Exhibit 3.1

                            Under Section 807 of the
                            Business Corporation Law

         The undersigned,  being the President and Secretary,  respectively,  of
Photographic  Sciences  Corporation,  pursuant  to Section  807 of the  Business
Corporation Law of the State of New York, do hereby certify and set forth:
         1. The name of the Corporation is Photographic Sciences Corporation.
         2. The Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation was filed by the
Department  of State on  December  8, 1969.  Amendments  to the  Certificate  of
Incorporation  were  filed with the  Department  of State on  December  2, 1970,
September 19, 1972,  September 7, 1977,  October 29, 1980,  March 12, 1985,  and
August 3, 1988, respectively.
     3.  The  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of  the  Corporation,  as  amended
heretofore,  is hereby  further  amended  to  effect  the  following  amendments
authorized by the Business  Corporation Law: (a) to provide that the size of the
Board of  Directors  (the  "Board")  shall  not be less  than nine nor more than
twenty directors,  with the exact number of directors to be determined from time
to time by the By-laws and to classify the Board into three  classes,  as nearly
equal in number as possible,  each of which after an interim period,  will serve
for three years,  with one class being  elected  each year,  (b) to provide that
directors may be removed only for cause and only with the approval of 66-2/3% of
the voting  power of the Company  entitled to vote  generally in the election of
directors,  (c) to provide  that any vacancy on the Board shall be filled by the
remaining  directors  then in office,  (d) to provide that  special  meetings of
shareholders  may be  called  only by the  Board,  and (e) to  provide  that the
shareholder  vote  required  to amend or repeal  the  foregoing  amendments  and
related  amendments  to  the  Company's  By-laws,  or  to  adopt  any  provision
inconsistent herewith,  shall be 66-2/3% of the voting power of the Company. The
Certificate of Incorporation is hereby further changed to effect a change in the
post  office  address to which the  Secretary  of State shall mail a copy of any
process against the Corporation served upon him.

     4. The text of the Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation
is hereby restated as amended to read as herein set forth in full:

      "1.The name of the Corporation is Photographic Sciences Corporation.

     2. The purposes for which it is to be formed are as follows:

     To  engage  in  the  business  of   manufacturing,   designing,   creating,
developing,  formulating,  inventing,  patenting, owning, acquiring,  producing,
processing,  constructing,  storing, applying, assembling, adapting, conducting,
operating,  using, preparing for market, exhibiting,  distributing,  installing,
disposing, leasing, exploiting,  licensing,  exchanging,  repairing,  importing,
exporting,  and generally dealing in and with photographic  films and plates, of
every type and description  including,  without limitation,  those involving the
production  of  microimages  with  the use of  precision  cameras,  and  related
equipment,  devices,  appliances  and  chemicals and all other  accessories  and
supplies  necessary for the production of photographic  film and plates by means
of cameras and related equipment and dealing in and with audio-visual  equipment
and apparatus of every kind and description; 

     To engage in applied photographic research and development; and

     To manufacture,  purchase or otherwise  acquire,  invest in, own, mortgage,
pledge,  sell,  assign and transfer or otherwise  dispose of, trade, deal in and
deal with goods, wares, and merchandise and personal property of every class and
description; and

     To purchase,  receive,  take by grant, gift, devise,  bequest or otherwise,
lease, or otherwise acquire, own, hold, improve, maintain,  develop, employ, use
and otherwise deal in and with real property,  or any interest  therein,  or any
right, license or privilege appurtenant thereto,  wherever situated and to sell,
convey,  lease,  exchange,  transfer  or  otherwise  dispose  of, or mortgage or
pledge,  all or any of the  Corporation's  property and assets,  or any interest
therein,  or any  right,  license or  privilege  appurtenant  thereto,  wherever

     The  foregoing  clauses shall be construed  both as objects and powers,  in
furtherance,  and not in limitation, of the general powers conferred by the laws
of the  State  of New  York,  and  it is  hereby  expressly  provided  that  the
enumeration herein of specific objects and powers shall not be held to limit
or restrict in any way the general powers of the Corporation.

     3. The office of the  corporation  shall be located in the Town of Webster,
County of Monroe, State of New York.

     4. The  aggregate  number of shares  which the  corporation  shall have the
authority to issue is Fifteen Million (15,000,000) shares of common stock with a
par value of $.01 per share, all of which are to be of one class.

     5. The Secretary of State of the State of New York is hereby  designated as
the agent of the  corporation  upon whom  process  of any  action or  proceeding
against it may be served. The address to which the Secretary of State shall mail
copy of process in any action or proceeding against the corporation which may be
served upon him is:

                   770 Basket Road, Webster, New York 14580.

     6. No holder of any shares of any class of stock of this Corporation shall,
by reason of holding such  shares,  have  preemptive  or  preferential  right to
purchase,  receive or subscribe to any shares of any class of this  Corporation,
now or  hereafter to be  authorized,  or any notes,  debentures,  bonds or other
securities  convertible  into or carry options or warrants to purchase shares of
any class now or hereafter to be authorized  (whether or not the issuance of any
such  shares,  or of such notes,  debentures,  bonds or other  securities  would
adversely  affect the  dividends or voting rights of such a  shareholder)  other
than such rights,  if any, as the Board of Directors,  in its  discretion,  from
time to time may grant, and on such terms as the Board of Directors may fix.

     7. No  director  of this  Corporation  shall be  personally  liable to this
Corporation or its  shareholders  for monetary damages for any breach of duty in
such  capacity,  provided that this  provision  shall not eliminate or limit the
liability  of a  director  (i) for any  breach  of the  director's  duty to this
Corporation if a judgment or other final  adjudication  adverse to such director
establishes that such director's acts or omissions were in bad faith or involved
intentional  misconduct  or a knowing  violation  of law or that  such  director
personally  gained in fact a financial  profit or other  advantage to which such
director was not legally  entitled or that such director's acts violated Section
719 of the New  York  Business  Corporation  Law or (ii) for any  breach  of the
director's duty under circumstances where the liability of such director for any
act or omission which occurred prior to the adoption of this Article.

     8. Board of Directors.

     (a) Number, Election and Terms. The business and affairs of the Corporation
shall be managed and  controlled by a Board of Directors  consisting of not less
than nine (9) nor more than twenty (20)  persons.  The exact number of directors
within the minimum  limitations  specified in the  preceding  sentence  shall be
fixed from time to time by the  by-laws  pursuant to a  resolution  adopted by a
majority  of the  entire  Board of  Directors.  At the 1989  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders, the directors shall be divided into three classes, as nearly equal
in number as  possible,  with the term of office of the first class to expire at
the 1990 Annual Meeting of Shareholders,  the term of office of the second class
to expire at the 1991 Annual Meeting of Shareholders,  and the term of office of
the third class to expire at the 1992 Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders.  At each
Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  following  such  initial  classification  and
election,  directors elected to succeed those directors whose terms expire shall
be elected for a term of office to expire at the third succeeding Annual Meeting
of Shareholders after their election.

     (b) Newly Created Directorships and Vacancies. Subject to the rights of the
holders  of any  series of  Preferred  Stock  the  outstanding  , newly  created
directorships  resulting from any increase in the authorized number of directors
or any vacancies in the Board of Directors  resulting  from death,  resignation,
retirement, disqualification, removal from office or other cause shall be filled
by a majority  vote of the  directors  then in office,  and  directors so chosen
shall hold office for a term expiring at the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders
and until his successor is elected and  qualified.  No decrease in the number of
directors  constituting  the Board of  Directors  shall  shorten the term of any
incumbent director.

     (c)  Removal.  Subject  to the  rights  of the  holders  of any  series  of
Preferred  Stock  then  outstanding,  any  director,  or  the  entire  Board  of
Directors,  may be removed from office at any time,  but only for cause and only
by the  affirmative  vote of the holders of at least 66-2/3% of the voting power
of all of the shares of the  Corporation  entitled  to vote for the  election of

     (d) Special Meetings of  Shareholders.  Special meetings of shareholders of
the  Corporation  may be called  only by the Board of  Directors  pursuant  to a
resolution approved by a majority of the entire Board of Directors.

     (e) Amendment,  Repeal,  Etc.  Notwithstanding  anything  contained in this
Certificate  of  Incorporation  to the  contrary,  the  affirmative  vote of the
holders  of at least  66-2/3%  of the  voting  power of all of the shares of the
Corporation  entitled to vote for the election of directors shall be required to
amend or repeal, or to adopt any provision inconsistent with, this Article 8."

     5. This  restatement of the  Certificate of  Incorporation  of Photographic
Sciences  Corporation  was authorized by a vote of the Board of Directors of the
Corporation  followed by a vote of the holders of two-thirds of all  outstanding
shares entitled to vote thereon.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have executed and subscribed this Certificate and do
affirm the  foregoing  as true under the  penalties  of perjury this 23rd day of
June, 1989.

                                          L. Michael Hone, President

                                          David A. Kostizak, Secretary

                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT
                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION

                            Under Section 805 of the
                            Business Corporation Law

     The  undersigned,  being the  President  and  Secretary,  respectively,  of
Photographic Sciences Corporation, do hereby certify and set forth:
     1. The name of the Corporation is Photographic Sciences Corporation.
     2. The Certificate of Incorporation was filed by the Department of State on
December 8, 1969.
     3. The Certificate of Incorporation is hereby amended to change the name of
the Corporation.
     4.  Paragraph 2 of the  Certificate of  Incorporation  is hereby amended to
read as follows:
     "1. The name of the corporation is PSC Inc."
     5. The above amendment to the Certificate of  Incorporation  was authorized
by vote of the Board of Directors  followed by vote of the holders of a majority
of all outstanding shares entitled to vote thereon at a meeting of shareholders.
     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have executed and subscribed this Certificate and do
affirm the  foregoing  as true under the  penalties  of perjury this 27th day of
May, 1992.

                                      L. Michael Hone, President

                                      David A. Kostizak, Secretary

                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT
                          CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION
                                    PSC INC.

                            Under Section 805 of the
                            Business Corporation Law

     The undersigned,  being the President and Secretary,  respectively,  of PSC
Inc., do hereby certify and set forth:
     1. The name of the Corporation is PSC Inc.
     2.  The  Certificate  of  Incorporation   was  originally  filed  with  the
Department of State on the 8th day of December, 1969, under the original name of
Photographic Sciences Corporation. It was amended on the 28th day of May, 1992.
     3. The Certificate of Incorporation is hereby amended to effect a change in
the aggregate  number of shares which the  Corporation  shall have  authority to
issue from  Fifteen  Million  (15,000,000)  shares of common  stock having a par
value of $.01 per share to  Twenty-Five  Million  (25,000,000)  shares of common
stock having a par value of $.01 per share.
     4.  Paragraph 4 of the  Certificate of  Incorporation  is hereby amended to
read as follows:
     "4.  The  aggregate  number of shares of which the  Corporation  shall have
authority  to issue is Twenty Five Million  (25,000,000)  shares of common stock
with a par value of $.01 per share, all of which are to be of one class."
     5. The stated capital of the  Corporation  shall not be changed as a result
of the foregoing change of issued shares.
     6. The above amendment to the Certificate of  Incorporation  was authorized
by vote of the Board of Directors  followed by vote of the holders of a majority
of all outstanding shares entitled to vote thereon at a meeting of shareholders.
     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have executed and subscribed this Certificate and do
affirm the foregoing as true under the penalties of perjury this 3rd day of May,

                                      L. Michael Hone, President

                                      Martin S. Weingarten, Secretary