THIS STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is entered into as of March 24,
1997, by and among Yale E. Key,  Inc., a Texas  corporation  ("Key"),  and Keith
Neill  and  wife,  Leslie  Neill,  individual  residents  of the  State of Texas
(individually, a "Shareholder" and collectively the "Shareholders").

WHEREAS,  the Shareholders own 15,282 shares (the "TST Shares") of common stock,
par value $1.00 per share, of T.S.T. Paraffin Service Company, Inc. ("TST Common
Stock"),  which constitutes all of the issued and outstanding  shares of capital
stock of T.S.T. Paraffin Service Company, Inc., a Texas corporation ("TST"); and

WHEREAS,  the  Shareholders  desire to sell to Key,  and Key desires to purchase
from the Shareholders, all of the issued and outstanding capital stock of TST.

NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration  of the foregoing  premises and of the mutual
covenants and agreements  herein  contained,  the parties hereto hereby agree as
                                    ARTICLE I
                                PURCHASE AND SALE

1.1 Purchase and Sale of TST Shares. Subject to the terms and conditions of this
Agreement,  the Shareholders  agree to sell and convey to Key, free and clear of
all  Encumbrances  (as  defined in Section  hereof),  and Key agrees to
purchase  and  accept  from  the  Shareholders,   all  of  the  TST  Shares.  In
consideration of the sale of the TST Shares,  Key shall pay to the Shareholders,
at the Closing (as defined in Section 1.3 hereof) the sum of $8,150,000.00  (the
"Purchase  Price"),  to be paid to  Shareholders  by means of a wire transfer of
immediately  available  funds  to  the  account  designated  in  writing  by the

1.2 Delivery of TST Certificates.  The Shareholders shall deliver to Key, at the
Closing,  duly and validly  issued  certificate(s)  representing  all of the TST
Shares, each such certificate having been endorsed in blank and in good form for
transfer or accompanied  by stock powers duly executed in blank,  sufficient and
in good form to promptly transfer the TST Shares to Key.

1.3 Time and Place of Closing.  The closing of the transactions  contemplated by
this Agreement (the "Closing") shall occur on April 4, 1997 at l0:00 a.m. at the
offices of Bradford L. Moore,  Attorney at Law, 508 West  Broadway,  Brownfield,
Texas 79316 provided that the conditions set forth in Article 5 hereof have been
satisfied or waived or if such closing  conditions have been satisfied or waived
prior to April 4,  1997 at such  earlier  date as is  mutually  agreed to by the
parties  hereto.  The date on which the Closing  occurs is referred to elsewhere
herein as the "Closing Date".

                                    ARTICLE 2
                               OF THE SHAREHOLDERS

2.1   Representations   and   Warranties  of  the   Shareholders.   The  express
representations  and warranties of the Shareholders  contained in this Article 2
are  exclusive  and are in lieu of all  other  representations  and  warranties,
express, implied or statutory, or otherwise.  Subject to the foregoing,  each of
the  Shareholders  jointly  and  severally  represents  and  warrants  to Key as

2.1.1  Organization and Standing.  TST is a corporation duly organized,  validly
existing  and in good  standing  under the laws of the State of Texas,  has full
requisite  corporate  power  and  authority  to carry on its  business  as it is
currently  conducted,  and to own and operate the properties currently owned and
operated  by it.  Copies of TST's  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  Articles  of
Incorporation, Bylaws (all as amended to the date hereof), Articles of Merger of
K&L Neill Corp.  ("K&L") into TST, and a Certificate of Good Standing  issued by
the Comptroller of the State of Texas are attached hereto as Schedule 2.1.1. TST
does not now conduct (and has never conducted)  operations  outside of the State
of Texas.

2.1.2  Agreement  Authorized  and its Effect on Other  Obligations.  Each of the
Shareholders is a resident of the State of Texas, above the age of 18 years, and
each has the legal capacity and requisite power and authority to enter into, and
perform his or her obligations  under this Agreement.  This Agreement is a valid
and binding obligation of each of the Shareholders  enforceable  against each of
the Shareholders (subject to normal equitable principles) in accordance with its
terms,  except as  enforceability  may be  limited  by  bankruptcy,  insolvency,
reorganization,  debtor relief or similar laws affecting the rights of creditors
generally.  The  execution,  delivery and  performance  of this Agreement by the
Shareholders  will not  conflict  with or result in a violation or breach of any
term or  provision  of,  nor  constitute  a default  under (i) the  Articles  of
Incorporation or Bylaws of TST or (ii) any obligation, indenture, mortgage, deed
of  trust,  lease,  contract  or other  agreement  to which TST or either of the
Shareholders  is a party or by which TST or either of the  Shareholders or their
respective properties are bound.

2.1.3  Capitalization  of TST. The authorized  capitalization of TST consists of
50,000 shares of TST Common Stock of which, as of the date hereof, 15,282 shares
are issued and  outstanding  (the "TST  Shares")  and held  beneficially  and of
record  by the  Shareholders.  On  the  date  hereof,  TST  does  not  have  any
outstanding options, warrants, calls or commitments of any character relating to
any of its  authorized  but  unissued  shares of capital  stock.  All issued and
outstanding  shares of TST  Common  Stock are  validly  issued,  fully  paid and
non-assessable and are not subject to preemptive rights. None of the outstanding
shares of TST Common Stock are subject to any voting trust,  voting agreement or
other agreement or understanding with respect to the voting thereof,  nor is any
proxy in existence with respect thereto.

2.1.4 Ownership of TST Shares. Except as disclosed on Schedule 2.1.4 hereto, the
Shareholders hold good and valid title to all of the TST Shares,  free and clear
of all Encumbrances.  The Shareholders possess full authority and legal right to
sell,  transfer  and  assign  to Key the  TST  Shares,  free  and  clear  of all
Encumbrances.  Upon transfer of the TST Shares to Key by the  Shareholders,  Key
will own the TST Shares free and clear of all Encumbrances.  There are no claims
pending or, to the knowledge of either of the Shareholders,  threatened, against
TST or either of the  Shareholders  that  concern or affect the title to the TST
Shares or that seek to compel the issuance of capital stock or other  securities
of TST.

2.1.5 No Subsidiaries. Except as disclosed on Schedule 2.1.5 hereto, there is no
corporation, partnership, joint venture, business trust or other legal entity in
which TST,  either directly or indirectly,  through one or more  intermediaries,
owns or holds  beneficial  or record  ownership  of at least a  majority  of the
outstanding voting securities.

2.1.6 Financial Statements. The Shareholders have delivered to Key TST's audited
balance  sheet (the "12/31  Balance  Sheet ") and related  statements of income,
retained earnings and cash flows, with appended notes which are an integral part
of such statements (collectively,  the "12/31 Financial Statements"),  as of and
for the 12 months ended December 31, 1996 (the "Balance Sheet Date").  The 12/31
Financial  Statements are attached hereto as Schedule 2.1.6. The 12/31 Financial
Statements are true,  correct and complete in all material  respects and present
fairly the financial condition of TST as of the dates indicated, and the results
of operations for the respective  periods  indicated,  and have been prepared in
accordance with generally accepted  accounting  principles as promulgated by the
American  Institute  of  Certified  Public  Accountants  ("GAAP")  applied  on a
consistent basis, except as noted therein.  The accounts receivable reflected in
the 12/31 Balance  Sheet,  or which have been  thereafter  acquired by TST, have
been collected or are current and collectible in the aggregate  recorded amounts
thereof.  The  inventories of TST reflected in the 12/31 Balance Sheet, or which
have been thereafter  acquired by TST,  consist of items of quality and quantity
usable and  salable in the normal  course of TST's  business,  and the values at
which such inventories are carried are the lower of cost or market.

2.1.7  Liabilities.  Except as disclosed on Schedule  2.1.7  hereto,  TST has no
liabilities or  obligations,  either  accrued,  absolute or  contingent,  nor do
either of the  Shareholders  have any knowledge of any potential  liabilities or
obligations, which would materially or adversely affect the value and conduct of
the business of TST,  other than those (i) reflected or reserved  against in the
12/31 Balance Sheet or (ii)  incurred in the ordinary  course of business  since
the Balance Sheet Date.

2.1.8  Additional  Information.  Attached  as  Schedule  2.1.8  hereto are true,
complete and correct lists of the following items: Real Estate. All real property and structures  thereon owned,  leased or
subject to a contract of purchase and sale, or lease commitment,  by TST, with a
description  of the  nature  and amount of any  Encumbrances  thereon.  The term
"Encumbrances" means all liens, security interests, pledges, mortgages, deeds of
trust,  claims,  rights of first  refusal,  options,  charges,  restrictions  or
conditions  to transfer or  assignment,  liabilities,  obligations,  privileges,
equities, easements, rights-of-way,  limitations, reservations, restrictions and
other encumbrances of any kind or nature;  Machinery and Equipment.  All vehicles,  equipment,  machinery,  tools,
furnishings, and fixtures owned, leased or subject to a contract of purchase and
sale, or lease  commitment by TST with a description of the nature and amount of
any Encumbrances thereon; Receivables. All accounts and notes receivable,  together with (i) aging
schedules  by invoice  date and due date,  (ii) the amounts  provided  for as an
allowance  for bad debts,  (iii) the identity and location of any asset in which
TST holds a security interest to secure payment of the underlying  indebtedness,
and (iv) a  description  of the  nature and  amount of any  Encumbrance  on such
accounts and notes receivable;  Payables.  All  accounts  and notes  payable of TST,  together  with an
appropriate aging schedule; [Reserved] Employee Compensation Plans. All bonus, incentive compensation, deferred
compensation,  profit sharing,  retirement,  pension,  welfare, group insurance,
death benefit,  or other fringe benefit plans,  arrangements or trust agreements
of TST (collectively,  the "TST Employee Benefit  Arrangements"),  together with
copies of the most recent reports with respect to such plans,  arrangements,  or
trust agreements filed with any  governmental  agency,  and all Internal Revenue
Service  determination  letters  that have been  received  with  respect to such
plans; Certain Salaries. The names and salary rates of all present employees of
TST (the  "TST  Employees")  and,  to the  extent  existing  on the date of this
Agreement, all TST Employee Benefit Arrangements with respect thereto; Bank Accounts.  The name of each bank in which TST has an account,  the
account numbers of each account and the names of all persons  authorized to draw
thereon; Employee Agreements.  Any collective bargaining agreements of
TST  with  any  labor  union or other  representative  of  employees,  including
amendments,  supplements, and written or oral understandings, and all employment
and consulting and severance agreements of TST; Trade Names.  All trade names,  assumed names and fictitious names used
or held by TST, whether and where such names are registered, and where used;  Promissory  Notes.  All long-term  and  short-term  promissory  notes,
installment  contracts,  loan  agreements,  credit  agreements,  and  any  other
agreements of TST relating  thereto or with respect to  collateral  securing the
same; Guaranties. All indebtedness,  liabilities and commitments of others as
to which TST is a guarantor, endorser, co-maker, surety, or accommodation maker,
or contingently  liable therefor and all letters of credit,  whether stand-by or
documentary, issued by any third party; Reserves and Accruals. All accounting reserves and accruals, maintained
in the 12/31 Balance Sheet;  Leases.  All  leases  to which  TST is a party  (whether  as lessor or
lessee); and  Environment.  All environmental  permits,  approvals,  certifications,
licenses,  registrations,  orders and decrees  applicable to current  operations
conducted by TST and all environmental  audits,  assessments,  investigation and
reviews  conducted  by TST within the last five years of any  property  owned or
used by it.

2.1.9 No Defaults.  TST is not in default in any material obligation or covenant
on its part to be performed under any obligation,  lease, contract,  order, plan
or other agreement or arrangement  other than those that are not material to the
business or business prospects of TST.

2.1.10  Absence of Certain  Changes and Events.  Except as disclosed on Schedule
2.1.10 hereto, and except for the payment by TST of (i) the Shareholders'  legal
fees incurred  through  February 28, 1997 in connection  with the negotiation of
this Agreement and (ii) the  professional  fees associated with the costs of the
environmental  study  performed in connection with this Agreement and other than
as a result  of the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement,  since  the
Balance Sheet Date, there has not been:  Financial  Change.  Any  material  adverse  change  in  the  financial
condition, backlog, operations, assets, liabilities or business of TST;  Property  Damage.  Any material  damage,  destruction,  or loss to the
business or properties of TST (whether or not covered by insurance); Dividends.  Any declaration,  setting aside, or payment of any dividend
or other  distribution  in  respect of the TST  Common  Stock,  or any direct or
indirect redemption, purchase or any other acquisition by TST of any such stock; Capitalization Change. Any change in the capital stock or in the number
of shares or classes of the  authorized or  outstanding  capital stock of TST as
described in Section 2.1.3 hereof; Labor Disputes. Any labor disputes involving TST; or Other Material Changes. Any other event or condition known to either of
the  Shareholders,  particularly  pertaining  to  and  adversely  affecting  the
operations,  assets or business of TST which would constitute a material adverse

2.1.11 Taxes.  All federal,  state and local income,  value added,  sales,  use,
franchise,  gross revenue,  turnover,  excise,  payroll,  property,  employment,
customs,  duties and any and all other tax returns,  reports, and estimates have
been filed with appropriate governmental agencies,  domestic and foreign, by TST
for each  period for which any such  returns,  reports,  or  estimates  were due
(taking into account any extensions of time to file before the date hereof); all
taxes  shown by such  returns to be payable  and any other taxes due and payable
have  been paid  other  than  those  being  contested  in good  faith by TST,  a
description  of  which  is  included  in  Schedule  2.1.11  hereto;  and the tax
provisions reflected in the 12/31 Balance Sheet are adequate, in accordance with
GAAP, to cover  liabilities of TST at the date thereof for all taxes,  including
any  assessed  interest,  assessed  penalties  and  additions  to  taxes  of any
character whatsoever  applicable to TST or its assets or business.  No waiver of
any statute of  limitations  executed by TST with respect to any income or other
tax is in effect for any  period.  The income tax  returns of TST or of K&L have
never been examined by the Internal Revenue Service or the taxing authorities of
any other  jurisdiction for the time period commencing January 1, 1993 up to and
including  the  date  of  this  Agreement  and  to  the  best  knowledge  of the
Shareholders,  for any period prior to January 1, 1993, and there are no current
or pending audits by the Internal Revenue Service. There are no tax liens on any
assets of TST  except for taxes not  currently  due.  TST is not now,  never has
been, and has never  attempted to become,  a Subchapter S Corporation  under the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

2.1.12 Intellectual  Property.  TST owns or possess licenses to use all patents,
patent applications,  trademarks and service marks (including  registrations and
applications  therefor),  trade names,  copyrights and written  know-how,  trade
secrets  and all other  similar  proprietary  data and the  goodwill  associated
therewith  (collectively,  "Intellectual  Property") that are either material to
its business or that are necessary for the rendering of any services rendered by
it and  the  use or  sale  of any  equipment  or  products  used  or  sold by it
(collectively, the "TST Intellectual Property"), including all such Intellectual
Property  listed in Schedule  2.1.12 hereto.  The TST  Intellectual  Property is
owned or licensed by TST free and clear of any Encumbrance.  TST has not granted
to any other person any license to use any of the TST Intellectual Property. TST
has not received any notice of infringement, misappropriation, or conflict with,
the  intellectual  property rights of others in connection with the use by it of
the TST  Intellectual  Property or otherwise in connection with the operation of
its business.

2.1.13  Title  to and  Condition  of  Assets.  TST has  good,  indefeasible  and
marketable title to all its properties, interests in properties and assets, real
and personal,  reflected in the 12/31 Balance Sheet or in Schedule 2.1.8 hereto,
free and clear of any  Encumbrance,  except (i)  Encumbrances  reflected  in the
12/31  Balance Sheet or in Schedule  2.1.8 hereto,  (ii) liens for current taxes
not yet due and payable,  and (iii) such  imperfections of title,  easements and
Encumbrances, if any, as are not substantial in character, amount, or extent and
do not and will not  materially  detract from the value,  or interfere  with the
present use, of the property subject thereto or affected  thereby,  or otherwise
materially  impair the business  operations of TST. All leases pursuant to which
TST leases  (whether  as lessee or  lessor)  any  substantial  amount of real or
personal property are in good standing,  valid and effective;  and there is not,
under any such leases,  any existing  default or event of default or event which
with notice or lapse of time, or both,  would constitute a default by TST and in
respect  to which TST has not taken  adequate  steps to  prevent a default  from
occurring.  The  buildings and premises of TST that are used in its business are
in good operating condition and repair,  subject only to ordinary wear and tear.
All hot  oilers,  vacuum  trucks,  pump  trucks,  transport  trucks,  machinery,
transportation equipment,  vehicles, tools and other major items of equipment of
TST are in good operating condition and in a state of reasonable maintenance and
repair,  ordinary  wear and tear  excepted,  and are free from any known defects
except as may be repaired by routine  maintenance  and such minor  defects as to
not  substantially  interfere  with the  continued use thereof in the conduct of
normal  operations.  All such  assets  conform in all  material  respects to all
applicable  laws  governing  their use. No notice of any  violation  of any law,
statute,  ordinance,  or regulation relating to any such assets has been (or are
being)  received  by TST or any of the  Shareholders,  except  such as have been
fully complied with.

2.1.14 Contracts.  All contracts,  leases,  plans or other arrangements to which
TST is a party,  by which it is bound or to which  TST or the  assets of TST are
subject  are in  full  force  and  effect,  and  constitute  valid  and  binding
obligations  of TST and  the  other  parties  thereto.  TST is  not,  and to the
knowledge of either of the  Shareholders,  no other party to any such  contract,
lease, plan or other  arrangement,  is in default  thereunder,  and no event has
occurred which (with or without  notice,  lapse of time, or the happening of any
other event) would  constitute a material  default  thereunder.  No contract has
been  entered  into on  terms  which  could  reasonably  be  expected  to have a
materially  adverse effect on TST.  Neither of the Shareholders has received any
information  which would cause such Shareholder to conclude that any customer of
TST will (or is likely  to) cease  doing  business  with TST (or any  successors
thereto)  as a  result  of the  consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated
hereby.  The Shareholders have provided Key with copies of all of TST's material
contracts which are to be performed in whole or in part after the date hereof.

2.1.15  Licenses and Permits.  Except as set forth on Schedule 2.1.15 hereto and
on  Schedule   2.1.17  hereto,   TST  possesses  all  permits,   authorizations,
certificates,   approvals,   registrations,   variances,   waivers,  exemptions,
rights-of-way,  franchises,  ordinances, licenses and other rights of every kind
and character (collectively, the "Permits") necessary under law or otherwise for
it to conduct its business as now being conducted and to own, operate,  maintain
and use its  assets  in the  manner  in  which  they  are  now  being  operated,
maintained and used (collectively,  the "TST Permits").  Each of the TST Permits
and the  rights  of TST with  respect  thereto  is (and  will be  following  the
consummation of the transactions  contemplated hereby) valid and subsisting,  in
full force and effect,  and enforceable by TST subject to administrative  powers
of regulatory agencies having jurisdiction. TST is in compliance in all material
respects with the terms of each of the TST Permits. None of the TST Permits have
been, or to the knowledge of either of the  Shareholders,  are threatened to be,
revoked, canceled, suspended or modified. Copies of the TST Permits are attached
hereto as Schedule 2.1.15.

2.1.16  Litigation.  Except as set forth on Schedule 2.1.16 hereto,  there is no
suit,  action, or legal or administrative,  arbitration,  or other proceeding or
governmental  investigation pending to which TST is a party or, to the knowledge
of  either  of the  Shareholders,  might  become a party  or which  particularly
affects  TST,  nor is any change in the zoning or building  ordinances  directly
affecting  the real property or leasehold  interests of TST,  pending or, to the
knowledge of either of the Shareholders, threatened.

2.1.17 Environmental Compliance.  Environmental  Conditions.  Except  as set  forth on  Schedule  2.1.17
hereto,  there are no  environmental  conditions  or  circumstances,  including,
without limitation,  the presence or release of any hazardous substance,  on any
property  presently or previously  owned or leased by TST, or on any property to
which hazardous substances or waste generated by the operations of TST or by the
use of the assets of TST were  disposed  of,  which  would  result in a material
adverse change in the business or business prospects of TST. The term "hazardous
substance" means (i) asbestos,  polychlorinated  biphenyls,  urea  formaldehyde,
lead based  paint,  radon gas,  petroleum,  oil,  solid  waste,  pollutants  and
contaminants,  and (ii) any chemicals,  materials, wastes or substances that are
defined,  regulated,  determined  or  identified  as toxic or  hazardous  in any
Applicable   Environmental   Laws  (as  defined  in  Section  hereof),
including,  but not limited to,  substances  defined as "hazardous  substances",
"hazardous materials," or "hazardous waste" in CERCLA, RCRA, HMTA, or comparable
state and local statutes or in the regulations adopted and promulgated  pursuant
to said statutes; Permits, etc. Except as set forth on Schedule 2.1.17 hereto, TST has in
full force and effect all environmental permits,  licenses,  approvals and other
authorizations required to conduct its operations, other than those that are not
material  to its  business  or  operations,  and  is  operating  in  substantial
compliance thereunder; Compliance.  Except as set forth on Schedule 2.1.17 hereto, neither the
operations  of TST nor the use of the assets of TST  violate in any  respect any
applicable federal,  state or local law, statute,  ordinance,  rule, regulation,
order or notice  requirement  pertaining  to (a) the  condition or protection of
air,  groundwater,  surface water, soil, or other  environmental  media, (b) the
environment,  including  natural  resources  or any activity  which  affects the
environment,  or (c) the regulation of any pollutants,  contaminants,  waste, or
substances (whether or not hazardous or toxic),  including,  without limitation,
the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (42 U.S.
C. ss.9601 et seq.) ("CERCLA") , the Hazardous Materials  Transportation Act (49
U.S. C. ss.1801 et seq.) ("HMTA"),  the Resource  Conservation  and Recovery Act
(42 U.S.C.  ss.6901 et seq.)  ("RCRA"),  the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C.  1251 et
seq.) , the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.  C.  ss.7401 et seq.),  the Toxic  Substances
Control Act (17 U.S.C.  ss.2601 et seq.) the Federal  Insecticide  Fungicide and
Rodenticide  Act (7  U.S.C.  ss.136 et seq.),  the Safe  Drinking  Water Act (42
U.S.C. ss.201 and ss.300f et seq.), the Rivers and Harbors Act (33 U.S.C. ss.401
et seq.),  the Oil  Pollution  Act (33  U.S.C.  ss.2701  et seq.) and  analogous
federal, interstate,  state and local requirements,  as any of the foregoing may
have  been  amended  or  supplemented  from  time  to  time   (collectively  the
"Applicable  Environmental  Laws"),  other than violations that in the aggregate
are not material to the business or operations of TST; Past Compliance.  None of the operations or assets of TST has ever been
conducted  or  used  in  such a  manner  as to  constitute  a  violation  of any
Applicable  Environmental  Laws, other than violations that in the aggregate are
not material to the business or operations of TST; Environmental Claims. No notice has been served on TST or either of the
Shareholders from any entity,  governmental  agency or individual  regarding any
existing,  pending or threatened investigation,  inquiry,  enforcement action or
litigation  related to alleged  violations  under any  Applicable  Environmental
Laws,  or  regarding  any claims for  remedial  obligations,  response  costs or
contribution under the Applicable Environmental Laws;  Renewals.  Neither of the Shareholders  knows of any reason TST or its
successors  would not be able to renew any of the  permits,  licenses,  or other
authorizations required pursuant to any Applicable Environmental Laws to operate
and use any of assets of TST for their current purposes and uses; and  Asbestos  and  PCBS.  No  known  material  amounts,  except  as may be
described on Schedule 2.1.17 hereto, of friable asbestos  currently exist on any
property owned or operated by TST, nor do known polychlorinated  biphenyls exist
in concentrations of 50 parts per million or more in electrical  equipment owned
or being used by TST in the operations or on the properties of TST.

2.1.18 Compliance with Other Laws. TST is not in violation of or in default with
respect to, or in alleged  violation of or alleged  default with respect to, the
Occupational Safety and Health Act (29 U.S.C. ss.651 et seq.) as amended, or any
other applicable law (including zoning laws) or any applicable rule, regulation,
or any writ or  decree  of any  court  or any  governmental  commission,  board,
bureau,  agency,  or  instrumentality,  or delinquent with respect to any report
required to be filed with any governmental commission,  board, bureau, agency or
instrumentality, other than violations that in the aggregate are not material to
the business or operations of TST.

2.1.19 ERISA Plans,  Labor Issues.  Other than TST's  employee  health plan (the
"TST  Health  Plan") and profit  sharing  plan (the "TST Profit  Sharing  Plan")
contained  or  described  in Schedule  hereto,  TST does not  currently
sponsor,  maintain  or  contribute  to,  and  has  not  at any  time  sponsored,
maintained or contributed  to any employee  benefit plan which is or was subject
to any  provisions of the Employee  Retirement  Income  Security Act of 1974, as
amended  ("ERISA").  As to the TST Health Plan,  the TST Profit Sharing Plan and
all other TST Employee Benefit Arrangements:

(i) the TST Health Plan,  the TST Profit Sharing Plan and all other TST Employee
Benefit  Arrangements  comply  with and have  been  administered  in form and in
operation in compliance with all applicable laws including,  without limitation,
ERISA,  the  Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended  (the  "Code),  and the
Consolidated  Omnibus  Reconciliation  Act of 1985,  as amended  ("COBRA"),  and
neither  of the  Shareholders  has  received  any notice  from any  governmental
authority questioning or challenging such compliance;  (ii) TST's administration
and  operation  of the TST Health Plan and the TST Profit  Sharing  Plan has not
been  conducted  in such a manner  as would  give  rise to any  material  fines,
penalties,  taxes, claims or charges against TST by a governmental entity or any
third party or otherwise, result in a material adverse effect on TST's financial

(iii)  funding of the TST Profit  Sharing Plan is in the sole  discretion of TST
regardless  of past funding  practices,  and the TST Profit  Sharing Plan may be
terminated  at any time without  liability to TST other than the  obligation  to
distribute the funds held by the TST Profit Sharing Plan in accordance  with the
provisions thereof;

(iv) there has been no event or  condition  which  presents  a material  risk of
termination of the TST Profit Sharing Plan or the TST Health Plan; and

(v) the  execution,  delivery and  performance  of this Agreement will not cause
either the TST Health Plan or the TST Profit  Sharing Plan to be  terminated  or
otherwise  adversely  affect the  administration  or  operation  thereof.  TST's
administration  of the TST Health Plan and the TST Profit Sharing Plan following
the Closing in the same manner as such plans were  administered  by TST prior to
the Closing  will not violate any  applicable  laws or  otherwise  result in the
material  adverse effect on the financial  condition of TST. TST has not engaged
in any unfair labor practices which could  reasonably be expected to result in a
material  adverse effect on the operations or assets of TST. Except as described
in Schedule 2.1.16 hereto, TST has no dispute with any of its existing or former
employees.  There are no labor  disputes  or, to the  knowledge of either of the
Shareholders, any disputes threatened by current or former employees of TST.

2.1.20   Investigations;   Litigation.   No   investigation  or  review  by  any
governmental entity with respect to TST or any of the transactions  contemplated
by this Agreement is pending or, to the knowledge of either of the Shareholders,
threatened,  nor has any  governmental  entity  indicated to TST an intention to
conduct the same, and,  except as set forth on Schedule 2.1.16 hereto,  there is
no action,  suit or  proceeding  pending or, to the  knowledge  of either of the
Shareholders, threatened against or affecting TST at law or in equity, or before
any federal,  state,  municipal or other  governmental  department,  commission,
board,  bureau,  agency or  instrumentality,  that either individually or in the
aggregate,  does or is  likely to result  in a  material  adverse  change in the
financial condition, properties or business of TST.

2.1.21 Absence of Certain  Business  Practices.  Neither TST, nor any officer of
TST, nor, to the knowledge of either of the Shareholders,  any employee or agent
of TST or any other person acting on behalf of TST, has, directly or indirectly,
within the past five years,  given or agreed to give any gift or similar benefit
to any customer, supplier,  government employee or other person who is or may be
in a  position  to help or  hinder  the  business  of TST (or to  assist  TST in
connection with any actual or proposed  transaction) which (i) might subject TST
to any damage or penalty in any civil,  criminal or  governmental  litigation or
proceeding,  (ii) if not given in the past, might have had a materially  adverse
effect on the assets,  business or  operations of TST, or (iii) if not continued
in the future,  might  materially  and  adversely  affect the  assets,  business
operations  or  prospects  of TST or which might result in liability to TST in a
private or governmental litigation or proceeding.

2.1.22 Consents and Approvals. No consents,  approvals, or authorizations of, or
filing a registration  with any  governmental  or regulatory  authority,  or any
other  person is required to be made or obtained by the  Shareholders  or TST in
connection with the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

2.1.23 Broker or Financial  Advisor Fee.  Neither the  Shareholders nor TST have
retained any broker,  agent,  or finder or agreed to pay any  financial  broker,
agent or finder on account of this Agreement in such a manner as to give rise to
any valid claim  against Key for any  finder's  fee,  brokerage  commission,  or
similar payment.

2.1.24  Relationship  to K&L. On February 18, 1997 (the  "Merger  Date") K&L was
merged into TST. Prior to the Merger Date, K&L was the sole  shareholder of TST.
From the date K&L became the sole  shareholder  of TST through the Merger  Date,
the business operations of TST were conducted solely by TST and not by K&L.

                                    ARTICLE 3

3.1  Representations  and  Warranties  of Key. The express  representations  and
warranties  of Key  contained in this Article 3 are exclusive and are in lieu of
all other  representations  and warranties,  express,  implied or statutory,  or
otherwise.  Subject to the foregoing, Key represents and warrants to each of the
Shareholders as follows:

3.1.1  Organization and Standing.  Key is a corporation duly organized,  validly
existing  and in good  standing  under the laws of the State of Texas,  has full
requisite  corporate  power  and  authority  to carry on its  business  as it is
currently  conducted,  and to own and operate the properties currently owned and
operated by it.

3.1.2 Agreement Authorized and its Effect on Other Obligations. The consummation
of the transactions contemplated hereby have been duly and validly authorized by
all necessary corporate action on the part of Key, and this Agreement is a valid
and  binding  obligation  of  Key  enforceable   (subject  to  normal  equitable
principles)  in  accordance  with its  terms,  except as  enforceability  may be
limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, debtor relief or similar laws
affecting  the  rights of  creditors  generally.  The  execution,  delivery  and
performance  of this  Agreement  by Key will not  conflict  with or  result in a
violation or breach of any term or provision  of, or  constitute a default under
(i) the  Articles of  Incorporation  or Bylaws of Key,  or (ii) any  obligation,
indenture,  mortgage, deed of trust, lease, contract or other agreement to which
Key or any of its property is bound.

3.1.3  Consents  and  Approvals.  No  consent,   notice,   approval,   order  or
authorization of, or declaration, filing, or registration with, any governmental
or regulatory authority,  or any other person is required to be obtained or made
by Key in  connection  with  its  execution,  delivery  or  performance  of this
agreement or the consummation by it of the transactions contemplated hereby.

3.1.4 Key's  Access to TST's  Assets and Records.  Key  acknowledges  that it is
actively  engaged in the same  business as is TST,  that it has been afforded an
opportunity to examine the assets and records of TST, discuss TST's business and
operations with the Shareholders, and investigate the condition of the assets of
TST,  and  that  Key is  entering  into  this  Agreement  on the  basis  of such
investigation and the representations and warranties of the Shareholders.

3.1.5 TST's Stock Not Registered.  TST is a privately held corporation,  and Key
acknowledges  such. TST's stock has not been registered under the Securities Act
of 1933, as amended (the "Act"),  or under any applicable state securities laws,
and the stock, therefore, cannot be offered for sale, sold, transferred, pledged
or  otherwise   hypothecated   except  in  accordance   with  the   registration
requirements  of the Act and such  other  state laws as may be  applicable.  Key
acknowledges  that TST has made available to it such  information and documents,
and that Key  understands  the risk  associated with ownership of TST and Key is
capable of bearing the financial risk associated  therewith.  The TST Shares and
the dealings with Key are proceeding in reliance on exemptions from registration
or qualification requirements pursuant to state law.

                                    ARTICLE 4

4.1 Affirmative Covenants of the Shareholders.  Except as expressly contemplated
elsewhere in this Agreement,  the  Shareholders  agree that from the date hereof
until the Closing Date, the Shareholders will cause TST to (and unless otherwise
indicated by the context, since the Balance Sheet Date, TST has):

4.1.1 Maintenance of Present  Business.  Operate its business only in the usual,
regular,  and ordinary  manner so as to maintain the goodwill it now enjoys and,
to the extent  consistent  with such  operation,  use all reasonable  efforts to
preserve intact its present business  organization,  keep available the services
of its present  officers and  employees,  and preserve  its  relationships  with
customers, suppliers, jobbers, distributors, and others having business dealings
with it;

4.1.2  Maintenance of Properties.  At its expense,  maintain all of its property
and assets in customary repair,  order, and condition,  reasonable wear and tear

4.1.3  Maintenance  of Books and  Records.  Maintain  its books of  account  and
records in the usual,  regular,  and ordinary  manner,  in accordance  with GAAP
applied on a consistent basis;

4.1.4  Compliance  with Law. Duly comply in all material  respects with all laws
applicable to it and to the conduct of its business;

4.1.5 Inspection.  Permit Key and its authorized representatives,  during normal
business  hours,  to  inspect  its  records  and to consult  with its  officers,
employees,  attorneys, and agents for the purpose of determining the accuracy of
the representations and warranties herein made and the compliance with covenants
contained in this Agreement; and

4.1.6  Notice of Material  Developments.  Promptly  notify Key in writing of any
material adverse change in, or any changes which, in the aggregate, could result
in a material adverse change in, the consolidated financial condition,  business
or affairs of TST, whether or not occurring in the ordinary course of business.

4.2 Negative  Covenants of the  Shareholders.  Except as expressly  contemplated
elsewhere in this Agreement,  each of the Shareholders agrees that from the date
hereof until the Closing Date, they will cause TST not to (and unless  otherwise
indicated by the context, since the Balance Sheet Date, it has not):

4.2.1 Prohibition of Certain Employment  Contracts.  Enter into any contracts of
employment  which  cannot  be  terminated  on notice of 30 days or less or which
provide for any  severance  payments or  benefits  covering a period  beyond the
earlier of the termination date or notice thereof;

4.2.2  Prohibition  of Certain Loans.  Incur any  borrowings  which would exceed
$50,000.00,  in the  aggregate,  for any purpose  except (i) the  prepayment  by
customers  of  amounts  due or to  become  due for  services  rendered  or to be
rendered in the future, or (ii) as is otherwise approved in writing by Key;

4.2.3  Prohibition of Certain  Commitments.  Enter into commitments of a capital
expenditure  nature or incur  any  contingent  liabilities  which  would  exceed
$10,000.00 in the aggregate  except (i) as may be necessary for the  maintenance
of existing facilities,  machinery and equipment in good operating condition and
repair in the ordinary course of business,  or (ii) as is otherwise  approved in
writing by Key;

4.2.4  Disposal  of Assets.  Other than as set forth in Schedule  4.2.4  hereto,
sell, dispose of, or encumber,  any property or assets,  except (i) in the usual
and ordinary course of business, (ii) property or assets which individually have
a value of less than $1,000.00, or (iii) as may be approved in writing by Key;

4.2.5 Maintenance of Insurance. Discontinue its current level of insurance;

4.2.6  Acquisition  Proposals.  Directly or indirectly (i) solicit,  initiate or
encourage any inquiry or Acquisition Proposal (defined below) from any person or
(ii) participate in any discussions or negotiations regarding, or furnish to any
person other than Key or its representatives any information with respect to, or
otherwise  facilitate or encourage any Acquisition Proposal by any other person.
As  used  herein  "Acquisition  Proposal"  means  any  proposal  for  a  merger,
consolidation or other business combination involving TST or for the acquisition
or purchase of any equity  interest in, or a material  portion of the assets of,
TST, other than the transactions  with Key and the Shareholders  contemplated by
this  Agreement.  TST shall  promptly  communicate  to Key the terms of any such
written Acquisition  Proposal which it may receive or any written inquiries made
to it or any of its directors, officers, representatives or agents;

4.2.7  No  Amendment  to  Articles  of  Incorporation.  Amend  its  Articles  of
Incorporation  or merge or  consolidate  with or into any other  corporation  or
change in any manner the rights of the TST Common Stock or the  character of its

4.2.8 No Issuance,  Sale,  or Purchase of  Securities.  Issue or sell,  or issue
options or rights to subscribe  to, or enter into any contract or  commitment to
issue or sell (upon  conversion or otherwise) any shares of TST Common Stock, or
subdivide or in any way reclassify any shares of TST Common Stock or acquire, or
agree to acquire, any shares of TST Common Stock; and

4.2.9  Prohibition  on  Dividends.  Other  than as set forth on  Schedule  4.2.4
hereto,  declare or pay any  dividend on shares of TST Common  Stock or make any
other distribution of assets to the holders thereof.

4.3 Control of Operations.  Nothing  contained in this Agreement shall give Key,
directly or  indirectly,  the right to control or direct the  operations  of TST
prior to the Closing.  Prior to the Closing,  the  Shareholders  shall exercise,
consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, complete control and
supervision of TST's operations.

4.4  Agreements  of Key.  Key agrees that from the date hereof until the Closing
Date it  will,  and  will  cause  its  representatives  to  hold  all  data  and
information  obtained with respect to TST, in confidence and further agrees that
it will not use such data or information or disclose the same to others,  except
to the extent such data or  information  either are, or become,  published  or a
matter of public knowledge through no fault of Key.

4.5  Agreements  of Key and the  Shareholders.  Each party hereto agrees that it
will not  voluntarily  undertake  any  course  of action  inconsistent  with the
provisions or intent of this Agreement and will use its reasonable  best efforts
to take,  or cause to be taken,  all action and to do, or cause to be done,  all
things  necessary,  proper, or advisable under applicable laws to consummate the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement,  including,  without limitation (i)
cooperation   in   determining   whether  any   consents,   approvals,   orders,
authorizations,  waivers, declarations,  filings or registrations of or with any
governmental  entity  or  third  party  are  required  in  connection  with  the
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby; (ii) the use of reasonable
best efforts to obtain any such consents, approvals, orders, authorizations, and
waivers  and to effect any such  declarations,  filings,  and/or  registrations;
(iii) the use of reasonable  best efforts to cause to be lifted or rescinded any
injunction or restraining  order or other order adversely  affecting the ability
of the parties to consummate the transactions  contemplated hereby; (iv) the use
of reasonable best efforts to defend,  and cooperate in defending,  all lawsuits
or other legal proceedings challenging this Agreement or the consummation of the
transactions  contemplated  hereby;  (v) the use of  reasonable  best efforts to
satisfy the Closing  conditions set forth in Article 5 hereof to the extent that
the  fulfillment  of the  requirements  thereof  are within the  control of such
party,  and  (vi) the  execution  of any  additional  instruments  necessary  to
consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

                                    ARTICLE 5

5.1 Conditions Precedent to Obligations of the Shareholders.  The obligations of
the  Shareholders  to  consummate  and  effect  the  transactions   contemplated
hereunder shall be subject to the satisfaction of the following  conditions,  or
to the waiver thereof by the Shareholders, before the Closing Date:

5.1.1  Representations  and  Warranties  of Key True at the  Closing  Date.  The
representations and warranties of Key herein contained shall be, in all material
respects, true as of and at the Closing Date with the same effect as though made
at such date,  except as affected by  transactions  permitted or contemplated by
this Agreement; Key shall have performed and complied, in all material respects,
with all covenants  required by this  Agreement to be performed or complied with
by Key before the Closing Date; and Key shall have delivered to the Shareholders
a  certificate,  dated the  Closing  Date and  signed by its  president  or vice
president, to such effect.

5.1.2 No Material  Litigation.  No suit,  action,  or other  proceeding shall be
pending or threatened,  before any court or governmental agency in which it will
be, or it is,  sought to restrain  or  prohibit or to obtain  damages or provide
other  relief in  connection  with this  Agreement  or the  consummation  of the
transactions contemplated hereby.

5.1.3 Opinion of Key Counsel.  The Shareholders  shall have received a favorable
opinion, dated as of the Closing Date, from Lynch, Chappell & Alsup, counsel for
Key, in form and substance satisfactory to the Shareholders,  to the effect that
(i) Key has been duly  incorporated  and is validly existing as a corporation in
good  standing  under  the  laws of the  State  of  Texas;  (ii)  all  corporate
proceedings  required  to be  taken by or on the  part of Key to  authorize  the
execution  of  this  Agreement  and  the   implementation  of  the  transactions
contemplated hereby have been taken; (iii) this Agreement has been duly executed
and delivered by, and is the legal,  valid and binding  obligation of Key and is
enforceable against Key in accordance with its terms, except as unenforceability
may be limited by (a)  equitable  principles  of  general  applicability  or (b)
bankruptcy,  insolvency,  reorganization,  fraudulent conveyance or similar laws
affecting the rights of creditors generally.  No opinion need be expressed as to
the  enforceability  of any  indemnification  provisions of this  Agreement.  In
rendering  such  opinion,  such  counsel  may rely upon  certificates  of public
officials and of officers of Key as to matters of fact.

5.2  Conditions  Precedent  to  Obligations  of Key. The  obligations  of Key to
consummate and effect the transactions  contemplated  hereunder shall be subject
to the  satisfaction  of the following  conditions,  or to the waiver thereof by
Key, before the Closing Date.

5.2.1  Representations  and Warranties of the Shareholders True at Closing Date.
The  representations  and warranties of the Shareholders  herein contained shall
be, in all material  respects,  true as of and at the Closing Date with the same
effect as though made at such date, except as affected by transactions permitted
or  contemplated by this Agreement;  the  Shareholders  shall have performed and
complied in all material respects, with all covenants required by this Agreement
to be performed or complied  with by them before the Closing  Date;  and each of
the  Shareholders  each shall have  delivered  to Key a  certificate,  dated the
Closing Date and signed by each of the Shareholders, to such effect.

5.2.2 No Material  Litigation.  No suit,  action,  or other  proceeding shall be
pending or threatened,  before any court or governmental agency in which it will
be, or it is,  sought to  restrain  or  prohibit  or to obtain  damages or other
relief in connection with this Agreement or the consummation of the transactions
contemplated  hereby or which might result in a material  adverse  change in the
value of the assets and business of TST.

5.2.3 Opinion of Counsel. Key shall have received a favorable opinion,  dated as
of the Closing Date,  from Bradford L. Moore,  counsel to the  Shareholders,  in
form and substance satisfactory to Key, to the effect that (i) TST has been duly
incorporated and is validly existing as a corporation in good standing under the
laws of the State of Texas; (ii) all outstanding  shares of the TST Common Stock
have been validly issued and are fully paid and  non-assessable;  and (iii) this
Agreement has been duly  executed and delivered by, and is the legal,  valid and
binding  obligation  of  the  Shareholders,   and  is  enforceable  against  the
Shareholders in accordance with its terms,  except as the  enforceability may be
limited by (a) equitable principles of general  applicability or (b) bankruptcy,
insolvency, reorganization,  fraudulent conveyance or similar laws affecting the
rights  of  creditors  generally.  No  opinion  need  be  expressed  as  to  the
enforceability of any indemnification provisions of this Agreement. In rendering
such opinion, such counsel may rely upon certificates of public officials and of
officers of TST or the Shareholders as to matters of fact.

5.2.4 Consent of Certain  Parties in Privity with TST or the  Shareholders.  The
holders of any material indebtedness of TST or the Shareholders,  the lessors of
any material property leased by TST or the  Shareholders,  and the other parties
to any other material  agreements to which TST or the  Shareholders  are a party
shall,  when and to the extent necessary in the reasonable  opinion of Key, have
consented to the transaction contemplated hereby.

5.2.5 Title  Policies.  Key shall have  received a  commitment  to issue a title
insurance  policy covering title to those properties of TST identified in Tracts
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16 and 17 on  Schedule  hereto,
with each such  policy to be  issued  by an  insurer  in an amount  equal to the
greater of (i) the appraisal  value of such property for property tax assessment
purposes or (ii) the original  purchase  price of such property  (subject to the
consent of the  insurance  provider)  and subject  only to such  conditions  and
exceptions as are reasonably  acceptable to Key; provided,  however, that if TST
holds existing title insurance  policies  covering any of such  properties,  Key
agrees to accept,  in lieu of title  commitments,  run-sheets since the original
date of such existing policies  covering such properties,  the accuracy of which
has been certified by the Shareholders' counsel, indicating (together with those
conditions and exceptions shown on such original  policies) such Encumbrances as
are reasonably acceptable to Key.

5.2.6  Resignations.  Key shall have  received a written  resignation  from each
officer and director of TST from their  respective  positions with TST effective
as of the Closing Date.

5.2.7  Lien  Releases.   Key  shall  have  received   documentation   reasonably
satisfactory to it that, as of the Closing Date, (i) the TST shares are free and
clear of all Encumbrances and (ii) all of the assets, real and personal,  of TST
are held by TST free and clear of all liens,  security interests,  mortgages and
deeds trust; provided, however, that in connection with obtaining such releases,
subject to TST having  received,  on or before the  Closing,  proceeds  from the
asset  transfers,  note  repayment  and  capital  contributions  referred  to in
Schedule  2.1.4 hereto in an amount equal to the Payoff Amount  (defined  below)
less $750,000,  Key consents and agrees to (i) TST's repayment,  at the Closing,
of the Bobby Knight  Promissory  Note  referred to in Schedule  hereto
together  with all  interest  that would have been payable over the term of such
note (the "Payoff  Amount")  and (ii) pay the holder of such note an  additional
$500,000 at the Closing.

5.2.8 TST Health Plan. Key shall have received  assurances  satisfactory  to Key
that the TST Health Plan will remain in effect following the Closing.

                                    ARTICLE 6
                           TERMINATION AND ABANDONMENT

6.1  Termination.   Anything   contained  in  this  Agreement  to  the  contrary
notwithstanding,  this  Agreement  may be  terminated  and the purchase and sale
contemplated hereby abandoned at any time before the Closing Date:

6.1.1 By Mutual Consent. By mutual consent of Key and the Shareholders.

6.1.2 By Key Because of Failure to Perform  Agreements or Conditions  Precedent.
By Key, if the  Shareholders  have failed to perform or comply with any material
agreement set forth in Sections 4.1 or 4.2 hereof, or if any condition set forth
in Section 5.2 hereof has not been met, and such  condition  has not been waived
by Key.

6.1.3 By the  Shareholders  Because of Key's  Failure to Perform  Agreements  or
Conditions  Precedent.  By the  Shareholders,  if Key has  failed to  perform or
comply with any material  agreement  set forth in Section 4.4 hereof,  or if any
condition  set forth in Section 5.1 hereof has not been met, and such  condition
has not been waived by the Shareholders. .

6.1.4 By Key or by the  Shareholders  if No Closing by April 4, 1997.  By either
Key or the  Shareholders,  if the Closing  shall not have  occurred on or before
April 4, 1997, provided,  however,  that this Agreement may not be terminated by
any party hereto pursuant to the provisions of this Section 6.1.4 if the Closing
has not  occurred due to the breach of any  provision  of this  Agreement by the
party desiring to terminate this Agreement.

6.2 Effect of Termination.  In the event the termination and abandonment of this
Agreement  pursuant  to and in  accordance  with the  provisions  of Section 6.1
hereof,  this  Agreement  shall  become  void and have no  effect,  without  any
liability on the part of any party hereto (or its  Shareholders  or  controlling
persons  or  directors  or  officers),  except  as  otherwise  provided  in this
Agreement;  provided,  however,  that a termination of this Agreement  shall not
relieve any party hereto from any liability for damages  incurred as a result of
a breach by such party of its representations, warranties, covenants, agreements
or other obligations hereunder, occurring before such termination.

6.3 Waiver of Conditions. Subject to the requirements of any applicable law, any
of the terms or  conditions  of this  Agreement may be waived at any time by the
party which is entitled to the benefit thereof.

6.4  Expense  on  Termination.  If  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  are
abandoned  pursuant  to and in  accordance  with the  provisions  of Section 6.1
hereof, all expenses will be paid by the party incurring them.

                                    ARTICLE 7
                              ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS

7.1 Fees and Expenses. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement,
all  fees and  expenses,  including  fees and  expenses  of  counsel,  financial
advisors,  and  accountants  incurred in connection  with this Agreement and the
transactions  contemplated  hereby shall be paid by the party incurring such fee
or expense by or on the date hereof.  Key expressly agrees to the payment by TST
of the legal and  environmental  fees referred to in Section 2.1.10 hereof.  Key
also agrees to pay to the  Shareholders  one-half (l/2) of the costs incurred by
the Stockholders in fulfilling the closing conditions set forth in Section 5.2.5

7.2 Further  Assurances.  From time to time, as and when  requested by any party
hereto,  any other  party  hereto  shall  execute  and  deliver,  or cause to be
executed and delivered,  such documents and instruments and shall take, or cause
to be taken,  such further or other  actions as may be  reasonably  necessary to
effectuate the transactions contemplated hereby.

7.3 TST Employees.  The  Shareholders  will use their reasonable best efforts to
cause the TST  Employees to remain in the  employment of TST through the Closing
Date.  Key will  cause TST to  continue  the  employment  of the TST  Employees;
provided, however, nothing herein shall be construed as creating any contractual
obligation of TST to continue any such employee as an employee of TST.

7.4 Employee Benefit Plans.  The TST Employee Benefit  Arrangements as currently
in effect may, at the option of Key, be continued,  amended or  terminated.  Key
shall cause TST to pay, without offset, deduction,  counterclaim,  interruption,
or deferment,  in accordance with the applicable terms thereof, all benefits due
under the terms of all such TST Employee Benefit  Arrangements  that have vested
or accrued at or prior to the Closing Date or that become vested or accrued as a
result of the transactions contemplated hereby.

7.5  Noncompetition.  Each of the Shareholders  agrees that for a period of five
(5)  years  from the  Closing  Date,  such  Shareholder  will not,  directly  or
indirectly,  acting  alone or as a member  of a  partnership  or as an  officer,
director,  employee,  consultant,  representative,  holder of, or investor in as
much as 3% of any  security of any class of any  corporation  or other  business
entity (i) engage in  competition  with the business or businesses  conducted by
TST,  Key or any  affiliate  of Key as of the  Closing  Date,  or in any service
business  the  services of which are  provided  and  marketed by TST, Key or any
affiliate of Key as of the Closing Date in Texas or New Mexico; (ii) request any
present  customers or suppliers of TST to curtail or cancel their  business with
TST,  Key or any  affiliate  of  Key;  (iii)  disclose  to any  person,  firm or
corporation  any trade,  technical or  technological  secrets of TST, Key or any
affiliate  of Key or any details of their  organization  or business  affairs or
(iv) induce or actively  attempt to  influence  any  employee of TST, Key or any
affiliate of Key to terminate his employment.  Each of the  Shareholders  agrees
that if either the length of time or geographical area set forth in this Section
7.5 is deemed too restrictive in any court proceeding, the court may reduce such
restrictions to those which it deems  reasonable  under the  circumstances.  The
obligations  expressed  in  this  Section  7.5  are in  addition  to  any  other
obligations  that the Shareholders may have under the laws of the State of Texas
requiring  an employee of a business or a  shareholder  who sells his stock in a
corporation  (including a  disposition  in a merger) to limit his  activities so
that the goodwill and business  relations of his employer and of the corporation
whose stock he has sold (and any successor  corporation)  will not be materially
impaired. Each of the Shareholders further agrees and acknowledges that TST, Key
and its  affiliates  do not have any  adequate  remedy at law for the  breach or
threatened breach by such Shareholder of this covenant,  and agree that TST, Key
or any  affiliate  of Key may, in addition  to the other  remedies  which may be
available to it hereunder, file a suit in equity to enjoin such Shareholder from
such breach or threatened breach. If any provisions of this Section 7.5 are held
to be invalid or against  public  policy the remaining  provisions  shall not be
affected thereby.  Each of the Shareholders  acknowledges that the covenants set
forth in this Section 7.5 are being  executed and delivered by such  Shareholder
in  consideration  of the covenants of Key contained in this Agreement,  and for
other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged.

7.6 Material  Adverse  Change.  As used in this  Agreement,  the term  "material
adverse   change"   means  any  change,   event,   circumstance   or   condition
(collectively,  a "Change")  which when  considered with all other Changes would
reasonably  be  expected  to  result  in  a  "loss"  having  the  effect  of  so
fundamentally  adversely affecting the business or financial prospects of Key or
TST, as the case may be, that the benefits reasonably expected to be obtained by
Key or  TST,  as the  case  may  be,  as a  result  of the  consummation  of the
transactions  contemplated by this Agreement would be jeopardized  with relative
certainty.  The term "loss" shall mean any and all direct or indirect  payments,
obligations, assessments, losses, loss of income, liabilities, fines, penalties,
costs  and  expenses  paid or  incurred  or more  likely  than not to be paid or
incurred,  or  diminutions  in value of any kind or character  (whether known or
unknown,  conditional  or  unconditional,  choate  or  inchoate,  liquidated  or
unliquidated,  secured or unsecured, accrued, absolute, contingent or otherwise)
that are more likely than not to occur,  including without limitation penalties,
interest on any amount payable to a third party as a result of the foregoing and
any legal or other  expenses  reasonably  incurred or more likely than not to be
incurred in connection  with  investigating  or defending  any demands,  claims,
actions or causes of action that, if adversely  determined,  would likely result
in losses,  and all amounts paid in settlement  of claims or actions;  provided,
that losses  shall be net of any  recoveries  by TST from third  parties and any
insurance  proceeds TST is entitled to receive from a  non-affiliated  insurance
company on account of such losses (after taking into account any costs  incurred
in obtaining such proceeds and any increase in insurance premiums as a result of
a claim with respect to such proceeds).

7.7 Shareholder Employment.  After the Closing Date, Keith Neill shall remain in
the employment of TST at a monthly salary of $8,000.

                                    ARTICLE 8

8.1  Indemnification  by the  Shareholders.  In addition  to any other  remedies
available  to Key under  this  Agreement,  or at law or in  equity,  each of the
Shareholders  shall  jointly and severally  indemnify,  defend and hold harmless
Key, and its officers,  directors,  employees, agents and stockholders,  against
and with  respect  to any and all  claims,  costs,  damages,  losses,  expenses,
obligations,  liabilities, recoveries, suits, causes of action and deficiencies,
including  interest,  penalties  and  reasonable  attorneys'  fees and  expenses
(collectively,  the  "Damages") in excess of  $150,000.00  in the aggregate that
such indemnitees  shall incur or suffer,  which arise,  result from or relate to
any breach of, or failure  by, the  Shareholders  to perform,  their  respective
representations, warranties, covenants or agreements in this Agreement or in any
schedule, certificate, exhibit or other instrument furnished or delivered to Key
by the  Shareholders  under  this  Agreement;  provided,  however,  that (i) the
Shareholders'  aggregate  obligations  to  indemnify  Key and the other  parties
identified above shall never exceed the aggregate sum of $8,500,000.00; (ii) the
Shareholders shall not be required to so indemnify, defend and hold harmless Key
and its officers,  directors,  employees,  agents and stockholders,  against and
with  respect to any  Damages  incurred as a result of a breach by either of the
Shareholders  of  their  respective   representations  and  warranties  in  this
Agreement or in any schedule, certificate, exhibit or other instrument furnished
or delivered to Key by any of the  Shareholders  under this  Agreement for which
Key  fails  to  provide  written  notice  of a claim  for  such  Damages  to the
Shareholders on or before the expiration of the survival period (as specified in
Section 9.2 hereof) of the specific  representation  or warranty alleged to have
been breached;  (iii) in the event that Key can recover  Damages for which it is
indemnified by the  Shareholders  pursuant to this Section 8.1 from a collateral
source including,  but not limited to, a third party or insurance coverage,  and
does in fact  collect  all or a portion  of such  Damages  from such  collateral
source,  then Key agrees not to enforce its right to indemnification  under this
Section 8.1 to the extent of such third party  collections;  and (iv) Key agrees
that  it  will  not  seek  indemnification   under  this  Section  8.1  for  any
environmental  remedial work on TST's properties unless TST (or Key) is required
to perform such work by a third party or by a governmental entity or agency.

8.2  Indemnification  by Key. In addition to any other remedies available to the
Shareholders under this Agreement,  or at law or in equity, Key shall indemnify,
defend and hold  harmless each of the  Shareholders  against and with respect to
any and all  Damages  in  excess  of  $150,000.00  in the  aggregate  that  such
indemnitees  shall incur or suffer,  which  arise,  result from or relate to any
breach of, or failure by Key to perform, any of its representations, warranties,
covenants  or  agreements  in this  Agreement or in any  schedule,  certificate,
exhibit or other instrument  furnished or delivered to the Shareholders by or on
behalf of Key under this Agreement;  provided, however, that (i) Key's aggregate
obligation  to  indemnify  the  Shareholders  shall  never  exceed  the  sum  of
$8,500,000.00;  (ii) Key shall not be required to so indemnify,  defend and hold
harmless  the  Shareholders  and their  employees  and agents  against  and with
respect  to any  Damages  incurred  as a result of a breach by Key of any of its
representations   and   warranties  in  this   Agreement  or  in  any  schedule,
certificate,   exhibit  or  other  instrument  furnished  or  delivered  to  the
Shareholders  by Key under this  Agreement  for which the  Shareholders  fail to
provide  written  notice of a claim  for such  Damages  to Key on or before  the
expiration of the survival period (as is specified in Section 9.2 hereof) of the
specific representations or warranty alleged to have been breached; and (iii) in
the event that the  Shareholders can recover Damages for which it is indemnified
by Key pursuant to this Section 8.1 from a collateral source including,  but not
limited to, a third party or insurance coverage, and does in fact collect all or
a portion of such Damages from such  collateral  source,  then the  Shareholders
agree not to enforce its right to indemnification  under this Section 8.2 to the
extent of such third party collections.

8.3  Indemnification  Procedures.  If any party  hereto  discovers  or otherwise
becomes  aware of a claim  for  Damages  arising  under  this  Article  8,  such
indemnified  party  shall  give  written  notice  to  the  indemnifying   party,
specifying  such claim,  and may thereafter  exercise any remedies  available to
such party  under this  Agreement;  provided,  however,  that the failure of any
indemnified  party to give  notice as  provided  herein  shall not  relieve  the
indemnifying party of any obligations hereunder,  to the extent the indemnifying
party is not materially prejudiced thereby.  Further,  promptly after receipt by
an  indemnified  party  hereunder of written notice of the  commencement  of any
action or  proceeding  with respect to which a claim for Damages  arising  under
Sections 8.1 or 8.2 hereof may be made, such indemnified party shall, if a claim
in respect thereof is to be made against any  indemnifying  party,  give written
notice to the latter of the commencement of such action; provided, however, that
the failure of any indemnified party to give notice as provided herein shall not
relieve the indemnifying party of any obligations  hereunder,  to the extent the
indemnifying party is not materially prejudiced thereby. In case any such action
is  brought  against an  indemnified  party,  the  indemnifying  party  shall be
entitled to participate in and to assume the defense  thereof,  jointly with any
other  indemnifying  party similarly  notified,  to the extent that it may wish,
with counsel  reasonably  satisfactory to such indemnified party, and after such
notice from the indemnifying  party to such indemnified party of its election so
to assume the defense  thereof,  the  indemnifying  party shall not be liable to
such indemnified party for any legal or other expenses  subsequently incurred by
the latter in connection with the defense thereof unless the indemnifying  party
has failed to assume the defense of such claim and to employ counsel  reasonably
satisfactory to such indemnified  person.  Any indemnifying party who elects not
to assume the defense of a claim  shall not be liable for the fees and  expenses
of more than one counsel in any single  jurisdiction for all parties indemnified
by such indemnifying  party with respect to such claim or with respect to claims
separate but similar or related in the same jurisdiction arising out of the same
general allegations.  Notwithstanding any of the foregoing to the contrary,  the
indemnified  party will be  entitled  to select its own  counsel  and assume the
defense of any action  brought  against it if the  indemnifying  party  fails to
select  counsel  reasonably  satisfactory  to the  indemnified  party,  and  the
expenses  of  such  defense  shall  be  paid  by  the  indemnifying   party.  No
indemnifying  party  shall  consent to entry of any  judgment  or enter into any
settlement with respect to a claim without the consent of the indemnified party,
which consent  shall not be  unreasonably  withheld,  or unless such judgment or
settlement  includes as an unconditional term thereof the giving by the claimant
or plaintiff to such  indemnified  party of a release  from all  liability  with
respect  to such  claim.  No  indemnified  party  shall  consent to entry of any
judgment or enter into any  settlement of any such action,  the defense of which
has  been  assumed  by an  indemnifying  party,  without  the  consent  of  such
indemnifying party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

8.4 Litigation  Indemnification.  The parties hereto  acknowledge  that TST is a
defendant in Cause No. H-96-0163 pending in the United States District Court for
the  Southern  District  of  Texas,  Houston  Division,  entitled  AMERADA  HESS
Litigation").  The parties hereto further  acknowledge that there are collateral
matters  which are being  litigated  insofar  as the  validity  of an  indemnity
agreement  executed as a result of  settlement  by TST in Cause No.  C-2244-94-D
pending in the 206th Judicial  District Court of Hidalgo  County,  Texas,  which
involved  Regina  Valenzuela  as Next  Friend of Brenda  Janette  Montanez.  The
parties  hereto  further  acknowledge  that TST has remaining upon its insurance
coverage the sum of $250,000 which can be applied toward any damages  awarded in
the Amerada Hess  Litigation  or which may be used to help fund a settlement  of
this  litigation.  In addition to any other  remedies  available  to the parties
hereto under this Agreement,  or at law or in equity,  the parties hereto hereby
agree that in the event that  damages  and/or  settlement  of the  Amerada  Hess
Litigation  results in an amount in excess of the $250,000  insurance  coverage,
that such excess will be paid as follows:

(i) The  Shareholders  shall  commence  paying  with the first  dollar  over the
$250,000  and shall  continue  paying all  dollars  thereafter  until such award
and/or settlement amount reaches $1,250,000; and

(ii) For all  amounts  awarded or for which  settlement  may be had in excess of
$1,250,000  and  commencing  with  the  first  dollar  after   $1,250,000,   the
Shareholders shall pay 20% of each dollar and TST shall pay 80% of each dollar.

The Shareholders and Key agree that they will jointly, at TST's expense,  pursue
any third party, including  Petrosurance Company, for reimbursement,  collateral
source money, or to enforce any other indemnity agreements. For monies recovered
as a result of such pursuit,  the  Shareholders and TST shall divide each dollar
recovered  according to a ratio formula determined by a fraction whose numerator
shall  consist of the total amount of money paid by either the  Shareholders  or
TST,  and the  denominator  shall  consist of the total  monies paid by both the
Shareholders and TST. Such fraction shall then be multiplied times the recovered
amount of money to determine those sums reimbursable  either to the Shareholders
or TST. Key further agrees that upon the Closing, it shall cause TST to directly
participate  in the Amerada Hess  Litigation  and proceed with due  diligence to
reach  resolution  thereof by employing  its own counsel to commence  such legal
activities as may be necessary to (i) apply pressure to TST's insurance carrier,
AIG, to settle the  Amerada  Hess  Litigation,  and/or to tender the full policy
amounts  to  assist in  funding  the  settlement  of said  litigation,  and (ii)
initiate such activities as may be necessary to commence  meaningful  settlement
discussions  with  Amerada  Hess and other  matters  which  management  may deem
prudent to rapidly  conclude the Amerada Hess  Litigation.  The first $25,000 of
the costs and expenses of such counsel  shall be borne by TST with the remaining
costs and expenses being shared equally by TST and the  Shareholders.  Key shall
not consent to settle the Amerada Hess  Litigation  for an amount above $250,000
without  the  prior  consent  of  the  Shareholders,  such  consent  not  to  be
unreasonably withheld.

                                    ARTICLE 9

9.1 Press Releases.  Key, on the one hand, and the  Shareholders,  on the other,
shall  consult  with each other  before  issuing any press  release or otherwise
making any public  statement with respect to this Agreement or the  transactions
contemplated hereby, and shall not issue any such press release or make any such
public statement prior to receiving approval from the other party, such approval
not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. No announcement shall be made by any
of the  parties  hereto  prior to the  Closing  except  as may  specifically  be
required  under the terms of this  Agreement,  except when in the opinion of the
parties' counsel such public statement or announcement is legally required.

9.2 Survival of Representations,  Warranties and Covenants.  All representations
and  warranties  made by the  parties  hereto  shall  survive for a period of 12
months from the Closing Date,  notwithstanding  any investigation  made by or on
behalf of any of the parties hereto; provided, however, that the representations
and  warranties  contained  in Section  2.1.11  hereof shall  survive  until the
expiration of the applicable statute of limitations associated with the taxes at
issue. All statements contained in any certificate,  schedule,  exhibit or other
instrument  delivered  pursuant to this  Agreement  shall be deemed to have been
representations  and warranties by the respective party or parties,  as the case
may be, and shall also  survive for a period of 12 months from the Closing  Date
despite  any  investigation  made by any  party  hereto  or on its  behalf.  All
covenants and agreements contained herein shall survive as provided herein.

9.3 Entirety.  This Agreemennt  embodies the entire  agreement among the parties
with respect to the subject matter hereof,  and all prior agreements between the
parties with respect thereto are hereby superseded in their entirety.

9.4  Counterparts.  Any number of counterparts of this Agreement may be executed
and each such counterpart shall be deemed to be an original instrument,  but all
such counterparts together shall constitute but one instrument.

9.5 Notices and  Waivers.  Any notice or waiver to be given to any party  hereto
shall be in  writing  and  shall be  delivered  by  courier,  sent by  facsimile
transmission  or first class  registered  or certified  mail,  postage  prepaid,
return receipt requested.
If to Key:
Addressed to:                                   With a copy to:

Yale E. Key, Inc.                               Key Energy Group, Inc.
1501 E. Taylor                                  Two Tower Center, Tenth Floor
Midland, Texas 79702                            East Brunswick, New Jersey 08816
Attention: C. Ron Laidley                       Attention: General Counsel
Facsimile: (915) 570-8990                       Facsimile: (908) 247-5148


                                                Lynch, Chappell & Alsup,
                                                a Professional Corporation
                                                300 N. Marienfeld, Suite 700
                                                Midland, Texas 79701
                                                Attention: James M. Alsup
                                                Facsimile: (915) 683-2587

If to either Shareholder:

Addressed to:                                        With a copy to:

Keith and Leslie Neill                               Bradford L. Moore
1309 East Harris                                     P. O. Box 352
Brownfield, Texas 79316                              Brownfield, Texas 79316
                                                     Facsimile: (806) 637-3877

Any communication so addressed and mailed by first-class registered or certified
mail,  postage  prepaid,  with return receipt  requested,  shall be deemed to be
received on the third business day after so mailed,  and if delivered by courier
or facsimile to such address,  upon delivery during normal business hours on any
business day.

9.6 Table of Contents and Captions. The table of contents and captions contained
in this Agreement are solely for convenient reference and shall not be deemed to
affect the meaning or  interpretation  of any  article,  section,  or  paragraph

9.7 Binding Effect;  Assignment; No Third Party Benefit. This Agreement shall be
binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective
successors and permitted assigns Nothing in this Agreement,  express or implied,
is  intended  to or  shall  confer  upon  any  person  other  than  Key  and the
Shareholders, any rights, benefits or remedies of any nature whatsoever under or
by reason of this Agreement.

9.8  Severability.  If any term,  provision,  covenant  or  restriction  of this
Agreement is held by a court of competent  jurisdiction to be invalid,  void, or
unenforceable,   the   remainder  of  the  terms,   provisions,   covenants  and
restrictions  shall  remain  in full  force  and  effect  and shall in no way be
affected,  impaired or invalidated.  It is hereby  stipulated and declared to be
the intention of the parties that they would have executed the remaining  terms,
provisions,  covenants and restrictions  without including any of such which may
be hereafter declared invalid, void or unenforceable.

9.9  Applicable  Law.  This  Agreement  shall be governed by and  construed  and
enforced in accordance with the applicable laws of the State of Texas.

9.10 Knowledge.  References to "knowledge"  contained in Sections 2.1.4,  2.1.7,
2.1.11,  2.1.14,  2.1.16,  2.1.19,  and 2.1.20  hereof  refer only to the actual
knowledge of each  Shareholder.  References to  "knowledge",  "known"or  "knows"
contained in Sections,  2.1.13, 2.1.15,, and 2.1.21
hereof refer to, in addition to the actual knowledge of each  Shareholder,  that
level of knowledge which a person in the same office,  position and relationship
to TST (and the same level of  responsibility  and authority over the operations
of TST) as such Shareholder would be reasonably expected to possess. IN WITNESS

WHEREOF,  the Shareholders  have executed this Agreement and Key has caused this
Agreement  to  be  signed  in  its  corporate   name  by  its  duly   authorized
representative, all as of the day and year first above written.

                                             YALE E. KEY, INC.

                                                C. Ron Laidley, President


                                             Keith Neill

                                             Leslie Neill

pbooker\jma\key energy group\neill 7 unmarked agreement