Exhibit 10.3


     This is a REGISTRATION  RIGHTS AND HOLDBACK  AGREEMENT,  (the  "Agreement")
dated as of July 12,  1996,  by and between  SPECTRA-PHYSICS,  INC.,  a Delaware
corporation ("SPI") and PSC Inc., a New York corporation ("PSC").

     WHEREAS, SPI, PSC and Spectra-Physics  Holding, S.A., a French corporation,
have  entered  into  an  Asset  and  Stock  Purchase  Agreement  (the  "Purchase
Agreement"),  dated  May 20,  1996  pursuant to which SPI will  receive  977,135
shares of Buyer's common stock, par value $.01 per share; and

     WHEREAS,  PSC wishes to grant to SPI registration  rights for the shares of
common stock of PSC that SPI acquired  pursuant to the Purchase  Agreement,  and
SPI is willing to agree to certain restrictions on the sale of such shares;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the premises  and mutual  covenants
herein contained, the parties hereby agree as follows:

1.    Definitions.

     As used herein, the following terms have the following respective meanings:

     "Common Stock" means the common stock, par value $.01 per share, of PSC.

     "Covered  Shares"  means the  Registrable  Securities  of SPI included in a
registration statement pursuant to the terms hereof.

     "Exchange Act" means the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

     "Indemnified Party" has the meaning given to that term in Section 6 hereof.

     "Indemnifying  Party"  has the  meaning  given to that  term in  Section  6

     "Lock-up  Period" means the period  beginning on the date hereof and ending
on the date that is the earlier of (i) one year from the date hereof or (ii) 180
days from the date of the  consummation  of the first public  offering of equity
securities by PSC after the date hereof.

     "Piggyback  Registration"  has the meaning  given to that term in Section 3

     "Piggyback  Registration  Statement" means a registration  statement of PSC
filed with the SEC on a form for which PSC then qualifies and which includes the
Registrable  Securities to be registered for sale thereunder pursuant to Section
3  hereof,  including  post-effective  amendments,  in each case  including  the
prospectus contained therein, all exhibits thereto and all material incorporated
by reference therein.

     "Registrable  Securities"  means (i) the shares of Common Stock received by
SPI  pursuant to the  Purchase  Agreement  and (ii) any Common  Stock  issued or
issuable with respect to the  Registrable  Securities by way of a stock dividend
or stock split or in connection with a combination of shares,  recapitalization,
merger,  consolidation or other  reorganization.  Any Registrable  Security will
cease to be a Registrable  Security when (i) a  registration  statement covering
such Registrable Security has been declared effective by the SEC and it has been
disposed of pursuant to such effective registration  statement,  (ii) it is sold
under  circumstances  in which all of the applicable  conditions of Rule 144 are
met,  or  (iii) it  has been  otherwise  transferred,  PSC has  delivered  a new
certificate  or other  evidence of ownership for it not bearing any  restrictive
legend citing the absence of  registration  thereof and it may be resold without
subsequent registration under the Securities Act.

     "Registration  Expenses"  has the meaning  given to that term in Section 12

     "Registration  Statement" means any Piggyback Registration Statement or any
Shelf Registration Statement.

     "Sec" means the U.S Securities and Exchange Commission.

     "Securities Act" means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

     "Securities  Purchase  Agreements"  shall  mean  those  certain  Securities
Purchase  Agreements  dated as of the date  hereof by and  between  SpectraScan,
Inc., a Delaware corporation, PSC and the institutional investors named therein,
as such Securities Purchase Agreements exist on the date hereof.

     "Shelf  Registration"  means a registration  effected pursuant to Section 2

     "Shelf Registration  Statement" means a "shelf"  registration  statement of
PSC filed  pursuant  to the  provisions  of Section 2 hereof  with the SEC which
covers all of the Registrable  Securities on an appropriate  form under Rule 415
under the  Securities  Act, or any similar  rule that may be adopted by the SEC,
and any amendments and  supplements to such  registration  statement,  including
post-effective  amendments,  in each case  including  the  prospectus  contained
therein,  all  exhibits  thereto  and all  material  incorporated  by  reference

     All  capitalized  terms used herein that are not otherwise  defined  herein
shall have the meanings ascribed thereto in the Purchase Agreement.

2.    Shelf Registration.

     (a) On or before 90 days after the date hereof, PSC shall file with the SEC
a Shelf Registration Statement relating to the offer and sale of the Registrable
Securities  by SPI  from  time  to  time  in  accordance  with  the  methods  of
distribution  elected by SPI and set forth in such Shelf Registration  Statement
and,  thereafter,  shall use its best  efforts to cause such Shelf  Registration
Statement to be declared  effective  under the  Securities Act as promptly as is
practicable after the date of filing of such Registration Statement.

     (b) PSC shall use its best efforts to keep the Shelf Registration Statement
continuously  effective in order to permit the prospectus forming a part thereof
to be  useable  by SPI for a period  of  three  years  from  the date the  Shelf
Registration  Statement is declared  effective or such shorter  period that will
terminate  when all  Covered  Shares have been sold  pursuant to a  Registration
Statement or otherwise cease to be Registrable  Securities;  provided that PSC's
obligation to keep the Shelf Registration  Statement effective shall cease three

months after such time as SPI owns less than 10% of the  Registrable  Securities
it owns on the date hereof  unless the reason  SPI's  ownership  of  Registrable
Securities  fell  below  the  10%  level  was  due to the  "cut-back"  provision
contained in the last  sentence of Section 3(b) hereof.  PSC shall be deemed not
to have used its best efforts to keep the Shelf Registration Statement effective
during the  requisite  period if PSC  voluntarily  takes any  action  that would
result  in SPI not being  legally  permitted  to offer and sell any  Registrable
Securities  during that period  unless (i) such action is required by applicable
law,  (ii) upon the  occurrence  of any event  that  requires  a  supplement  or
amendment to the Shelf  Registration  Statement as described in Section 5(f) and
such  action is taken by PSC in good  faith and for valid  business  reasons  or
(iii) the continued  effectiveness  of the Shelf  Registration  Statement  would
require PSC to disclose a material  financing,  acquisition  or other  corporate
transaction  and the Board of  Directors  of PSC shall have  determined  in good
faith  that  such  disclosure  is not in  the  best  interests  of PSC  and  its
stockholders,  and,  in the case of clause  (i) or (ii)  above,  PSC  thereafter
promptly complies with the requirement of paragraph 5(f) below.

3.    Piggy-back Registration.

     (a)  Subject  to the  provisions  of  this  Section 3,  if PSC at any  time
proposes to register  any of its equity  securities  (as defined in the Exchange
Act)  under the  Securities  Act,  whether  or not for sale for its own  account
(other than  pursuant to Section 2 hereof or other than pursuant to Section 11.1
of the Securities Purchase Agreements), and the registration form to be used may
be used for the registration of Registrable Securities,  PSC each such time will
give written notice of such proposed  filing to SPI as soon as practicable  (but
in no event less than twenty days before the anticipated  filing date), and such
notice shall offer SPI the  opportunity  to include  such number of  Registrable
Securities   in  the   registration   as  SPI  may   request   (the   "Piggyback
Registration");  provided  that SPI  notify  PSC of the  amount  of  Registrable
Securities to be registered not less than ten days before the anticipated filing

     (b) PSC shall use its best  efforts to cause the  managing  underwriter  or
underwriters  of a proposed  underwritten  offering  to permit  the  Registrable
Securities  requested  to be included  in the  registration  statement  for such
offering  on the same terms and  conditions  as any  similar  securities  of PSC
included therein.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the managing underwriter of
such  registration  advises  PSC in writing  (with a copy to SPI)  that,  in its
opinion,  inclusion  of the number of  Registrable  Securities  requested  to be
included  in the  registration  would  adversely  affect  the  marketing  of the

securities  to be sold by PSC in such  offering,  then PSC will  include in such
registration  only the  number  of  Registrable  Securities  recommended  by the
managing  underwriter  that may be  included  without  adversely  affecting  the
marketing of the securities to be sold by PSC in such offering provided that, if
any  securities  are being  offered for the account of any person other than PSC
and the holders of the  Registrable  Securities,  the reduction in the number of
Registrable  Securities  included  in such  registration  shall not  represent a
greater percentage of the amount of Registrable  Securities originally requested
to be registered and sold in such  registration  than the lowest such percentage
reduction imposed upon any other person.

4.    Lock-up And Holdback Agreements.

     (a) Spi Lock-up. (i) During the Lock-up Period, without PSC's prior written
consent,  SPI agrees not to effect any public sale or distribution of any of the
Registrable Securities except pursuant to an available Piggyback Registration.

     (ii) If PSC enters into an underwriting agreement in connection with a firm
underwritten  offering of shares of its Common Stock, SPI will not, if requested
by the managing underwriter for such offering and PSC, effect any public sale or
distribution  of Common Stock during the 10 days prior to, and during the 90-day
period beginning on, the effective date of such registration statement.

     (b)  Psc  Holdback.  If  SPI  enters  into  an  underwriting  agreement  in
connection  with  a  firm  underwritten   offering  of  shares  of  Registerable
Securities  (other than in connection with a Piggyback  Registration),  PSC will
not, if requested by the managing  underwriter for such offering and SPI, effect
any public sale or  distribution  of any Common Stock or securities  convertible
into or  exchangeable  or exercisable for such Common Stock (other than pursuant
to a registration  statement on Form S-8 or any successor  form),  during the 10
days before,  and during the 90-day period  beginning on, the effective  date of
such registration statement.

5.    Registration Procedures.

     Whenever SPI has requested  that any  Registrable  Securities be registered
pursuant to Sections 2 or 3 hereof,  PSC will use its reasonable best efforts to
effect the  registration of such  Registrable  Securities in accordance with the
intended  method of  disposition  thereof as  promptly  as  practicable,  and in
connection with any such  registration,  PSC will as  expeditiously  as possible
(Provided  that  nothing  contained  herein  prohibits  PSC  from  abandoning  a
registration  in which SPI has  requested to  participate  pursuant to Section 3

     (a) with regard to a Piggyback  Registration and, subject to the provisions
of Section 2, with regard to the Shelf  Registration,  prepare and file with the
SEC a  Registration  Statement  and use its best  efforts  to cause  such  filed
Registration  Statement to become  effective;  Provided that (i) before filing a
Registration  Statement or prospectus or any amendments or supplements  thereto,
PSC will  furnish to one counsel  selected  by SPI copies of all such  documents
proposed to be filed  sufficiently  in advance of filing to provide such counsel
with a reasonable  opportunity to review such documents and comment  thereon and
(ii), after the filing of the Registration  Statement,  PSC will promptly notify
SPI of any stop order issued or, to the knowledge of PSC,  threatened by the SEC
and take all reasonable actions required to prevent the entry of such stop order
or to remove it if entered;

     (b) prepare and file with the SEC such  amendments  and  supplements to the
Registration Statement and the prospectus used in connection therewith as may be
necessary to (i) keep the  Registration  Statement  effective for a period which
will  terminate  when all Covered Shares have been sold and (ii) comply with the
provisions of the Securities Act with respect to the  disposition of all Covered
Shares during such period in accordance with the intended methods of disposition
by SPI  thereof  set  forth in the  Registration  Statement,  including  without
limitation,  such amendments and supplements to the Shelf Registration Statement
and related  prospectus as may be necessary to permit  Covered Shares to be sold
pursuant thereto in an underwritten offering;

     (c) furnish to SPI, before filing the Registration Statement, if requested,
copies of the  Registration  Statement as proposed to be filed,  and  thereafter
furnish  to SPI such  number  of  copies  of the  Registration  Statement,  each
amendment and supplement  thereto (in each case including all exhibits thereto),
the  prospectus   included  in  the  Registration   Statement   (including  each
preliminary prospectus) and such other document as SPI may reasonably request in
order to facilitate the disposition of the Covered Shares owned by SPI;

     (d) use its best  efforts to register or qualify the Covered  Shares  under
such  other  securities  or blue sky laws of such  jurisdictions  in the  United
States as SPI  reasonably  (in  light of SPI's  intended  plan of  distribution)
requests  and do any and all  other  acts and  things  which  may be  reasonably
necessary or  advisable  to enable SPI to  consummate  the  disposition  in such
jurisdictions  of its Covered Shares;  provided that PSC will not be required to
(i) qualify  generally  to do business  in any  jurisdiction  where it would not
otherwise be required to qualify but for this paragraph (d), (ii) subject itself
to  taxation in any such  jurisdiction  or (iii)  consent to general  service of
process in any such jurisdiction;

     (e) use its best efforts to cause the Covered Shares to be registered  with
or  approved  by such  other  governmental  agencies  or  authorities  as may be
necessary  by virtue of the  business  and  operations  of PSC to enable  SPI to
consummate the disposition of the Covered Shares;

     (f) notify SPI of the occurrence of an event requiring the preparation of a
supplement or amendment to a  Registration  Statement or a prospectus  contained
therein so that,  as  thereafter  delivered  to the  purchasers  of such Covered
Shares,  a Registration  Statement or such prospectus will not contain an untrue
statement of a material  fact or omit to state any material  fact required to be
stated  therein or necessary to make the  statements  therein not misleading and
promptly make available to SPI any such supplement or amendment;

     (g) enter into customary agreements (including an underwriting agreement in
customary form if the distribution of the Covered Shares is otherwise to be made
in an  underwritten  offering)  and take such other  actions  as are  reasonably
required in order to expedite or  facilitate  the  disposition  of such  Covered

     (h) make available for inspection by SPI, any underwriter  participating in
any  disposition  pursuant  to such  Registration  Statement  and any  attorney,
accountant or other professional  retained by SPI or underwriter  (collectively,
the  "Inspectors"),   all  financial  and  other  records,  pertinent  corporate
documents and properties of PSC (collectively,  the "Records") as are reasonably
necessary to enable them to exercise due  diligence,  and cause PSC's  officers,
directors and employees to supply all  information  reasonably  requested by any
such Inspectors in connection with the Registration Statement;

     (i) in the event an offering of  Registrable  Securities  is pursuant to an
underwritten  offering,  use its best  efforts  to  obtain a  comfort  letter or
comfort letters from PSC's independent  public accountants in customary form and
covering such matters of the type customarily  covered by comfort letters as the
managing underwriter reasonably requests;

     (j) otherwise use its best efforts to comply with all applicable  rules and
regulations of the SEC, and make generally available to its security holders, as
soon as reasonably practicable,  an earnings statement satisfying the provisions
of Section 11(a) of the  Securities  Act and covering a period of twelve months,
beginning  within  three  months after the  effective  date of the  registration

     (k) use its best  efforts to cause all  Covered  Shares to be listed on the
NASDAQ National Market or listed on each national  securities  exchange on which
the Common Stock is then listed; and

     (l) provide a transfer  agent and registrar  for all of the Covered  Shares
not later than the effective date of such Registration Statement.

6.    Indemnification.

     (a)  Indemnification by PSC. PSC agrees to indemnify and hold harmless SPI,
its  officers,  directors,  employees and agents,  and each Person,  if any, who
controls SPI within the meaning of Section 15 of the  Securities  Act or Section
20 of the Exchange Act against any and all losses, claims, damages,  liabilities
and expenses  (including  reasonable costs of  investigation)  arising out of or
based upon any untrue  statement or alleged untrue  statement of a material fact
contained in any  Registration  Statement or prospectus  relating to the Covered
Shares, in any amendment or supplement thereto,  in any preliminary  prospectus,
or arising out of or based upon any  omission  or any alleged  omission to state
therein a material fact  required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the
statements  therein  not  misleading,  except  insofar as such  losses,  claims,
damages,  liabilities  or  expenses  arise out of, or are based  upon,  any such
untrue  statement  or  omission or  allegation  thereof  based upon  information
furnished in writing to PSC by SPI or on SPI's behalf expressly for use therein.

     (b)  Indemnification By Spi. SPI agrees to indemnify and hold harmless PSC,
its directors  and officers and each party,  if any, who controls PSC within the
meaning of either Section 15 of the Securities Act or Section 20 of the Exchange
Act to the same extent as the foregoing indemnity from PSC to SPI, but only with
respect to information  furnished in writing by SPI or on SPI's behalf expressly
for use in any  Registration  Statement  or  prospectus  relating to the Covered
Shares, or any amendment or supplement thereto, or any preliminary prospectus.

     (c) Conduct Of  Indemnification  Proceedings.  If any action or  proceeding
(including any  governmental  investigation)  is brought or asserted against any
party  entitled  to   indemnification   under  clauses  (a)  or  (b)  above  (an
"Indemnified  Party") in respect of which indemnity may be sought from any party
who has agreed to provide such  indemnification (an "Indemnifying  Party"),  the
Indemnifying Party will assume the defense thereof,  including the employment of
counsel  reasonably  satisfactory to such Indemnified Party, and will assume the
payment of all expenses.  Such  Indemnified  Party will have the right to employ
separate  counsel in any such action and to participate in the defense  thereof,
but the  fees  and  expenses  of such  counsel  will be at the  expense  of such
Indemnified Party unless (i) the Indemnifying  Party has agreed to pay such fees

and  expenses  or (ii) the  named  parties  to any  such  action  or  proceeding
(including any impleaded  parties) include both such  Indemnified  Party and the
Indemnifying  Party, and such Indemnified Party has been advised by counsel that
there  is a  conflict  of  interest  on the  part  of  counsel  employed  by the
Indemnifying  Party to represent such Indemnified  Party (in which case, if such
Indemnified  Party notifies the Indemnifying  Party in writing that it elects to
employ  separate  counsel  at  the  expense  of  the  Indemnifying   Party,  the
Indemnifying  Party will not have the right to assume the defense of such action
or proceeding on behalf of such Indemnified Party; it being understood, however,
that the Indemnifying  Party will not, in connection with any one such action or
proceeding  or  separate  but  substantially   similar  or  related  actions  or
proceedings in the same jurisdiction arising out of the same general allegations
or circumstances,  be liable for the fees and expenses of more than one separate
firm of attorneys  (together with appropriate local counsel) at any time for all
such Indemnified  Parties).  The  Indemnifying  Party will not be liable for any
settlement  of any such  action  or  proceeding  effected  without  its  written
consent,  but if  settled  with  its  written  consent,  or if  there is a final
judgment for the plaintiff in any such action or  proceeding,  the  Indemnifying
Party will indemnify and hold harmless such Indemnified Parties from and against
any loss or liability (to the extent stated above) by reason of such  settlement
or judgment.

7.    Contribution.

     If for  any  reason  the  indemnification  provided  for  in the  preceding
Sections 6(a) and 6(b) is unavailable to an Indemnified Party as contemplated by
those sections,  then the Indemnifying  Party will contribute to the amount paid
or payable by the Indemnified Party as a result of such loss,  claim,  damage or
liability in such  proportion as is appropriate to reflect not only the relative
benefits received by the Indemnified Party and the Indemnifying  Party, but also
the relative fault of the Indemnified Party and the Indemnifying  Party, as well
as any other relevant  equitable  considerations,  Provided that SPI will not be
required to contribute in an amount greater than the difference  between the net
proceeds received by SPI with respect to the sale of any Registrable  Securities
and all amounts already contributed by SPI with respect to such claims.

8.    Participation In Underwritten Registrations.

     With regard to a Piggyback  Registration,  SPI may not  participate  in any
underwritten registration hereunder unless SPI (a) agrees to sell its securities
on the basis provided in any underwriting  arrangements  approved by the parties
entitled to approve  such  arrangements;  and  (b) completes  and  executes  all
questionnaires,  powers of attorney,  indemnities,  underwriting  agreements and
other  documents  reasonably  required  under  the  terms  of such  underwriting

arrangements  and this Agreement.  Notwithstanding  the previous  sentence,  SPI
shall not be required to make any  representations or warranties to, or make any
agreements with, PSC or any underwriter other than  representations,  warranties
or agreements customary for a non-controlling selling shareholder selling shares
under similar circumstances.  In the event that the Covered Shares included in a
Shelf  Registrations  Statement  are  to be  sold  pursuant  to an  underwritten
offering  the  managing  underwriter  for such  offering  shall be a  nationally
recognized  investment banking firm selected by SPI and be reasonably acceptable
to PSC.

9.    Rule 144.

     PSC  covenants  that it will file any  reports  required  to be filed by it
under the Securities Act and the Exchange Act so as to enable SPI to sell Common
Stock without registration under the Securities Act within the limitation of the
exemptions  provided by Rule 144.  Upon the request of SPI,  PSC will deliver to
SPI a written statement as to whether it has complied with such requirements.

10.   Information.

     PSC may require SPI to promptly  furnish in writing to PSC such information
regarding the distribution of the Registrable  Securities as it may from time to
time reasonably request and such other information as may be legally required or
reasonably requested in connection with such registration.

11.   Amended Or Supplemented Prospectus.

     SPI agrees that,  upon  receipt of any notice from PSC of the  happening of
any event of the kind  described  in  Section 5(f)  hereof,  SPI will  forthwith
discontinue  disposition  of any Covered  Shares  pursuant  to the  Registration
Statement  covering such Covered Shares until SPI's receipt of the copies of the
supplemented or amended prospectus  contemplated by Section 5(f) hereof, and, if

so directed by PSC,  SPI will  deliver to PSC all copies,  other than  permanent
file copies then in SPI's possession,  of all prospectuses covering such Covered
Shares  at the  time of  receipt  of such  notice,  and  shall  not  effect  any
transaction   with  respect  to  any  Covered  Shares  except  pursuant  to  the
supplemented or amended prospectus. In the event PSC gives such notice, PSC will
extend the period during which such  Registration  Statement  will be maintained
effective by the number of days during the period from and including the date of
the giving of notice  pursuant to Section 5(f) hereof to the date when PSC makes
available  to SPI a  prospectus  supplemented  or amended  to  conform  with the
requirements of Section 5(f) hereof.

12.   Registration Expenses.

     In connection with any  Registration  Statement filed pursuant to Section 2
or Section 3 hereof,  PSC will pay all registration  expenses (the "Registration
Expenses"),  including but not limited to: (i) all registration and filing fees,
(ii) fees and expenses of compliance with  securities or blue sky laws,  subject
to the provisions of Section 5(d),  (including reasonable fees and disbursements
of counsel in connection with blue sky  qualifications  of the Covered  Shares),
(iii)  printing  expenses,  (iv) internal  expenses of PSC  (including,  without
limitation,  all salaries and expenses of its officers and employees  performing
legal or accounting  duties),  (v) the fees and expenses  incurred in connection
with the listing of the Covered Shares,  (vi) fees and  disbursements of counsel
for PSC and  customary  fees  and  expenses  for  independent  certified  public
accountants  retained by PSC (including  the expenses of any comfort  letters or
costs associated with the delivery by independent  certified public  accountants
of a comfort  letter or comfort  letters  requested  pursuant  to  Section  5(i)
hereof),  (vii) the fees and expenses of any special experts  retained by PSC in
connection with such  registration,  and (viii)  reasonable fees and expenses of
one law firm  (designated  by SPI and  reasonably  acceptable  to PSC) acting as
counsel  for  SPI in  connection  with  the  registration  hereunder;  provided,
however,  PSC  will  not  have  any  obligation  to pay any  underwriting  fees,
discounts or commissions  attributable to the sale of Covered Shares (which will
be the  obligation  of SPI) or,  except as otherwise  provided in clause  (viii)
above, any out-of-pocket expenses of SPI (or any agents who manage its accounts)
or fees and disbursements of any counsel for any underwriter in any underwritten

13.   Registration Rights.

     PSC agrees that it will not enter into any agreement or arrangements  which
would  grant  any  party a right  to  participate  in any  registration  that is
superior to or in  contravention  of the rights to participate set forth in this

14.  Parties In Interest.

     All covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement by or on behalf of
either  party  hereto  shall  bind and inure to the  benefit  of the  respective
successors  and  assigns of such party  hereto,  whether  so  expressed  or not,
including subsequent holders of Registrable Securities.

15.  Notices.

     All notices, requests, consents and other communications hereunder shall be
in writing and shall be mailed by first-class  registered mail, postage prepaid,
or sent by recognized courier service addressed as follows:

            (a)   if to PSC:

                  PSC Inc.
                  675 Basket Road
                  Webster, NY 14580
                  Telephone:  (716) 265-1600
                  Fax: (716) 265-6402
                  Attention: William J. Woodard, Vice-President -

                  with a copy to:

                  Boylan, Brown, Code, Fowler, Vigdor
                    & Wilson, LLP
                  2400 Chase Square
                  Rochester, NY 14604
                  Telephone:  (716) 232-5300
                  Fax: (716) 232-3528
                  Attention: Martin S. Weingarten, Esq.

            (b)   if to SPI:
                  Spectra-Physics, Inc.
                  108 Webster Building
                  3411 Silverside Road
                  Wilmington, DE 19810
                  Telephone:  (302) 478-4600
                  Fax: (302) 478-8962
                  Attn:  Ms. Barbara Schoenberg

                  with copies to:

                  Spectra-Physics AB
                  Box 5226
                  Sturegatan 32
                  Fourth Floor
                  S-102 45 Stockholm, Sweden
                  Telephone:  011-468-783-0725
                  Fax:  011-468-660-9226
                  Attn:  Mr. Ulf Johansson


                  Dechert Price & Rhoads
                  4000 Bell Atlantic Tower
                  1717 Arch Street
                  Philadelphia, PA 19103
                  Attention:  Carmen J. Romano, Esquire;

or, in any such case,  at such other  address  or  addresses  as shall have been
furnished in writing by such party to the others.

16. Law Governing.

     This  agreement  shall be governed by and construed in accordance  with the
laws of the state of New York.

17. Entire Agreement.

     This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement of the parties with respect
to the  subject  mater  hereof  and may not be  modified  or  amended  except in

18.  Counterparts.

     This Agreement may be executed in two or more  counterparts,  each of which
shall be deemed an original,  but all of which  together  constitute one and the
same instrument.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the undersigned have executed this Agreement as of the
day and year first above written.

                              SPECTRA-PHYSICS, INC.

                              /s/ Lennart Rappe
                              By: Lennart Rappe
                              Title: Authorized Representative

                              PSC INC.

                              /s/ William J. Woodard
                              By: William J. Woodard
                              Title: Vice President - Finance