WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                           NOTIFICATION OF LATE FILING

                                   FORM 12b-25

                 Sec. File Number 0-9624 Cusip Number 460491 80 6

                                   [Check One]

      [ ] Form 10-K [ ] Form 20-F [ ] Form 11-K [ ] Form 10-Q [ ] Form -SAR

                      [ X ] Transition Report on Form 10-K
                       [ ] Transition Report on Form 20-F
                       [ ] Transition Report on Form 11-K
                       [ ] Transition Report on Form 10-Q
                       [ ] Transition Report on Form -SAR
                For the Transition Period Ended December 31, 2005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             Read Instructions (on back page) Before Preparing Form.
                              Please Print or Type
               Nothing in this form shall be constructed to imply
                      that the Commission has verified any
                          information contained herein
                 If the notification relates to a portion of the
                   filing checked above, identify the Item[s]
                       to which the notification relates:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Full Name of Registrant      International Thoroughbred Breeders, Inc.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Former Name If Applicable
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Address of Principal Executive Office (Street and Number)

                             1105 N. Market St., Suite 1300
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
City, State and Zip Code

                             Wilmington, DE 19899
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PART II - RULES 12b-25[b] and [c]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

          If the subject report could not be filed without unreasonable
           effort or expense and the registrant seeks relief pursuant
             to Rule 12-b-25[b], the following should be completed.

                           [Check box if appropriate]

  [X] [a] The reasons  described  in  reasonable  detail in Part III of this
          form could not be eliminated without unreasonable effort or expenses;

  [X] [b] The subject annual report,  semi-annual  report,  transition report on
          From 10-K, Form 2-F, Form 11-K, Form -SAR, or portion thereof, will be
          filed on or before the fifteenth calendar day following the prescribed
          due date; or the subject quarterly report or transition report on Form
          10-Q, or portion thereof will be filed on or before the fifth calendar
          day following the prescribed due date; and

  [ ] [c] The  accountant's  statement  or other  exhibit  required  by Rule
          12b-25[c] has been attached if applicable.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

State below in reasonable detail the reasons why the Form 10-K, 20-F, 11-k, 10-Q
or -SAR or the transition  report or portion thereof,  could not be filed within
the prescribed time period. {Attach Extra Sheet if Needed} SEE ATTACHED
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[1]  Name  and  telephone  number  of  person  to  contact  in  regard  to  this

       Francis W. Murray            856               931-8163
     ----------------------     -----------      -----------------
           [Name]               [Area Code]        [Telephone No.]

[2]  Have all other periodic  reports  required under Section 13 or 15[d] of the
     Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 or Section 10 of the Investment Company
     Act of 1940 during the preceding 12 months [or for such shorter period that
     the registrant was required to file such reports] been filed?  If answer is
     no, identify report [s]. [ X ] Yes [ ] No

[3]  It is anticipated that any significant change in results of operations from
     the corresponding  period for the last fiscal year will be reflected by the
     earnings  statements  to be  included  in the  subject  report  or  portion
     thereof? [X ] Yes [ ] No
     If so, attach an explanation of the anticipated change both narratively and
     quantitatively,  and, if  appropriate,  state the reasons why a  reasonable
     estimate of the results cannot be made.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                    International Thoroughbred Breeders, Inc.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

has  caused  this  notification  to be signed on its  behalf by the  undersigned
thereunto duly authorized.

Date: March 31, 2006                By:/s/Francis W. Muuray
      ---------------               -----------------------
                                          President and CEO

INSTRUCTION: The form may be signed by an executive officer of the registrant or
by any other duly  authorized  representative.  The name and title of the person
signing  the form  shall  be typed or  printed  beneath  the  signature.  If the
statement is signed on behalf of the registrant by an authorized  representative
[other than an executive officer], evidence of the representative's authority to
sign on behalf of the registrant shall be filed with the form.

            Intentional misstatements or omissions of fact constitute
                 Federal Criminal Violation [See 18 U.S.C. 1001]
                              GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS

1.   This form is  required  by Rule 12b-25  [17CFR  240.12b-25]  of the General
     Rules and Regulations under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

2.   One signed  original and four conformed  copies of this form and amendments
     thereto  must be  completed  and filed  with the  Securities  and  Exchange
     Commission,  Washington,  D.C.  20549,  in accordance  with Rule 0-3 of the
     General Rules and Regulations  under the Act. The information  contained in
     or filed  with the form will be made a matter of the  public  record in the
     Commission files.

3.   A manually  signed copy of the form and  amendments  thereto shall be filed
     with each national  securities exchange on which any class of securities of
     the registrant is registered.

4.   Amendments to the notifications must also be filed on form 12b-25, but need
     not restate information that has been correctly  furnished.  The form shall
     be clearly identified as an amendment notification.

                    International Thoroughbred Breeders, Inc.

                                   Form 12b-25

      Form 10-K for the transition period July 1, 2005 to December 31, 2005

Part III - Narrative

     On February 1, 2006 the Company  removed the Big Easy from  service and the
Registrant  is unable to complete the  preparation  of the Form 10-K report on a
timely basis due to additional and unusual  operational and administrative  work
loads as a result of the removal of the vessel M/V Big Easy from service.

Part IV - Other Information

     The  Registrant  anticipates  reporting  a  net  (Loss)  in  the  range  of
($12,000,000)  to  ($12,500,000)  for the six months ended December 31, 2005, as
compared to a net (Loss) of ($1,900,035) for the prior year. The anticipated net
(Loss) for the  transitional  six month fiscal year ending December 31, 2005 was
primarily caused by 1) the start up and operational  costs of the Big Easy; 2) a
decrease  in  revenues  of the Palm  Beach  Princess  for the six  months  ended
December 31, 2005, caused in part by the dry dock of the Palm Beach Princess for
the period  October  17,2005 to October 26,  2005;  and 3)  interest  expense of
approximately $4.4 million on financing from our primary lender.

     The United States Coast Guard issued Big Easy her Certificate of Inspection
on October 11, 2005,  following an extensive and  unexpected  delay in receiving
such certification.  The vessel's first official cruise to international  waters
was October 18, 2005. Due to the  approaching  Hurricane  Wilma,  the vessel was
ordered out of the Port for safe haven following her afternoon cruise on October
19, 2005.  Hurricane  Wilma struck  Florida on October 24, 2005.  Due to damages
caused by Hurricane Wilma and vessel schedule conflicts,  Big Easy was unable to
sail commercially  until November 6, 2005. The unexpected delay in receiving the
vessel's  Certificate  of  Inspection,  and the  subsequent  delays,  damage and
inconveniences caused by Hurricane Wilma immediately following the maiden voyage
had a compounding,  adverse effect on the Company's ability to retain personnel.
As a result, the Company experienced  greater-than-normal  attrition of Big Easy
personnel,  particularly  those who carried Coast  Guard-issued  Merchant Marine
Cards (i.e. also known as z-cards,  these are issued by Coast Guard and serve as
required  documentation  for those working on  US-flagged  vessels to fill Coast
Guard-mandated  muster station  requirements).  As the number of Merchant Marine
Card personnel became increasingly inadequate,  it became increasingly difficult
for  management  to  meet  muster  station   requirements,   often  forcing  the
cancellation of many sailings, particularly in December and January. Coast Guard
stopped  issuing  Merchant  Marine  Cards  suddenly and  expectedly  sometime in
October,  2006.  Adverse sea  conditions in November and December were generally
unfavorable  for commercial  sailing and were a  contributing  factor to several
missed sailings.  As a result of these numerous challenges,  the vessel was able
to make only nineteen sailings in November, twenty-four sailings in December and
eight  sailings in  January.  On January 31,  2006,  the Coast Guard  denied the
Company's  request to provide an extension to complete certain mandated work and
removed  the  vessel's   Certificate  of   Inspection.   On  January  31,  2006,
approximately one hundred Coast Guard Merchant Marine Card applications relating
to Big Easy remained unprocessed by Coast Guard twelve weeks or longer.

     We were  having  challenges  attracting  customers  to Big Easy  given  her
inconsistent schedule of sailings.  The initial delay in receiving a Certificate
of Inspection and subsequent  inconsistencies  in scheduling caused  significant
negative cash flow and made advertising and promotional  efforts  difficult from
both a financial and practical  planning  perspective.  The lack of a consistent
commercial service schedule caused  insignificant  customer support resulting in
negative  results for six months ending December 31, 2005.  During the operating
period,  we  were  losing  approximately  $1,200,000  per  month.  These  losses
continued  into  January,  2006.  On February 1, 2006,  we suspended  operations
indefinitely. During the six month period ending December 31, 2005, the Big Easy
operation sustained losses of approximately $8 Million.

     The Palm Beach Princess  operations for six months were materially impacted
during the six months ending December 31, 2005,  particularly by a scheduled dry
docking period and Hurricane Wilma.  During the six months,  total net operating
revenue from the vessel  operations  declined by  approximately  $660,000 to $13
million.  During the six month period the Palm Beach Princess sustained a (loss)
of  approximately  ($600,000)  as compared  to last year when the profit  before
state  taxes was  approximately  $400,000  for the same  period.  During the six
months ended  December 31, 2005, 24 cruises were missed due to the scheduled dry
dock,  2 cruises were  cancelled  due to  hurricane  Wilma,  and 23 cruises were
cancelled due to inclement weather.