WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549
                            FORM 10-Q
[X]            Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)
                    of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
               For the quarterly period ended:  March 31, 1995
[ ]            Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)
                   of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                 Commission file number: 1-8443
                        TELOS CORPORATION
     (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
    Maryland                          52-0880974
 (State of Incorporation)      (I.R.S.  Employer Identification No.)
  460 Herndon Parkway, Herndon, Virginia            22070-5201
 (Address of principal executive offices)           (Zip Code)
                 Registrant's Telephone Number,
               including area code: (703) 471-6000

Indicate  by  check mark whether the registrant (1) has  filed  all
reports  required  to  be  filed by Section  13  or  15(d)  of  the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months  (or
for  such shorter period that the registrant was required  to  file
such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements
for the past 90 days.   YES __X__      NO_____

As of April 28, 1995 the registrant had 23,076,753 shares of Class A
Common  Stock, no par value, 4,037,628 shares of Class B  Common
Stock,  no  par  value;  and  3,595,586  shares  of  12%  Cumulative
Exchangeable Redeemable Preferred Stock, par value $.01  per  share,

No public market exists for the registrant's Common Stock.

Number of pages in this report (excluding exhibits):  13



Item 1.    Financial Statements (Unaudited):

   Condensed  Consolidated Statements of  Income  for  the  Three
     Months Ended March 31, 1995 and 1994                                  3

   Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of March 31, 1995
     and December 31, 1994                                                 4

   Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the  Three
     Months Ended March 31, 1995 and 1994                                  5

   Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements                  6-7

Item 2.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of
          Financial Condition and Results of Operations                 8-11

                  PART II.   OTHER INFORMATION

Item 3.   Defaults Upon Senior Securities                                 12

Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K                                12

SIGNATURES                                                                13


                     (amounts in thousands)

                                           Three Months Ended
                                              March 31,
                                          1995       1994
 Systems and Services                  $31,714     $29,931
 Field Engineering                       8,483       8,704
 Consulting                              6,564       5,414

                                        46,761      44,049
Costs and expenses
 Cost of sales                          37,890      36,328
 Selling, general and
   administrative expenses               6,774       6,122
 Goodwill amortization                     794         794

Operating income                         1,303         805

Other income (expenses)
 Other income                                5          28
 Interest expense                       (1,233)       (744)

Income before taxes                         75          89

Income tax provision                        --         386

Net income (loss)                      $    75     $  (297)

 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed
 consolidated financial statements.

                     (amounts in thousands)

                               March 31, 1995       December 31, 1994
Current assets
  Cash and cash equivalents             $     662            $     441
  Accounts receivable, net                 46,151               40,345
  Inventories, net                          8,056                8,696
  Other current assets                      3,398                3,918
     Total current assets                  58,267               53,400

Property and equipment, net of
  accumulated depreciation of $17,281
  and $16,769 respectively                  3,143                3,483
Goodwill                                   26,028               26,822
Other assets                                2,964                3,167

                                          $90,402              $86,872


Current liabilities
  Accounts payable                        $18,197              $20,302
  Other current liabilities                 8,626               10,174
  Accrued compensation and benefits        11,137               10,272
  Senior subordinated notes                 6,418                6,414
     Total current liabilities             44,378               47,162

Senior credit facility                     40,764               34,000
Other long-term liabilities                 2,416                2,941
     Total liabilities                     87,558               84,103

Redeemable preferred stocks
  Senior redeemable preferred stock         4,259                4,192
  Class B redeemable preferred stock        9,663                9,497
  Redeemable preferred stock               14,546               14,263
     Total preferred stock                 28,468               27,952

Stockholders' investment
  Common stock                                 78                   78
  Capital in excess of par                 11,579               12,095
  Retained earnings (deficit)             (37,281)             (37,356)
     Total stockholders' investment       (25,624)             (25,183)

                                          $90,402              $86,872

 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed
 consolidated financial statements.

                     (amounts in thousands)

                                                      Three Months
                                                     Ended March 31,
                                                    1995     1994
Operating activities:
  Net income (loss)                            $      75   $  (297)
  Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss)
   to cash provided by operating activities:
     Depreciation and amortization                   869       759
     Goodwill amortization                           794       794
     Other non-cash items                            647     1,686
     Changes in assets and liabilities
      that used cash                              (8,723)   (5,909)
     Cash used in operating activities            (6,338)   (2,967)

Investing activities:
  Purchase of property and equipment                (205)     (374)
     Cash used in investing activities              (205)     (374)

Financing activities:
  Proceeds from senior credit facility             6,764     3,405
     Cash provided by financing activities         6,764     3,405

Increase in cash and cash equivalents                221        64
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning
  of period                                          441       744

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period       $   662    $  808

 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these condensed
 consolidated financial statements.

Note 1.   General

     The accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements
of Telos Corporation ("Telos") (formerly C3, Inc.) and its wholly 
owned subsidiaries, Telos Corporation (California) and Telos Field 
Engineering, Inc. (collectively, the "Company") have been prepared 
without  audit.  Certain information and note disclosures normally 
included in the financial statements presented in accordance  with 
generally accepted  accounting principles have been condensed  or  
omitted.  The  Company believes the disclosures made are adequate  
to make the information presented consistent with past practices.
However, these condensed consolidated financial statements should
be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements
and notes thereto included in the Company's annual report on Form
10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1994.
     In  the  opinion of the Company, the accompanying  condensed
consolidated  financial statements reflect  all  adjustments  and
reclassifications   (which   include   only   normal    recurring
adjustments)  necessary to present fairly the financial  position
of  the  Company as of March 31, 1995 and December 31, 1994,  and
the  results of its operations and its cash flows for  the  three
month periods ended March 31, 1995 and 1994.  Interim results are
not necessarily indicative of fiscal year performance because  of
the impact of seasonal and short-term variations.

     Included in Systems and Services sales for the three months
ended March 31, 1995 are Product sales of $14,308,000.
     Certain reclassifications have been made to the prior year's
financial statements to conform to the classifications used in
the current period.

Note 2.   Accounts Receivable

      The  components of accounts receivable are as  follows  (in

                                    March 31, 1995  December 31, 1994
     Billed accounts receivable       $34,304         $32,483
     Unbilled accounts receivable      12,580           9,149
                                       46,884          41,632
     Allowance for doubtful accounts     (733)         (1,287)

                                      $46,151         $40,345


Note 3.   Debt Obligations

Senior Credit Facility

      At  March  31,  1995, the Company had a $45 million  senior
credit  facility ("Facility") with a bank maturing  on  June  30,
1995.   On  April 17, 1995, the Company refinanced  the  Facility
with its existing lender.  The new Facility remains a $45 million
commitment with a maturity date of July 1, 1996.  Other terms and
conditions of the Facility are similar to the Company's  previous
Facility   except  that  certain  financial  and  non   financial
covenants have been amended.

      In  the  first  quarter of 1995, certain of  the  Company's
common shareholders deposited $4 million with the Company's  bank
to  provide the Company with increased borrowing capability under
its Facility.  Total shareholder deposits with the Company's bank
total  $7 million.  The Company and its shareholders have  agreed
to  negotiate  appropriate compensation to the  shareholders  for
this provision of capital.  Such negotiations are in process.

Senior Subordinated Note, Series A

      At  March 31, 1995, the Company had $675,000 of the  senior
subordinated  note, Series A outstanding with  John  R.C.  Porter
("Porter"), the majority common shareholder.  The Company was not
in  compliance  with the financial maintenance covenants  of  the
senior  subordinated note, Series A as of March 31, 1995.  Porter
has agreed to waive such noncompliance.

Senior Subordinated Notes, Series B

      At March 31, 1995 the Company was not in compliance with the
financial  maintenance covenants contained  in  the  subordinated
note agreements, Series B-1 and B-2 with Union de Banques Suisses
(Luxembourg)  S.A. ("UBS").  Under the terms of the various  debt
agreements, such noncompliance is an event of default.   On  June
15,  1994,  UBS  sent the Company a notice of  acceleration  with
respect  to  these notes as a result of past noncompliance  with
the  financial covenants.  In December 1994, UBS filed a  lawsuit
accelerating  all indebtedness under the notes.   Currently,  the
Company   and  certain  shareholders  are  negotiating   possible
settlement  or purchase of the notes held by UBS.  At  this  time
there  can  be  no  assurance  that  such  negotiations  will  be
successful.   However, management believes that  a  judgment  for
payment will not have a material impact on the Company's on-going
operations  since the Company received undertakings from  two  of
its shareholders to provide funds should it become necessary.

Item 2.  Management's   Discussion  and   Analysis   of   Financial
         Condition and Results of Operations.


     In the first three months of 1995, the Company had increased
revenue and profitability as compared to 1994. The higher revenue
volume  results  from increased order volume in the  Systems  and
Services  Group  and increased billable hours in  the  Consulting
     Total backlog from existing contracts was $393 million as of
March 31, 1995, as compared to $328 million at December 31, 1994.
As  of  March 31, 1995, the funded backlog of the Company totaled
$101  million, an increase of $8 million from December 31,  1994.
Funded  backlog represents aggregate contract revenues  remaining
to  be  earned by the Company at a given time, but  only  to  the
extent,  in  the  case  of  government  contracts,  funded  by  a
procuring government agency and allotted to the contracts.

Results of Operations
     The  condensed consolidated statements of income include the
results  of operations of Telos Corporation and its wholly  owned
subsidiaries  Telos  Corporation  (California)  and  Telos  Field
Engineering,  Inc., ("the Company").  The major elements  of  the
Company's  operating expenses as a percentage of  sales  for  the
three month periods ended March 31, 1995 and 1994 were as follows:

                                 Three Months Ended
                                    March 31,
                                 1995       1994
Sales                           100.0%     100.0%
Cost of sales                   (81.0)     (82.5)
SG&A expenses                   (14.5)     (13.9)
Goodwill amortization            (1.7)      (1.8)

Operating income                  2.8        1.8

Other income                      --          .1
Interest expense                 (2.6)      (1.7)
Income tax provision              --         (.9)
Net income (loss)                  .2%       (.7)%

Financial Data by Market Segment

      The Company operates in three market segments: systems  and
services  ( the "Systems and Services Group"), which consists  of
systems  integration  and  software services;  computer  hardware
maintenance  (the  "Field  Engineering  Group");  and  consulting
services (the "Consulting Group").

      Sales, gross profit, and gross margin by market segment for
the first quarter of 1995 and 1994 were as follows:

                                        Three Months Ended
                                             March 31,
                                        1995         1994
                                        (amounts in thousands)
  Systems and Services               $31,714       $29,931
  Field Engineering                    8,483         8,704
  Consulting Services                  6,564         5,414
     Total                           $46,761       $44,049

Gross Profit:
  Systems and Services                $6,248        $5,446
  Field Engineering                    1,219         1,409
  Consulting Services                  1,404           866
     Total                            $8,871        $7,721

Gross Margin:
  Systems and Services                 19.7%         18.2%
  Field Engineering                    14.4%         16.2%
  Consulting Services                  21.4%         16.0%
     Total                             19.0%         17.5%

     For  the  three  month  period ended March  31,  1995  sales
increased  by $2.7 million, or 6.2%, to $46.8 million from  $44.1
million  for the comparable 1994 period.  This increase  for  the
three  month period is primarily attributable to the Systems  and
Services  Group, which reported increased sales of $1.8  million,
and  to  the Consulting Group, which reported increased sales  of
$1.1  million,  offset  by lower sales in the  Field  Engineering
Group of $200,000.
      Within  the Systems and Services Group, systems integration
sales  accounted  for  the majority of  the  increase,  as  sales
increased  $3.7 million in the first quarter of 1995 as  compared
to the similar 1994 period due to increased order volume from the
INS  contract,  awarded in September 1994, as well  as  increased
sales  in  other business lines of the division.  Services  sales
declined  $1.9 million in the three month period ended March  31,
1995  due  to  reduced contract volume in certain  areas  of  the
services  business.  The increase in sales within the  Consulting
Group of $1.1 million for the three month period ended March  31,
1995  is a result  of  increased  billable  hours  resulting from 
obtaining  new  customers  and  expanding  services  to  existing

     Cost  of sales increased by $1.6 million, or 4.3%, to  $37.9
million  in  the  three month period ended March 31,  1995,  from
$36.3 million in the comparable 1994 period.  The increase is the
result of the increase in sales.
     Gross profit increased $1.2 million in the first quarter  of
1995  to  $8.9 million, from $7.7 million in the comparable  1994
period.  The increase in the period is primarily attributable  to
the  higher sales volume previously discussed within the  Systems
and  Services  Group  and the Consulting Group.   The  Consulting
Group also benefited from lower costs as a result of reduced  non
billable  support staff.  Total Company gross margins were  19.0%
and  17.5%  for  the  three  month  periods  of  1995  and  1994,
     Selling,   general,  and  administrative  expense   ("SG&A")
increased  by $652,000 to $6.8 million in 1995 from $6.1  million
in 1994 primarily due to increased marketing and bid and proposal
costs, as well as funding of new product development.  SG&A as  a
percentage  of sales increased to 14.5% for the first quarter  of
1995 from 13.9% in the comparable 1994 period.
     Goodwill amortization expense was $794,000 for each  of  the
three month periods in 1995 and 1994, as the Company continues to
amortize  its goodwill balance which resulted primarily from  the
acquisition of Telos Corporation.
     Operating  income  increased by  $498,000  to  $1.3 million  
in  the  three month period ended March  31,  1995  from $805,000  
in the comparable 1994 period as a result of the aforementioned 
increase in sales and gross profit.
     Interest  expense increased approximately $489,000  to  $1.2
million  in  the  first  quarter of 1995  from  $744,000  in  the
comparable  1994 period.  The variance is primarily a  result  of
the  increase  in  the outstanding balance of the  senior  credit
facility and the related interest rate, offset by a decline in the
outstanding balance of the subordinated debt in 1995 from 1994.
     The  Company  did not have an income tax provision  for  the
three  month  period  ended  March  31,  1995  as  a  result   of
utilization  of  net  operating  loss  carryforwards.   For   the
comparable period of 1994, the Company had a provision for income
taxes of $386,000.
Liquidity and Capital Resources

     For  the three months ended March 31, 1995, the Company used
$6.3  million  of  cash  in its operating activities.   This  was
primarily a result of funding the increase in accounts receivable
and  reductions to the Company's current liabilities.   Operating
cash  uses  and purchases of property and equipment  were  funded
from borrowings of $6.8 million from the senior credit facility.

     The  Company  continues to suffer from liquidity constraints
and  believes  such constraints will continue through  the  first
half  of 1995.  The Company has an active cash management program
designed  to monitor and control significant cash commitments  as
well  as  to  ensure sufficient funds for Company operations  and
     At March 31, 1995, the Company had outstanding debt of $47.2
million,  consisting of $40.8 million under  the  secured  senior
credit  facility  and  $6.4 million in  subordinated  debt.   The
senior credit facility was refinanced on April 17, 1995 and has a
maturity  date  of  July  1,  1996.   Under  the  terms  of   the
refinancing,  the  total commitment remains at $45  million  with
terms  and  conditions  similar to  the  previous  senior  credit
facility  except for amendments made to certain of the  financial
and non financial covenants.
      At  March 31, 1995, the Company had $675,000 of the  senior
subordinated  note, Series A outstanding with  John  R.C.  Porter
("Porter"),  a majority common shareholder of the  Company.   The
Company  was not  in  compliance with certain  of  the  financial
maintenance covenants of the senior subordinated note,  Series  A
as   of  March  31,  1995.   Porter  has  agreed  to  waive  such

      The  Company  was not  in  compliance  with  the  financial
maintenance   covenants  contained  in  the   subordinated   note
agreements,  Series  B-1 and B-2 with Union  de  Banques  Suisses
(Luxembourg) S.A. ("UBS") at March 31, 1995.  Under the terms  of
the  various debt agreements, such noncompliance is an  event  of
default.   On  June 15, 1994, UBS sent the Company  a  notice  of
acceleration with respect to these notes as a result of past non-
compliance   with  the  financial  covenants  at  the   quarterly
measurement  dates.   In  December  1994,  UBS  filed  a  lawsuit
accelerating all indebtedness under the notes.  The  Company  and
certain  shareholders  are  negotiating  possible  settlement  or
purchase of the notes held by UBS.  At this time there can be  no
assurance  that  such  negotiations will be successful.  However,
management believes that a judgment for payment will not  have  a
material  impact on the Company's on-going operations  since  the
Company  received  undertakings from two of its  shareholders  to
provide funds should it become necessary.

                   PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

Item 3.   Defaults Upon Senior Securities

     A maximum of 6,000,000 shares of 12% Cumulative Exchangeable
Redeemable Preferred Stock, par value $.01 per share,  have  been
authorized for issuance.  The Company initially issued  2,858,723
shares of 12% Cumulative Exchangeable Redeemable Preferred  Stock
(the  "Preferred Stock"), par value $.01 per share, in connection
with  the  merger.   The  Preferred Stock accrues  a  semi-annual
dividend  at the annual rate of 12% ($1.20) per share,  based  on
the  liquidation  preference  of $10  per  share,  and  is  fully
     Through November 21, 1995, the Company has the option to pay
dividends  in  additional shares of Preferred Stock  in  lieu  of
cash.  Dividends are payable by the Company, provided the Company
has  legally  available funds under Maryland  law,  when  and  if
declared by the Board of Directors, commencing June 1, 1990,  and
on  each  six month anniversary thereof.  Dividends in additional
shares of the Preferred Stock are paid at the rate of 0.06  of  a
share of the Preferred Stock for each $.60 of such dividends  not
paid in cash.
     No dividends were declared or paid during fiscal years 1994,
1993  and  1992.  Cumulative undeclared dividends as of  December
31,  1994 are equal to $2,871,000.  The Company has accrued these
dividends for the periods although the Company is uncertain  when
or  if these dividends will be declared or paid.  Dividends  were
not  paid  because of certain inconsistencies and ambiguities  in
the  Company's articles of incorporation and certain of its  debt
     In  order  to make clear the Company's ability to  pay  such
dividends,  the  Company  would have to  amend  its  charter  and
certain  of  its  debt  instruments.  Among  other  things,  such
amendment would require the permission of UBS.
Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

    (a)  Exhibits:
      (27) Financial Data Schedule
    (b)  Reports on Form 8-K:   None


Pursuant  to the requirements of the Securities Exchange  Act  of
1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed  on
its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

DATE: May 3, 1995                   TELOS CORPORATION

                                        /s/  Lorenzo Tellez
                                        Lorenzo Tellez
                                        (Principal Financial Officer &
                                        Principal Accounting Officer)

                        Telos Corporation
                          Exhibit Index
Exhibit Number      Exhibit Name                Page Number

     27             Financial Data Schedule         15