L.B. Foster Company
                             RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN
                           Non-Union Hourly Employees

                            Effective January 1, 1994

                            ESTABLISHMENT AND PURPOSE

     WHEREAS,  as of December 1, 1986, the L. B. Foster Company (the "Employer")
established the Retirement Savings Plan for Hourly Employees of Niles, Ohio.

     WHEREAS,  the Plan was amended  effective  April 1, 1990 to cover non-union
hourly  employees at other locations and to change its name to that of the "L.B.
Foster Company  Retirement  Savings Plan for Non-Union  Hourly  Employees"  (the

     WHEREAS,  the purpose of the Plan is to encourage  savings by employees and
to provide them with security for retirement;

Now,  therefore,  the Employer  hereby  adopts this  amended and  restated  Plan
effective January 1, 1994 as set forth herein.  However, it is the intent of the
Employer that any provisions of the Plan pertaining to TRA 86 apply to this Plan
as in effect from January 1, 1989 to December 31, 1993.

The Plan, as amended herein,  shall become effective January 1, 1994. The rights
to benefits of any employee whose employment terminated prior to January 1, 1994
shall be determined  solely by the  provisions  of the employee  benefit plan in
which he was covered,  if any, as in effect at the time of such  termination  of
employment, unless specifically otherwise provided herein.

                                    ARTICLE I

     1.1  Accrued  Benefit means,  with respect to any  Participant at any time,
          the then vested amount of his Participant Account. 

     1.2  Accumulated  Profits  means net income or profits of the  Company  for
          prior  years as  determined  in the same  manner as  Current  Profits.
     1.3  Actual Contribution  Percentage means, for any Participant or group of
          Participants,  the average of the ratios  (calculated  separately  for
          each Participant in the group) of (a) Voluntary Employee Contributions
          made  to  a  Participant  Account  for  the  Plan  Year,  to  (b)  the
          Participant's   compensation  for  the  Plan  Year.  For  purposes  of
          determining the Actual Contribution  Percentage,  "compensation" means
          the  Participant's  earnings  as reported on Form W-2 plus any amounts
          deferred  under a plan  qualifying  under Code  Section 125 or 401(k),
          minus any amounts paid as severance payments,  or amounts earned prior
          to the participant becoming an Eligible Employee.

     1.4  Actual  Deferral  Percentage  means,  for any  Participant or group of
          Participants,  the average of the ratios  (calculated  separately  for
          each  Participant in the group) of (a) Salary  Deferral  Contributions
          made on  behalf  of the  Participant  for the  Plan  Year,  to (b) the
          Participant's   compensation  for  the  Plan  Year.  For  purposes  of
          determining the Actual Deferral  Percentage,  "compensation" means the
          Participant's  earnings  as  reported  on Form W-2  plus  any  amounts
          deferred  under a plan  qualifying  under Code  Section 125 or 401(k),
          minus any amounts paid as severance payments,  or amounts earned prior
          to the participant becoming an Eligible Employee.

     1.5  Administrative  Committee or Committee  means the L. B. Foster Company
          Employee Benefit Policy and Review Committee appointed by the Board of
          Directors  for the purposes of  administering  this Plan in accordance
          with the provisions of Section 10.2 of Article X.

     1.6  Affiliated  Company means any  subsidiary or affiliate of the Company,
          whether or not such  entities  have  adopted  the Plan,  and any other
          entity which is a member of a Controlled Group.

     1.7  Board of  Directors  means the Board of  Directors of the L. B. Foster

     1.8  Break in Service means any 12-consecutive-month period during which an
          Employee  completes  fewer  than 500 Hours of  Service.  The  relevant
          periods for  eligibility  and vesting  purposes shall be determined in
          the same manner as is used for  determining  Years of Service.  

     Solely for purpose of determining  whether a Break in Service has occurred,
          a  Participant  who is absent  from work for  maternity  or  paternity
          reasons shall receive credit for the Hours of

         Service which would  otherwise  have been credited to such  Participant
         but for such  absence,  or in any case in which  such  Hours  cannot be
         determined,  eight  Hours  of  Service  per  day of such  absence.  For
         purposes  of this  Paragraph,  an absence  from work for  maternity  or
         paternity  reasons  means an absence (1) by reason of the  pregnancy of
         the  Participant,  (2)  by  reason  of  a  birth  of  a  child  of  the
         Participant,  (3) by  reason  of the  placement  of a  child  with  the
         Participant  in  connection  with the  adoption  of such  child by such
         Participant,  or (4) for purposes of caring for such child for a period
         beginning immediately  following such birth or placement.  The Hours of
         Service credited under this paragraph shall be credited (1) in the Plan
         Year in which the  absence  begins if the  crediting  is  necessary  to
         prevent a Break in Service in that  period,  or (2) in all other cases,
         in the following Plan Year.

1.9      Code means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended from time to 

1.10      Company means the L. B. Foster  Company,  a corporation  organized and
          existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of  Pennsylvania,  as well
          as any Affiliated  Company which the Board of Directors has designated
          as eligible to adopt the Plan,  which has adopted  this Plan and which
          has  agreed to be bound by the terms of the Plan and Trust  Agreement;
          provided,  however,  that an Affiliated Company shall become a Company
          for  purposes  of the Plan upon,  but not  before,  the date that such
          Affiliated  Company  agrees  to be bound by the  terms of the Plan and
          Trust, and employees of such Affiliated Company shall become Employees
          for all purposes under the Plan upon, but not before, the date of such
1.11     Company  Contribution  means the contribution the Company shall make to
         Participant Accounts as provided in accordance with Section 4.1.

1.12     Company  Contribution Portion means, as of any Valuation Date, the then
         amount of the Company Contributions allocated to a Participant Account,
         adjusted  to  reflect  all  credits  and  debits  attributable  to such
         contributions  which are made to such  Participant  pursuant to Section

1.13     Compensation  means the  earnings  paid by the Company to the  Employee
         during  the Plan Year in the form of base  salary,  overtime  payments,
         vacation  pay,  bonuses or cash  incentive  pay,  commissions,  and any
         elective  deferrals  under  Section  125 or  401(k)  of the  Code,  but
         excluding all other payments.

         In addition to other applicable limitations set forth in the plan, and
         notwithstanding  any other  provision of the plan to the contrary,  for
         plan  years   beginning  on  or  after  January  1,  1994,  the  annual
         compensation  of each employee  taken into account under the plan shall
         not exceed the OBRA '93 annual  compensation limit. The OBRA '93 annual
         compensation  limit  is  $150,000,  (indexed  to  $160,000  in 1997) as
         adjusted by the  Commissioner  for  increases  in the cost of living in
         accordance with section 401(a)(17)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code. The
         cost-of-living  adjustment in effect for a calendar year applies to any
         period, not exceeding 12 months,  over which compensation is determined
         (determination period)

         beginning in such calendar year. If a determination  period consists of
         fewer than 12 months,  the OBRA '93 annual  compensation  limit will be
         multiplied  by a  fraction,  the  numerator  of which is the  number of
         months in the determination period, and denominator of which is 12.

         For plan years  beginning on or after January 1, 1994, any reference in
         this plan to the limitation under section  401(a)(17) of the Code shall
         mean OBRA '93 annual compensation limit set forth in this provision. If
         compensation for any prior  determination  period is taken into account
         in  determining  an  employee's  benefits  accruing in the current plan
         year, the compensation for that prior  determination  period is subject
         to the OBRA '93  annual  compensation  limit in effect  for that  prior
         determination  period.  For this  purpose,  for  determination  periods
         beginning  before the first day of the first plan year  beginning on or
         after  January  1,  1994,  the OBRA '93  annual  compensation  limit is
         $150,000 (indexed to $160,000 in 1997).

         However, an Employee's compensation during a period of service in the 
         Uniformed Services shall be computed at the rate of the  employee's  
         base monthly salary at the time the employee ceased active employment.

1.14     Controlled  Group  means the group of  companies  who,  along  with the
         Company,  is a member of a controlled group of corporations  within the
         meaning of Section  1563(a) of the Code,  determined  without regard to
         Sections  1563(a)(4)  and  (e)(3)(C) of the Code,  or a member with the
         Company  of  a  group  of  trades  or   businesses   (whether   or  not
         incorporated)  under common control as determined by regulations issued
         by the Secretary of the Treasury under Section 414(c) of the Code.

1.15     Current  Profits means the amount of net income or profits of a Company
         for the current  Plan Year as  determined  by the Company  either on an
         estimated or final basis in accordance with sound accounting practices,
         without  deduction  for taxes based upon income,  or for  contributions
         made by the Company  under this Plan.  Such  determination  and Company
         Contribution  shall not be open to question by any Participant,  either
         before or after the Company Contribution has been made.

1.16     Disability  means a  Participant's  incapacity to perform the duties of
         his  occupation  or  employment  because  of a  medically  determinable
         physical  or mental  impairment  which can be  expected to be total and
         permanent.  Such  determination  of  Disability  shall  be  made by the
         Administrative   Committee   with  the  advice  of  competent   medical

1.17     Early  Retirement  Date means at the election of the  Participant,  the
         first day of the month  coincident with or following the  Participant's
         termination  of  employment   with  the  Company,   provided  that  the
         Participant  had  attained age 55 and  completed  five Years of Service
         prior to termination.

1.18     Effective Date means January 1, 1994.

1.19     Eligible  Employee  means a  non-union  hourly  employee of the Company
         employed at a location identified in Exhibit A, attached hereto, who is
         not a leased employee  within the meaning of Section  414(n)(2) and who
         has completed one Year of Service and has attained his 21st birthday.

1.20      Employee  means any  individual in the employment of the Company or an
          Affiliated  Company which is part of the  Controlled  Group  including
          both leased employees  within the meaning of Section  414(n)(2) of the
          Code  and any  Employee  who is also an  officer  or  director  of the
          Company; provided, however, that it shall not include any person where
          employment  is  governed  by  the  terms  of a  collective  bargaining
          agreement  under which  retirement  benefits  were the subject of good
          faith  bargaining  between the Company and  Employee  representatives,
          unless such  agreement  expressly  provides  for the  coverage of such
          person  in  this  Plan.   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  if  leased
          employees  constitute  less  than  20%  of  the  Company's  non-highly
          compensated work force within the meaning of Section  414(n)(5)(C)(ii)
          of the Code,  the term  "Employee"  shall  not  include  those  leased
          employees covered by a plan described in Section 414(n)(5) of the Code
          unless otherwise provided for by the terms of the Plan.

1.21     Fund or Investment Fund means the trust fund held by the Trustee in 
         accordance with the Trust Agreement.

1.22     Highly  Compensated  Employee means an individual who performs  service
         during the  determination  year and is  described in one or more of the
         following groups:

         (a)  An employee who is a 5% owner, as defined in section 416 (i) (1) 
              (A) (iii), at any time during the
              determination year or the look-back year.

         (b)  An employee who receives compensation in excess of $80,000 
              (indexed in accordance with section 415 (d) during the
              look-back year.)

         For purposes of determining Highly Compensated Employees, the following

         (a)  The   determination   year  is  the  plan   year  for   which  the
              determination of who is highly compensated is being made.

         (b) The look-back year is the 12-month period immediately preceding the
determination year.

         (c)  Compensation  is  compensation  within the meaning of Code Section
              415 (c) (3) including  elective or salary reduction  contributions
              to a cafeteria plan, cash or deferred arrangement or tax-sheltered

         (d)  Employers aggregated under Section 414 (b), (c), (a) or (o) of the
              Code  are treated as a single employer.

1.23      Hour of Service means:

         (a)  Each hour for which an Employee  is paid,  or entitled to payment,
              for the  performance  of duties for the Company or any  Affiliated
              Company  which  is  part  of  the  Controlled   Group  during  the
              applicable computation period.

         (b)  Each  hour for which  back  pay,  irrespective  of  mitigation  of
              damages,  is awarded or agreed to by the Company or any Affiliated
              Company which is part of the Controlled Group; provided,  however,
              that the same hours shall not be credited more than once, and such
              hours shall be credited to the Employee for the computation period
              to which the award or agreement  relates rather than the period in
              which it is awarded, agreed upon or paid.

         (c)  Each hour for which an Employee  is paid,  or entitled to payment,
              by the  Company  or an  Affiliated  Company  which  is part of the
              Controlled  Group on account of a period of time  during  which no
              duties are performed due to vacation, holiday, illness, incapacity
              (including Disability,  other than permanent Disability),  layoff,
              jury duty,  military  duty or leave of absence.  In  applying  the
              preceding sentence:

                  (1)  No more  than 501 Hours of  Service  are  required  to be
                       credited to an Employee on account of a single continuous
                       period  during  which  the  Employee  performs  no duties
                       (whether  or not  such  period  occurs  within  a  single
                       computation period);

                  (2)  An Hour of  Service  need not be  credited  if payment is
                       made  or due  under  a plan  maintained  solely  for  the
                       purpose   of   complying   with    applicable    worker's
                       compensation,  unemployment  compensation  or  disability
                       insurance laws; and

                 (3) Hours of Service are not  required  to be credited  for a
                       payment  which solely  reimburses an Employee for medical
                       or medically related expenses incurred by an Employee.

         (d)  Each hour for periods of employment  with any  predecessor  if the
              Company  maintains a plan of such a predecessor or, if such a plan
              is not maintained,  to the extent required under regulations under
              Section  414(a)(2)  of the Code.  Notwithstanding  the above,  the
              Board of Directors may amend the Plan to grant  additional  credit
              for  periods  of  employment  with  a  predecessor  employer  or a
              corporation,  substantially  all of the  assets of which have been
              acquired by the  Company,  provided  that in amending  the Plan to
              grant such credit,  the Board of  Directors  acts in a uniform and
              nondiscriminatory  manner with respect to all Employees  similarly

          (e)  In addition to the Hours of Service  credited  above, an Employee
               shall be credited  with Hours of Service  for any  noncompensated
               absence  which  is  authorized  by a  Company  or any  Affiliated
               Company which is part of the Controlled Group, in accordance with
               its uniform leave policy, provided the Employee returns to active
               employment  following the termination of the period of authorized
               absence.  For this  purpose,  periods of absence to enter  active
               service  with the Armed  Forces  of the  United  States  shall be
               counted in computing Hours of Service, if the Employee returns to
               work for the Company or an Affiliated  Company  within the period
               following  his  discharge  or release to inactive  duty from such
               service  during which his  reemployment  rights are guaranteed by

         (f)  An Employee  shall be  credited  with 45 Hours of Service for each
              week  during  which he is entitled to credit for at least one Hour
              of Service;  provided,  however, that if the Employee demonstrates
              to the  satisfaction  of the  Committee  that his actual number of
              Hours of  Service  in any  week is  greater  than 45,  he shall be
              credited with such actual number of Hours of Service.

         (g)  For purposes of  eligibility  to  participate in the Plan (Section
              1.19) and  vesting  (Sections  7.2 and 12.6),  hours  meeting  the
              requirements  of this Section but for the fact that the individual
              was not an  Employee  during the  period to which the hours  would
              have  been   credited  (by  reason  of  serving  in  a  collective
              bargaining unit) shall nevertheless be taken into account.
             Furthermore,  the  basis  upon  which  Hours  of  Service  shall be
              calculated and credited to computation  period shall be determined
              pursuant  to Section  2530.200b-2(b)  of the  Department  of Labor

1.24     Investment  Manager  means  the  person  or  entity  appointed  by  the
         Committee  to  invest  assets  in the  Participant  Accounts  upon  the
         direction of the Participants.

1.25     Non-Highly  Compensated  Employee  means an Employee of the Company who
         has completed  one Year of Service,  has attained his 21st birthday and
         who is not a Highly Compensated Employee.

1.26          Normal Retirement Age means age 65.

1.27     Normal Retirement Date means the first day of the month coinciding with
         or next  following  the date on which a  Participant  attains  his 65th

1.28     Participant   means  an  Eligible  Employee  who  enters  the  plan  in
         accordance  with Article II. Any such Eligible  Employee shall remain a
         Participant until all benefits due him have been distributed.

1.29     Participant Account or Account means, as of any Valuation Date, the sum
         of the Salary Deferral  Contribution  Portion,  the Voluntary  Employee
         Contribution  Portion,  any  rollovers  and  the  Company  Contribution

1.30     Plan  means  the L. B.  Foster  Company  Retirement  Savings  Plan  for
         Non-Union Hourly Employees as herein set forth and as amended from time
         to time.

1.31     Plan Year means the 12-consecutive-month period beginning with January
         1 and ending with December 31.
1.32     Retirement  means  termination  of employment  with a pension  (whether
         immediate or deferred) under the provisions of a retirement plan of the
         Company or an Affiliated  Company,  or election of an Early  Retirement
         Date or  termination  of  employment  upon or  after  attaining  Normal
         Retirement Age.

1.33     Salary  Deferral  Contribution  means  the  amount  that a  Participant
         designates as Salary Deferral  Contributions in accordance with Section
         3.1(a) of Article III.

1.34     Salary Deferral  Contribution  Portion means, as of any Valuation Date,
         the  then  amounts  of  the   Participant's   total   Salary   Deferral
         Contributions,  adjusted to reflect all debits and credits attributable
         to such  contributions  which  are  made to  such  Participant  Account
         pursuant to Section 5.3.

1.35     Spouse means the lawful Spouse of the Participant at the earlier of the
         Participant's  date of  death  or the  date  benefits  commence  to the
         Participant under the Plan.

1.36     Trust Agreement means any agreement entered into between the Company 
         and any Trustee to carry out the purpose of the Plan.

1.37     Trustee  means  any  corporation,  individual  or group of  individuals
         appointed  by the Board of  Directors  to act as Trustee  under a Trust

1.38     Trust Fund means the fund  established  pursuant to the Trust Agreement
         to hold and invest assets accumulated under the Plan.

1.39     Valuation  Date means a day no less frequent than once in each calendar
         quarter  and  any  other  date  as  designated  by  the  Administrative

1.40     Voluntary Employee Contributions means the after-tax contributions made
         by a Participant in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.1(b).

1.41     Voluntary  Employee  Contribution  Portion  means,  as of any Valuation
         Date,  the  then  amounts  of  the  Participant's   Voluntary  Employee
         Contributions,  adjusted to reflect all debits and credits attributable
         to such  contributions  which  are  made to  such  Participant  Account
         pursuant to Section 5.3.

- -2731.42 Year of Service means each 12-consecutive-month  period during which an
         Employee  completes  at least 1,000 Hours of Service.  For  purposes of
         eligibility    to    participate    in   the   Plan,    the    relevant
         12-consecutive-month  period shall begin on an Employee's  first day of
         employment,  or  re-employment  following a Break in Service,  and each
         anniversary thereof.

         For  purposes of  determining  an  Employee's  vested  percentage,  the
         relevant  12-consecutive  month  period is the Plan Year.  An  Employee
         shall not be entitled to any credit for partial Years of Service.

         A Participant who incurs a Break in Service of five years or longer and
         is re-employed  shall have his Years of Service prior to  re-employment
         disregarded if:

         (a) He did not have a vested interest in his Company Contribution as of
          the day his Break in Service began; and

         (b)  The length of his Break in Service  equals or exceeds his Years of
              Service prior to the Break in Service.

         An  Employee  who has had prior  Years of Service  disregarded  will be
         treated as a new Employee  for all  purposes of the Plan.  In all other
         cases,  if a former  Employee is re-employed by the Company,  his prior
         Years of Service will be aggregated with his Years of Service after the
         Break in Service.

1.43     Uniformed  Services means the Armed Forces, the Army National Guard and
         the Air  National  Guard  when  engaged  in active  duty for  training,
         inactive  duty  training,   or  full-time   National  Guard  duty,  the
         commissioned corps of the Public Health Service, and any other category
         of persons designated by the President in time of war or emergency.

                           "Service  in  the  uniformed   services"   means  the
         performance of duty on a voluntary or involuntary  basis in a uniformed
         service under competent authority and includes active duty, active duty
         for training, initial active duty for training, inactive duty training,
         full-time  National  Guard  duty,  and a period  for  which a person is
         absent from a position of employment  for the purpose of an examination
         to determine  the fitness of the person to perform any such duty. In no
         event  shall the total  length of service  credited  for service in the
         uniformed services exceed five (5) years. 

                                   ARTICLE II

2.1      Participation.

         (a)  Initial Participation.  An Eligible Employee automatically becomes
              a Participant in the Plan on the first day of the month  following
              the month in which an Employee first becomes an Eligible Employee.
              An  Eligible   Employee   may  elect  to  make   Salary   Deferral
              Contributions and Voluntary Employee Contributions as of the first
              day of the month  following  the first day on which such  Employee
              becomes  an  Eligible   Employee,   provided   that  the  Employee
              authorizes the change in a manner  approved by the  Administrative

         (b)  Following a Break in Service.  A Participant who incurs a Break in
              Service shall become an Eligible  Employee on the first day of the
              month coincident with or next following his completion of one Hour
              of Service subsequent to such Break in Service.

2.2            Participant Contributions. A Participant may elect to make Salary
               Deferral  Contributions and Voluntary  Employee  Contributions to
               the Plan. Such  Participant's  Salary Deferral  Contributions and
               Voluntary Employee  Contributions shall begin on the first day of
               the month,  provided that the Employee authorizes the change in a
               manner approved by the Administrative Committee.

2.3      Provisions Relating to Leased Employees.

         (a)  Safe-Harbor. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Plan, for
              purposes  of   determining   the  number  or  identity  of  Highly
              Compensated  Employees or for purposes of the pension requirements
              of Section  414(n)(3) of the Code,  the Eligible  Employees of the
              Company shall include  individuals defined as Employees in Section

         (b)  Participation and Accrual. A leased employee within the meaning of
              Section  414(n)(2) of the Code shall not become a Participant  in,
              and shall not accrue benefits under,  the Plan based on service as
              a leased employee.

                                   ARTICLE III
                            PARTICIPANT CONTRIBUTIONS

3.1      Contributions.

         (a)  Salary  Deferral  Contributions.  Each  Participant  may  elect to
              designate as his Salary Deferral Contribution each payroll period,
              a rate of not less than 2% nor more than 10% of his  Compensation,
              in  multiples  of 1% for  such  payroll  period.  Salary  Deferral
              Contributions  for any  calendar  year are  limited  to the amount
              specified under Code Section 402(g)(5).

         (b)  Voluntary  Employee  Contributions.  A Participant who is making a
              minimum  of  5%  Salary  Deferral   Contributions   may  elect  to
              contribute Voluntary Employee Contributions, provided that the sum
              of the Participant's  Salary Deferral  Contributions and Voluntary
              Employee  Contributions  in any Plan Year  shall not exceed 15% of
              his Compensation.  Voluntary Employee Contributions are made on an
              after-tax basis.

3.2      Payroll Deductions. Participant contributions shall be made through 
         reductions in the amount otherwise payable in cash to the Participant 
         as authorized by the Participant.

3.3      Designation of the Amount of Contributions.

         (a)  Initiation  of  Contributions.  An Eligible  Employee may initiate
              contributions to the Plan by following the procedures  approved by
              the Administrative  Committee. The designated rate of contribution
              shall be  effective  on the first day of the month  following  the
              date  the  Employee  authorizes  the  contributions  in  a  manner
              approved by the Administrative Committee.

         (b)  Change in  Contributions.  A  Participant  may  change his rate of
              contributions.  Any  changes  in the rate of  contributions  shall
              become  effective on the first day of the month following the date
              the  Employee  authorizes  the change in a manner  approved by the
              Administrative Committee.

          3.4  Suspension of Participant Contributions.  A Participant may elect
               to suspend his  contributions.  Such voluntary  suspension  shall
               become effective on the first day of the month following the date
               the Employee  authorizes the  suspension in a manner  approved by
               the Administrative  Committee. If a Participant elects to suspend
               his  contributions  in  accordance  with the  provisions  of this
               Section 3.4, he shall not be eligible to resume his contributions
               until the first day of the fourth  month  following  the month in
               which  his  suspension  became  effective.  When the  Participant
               elects to resume  his  contributions,  he shall do so in a manner
               approved by the Administrative Committee. A Participant shall not
               be  permitted  to make up  suspended  contributions.  Participant
               contributions  shall be suspended  automatically  for any payroll
               period in which the Participant is not in receipt of Compensation
               and his contributions shall not resume until the first day of the
               month  following  the  month in which he  receives  Compensation.
               However, in the case of a temporary layoff,  contributions shall
               resume immediately upon return to active employment.

         A Participant who is absent from employment on account of an authorized
         unpaid leave of absence or a military  leave shall  automatically  have
         Participant  contributions suspended during such leave. Such suspension
         shall  become  effective on the date such  authorized  leave begins and
         shall  remain  effective  for the entire  period of such leave.  Such a
         Participant shall be eligible to resume contributions  immediately upon
         return to active employment.  Upon reemployment,  a Participant serving
         in the Uniformed  Services shall be permitted to make up  contributions
         for the period  served  based on their  election in effect  immediately
         before the  leave.  The  period of  repayment  is subject to good faith
         negotiations between the Company and the Employee.

3.5      Reduction in Salary Deferral Contribution. For any Plan Year, the 
Actual Deferral Percentage for Highly Compensated Employees may not exceed the 
greater of Test I or Test II below:

          Test I:  125%  of  the  Actual  Deferral   Percentage  for  Non-Highly
               Compensated Employees;

          Test II: The lesser of (a) 200% of the Actual Deferral  Percentage for
               Non-Highly  Compensated  Employees;  or (b) such Actual  Deferral
               Percentage   for  Non-Highly   Compensated   Employees  plus  two
               percentage points.

         The plan will take  into  account  the  actual  deferral  ratios of all
         eligible employees for purposes of the actual deferral percentage (ADP)
         test in Section 401(k).  For this purpose,  an eligible employee is any
         employee  who is  directly  or  indirectly  eligible  to make a cash or
         deferred  election  under the plan for all or a portion  of a plan year
         and includes:  an employee who would be a plan  participant but for the
         failure to make required  contributions;  an employee whose eligibility
         to  make  elective  contributions  has  been  suspended  because  of an
         election (other than certain one-time elections) not to participate,  a
         distribution,  or a loan;  and, an employee who cannot defer because of
         the Section 415 limits on annual additions.  In the case of an eligible
         employee who makes no elective contributions the deferral ratio that is
         to be included in determining the ADP is zero.

         An elective  contribution  will be taken into account  under the actual
         deferral percentage test of Section 401(k)(3)(A) of the Code for a plan
         year only if it is  allocated  to the employee as of a date within that
         plan year.  For this purpose,  an elective  contribution  is considered
         allocated  as of a date  within a plan  year if the  allocation  is not
         contingent on  participation or performance of services after such date
         and the elective  contribution  is actually  paid to the trust no later
         than 12 months after the plan year to which the contribution relates.

         For  purposes  of  determining  whether  a plan  satisfies  the  actual
         deferral percentage test of Section 401(k), all elective  contributions
         that are made under two or more plans that are  aggregated for purposes
         of Section  401(a)(4) or 410(b)  (other than Section  410(b)(2)(A)(ii))
         are to be treated as made under a single  plan and if two or more plans
         are  permissively  aggregated  for  purposes  of  Section  401(k),  the
         aggregated plans must satisfy  Sections  401(a)(4) and 410(b) as though
         they were a single plan. In calculating the actual deferral  percentage
         for purposes of Section  401(k),  the actual deferral ratio of a highly
         compensated  employee  will  be  determined  by  treating  all  cash or
         deferred  arrangements under which the highly  compensated  employee is
         eligible (other than those that may not be permissively  aggregated) as
         a single arrangement.

          3.6  Prospective  Reduction  of  Salary  Deferral  Contributions.  The
               Committee  shall  determine  periodically  whether  the amount of
               Salary Deferral  Contributions  elected by the Highly Compensated
               Employees would exceed the permissible Actual Deferral Percentage
               (taking into account Salary  Deferral  Contributions  elected for
               the month in question  continues  in effect for the  remainder of
               the  Plan   Year).   If  so,  the   amount  of  Salary   Deferral
               Contributions  allowed to be made on behalf of Highly Compensated
               Employees with respect to the remainder of the Plan Year shall be
               reduced.  The Highly  Compensated  Employees with respect to whom
               such  reduction  shall be made and the  amount of such  reduction
               shall be  determined  by reducing  the maximum  allowable  Salary
               Deferral  Contribution under Section 3.1 from 10% of Compensation
               to  such  percentage  which  will,  when  applied  to all  Highly
               Compensated   Employees  who  authorized   such  Salary  Deferral
               Contributions, result in the Actual Deferral Percentage set forth
               in Section 3.5 not being exceeded. Once a reduction has been made
               hereunder, it shall remain in effect for the duration of the Plan
               Year  unless  the  Committee  determines  that  it is  no  longer
               necessary in order for the Actual Deferral Percentage  limitation
               to be met.

          3.7  Retrospective Reduction of Salary Deferral Contributions.  In the
               event that,  notwithstanding Section 3.6 hereof, it is determined
               by the  Committee  during any Plan Year or prior to the due date,
               including extensions, for filing the Company's federal income tax
               return  for such Plan Year,  that the  limitations  contained  in
               Section 3.5 have been exceeded for that Plan Year then the Salary
               Deferral  Contributions  that  have  been  made on  behalf of the
               Highly  Compensated  Employees  shall be  reduced  in the  manner
               prescribed in Section 3.6 above and  recharacterized as Voluntary
               Employee  Contributions.  Any  earnings  accrued on the amount by
               which a Participant's  Salary Deferral  Contributions are reduced
               shall be treated as earnings  attributable  to the  Participant's
               Voluntary   Employee   contributions.    Recharacterized   excess
               contributions  will  remain  subject  to  the   nonforfeitability
               requirements and distribution  limitations that apply to elective

         Failure to correct excess  contributions  by the close of the Plan Year
         following the Plan Year for which they were made will cause the cash or
         deferred arrangement to fail to satisfy the requirements of Section 401
         (k) (3) for the Plan Year for which the excess  contributions were made
         and for all  subsequent  years they remain in the trust.  The  Employer
         will  be  liable  for  a  10%  excise  tax  on  the  amount  of  excess
         contributions  unless they are corrected  within 2-1/2 months after the
         close of the Plan Year for which they were made.

         Recharacterized   excess  contributions  will  remain  subject  to  the
         nonforfeitability  requirements and distribution limitations that apply
         to elective contributions.

3.8      Remittance   of   Participant   Contributions.   Amounts   deducted  as
         Participant  contributions  shall be remitted to the Trustee as soon as
         practicable after the end of each month.

3.9      Rollover  Contributions.  A  Participant  may  transfer  to the  Plan a
         qualified total distribution,  as defined in Section  402(a)(5)(E)(i) I
         or II of the Code, provided that such distribution is from a plan which
         meets the requirements of Section 401(a) of the Code ("Other Plan") and
         that the following conditions are satisfied:

         (a) The amount of the rollover must be in the form of cash or cash 

         (b)  The  rollover  occurs  on or  before  the 60th day  following  the
              Employee's receipt of the distribution from the Other Plan; and

         (c)  The amount of the  rollover  does not exceed the maximum  rollover
              amount  permitted under the provisions of Section  402(a)(5)(B) of
              the Code, which limit shall amount to the fair market value of all
              property  received  in  such  distribution   reduced  by  Employee
              contributions, as defined in Section 402(a)(5)(E)(ii) of the Code.

         A  Participant,  who has  previously  transferred a  distribution  from
         another plan into an individual  retirement  account ("IRA"),  may roll
         over the amount of such distribution,  plus earnings thereon,  from the
         IRA to the Plan;  provided that such distribution is transferred to the
         Plan as a Rollover  Contribution  on or before  the 60th day  following
         receipt thereof from the IRA, and such Rollover  Contribution  complies
         with Section 408(d)(3) of the Code.

         The  Administrative  Committee  shall develop such  procedures  and may
         require such information from a Participant desiring to make a Rollover
         Contribution  as it deems  necessary or desirable to determine that the
         proposed  Rollover  Contribution  will  meet the  requirements  of this
         Section 3.9. Upon approval by the Administrative  Committee, the amount
         of the Rollover  Contribution  shall be deposited in the Plan and shall
         be credited to the Participant's  rollover  account.  The amount of the
         Rollover  Contribution credited to such Account shall be 100% vested in
         the Participant and shall share in the appropriate investment earnings.

                                   ARTICLE IV
                              COMPANY CONTRIBUTIONS

    4.1  Company   Contribution.   The   Company   shall   contribute   to  each
         Participant's  Account an amount equal to $.12 for each hour worked for
         each   Eligible   Employee   (excluding    employees   of   Georgetown,
         Massachusetts).  Such  Contribution  shall  continue for as long as the
         Eligible Employee is receiving Compensation from the Company.

         Eligible Employees of Georgetown,  Massachusetts,  shall have a company
         matching  contribution  of $.50  for  every  $1.00  contributed  by the
         Eligible  Employee,  up to  the  first  5% of the  Compensation  of the
         Eligible Employee.  This matching contribution will only be made if the
         Eligible Employee contributes to the Plan.

         Upon reemployment of an Employee serving in the Uniformed Services, the
         Employer  will make the Company  Contribution  to the Plan on behalf of
         the Employee,  as if the Employee had continued  active  employment and
         worked 40 hours per week.

 4.2     Remittance  and  Investment  of  Company  Contributions.   The  Company
         Contribution as described under Section 4.1 shall be transmitted to the
         Trustee as soon as practicable after the end of each calendar month.

 4.3     Forfeitures of Company Contributions. Amounts forfeited by Participants
         in  accordance  with  Section  7.2 shall be  applied  to reduce  future
         Company Contributions under the Plan.

4.4      Limitations  on  Contributions.  Contributions  made by the  Company on
         behalf of any  Participant  shall be  limited  to the  maximum  amounts
         permitted under the Code as follows:

         (a)      The annual addition to any Participant's  Account,  when added
                  to similar  additions under other defined  contribution  plans
                  maintained by the Company and Affiliated Companies,  shall not
                  exceed  the  lesser  of  $30,000  (or  such  other  amount  as
                  determined  by the  Secretary of the  Treasury) or 25% of such
                  Participant's annual limitation compensation.
         (b)      Section 415(e) of the Code  prescribes  aggregate  limitations
                  for those  Employees  who  participate  in both the Plan and a
                  defined  benefit plan. If, for any Plan Year, the  limitations
                  prescribed  in Section  415(e) of the Code are  exceeded,  the
                  benefit  payable  under the  pension  plan shall be reduced to
                  meet the limitations.

         (c)      In the event that it is determined that the contributions made
                  on behalf of any  Participant  for any Plan Year are in excess
                  of the  limitations  set  forth  in  this  Section  4.4,  such
                  contributions shall be reduced in the following order:

          (1)     Voluntary Employee Contributions;

          (2)     Salary Deferral Contributions;

          to the extent necessary to bring such contributions within the 
limitation set forth herein.

         (d)  Definitions.  For  purposes of this  Section  4.4,  the  following
definitions shall apply:

          (1)              Annual  additions  shall  mean  the  sum  of  Company
                           contributions,   Salary  Deferral  Contributions  and
                           Voluntary Employee Contributions.

          (2)              Compensation  means the  amount as  determined  under
                           Regulation Section 1.415-2. No more than $160,000 (as
                           of 1/1/97,  indexed  annually)  of such  Compensation
                           shall  be  taken  into  account  for  any  Plan  Year
                           hereunder,   provided   that  such  amount  shall  be
                           adjusted annually for increases in the cost of living
                           in accordance with Section 415(d) of the Code.

4.5      Company  Contribution  Limitation.   For  any  Plan  Year,  the  Actual
         Contribution  Percentage for the Highly  Compensated  Employees may not
         exceed the greater of Test I or Test II below:

         Test I:  125% of the Actual Contribution Percentage for all eligible 
Non-Highly Compensated Employees;

          Test        II:  The  lesser  of (a) 200% of the  Actual  Contribution
                      Percentage   for  all  eligible   Non-Highly   Compensated
                      Employees;  or (b) the Actual Contribution  Percentage for
                      all eligible  Non-Highly  Compensated  Employees  plus two
                      percentage points.

         For purposes of calculating the Actual Contribution Percentage the Plan
         will take into account that actual  contribution ratios of all eligible
         employees .

         For  purposes  of  determining  whether  a plan  satisfies  the  actual
         contribution  percentage  test of  Section  401(m),  all  employee  and
         matching  contributions  that are made under two or more plans that are
         aggregated  for purposes of Section  401(1)(4)  and 410(b)  (other than
         Section  410(b)(2)(A)(ii)  are treated as made under a single plan.  If
         two or more plans are  permissively  aggregated for purposes of Section
         401(m),  the aggregated  plans must also satisfy Section  401(a)(4) and
         410(b) as though they were a single plan.

         The actual contribution ratio of a Highly Compensated  employee will be
         determined by treating all plans subject to Section  401(m) under which
         the Highly Compensated  employee is eligible (other than those that may
         not be permissively aggregated) as a single plan.

 4.6     Prospective  Reduction  of  Contributions.  In  the  event  that  it is
         determined that the amount of Voluntary Employee  Contributions made to
         the  Participant  Accounts of the Highly  Compensated  Employees  would
         cause the Actual Contribution Percentage described in Section 4.5 to be
         exceeded (taking into account the
         contributions  made  during  the  prior  months  of the  Plan  Year and
         assuming  that the rate of  contributions  continues  in effect for the
         remainder  of the Plan  Year),  then the amount of  Voluntary  Employee
         Contributions allowed to be made by and on behalf of Highly Compensated
         Employees  with  respect to such  month  shall be  reduced.  The Highly
         Compensated Employees with respect to whom such reduction shall be made
         and the amount of such  reduction  shall be  determined by reducing the
         maximum allowable  Voluntary Employee  Contributions to the extent that
         the Actual  Contribution  Percentage  set forth in  Section  4.5 is not
         being exceeded.

 4.7           Retrospective  Reductions  of  Contributions.  In the event that,
               notwith-  standing  Section 4.6 hereof,  it is  determined by the
               Committee  during  any  Plan  Year  or  prior  to the  due  date,
               including extensions, for filing the Company's federal income tax
               return  for  such  Plan  Year,   that  the  Actual   Contribution
               Percentage, as initially determined,  has been exceeded, then the
               Voluntary  Employee  Contributions  that have been made by and on
               behalf of the Highly  Compensated  Employees shall be returned to
               the  Participant,  along with the earnings  associated  with such
               contributions.  The amount to be returned  shall be determined by
               first  reducing  the   Participant(s)  in  the  group  of  Highly
               Compensated   Employees  with  the  highest   individual   Actual
               Contribution  Percentage(s)  to the next lower one  percent,  and
               then repeating such reduction with respect to such Participant(s)
               to the extent  necessary  to assure that the  limitation  will be
               satisfied for the Plan Year.

         The amount of excess aggregate  contributions  for a plan year shall be
         determined only after first determining the excess  contributions  that
         are treated as employee contributions due to recharacterization.

         The  distribution of excess  aggregate  contributions  will include the
         income allocable thereto.  The income allocable to the excess aggregate
         contributions  includes  income  for the plan year for which the excess
         aggregate contributions were made and income for the period between the
         end of the plan year and the date of  distribution.  Failure to correct
         excess aggregate  contributions by the close of the plan year following
         the plan year for which  they were made will  cause the plan to fail to
         satisfy the  requirements  of Section  401(a)(4)  for the plan year for
         which  the  excess  aggregate  contributions  were  made  and  for  all
         subsequent  years they remain  uncorrected.  Also, the employer will be
         liable  for  a 10%  excise  tax  on  the  amount  of  excess  aggregate
         contributions  unless they are corrected  within 2-1/2 months after the
         close of the plan year for which they were made.

         The distribution of excess aggregate contributions shall be made on the
         basis of the respective  portions of such amounts  attributable to each
         highly compensated employee.

4.8      Aggregate Limit on Actual Deferral Percentages.  In the event that Test
         II is used under both Sections 3.5 and 4.5, the aggregate limit may not
         exceed the greater of (a) or (b):

         (a) The sum of (1) and (2) as follows:

                  (1)  125% of the greater of (A) the Actual Deferral Percentage
                       in  Section  3.5 of the group of  Non-Highly  Compensated
                       Employees eligible to make Salary Deferral  Contributions
                       for  the  Plan  Year,  or  (B)  the  Actual  Contribution
                       Percentage  of  the  group  of   Non-Highly   Compensated
                       Employees  eligible to receive Company  Contributions  in
                       the Plan Year; plus

                     (2) Two plus the lesser of (a)(1)(A) or (a)(1)(B) above. In
                       no event,  however,  shall this amount exceed 200% of the
                       lesser of (a)(1)(A) or (a)(2)(B).

         (b) The sum of (1) and (2) below:

                  (1)  125% of the lesser of (A) the Actual Deferral  Percentage
                       in  Section  3.5 of the group of  Non-Highly  Compensated
                       Employees eligible to make Salary Deferral  Contributions
                       for  the  Plan  Year,  or  (B)  the  Actual  Contribution
                       Percentage  of  the  group  of   Non-Highly   Compensated
                       Employees  eligible to receive Company  Contributions  in
                       the Plan Year; plus

         (2) Two plus the greater of (b)(1)(A) or (b)(1)(B)  above. In no event,
         however,  shall this amount  exceed 200% of the greater of (b)(1)(A) or

         In the event that the aggregate  limit described in this Section 4.8 is
         exceeded at the end of the Plan Year, certain Participants in the group
         of Highly Compensated Employees may have certain of their contributions
         returned,  along with the earnings  associated with such contributions,
         in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.7.

         The distribution of such excess contributions,  along with the earnings
         associated  with  such  contributions,  will be made  by the  March  15
         following  the  calendar  year in which the excess  contributions  were

4.9 Return of  Contributions.  In the event that a  contribution  is made to the

          (a) Under a mistake of fact; or

         (b)  Conditioned upon deduction of the contribution  under Code Section
              404 and such deduction is disallowed,  the  contribution  shall be
              returned to the  Company  within one year after the payment of the
              contribution  or the  disallowance of the deduction (to the extent
              disallowed),  whichever  is  applicable,  in  such  form as may be
              prescribed by regulations issued by the Secretary of the Treasury.

                                  Amendment #3 dated 1/1/97 replaces all prior

          In  the  event  that,   notwithstanding  Section  4.8  hereof,  it  is
              determined by the  Committee  during any Plan Year or prior to the
              due date, including  extensions,  for filing the Company's federal
              income tax return for such Plan Year, that the Actual Contribution
              Percentage,  as initially determined,  has been exceeded, then the
              matching  contributions and Voluntary Employee  contributions that
              have  been  made  by  and on  behalf  of  the  Highly  Compensated
              Employees  shall be  returned to the  Participant,  along with the
              earnings  associated  with such  contributions.  The  amount to be
              returned shall be determined by first reducing the  Participant(s)
              in the  group of Highly  Compensated  Employees  with the  highest
              individual Actual Contribution Percentage(s) to the next lower one
              percent,  and then  repeating  such reduction with respect to such
              Participant(s)   to  the  extent  necessary  to  assure  that  the
              limitation  will be satisfied  for the Plan Year.  Notwithstanding
              anything  in the  above  to the  contrary,  a  Highly  Compensated
              Employee  who is not yet vested in  accordance  with  Section  7.1
              shall  forfeit  the amount of  matching  contributions  instead of
              having such contributions paid to him.

4.10     Contributions  Limited  to Amount  Deductible.  Company  Contributions,
         including Salary Deferral  Contributions  shall not be made to the Plan
         to the extent they would exceed the maximum  amount  deductible  by the
         Company under Code Section 404.

         In the event that it is determined that the deductible  limits would be
         exceeded,  contributions shall be reduced in such manner as the Company
         shall prescribe.

                                    ARTICLE V
                              PARTICIPANT ACCOUNTS

 5.1     Participant Accounts. Each Participant Account shall separately account
         for the value of:

         (a) Salary Deferral Contributions;

         (b) Voluntary Employee Contributions;

         (c) Company Contributions; and

         (d) Any rollover deposits.

         Each such account shall reflect the income,  losses,  appreciation  and
         depreciation  attributable  to  such  items  as are  allocated  to such
         account. Separate investments are not required to be maintained for any
         Participant Account.

 5.2     Valuation  of Assets.  At each  Valuation  Date in which the Plan is in
         operation,  the Trustee and/or the Investment  Company shall  determine
         the total fair market value of all assets then held in the Fund.

5.3            Investment of  Contributions.  Each Participant shall direct that
               his  Participant  Account  be  invested  in  one or  more  of the
               Investment funds held by the Trustee. The Employer may enter into
               a  written  agreement  with  one or more  Investment  Manager(s),
               pursuant  to which  such  Investment  Manager(s)  may  permit the
               Participants  to  direct  the  investment  of  the  Participants'
               Accounts  held in the Trust in one or more group or common  trust
               funds  managed  by the  Investment  Manager(s).  Such  funds  may
               include,  but shall not be limited to (a) Growth and Income Fund,
               (b) Pure  Growth  Fund (c) Equity  Fund,  (d) GIC Fund,  (e) Bond
               Fund, and (f) Money Market Fund.

         The Employer  may,  from time to time,  make  available  additional  or
         alternative  investment  funds,  or replace  or suspend  any one of the
         above funds.

         In the absence of a designation by the Participant, contributions shall
         be invested in the Money Market Fund.

         The Investment Manager(s),  at the Participant's request and within one
         month after an  Employee  becomes a  Participant,  shall  provide  each
         Participant with a complete description of the Funds.

         No less  frequently  than once each calendar  quarter,  the  investment
         returns  attributable  to each  investment  fund are  allocated to each
         Account within the  investment  fund in the same  proportion  that such
         Account balance for such month bears to the total Account  balances for
         such month.  The Account  balance  shall be  determined by debiting the
         prior quarter's  Account balance for any withdrawals,  transfers out of
         such Account and loans made from the Account
         and crediting the prior quarter's Account balance with transfers to the
         Account and loans repaid to the Account.

 5.4     Change in Future Investment Elections. Any investment election given by
         a  Participant  for  investment of the  contributions  will continue in
         effect until changed by the Participant. A Participant shall notify the
         Administrative Committee or its designee of the change as prescribed by
         the Committee.

 5.5     Conversion of Past  Investment  Elections.  A Participant  may elect to
         transfer  all or a portion of the value of his  Account  invested  in a
         fund in accordance with uniform and nondiscriminatory  rules prescribed
         by the  Committee or its designee  effective as of the date the Trustee
         makes such transfer.

5.6      Effect of  Re-employment.  Subject to the provisions of Article X, if a
         Participant   terminates   his  employment  and  begins  to  receive  a
         distribution  under  this Plan and,  prior to the time his  Participant
         Account shall have been fully  distributed to him, he is re-employed by
         the Company,  then, in such event,  his right to further  payments from
         his Participant Account shall cease and such undistributed amount shall
         be  retained  for  his  benefit  until  he  thereafter  terminates  his
         employment with the Company.
5.7      Statements of Participant  Accounts.  Not less  frequently than once in
         each Plan Year,  each  Participant  shall  receive a  statement  of his
         account  balance and his  nonforfeitable  right, if any, to his account

                                   ARTICLE VI
                              WITHDRAWALS AND LOANS

6.1      Election and Form of Withdrawal. A Participant may apply for a hardship
         withdrawal  from his Account by authorizing  the withdrawal in a manner
         approved by the Administrative  Committee.  Such an election shall take
         effect on the first day of a month  following  completion  of  required
         procedures.  The amount  withdrawn  shall be paid to the Participant in
         the form of a single  cash  payment,  and no  amount  withdrawn  may be
         repaid to the  Plan.  No more  than one  withdrawal  may be made in any
         12-month period and no withdrawal shall be less than $1,000.

6.2            Requirements for Hardship Withdrawal.  The withdrawal must be for
               an immediate  and heavy  financial  need of the  Participant  for
               which funds are not reasonably  available from other resources of
               the  Participant.  If  approved by the Plan  Administrator,  such
               withdrawal  shall  be  equal  to the  lesser  of (i)  the  amount
               required  to be  distributed  to meet  the  need  created  by the
               hardship,  or (ii) the Participant's Salary Deferral Contribution
               Portion. The determination of the existence of financial hardship
               and the  amount  required  to be  distributed  to meet  the  need
               created  by  the   hardship   must  be  made  in  a  uniform  and
               nondiscriminatory  manner.  The  circumstances  which may warrant
               approval of a Participant's application for a hardship withdrawal
         a)   Medical expenses (to the extent not otherwise reimbursed under any
              other medial care programs)
              incurred by the Participant or his dependents;

         (b)  Purchase of a principal residence for the Employee;

         (c) Tuition for post-secondary education, but only for the next quarter
or semester; and

         (d) Prevention of eviction or mortgage foreclosure.

         The  conditions  under which a Participant  may be deemed to lack other
resources are as follows:

         (a) The hardship withdrawal cannot exceed the amount needed;
         (b)  The  Participant  must have  obtained  all  distributions  (except
              hardship  withdrawal) and all nontaxable  loans available from all
              of the Employer's plans;

         (c)  The Participant's  contributions under all plans must be suspended
              for twelve months after the hardship withdrawal; and

         (d)  The dollar limit on pre-tax  contributions  for the year after the
              hardship  withdrawal  must be  reduced  by the  amount of  pre-tax
              contributions made during the year in which the hardship occurred.

                                  Amendment #5 dated 1/1/99 replaces all prior

         0 If the Participant is married, spousal consent is required.

6.3       Source of  Withdrawal  Proceeds.  The Fund from which a withdrawal  is
          made shall be determined by the Committee after  consultation with the

 6.4      Restriction  on Amount of Withdrawal if a Loan is  Outstanding.  In no
          event  will a  withdrawal  from the  Plan be  permitted  in an  amount
          greater  than  the  value  of  the   Participant's   vested  interest,
          determined as of the Valuation Date immediately  preceding withdrawal,
          less 200% of the then  outstanding loan balance  (including  principal
          and interest) of any loan granted to the Participant.

6.5      Amount of Loan. A Participant (including those on leave of absence, 
         long-term disability, or who are
         currently employees on a salaried basis but who, prior to becoming 
         salaried employees, were Participants in the Plan) may obtain a loan 
         from his Account, excluding the portion of his Account attributable to
         Company Contributions, in which he is not vested. The minimum  amount 
         of any loan shall equal $1,000.  The maximum amount of any loan, when 
         added to the outstanding principal balance of any other loan,  shall in
         no event exceed 50% of a Participant's  vested Account balance up to a 
         maximum of $50,000 (reduced by the excess,  if any, of the highest out-
         standing  loan balance  during the preceding  12-month
         period over the outstanding balance of loans from the Plan on the date
         the loan was made).

          6.6  Application  for a Loan.  A  Participant  may apply for a loan by
               completing   the  procedures   approved  by  the   Administrative
               Committee.  Unless  an  exception  to the  normal  processing  is
               requested by the  Participant  and is approved by the  Committee,
               loans are  approved as of the first day of any  calendar  quarter
               following procedures as approved by the Administrative Committee.
               The amount  borrowed by the  Participant  shall be paid to him as
               soon as  administratively  possible  after  the  first day of the
               calendar  quarter.  The  Spouse  of a  married  Participant  must
               consent to the loan and to the  possible  reduction  of  benefits
               pursuant to Section 6.9.

6.7      Promissory  Note. As evidence of a loan, a Participant  shall provide a
         promissory  note to the Trustee in a form  prescribed by the Committee.
         The  rate of  interest  shall  be the sum of the  prime  rate at a bank
         specified by the Committee  plus one-half  percent.  Such interest rate
         shall  remain  fixed for the full term of the loan.  Payments due under
         the  note  shall  be  level  amortization  payments,  payable  no  less
         frequently than quarterly.

6.8      Source of Loan Proceeds. A loan to a Participant shall be made from the
         Participant's  Account, and such Account shall be reduced by the amount
         of any  unpaid  loan.  In the event  that a  Participant's  Account  is
         invested in more than one investment fund, the investment  fund(s) from
         which the loan shall be made shall be determined by the Participant.

6.9      Security. As security for a loan, a Participant's promissory note shall
         be  secured  by his  Account in the Plan.  A married  Participant  must
         provide the Committee  with the written  consent of his Spouse in order
         to secure the loan with his Account.  If, before a loan is repaid,  the
         Participant's  employment  is  terminated  and  he or  his  beneficiary
         becomes entitled to a distribution  from the Plan, the unpaid principal
         balance of the loan shall be offset from the distribution otherwise 

6.10      Administrative Charge. An administrative charge shall be deducted from
          the Participant's  Account for the initial  processing of the loan and
          also with  respect  to each  Plan Year in which he has a loan  balance

          6.11 Repayment.  A Participant's  note  ordinarily  shall be repaid by
               payroll  deduction  in  such  amounts  as are  determined  by the
               Committee.  Each payment  shall be credited to the  Participant's
               Account   and  shall  be   invested   in   accordance   with  the
               Participant's  investment designation in effect under Section 5.3
               at the time the payment is so credited.  A loan shall be required
               to be repaid  within  60  months  from the date on which the loan
               originally is made; provided,  however, that the repayment period
               for a loan that is used to acquire a dwelling unit which is to be
               used as a principal  residence of the  Participant may be as long
               as 360 months from the date on which the loan is originally made.
               Loans may be repaid  without  penalty at any time. In addition to
               regularly scheduled payments, partial payments made to reduce the
               outstanding loan balance may be made once each calendar year.

          6.12 Default.  If a  Participant  shall  fail to make any  installment
               payment or the annual  administrative  charge on a loan within 30
               days after the due date of such payment,  then the Committee will
               accelerate  repayment of the loan and demand immediate  repayment
               of the principal and interest  due. If the  Participant  fails to
               comply   within  30  days,   the   Committee   shall  reduce  the
               Participant's  vested  Account  balance,  as permitted by law, in
               order to recover the outstanding  loan balance plus interest due.
               At the time of disbursement of benefits,  the balance,  including
               interest, will be deducted from the disbursement.

          6.13 Loan  Administration.  The loan provisions  under this Article VI
               shall be administered by the Committee.

                                   ARTICLE VII

          7.1  Salary   Deferral   Contributions   and  Rollover   Deposits.   A
               Participant  will at all times be 100% vested in his  Participant
               Account attributable to Salary Deferral Contributions,  Voluntary
               Employee Contributions and rollover deposits.

          7.2  Company  Contributions.  A Participant  shall vest in his account
               balance attributable to Company  Contributions in accordance with
               the following schedule:

                      Years of Service         Vesting Percentage
                     --------------------      ------------------ 
                     fewer than 5 years                0%

                      5 years or more                100%

         Any amounts not vested upon termination will be forfeited at the end of
         the Plan Year  following  such  Participant's  termination  unless  the
         Participant  returns to employment  prior to incurring a five-year long
         Break in Service, in which case forfeited amounts shall be restored.

         Notwithstanding  the above paragraph,  if a Participant  terminates his
         employment  by  reason  of   Retirement,   Disability  or  death,   the
         Participant's  entire Participant  Account shall be  nonforfeitable.  A
         Participant's    entire   Participant   Account   shall   also   become
         nonforfeitable upon his attainment of Normal Retirement Age.

 7.3     Distributions. Upon a Participant's termination for any reason other 
         than Retirement, Disability or
         death,  he may elect to receive a  distribution  of the  portion of his
         vested Account balance. If the Participant's  Accrued Benefit is $3,500
         ($5,000 on or after  1/1/98) or less,  the  distribution  shall be made
         within a  reasonable  period  after the  Participant's  termination  of
         employment  but in no event  later  than April 1 of the  calendar  year
         following  the end of the Plan  Year in  which  his  Break  in  Service
         occurs.  The Participant shall have the sole right to elect the form of
         distribution subject to the terms and conditions of Article IX.

         Upon the  occurrence  of a Break in Service  following a  Participant's
         termination  of  employment  for  any  reason  other  than  Retirement,
         Disability  or death,  a Participant  whose  Account  balance is $3,500
         ($5,000 on or after 1/1/98) or less shall receive a total  distribution
         of the balance of his vested  Account  balance as of the date valued by
         the  Trustee   following  the  date  of  the  Break  in  Service.   The
         distribution  shall be subject to the terms and  conditions  of Article
         IX.  Payments  to the  Participant  shall  commence  not later than the
         Valuation Date next following the  Participant's  65th birthday and any
         Participant  who has completed at least five Years of Service may elect
         to begin  payments on or after the  Valuation  Date next  following his
         55th birthday.

7.4            Distributions  Prior to a Break in Service.  A Participant  whose
               employment  is  terminated  prior  to his  Retirement  and who is
               entitled to a cash lump sum distribution may elect to receive the
               entire  vested  Account  balance  as of the  date  valued  by the
               Trustee following his termination of employment without regard to
               whether he has incurred a Break in Service.  In such event,  that
               portion  of his  Account  which is not  vested  as of the date of
               distribution shall be forfeited;  provided,  however, that if the
               Participant  resumes  employment  covered  under  the  Plan,  the
               portion  of  his  Account  which  was   attributable  to  Company
               Contributions as of the date of distribution,  unadjusted for any
               subsequent gains or losses, shall be restored.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

If a  Participant  shall cease to be an Eligible  Employee of the  Company,  but
shall continue to be employed by the Company or any other corporation which is a
member of a controlled  group of  corporations  (determined  in accordance  with
Section  414(b)  of the  Code),  his  contributions  shall  cease,  the  Company
Contributions  made on his behalf shall cease, and such  Participant  shall have
the right to make  withdrawals  as provided in Article VI and  distributions  as
provided  in Article  IX.  When such  Participant  subsequently  ceases to be an
Employee,  the extent to which he shall be entitled to his  Participant  Account
shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article VII.

                                   ARTICLE IX
                            DISTRIBUTION OF BENEFITS

    9.1  Retirement or Disability.  The amount of a Participant's  Account shall
         be  determined  as  of  the  valuation  date  next   preceding   actual
         distribution.  Payment of benefits shall be made in accordance with the
         provisions of this Article.

9.2      Death.  If a Participant  dies while in the  employment of the Company,
         the amount of his Participant Account shall be nonforfeitable.  Payment
         of benefits  shall be made to the  Participant's  Spouse in  accordance
         with the provisions of Section 9.4, Section 9.6 and Section 9.7, unless
         a  beneficiary  has been elected in accordance  with the  provisions of
         Section 9.8.

 9.3     Form of Distribution.  Any distribution of any portion of a Participant
         Account  made  coincident  with or  following  a  Participant's  death,
         Disability,   Retirement  or   termination   of  employment   shall  be
         distributed in one of the following  methods subject to Section 9.8, as
         selected by the  Participant or  beneficiary by filing the  appropriate
         form with the Trustees:

         (a)  A single lump sum in cash.

         (b) Direct rollover to an eligible retirement plan.

         A direct  rollover is a payment by the plan to an  eligible  retirement
         plan   specified  by  the   Participant.   For  purposes  of  making  a
         distribution Participant includes an employee or former employee or the
         employee's  or  former   employee's   surviving  spouse  or  designated
         beneficiary or the employee's or former employee's former spouse who is
         an  alternate  payee  under a  qualified  domestic  relations  order as
         defined in section 414(p) of the Code.

         An  eligible  retirement  plan  is  an  individual  retirement  account
         described  in  section  408(a) of the Code,  an  individual  retirement
         annuity  described  in  section  408(b) of the Code,  an  annuity  plan
         described in section 403(a) of the Code, or a qualified trust described
         in section 401(a) of the Code, that accepts the Participant's  eligible
         rollover  distribution.  However,  in the case of an eligible  rollover
         distribution to the surviving spouse, an eligible retirement plan is an
         individual retirement account or individual retirement annuity.

         An eligible  rollover  distribution  is any  distribution of all or any
         portion of the Participant's  account balance,  except that an eligible
         rollover distribution does not include: any distribution that is one of
         a series of substantially  equal periodic payments (not less frequently
         than  annually)  made  for  the  life  (or  life   expectancy)  of  the
         Participant  or the joint  lives (or joint  life  expectancies)  of the
         Participant's designated beneficiary,  or for a specified period of ten
         years or more;  any  distribution  to the extent such  distribution  is
         required  under section  401(a)(9) of the Code;  and the portion of any
         distribution that is not includible in gross income (determined without
         regard to the exclusion for net unrealized appreciation with respect to
         employer securities).

         (c)  The Trustees,  upon agreement with the  Participant and subject to
              the provisions of Section 9.8, shall apply the Participant Account
              to the purchase of an annuity contract

                                  Amendment #4 dated 1/1/98 replaces all prior

              issued by an insurance company. In this event, the payment will be
              made in one or more of the  following  ways:  over the life of the
              participant;  over the life of the  participant  and a  designated
              beneficiary;  over a period certain not extending  beyond the life
              expectancy  of the  participant;  or  over a  period  certain  not
              extending  beyond the joint life and last  survivor  expectancy of
              the participant and a designated beneficiary.

         If  a  Participant   fails  to  elect  a  form  of  distribution,   the
         distribution  shall be payable in a 50% joint and  survivor  annuity if
         the   Participant  is  married  or  a  straight  life  annuity  if  the
         Participant is single.

         The  Trustees  shall  distribute  a  notice  describing  the  forms  of
         distribution  available  under  the  Plan at  least  90 days  before  a
         Participant's payments are scheduled to commence. The Participant shall
         inform the Trustees of his preferred distribution form.

         If a Participant's account balance is greater than $3,500 ($5,000 on or
         after  1/1/98) an immediate  distribution  will not be made without the
         consent of the  Participant  and where  applicable,  the  Participant's
         spouse. An immediate distribution means the distribution of any part of
         the benefit prior to the later of age 62 or normal retirement age.

         Distributions  from  the  Plan  will  be made in  accordance  with  the
         requirements of the regulations under Section 401(a)(9),  including the
         minimum distribution incidental benefit requirements.

         If a Participant  dies before the time when  distribution is considered
         to  have  commenced  (a) any  remaining  portion  of the  Participant's
         interest  that  is  not  payable  to a  beneficiary  designated  by the
         participant   will  be   distributed   within   five  years  after  the
         Participant's death; and (b) any portion of the participant's  interest
         that is payable to a beneficiary will be distributed  either (i) within
         five years after the Participant's death , or (ii) over the life of the
         beneficiary  over a  period  certain  not  extending  beyond  the  life
         expectancy of the beneficiary, commencing not later than the end of the
         calendar year following the calendar year in which the participant dies
         (or  if  the  designated   beneficiary  is  the  Participant's  spouse,
         commencing  not later than the end of the calendar  year  following the
         calendar year in which the Participant would have attained age 70 1/2).

9.4      Payment of Benefits to a Beneficiary. Unless an annuity has already 
         been purchased (in which case the form of payment will be in accordance
         with the annuity contract), payment of benefits under Section 9.2
         to a beneficiary shall be made in the form of payment elected by the 
         beneficiary in accordance with
         Section 9.3 subject to the limitations set forth in Section 9.8.

         Payment may be deferred until the date that the Participant  would have
         attained age 70-1/2, provided that the beneficiary is the Participant's

 9.5     Small Payments. If the value of the Participant Account is less than 
         $3,500 ($5,000 on or after 1/1/98),
         the Trustee shall direct that such lump value be paid in full discharge
         of all liability under the Plan.
 9.6     Commencement of Benefit Payments. Unless the Participant otherwise 
         elects, the payment of benefits shall
         commence  no later  than 60 days  after  the  close of the Plan Year in
         which occurs the later of the  Participant's  Normal Retirement Date or
         his termination of employment.  In no event shall distribution commence
         later than April 1 of the calendar year  following the calendar year in
         which the Participant attains age 70-1/2;  provided,  however,  that in
         the case of a participant who has attained age 70-1/2 before January 1,
         1988,  and is not a five  percent  owner  (within  the  meaning of Code
         Section 416) at any time during the Plan Year ending with or within the
         calendar year in which he attains age 66-1/2 and in any subsequent Plan
         Year, distribution shall commence no later than April 1 of the calendar
         year following the later of the calendar year in which the  Participant
         attains age 70-1/2 or terminates his employment with the Company.

9.7      (a)  Distributions  to  Married  Participants.  In  the  event  that  a
         Participant  is married on the date his  distribution  payments  are to
         begin,  he shall  receive  his  benefits in the form of a 50% joint and
         survivor  annuity  unless he  completes  the election  described  below
         within 90 days of the date his  benefit  payments  are to begin.  If he
         does so elect, he may request his benefits to be paid out in one of the
         payment forms described in Section 9.3.

         Payments  under a qualified  joint and survivor  annuity will  commence
         immediately. An election to waive a joint and survivor annuity shall be
         effective only if made in accordance with Section 9.8.

         At least  120  days  prior to the  date  his  benefit  payments  are to
         commence, the Trustees shall inform the
         Participant  of (1) the terms and  conditions of the joint and survivor
         annuity  form and the  alternative  payment  forms,  (2) the ability to
         waive the joint and survivor annuity form (and the procedure to do so),
         and (3) the ability to revoke such a waiver.

         (b)  Death Benefits: Married Participants.

          (1)  Pre-retirement Spousal Death Benefit. In the event that a married
               Participant  dies  before he has  begun to  receive  his  benefit
               payments and he has not made an election  pursuant to  subsection
               (2) below,  his  surviving  Spouse shall  receive a death benefit
               equal to 100% of the balance of his  Participant  Account payable
               in a single  life  annuity or in a single  lump sum in cash.  The
               surviving  spouse may direct the  commencement  of payments under
               the qualified pre-retirement survivor annuity within a reasonable
               time after the participant's death.

          (2)  Election to Waive the  Pre-retirement  Spousal Death  Benefit.  A
               Participant may elect to waive the benefit described in (1) above
               if,  at  some  point  after  he  has  either  attained  age 35 or
               terminated  employment,   whichever  comes  first,  he  makes  an
               election to waive the  benefit.  Such waiver  shall be  effective
               only if made in accordance with Section 9.8.

          (3)  Information  to  Participants.  The  Committee  shall inform each
               Participant of (A) the terms and conditions of the pre-retirement
               spousal death benefit and the distribution alternatives,  (B) the
               ability to waive such benefit  (and the  Procedure to do so), and
               (C) the ability to revoke such waiver. Such must be between the

          Plan Years in which he  attains  age 32 and age 35,  (B) a  reasonable
               period  after  the  individual  becomes  a  Participant,   (C)  a
               reasonable  period  after  the  individual  is  married,   (D)  a
               reasonable  period after separation from service in the case of a
               Participant  who  separates  before  attaining  age 35,  or (E) a
               reasonable period after the individual elects distribution in the
               form of a life annuity.

         (c) Death Benefits:  Married  Participants Making an Election Described
         in (b)(2) and Unmarried  Participants.  The account balance of either a
         Participant  who is  not  married  on the  date  of his  death  or of a
         Participant  who has waived the benefit  described  in (b)(1) by making
         the election  described in (b)(2) and whose  payment has not  commenced
         shall be paid upon his death to his beneficiary.  Such payment shall be
         made as soon as practicable after the Participant's death.

          9.8  Selection of  Beneficiary.  Each  Participant,  by signing a form
               approved by the  Committee,  may  designate any person or persons
               (who   may   be   designated   concurrently,    contingently   or
               successively)  to whom his benefits under the Plan are to be paid
               if  he  dies  before  he  receives  all  of  such  benefits.  The
               beneficiary of a married  Participant must be such  Participant's
               Spouse  unless  the  Spouse  consents  to the  election.  Spousal
               consent  shall be effective  only if (a) it is in writing ,(b) it
               designates a beneficiary  or a form of benefits  which may not be
               changed  without  spousal  consent,  (c) it is accompanied by the
               written,  signed  consent of the  Participant's  Spouse,  (d) the
               Spouse's  signature is witnessed  by a Plan  representative  or a
               notary  public,  and (e) the  consent  comports  with  all  other
               requirements of applicable law.  Notwithstanding  anything herein
               to the contrary, no consent shall be required if the Committee is
               satisfied  that the  Participant's  Spouse cannot be located.  An
               election made pursuant to this  subsection  may be revoked at any
               time prior to the date of distribution. The consent of the spouse
               shall be  effective  only as to the Spouse who signs the consent.
               In the  event  that  a  Participant  changes  an  election  which
               contains   spousal   consent,   the  spousal   consent  shall  be
               ineffective unless a new consent is executed; the spousal consent
               is otherwise irrevocable.

         A beneficiary designation form will be effective only when the executed
         form is filed with the  Committee  while the  Participant  is alive and
         will cancel all beneficiary  designation  forms previously filed by the

         Payment  of the  death  benefit  shall  be in  any  method  or  methods
         discussed  in  Section  9.3 as  shall  be  chosen  by the  beneficiary,
         provided,  however,  that if the Participant dies after distribution of
         his interest has commenced, the remaining portion of such interest will
         continue to be distributed in accordance  with the option elected under
         Section 9.3. If a Participant  fails to designate a beneficiary  before
         his death as provided  herein,  or if the  beneficiary  designated by a
         deceased Participant dies before him or before complete distribution of
         his  benefits,  the  Committee  shall  authorize  distribution  of  the
         Participant's benefits to the legal representative of the estate of the
         last to die of the Participant or his beneficiary, as appropriate.

9.9      Minimum  Distribution  Amount.  Notwithstanding  any  provision of this
         Plan, the amount to be distributed  each year,  beginning with the year
         which is required in accordance with Section 9.6, must not be less than
         the lesser of the remaining balance in the Participant

         Account or the amount  equal to the  quotient  obtained by dividing the
         balance in the Participant  Account at the beginning of every such year
         by the life  expectancy of the  Participant  or the joint life and last
         survivor  expectancy  of  the  Participant  and  the  beneficiary,   if
         applicable.  However,  no  distribution  need be made in any year, or a
         lesser  amount  may be  distributed  if,  beginning  with the year that
         distributions  began, the aggregate  amounts  distributed by the end of
         such year are at least equal to the  aggregate  of the minimum  amounts
         required to have been distributed by the end of such year in accordance
         with the preceding sentence.

          9.10 Transfers to Other  Qualified  Plans and IRAs. Upon retirement or
               termination of employment,  a Participant may elect that all or a
               portion of an eligible rollover  distribution be paid in a direct
               rollover to another  qualified plan meeting the  requirements  of
               Section  401(a)  of the  Code  and  which  makes  provisions  for
               receiving such transferred assets or to an individual  retirement
               account (including,  for this purpose,  an individual  retirement
               annuity)  established  for the  benefit  of the  Participant  and
               meeting the requirements of Section 408 of the Code. Upon receipt
               of  written   instructions  from  the  Committee  containing  the
               information  necessary to effect such  transfer,  the Trustee and
               any applicable  insurance  company shall,  for the benefit of the
               Participant,  and  subject  to the  terms and  conditions  of any
               applicable annuity contract, so transfer such assets.

          9.11 Payment of Benefits to an Alternate  Payee. A qualified  domestic
               relations  order, as defined in Section 414(p) of the Code, which
               creates or  recognizes  the existence of an  alternative  payee's
               right to, or assigns to an alternate  payee, the right to receive
               all or a portion of a Participant's benefit under the Plan, shall
               not alter the amount or form of benefits  payable under the Plan.
               A  qualified  domestic  relations  order  shall not be related as
               failing to meet this  paragraph  if  payments  to such  alternate
               payee are made before the Participant has separated from service,
               but  after  the date on which  the  Participant  would  have been
               eligible for a benefit upon termination or retirement.

                                    ARTICLE X

          10.1 Allocation  of  Responsibility  for  Plan   Administration.   The
               Administrative  Committee shall have only those specific  powers,
               duties,  responsibilities  and  obligations  as are  specifically
               given  under this Plan.  In general,  the Company  shall have the
               sole  responsibility  for making the  contributions  provided for
               under Section 4.1, and the Company shall have the sole  authority
               to enter  into a  contract  with any  Investment  Company  and to
               remove such  Investment  Company.  The  Administrative  Committee
               shall have the sole responsibility for the administration of this
               Plan.  The  Trustee  shall  have  the   responsibility   for  the
               administration of the Plan assets. The  Administrative  Committee
               and Trustee may rely upon the  direction,  information or actions
               of each  other as  being  proper  under  this  Plan,  and are not
               required  under this Plan to inquire  into the  propriety  of any
               such direction,  information or action. It is intended under this
               Plan  that the  Administrative  Committee  and  Trustee  shall be
               responsible for the proper exercise of their own powers,  duties,
               responsibilities and obligations under this Plan and shall not be
               responsible  for any act or failure to act of each other,  except
               to the extent required by law.

10.2     Appointment of Committee. The Administrative Committee shall consist of
         not less than one nor more than seven  members  who shall be  appointed
         by, and serve at the pleasure of, the Board of Directors. The number of
         members on the  Administrative  Committee may be increased from time to
         time,  and new members may be appointed by the Board of Directors.  Any
         member of the Administrative  Committee may resign at any time, and the
         Board  of  Directors  may  remove  any  member  of  the  Administrative
         Committee at any time.

          10.3 Committee Procedures.  The Administrative  Committee may select a
               chair and may select a secretary to keep its records or to assist
               it with any other duties to be  performed  by the  Administrative
               Committee.  A majority of the Administrative  Committee in office
               may  do any  act  which  the  Plan  authorizes  or  requires  the
               Administrative  Committee to do, and the action of such  majority
               expressed from time to time by a vote at a meeting, or in writing
               without  a   meeting,   shall   constitute   the  action  of  the
               Administrative  Committee  and shall have the same effect for all
               purposes as if  assented to by all members of the  Administrative
               Committee   at  the  time  in   office.   The   members   of  the
               Administrative  Committee  may, by a writing signed by a majority
               of  them,  delegate  to any one of  them  the  authority  to give
               certified   notice  in  writing  of  any  action   taken  by  the
               Administrative Committee.

10.4     Duties of the Committee.  The Administrative Committee shall administer
         the Plan and shall  have the power and duty to take all  action  and to
         make all decisions  necessary or proper to carry out the Plan.  Without
         limiting the generality of the foregoing,  the Administrative Committee
         shall have the following powers and duties:

         (a)  To  require  any  person to  furnish  such  information  as it may
              request for the purpose of the proper  administration  of the Plan
              as a condition to receiving any benefit under the Plan;

         (b)  To make and enforce such rules and  regulations  and prescribe the
              use of such forms as it shall  deem  necessary  for the  efficient
              administration of the Plan;

         (c)  To interpret the Plan, and to resolve ambiguities, inconsistencies
              and  omissions,  its  interpretation  and resolution to be finally
              conclusive and binding on all parties affected thereby; and

         (d)  To decide on questions  concerning the Plan and the eligibility of
              any Employee to  participate  in the Plan, in accordance  with the
              provisions of the Plan.

10.5     Expenses.  All expenses  incurred prior to termination of the Plan that
         shall  arise  in  connection  with  the  administration  of  the  Plan,
         including  but  not  limited  to the  compensation  of any  accountant,
         counsel,  specialist  or other  person  who  shall be  employed  by the
         Administrative Committee in connection with the administration thereof,
         all be paid by the Company.

10.6     Committee  Member  Compensation.  Unless  otherwise  agreed  to by  the
         Company,  the  members  of the  Administrative  Committee  shall  serve
         without  compensation for services as such, but all reasonable expenses
         shall be paid by the Company.  The Company may only agree to compensate
         members of the  Administrative  Committee  for services as such who are
         not receiving full-time pay from the Company.

10.7     Indemnification.  Except  to the  extent  insured,  the  Company  shall
         indemnify  and save  harmless any  employee of the Company  against any
         cost or expense (including attorney's fees) or liability (including any
         sum paid in  settlement  of a claim with the  approval of the  Company)
         incurred  by reason  of the  Employee's  service  as a  fiduciary  with
         respect to the Plan, except in the case of willful misconduct.

          10.8 Committee Records. The Committee may designate one of its members
               to  transmit  all  decisions  of the  Committee  and to sign  all
               necessary notices and other reports or documents on behalf of the
               Committee.  All reports,  notices or other documents  bearing the
               signature of the member so designated shall be deemed to bear the
               signatures of all the members,  and all parties  dealing with the
               Committee  are entitled to rely on any such  reports,  notices or
               other documents as authentic and  representing  the action of the
               Committee.  The Committee  shall maintain such books of accounts,
               records and other data as may be  necessary  or  advisable in its
               judgment  for the  purpose  of the proper  administration  of the

                                   ARTICLE XI
                            MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

11.1     Exclusive Benefit.  Plan assets shall be held for the exclusive purpose
         of paying  benefits to  Participants  and  beneficiaries  and defraying
         reasonable  expenses of administering  the Plan;  provided that, if any
         contribution is made by the Company by mistake of fact,  nothing in the
         foregoing  shall  prohibit the return of such  contribution  within one
         year of the payment of such contribution.

          11.2 Plan Amendment or Termination.  The Company reserves the right to
               amend,  modify,  suspend  or  terminate  the  Plan  at any  time,
               provided that no amendment shall have the effect of diverting any
               portion of the Plan's  assets to any  purpose  other than for the
               exclusive benefit of the Participants and  beneficiaries.  In the
               event of the  termination  or partial  termination of the Plan or
               the complete  discontinuance  of  contributions  to the Plan, the
               interest of  Participants  affected by the  termination and their
               beneficiaries   under  the  Plan  shall  be  nonforfeitable.   No
               amendment  to the Plan  shall  decrease a  Participant's  Accrued
               Benefit  or  eliminate  an  optional  form of  distribution  with
               respect to his Accrued  Benefit as of the  effective  date of the
               amendment.  Upon the  termination  of the  Plan,  any  forfeiture
               remaining (after deducting any administrative  expenses including
               trustee, recordkeeping,  auditors, consultants and counsel in the
               event the Employer  elects not to pay these  expenses)  which has
               not been reallocated as of such termination shall be allocated to
               each Participant,  in a nondiscriminatory  manner selected by the
               Administrator,  who is in the employment of the Company as of the
               date of termination. Amendments made by the Company shall be made
               by resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company adopted in
               accordance  with  the  by-laws  of  the  Company  and  applicable
               corporation law. Alternatively,  amendments may be adopted by any
               one or more  officers  of the Company if  authority  to amend the
               Plan has been  delegated  to them by the  Board of  Directors  in
               accordance  with  the  by-laws  of  the  Company  and  applicable
               corporation   law.  A  delegation  may  be  general  (by  way  of
               describing  the  general  duties  and   responsibilities  of  the
               officers) or specific with regard to employee  benefit plans such
               as this and is not invalid merely because it was made before this
               Plan was established.  An officer exercising  delegated authority
               to amend the Plan  shall  memorialize  that  exercise  in writing
               signed by the officer.

11.3     Merger,  Consolidation  or  Transfer.  This Plan shall not be merged or
         consolidated  with any other plan,  nor shall its assets or liabilities
         be transferred to any other plan, unless immediately after such merger,
         consolidation  or  transfer  of assets,  each  Participant  in the Plan
         would,  if the Plan were then to terminate,  receive a benefit not less
         than  the  benefit  which  he  would  have  been  entitled  to  receive
         immediately before such merger,  consolidation or transfer had the Plan
         then terminated.

11.4     No Guarantee of Employment.  Nothing in this Plan shall be construed to
         give any  Employee a legal  right to be  retained  in the employ of the

          11.5 No Alienation of Benefits. It is a condition of the Plan, and all
               rights of each  Participant  shall be  subject  thereto,  that no
               right  or  interest  of any  Participant  in the  Plan  or in his
               Account shall be assignable,  alienable,  transferable or subject
               to any lien in whole or in part,  either directly or by operation
               of law or  otherwise,  including,  but not by way of  limitation,
               execution, levy, garnishment,  attachment,  pledge, bankruptcy or
               in any other  manner,  except a transfer  as a result of death or
               mental incompetency,  and no right or interest of any Participant
               in the Plan or in his Account shall be liable for, or subject to,
               any obligation or liability of such Participant.

   Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the Plan shall honor orders that are
         determined by the Committee to constitute  qualified domestic relations
         orders within the meaning of Section 414(p) of the Code. In order to be
         a qualified  domestic  relations  order,  the Committee  must determine

         (a)  it is a judgment, decree or order of a court (including approval 
of a property settlement)

         (b) it is made  pursuant to state  domestic  relations  law  (including
community property law)

         (c)  it provides child support,  alimony payments,  or marital property
              rights to your spouse, former spouse, child or other dependent.

          The  Plan  shall  not  honor a  domestic  relations  order  unless  it

         (a)  that it applies to the Plan,

         (b)  the  name  and  last  known   mailing   address  of  the  affected
              Participant, as well as the name and last known mailing address of
              all alternative payees,
         (c)  the amount or  percentage of the  Participant's  benefits that are
              required  to be paid to each  alternate  payee,  or the  manner in
              which the amount or percentage is to be determined, and

         (d) the number of  payments  or the period to which the order  applies.
         The Plan shall not honor a domestic  relations  order if it purports to
         require the Plan to:

         (a)  provide increased benefits,

         (b)  provide any type or form of  benefit,  or any option,  that is not
already provided for in the Plan, or

         c)   pay to anyone any benefits that are already required to be paid to
              someone else under a previous domestic relations order.

         When a domestic  relations order comes to the Committee,  the Committee
         shall notify the affected Participant and the alternate payees that the
         order has been  received  and  describe  the  following  procedure  for
         deciding  whether  to  honor  the  order.  Next,  the  Committee  shall
         separately  account for the benefits  that,  under the order,  would be
         paid to someone other than the  Participant  and withhold  distribution
         while deciding whether to honor the order.

         Next,  the  Committee  shall  decide  whether the order  constitutes  a
         qualified  domestic  relations  order.  When the decision is made,  the
         Committee  shall  notify the  affected  Participant  and the  alternate
         payees.  Such  notification  shall be considered a decision on a claim,
         subject to the administrative appeal procedures of Section 11.7.

         If the Committee  determines that the Plan will honor the order (or the
         ultimate  result of an appeal is that the Plan must  honor the  order),
         the Committee shall proceed to make the payments  required by the order
         (or schedule them for future payment,  if they are not due yet). If the
         Committee  decides  that the Plan  shall  not  honor  the order (or the
         ultimate  result  of an  appeal  is that the Plan  must not  honor  the
         order), the Committee will make payments as if there had been no order.
         In the unlikely event that the Committee cannot decide whether the Plan
         should honor the order within 18 months after the first payment  should
         have been made under the order, the Committee shall make payments as if
         there  had been no order  until  the  decision  is made,  and then make
         future payments (but no past payments) in accordance with the decision.

11.6     Gender and Number.  Wherever used in this Plan, the masculine  shall be
         deemed to include  the  feminine  and the  singular  shall be deemed to
         include the plural, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

11.7     Administrative Committee. The Administrative Committee will operate and
         administer the Plan,  will determine all questions  arising under or in
         connection  therewith,  and may from time to time  prescribe  and amend
         regulations for such administration.

         The  Committee  shall have and shall  exercise  complete  discretionary
         authority  to  construe,  interpret  and  apply all of the terms of the
         Plan,  including  all matters  relating to  eligibility  for  benefits,
         amount,  time or form  of  benefits,  and  any  disputed  or  allegedly
         doubtful terms. In exercising such discretion, the Committee shall give
         controlling  weight to the  intent  of the  sponsor  of the  Plan.  All
         decisions of the Committee in the exercise of its  authority  under the
         Plan shall be final and binding of the Plan,  the Plan  Sponsor and all
         participants and beneficiaries.

         The Committee  will cause the records of the Plan to be kept on a basis
         that accounts separately for Participant Salary Deferral  Contributions
         and   Company   Contributions.   Whenever   directions,   designations,
         applications,  requests,  or  other  notices  are  to  be  given  by  a
         Participant  under the Plan,  they shall be on forms  prescribed by the
         Committee  and shall be filed in such manner as shall be  specified  by
         the   Committee   on  such  forms.   The   Committee   shall  make  all
         determinations as to the right of any person to a benefit. If any claim
         for benefits is wholly or partially  denied by the  Committee,  written
         notification  shall  be sent to the  claimant  no  later  than 90 days,
         excluding extensions for special circumstances, after the initial claim
         was filed. If such an extension is required, the claimant shall be sent
         written notice of the extension prior to the termination of the initial
         90-day  period.  In no case shall such an extension  exceed a period of
         180 days after the initial claim was filed.  The notification of denial
         shall provide the following information to the claimant:

         (a)  The  specific  reason or reasons  for the  denial,  with  specific
              references to the pertinent Plan provisions on which the denial is

         (b)  A request for any additional material or information necessary for
              the claimant to correct the claim and an  explanation  of why such
              material or information is needed;

         (c)  Appropriate  information regarding the procedure to be followed if
              the claimant wishes to appeal his claim denial.  Such  information
              should include, but is not limited to:

                  (i)  A  statement  informing  the  claimant  that a failure to
                       perfect  his  claim  within  60 days  after  he  receives
                       notification of denial shall make the Committee's  denial
                       decision conclusive.

                  (ii) A  statement  informing  the  claimant  that  he  or  his
                       personal   representative   may,  upon  written  request,
                       require  the  Committee  to furnish  all  pertinent  Plan
                       information to the claimant.

         If such appeal request is filed on a timely basis,  the Committee shall
         review  it  no  later  than  60  days  after  receipt   unless  special
         circumstances  require an extension of time for processing.  If such an
         extension is required, the claimant shall be sent written notice of the
         extension  prior to the  termination of the 60-day period.  In no case,
         however,  shall the  Committee's  decision  on such  appeal  request be
         delivered later than 120 days following  receipt of the appeal request.
         The  Committee's  decision  shall be  delivered  in  writing  and shall
         include the specific  reasons for the decision and specific  references
         to the Plan provisions which are applicable.  The  determination of the
         Committee  to any  disputed  question  shall  be  conclusive  as to all
         persons affected thereby.

11.8     Plan Construction.  This Plan shall be construed, whenever possible, to
         be in  conformity  with the  requirements  of the Code and the Employee
         Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 as amended. To the extent not in
         conflict   with  the   preceding   sentence,   the   construction   and
         administration  of the Plan  shall be  governed  by,  and its  validity
         determined under, the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

                                   ARTICLE XII

12.1     Definitions.  With  respect  to any Plan  Year in which  this Plan is a
         Top-Heavy  Plan (as  hereinafter  defined),  the  following  additional
         definitions shall apply:

         a)   "Affiliated Company" means any entity which with the Company forms
              (1) a  controlled  group of  corporations  within  the  meaning of
              Section  414(b) of the Code,  (2) a group of trades or  businesses
              under common  control  within the meaning of Section 414(c) of the
              Code,  or (3) an  affiliated  service  group within the meaning of
              Section 414(m) of the Code.

         (b)  "Aggregation  Group"  means the  Permissive  Aggregation  Group if
              there is one in existence,  and shall otherwise mean the Mandatory
              Aggregation Group, each as hereinafter defined.

         (c)  "Determination  Date" means,  as to any Plan Year, the last day of
the preceding Plan Year.

         (d)  "Key  Employee"  means a person  employed  by the  Company  or any
              Affiliated  Company who, during the Plan Year or during any of the
              preceding four Plan Years, was any of the following:

                  (1)  An officer of the Company or an Affiliated Company having
                       an annual  compensation  in  excess of 50% of the  dollar
                       limitation  under  Section  415(b)(1)(A)  of the Code. An
                       individual  shall be considered an officer only if he (A)
                       is in the regular and continuous employ of the Company or
                       an  Affiliated  Company,  (B) has been  designated  as an
                       officer  pursuant to election or appointment by the Board
                       or other  person or  governing  body having  authority to
                       elect or appoint officers of the Company or an Affiliated
                       Company,  and  (C) is an  administrative  executive.  The
                       number of persons to be  considered  officers in any Plan
                       Year and the identity of the persons to be so  considered
                       shall be determined pursuant to the provisions of Section
                       416(i)  of  the  Code  and  the   regulations   published

                  (2)  One  of  the  ten   employees  of  the  Company  and  the
                       Affiliated  Companies  owning  (or  considered  as owning
                       under the  attribution  rules set forth at Section 318 of
                       the  Code and the  regulations  thereunder)  the  largest
                       interest  in the  Company  and all  Affiliated  Companies
                       (aggregated) and having an annual  compensation in excess
                       of the dollar  limitation  under Section  415(c)(1)(A) of
                       the Code.

                  (3)  A  person  who is both an  employee  and the  owner  of a
                       greater  than  5%  capital  or  profits  interest  in the
                       Company or in any Affiliated Company,  and any person who
                       owns  (or  who,   under  Section  318  of  the  Code,  is
                       considered  as  owning)  more than 5% of the  outstanding
                       stock of any  entity  constituting  the  Company or of an
                       Affiliated  Company,  or of stock possessing more than 5%
                       of the total  combined  voting power of all stock of such
                       entity or Affiliated Company.

                  (4)  A  person   who  is  both  an   employee   whose   annual
                       compensation (as determined by applying the definition of
                       compensation set forth in Section  415(c)(3) of the Code)
                       from the Company  and all  Affiliated  Companies  exceeds
                       $150,000  and  who is a  greater  than  1%  owner  of the
                       Company,  with ownership determined pursuant to paragraph
                       (3) of this Section 12.1(d) by substituting "1%" for "5%"
                       at each place where "5%" is set forth therein.

                       The beneficiary of any deceased Participant who was a Key
                       Employee  shall be considered a Key Employee for the same
                       period as the  deceased  Participant  would  have been so

         (e)  "Key Employee Ratio" means the ratio for any Plan Year, calculated
              as of the  Determination  Date with  respect  to such  Plan  Year,
              determined  by dividing the amount  described in paragraph  (1) of
              this Section  12.1(e) by the amount  described in paragraph (2) of
              this Section  12.1(e),  after deducting from both such amounts the
              amount described in paragraph (3) of this Section 12.1(e).

                  (1)  The amount  described in this paragraph (1) is the sum of
                       (A) the  aggregate  of the  present  value of all accrued
                       benefits of Key  Employees  under all  qualified  defined
                       benefit plans included in the Aggregation  Group, (B) the
                       aggregate of the balances in all of the accounts standing
                       to  the  credit  of Key  Employees  under  all  qualified
                       defined  contribution  plans included in the  Aggregation
                       Group, and (C) the aggregate amount  distributed from all
                       plans in such  Aggregation  Group to or on  behalf of any
                       Key Employee  during the period of five Plan Years ending
                       on the Determination Date.

                  (2)  The amount  described in this paragraph (2) is the sum of
                       (A) the  aggregate  of the  present  value of all accrued
                       benefits of all participants  under all qualified defined
                       benefit plans included in the Aggregation  Group, (B) the
                       aggregate of the balances in all of the accounts standing
                       to the  credit of all  participants  under all  qualified
                       defined  contribution  plans included in the  Aggregation
                       Group, and (C) the aggregate amount  distributed from all
                       plans in such  Aggregation  Group to or on  behalf of any
                       participant  during the period of five Plan Years  ending
                       on the Determination Date.

                  (3)  The amount  described in this paragraph (3) is the sum of
                       (A) all rollover  deposits (or similar  transfers) to the
                       Plan initiated by an Employee and made after December 31,
                       1983, and (B) any amount that is included in subparagraph
                       (2) hereof  for, on behalf of, or on account of, a person
                       who  is a  Non-Key  Employee  as  to  the  Plan  Year  of
                       reference  but who was a Key  Employee  as to any earlier
                       Plan Year.  For  purposes  of this  section,  the accrued
                       benefit  of any  employee  who has not  worked as hour of
                       service  during the  preceding  five plan years  shall be

         (f)  "Mandatory  Aggregation  Group" means the group of qualified plans
              (including any terminated plans) sponsored by the Company or by an
              affiliated Company formed by including in such group (1) all such
              plans in which a Key Employee is a
              participant,  and  (2)  all  such  plans  which  enable  any  plan
              described in clause (1) to meet the requirements of either Section
              401(a)(4) of the Code or Section 410 of the Code.

         (g)  "Non-Key  Employee"  shall mean any person who is  employed by the
              Company or an Affiliated Company, but who is not a Key Employee as
              to that Plan Year.

         (h)  "Permissive  Aggregation Group" means the group of qualified plans
              (including any terminated plans) sponsored by the Company or by an
              Affiliated Company formed by including in such group (1) all plans
              in the Mandatory  Aggregation  Group, and (2) such other qualified
              plans  sponsored  by the Company or an  Affiliated  Company as the
              Company  elects to  include in such  group,  as long as the group,
              including those plans electively  included,  continues to meet the
              requirements of Sections 401(a)(4) and 410 of the Code.

         (i)  "Super Top-Heavy Plans" means this Plan for any Plan Year in which
              this Plan would be deemed to be a  "Top-Heavy  Plan"  pursuant  to
              Section  12.2 of this  Article XII if "90%" were  substituted  for
              "60%" at each place where "60%" appears therein.

         (j)  "Top-Heavy  Plan"  means this Plan for any Plan Year in which this
              Plan  is  determined  to be a  "Top-Heavy  Plan"  pursuant  to the
              provisions of Section 12.2 of this Article XII.

         (k)  "Valuation  date"  means the annual date on which plan assets must
              be valued  for the  purpose  of  determining  the value of account
              balances or the date on which  liabilities and assets of a defined
              benefit plan are valued.  For the purpose of the  top-heavy  test,
              the valuation date for a defined  benefit plan is the first day of
              the Plan Year. The valuation date for a defined  contribution plan
              is the last day of the preceding Plan Year.  The accrued  benefits
              and account balances used to determine the top-heavy status relate
              to the this valuation date.

12.2     Determination  of  Top-Heavy  Status.  This Plan  shall be deemed to be
         "top-heavy" as to any Plan Year if, as of the  Determination  Date with
         respect to such Plan Year, any of the following conditions are met:

          (a) The Plan is not part of an Aggregation Group, and the Key Employee
Ratio under the Plan exceeds 60%;

          (b) The  Plan  is  part  of  an  Aggregation  Group,  there  being  no
              Permissive  Aggregation Group of which the Plan is a part, and the
              Key Employee Ratio of the Mandatory Aggregation Group of which the
              Plan is a part exceeds 60%; or

         (c)  The Plan is part of an  Aggregation  Group,  there is a Permissive
              Aggregation  Group  of  which  the  Plan  is a  part,  and the Key
              Employee  Ratio of the Permissive  Aggregation  Group of which the
              Plan is a part exceeds 60%.

12.3     Right to Participate in Allocation of Company's Contributions.

         (a)  General  Rule.  Notwithstanding  any provision of this Plan to the
              contrary,  any person who was eligible to be a Participant  at any
              time  during a Plan Year in which this Plan was a  Top-Heavy  Plan
              shall  share in the  allocation  provided  for in  Section  4.1 of
              Article  IV of this Plan for such Plan Year if he or she  remained
              in the employ of the Company or an Affiliated  Company through the
              end of the  Plan  Year  with  respect  to  which  such  allocation

         (b)  Exceptions to the General Rule. The provisions of Section  12.3(a)
              of this Article XII shall not apply to any  Participant for a Plan
              Year if, with respect to that Plan Year:

                  (1)  Such Participant was an active participant in a qualified
                       defined  benefit pension plan sponsored by the Company or
                       by  an   Affiliated   Company   under   which   plan  the
                       Participant's  accrued  benefit  is  not  less  than  the
                       minimum  accrued  pension  benefit that would be required
                       under  Section  416(c)(1)  of  the  Code,  treating  such
                       defined  benefit  pension  plan as a  Top-Heavy  Plan and
                       treating  all  such  defined  benefit  pension  plans  as
                       constitute an Aggregation Group as a single plan; or

          (2)  Such Participant was an active participant in a qualified defined
               contribution  plan  sponsored  by the  Company  or an  Affiliated
               Company under which plan the amount of the employer  contribution
               allocable  to the  account  of the  Participant  for the  accrual
               computation  period of such plan  ending  with or within the Plan
               Year,   exclusive   of   amounts   by  which  the   Participant's
               compensation was reduced pursuant to a salary reduction agreement
               or  similar  arrangement,  is  not  less  than  the  contribution
               allocation that would be required under Section  416(c)(2) of the
               Code under this Plan.

12.4     Minimum  Company  Contribution  Allocation.  The allocation  made under
         Section  4.1 of Article IV of this Plan to the  Participant  Account of
         each Participant who is a Non-Key Employee for any Plan Year, including
         a Plan Year in which this Plan is a Top-Heavy Plan or a Super Top Heavy
         Plan, shall be not less than the lesser of:

         (a)  3% of the  "compensation"  (as defined in Section 415 of the Code)
              of each such Participant for such Plan Year; or

         (b)  The percentage of  Compensation  so allocated under Section 4.1 of
              Article  IV to the  account  of the Key  Employee  for  whom  such
              percentage is the highest for such Plan Year.

         If any person who is a Participant  in the Plan is a participant  under
         any top-heavy  defined  benefit  pension plan  qualified  under Section
         401(a)  of the  Code  sponsored  by  the  Company  or by an  Affiliated
         Company,  the  minimum  benefit  shall be  provided  under the  defined
         benefit  plan.  For the  purposes  of  determining  whether  or not the
         provisions of this Section 12.4 have been  satisfied (1)  contributions
         or  benefits   under  Chapter  2  of  the  Code  (relating  to  tax  on
         self-employment  income),  Chapter 21 of the Code  (relating to Federal
         Insurance  Contributions  Act), Title II of the Social Security Act, or
         any other  federal or state law are  disregarded,  and (2) all  defined
         contribution plans in the Aggregation Group shall be treated
         as a single plan.  For the purposes of  determining  whether or not the
         requirements  of this Section 12.4 have been  satisfied,  contributions
         allowable to the account of the  Participant  under any other qualified
         defined  contribution  plan that is part of the Aggregation Group shall
         be deemed to be contributions  made under this Plan, and, to the extent
         thereof,  no  duplication  of  such  contributions  shall  be  required
         hereunder  solely by reason of this  Section  12.4.  This  Section 12.4
         shall  not  apply  in any  Plan  Year in  which  the Plan is part of an
         Aggregation  Group  containing  a defined  benefit  pension  plan (or a
         combination of such defined  benefit pension plans) if the Plan enables
         a  defined  benefit  pension  plan  required  to be  included  in  such
         Aggregation  Group  to  satisfy  the  requirements  of  either  Section
         401(a)(4) or Section 410 of the Code.

         The Employer  must make any  additional  contribution  required by this
         Section from net profits.

12.5     Adjustments to Annual Additions and Combined Plans Limitations.  In the
         case of a top-heavy  plan that does not meet the  requirements  of Code
         Section  416 (h) (2),  the  denominators  of the  defined  benefit  and
         defined contribution plan fractions (as described in Section 415 (e) of
         the code) are computed by substituting a factor of 1.0 for 1.25.

          12.6 Adjustments to Vesting Schedule. If this Plan is a Top-Heavy Plan
               with  respect to any Plan Year,  the  schedule  set forth in this
               Section 12.6 shall be substituted for the applicable  schedule in
               Section 7.2, effective as of the first day of the first Plan Year
               in which this Plan is a Top-Heavy Plan; provided,  however,  that
               the vesting  interest of each person who was a Participant  as of
               the  effective  date of such  substitution  shall  in no event be
               lower at any time than his or her vested interest would have been
               at such time if such vested interest were determined  pursuant to
               the vesting  schedule as the same  existed  immediately  prior to
               such substitution.

         The substitute  vesting schedule referred to in this Section 12.6 is as

                Period of Service             Percentage of Vesting

                  less than 2 years                      0%
            2 years but less than 3 years               20%
            3 years but less than 4 years               40% 
            4 years but less than 5 years               60%
                   5 years or more                     100%

                                   APPENDIX A

                                  Groups of Employees Eligible for Participation

                 Location                              Date Participation

 Birmingham, Alabama                                            November 4, 1991

 Doraville, Georgia                                                April 1, 1990

 Cheswick, Pennsylvania                                              May 7, 1997

 Ephrata, Pennsylvania                                              May 17, 1995

 Georgetown, Massachusetts                                     November 12, 1997

 Houston, Texas (with the exception of                             April 1, 1990
 of Rail Take-Up employees)
 of Rail Take-Up employees
 Navasota, Texas                                                   April 1, 1990

 Niles, Ohio                                                    December 1, 1986

 Parkersburg, West Virginia                                        April 1, 1990

 Phoenix, Arizona                                                  April 1, 1990

 Portland, Oregon                                                  April 1, 1990

 Pueblo, Colorado                                                  April 1, 1990

 Savannah, Georgia                                                 April 1, 1990

 St. Mary's, West Virginia                                     November 26, 1997

 Stockton, California                                          September 1, 1993

 Tampa, Florida                                                    April 1, 1990