Stock Purchase Agreement


                             WellTech Eastern, Inc.

                                Dennis Hogerheide
                               LaWenda Hogerheide

                                 March 31, 1997
                            STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT

THIS  AGREEMENT is made this 31st day of March,  1997,  by and between  WellTech
Eastern,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation (the "Buyer") and Dennis  Hogerheide and
LaWenda Hogerheide (the "Sellers"),  shareholders of Kalkaska Oilfield Services,
Inc., a Michigan corporation (the "Company").

Sellers,  owner and holder of all of the issued  and  outstanding  shares of the
capital stock of Company (the "Stock"),  desire to sell all such shares of Stock
to Buyer,  and Buyer  wishes to purchase  such Stock on the terms and subject to
the conditions hereinafter set forth.

NOW, THEREFORE,  in consideration of and in reliance upon the foregoing and each
of the covenants, agreements,  representations, and warranties herein set forth,
Sellers and Buyer agree as follows:


1.1  Agreement  to  Purchase  and to Sell.  Upon and  subject  to the  terms and
conditions  of this  Agreement,  and  relying  upon the  covenants,  agreements,
representations,  and warranties of Buyer and Sellers herein  contained and each
act done  pursuant  to and in  reliance  upon this  Agreement,  Buyer  agrees to
purchase from Sellers, and Sellers agrees to sell to Buyer the Stock.


2.1  Purchase  Price.  Upon the  terms and  subject  to the  conditions  of this
Agreement,  Buyer shall pay to Sellers an aggregate purchase price for the Stock
of Two Million Six Hundred Thousand Dollars and no cents ($2,600,000.00).

2.2 Payment of Purchase  Price.  On the Closing Date the Purchase Price shall be
paid in cash,  money  order or  certified  check  payable  to Sellers or by wire
transfer of immediately available funds to an account designated by Seller.

2.3  Delivery  of Stock  Certificate.  Sellers  shall  deliver  (or  cause to be
delivered)  to  Buyer  on  the  Closing  Date,  as  hereinafter   defined,   all
certificates  representing the Stock, duly endorsed in blank by the Sellers,  or
accompanied  by duly  executed  stock  powers  in blank  with  their  signatures
guaranteed  by a bank,  trust  company  or  member  firm of the New  York  Stock
Exchange,  all in such form as Buyer or Buyer's counsel may require. Any and all
requisite transfer stamps shall be attached thereto.

2.4 Time and Place of Closing.  The sale  contemplated  by this Agreement  shall
take place at the office of Brandt,  Fisher, Alward & Roy, P.C., on the 31st day
of March,  1997, at 9:00 o'clock a.m.,  Eastern  Standard time, or at such other
time and place as Sellers and Buyer may mutually agree (the "Closing Date").


To induce Buyer to enter into this Agreement,  Sellers  represent and warrant to
Buyer that the  representations  set forth below are true,  except as  otherwise
provided by the specific terms of the representation.

3.1 Authorized and Outstanding  Stock. The total authorized capital stock of the
Company consists of 50,000 shares of common stock, par value of $1.00 per share,
and the  Company has no  authority  to issue any other  shares.  There are 5,000
shares of the common stock of the Company issued and  outstanding,  all of which
are owned of record by and are in possession  of Sellers,  and all of which have
been validly issued and are fully paid and nonassessable.  There are no proxies,
irrevocable or otherwise,  or voting trusts or agreements outstanding or held by
any person as to any share of the Stock. There are no outstanding subscriptions,
options,   warrants,   calls  contracts,   demands,   commitments,   convertible
securities,  or other agreements or arrangements of any kind,  pursuant to which
the Company is or may be  obligated  to issue any shares of common or  preferred
stock or other  securities  of any kind  representing  an actual  or  contingent
ownership interest of the Company, including any right of conversion or exchange
under any outstanding  security or other instrument,  and no other shares of the
Company  capital  stock are  reserved for any purpose.  Sellers  have,  and upon
Sellers'  delivery of the Stock as  provided  in Section 2.3 hereof,  Buyer will
acquire good title to the Stock,  free and clear of any and all liens,  pledges,
options, warrants,  charges,  encumbrances,  trusts, proxies, equities, security
interests,  restrictions  on  transfer  or  registration,  or claims  (including
liability for or claims of any taxing authority,  creditor, devisee, legatee, or
beneficiary).  Sellers are authorized and empowered to enter into this Agreement
and to sell the Stock,  and on demand  Sellers  will supply  Buyer with proof of
Sellers'  authority to transfer the Stock and with any other thing  necessary to
obtain  from the Company  unrestricted  transfer of each share of Stock into the
name of Buyer.

3.2  Sellers'  Authority.  (a)  Sellers  are the lawful  owner and the holder of
record  of the  Stock of the  Company,  free and  clear of all  liens;  (b) this
Agreement  constitutes  a  valid  and  binding  obligation  as to  the  Sellers,
enforceable  in  accordance  with its terms;  and (c)  delivery  to the Buyer of
certificates representing the Stock of the Company pursuant to the provisions of
this Agreement will transfer to Buyer valid title thereto.

3.3  Execution.  This  Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by Sellers
and constitutes a valid and binding  obligation of Sellers  enforceable  against
Sellers in accordance with its terms.

3.4 Corporate Qualification,  Organization, Authorization, etc. The Company is a
corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws
of the State of Michigan,  has full corporate power and authority to conduct its
business as it is now being  conducted and to own the  properties  and assets it
now owns.

3.5 Subsidiaries and Certain  Affiliates.  The Company does not own, directly or
indirectly,  any capital stock or investment in any limited  partnership,  joint
venture, or corporation.

3.6 Real  Property,  Title to Real Estate  Schedule  3.6(a) sets forth the legal
description to those parcels of real property (collectively the "Real Property")
to which the  Company is (or will be at Closing)  the record  title owner in fee
simple  free  and  clear of all  liens,  mortgages,  conditional  sales or other
agreements,  encumbrances or security  interests (the  "Encumbrances")  and will
continue  to be the  record  title  owner in fee  simple  free and  clear of all
Encumbrances as of the Closing Date, except as set forth in Schedule 3.6(b).

On the Closing  Date,  the Sellers shall pay all premiums for issuing an owner's
title insurance policy for each respective parcel of Real Property in the amount
set forth in Schedule 3.6(c) hereof.

3.7 Title to and Condition of Personal  Property.  Schedule  3.7(a) sets forth a
description of all of the Company's tangible personal property including but not
limited to all machinery,  equipment,  automobiles,  trucks,  and other vehicles
owned or leased by the Company,  (collectively,  the "Personal  Property") which
will continue to be Personal  Property on the Closing Date. The Company Personal
Property is free and clear of all  Encumbrances  except as set forth in Schedule
3.7(b).  All Personal  Property are in a state of good  operating  condition and
repair,  ordinary  wear and tear  excepted,  and are free from any known defects
except (i) as may be required by routine maintenance of such minor defects as to
not  substantially  interfere  with the  continued use thereof in the conduct of
normal operations, or (ii) as set forth in Schedule 3.7(c).

3.8  Inventories.  Schedule  3.8(a) sets forth a description of the  approximate
current level of the inventory (the  "Inventory")  of the Company which shall be
maintained  at its  approximate  current  level  as of  the  Closing  Date.  The
Inventory is free and clear of all Encumbrances, except as set forth in Schedule

3.9  Leasehold  Interests.  Schedule  3.9(a) sets forth the  description  of all
leasehold interests (the "Leasehold Interests") to which the Company is (or will
be at Closing) the record title  owner.  The Company will  continue to own these
Leasehold  Interests as of the Closing Date. The Company has good and marketable
title to the Leasehold  Interests,  free and clear of all Encumbrances except as
set forth in Schedule 3.9(b).

3.10 Tax Returns.  Sellers has identified and furnished Buyer with the following
tax returns of the Company (collectively, the "Tax Returns"):

a) Federal Tax Returns of the Company dated December 31, 1995.

b) Federal Tax Returns of the Company dated December 31, 1996.

Sellers further warrant and represent,  to the Sellers' best knowledge,  the Tax
Returns have been prepared in accordance  with the applicable  Internal  Revenue
Code and Regulations. At the Closing Date the Company will have no obligation or
debt to the Sellers or any related individual or entity,  except as set forth in
Schedule 3.10.

3.11 Conduct of Business.  Since December 31, 1996,  Company's business has been
conducted only in the ordinary course,  and except as set forth in Schedule 3.11
there has been no: (i)  damages,  theft,  destruction,  or loss  (whether or not
covered by insurance) affecting Company's properties,  assets, or business; (ii)
agreement,  contract,  or other arrangement entered into,  obligating Company on
any debt,  obligation,  or liability (whether direct or indirect,  contingent or
otherwise),  incurred other than in the ordinary  course of its business;  (iii)
sale or other disposition of, or liquidating or other distribution or redemption
with respect to, the Stock, either authorized, declared, paid, or effected.

3.12 Employees. The Company has had no employees or employee benefit plans.

3.13 Licenses and Permits.  The Company's  franchises,  licenses,  certificates,
authorizations and permits (the "Permits") are listed as Schedule 3.13, attached
hereto,  and are in full force and effect. No action or proceeding is pending or
to Seller's knowledge  threatened looking toward revocation or limitation of any
of the Permits.

3.14 Banking Information. The Sellers have delivered to the Buyer lists attached
hereto as Schedule 3.14 setting forth the following:

(a) the names of all persons  holding powers of attorney from the Company to act
on its behalf;

(b) the names of all banks in which the Company has any account or safe  deposit

3.15 Claims or  Litigation.  Except as set forth in Schedule  3.15,  there is no
legal, administrative,  arbitrative, or other suit, action, proceeding, claim or
dispute, currently pending or to Seller's knowledge threatened against, relating
to the Company,  the Real Property,  the Personal Property,  the Inventory,  the
Leasehold Interests and the Permits, (including any relating to violation of any
safety laws) or which  questions  the  validity of this  Agreement or any action
taken or to be taken  pursuant  thereto or in connection  with the  transactions
contemplated  hereby;  there has been no violation of any law by Company nor any
basis or  grounds  for any  such  suit,  action,  proceeding,  charge,  claim or
dispute,  and there are no judicial or  administrative  injunctions,  judgments,
order,  or  decrees  outstanding  against  Company  or any  of  its  operations,
products, or services.

3.16 Tax Matters.  Since the Company has had no  employees,  the Sellers are not
required to deliver the Buyer MESC Form 1027.

3.17  Authorization for Agreement.  No corporate  authorization or approval from
Company is necessary for Sellers to enter into this  Agreement or consummate the
transactions contemplated hereby.

3.18 Agreements,  Contracts,  Leases,  etc.
Schedule 3.18 contains a list of all  agreements,  leases,  contracts to provide
services for  customers  of the Company and  commitments  to which  Company is a
party  or by which  its  properties  are  bound  (for  both  real  and  personal
property),  which would require a payment by either party during the life of the
agreement,  lease,  contract and/or commitment in excess of Ten Thousand Dollars
($10,000.00). Except for the documents so listed and described, or except as set
forth on other  Schedules  attached to this  Agreement,  Company is not bound to
any: (i) agreement that contains any severance pay  liabilities or  obligations;
(ii) agreement of guarantee or  indemnification;  (iii) loan or credit agreement
providing  for any  extension  of  credit  to or by the  Company  except  in the
ordinary  course  of  business;   (iv)  employment  contract;  (vi)  advertising
contract;  (vii) any  agreement or  commitment  containing  a covenant  limiting
Company's right to compete with any person or engage in an line of business.

3.19 Salt Water Disposal Wells. The Sellers  represent that the Company has only
operated salt water  disposal  wells on those  properties  set forth on Schedule
3.19 (herein "Schedule 3.19 Real Property").

3.20  Environmental  Matters.  The Sellers  represent  that to the best of their
knowledge,  information and belief the current or past operations of the Company
are  being  or  have  been  conducted  or used  in  such a  manner  so as not to
constitute a violation of any  Applicable  Environmental  Laws (defined  below),
except to the extent the  Company  caused the  environmental  conditions  as set
forth on Schedule  3.20.  Except as set forth in this section 3.20,  the Sellers
are making no  warranties  (express or implied)  with  respect to  environmental
matters and the Buyer is, with respect to environmental  matters,  accepting the
condition of the Real Property and the Schedule 3.19 Real Property in an "AS IS"

The term "Applicable  Environmental Laws" means any applicable federal, state or
local law, statute,  ordinance,  rule,  regulation,  order or notice requirement
pertaining  to human  health,  the  environment,  or to the storage,  treatment,
discharge,  release or disposal of  hazardous  wastes or  hazardous  substances,
including,  without  limitation (i) the  Comprehensive  Environmental  Response,
Compensation  and  Liability  Act of 1980 (42  U.S.C.  et seq.),  as
amended from time to time, including, without limitation, as amended pursuant to
the  Superfund  Amendments  and  Reauthorization  Act of  1986  ("CERCLA"),  and
regulations promulgated thereunder, (ii) the Resources Conservation and Recovery
Act of 1976 (42  U.S.C.  et  seq.),  as  amended  from  time to time
("RCRA"),  and  regulations  promulgated  thereunder,  (iii) the  Federal  Water
Pollution  Control Act (U.S.C.A.  ss.9601 et seq.), as amended,  and regulations
promulgated  thereunder,  and  (iv) any  applicable  state  laws or  regulations
relating to the environment.  The term "Hazardous Materials" means (x) asbestos,
polychlorinated  biphenyls,  urea  formaldehyde,  lead based  paint,  radon gas,
petroleum, oil, solid waste, pollutants and contaminants, and (y) any chemicals,
materials,  wastes or  substances  that are defined,  regulated,  determined  or
identified  as  toxic  or  hazardous  in  any  Applicable   Environmental  Laws,
including,  but not limited to,  substances  defined as "hazardous  substances,"
"hazardous  materials,"  or  "hazardous  waste" in CERCLA,  RCRA,  the Hazardous
Materials  Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. ss. 1801, et seq.), or comparable state
and local statutes or in the regulations  adopted and  publications  promulgated
pursuant to said statutes.

3.21  Compliance  with Laws.  The Sellers  represent that except as set forth in
Schedule 3.21 that to the best of their  knowledge,  information  and belief the
current or past  operations  of the Company are being or have been  conducted or
used in such a manner so as not to constitute a violation of any laws.

3.22 Statements True and Not Misleading. No schedule (or any document identified
thereby or attached  thereto),  no representation or warranty made by Sellers in
this Agreement, and no record, document,  statement,  schedule,  instrument,  or
certificate furnished or to be furnished to Buyer (its representatives,  agents,
attorneys,   or  accountants)   pursuant  hereto,  or  in  connection  with  the
transactions contemplated hereby, contain any knowingly untrue statement.

3.23 Conflicts of Interest. Except as set forth herein, no officer, director, or
shareholder of Company (nor any  corporation,  firm,  association,  or entity in
which any such officer, director, or shareholder is interested) is a party to or
have a material  interest in any  contract or  transaction  to which the Company
will be bound subsequent to the Closing Date.

3.24 Minute and Stock Books. The Company's minute books, stock certificate books
and stock  record and transfer  books have been made  available to the Buyer for
inspection;  the  signatures  therein  are the true  signatures  of the  persons
purporting to have signed them.


Each and every  obligation of Buyer under this Agreement shall be subject to and
conditioned upon Buyer being satisfied, on or before and as of the Closing Date,
of the following:

4.1 Compliance with Agreement.  Each and all terms, covenants,  agreements,  and
conditions  of this  Agreement  to be complied  with or  performed by Sellers or
Company until, at, or prior to the Closing Date shall have been complied with or
performed;  and Buyer shall not have  rescinded or terminated  this Agreement as
permitted by the terms of this Agreement.

4.2   Representations   and  Warranties  True  as  of  Closing  Date.   Sellers'
representations  and warranties set forth in Section 3 shall be true and correct
when made and shall be deemed to be made again and shall be true and  correct as
of the  Closing  Date.  Sellers  shall  deliver to Buyer a  certificate  to such
effect, executed by Sellers. In addition, Sellers' remaining representations and
warranties  contained within this Agreement,  to the best of Sellers' knowledge,
shall be true and  correct  when made and,  to the best of  Sellers'  knowledge,
shall be made again and shall be true and correct as of Closing Date.

4.3 No Governmental or Other Proceeding.  Nothing shall restrain or prohibit the
transactions contemplated hereby, and no suit, action,  investigation,  inquiry,
or governmental or other proceeding,  legal or  administrative,  shall have been
instituted or threatened  questioning the validity,  legality, or enforceability
of this Agreement, or the transactions contemplated hereby.

4.4  Approvals  and  Consents.  All  requisite  approval  of public  authorities
(federal,  state, or local, domestic or foreign),  necessary for consummation of
the transactions  contemplated  hereby without any loss to Company or to prevent
termination or restriction of any right, privilege,  license or agreement of, or
any loss or disadvantage to, Company shall have been obtained and copies thereof
delivered to Buyer.

4.5 Opinion of Sellers' Counsel. If requested before Closing Date, Sellers shall
deliver to Buyer a legal opinion from Sellers'  counsel in a form  acceptable to

4.6  Resignations  of Officers  and  Directors.  Buyer shall have  received  the
written  resignation of each officer and member of Company's  Board of Directors
in a form satisfactory to Buyer.

4.7 Charter Certificate.  Buyer shall have acquired a current certificate of the
Secretary  of  State of the  State  of  Michigan  as to the  good  standing  and
continuing  existence of the Company,  listing all charter  documents thereof on
file in that office,  and the Company's  corporate  seal,  minute  books,  stock
records, and other books and records.

4.8 Tender of Shares and  Closing  Documents.  Buyer  shall have  received  from
Sellers  a fully  executed  copy of  this  Agreement,  and  Sellers  shall  have
delivered  (or caused to be  delivered)  the  certificates  of stock to Buyer as
provided  for in Section  2.3;  Sellers  shall have  delivered  (or caused to be
delivered)  to Buyer  each and every  financial  statement,  document,  opinion,
certificate,  or instrument  required to be so delivered by this Agreement,  and
Buyer  shall  have  received  from  Company,  and  Sellers  copies of such other
documents,   instruments,   and  certificates  as  Buyer's  counsel  shall  have
reasonably requested.

4.9 Real and Personal Property Taxes. Sellers shall provide Buyer on the Closing
Date proof that all real and personal property taxes and any special assessments
due and payable in 1996 and prior years are paid.

4.10 Condition of Real Property and Personal Property.  All of the Real Property
and  Personal  Property is in a state of good  operating  condition  and repair,
ordinary wear and tear excepted,  and are free from  non-defects,  except (i) as
may be  repaired  by  routine  maintenance  and  such  minor  defects  as to not
substantially  interfere with the continued use thereof in the conductive normal
operations, or (ii) as set forth in Schedule 4.10.


To induce Sellers to enter into and perform this Agreement, Buyer represents and
warrants to Sellers that the following are true:

5.1 Purchase for Investments.  Buyer is acquiring the stock for its own account,
for investment, and without any view to the resale or distribution thereof.

5.2  Corporate  Qualification,  Organization,  Authorization,  etc.  Buyer  is a
corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws
of the State of Delaware,  has full corporate power and authority to conduct its
business as it is now being  conducted and to own the  properties  and assets it
now owns, and is duly qualified to do business in the State of Michigan.

5.3.  Authorization  for Agreement.  Neither  execution of, nor delivery of, nor
performance  of,  or  compliance  with,  or  consummation  of  the  transactions
contemplated  by this  Agreement  will  constitute or result in the breach of or
default under any term, condition or provision of (or constitute a default under
or result in the creation of any lien,  charge, or encumbrance upon any property
or  assets  of  the  Buyer   pursuant  to)  any  articles  or   certificate   or
incorporation,  by-law, mortgage, lien, indenture, lease, agreement, commitment,
arrangement,  or other  instrument  to which  Buyer is a party or by or to which
Buyer is bound or subject, or violate any statue, law, regulation,  judgment, or
order binding upon or applicable to Buyer.

5.4 Opinion of Buyer's  Counsel.  If requested  before Closing Date, Buyer shall
furnish to Sellers an Opinion,  dated the  Closing  Date,  of Lynch,  Gallagher,
Lynch & Martineau, P.L.L.C., counsel for Buyer, representing the following:

When executed and  delivered,  this Agreement and other  documents  delivered by
Buyer pursuant to the Agreement will  constitute  valid and binding  obligations
enforceable in accordance with their terms.


Each and every  obligation of Sellers under this  Agreement  shall be subject to
and  conditioned  upon  satisfaction,  on or  before  the  Closing  Date  of the
following conditions:

6.1  Representations,  Warranties,  and Covenants.  Buyer's  representations and
warranties  contained  in  Section 3 hereof  shall be in all  respects  true and
correct  when made and  shall be  deemed to be made  again and shall be true and
correct as of the Closing Date, and Buyer shall have performed,  or caused to be
performed,  all  obligations  and complied with all  covenants  required by this
Agreement to be performed or complied with by Buyer prior to Closing.

6.2 Payment of Purchase Price. Buyer shall deliver the Purchase Price to Sellers
at Closing in accordance with Section 2.2.


7.1 Cash,  Prepaid  Expenses.  In addition to the amounts to be paid by Buyer to
Sellers  pursuant to Section 2.1, at the Closing Date the Buyer shall pay to the
Sellers  in  cash,  money  order  or  certified  check  or by wire  transfer  of
immediately  available funds to an account designated by Seller, an amount equal
to: (a) the sum of all cash,  certificates  deposited in money and bank accounts
of the Company at the Closing Date; and

(b) an amount equal to all prepaid expenses as set forth in Schedule 7.1(b).

7.2  Liabilities  as of  Closing  Date.  The  Sellers  agree  that they shall be
obligated for the following obligations of the Company:

(a) all expenses, liabilities and accounts payable of the Company incurred prior
to the Closing  Date,  including tax  liabilities  prorated to the Closing Date,
except (i) all  liabilities,  expenses and costs  associated with  environmental
damages,  cleanup, or remediation  relating to the Real Property or the Schedule
3.19 Real  Property  (unless  Sellers knew of the  environmental  condition  and
failed to disclose  that as required  pursuant  to Section  3.20),  and (ii) all
expenses  relating to the  mechanical  integrity  of the  respective  salt water
disposal wells;

(b) all wages and fringe  benefits  of company  employees  prior to the  Closing

7.3 Save Harmless Agreement.  The Buyer agrees to be responsible for and to save
the Sellers harmless from any and all cleanup costs or environmental remediation
costs  (including  costs for scientific  surveys and the cost for preparation of
required  reports)  arising  out of the  environmental  conditions  set forth in
Schedule 3.20,  except that the Buyer shall not be responsible  for any fines or
penalties  arising  out of the  failure to timely  address  these  environmental
conditions  for that period of time prior to the Closing  Date.  Buyer agrees to
cause Company to comply promptly with all environmental laws with respect to the
environmental  conditions  described in Schedule 3.20.  This covenant is for the
sole benefit of the Sellers and not for the benefit of any third party.

7.4 Bonds.  Following  the  Closing  Date Buyer will  promptly  take those steps
necessary to release Sellers' personal  guarantee and  Certificate(s) of Deposit
with  respect  to  EPA/DEQ   required   bonds.   The  personal   guarantee   and
Certificate(s) of Deposit total approximately $75,000.

7.5 Company Obligations to Sellers or Sellers' Affiliates. The Buyer agrees that
immediately  after  closing,  the Buyer  shall  cause the  Company  to pay those
obligations  set forth in Schedule  3.10.  These payments shall be made in cash,
money order or certified check payable to the respective  debtor of the Company,
or by wire transfer of immediately  available funds to an account  designated by
said debtor of the Company.


8.1  Indemnification by the Sellers. In addition to any other remedies available
to Buyer  under  this  Agreement,  or at law or in  equity,  the  Sellers  shall
indemnify,  defend  and  hold  harmless  Buyer  and  its  officers,   directors,
employees,  agents and  stockholders,  against  and with  respect to any and all
claims, costs, damages, losses, expenses, obligations,  liabilities, recoveries,
suits,  causes of action and  deficiencies,  including  interest,  penalties and
reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses (collectively,  the "Damages") that such
indemnitee  shall  incur or suffer,  which  arise,  result from or relate to any
breach   of,  or  failure  by  the   Sellers   to   perform   their   respective
representations, warranties, covenants or agreements in this Agreement or in any
schedule,  certificate,  exhibit or other  instrument  furnished or delivered to
Buyer by the Sellers under this Agreement. Notwithstanding these provisions, the
Buyer shall have no claim against the Sellers for the first Ten Thousand Dollars
worth of Damages  pursuant to this Section 8.1. In addition,  the Sellers  total
liability  for  Damages  pursuant  to this  Section  8.1 shall not exceed  Eight
Million  Eight Hundred  Thousand  Dollars  (herein  "Indemnification  Cap").  In
determining  if the  Indemnification  Cap has  been  reached,  Sellers  shall be
entitled  to  aggregate  any   indemnification   paid  by  Sellers  or  Kalkaska
Construction  Service,  Inc.  pursuant  to this  Agreement  or  pursuant  to two
separate  Asset  Purchase  Agreements  between  Buyer and Kalkaska  Construction
Service,  Inc.  dated  March  31,  1997,  and  closed  simultaneously  with this

8.2  Indemnification  by Buyer.  In addition to any other remedies  available to
Sellers under this  Agreement,  or at law or in equity,  Buyer shall  indemnify,
defend and hold  harmless  the Sellers  against and with  respect to any and all
Damages that such indemnities shall incur or suffer, which arise, result from or
relate  to  any  breach  of,  or  failure  by  Buyer  to  perform   any  of  its
representations, warranties, covenants or agreements in this Agreement or in any
schedule,  certificate,  exhibit or other  instrument  furnished or delivered to
Sellers by or on behalf of Buyer under this Agreement.

8.3.  Indemnification  Procedure.  If any party  hereto  discovers  or otherwise
becomes  aware of an  indemnification  claim arising under Section 8.1 or 8.2 of
this  Agreement,  such  indemnified  party  shall  give  written  notice  to the
indemnifying  party,  specifying  such claim,  and may  thereafter  exercise any
remedies available to such party under this Agreement;  provided,  however, that
the failure of any indemnified party to give notice as provided herein shall not
relieve the indemnifying party of any obligations  hereunder,  to the extent the
indemnifying party is not materially prejudiced thereby. Further, promptly after
receipt by an indemnified  party hereunder of written notice of the commencement
of any action or  proceeding  with respect to which a claim for  indemnification
may be made pursuant to this Section 8, such indemnified party shall, if a claim
in respect thereof is to be made against any  indemnifying  party,  give written
notice to the latter of the commencement of such action; provided, however, that
the failure of any indemnified party to give notice as provided herein shall not
relieve the indemnifying party of any obligations  hereunder,  to the extent the
indemnifying party is not materially prejudiced thereby. In case any such action
is  brought  against an  indemnified  party,  the  indemnifying  party  shall be
entitled to participate in and to assume the defense  thereof,  jointly with any
other  indemnifying  party similarly  notified,  to the extent that it may wish,
with counsel  reasonably  satisfactory to such indemnified party, and after such
notice from the indemnifying  party to such indemnified party of its election so
to assume the defense  thereof,  the  indemnifying  party shall not be liable to
such indemnified party for any legal or other expenses  subsequently incurred by
the latter in connection with the defense thereof unless the indemnifying  party
has failed to assume the defense of such claim and to employ counsel  reasonably
satisfactory to such indemnified person. An indemnifying party who elects not to
assume the defense of a claim  shall not be liable for the fees and  expenses of
more than one counsel in any single  jurisdiction for all parties indemnified by
such  indemnifying  party with  respect to such claim or with  respect to claims
separate but similar or related in the same jurisdiction arising out of the same
general allegations.  Notwithstanding any of the foregoing to the contrary,  the
indemnified  party will be  entitled  to select its own  counsel  and assume the
defense of any action  brought  against it if the  indemnifying  party  fails to
select counsel reasonably satisfactory to the indemnified party, the expenses of
such defense to be paid by the indemnifying  party. No indemnifying  party shall
consent to entry of any judgment or enter into any settlement  with respect to a
claim without the consent of the indemnified  party,  which consent shall not be
unreasonably  withheld,  or unless such  judgment or  settlement  includes as an
unconditional  term  thereof  the giving by the  claimant or  plaintiff  to such
indemnified party of a release from all liability with respect to such claim. No
indemnified  party  shall  consent  to entry of any  judgment  or enter into any
settlement  of any such  action,  the  defense  of which has been  assumed by an
indemnifying  party,  without  the  consent of such  indemnifying  party,  which
consent shall not be  unreasonably  withheld.indemnifying  party,  which consent
shall not be unreasonably withheld.


9.1 Notices: All notices, requests, demands and other communications required or
permitted  hereunder  shall be in writing  and shall be deemed to have been duly
given as follows:

(a) If to Sellers,  when  delivered by hand or mailed,  certified or  registered
mail with postage prepaid to:
                  copy to:          Dennis Hogerheide and LaWenda Hogerheide
                                            418 S. Maple
                                            Kalkaska, MI
                                            Facsimile: (616) 258-6113

                  with a copy to:   Donald Brandt
                                            Brandt, Fisher, Alward & Roy, P.C.
                                            401 Munson Avenue, P.O. Box 5817
                                            Traverse City, Michigan 49696-5817
                                            Facsimile: (616) 941-9568

(b) If to Buyer, when delivered by hand or mailed,  certified or registered mail
with postage prepaid, to:
                  copy to:

                                            WellTech Eastern, Inc.
                                            5976 Venture Way
                                            Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48858
                                            Facsimile: (517) 773-0229

                  with a copy to: Mr. Steven W. Martineau
                                  Lynch, Gallagher, Lynch & Martineau, P.L.L.C.
                                  555 North Main Street
                                  Mt. Pleasant, MI  48858


                                  Key Energy Group, Inc.
                                  Two Tower Center, Tenth Floor
                                  East Brunswick, New Jersey 08816
                                  Attn: General Counsel
                                  Facsimile:  (908) 247-5148

or to such other place or person as the party to be notified may have  specified
in a prior written notice to the other parties.

9.2  Survival  of  Representations  and  Warranties.   All  representations  and
warranties made by Sellers or Buyer, respectively,  in this Agreement or made in
certificates  delivered on the Closing  Date, or on the Closing Date as required
hereunder,  shall  remain  operative  and in full  force and  effect,  and shall
survive the Closing Date, but shall not survive the expiration of any applicable
statute of limitation in respect  thereof,  except for liability  arising out of
fraud or  fraudulent  misrepresentation.  However,  if any claims based upon any
representation  or  warranties  have been made the subject of a lawsuit  brought
within   applicable   statute  of   limitations,   then  such   warranties   and
representations  shall continue to be in force and effect until entry of a final
nonappealable judgment.

9.3 Assignment. This Agreement and all of the provisions hereof shall be binding
upon and  inure to the  benefit  of the  parties  hereto  and  their  respective
successors and assigns, but no party hereto shall assign his or its rights under
this Agreement without the prior, written consent of the other party.

9.4 Indemnity Concerning Brokers. Sellers represent and warrant that there is no
broker  connected with this  transaction  retained by Sellers and Sellers hereby
agree to  indemnify  and hold Buyer  harmless  from and against any and all such
broker's,  finder's,  or consultant's  fees in connection with this transaction.
Buyer represents and warrants that there is no broker connected with this

transaction  retained by Buyer,  and Buyer hereby  agrees to indemnify  and hold
Sellers  harmless  from  and  against  any and all  such  brokers,  finders,  or
consultant's  fees in  connection  with this  transaction.brokers,  finders,  or
consultant's fees in connection with this transaction.

9.5 Expenses.  Sellers shall pay all expenses of Sellers in connection with this
Agreement and the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  including any and all of
Sellers'  counsel,  and Buyer  shall pay its  expenses in  connection  with this
Agreement and the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  including any and all of
Buyer's  counsel.  The  Company  shall  not  assume,  pay,  or  agree to pay any
obligations of the Sellers in connection with the expenses or fees hereby agreed
to be paid by Sellers.

9.6 Governing Law. This Agreement and the legal relationships  between Buyer and
Sellers shall be governed by and  construed in  accordance  with the laws of the
State of Michigan.

9.7  Headings.  The headings of the Sections of this  Agreement are inserted for
convenience only and shall not constitute a substantive part hereof.

9.8 Waiver and  Modifications.  By express notice to the other party,  expressly
referring to this paragraph and captioned  "Waiver," Sellers or Buyer may, as to
such  other  party  receiving  such  notice,  (i) waive or  extend  the time for
performance of any act other than  performance  required of the party or parties
giving notice,  (ii) waive any inaccuracy in any representation or warranty made
by the  notified  party  and  contained  in this  Agreement  or in any  document
delivered  by such  party  pursuant  to  this  Agreement,  covenant,  condition,
representation,  or  warranty  binding  upon  or  made  by the  notified  party;
provided, however, that no other act of Buyer or Sellers shall constitute such a

9.9 Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including the Exhibits and other documents
referred to herein, which form a part hereof,  contains the entire understanding
of the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter contained herein. There
are  no  restrictions,  promises,  representations,  warranties,  covenants,  or
undertakings,  other than those expressly set forth or referred to herein.  This
Agreement supersedes all prior agreements and understandings between the parties
with respect to such subject matter.

9.10  Severability.  If any provisions in this Agreement shall for any reason be
determined  to be invalid or  unenforceable,  the  remaining  provisions of this
Agreement shall nevertheless  continue to be valid and enforceable as though the
invalid or unenforceable provision had not been a part hereof.

9.11 Further Assurances. Sellers agree to execute such further instruments or to
take  such  other  actions  as may be  requested  by  counsel  for  Buyer and as
reasonably may be necessary or appropriate to the  transactions  contemplated by
this Agreement and to assure to Buyer the benefits intended by this Agreement.

9.12 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts,
which shall constitute but one agreement.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Buyer and Sellers  have duly  executed  this  Agreement by
affixing  thereto their signatures and seals as of the day, month and year first
above written. BUYER:

                                                     WELLTECH, INC.




                                                     Dennis Hogerheide

                                                     LaWenda Hogerheide

                                 SCHEDULE 3.6(a)

Parcel 1 - Hogerheide #1-29

                                 SCHEDULE 3.6(b)

                    Permitted Encumbrances for Real Property

Parcel 1 - Hogerheide #1-29

All  Encumbrances and exceptions to title as set forth in Schedule B-II of Title
Insurance  Commitment FA-5484 prepared by First American Title Insurance Company
dated January 31, 1997, except for Seller's  obligations to fulfill Requirements
#2, 3 and 4 as set forth in Schedule B-I of said commitment.

Parcel 2 - Holdeman #1

All  Encumbrances and exceptions to title as set forth in Schedule B-II of Title
Insurance Commitment 304497-11 prepared by Fidelity National Title Insurance
Company, dated March 5, 1997.

Parcel 3 - Simpson #1-9

All  Encumbrances  and  exceptions  to  title as set  forth  in Title  Insurance
Commitment CW-5506 prepared by Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company,  dated
February  12,  1997,  except  for  Seller's   obligation  to   fulfill/discharge
requirements in paragraphs 2, 7 and 8.

Parcel 4 - Miller #23-41

All documents of record through February 20, 1997. The Seller remains  obligated
to deliver marketable title to the surface.

Parcel 5 - Wedow #2-28

All documents of record through March 17, 1999. The Seller remains  obligated to
deliver marketable title from Northern Michigan Exploration Company.

Parcel 6 - 3 acres-Kalkaska

All  Encumbrances  and  exceptions  to  title as set  forth  in Title  Insurance
Commitment CW-5505 prepared by Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company,  dated
February 12, 1997,  except for Seller's  obligations to fulfill  requirements in
paragraphs 1 and 2.

*Seller is obligated to pay all taxes and special assessments,  if any, for 1996
and prior years with respect to each of Parcels 1-6.

                                 SCHEDULE 3.6(c)

                          Title Insurance Premium Costs

                          Name of Well Valuation Costs

Parcel 1 - Hogerheide #1-29 $750,000 $2,325

Parcel 2 - Holdeman #1 $110,000 $ 585

Parcel 3 - Simpson #1-9 $200,000 $ 900

Parcel 4 - Miller #23-41 $200,000 $ 900

Parcel 5 - Wedow #2-28 $200,000 $ 900

Parcel 6 - 3 acres-Kalkaska $240,000 $1,020

Parcel 7 - Kibler-Mather #1-27 $400,000 $1,450

Parcel 8 - Barber-Kopicko #1-6 $400,000 $1,450

Parcel 9 - State-Blair #5-21 $100,000 $ 550

TOTAL: $2,600,000 $10,080

                                 SCHEDULE 3.7(a)

                                Personal Property

All personal  property  located at and used in  conjunction  with the salt water
disposal wells listed on Schedule 3.19.

                                 SCHEDULE 3.7(b)

                   Permitted Encumbrances - Personal Property


                                 SCHEDULE 3.7(c)

                             Exceptions to Condition


                                 SCHEDULE 3.8(a)



                                 SCHEDULE 3.8(b)

                       Permitted Encumbrances - Inventory


                                 SCHEDULE 3.9(a)

                               Leasehold Interests

Parcel 7 - Kibler-Mather #1-27

Salt Water Disposal  Lease dated November 20, 1981,  between Lloyd L. Kibler and
Georgia M. Kibler,  husband and wife, as Lessors, to Don Yohe Enterprises,  Inc.
This Salt Water  Disposal  Lease was  recorded  in Liber  1242,  Page 150 of the
Calhoun County Register of Deeds records. The Salt Water Disposal Lease has been
assigned to Kalkaska  Construction  Company and Kalkaska  Construction  Service,
Inc. The Salt Water Disposal  Lease has been ratified by a Ratification  of Salt
Water Disposal Lease dated March 19, 1997, executed by Henry L. Kibler.

Parcel 8 - Barber-Kopicko #1-6

An Agreement  dated February 20, 1976,  between Yvonne K. Barber and Patricia A.
Kopicko,  as Lessors,  and Cabot  Corporation,  as Lessee.  This  Agreement  was
recorded  in Liber  1177,  Page  1094 of the  Ingham  County  Register  of Deeds
records.  This  Agreement  was  thereafter  assigned to Dennis  Hogerheide by an
Assignment  and Bill of Sale dated April 23,  1985,  and recorded in Liber 1511,
Page 851 of the Ingham County Register of Deeds records. A Lease Agreement dated
March 8, 1986, between Yvonne K. Barber and Patricia A. Kopicko, as Lessors, and
Dennis  Hogerheide,  as Lessee.  This Lease Agreement is recorded in Liber 1556,
Page 977 of the Ingham County  Register of Deeds records.  This Lease  Agreement
was thereafter assigned to Kalkaska Oilfield Services,  Inc. by an Assignment of
Lessee's Interest in Barber-Kopicko  #1-6 SWD Lease dated December 11, 1992, and
recorded in Liber 2183, Page 293 of the Ingham County Register of Deeds records.

Parcel 9 - State-Blair #5-21

The right to operate the State-Blair  #5-21 well located in the Southeast 1/4 of
the Northeast 1/4 of Section 21, T26N, R11W, Blair Township, Grand Traverse
County, Michigan.

                                 SCHEDULE 3.9(b)

                  Permitted Encumbrances - Leasehold Interests

Parcel 7 - Kibler-Mather #1-27

All instruments of record except that the Seller shall:

(1) record Ratification of Salt Water Disposal Lease signed by Henry L. Kiber;

(2) get an Assignment of the Salt Water  Disposal Lease dated November 20, 1981,
and recorded in Liber 1242, Page 150 from Kalkaska Construction Company (a d/b/a
for Dennis Hogerheide) and Kalkaska Construction Service, Inc. to KOS;

(3)  get  an  Affidavit  from  Dennis  Hogerheide  saying  that  he is  Kalkaska
Construction Service; and

(4) acquire the Salt Water Disposal Lease located at Liber 1242,  Page 147. Make
sure that that is also assigned to KOS, as stated above.

Parcel 8 - Barber-Kopicko #1-6

All instruments of record except that the Seller shall:

(1) acquire  discharges of  Mortgages/Financing  Statements found at Liber 1514,
Page 61;  Liber  1514,  Page 65; and Liber  1514,  Page 66 of the Ingham  County
Register of Deeds records;

(2) acquire an Assignment from Dennis Hogerheide to Kalkaska Oilfield  Services,
Inc. of all right,  title and  interest of Dennis  Hogerheide  as acquired by an
Assignment  and Bill of Sale  recorded  in Liber  1511,  Page 851 of the  Ingham
County Register of Deeds records; and

(3) provide an Affidavit that all rental payments have been made pursuant to the
Lease  Agreement  recorded in Liber 1556, Page 977 of the Ingham County Register
of Deeds records.

Parcel 9 - State-Blair #5-21

(1) You need to acquire a document from the State of Michigan  granting Kalkaska
Oilfield Services,  Inc. the right to operate Blair #5-21 SWD. The document then
needs to be recorded with the Grand Traverse County Register of Deeds office. If
such a document has been  executed by the State of Michigan  granting some other
party the right to  operate  Blair  #5-21  SWD,  that  party  should  execute an
Assignment  assigning  that  right to  Kalkaska  Oilfield  Services,  Inc.  That
Assignment must be approved by the State of Michigan.

(2) The original copy of an Assignment  of S.W.D.  State-Blair  5-21 and Related
Properties and Rights executed by Robert Raffaele,  Inc., to the Empire National
Bank of Traverse  City,  must be acquired and recorded  with the Grand  Traverse
County Register of Deeds records.

(3) The original copy of an Assignment  of S.W.D.  State-Blair  5-21 and Related
Properties  and Rights  executed by Empire  National  Bank of  Traverse  City to
Dennis  Hogerheide  must be acquired and recorded with the Grand Traverse County
Register of Deeds.

(4) A Mortgage  granted to the Empire  National  Bank and recorded in Liber 592,
Page 15 must be discharged.

(5) An Assignment of Production granted to the Empire National Bank and recorded
in Liber 592, Page 27 must be discharged.

(6) A Financing  Statement granted to Empire National Bank and recorded in Liber
595, Page 511 and continued by  instruments  recorded in Liber 757, Page 446 and
448 must be discharged.

(7) The  Michigan  National  Bank -  Grand  Traverse  must  reassign  to  Dennis
Hogerheide the interest it acquired in Liber 631, Page 554.

(8) The Michigan  National Bank - Grand  Traverse  must  discharge the Financing
Statement recorded in Liber 631, Page 558.

(9) The Affidavits and  Executions  filed by Kalkaska  Fishing and Rental Tools,
Inc. as reflected in Liber 635, Page 444;  Liber 635, Page 446;  Liber 635, Page
448; and Liber 635, Page 450 must be discharged.

(10) The  Michigan  National  Bank - Grand  Traverse  must  reassign  to  Dennis
Hogerheide the interest it acquired in Liber 638, Page 448.

(11) The Financing Statements granted to Michigan National Bank - Grand Traverse
and found at Liber 638, Page 539 and Liber 638, Page 556 must be discharged.

(12) The interest  asserted by J & J Exploration and recorded in Liber 654, Page
700 must be discharged.

(13) Dennis  Hogerheide  must convey his  interest in this  property to Kalkaska
Oilfield Services, Inc.

(14)  Kalkaska  Production,  Inc.  must  convey its  interest in this salt water
disposal well to Kalkaska Oilfield Services, Inc.

(15) You  should  acquire  and  review a copy of the  Farmout  Agreement  by and
between North  Michigan  Exploration  Company and Robert  Raffaele,  Inc.  dated
August 6, 1981, as amended June 23, 1981.  The document  should be reviewed with
this office.

(16) You should  acquire and review a copy of the  Assignment  and  Agreement to
Jointly Operate Brine Disposal Facility dated September 30, 1982, by and between
Robert  Raffaele,  Inc. and Kalkaska  Production,  Inc. That document  should be
reviewed by this office.

                                  SCHEDULE 3.10

                  Obligations or Debts of Company to Sellers or
             Any Related Individual or Entity to be Paid at Closing

(1) Promissory Note to David Hogerheide: $ 240,000

(2) Miscellaneous Sums Due Shareholders and Related Companies: $ 714,623

(3) Sums Due Mid-Michigan Disposal, Inc. pursuant to Asset Purchase Agreement: $

                  Robert Bowling -          $ 75,000
                  W&J Enterprises, Inc. -   $ 28,812
                  Dennis Hogerheide -      $   3,200

                                 SCHEDULE 3.11

                          Change in Conduct of Business

None except  that the annual  payment  for the  Kibler-Mather  #1-27 well is now
$1,000 per year instead of $500 per year.

                                  SCHEDULE 3.13


(1) Environmental  Protection Agency permits to operate the following salt water
disposal wells:

Hogerheide  #1-29;  Simpson  #1-9;  Kibler-Mather  #1-27;  Barber-Kopicko  #1-6;
State-Blair #5-21.

(2)  Michigan  Department  of  Environmental  Quality  permits  to  operate  the
following salt water disposal wells:

Hogerheide #1-29; Kibler-Mather #1-27;  Barber-Kopicko #1-6; Simpson #1-9; Wedow
#2-28; State-Blair #5-21.

                                  SCHEDULE 3.14

                   Powers of Attorney - Banking Relationships

(1)      No persons hold powers of attorney for the corporation.

(2)      First of America Bank: Account No. 0013299206.

                                  SCHEDULE 3.15

                              Claims or Litigation


                                  SCHEDULE 3.18

                         Contracts in Excess of $10,000

None except for the lease with respect to the  Kibler-Mather  #1-27 well and the
Barber-Kopicko #1-6 well.

                                  SCHEDULE 3.19

                            Salt Water Disposal Wells

Parcel 1 - Hogerheide #1-29

Parcel 2 - Holdeman #1

Parcel 3 - Simpson #1-9

Parcel 4 - Miller #23-41

Parcel 5 - Wedow #2-28

Parcel 7 - Kibler-Mather #1-27

Parcel 8 - Barber-Kopicko #1-6

Parcel 9 - State-Blair #5-21

                                  SCHEDULE 3.20

                            Environmental Conditions

The environmental conditions disclosed by the following reports:

(1) Phase I and Phase II  Environmental  Site  Assessment  dated March 13, 1997,
prepared  by  Environmental   Consultants  and  Services,   Inc.,  covering  the
Hogerheide #1-29 site.

(2) Phase I and Phase II  Environmental  Site Assessment  dated March ___, 1997,
prepared by Environmental  Consultants and Services, Inc., covering the Holdeman
#1 site.

(3) Phase I and limited Phase II  Environmental  Site Assessment dated March 12,
1997, prepared by Soil and Materials Engineers, Inc., covering the Kibler-Mather
#1-27 site.

(4) Phase I and limited Phase II  Environmental  Site Assessment dated March 12,
1997,   prepared  by  Soil  and   Materials   Engineers,   Inc.,   covering  the
Barber-Kopicko #1-6 site.

(5) Phase I and Phase II  Environmental  Site  Assessment  dated March 14, 1997,
prepared by Environmental  Consultants and Services,  Inc., covering the Simpson
#1-9 site.

(6) Phase I and Phase II  Environmental  Site  Assessment  dated March 14, 1997,
prepared by Environmental  Consultants and Services,  Inc.,  covering the Miller
#23-41 site.

(7) Phase I and Phase II  Environmental  Site  Assessment  dated March 14, 1997,
prepared by  Environmental  Consultants and Services,  Inc.,  covering the Wedow
#2-28 site.

(8) Phase I and Phase II  Environmental  Site  Assessment  dated March 14, 1997,
prepared  by  Environmental   Consultants  and  Services,   Inc.,  covering  the
State-Blair #5-21 site.

                                  SCHEDULE 3.21

                       Exceptions to Compliance with Laws

None except as reflected in any other Schedule to this Stock Purchase Agreement

                                  SCHEDULE 4.10

         Exceptions to Conditions of Real Property and Personal Property

None except as reflected in any other Schedule to this Stock Purchase Agreement.