Case 06-16350-PGH Document 808 Filed 08/03/2007 Page 1 of 2

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ORDERED in the Southern District of Florida on August 03, 2007.

                                                /s/ Paul G. Hyman
                                               Paul G. Hyman, Chief Judge
                                               United States Bankruptcy Court

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA
                            WEST PALM BEACH DIVISION

IN RE:                                     :  CHAPTER 11
ITG VEGAS, INC. et al.,                    :  CASE NO. 06-16350-BKC-PGH
                                           :  (Jointly Administered)
                  Debtors.                 :
- ------------------------------------------


     The United States Trustee,  having advised this Court that Mark T. Calvert,
35300 Center Street SE, Snoqualmie,  WA 98065,  206-909-3636,  has been selected
for  appointment  by the United States Trustee as the chapter 11 trustee in this
case, and the Court having  reviewed and considered the United States  Trustee's
Application For Approval Of Appointment Of Chapter 11 Trustee, it is

     ORDERED that,  pursuant to 11 U.S.C.  Section 1104, the appointment of Mark
T. Calvert as chapter 11 trustee is approved, and it is further

           Case 06-16350-PGH Document 808 Filed 08/03/2007 Page 2 of 2

     ORDERED that the trustee  shall have all the powers and duties of a trustee
under 11 U.S.C.  Section 1106 and the authority to operate the debtor's business
pursuant to 11 U.S.C.  Section 1108. The Trustee shall be responsible for filing
with the Court and  submitting to the United States  Trustee and the  Bankruptcy
Court Clerk all monthly  reports  required by the United States  Trustee and any
other  information  reasonably  necessary to allow the United States  Trustee to
administer this case.


Submitted by:

Heidi A. Feinman
Trial Attorney
U.S. Department of Justice Office of the U.S. Trustee
51 S.W. 51st Ave.
Suite 1204
Miami, FL 33130
(305) 536-7285
(305) 536-7360
heidi.a.feinman@usdoj .gov

copies to:

All Creditors and Interested Parties (By Clerk's Office)