER 2 - 68279

                              RICOH COMPANY, LTD.

              13-1, GINZA 8-CHOME, CHUO-KU, TOKYO 104-8222, JAPAN

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as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1): __)

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                     Ricoh Company, Ltd.

Date: June 25, 2009                  By:
                                     Name:   Takashi Nakamura
                                     Title:  Director
                                             Corporate Excutive Vice President
                                             CHO(Chief Human Resource Officer)
                                             General Manager of personnel

                                                        (Securities Code: 7752)
                                                                  June 25, 2009

                             NOTICE OF RESOLUTION

Dear Shareholder,

Ricoh Company, Ltd. hereby informs you of the reports submitted and resolutions
reached at its 109th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.

                                          Yours faithfully,

                                          Shiro Kondo,
                                          Representative Director,
                                          President and Chief Executive Officer
                                          Ricoh Company, Ltd.
                                          1-3-6 Nakamagome, Ohta-ku, Tokyo


    1. The Business Report, Consolidated Financial Statements and the results
       of auditing consolidated financial statements by Accounting Auditors and
       the Board of Corporate Auditors for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2009
       (from April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009) were reported.

    2. The Non-Consolidated Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended
       March 31, 2009 (from April 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009) were reported.


    Agenda 1: Appropriation of retained earnings - Approved as proposed. (The
              year-end dividend is Yen 15 per share.)

    Agenda 2: Partial amendments to the Articles of Incorporation - Approved as
                 Please refer to pages 3 to 5 for the contents of amendment.

    Agenda 3: Election of one (1) Corporate Auditor - Approved as proposed,
              with the new election and appointment of Mr. Yuji Inoue. He has
              assumed the office.

                                     - 1 -

    Agenda 4: Election of one (1) Substitute Corporate Auditor - Approved as
              proposed, with the reelection and reappointment of Mr. Kiyohisa
                 Mr. Kiyohisa Horie is a Substitute Corporate Auditor for
              Outside Corporate Auditor.

    Agenda 5: Payment of bonuses to Directors - Approved as proposed, with the
              resolution that bonuses amounting to Yen 84.8 million be paid to
              the incumbent nine (9) Directors (excluding Outside Directors) as
              of the end of the fiscal year under review.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             PAYMENT OF DIVIDENDS

   It was resolved at the meeting to pay a year-end dividend of Yen 15 per
share (Yen 33 for the full fiscal year). Please review the enclosed dividend
warrant to receive the dividend payment within the payment period(from June 26,
2009 to July 31, 2009).

   We have enclosed for your attention a dividend account statement and a
remittance notice for shareholders who have specified a bank account transfer,
and a dividend account statement and a notice on how to receive your dividend
for shareholders who have specified the system of dividend allotment in
proportion to the number of shares held.

                                     - 2 -


Contents of amendment are as follows:

                                      (The parts underlined are those amended.)

           BEFORE AMENDMENT                          AFTER AMENDMENT
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
          CHAPTER II. SHARES                       CHAPTER II. SHARES

(Total Number of Issuable Shares)         (Total Number of Issuable Shares)
Article 6.   The total number of          Article 6.   The Company shall issue
             issuable shares by the                    -----------------------
             Company is one billion and                shares and the total
             five hundred million                      ----------
             (1,500,000,000) shares.                   number of issuable
                                                       shares by the Company is
                                                       one billion and five
                                                       hundred million

(Issuance of Share Certificates)                       (Deleted)
- --------------------------------
Article 7.   The Company shall issue
- ------------------------------------
             share certificates for
             the shares.

(Purchase of Treasury Stocks)             (Purchase of Treasury Stocks)
Article 8.   The Company may acquire      Article 7.   (Same as left/no change)
        -                                         -
             the shares of its own
             stocks by a resolution of
             the Board of Directors
             pursuant to Paragraph 2,
             Article 165 of the
             Corporation Law.

(Number of Shares Constituting One        (Number of Shares Constituting One
Unit and Non-Issuance of Certificates     Unit)
     --------------------------------     Article 8.   (Same as left/no change)
for Less-Than-One-Unit Shares)                    -
- ------------------------------
Article 9.   The number of shares
             constituting one unit of
             shares of the Company
             shall be one thousand
             (1,000) shares.

        2.    Notwithstanding the                 2.    (Deleted)
              provisions of
              Article 7, the Company
              shall not issue any
              certificates for
              shares, unless
              otherwise provided for
              in the Share Handling

(Rights Concerning Less-Than-One-Unit     (Rights Concerning Less-Than-One-Unit
  Shares)                                 Shares)
Article 10.  A shareholder (including     Article 9.   A shareholder of the
        --                 ----------             -    Company shall not
             the beneficial                            exercise any rights
             --------------                            other than those
             shareholder; the same                     described below with
             ---------------------                     respect to the
             applies hereinafter)                      less-than-one-unit
             --------------------                      shares held by it.
             of the Company shall not
             exercise any rights other
             than those described below
             with respect to the
             less-than-one-unit shares
             held by it.
        i)     Right described in each            i)
               Item of Paragraph 2,               to (Same as left/no change)
               Article 189 of the                 iv)
               Corporation Law.
        ii)    Right to make a request
               under the provision of
               Paragraph 1, Article 166
               of the Corporation Law.
        iii)   Right to receive
               allocation of offered
               shares and allocation of
               offered stock purchase
               warrants in accordance
               with the number of
               shares held by the
        (iv)   Right to make a request
               provided for in the
               following Article.

                                     - 3 -

          BEFORE AMENDMENT                                 AFTER AMENDMENT
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Sale of Shares Constituting                    (Sale of Shares Constituting
Less-Than-One-Unit Shares to                    Less-Than-One-Unit Shares to
Constitute One Unit)                            Constitute One Unit)
Article 11.  A shareholder of the               Article 10.  (Same as left/no change)
        --                                              --
             Company may request that
             the Company sell such
             number of shares as may,
             together with the number
             of less-than-one-unit
             shares held by the
             shareholder, constitute
             one unit of shares, in
             accordance with the
             Share Handling

(Administrator of Register of                   (Administrator of Register of
Shareholders)                                   Shareholders)
Article 12.                                     Article 11.
        --                                              --
           1.  The Company shall have                      1.  (Same as left/no
               an administrator of                             change)
               the register of
           2.  The administrator of                        2.  (Same as left/no
               the register of                                 change)
               shareholders and its
               handling office shall
               be determined by
               resolution of the
               Board of Directors and
               public notice shall be
               given thereof.
           3.  The register of                             3.  The register of
               shareholders                                    shareholders and the
               (including the                                               ---
               --------------                                  register of stock
               register of beneficial                          purchase warrants of
               ----------------------                          the Company shall be
               shareholders; the same                          prepared and kept, and
               ----------------------                          all other business
               applies hereinafter),                           pertaining to the
               ---------------------                           register of
               the register of stock                           shareholders and the
               purchase warrants                                            ---
               and the register of                             register of stock
               -------------------                             purchase warrants
               the lost share                                  shall be handled by
               --------------                                  the administrator of
               certificates of the                             the register of
               ------------                                    shareholders and not
               Company shall be                                by the Company.
               prepared and kept, and
               all other business
               pertaining to the
               register of
               shareholders, the
               register of stock
               purchase warrants
               and the register of
               the lost share
               certificates shall be
               handled by the
               administrator of the
               register of
               shareholders and not
               by the Company.

(Share Handling Regulations)                    (Share Handling Regulations)
Article 13.  The business and the               Article 12.  (Same as left/no change)
        --                                              --
             service charges
             pertaining to the shares
             of the Company shall be
             subject to laws,
             ordinances or these
             Articles of
             Incorporation and the
             Share Handling
             Regulations established
             by the Board of

            SHAREHOLDERS                                    SHAREHOLDERS
Article 14.                                     Article 13.
        --                                              --
     to     (Omitted)                                to      (Same as left/no change)
Article 43.                                     Article 42.
        --                                              --

                                     - 4 -

          BEFORE AMENDMENT                        AFTER AMENDMENT
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            (Newly added)                           SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISION

            (Newly added)              Article 1.   The Company's register
                                                    of lost share
                                                    certificates shall be
                                                    kept in the place of
                                                    business of the
                                                    administrator of
                                                    register of
                                                    shareholders. The
                                                    services related to
                                                    entry and recording in
                                                    register of lost share
                                                    certificates shall be
                                                    entrusted to the
                                                    administrator of
                                                    register of shareholders
                                                    and shall not be
                                                    performed by the Company.

            (Newly added)              Article 2.   Recording in the
                                                    Company's register of
                                                    lost share certificates
                                                    shall be governed by
                                                    laws and ordinances,
                                                    Articles of
                                                    Incorporation, or the
                                                    Share Handling
                                                    Regulations established
                                                    by the Board of

            (Newly added)              Article 3.   The provisions of
                                                    Articles 1 through 3 of
                                                    these Supplementary
                                                    Provisions shall be
                                                    deleted effective
                                                    January 6, 2010.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                     - 5 -



The Company's Directors as of June 25, 2009 are as follows:

               Representative Director:       Masamitsu Sakurai
               Representative Director:       Shiro Kondo
               Director:                      Koichi Endo
               Director:                      Katsumi Yoshida
               Director:                      Masayuki Matsumoto
               Director:                      Takashi Nakamura
               Director:                      Kazunori Azuma
               Director:                      Zenji Miura
               Director:                      Kiyoshi Sakai
               Director:                      Takaaki Wakasugi
               Director:                      Takuya Goto

Note: Messrs. Takaaki Wakasugi and Takuya Goto are Outside Directors.


The Company's Corporate Auditors as of June 25, 2009 are as follows:

               Corporate Auditor (Full-time):  Yuji Inoue
               Corporate Auditor (Full-time):  Shigekazu Iijima
               Corporate Auditor:              Kenji Matsuishi
               Corporate Auditor:              Takao Yuhara

Note: Messrs. Kenji Matsuishi and Takao Yuhara are Outside Corporate Auditors.

                                     - 6 -



The Company's Executive Officers as of June 25, 2009 are as follows:

Chairman                                          Corporate Vice Presidents
     Masamitsu Sakurai                                   Kiyoto Nagasawa
                                                         Yutaka Ebi
President and Chief Executive Officer                    Norihisa Goto
     Shiro Kondo                                         Mitsuhiko Ikuno
                                                         Kenichi Matsubayashi
Deputy Presidents                                        Soichi Nagamatsu
     Koichi Endo                                         Kazuhiro Yuasa
     Katsumi Yoshida                                     Yohzoh Matsuura

Corporate Executive Vice Presidents               Group Executive Officers
     Masayuki Matsumoto                                  Kazuo Togashi
     Takashi Nakamura                                    Shiro Sasaki
     Kazunori Azuma                                      Sadahiro Arikawa
     Zenji Miura                                         Hiroshi Tsuruga
     Kiyoshi Sakai                                       Kohji Sawa
                                                         Yoshihiro Niimura
Corporate Senior Vice Presidents                         Michel De Bosschere
     Terumoto Nonaka                                     Daisuke Segawa
     Kenji Hatanaka                                      Nobuaki Majima
     Hiroshi Kobayashi
     Yoshimasa Matsuura
     Norio Tanaka
     Hiroshi Adachi
     Kenichi Kanemaru
     Hisashi Takata

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