Washington, D.C. 20549

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                        Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant                      X

Filed by a Party other than  the Registrant ----

Check the appropriate box:

          Preliminary Proxy Statement
- --------
     X    Definitive Proxy Statement
- --------
          Definitive Additional Materials
- --------
          Soliciting  Material  Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12
- --------
          Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
- --------  (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))

                                    PSC Inc.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

    (Name of Persons(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

  X     No fee required
- ------
        Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11
- ------
         1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

         2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


         3) Per unit price or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
         pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule  0-11(Set  forth the amount on which the
         filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):


         4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


         5)   Total fee paid:


         Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
- -------

- ------   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         1)   Amount previously paid:
         2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.
         3)   Filing party:
         4)   Date filed:

                                    PSC Inc.
                                 675 BASKET ROAD
                             WEBSTER, NEW YORK 14580


                                   To Be Held
                                December 6, 2000


         The annual meeting of  shareholders of PSC Inc. (the "Company") will be
held on  December  6, 2000 at 9:30 a.m.  at the  Helmsley  Park Lane  Hotel,  36
Central Park South, New York, New York (the "Annual  Meeting") for the following

1.  To elect two (2) directors, each to serve a three-year term.

2.  To consider and act upon a proposal to approve the Company's 2000 Employee
    Stock Purchase Plan.

3.  To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting or
    any adjournment thereof.

         The Board of  Directors  has fixed the close of business on October 23,
2000 as the record date for the  determination of shareholders  entitled to vote
at the Annual Meeting and to receive notice  thereof.  The transfer books of the
Company will not be closed.


                                    By Order of the Board of Directors

                                    MARTIN S. WEINGARTEN

Dated:  November 8, 2000
        Webster, New York

                                    PSC Inc.
                                 675 Basket Road
                             Webster, New York 14580

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                       2000 ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

         This Proxy  Statement  is furnished to  shareholders  of PSC Inc.  (the
"Company") by the Board of Directors  (the "Board") of the Company in connection
with the  solicitation  of the enclosed  proxy for use at the annual  meeting of
shareholders  to be held on December 6, 2000 at the Helmsley Park Lane Hotel, 36
Central Park South, New York, New York, at 9:30 a.m., Eastern Standard Time, and
at any adjournment or postponement thereof (the "Annual Meeting").

         The  principal  executive  offices of the  Company  are  located at 675
Basket Road,  Webster,  New York 14580,  and the Company's  telephone  number is
(716)  265-1600.  The  approximate  date on which this Proxy  Statement  and the
enclosed proxy are first being sent to shareholders is November 8, 2000.

                               GENERAL INFORMATION

Voting at the Annual Meeting; Record Date
- -----------------------------------------

         Only  shareholders  of record at the close of  business  on October 23,
2000 (the  "Record  Date") are entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Annual
Meeting.  At the close of  business  on the Record  Date,  there were issued and
outstanding and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting  12,131,695 common shares
of the  Company,  par value $.01 per share (the  "Common  Shares"),  and 110,000
shares of the Company's Series A Convertible  Preferred  Shares,  par value $.01
per share (the "Series A Preferred Shares"). (The Common Shares and the Series A
Preferred  Shares  are  sometimes  collectively  referred  to below  as  "Voting
Shares".)  Each  holder of Common  Shares is  entitled to cast one vote for each
share held of record at the close of  business on the Record Date on each matter
submitted to a vote at the Annual Meeting. The holders of the Series A Preferred
Shares have the right to one vote for each Common Share into which such Series A
Preferred  Shares can be  converted  and are  entitled  to vote,  together  with
holders of Common  Shares,  with  respect to any  matter  upon which  holders of
Common  Shares have the right to vote.  As of the Record Date,  the  outstanding
Series A  Preferred  Shares  were  convertible  into  1,375,000  Common  Shares.
Accordingly,  the Voting  Shares  outstanding  on the Record Date  represent  an
aggregate of 13,506,695 votes; the holders of Common Shares having 89.82% of the
votes  entitled to be cast and the holders of Series A Preferred  Shares  having
10.18% of the votes entitled to be cast.

Solicitation and Revocation
- ---------------------------

         Proxies  in the form  enclosed  are  solicited  by and on behalf of the
Board.  The persons  named in the proxy have been  designated  as proxies by the
Board.  Any proxy given pursuant to such  solicitation  and received in time for
the Annual Meeting will be voted as specified in such proxy.

         Unless  contrary  instructions  are indicated on the proxy,  all Common
Shares  represented by valid proxies received pursuant to this solicitation (and
not  revoked  before  they are  voted)  will be voted  FOR the  election  of the
nominees  listed  below  under  Proxy Item 1, FOR the  proposal  to approve  the
Company's  Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan  under  Proxy  Item  2,  and,  in the
discretion  of the proxies  named on the proxy card,  with  respect to any other
matters properly brought before the meeting and any  adjournments  thereof.  The
Board knows of no other  matters to be presented at the Annual  Meeting.  If any
other matters are presented at the Annual Meeting upon which a vote properly may
be taken,  the persons  named in the proxy will vote the  proxies in  accordance
with their best judgment.

         Any shareholder may revoke a proxy at any time prior to its exercise by
filing a later-dated  proxy or a written notice of revocation with the Secretary
of the Company, 675 Basket Road, Webster, New York 14580, or by voting in person
at the Annual Meeting. If a shareholder is not attending the Annual Meeting, any
proxy or notice  should be  returned in time for receipt no later than the close
of business on the day preceding the Annual Meeting. Attendance by a shareholder
at the Annual Meeting does not alone serve to revoke his or her proxy.

Quorum; Required Vote; Abstentions and Non-Votes
- ------------------------------------------------

         The  presence,  in person or by proxy,  of the holders of a majority of
the shares entitled to be voted at the Annual Meeting is necessary to constitute
a quorum at the  Annual  Meeting;  Shares  that are voted  "FOR,"  "AGAINST"  or
"ABSTAIN" from a matter are treated as being present at the meeting for purposes
of  establishing  a quorum and are also treated as being entitled to vote on the
subject matter (the "Votes Cast") with respect to such matter. While abstentions
and broker non-votes will be counted for purposes of determining the presence or
absence of a quorum for the  transaction of business,  with respect to proposals
set forth in this Proxy  Statement,  they will not be  considered  as Votes Cast
and, accordingly,  will not offset the determination as to whether the requisite
majority of Votes Cast has been obtained with respect to a particular matter.

         A  broker  "non-vote"  occurs  when  a  nominee  holding  shares  for a
beneficial owner does not vote on a particular proposal because the nominee does
not have  discretionary  voting  power  with  respect  to that  item and has not
received instructions from the beneficial owner.

Expenses of Solicitation
- ------------------------

         The entire  cost of the  solicitation  of  proxies  will be paid by the
Company.  In  addition  to the  solicitation  of  proxies  by mail,  some of the
officers and regular employees of the Company,  without extra remuneration,  may
solicit  proxies,  personally or by telephone,  telegram,  letter,  facsimile or
other  means of  communication.  The Company may also  request  brokers,  banks,
nominees,  custodians,  fiduciaries and others to forward soliciting material to
the  beneficial  owners of the Company's  Common Shares and will  reimburse such
persons for reasonable expenses incurred in forwarding such materials.

Procedure for Submitting Shareholder Proposals
- ----------------------------------------------

         At the Annual  Meeting  each year,  the Board of  Directors  submits to
shareholders its nominees for election as directors.  In addition,  the Board of
Directors may submit other matters to the  shareholders for action at the Annual
Meeting.  It is anticipated that the 2001 Annual Meeting of Shareholders will be
held on May 16, 2001.

         Shareholders  of the  Company  also may  submit  proper  proposals  for
inclusion  in the proxy  material.  These  proposals  must meet the  shareholder
eligibility and other requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission. In
order to be included  in the  Company's  2001 proxy  material,  a  shareholder's
proposal  must be received not later than  January 28, 2001 by the  Secretary of
the Company at the principal  office of the Company,  675 Basket Road,  Webster,
New York 14580.

         In addition, the Company's Bylaws provide that in order for business to
be brought before an annual meeting of shareholders,  a shareholder must deliver
written  notice to the  Secretary  of the Company not less than 90 days prior to
the date of the  meeting.  The  notice  must set forth the  shareholder's  name,
address and number of shares of Company  stock held, a  representation  that the
shareholder  intends to appear in person or by proxy at the  meeting to make the
proposal,  a description of the business to be brought  before the meeting,  the
reasons  for  conducting  such  business  at the annual  meeting,  any  material
interest of the shareholder in the proposal and such other information regarding
the proposal as would be required to be included in a proxy  statement.  No such
notice has been  received by the Company  for the 2000 Annual  Meeting.  For the
2001 Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders,  written  notice must be delivered to the
Secretary  of the Company at the  principal  office of the  Company,  675 Basket
Road, Webster, New York 14580 not later than February 16, 2001.

         The Bylaws also  provide  that if a  shareholder  intends to nominate a
candidate  for election as a director,  the  shareholder  must  deliver  written
notice of his or her intention to the Secretary of the Company.  The notice must
be delivered not less than 90 days before the date of a meeting of shareholders.
The notice  must set forth the name and  address and number of shares of Company
stock  owned by the  shareholder,  the  name and  address  of the  person  to be
nominated,  a representation that the shareholder intends to appear in person or
by proxy at the  meeting to  nominate  the person  specified  in the  notice,  a
description of all arrangements or  understandings  between such shareholder and
each  nominee and any other person  (naming  such person)  pursuant to which the
nomination  is  to be  made  by  such  shareholder,  the  business  address  and
experience  during the past five years of the nominee,  any other  directorships
held by the nominee,  the nominee's  involvement  in certain  legal  proceedings
during the past five years and such other information  concerning the nominee as
would be required to be included in a proxy statement soliciting proxies for the
election of the nominee. In addition, the notice must include the consent of the
nominee to serve as a director of the  Company,  if elected.  No such notice has
been  received by the Company for the 2000 Annual  Meeting.  For the 2001 Annual
Meeting of  Shareholders,  written  notice must be delivered to the Secretary of
the Company at the principal  office of the Company,  675 Basket Road,  Webster,
New York 14580 not later than February 16, 2001.

                                 AND MANAGEMENT

         Set forth below is information  regarding  beneficial  ownership of any
class of the Company's Voting Shares as of October 23, 2000 (except as otherwise
noted  below)  by (i) each  entity  or  person  known by the  Company  to be the
beneficial  owner of more than five percent  (5%) of any class of the  Company's
Voting Shares,  (ii) each of the Company's current directors and nominees to the
Board of Directors,  (iii) each of the Company's executive officers named in the
Summary  Compensation Table, and (iv) all current directors,  director nominees,
and executive  officers of the Company as a group.  The  information  as to each
person and entity has been furnished by such person and entity,  and,  except as
noted,  each person and entity named in the table has sole voting and investment
power with respect to all shares shown as  beneficially  owned by such person or

Certain Beneficial Owners
- -------------------------

           Name and Address                                        Shares of Class            Percentage of Class
          of Beneficial Owner               Title of Class       Beneficially Owned            Beneficially Owned
          -------------------               --------------       ------------------            ------------------
Dr. Romano Volta (1)                     Series A Preferred            110,000                        100%
 Hydra S.p.A.                            Shares
 Via Massino D'Azeglio 57
 40123 Bologna, Italy                    Common Shares               1,990,860                       14.54%

L. Michael Hone                          Common Shares                 908,912 (2)                    7.11%
 502 Brookside Drive
 Andover, MA  01810

Whelan & Gratny Capital                  Common Shares                 733,587                        6.05%
 Management (3)
 611 Santa Cruz Avenue, Suite C
 Menlo Park, CA  94025

Stadium Capital Management, LLC          Common Shares                 723,300                       5.96%
and related parties (4)
  430 Cowper Street - Suite 200
  Palo Alto, CA 94301

- ----------------------------
(1)      Hydra  Investissements  S.A.  ("Hydra  Investissements"),  a Luxembourg
         corporation,  is the record owner of 110,000 Series A Preferred  Shares
         and a warrant ("Warrant") to purchase 180,000 Common Shares. The Series
         A Preferred  Shares are  convertible  into Common Shares at the rate of
         one  Series A  Preferred  Share  for 12.5  Common  Shares  (subject  to
         adjustment  in certain  circumstances).  As  adjusted  to  reflect  the
         conversion,  Hydra  Investissements owns beneficially  1,375,000 Common
         Shares.  The Warrant is currently  exercisable  and  accordingly  Hydra
         Investissements   owns  beneficially  180,000  Common  Shares.  On  its
         Schedule 13D dated  September 22, 1997,  filed with the  Securities and
         Exchange Commission,  Hydra Investissements reported that it has shared
         voting  and  dispositive  power with  respect  to all of the  1,555,000
         Common Shares beneficially owned by it. Dr. Volta directly owns 426,501
         Common Shares with sole voting and dispositive  power and may be deemed
         to be beneficial  owner,  with shared voting and dispositive  power, of
         the 1,555,000 Common Shares beneficially owned by Hydra Investissements
         by reason of the  ownership  by Hydra  S.p.A.  ("Hydra") of 100% of the
         capital stock of Hydra  Investissements  and the ownership by Dr. Volta
         of 50% of the capital stock of Hydra. Dr. Volta also  beneficially owns
         9,750 Common Shares which are subject to options currently exercisable.

(2)      Includes 645,833 shares subject to stock options held by Mr. Hone that
         are currently exercisable.

(3)      Based on Schedule 13F filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
         on October 25, 2000, Whelan & Gratny Capital  Management  reported that
         it had sole  voting  power and sole  investment  power with  respect to
         733,587 shares.  Whelan & Gratny Capital Management is an institutional
         investment manager.

(4)      Based on  Schedule  13G filed on April 20,  2000,  the Company has been
         advised  that  Stadium  Capital  Management,  LLC, a  Delaware  limited
         liability   company  ("SCM"),   has  shared  voting  power  and  shared
         dispositive  power  with  respect to 723,300  shares;  Stadium  Capital
         Partners,  L.P., a California limited partnership  ("SCP"),  has shared
         voting  power and  shared  dispositive  power  with  respect to 723,300
         shares;  Alexander  M. Seaver  ("Seaver")  has shared  voting power and
         shared  dispositive power with respect to 723,300 shares and Bradley R.
         Kent ("Kent") has shared voting power and shared dispositive power with
         respect to 723,300 shares.  SCM is an investment  advisor whose clients
         have the  right to  receive  or the  power to  direct  the  receipt  of
         dividends from, or the proceeds from the sale of, the shares.  SCP is a
         client of SCM. Seaver and Kent are the managers of SCM.

Security Ownership of Directors and Executive Officers
- ------------------------------------------------------

   Name of Beneficial                          Common Shares         Percent of Common Shares
           Owner                             Beneficially Owned         Beneficially Owned
- ---------------------------                  ------------------      ------------------------
Jay M. Eastman* ...........................          128,850 (1)(2)         1.05%
Robert S. Ehrlich* ........................          401,270 (1)(3)         3.26%
Donald K. Hess* ...........................           47,645 (1)            +
Thomas J. Morgan* .........................           29,380 (1)            +
James C. O'Shea* ..........................           36,674 (1)            +
Terry R. Peets** ..........................             --
Jack E. Rosenfeld* ........................           58,152 (1)(4)         +
Roberto Tunioli* ..........................             --
Justin L. Vigdor* .........................           31,244 (1)            +
Bert W. Wasserman* ........................           93,250 (1)            +
Robert C. Strandberg ......................          470,581 (1)            3.75%
Linda J. Miller ...........................            6,875                +
William L. Parnell, Jr ....................           54,995 (1)            +
Brad R. Reddersen .........................            4,962 (1)            +
William J. Woodard ........................          113,728 (1)            +

All current directors, director nominees and
   executive officers as a group
   including those named above (27 persons)        1,716,475 (5)           12.87%
*   Current member of the Board of Directors of the Company
** Nominee to the Board of Directors
+   Less than 1%

(1)      Includes the following  Common  Shares  subject to  acquisition  by the
         exercise of stock  options  which are, or within 60 days after  October
         23, 2000 will be, exercisable and are therefore deemed under Securities
         and Exchange Commission  regulations to be beneficially owned:  Messrs.
         Hess,  Morgan,  O'Shea,  Rosenfeld and Vigdor,  22,750 shares each; Mr.
         Ehrlich,  169,770  shares;  Dr. Eastman,  115,328 shares;  Mr. Parnell,
         46,250 shares;  Mr. Strandberg,  423,846 shares; Mr. Wasserman,  43,250
         shares; Mr. Woodard, 91,980 shares.

(2)      Includes 3,121 shares held by Dr. Eastman's wife, and 7,232 shares held
         by his son.

(3)      Includes 15,000 shares held by Ehrlich & Co., 80,000 shares held in the
         R. S. Ehrlich & Co. Pension Plan Trust (the pension plan for Ehrlich &
         Co.) and 50,000  shares held by Red Lion  Enterprises, Inc. Mr. Ehrlich
         is the senior  partner in Ehrlich & Co. and may be deemed to be in con-
         trol of that partnership.  Red Lion Enterprises,  Inc. is a corporation
         wholly-owned by Mr.  Ehrlich  and his  wife.  Accordingly,  Mr. Ehrlich
         may be deemed to beneficially own the shares owned by Ehrlich & Co., by
         the R. S. Ehrlich & Co.Pension Plan Trust, and by Red Lion Enterprises,
         Inc. Also includes 13,125 restricted shares (see "ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
         -  Compensation  of Directors").

(4)      Includes 10,000 shares held by Solana Inc.(Pension Plan), a corporation
         wholly-owned by Mr. Rosenfeld and his wife.  Accordingly, Mr. Rosenfeld
         may be deemed to beneficially own the shares owned by Solana Inc.

(5)      Includes  1,203,382  shares  subject to  acquisition by the exercise of
         stock  options which are, or within 60 days after October 23, 2000 will
         be, exercisable.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
                                 (Proxy Item 1)

     The Company's Restated Certificate of Incorporation and Bylaws provide that
the  number of  directors  on the Board  shall be fixed from time to time by the
Board but shall not be less than nine nor more than 20  persons.  The  number of
members  constituting the Board of Directors is currently fixed at ten. However,
as a result of the  resignation  of Robert C.  Strandberg as President and Chief
Executive  Officer and as a director on August 22,  2000,  there is  currently a
vacancy on the Board and the Board currently consists of nine persons.

     In accordance with the Company's Restated  Certificate of Incorporation and
Bylaws,  the members of the Board of Directors  are divided into three  classes.
The terms of office of the members of one class of directors expire each year in
rotation, so that the members of one class are elected at each Annual Meeting to
serve  full  three-year  terms,  or  until  their  successors  are  elected  and
qualified.  Each class consists,  as nearly as may be possible,  of one-third of
the total number of directors constituting the entire Board of Directors.

     Under the Company's Restated  Certificate of Incorporation,  as amended, so
long as Hydra  Investissements  S.A.  holds at least  27,500  Series A Preferred
Shares,  the holders of Series A  Preferred  Shares  have the  exclusive  right,
voting  separately  as a class,  to elect one director (the "Series A Director")
and are  entitled to vote  together  with the holders of the Common  Shares as a
single  class in the  election  of the other  directors.  On June 5,  2000,  the
holders of Series A Preferred  Shares  elected  Roberto  Tunioli as the Series A
Director to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Dr. Romano Volta,  who
had been the Series A Director since September 1997.

     Nominations  of persons for election to the Board of Directors  may be made
at a meeting of  shareholders  only (i) by or at the  direction  of the Board of
Directors  or (ii) by any  shareholder  of the Company  entitled to vote for the
election of directors at the meeting who complies with the notice procedures set
forth  in the  Company's  Bylaws.  See  "GENERAL  INFORMATION  -  Procedure  for
Submitting Shareholder Proposals."

     At this Annual  Meeting,  two persons  will be nominated to serve until the
Annual  Meeting in 2003 and until  their  successors  are elected and shall have
qualified.  The two nominees are James C. O'Shea and Terry R. Peets.  Mr. O'Shea
is  currently a director of the  Company.  Mr.  Peets,  who  currently  is not a
director  of the  Company,  has been  nominated  by the Board of  Directors  for
election as a director. Donald K. Hess and Justin L. Vigdor, each of whose terms
as a  director  expires  at this  Annual  Meeting,  will  retire  from the Board
effective  December  6,  2000.  Mr.  Hess has served on the  Company's  Board of
Directors  since 1987, and Mr. Vigdor has served on the Board of Directors since
1989. The Company is indebted to each of them for their guidance and support.

     Following the Annual Meeting, there will remain two vacancies on the Board.
When a new Chief  Executive  Officer has been  selected by the Board,  it is the
Board's intent to also appoint such person to the Board. In addition,  the Board
is currently  considering  potential candidates to fill the other vacancy on the
Board. Accordingly, the Board has not taken any action to reduce the size of the

     The holders of Common Shares and Series A Preferred Shares, voting together
as a class,  are  entitled  to vote  with  respect  to the  election  of the two
nominees standing for election.  Unless otherwise specified by the shareholders,
it is intended that the shares  represented by proxies will be voted for the two
nominees.  Proxies for the Annual Meeting may not be voted for more than the two
nominees named.

     Both nominees have consented to serve if elected, but if one or both of the
nominees becomes unable or unwilling to serve at the time of the Annual Meeting,
the shares  represented by proxy will be voted for the remaining  nominee(s) and
for any substitute nominee(s) designated by the Board of Directors. The Board of
Directors does not anticipate  that any nominee will be unavailable or unable to

     For the election of  directors,  only  proxies and ballots  marked "FOR all
nominees",  "WITHHELD for all nominees" or specifying that votes be withheld for
one or more  designated  nominees are counted to  determine  the total number of
votes cast; votes that are withheld are excluded entirely from the vote and will
have no effect.  Abstentions will have no effect on the vote for the election of
directors.  Directors  are elected by a plurality of the votes cast.  That means
the two nominees will be elected if they receive more affirmative votes than any
other nominees.

     The Board of Directors  recommends that  shareholders vote FOR the nominees
named in this Proxy Statement.

Information Concerning Nominees for Directors and other Incumbent Members of the
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Board of Directors
- ------------------

     Certain  biographical and other information about the nominees for election
as directors and the directors continuing in office is presented as follows. The
ages of the directors are as of December 6, 2000.

Nominees  for  directors  to be  elected  by  holders  of  Voting  Shares  for a
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
three-year term expiring in 2003:
- ---------------------------------

     James C.  O'Shea,  age 55, has served as a director  of the  Company  since
1989. He has been Chairman of the Board and Chief  Executive  Officer of Bioject
Medical  Technologies,  Inc.,  a  medical  device  manufacturer  of  needle-free
injection systems in Portland,  Oregon,  since April 1995. Prior thereto, he was
President  of  Biopure  Corporation,   a  biomedical   manufacturer  in  Boston,
Massachusetts, from January 1989 until April 1995.

     Terry R. Peets,  age 56, is being  elected to the Board for the first time.
Mr. Peets has been  Chairman of the Board of Bruno's  Supermarkets,  Inc.  since
1999.  He served as  President,  Chief  Executive  Officer  and  director of PIA
Merchandising  Company,  Inc.,  a provider of  nationwide  retail  merchandising
services,  from 1997 until 1999,  and as  Executive  Vice  President of The Vons
Companies,  Inc., a supermarket  chain in Southern  California,  from 1995 until
1997.  From 1977 until 1995,  Mr. Peets served in various  sales,  marketing and
operation  roles  for  Ralphs  Grocery  Co.,  the most  recent  of which  was as
Executive  Vice President  (1993-1995).  Mr. Peets is also a director of Diamond
Brands Inc., a consumer products  company,  and Super Markets Online, a division
of Catalina Marketing  Corporation,  a provider of in-store electronic marketing

Directors whose terms expire in 2001:
- -------------------------------------

     Robert S.  Ehrlich,  age 62, has served as a director of the Company  since
1983, has been Chairman of the Board of Directors  since April 1997 and has been
interim Co-Chief  Executive  Officer since August 22, 2000. He was Vice Chairman
of the Board of  Directors  from  February  1997 until April  1997.  He was also
Chairman of the Board of  Directors  from  December  1987 until July 1992.  From
January 1995 until December 1996, Mr. Ehrlich was engaged to provide  consulting
services to the Company.  From August 1991 until  December 1994, Mr. Ehrlich was
employed by the Company as a senior management  executive.  Mr. Ehrlich has been
Chairman of the Board of Electric  Fuel  Corporation  ("EFC") since January 1993
and Chief  Financial  Officer  of EFC since  May  1991.  EFC is an  Israel-based
company engaged in the research,  development and  commercialization of advanced
zinc air battery products.

     Jack E.  Rosenfeld,  age 62, has served as a director of the Company  since
1989. He has been President and Chief Executive Officer of Potpourri Collection,
Inc., a consumer catalog company in Medfield,  Massachusetts,  since 1998. Prior
thereto,  he was President and Chief Executive  Officer of Hanover Direct,  Inc.
(formerly  Horn & Hardart  Co.)  from  September  1990  until  January  1996 and
President and Chief Executive  Officer of its direct  marketing  subsidiary from
May  1988  until  January  1996.  He  is  also  a  director  of  EFC  and  Thane
International, an electronic retailer.

     Roberto  Tunioli,  age 42, is the  Series A  Director  and has  served as a
director of the Company since June 2000.  Mr. Tunioli is the President and Chief
Executive Officer of Datalogic S.p.A., an Italian corporation which manufactures
auto identification and data collection systems.  Mr. Tunioli is a member of the
Board of  Directors  of I.E.S.  S.p.A.,  an  automation  components  company  in
Bologna, Italy, Peppercom S.p.A., a telecom company in Bologna, Italy, and Hydra
S.p.A., an industrial and real estate holding company in Bologna, Italy.

Directors whose terms expire in 2002:
- -------------------------------------

     Dr. Jay M.  Eastman,  age 52, has served as a director of the Company since
April 1996.  He also served as Senior Vice  President,  Strategic  Planning from
December 1995 until October 1997 and as Executive  Vice President of the Company
from  December  1987  until  December  1995.  Dr.  Eastman is  President,  Chief
Executive Officer and major shareholder of Lucid, Inc.,  Rochester,  New York, a
corporation he founded in November 1991. Lucid designs and  manufactures  custom
electro-optical  instrumentation  for  application  in  fields  such as  desktop
publishing and medical  diagnosis.  Dr. Eastman holds Ph.D. and Bachelor degrees
in Optics  from the  University  of  Rochester  and is an  inventor on 18 United
States  patents owned by the Company.  Dr. Eastman is also a director of EFC and
Centennial Technologies,  Inc., Wilmington,  Massachusetts, a manufacturer of PC
card-based solutions to original equipment manufacturers.

     Thomas J.  Morgan,  age 64, has served as a director of the  Company  since
April 1996.  Mr.  Morgan was the  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer  from
October  1984 until  January  1993 and  Chairman of the Board from  January 1993
until January 1995 of Verax Systems,  Inc., Rochester,  New York, a manufacturer
of data collection and specialized software for statistical process control. Mr.
Morgan is also a  director  of Tru II Form,  Inc.,  Seal  Beach,  California,  a
woman's fitness studio.

     Bert W.  Wasserman,  age 67, has served as a director of the Company  since
May 1999 and as interim  Co-Chief  Executive  Officer since August 22, 2000. Mr.
Wasserman served as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Time
Warner,  Inc. from 1990 until his  retirement in 1995 and served on the Board of
Directors  of  Time   Warner,   Inc.  and  its   predecessor   company,   Warner
Communications,  Inc., from 1981 to 1995. He joined Warner Communications,  Inc.
in 1966 and had been an officer of that company since 1970.  Mr.  Wasserman is a
director of several investment companies in the Dreyfus Family of Funds. He is a
director of Malibu Entertainment  International,  Inc., Winstar  Communications,
Inc. and Lillian Vernon Corporation.

Information Regarding the Board and its Committees
- --------------------------------------------------

     The  Board of  Directors  has the  responsibility  for  establishing  broad
corporate policies and for overseeing the overall performance of the Company and
its  subsidiaries  and  appoints the  corporate  officers of the Company who are
responsible for conducting business on a day-to-day basis. In 1999, the Board of
Directors  held five  meetings and took action by unanimous  written  consent in
lieu of a special meeting once.

     To assist in the discharge of its responsibilities,  the Board of Directors
has established five standing  committees:  an Audit  Committee,  a Compensation
Committee,  an  Executive  Committee,  a  Nominating  Committee  and a Strategic
Planning Committee.

     The Audit Committee has the responsibility for recommending the appointment
of the Company's  outside  auditors,  reviewing the scope and results of audits,
and reviewing internal  accounting  controls and systems.  These reviews include
meetings with the independent  auditors and  representatives  of management,  as
well as separate and private  meetings with the  independent  auditors to ensure
that the scope of their  activities  had not been  restricted  and that adequate
responses to their  recommendations  had been received.  In addition,  the Audit
Committee  reviews  the  estimated  fees and types of  non-audit  services to be
rendered to the Company by the independent  accountants for the coming year. The
Audit Committee also monitors the Company's  compliance  efforts with respect to
the Year 2000 issue and monitors  compliance with the Company's Code of Conduct,
its  conflict  of  interest  policy  and its  policy  concerning  trading in the
Company's  securities  and it reviews  senior  level  accounting,  auditing  and
financial  personnel  performance  and succession  planning.  The minutes of the
Audit  Committee  meetings  as well as all of the  recommendations  of the Audit
Committee  are submitted to the full Board of  Directors.  The Audit  Committee,
consisting of Messrs.  Vigdor (Chairman),  Hess, Morgan and Wasserman,  held two
meetings in 1999.

     The  Executive  Committee is authorized to exercise the powers of the Board
of Directors in the interval between regular meetings of the Board and serves as
the investment  committee of the Board. The Executive  Committee,  consisting of
Messrs.  Ehrlich (Chairman),  Morgan, O'Shea,  Rosenfeld,  Strandberg (until his
resignation in August 2000) and Wasserman, held eight meetings in 1999.

     The Compensation  Committee reviews and approves the Company's compensation
philosophy  covering  executive  officers  and other key  management  employees,
reviews the  competitiveness  of the  Company's  total  compensation  practices,
reviews  and  approves  the terms and  conditions  of proposed  incentive  plans
applicable  to  executive  officers  and  other  key  employees,   approves  and
administers the Company's 1994 Stock Option Plan and any other stock option plan
of the Company,  approves and  administers  the Company's  1995  Employee  Stock
Purchase  Plan,  reviews and makes  recommendations  with respect to  management
compensation,  including  salaries  and bonus  awards,  examines  the impact and
effect of various  benefits  and  incentive  plans and  reviews  and  recommends
changes or amendments  to such  programs to the Board,  and reviews and approves
special  hiring  and  severance   arrangements  with  executive  officers.   The
Compensation  Committee,   consisting  of  Messrs.  O'Shea  (Chairman),  Morgan,
Rosenfeld  and Volta  (until his  resignation  in June 2000),  held six meetings
during 1999.

     The  Nominating  Committee  considers  and  recommends  individuals  to  be
proposed for election as directors at the annual meeting of shareholders  and to
fill vacancies  existing on the Board. The Company's  Bylaws include  provisions
setting  forth  specific  conditions  under which  persons may be  nominated  as
directors  of the Company at an annual  meeting of  shareholders.  See  "General
Information - Procedure for Submitting  Shareholder  Proposals."  The Nominating
Committee,  consisting  of Messrs.  Rosenfeld  (Chairman),  Ehrlich,  Strandberg
(until his  resignation in August 2000) and Volta (until his resignation in June
2000), held two meetings in 1999.

     Created in 1998, the Strategic  Planning  Committee has the  responsibility
for monitoring and providing  oversight with respect to the Company's  strategic
planning process and for working with management in the development of strategic
priorities.  The Strategic  Planning  Committee,  consisting  of Messrs.  Morgan
(Chairman),  Eastman, Ehrlich, Strandberg (until his resignation in August 2000)
and Volta (until his resignation in June 2000),  held several informal  meetings
in 1999.

     In 1999,  each  director,  except Dr.  Volta,  attended  75% or more of the
meetings held by the Board of Directors and the committees on which the director

Special Committee
- -----------------

     In October  1998,  the Board of  Directors  appointed  a Special  Committee
consisting of five directors,  Messrs.  Ehrlich,  Morgan, O'Shea,  Rosenfeld and
Vigdor,  to explore certain  specific  matters  related to alternatives  for the
Company's future, in light of the indications of interest to acquire the Company
and alternative transactions, subject to the final determination by the Board of
Directors.  In October 1999, two additional  directors,  Messrs.  Strandberg and
Wasserman, were appointed to the Special Committee.

Compensation of Directors
- -------------------------

     In 1999,  each  non-employee  director  was paid  $500 for each  Board  and
Committee  meeting  attended  by him,  except that no more than $500 was paid if
more than one meeting occurred on the same day. Also, each non-employee director
received a retainer at the annual rate of $12,500 (the "Director Retainer"), and
each Chairman of a Board Committee  (except Mr. Erhlich)  received an additional
annual retainer of $2,500 (the "Chairman Retainer").  Both the Director Retainer
and the Chairman  Retainer were paid in four equal  installments on the last day
of each calendar quarter. A Special Committee of the Board had been appointed in
October 1998 to consider strategic alternatives for the Company and to consider,
negotiate,  or oversee the  negotiation,  and to recommend to the Board, for its
approval, the terms of potential  acquisitions,  if any. In 1999, each member of
the Special Committee,  except Messrs.  Ehrlich,  Strandberg and Wasserman,  was
paid  $9,000 for such extra  service.  For 1999,  an  aggregate  of  $194,217 in
meeting fees,  retainers,  and special compensation was paid in cash or in stock
to eight non-employee  directors.  Each non-employee director is also reimbursed
the  reasonable  expenses  incurred  in  attending  the  meeting.  In 1999,  all
directors, except Messrs. Ehrlich and Strandberg, were non-employee directors.

     Pursuant  to the PSC Inc.  Compensation  Plan for  Non-Employee  Directors,
non-employee  directors  have  the  opportunity  to  receive  payment  of  their
compensation  either in cash or in Common  Shares.  During 1999,  Messrs.  Hess,
O'Shea, Rosenfeld,  Vigdor and Volta received a portion of their compensation in
Common Shares. The directors may also elect to receive their compensation either
currently or on a deferred  basis.  During 1999, no director  chose to defer his
compensation.  If the amount to be deferred would have been payable in cash, the
Company  will credit a Deferral  Account  maintained  for the  director  with an
amount that would  otherwise  have been payable to the director in cash.  If the
amount to be deferred would have been payable in stock,  the Company will credit
units ("Stock Units") to a Unit Account  maintained for the director.  Directors
make  separate  elections  with  respect  to the  manner of the  payment  of the
compensation  and the time of the  payment  of the  compensation.  The number of
Common  Shares  issued or the number of Stock  Units  credited  to a  director's
account  will  equal the cash  amount of the  compensation  divided  by the fair
market  value of one share of stock on the date on which such cash amount  would
otherwise  have been paid.  Stock  Units and  amounts in a Deferral  Account are
fully  vested at all times.  Payment of Stock Units (in full Common  Shares) and
the  amounts in a  Deferral  Account  must be  deferred  at least one year.  The
director  chooses  the date of the  payment,  which may be upon  termination  of
service as a director.  The maximum  number of Common  Shares that may be issued
under the Plan is 50,000 shares.

     The Company's  1994 Stock Option Plan (the "1994 Plan")  provides that each
member of the Board of Directors  who is not also an employee or  consultant  of
the  Company  will  automatically  receive on the date of the Annual  Meeting of
Shareholders a stock option for 6,500 Common Shares.  As discussed in the Report
of the Compensation  Committee,  the Board adopted a policy to reduce by 50% the
size of the annual  stock  option  grants to  officers  and key  employees.  See
COMPENSATION."  Believing that this policy should be applicable to everyone, the
directors  voluntarily  agreed to also reduce the size of their annual grants by
50%.  Accordingly,  on the  date of the 1999  Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders,
non-employee  director  stock options  ("NEDSOs") to purchase  3,250 shares were
granted to each non-employee director, except Mr. Wasserman, at a purchase price
of  $10.375  per share,  the fair  market  value on the date of the grant.  Said
NEDSOs were  exercisable  in their entirety on May 12, 2000 and terminate on May
12, 2004.  Mr.  Wasserman,  elected as a director for the first time at the 1999
Annual  Meeting,  received a NEDSO for 6,500  shares.  No NEDSOs were granted to
Messrs. Ehrlich and Strandberg in 1999.

     In May 1998,  the Board  approved  a new  compensation  agreement  with Mr.
Ehrlich, Chairman of the Board, which was amended in December 1998 and July 1999
(the agreement, as amended, is referred to as the "Ehrlich Agreement") and which
will expire on December 31,  2000.  Pursuant to the Ehrlich  Agreement,  for all
services rendered to the Company as Chairman of the Board and as a consultant in
such  areas  as  strategic   planning,   corporate   development,   mergers  and
acquisitions  and  development  of overseas  markets,  Mr.  Ehrlich will receive
compensation  at the annual rate of $85,000.  In 1999, Mr.  Ehrlich  received an
aggregate  of $85,000  and was also  reimbursed  for  expenses  incurred  in the
performance of his duties.  The Ehrlich Agreement includes  confidentiality  and
non-compete provisions and provides for a severance payment upon the termination
of his position as Chairman of the Board as the result of a change-in-control in
an amount equal to 2.9 times his annual rate of  compensation  to be paid over a
period of three years. Pursuant to the Ehrlich Agreement,  effective as of March
25,  1999,  Mr.  Ehrlich  received  an option for 17,500  Common  Shares,  at an
exercise  price of $8.625  per share  (the Fair  Market  Value of the  Company's
Common  Shares on the date of grant).  This option  replaced the award of 17,500
restricted  shares which would otherwise have been awarded on March 25, 1999 and
represented  a 50%  reduction  in the  size of the  option  grant  to  which  he
otherwise would have been entitled. Of the 17,500 stock options granted, options
for 8,750  shares have vested or will vest as follows:  2,188 on March 25, 2000;
2,187 on March 25, 2001;  2,188 on March 25, 2002;  and 2,187 on March 25, 2003.
The remaining  8,750 shares will not vest unless and until  certain  performance
levels for the  Company's  Common  Shares are  attained - with  respect to 2,916
shares,  at such time as the Fair Market Value of the  Company's  Common  Shares
equals or exceeds $11.47 per share for seven  consecutive  days; with respect to
2,917  shares,  at such time as the Fair Market  Value of the  Company's  Common
Shares equals or exceeds  $13.53 per share for seven  consecutive  days and with
respect to 2,917 shares,  at such time as the Fair Market Value of the Company's
Common Shares equals or exceeds $15.70 per share for seven  consecutive days. If
the specified  performance goals are not reached,  the options will nevertheless
become fully exercisable  after December 1, 2003 in order to maintain  favorable
accounting treatment. The options will expire on March 25, 2004. Pursuant to the
Ehrlich  Agreement,  effective as of March 25,  2000,  Mr.  Ehrlich  received an
option for 17,500  shares of Common  Stock,  at an  exercise  price of $6.00 per
share  (the  Fair  Market  Value of the  Company's  Common  Stock on the date of
grant).  This option represented a 50% reduction in the size of the option grant
to which he otherwise would have been entitled pursuant to his Agreement. Of the
17,500  stock  options  granted,  options for 8,750 shares will vest as follows:
2,188 on March 25, 2001;  2,187 on March 25, 2002;  2,188 on March 25, 2003; and
2,187 on March 25,  2004.  The  remaining  8,750 shares will not vest unless and
until certain  performance  levels for the Company's Common Stock are attained -
with  respect  to 2,916  shares,  at such time as the Fair  Market  Value of the
Company's  Common Stock equals or exceeds $7.98 per share for seven  consecutive
days; with respect to 2,917 shares, at such time as the Fair Market Value of the
Company's  Stock equals or exceeds $9.41 per share for seven  consecutive  days;
and with respect to 2,917  shares,  at such time as the Fair Market Value of the
Company's Common Stock equals or exceeds $10.92 per share for seven  consecutive
days.  If the  specified  performance  goals are not  reached,  the options will
nevertheless  become  fully  exercisable  after  December  1,  2004 in  order to
maintain favorable  accounting  treatment.  The options will expire on March 25,
2005. In the event of a change-in-control and if Mr. Ehrlich becomes entitled to
receive  the  severance  payment  set  forth  above,  all  of his  options  will
immediately vest.

Other Remuneration Arrangements
- -------------------------------

     See  "EXECUTIVE  OFFICER  COMPENSATION  -  Recent  Developments  and  Other
Remuneration Arrangements."

Directors' and Officers' Liability Insurance Policy
- ---------------------------------------------------

     The Company has an insurance policy for $15,000,000 effective until January
20, 2002, which protects its officers and directors against losses which certain
persons may incur  because of their acts or omissions as officers or  directors.
The policy is underwritten by Great American  Insurance  Company at an aggregate
premium of $218,750 for a two-year period.

Recent Developments
- -------------------

     On August 22, 2000,  Robert C.  Strandberg  resigned as President and Chief
Executive  Officer  and as a director  of the  Company,  and  Messrs.  Robert S.
Ehrlich,  Chairman  of the  Board,  and  Bert W.  Wasserman,  a  director,  were
appointed interim Co-Chief  Executive Officers until a permanent Chief Executive
Officer has been  recruited  and  appointed.  The  following  data  incorporates
compensation   data  resulting  from  Mr.   Strandberg's   resignation  and  the
appointment  of Messrs.  Ehrlich and  Wasserman  as interim  Co-Chief  Executive
Officers.  In addition,  on October 23, 2000,  William L. Parnell,  Jr., who had
previously held executive positions with the Company, was appointed to the newly
created position of Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer.

Summary Compensation Table
- --------------------------

     Set  forth  below  is   information   concerning   the  cash  and  non-cash
compensation  for services in all capacities to the Company for the fiscal years
1999,  1998 and 1997  received by (i) the Chief  Executive  Officer and (ii) the
four other most highly paid  executive  officers in the employ of the Company at
December 31, 1999 (the  individuals  in (i) and (ii),  collectively,  the "Named
Executive Officers").

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE
                                              Annual Compensation                  Compensation Awards
                                   --------------------------------------------- ------------------------
                                                                                Restricted    Securities
                                                                Other Annual      Stock       Underlying        All Other
Name & Principal Position    Year Salary($)    Bonus($)(1)  Compensation ($)(2) Awards ($)(3) Options(#)     Compensation ($)(4)
- --------------------------   ---- ---------    -----------  ------------------- ------------- ----------     -------------------
Robert C. Strandberg (5)     1999 $319,800      $152,208         $ 50,442           ---          37,500       $ 5,000
  President and Chief        1998  165,000 (6)   133,380          132,170        $403,125          --           4,500
  Executive Officer          1997   80,460 (6)     ---             64,345           ---         298,846          ---

William J. Woodard           1999 $199,307      $ 75,500          $ 37,243          ---           6,500       $55,000
  Vice President, Chief      1998  179,384       156,690            59,704          ---            ---          5,000
  Financial Officer          1997  160,000         ---              26,710          ---          30,000         3,139
  and Treasurer

William L. Parnell, Jr. (7)  1999  $215,031      $ 81,540          $152,304         ---           7,500       $ 5,000
  Chief Operating Officer    1998   187,445       142,758            ---            ---            ---          4,850
  & Senior Vice President    1997   169,386         1,597            ---            ---          30,000         4,750

Linda J. Miller (8)          1999  $179,308      $ 67,950            ---            ---          33,750         ---
  Senior Vice President      1998   113,846       121,496            ---            ---          35,000         ---
  & General Manager

Brad R. Reddersen (9)        1999  $194,661      $ 51,529            ---            ---           5,000       $ 4,000
  Vice President, Chief      1998   184,784       140,634            ---            ---            ---          4,620
  Technology Officer         1997   170,836         1,597            ---            ---          30,000         4,393

(1)  For 1999, the amounts in this column reflect annual  incentive awards under
     the  Company's  Management  Incentive  Plan  ("MIP").  See  "Report  of the
     Compensation   Committee   of  the   Board  of   Directors   on   Executive
     Compensation."  For  1998,  the  amounts  in  this  column  reflect  annual
     incentive awards under the Company's MIP and/or bonus payments made in lieu
     of stock  options.  The  amounts of the MIP awards and the bonus in lieu of
     options, respectively, for 1998 were as follows:

                                                 Bonus in Lieu of
                                MIP($)             Options($)
                                ------             ----------
         R. Strandberg          $ 133,380              --
         W. Woodard             $  66,690           $90,000
         W. Parnell             $  48,758           $94,000
         L. Miller              $  41,496           $80,000
         B. Reddersen           $  48,032           $92,602

     Messrs.   Parnell   and   Reddersen   had  been   executive   officers   of
     Spectra-Physics Scanning Systems, Inc. ("Spectra") prior to its acquisition
     by the Company on July 12, 1996. Bonus amounts for 1997 for Messrs. Parnell
     and Reddersen were payable pursuant to Spectra's Phantom Stock Option Plan.

(2)  Except as noted,  none of the Named Executive  Officers  received  personal
     benefits  in excess of the lesser of  $50,000  or 10% of such  individual's
     reported  salary  and bonus for 1999,  1998 or 1997.  The  amounts  in this
     column  for 1999  include  the  following:  Mr.  Strandberg  - $50,442  for
     automobile  expenses,  club  membership  dues and  fees,  and  premiums  on
     enhanced life and disability insurance policies;  Mr. Woodard - $37,243 for
     automobile  expenses,  club  membership  dues and  fees,  and  premiums  on
     enhanced life and disability insurance policies; Mr. Parnell - $130,170 for
     relocation  expenses and other amounts for automobile expenses and premiums
     on  enhanced  life and  disability  insurance  policies,  and a related tax

     The amounts in this column for 1998 include the following: Mr. Strandberg -
     $97,412 for relocation expenses and other amounts for automobile  expenses,
     club membership dues and fees, and premiums on enhanced life and disability
     insurance policies,  and a related tax gross-up;  Mr. Woodard - $15,779 for
     automobile  expenses,  $23,728 for club  membership dues and fees and other
     amounts for premiums on enhanced life and  disability  insurance  policies,
     and a related tax gross-up.

     The amounts in this column for 1997 include the following: Mr. Strandberg -
     $47,516 for relocation  expenses and other amounts for automobile  expenses
     and  premiums on  enhanced  life and  disability  insurance  policies;  Mr.
     Woodard - $15,641 for  automobile  expenses  and  $11,069  for  premiums on
     enhanced life and disability insurance policies and club membership dues.

(3)  Restricted  stock awards are valued in the table above at their fair market
     value  based on the  closing  price  for the  Company's  Common  Shares  as
     reported by The Nasdaq Stock  Market(R) on the date of award.  On March 25,
     1998,  Mr.  Strandberg was awarded 37,500  restricted  shares.  The closing
     price of the Company's Common Shares on that date was $10.75. At the end of
     the 1998 fiscal year, the fair market value of Mr. Strandberg's  restricted
     stock holdings was $356,250,  based upon the closing price of the Company's
     Common  Shares on December 31, 1998 of $9.50.  As set forth in the original
     award,  the  restrictions  on 50% of such shares  would lapse in four equal
     annual  installments on March 25, 1999,  March 25, 2000, March 25, 2001 and
     March 25, 2002 so long as Mr.  Strandberg was an officer on such dates. The
     restrictions  on the other 50% of the  shares  would not lapse  unless  and
     until certain  performance  levels for the Company's shares were attained -
     with  respect to 6,250  shares,  at such time as the  trading  price of the
     Company's  Common  Shares  equals  or  exceeds  $14.30  per share for seven
     consecutive days at any time prior to March 25, 2002; with respect to 6,250
     shares,  at such time as the trading price of the  Company's  Common Shares
     equals or exceeds $16.87 per share for seven  consecutive  days at any time
     prior to March 25, 2002; and with respect to 6,250 shares,  at such time as
     the trading price of the Company's  Common Shares equals or exceeds  $19.57
     per share for seven  consecutive  days at any time prior to March 25, 2002.
     If the trading price of the shares did not reach the specified  performance
     levels by March 25,  2002,  all shares  still  subject to the  restrictions
     would be returned to or cancelled by the Company.  In  connection  with Mr.
     Strandberg's  resignation,  the Board,  as of August 22,  2000,  waived all
     restrictions still remaining on the shares and all of the restrictions were
     deemed to have lapsed.  See  "EXECUTIVE  OFFICER  COMPENSATION - Employment
     Contracts  and  Severance  and  Change-in-Control  Agreements  - Robert  C.

(4)  The amounts in this column for 1999 consist of the following:

     The Company's  matching  contributions  to its 401(k) Plan as follows:  Mr.
     Strandberg  -  $5,000;  Mr.  Woodard - $5,000;  Mr.  Parnell - $5,000;  Mr.
     Reddersen  - $4,000.  In  addition,  Mr.  Woodard  received a cash award of
     $50,000 in order to exercise stock options pursuant to a program adopted by
     the Board in 1999 designed to encourage an increase in the ownership of the
     Company's Common Shares by management. As conditions to the receipt of such
     award,  any  executive  officer  electing  to  receive  the award  would be
     required to hold the stock  acquired  upon the exercise of the stock option
     for a minimum period of three years and the size of such  officer's  annual
     stock  option  grant for 1999  would be  reduced.  Mr.  Woodard  elected to
     receive this special cash award and,  accordingly,  also received a reduced
     annual stock option grant.

     The amounts in this column for 1998 consist of the following:

     The Company's  matching  contributions  to its 401(k) Plan as follows:  Mr.
     Strandberg  -  $4,500;  Mr.  Woodard - $5,000;  Mr.  Parnell - $4,850;  Mr.
     Reddersen - $4,620.

     The amounts in this column for 1997 consist of the following:

     The Company's  matching  contributions  to its 401(k) Plan as follows:  Mr.
     Woodard - $3,139; Mr. Parnell - $4,750; Mr. Reddersen - $4,393.

(5)  Mr. Strandberg  resigned as President and Chief Executive Officer on August
     22, 2000,  having held those  positions since April 30, 1997. He joined the
     Company as Executive Vice President in November 1996.

(6)  The amount set forth as salary for 1998  represents the cash payment to Mr.
     Strandberg  for the period June 1, 1998  through  December 31, 1998 and the
     amount set forth for 1997 represents the cash payment to Mr. Strandberg for
     the period January 1, 1997 through May 31, 1997. Pursuant to his Employment
     Agreement,  Mr.  Strandberg  elected  to  receive  all of his  base  salary
     ($240,000) for the period between June 1, 1997 and May 31, 1998 in the form
     of stock options.  Accordingly,  on June 2, 1997, Mr. Strandberg received a
     stock option to purchase  73,846  shares at an exercise  price of $6.50 per
     share (the fair market value of the Company's  Common Shares on the date of
     grant).  Said option vested in four equal quarterly  installments on August
     31, 1997,  November  30,  1997,  February 28, 1998 and May 31, 1998 and, as
     amended, expires on December 31, 2000.

(7)  Mr. Parnell left the Company on January 11, 2000.  Subsequent  thereto,  on
     October 23, 2000, Mr.  Parnell was appointed to the newly created  position
     of Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer.

(8)  Ms. Miller became  Senior Vice  President and General  Manager in May 1999.
     She joined the Company as Vice President, Marketing in April 1998.

(9)  Mr. Reddersen left the Company on July 1, 2000.

Options and Stock Appreciation Rights
- -------------------------------------

         The following  tables summarize option grants to, and exercises by, the
Named  Executive  Officers in fiscal 1999,  and the value of the options held by
such persons at the end of fiscal 1999. No stock  appreciation  rights have ever
been granted by the Company.

                              OPTION GRANTS IN 1999

                                                                                             Potential Realizable Value
                                                                                             at Assumed Annual Rates
                                                                                           of Stock Price Appreciation
                                               Individual Grants                                  for Option Term (1)
                        ---------------------------------------------------------------    ----------------------------
                                             Percent of
                            Number of      Total Options
                           Securities        Granted to    Exercise or
                           Underlying       Employees in    Base Price
         Name           Options Granted (#) Fiscal 1999 (2)($/Share)(3)  Expiration Date (4)  5% ($)       10%($)
         ----           ------------------  -------------- ------------  ------------------  -------------------
Robert C. Strandberg        37,500 (5)          8.7%          $8.625           3/25/04       $89,359.82   $197,461.83

William J. Woodard           6,500 (6)          1.5%          $6.750          10/25/04       $12,121.85   $ 26,786.13

William L. Parnell,Jr.       7,500 (6)          1.7%          $6.750          10/25/04       $13,986.75   $ 30,907.07

Linda J. Miller              7,500 (6)          1.7%          $6.750          10/25/04       $13,986.75   $ 30,907.07
                            26,250 (7)          6.1%          $7.094           12/6/04       $51,448.46   $113,687.65

Brad R. Reddersen            5,000 (6)          1.2%          $6.750          10/25/04       $ 9,324.50    $20,604.71

(1)  The potential  realizable value portion of the table  illustrates the value
     that might be realized  upon exercise of the options  immediately  prior to
     the expiration of their term,  assuming the specified  compounded  rates of
     appreciation  on the Company's  Common Shares over the term of the options.
     This hypothetical value is based entirely on assumed annual growth rates of
     5% and 10% in the  Company's  stock  price  over  the  term of the  options
     granted  in  1999.  The  assumed  rates  of  growth  were  selected  by the
     Securities and Exchange Commission for illustration  purposes only, and are
     not intended to predict future performance and prospects.  These numbers do
     not  take  into  account   provisions  of  certain  options  providing  for
     termination   of  the   option   following   termination   of   employment,
     nontransferability or vesting over various periods.

(2)  Percentages  indicated are based on a total of 432,000  options  granted to
     106 employees during 1999.

(3)  The exercise  price per share is 100% of fair market value of the Company's
     Common Shares on the date of grant.

(4)  All stock options expire five years from the date of grant.

(5)  See "Employment Contracts and Severance and Change-in-Control  Arrangements
     - Robert C. Strandberg".

(6)  Options are  exercisable in four equal annual  installments  commencing one
     year from the date of grant.

(7)  Represents  options  granted in 1999 to replace  35,000  options  initially
     granted on April 6, 1998 at $10.875.  The  options  will not vest or become
     exercisable  unless and until certain  performance levels for the Company's
     Common  Shares are attained - one-third  will vest at such time as the Fair
     Market Value of the  Company's  Common  Shares  equals or exceeds $9.44 per
     share for seven consecutive  days;  one-third will vest at such time as the
     Fair Market Value of the Company's  Common Shares equals or exceeds  $11.14
     per share for seven  consecutive days; and one-third will vest at such time
     as the Fair Market Value of the  Company's  Common Shares equals or exceeds
     $12.91 per share for seven consecutive  days. If the specified  performance
     goals  are  not  reached,   the  options  will  nevertheless  become  fully
     exercisable  after June 6, 2004 in order to maintain  favorable  accounting

                       AGGREGATED OPTION EXERCISES IN 1999
                         AND 1999 YEAR-END OPTION VALUES

                                                                     Number of Securities            Value of Unexercised
                                                                    Underlying Unexercised         In-the-Money Options at
                                                               Options at December 31, 1999 (#)    December 31, 1999 ($)(1)
                                                               --------------------------------    ------------------------
                        Shares Acquired       Value
         Name           on Exercise (#)     Realized ($)(2)    Exercisable   Unexercisable        Exercisable   Unexercisable
         ----           ---------------     --------------     -----------   -------------         -----------   -------------
Robert C. Strandberg           --               --              186,346        200,000              $139,615       $134,375

William J. Woodard           15,000           $8,445             86,605         20,250              $ 18,125       $ 12,188

William L. Parnell, Jr.        --               --               46,250         26,250              $ 25,625       $ 15,313

Linda J. Miller                --               --                --            33,750              $     ---      $ 12,064

Brad R. Reddersen              --               --               46,250         23,750              $  25,625      $ 13,750

(1)  An individual,  upon exercise of an option,  does not receive cash equal to
     the amount  contained in the Value Realized column of this table.  Instead,
     the amounts  contained in the Value Realized column reflect the increase in
     the price of the Company's  Common Shares from the option grant date to the
     option exercise date. Value is calculated  based on the difference  between
     the option price and the closing  market price of the Common  Shares on the
     date of exercise  multiplied  by the number of shares to which the exercise
     relates.  No cash is realized until the shares received upon exercise of an
     option are sold.

(2)  The closing price for the Company's Common Shares as reported by The Nadsaq
     Stock Market(R) on December 31, 1999 was $7.375. Value is calculated on the
     basis of the difference  between the option price and $7.375  multiplied by
     the  number  of  Common  Shares   underlying  the  option.   An  option  is
     in-the-money if the market value of the Common Shares subject to the option
     exceeds the option price.

Option Repricing and Ten-Year Option Repricing Table
- ----------------------------------------------------

     In 1999,  the Company  offered two executive  officers the  opportunity  to
exchange certain options for new options.  The new options reduced the number of
shares  underlying the original  grants of options by 25%,  lowered the exercise
price,  reduced the option term from ten years to five years and  established  a
new performance-based vesting and exercise schedule.

     The following table sets forth certain information concerning the repricing
of stock options by the named executive officers and any other executive officer
during the last ten fiscal years.

                         TEN-YEAR OPTION/SAR REPRICINGS

                                 Number of
                                 Securities                                 Exercise                   Length of
                                 Underlying   Number     Market Price of    Price at                   Original Option
                                 Options      of New     Stock at Time of   Time of        New         Term Remaining At
                                 Repriced     Options    Repricing or       Repricing or  Exercise     Date of Repricing
         Name            Date    or Amended   Granted    Amendment          Amendment     Price        or Amendment
         ----            ----    ----------   -------    ---------          ---------     --------     -----------------
Linda J. Miller (1)     12/6/99     35,000     26,250     $7.094             $10.875      $7.094          8-1/3 years
  Senior Vice
  President and
  General Manager

Matt D. Schler (1)      12/6/99     50,000     37,500     $7.094             $10.375      $7.094          7-11/12 years
  Vice President,
  Engineering and
  Product Development

(1)  The options  granted to Ms.  Miller and Mr.  Schler will not vest or become
     exercisable  unless and until certain  performance levels for the Company's
     Common  Shares are attained - one-third  will vest at such time as the Fair
     Market Value of the  Company's  Common  Shares  equals or exceeds $9.44 per
     share for seven consecutive  days;  one-third will vest at such time as the
     Fair Market Value of the Company's  Common Shares equals or exceeds  $11.14
     per share for seven  consecutive days; and one-third will vest at such time
     as the Fair Market Value of the  Company's  Common Shares equals or exceeds
     $12.91 per share for seven consecutive  days. If the specified  performance
     goals  are  not  reached,   the  options  will  nevertheless  become  fully
     exercisable  after June 6, 2004 in order to maintain  favorable  accounting
     treatment. Each option will expire on December 6, 2004.

Employment Contracts and Severance and Change-in-Control Arrangements
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Robert C. Strandberg
- --------------------

     Employment Agreement

     Effective June 2, 1998, the Company entered into a new Employment Agreement
with Mr.  Strandberg,  which was  amended  in  December  1998 and July 1999 (the
Employment Agreement, as amended, is referred to as the "Strandberg Agreement"),
and which would have  expired on December  31,  2000.  However,  Mr.  Strandberg
resigned as President and Chief Executive  Officer on August 22, 2000. Under the
Strandberg Agreement, Mr. Strandberg received an annual base salary of $336,000.
In addition,  under the Strandberg  Agreement,  if certain performance goals and
targets  determined  annually  by the  Company's  Board  of  Directors  for  the
Company's  Management  Incentive Plan ("MIP") were met, Mr.  Strandberg would be
entitled to receive a  performance  bonus for that year ranging from 40% to 170%
of his base salary with no  performance  bonus if the  performance  goal was not
achieved in a particular  year. Mr.  Strandberg was also eligible to participate
in  employee  benefit  plans  generally  made  available  by the  Company to its
executive officers.

     The Strandberg  Agreement contained provisions relating to confidentiality,
non-competition and Change-in-Control (as defined below).

     Pursuant to the Strandberg Agreement, in March 1998 Mr. Strandberg received
an award of 37,500  restricted  shares which could not be sold,  transferred  or
otherwise  disposed of until the  restrictions  lapse.  See  Footnote (3) to the
Summary  Compensation  Table for further  details with respect to the restricted
shares.  Pursuant to the Strandberg Agreement, on March 25, 1999, Mr. Strandberg
received an option for 37,500 Common  Shares at an exercise  price of $8.625 per
share  (the Fair  Market  Value of the  Company's  Common  Shares on the date of
grant).  This option replaced the award of 37,500  restricted shares which would
have been awarded on March 25, 1999 and  represented a 50% reduction in the size
of the  option  grant to which he  otherwise  would have been  entitled.  Of the
37,500 stock options granted, options for 18,750 shares vested as follows: 4,688
on March 25, 2000;  4,687 on March 25, 2001;  4,688 on March 25, 2002; and 4,687
on March 25,  2003.  The options for the  remaining  18,750  shares did not vest
unless and until certain performance levels for the Company's Common Shares were
attained. The options expire on March 25, 2004.

     Pursuant to the Strandberg  Agreement,  effective as of March 25, 2000, Mr.
Strandberg  received an option for 37,500 shares of Common Stock, at an exercise
price of $6.00 per share (the Fair Market Value of the Company's Common Stock on
the date of grant).  This option  represented a 50% reduction in the size of the
option  grant to which he  otherwise  would have been  entitled  pursuant to his
Agreement. Of the 37,500 stock options granted, options for 18,750 shares vested
as follows: 4,688 on March 25, 2001; 4,687 on March 25, 2002; 4,688 on March 25,
2003;  and 4,687 on March 25, 2004.  The  remaining  18,750  shares did not vest
unless and until certain  performance levels for the Company's Common Stock were
attained -- with respect to 6,250 shares,  at such time as the Fair Market Value
of the  Company's  Common  Stock  equals  or  exceeds  $7.98 per share for seven
consecutive  days; with respect to 6,250 shares, at such time as the Fair Market
Value of the  Company's  Stock  equals  or  exceeds  $9.41  per  share for seven
consecutive  days;  and with respect to 6,250  shares,  at such time as the Fair
Market Value of the  Company's  Common Stock equals or exceeds  $10.92 per share
for seven consecutive days. If the specified performance goals were not reached,
the options would  nevertheless  become fully exercisable after December 1, 2004
in order to maintain favorable accounting treatment. The options expire on March
25, 2005.

        Severance Arrangements

     On August 22, 2000, Mr. Strandberg  resigned all his positions and offices,
including those of President, Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board of
Directors.  Pursuant  to  resolutions  adopted by the Board,  the  Company  will
continue  to pay Mr.  Strandberg,  for a period of one year,  his base salary of
$336,000  and  all  current  health,  dental,  life  and  accidental  death  and
dismemberment  insurance benefits and certain incidental benefits.  In addition,
all options  held by Mr.  Strandberg  were deemed  fully vested as of August 22,
2000 and may be exercised  until the earlier of (i) the date on which the option
expires by its terms or (ii) August 22,  2003.  Also,  all  restrictions  on the
restricted  shares  owned by Mr.  Strandberg  were  waived by the Board and were
deemed  to have  lapsed  as of  August  22,  2000.  Certain  obligations  in Mr.
Strandberg's  prior  Employment   Agreement  relating  to  confidentiality   and
non-competition remain in effect in accordance with their terms.

        Severance/Change-in-Control Agreements

     Severance/Change-in-Control  Agreements  have  been  entered  into with all
senior  executive  officers  in order to assure  the  Company  of the  continued
services of those  executives  to the  Company in an  effective  manner  without
distraction  by reason of the  possibility of a termination of employment by the
Company or a change in control of the Company.  In general,  all provide that in
the event of the termination of the executive's  employment by the Company,  for
any  reason  other  than  Termination  for  Cause  (as  defined  below),  death,
disability or a Change-in-Control  (as defined below), the Company will continue
to pay the  executive for a period of one year  following  such  termination  an
amount  equal to the  executive's  salary at the annual rate then in effect.  In
addition,  the Company  will provide the  executive  with the  executive's  then
current health,  dental,  life and accidental death and dismemberment  insurance
benefits for a period of one year  following  such  termination.  Each agreement
also  contains a covenant  not-to-compete  during the  one-year  period in which
severance  benefits  are  being  paid.  In the event of the  termination  of the
executive's  employment within the two-year period following a Change-in-Control
(as defined  below) of the Company,  and such  termination is (i) by the Company
for any reason other than  Termination  for Cause (as defined  below) or (ii) by
the executive if the executive  terminates  such  employment for Good Reason (as
defined below),  or, in the case of Mr. Woodard,  in addition,  if he terminates
his  employment  for  any  reason  within  90 days  after  the  occurrence  of a
Change-in-Control  (as defined below), the Company will pay the executive either
over a period of three  years or in a lump sum  payment  an amount  equal to the
product  of the sum of (x) the  executive's  salary at the  annual  rate then in
effect  and  (y) the  highest  annual  bonus  paid to the  executive  under  the
Company's current  Management  Incentive Plan or any successor plan in the three
full fiscal years  preceding  termination  multiplied  by 2.9. In addition,  the
executive  will be  immediately  vested in any  retirement,  incentive or option
plans then in effect and the Company will continue to provide the executive with
his  or  her  then  current  health,  dental,  life  and  accidental  death  and
dismemberment insurance benefits for a period of three years.

     If any of the payments to the executive are  considered  "excess  parachute
payments" as defined in Section 280G of the Internal  Revenue Code, the payments
will be reduced to avoid such a characterization.

Certain Definitions.  As used in the Ehrlich Agreement and the Severance/Change-
in-Control Agreements:

     (a)  Change-in-Control  generally  means  the  acquisition  of  30%  of the
Company's voting securities,  or a change of one-third of the incumbent Board of
Directors  without the prior  approval of the members of the incumbent  Board of
Directors,   or  the  merger  or  consolidation  of  the  Company  with  another
corporation  where the shareholders of the Company would not,  immediately after
the merger or  consolidation,  own at least 50% of the voting  securities of the
corporation  issuing the cash or securities in the merger or  consolidation,  or
the sale of substantially all of the assets of the Company.

     (b) Termination for Cause generally means the termination of the employment
of an officer because the officer has failed or refused to perform such services
as may  reasonably  be delegated to the officer  consistent  with the  officer's
position,  or has been grossly  negligent in connection  with the performance of
his  or  her  duties,  or  has  committed  acts  involving  dishonesty,  willful
misconduct,  breach of  fiduciary  duty,  fraud,  or any similar  offense  which
materially  affects the  officer's  ability to perform his or her duties for the
Company or may materially adversely affect the Company, or has been convicted of
a felony.

     (c) Good  Reason  generally  means an  officer's  annual  rate of salary is
reduced  from the annual rate then  currently in effect or the  officer's  other
employee  benefits  are in the  aggregate  materially  reduced  from  those then
currently in effect,  (unless such  reduction  of employee  benefits  applies to
employees of the Company),  or the  officer's  place of employment is moved from
its then current location,  or the officer is assigned duties that are demeaning
or  are  otherwise  materially  inconsistent  with  the  duties  then  currently
performed by the officer.

     (d)  Termination  without  Cause  generally  means the  termination  of the
employment of an officer for reasons other than death,  disability,  termination
for cause or termination upon Change-in-Control.

        Other Remuneration Arrangements

     On August 22, 2000,  Messrs.  Ehrlich and Wasserman were appointed  interim
Co-Chief  Executive  Officers to serve until a new President and Chief Executive
Officer has been  appointed.  During such interim  period,  Mr.  Wasserman  will
receive no fees as an outside  director  and Mr.  Ehrlich  will  receive no fees
under the Ehrlich  Agreement,  but each will receive fees at the rate of $18,000
per month for so long as they serve as interim Co-Chief Executive Officers.

     In addition,  Mr.  Ehrlich  received an option for 25,000  shares of Common
Stock and Mr.  Wasserman  received an option for 50,000  shares of Common Stock.
Each option was granted at an exercise price of $3.594 per share and each option
vests in five  equal  monthly  installments  commencing  on  September  1, 2000.
However,  neither  option may be  exercised  until such time as the fair  market
value of the Company's Common Stock equals or exceeds $5.391 per share for seven
consecutive days. If the $5.391 price per share is not reached, the options will
nevertheless  become fully  exercisable after April 1, 2005 in order to maintain
favorable accounting treatment. Each option expires on August 25, 2005.

Interest of Directors and Management in Certain Transactions
- ------------------------------------------------------------

        Severance Payments

     In fiscal 1999, the Company,  pursuant to a Severance Agreement dated April
30, 1997,  paid L. Michael Hone, the Company's  former Chairman of the Board and
Chief Executive Officer,  who currently owns beneficially more than five percent
of the Company's Common Shares, $232,917 and forgave $166,791 of indebtedness.

        Other Transactions

     In 1999, the Company paid  approximately  $353,000 to Boylan,  Brown, Code,
Vigdor & Wilson, LLP for legal services rendered.  Justin L. Vigdor, a director,
is a member of that firm and Martin S. Weingarten,  Secretary of the Company, is
of counsel to that firm.

     Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary set forth in any of the Company's
previous filings under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 that might incorporate future filings, including this Proxy
Statement,  in whole or in part, the following  Performance Graph and the Report
of  the   Compensation   Committee  of  the  Board  of  Directors  on  Executive
Compensation shall not be incorporated by reference into any such filings.

                           CORPORATE PERFORMANCE GRAPH

     The following graph reflects a comparison of the cumulative total return of
the Company's  Common  Shares from December 31, 1994 through  December 31, 1999,
with the Standard  and Poor's 500 Index and the  Standard and Poor's  Technology
Sector  Index.  Comparisons  of this sort are  required  by the  Securities  and
Exchange  Commission  and,  therefore,  are  not  intended  to  forecast  or  be
indicative of possible future  performance of the Company's  Common Shares.  The
graph  assumes  that  $100 was  invested  on  December  31,  1994 in each of the
Company's Common Shares,  the Standard and Poor's 500 Index and the Standard and
Poor's Technology Sector Index and that all dividends were reinvested.

                                        CUMULATIVE TOTAL RETURN
                                12/94   12/95   12/96   12/97   12/98   12/99
                                -----   -----   -----   -----   -----   -----
    PSC Inc..............         100      71      55     101      73      57
    S & P 500............         100     138     169     226     290     351
    S&P Technology Sector         100     144     204     258     446     781


     The  Compensation  Committee of the Board of Directors  (the  "Committee"),
consisting  entirely  of  non-employee  directors  (Messrs.  O'Shea  (Chairman),
Morgan,  Rosenfeld and Volta (until his  resignation in June 2000)) approves all
of the policies  under which  compensation  is paid or awarded to the  Company's
executive officers.

     The Company's executive  compensation policy is intended (i) to support the
attainment  of  the  Company's  long  and  short-term  strategic  and  financial
objectives;  (ii) to  provide a  competitive  total  compensation  program  that
enables the Company to attract, motivate and retain the key executives needed to
accomplish  the  Company's  goals;   (iii)  to  provide  variable   compensation
opportunities that are directly related to the performance of the Company;  (iv)
to align executive  compensation  with growth in shareholder  value;  and (v) to
recognize and reward  executives for their  contributions  and commitment to the
growth and  profitability of the Company.  The Compensation  Committee  believes
this policy is generally  best  accomplished  by providing a  competitive  total
compensation package, a significant portion of which is variable and at risk and
related to established performance goals.

     To  maintain a  competitive  level of  compensation,  the  Company  and the
Committee   periodically  utilize  the  services  of  independent   compensation
consultants  to analyze  compensation  data for high  technology  companies with
revenues of $250  million and to  recommend  plan  designs  and  guidelines  and
compensation  strategies.  Such  consultants  were engaged in 1999 to assist the

     The Company's  compensation  program for executive officers consists of the
following key elements:  base salary,  annual cash  incentives and  equity-based
incentives.  Salary and annual incentive  payments are mainly designed to reward
current and past performances. Equity-based incentives are primarily designed to
provide strong  incentives for long-term future  performance.  The components of
the compensation program for executives are described below.

     Base Salary: Base salaries and increases for executive officers, other than
Mr.  Strandberg,  are  determined  by the Chief  Executive  Officer  within  the
guidelines established by the Committee and are based upon the officer's current
performance,  experience, the scope and complexity of his or her position within
the Company and the external competitive marketplace for comparable positions at
peer companies.  Base salaries are designed to be competitive,  generally at the
median or 50th percentile, as compared to salary levels for equivalent executive
positions in comparable companies and are normally reviewed annually.

     Annual  Incentive:  A  substantial  portion  of  each  executive  officer's
compensation is variable and tied to Company performance.

     In 1997, the Committee adopted a new Management  Incentive Plan (the "MIP")
which is  applicable  to all of the  Company's  key  executives  and  department
managers.  The MIP provides cash incentive awards based upon overall performance
by the  Company as  measured by return on capital  employed  ("ROCE")  and sales
growth.  ROCE is defined as operating  income divided by net average  capital as
reported in the Company's financial  statements.  Sales growth is defined as the
percentage  increase of current  fiscal year revenue over the  preceding  fiscal
year revenue. If the target is achieved,  awards varying from 10% to 60% of base
salary will be paid.  Below a threshold level of performance,  no awards will be
granted.  If  the  target  is  surpassed,  awards  increase,  depending  on  the
percentage of target achieved. The incentive percentage for an employee is based
upon position in the Company and is based upon market comparisons. Each year the
Committee  establishes  the specific ROCE and sales growth targets for that year
and the weighting  factor to be given to each. After the end of the fiscal year,
the  Committee  confirmed  that  the  threshold  level of  performance  had been
surpassed,  that,  based  on  performance  against  the ROCE  and  sales  growth
measures,  75.5% of the  targeted  payout had been  achieved and that the annual
bonuses, at reduced percentages,  could therefore be paid.  Accordingly,  awards
aggregating  $1,017,018 and varying from 7.6% to 45.3% of an  individual's  base
salary were paid to 48 MIP participants for 1999.

     Equity-Based Incentives/Reduction in 1999 Grants: Stock options are granted
to aid in the  retention  of key  employees  and to align the  interests  of key
employees with those of the shareholders.  Stock option grants are discretionary
and  reflect  the  current  performance  and  continuing   contribution  of  the
individual  to the success of the  Company.  The  Committee is  responsible  for
determining  the  individuals  to whom  grants  should be made,  the time of the
grants  and the number of shares  subject  to each  option.  Stock  options  are
granted with an exercise  price equal to the fair market value of the  Company's
Common Shares on the date of grant.  Any value received by the executive from an
option grant  depends  completely  upon  increases in the price of the Company's
Common  Shares.  Consequently,  the full  value of an  executive's  compensation
package cannot be realized  unless an appreciation in the price of the Company's
Common Shares occurs over a period of years.

     After  reviewing  various  studies and reports by independent  compensation
consultants,  the  Committee in  September  1997  adopted  certain  stock option
guidelines.  Each  participant is assigned a stock option target based on his or
her  level and base  salary.  The stock  option  target is based on  competitive
market information regarding ongoing standard option grants by position level in
high  technology  companies,  as  reported  in an  annual  report  on  executive
compensation  prepared by an independent  compensation  source.  Targeted option
grants are designed to be competitive  and will  approximate  the median or 50th
percentile,  as  compared to option  grants for  equivalent  positions  at other
global  technology  companies.  The  option  grant  target  is  expressed  as  a
percentage of each  individual's  base salary and ranges from 40% of base salary
for an individual  contributor to 150% of base salary for senior vice presidents
to 200% of base salary for the Chief Executive Officer.  The stock option target
is not a  guarantee.  The actual  award may be smaller or larger  depending on a
number of factors  including the available stock option pool, the type of option
awarded  (standard  time vesting vs.  performance-based),  and the  individual's
performance as assessed by senior management and the Board.

     In 1999,  no stock  options  to current  officers  and key  employees  were
granted  at the  targeted  level.  In order to  reduce  the  dilutive  effect on
earnings per share caused by the granting of stock options,  the Board, in 1999,
adopted  a policy to  minimize  the  number  of  outstanding  stock  options  by
restricting  the annual grants of stock options to officers and key employees to
approximately 2% of the Company's  outstanding shares. To implement this policy,
the Board provided for an  across-the-board  50% reduction in the size of grants
to all  current  officers  and key  employees.  In  addition,  all  non-employee
directors  agreed to a 50% reduction in the size of their annual NEDSO grant and
Messrs.  Ehrlich and Strandberg agreed to amend their respective agreements with
the Company and accept a 50% reduction in the size of the equity grants to which
they otherwise would have been entitled.

        Award to Exercise Stock Options

     In order to encourage an increase in the ownership of the Company's  Common
Shares by  management,  the Board,  in 1999,  offered  the  Company's  executive
officers  the  opportunity  to receive a cash award for the purpose of using the
after-tax  proceeds to exercise stock  options.  As conditions to the receipt of
such  bonus,  any  executive  officer  electing  to receive  the award  would be
required to hold the stock  acquired upon the exercise of the stock option for a
minimum period of three years and the size of such officer's annual stock option
grant for 1999 would be reduced.  Mr.  Woodard  elected to receive  this special
cash award. See "Executive OFFICER  Compensation - Summary  Compensation  Table,
Table of Option Grants in 1999 and Table of Aggregate  Option  Exercises in 1999
and 1999 Year-End Option Values."

        Option Repricing

     Recognizing  that certain key  executive  officers  held stock options with
option  prices  significantly  higher  than  the  current  market  value  of the
Company's  Common  Shares,  thereby  negating the incentive and retention  power
associated  with such options,  the Committee  decided in December 1999 to offer
two officers the opportunity to exchange  certain  options for new options.  The
new  options  reduced the number of shares  underlying  the  original  grants of
options by 25%,  lowered the exercise price to $7.094,  the fair market value on
the effective date of the exchange,  established a new option term of five years
and  established  a new  performance-based  vesting and exercise  schedule.  See
"EXECUTIVE OFFICER COMPENSATION - Option Repricing and Ten-Year Option Repricing

        CEO Compensation

     The compensation of the Chief Executive  Officer reflects the same elements
as the compensation of the other executive officers.  A new employment agreement
was entered into with Mr. Strandberg  effective June 2, 1998. As amended on July
13, 1999  following  a  Performance  Review by the  Executive  and  Compensation
Committees,  Mr.  Strandberg's  base  salary  was  increased  from  $300,000  to
$336,000,  which is below the median  level of high  technology  companies  with
revenues of $250 million.  Mr.  Strandberg's bonus for 1999 was determined under
the MIP and he earned a bonus of $152,208, which represents approximately 45% of
his base salary.  In 1999, he received a stock option for 37,500  shares,  which
represented  a 50%  reduction in the size of the grant to which he was otherwise
entitled by his employment agreement.  Mr. Strandberg  voluntarily accepted this
reduction  in order to be  treated  in the same  manner  as other  officers  and
employees.  See  "EXECUTIVE  OFFICER  COMPENSATION  - Employment  Contracts  and
severance and Change-in-Control Arrangements."

        Tax Considerations

     Section 162(m) of the Internal  Revenue Code generally limits the corporate
tax  deduction  for  compensation  paid  to  the  Named  Executive  Officers  to
$1,000,000 each. However, compensation is exempt from this limit if it qualifies
as "performance-based  compensation".  The Compensation  Committee has carefully
considered the impact of this tax code  provision and its normal  practice is to
take such action as is necessary to preserve the  Company's tax  deduction.  The
Committee  believes that all of the Company's 1999 compensation  expense will be
deductible for federal income tax purposes.

     Although the Compensation Committee will continue to consider deductibility
under  Section  162(m) with  respect to future  compensation  arrangements  with
executive  officers,   deductibility  will  not  be  the  sole  factor  used  in
determining  appropriate  levels  or  methods  of  compensation.  Since  Company
objectives  may  not  always  be  consistent  with  the  requirements  for  full
deductibility,  the Company may enter into compensation arrangements under which
payments are not deductible  under Section  162(m).  It is not expected that the
compensation of any executive officer will exceed $1,000,000 in fiscal 2000.

                                                     Compensation Committee

                                                     James C. O'Shea, Chairman
                                                     Thomas J. Morgan
                                                     Jack E. Rosenfeld
                                                     Romano Volta

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
- -----------------------------------------------------------

     The  members  of the  Compensation  Committee  consist  of  Messrs.  O'Shea
(Chairman),  Morgan,  Rosenfeld  and Dr.  Volta (until his  resignation  in June
2000).  Each member is a  non-employee  director  and, with the exception of the
securities beneficially owned by Dr. Volta, does not have any direct or indirect
material interest in or relationship with the Company outside of his position as

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
- -------------------------------------------------------

     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the Company's
directors  and  executive  officers,  and  persons  who own  more  than 10% of a
registered class of the Company's equity securities, to file with the Securities
and Exchange Commission ("SEC") reports of ownership and changes in ownership of
common stock and other equity securities of the Company. Officers, directors and
greater-than-10%  shareholders  are  required by SEC  regulation  to furnish the
Company with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.

     Based  solely on review of the  copies  of such  reports  furnished  to the
Company or written  representations  that no other  reports were  required,  the
Company  believes  that,  during the 1999 fiscal year,  all filing  requirements
applicable to its officers,  directors and  greater-than-10%  beneficial  owners
were complied  with,  except for a late initial report on Form 3 filed by George
A.  Plesko,  who became a Senior Vice  President  of the Company on December 21,

                               PROPOSAL TO APPROVE
                        2000 EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN
                                 (Proxy Item 2)

     In 1990, the Company first established an employee stock purchase plan (the
"1990 ESPP")  whereby  employees of the Company were provided an  opportunity to
purchase  Common  Shares of the Company  through  voluntary  systematic  payroll
deductions.  The 1990 ESPP  terminated,  by its terms,  on December 31, 1995. In
1995,  the  shareholders  approved a new Employee Stock Purchase Plan (the "1995
ESPP") which terminates, by its terms, on December 31, 2000.

     In order to be able to continue to attract,  retain and motivate  employees
by  providing  them with an  opportunity  to acquire an interest in the economic
progress of the Company and in order to encourage them to increase their efforts
to  make  the  Company's   business  more  successful  by  providing  them  with
equity-based  incentives,  the  Board of  Directors  adopted  the PSC Inc.  2000
Employee Stock Purchase Plan on October 23, 2000 (the "2000 ESPP").

     The  effective  date of the 2000 ESPP is January  1,  2001,  subject to the
approval of the  shareholders at the Annual Meeting.  A copy of the 2000 ESPP is
attached  hereto as Exhibit A and the  statements  made in this Proxy  Statement
with respect to the 2000 ESPP are  qualified by and subject to the more complete
information set forth therein.

     The proposed 2000 ESPP is substantially similar to the shareholder-approved
1990 ESPP and 1995 ESPP.

Shares Available Under the 2000 ESPP
- ------------------------------------

         The Company  has  reserved  for  issuance  under the 2000 ESPP  600,000
Common  Shares,  the same number of shares that had been  reserved  for issuance
under the 1995 ESPP. Such shares may be either authorized but unissued shares or
shares reacquired by the Company.  The number of shares available under the 2000
ESPP is  subject to  adjustment  in the event of any  merger,  recapitalization,
stock split,  stock dividend,  stock  distribution,  or other similar action. To
date, no shares have been issued under the 2000 ESPP.

- -----------

     In  general,  all  regularly  employed  employees  of the  Company  and its
subsidiaries  are eligible to  participate  in the 2000 ESPP.  In  addition,  in
general terms,  employees who own 5% or more of the Company's  Common Shares are
not eligible to participate. The Committee may also provide for other exclusions
permitted by Section 423 of the Internal Revenue Code.

     On October  23,  2000,  approximately  1,200  employees  were  eligible  to
participate in the 2000 ESPP.

- --------------

     The 2000 ESPP  will be  administered  by the  Compensation  Committee  (the
"Committee")  of the Board of  Directors.  The Committee may make such rules and
regulations  and establish such  procedures for the  administration  of the 2000
ESPP as it deems appropriate.  The Committee has authority to interpret the 2000
ESPP, with such  interpretations to be conclusive and binding on all persons and
otherwise  accorded the maximum deference  permitted by law. The Committee shall
take any other actions and make any other  determinations  or decisions  that it
deems  necessary  or  appropriate  in  connection  with  the  2000  ESPP  or the
administration or interpretation thereof.

- -------------

     Employees  will enroll in the 2000 ESPP by  completing a payroll  deduction
form. The maximum  payroll  deduction  allowed is generally 10% of an employee's
pay. Pay is an employee's base cash pay (including commissions and overtime, but
not including bonuses,  profit-sharing contributions,  value of fringe benefits,
reimbursement for expenses, and incentive compensation).  No employee is allowed
to buy more than $25,000 of Common Shares in any year,  based on the Fair Market
Value (as  hereinafter  defined) at the  beginning  of the  Purchase  Period (as
hereinafter  defined)  in which  the  shares  are  purchased.  An  employee  may
discontinue   participation  in  the  2000  ESPP  at  any  time.  An  employee's
eligibility to participate in the 2000 ESPP ends at termination of employment.

- --------

     The 2000 ESPP will be implemented by  establishing  two six-month  purchase
periods  ("Purchase  Periods")  each year over a five-year  period.  The initial
Purchase  Period will begin  January 1, 2001 and end on June 30, 2001.  The 2000
ESPP will terminate on December 31, 2005.

Purchase Price
- --------------

     Employees who choose to participate in the 2000 ESPP will receive an option
to acquire  Common Shares at a discount.  Under the option,  the purchase  price
("Purchase  Price")  of Common  Shares  will be the lower of (i) 85% of the Fair
Market Value of the Common Shares on the first day of a Purchase Period, or (ii)
85% of the Fair Market  Value on the last day of the Purchase  Period.  The Fair
Market  Value will be the closing  price on The Nasdaq  Stock  Market(R)  on the
relevant date.

Purchase of Stock
- -----------------

     At the end of a Purchase Period,  a participant's  option will be exercised
automatically  to  purchase  the  number of Common  Shares  that the  employee's
accumulated  payroll  deductions  will buy at the Purchase  Price. No fractional
shares will be purchased.  Any cash remaining in a  participant's  account after
the purchase of whole shares will be credited to the  participant's  account for
the next succeeding offering or, at the participant's election, will be returned
to the employee, without interest.

- --------

     On the  exercise of an option on the last day of the  Purchase  Period (the
"Offering  Termination  Date"),  the Company will deliver as soon as practicable
thereafter  to the  participant  a  stock  certificate  for  the  Common  Shares
purchased or, at the  participant's  request,  will deposit such shares directly
with a broker designated by the participant.

- ----------------

     In the event any change is made in the Company's capitalization,  such as a
stock split or stock  dividend,  which results in an increase or decrease in the
number  of  outstanding   Common  Shares   without  the  Company's   receipt  of
consideration,  appropriate  adjustments will be made to the shares available in
the 2000 ESPP, the maximum number of shares and the price of the option.

- ---------------

     Options  under  the  2000  ESPP  cannot  be  voluntarily  or  involuntarily
assigned.  The  Common  Shares  acquired  under  the 2000  ESPP  will be  freely
transferable, except as otherwise determined by the Committee.

Amendment and Termination
- -------------------------

     The Board of  Directors  may amend the 2000 ESPP,  except that no amendment
may,  without the  approval of  shareholders;  (i) increase the number of shares
authorized  under  the  2000  ESPP,  (ii)  materially   modify  the  eligibility
requirements for participation in the 2000 ESPP, or (iii) extend the term of the
2000 ESPP beyond December 31, 2005.

Federal Income Tax Consequences
- -------------------------------

     The 2000 ESPP is  intended to qualify for  favorable  income tax  treatment
under Sections 421 and 423 of the Internal Revenue Code. Payroll deductions will
be made on an after-tax basis. Thus, participants will have to pay income tax on
the dollars withheld from their paychecks under the 2000 ESPP.

     No income will be recognized when payroll deductions are used to buy Common
Shares at a discount.  The  discount  at the time of purchase  will not be taken
into  account  for income tax  purposes  until the Common  Shares are sold.  The
income tax  consequences  associated  with the sale of Common  Shares  purchased
under  the 2000 ESPP  depend  upon when the sale  occurs  and the  length of the
participant's holding period for his or her Common Shares.

     When the shares are  disposed of by a  participant  two years or more after
the beginning of a Purchase Period in which the shares were purchased (or if the
participant  dies while owning the shares),  he or she will  recognize  ordinary
income  equal to the  lesser of (i) the excess of the Fair  Market  Value of the
shares at the beginning of the Purchase Period over 85% of the Fair Market Value
of the  shares at that time or (ii) the excess of the Fair  Market  Value of the
shares at disposition over the Purchase Price. When shares are disposed of after
less  than two years (in what is known as a  "disqualifying  disposition"),  the
participant  must recognize the difference  between the Fair Market Value of the
shares on the  Offering  Termination  Date and the  Purchase  Price as  ordinary
income,  even if the  disposition  is a gift or is at a loss.  In the event of a
participant's  death while owning shares acquired under the 2000 ESPP,  ordinary
income  must be  recognized  in the year of death as though  the shares had been

     In the cases  discussed  above (other than  death),  the amount of ordinary
income  recognized by a participant  is added to the Purchase  Price paid by the
participant, and this amount becomes the tax basis for determining the amount of
the capital gain or loss from the disposition of the shares. Additional gain, if
any,  will be  short-term  or long-term  capital  gain  depending on whether the
holding period is 12 months or less, or more than 12 months.

     Net capital gains from the  disposition  of capital stock held more than 12
months are currently  taxed at a maximum  federal income tax rate of 20% and net
capital  gains  from the  disposition  of stock  held not more than 12 months is
taxed as  ordinary  income  (maximum  rate of 39.6%).  However,  limitations  on
itemized  deductions  and the  phase-out  of personal  exemptions  may result in
effective marginal tax rates higher than 20% for net capital gains and 39.6% for
ordinary income.

     The Company is entitled to tax  deductions for shares issued under the 2000
ESPP  only  in  the  event  of  disqualifying  dispositions.  For  disqualifying
dispositions,  the Company is allowed a deduction to the extent of the amount of
ordinary income  includable in gross income by such  participant for the taxable
year as a result of the premature disposition of the shares.

     The foregoing tax discussion is a general  description of certain  expected
federal  income tax  results  under  current  law.  No attempt  has been made to
address any state and local,  foreign or estate and gift tax  consequences  that
may arise in  connection  with  participation  in the 2000  ESPP.  All  affected
individuals  should consult their own advisers if they wish any further  details
or have special questions.

     The  closing  price of the  Company's  Common  Shares on The  Nasdaq  Stock
Market (R)on October 23, 2000 was $2.50.

Vote Required
- -------------

     Approval of the 2000 ESPP  requires the  affirmative  vote of a majority of
the votes cast at the Annual Meeting.  Abstentions and broker  non-votes are not
considered as votes cast.

     Unless  authority  to so vote is withheld,  the persons  named in the proxy
card intend to vote shares as to which proxies are received in favor of the 2000

     The  Board  of  Directors  recommends  that the  shareholders  vote FOR the
approval of the 2000 ESPP.


     Arthur Andersen LLP have been the Company's  independent public accountants
since  June  1985,  and have been  retained  by the Board of  Directors  for the
current year.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     The Board of  Directors  knows of no other  matters to be  presented at the
Annual  Meeting,  but if other  matters  properly  come before the meeting,  the
persons named as Proxies in the enclosed Proxy will vote according to their best
judgment.  Shareholders are requested to date and sign the enclosed Proxy and to
mail it promptly in the enclosed postage-paid envelope. If you attend the Annual
Meeting, you may revoke your Proxy at that time and vote in person, if you wish.
Otherwise, your Proxy will be voted for you.


                                    By Order of the Board of Directors

                                    MARTIN S. WEINGARTEN

Dated:   November 8, 2000
         Webster, New York

PROXY                                 PSC INC.                             PROXY
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS
                           WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2000

The undersigned,  revoking all prior proxies, hereby appoints Robert S. Ehrlich,
Bert W.  Wasserman and Justin L. Vigdor,  and any one of them with full power of
substitution,  as proxy or proxies to vote for the  undersigned,  in the name of
the  undersigned,  all of the Common Shares of PSC Inc.  (the  "Company") of the
undersigned,  as if the undersigned  were  personally  present and voting at the
Company's  Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  to be held at the Helmsley Park Lane
Hotel,  36 Central  Park South,  New York,  New York on December 6, 2000 at 9:30
a.m. (the "Annual Meeting"),  and at any and all adjournments  thereof, upon the
following matters:

                  (Continued and to be signed on reverse side)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                       Please mark your votes as
                                               as indicated in this example |X|
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.   Election of two (2) directors, each to serve a three-year term.

       FOR all nominees listed below                  WITHHOLD AUTHORITY
     (except as marked to the contrary)    to vote for all nominees listed below

                   |_|                                       |_|


               James C. O'Shea                         Terry R. Peets

                   |_|                                       |_|

2.   Proposal to approve the 2000 Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

                   FOR             AGAINST                 ABSTAIN
                   |_|              |_|                      |_|

3.   Transaction  of such other business as may properly come before the meeting
     or any adjournment thereof.



                                          Dated:                         , 2000



IMPORTANT:  Sign the Proxy  exactly as your name or names  appear on your Common
Share  certificate;  in the case of Common  Shares held in joint  tenancy,  each
joint tenant must sign.  Fiduciaries  should  indicate their full titles and the
capacity in which they sign.  Please complete,  sign, date and return this Proxy
promptly in the enclosed envelope.

                                    EXHIBIT A
                                    PSC Inc.
                        2000 Employee Stock Purchase Plan

Section 1.        Purpose.

         The PSC Inc. 2000 Employee Stock Purchase Plan (the "Plan") is designed
to provide an  opportunity  for the  employees of PSC Inc. and its  subsidiaries
(hereinafter  referred  to,  unless  the  context  otherwise  requires,  as  the
"Company")  to  purchase  Common  Shares (the  "Stock")  of the Company  through
voluntary  systematic  payroll  deductions.  It is the purpose and policy of the
Plan to provide employees with an opportunity to acquire a proprietary  interest
in the  economic  progress  of the  Company  and  thereby to have an  additional
incentive to promote its best  interests.  It is the intention of the Company to
have the Plan qualify as an "employee  stock purchase plan" under Section 423 of
the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").  The  provisions of
the  Plan  shall,   accordingly,   be  construed  so  as  to  extend  and  limit
participation  in a manner  consistent with the  requirements of that Section of
the Code.

Section 2. Certain Definitions.

     (a)  "Compensation"  means the base  salary  or wage  paid to an  Employee,
including  commissions and overtime payments.  "Compensation"  shall not include
bonuses, profit sharing contributions, Company contributions to Social Security,
contributions  to  the  Company's  401(k)  Profit  Sharing  Plan  or  any  other
retirement plan or program,  or the value of any other fringe benefits  provided
at the expense of the Company.

     (b) "Employee" means any person,  including an officer,  who is employed by
(i) the  Company or (ii) any  subsidiary  company,  50% or more of whose  voting
shares are owned  directly  or  indirectly  by the  Company.  A director  of the
Company who is not also a full time officer is not deemed to be an employee.

     (c)  "Fair  Market  Value"  means  the  value of one  share of Stock on the
relevant date, determined as follows:

     (i) If the shares are traded on an  exchange  (including  The Nasdaq  Stock
Market(R)),  the  reported  "closing  price" on the  relevant  date  (e.g.,  the
Offering  Commencement  Date or  Offering  Termination  Date)  assuming  it is a
trading day; otherwise on the next trading day.

     (ii) If the shares are traded  over-the-counter  with no  reported  closing
price,  the mean  between  the lowest bid and the highest  asked  prices on said
system on the relevant date assuming it is a trading day;  otherwise on the next
trading day; and

     (iii) If neither (i) nor (ii) applies,  the fair market value as determined
by the  Committee in good faith.  Such  determination  shall be  conclusive  and
binding on all persons.

Section 3. Eligibility.

     (a) Initial  Eligibility.  Except as provided in Section  3(b) of the Plan,
each  individual  who is an Employee on an Offering  Commencement  Date shall be
eligible to participate in the Plan.

     (b) Restrictions on  Participation.  Notwithstanding  any provisions of the
Plan to the contrary,  no Employee  shall be eligible to participate in the Plan
or be granted an option to purchase Stock in the Plan if:

     (i) Immediately  after the grant, such Employee would own, or be considered
to own, 5% or more of the total combined voting power or value of all classes of
stock of the  Company  (for  purposes  of this  paragraph,  the rules of Section
424(d) of the Code shall apply in determining  stock  ownership of any Employee,
and stock that the Employee  may purchase  under  outstanding  options  shall be
treated as stock owned by the Employee); or

     (ii) Such option  would  permit such  Employee's  rights to purchase  stock
under  all  employee  stock  purchase  plans  of  the  Company  which  meet  the
requirements  of Section  423(b) of the Code to accrue at a rate  which  exceeds
$25,000 in fair market value (as determined pursuant to Section 423(b)(8) of the
Code) for each calendar year in which such option is outstanding.

Section 4. Offerings under the Plan.

         The  Plan  will be  implemented  by ten  semi-annual  offerings  of the
Company's Stock (the  "Offerings")  beginning on January 1 and July 1 in each of
the  years  2001,  2002,  2003,  2004 and 2005  and  terminating  on June 30 and
December 31 in each of such years, respectively.  As used in the Plan, "Offering
Commencement  Date"  means the January 1 or July 1, as the case may be, on which
the particular Offering begins and "Offering Termination Date" means the June 30
or December 31, as the case may be, on which the particular Offering terminates.

     Participation  in any  Offering  under the Plan shall  neither  limit,  nor
require,  participation  in any other Offering  except that no Employee may have
more than one  authorization  for payroll  deduction  in effect  simultaneously.
Except as provided in Section 3 of the Plan, all Employees  participating  in an
Offering  shall have the same rights and  privileges  to  purchase  Stock in the

Section 5. Participation and Payroll Deductions.

     (a) Payment  for Stock.  Shares of Stock  purchased  under the Plan will be
paid for by  payroll  deductions  during the period  beginning  on the  Offering
Commencement  Date  and  ending  on the  Offering  Termination  Date  ("Purchase

(b) Participation.

     (i) An Employee who meets the  eligibility  requirements of Section 3(a) of
the Plan and whose  participation  is not  restricted  under Section 3(b) of the
Plan shall become a  participant  ("Participant")  in the Plan by  completing an
authorization  for a  payroll  deduction  on the form  provided  by the  Company
("Employee   Authorization  Card")  and  filing  it  with  the  Human  Resources
Department of the Company during the  enrollment  period  ("Enrollment  Period")
prior to an  Offering  Commencement  Date.  Upon  becoming  a  Participant,  the
Employee  shall be bound by the terms of this  Plan,  including  any  amendments

     (ii) The  Enrollment  Period for each of the  Offerings  is the thirty (30)
days prior to each  Offering  Commencement  Date or such other period of time as
may be prescribed by the Committee.

     (iii) An Employee Authorization Card shall become effective on the Offering
Commencement  Date of the first  applicable  Offering and shall remain in effect
for all subsequent  Offerings so long as the Employee remains eligible under the
Plan and has not withdrawn from the Plan as set forth in Section 8.

(c) Payroll Deductions.

     (i) At the time an  Employee  files an  Employee  Authorization  Card,  the
Employee shall elect to have  deductions made from his or her pay on each payday
during the time the Employee is a  Participant  in an Offering at the rate of 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10% of the Compensation which the Employee is entitled to
receive on such payday ("Payroll Deduction Rate").

     (ii) Payroll  deductions for a Participant  shall begin as of the first pay
period after an Employee Authorization Card has become effective.

     (iii) All payroll  deductions  made for a Participant  shall be credited to
the Participant's  account under the Plan. Amounts credited to such accounts may
be used by the Company for any corporate purpose. A Participant may not make any
separate cash payment into such account.

(d) Changes in Payroll Deduction Rate; Discontinuance of Payroll Deductions.

     (i) A Participant may discontinue his or her  participation  in the Plan as
provided in Section 8(a) of the Plan,  but no other change can be made during an
Offering,  including,  but not limited to, changes in the Payroll Deduction Rate
for such  Offering.  A  Participant  may change the Payroll  Deduction  Rate for
subsequent  Offerings  by giving  written  notice of such  change to the Company
during the Enrollment  Period  immediately  preceding the Offering  Commencement
Date for the Offering for which such change is effective.

     (ii) At any time during an Offering,  a Participant  may discontinue his or
her  participation  in the Plan by notifying  the Company  that the  Participant
wishes to  discontinue  his or her payroll  deductions.  This notice shall be in
writing and on such forms as provided by the Company and shall become  effective
as of a date not more  than  thirty  (30)  days  following  its  receipt  by the

(e) No Interest.

     No interest  shall be paid or credited to the  Participant  with respect to
payroll deductions or any amounts held in the Participant's account.

Section 6. Granting of Options.

     (a) Number of Option Shares.  With respect to each Offering,  each eligible
Employee who has elected to  participate as provided in Section 5(b) above shall
be deemed to have been  granted on the Offering  Commencement  Date an option to
purchase  the number of full  shares of Stock  which may be  purchased  with the
payroll  deductions  accumulated  in an  account  maintained  on  behalf of each
Participant during each Purchase Period at the option price specified in Section
6(b) below, subject to the limitations contained in Section 3(b) above.

     (b) Option Price. The option price under each option shall be the lower of:

     (i) 85% of the Fair Market Value of the Stock on the Offering  Commencement
Date; or

     (ii) 85% of the Fair Market Value of the Stock on the Offering  Termination

Section 7.  Exercise of Options.

     (a) Automatic  Exercise.  Unless a Participant  gives written notice to the
Company as provided  in Section  8(a) below,  the  Participant's  option for the
purchase  of Stock with  payroll  deductions  made during any  Offering  will be
deemed to have been exercised  automatically  on the Offering  Termination  Date
applicable to such Offering.

     (b) Fractional Shares.  Fractional shares will not be issued under the Plan
and any accumulated  payroll  deductions  which would have been used to purchase
fractional  shares will be credited  to the  Participant's  account for the next
succeeding  Offering,  or,  at  the  Participant's  election,  returned  to  the
Participant  as soon as  practicable  following the Offering  Termination  Date,
without interest.

     (c) Transferability of Option. No option granted to a Participant  pursuant
to the Plan shall be  transferable  other than by will or by the laws of descent
and  distribution,   and  no  such  option  shall  be  exercisable   during  the
Participant's lifetime other than by the Participant.

     (d)  Delivery  of Shares.  The  Company  shall  deliver to the  Participant
certificates  for shares of Stock  acquired on the exercise of options during an
Offering as soon as practicable  following the Offering Termination Date of such
Offering or, at the Participant's request, the Company shall deposit such shares
directly with a broker  designated by the  Participant.  The Company may utilize
electronic or automated methods of share transfer.  The Company may require that
shares be retained for a designated  period of time and/or may  establish  other
procedures to permit tracking of disqualifying dispositions of such shares or to
restrict transfer of such shares.

Section 8. Withdrawals.

     (a)  Withdrawal  of Account.  A Participant  may elect to withdraw  payroll
deductions  credited  to the  Participant's  account  under the Plan at any time
before the Offering Termination Date of any Offering by giving written notice to
the  Company.  All of  the  Participant's  payroll  deductions  credited  to the
Participant's  account will be paid to the Participant promptly after receipt of
the notice of withdrawal,  and no further  payroll  deductions will be made from
the Participant's pay during such Offering.

     (b) Effect on Subsequent Participation. A Participant's withdrawal from any
Offering  will  not have  any  effect  upon  the  Participant's  eligibility  to
participate  in  any  succeeding  Offering  or in any  similar  plan  which  may
hereafter be adopted by the Company.

     (c)  Termination  of  Employment.  Upon  termination  of the  Participant's
employment for any reason,  including  retirement  (but excluding death while in
the employ of the Company), the payroll deductions credited to the Participant's
account will be returned to the Participant or, in the case of the Participant's
death  subsequent to the  termination of the  Participant's  employment,  to the
person or persons entitled thereunder under Section 11(a).

     (d)  Termination  of  Employment  Due to  Death.  Upon  termination  of the
Participant's  employment because of the Participant's  death, the Participant's
beneficiary (as defined in Section 11) shall have the right to elect, by written
notice  given to the Company  prior to the earlier of the  Offering  Termination
Date or the expiration of a period of sixty (60) days  commencing  with the date
of the death of the Participant, either:

     (i) to withdraw all of the payroll deductions credited to the Participant's
account under the Plan, or

     (ii) to exercise the Participant's  option for the purchase of Stock on the
Offering Termination Date next following the date of the Participant's death for
the purchase of the number of full shares of Stock which the accumulated payroll
deductions in the Participant's  account at the date of the Participant's  death
will purchase at the  applicable  option  price,  and any excess in such account
will be returned to said beneficiary, without interest.

     In the event that no such written notice of election shall be duly received
by the Company,  the beneficiary shall  automatically be deemed to have elected,
pursuant to paragraph (ii), to exercise the Participant's option.

Section 9.  Stock.

     (a) Maximum  Number of Shares.  The maximum number of shares which shall be
issued under the Plan,  subject to adjustment upon changes in  capitalization of
the Company as provided in Section 11(d),  shall be 600,000 shares. If the total
number of shares for which  options are  exercised on any  Offering  Termination
Date in  accordance  with Section 6 exceeds the number of shares then  available
under the Plan,  the  Company  shall  make a pro rata  allocation  of the shares
available for delivery and  distribution  in as nearly a uniform manner as shall
be  practicable  and as it shall  determine to be equitable,  and the balance of
payroll  deductions  credited to the account of each Participant  under the Plan
shall be returned to the Participant as promptly as possible.

     (b)  Participant's  Interest in Option Stock.  The Participant will have no
interest in Stock covered by the Participant's option until such option has been

     (c) Registration of Stock. Stock to be delivered to a Participant under the
Plan will be registered in the name of the  Participant,  or, if the Participant
so directs by written  notice to the Company  prior to the Offering  Termination
Date  applicable  thereto,  in the names of the  Participant  and one such other
person as may be designated by the Participant,  as joint tenants with rights of
survivorship  or as  tenants  by the  entireties,  to the  extent  permitted  by
applicable law.

     (d) Restrictions on Exercise. The Committee may, in its discretion, require
as  conditions  to the exercise of any option that the shares of Stock  reserved
for issuance  upon the exercise of the option shall have been duly listed,  upon
official notice of issuance, upon a stock exchange, and that either:

     (i) a Registration  Statement under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,
with respect to said shares shall be effective, or

     (ii) the  Participant  shall have  represented at the time of purchase,  in
form and substance  satisfactory  to the Company,  that it is the  Participant's
intention  to  purchase  the  shares  for  investment  and  not  for  resale  or

Section 10. Administration.

     (a) Committee. The Compensation Committee (the "Committee") of the Board of
Directors  shall  administer the Plan.  The Committee  shall consist of no fewer
than three members of the Board of Directors.  No member of the Committee  shall
be eligible to purchase Stock under the Plan.

     (b) Authority of Committee.  Subject to the express provisions of the Plan,
the Committee  shall have plenary  authority in its  discretion to interpret and
construe any and all provisions of the Plan, to adopt rules and  regulations for
administering the Plan, and to make all other determinations deemed necessary or
advisable for  administering the Plan. The Committee may delegate to one or more
individuals  the  day-to-day  administration  of  the  Plan.  Decisions  of  the
Committee shall be conclusive and binding upon all persons in interest.

     (c) Rules  Governing  the  Administration  of the  Committee.  The Board of
Directors may from time to time appoint members of the Committee in substitution
for or in  addition  to members  previously  appointed  and may fill  vacancies,
however caused, in the Committee. The Committee may select one of its members as
its  Chairman  and shall hold its  meetings at such times and places as it shall
deem advisable and may hold telephonic meetings. A majority of its members shall
constitute a quorum.  All  determinations  of the  Committee  shall be made by a
majority of its  members.  The  Committee  may correct any defect or omission or
reconcile  any  inconsistency  in the Plan,  in the  manner and to the extent it
shall deem  desirable.  Any  decision  or  determination  reduced to writing and
signed by a majority of the members of the Committee shall be as fully effective
as if it had been made by a majority vote at a meeting duly called and held. The
Committee may appoint a secretary and shall make such rules and  regulations for
the conduct of its business as it shall deem advisable.

     (d)  Indemnification  of  Committee.  In addition  to such other  rights of
indemnification  as they may have as directors  or as members of the  Committee,
under the Company's Certificate of Incorporation,  Bylaws, or pursuant to law or
contract,  the  members of the  Committee  shall be  indemnified  by the Company
against reasonable expenses,  including attorneys' fees actually and necessarily
incurred in connection with any action or appeal  therein,  to which they or any
of them may be party by reason of any action taken or failure to act under or in
connection  with the Plan or any option  granted  thereunder,  and  against  all
amounts paid by them in settlement thereof (provided such settlement is approved
by  independent  legal  counsel  selected  by the  Company)  or  paid by them in
satisfaction  of a judgment in any such  action,  suit or  proceeding  except in
relation  to  matters as to which it shall be  adjudged  in such  action,  suit,
proceeding  that  such  Committee   member  is  liable  for  misconduct  in  the
performance  of  his  duties;   provided  that  within  sixty  (60)  days  after
institution of any such action,  suit or proceeding a Committee  member shall in
writing  offer the Company the  opportunity,  at its own expense,  to handle and
defend the same.

Section 11. Miscellaneous.

     (a)  Designation  of   Beneficiary.   A  Participant  may  file  a  written
designation  of a  beneficiary  who is to  receive  any  shares  and cash to the
Participant's  credit  under the Plan in the event of such  Participant's  death
prior to delivery to the Participant of such shares and cash.  Such  designation
of beneficiary  may be changed by the  Participant at any time by written notice
to the Company.  Upon the death of a Participant and upon receipt by the Company
of  proof  of the  identity  and  existence  at  the  Participant's  death  of a
beneficiary  validly  designated by the Participant  under the Plan, the Company
shall  deliver  such  shares and cash to such  beneficiary.  In the event of the
death of a Participant  and in the absence of a beneficiary  validly  designated
under  the  Plan who is  living  at the time of such  Participant's  death,  the
Company shall deliver such shares and cash to the executor or  administrator  of
the estate of the Participant,  or if no such executor or administrator has been
appointed (to the knowledge of the Company) the Company, in its discretion,  may
deliver such shares and cash to the spouse or to any one or more  dependents  or
relatives of the Participant or if no spouse, dependent, or relative is known to
the  Company  then to  such  other  person  as the  Company  may  designate.  No
designated  beneficiary  shall prior to the death of the Participant by whom the
beneficiary  has been  designated,  acquire  any  interest in the shares or cash
credited to the Participant under the Plan.

     (b) Transferability. Neither payroll deductions credited to a Participant's
account nor any rights  with  regard to the  exercise of an option or to receive
Stock  under  the Plan  may be  assigned,  transferred,  pledged,  or  otherwise
encumbered  or disposed of in any way by the  Participant  other than by will or
the laws of descent and distribution.  Any such attempted assignment,  transfer,
pledge or other disposition shall be without effect, except that the Company may
treat such act as an election to withdraw funds in accordance with Section 8(a).

     (c) Use of Funds.  All payroll  deductions  received or held by the Company
under this Plan may be used by the  Company  for any  corporate  purpose and the
Company shall not be obligated to segregate such payroll deductions.

     (d)   Recapitalization.   If,  while  any  options  are  outstanding,   the
outstanding  shares of Stock of the Company have increased,  decreased,  changed
into, or been  exchanged for a different  number or kind of shares or securities
of   the   Company    through    reorganization,    merger,    recapitalization,
reclassification,  stock  split,  reverse  stock  split or similar  transaction,
appropriate  and  proportionate  adjustments may be made by the Committee in the
number  and/or kind of shares  which are subject to purchase  under  outstanding
options  and  on  the  option  exercise  price  or  prices  applicable  to  such
outstanding  options. In addition,  in any such event, the number and/or kind of
shares which may be offered in the Offerings described in Section 4 hereof shall
also be proportionately adjusted.

     (e) Merger, Liquidation, Other Corporate Transactions.

     (i) In the event of the proposed liquidation or dissolution of the Company,
the  Offering  then  in  progress  will  terminate   immediately  prior  to  the
consummation  of such proposed  liquidation  or  dissolution,  unless  otherwise
provided by the Board in its sole discretion,  and all outstanding options shall
automatically  terminate  and the  amounts  of all  payroll  deductions  will be
refunded without interest to the Participants.

     (ii) In the event of a  proposed  sale of all or  substantially  all of the
assets of the  Company,  or the merger or  consolidation  of the Company with or
into another  corporation,  then in the sole  discretion of the Board,  (1) each
option  shall be assumed or an  equivalent  option shall be  substituted  by the
successor corporation or parent or subsidiary of such successor corporation,  or
(2) a date  established  by the Board on or before the date of  consummation  of
such merger, consolidation or sale shall be treated as an Exercise Date, and all
outstanding  options  shall  be  deemed  exercisable  on such  date,  or (3) all
outstanding options shall terminate and the accumulated payroll deductions shall
be returned to the Participants, without interest.

     (f) Amendment and  Termination.  The Board of Directors shall have complete
power and authority to terminate or amend the Plan; provided,  however, that the
Board of Directors  shall not,  without the approval of the  shareholders of the
Company (i) increase the maximum  number of shares which may be issued under the
Plan,  (ii) amend the  requirements  as to the class of  employees  eligible  to
purchase Stock under the Plan or permit the members of the Committee to purchase
Stock under the Plan. No termination, modification or amendment of the Plan may,
without  the  consent of an  Employee  then  having an option  under the Plan to
purchase Stock, adversely affect the rights of such Employee under such option.

     (g) No Rights as a Shareholder.  No right as a shareholder shall exist with
respect to any shares of Stock  covered by options  until the shares  subject to
the option have been  purchased  and  delivered as provided in Section  7(d). No
adjustment shall be made for dividends or other rights for which the record date
is prior to the date such shares have been purchased and delivered.

     (h) No Employment Rights. The Plan does not, directly or indirectly, create
any right for the benefit of any  Employee or class of employees to purchase any
shares under the Plan, or create in any Employee or class of employees any right
with respect to continuation  of employment by the Company,  and it shall not be
deemed  to  interfere  in any way with the  Company's  right  to  terminate,  or
otherwise modify, an Employee's employment at any time.

     (i) Effective Date. The Plan shall become  effective as of January 1, 2001,
subject to approval by the shareholders of the Company within twelve (12) months
after its adoption by the Board of Directors.  If the Plan is not approved,  the
Plan shall not become effective.

     (j) Termination  Date. This Plan shall terminate,  and no further shares of
Stock shall be sold or issued  hereunder,  on December 31, 2005, or such earlier
date  as  may  be  determined  by the  Board  of  Directors  or  Committee.  The
termination of this Plan, however, shall not affect any restrictions  previously
imposed  on the shares  issued  pursuant  to this Plan or rights of the  Company
granted pursuant to this Plan.

     (k) Effect of Plan.  The provisions of the Plan shall,  in accordance  with
its terms,  be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, all successors of each
Employee  participating  in  the  Plan,  including,   without  limitation,  such
Employee's estate and the executors,  administrator or trustees  thereof,  heirs
and legatees,  and any receiver,  trustee in  bankruptcy  or  representative  of
creditors of such Employee.

     (l) Governing Law. The law of the State of New York will govern all matters
relating to this Plan except to the extent it is  superseded  by the laws of the
United States.

Date Plan adopted by Board of Directors:  October 23, 2000
Date Plan approved by Shareholders: