
                             KEY ENERGY GROUP, INC.

                             WELLTECH EASTERN, INC.

                                HUNT OIL COMPANY


                           BROOKS WELL SERVICING, INC.

                          Dated as of November 22, 1996


                          PLAN AND AGREEMENT OF MERGER

         THIS PLAN AND AGREEMENT OF MERGER (this "Agreement") is entered into as
of  November  22,  1996 among Key Energy  Group,  Inc.,  a Maryland  corporation
("Key"),  WellTech  Eastern,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation  and a  wholly-owned
subsidiary  of Key  ("WellTech"  or the  "Surviving  Corporation"),  Brooks Well
Servicing,  Inc.,  a Texas  corporation  ("Brooks"),  and  Hunt Oil  Company,  a
Delaware  corporation  and the sole  shareholder of Brooks (the  "Shareholder").
WellTech  and  Brooks  are  sometimes  collectively  referred  to  herein as the
"Merging Corporations."

                                       WITNESSETH                            :

         WHEREAS, Key is a corporation duly organized and validly existing under
the laws of the State of Maryland,  with its principal  executive offices at Two
Tower Center, Tenth Floor, East Brunswick, New Jersey 08816; and

         WHEREAS,  the  capitalization  of Key consists of 25,000,000  shares of
common stock, par value $.10 per share ("Key Common Stock"),  of which as of the
date hereof,  10,549,582  shares are issued and outstanding,  913,334 shares are
reserved for issuance pursuant to stock options, 825,000 shares are reserved for
issuance pursuant to outstanding warrants, and 5,333,333 shares are reserved for
issuance  upon  conversion  of Key's  $52,000,000  7%  Convertible  Subordinated
Debentures due 2003 (the "Convertible Debentures"); and

         WHEREAS,  WellTech is a corporation duly organized and validly existing
under the laws of the State of Delaware, with its principal executive offices at
Two Tower Center, Tenth Floor, East Brunswick, New Jersey 08816; and

         WHEREAS, Key owns 100 shares of common stock, par value $.01 per share,
of WellTech (the "WellTech Common Stock"),  which  constitutes all of the issued
and outstanding shares of capital stock of WellTech; and

         WHEREAS,  Brooks is a corporation  duly organized and validly  existing
under the laws of the State of Texas,  with its principal  executive  offices at
2406 Highway 135 North, Kilgore, Texas 75662; and

         WHEREAS,  the  authorized  capital  stock of Brooks  consists  of 1,002
shares of common stock,  par value $1.00 per share (the "Brooks Common  Stock"),
of which on the date  hereof 167 shares  are  issued  and  outstanding,  and 835
shares are held in treasury (the "Brooks Treasury Shares"); and

         WHEREAS,  the  Shareholder is a corporation  duly organized and validly
existing under the laws of the State of Delaware,  with its principal  executive
offices at 1445 Ross Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75202; and

         WHEREAS, the Shareholder owns all 167 issued and outstanding shares of 
Brooks Common
Stock; and


         WHEREAS,  (i) the board of directors of Key,  (ii) Key (in its capacity
as WellTech's sole shareholder) and the board of directors of WellTech and (iii)
the  Shareholder  (in its  capacity as the sole  shareholder  of Brooks) and the
board of  directors of Brooks  desire to merge Brooks with and into  WellTech in
accordance  with  the  provisions  of  Section  252  of  the  Delaware   General
Corporation Law (the "DGCL") and Article 5.01 of the Texas Business  Corporation
Act (the "TBCA")  pursuant to the terms and  provisions of this  Agreement,  and
have approved such merger (the  "Merger") and the other terms and  provisions of
this Agreement.

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  premises and of the mutual
covenants  and  agreements  herein  contained,  and to  prescribe  the terms and
conditions of the Merger contemplated hereby, the mode of carrying the same into
effect,  the manner and basis of converting the presently  outstanding shares of
Brooks Common Stock into the right to receive the Merger Consideration described
in Section  1.11 hereof,  and such other  details and  provisions  as are deemed
necessary or proper, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE 1

                                   THE MERGER

         1.1.  Surviving  Corporation.  Brooks shall be, upon the Effective Date
(defined  below),  merged  with and  into  WellTech,  with  WellTech  being  the
surviving  corporation (the "Surviving  Corporation"),  which shall continue its
corporate existence and remain a Delaware corporation governed by and subject to
the laws of that State.

         1.2. Effective Date. The Merger shall become effective upon the last to
occur of (i) the filing of the Certificate of Merger with the Secretary of State
of Delaware  following its execution in accordance  with Sections 252 and 103 of
the DGCL and (ii) the filing of the  Articles  of Merger with the  Secretary  of
State of Texas  following its  execution in accordance  with Article 5.04 of the
TBCA. The Merger, subject to the satisfaction of all of the terms and conditions
of  this  Agreement,  shall  take  place  on  December  3,  1996,  or as soon as
practicable  thereafter.  The date upon which the Merger  becomes  effective  is
referred to in this Agreement as the "Effective Date."

         1.3. Name and Continued Corporate  Existence of Surviving  Corporation.
On the Effective  Date,  the identity,  existence,  purposes,  powers,  objects,
franchises,  rights,  and immunities of WellTech  shall continue  unaffected and
unimpaired  by the Merger,  and the  corporate  identity,  existence,  purposes,
powers,  objects,  franchises,  rights, and immunities of Brooks shall be wholly
merged into WellTech and WellTech shall be fully vested therewith.  Accordingly,
on the  Effective  Date,  the separate  existence of Brooks,  except  insofar as
continued by statute, shall cease.

         1.4.   Governing  Law  and  Articles  of   Incorporation  of  Surviving
Corporation.  The laws of  Delaware  shall  continue  to  govern  the  Surviving
Corporation.  On and after the Effective Date, the Certificate of  Incorporation
of  WellTech  shall  be  the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of  the  Surviving
Corporation until further amended in the manner provided by law.


         1.5. Bylaws of Surviving Corporation. On the Effective Date, the Bylaws
of WellTech  shall be the Bylaws of the  Surviving  Corporation  until  altered,
amended,  or repealed,  or until new bylaws shall be adopted in accordance  with
the provisions of law, the  Certificate of  Incorporation  of WellTech,  and the
Bylaws of WellTech.

         1.6.  Directors of Surviving  Corporation.  The incumbent  directors of
WellTech  immediately before the Effective Date shall continue to constitute the
board of directors of the  Surviving  Corporation  from and after the  Effective
Date, and such persons shall remain directors of the Surviving Corporation until
their successors are duly elected and qualify in accordance with the Certificate
of Incorporation and the Bylaws of the Surviving Corporation.

         1.7.  Officers of  Surviving  Corporation.  The  incumbent  officers of
WellTech  immediately  before the  Effective  Date shall  continue to hold their
respective  offices of the  Surviving  Corporation  from and after the Effective
Date and until their  successors are duly elected and qualify in accordance with
the Certificate of Incorporation and the Bylaws of the Surviving Corporation.

     1.8. Vacancies.  If on or after the Effective Date, a vacancy shall for any
reason exist in the board of directors or in any of the offices of the Surviving
Corporation,  such  vacancy  shall  be  filled  in the  manner  provided  in the
Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Surviving Corporation.

     1.9.  Capital  Stock of Surviving  Corporation.  The  authorized  number of
shares  of  capital  stock  of the  Surviving  Corporation,  and the par  value,
designations,  preferences,  rights, limitations thereof, and the express terms,
shall be as set  forth in the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of the  Surviving

         1.10.  Distributions.  Before the Effective Date, the Shareholder shall
cause Brooks to apply or distribute all of its cash and cash equivalents held as
of the Allocation Date (as defined in Section 7.3) as follows: (i) first, to the
payment and discharge of the leases described in Schedule 1.10, (ii) second,  to
the payment of any intercompany  accounts or indebtedness  owed by Brooks to the
Shareholder,  and (iii) third, to the payment of a dividend to the  Shareholder.
The amount of any  intercompany  accounts or indebtedness  owed by Brooks to the
Shareholder not discharged  pursuant to clause (ii) above (the "Excess Account")
shall be deemed paid and discharged in consideration of the amounts,  if any, to
be received by the Shareholder pursuant to Section 7.3. In addition,  before the
Effective Date, the Shareholder shall cause Brooks to declare a dividend payable
to the  Shareholder  (as the  record  holder of the  Brooks  Shares  before  the
Effective  Date) in an amount  equal to the Excess  Receivables  (as  defined in
Section  7.3)  remaining,  if any,  after the  discharge  of the Excess  Account
pursuant to clause (ii) of this Section 1.10 and Section 7.3.

         1.11.    Conversion of Securities Upon Merger.

     1.11.1.  Conversion of Brooks Common Stock.  On the Effective Date, the 167
issued and outstanding  shares of Brooks Common Stock,  all of which are held by
the  Shareholder  (the "Brooks  Shares"),  without any action on the part of the
Shareholder, shall automatically


become and be converted into the right to receive from Key 1,000,000 shares
of Key Common  Stock,  or such greater or lesser  number of shares of Key Common
Stock determined as provided in Section 1.11.2 (the "Merger Consideration"). The
Brooks Treasury Shares shall be canceled.

                  Key Common Stock Closing Price Adjustments.
                  If the average  closing  price of the Key Common  Stock on the
                  American  Stock  Exchange for the 10 trading days  immediately
                  preceding  the day before  the  Effective  Date (the  "Average
                  Closing Price") is less than $8.00,  then the number of shares
                  of Key  Common  Stock  to be  issued  in the  Merger  will  be
                  adjusted to equal an amount  determined  by taking the product
                  of 100,000 shares multiplied times the percentage by which the
                  Average  Closing  Price is less than $8.00 but greater than or
                  equal to $6.00,  and adding such product to 1,000,000  shares.
                  If the Average Closing Price is greater than $10.00,  then the
                  number  of  shares  of Key  Common  Stock to be  issued in the
                  Merger  will be  adjusted  to equal an  amount  determined  by
                  taking  the  product of 100,000  shares  multiplied  times the
                  percentage by which the Average  Closing Price is greater than
                  $10.00 but less than or equal to $12.00,  and subtracting such
                  product from  1,000,000  shares.  In any event,  however,  the
                  maximum  adjustment to the purchase price shall not be greater
                  than  100,000  shares.  A list  showing  the range of possible
                  adjustments is attached as Schedule

                   Adjustments for Environmental Liabilities.
                  If as a result of the environmental  assessments  conducted by
                  Brooks  pursuant to Section  5.2.7 Key  reasonably  determines
                  that  restoration  activities  on any real  property  owned by
                  Brooks is  required,  then Brooks  may, at its option,  either
                  conduct appropriate restoration activities on such property at
                  its own  expense or remove  such  property  from  those  being
                  acquired by Key in the Merger. If any real property is removed
                  from the properties that otherwise would be acquired by Key in
                  the Merger, then the Merger  Consideration will be adjusted by
                  an amount of Key Shares with a fair market value, based on the
                  Average Closing Price, as is equal to the fair market value of
                  such property, with such fair market value to be determined by
                  an  independent   appraiser   mutually   satisfactory  to  the
                  Shareholder  and Key. The fees and expenses of such  appraiser
                  shall be borne by the Shareholder.  No  Fractional  Shares.  If any  adjustment to the number of Key
Shares issuable pursuant to this Section 1.11.2.  results in a fractional share,
then the number of Key Shares  issuable  as the  Merger  Consideration  shall be
rounded up to the next whole share.

     1.12.  Surrender  of  Brooks  Certificates.  On  the  Effective  Date,  the
Shareholder will surrender all the  certificates  representing the Brooks Shares
(the "Brooks Certificates"). On the


Effective  Date, Key will cancel the Brooks  Certificates,  and the  Shareholder
will receive the Merger Consideration.

     1.13.  Brooks'  Transfer Books Closed.  Upon the Effective  Date, the stock
transfer  books of Brooks  shall be  closed,  and no  transfer  of any shares of
capital stock of Brooks shall thereafter be made or consummated.

         1.14.  Assets and Liabilities of Merging  Corporations  Become Those of
Surviving Corporation.  On the Effective Date, all rights,  privileges,  powers,
and  franchises of each of the Merging  Corporations,  and all  property,  real,
personal,  and mixed,  and all debts due on whatever  account,  as well as stock
subscriptions  and all other  things in action of or  belonging to either of the
Merging  Corporations,  shall be taken by and  deemed to be  transferred  to and
shall be vested in the Surviving  Corporation  without  further act or deed, and
all such rights, privileges, powers, and franchises,  property, debts, or things
in action, and all and every other interest of each of the Merging  Corporations
shall be thereafter as effectively the property of the Surviving  Corporation as
they  were of the  respective  Merging  Corporations,  and the title to any real
property,  whether  vested  by deed  or  otherwise,  in  either  of the  Merging
Corporations,  shall  not  revert  or be in any way  impaired  by  reason of the
Merger;  provided  however,  that all rights of creditors and all liens upon any
properties of each of the Merging  Corporations  shall be preserved  unimpaired,
and  all  debts,  liabilities  and  duties  of the  Merging  Corporations  shall
thenceforth attach to the Surviving  Corporation and may be enforced against and
by it to the same  extent as if such  debts,  liabilities  and  duties  had been
incurred or  contracted  by it. Any action or  proceeding  pending by or against
either of the  Merging  Corporations  may be  prosecuted  to  judgment as if the
Merger had not taken place,  or the Surviving  Corporation may be substituted in
place of either of the Merging Corporations.

         1.15.  Federal Income Tax Treatment.  The Merger is intended to qualify
as a  tax-free  reorganization  described  in  ss.368(a)(1)(a)  by virtue of ss.
368(a)(2)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").  The
parties  hereto   acknowledge  that  this  Agreement   constitutes  a  "plan  of
reorganization"  among the  Shareholder,  Brooks,  Key and  WellTech  within the
meaning of Treas.Reg. ss. 1.368-2(g).

                                    ARTICLE 2

                          OF THE SHAREHOLDER AND BROOKS

         2.1.     Representations and Warranties of the Shareholder and Brooks.
The Shareholder
and Brooks each represent and warrant to Key and WellTech as follows:

                  2.1.1. Organization and Good Standing. Each of the Shareholder
         and Brooks is a corporation  duly  organized,  validly  existing and in
         good standing under the laws of the state of its organization, has full
         requisite  corporate power and authority to carry on its business as it
         is currently conducted, and to own and operate the properties currently
         owned and  operated  by it, and is duly  qualified  or  licensed  to do
         business and is in good standing as a


         foreign  corporation  authorized to do business in all jurisdictions in
         which  the  character  of the  properties  owned or the  nature  of the
         business  conducted  by it would make such  qualification  or licensing
         necessary,  except  where the  failure to be so  qualified  or licensed
         would not have a material  adverse effect on the respective  businesses
         or operations of the Shareholder or Brooks.

                  2.1.2.   Agreement   Authorized   and  its   Effect  on  Other
         Obligations.  The  execution  and delivery of this  Agreement  has been
         authorized  by the board of directors of Brooks and by the  Shareholder
         in its  capacity  as the  sole  shareholder  of  Brooks,  and has  been
         authorized  by  the  board  of  directors  of  the  Shareholder  in its
         individual capacity. The consummation of the transactions  contemplated
         hereby have been duly and validly authorized by all necessary corporate
         action on the part of Brooks and the Shareholder, and this Agreement is
         a  valid  and  binding   obligation  of  Brooks  and  the   Shareholder
         enforceable  against Brooks and the  Shareholder in accordance with its
         terms.  The execution,  delivery and  performance of this Agreement and
         the consummation of the Merger  contemplated by this Agreement will not
         conflict  with or  result  in a  violation  or  breach  of any  term or
         provision  of, nor  constitute a default under (i) the  Certificate  or
         Articles of  Incorporation,  as applicable,  or Bylaws of Brooks or the
         Shareholder,  or (ii)  any  obligation,  indenture,  mortgage,  deed of
         trust,  lease,  contract  or other  agreement  to which  Brooks  or the
         Shareholder  is a party or by which Brooks or the  Shareholder or their
         respective  properties  are  bound,  which in the case of either (i) or
         (ii),  would  have  a  material  adverse  effect  on  the  business  or
         operations of the Shareholder or Brooks.

                  2.1.3. Capitalization. The authorized capitalization of Brooks
         consists of 1,002 shares of Brooks  Common Stock,  of which,  as of the
         date  hereof  167  shares  were   issued  and   outstanding   and  held
         beneficially  and of  record  by the  Shareholder  and 835 of which are
         Brooks Treasury  Shares.  On the date hereof,  Brooks does not have any
         outstanding  options,  warrants,  calls or commitments of any character
         relating to any of its authorized but unissued shares of capital stock.
         All issued and  outstanding  shares of Brooks  Common Stock are validly
         issued, fully paid and non-assessable and are not subject to preemptive
         rights.  None of the  outstanding  shares  of  Brooks  Common  Stock is
         subject to any voting  trust,  voting  agreement or other  agreement or
         understanding  with respect to the voting thereof,  nor is any proxy in
         existence with respect thereto.

                  2.1.4.  Ownership of Brooks Shares. The Shareholder holds good
         and  valid  title to all of the  Brooks  Shares,  free and clear of all
         Encumbrances.   The  term  "Encumbrances"  means  all  liens,  security
         interests,  pledges, mortgages, deeds of trust, claims, rights of first
         refusal,  options,  charges,  restrictions or conditions to transfer or
         assignment, liabilities,  obligations, privileges, equities, easements,
         rights-of-way,   limitations,  reservations,   restrictions  and  other
         encumbrances of any kind or nature.  There are no claims pending or, to
         the  Shareholder's  knowledge,   threatened,   against  Brooks  or  the
         Shareholder that concern or affect title to the Brooks Shares,  or that
         seek to compel the  issuance of capital  stock or other  securities  of


                  2.1.5. No Subsidiaries. There is no corporation,  partnership,
         joint  venture,  business  trust or other legal entity in which Brooks,
         either directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries,  owns
         or holds  beneficial or record  ownership of at least a majority of the
         outstanding voting securities.

                  2.1.6.  Financial Statements.  Brooks has delivered to Key and
         WellTech its unaudited balance sheet and related  statements of income,
         retained  earnings  and cash flows as of and for  Brooks'  fiscal  year
         ended  December  31, 1995,  and also has  delivered to Key and WellTech
         copies of its unaudited  balance sheet (the "Unaudited  Balance Sheet")
         and related  statements of income,  retained earnings and cash flows as
         of and for the nine months ended  September  30, 1996.  Such  financial
         statements  are  complete  in all  material  respects  (except  for the
         omission  of  notes  and  schedules),   present  fairly  the  financial
         condition  of Brooks  as at the dates  indicated,  and the  results  of
         operations for the respective periods indicated, and have been prepared
         in accordance with generally accepted accounting  principles applied on
         a consistent basis, except as noted therein and subject, in the case of
         interim financial statements,  to normal year-end adjustments and other
         adjustments  described therein; in addition,  such financial statements
         as of and  for  the  nine  months  ended  September  30,  1996,  though
         unaudited, include all adjustments which Brooks considers necessary for
         a fair presentation,  in all material respects, of its results for that

                  2.1.7.  Liabilities.  Except as disclosed  on Schedule  2.1.7,
         Brooks does not have any  liabilities or  obligations,  either accrued,
         absolute or contingent,  nor does the Shareholder have any knowledge of
         any potential liabilities or obligations, which would be required to be
         reflected on the  Unaudited  Balance  Sheet  prepared  under  generally
         accepted  accounting  principles  and that would  materially  adversely
         affect the value and  conduct  of the  business  of Brooks,  other than
         those (i) reflected or reserved against in the Unaudited  Balance Sheet
         or (ii) incurred in the ordinary course of business since September 30,

                  2.1.8.   Additional Information.  Attached as Schedule 2.1.8 
         hereto are true, complete
         and correct lists, as of October 28, 1996, of the following items:  Real Estate.  All real  property and  structures  thereon  owned,
leased or subject to a contract of purchase and sale,  or lease  commitment,  by
Brooks, with a description of the nature and amount of any Encumbrances thereon.
                         Machinery  and  Equipment.  All rigs,  carriers,  rig  equipment,
machinery, transportation equipment, tools, equipment, furnishings, and fixtures
owned,  leased  or  subject  to a  contract  of  purchase  and  sale,  or  lease
commitment,  by  Brooks,  with a  description  of the  nature  and amount of any
Encumbrances thereon;
                          Inventory. All inventory items or groups of inventory items owned
by Brooks that are valued on the  Unaudited  Balance  Sheet,  together  with the
amount of any Encumbrances thereon;


                   Insurance.  All insurance policies or bonds
                  currently  maintained  by Brooks,  including  title  insurance
                  policies,  with respect to Brooks,  including  those  covering
                  Brooks's properties,  rigs,  machinery,  equipment,  fixtures,
                  employees  and  operations,  as  well  as  a  listing  of  any
                  premiums,  audit adjustments or retroactive adjustments due or
                  pending on such policies or any predecessor policies;

                    Contracts.   All  well  service  contracts
                  (limited to contracts pursuant to which services currently are
                  being provided by Brooks and any "master  agreements" to which
                  they  relate),  and all other  contracts  to which Brooks is a
                  party,  including  leases  under  which  Brooks  is  lessor or
                  lessee,  which are to be  performed  in whole or in part after
                  the date hereof;

                   Employee  Compensation  Plans.  All  bonus,
                  incentive compensation, deferred compensation, profit-sharing,
                  retirement,  pension, welfare, group insurance, death benefit,
                  or  other  fringe   benefit  plans,   arrangements   or  trust
                  agreements of Brooks,  together with copies of the most recent
                  reports  with  respect to such plans,  arrangements,  or trust
                  agreements  filed  with  any  governmental   agency,  and  all
                  Internal Revenue Service  determination letters that have been
                  received with respect to such plans;  Certain  Salaries.  The names  and  salary  rates of all  present
employees of Brooks who have  salaries in excess of $50,000,  and, to the extent
existing on the date of this  Agreement,  all  arrangements  with respect to any
bonuses to be paid to them from and after the date of this Agreement;  Bank  Accounts.  The  name of each  bank in which  Brooks  has an
account,  the  account  numbers  of each  account  and the names of all  persons
authorized  to  draw  thereon;  Employee  Agreements.  Any  collective
bargaining  agreements of Brooks with any labor union or other representative of
employees,   including   amendments,    supplements,   and   written   or   oral
understandings,  and all employment  and consulting and severance  agreements of
Brooks; Intellectual Property. All patents, trademarks, copyrights and
other intellectual property rights owned, licensed, or used by Brooks;
Trade Names. All trade names, assumed names and fictitious names used or held by
Brooks,  whether and where such names are registered  and where used;
Promissory  Notes. All long-term and short-term  promissory  notes,  installment
contracts,  loan  agreements,  credit  agreements,  and any other  agreements of
Brooks relating thereto or with respect to collateral securing the same;

  Guaranties.  All  indebtedness,  liabilities  and commitments of
others  as to which  Brooks  is a  guarantor,  endorser,  co-maker,  surety,  or
accommodation  maker,  or is  contingently  liable  therefor  and all letters of
credit,  whether stand-by or documentary,  issued by any third party;  Leases. All leases to which Brooks is a party; and

                   Environment.  All  environmental  permits,
                  approvals, certifications, licenses, registrations, orders and
                  decrees applicable to current  operations  conducted by Brooks
                  and all environmental audits, assessments,  investigations and
                  reviews  conducted by Brooks within the last five years on any
                  property owned or used by Brooks.

                  2.1.9.  No Defaults.  Except as is specified in Schedule 2.1.8
         (as such Schedule has been limited pursuant to Section, Brooks
         is not a party to, or bound by, any contract or arrangement of any kind
         to be performed  after the Effective  Date, nor is Brooks in default in
         any material  respect in any  obligation  or covenant on its part to be
         performed under any obligation,  lease, contract,  order, plan or other

     2.1.10.  Absence  of Certain  Changes  and  Events.  Except as set forth in
Schedule 2.1.10, other than as a result of the transactions contemplated by this
Agreement, since September 30, 1996, there has not been:  Financial  Change.  Any material adverse change in the financial
condition, backlog, operations, assets, liabilities or business of Brooks; Property Damage. Any material damage, destruction, or loss to the
business or properties of Brooks (whether or not covered by insurance);
                      Dividends.  Any  declaration,  setting aside,  or payment of any
dividend or other distribution in respect of the Brooks Common Stock;
                         Capitalization Change. Any change in the capital stock or in the
number of shares or classes of Brooks's  authorized or outstanding capital stock
as described in Section 2.1.3 hereof; Labor Disputes. Any labor dispute; or  Other Material  Changes.  Any other event or condition  known to
Brooks or the Shareholder particularly pertaining to and adversely affecting the
operations,  assets or business  of Brooks  which  would  constitute  a material
adverse change, as such term is defined in Section 4.1.6.


                  2.1.11.  Taxes.

                  Tax Returns. Except as provided on Schedule
                  2.1.11,  all  federal,  state and local  income,  value added,
                  sales,  use,  franchise,   gross  revenue,  turnover,  excise,
                  payroll, property, employment, customs, duties and any and all
                  other tax returns, reports, and estimates required to be filed
                  on  or  before  the  Effective   Date  have  been  filed  with
                  appropriate  governmental  agencies,  domestic and foreign, by
                  Brooks for each period for which any such returns, reports, or
                  estimates were due (taking into account any extensions of time
                  to file before the date hereof) or extensions to the filing of
                  such  returns  have  been  timely  requested  by Brooks to the
                  filing  thereof  and all  taxes  shown by such  returns  to be
                  payable  have been paid other than those  being  contested  in
                  good  faith by Brooks,  except  for tax return  filings or tax
                  payments  the  failure to file or pay,  as the case may be, do
                  not have a material adverse effect on Brooks.

                  Statutes of Limitation.  Except as provided
                  on Schedule  2.1.11,  no waiver of any statute of  limitations
                  executed by Brooks with  respect to any income or other tax is
                  in effect for any period or  extensions  to the filing of such
                  returns  have been  timely  requested  by Brooks to the filing
                  thereof.  Audits.  Except as provided on Schedule  2.1.11,  the income tax
returns of Brooks are not being examined by the Internal  Revenue Service or the
taxing authorities of any other jurisdiction and no proposed  assessments of tax
are pending.  Tax Liens. There are no tax liens on any assets of Brooks except
for taxes not yet currently due.
                        Tax-Sharing  Agreements.  Except as provided on Schedule 2.1.11,
Brooks does not owe any amount under any tax-sharing or allocation

                   Distributions.  Except for regular  normal
                  dividends  and as  provided in Section  1.10 and Section  7.3,
                  Brooks has not made any payments to  dissenters or payments to
                  the  Shareholder  other  than for  expenses  or  repayment  of
                  liability  in  the  ordinary  course  of  business,  or  other
                  redemptions or distributions to the Shareholder  other than in
                  the ordinary  course of business  within the 12 months  before
                  the Effective Date.


                  representation,  the Brooks Shares exchanged for cash or other
                  property,  surrendered  by dissenters or exchanged for cash in
                  lieu of fractional  shares of Key Common Stock will be treated
                  as  outstanding  shares of  Brooks on the date of the  Merger.
                  Moreover,  shares of Brooks and Key  Common  Stock held by the
                  Shareholder and otherwise sold, redeemed or disposed of before
                  or  after  the  Merger  will  be  considered  in  making  this
                  representation.  Liabilities.  The  liabilities of Brooks assumed by WellTech and
the  liabilities  to which the  transferred  assets of Brooks are  subject  were
incurred by Brooks in the ordinary course of business.

  Expenses. Except as provided in Section 7.3, Brooks and the
     Shareholder  will  pay  their  respective  expenses,  if any,  incurred  in
     connection with the Merger.

 Bankruptcy. Brooks is not under the jurisdiction of a court
     in a Title 11 or similar case within the meaning of Section 368(a)(3)(A) of
     the Internal Revenue Code.

       Investment  Companies.  Brooks  is not an  investment
          company  as  defined  in  Section  368(a)(2)(F)(iii)  and  (iv) of the
          Internal Revenue Code. 
               2.1.12.  Intellectual Property.  Brooks owns or possesses
         licenses  to use  all  patents,  patent  applications,  trademarks  and
         service marks  (including  registrations  and  applications  therefor),
         trade names,  copyrights  and written  know-how,  trade secrets and all
         other similar  proprietary data and the goodwill  associated  therewith
         (collectively, the "Intellectual Property") that are either material to
         the business of Brooks or that are  necessary  for the rendering of any
         services  rendered  by Brooks and the use or sale of any  equipment  or
         products  used or sold  by  Brooks,  including  all  such  Intellectual
         Property listed in Schedule 2.1.8. The  Intellectual  Property is owned
         or licensed by Brooks free and clear of any Encumbrance. Brooks has not
         granted  to any  other  person  any  license  to use  any  Intellectual
         Property.   Brooks  has  not  received  any  notice  of   infringement,
         misappropriation,  or conflict with the intellectual property rights of
         others  in  connection  with  the  use by  Brooks  of the  Intellectual
         Property or  otherwise  in  connection  with  Brooks'  operation of its

                  2.1.13.  Title to and  Condition  of Assets.  Brooks has good,
         indefeasible and marketable  title to all its properties,  interests in
         properties  and assets,  real and personal,  reflected in the Unaudited
         Balance Sheet or in Schedule  2.1.8,  free and clear of any Encumbrance
         of any nature  whatsoever,  except (i)  Encumbrances  reflected  in the
         Unaudited  Balance Sheet or in Schedule  2.1.8,  (ii) liens for current
         taxes not yet due and payable,  and (iii) such  imperfections of title,
         easements  and  Encumbrances,   if  any,  as  are  not  substantial  in
         character, amount, or extent and do not and will not materially detract
         from the value,  or  interfere  with the present  use, of the  property
         subject thereto or affected  thereby,  or otherwise  materially  impair
         Brooks' business operations. All leases pursuant to which Brooks leases
         (whether  as  lessee  or  lessor)  any  substantial  amount  of real or
         personal property are in good


         standing,  valid,  and  effective,  and  there is not,  under  any such
         leases,  any  existing  default or event of default or event which with
         notice or lapse of time, or both, would constitute a default by Brooks.
         The  buildings and premises of Brooks that are used in its business are
         in good operating  condition and repair,  subject only to ordinary wear
         and tear. Except as otherwise provided on Schedule 2.1.8, all rigs, rig
         equipment,  machinery,  transportation equipment, tools and other major
         items of equipment of Brooks are in a state of good operating condition
         and  repair,  ordinary  wear and tear  excepted,  and are free from any
         known defects except as may be repaired by routine maintenance and such
         minor defects as to not substantially  interfere with the continued use
         thereof in the conduct of Brooks'  normal  operations.  All such assets
         conform,  in all material  respects,  to all applicable  laws governing
         their use. No notice of any violation of any law,  statute,  ordinance,
         or  regulation  relating to any such assets has been received by Brooks
         or the Shareholder, except such as have been fully complied with.

                  2.1.14.  Contracts.  All material contracts,  leases, plans or
         other  arrangements to which Brooks is a party, by which it is bound or
         to which it or its assets are subject are in full force and effect, and
         constitute valid and binding obligations of Brooks.  Brooks is not, and
         no other party to any such contract,  lease,  plan or other arrangement
         is, in material  default  thereunder,  and no event has occurred  which
         (with or without  notice,  lapse of time, or the happening of any other
         event) would constitute a material default thereunder.

                  2.1.15.  Licenses and Permits.  Brooks  possesses all permits,
         authorizations,   certificates,  approvals,  registrations,  variances,
         waivers, exemptions,  rights-of-way,  franchises,  ordinances, licenses
         and  other  rights  of every  kind  and  character  (collectively,  the
         "Permits")  necessary  under law or otherwise for Brooks to conduct its
         business as now being conducted and to own,  operate,  maintain and use
         its  assets  in the  manner  in  which  they  are now  being  operated,
         maintained  and used.  Each of such  Permits  and  Brooks'  rights with
         respect thereto is valid and subsisting,  in full force and effect, and
         enforceable  by Brooks subject to  administrative  powers of regulatory
         agencies having  jurisdiction.  Brooks is in compliance in all material
         respects  with the terms of such  Permits.  None of such  Permits  have
         been, or to the knowledge of Brooks or the Shareholder,  are threatened
         to be, revoked, canceled, suspended or modified.

                  2.1.16.  Litigation.  Except as set forth on Schedule  2.1.16,
         there is no suit,  action, or legal,  administrative,  arbitration,  or
         other proceeding or governmental  investigation pending to which Brooks
         is a party or, to the  knowledge  of the  Shareholder,  might  become a
         party or which  particularly  affects Brooks,  nor is any change in the
         zoning or building  ordinances  directly affecting the real property or
         leasehold interests of Brooks pending or, to the knowledge of Brooks or
         the Shareholder, threatened.

               2.1.17.  Environmental Compliance. The provisions of this Section
          2.1.17 shall not be applicable to any environmental condition or issue
          which  is  shown  on  Schedule   Notwithstanding   anything
          contained herein to the contrary, this Section 2.1.17 contains the

               exclusive  representations  and warranties of the Shareholder and
          Brooks regarding environmental matters.
                   Environmental  Conditions.  There  are  no
                  environmental conditions or circumstances,  including, without
                  limitation,   the   presence  or  release  of  any   hazardous
                  substance,  on any property  presently or previously  owned by
                  Brooks,  or on any property to which  hazardous  substances or
                  waste  generated  by Brooks'  operations  or use of its assets
                  were  disposed of,  which would  result in a material  adverse
                  change in the business or business prospects of Brooks;

                   Permits, etc. Brooks has in full force and
                  effect all  environmental  permits,  licenses,  approvals  and
                  other authorizations required to conduct its operations, other
                  than those that are not material to the business or operations
                  of Brooks, and is operating in compliance thereunder;

       Compliance.  Brooks's operations and use of its assets
          do not, in any material respect, violate any applicable federal, state
          or local law, statute,  ordinance,  rule, regulation,  order or notice
          requirement  pertaining  to (a) the  condition or  protection  of air,
          groundwater,  surface water, soil, or other  environmental  media, (b)
          the  environment,  including  natural  resources or any activity which
          affects the  environment,  or (c) the  regulation  of any  pollutants,
          contaminants, waste or substances (whether or not hazardous or toxic),
          including,   without  limitation,   the  Comprehensive   Environmental
          Response  Compensation and Liability Act (42 U.S.C. ss. 9601 et seq.),
          the  Hazardous  Materials  Transportation  Act (49 U.S.C.  ss. 1801 et
          seq.), the Resource  Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. ss. 1609
          et seq.), the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C.  1251 et seq.), the Clean Air
          Act (42 U.S.C. ss. 7401 et seq.), the Toxic Substances Control Act (17
          U.S.C.  ss.  2601 et seq.),  the  Federal  Insecticide  Fungicide  and
          Rodenticide  Act (7 U.S.C.  ss. 136 et seq.),  the Safe Drinking Water
          Act (42 U.S.C.  ss. 201 and ss. 300f et seq.),  the Rivers and Harbors
          Act (33 U.S.C.  ss. 401 et seq.), the Oil Pollution Act (33 U.S.C. ss.
          2701 et seq.)  and  analogous  federal,  interstate,  state  and local
          requirements,  as  any of the  foregoing  may  have  been  amended  or
          supplemented   from  time  to  time   (collectively   the  "Applicable
          Environmental Laws");

                  Past Compliance.  None of the operations or
                  assets of Brooks  has ever  been  conducted  or used in such a
                  manner as to  constitute a violation of any of the  Applicable
                  Environmental  Laws,  other  than  violations  which have been
                  remedied or cured and which will not in the  aggregate  have a
                  material  adverse effect on the future  business or operations
                  of Brooks;

                   Environmental  Claims. Except as set forth
                  on Schedule, during the five year period ended on the
                  date  hereof,  no  notice  has been  served  on  Brooks or the
                  Shareholder from any entity, governmental agency or individual
                  regarding any existing,  pending or threatened  investigation,
                  inquiry,  enforcement  action or litigation related to alleged
                  violations under any Applicable Environmental


                  Laws,  or  regarding  any  claims  for  remedial  obligations,
                  response   costs  or   contribution   under   any   Applicable
                  Environmental Laws;

       Renewals. The Shareholder and Brooks know of no reason
          WellTech would not be able to renew any of the permits,  licenses,  or
          other  authorizations  required  pursuant  to any  of  the  Applicable
          Environmental  Laws to operate and use any of Brooks' assets for their
          current purposes and uses; and
                   Asbestos and PCBs. No material  amounts of
                  friable  asbestos  currently  exist on any  property  owned or
                  operated by Brooks, nor do polychlorinated  biphenyls exist in
                  concentrations  of 50 parts per million or more in  electrical
                  equipment  owned or being used by Brooks in its  operations or
                  on its properties.

                  2.1.18.  Compliance  with Other  Laws.  Except as  provided in
         Sections 2.1.17 and 2.1.19, Brooks is not in violation of or in default
         with  respect to, or in alleged  violation  of or alleged  default with
         respect to, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (29 U.S.C.
         et seq.) as  amended,  or any other  applicable  law or any  applicable
         rule,  regulation,   or  any  writ  or  decree  of  any  court  or  any
         governmental commission, board, bureau, agency, or instrumentality,  or
         delinquent  with  respect to any report  required  to be filed with any
         governmental commission, board, bureau, agency or instrumentality which
         would have a material  adverse  effect  upon its  financial  condition,
         properties or business.

                  2.1.19.  No ERISA Plans or Labor Issues.

                  Exclusive Representation. The provisions of
                  this  Section  2.1.19  shall  not be  applicable  to any issue
                  relating to the provisions of the Employee  Retirement  Income
                  Security Act of 1974, as amended  ("ERISA")  which is shown on
                  Schedule 2.1.19.  Notwithstanding anything contained herein to
                  the  contrary,  this Section  2.1.19  contains  the  exclusive
                  representations  and warranties of the  Shareholder and Brooks
                  regarding ERISA matters.

                   Status of ERISA Plans and Labor Relations.
                  Except  as set  forth  on  Schedule  2.1.16,  Brooks  does not
                  currently  sponsor,  maintain or  contribute to and has not at
                  any time sponsored,  maintained or contributed to any employee
                  benefit  plan  which is or was  subject to any  provisions  of
                  ERISA.  Brooks has not engaged in any unfair  labor  practices
                  which  could  reasonably  be  expected to result in a material
                  adverse  effect on its  operations  or  assets.  Except as set
                  forth on  Schedule  2.1.16,  Brooks  does not have any dispute
                  with any of its  existing  or former  employees.  There are no
                  labor   disputes  or,  to  the  knowledge  of  Brooks  or  the
                  Shareholder,  any  disputes  threatened  by  current or former
                  employees of Brooks.

     2.1.20. Investigations; Litigation. Except as set forth on Schedule 2.1.20,
no investigation or review by any governmental  entity with respect to Brooks or
any of the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement is pending or, to the
best  of  Brooks'  or the  Shareholder's  knowledge,  threatened,  nor  has  any
governmental entity indicated to Brooks

         or the  Shareholder  an intention to conduct the same,  and there is no
         action,  suit or  proceeding  pending  or, to the best of Brooks or the
         Shareholder's knowledge,  threatened against or affecting Brooks at law
         or in  equity,  or  before  any  federal,  state,  municipal  or  other
         governmental   department,   commission,   board,  bureau,   agency  or
         instrumentality,  that either individually or in the aggregate, does or
         is likely to result in any  material  adverse  change in the  financial
         condition, properties or business of Brooks.

                  2.1.21. Absence of Certain Business Practices.  Neither Brooks
         nor any  officer,  employee  or agent of Brooks,  nor any other  person
         acting  on its  behalf  (including  the  Shareholder  or  any  officer,
         employee or agent of the  Shareholder),  has,  directly or  indirectly,
         within the past five years, given or agreed to give any gift or similar
         benefit to any customer, supplier,  government employee or other person
         who is or may be in a position to help or hinder the business of Brooks
         (or to  assist  Brooks  in  connection  with  any  actual  or  proposed
         transaction)  which  might  subject  Brooks to any  material  damage or
         penalty  in  any  civil,   criminal  or   governmental   litigation  or

                  2.1.22.  Consents  and  Approvals.  Other  than the  filing of
         Articles of Merger with the  Secretary  of State of the State of Texas,
         no consent,  approval or  authorization  of, or filing or  registration
         with, any governmental or regulatory authority,  or any other person or
         entity is required to be made or obtained by Brooks or the  Shareholder
         in  connection  with the  execution,  delivery or  performance  of this
         Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

                  2.1.23.  Finder's  Fee. The  Shareholder  has engaged  Howard,
         Weil,  Labouisse,   Friedrichs  Incorporated  ("Howard  Weil")  as  its
         financial  advisor in connection with the sale of Brooks.  The fees and
         expenses payable to Howard Weil will be paid by the Shareholder and not
         out of the assets of Brooks.  Other than  engaging  Howard  Weil as its
         financial advisor, all negotiations  relative to this Agreement and the
         transactions contemplated hereby have been carried on by Brooks and the
         Shareholder and their counsel  directly with Key and WellTech and their
         counsel, without the intervention of any other person in such manner as
         to give rise to any valid claim against any of the parties hereto for a
         brokerage commission, finder's fee or any similar payment.

     2.2.  Investment  Representations  of  the  Shareholder.   The  Shareholder
acknowledges, represents and agrees that:
                  2.2.1. Shareholder Investment Suitability and Related Matters.
         (i) Key has made  available  to the  Shareholder  the  information  and
         documents described in Section 3.1.4., (ii) the Shareholder is aware of
         the risks  associated with ownership of Key Common Stock, and (iii) the
         Shareholder is capable of bearing the financial  risks  associated with
         such ownership.

     2.2.2.  Key Shares Not  Registered.  The issuance of the Key Shares has not
been  registered  under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the  "Securities
Act"), or registered or qualified under any applicable state securities laws;


               2.2.3.  Reliance  on  Representations.  The Key  Shares are being
          issued  to the  Shareholder  in  reliance  upon  exemptions  from such
          registration or  qualification  requirements,  and the availability of
          such  exemptions  depends  in part  upon the  Shareholder's  bona fide
          investment intent with respect to the Key Shares;

     2.2.4.  Investment Intent. The Shareholder's  acquisition of the Key Shares
is  solely  for its own  account  for  investment,  and the  Shareholder  is not
acquiring  the Key  Shares for the  account  of any other  person or with a view
toward resale, assignment, fractionalization, or distribution thereof.

                  2.2.5.  Permitted Resale.  The Shareholder shall not offer for
         sale, sell, transfer,  pledge,  hypothecate or otherwise dispose of any
         of  the  Key  Shares  except  in  accordance   with  the   registration
         requirements of the Securities Act and applicable state securities laws
         or upon  delivery  to Key of an  opinion  of legal  counsel  reasonably
         satisfactory to Key that an exemption from registration is available;

     2.2.6. Restrictive Legend. In addition to any other legends required by law
or the other  agreements  entered into in connection  herewith,  the certificate
evidencing   the  Key  Shares  will  bear  a  conspicuous   restrictive   legend
substantially as follows:
                  THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, AS AMENDED  ("ACT"),  OR UNDER ANY

                                    ARTICLE 3

                                KEY AND WELLTECH

     3.1.  Representations and Warranties of Key. Key represents and warrants to
Brooks and the Shareholder as follows:

                  3.1.1.  Organization  and Standing.  Key is a corporation duly
         organized,  validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the
         State of Maryland,  has full requisite corporate power and authority to
         carry on its  business  as it is  currently  conducted,  and to own and
         operate the properties  currently owned and operated by it, and is duly
         qualified  or  licensed  to do  business  and is in good  standing as a
         foreign corporation authorized to do


         business in all  jurisdictions in which the character of the properties
         owned or the  nature of the  business  conducted  by it would make such
         qualification or licensing necessary, except where the failure to be so
         qualified or licensed  would not have a material  adverse effect on the
         business  or  operations  of  Key.   Copies  of  the   Certificate   of
         Incorporation  and  Bylaws of Key have  heretofore  been  delivered  to
         Shareholder,  and such copies are  accurate and complete as of the date

                  3.1.2.   Agreement   Authorized   and  its   Effect  on  Other
         Obligations.  The consummation of the transactions  contemplated hereby
         have been duly and validly authorized by all necessary corporate action
         on the  part  of  Key,  and  this  Agreement  is a  valid  and  binding
         obligation of Key enforceable against Key in accordance with its terms.
         The execution and delivery of this Agreement has been authorized by the
         board of  directors  of  WellTech  and Key in its  capacity as the sole
         shareholder  of  WellTech,  and has  been  authorized  by the  board of
         directors of Key in its individual  capacity.  The execution,  delivery
         and  performance of this Agreement and the  consummation  of the Merger
         contemplated  by this  Agreement  will not conflict with or result in a
         violation  or breach of any term or  provision  of,  nor  constitute  a
         default under (i) the Certificate of  Incorporation or Bylaws of Key or
         (ii)  any  obligation,  indenture,  mortgage,  deed  of  trust,  lease,
         contract or other agreement to which Key or any of its  subsidiaries is
         a party  or by  which  Key or its  subsidiaries,  or  their  respective
         parties are bound,  which in the case of either (i) or (ii), would have
         a material adverse effect on the business or operations of Key.

                  3.1.3.  Capitalization.  The capitalization of Key consists of
         25,000,000  shares of Key Common Stock, of which as of the date hereof,
         10,549,582  shares  are  issued  and  outstanding,  913,334  shares are
         reserved for issuance  pursuant to stock  options,  825,000  shares are
         reserved for issuance  pursuant to  outstanding  warrants and 5,333,333
         shares are reserved for issuance upon  conversion of Key's  Convertible
         Debentures. Pursuant to Key's Certificate of Incorporation, Key's board
         of directors has the authority,  without further shareholder action, to
         redesignate  all of the  authorized  and unissued  shares of Key Common
         Stock  into  one or more  series  of  preferred  stock.  As of the date
         hereof,  no shares  have been so  designated  or issued.  Except as set
         forth in this  Section  3.1.3.,  there are  outstanding  as of the date
         hereof (i) no securities of Key or any other person convertible into or
         exchangeable or exercisable for shares of capital stock or other voting
         securities of Key, and (ii) except as set forth on Schedule  3.1.3,  no
         subscriptions,  options,  warrants,  calls,  rights  obligating  Key to
         issue,  deliver,  sell,  purchase,  redeem or acquire shares of capital
         stock or other voting  securities  of Key. All of the  outstanding  Key
         Common  Stock is, and (when  issued)  the Key Shares  will be,  validly
         issued,  fully paid and nonassessable and not subject to any preemptive
         right.  As of the date hereof  there is no, and at the  Effective  Date
         there will not be any,  stockholder  agreement,  voting trust, or other
         agreement  or  understanding  to which Key is a party or by which it is
         bound relating to the voting of any shares of capital stock of Key.

                  3.1.4.  Reports and Financial  Statements.  Key has previously
         furnished  to the  Shareholder  true and  complete  copies of (i) Key's
         annual report filed with the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  (the
         "Commission")  pursuant to the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 (the
         "Exchange  Act") for Key's fiscal year ended June 30, 1996;  (ii) Key's


         and other  reports  filed with the  Commission  since Key's fiscal year
         ended June 30, 1996; (iii) all definitive proxy solicitation  materials
         filed  with  the  Commission   since   December  31,  1995;   (iv)  any
         registration  statements (other than those relating to employee benefit
         plans)  declared  effective by the Commission  since December 30, 1995;
         and (v) Key's Private Offering Memorandum dated June 28, 1996, relating
         to the Convertible Debentures. All of the foregoing items are listed on
         Schedule   3.1.4   (collectively,   the  "Key  SEC   Documents").   The
         consolidated   financial   statements  of  Key  and  its   consolidated
         subsidiaries included in Key's most recent report on Form 10-K and most
         recent report on Form 10-Q were prepared in accordance  with  generally
         accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis during the
         periods involved and fairly present the consolidated financial position
         of Key and its  consolidated  subsidiaries  as of the dates thereof and
         the  consolidated  results of their operations and changes in financial
         position for the periods then ended;  and the Key SEC Documents did not
         contain  any untrue  statement  of a  material  fact or omit to state a
         material  fact  required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the
         statements  therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they
         were, made not misleading.  Since June 30, 1994, Key has filed with the
         Commission  all material  reports,  registration  statements  and other
         material  filings  required to be filed with the  Commission  under the
         rules and regulations of the Commission.  Financial Change. Any adverse change in the financial  condition,
backlog, operations, assets, liabilities or business of Key, or

                   Other Material Changes.  Any other event or
                  condition  known  to  Key   particularly   pertaining  to  and
                  adversely affecting the operations, assets or business of Key,
                  other  than  events or  conditions  which are of a general  or
                  industry-wide nature and of general public knowledge, or which
                  have been disclosed in writing to the Shareholder.

                  3.1.6.  Key's  Compliance  with  Other  Laws.  Key  is  not in
         violation of or in default with respect to, or in alleged  violation of
         or  alleged  default  with  respect  to,  any  applicable  law  or  any
         applicable rule, regulation,  or any writ or decree of any court or any
         governmental commission, board, bureau, agency, or instrumentality,  or
         delinquent  with  respect to any report  required  to be filed with any
         governmental commission, board, bureau, agency or instrumentality which
         would have a material  adverse  affect  upon its  financial  condition,
         properties or business.

                  3.1.7. Consents and Approvals. Except as set forth on Schedule
         3.1.7,  no  consent,   approval  or  authorization   of,  or  filing  a
         registration  with any  governmental  or regulatory  authority,  or any
         other  person or entity is  required  to be made or  obtained by Key in
         connection  with  the  execution,   delivery  or  performance  of  this
         Agreement or the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.


                  3.1.8.   Finder's  Fee.  All  negotiations  relative  to  this
         Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby have been carried on
         by Key and its counsel  directly  with Brooks and the  Shareholder  and
         their  counsel,  without the  intervention  by any other  person as the
         result  of any act of Key in such a manner as to give rise to any valid
         claim against any of the parties  hereto for any brokerage  commission,
         finder's fee or any similar payments.

                  3.1.9. Investigations;  Litigation. No investigation or review
         by any  governmental  entity with respect to Key in connection with any
         of the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement is pending or, to
         the  best of  Key's  knowledge,  threatened,  nor has any  governmental
         entity  indicated to Key an intention to conduct the same.  There is no
         action,  suit or proceeding pending or, to the best of Key's knowledge,
         threatened against or affecting Key by any federal, state, municipal or
         other governmental  department,  commission,  board, bureau,  agency or
         instrumentality, which either individually or in the aggregate, does or
         is likely to result in any  material  adverse  change in the  financial
         condition, properties or businesses of Key.

                  3.1.10. Retention of Brooks' Employees. On the Effective Date,
         the Surviving  Corporation  will continue the  employment of the Brooks
         employees  except for the Brooks  employees  listed on Schedule 3.1.10.
         All such  employees  hired by the  Surviving  Corporation  shall become
         participants in Key's employee  benefit plans,  including Key's medical
         plan,  and shall  receive full credit  thereunder  for all purposes for
         their  years of  service  at Brooks.  With  respect to any  preexisting
         condition, limitations or similar provisions contained in Key's medical
         plan, service with Brooks shall be treated as service with Key, and for
         the purpose of determining  deductibles,  copayments and  out-of-pocket
         maximums under Key's plans for 1996, such former Brooks employees shall
         be  given  credit  under  Key's  medical  plan for any  deductibles  or
         copayments  made by a former Brooks  employee or his or her  dependents
         with  respect  to  coverage   under  the  medical  plan   sponsored  by
         Shareholder during 1996.

     3.2.  Representations  and Warranties of WellTech.  WellTech represents and
warrants to Brooks and the Shareholder as follows:

                  3.2.1.  Organization  and Standing.  WellTech is a corporation
         duly organized,  validly existing,  and in good standing under the laws
         of Delaware,  has full requisite corporate power and authority to carry
         on its  business as it is currently  conducted,  and to own and operate
         the  properties  currently  owned  and  operated  by it,  and  is  duly
         qualified  or  licensed  to do  business  and is in good  standing as a
         foreign  corporation  authorized to do business in all jurisdictions in
         which  the  character  of the  properties  owned or the  nature  of the
         business  conducted  by it would make such  qualification  or licensing
         necessary, except when the failure to be so qualified or licensed would
         not have a material  adverse  effect on the business or  operations  of

     3.2.2.  Agreement  Authorized  and its  Effect  on Other  Obligations.  The
execution  and delivery of this  Agreement  has been  authorized by the board of
directors  and  the  holder  of  all of  the  capital  stock  of  WellTech,  the
consummation of the transactions contemplated

         hereby have been duly and validly authorized by all necessary corporate
         action  on the part of  WellTech,  and this  Agreement  is a valid  and
         binding  obligation  of  WellTech   enforceable   against  WellTech  in
         accordance with its terms.  The execution,  delivery and performance of
         this Agreement and the consummation of the Merger  contemplated by this
         Agreement  will not conflict with or result in a violation or breach of
         any term or  provision  of,  nor  constitute  a  default  under (i) the
         Certificate  of  Incorporation  or  Bylaws  of  WellTech  or  (ii)  any
         obligation,  indenture,  mortgage,  deed of trust,  lease,  contract or
         other  agreement to which  WellTech is a party or by which  WellTech or
         its respective properties are bound, which in the case of either (i) or
         (ii),  would  have  a  material  adverse  effect  on  the  business  or
         operations of WellTech.

     3.2.3. Capitalization. The authorized capital stock of WellTech consists of
3,000 shares of WellTech Common Stock,  of which at the date hereof,  100 shares
were issued and outstanding and held beneficially and of record by Key.

                  3.2.4.  Consents  and  Approvals.  Except  for the filing of a
         Certificate  of Merger  with the  Secretary  of State of  Delaware,  no
         consent,  approval or authorization  of, or filing a registration  with
         any  governmental or regulatory  authority,  or any person or entity is
         required to be made or obtained  by  WellTech  in  connection  with the
         execution,   delivery  and   performance   of  this  Agreement  or  the
         consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.
                  3.2.5.   Finder's  Fee.  All  negotiations  relative  to  this
         Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby have been carried on
         by WellTech  and its counsel and Brooks and the  Shareholder  and their
         counsel,  without the intervention of any other person as the result of
         any act of WellTech in such a manner as to give rise to any valid claim
         against  any  of the  parties  hereto  for  any  brokerage  commission,
         finder's fee or any similar payments.

         3.3.  Other Representations and Warranties of Key and WellTech.

     3.3.1. Control Prior to Merger. Prior to the Merger, Key will be in control
of WellTech  within the meaning of Section 368(c) of the Internal  Revenue Code.

3.3.2. Control Following Merger.  Following the Merger,  WellTech will not issue
additional  shares of its stock  that  would  result in Key  losing  control  of
WellTech  within the meaning of Section  368(c) of the  Internal  Revenue  Code.

3.3.3.  No Plan to  Reacquire.  Key has no plan or intention to reacquire any of
its stock issued in the Merger.

                  3.3.4.  No Plan to Dispose.  Key has no plan or  intention  to
         liquidate   WellTech;   to  merge   WellTech   with  and  into  another
         corporation;  to sell or otherwise dispose of the stock of WellTech; or
         to cause WellTech to sell or otherwise  dispose of any of the assets of
         Brooks  acquired in the  Merger,  except for  dispositions  made in the
         ordinary   course  of  business  or  transfers   described  in  Section
         368(a)(2)(C) of the Internal Revenue Code.


     3.3.5.  Expenses.  Key and WellTech will pay their respective expenses,  if
any, incurred in connection with the Merger. 

3.3.6. Intercorporate Indebtedness.
There is no  intercorporate  indebtedness  existing  between  Key and  Brooks or
between WellTech and Brooks that was issued,  acquired,  or will be settled at a

3.3.7.  Investment  Companies.  Key and WellTech  are not  investment
companies  as  defined  in Section  368(a)(2)(F)(iii)  and (iv) of the  Internal
Revenue Code. 

3.3.8.  WellTech Stock. No stock of WellTech will be issued in the

                                    ARTICLE 4


         4.1.  Agreements of Key and Brooks.  Except as  contemplated by Section
1.10,  each of Key and  Brooks  agrees  that  from the  date  hereof  until  the
Effective Date, it will (and unless  otherwise  indicated by the context,  since
September 30, 1996, it has):

                  4.1.1.   Maintenance  of  Present  Business.   Other  than  as
         contemplated by this Agreement, operate its business only in the usual,
         regular,  and  ordinary  manner so as to maintain  the  goodwill it now
         enjoys  and,  to the extent  consistent  with such  operation,  use all
         reasonable   efforts   to   preserve   intact  its   present   business
         organization,  keep available the services of its present  officers and
         employees,  and preserve its relationships  with customers,  suppliers,
         jobbers, distributors, and others having business dealings with it;

     4.1.2.  Maintenance  of  Properties.  At its  expense,  maintain all of its
property and assets in customary repair,  order, and condition,  reasonable wear
and tear excepted;  

4.1.3. Maintenance of Books and Records.  Maintain its books
of account and records in the usual, regular, and ordinary manner, in accordance
with generally  accepted  accounting  principles  applied on a consistent basis;

4.1.4.  Compliance with Law. Duly comply in all material  respects with all laws
applicable to it and to the conduct of its business; and

                  4.1.5.  Inspection  of Each  Merging  Corporation.  Permit the
         other party hereto, and their officers and authorized  representatives,
         during  normal  business  hours,  to inspect its records and to consult
         with its officers, employees,  attorneys, and agents for the purpose of
         determining  the  accuracy  of  the   representations   and  warranties
         hereinabove  made and the compliance  with covenants  contained in this
         Agreement.  Key, Brooks and the Shareholder each agrees that it and its
         officers  and  representatives  shall  hold all  data  and  information
         obtained with respect to the other party hereto in confidence  and each
         further agrees that it


         will not use such data or  information  or disclose the same to others,
         except to the extent  such data or  information  either are, or become,
         published  or a matter of  public  knowledge  through  no fault of such

                  4.1.6. Notice of Material Developments. Each of Key and Brooks
         will  promptly  notify  the other  party in  writing  of any  "material
         adverse  change"  in, or any changes  which,  in the  aggregate,  could
         result in a "material  adverse change" in, the  consolidated  financial
         condition,  business or affairs of such party, whether or not occurring
         in the ordinary course of business. As used in this Agreement, the term
         "material  adverse  change" means any change,  event,  circumstance  or
         condition  (collectively,  a "Change")  which when  considered with all
         other Changes would reasonably be expected to result in a "loss" having
         the effect of so  fundamentally  adversely  affecting  the  business or
         financial  prospects  of Key or  Brooks,  as the case may be,  that the
         benefits  reasonably  expected to be obtained by such party as a result
         of the Merger  contemplated by this Agreement would be jeopardized with
         relative certainty.  In no event shall a change in the trading price of
         the Key Common Stock on the American  Stock  Exchange  between the date
         hereof and the Effective Date, in and of itself,  constitute a material
         adverse  change.  The term  "loss"  shall  mean any and all  direct  or
         indirect payments,  obligations,  assessments,  losses, loss of income,
         liabilities,  fines, penalties,  costs and expenses paid or incurred or
         more likely than not to be paid or incurred, or diminutions in value of
         any  kind or  character  (whether  known  or  unknown,  conditional  or
         unconditional,  choate or inchoate, liquidated or unliquidated, secured
         or unsecured, accrued, absolute, contingent or otherwise) that are more
         likely  than not to  occur,  including  without  limitation  penalties,
         interest  on any  amount  payable  to a third  party as a result of the
         foregoing and any legal or other expenses  reasonably  incurred or more
         likely than not to be  incurred in  connection  with  investigating  or
         defending  any demands,  claims,  actions or causes of action that,  if
         adversely  determined,  would likely result in losses,  and all amounts
         paid in settlement of claims or actions; provided, that losses shall be
         net  of  any  insurance   proceeds  entitled  to  be  received  from  a
         nonaffiliated insurance company on account of such losses (after taking
         into  account any costs  incurred in  obtaining  such  proceeds and any
         increase in  insurance  premiums as a result of a claim with respect to
         such proceeds);

     4.2.  Additional  Agreements of Brooks.  Except as  contemplated by Section
1.10,  Brooks agrees that from  September 30, 1996 it has not, and from the date
hereof to the Effective Date, it will: 

4.2.1.  Prohibition of Certain Employment
Contracts. Not enter into any contracts of employment which cannot be terminated
on notice of 30 days or less or which  provide  for any  severance  payments  or
benefits  covering a period beyond the earlier of the termination date or notice

4.2.2.  Prohibition of Certain Loans.  Not incur any borrowings  which
would exceed $50,000, in the aggregate, for any purpose except (i) the refunding
of indebtedness now outstanding, (ii) the prepayment by customers of amounts due
or to become due for services rendered or to be rendered in the future, or (iii)
as is otherwise agreed to in writing by Key;

                  4.2.3.  Prohibition  of  Certain  Commitments.  Not enter into
         commitments  of a capital  expenditure  nature or incur any  contingent
         liability which would exceed $10,000 in the aggregate except (i) as may
         be necessary for the maintenance of existing facilities,  machinery and
         equipment in good operating condition and repair in the ordinary course
         of business, or (ii) as is otherwise agreed to in writing by Key;

     4.2.4. Disposal of Assets. Not sell, dispose of, or encumber,  any property
or assets,  except (i) in the usual and  ordinary  course of business or (ii) as
may be approved in writing by Key;

                  4.2.5.  Maintenance  of Insurance.  Maintain the insurance set
         forth on Schedule 2.1.8;  provided,  that if during the period from the
         date hereof to and including the Effective  Date any of its property or
         assets  are  damaged  or  destroyed  by fire  or  other  casualty,  the
         obligations  of Key,  Brooks and the  Shareholder  under this Agreement
         shall not be effected thereby, and upon the Effective Date all proceeds
         of  insurance  and claims of every kind arising as a result of any such
         damage or  destruction  shall  remain  the  property  of the  Surviving

                  4.2.6.  Acquisition Proposals.  Not directly or indirectly (i)
         solicit,  initiate or encourage any inquiries or Acquisition  Proposals
         at any time before  termination of this Agreement pursuant to Article 6
         hereof  from any  person  or (ii)  participate  in any  discussions  or
         negotiations  regarding, or furnish to any person other than Key or its
         representatives   any  information   with  respect  to,  or  otherwise,
         facilitate or encourage any  Acquisition  Proposal by any other person.
         As used herein "Acquisition  Proposal" means any proposal for a merger,
         consolidation or other business combination involving Brooks or for the
         acquisition  or  purchase  of any  equity  interest  in, or a  material
         portion of the assets of, Brooks,  other than the transactions with Key
         and WellTech  contemplated  by this  Agreement.  Brooks shall  promptly
         communicate to Key the terms of any such written Acquisition  Proposals
         which it may receive or any written  inquiries made to it or any of its
         directors, officers, representatives or agents.

                  4.2.7.  No Amendment to Articles of  Incorporation.  Except as
         contemplated by this Agreement, not amend its Articles of Incorporation
         or merge or consolidate with or into any other corporation or change in
         any  manner  the rights of its  common  stock or the  character  of its

                  4.2.8. No Issuance, Sale, or Purchase of Securities. Not issue
         or sell,  or issue options or rights to subscribe to, or enter into any
         contract or commitment to issue or sell (upon conversion or otherwise),
         any  shares  of  Brooks  Common  Stock,  or  subdivide  or in  any  way
         reclassify any shares of Brooks Common Stock,  or acquire,  or agree to
         acquire, any shares of Brooks Common Stock;

     4.2.9.  Prohibition on Dividends.  Except as set forth in Section 1.10, not
declare or pay any  dividend on shares of Brooks  Common Stock or make any other
distribution of assets to the holders thereof;

                  4.2.10. Brooks' Employees. Brooks will use its reasonable best
         efforts  to make all of its  employees,  other  than  those  listed  on
         Schedule 3.1.10, available for hire by Key as of the Effective Date.

         4.3.  Additional Agreements of Key.  Key agrees it will:

                  4.3.1.  Issuance of Key Common Stock. Take all action it deems
         reasonably necessary to insure that the issuance of Key Common Stock to
         the  Shareholder in connection with the Merger will be made pursuant to
         an exemption from registration under the Securities Act. Key also shall
         take any action reasonably required to be taken under state blue sky or
         securities laws in connection with the issuance of the Key Common Stock
         pursuant to the Merger;

     4.3.2. Listing of Key Stock. Take such steps as are required to accomplish,
as of the  Effective  Date,  the listing on the American  Stock  Exchange of the
shares of Key Common Stock to be issued  pursuant to this  Agreement;  

4.3.3. No
Amendment to Articles of Incorporation.  Not amend its Articles of Incorporation
or merge  into any other  corporation  or change in any manner the rights of the
Key Common Stock; and

                  4.3.4.  Notice of Material  Developments.  Promptly furnish to
         the Shareholder  copies of all Key  communications  to its stockholders
         and all reports filed by it with the  Commission and the American Stock
         Exchange,  and  relating  to periodic  or other  material  developments
         concerning Key's financial condition, business, or affairs.

                  4.3.5.  Employee  Benefits Plans.  Key understands  that on or
         before  the  Effective  Date,  the  Shareholder  will  cause  Brooks to
         withdraw  from any and all  employee  benefit  plans  sponsored  by the
         Shareholder in which Brooks participates.  Key will cause the Surviving
         Corporation to pay to the Fidelity  Thrift Plan,  within three business
         days  following  receipt of notice from the  Shareholder  of the amount
         due, all contributions to the Fidelity Thrift Plan due but not yet paid
         as of the  Effective  Date with respect to Brooks  employees and former
         employees for  employment  with Brooks before the Effective  Date.  Key
         also will cause the Surviving  Corporation to satisfy all  continuation
         coverage  obligations  imposed  pursuant to Sections 601 through 608 of
         ERISA,  and Section  4980B of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as
         amended, with respect to any person in the employ of Brooks (and his or
         her dependents) on or after the Effective Date.

                  4.3.6.  Continuation of Historic Business of Brooks.  WellTech
         will  continue  the  historic  business of Brooks or use a  significant
         portion of Brook's  business assets in a business for at least a period
         of 12 months after the Effective Date of the Merger.


                                    ARTICLE 5


     5.1.  Conditions  Precedent to  Obligations of Brooks.  The  obligations of
Brooks to  consummate  and effect the Merger  hereunder  shall be subject to the
satisfaction  of the following  conditions,  or to the waiver  thereof by Brooks
before the Effective Date:
                  5.1.1. Representations and Warranties of Key and WellTech True
         at  Effective  Date.  The  representations  and  warranties  of Key and
         WellTech herein contained shall be, in all material  respects,  true as
         of and at the  Effective  Date with the same  effect as though  made at
         such date, except as affected by transactions permitted or contemplated
         by this Agreement;  Key and WellTech shall have performed and complied,
         in all material respects, with all covenants required by this Agreement
         to be  performed  or  complied  with by Key  and  WellTech  before  the
         Effective  Date;  and Key and WellTech  shall have  delivered to Brooks
         certificates,  dated the Effective Date and signed by their  respective
         presidents,  and by their chief financial or accounting  officers,  and
         their secretaries, to both such effects.

                  5.1.2.  No  Material  Litigation.  No suit,  action,  or other
         proceeding  shall be  pending,  or to Key's  or  WellTech's  knowledge,
         threatened,  before any court or  governmental  agency in which it will
         be, or it is,  sought to restrain  or prohibit or to obtain  damages or
         other relief in connection  with this Agreement or the  consummation of
         the  Merger  contemplated  hereby or which  might  result in a material
         adverse change in the value of the consolidated  assets and business of

                  5.1.3.  Opinion of Key Counsel.  Brooks shall have  received a
         favorable  opinion,  dated  as of the  Effective  Date,  from  Porter &
         Hedges,  L.L.P.,  counsel for Key and  WellTech,  in form and substance
         satisfactory  to Brooks,  to the effect that (i) Key and WellTech  have
         been duly incorporated and are validly existing as corporations in good
         standing  under  the laws of their  states  of  organization;  (ii) all
         corporate proceedings required to be taken by or on the part of Key and
         WellTech  to  authorize  the  execution  of  this   Agreement  and  the
         implementation of the Merger contemplated hereby have been taken; (iii)
         the shares of Key Common Stock which are to be delivered in  accordance
         with this Agreement  will, when issued,  be validly issued,  fully paid
         and  nonassessable   outstanding  securities  of  Key;  and  (iv)  this
         Agreement has duly  executed and delivered by, and is the legal,  valid
         and binding  obligation of Key and WellTech and is enforceable  against
         Key and WellTech in accordance with its terms, except as enforceability
         may be limited by (a) equitable principles of general  applicability or
         (b) bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization,  fraudulent conveyance or
         similar laws  affecting the rights of creditors  generally.  No opinion
         need  be  expressed  as to the  enforceability  of any  indemnification
         provisions  of this  Agreement or on the  provisions of Section 7.1. In
         rendering such opinion,  such counsel may rely upon (i) certificates of
         public  officials  and of officers of Key and WellTech as to matters of
         fact and (ii) the opinion or opinions of other counsel,


         which  opinions  shall be  reasonably  satisfactory  to  Brooks,  as to
         matters other than federal or Texas law.

                  5.1.4.  Listing  of  Key  Common  Stock.  The  American  Stock
         Exchange  shall have agreed that on the Effective Date it will list the
         shares of Key  Common  Stock  issuable  at the  Effective  Date of this

                  5.1.5.  Consent  of Certain  Parties  in Privity  With Key and
         WellTech.  The holders of any material indebtedness of Key or WellTech,
         the lessors of any material property leased by Key or WellTech, and the
         other parties to any other material agreements to which Key or WellTech
         are a party shall,  when and to the extent  necessary in the reasonable
         opinion of Brooks, have consented to the Merger contemplated hereby.

         5.2.  Conditions  Precedent to  Obligations  of Key and  WellTech.  The
obligations  of Key and WellTech to consummate  and effect the Merger  hereunder
shall be subject to the  satisfaction  of the  following  conditions,  or to the
waiver thereof by Key and WellTech before the Effective Date.

                  5.2.1.  Representations  and  Warranties  of  Brooks  True  at
         Effective  Date. The  representations  and warranties of Brooks and the
         Shareholder herein contained shall be, in all material  respects,  true
         as of and at the Effective  Date with the same effect as though made at
         such date, except as affected by transactions permitted or contemplated
         by this Agreement;  Brooks and the Shareholder shall have performed and
         complied in all material respects,  with all covenants required by this
         Agreement to be performed or complied with by them before the Effective
         Date;  and Brooks and the  Shareholder  shall have delivered to Key and
         WellTech a  certificate,  dated the Effective  Date and signed by their
         respective chairman of the board or presidents, and by their respective
         chief  financial  or  accounting  officers,  and  by  their  respective
         secretaries, to both such effects.

                  5.2.2.  No  Material  Litigation.  No suit,  action,  or other
         proceeding  shall  be  pending,  or to  Brooks'  or  the  Shareholder's
         knowledge, threatened, before any court or governmental agency in which
         it will be,  or it is,  sought to  restrain  or  prohibit  or to obtain
         damages  or other  relief  in  connection  with this  Agreement  or the
         consummation of the merger contemplated hereby or which might result in
         a material  adverse  change in the value of the assets and  business of

                  5.2.3. Opinion of Counsel. Key shall have received a favorable
         opinion,  dated the Effective Date, from John R. Scott, General Counsel
         to the Shareholder,  in form and substance  satisfactory to Key, to the
         effect  that  (i)  Brooks  and the  Shareholder  each  have  been  duly
         incorporated  and is validly existing as a corporation in good standing
         under  the laws of its  state of  incorporation;  (ii) all  outstanding
         shares of the  Brooks  Common  Stock have been  validly  issued and are
         fully paid and nonassessable;  (iii) all corporate or other proceedings
         required to be taken by or on the part of Brooks and the Shareholder to


         authorize the execution of this Agreement and the implementation of the
         Merger contemplated hereby have been taken; and (iv) this Agreement has
         been duly  executed  and  delivered  by,  and is the  legal,  valid and
         binding  obligation of Brooks and the  Shareholder  and is  enforceable
         against Brooks and the Shareholder in accordance with its terms, except
         as the  enforceability  may be limited by (a)  equitable  principles of
         general  applicability or (b) bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization,
         fraudulent conveyance or similar laws affecting the rights of creditors
         generally. No opinion need be expressed as to the enforceability of any
         indemnification  provisions of this  Agreement or on the  provisions of
         Section 7.1. In rendering such opinion,  such counsel may rely upon (i)
         certificates  of  public  officials  and of  officers  of Brooks or the
         Shareholder  as to matters of fact and (ii) on the  opinion or opinions
         of other counsel,  which opinions shall be reasonably  satisfactory  to
         Key, as to matters other than federal or Texas law.

                  5.2.4.  Consent of Certain  Parties in Privity  with Brooks or
         the Shareholder.  The holders of any material indebtedness of Brooks or
         the Shareholder,  the lessors of any material property leased by Brooks
         or the  Shareholder,  and  the  other  parties  to any  other  material
         agreements to which Brooks or the  Shareholder  is a party shall,  when
         and to the extent  necessary  in the  reasonable  opinion of Key,  have
         consented to the Merger contemplated hereby.

                  5.2.5.  Termination  of Certain  Employees.  Brooks shall have
         terminated  the employees  listed on Schedule  3.1.10 (the  "Terminated
         Employees") effective before the Effective Date and shall have paid the
         Terminated Employees all wages and other compensation owed them through
         the date of termination.

                  5.2.6. Environmental  Assessments.  The Shareholder shall have
         completed,  Phase I environmental  assessments with respect to the real
         property listed on Schedule 2.1.8.  In addition,  at Key's request,  no
         later than 10 days before the  Effective  Date,  the  Shareholder  also
         shall have completed Phase II environmental assessments with respect to
         any of such real property  where Phase II  assessments  are  reasonably
         determined by Key to be  appropriate.  All of such Phase I and Phase II
         environmental assessments shall be at the Shareholder's expense and not
         out of the assets of  Brooks.  To the  extent  that such  environmental
         assessments  indicate that liabilities exist for environmental  cleanup
         on a particular  property,  the  Shareholder  shall, no later than five
         days before the Effective Date, indicate to Key whether the Shareholder
         will conduct appropriate  restoration activities at its expense on such
         property or whether  such  property  shall be removed  from those being
         acquired by Key pursuant to the Merger.  To the extent the  Shareholder
         has  determined to remove a property from those being  acquired by Key,
         then the Shareholder and Key shall have agreed to the adjustment to the
         Merger  Consideration  to be  delivered  pursuant to Section  1.11.2 to
         reflect  the removal of such  property  from the assets of Brooks as of
         the Effective Date.

                                    ARTICLE 6


                           TERMINATION AND ABANDONMENT

     6.1.  Termination.  Anything  contained  in this  Agreement to the contrary
notwithstanding,  this Agreement may be terminated  and the Merger  contemplated
hereby abandoned at any time before the Effective Date:

     6.1.1.  By  Mutual  Consent.  By  mutual  consent  of  Key,  WellTech,  the
Shareholder and Brooks.

                  6.1.2.  By Key or  WellTech  Because  of  Failure  to  Perform
         Agreements or Conditions  Precedent.  By Key or WellTech,  if Brooks or
         the Shareholder has failed to perform any material  agreement set forth
         in  Sections  4.1 or 4.2,  or if any  material  condition  set forth in
         Section 5.2 hereof has not been met,  and such  condition  has not been

                  6.1.3.  By Brooks or the  Shareholder  Because  of  Failure to
         Perform   Agreements  or  Conditions   Precedent.   By  Brooks  or  the
         Shareholder,  if Key or  WellTech  has failed to perform  any  material
         agreement  set forth in Sections 4.1 or 4.3 hereof,  or if any material
         condition  set forth in Section  5.1 hereof has not been met,  and such
         condition has not been waived.

                  6.1.4.  By Key or  WellTech or by the  Shareholder  or Brooks,
         Because  of Legal  Proceedings.  By either Key or  WellTech,  or by the
         Shareholder or Brooks,  if any suit,  action, or other proceeding shall
         be pending or  threatened by the federal or a state  government  before
         any court or  governmental  agency,  in which it is sought to restrain,
         prohibit,   or  otherwise   affect  the   consummation  of  the  Merger
         contemplated hereby.

                  6.1.5.  By Key  or  WellTech  Because  of a  Material  Adverse
         Change.  By Key or WellTech if there has been a material adverse change
         in the financial  condition or business of Brooks since the date of the
         most recent financial statements referred to in Section 2.1.6.

     6.1.6. By the  Shareholder or Brooks Because of a Material  Adverse Change.
By the Shareholder or Brooks if there has been a material  adverse change in the
financial condition or business of Key since September 30, 1996.

                  6.1.7. By Key or WellTech, or by the Shareholder or Brooks, if
         Merger not  Effective by December 31, 1996.  By either Key or WellTech,
         or by the  Shareholder  or Brooks,  if the Merger shall not have become
         effective on or before December 31, 1996; provided,  however, that this
         Agreement  may not be  terminated by any party hereto if the Merger has
         not become  effective on or before December 31, 1996, due to the breach
         of any provision of this  Agreement by the party  desiring to terminate
         the Agreement.

     6.2. Effect of Termination. In the event of the termination and abandonment
of this Agreement  pursuant to and in accordance  with the provisions of Section
6.1 hereof,  this  Agreement  shall become void and have no effect,  without any
liability on the part of any party hereto (or its

stockholders  or  controlling  persons  or  directors  or  officers),  except as
otherwise provided in this Agreement;  provided,  however, that a termination of
this Agreement shall not relieve any party hereto from any liability for damages
incurred  as a  result  of a  breach  by  such  party  of  its  representations,
warranties,  covenants,  agreements,  or other obligations hereunder,  occurring
before such termination.

     6.3.  Waiver of Conditions.  Subject to the  requirements of any applicable
law, any of the terms or conditions of this  Agreement may be waived at any time
by the party which is entitled to the benefit thereof.

     6.4. Expense on Termination. If the Merger contemplated hereby is abandoned
pursuant to and in accordance  with the  provisions  of Section 6.1 hereof,  all
expenses will be paid by the party incurring them.

                                    ARTICLE 7

                              ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS

         7.1.  Noncompetition.  Except as otherwise  consented to or approved in
writing by  WellTech  and Key,  the  Shareholder  agrees that for a period of 60
months following the Effective Date, it will not, directly or indirectly, acting
alone  or as a member  of a  partnership  or a holder  of,  or  investor  of any
security of any class of any  corporation or other business entity (i) engage in
any business providing well services, anchoring services or swabbing services in
those  territories  specified on Schedule  7.1 hereto;  (ii) request any present
customers  or  suppliers  of Brooks to curtail  or cancel  their  business  with
WellTech or Key;  (iii) disclose to any person,  firm or corporation  any trade,
technical or technological secrets of Brooks,  WellTech or Key or any details of
their  organization  or business  affairs or (iv) induce or actively  attempt to
influence any employee of WellTech or Key to terminate his employment; provided,
however,  that the  provisions  of this  Section  7.1 shall not apply to (a) any
investment  in any  security  of any class of a  corporation  or other  business
entity where such  investment is passive in nature,  (b) the acquisition of well
service assets where such acquisition is ancillary to and not a material part of
the  acquisition  by the  Shareholder  (or any  affiliate  thereof)  of  another
business entity that is not primarily  engaged in this well service  business or
(c)  the  Shareholder's  (or  any  affiliate   thereof)   investment  in  Nabors
Industries,  Inc.,  provided that such investment  shall not exceed ownership of
more than 10% of the voting stock of Nabors Industries, Inc. nor shall more than
one person  associated with the Shareholder (or any affiliate  thereof) serve on
the board of directors of Nabors  Industries,  Inc., and,  provided further that
nothing in this Section 7.1 shall  prohibit the  Shareholder  from  altering its
current business relationship with Brooks. The Shareholder agrees that if either
the length of time or geographical  area set forth in this Section 7.1 is deemed
too restrictive in any court proceeding,  the court may reduce such restrictions
to those which it deems  reasonable  under the  circumstances.  The  obligations
expressed in this Section 7.1 are in addition to any other  obligations that the
Shareholder  may have under the laws of the State of Texas requiring an employee
of a business or a shareholder who sells his stock in a corporation (including a
disposition  in a  merger)  to limit his  activities  so that the  goodwill  and
business  relations of his employer  and of the  corporation  whose stock he has
sold (and any successor


corporation) will not be materially impaired. The Shareholder further agrees and
acknowledges  that  WellTech and Key do not have any adequate  remedy at law for
the breach or threatened  breach by the Shareholder of this covenant,  and agree
that  WellTech  or Key may,  in  addition  to the  other  remedies  which may be
available  to them  hereunder,  file a suit in equity to enjoin the  Shareholder
from such breach or threatened breach. If any provisions of this Section 7.1 are
held to be invalid or against public policy, the remaining  provisions shall not
be affected thereby.  The Shareholder  acknowledges that the covenants set forth
in this Section 7.1 are being  executed  and  delivered  by the  Shareholder  in
consideration  of the covenants of WellTech and Key contained in this Agreement,
and for  other  good and  valuable  consideration,  receipt  of which is  hereby

         7.2.  Registration Rights.

                  7.2.1. Agreement to Register Resales. Key agrees that no later
         than April 3, 1997, it will file with the Commission on Form S-3, or if
         Form S-3 is not  available  to Key,  on Form S-1, a shelf  registration
         statement  pursuant  to Rule  415 of the  Securities  Act  (the  "Shelf
         Registration   Statement")   covering  the  offer  and  resale  by  the
         Shareholder  of all the Key  Shares  and will use its best  efforts  to
         cause  the  Shelf  Registration  Statement  to  be  declared  effective
         promptly by the Commission.  Key will not file a registration statement
         with the Commission (other than on Form S-8) before Key files the Shelf
         Registration  Statement.  The  Shelf  Registration  Statement  will not
         relate to any shares of Key Common Stock other than the Key Shares.

                  7.2.2.  Effectiveness  of Shelf  Registration  Statement.  Key
         agrees to maintain the Shelf  Registration  Statement in effect for the
         maximum  period  allowable  under the  regulations  promulgated  by the
         Commission;  provided  that if such  maximum  period is less than three
         years  from the  Effective  Date  and if as of the end of such  maximum
         period  not  all  of  the  Key  Shares   registered   under  the  Shelf
         Registration  Statement  have been sold,  then within 10 days after the
         end of such  maximum  period  Key shall  file  either a  post-effective
         amendment to the existing Shelf  Registration  Statement or a new Shelf
         Registration Statement covering the offer and resale by the Shareholder
         of all Key  Shares  not  previously  sold,  and Key  will  use its best
         efforts  to cause the same to be  declared  effective  promptly  by the
         Commission  and will  maintain  such Shelf  Registration  Statement  in
         effect until the third  anniversary of the Effective Date. In addition,
         Key shall amend the Shelf  Registration  Statement and  supplement  the
         prospectus  included  therein as and when  required by Form S-3 or Form
         S-1, as applicable, or by the Securities Act.

                  7.2.3.  Blue Sky  Qualification.  In any offering  pursuant to
         this  Section,  Key  will  use its  best  efforts  to  effect  any such
         registration and use its best efforts to effect such  qualification and
         compliance  as may be required  and as would permit or  facilitate  the
         resale of such  Shares,  including,  without  limitation,  registration
         under the Securities Act,  appropriate  qualifications under applicable
         blue-sky or other state  securities  laws and,  appropriate  compliance
         with any other governmental requirements.

     7.2.4.  Registration  Expenses. All expenses (except for any legal fees for
the  Shareholder's  counsel)  relating  to the  registration  of the Key  Shares
pursuant to this

         Agreement  (including,   but  not  limited  to,  the  expenses  of  any
         qualifications  under the blue- sky or other state  securities laws and
         compliance with  governmental  requirements of preparing and filing any
         post-effective  amendments or prospectus  supplements  required for the
         lawful  distribution of the Key Shares to the public in connection with
         such registration) will be paid by Key.

                  7.2.5. Preparation;  Reasonable  Investigation.  In connection
         with the  preparation  and filing of any Shelf  Registration  Statement
         under the Securities Act pursuant to this Agreement,  Key will give the
         Shareholder  the  opportunity to participate in the preparation of such
         Shelf Registration Statement, each prospectus included therein or filed
         with the Commission,  and each amendment thereof or supplement thereto,
         and will give the Shareholder  such access to its books and records and
         such opportunities to discuss the business of Key with its officers and
         the  independent  public  accountants  who have certified its financial
         statements as shall be necessary to conduct a reasonable  investigation
         within the meaning of the Securities Act.

                  7.2.6.  Rights   Non-Transferable.   The  registration  rights
         provided  by  this  Section  7.2  are  for  the  sole  benefit  of  the
         Shareholder,  are personal in nature, and shall not be available to any
         subsequent  holder  of the Key  Shares;  provided,  however,  that such
         registration   rights  are   transferable   to  any  affiliate  of  the
         Shareholder to which the Key Shares may be transferred.

                  7.2.7.  Undertaking  to File Reports and Cooperate in Rule 144
         and Rule 145 Transactions. For as long as the Shareholder is subject to
         Rule 144 or Rule 145 of the  Securities  Act  with  respect  to the Key
         Shares,  Key will use reasonable  commercial efforts to timely file all
         annual,  quarterly and other  reports  required to be filed by it under
         Section 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange  Act and the rules and  regulations
         of the  Commission  thereunder,  as amended  from time to time.  If the
         Shareholder  proposes  to sell any Key Shares  pursuant to Rule 144 and
         145,  Key shall  cooperate  with the  Shareholder  so as to enable such
         sales  to be  made  in  accordance  with  applicable  laws,  rules  and
         regulations,   the  requirements  of  Key's  transfer  agent,  and  the
         reasonable  requirements  of the  broker  through  which  the sales are
         proposed  to be  executed.  Without  limiting  the  generality  of  the
         foregoing,  Key shall, upon request,  furnish with respect to each such
         sale (i) a written statement  certifying that Key has complied with the
         public information requirements of Rule 144 and 145 and (ii) an opinion
         of Key's counsel regarding such matters as Key's transfer agent or such
         stockholder's broker may reasonably desire to confirm.

     7.2.8.  Additional  Undertakings  with Respect to Registration  Rights.  In
connection with its registration obligations under this Section 7.2, Key shall:  Delivery of Shelf Registration Statement and Prospectus.  Furnish
to the Shareholder  such number of copies of the Shelf  Registration  Statement,
each amendment and  supplement  thereto,  the prospectus  included in such Shelf
Registration Statement (including each preliminary prospectus), any documents

                  incorporated by reference  therein and such other documents as
                  the Shareholder may reasonably  request in order to facilitate
                  the disposition of the Key Shares.

                   Notice to the Shareholder.  Promptly notify
                  the  Shareholder and (if requested by any such person) confirm
                  such notice in writing (i) when a prospectus or any prospectus
                  supplement  or  post-effective  amendment  has been filed and,
                  with  respect  to  a  Shelf  Registration   Statement  or  any
                  post-effective  amendment, when the same has become effective,
                  (ii)  of  the  issuance  by  any  state  securities  or  other
                  regulatory authority of any order suspending the qualification
                  or exemption from qualification of any of the Key Shares under
                  state  securities or "blue sky" laws or the  initiation of any
                  proceedings  for that  purpose,  and (iii) of the happening of
                  any  event  which  makes  any   statement   made  in  a  Shelf
                  Registration  Statement or related  prospectus untrue or which
                  requires the making of any changes in such Shelf  Registration
                  Statement,  prospectus  or  documents  so that  they  will not
                  contain  any untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omit to
                  state any  material  fact  required  to be stated  therein  or
                  necessary to make the statements therein not misleading,  and,
                  as promptly as practicable  thereafter,  prepare and file with
                  the  Commission  and furnish a supplement or amendment to such
                  prospectus  so  that,  as   thereafter   deliverable   to  the
                  purchasers  of such  Key  Shares,  such  prospectus  will  not
                  contain  any untrue  statement  of a  material  fact or omit a
                  material  fact  necessary to make the  statement  therein,  in
                  light of the  circumstances  under  which they were made,  not

                   Incorporation of Information.  If requested
                  by  the  Shareholder,  promptly  incorporate  in a  prospectus
                  supplement or post-effective amendment such information as the
                  Shareholder   reasonably  requests  to  be  included  therein,
                  including,  without limitation, with respect to the Key Shares
                  being sold by the Shareholder,  and promptly make all required
                  filings  of  such  prospectus   supplement  or  post-effective

                    Delivery  of  Documents   Incorporated  by
                  Reference.  As promptly as  practicable  after filing with the
                  Commission of any document which is  incorporated by reference
                  into a Shelf  Registration  Statement (in the form in which it
                  was incorporated), deliver a copy of each such document to the

                   Listing.  Cause the Key Shares  included in
                  any  Shelf  Registration  Statement  to be (i)  listed on each
                  securities  exchange,  if any,  on  which  similar  securities
                  issued by Key are then listed, or (ii) authorized to be quoted
                  and/or  listed  (to the  extent  applicable)  on the  National
                  Association of Securities  Dealers,  Inc. Automated  Quotation
                  ("NASDAQ")  or the NASDAQ  National  Market  System if the Key
                  Shares so qualify.

                   Filing of Exchange Act Reports.  During the
                  period when a prospectus is required to be delivered under the
                  Securities  Act,  promptly file all  documents  required to be
                  filed with the Commission  pursuant to Sections 13(a),  13(c),
                  14 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act.


                   Requests for Information by the Commission.
                  Notify  the  Shareholder   promptly  of  any  request  by  the
                  Commission  for the  amending or  supplementing  of such Shelf
                  Registration   Statement  or  prospectus  or  for   additional

                  Notes of Stop Orders. Advise the Shareholder
                  of such Key Shares,  promptly after it shall receive notice or
                  obtain knowledge thereof, of the issuance of any stop order by
                  the  Commission  suspending  the  effectiveness  of such Shelf
                  Registration Statement or the initiation or threatening of any
                  proceeding  for such purpose and promptly use its best efforts
                  to  prevent  the  issuance  of any stop order or to obtain its
                  withdrawal at the earliest  possible moment if such stop order
                  should be issued.

For purposes of this Section 7.2.8, the Shareholder  shall include any affiliate
to which the Key Shares  are  transferred.  Also for  purposes  of this  Section
7.2.8.,  Key Shares  shall refer to any capital  stock of Key or its  successors
into which Key shares may be exchanged or converted.

         7.3.     Settling of Accounts.

                  7.3.1.  Allocation  of Accounts.  To the extent not  otherwise
         applied or  distributed  pursuant to Section 1.10,  Key shall cause the
         Surviving  Corporation to pay to the Shareholder an amount equal to the
         amount  by which  (i)  Brooks'  accounts  receivable  collected  by the
         Surviving Corporation that are attributable to work performed by Brooks
         before  the close of  business  as of the end of the month  immediately
         before the month in which the  Effective  Date occurs (the  "Allocation
         Date") exceed (ii) the amount of Brooks' trade  payables  accrued as of
         the  Allocation  Date plus  amounts paid by the  Surviving  Corporation
         pursuant  to  the  second   sentence  of  Section  4.3.5  (the  "Excess
         Receivables").  Key shall cause the  Surviving  Corporation  to use all
         commercially  reasonable  efforts to collect such  accounts  receivable
         within 90 days of the Effective Date. The amount of Excess  Receivables
         shall be applied (a) first, to the payment of the Excess Amount and (b)
         second,  as a dividend in respect of the Excess  Dividend  Amount.  The
         payment of any Excess  Receivables under this Section 7.3 shall be made
         90 days  following the Effective  Date.  Before such payment date,  Key
         shall keep the  Shareholder  timely  informed  as to the amounts of all
         accounts  receivable  collected by the  Surviving  Corporation  and the
         amounts of all trade payables. Within 30 days after such 90 day period,
         Key  shall  cause  the  Surviving  Corporation  to have its  controller
         present to the  Shareholder  and Key an audit of the amounts payable to
         the Shareholder under this Section 7.3. If there is disagreement  among
         the parties as to the correctness of such audit, an independent auditor
         reasonably satisfactory to both Key and the Shareholder shall conduct a
         separate  audit,  the fees and  expenses  of which shall be paid by the
         Shareholder  unless the amounts payable determined by the controller is
         more than 5% greater  than the  amount  determined  by the  independent
         auditor, in which case such fees and expenses shall be paid by Key. Any
         accounts   receivable   attributable  to  work  performed   before  the
         Allocation Date which remain  outstanding  after the audit performed by
         the comptroller  shall be assigned by the Surviving  Corporation to the


                  7.3.2. Welfare Benefits; Long-Term Disability. The Shareholder
         agrees  that any claims for welfare  benefits  arising on or before the
         Allocation  Date with respect to any  employees or former  employees of
         Brooks (or their  covered  dependents  or  beneficiaries)  shall be the
         responsibility  of the  Shareholder  or insurers  of the  Shareholder's
         welfare  plans,  and Key and WellTech agree that any claims for welfare
         benefits and worker's  compensation  arising after the Allocation  Date
         with  respect  to  any  employees  (or  their  covered   dependents  or
         beneficiaries) shall be the responsibility of the Surviving Corporation
         and the companies or the insurers of Key or WellTech's  Welfare  Plans.
         Except as otherwise  provided  below,  a claim is deemed to have arisen
         when  services  relating  to the  condition  that is the subject of the
         claim were performed.  In the case of an individual who is hospitalized
         or on long-term  disability on the Allocation Date, all claims relating
         to  such  hospitalization  (including,  without  limitation,   hospital
         charges and physician  fees) shall be deemed to be claims arising on or
         before the  Allocation  Date.  With  respect to  worker's  compensation
         claims which are single - accident specific,  a claim is deemed to have
         arisen on the date of  occurrence.  With respect to all other  worker's
         compensation  claims,  a claim is deemed to have arisen on the date the
         worker's  compensation award is made. With respect to life insurance or
         other death-  related  benefits,  a claim is deemed to have arisen when
         the death of the employee or covered dependent occurred.

         7.4.  Future Tax Returns.

                  7.4.1.  Filing of Tax Returns.  The Shareholder  shall prepare
         and file in a timely  fashion  the  federal  income  tax return for the
         consolidated  group,  including  Brooks,  for the period  ending on the
         Effective  Date.  The  Shareholder  shall  prepare and file in a timely
         fashion,  any state, local,  foreign or other tax returns of Brooks due
         for any period that includes the Effective Date. The Shareholder  shall
         directly  pay or  discharge  any and  all  income  taxes,  assessments,
         interest, penalties or deficiencies reflected on such return, including
         the tax  liability  of any  member or former  member of a  consolidated
         group of which Brooks was a member,  however measured, for which Brooks
         may be held liable.  Such  payment  shall be made on or before the date
         any such payment  finally  determined to be due and payable  (including
         any applicable extensions or tolling of such payment obligation pending
         the final determination of any contested tax issue ; provided, however,
         that any such payment  shall not be due and payable  until the later to
         occur  of (i) the last  date  for  payment,  including  any  applicable
         extensions,  or (ii) in the case of a potential payment with respect to
         a contested  issue,  the date such payment is finally  determined to be
         due and  payable  by the  administrative  agency  or  highest  court of
         competent  jurisdiction  before which the Shareholder has contested the
         matter following a final non-appealable determination that such payment
         is due or the  expiration of the time for  prosecution or appeal of the
         issue to the next highest level of  administrative  or judicial  review
         with respect to such matter.

     7.4.2. Tax Controversies.  Each of Key and the Shareholder shall provide to
the other on a timely basis  information  concerning the commencement and status
of any and all tax controversies  involving Brooks or its business,  as the case
may be as  hereinafter  provided.  Except  as  otherwise  provided  in the  last
sentence hereof, the Shareholder shall control the

         handling of all pre-Effective  Date tax matters involving Brooks or its
         business  for  which  Key  may be  directly  or  indirectly  liable  by
         operation  of  law  or by the  terms  of  this  Agreement,  subject  to
         providing Key with any relevant  information  concerning these matters;
         provided,  however,  that the  Shareholder  shall  not be  required  to
         provide to Key any details (beyond the overall  status)  concerning any
         administrative or judicial proceedings involving the consolidated group
         (or other  members  thereof) if Brooks or its business is only involved
         in and potentially  liable for taxes,  penalties and interest solely by
         virtue of being a member of the consolidated group. Except as otherwise
         provided in the last sentence hereof, Key shall control the handling of
         all tax matters  arising on or after the Effective  Date  involving the
         business of Brooks,  subject to providing the Shareholder  with any and
         all information  regarding tax  controversies  or matters for which the
         Shareholder may be or become directly or indirectly liable by operation
         of  law  or by  the  terms  of  this  Agreement.  Notwithstanding,  the
         foregoing  sentences  of  this  Section  7.4.2,  if any tax  matter  or
         controversy  arises with respect to any federal or state tax  authority
         that  challenges  the  non-taxable  status  of the  Merger or the other
         transactions contemplated by this Agreement, Key or the Shareholder, as
         the case may be, shall contest any challenge to the non-taxable  status
         of these transactions,  shall keep each other informed as to the status
         of any such matter or  controversy,  shall  mutually agree upon outside
         counsel to handle such matter or  controversy on behalf of both Key and
         the  Shareholder  (or failing such  agreement,  cause their  respective
         outside counsels to choose a third outside counsel to handle the matter
         of  controversy  on  behalf  of Key and  the  Shareholder),  and  shall
         coordinate the handling,  settlement and resolution with one another of
         such tax matter or controversy in a reasonable manner.

         7.5.  Continuation  of  Employment  of Certain  Brooks  Personnel.  The
Shareholder and Brooks shall use their  reasonable best efforts to encourage the
employees  of Brooks  listed on Schedule  7.6 to have  entered  into  employment
agreements with the Surviving Corporation in form and substance  satisfactory to

         7.6.  Further  Assurances.  From time to time, as and when requested by
any party hereto, any other party hereto shall execute and deliver,  or cause to
be executed and  delivered,  such documents and  instruments  and shall take, or
cause to be taken, such further or other actions as may be reasonably  necessary
to effectuate the transactions contemplated hereby.

                                    ARTICLE 8


         8.1.   Indemnification  by  the  Shareholder.   The  Shareholder  shall
indemnify,  defend  and  hold  harmless  each of Key  and  WellTech,  and  their
respective officers, directors, employees, agents and stockholders,  against and
with respect to any and all claims, costs,  damages,  losses,  expenses,  obliga
tions,  liabilities,  recoveries,  suits,  causes  of action  and  deficiencies,
including  interest,  penalties  and  reasonable  attorneys'  fees and  expenses
(collectively, the "Damages") that such indemnitees shall incur or suffer, which
arise, result from or relate to (i) any breach of, or failure by the Shareholder
to perform,  its  representations,  warranties,  covenants or agreements in this
Agreement or in any


schedule,  certificate,  exhibit or other  instrument  furnished or delivered to
WellTech  or  Key  by  the  Shareholder  under  this  Agreement,  (ii)  Brooks's
relationship with any Terminated Employee, (iii)
 any  obligation  of Key or Brooks to  contribute  to the  payment  of any taxes
determined on a consolidated,  combined or unitary basis with respect to a group
of corporations  that includes or included Brooks allocable to any period before
the  Effective  Date;  and (iv) the  Shareholder  agrees to  indemnify  and hold
harmless  WellTech  and Key  from  any  and all  federal  income  tax  liability
(including  penalties  and  interest)  that  WellTech may incur or succeed to by
virtue of  WellTech's  receipt of the  Brooks'  business  pursuant to the Merger
solely as a result of a final adjudicated  determination  that the Merger failed
to qualify  as a tax-free  reorganization  under  Section  368(a) of the Code by
virtue of a determination  that the Shareholder failed to maintain the requisite
post- Merger continuity of shareholder  interest;  provided,  however, that this
indemnity  shall be  ineffective  if and of no  further  force and effect if the
Shareholder  continues to hold 50% or more the Key Shares received in the Merger
for a period of time  equal to 365 days from the  Effective  Date,  irrespective
whether the tax-free  nature of the Merger is challenged on the grounds that the
Merger  failed the  continuity  of interest  requirement.  For  purposes of this
provision, a "final adjudicated determination" shall mean a determination by the
highest court of competent  jurisdiction to which the Shareholder  could appeal,
or the  determination of a lower court or the Internal  Revenue Service,  as the
case may be, if the  Shareholder  has not filed a suit in a court of appropriate
jurisdiction  before the expiration of the applicable  statute of limitations or
the date for filing an appeal of an adverse decision has expired.

         8.2.  Indemnification  by Key.  Key shall  indemnify,  defend  and hold
harmless the  Shareholder  and its  officers,  directors,  employees  and agents
against and with  respect to any and all  Damages  that such  indemnitees  shall
incur or suffer,  which  arise,  result  from or relate to (i) any breach of, or
failure by WellTech or Key to perform any of their representations,  warranties,
covenants  or  agreements  in this  Agreement or in any  schedule,  certificate,
exhibit or other instrument  furnished or delivered to Brooks or the Shareholder
by or on behalf of Key or WellTech  under this Agreement and (ii) any obligation
of the  Shareholder or its  consolidated  group of corporations to contribute to
the payment of any taxes determined on a consolidated, combined or unitary basis
with respect to a group of corporations  that includes or included the Surviving
Corporation  or the  business of Brooks  allocable to any period on or after the
Effective Date. In addition,  Key will  indemnify,  defend and hold harmless the
Shareholder and its officers, directors, employees and agents against any claims
to which  the  Shareholder  may  become  subject  under  the  Securities  Act or
otherwise,  insofar as such claims (or actions or proceedings  whether commenced
or  threatened,  in respect  thereof)  arise out of or are based upon any untrue
statement or alleged  untrue  statement of any  material  fact  contained in the
Registration Statement, any preliminary prospectus,  final prospectus or summary
prospectus  contained therein,  or any amendment or supplement  thereto,  or any
omission or alleged  omission to state  therein a material  fact  required to be
stated therein or necessary to make the statements  therein not misleading,  and
Key will  reimburse the  Shareholder  and each such  controlling  person for any
legal or any other  expenses  reasonably  incurred  by them in  connection  with
investigating  or defending  any such claim (or action or  proceeding in respect
thereof);  provided  that Key shall not be liable in any such case to the extent
that a claim (or action or  proceeding in respect  thereof)  arises out of or is
based upon an untrue  statement  or alleged  untrue  statement  or  omission  or
alleged  omission  made in such  Registration  Statement,  any such  preliminary
prospectus,  final prospectus,  summary  prospectus,  amendment or supplement in
reliance upon and in conformity


with written information furnished to Key, in an instrument duly executed by the
President  or Senior  Vice  President  of  Finance of  Shareholder  specifically
stating that it is for use in the preparation thereof.

         8.3.  Indemnification  Procedure.  If any  party  hereto  discovers  or
otherwise becomes aware of an indemnification claim arising under Section 8.1 or
Section 8.2 of this Agreement,  such indemnified party shall give written notice
to the indemnifying  party,  specifying such claim, and may thereafter  exercise
any remedies available to such party under this Agreement; , that the failure of
any  indemnified  party to give notice as provided  herein shall not relieve the
indemnifying party of any obligations hereunder,  to the extent the indemnifying
party is not materially prejudiced thereby.  Further,  promptly after receipt by
an  indemnified  party  hereunder of written notice of the  commencement  of any
action or proceeding  with respect to which a claim for  indemnification  may be
made  pursuant to this Article 8, such  indemnified  party shall,  if a claim in
respect  thereof is to be made  against any  indemnifying  party,  give  written
notice to the latter of the  commencement  of such  action;  provided,  that the
failure of any  indemnified  party to give notice as provided  herein  shall not
relieve the indemnifying party of any obligations  hereunder,  to the extent the
indemnifying party is not materially prejudiced thereby. In case any such action
is  brought  against an  indemnified  party,  the  indemnifying  party  shall be
entitled to participate in and to assume the defense  thereof,  jointly with any
other  indemnifying  party similarly  notified,  to the extent that it may wish,
with counsel  reasonably  satisfactory to such indemnified party, and after such
notice from the indemnifying  party to such indemnified party of its election so
to assume the defense  thereof,  the  indemnifying  party shall not be liable to
such indemnified party for any legal fees and expenses  subsequently incurred by
the latter in connection with the defense thereof unless the indemnifying  party
has failed to assume the defense of such claim and to employ counsel  reasonably
satisfactory to such indemnified person. An indemnifying party who elects not to
assume the defense of a claim  shall not be liable for the fees and  expenses of
more than one counsel in any single  jurisdiction for all parties indemnified by
such  indemnifying  party with  respect to such claim or with  respect to claims
separate but similar or related in the same jurisdiction arising out of the same
general allegations.  Notwith standing any of the foregoing to the contrary, the
indemnified  party will be  entitled  to select its own  counsel  and assume the
defense of any action  brought  against it if the  indemnifying  party  fails to
select counsel reasonably satisfactory to the indemnified party, the expenses of
such defense to be paid by the indemnifying  party. No indemnifying  party shall
consent to entry of any judgment or enter into any settlement  with respect to a
claim without the consent of the indemnified  party,  which consent shall not be
unreasonably  withheld,  or unless such  judgment or  settlement  includes as an
unconditional  term  thereof  the giving by the  claimant or  plaintiff  to such
indemnified party of a release from all liability with respect to such claim. No
indemnified  party  shall  consent  to entry of any  judgment  or enter into any
settlement  of any such  action,  the  defense  of which has been  assumed by an
indemnifying  party,  without  the  consent of such  indemnifying  party,  which
consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

         8.4. Limitation on Damages.  Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement
to the contrary,  the  Shareholder  shall not be liable to Key and the Surviving
Corporation or any of their respective officers, directors, employees, agents or
stockholders,  their successors or assigns, for any Damages suffered or incurred
by Key  or the  Surviving  Corporation  in  excess  of the  Liability  Exception
(hereinafter defined);  provided,  however, that to the extent there are Damages
suffered or incurred


by Key or the Surviving Corporation arising out of, or attributable to, a single
occurrence  or event that are equal to the  Liability  Exception,  then, in such
event, Key or WellTech shall be entitled to  indemnification  by the Shareholder
for the total amount of such Damages.  The aggregate  amount of any Damages owed
by the  Shareholder  to Key or WellTech shall not exceed the value of the shares
received by Shareholder under Section,  which for this purpose shall be
the number of Key Shares received multiplied by the Average Closing Price.

     8.5. Liability Exception. For purposes of this Section, the term "Liability
Exception" shall mean $250,000;  provided however,  that the Liability Exception
shall not include Damages pursuant to Section 2.1.11 relating to Taxes.

         8.6.  Exclusive  Remedy.   From  and  after  the  Effective  Date,  the
indemnification  provided in Sections 8.1 and 8.2 shall be the exclusive  remedy
that may be asserted under this Agreement or in connection with the transactions
contemplated  herein.  Notwithstanding  any provision to the contrary  contained
herein, each of the parties to this Agreement hereby waives any right to recover
special, punitive or exemplary damages for any claim asserted against the other.

                                    ARTICLE 9


         9.1.  Survival  of  Representations,   Warranties  and  Covenants.  All
representations  and  warranties  made by the parties hereto shall survive for a
period of 24 months from the Effective Date,  notwithstanding  any investigation
made by or on behalf of any of the parties hereto;  provided,  however, that the
representations and warranties contained in Section 2.1.11, 3.3 and 4.3.6 hereof
shall survive  until the  expiration of the  applicable  statute of  limitations
associated with the taxes at issue. All statements contained in any certificate,
schedule, exhibit or other instrument delivered pursuant to this Agreement shall
be deemed to have been representations and warranties by the respective party or
parties,  as the case may be, and shall also  survive  for a period of 24 months
from the Effective Date despite any investigation made by any party hereto or on
its  behalf.  All  covenants  and  agreements  contained  herein  shall  survive
indefinitely without limitation, except as otherwise provided herein.

     9.2.  Entirety.  This  Agreement  embodies the entire  agreement  among the
parties  with respect to the subject  matter  hereof,  and all prior  agreements
between  the  parties  with  respect  thereto  are  hereby  superseded  in their

     9.3.  Counterparts.  Any number of  counterparts  of this  Agreement may be
executed and each such counterpart shall be deemed to be an original instrument,
but all such counterparts together shall constitute but one instrument.

         9.4. Notices and Waivers. Any notice or waiver to be given to any party
hereto shall be in writing and shall be delivered by courier,  sent by facsimile
transmission  or first class  registered  or certified  mail,  postage  prepaid,
return receipt requested.


                              If to Key or WellTech

Addressed to:                                    With a copy to:
Key Energy Group, Inc.                           Porter & Hedges, L.L.P.
Two Tower Center, Tenth Floor                    700 Louisiana, 35th Floor
East Brunswick, New Jersey 08816                 Houston, Texas 77210-4744
Attn: Francis D. John                            Attention: Samuel N. Allen
Facsimile:  (908) 247-5148                       Facsimile:  (713) 228-1331

                              If to the Shareholder

Addressed to:                                    With a copy to:
Hunt Oil Company                                 Hunt Oil Company
1445 Ross Avenue                                 1445 Ross Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75202                              Dallas, Texas 75202
Attn: Gary T. Hurford                            Attn:  Donald F. Robillard, Jr.
Facsimile: (214) 978-8671                         Senior Vice President-Finance
                                                 Facsimile: (214) 978-8671

         Any communication so addressed and mailed by first-class  registered or
certified mail, postage prepaid, with return receipt requested,  shall be deemed
to be received on the third  business  day after so mailed,  and if delivered by
courier or facsimile to such address, upon delivery during normal business hours
on any business day.

     9.5.  Table of Contents  and  Captions.  The table of contents and captions
contained in this Agreement are solely for convenient reference and shall not be
deemed to affect the  meaning or  interpretation  of any  article,  section,  or
paragraph hereof.

     9.6. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall
inure to the benefit of and be  enforceable by the successors and assigns of the
parties hereto.
         9.7. Severability.  If any term, provision,  covenant or restriction of
this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void,
or  unenforceable,  the  remainder  of  the  terms,  provisions,  covenants  and
restrictions  shall  remain  in full  force  and  effect  and shall in no way be
affected,  impaired or invalidated.  It is hereby  stipulated and declared to be
the intention of the parties that they would have executed the remaining  terms,
provisions,  covenants and restrictions  without including any of such which may
be hereafter declared invalid, void or unenforceable.

     9.8.  Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and
enforced in accordance with the applicable laws of the State of Texas.


         9.9. Public Announcements.  The parties agree that before the Effective
Date they  shall  consult  with  each  other  before  the  making of any  public
announcement regarding the existence of this Agreement,  the contents hereof and
the transactions  contemplated  hereby,  and to obtain the prior approval of the
other party as to the content of such  announcement  which approval shall not be
unreasonably   withheld.   However,   the  foregoing  shall  not  apply  to  any
announcement  or written  statement  which,  upon written advice of counsel,  is
required by law to be made.

         9.10. Knowledge. As used in this Agreement, the words "to the knowledge
of " or  other  words of  similar  import  shall  mean (i) in the case of Key or
WellTech, to the actual knowledge of the directors and executive officers of Key
or WellTech,  as the case may be, without regard to any  investigation;  (ii) in
the case of Brooks,  to the actual  knowledge  of the  directors  and  executive
officers of Brooks without regard to any  investigation;  and (iii) with respect
to the  Shareholder,  to the actual knowledge of the officers of the Shareholder
who serve as officers and directors of Brooks or have substantial responsibility
over the business operations of Brooks.

                            [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS]


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Shareholder has executed this Agreement and the
other parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed in their respective
corporate names by their respective duly authorized  representatives,  all as of
the day and year first above written.

                                           KEY ENERGY GROUP, INC.

                                           By:      /s/ FRANCIS D. JOHN
                                                    Francis D. John, President

                                           WELLTECH EASTERN, INC.

                                           By:      /s/ FRANCIS D. JOHN
                                                    Francis D. John, President

                                           BROOKS WELL SERVICING, INC.

                                           By:      /s/ J.B. MCCRACKEN
                                                    J. B. McCracken, President

                                           HUNT OIL COMPANY

                                           By:      /s/ GARY T. HURFORD
                                                    Gary T. Hurford, President


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


                                    ARTICLE 1

THE MERGER....................................................................2
1.1.     Surviving Corporation................................................2
1.2.     Effective Date.......................................................2
1.3.     Name and Continued Corporate Existence of Surviving Corporation......2
1.4.     Governing Law and Articles of Incorporation of Surviving Corporation.2
1.5.     Bylaws of Surviving Corporation..................................... 3
1.6.     Directors of Surviving Corporation...................................3
1.7.     Officers of Surviving Corporation....................................3
1.8.     Vacancies............................................................3
1.9.     Capital Stock of Surviving Corporation...............................3
1.10.    Distributions........................................................3
1.11.    Conversion of Securities Upon Merger.................................4
         1.11.1.           Conversion of Brooks Common Stock..................4
         1.11.2.           Adjustments to Merger Consideration................4
                 Key Common Stock Closing Price Adjustments4
                 Adjustments for Environmental Liabilities.4
1.12.    Surrender of Brooks Certificates.....................................5
1.13.    Brooks' Transfer Books Closed........................................5
1.14.    Assets and Liabilities of Merging Corporations Become Those of
                  Surviving Corporation.......................................5
1.15.    Federal Income Tax Treatment.........................................5

                                    ARTICLE 2

2.1.     Representations and Warranties of the Shareholder and Brooks.........6
         2.1.1.   Organization and Good Standing..............................6
         2.1.2.   Agreement Authorized and its Effect on Other Obligations....6
         2.1.3.   Capitalization..............................................6
         2.1.4.   Ownership of Brooks Shares..................................7
         2.1.5.   No Subsidiaries.............................................7
         2.1.6.   Financial Statements........................................7
         2.1.7.   Liabilities.................................................7
         2.1.8.   Additional Information......................................8
                  Real Estate...............................8
                  Machinery and Equipment...................8


                  Employee Compensation Plans...............8
                  Certain Salaries..........................8
                  Bank Accounts.............................9
                  Employee Agreements.......................9
                 Intellectual Property.....................9
                 Trade Names...............................9
                 Promissory Notes..........................9
         2.1.9.   No Defaults.................................................9
         2.1.10.  Absence of Certain Changes and Events.......................9
                 Financial Change.........................10
                 Property Damage..........................10
                 Capitalization Change....................10
                 Labor Disputes...........................10
                 Other Material Changes...................10
         2.1.11.  Taxes......................................................10
                 Tax Returns..............................10
                 Statutes of Limitation...................10
                 Tax Liens................................11
                 Tax-Sharing Agreements...................11
                 Distributions. ..........................11
                 No Plan To Dispose.......................11
                Investment Companies.....................12
         2.1.12.  Intellectual Property......................................12
         2.1.13.  Title to and Condition of Assets...........................12
         2.1.14.  Contracts..................................................12
         2.1.15.  Licenses and Permits.......................................13
         2.1.16.  Litigation.................................................13
         2.1.17.  Environmental Compliance...................................13
          Environmental Conditions........................13
          Permits, etc....................................13
          Past Compliance.................................14
          Environmental Claims............................14
          Asbestos and PCBs...............................14
         2.1.18.  Compliance with Other Laws.................................14


         2.1.19.  No ERISA Plans or Labor Issues.............................15
          Exclusive Representation........................15
          Status of ERISA Plans and Labor Relations.......15
         2.1.20.  Investigations; Litigation.................................15
         2.1.21.  Absence of Certain Business Practices......................15
         2.1.22.  Consents and Approvals.....................................16
         2.1.23.  Finder's Fee...............................................16
2.2.  Investment Representations of the Shareholder..........................16
         2.2.1.  Shareholder Investment Suitability and Related Matters......16
         2.2.2.  Key Shares Not Registered...................................16
         2.2.3.  Reliance on Representations.................................16
         2.2.4.  Investment Intent...........................................16
         2.2.5.  Permitted Resale............................................17
         2.2.6.  Restrictive Legend..........................................17

                                    ARTICLE 3

3.1.  Representations and Warranties of Key..................................17
         3.1.1.  Organization and Standing...................................17
         3.1.2.  Agreement Authorized and its Effect on Other Obligations....18
         3.1.3.  Capitalization..............................................18
         3.1.4.  Reports and Financial Statements............................18
         3.1.5.  Absence of Certain Changes and Events in Key................19
          Financial Change.................................19
          Other Material Changes...........................19
         3.1.6.  Key's Compliance with Other Laws............................19
         3.1.7.  Consents and Approvals......................................19
         3.1.8.  Finder's Fee................................................19
         3.1.9.  Investigations; Litigation..................................20
         3.1.10.  Retention of Brooks' Employees.............................20
3.2.  Representations and Warranties of WellTech.............................20
         3.2.1.  Organization and Standing...................................20
         3.2.2.  Agreement Authorized and its Effect on Other Obligations....20
         3.2.3.  Capitalization..............................................21
         3.2.4.  Consents and Approvals......................................21
         3.2.5.  Finder's Fee................................................21
3.3.  Other Representations and Warranties of Key and WellTech...............21
         3.3.1.  Control Prior to Merger.....................................21
         3.3.2.  Control Following Merger....................................21
         3.3.3.  No Plan to Reacquire........................................21
         3.3.4.  No Plan to Dispose..........................................21
         3.3.5.  Expenses....................................................22
         3.3.6.  Intercorporate Indebtedness.................................22
         3.3.7.  Investment Companies........................................22


         3.3.8.  WellTech Stock..............................................22

                                    ARTICLE 4

OBLIGATIONS PENDING EFFECTIVE DATE...........................................22
4.1.  Agreements of Key and Brooks...........................................22
         4.1.1.  Maintenance of Present Business.............................22
         4.1.2.  Maintenance of Properties...................................22
         4.1.3.  Maintenance of Books and Records............................22
         4.1.4.  Compliance with Law.........................................22
         4.1.5.  Inspection of Each Merging Corporation......................22
         4.1.6.  Notice of Material Developments.............................23
4.2.  Additional Agreements of Brooks........................................23
         4.2.1.  Prohibition of Certain Employment Contracts.................23
         4.2.2.  Prohibition of Certain Loans................................24
         4.2.3.  Prohibition of Certain Commitments..........................24
         4.2.4.  Disposal of Assets..........................................24
         4.2.5.  Maintenance of Insurance....................................24
         4.2.6.  Acquisition Proposals.......................................24
         4.2.7.  No Amendment to Articles of Incorporation...................24
         4.2.8.  No Issuance, Sale, or Purchase of Securities................24
         4.2.9.  Prohibition on Dividends....................................25
         4.2.10.  Brooks' Employees..........................................25
4.3.  Additional Agreements of Key...........................................25
         4.3.1.  Issuance of Key Common Stock................................25
         4.3.2.  Listing of Key Stock........................................25
         4.3.3.  No Amendment to Articles of Incorporation...................25
         4.3.4.  Notice of Material Developments.............................25
         4.3.5.  Employee Benefits Plans.....................................25
         4.3.6.  Continuation of Historic Business of Brooks.................26

                                    ARTICLE 5

CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO OBLIGATIONS..........................................26
5.1. Conditions Precedent to Obligations of Brooks...........................26
         5.1.1.  Representations and Warranties of Key and WellTech True at 
                 Effective Date..............................................26
         5.1.2.  No Material Litigation......................................26
         5.1.3.  Opinion of Key Counsel......................................26
         5.1.4.  Listing of Key Common Stock.................................27
         5.1.5.  Consent of Certain Parties in Privity With Key and WellTech.27
5.2.  Conditions Precedent to Obligations of Key and WellTech................27
         5.2.1.  Representations and Warranties of Brooks True at Effective 
         5.2.2.  No Material Litigation......................................27
         5.2.3.  Opinion of Counsel..........................................28
         5.2.4.  Consent of Certain Parties in Privity with Brooks or the 


         5.2.5.  Termination of Certain Employees............................28
         5.2.6.  Environmental Assessments...................................28

                                    ARTICLE 6

TERMINATION AND ABANDONMENT..................................................29
6.1.  Termination............................................................29
         6.1.1.  By Mutual Consent...........................................29
         6.1.2.  By Key or WellTech Because of Failure to Perform Agreements or
                 Conditions Precedent........................................29
         6.1.3.  By Brooks or the Shareholder Because of Failure to Perform 
                 Agreements or Conditions Precedent..........................29
         6.1.4.  By Key or WellTech or by the Shareholder or Brooks, Because of
                           Legal Proceedings.................................29
         6.1.5.  By Key or WellTech Because of a Material Adverse Change.....29
         6.1.6.  By the Shareholder or Brooks Because of a Material Adverse 
         6.1.7.  By Key or WellTech, or by the Shareholder or Brooks, if Merger
                 not Effective December 31, 1996.............................30
6.2.  Effect of Termination..................................................30
6.3.  Waiver of Conditions...................................................30
6.4.  Expense on Termination.................................................30

                                    ARTICLE 7

ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS .......................................................30
7.1.  Noncompetition.........................................................30
7.2.  Registration Rights....................................................31
         7.2.1.  Agreement to Register Resales...............................31
         7.2.2.  Effectiveness of Shelf Registration Statement...............31
         7.2.3.  Blue Sky Qualification......................................32
         7.2.4.  Registration Expenses.......................................32
         7.2.5.  Preparation; Reasonable Investigation.......................32
         7.2.6.  Rights Non-Transferable.....................................32
         7.2.7.  Undertaking to File Reports and Cooperate in Rule 144 and Rule
                 145 Transactions............................................32
7.2.8.  Additional Undertakings with Respect to Registration Rights..........33
          Delivery of Shelf Registration Statement and 
          Notice to the Shareholder........................33
          Incorporation of Information.....................33
          Delivery of Documents Incorporated by Reference..34
          Filing of Exchange Act Reports...................34
          Requests for Information by the Commission.......34
          Notes of Stop Orders.............................34
7.3.     Settling of Accounts................................................34


         7.3.1.  Allocation of Accounts......................................34
         7.3.2.  Welfare Benefits; Long-Term Disability......................35
7.4.  Future Tax Returns.....................................................35
         7.4.1.  Filing of Tax Returns.......................................35
         7.4.2.  Tax Controversies...........................................36
7.5.  Continuation of Employment of Certain Brooks Personnel.................37
7.6.  Further Assurances.....................................................37

                                    ARTICLE 8

8.1.  Indemnification by the Shareholder.....................................37
8.2.  Indemnification by Key.................................................38
8.3.  Indemnification Procedure..............................................38
8.4.  Limitation on Damages..................................................39
8.5.  Liability Exception....................................................39
8.6.  Exclusive Remedy.......................................................39
                                    ARTICLE 9

9.1.  Survival of Representations, Warranties and Covenants..................40
9.2.  Entirety...............................................................40
9.3.  Counterparts...........................................................40
9.4.  Notices and Waivers....................................................40
9.5.  Table of Contents and Captions.........................................41
9.6.  Successors and Assigns.................................................41
9.7.  Severability...........................................................41
9.8.  Applicable Law.........................................................41
9.9.  Public Announcements...................................................41
9.10.    Knowledge...........................................................39