
                          PERFORMANCE BASED

                      MANAGEMENT INCENTIVE PLAN


     This Amgen Performance Based Management Incentive Plan (MIP) is 
     established to:

     A.   Attract and retain persons of outstanding competence.

     B.   Broaden the total compensation program.

     C.   Stimulate outstanding  effort  to bring  about  exceptional
          operating performance  and to  reward the  contributors  to
          this performance  by providing  them with  a share  of  the
          resulting benefits.

     The Plan is intended to supplement the participant's base salary
     and  result  in  total  cash  compensation  for  above   average
     performance which  exceeds the  average compensation  levels  of
     comparable companies.


     Since the  purpose  of  this Management  Incentive  Plan  is  to
     stimulate   and   reward   outstanding   performance   in    the
     accomplishment of  specific objectives,  it necessarily  follows
     that the plan must be formally integrated with the objectives of
     the total  management system.  The  incentive plan  should  thus
     support a continuing  and meaningful emphasis  on the  effective
     use of goal setting and management by objectives and be  aligned
     with the  goals reflected  in the  approved Annual  Plan of  the

     Annual plans  shall  be  developed  under  the  following  basic

     A.   The advance identification of the participants in the  plan
          and the  establishment of  specific performance  objectives
          and the basis of participation for each.

     B.   The establishment of a range in the actual awards available
          under  the  plan  to   reflect  the  achievements  of   the
          respective participants as well  as the achievement of  the
          financial and technical performance objectives reflected in
          the Company's approved Annual Plan.



     A.   Participation in the Amgen Management Incentive Plan  shall
          be limited to  all executive  officers of  the company  and
          certain other key employees nominated  by  the Chairman  of
          the Board and approved by the Compensation Committee of the
          Board of Directors.

     B.   Unless   otherwise   specifically    authorized   by    the
          Compensation Committee, persons approved for  participation
          in the Amgen  Management Incentive Plan  shall be  excluded
          from participation  in any  other cash  bonus or  incentive


     A.   Participants will share in the Incentive Plan on the  basis
          of percentages established in advance -- as recommended  by
          the Chairman and approved by the Compensation Committee  of
          the Board of Directors as  part of the annual  compensation

     B.   The extent  of participation  for individuals  in the  plan
          shall be developed in accordance with the following:

          1.   In connection with the  planning of their  performance
               objectives  for  the  MIP  year,  the  Chairman  shall
               recommend (for approval by the Compensation Committee)
               the   individual   participants,    the   extent    of
               participation and the average overall target incentive
               (expressed as a % of the base pay of the participants)
               to be awarded for achieving the Annual Plan objectives
               and all of the goals of the participants.

          2.   In establishing the overall target percentage of  base
               pay of  participants  in  B.1 (above),  the  level  of
               participation for  each participant  (as a  % of  base
               pay)  shall   be   established  in   accordance   with
               guidelines established by the Compensation Committee.

               (a)  Because of  the  many variables  in  establishing
                    base  salary  structures,   the  plan  does   not
                    contemplate achieving any degree of uniformity in
                    the  relationship  of  awards   to  base  pay.   
                    Therefore, target ranges will  be rather broad.  
                    Individual target participation  should be  based
                    upon consideration of:

                    (1)  Relative significance  of  the  individual's
                         function   in   directly   influencing   the
                         performance of the company.

                    (2)  Relative   performance    rating   of    the

                    (3)  Length of  time in  position and/or  Plan.  


                         Generally,  it  should   be  expected   that
                         initial  percentages  for  new  participants
                         will  be  set  at  levels  which  allow  for
                         gradual  increases  within  the  established
                         range based upon participant's performance.

                    (4)  The relative competitive total  compensation
                         for the respective positions.

     C.   The overall target incentive (as established in  accordance
          with IV.B.2) shall  become the basis  for establishing  the
          "Target Pool" for achievement of the objectives detailed in
          the Plan, and  be converted into  a formula established  by
          the Compensation Committee to  reflect the key elements  of
          Annual Plan Performance.

          1.   The    incentive    formula    shall    provide    for
               upward/downward  adjustment  of  the  target  pool  to
               reflect  actual   performance  --   with  the   upward
               adjustment,  resulting   from   a   very   significant
               over-achievement of  the  key factors  of  performance
               measurement identified  in  the  Plan,  subject  to  a
               maximum  established  annually  by  the   Compensation
               Committee, which in no event  shall be more than  150%
               of the target pool.

     D.   The target incentive for  each participant (as  established
          in IV.B) shall be converted into a percentage of the Target

          1.   Actual awards under  the Plan shall  be determined  by
               applying  the   actual   percentage  earned   by   the
               participant to the actual incentive pool determined in
               accordance with  IV.C.    Thus, the  final  awards  to
               participants  are  dependent  upon  two   interrelated
               factors: (1) the availability of an incentive pool  as
               a result  of  the  overall  company  performance;  and
               (2) the achievements of the respective participants as
               measured by their performance.

     E.   The participation for each individual shall be  established
          as follows:

          1.   All of  the  total  planned  participation  should  be
               identified  with  specific   goals  relating  to   the
               performance of the respective participants.


               (a)  Specific goals  should  number  at  least  4  and
                    generally not more than 6. They should  generally
                    be selected from the total performance goals  and
                    relate to significant  and measurable areas  that
                    require  special  attention  during  the  current
                    year.  The purpose is to add special emphasis  to
                    those particular activities and reward for  their
                    accomplishments.    From   year-to-year,  it   is
                    expected that the  emphasis will  change both  in
                    relation to the selected goals as well as to  the
                    importance  of   the   percentage   participation
                    attached to them.

               (b)  Specific goals  should  generally be  precise  in
                    establishing  the  targets  and  the  basis   for
                    measurement of  accomplishment.   Wherever  there
                    can be variations in the degree of accomplishment
                    (such as a  dollar target for  total revenues  or
                    joint ventures;  a  target for  filing  IND's  or
                    PLA's;   etc.),   the    range   of    percentage
                    participation   relating   to   the   levels   of
                    accomplishment should be clearly stated.

               (c)  Where specific goals relate to dollar objectives,
                    they should be identified  with or reconciled  to
                    amounts  reflected  in  the  company's   approved
                    Annual Plan.

               (d)  Final  award  for  participant's  specific   goal
                    achievement may be adjusted upward by as much  as
                    50% from the  target percentage  included in  the
                    original plan (as established in IV.D),  provided

                    (1)  The  performance   reflects  a   substantial
                         improvement over  amounts reflected  in  the
                         original goal,  as  defined  in  the  ranges
                         established under (b) above.

               (e)  If operating conditions during  the year make  it
                    desirable to change emphasis on established goals
                    or to establish new goals, a revised plan  should
                    be submitted with the  same approvals as for  the
                    original Plan.


     A.   The overall  administration  of this  Management  Incentive
          Plan shall  be  under  the direction  of  the  Compensation
          Committee of the Board of Directors.

     B.   Responsibility for the operating administration of the Plan
          shall  be  under  the  direction  of  the  company's   Vice
          President of Human Resources.



     A.   Promptly  following  the  close  of  the  Plan  year,   the
          respective managers shall evaluate  the performance of  the
          participants, determine  the amount  of recommended  awards
          (in terms  of %  achievement) and  forward for  review  and
          approval. In  all  cases  the recommended  award  shall  be
          determined only after a self-assessment has been completed.

     B.   The final determination of the Incentive Pool will be  made
          by  the  Compensation  Committee,  promptly  following  the
          availability of year-end financial and technical results.

     C.   Dollar awards to participants will be computed by  applying
          the percent achievement  determined in  accordance with  A.
          above to the  final pool determined  in accordance with  B.
          above subject  to the  limitation that  the maximum  amount
          payable to any participant may not exceed $900,000.


     A.   Payments to  participants who  have been  determined to  be
          entitled to an  award will be  made in  cash generally  not
          later than  sixty  (60) days  following  the close  of  the
          Fiscal Year.

     B.   If a participant dies or  employment is terminated for  any
          reason prior to the  end of the Plan  year, the payment  of
          any award (and in the case of death, the person or  persons
          to whom such payment shall be made) shall be determined  at
          the sole discretion of the Committee.

     C.   While it is the intent of the company to continue such Plan
          during any year  for which it  is established  and to  make
          awards to participants  in accordance  with these  policies
          and guidelines, the  company reserves the  right to  amend,
          modify  or  terminate  any   Plan,  or  any   participant's
          participation  in  such  plan  at  any  time  or  on   such
          conditions  as  the   Compensation  Committee  shall   deem
          appropriate.  No  participant shall have  any right to  any
          award under  the  Plan  until such  award  and  the  amount
          thereof has  been  finally  approved  by  the  Compensation
          Committee and communicated  to such  participant after  the
          end of the year for which the award is being made.
