This   Separation   Agreement  and  Release   ("Separation
Agreement") is dated as of April 24, 2003, by and between  Comtex
News  Network,  Inc. (the "Employer") and Charles W.  Terry  (the

      WHEREAS, Employee entered into an employment agreement with
the  Employer  dated as of October 1, 1998,  and  as  amended  by
amendments  dated  October  1,  2001,  September  10,  2002,  and
December 31, 2002 (the "Employment Agreement"); and

      WHEREAS, Employee has tendered his resignation as President
and Chief Executive Officer of Employer effective as of April 24,
2003; and

      WHEREAS,  Employee  has tendered his resignation  from  the
Board of Directors of Employer effective as of April 24, 2003.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration of the  promises  herein
stated and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and
adequacy of which is acknowledged by each of the parties and  who
intend  to  be  legally bound by this Separation  Agreement,  the
parties state and agree as follows:

1.    Termination of Employment Relationship.  The parties hereto
agree  that  their  employment relationship is terminated  as  of
April  24,  2003, except that the obligations of  Employee  under
Section  4  of the Employment Agreement relating to the  covenant
not  to compete shall continue for a period of twelve (12) months
from  the  date of this Separation Agreement and except that  the
text  in line five of Section 4.2 that reads "in the rental, sale
or  service  of products of the type rented, sold or serviced  by
the  Company  or  any of its Subsidiaries during  the  period  of
Employee's  employment with the Company ("Products")"  is  hereby
replaced in its entirety by text that reads "in any business that
is a real time news feed aggregator or reseller to companies that
integrate   real   time   news   with   their   own   proprietary
applications."   In addition. the obligations of  Employee  under
Section  5  of  the Employment Agreement relating to confidential
information shall continue in full force and effect.  All accrued
vacation  leave  and any unreimbursed business  expenses  due  to
Employee through April 24, 2003 will be paid to Employee no later
than May 25, 2003.

2.    Effect  of  Resignation.  Employer agrees to  pay  Employee
separation payments in an amount equal to ten months Base  Salary
(as  defined  in the Employment Agreement), in ten equal  monthly
installments commencing April 25, 2003, and terminating  February
25,  2004. As partial consideration for such separation payments,
Employee agrees to be available for telephone consultation  on  a
limited  basis  for sixty (60) days following the  date  of  this
Agreement.   In  addition, Employer agrees  to  pay  Employee  an
amount  equal  to  two  weeks  Base Salary  (as  defined  in  the
Employment Agreement) by no later than May 2, 2003.  Any  of  the
Company's  property,  other than that  described  on  Schedule  1
hereto, shall be returned to the Company by the close of business
April  25,  2003.  Employee shall be entitled to elect continuing
health  care coverage under Employer's health plan, at Employer's
expense  through the last day of November 2003,  subject  to  the
requirements  of  Title  X  of  the Consolidated  Omnibus  Budget
Reconciliation Act of 1985, Internal Revenue Code section  4980B,
and  subsequent  legislation ("COBRA").  In connection  with  the
execution  of  this Separation Agreement, Employee  and  Employer
hereby  waive and release each other from any and all  causes  of
actions, debts, claims and liabilities, whether known or unknown,
which either party now has or may have in the future against  the
other   under  the  Employment  Agreement,  except  as  otherwise
provided herein.

3.    Counterparts.  This Separation Agreement may be executed in
one  or  more  counterparts, each of which  shall  be  deemed  to
constitute an original.

4.    Governing Law.  This Separation Agreement shall be governed
by,   and  interpreted  in  accordance  with,  the  laws  of  the
Commonwealth of Virginia, without regard to the conflict  of  law
principles thereof.

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF, the parties hereto  have  caused  this
instrument to be executed in counterparts as of the 24th  day  of
April 2003.

                                   COMTEX NEWS NETWORK, INC.

                                   By: /S/ STEPHEN W. ELLIS
                                   Stephen W. Ellis,
                                    Chairman of the Board
                                   Acting on Behalf of the Board
                                    of Directors


                                   By:  /S/ CHARLES W. TERRY
                                   Charles W. Terry

                           SCHEDULE 1

1 Toshiba Laptop: Portege 7200
1 Toshiba Laptop (older than above)
1 Compaq IPAQ model 3650