TO SHAREHOLDERS

Selected Financial Data

Dollars in thousands, except per share data
For the year                                1994           1993           1992            1991              1990
Interest income - taxable equivalent    $583,876       $515,798       $446,913        $459,704          $455,050  
Interest expense                         221,361        193,435        195,090         249,980           268,014  
Net interest income -
  taxable equivalent                     362,515        322,363        251,823         209,724           187,036  
Taxable equivalent adjustment             20,890         18,473         13,125          12,152            11,347  
Net interest income                      341,625        303,890        238,698         197,572           175,689  
Provision for credit losses               13,278         13,383         14,308          29,680            11,668  
Net interest income after provision
  for credit losses                      328,347        290,507        224,390         167,892           164,021  
Other income                             114,513        102,014         81,771          70,548            61,931  
Securities gains (losses)                 (1,067)           495          1,690           2,156                24  
Total noninterest income                 113,446        102,509         83,461          72,704            61,955  
Salaries and employee benefits           142,512        128,886        104,024          90,485            82,211  
Other expense                            152,180        143,552        112,500          92,651            80,825  
Total noninterest expense                294,692        272,438        216,524         183,136           163,036  
Income before taxes                      147,101        120,578         91,327          57,460            62,940  
Provision for income taxes                43,930         37,391         27,955          16,261            18,673  
Net income                              $103,171        $83,187        $63,372         $41,199           $44,267  
Primary earnings per share                 $2.88          $2.50          $2.09           $1.47             $1.60  
Fully diluted earnings per share            2.74           2.38           1.98            1.44              1.60  
Cash dividends declared per share            .76            .49           .675             .48               .44  
Cash dividends paid per share                .72           .595            .51             .47               .44  

Assets                                $8,792,699     $7,671,353     $7,133,637      $5,417,199        $4,946,989  
Loans                                  6,065,423      5,354,497      4,531,913       3,497,451         3,292,217  
Allowance for credit losses               81,757         74,923         68,243          53,048            47,823  
Deposits                               6,810,882      5,937,047      5,636,339       4,044,408         3,860,881  
Long-term debt                           253,073        116,460        117,649         111,881            72,614  
Shareholders' equity                     715,769        623,566        489,825         367,048           332,692  
Full-time equivalent employees             4,778          4,477          4,293           3,464             3,370  
Shares outstanding                    36,745,368     34,718,731     32,351,160      28,062,404        27,567,672  

In September 1992, West One acquired certain assets and deposits from Security  
Pacific Corporation in Washington.                                              


Management's discussion and analysis of West One Bancorp and subsidiaries (the 
Corporation) supplements the accompanying consolidated financial statements.

Performance Overview
The Corporation completed the most profitable year in its 127 year history in 
1994.  Net income was $103.2 million, a 24% increase over the $83.2 million 
earned in 1993.  Net income was 31% higher in 1993 than the $63.4 million earned
in 1992.  Highlights of 1994 include the continuation of double-digit loan 
growth, outstanding asset quality and the sixth consecutive increase in annual 
shareholders' dividends.  Nonperforming assets declined to .29% of total assets
and the allowance for credit losses was over 400% of nonperforming loans at 
December 31, 1994.  Capital ratios strengthened in 1994 and easily exceeded 
regulatory requirements.  Earnings per share increased 15% to $2.74 in 1994 
following an increase of 20% to $2.38 in 1993.  The five-year compound growth 
rate was 24% for net income and 17% for earnings per share.

Return on assets averaged 1.28% in 1994, an improvement from returns of 1.14% 
and 1.08% in 1993 and 1992, respectively.  Return on shareholders' equity 
averaged 15.63% in 1994, up from 15.61% in 1993 and 14.93% in 1992.  Late in 
1993, $47 million of common stock was issued through a Dividend Reinvestment and
Stock Purchase Plan.

The Corporation continues to pursue opportunities for profitable growth and 
asset diversification, with expansion in the states of Washington and Oregon a 
high priority.  An improved competitive position in Oregon resulted from the 
acquisition in 1994 of 10 branches of Far West Federal Savings Bank with 
deposits of $173 million, and National Security Bank Holding Company, a five 
branch institution on the Oregon coast with assets of $132 million.  Market 
penetration improved in the state of Washington with the acquisition of Valley 
Commercial Bank in 1994, a two branch institution serving Clarkston, Washington 
with assets of $64 million.  The acquisition of Idaho State Bank with assets of 
$48 million and seven branches in Idaho communities previously not served by the
Corporation was also completed in 1994.  Growth rates for 1992 and 1993 
reflected the acquisition in September 1992 of $1.2 billion in deposits from 
Security Pacific Corporation in the state of Washington (the Washington 

Regional Economic Performance
A financial institution's performance is directly influenced by economic 
conditions in its service area.  In 1994, strong economic conditions prevailed 
in the Corporation's service area of Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Utah.  Idaho
and Utah maintained exceptional levels of economic growth, and Oregon 
experienced increasingly stronger growth as 1994 progressed.  In recent years, 
Washington's growth was more moderate due to employment cuts in aerospace 
manufacturing; however, renewed economic strength and momentum were evident 
during the fourth quarter.  Utah and Idaho were two of the top three job 
producing states in the nation in 1993 and 1994, and total nonfarm employment 
growth in the four-state region totaled 3.3% in 1994 compared to a 3.1% gain 
nationally.  Individually, gains ranged from 2.1% in Washington to 5.8% in Utah.

Residential construction activity remained vigorous in 1994 with demand slowing 
late in the year as consumers in Idaho and Utah reacted to higher mortgage 
interest rates.  Strengthening economies in Oregon and Washington actually 
produced rising residential construction permit levels during the fourth quarter
despite the higher interest rates.  Dynamic economic conditions caused 
commercial office vacancy rates to decline sharply in Portland and Salt Lake 
City during 1994 and to remain flat at a very low level in Boise.  Vacancy rates
in Seattle were unchanged from the prior year.

Rising employment led to strong personal income gains in the region with 
inflation adjusted gains ranging from 3.2% in Washington to over 6% in Utah.  
The region remains a magnet for people from all over the United States, and all 
four states experienced substantial net inmigration during 1994.  Tighter labor 
markets in other regions of the United States and the prospect of a return to 
economic growth in California suggest that the rate of inmigration may slow in 
1995.  Higher interest rates will likely produce a decline in housing starts 
from the peaks experienced in 1994, but strong job growth suggests that economic
expansion will continue in the region in 1995.  Idaho's employment and income 
growth are expected to slow somewhat from the lofty levels of prior years, but 
employment growth of 3.5% and personal income growth of approximately 7.5% are 
projected for 1995, both well above national


benchmarks.  Expanded export markets combined with continued trade promotion 
efforts, aggressive new product development by high technology companies and 
national expansion by local retailers indicate Washington's economy will 
continue to improve in 1995.  Employment in Washington is expected to grow by 
2% while personal income should increase approximately 5.5% in 1995.  The 
technology sector in Oregon is expected to continue to expand in 1995, 
reflecting several large electronics projects announced in 1994.  As a result, 
employment growth of 2.6% and personal income growth of about 6.5% are 
projected for Oregon in 1995. In Utah, state projections indicate annual 
employment growth will be about 4.3% and personal income will grow
approximately 7.4%.


Dollars in thousands                            1994            1993             1992            1991            1990      
Selected average balances
Assets                                    $8,037,140      $7,312,017       $5,848,131      $5,165,354      $4,731,919
Earning assets                             7,318,280       6,612,814        5,294,949       4,686,354       4,266,191
Securities                                 1,607,017       1,666,520        1,321,390       1,110,381         987,800
Loans                                      5,646,382       4,903,797        3,767,186       3,349,190       3,110,738
Deposits                                   6,302,035       5,689,938        4,503,586       3,917,298       3,663,402
Short-term borrowings                        831,208         880,495          736,043         745,699         621,272
Long-term debt                               149,257         117,990          114,727          86,024          67,736
Shareholders' equity                         660,055         532,898          424,429         348,684         312,599

Growth measures
    (percent change in average balances) 
Assets                                           9.9%           25.0%            13.2%            9.2%            6.8%
Earning assets                                  10.7            24.9             13.0             9.8             7.0
Securities                                      (3.6)           26.1             19.0            12.4             7.6
Loans                                           15.1            30.2             12.5             7.7            15.5
Deposits                                        10.8            26.3             15.0             6.9             7.3
Short-term borrowings                           (5.6)           19.6             (1.3)           20.0             2.7
Long-term debt                                  26.5             2.8             33.4            27.0              .8
Shareholders' equity                            23.9            25.6             21.7            11.5            10.4

Ratios (averages) 
Return on shareholders' equity                 15.63%          15.61%           14.93%          11.82%          14.16%
Return on assets                                1.28            1.14             1.08             .80             .94
Dividend payout ratio                          26.26           19.74            33.11           32.38           26.30
Loans to deposits                              89.60           86.18            83.65           85.50           84.91
Shareholders' equity to assets                  8.21            7.29             7.26            6.75            6.61
Shareholders' equity to loans                  11.69           10.87            11.27           10.41           10.05

Shareholders' Equity and Capital Adequacy
The Corporation's strong capital position merits the confidence of customers, 
investors and regulators and provides a solid foundation for asset growth.  
Capital management ensures capital is available for current needs, anticipated 
growth and advantageous business opportunities.  Current and projected 
consolidated and subsidiary capital positions are monitored regularly to ensure
capital levels exceed regulatory guidelines.


At December 31, 1994, shareholders' equity totaled $716 million, up 15% from a 
year ago.  The primary component of additional shareholders' equity in 1994 
was $89 million of retained earnings, up 32% from 1993.  At December 31, 1994,
shareholders' equity included a net unrealized after-tax loss of $13 million to 
adjust securities available for sale to market value.  Shareholders' equity as 
a percent of assets measures capital strength.  At December 31, 1994, the 
ratio was 8.14% compared to 8.13% at December 31, 1993 and 6.87% at December 
31, 1992.

In 1994, the Corporation paid dividends for the 60th consecutive year.  The 
dividend policy is designed to strike a balance between providing immediate 
returns to shareholders through cash dividends and increasing long-term
shareholders' value through profitable utilization of earnings as capital.  
In recognition of record net income and a strong capital position, the Board 
of Directors increased the quarterly dividend by 22% to $.22 per share in 
October 1994, representing the sixth consecutive year of dividend increases.
On a per share basis, dividends paid in 1994 were $.72, a 21% increase from 
$.595 in 1993.  The comparable dividend was $.51 in 1992.

The book value per share of common stock was $19.48 at December 31, 1994, an 8%
increase from the $17.96 book value per share at year-end 1993.  Market 
capitalization at December 31, 1994 was $974 million.  The Corporation's 
average annual compound return to shareholders was 22% for the five-year period
ended December 31, 1994 assuming reinvestment of dividends, significantly 
higher than the 8% return for a peer group of 503 commercial banks and the 
Nasdaq market index return of 6%.

The Corporation's stock was held by 6,957 shareholders of record at December 31,
1994 and is traded in the over-the-counter market on The Nasdaq Stock Market 
under the symbol of WEST.  The accompanying market quotations represent the high
and low closing sales price per share for the indicated periods as reported by 
The Nasdaq Stock Market.


                                              Fourth        Third       Second         First   
Market quotations
High                                        $28  9/16    $31 13/16    $32            $28  1/2
Low                                          24 11/16     28           26   1/2       25  3/4
Quarter-end                                  26   1/2     28           28   3/4       27

Per share
Cash dividends declared                           .22          .18          .18           .18
Cash dividends paid                               .18          .18          .18           .18
Book value, quarter-end                         19.48        19.25        18.69         18.29

Market quotations
High                                        $31   5/8     $29  1/2     $26  3/8      $27  1/4
Low                                          23   7/8      24  3/8      22  7/8       24  1/2
Quarter-end                                  28   1/2      29  1/2      24  3/4       25  3/4

Per share
Cash dividends declared                           .18         .155         .155             - 
Cash dividends paid                              .155         .155         .155           .13
Book value, quarter-end                         17.96        16.76        16.20         15.71

See Note 15 to the financial statements.


(Graphic material omitted, replaces the two graphs presented on this page).


Dollars in millions                   1994             1993          1992           1991          1990
Average shareholders' equity        $715.8           $623.6        $489.4         $367.0        $332.7

At December 31,                                    Well          Regulatory
                                  1994      Capitalized             Minimum
Leverage ratio                    8.16%            5.00%               3.00%
Tier 1 capital                   10.30             6.00                4.00
Total capital                    12.41            10.00                8.00


Financial institutions are subject to risk-based capital guidelines requiring 
minimum capital levels based on the perceived risk of assets and off-balance 
sheet instruments.  The Corporation's strong capital position, adequate 
allowance for credit losses, low intangible asset level and limited off-balance
sheet exposure resulted in capital ratios well above regulatory minimums as 
presented in the accompanying graph.  Bank regulators also adopted five capital
category definitions applicable to banks for certain regulatory supervision 
purposes, ranging from well-capitalized to critically undercapitalized.  At 
December 31, 1994, all banking subsidiaries exceeded the regulatory criteria for
well-capitalized institutions and qualified for the minimum FDIC insurance 
assessment. Dividends from subsidiaries to West One Bancorp are used to provide
capital to other subsidiaries, to reduce debt and to support shareholder 
dividends.  The Corporation's leverage, Tier I and total capital ratios were 
8.16%, 10.30% and 12.41%, respectively, at December 31, 1994 compared with 
7.61%, 9.53% and 11.80%, respectively, at December 31, 1993.

Double leverage is created when debt is incurred to acquire subsidiaries or to 
increase a subsidiary's capital and when intangible assets arise from 
acquisitions.  The double leverage ratio is calculated for West One Bancorp as 
the sum of investment in subsidiaries plus goodwill and core deposit intangibles
divided by total shareholders' equity.  Regulators have not specified a maximum
level of double leverage.  At December 31, 1994, the double leverage ratio 
improved to .94 compared to .98 and 1.11, respectively, at December 31, 1993 and

Net Interest Income
Net interest income is the Corporation's principal source of revenue and is 
comprised of interest income on earning assets minus interest expense on 
interest bearing liabilities.  Net interest margin is net interest income 
expressed as a percent of average earning assets and represents the difference 
between the yield on earning assets and the composite interest rate paid on all
sources of funds.  Net interest income is adjusted to a taxable equivalent 
basis to present income earned on taxable and tax-exempt assets on a comparable
basis.  References to net interest income and net interest margin in this 
discussion represent taxable equivalent amounts.

Net interest income is impacted primarily by changes in the volume and mix of 
earning assets and funding sources, market rates of interest and asset quality. 
Net interest income was $362.5 million in 1994, an increase of 12% from the 
prior year.  Comparable increases were 28% in 1993 and 20% in 1992.  Net 
interest income increased in 1994 due to an 11% increase in average earning 
assets and an 8 basis point improvement in net interest margin.  Net interest 
income accounted for 76% of total revenue in 1994 and 1993 and 75% in 1992.

Average earning assets increased $705 million or 11% to $7.32 billion in 1994 
following increases of 25% and 13% in 1993 and 1992, respectively.  The increase
in 1994 was attributable to average loan growth of $743 million due primarily 
to internal loan generation.  Acquisitions completed in 1994 contributed $35 
million of the average loan growth.  Loans represent the highest yielding 
component of earning assets and accounted for 77% of average earning assets in 
1994, up from 74% in 1993 and 71% in 1992.  Interest income foregone on 
nonperforming loans reduced net interest income by $1.0 million, net of tax, in
1994 compared to $1.1 million in 1993 and $1.7 million in 1992.  Nonaccrual 
loans declined to .32% of total loans at December 31, 1994 from .44% at year-end
1993 and .46% at year-end 1992.

A shift in the mix of sources of funds improved net interest income and net 
interest margin in 1994 as a significant increase in noninterest bearing funds 
allowed the Corporation to reduce its reliance on short-term borrowings.  
Average noninterest bearing funds increased to 17.5% of total sources of funds 
in 1994 from 15.5% in 1993, resulting in lower interest expense and a wider net
interest margin.  Average short-term borrowings were $831 million or 11.4% of 
total sources of funds in 1994 compared to $880 million or 13.3% in 1993.

Net interest margin increased 8 basis points to 4.95% in 1994 from 4.87% in 
1993.  Net interest margin was 4.76% in 1992.  The yield on earning assets and 
the cost of funds both increased in 1994, reflecting higher money market rates.
Improvements in the mix of both earning assets and sources of funds, combined 
with aggressive efforts to stabilize funding costs and to price loans 
profitably, resulted in a 17 basis point increase in the yield on earning assets
compared to a 9 basis point increase in the cost of sources of funds.  The 
accompanying table presents the rate and volume analysis of earnings assets and
interest bearing liabilities for the last three years.


Consolidated Average Balance Sheets
and Taxable Equivalent Interest Rate and Volume Analysis

                                                                     Average           Interest Change in   1994-1993 Change
                                             Average  Balance  Yield or Rate     Income/Expense   Income/    Attributable to
Dollars in thousands                        1994         1993    1994   1993      1994     1993   Expense    Volume     Rate

Due from banks - interest bearing         $7,356      $23,894   4.01%  3.26%      $295     $779    $(484)    $(632)     $148
Federal funds sold, securities
   purchased under agreements to
   resell and other                       57,525       18,603   4.70   3.18      2,705      592    2,113     1,720       393

   U.S. Treasury and Government                               
   agencies                              611,337      578,522   5.53   5.51     33,805   31,869    1,936     1,814       122
   State and municipal bonds             587,364      457,377   7.70   8.35     45,248   38,202    7,046    10,195    (3,149)
   Mortgage-backed securities            257,550      379,799   5.91   5.75     15,233   21,842   (6,609)   (7,214)      605
   Other                                 150,766      250,822   6.70   6.50     10,098   16,292   (6,194)   (6,687)      493
Total securities                       1,607,017    1,666,520   6.50   6.49    104,384  108,205   (3,821)   (3,865)       44
   Real estate                         2,294,093    1,902,330   8.48   8.57    194,538  163,060   31,478    33,239    (1,761)
   Commercial and agricultural         1,977,261    1,796,611   7.84   7.22    154,927  129,660   25,267    13,641    11,626
   Commercial - tax-exempt               124,864      109,573   9.21   8.77     11,501    9,605    1,896     1,390       506
   Consumer                            1,093,457      943,815   9.47   9.64    103,571   90,951   12,620    14,198    (1,578)
   Leases                                156,707      151,468   7.63   8.55     11,955   12,946     (991)      436    (1,427)
Total loans                            5,646,382    4,903,797   8.44   8.28    476,492  406,222   70,270    62,539     7,731
Total earning assets                   7,318,280    6,612,814   7.97   7.80    583,876  515,798   68,078    56,062    12,016
Cash and due from banks                  482,138      470,961  
Premises and equipment                   124,766      122,679  
Allowance for credit losses              (79,015)     (72,187) 
Other nonearning assets                  190,971      177,750          
Total assets                          $8,037,140   $7,312,017          

Liabilities and shareholders' equity   
Interest bearing deposits: 
   Interest bearing demand              $736,731     $696,996   1.75   2.13     12,883   14,879   (1,996)      811    (2,807)
   Regular and money market savings    2,063,091    1,856,420   3.01   2.88     62,178   53,437    8,741     6,146     2,595
   Time certificates under $100,000    1,606,909    1,577,139   4.65   4.62     74,685   72,921    1,764     1,382       382
   Time certificates $100,000 and over   652,124      456,431   4.58   4.13     29,893   18,839   11,054     8,787     2,267
Total interest bearing deposits        5,058,855    4,586,986   3.55   3.49    179,639  160,076   19,563    16,714     2,849
Federal funds purchased and        
   securities sold under agreement
   to repurchase                         576,968      665,106   3.85   2.80     22,185   18,592    3,593    (2,705)    6,298
Other short-term borrowings              254,240      215,389   4.09   3.04     10,390    6,543    3,847     1,320     2,527
Long-term debt                           149,257      117,990   6.13   6.97      9,147    8,224      923     1,999    (1,076)
Total interest bearing funds           6,039,320    5,585,471   3.67   3.46    221,361  193,435   27,926    16,252    11,674
Noninterest bearing funds              1,278,960    1,027,343 
Total sources of funds                 7,318,280    6,612,814   3.02   2.93    221,361  193,435
Noninterest bearing deposits           1,243,180    1,102,952                                  
Other liabilities                         94,585       90,696                                  
Shareholders' equity                     660,055      532,898                                  
Less noninterest bearing funds        (1,278,960)  (1,027,343) 
Total liabilities and shareholders'   
   equity                             $8,037,140   $7,312,017  
Net interest margin and income                                  4.95%  4.87%  $362,515 $322,363  $40,152   $39,810     $342


                                                             Average          Interest         Change in     1993-1992 Change
                                Average  Balance       Yield or Rate    Income/Expense           Income/      Attributable to
Dollars in thousands                        1992                1992              1992           Expense      Volume     Rate
Due from banks-interest bearing         $184,914                4.02%           $7,431           $(6,652)  $(5,467)  $(1,185)
Federal funds sold, securities        
   under agreements to resell          
   and other                              21,459                3.95               847              (255)     (104)     (151)

   U.S. Treasury and Government 
   agencies                              537,567                6.86            36,875            (5,006)    2,655    (7,661)
   State and municipal bonds             248,134                9.33            23,161            15,041    17,705    (2,664)
   Mortgage-backed securities            321,487                6.83            21,971              (129)    3,648    (3,777)
   Other                                 214,202                7.10            15,209             1,083     2,452    (1,369)
Total securities                       1,321,390                7.36            97,216            10,989    23,334   (12,345)
   Real estate                         1,365,050                9.49           129,518            33,542    47,024   (13,482)
   Commercial and agricultural         1,377,120                7.68           105,765            23,895    30,596    (6,701)
   Commercial - tax-exempt                88,366                9.52             8,413             1,192     1,899      (707)
   Consumer                              800,980               10.55            84,518             6,433    14,192    (7,759)
   Leases                                135,670                9.73            13,205              (259)    1,446    (1,705)
Total loans                            3,767,186                9.06           341,419            64,803    96,119   (31,316)
Total earning assets                   5,294,949                8.44           446,913            68,885   104,765   (35,880)
Cash and due from banks                  366,761 
Premises and equipment                    99,680 
Allowance for credit losses              (59,055) 
Other nonearning assets                  145,796 
Total assets                          $5,848,131 

Liabilities and shareholders' equity    
Interest bearing deposits: 
   Interest bearing demand              $521,319                2.79            14,532               347     4,220    (3,873)
   Regular and money market savings    1,353,181                3.58            48,476             4,961    15,710   (10,749)
   Time certificates under $100,000    1,427,677                5.45            77,874            (4,953)    7,647   (12,600)
   Time certificates $100,000 and over   388,752                4.95            19,256              (417)    3,067    (3,484)
Total interest bearing deposits        3,690,929                4.34           160,138               (62)   34,665   (34,727)
Federal funds purchased and
   securities sold under agreement
   to repurchase                         624,864                3.36            20,995            (2,403)    1,289    (3,692)
Other short-term borrowings              111,179                3.52             3,911             2,632     3,229      (597)
Long-term debt                           114,727                8.76            10,046            (1,822)      279    (2,101)
Total interest bearing funds           4,541,699                4.30           195,090            (1,655)   40,122   (41,777)
Noninterest bearing funds                753,250                                                                             
Total sources of funds                 5,294,949                3.68           195,090                                       
Noninterest bearing deposits             812,657  
Other liabilities                         69,346  
Shareholders' equity                     424,429  
Less noninterest bearing funds          (753,250) 
Total liabilities and shareholders'              
   equity                             $5,848,131 
Net interest margin and income                                  4.76%         $251,823           $70,540   $64,643    $5,897  

Interest income is adjusted to present tax-exempt revenue from securities and 
loans on a basis comparable with taxable revenue, utilizing the statutory 
federal and the applicable state tax rates.

The taxable equivalent adjustments were $20,890 in 1994, $18,473 in 1993 and 
$13,125 in 1992.  Nonaccrual loans are included in average balances; however, 
interest income has not been accrued on such loans.  Net changes which are 
attributable to volume and rate are allocated proportionately.


(Graphic material omitted, replaces the two graphs presented on this page).

Dollars in billions            1994             1993            1992           1991           1990
Average loans                  $5.6             $4.9            $3.8           $3.3           $3.1
Average earning assets          7.3              6.6             5.3            4.7            4.3


Loans represent the Corporation's largest component of earning assets and, 
accordingly, are its primary source of income.  Loans totaled $6.07 billion at 
December 31, 1994, up from $5.35 billion at year-end 1993 and $4.53 billion at 
year-end 1992.  Loans increased 13% in 1994 compared to increases of 18% and
30% in 1993 and 1992, respectively.  Strong economic conditions in the 
Corporation's market area contributed to real estate loan growth of $376 million
or 17%, commercial and agricultural loan growth of $209 million or 10% and 
consumer loan growth of $134 million or 13%.  Residential real estate loans 
totaling an additional $194 million were originated and sold in the secondary 
market during 1994.  The average loan to deposit ratio was 89.60% in 1994 
compared to 86.18% in 1993 and 83.65% in 1992.  Nonperforming loans totaled $20
million at year-end 1994 and represented .32% of total loans as compared to .44%
in 1993 and .46% in 1992.

Real estate loans totaled $2.53 billion at December 31, 1994.  The largest 
component of the real estate loan portfolio is loans to individual homeowners 
collateralized by one-to-four family residential properties.  At $1.26 billion, 
residential real estate loans were 50% of total real estate loans at December 
31, 1994.  Residential real estate loans increased $162 million or 15% in 1994 
following increases of 23% and 46% in 1993 and 1992, respectively.  High rates 
of inmigration and the consolidation of consumer debt into tax-advantaged home 
equity credit lines contributed to the increase in 1994.

Commercial real estate loans increased $139 million or 17% to $946 million at  
December 31, 1994 compared to increases of 18% in 1993 and 47% in 1992.  The 
increase in 1994 represented loans to local business customers for expansion of 
operations and facilities in response to strong consumer demand for goods and 
services. More than 90% of the properties collateralizing commercial real estate
loans were located in the Corporation's local market area.  Underwriting 
standards typically rely on cash flow for repayment ability and not asset value
or appreciation.  The types of properties supporting commercial real estate 
loan obligations are well diversified.  In accordance with the Corporation's 
community banking strategy, loans collateralized by warehouse facilities and 
office buildings are primarily owner occupied and domiciled in our four-state 
market area.

Construction loans increased $74 million or 30% to $319 million at December 31, 
1994.  Dwelling units authorized in the Corporation's market area increased 16%
in 1994 due to an acceleration in single and multi-family residential 
construction.  Nonperforming real estate loans were $7.4 million at December 31,
1994 or 37% of total nonperforming loans and .3% of total real estate loans.

Commercial and agricultural loans totaled $2.21 billion at December 31, 1994, a 
$209 million or 10% increase from the prior year compared to increases of 12% 
in 1993 and 30% in 1992.  Commercial loans increased 11% to $1.78 billion in 
1994, reflecting improved regional economic conditions as measured by increases
in employment, population, personal income and retail sales.  Growth was 
primarily in the small-to-middle market where efficient and personal service is
provided by community-based lending officers.  Agricultural loans increased 9% 
to $429 million at December 31, 1994 as the Corporation maintained its position
as one of the leading agricultural lenders in the nation. At December 31, 1994,
nonperforming commercial and agricultural loans totaled $10.7 million or .5% of
commercial and agricultural loans.

Consumer loans increased 13% to $1.17 billion at December 31, 1994 following 
increases of 19% in 1993 and 10% in 1992.  Bankcard loans increased 9% to $232 
million in 1994 due to increases in merchants served and credit cards 
outstanding.  The remainder of the current year increase was primarily 
attributable to acquisitions completed in 1994.  Nonperforming consumer loans 
totaled $1.0 million at December 31, 1994.

The securities portfolio is comprised of investment quality, marketable debt 
securities.  Management's goal is to maximize long-term returns while 
maintaining an acceptable level of risk.

At December 31, 1994, the amortized cost of the securities portfolio totaled 
$1.74 billion, an increase of $131 million or 8% from December 31, 1993.  
The mix of securities changed over this time period as the portfolio was 
restructured to take advantage of rising interest rates.  Variable rate United
States Government agency securities increased $145 million and short-term United
States Treasury securities increased $82 million in 1994.  Mortgage-backed 
securities declined $55 million as maturing securities were not replaced and 
additional securities were sold due to unfavorable terms in a rising rate 

Debt securities the Corporation has the ability and intent to hold to maturity 
are reported at cost adjusted for the amortization of premiums and accretion of
discounts.  The aggregate cost of securities held to maturity at December


(Graphic material omitted, replaces the two graphs presented on this page).

Dollars in billions                      1994            1993            1992           1991           1990
Average deposits                         $6.3            $5.7            $4.5           $3.9           $3.7

Dollars in millions, at December 31,      1994            1993            1992           1991           1990
Nonperforming assets                     $25.8           $28.4           $31.1          $54.0          $39.7


31, 1994 exceeded aggregate market value by $13 million.  Securities available 
for sale may be sold as part of the asset and liability management process and 
are reported at market value. Unrealized gains or losses related to the 
adjustment of these securities to market value are recorded net of tax as a 
component of shareholders' equity.  At December 31, 1994, the cost of 
securities available for sale exceeded market value by $21 million.

Sources of Funds
Earning assets are funded primarily by deposits acquired locally within the 
Corporation's four-state market area.  Deposits increased $874 million or 15% 
to $6.81 billion at December 31, 1994 following increases of 5% in 1993 and 39%
in 1992.  Approximately $355 million of the 1994 increase was attributable to 
acquisitions.  The increase in 1992 included the effect of the Washington 

Core deposits include all domestic deposits except time certificates $100 
thousand and over and are the primary funding source of earning assets.  Growth
in core deposits of $523 million or 10% to $6 billion accounted for most of the
deposit increase in 1994.  Core deposits represent stable funds from local 
customers and funded 76% of earning assets at year-end 1994, a very high 
level compared to industry averages.  Time certificates $100 thousand and 
over increased $351 million or 75% to $822 million at December 31, 1994.  
The increase occurred as depositors reduced liquid investments to take advantage
ofhigher interest rates.

Average total short-term borrowings as a percent of average earning assets 
declined to 11% in 1994 from 13% in 1993 and 14% in 1992.  Other short-term 
borrowings include United States Treasury borrowings, Federal Home Loan Bank 
borrowings  and commercial paper.  United States Treasury borrowings declined 
at December 31, 1994 compared to a year ago as less funds were available 
through the United States Treasury Tax and Loan Note Option Program.  These 
borrowings were replaced by Federal funds purchased, an alternative short-term 
source of funds.

Long-term debt was $253 million at December 31, 1994, an increase of $137 
million or 117% from December 31, 1993 due to an increase in Federal Home Loan 
Bank borrowings.  The Federal Home Loan Bank provides ready access to a stable,
low cost source of long-term advances secured by certain loans and investment 
securities.  At December 31, 1994,  four banking subsidiaries were members of 
the Federal Home Loan Bank and advances totaled $178 million.

Asset and Liability Management
Assets and liabilities are managed to maximize long-term shareholder returns by 
optimizing net interest income within the constraints of maintaining high 
credit quality, conservative interest rate risk policies and prudent levels of 
leverage and liquidity.  The Asset and Liability Committee meets regularly to 
monitor the composition of the balance sheet, to assess current and projected 
interest rate trends and to formulate strategies consistent with established 
objectives for liquidity, interest rate risk and capital adequacy.

The objective of liquidity management is to ensure the availability of 
sufficient cash flows to meet all financial commitments and to capitalize on 
opportunities for profitable business expansion.  Cash flows from operations 
contribute significantly to liquidity.  Borrowing represents an important and 
manageable source of liquidity based on the Corporation's ability to raise new 
funds and renew maturing liabilities in a variety of markets.  Liquidity is 
also obtained by maintaining assets that are readily convertible to cash at 
minimal cost through maturities and sales.  Contingency plans exist and could 
be implemented on a timely basis to minimize the risk associated with dramatic 
changes in market conditions. 

Deposits generated through the Corporation's extensive retail branch network 
are an important source of liquidity.  Deposits increased at a five-year annual
compound growth rate of 14%.  Core deposits, comprised of time certificates 
under $100 thousand and local market transaction and savings accounts, are 
highly reliable sources of funds.  At December 31, 1994, core deposits funded 
76% of earnings assets.  The Corporation is able to attract brokered deposits 
from outside its market area but does not rely on the deposits as a source of 
funds.  At December 31, 1994, brokered deposits totaled $68 million and funded 
only 1% of earning assets.

Securities available for sale totaled $1.14 billion at December 31, 1994 and 
represented a highly accessible source of liquidity.  Held to maturity 
securities will provide liquidity through maturities of $33 million in 1995.

Liquidity is also available through a variety of domestic money and capital 
markets.  Short-term borrowings provide a consistent source of funding and are 
comprised primarily of securities sold under agreements to repurchase, 


United States Treasury borrowings and Federal funds purchased.  Additional 
amounts of short-term funds are readily available in the form of commercial 
paper and bank notes.  At December 31, 1994, the Corporation had no outstanding
balances from either of these fund sources.  Back-up sources of liquidity are 
provided by credit lines available to West One Bancorp.  Bank subsidiaries in 
Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Utah have ready access to liquidity and matched 
funding from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle.  Additional liquidity is 
available through borrowings from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

The Corporation's investment grade ratings by Moody's and Standard and Poor's 
provide flexibility in meeting liquidity requirements through access to 
national markets.  Thomson BankWatch's issuer rating for West One Bancorp is "B"
and the short-term ratings of the Corporation and West One Bank, Idaho are 
"TBW-1," the highest rating available.

Asset liquidity also arises from loan repayments.  At December 31, 1994, 
scheduled principal payments due within one year were $2.18 billion or 36% of 
loans.  A majority of residential mortgage loan production is sold, 
contributing to overall liquidity.  In addition, portions of the residential 
mortgage, consumer and credit card loan portfolios could be securitized and 
sold to generate liquid assets.

Short-term investments averaged $65 million in 1994 and consisted of interest 
bearing deposits, Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements
to resell.  The investments provide flexibility in balancing the fluctuating 
volume requirements of customers with the Corporation's daily funding capacity.

In 1995, $40 million of long-term debt matures.  The debt obligations will be 
met through internally generated cash and additional external financing.  
Aggregate long-term debt maturities over the next five years total $201 million.
The liquidity requirements of West One Bancorp, primarily for dividends to 
shareholders, retirement of debt and other corporate purposes, are met 
principally through fees and regular dividends from subsidiaries.  Banking 
subsidiaries may declare dividends to West One Bancorp in 1995 up to $170 
million plus 1995 net income to the date of dividend declaration.

Interest Rate Risk
Interest rate risk refers to the exposure of earnings and capital arising from 
changes in interest rates.  Management's objectives are to control interest 
rate risk and to ensure predictable and consistent growth of earnings and 
capital.  Interest rate risk management focuses on fluctuations in net interest
income identified through computer simulations to evaluate volatility under 
varying interest rate, spread and volume assumptions.  The risk is quantified 
and compared against risk tolerance levels designed to maintain stability in 
net interest income.  Sensitivity analysis indicated that the Corporation was 
slightly liability sensitive and within established tolerance limits at 
December 31, 1994.

The Asset and Liability Maturity Repricing Schedule on the following page 
depicts variable rate instruments in the time period the balances are eligible 
for repricing and fixed rate instruments according to repayment schedules.  The
analysis provides a general measure of interest rate risk but does not address 
complexities such as prepayment risk, interest rate dynamics, interperiod 
sensitivities, interest rate floors and ceilings imposed on financial 
instruments, interest rate swaps and customers' responses to interest rate 

The Corporation's financial objectives are achieved by focusing on core 
business operations rather than by speculating on the direction and magnitude 
of interest rate fluctuations.  Exposure to adverse changes in interest rates 
arising in the normal course of business is managed through the occasional use 
of off-balance sheet instruments such as interest rate swaps.  At December 31, 
1994, the total notional value of all interest rate swap contracts outstanding 
was $535 million.  The interest rate swaps hedge interest rate risks associated
with certain prime-related assets and supporting deposits and are an integral 
part of the Corporation's interest rate risk management strategy.

Asset Quality
The provision for credit losses is the expense incurred to maintain an adequate 
allowance for anticipated credit losses.  Actual credit losses, net of 
recoveries of previously charged-off loans, are charged directly against the 
allowance.  The allowance for credit losses reflects management's current 
estimate of the amount required to absorb losses on existing loans and 
commitments to extend credit.  The determination of the appropriate level of 
the allowance is based on an analysis of various factors including historical 
loss experience based on volumes and types of loans; volumes and trends in 
delinquencies and nonaccruals; trends in portfolio volume, maturity and 
composition; results of internal or independent external credit reviews; 
industrial and geographical concentrations; and anticipated economic 



                                           Within     Three   Six To     One To  Five To      Over             
                                            Three    To Six   Twelve       Five      Ten       Ten             
Dollars in millions at December 31, 1994   Months    Months   Months      Years    Years     Years    Total
Loans                                      $3,342     $321      $478     $1,167     $422      $335   $6,065
   Available for sale                         430       75        88        460       38        49    1,140
   Held to maturity                             4        8        21        228      292        28      581
Short-term investments                        106       --         7         --       --        --      113
Nonearning assets                              --       --        --         --       --       894      894

Total assets                                3,882      404       594      1,855      752     1,306    8,793  

   Interest bearing demand                    750       --        --         --       --        --      750  
   Regular and money market savings         2,087       --        --         --       --        --    2,087  
   Time certificates under $100,000           523      260       232        667       72         1    1,755  
   Time certificates $100,000 and over        503      126        79        102       11         1      822  
Short-term borrowings                         897       26         3         --       --        --      926  
Long-term debt                                187        6         3          5        2        50      253  
Noninterest bearing liabilities                                                                              
   and shareholders' equity                    --       --        --         --       --     2,200    2,200  

Total liabilities and                                                                                        
   shareholders' equity                     4,947      418       317        774       85     2,252    8,793  

Net interest rate sensitivity gap         $(1,065)    $(14)     $277     $1,081     $667     $(946)  $   --  

Each affiliate regularly evaluates its allowance for credit losses.  Adequacy of
the allowance is subject to quarterly review by an executive committee and the 
audit committee of the Board of Directors.  Based on this analysis, management 
considers the allowance for credit losses to be adequate.

The Corporation's asset quality ratios ranked among the best in the industry in 
1994 and 1993.  Net charge-offs were $10.2 million or .18% of average loans in
1994 compared to $7.1 million or .14% of average loans in 1993.  In 1992, net 
charge-offs totaled $9.8 million or .26% of average loans.

Nonperforming assets declined 9% to $26 million at December 31, 1994 from $28 
million at year-end 1993.  At December 31, 1992, nonperforming assets were $31 
million.  As a percent of total assets, nonperforming assets were .29% at
December 31, 1994 compared to .37% a year ago and .44% at December 31, 1992.
Other credit risk assets include loans with serious concern, defined as loans
classified as doubtful but accruing interest, and accruing loans past due 90 
days or more.  At December 31, 1994, other credit risk assets, a precursor of 
problem loans, declined 74% to $1.3 million compared to $4.9 million a year ago.
At December 31, 1992, other credit risk assets totaled $6.6 million.

The provision for credit losses was $13.3 million in 1994 compared to $13.4 
million in 1993.  In 1992, the provision for credit losses was $14.3 million.  
The allowance for credit losses was $82 million at December 31, 1994, a 9% 
increase from $75 million a year ago. At December 31, 1992, the allowance for
credit losses was $68 million.  The allowance for credit losses represented 
1.35% of total loans at December 31, 1994 compared to 1.40% and 1.51% at 
year-ends 1993 and 1992, respectively.  The allowance for credit losses 
covered 412% of nonperforming loans at December 31, 1994.


Credit Risk
The Corporation's credit policies are designed to minimize losses.  The policies
require extensive evaluation of new requests for credit and continuing review of
existing credits to ensure early identification and monitoring of any evidence 
of deteriorating loan quality and quantification of possible loss.  A loan is 
placed on nonaccrual status when all or a portion of the interest is deemed

Management believes that loan loss is best prevented by accurate initial 
assessment of new borrower risk, ongoing comprehensive review of the existing 
loan portfolio and immediate action once a problem becomes apparent.  Credit 
policies are consistent with this philosophy.  The Corporation employs a 
rigorous risk identification and problem loan management process combining the 
longtime practice of assigning responsibility to front line lenders for timely 
and accurate risk grading of loans with an effective problem loan early warning
system administered through the Credit Examination Department.  Once identified,
deteriorating loans are placed on the Watch List where they are subject to 
frequent and in-depth management review.  Credit risk management also includes 
pricing of loans to cover future credit losses, funding costs and servicing 
costs, and to allow for a profit margin.

The Corporation's objective is to maintain a loan portfolio that is diverse in 
terms of the types of loans and borrowers, industry concentration and geographic
distribution in an effort to minimize the adverse impact of individual events.  
At December 31, 1994, 46% of the Corporation's loans were in Idaho compared to 
81% in 1985.  Expansion in the states of Washington and Oregon has resulted in 
a significant improvement in the geographic 



Dollars in thousands                               1994       1993        1992       1991       1990 
Nonperforming assets at December 31
Nonaccrual loans                                $19,597    $23,732     $20,966    $41,862    $31,423 
Restructured loans                                  240        357         396        539        404 
Other real estate owned                           5,962      4,312       9,739     11,570      7,872 
Total                                           $25,799    $28,401     $31,101    $53,971    $39,699 

Other credit risk assets at December 31
Loans with serious concern                        $  57    $ 1,905     $ 4,182    $ 4,775    $ 4,133 
Accruing loans past due
   90 days or more                                1,218      2,991       2,379      2,825      4,139 

Allowance and provision
   for credit losses
Allowance for credit losses                      81,757     74,923      68,243     53,048     47,823 
Net charge-offs                                  10,227      7,053       9,821     24,455     13,600 
Provision for credit losses                      13,278     13,383      14,308     29,680     11,668 

Nonperforming assets to loans
   and other real estate owned                      .42 %      .53 %       .68 %     1.54 %     1.20 
Nonperforming assets to
   shareholders' equity and
   allowance for credit losses                     3.23       4.07        5.57      12.85      10.43 
Nonperforming assets to
   total assets                                     .29        .37         .44       1.00        .80 
Allowance for credit losses to
   total loans                                     1.35       1.40        1.51       1.52       1.45 
Allowance for credit losses to
   nonperforming loans                           412.14     311.03      319.46     125.11     150.26 
Net charge-offs to average loans                    .18        .14         .26        .73        .44 


diversification of the loan portfolio.  The Corporation's market area has 
experienced some of the strongest economic conditions in the nation in recent 
years and the outlook continues to be favorable.  Economic conditions impact 
credit risk, however, and customers may be adversely impacted by a downturn in
the national economy.

Real estate loans accounted for 42% of total loans at December 31, 1994, 
significantly below industry averages.  Commercial loans, the second largest 
loan category, accounted for 29% of loans and included no significant industry

Agricultural and related loans represented the largest single industry 
concentration in the loan portfolio, accounting for 7% of total loans at 
December 31, 1994.  The agricultural portfolio includes loans for diverse crops,
beef and dairy cattle, food processing, nursery stock, fisheries and equipment.
The average balance per commercial and agricultural loan was $92 thousand at 
December 31, 1994.

Foreign loans totaled $21 million or .35% of total loans at December 31, 1994.  
At year-end 1994, agreements to extend credit totaled $2.86 billion compared to 
$2.26 billion and $1.56 billion at year-ends 1993 and 1992, respectively.

Noninterest Income
Noninterest income includes revenue generated by fees, commissions and service 
charges to compensate for banking products and services.  Noninterest income 
increased $10.9 million or 11% to $113.4 million in 1994 following increases of 
23% in 1993 and 15% in 1992.  Excluding securities gains and losses, noninterest
income increased 12% in 1994.  Bankcard income improved in 1994 as the number of
merchants served and credit cards outstanding increased 15% and 20%, 
respectively.  Real estate servicing fees also improved in 1994 as loans 
serviced increased 34% to $3 billion.  The settlement of prior years' tax 
litigation resulted in $1.9 million of interest income from Federal income tax 
receivables.  The five-year compound growth rate for noninterest income, 
excluding securities gains and losses, was 17%, exceeding the five-year 
compound growth rate of 13% for assets.  

Noninterest Expense
Noninterest expense increased 8% to $294.7 million in 1994 compared with 
increases of 26% and 18% in 1993 and 1992, respectively.  Excluding the impact 
of 1994 acquisitions, noninterest expense increased 6% in 1994.  The current 
year increase included the costs of staffing and operating three new branches in
Idaho and Utah, the opening of six branches in supermarkets in Washington and 
Idaho, and technology. 

Noninterest expense as a percent of average earning assets improved to 4.03% in
1994 from 4.12% in 1993, comparing very favorably to industry averages.  The 
efficiency ratio improved to 61.78% in 1994 from 64.20% in 1993.  Management is
committed to improving earnings through the efficient allocation of human and
technological resources. These efforts included establishing an automated 
telephone voice response system providing immediate customer service seven days 
a week, 24 hours a day, in 1993.  The service currently averages 20,000 calls 
per day and resulted in staff reductions in retail branches. Successful 
implementation of a loan-by-phone product and a debit/point-of-sale card have 
also contributed to increased efficiency.

Income Taxes
Income tax planning plays a significant role in the maximization of long-term, 
after-tax profitability.  Income tax expense and the effective tax rate are 
impacted by the mix of taxable versus tax-exempt income from investment 
securities and loans.

The effective income tax rate was 29.9% in 1994 compared to 31.0% in 1993 and 
30.6% in 1992.  Note 14 to the financial statements reconciles the effective 
income tax rates to the Federal statutory rates.


Graphic Material Omitted
   A map of the Western United States depicting our four-state market area of 
Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Utah and highlighting our branch locations 
within these four states.



Dollars in thousands, except per share data   Fourth     Third    Second     First 
Interest income                             $155,764  $145,279  $135,957  $125,986
Interest expense                              66,531    57,993    51,353    45,484 
Net interest income                           89,233    87,286    84,604    80,502 
Provision for credit losses                    2,456     3,046     3,787     3,989 
Net interest income after provision
   for credit losses                          86,777    84,240    80,817    76,513 
Noninterest income                            28,649    28,395    30,122    26,280 
Noninterest expense                           76,875    74,497    72,847    70,473 
Income before taxes                           38,551    38,138    38,092    32,320 
Provision for income taxes                    11,279    11,077    12,169     9,405 
Net income                                   $27,272   $27,061   $25,923   $22,915 

Primary earnings per share                      $.75      $.76      $.73      $.65 
Fully diluted earnings per share                 .71       .72       .69       .62 
Net interest margin                            4.88%     4.96%     4.98%     5.00% 

Interest income                             $127,442  $126,640  $123,823  $119,420
Interest expense                              46,713    48,169    49,018    49,535 
Net interest income                           80,729    78,471    74,805    69,885 
Provision for credit losses                    2,983     3,894     3,414     3,092 
Net interest income after provision
    for credit losses                         77,746    74,577    71,391    66,793 
Noninterest income                            27,484    26,508    25,362    23,155 
Noninterest expense                           73,401    68,873    66,063    64,101 
Income before taxes                           31,829    32,212    30,690    25,847 
Provision for income taxes                     9,396    10,437     9,876     7,682 
Net income                                   $22,433   $21,775   $20,814   $18,165 

Primary earnings per share                      $.66      $.65      $.63      $.55 
Fully diluted earnings per share                 .63       .62       .60       .53 
Net interest margin                            4.96%     4.92%     4.82%     4.79% 



Dollars in thousands at December 31,                                  1994              1993  
Cash and due from banks                                           $632,577          $450,384  
Federal funds sold, securities purchased under
   agreements to resell and other                                  112,516            14,654  
   Available for sale                                            1,139,765         1,060,650  
   Held to maturity - market value of $568,488 and $595,146        581,155           565,165  
Total securities                                                 1,720,920         1,625,815  
Loans - net of unearned income
   of $38,086 and $40,244:
   Real estate                                                   2,526,475         2,150,835  
   Commercial and agricultural                                   2,205,459         1,996,865  
   Consumer                                                      1,172,616         1,038,678  
   Leases                                                          160,873           168,119  
Total loans                                                      6,065,423         5,354,497  
Allowance for credit losses                                        (81,757)          (74,923) 
Net loans                                                        5,983,666         5,279,574  
Premises and equipment                                             128,506           122,828  
Interest receivable                                                 66,605            50,141  
Other assets                                                       147,909           127,957  
Total assets                                                    $8,792,699        $7,671,353  


Dollars in thousands at December 31,                                  1994              1993 
   Noninterest bearing                                          $1,397,843        $1,260,869  
   Interest bearing demand                                         749,755           729,247  
   Regular and money market savings                              2,086,718         1,971,211  
   Time certificates under $100,000                              1,755,013         1,505,177  
   Time certificates $100,000 and over                             821,553           470,543  
Total deposits                                                   6,810,882         5,937,047  
Short-term borrowings:
   Federal funds purchased and securities sold
      under agreements to repurchase                               804,161           568,295  
   Other                                                           122,153           330,609  
Long-term debt                                                     253,073           116,460  
Other liabilities                                                   86,661            95,376  
Total liabilities                                                8,076,930         7,047,787  

Commitments and contingencies (Note 9) 

Shareholders' equity
Common stock - $1.00 par value; 75,000,000 shares authorized; 
   36,745,368 and 34,718,731 shares outstanding                     36,745            34,719  
Capital surplus                                                    327,879           304,413  
Retained earnings                                                  364,041           275,351  
Unrealized gain (loss) on securities, net of tax                   (12,896)            9,083  
Total shareholders' equity                                         715,769           623,566  
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                      $8,792,699        $7,671,353  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.



Dollars in thousands except per share data, for the year ended  December 31,      1994            1993             1992  
Interest income
Loans                                                                         $471,971        $402,550         $338,290  
Short-term investments                                                           3,000           1,371            8,278  
Interest and dividends on securities: 
   United States Treasury and Government agencies                               33,331          31,172           35,711  
   State and municipal bonds                                                    30,147          25,056           15,392  
   Mortgage-backed securities                                                   15,233          21,842           21,971  
   Other                                                                         9,304          15,334           14,146  
Total interest income                                                          562,986         497,325          433,788  

Interest expense
Deposits                                                                       179,639         160,076          160,138  
Federal funds purchased and securities sold
   under agreements to repurchase                                               22,185          18,592           20,995  
Other short-term borrowings                                                     10,390           6,543            3,911  
Long-term debt                                                                   9,147           8,224           10,046  
Total interest expense                                                         221,361         193,435          195,090  
Net interest income                                                            341,625         303,890          238,698  
Provision for credit losses                                                     13,278          13,383           14,308  
Net interest income after
   provision for credit losses                                                 328,347         290,507          224,390  

Noninterest income
Trust fees and commissions                                                      14,201          13,627           11,819  
Service charges on deposit accounts                                             39,536          36,588           30,882  
Other service charges, fees and commissions                                     48,785          41,079           30,569  
Other                                                                           11,991          10,720            8,501  
Securities gains (losses)                                                       (1,067)            495            1,690  
Total noninterest income                                                       113,446         102,509           83,461  

Noninterest expense
Salaries and employee benefits                                                 142,512         128,886          104,024  
Other                                                                          152,180         143,552          112,500  
Total noninterest expense                                                      294,692         272,438          216,524  
Income before taxes                                                            147,101         120,578           91,327  
Provision for income taxes                                                      43,930          37,391           27,955  
Net income                                                                    $103,171         $83,187          $63,372  

Primary earnings per share                                                       $2.88           $2.50            $2.09  
Fully diluted earnings per share                                                  2.74            2.38             1.98  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 



                                                         Common      Capital       Retained          Gain
Dollars in thousands except per share data                Stock      Surplus       Earnings        (Loss)        Total
Balance at December 31, 1991                            $28,062     $173,823       $165,163     $     -       $367,048
Net income                                                   -            -          63,372           -         63,372
Cash dividends declared -
   $.675 per share                                           -            -         (20,983)          -        (20,983)
Issuance of common stock -
   3,375,062 shares                                       3,375       66,234         (1,687)          -         67,922
   Acquisition -
      913,694 shares                                        914        8,758          1,982           -         11,654
Tax benefit of stock options exercised                        -          812              -           -            812

Balance at December 31, 1992                             32,351      249,627        207,847           -        489,825
Net income                                                    -            -         83,187           -         83,187
Cash dividends declared -
   $.49 per share                                             -            -        (16,421)          -        (16,421)
Issuance of common stock -
   2,161,317 shares                                       2,162       52,300            (86)          -         54,376
   Acquisition -
      206,254 shares                                        206        2,011            824            -         3,041
Tax benefit of stock options exercised                        -          475              -            -           475
Unrealized gain on securities, net of tax                     -            -              -        9,083         9,083

Balance at December 31, 1993                             34,719      304,413        275,351        9,083       623,566
Net income                                                    -            -        103,171            -       103,171
Cash dividends declared - 
   $.76 per share                                             -            -        (27,094)           -       (27,094)
Issuance of common stock - 
   381,039 shares                                           381        7,488              -            -         7,869
   Acquisitions -
      1,639,687 shares                                    1,639       14,543         12,613        (1,048)      27,747
   Conversion of subordinated debentures -
      5,911 shares                                            6          103              -            -           109
Tax benefit of stock options exercised                        -        1,332              -            -         1,332
Unrealized loss on securities, net of tax                     -            -              -      (20,931)      (20,931)
Balance at December 31, 1994                            $36,745     $327,879       $364,041     $(12,896)     $715,769

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements



Dollars in thousands for the year ended December 31,                   1994          1993           1992
Cash flows from operating activities
Net income                                                         $103,171       $83,187         $63,372  
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
   provided by operating activities: 
   Provision for credit losses                                       13,278        13,383          14,308  
   Depreciation of premises and equipment                            16,446        15,619          11,451  
   Amortization and accretion of premiums
      and discounts                                                  11,409        14,013           9,479  
   Amortization of intangible and other assets                       11,743        12,741           8,547  
   Originations of real estate loans held for sale                 (274,119)     (486,205)       (304,612) 
   Proceeds from real estate and other loans sold                   291,068       421,141         309,249  
   Net gain on sale of real estate loans                             (3,258)       (1,931)         (4,756) 
   Net (gain) loss on sale of securities                              1,067          (495)         (1,690)
   Purchase of trading account securities                          (101,905)      (37,550)        (95,266) 
   Sale of trading account securities                               102,578        38,087         104,315  
Changes in assets and liabilities, net of effect of acquisitions: 
   Interest receivable                                              (14,166)         (156)          3,779  
   Other assets                                                      (7,428)      (10,775)         (7,027) 
   Other liabilities                                                    577         7,557           4,290  
Net cash provided by operating activities                           150,461        68,616         115,439  

Cash flows from investing activities
Change in short-term investments,
    maturities less than 90 days                                    (91,324)      177,186           4,776  
Purchase of securities available for sale                          (609,658)     (141,903)             -   
Maturity of securities available for sale                           309,419       112,007              -   
Sale of securities available for sale                               264,278        82,043              -   
Purchase of securities held to maturity                             (64,138)     (453,933)     (1,102,479) 
Maturity of securities held to maturity                              46,184       448,916         531,152  
Sale of investment securities                                             -           704         157,988  
Change in net loans and leases                                     (618,648)     (746,376)       (139,251) 
Purchase of premises and equipment                                  (15,431)      (16,946)        (14,162) 
Sale of premises and equipment                                          346         1,034             677  
Additions to intangible assets                                       (9,556)       (6,979)         (9,455) 
Sale of other real estate owned                                       8,861         9,712          10,960  
Cash provided by acquisitions                                       176,918         2,019         370,159  
Net cash used by investing activities                              (602,749)     (532,516)       (189,635) 


Dollars in thousands for the year ended December 31,                   1994          1993           1992     
Cash flows from financing activities
Change in deposits                                                  495,063       268,448         249,910  
Change in short-term borrowings, 
   maturities less than 90 days                                      33,103        59,305          12,721  
Proceeds from short-term borrowings                                  41,107       128,283         164,795  
Payments on short-term borrowings                                   (48,611)     (100,605)       (197,406) 
Additions to long-term debt                                         145,000        27,500           5,474  
Payments on long-term debt                                          (14,385)      (28,943)         (4,501) 
Proceeds from issuance of common stock                                8,463        54,526          67,922  
Cash dividends paid                                                 (25,259)      (19,392)        (15,130) 
Net cash provided by financing activities                           634,481       389,122         283,785  

Net increase (decrease) in cash and due from banks                  182,193       (74,778)        209,589  
Cash and due from banks - January 1                                 450,384       525,162         315,573  
Cash and due from banks - December 31                              $632,577      $450,384        $525,162  

Supplemental  information
Interest paid                                                      $213,749      $195,094        $198,752  
Income taxes paid                                                    50,159        36,000          19,629  
Noncash transactions
Reclassification of securities available for sale                        -        939,254         160,989  
Securities purchased not settled                                         -          3,761              -   
Loans held for sale transferred to the loan portfolio                32,799        41,457          14,518  
Loan charge-offs                                                     18,999        16,156          19,445  
Transfer of loans to other real estate owned                         10,318         4,295           9,177  
Additions to core deposit intangibles                                    -             -            8,188  
Capital lease for computer equipment                                     -             -           10,857  
Termination of capital lease for computer equipment                      -             -            6,460  
Tax benefit of stock options exercised                                1,332           475             812  
Dividends declared not paid                                           8,084         6,249           9,220  
   Securities and short-term investments                             94,693        11,792          31,807  
   Net loans                                                        122,266        21,469         913,432  
   Premises and equipment                                             7,045           612          24,631  
   Intangible assets                                                 11,389            -           13,757  
   Deposits                                                         378,772        32,260       1,342,021  
   Other liabilities, net                                             5,792           591             111  
   Equity                                                            27,747         3,041          11,654  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.




The accounting and reporting policies of West One Bancorp and its subsidiaries 
(West One) conform with generally accepted accounting principles and general 
practice in the banking industry.

Principles of Consolidation
The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of West One with 
elimination of material intercompany transactions and balances.  The Parent 
Company only financial statements (Note 16) reflect investment in subsidiaries 
using the equity basis of accounting. Certain reclassifications have been made 
to prior year financial statements to conform to the 1994 presentation. Assets 
owned by others and held in a fiduciary or agency capacity by subsidiaries are 
not included in the consolidated balance sheets.

On December 31, 1993, West One adopted Statement of Financial Accounting 
Standards (SFAS) No. 115, "Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and 
Equity Securities."  Securities held to maturity are stated at cost, adjusted 
for amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. Securities available 
for sale and trading account securities are stated at market value.  Gains and 
losses on sale of securities, recognized on a specific identification basis, 
and valuation adjustments of trading account securities are included in 
noninterest income.  Net unrealized gains and losses on securities available 
for sale are included, net of tax, as a component of shareholders' equity.

Loans and leases are stated at the principal amount outstanding, net of 
unearned income.  Interest on loans is recognized as income based on the 
outstanding principal and the stated interest rates as adjusted for net 
deferred loan fees, premiums and discounts.  Loan origination fees and costs 
are deferred and recognized as income on the interest method over the life of 
the loans.  Lease income, primarily from financing leases, is recognized on the 
interest method. Recognition of interest income is discontinued and all 
accrued, unpaid interest is reversed when a loan is placed on nonaccrual 
status.  A loan or lease is placed on nonaccrual status when timely collection 
of interest becomes doubtful. Interest payments received on nonaccrual loans 
and leases are applied to principal if collection of principal is doubtful or 
reflected as interest income on a cash basis. Loans and leases are removed from 
nonaccrual status when they are current and collectibility of principal and 
interest is no longer doubtful.  Loans held for sale are stated at the lower of 
cost or market.

Allowance for Credit Losses
The allowance for credit losses is maintained at a level considered adequate by 
management to provide for losses inherent in the portfolio of loans, leases and 
commitments to extend credit.  Loans sold with servicing released have 
technical underwriting exception and repurchase risks. Any loans repurchased 
are considered in the determination of the adequacy of the allowance for credit 
losses. The estimate of additions to the allowance for credit losses, and 
resulting charge to expense, requires judgment in evaluating the borrower's 
management, financial position, cash flow, collateral values and guarantees, as 
well as projection of the outcome of future events.  The continuing adequacy of 
the allowance for credit losses is determined based upon the results of a 
credit classification system, internal and external credit examinations, 
historic experience, economic conditions, industry concentrations, elements of  
risk and other loss factors affecting the quality of the loan portfolio.

Premises and Equipment
Premises, equipment, major improvements and replacements are stated at cost.  
Depreciation is recognized on the straight-line method over the estimated 
useful life of the asset.  Leasehold improvements are amortized over the  
shorter of the useful life of the asset or the remaining term of the lease.  
Gains or losses from disposal of premises and equipment are reflected in 
noninterest expense. Maintenance and repairs are expensed and improvements are  
capitalized. Costs of purchased and internally-developed software are amortized 
over periods up to five years.


Other Real Estate Owned
Other real estate owned consists principally of properties acquired through 
foreclosure and is stated at the lower of cost or market value. 

Other Assets
Other assets include goodwill and core deposit intangibles and are stated at 
cost, net of amortization provided on straight-line and level interest methods 
over useful lives ranging up to 25 years.  Purchased mortgage servicing rights 
are stated at cost, net of amortization based on the income method and 
prepayment assumptions.

Earnings per Share
Primary and fully diluted earnings per share are computed using the weighted 
average number of common and common equivalent shares outstanding. Common 
equivalent shares result from the assumed exercise of outstanding stock 
options, if dilutive.  Fully diluted earnings per share assumes conversion of 
the convertible debentures, if dilutive.

New Pronouncements
The Financial Accounting Standards Board has issued SFAS No. 114, "Accounting 
by Creditors for Impairment of a Loan," SFAS No. 116, "Accounting for 
Contributions Received and Contributions Made" and SFAS No. 118, "Accounting 
by  Creditors for Impairment of a Loan - Income Recognition and Disclosures,"
effective for years beginning after December 15, 1994. None of these 
statements is expected to have a material effect on West One.


West One acquired the financial institutions listed below in transactions 
accounted for as poolings of interests.  The acquisitions were not material to 
West One's financial position, results of operations and cash flows and prior 
year financial statements have not been restated.

Dollars in thousands

                                                    Year-to-date     Year-to-date    Total assets          Number of 
                                                     revenues at    net income at              at           West One 
Entity Acquired              Acquisition Date        acquisition      acquisition     acquisition             shares 
                                                            date             date            date          exchanged
National Security Bank       November 1994                $9,595           $1,701        $131,662          1,101,832  
Valley Commercial Bank       September 1994                2,803              255          63,576            404,523  
Idaho State Bank             January 1994                     -                -           47,949            133,332  
Ben Franklin National Bank   May 1993                      2,171               (6)         36,531            206,254  
Yakima Valley Bank           October 1992                  8,527              895         119,493            913,694  

West One acquired ten Far West Federal Savings Bank branches in Oregon from 
Resolution Trust Corporation in April 1994.  The transaction included the 
receipt of $159,814 in cash, $2,257 of premises and equipment, $11,249 of 
intangible assets, and the assumption of $173,320 of deposits and other 
liabilities. The transaction was accounted for as a purchase of certain assets 
and assumption of certain liabilities. 

In September 1992, West One purchased 38 branches and seven specialty offices 
in the Puget Sound region of Washington from Security Pacific Corporation.  The 
transaction included the receipt of $315 million of cash, the purchase of 
approximately $837 million of loans, $21 million of premises and equipment, $21 
million of intangible and other assets and the assumption of approximately $1.2 
billion of deposits.  In July 1992, West One purchased three branches of Bank 
of America, Oregon. The transaction included the receipt of $45 million of 
cash, the purchase of approximately $1 million of loans, $1 million of premises 
and equipment, $1 million of intangible and other assets and the assumption of 
$48 million of deposits and other liabilities. Both of these transactions were 
accounted for as purchases of certain assets and assumptions of certain 



                                                                                 Gross          Gross      Estimated
                                                              Amortized     unrealized     unrealized         market
Dollars in thousands                                               cost          gains         losses          value
United States Treasury securities                              $371,139             $5        $(8,774)      $362,370
United States Government agencies                               389,355          4,498         (2,186)       391,667
Mortgage-backed securities                                      240,916            107        (13,550)       227,473
Other                                                           159,429             88         (1,262)       158,255
Total available for sale                                      1,160,839          4,698        (25,772)     1,139,765

State and municipal bonds                                       581,155          4,958        (17,625)       568,488
Total securities                                             $1,741,994         $9,656       $(43,397)    $1,708,253

United States Treasury securities                              $289,428         $2,706           $(56)      $292,078
United States Government agencies                               255,686          5,898            (97)       261,487
Mortgage-backed securities                                      295,421          3,592           (318)       298,695
Other                                                           205,228          3,187            (25)       208,390
Total available for sale                                      1,045,763         15,383           (496)     1,060,650

State and municipal bonds                                       565,165         32,723         (2,742)       595,146
Total securities                                             $1,610,928        $48,106        $(3,238)    $1,655,796

Gross gains of $521 and gross losses of $1,588 were realized on 1994 sales. 
Gross gains of $678 and gross losses of $183 were realized on 1993 sales.  
Securities having book values of $1,409,755 and $1,342,023 at December 31, 1994 
and 1993, respectively, were pledged as collateral for public and trust 
deposits, United States Treasury borrowings and securities sold under 
agreements to repurchase.


Contractual maturities of securities at December 31, 1994 follow.  Average 
yields are based on expected returns on cost and average lives for mortgage-
backed securities.

                                      Within        One to           Five          After                                  
                                         one          five         to ten            ten         Serial                   
                                        year         years          years          years     maturities         Total 
Available for sale
United States:
   Treasury securities              $118,757      $243,613       $      -       $      -      $       -       $362,370 
   Government agencies                22,762        49,012         50,579        269,314              -        391,667 
Mortgage-backed securities                 -             -              -              -        227,473        227,473 
Other                                 34,716        49,891         18,067         55,581              -        158,255 
Total market value                   176,235       342,516         68,646        324,895        227,473      1,139,765 
Total amortized cost                 177,184       352,263         68,706        321,771        240,915      1,160,839 
Average yield                           5.68%         5.58%          7.53%          6.58%          6.75%         6.23% 

Held to maturity
State and municipal bonds at cost    $33,215      $228,176       $291,653        $28,111              -       $581,155 
Total market value                    33,241       225,494        282,561         27,192              -        568,488 
Average yield                           5.22%         5.53%          5.50%          6.25%             -          5.53%



Dollars in thousands                                                     1994          1993         1992 
Balance at January 1                                                  $74,923       $68,243      $53,048  
Loan charge-offs                                                                                          
Real estate                                                               379         1,141        1,292  
Commercial and agricultural                                             5,286         4,804        8,111  
Consumer                                                               13,164         9,802        9,597  
Leases                                                                    170           409          445  
Total charge-offs                                                      18,999        16,156       19,445  

Loan recoveries
Real estate                                                               366           468          421  
Commercial and agricultural                                             3,559         4,496        4,298  
Consumer                                                                4,740         3,970        4,641  
Leases                                                                    107           169          264  
Total recoveries                                                        8,772         9,103        9,624  

Net charge-offs                                                        10,227         7,053        9,821  

Provision for credit losses                                            13,278        13,383       14,308  
Additions from acquisitions                                             3,783           350       10,708  

Balance at December 31                                                $81,757       $74,923      $68,243  



Dollars in thousands                                                     1994             1993 
Land                                                                  $34,687          $33,030  
Buildings                                                              93,911           85,040  
Furniture and equipment                                                95,138           87,053  
Leasehold improvements                                                 13,719           12,103  
                                                                      237,455          217,226  
Accumulated depreciation and amortization                            (108,949)         (94,398) 
Net premises and equipment                                           $128,506         $122,828  


Leases of bank premises and equipment generally provide for the payment of 
taxes, maintenance, insurance and certain other related expenses and contain 
extension provisions, escalation clauses and purchase options.

Lease expense included in net occupancy and equipment expense was $10,283 in 
1994, $10,434 in 1993 and $7,506 in 1992. Occupancy expense was reduced by 
rental income of $2,088 in 1994, $2,169 in 1993 and $2,283 in 1992. 

At December 31, 1994,  future minimum lease payments under long-term 
noncancelable  operating leases were $10,377 in 1995, $8,568 in 1996, $7,122 in 
1997, $5,458 in 1998, $3,537 in 1999 and $33,565 thereafter. Management expects 
to renew or replace expiring leases in the normal course of business


Dollars in thousands                                1994             1993             1992 

Sold with servicing released                    $221,458         $299,690         $304,493  
Held for sale                                     28,523           76,625           50,988  
Serviced for others                            2,083,452        1,506,612        1,354,599  

Balance at January 1                             $13,797          $10,884           $6,736  
Additions                                          9,556            6,969            5,545  
Amortization                                      (2,894)          (4,056)          (1,397) 

Balance at December 31                           $20,459          $13,797          $10,884  


                                                   1994                       1993                        1992
Dollars in thousands                     Amount    Interest rate    Amount    Interest rate      Amount Interest rate
Federal funds purchased and securities
sold under agreements to repurchase
Balance at December 31                 $804,161          5.55 %   $568,295          2.68 %     $668,631       2.75 % 
Average                                 576,968          3.85      665,106          2.80        624,864       3.36   
Maximum month-end balance               804,161                    735,046                      688,689 
Other short-term borrowings
Balance at December 31                  122,153          4.66      330,609          2.68        141,392       2.56
Average                                 254,240          4.09      215,389          3.04        111,179       3.52
Maximum month-end balance               500,547                    434,910                      244,765

The average balance is computed on a daily average method.  The average rate is 
computed by dividing total interest expense by the average outstanding balance. 

Other short-term borrowings consist of United States Treasury borrowings and    
bank notes. Unused lines of credit aggregating $45,000 at December 31, 1994 
were maintained with banks in support of commercial paper. The lines bear 
interest at short-term money market rates, if drawn upon.  The lines required 
commitment fees of $83, $84, and  $76 in 1994, 1993 and 1992, respectively.



Dollars in thousands                                                                          1994            1993
Parent company
Convertible subordinated debentures at 7.75% due 2006, 
     interest payable semi-annually                                                        $49,890         $50,000  
Convertible subordinated capital notes at 1/4% above the
     three-month LIBOR due 1997, interest payable quarterly                                 20,987          20,983  
Capital lease obligations at 10%, payable in monthly installments
     through 1997                                                                            3,754           6,821  

Federal Home Loan Bank Notes  with interest payable monthly at floating
     and fixed rates ranging from 3.98% to 7.95% and with principal
     due 1995 through 2004                                                                 178,233          38,029  
Other                                                                                          209             627  
Total                                                                                     $253,073        $116,460  

Scheduled reductions of debt are $40,150 in 1995, $86,379 in 1996, $72,869 in 
1997, $815 in 1998, $817 in 1999 and $52,043 thereafter including reductions of 
Parent Company debt of $3,387 in 1995, $273 in 1996, $21,081 in 1997 and 
$49,890 in 2006.  The convertible subordinated debentures are convertible into 
shares of common stock of West One at a conversion price of $18.605 per share, 
and are callable by West One at a redemption price ranging from 104.650 in 1995 
to 100.775 in 2000.  The convertible subordinated capital notes may be called 
and exchanged for common stock, preferred stock or other capital securities at 
the option of West One.  The interest rate on these notes was 6.25% at December 
31, 1994 and 5.25% at December 31, 1993.  The debt agreements limit 
indebtedness and sale of subsidiaries' stock.



West One is a party to certain financial instruments to meet the financing 
needs of customers and to reduce exposure to interest rate risk.  The following 
is a summary of the contract or notional amount of these financial instruments, 
all of which were held or issued for purposes other than trading, as of 
December 31. 

Dollars in thousands                                            1994         1993          
Financial instruments with credit risk
   up to contract amounts (a) 
Commitments to extend credit                              $2,858,143   $2,260,507           
Standby letters of credit                                    177,349      188,029           
Commercial letters of credit                                  30,353       25,527           

Financial instruments with credit risk less
   than contract or notional amounts
Mortgage-backed security contracts (b): 
   Forward sales                                               6,500       32,500           
   Purchased options                                           2,000        9,000           
Notional value of interest rate swaps (b):                   534,556            -          
Foreign exchange contracts (c): 
   Commitments to purchase                                     3,492        5,422           
   Commitments to sell                                         7,608        1,500                    

 (a) Commitments to extend credit have fixed maturity dates and represent West 
One's obligations to fund commercial and real estate loans, including home 
equity lines, lines of credit, revolving lines of credit and other types of 
commitments. Letters of credit are performance assurances of customer 
obligations or guarantees of financing for trade transactions. West One's 
exposure to credit loss for commitments to extend credit and letters of credit, 
in the event of nonperformance by others, is represented by the contractual 
amount of the instruments. Since many commitments to extend credit are expected 
to expire without being drawn upon, the total commitments do not necessarily 
represent future cash requirements. West One follows the same credit policies 
in making commitments and conditional obligations as it does for on-balance 
sheet instruments. Collateral varies, but may include accounts receivable, 
inventory, premises and equipment and commercial properties.  West One's 
lending activities are concentrated in Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Utah.

(b) The forward sales  and purchased options are contracts to buy or sell 
mortgage-backed securities to hedge interest rate risk on fixed rate mortgage 
loan or rate commitments.  Net positions are valued at the lower of cost or 
market.  Gains or losses are recognized upon settlement of the forward sale 
contracts based on the difference between the net sales proceeds and the net 
carrying value of the loans sold.  The option premium paid, which represents 
loss exposure, is amortized over the life of the option.

Interest rate swaps are principally used to hedge interest rate risks 
associated with certain loans and deposits and are accounted for on the accrual 
method of accounting.  The principal swap, which matures in 1999, requires 
payment of prime less 2.535% and receipt of the three month London Interbank 
Offering Rate (LIBOR) with caps, which increase 25 basis points per quarter, on 
the notional amount of $500,000.

The credit and market risks associated with forward sale and purchased option 
contracts and interest rate swaps arise from the possible inability of 
counterparties to meet the terms of the contracts and from fluctuations in 
securities' values and interest rates.  West One limits credit risk by 
restricting counterparties to a list of approved institutions. Generally, West 
One does not require collateral for these types of instruments.

(c) The credit and market risks associated with foreign exchange contracts, 
which may arise from the counterparty's inability to make payment at the 
settlement date and fluctuations in value of a foreign currency in relation to 
the U.S. dollar, were nominal at December 31, 1994 and 1993. 

West One is a defendant in various pending lawsuits, arising in the ordinary 
course of business, none of which are expected to have a material effect on 
West One's financial position or results of operations. 



Authorized capital stock of West One  consists of 75,000,000 shares of $1.00 
par value common stock and 5,000,000 shares of $1.00 par value preferred stock, 
of which 150,000 preferred shares are reserved for issuance under the 
Shareholder Rights Plan.

At December 31, 1994 and 1993 securities available for sale were stated at 
market and the resulting net after-tax unrealized loss of $12,896 and gain of 
$9,083, respectively are presented as a component of shareholders' equity. 

On October 19, 1989 the Board of Directors adopted a Shareholder Rights Plan. 
Under the terms of the Plan, the Board declared a dividend distribution of one 
Right for each share of common stock outstanding on October 31, 1989, or at 
specified times thereafter.  When initially issued each Right entitled the 
registered holder to purchase from West One a unit consisting of one-hundredth 
of a share of Series A Junior Participating Preferred Stock at a purchase price 
of $150 per unit, subject to adjustment.

The Rights will become exercisable upon the occurrence of specified events 
which could result in a change in control of West One or upon the determination 
by the Board that an Adverse Person (as defined) beneficially owns 10 percent 
or more of the outstanding common stock.  Once the Rights become exercisable, 
if the Board determines that a person is an Adverse Person or a person becomes 
the owner of 25 percent or more of the then-outstanding shares of common stock 
(with certain exceptions), each holder of a Right (other than an Acquiring 
Person (as defined) or an Adverse Person) will thereafter become entitled to 
receive, upon payment of the exercise price, common stock (or in certain 
circumstances other consideration) having a value equal to two times the 
exercise price or, at the discretion of the Board, to receive common stock (or 
other consideration) having one-half that value without payment of the exercise 
price.  The Rights are nonvoting, may be redeemed by West One at a price of 
$.01 per Right at any time until ten business days after an individual or group 
acquires 20 percent of West One's common stock and expire on October 31, 1999.  
The issuance of the Rights is intended to encourage any potential acquirer of 
West One to negotiate the manner and terms of  the transaction with the Board 
and to protect shareholders from unsolicited tender offers which do not treat 
all shareholders in a fair and equal manner, and from other coercive takeover 

Under shareholder approved incentive programs, the Board of Directors may grant 
to key employees options to purchase common stock and other stock-based awards. 
All options are to be granted at market value of the stock at date of grant and 
may be exercisable over periods up to ten years.  The following summary sets 
forth the activity under the option plan:

                                          Option price     Available       Options 
                                       range per share     for grant   outstanding 
December 31, 1991                   $ 6.553  -  17.000    1,887,134       916,994  
Granted                              16.688  -  25.250     (289,226)      289,226  
Exercised                             6.553  -  14.188             -      (91,806) 
December 31, 1992                     6.629  -  25.250    1,597,908     1,114,414  
Granted                              23.875  -  28.625     (263,701)      263,701  
Exercised                             6.629  -  14.188             -     (125,520) 
Canceled                             11.438  -  24.500        5,000        (5,000) 
Expired                              11.438  -  12.313       (1,000)           -   
December 31, 1993                     6.629  -  28.625    1,338,207     1,247,595  
Granted                              24.750  -  32.000     (322,744)      322,744  
Exercised                             6.629  -  25.938             -     (177,645) 
Canceled                             11.438  -  26.375       32,750       (32,750) 
Expired                              11.438  -  13.938       (4,750)           -   
December 31, 1994                     8.083  -  32.000    1,043,463     1,359,944  

Options excercisable under the plans were 662,319, 599,880 and 516,668 at 
December 31, 1994, 1993 and 1992, respectively.



                                                                      1994                             1993
Dollars in thousands                                           Book        Estimated           Book           Estimated
                                                              value       fair value          value          fair value  
Financial assets  
   Cash and short-term investments                         $745,093         $745,093       $465,038           $465,038
      Available for sale                                  1,139,765        1,139,765      1,060,650          1,060,650
      Held to maturity                                      581,155          568,488        565,165            595,146
   Loans, net of leases and allowance for credit losses   5,822,793        5,798,565      5,111,455          5,149,693

Financial liabilities 
   Demand and savings deposits                           $4,234,316       $4,234,316     $3,961,327         $3,961,327
   Time certificates of deposit                           2,576,566        2,351,241      1,975,720          1,994,389
   Short-term borrowings                                    926,314          926,314        898,904            898,904
   Long-term debt                                           253,073          272,909        116,460            146,675

Financial assets and financial liabilities other than securities and certain 
long-term debt of West One are not traded in active markets. Estimated fair 
values require subjective judgments and are approximate.  The above estimates 
of fair value are not necessarily representative of amounts that could be 
realized in actual market transactions, nor of the underlying value of West 
One.  The value of long-term relationships with depositors (core deposit 
intangibles) is not reflected and such value is significant. Changes in the 
following methodologies and assumptions could significantly affect the 

Financial Assets 
The estimated fair value of cash and short-term investments approximates the 
book value.  For securities, the fair value is based on quoted market prices at 
December 31.  The fair value of loans is estimated by discounting future cash 
flows using current rates at which similar categories of loans would be made, 
net of the present value of estimated net charge-offs. 

Financial Liabilities 
The estimated fair value of demand and savings deposits approximates book 
value. The fair value of time certificates of deposit is estimated by 
discounting future cash flows using current rates offered on similar 
certificates.  For short-term borrowings, the fair value approximates book 
value.  The estimated fair value of long-term debt is based on quoted market 
prices or estimates of discounted cash flows using current rates at which 
similar financing could be obtained.

Off-balance Sheet Financial Instruments 
Commitments to extend credit, letters of credit and interest rate swaps 
represent the  principal categories of off-balance sheet financial instruments. 
See Note 9 to the financial statements.  The fair value of West One's 
commitments to extend credit, letters of credit, forward sale, purchased option 
and foreign exchange contracts are not material.  The interest rate swaps hedge 
interest rate risks associated with certain prime-related assets and supporting 
deposits as a part of West One's interest rate risk management strategy.  The 
present value of the interest rate swaps using discounted cash flows and 
assuming interest rates at December 31, 1994 remain constant is a liability of 
$4.3 million. Based on implied forward interest rates at December 31, 1994, an 
exit cost (fair value) of $34.9 million would be incurred to terminate the 
contracts.  These contracts are part of a continuing asset and liability risk 
management strategy, and West One currently has no intent to exit the 



West One has a noncontributory defined benefit retirement plan covering 
substantially all employees. Benefits to retired employees are based on years 
of service and compensation. West One funds at least the minimum annual 
contributions required by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.  
Since plan assets exceeded accumulated benefit obligation, no additional 
funding was made in 1994, 1993 or 1992. 

Pension (income) expense included the following components for the
year ended December 31: 

Dollars in thousands                                                              1994            1993           1992   
Service cost                                                                    $3,576          $2,319         $1,819    
Interest cost                                                                    4,544           3,788          3,342    
Actual return on plan assets                                                     2,455          (4,618)        (4,617)   
Deferred loss                                                                   (9,841)         (1,912)        (1,408)   
Amortization                                                                      (654)           (725)          (725)   
Pension (income) expense                                                           $80         $(1,148)       $(1,589)   

The funded status of the plan and pension asset at December 31 
consisted of: 

                                                                                  1994            1993           1992   
Actuarial present value of accumulated benefit obligation
Vested                                                                        $(43,396)       $(44,497)      $(27,202)   
Nonvested                                                                       (2,663)         (2,891)        (1,592)   
Accumulated benefit obligation                                                $(46,059)       $(47,388)      $(28,794)   

Plan assets at fair value
U.S. Government securities                                                     $16,321         $16,563        $19,416    
Equity securities                                                               38,449          40,199         32,935    
Other                                                                           10,133          11,963         12,927    
Total                                                                           64,903          68,725         65,278    
Projected benefit obligation                                                   (55,566)        (54,489)       (38,030)   

Plan assets in excess of projected benefit obligations                           9,337          14,236         27,248    
Unrecognized net (gain) loss                                                    11,102           6,892         (6,238)   
Unrecognized net transition asset                                               (3,842)         (4,610)        (5,379)   
Unrecognized prior service cost                                                    101             260             -     
Pension asset                                                                  $16,698         $16,778        $15,631    


West One also has three unfunded supplemental retirement plans.  The 
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan provides supplemental benefits to 
eligible employees when the employee's earnings exceed the dollar amount used 
for the definition of a highly compensated employee in the Internal Revenue 
Code (IRC) Section 414 (q) (1) (B) during each of the three preceding years. 
The Non-Qualified IRC 415 Benefit Limit Make-Up plan provides for additional 
payments to be made to employees whose defined pension benefit exceeds the 
limit for maximum benefits from the defined benefit pension plan.  The 
Executive Deferred Compensation Pension Make-Up plan covers pension benefits 
resulting from salary deferrals which have not been included in the computation 
of benefits under the regular defined benefit pension plan.

Pension expense for the supplemental retirement plans included the following 
for the year ended December 31:

                                                                                  1994            1993           1992 
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (SERP)                                     $323            $316           $303  
Non-Qualified IRC 415 Benefit Limit Make-Up                                         14              16             51  
Executive Deferred Compensation Pension Make-Up                                     77              38             26  
Total supplemental pension expense                                                $414            $370           $380  

Pension expense for the SERP included the following components for the year 
ended December 31: 

                                                                                  1994            1993           1992 
Service cost                                                                      $151            $113           $115  
Interest cost                                                                      130             154            139  
Amortization                                                                        42              49             49  
Pension expense                                                                   $323            $316           $303  

The status of the SERP and pension liability at December 31 consisted of:     

                                                                                  1994            1993           1992 
Actuarial present value of accumulated benefit obligations: 
Vested                                                                         $(1,051)        $(1,747)         $(642) 
Nonvested                                                                            -              (6)            -   
Accumulated benefit obligation                                                 $(1,051)        $(1,753)         $(642) 

Projected benefit obligation                                                   $(1,609)        $(2,185)       $(1,596) 
Unrecognized net (gain) loss                                                      (603)            320            (29) 
Unrecognized net transition obligation                                             536             584            633  
Unrecognized prior service cost                                                    141             -               -   
Additional liability                                                                -             (472)            -   
Pension liability                                                              $(1,535)        $(1,753)         $(992) 


Assumptions used for projected benefit obligations, computed using the 
projected unit credit method, were:

                                                                                  1994            1993           1992   
Discount rate                                                                     8.75 %          7.50 %         9.50 % 
Rate of increase in compensation levels                                           4.00            3.00           6.00   
Long-term rate of return on assets                                               10.00           10.50          10.50   

A change in method for determining the market-related value of plan assets 
decreased pension expense $313 in 1994.  The change in salary increase 
assumption increased pension income by  $319 in 1993. Changes in the assumed 
participant withdrawal rates increased pension income $789 in 1992. 

West One has an Employee Thrift Investment Plan, under IRC Section 401, 
covering substantially all employees.  Under the plan, West One made 
contributions of 50% of participating employees' salary deferrals up to 6% of 
salary in 1994 and 1993, and 5% of salary in 1992 aggregating $2,744 for 1994, 
$2,384 for 1993 and $1,566 for 1992. 

West One provides certain health care insurance benefits for retired employees 
and their dependents (postretirement benefits).  Substantially all of West 
One's retirees are eligible for those benefits if they retired directly from 
service with at least ten years of credited service.  Retiree contributions are 
required depending on age and number of years of service at the time of 

Postretirement benefit expense included the following components for the year 
ended December 31:  

                                                                                  1994            1993     
Service cost                                                                      $243            $165      
Interest cost                                                                      968             959      
Amortization                                                                       590             554      
Postretirement benefit expense                                                  $1,801          $1,678      

The reconciliation of the status of the plan at December 31 follows:

                                                                                  1994            1993     
Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation: 
     Retirees and dependents                                                   $(8,234)       $(10,477)     
     Eligible active employees                                                     218             243      
     Other active plan participants                                             (3,239)         (3,122)     

Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation                                  (11,255)        (13,356)     
Unrecognized net transition obligation                                           9,965          10,519      
Unrecognized net (gain) loss                                                      (596)          1,884      
Accrued postretirement benefit liability                                       $(1,886)          $(953)     

Postretirement benefit claims for the year                                        $868            $725      


In 1994 West One assumed a 13% annual rate of increase in the per capita cost 
of covered retiree and dependent health care benefits.  The medical trend rate 
was assumed to decrease gradually to 6% in 2006 and remain at that level for 
future years. A one percentage point increase in the assumed health care cost 
trend rate would increase the accumulated postretirement benefit obligation at 
December 31, 1994 by $1,107 and the aggregate of the service cost and interest 
cost components of net periodic postretirement benefit expense for 1994 by 

The discount rate used in determining the actuarial present value of the 
projected postretirement benefit obligation was 8.75%. The salary limits which 
determine the amount of the deductible paid by the employee were assumed to 
increase in proportion to West One salary levels. 


Dollars in thousands for the year ended December 31,     1994          1993            1992  
Salaries                                             $114,916      $104,737         $85,741  
Employee benefits                                      27,596        24,149          18,283  
Outside services                                       31,977        28,242          21,590  
Equipment                                              21,942        21,725          17,174  
Net occupancy                                          20,604        19,571          15,255  
Insurance and miscellaneous taxes                      19,224        16,899          13,506  
Marketing                                              10,331         9,792           7,975  
Postage and courier                                     9,756         8,568           6,344  
Supplies                                                7,453         7,364           5,989  
Telephone                                               7,515         6,551           4,739  
Other                                                  23,378        24,840          19,928  
Total                                                $294,692      $272,438        $216,524  


The provision for income taxes consisted of the following for the year ended 
December 31: 

Dollars in thousands                                            1994                1993                   1992   
Current                                                      $42,257             $29,480                $20,136    
Deferred                                                      (5,225)              1,006                  2,925    

Current                                                        6,773               6,329                  4,621    
Deferred                                                         125                 576                    273    

Total federal and state                                      $43,930             $37,391                $27,955    


Deferred taxes were as follows for the year ended December 31: 

                                                                1994                1993                   1992   
Provision for credit losses                                  $   300             $(2,218)                 $(926)   
Depreciation and amortization                                 (3,358)               (778)                  (674)   
Cash basis accounting                                           (493)             (1,288)                  (289)   
Leasing                                                       (2,947)              2,546                  2,745    
Alternative minimum tax                                             -                   -                 1,154    
Other                                                            889               1,861                    102    
Use of subsidiary preacquisition tax carryforwards                                                                 
   to reduce purchased intangibles                               509               1,459                  1,086    
Total deferred taxes                                         $(5,100)             $1,582                 $3,198    

The provision for income taxes varied from amounts computed at the federal 
statutory rate as follows for the year ended December 31: 

                                             1994                   1993                          1992           
Provision at statutory rate           $51,485    35.0  %     $42,202      35.0  %          $31,051         34.0  % 
Nontaxable interest income            (12,041)   (8.2)       (10,473)     (8.7)             (7,045)        (7.7)   
State income taxes, net of federal
   benefit                              4,484     3.1          4,367       3.6               3,230          3.5 
Other                                       2       -          1,295       1.1                 719           .8    
Provision for income taxes            $43,930    29.9  %     $37,391      31.0  %          $27,955         30.6  % 

The components of net deferred taxes are as follows for the year ended December 

                                                                                    1994                   1993   
Deferred tax assets
Allowance for credit losses                                                      $30,226                $29,491    
Cash basis accounting                                                              6,677                  6,283    
Unrealized securities losses                                                       8,178                      -   
Other                                                                              3,098                  3,744    
Total deferred tax assets                                                         48,179                 39,518    

Deferred tax liabilities
Depreciation and amortization                                                     (4,516)                (7,712)   
Leasing                                                                          (24,881)               (27,828)   
Pension and retirement benefits                                                   (5,743)                (6,492)   
Purchase accounting                                                               (2,685)                (2,170)   
Unrealized securities gains                                                            -                 (5,990)   
Other                                                                             (2,521)                (2,040)   
Total deferred tax liabilities                                                   (40,346)               (52,232)   
Net deferred tax asset (liability)                                                $7,833               $(12,714)   


A subsidiary has preacquisition net operating loss carryforwards remaining of 
$1,954 which expire through 2008. 

The corporation recorded tax benefits of $1,332, $475 and $812 for executive 
stock option exercises in 1994, 1993 and 1992, respectively.  The tax benefits 
have been allocated to shareholders' equity.  In 1994 the deferred benefit for 
income taxes of $13,319 for unrealized securities losses has been allocated to 
shareholders' equity. 

Deferred tax liabilities of $2,133 have not been recognized for a thrift 
subsidiary's base year tax bad debt reserve of $5,359.  If the subsidiary fails 
to qualify as a savings and loan association or is converted to a commercial 
bank, the bad debt reserve would become taxable.  Management does not expect 
this difference to reverse in the foreseeable future. 


Regulatory authorities require banks to maintain cash reserves against 
deposits.  These reserves vary according to the type and maturity of the 
deposit.  Cash reserve balances at December 31, 1994 and 1993 were $152,312 and 
$144,998, respectively. 

Federal and state laws place limitations on the extension of credit by banking 
subsidiaries to the Parent Company and nonbank affiliates.  Under these 
restrictions, banking subsidiaries may not extend credit beyond an aggregate of 
$100,475 to the Parent Company and nonbank affiliates as of December 31, 1994.  
Any extensions of such credit are subject to strict collateral requirements.  

Federal and state laws also restrict the amount of dividends that may be 
declared by banking subsidiaries without the approval of regulatory 
authorities.  Banking subsidiaries may declare dividends to the Parent Company  
in 1995 up to $170,440 plus 1995 net income to the date of dividend 

Credit extensions to directors, executive officers and their associates, which 
are within regulatory limitations, are as follows: 

Dollars in thousands                                               1994          1993    
Balance at January 1                                            $74,849       $73,910  
Increases                                                        91,621        53,644  
Decreases                                                        77,746        52,705  
Balance at December 31                                          $88,724       $74,849  




Dollars in thousands At December 31,                      1994           1993  
Cash and due from banks                                   $122           $430  
Loans and advances to subsidiaries: 
   Banks                                                55,025         47,475  
   Nonbanks                                             22,519         15,375  
Investment in subsidiaries: 
   Banks                                               669,497        607,766  
   Nonbanks                                              5,344          5,351  
Other loans and investments                             22,261         19,563  
Premises and equipment                                  15,972         19,455  
Other assets                                            40,695         40,900  
Total assets                                          $831,435       $756,315  

Commercial paper                                     $       -        $20,162  
Long-term debt                                          74,631         77,804  
Other liabilities                                       41,035         34,783  

Total liabilities                                      115,666        132,749  
Shareholders' equity                                   715,769        623,566  

Total liabilities and shareholders' equity            $831,435       $756,315  



Dollars in thousands for the year ended  December 31,             1994          1993          1992    
Dividends from subsidiaries: 
   Banks                                                       $65,513       $40,521       $41,650  
   Nonbanks                                                      1,934         1,412         1,830  
   Loans and advances to subsidiaries                            4,080         3,212         2,516  
   Loans and short-term investments - nonaffiliates              1,298           497           763  
Other, principally subsidiaries                                 87,711        79,564        54,975  
Total income                                                   160,536       125,206       101,734  

Interest                                                         6,351         8,345         9,845  
Salaries and employee benefits                                  42,320        40,366        30,203  
Other                                                           55,492        51,799        45,045  
Total expense                                                  104,163       100,510        85,093  

Income before taxes and equity in earnings of subsidiaries      56,373        24,696        16,641  
Income tax benefit                                               5,654         7,016        10,327  
Equity in undistributed earnings of subsidiaries                41,144        51,475        36,404  
Net income                                                    $103,171       $83,187       $63,372  



Dollars in thousands for the year ended December 31,                      1994       1993         1992    
Cash flows from operating activities 
Net income                                                            $103,171    $83,187      $63,372  
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net  
  cash provided by operating activities: 
  Equity in undistributed earnings of subsidiaries                     (41,144)   (51,475)     (36,404) 
  Depreciation and amortization                                         11,045     10,296        7,623  
Changes in assets and liabilities                                        1,639     (7,094)        (107) 
Net cash provided by operating activities                               74,711     34,914       34,484  

Cash flows from investing activities
Change in other short-term investments, maturities less than 90 days       157    (15,878)       9,567  
Purchase of securities held to maturity                                (20,000)    (3,416)     (54,643) 
Maturity of securities held to maturity                                       -     6,139       51,053  
Sale of securities                                                       2,155          -       17,894  
Change in loans to subsidiaries                                         (2,144)   (23,950)      (9,279) 
Change in loans to nonaffiliates                                         2,364        320        4,582  
Other                                                                   (2,156)    (3,432)      (3,429) 
Capitalization of subsidiaries                                         (14,864)    (6,685)    (114,211) 

 Net cash used by investing activities                                 (34,488)   (46,902)     (98,466) 

Cash flows from financing activities  
Change in short-term borrowings, maturities less than 90 days          (15,878)    (1,416)      14,259  
Proceeds from short-term borrowings                                      4,162     13,200           -   
Payments on short-term borrowings                                       (8,952)    (7,000)          -   
Payments on long-term debt                                              (3,067)   (27,566)      (4,189) 
Proceeds from issuance of common stock                                   8,463     54,526       67,922  
Cash dividends paid                                                    (25,259)   (19,392)     (15,130) 

Net cash provided (used) by financing activities                       (40,531)    12,352       62,862  

Net increase (decrease) in cash and due from banks                        (308)       364       (1,120) 
Cash and due from banks - January 1                                        430         66        1,186  
Cash and due from banks - December 31                                     $122       $430          $66  

Supplemental information  
Interest paid                                                           $4,395     $8,737       $9,936  
Income taxes paid                                                       50,381     36,260       19,325  
Noncash transactions                                       
Additions to investment in subsidiaries                                 27,609      3,041       11,512  
Capital lease for computer equipment                                         -          -       10,857
Termination of capital lease for computer equipment                          -          -        6,460  
Tax benefit of stock options exercised                                   1,332        475          812  
Dividends declared not paid                                              8,084      6,249        9,220  



To the Shareholders and Directors of West One Bancorp

We have audited the consolidated balance sheets of West One Bancorp and 
subsidiaries as of December 31, 1994 and 1993, and the related consolidated 
statements of income, shareholders' equity and cash flows for each of the three 
years in the period ended December 31, 1994.  These financial statements are 
the responsibility of management.  Our responsibility is to express an opinion 
on these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing 
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to 
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of 
material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence 
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit 
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant 
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial 
statement presentation.  We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis 
for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in 
all material respects, the consolidated financial position of West One Bancorp 
and subsidiaries as of December 31, 1994 and 1993 and the consolidated results 
of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the 
period ended December 31, 1994, in conformity with generally accepted 
accounting principles.

As discussed in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements, during 1993 
the Company adopted Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 115, 
"Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities."

/s/Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P.
Boise, Idaho
January 19,1995
