L. B. Foster Company
      Leased Vehicle / Car Allowance Policy                             SP-P-10
      Revised 06/09/04                                    Supersedes 10/16/2002

          It is the  policy  of the L.B.  Foster  Company  to  provide  a leased
          vehicle or vehicle allowance to employees holding one of the following

             o  Chairman and President;
             o  Corporate Officer;
             o  District Sales Manager, General Manager, or Product Manager with
                a job level of 12 or above;
             o  Other Managers with a job level of 15 or above;
             o  Outside Sales Person or Sales Manager with a job level between
                6 and 11 or;
             o  An eligible employee who drives 12,000 business miles annually.

      2.  PURPOSE

          The purposes of this Policy are to reduce Company expenses by avoiding
          personal automobile mileage reimbursement for present business use and
          to  provide a  competitive  benefit to  attract  and retain  qualified
          personnel for eligible  management and sales  positions;  to establish
          procedures for complying with  appropriate  safety  regulations and to
          minimize L. B. Foster's risk exposure.


  Class:               Group:                                   Policy:                                     Deduction for
                                                                                                            Leased Vehicle:

    A                  Chairman, President and CEO              Leased Car or $800 monthly Car Allowance.        $100

    B                  Corporate Officers                       Leased Car or $700 monthly Car Allowance.         $85

                       Sales Managers General Manager, or       Leased Car or $500 monthly Car Allowance.         $75
                       Product Manager with a job grade
    C                  of 12 and above and other managers
                       with a job grade of 15 and above.

                       Outside Sales personnel and Sales
                       Managers with a job grade between
    D                  6 and 11; other eligible                 Leased Car                                        $60
                       participants who drive in excess
                       of 12,000 business miles annually.

                                               See Addendum for Current Vehicle Selection

         4.  ELIGIBLE  DRIVER
               Except in  emergencies,  driving  of a Company  vehicle  shall be
               limited to  employee  and the  employee's  spouse over the age of
               twenty-five (25).

          A.  Plan Participants
          1.    An  eligible  employee  within  class  A,  B, or C may  choose
                between a Company leased  vehicle or a monthly car allowance. An
                employee within class D shall receive a Company vehicle.

               a.  Car Allowance guidelines

                    1) Eligible  employees  cannot opt out of the Company leased
                    vehicle  option  until the  current car lease has expired or
                    the  vehicle  has  reached  60,000  miles.  The  Company may
                    require the employee to continue  driving the vehicle if the
                    book value  exceeds  the Fair  Market  Value of the  vehicle
                    until such time that the disposal of the car will not result
                    in a financial loss to the Company.

                    2) The monthly car allowance amount is set by employee class
                    on an annual basis and is paid as  additional  income in the
                    employee's regular paycheck. The car allowance is considered
                    additional  income by the IRS and is taxed  accordingly.  An
                    employee  receiving a car allowance is  responsible  for the
                    payment of any and all associated federal,  state, and local

                    3) An employee receiving a car allowance is required to have
                    available,  as required by business needs, a late model four
                    (4) door vehicle.  The vehicle is to be clean externally and
                    internally  and is presentable  for Company  business at all

          2.   When a new Company  Leased  vehicle is ordered,  the employee may
               purchase options, beyond Company established base options, avail-
               able on his or her vehicle model.  Payment is due before delivery
               of the vehicle.  The leasing  company  will  provide  information
               regarding payment and applicable sales and or state tax.

          3.   It shall  be the  responsibility  of each  employee  receiving  a
               Company leased vehicle to monitor and report odometer readings as
               of each November 1st and on the date his/her  vehicle is replaced
               to validate personal  mileage.  These odometer readings are to be
               turned  into the  Payroll  Department  during  the first  week of
               November on the Company  Automobile  Odometer  Form.  (Attachment

          4.   If a form  is not  received,  mileage  estimates  from  fuel  and
               maintenance  records  will be used,  and will be reported as 100%
               personal  miles and  reported as such on the  employee's  W-2. It
               shall be the  responsibility of each employee to maintain records
               documenting all business and personal mileage usage in accordance
               with record keeping requirements which may, from time to time, be
               required by the Internal Revenue Service, and to note this on the
               Company Automobile Odometer Form. (Attachment SP-P-10.1)

          5.   The driver is  responsible  for  operating  the vehicle in a safe
               manner. The use of seat belts is mandatory for the driver and all
               passengers.  Operating a motor  vehicle while under the influence
               of alcohol or illegal drugs is prohibited.

          6.   It is the  employee's  responsibility  to notify their Manager of
               any change in the employee's  physical  status or if the employee
               is  taking  any  medications  labeled  with a  warning  that  the
               medication could impair his/her driving.

          7.   If  any  driver  of a  Company  leased  vehicle  or  an  employee
               receiving a car allowance,  is issued a citation for DUI (driving
               under  the  influence),   their  Company  vehicle/car   allowance
               privileges  will be suspended  until the outcome of the charge is
               determined  in a court of law. If convicted  for DUI, that driver
               will have their Company leased vehicle/car  allowance  privileges
               revoked for a minimum one (1) year period.  Pre-trial  suspension
               will be counted towards the one (1) year.

               a.   In addition,  other disciplinary actions may be levied up to
                    and including termination.

               b.   Decisions on reinstatement of Company car privileges after a
                    suspension  will be  based  on  consultations  with the Risk
                    Manager and in compliance with Foster's  current  automobile
                    insurance carrier's requirements.

          8.   If any employee is issued a second DUI citation, the privilege of
               a company-leased vehicle will be removed permanently.

          9.   Leased  vehicle  participants  are  required  to  adhere  to  the
               maintenance   schedule  under  the  leased  vehicle   maintenance

          10.  While assigned to an employee, Company vehicles must be carefully
               maintained and kept clean in a manner properly  representing  the
               Company.  When returned from  employee  use,  vehicles  should be
               clean and free of  alteration  or damage  beyond  normal wear and

          11.  All  employees  receiving  a car  allowance  must  show  proof of
               insurance  annually by  submitting  a proof of insurance to Human
               Resources. This must be done in January of each year.

          12.  All  participants  in this  program  shall be required to execute
               SP-P-10.2  (Acknowledgment of Driver  Requirements) and SP-P-10.1
               (Company Automobile Odometer form) on an annual basis.

        Failure  to adhere to these  policies  can result in loss of Company car
        privileges, and/or disciplinary actions up to and including termination.

          B.  Accounting and Payroll Departments
              It shall be the responsibility of the Accounting and Payroll
              Departments to maintain and verify the records of all Leased
              Vehicle Plan participants with regard to payroll deductions,
              individual taxability calculations and W-2 reporting.

          C.  Human Resources Department
               1.   It  shall  be  the  responsibility  of the  Human  Resources
                    Department   to  monitor   the  fleet  of   Company   leased
                    automobiles in service,  to provide lease values,  to ensure
                    that the appropriate forms are provided to each driver,  and
                    acquire and dispose of all Company leased automobiles.

               2.   The Vice President, Human Resources shall be responsible for
                    the  interpretation and application of the provisions of the
                    Leased Vehicle Plan.

               3.   The  Human  Resources  Department  shall  obtain a copy of a
                    newly hired employee's driver's license prior to authorizing
                    the use of a company vehicle.

               4.   The Human  Resources  Department  shall be  responsible  for
                    obtaining an  application  and  completing  a Motor  Vehicle
                    Record  (MVR) check on all new hires that may be required to
                    drive  as part of their  assigned  duties  and no less  than
                    annually thereafter.  Any employee with excessive violations
                    or accidents may lose their leased vehicle  privileges based
                    on the requirements of the fleet insurance carrier.

               5.   The Human  Resources  Department and the Finance  Department
                    will be responsible for investigating all accidents.

          D.   Division  Management  and the Vice  President of Human  Resources
               will  be  responsible   for  approving  any  car  assignments  or
               allowance and may, at his or her discretion, reject assignment of
               a Company vehicle or authorizing the receipt of a car allowance.

      6.  PRACTICE
          A.   Pursuant to the Tax Reform Act of 1984, the value of the personal
               use of an employer  provided  automobile  must be included in the
               employee's income and subjected to withholding tax.

          B.   The  annual  lease  value of an  automobile  shall  be based  the
               manufacture's invoice price plus 4%.

          C.   The  percentage of personal usage of the annual lease value shall
               represent an additional  non-cash item which shall be included as
               employee taxable income.

          D.   The  annual  lease  value  shall  include  all   maintenance  and
               insurance  but will not  include  the  annual  fuel  cost for the
               leased vehicle.

          E.   Fuel shall be valued at the current calendar year IRS established
               rate,  per personal  mile driven for  employees  driving  company
               leased vehicles.

          F.   The  driver of a  company-leased  vehicle  is to use the fuel and
               maintenance  card  to  charge  fuel,   maintenance,   and  repair
               expenses.  Those expenses that cannot be charged through the fuel
               and  maintenance  program shall be reimbursed  through the Weekly
               Expense Report. For body damage and repairs refer to 10(c).

          G.   90 days  prior  to  turning  in a  Company  leased  vehicle,  all
               maintenance expenses must be approved by Human Resources.

          H.   Employees who receive a car allowance  will be reimbursed via the
               Company  expense  report at the per mile rate  established by the
               IRS annually.

          I.   Monthly   deductions  for  Company   leased   vehicles  shall  be
               classified on the employee pay stub as federal withholding tax.

          J.   The annualized  dollar value of the Company  automobile  personal
               use benefit  will appear as  additional  earnings on the employee
               pay stub and W-2.

      7.  TRANSFER
             The transfer of any Company  provided  automobile between employees
             must be  authorized by  the Human Resources Department and Division

          A.   Company  leased  vehicles  may be eligible  for  replacement  not
               earlier than the assigned  length of the lease  expires or 60,000
               miles,  whichever occurs first.  Replacement  Vehicle orders will
               not be  approved  and entered by the Human  Resources  Department
               until the  vehicle  has  reached  60,000  miles.  The  employee's
               Manager may require the eligible employee to continue driving the
               vehicle if the book value  exceeds the Fair  Market  Value of the
               vehicle  until  such time that the  disposal  of the car will not
               result in a financial loss to the Company.

          B.   All vehicle lease terms will be established  based on the average
               number of annual miles traveled for each individual position.

                         Annual Miles                 Term
                         0-13,000                     60 Mos
                         13,001-17,000                50 Mos
                         17,001-20,000                45 Mos
                         20,001-23,000                40 Mos
                         23,001 and Up                36 Mos

          C.   Drivers may purchase their assigned  vehicle at lease end for the
               current  wholesale  fair market value  (established  by the Human
               Resources Department) plus all taxes, title, licensing,  delivery
               and any other related  costs.  The value of the vehicle will then
               be adjusted for any driver-paid options.

          D.   Vehicles not purchased by the assigned  driver will be offered to
               all Company  employees  through the use of Lotus Notes and posted
               on employee  bulletin boards at each L.B. Foster  location,  with
               maximum one (1)  vehicle  purchase  per  employee  per year.  The
               asking  price  will  be  established   by  the  Human   Resources
               Department  and the car will be sold to the  highest  bidder  via
               sealed bid auction.  The Human Resources  department will dispose
               of  vehicles  not sold  through  the  internal  employee  auction

          E.   Any employee who purchases a vehicle under this standard practice
               is responsible for all financing,  pick up of vehicle, sales tax,
               and must  sign an "As Is" bill of sale  that  will be  placed  in
               their personnel  file.  Payment in full to the leasing Company is
               required prior to release of the vehicle's title. The final sales
               transaction  is  solely  between  the  leasing  company  and  the
               purchaser of the vehicle and L.B.  Foster has no  involvement  in
               the title transfer.


               The  immediate  supervisor  of a  terminated  employee  shall  be
               responsible  for ensuring that the terminated  employee  deposits
               the leased  vehicle and keys at the Company  facility prior to or
               on the day of  termination.  The  employee  is to  complete  form
               SP-P-10.1 and return it to the Payroll Department or they will be
               charged 100% personal mileage usage for that year.


          A.   Personal  property -The Corporate Vehicle Insurance Plan does not
               cover  personal   articles.   Employees  must  secure  their  own

          B.   Company property - Samples,  literature,  equipment, and supplies
               which are in the direct  possession  of an employee  shall be the
               responsibility of the employee if lost, stolen, or damaged.

          C.   Accident and loss reports - All accidents  regardless of fault or
               amount of damage and property losses must be reported immediately
               to  the  employee's  manager  and  the  Insurance  Department  by
               personal  contact  and by use of the  Preliminary  Property  Loss
               Report.  Refer to  SP-F-I.5  for the  automobile  accident  claim
               procedures and SP-F-I.6 for reporting property loss.

          A.   Employees  will be  solely  responsible  for any  fines  and fees
               associated with traffic or parking  violations or any other motor
               vehicle  infraction.  Failure to  reimburse  the Company (for any
               delinquent  fine or fee)  within 60 days of  notification  of the
               amount due will result in deduction from the employee's paycheck.

          B.   Employees must notify the Human  Resources  department  regarding
               any  status  changes  in their  driving  license  due to  traffic
               violations. Failure of such notification may result in discipline
               up to and including termination.

This policy is subject to changes by the Company at any time with or without

/s/Robert J. Howard      06/10/04       /s/S L Hasselbusch        06/06/04
- ---------------------   -----------     ---------------------   --------------
Robert J. Howard          Date             Stan Hasselbusch        Date
VP - Human Resources                       President & CEO


Vehicle selections and options may be changed from time to time with the
approval of the Chief Executive Officer.

2004 Model Year Vehicle Options

- --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
             Class:                             Vehicle Option
- --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

- --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
               A                  Choice of Car
- --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

- --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
               B                  Buick LeSabre Custom
                                  Pontiac Bonneville SE
- --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

- --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
               C                  Chevrolet Impala
                                  Pontiac Grand Prix
- --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

- --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
               D                  Chevrolet Malibu
- --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

- --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
          Pickup Truck            Chevrolet Silverado
- --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

Company Ordered Cars are generally equipped with the following options:

o        V6 Engines
o        Automatic Transmissions
o        Air conditioning
o        Cruise Control
o        Power Driver Seats
o        AM/FM Radio with single CD player
o        Power Windows and Door Locks
o        Floor Mats
o        Tilt Wheel
o        Power side mirror(s)
o        Remote keyless entry


                          Leased Vehicle Odometer Form

***Form must be received by November 10th or 100% personal use will be used. ***

Employee:                                     Cost Center
             -------------------------------                  ------------------

Employee #:                                   Driver's License #:
             -------------------------------                  ------------------

Your assigned vehicle is used for:
                              [] Business and personal use  [] 100% Personal use

Your license plate #:                 State in which licensed:
                     ---------------                          ------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PART A:  Current Leased Vehicle Information
         (To be completed by all employees assigned a leased vehicle)

Car #:                          Year, make, and model:
      -------------------------                      ---------------------------
License plate #:

                                Reading               Change               Business             Personal
                             --------------      -----------------      ---------------      ---------------
November 1,                                             N/A                   N/A                  N/A
             ------------    --------------      -----------------      ---------------      ---------------
Or the date vehicle was put into service.
October 31,
             ------------    --------------      -----------------      ---------------      ---------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PART B:  Replaced Leased Vehicle Information
         (To be completed by all employees who were assigned more than one
         leased vehicle between November 1st and October 31st)

Car #:                          Year, make, and model:
      -------------------------                      ---------------------------
License plate #:

                                Reading               Change               Business             Personal
                             --------------      -----------------      ---------------      ---------------
November 1,                                             N/A                   N/A                  N/A
             ------------    --------------      -----------------      ---------------      ---------------
Date vehicle
             ------------    --------------      -----------------      ---------------      ---------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I certify  to the best of my  knowledge  that this  form  represents  a true and
accurate reading of my L. B. Foster leased vehicle as of


I  also  understand  that  I  may  be  subject  to  tax  penalties  if I  cannot
substantiate  the business use of this  automobile  and I further  authorize the
Company to obtain a State Motor Vehicle  Driver  History  Report on me including
any medical information contained therein.

Signature  _____________________________          Date ____________________



Please check off the appropriate box indicating your choice and sign at the

Company Leased Vehicle [ ]
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I,                                                    , acknowledge that I have
                                                      read and will comply with
                                                      all requirements contained
                                                      within the Company's
                                                      leased vehicle policy.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Print Name

Monthly Car Allowance [ ]   Class A, B, and C only
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I,                                                     , acknowledge that I have
                                                       valid proof of insurance
                                                       and I have attached a
                                                       copy of the insurance to
                                                       this acknowledgement.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         Print Name

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Driver's signature                                     Date