I.       PURPOSE

This  Plan is  designed  to  motivate  employees  to  achieve  goals,  to reward
employees who achieve such goals and to improve corporate performance.


The terms below shall be defined as follows for the  purposes of this Plan.  The
definitions  shall be subject to such  adjustments as, from time to time, may be
made, by the Committee.

2.1  "Base  Compensation"  shall  mean the total  base  salary,  rounded  to the
     nearest  whole dollar,  actually  paid to a  Participant  during the Fiscal
     Year, excluding payment of overtime,  incentive compensation,  commissions,
     reimbursement of expenses,  severance, car allowances or any other payments
     not deemed part of a Participant's base salary; provided, however, that the
     Participant's  contributions to the  Corporation's  401(k) plan(s) shall be
     included in Base Compensation.  Base Compensation for Participants who die,
     retire or are terminated shall include only such  compensation paid to such
     during  the  fiscal  year  with  respect  to the  period  prior  to  death,
     retirement or termination.

2.2  "Committee" shall mean the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors
     and any successors thereto.

2.3  "Corporation"  shall  mean L. B.  Foster  Company  and  those  subsidiaries
     thereof in which L.B.  Foster Company owns 100% of the  outstanding  common

2.4  "Department/Individual  Goals"  are  those  goals  approved  by  the  Chief
     Executive  Officer  ("CEO") and  utilized  to  establish  incentive  awards
     pursuant to Section 4.3

2.5  "Fiscal Year" means the 2007 calendar year.

2.6  "Incentive  Award" shall mean the payment made to a Participant  under this
     Plan, after and/or subject to adjustments under this Plan.

2.7  " Incentive  Income"  shall mean the  pre-tax  income  (after,  inter alia,
     deductions for benefits payable under the annual sales incentive and profit
     sharing plans) for the Corporation or, as applicable, for an Operating Unit
     for the Fiscal Year, but determined in accordance  with  generally-accepted
     accounting principles, excluding (i) benefits payable under this Plan; (ii)
     dividends and related  interest with respect to Dakota  Minnesota & Eastern
     Railroad  Corporation  preferred  stock to the extent not  included  in the
     Corporation's  Planned Incentive Income;  and (iii) any portion of gains or
     losses  arising from  transactions  not in the ordinary  course of business
     which the Committee, in its sole discretion, determines to exclude.

2.8  "Operating  Unit" shall mean the  following  units or  divisions  which are
     reported in the Company's  internal  financial  statements:  CXT Rail,  CXT
     Buildings,  Foster Coated Pipe, Threaded Products, Rail Products (excluding
     CXT Rail), Piling,  Bridge Products and Precise subject to such adjustments
     as may be made by the CEO.  The CEO may  consolidate  certain  of the above
     Operating Units into larger  Operating  Unit(s) and each such  consolidated
     Operating  Unit(s) also shall be deemed an  Operating  Unit with respect to
     the calculation of Incentive Awards for specific  Participants  selected by
     the CEO.

2.9  "Participant"  shall  mean  a  salaried  employee  of the  Corporation  who
     satisfies  all of the  eligibility  requirements  set forth in Article  III

2.10 "Plan"  shall  mean  the  L.  B.  Foster   Company   Management   Incentive
     Compensation Plan, which Plan shall be in effect with respect to the Fiscal

2.11 "Planned Incentive Income" shall mean, as applicable,  Incentive Income for
     the  Corporation  and each Operating Unit as approved by the  Corporation's
     Board of Directors.

2.12 "Target Award" shall mean the product of a Participant's  Base Compensation
     multiplied by said Participant's Target Percentage.

2.13 "Target  Percentage" shall mean those percentages  assigned to Participants
     pursuant to Section 4.1 hereof.


Unless  changed or  amended  by the  Committee,  an  employee  shall be deemed a
Participant in the Plan only if all of the following requirements are satisfied:

3.1  A Participant must be a salaried  employee (but excluding an employee whose
     sole title is Chairman of the Board) of the  Corporation,  at a grade level
     set forth in Section 4.1 or as otherwise approved both by the Corporation's
     Chairman  of the Board and CEO,  for at least six (6)  months of the entire
     fiscal year, unless deceased or retired.

3.2  A Participant may not have: (i) been terminated for cause; (ii) voluntarily
     have  resigned  (other than due to retirement  with the Company's  consent)
     prior to the date Individual  Incentive Awards are paid; (iii),  unless the
     Corporation  agrees in writing that the employee shall remain a Participant
     in this Plan, been  terminated for any reason  whatsoever and have received
     money from the  Corporation in connection  with said  termination,  or (iv)
     have been primarily employed by Natmaya or Fosmart during the Fiscal Year.

3.3  A Participant's Target Percentage shall be based on the Participant's Grade
     Level on July 1, 2007. Those Participants who have retired or died prior to
     July 1, 2007 shall have a Target Percentage based upon their grade level at
     death or retirement.

3.4  A  Participant  may not,  unless  agreed  to in  writing  by the CEO,  be a
     participant  in any other  incentive  plan  maintained by the  Corporation,
     other than the Corporation's stock option plans.

3.5  As used herein,  "cause" to terminate  employment  shall exist upon, in the
     sole  judgment  and  discretion  of the  Committee,  (i) the  failure of an
     employee to  substantially  perform his duties  with the  Corporation  in a
     competent fashion;  (ii) the engaging by an employee in any criminal act or
     in other conduct  injurious to the Corporation;  or (iii) the failure of an
     employee to follow the reasonable directives of the employee's superior(s).

3.6  A Participant must have executed an agreement  substantially in the form of
     Exhibit A hereto and delivered the executed agreement to the Company's Vice
     President - Human Resources on or before April 15, 2007.


4.1  Eligibility and Target  Percentages.  Each Participant  shall have a Target
     Percentage based upon the grade level of such Participant, as follows:

- -------------------------------------------------

- ------------------------ -------------------
GRADE X28                5%
- ------------------------ -------------------
GRADE X29                10%
- ------------------------ -------------------
GRADE X30                15%
- ------------------------ -------------------
GRADE X31                20%
- ------------------------ -------------------
GRADE X32                20%
- ------------------------ -------------------
GRADE X33                20%
- ------------------------ -------------------

- ------------------------ -------------------
GRADE O40                20%
- ------------------------ -------------------
GRADE O41                20%
- ------------------------ -------------------
GRADE O42                30%
- ------------------------ -------------------
GRADE O43                35%
- ------------------------ -------------------
GRADE O50                45%
- ------------------------ -------------------

Other employees selected, in writing, by the Corporation's Chairman of the Board
and  CEO may  also be made  Participants  in the  Plan on such  terms  as may be
approved by the Chairman of the Board and CEO.

4.2  Thresholds.  The following table shows how Incentive Awards are calculated,
     prior to adjustment and to limitations under this Plan:

- -------------------------    ---------------------------------------------
Actual Performance, based    Unadjusted Incentive Award, as Percentage
on Percentage of Planned     of Lower of Target Award or Target Award
Incentive Income Achieved    at Incentive Planned Income
- -------------------------    ------------------- -------------------------
Outstanding                  Corporate           Operating Unit
- -------------------------    ------------------- -------------------------
160% and over                200%                200%
- -------------------------    ------------------- -------------------------
155%                         190%                190%
- -------------------------    ------------------- -------------------------
150%                         180%                180%
- -------------------------    ------------------- -------------------------
145%                         170%                170%
- -------------------------    ------------------- -------------------------
140%                         160%                160%
- -------------------------    ------------------- -------------------------
135%                         150%                150%
- -------------------------    ------------------- -------------------------
130%                         140%                140%
- -------------------------    ------------------- -------------------------
125%                         130%                130%
- -------------------------    ------------------- -------------------------
- -------------------------    ------------------- -------------------------
120%                         120%                120%
- -------------------------    ------------------- -------------------------
115%                         115%                115%
- -------------------------    ------------------- -------------------------
110%                         110%                110%
- -------------------------    ------------------- -------------------------
105%                         105%                105%
- -------------------------    ------------------- -------------------------
- -------------------------    ------------------- -------------------------
100%                         100%                100%
- -------------------------    ------------------- -------------------------
- -------------------------    ------------------- -------------------------
90%                          80%                 80%
- -------------------------    ------------------- -------------------------
80%                          60%                 60%
- -------------------------    ------------------- -------------------------
70%                          40%
- -------------------------    ------------------- -------------------------

The calculation of "Unadjusted  Incentive Award" in the second and third columns
of the above table shall be adjusted  proportionately to reflect  "Percentage of
Income  Achieved"  between the levels in the table.  For  example,  if Corporate
achieved 73% of "Planned Incentive Income",  the percentage in the second column
would be deemed to be 46%; if  Corporate  achieved  137% of  "Planned  Incentive
Income" the percentage in the second column would be deemed to be 154%.

4.3  Allocated Target Awards.  For purposes of calculating  Incentive  Awards, a
     Participant's Target Award shall be allocated as follows, which allocations
     shall be approved by the CEO.

- ------------------   --------------   ----------------   -----------------------
                     Corporate           Operating             Department/
                                           Unit(s)              Individual
- ------------------   --------------   ----------------   -----------------------
CEO                  100%
- ------------------   --------------   ----------------   -----------------------
Operating Unit
Heads                20%              60%                20%
- ------------------   --------------   ----------------   -----------------------
Corporate            80%                                 20%
- ------------------   --------------   ----------------   -----------------------
General Managers &
other Participants
with a grade level
X30 & above          20%              60%                20%
- ------------------   --------------   ----------------   -----------------------
Other Participants                    80%                20%
- ------------------   --------------   ----------------   -----------------------

4.4  Limitations  and  Adjustments  to Awards.  The  portion of a  Participant`s
     Target Award allocated to  "Department/Individual  Goals" shall be adjusted
     to the same extent that the  Participant's  Target  Award(s)  allocated  to
     Corporate or Operating  Units are adjusted under Sections 4.2 and 4.4 based
     upon the primary  allocation  of the  Participant's  Target  Award  between
     Corporate and Operating Units(s).

     All  Incentive  Awards allocated to an Operating Unit or to Corporate
     first shall be  proportionately  adjusted  downward (an "Adjusted
     Incentive Award") to the  extent  necessary,  so that the sum of such
     resulting Adjusted  Incentive  Awards and unadjusted  Incentive  Awards,
     within Corporate or the applicable  Operating Unit does not exceed 16% of
     the applicable Corporate's or Operating Unit's Planned Incentive Income.

     If Incentive  Income for  Corporate or an Operating  Unit exceeds 100%
     of applicable Planned Incentive Income, the Incentive  Award  or, if
     adjusted pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the Adjusted Incentive
     Award shall be  multiplied by the applicable percentage in the right
     hand column of the table in Section 4.2.

     Incentive awards  attributable  to an Operating Unit are not adjusted
     under this Section 4.4 based upon overall Corporate Incentive Income, but
     instead are adjusted based on such Operating Unit's Incentive Income.

     The CEO may, in his discretion, reduce any Incentive Awards payable
     under this Plan by up to 25% and the total amount of such reduction(s)
     shall be added to the amount available for discretionary awards under
     Article V.

4.5  Department/Individual   Goals.   Determinations   on  the   achievement  of
     Department/Individual Goals shall be approved by the CEO.

     Example 1:

     General Manager Smith works for CXT Buildings and has a Target
     Award of $18,000 (i.e. Base Compensation of $90,000 and a 20%
     Target Percentage). In 2007, the Corporation earns $7,000,000
     of Incentive Income, which is 100% of its Planned Incentive
     Income and CXT Buildings earns $2,000,000 of Incentive Income
     which is 125% of its Planned Incentive Income ($1, 600,000).
     The CEO determines that Mr. Smith has achieved 1/2 of his
     Department/Individual goals. Mr. Smith's Incentive Award
     (ignoring the 16% limits and the CEO's ability to adjust
     upward or downward), would be calculated as follows:

     a. $ 3,600 of Mr. Smith's Target Award (20% X $18,000)
        would be allocated to Corporate. Assuming that
        Corporate total awards do not exceed 16% of the
        Corporation's Incentive Income and since Corporate
        achieved 100% of its Planned Incentive Income, Mr.
        Smith would receive $ 3,600 from the Corporate
        allocation. See Sec. 4.2.

     b. $ 10,800 of the Target Award (or 60% of $18,000)
        would be allocated to the Operating Unit. Since CXT
        Buildings earned 125% of Planned Income, Mr. Smith
        would receive $14,040 ($10,800 X 130%) from the
        Operating Unit allocation.

     c. $3,600 (or 20% of $18,000) was allocated to individual/departmental
        Goals.  Since Mr. Smith's Target Award was primarily allocated to an
        Operating Unit, Mr. Smith would have been eligible to receive a maximum
        of $4,680 ($3,600 X 130%) from the achievement of individual/
        departmental goals. Since Mr. Smith achieved 50% of his goals, he would
        receive $2,340 from the individual/departmental goals allocation.

     d. Mr. Smith's total Incentive Award would be $19,980.

     Example 2:

     Same facts as Example 1, except that: (i) the total of all
     unadjusted Incentive Awards (without reference to 16%
     limitations and with CXT Buildings Incentive Income being 125%
     of its Planned Income of $1,600,000) based on Target Awards
     allocated to CXT Buildings would have been $450,000; and (ii)
     the total Incentive Awards payable from Corporate, without
     adjustment, would have been $600,000. Mr. Smith's Incentive
     Award would be calculated as follows:

     a. Mr. Smith's Corporate allocation would be unaffected
        by the 16% caps since the maximum Corporate
        allocation would be 16% X $7,000,000, or $1,120,000,
        which exceeds the $600,000 of Incentive Awards
        payable from Corporate. Mr. Smith would receive
        $3,600 from his Corporate allocation.

     b. If CXT Buildings had achieved its Planned Incentive
        Income of $1,600,000 its maximum aggregate Incentive
        Awards could not have exceeded $256,000 ($1,600,000 X
        16%). Since CXT Buildings achieved 125% of its
        Planned Incentive Income, the total Incentive Awards
        would be limited to $256,000 X 130%, see Sec. 4.2, or
        $332,800. Accordingly, Mr. Smith would receive 74%
        ($332,800 / $450,000) of the unadjusted $16,380
        ($14,040 + $2,340, see (b) and (c) of Example 1), or
        $12,121 from the Operating Unit allocation.

     c. Mr. Smith's total Incentive Award would be $15,721.

The examples are for illustrative purposes only and do not contain the Company's
or any Operating Unit's actual Planned Incentive Income.

4.6  Special Provisions for Bridge Products. To the extent a Participant's award
     is  allocated  to  Bridge  Products,  that  portion  of  the  Participant's
     Incentive  Award  shall be  calculated  as follows,  subject to  applicable
     adjustment and limitations under this Plan.

- -------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
      Incentive Income            Incentive Award as Percentage of Target Award
- -------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
$500,000 and over                200%
- -------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
 -0- (break even)                100%
- -------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
($450,000) loss                  60%
- -------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
More than a ($450,000) loss      0
- -------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------

The calculation of Incentive Awards as Percentage of Target Awards in the second
column  of  the  above  table  shall  be  adjusted  proportionately  to  reflect
"Incentive  Income"  between  the levels in the table.  For  example,  if Bridge
Products  achieved  Incentive  Income of $250,000,  the percentage in the second
column would be deemed to be 150%, if Bridge  Products had a $100,000  loss, the
percentage in the second column would be 91%.


An amount shall be available  for  discretionary  awards equal to the sum of (i)
$100,000;  (ii) the amount which would have been paid except that an  individual
was  not  a  Participant  due  to  such  individual's  failure  to  satisfy  the
requirements of Sections 3.2(i) or 3.2(ii); (iii) the amount of any reduction in
Incentive  Awards  made by the CEO  under  Section  4.4;  and (iv)  any  amount,
otherwise  available for payment,  that was not paid due to a failure to achieve
Department/Individual  goals  pursuant  to Sections  4.3 and 4.4.  Discretionary
awards shall be determined by the CEO, except that any  discretionary  awards to
officers,  elected by the Board of Directors, must be approved by the Committee.
Amounts  available  under  this  Article  V,  but not  paid,  shall  remain  the
Corporation's property.


Payment of  Individual  Incentive  Awards will be made on or before the later of
March 15, 2008 or the completion of the audit for the Corporation's Fiscal Year.


The CEO, if there is a dispute,  shall determine the Operating Unit(s) that will
receive  credit for any sale  and/or how credit for any sale is to be  allocated
among any Operating  Units.  The CEO's  decisions are subject to final review by
the Committee if the Committee requests such review.

A determination by the Committee in carrying out,  administering or interpreting
this Plan shall be final and binding for all  purposes  and upon all  interested
persons and their heirs, successors and personal representatives.

The Committee may, from time to time, amend the Plan;.

The CEO may delegate any of his duties herein.

The  Corporation's   Internal  Audit  Department  will  review  and  verify  the
calculation of Incentive Awards.

                                                                       Exhibit A

                                                                     Executed in
                                                                  Pittsburgh, PA


                              NON-COMPETE AGREEMENT

     This Confidentiality,  Intellectual Property and Non-Compete Agreement (the
"Agreement"),  dated as of  _______________,  2007 is between  _________________
(the "Employee") and L. B. FOSTER COMPANY, its subsidiaries and their respective
successors (the "Company").


     WHEREAS,  Employee has, or is being offered,  a position within the Company
wherein  Employee  has  and/or  will  acquire  substantial  knowledge  about the
Company,  its  subsidiaries,  its customers,  manufacturing  processes and other
confidential matters, all of which the Company deems proprietary; and

     WHEREAS,   Employee  has  been  provided  with   opportunities  to  develop
proprietary and intellectual  property with the understanding that such property
shall at all times belong to the Company; and,

     WHEREAS,   Employee  has  received,   or  may  receive,  new  and  valuable
consideration  in connection  with his execution of this  agreement,  including,
without  limitation,  becoming a participant  in the Company's  2007  Management
Incentive Plan.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration  of $1.00,  the employment  relationship
between the parties, eligibility to participate in the Company's 2007 Management
Incentive  Plan,  other good and  valuable  consideration  and the  premises and
covenants herein contained, the parties agree, intending to be legally bound, as

1.       Employment At Will

         Employee shall be an employee-at-will and either party may terminate
         the employment relationship at any time and for any reason.

2.       Inventions

         For purposes of this Agreement, "Invention" shall mean any and all
         machines, apparatuses, compositions of matter, methods, know-how,
         processes, designs, configurations, uses, ideas, concepts or writings
         of any kind, discovered, conceived, developed, made, or produced, or
         any improvements to them, and shall not be limited to the definition of
         an invention contained in the Unite States Patent Laws. Employee
         understands and agrees that all Inventions or trademarks, copyrights or
         patents relating thereto, which reasonably relate to the Company's
         business as now or hereafter constituted and/or which are conceived or
         made by Employee while employed by the Company, either alone or with
         others, are the sole and exclusive property of the Company. Employee
         understands and agrees that all Inventions, trademarks, copyrights or
         patents relating thereto, which reasonably relate to the Company's
         business as now or hereafter constituted and/or which are conceived or
         made by Employee while employed by the Company, either alone or with
         others, are the sole and exclusive property of the Company. Employee
         understands and agrees that all Inventions, trademarks, copyrights or
         patents described above in this paragraph are the sole and exclusive
         property of the Company whether or not they are conceived or made
         during regular working hours.

         Employee agrees that he will disclose promptly and in writing to the
         Company all Inventions within the scope of this Agreement, whether he
         considers them to be patentable or not, which he, either alone or with
         others, conceives or makes (whether or not during regular working
         hours). Employee hereby assigns and agrees to assign all his right,
         title and interest in and to those Inventions which reasonably relate
         to the Company's business and agrees not to disclose any of these to
         others without written consent of the Company. Employee agrees that he
         will at any time during his engagement hereunder, or after this
         Agreement terminates, on the request of the Company: (i) execute
         specific assignments in favor of the Company, or its nominee, of any of
         the Inventions covered by this Agreement; (ii) execute all papers and
         perform all lawful acts the Company considers necessary or advisable
         for the preparation, application, procurement, maintenance, enforcement
         and defense of patent applications and patents of the United States and
         foreign countries for these Inventions, for the perfection or
         enforcement of any trademarks or copyrights relating to such
         Inventions, and for the transfer of any interest Employee may have; and
         (iii) execute any and all papers and lawful documents required or
         necessary to vest sole right, title and interest in the Company, or its
         nominee, of the above Inventions, patent applications, patents, or any
         trademarks or copyrights relating thereto. Employee will, at the
         Company's expense, execute all documents (including those referred to
         above) and do all other acts necessary to assist in the preservation of
         all the Company's interest arising under this Agreement.

3.       Confidentiality

         For purposes of this Agreement, "Proprietary Information" shall mean
         any information relating to the Company's business that has not
         previously been publicly released by duly authorized representatives of
         the Company and shall include (but shall not be limited to) trade
         secrets, information encompassed in all drawings, designs, plans,
         proposals, marketing and sales plans, financial information, costs,
         pricing information, customer information, and all methods, concepts or
         ideas in or reasonably related to the Company's business, as now or
         hereafter constituted.

         Employee agrees to regard and preserve as confidential all Proprietary
         Information whether he has such information in his memory or in writing
         or other physical form. Employee will not, without written authority
         from the Company to do so, use for his benefit or purposes, nor
         disclose to others, either during the term of this engagement hereunder
         or thereafter, any Proprietary Information.

     4.  Restrictive Covenants

         As an inducement to the Company to provide the consideration described

                  (a) Solicitation of Customers. Employee agrees that during the
         Non-compete Period Employee will not, directly or indirectly, solicit
         any employee, person or entity that has been, at any time during the
         five (5) years preceding the Employee's termination of employment, a
         customer, supplier or client of the Company, to purchase or otherwise
         acquire or use any similar products or services offered by any
         Competing Business.

                  (b) Non-Competition. Employee agrees that during the
         Non-compete Period Employee will not, directly or indirectly, own,
         manage, operate, join, control, finance, assist or participate in the
         ownership (except that Employee may own 5% or less of the outstanding
         common stock of any publicly traded corporation), management, operation
         or control of, or be employed by, or otherwise engage in or become
         interested in or be connected in any manner with any Competing Business
         whether as a director, officer, employee, agent, consultant,
         independent contractor, broker, manager, shareholder, partner, lender,
         guarantor or in any other capacity; provided, however, that the
         obligations of this Paragraph 4(b) shall only be applicable if Employee
         resigns from the Company or is terminated "for cause".

                  For purposes of this Agreement, termination "for cause" shall
         mean that Employee was terminated for any of the following reasons:

                      (i)   the Employee's neglect of or failure to
                            properly perform the duties and
                            responsibilities assigned to the Employee or
                            the failure of the Employee to comply with
                            proper directives of Employee's

                      (ii)  an act of dishonesty or disloyalty by the
                            Employee relating to the business and
                            affairs of the Company or its relationship
                            with its employees, suppliers, customers or
                            others having a business relationship with
                            the Company;

                      (iii) conviction of the Employee of a crime
                            involving fraud, theft, intentional
                            dishonesty, moral turpitude or similar

                      (iv)  misappropriation by the Employee of any
                            funds or property of the Company or actions
                            by the Employee which are inconsistent with
                            the Employee's fiduciary obligations to the

                      (v)   Employee's failure to abide by any of the
                            Company's policies; or

                      (vi)  Any other action or course of conduct by the
                            Employee which has or reasonably can be
                            expected to have an adverse effect on the
                            Company, its business or its affairs.

                           The Company's Chief Executive Officer's good faith
                           determination that the Employee has resigned or has
                           been terminated "for cause" shall be conclusive. The
                           concept of "constructive discharge" shall not be
                           applicable and any person who claims he was
                           constructively discharged shall be deemed to have
                           resigned from the Company.

                  (c) Definitions.

                      (i)  The term "Competing Business" as used herein
                           shall refer to any business (whether conducted
                           through an individual or an entity) which conducts
                           all or part of its business in North America and
                           which sells, fabricates or manufactures products
                           substantially similar to or competitive with products
                           sold, fabricated or manufactured by the Company.

                      (ii) The term "Non-compete Period" as used herein shall
                           refer to the one (1) year period commencing on the
                           Employee's termination of employment with the
                           Company, provided that, (a) in the event the party
                           subject to the restriction violates any aspect of
                           this Section 4, the Non-compete Period shall be
                           extended by the number of days during the period from
                           the commencement of the violation through the time
                           when such party ceases violating this Section 4.

                  (d) General. All parties hereby acknowledge that there are
                  legitimate business interests at stake (such as protection of
                  the Company's goodwill, customers, employees and trade secrets
                  and other confidential information), that breach of this
                  Section would harm the Company and that the restrictions and
                  restraints contained in this covenant are reasonable. This
                  covenant is ancillary to this Agreement.

                  (e) Reformation. Should any court of competent jurisdiction
                  determine that, consistent with the established precedent of
                  the forum jurisdiction, the public policy of such jurisdiction
                  requires a more limited restriction in geographic area,
                  duration, nature of restricted activity, or any combination
                  thereof, it would be in furtherance of the intentions of the
                  parties hereto for the court to so interpret and construe the
                  terms of this Section 4 to apply only to the extent of such
                  limited restriction.

     5.  Injunctive Relief

         It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the
         violation of this Agreement cannot be reasonably or adequately
         compensated in damages in any action at law, and that a breach by
         Employee of any of the provisions contained in this Agreement will
         cause the Company great and irreparable injury and damage. Employee
         hereby expressly agrees that the Company shall, in addition to all
         legal remedies, be entitled to the remedies of injunction, specific
         performance and other equitable relief to prevent or terminate a breach
         of this Agreement by Employee.

     6.  Non-Assignability

         This Agreement may not be assigned by the Employee. The Company may
         assign all or part of its rights and/or obligations hereunder to any
         subsidiary, parent or successor of the Company and any successor to the
         Company by merger shall automatically be entitled to the benefit of
         this Agreement.

     7.  Governmental Regulation

         Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed so as to require
         the commission of any act contrary to law and wherever there is any
         conflict between any provision of this Agreement and any statute, law,
         ordinance, order or regulation, the latter shall prevail, but in such
         event any such provision of this Agreement shall be curtailed and
         limited only to the extent necessary to bring it within the legal

     8.  Governing Law

         This Agreement has been executed in Pennsylvania and shall be governed
         and construed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of
         Pennsylvania, excluding its rules on conflicts of laws. The parties
         hereby consent to the jurisdiction of any federal district court or
         state common pleas court located within Allegheny County, Pennsylvania,
         with the party initiating suit being empowered to select the court.

     9.  Fees and Expenses

         If the Company prevails in any claims or suits brought with respect to
         this Agreement, the Employee shall be liable to the Company for all of
         the Company's costs, expenses and attorneys' fees which the Company
         incurs in any resulting litigation, including any appeals.

     10.   Waiver of Jury Trial


     11.  Entire Agreement; Amendment

         This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the parties in
         respect of the subject matter contained herein and supersedes all prior
         agreements, arrangements and understandings relating to the subject
         matter and may only be amended by a written agreement signed by both
         parties hereto or their duly authorized representatives.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of
the date first above written.

                                                   Employee Signature



By:    ____________________________

Title: ____________________________

Executed in Pittsburgh, PA