Executive Copy

                              NON-COMPETE AGREEMENT

This  AGREEMENT (the  "Agreement"),  dated as of November 13, 1998, by and among
Key  Energy  Group,  Inc.,  a  Maryland  corporation  ("Parent"),  and  James J.
Byerlotzer ("Mr. Byerlotzer").

WHEREAS,  Mr.  Byerlotzer  previously held the position of Senior Vice President
and  Chief  Operating  Officer  of Dawson  Production  Services,  Inc.,  a Texas
corporation (the "Company");

WHEREAS,  pursuant to an  Agreement  and Plan of Merger,  dated as of August 11,
1998, by and among Parent,  Midland  Acquisition Corp., a New Jersey corporation
(the "Purchaser"),  and the Company (the "Merger  Agreement"),  at the Effective
Time (as defined in the Merger Agreement) the Purchaser has been merged with and
into the Company  (the  "Merger"),  and the Company has become a  subsidiary  of
Parent; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Byerlotzer entering into this Agreement is a material inducement to
Parent and the Purchaser to enter into the Merger Agreement;

NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the foregoing and the mutual  covenants,
representations,  agreements, and promises set forth herein, and intending to be
legally bound, the parties agree as follows:

1. Covenant Not to Compete;  No  Solicitation.  In addition to any limitation on
competition  contained in any employment agreement that Mr. Byerlotzer may enter
into with Parent,  during that period of time (the "Term") beginning on the date
hereof and ending on November 12,  2001,  other than  pursuant to an  employment
agreement  with Parent,  Mr.  Byerlotzer  shall not, in the  Continental  United
States, directly or indirectly engage in the following businesses:  (i) workover
rig services, including completion of new wells, maintenance and recompletion of
existing wells (including horizontal recompletions) and plugging and abandonment
of wells at the end of their  useful  lives;  (ii)  liquid  services,  including
vacuum truck services,  frac tank rental and salt water injection;  and/or (iii)
production  services,  including  well test  analysis,  pipe testing,  slickline
wireline  services and fishing and rental tool  services.  Without  limiting the
generality of the foregoing, during the Term, Mr. Byerlotzer shall not interfere
with the  business or accounts of Parent and its  subsidiaries  and  affiliates,
including  the  making  of  any  statements  or  comments  of  a  defamatory  or
disparaging  nature to third parties  regarding  Parent or its  subsidiaries  or
affiliates  or their  respective  officers,  directors,  personnel,  products or
services.  Mr.  Byerlotzer  agrees  that  during  the Term,  he will not hire or
solicit  to  hire,  directly  or  indirectly,  any  employee  of  Parent  or its
subsidiaries or affiliates,  or otherwise solicit,  directly or indirectly,  any
employee  of Parent or its  subsidiaries  or  affiliates  to leave the employ of
Parent or its subsidiaries or affiliates.

2.  Consideration.  In exchange  for Mr.  Byerlotzer's  covenants  contained  in
Section 1 hereof,  Parent shall pay, or cause to be paid to, Mr.  Byerlotzer  an
annual  amount of $100,000,  payable in equal monthly  installments  (subject to
proration  for any partial  period) on the last day of each month of the Term to
an account designated in writing by Mr.  Byerlotzer.  The payor may make any tax
withholding it deems to be necessary under  applicable tax laws. Mr.  Byerlotzer
acknowledges  that the  consideration  described  in this Section 2 is adequate,
fair and reasonable.

3. Reasonableness of Covenant Not to Compete; Irreparable Injury. Mr. Byerlotzer
acknowledges  that this  Agreement is being entered into in connection  with the
consummation of the transactions  contemplated by the Merger Agreement, that the
agreements  contained herein are of a special and unique character,  which gives
this  Agreement  a  peculiar  value to  Parent,  the  loss of  which  may not be
reasonably  or  adequately  compensated  for by damages in an action at law, and
that a  material  breach or  threatened  breach by him of any of the  provisions
contained in this Agreement will cause Parent irreparable injury. Mr. Byerlotzer
therefore  agrees that Parent shall be entitled,  in addition to any other right
or remedy,  to a temporary,  preliminary and permanent  injunction,  without the
necessity of proving the  inadequacy  of monetary  damages or the posting of any
bond or  security,  enjoining  or  restraining  Mr.  Byerlotzer  from  any  such
violation or threatened violations.

4.  Arbitration.  Any dispute between the parties arising out of this Agreement,
including but not limited to any dispute regarding any aspect of this Agreement,
its  formation,   validity,   interpretation,   effect,  performance  or  breach
("arbitrable  dispute")  shall be  submitted  to  arbitration  in the  cities of
Houston or San Antonio,  Texas,  before an experienced  arbitrator who is either
licensed to practice law in Texas,  or is a retired judge.  The parties agree to
make a good faith effort to select a mutually agreeable arbitrator.  However, if
the parties are unable to reach agreement on an arbitrator, one will be selected
pursuant to the commercial rules of the American Arbitration  Association or any
successor rules thereto.  The arbitration  shall be conducted in accordance with
the commercial  rules of the American  Arbitration  Association or any successor
rules.  The  arbitrator in any  arbitrable  dispute shall not have  authority to
modify or change this Agreement in any respect except to the extent set forth in
Section  5.6  hereof.  The  prevailing  party in any such  arbitration  shall be
awarded  its  costs,  expenses,  and  reasonable  attorneys'  fees  incurred  in
connection  with the  arbitration in an aggregate  amount not to exceed $25,000.
Mr.  Byerlotzer and Parent shall each be responsible  for payment of one-half of
the  amount of any  arbitrator's  fee(s)  payable  prior to the  existence  of a
prevailing  party, such amounts to be repaid to the prevailing party pursuant to
the previous  sentence.  The  arbitrator's  decision  and/or award will be fully
enforceable  and  subject  to an entry of  judgment  by any  court of  competent

5. Miscellaneous.

5.1 Successors and Assigns;  Binding Agreement.  This Agreement shall be binding
upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties  hereto and their  respective
heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns.

5.2  Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  shall be  governed  by and  construed  in
accordance with the laws of the State of Texas without regard to conflict of law
rules thereof.

5.3 Waivers.  The waiver by either  party  hereto of any right  hereunder of any
failure  to perform or breach by the other  party  hereto  shall not be deemed a
waiver or any other  right  hereunder  or of any other  failure or breach by the
other party hereto,  whether of the same or a similar  nature or  otherwise.  No
waiver shall be deemed to have occurred  unless set forth in a writing  executed
by or on behalf of the waiving  party.  No such written waiver shall be deemed a
continuing waiver unless specifically stated therein, and each such waiver shall
operate  only  as to the  specific  term  or  condition  waived  and  shall  not
constitute  a waiver of such term or  condition  for the future or as to any act
other than that specifically waived.

5.4 Notices. All notices and communications that are required or permitted to be
given  hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given
when delivered  personally or sent by overnight carrier service (such as Federal
Express) to the parties at the following addresses:

                      If to Parent, to:

                      Key Energy Group, Inc.
                      Two Tower Center, 20th Floor
                      East Brunswick, New Jersey  08816
                      Attention:    General Counsel

                      If to Mr. Byerlotzer, to:

                      James J. Byerlotzer
                      125 Grant
                      San Antonio, Texas 78209

or to such  other  address as may be  specified  in a written  notice  delivered
personally  or sent by overnight  courier  given by one party to the other party

5.5  Severability.  If for any reason any term or provision of this Agreement is
held to be invalid or unenforceable, all other valid terms and provisions hereof
shall remain in full force and effect,  and all of the terms and  provisions  of
this Agreement shall be deemed to be severable in nature.  If for any reason any
term or provision  containing a restriction set forth herein is held to cover an
area or to be for a length of time which is unreasonable, or in any other way is
construed to be too broad or to any extent invalid, such term or provision shall
not be determined to be null, void and of no effect,  but to the extent the same
is or would be valid or enforceable under applicable law, any court of competent
jurisdiction  shall  construe and interpret or reform this  Agreement to provide
for a restriction  having the maximum  enforceable  area,  time period and other
provisions  (not  greater  than  those  contained  herein) as shall be valid and
enforceable under applicable law.

5.6  Amendment.  This  Agreement  may not be  amended or  modified  except by an
agreement in writing, signed by the parties hereto.

5.7 Entire Agreement. This Agreement,  together with the Confidential Separation
and Release Agreement (including the Pre-existing  Indemnification Provisions as
defined  therein),  the Employment  Agreement of even date herewith  between Mr.
Byerlotzer  and the Parent,  and the  Certificate  executed and delivered by Mr.
Byerlotzer in connection  with the payment of his stock options  constitute  the
entire  agreement  between the parties  hereto,  and  supersedes  all prior oral
and/or written understandings and/or agreements between the parties hereto.

5.8 Descriptive  Headings.  The parties hereto agree that the headings contained
herein are  inserted  for  convenience  only and shall not in any way affect the
meaning or construction of any provision of this Agreement.

5.9 Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which
shall be  deemed  an  original  for all  purposes  but  which,  together,  shall
constitute one and the same instrument.

                            [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date
and year first above written.

