This  EMPLOYMENT  AGREEMENT ("Agreement"), effective  as  of
July  1,  2003  (the "Effective Date"), is by and between  Comtex
News  Network,  Inc.  (the  "Company" or  "Comtex"),  a  Delaware
corporation, having offices at 4900 Seminary Road, Alexandria, VA
22311,  and  Laurence F. Schwartz, who resides at 10 Potter  Hill
Drive, Guilford, Connecticut 06437 ("Executive").

                      W I T N E S S E T H:

      WHEREAS, the Company desires to employ the Executive on the
terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement; and

     WHEREAS, the Executive desires to be employed by the Company
on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement;

      NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual
covenants   and  promises  herein  contained,  the  receipt   and
sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties  hereto
agree as follows:


      SECTION 1.1 EMPLOYMENT. The Company hereby agrees to employ
the  Executive,  and the Executive hereby agrees to  accept  such
employment, upon the terms and conditions herein contained.

      SECTION  1.2  TERM.  The  term  of  employment  under  this
Agreement (the "Employment Term") shall commence on the Effective
Date  and  shall  continue until June 30, 2005. Thereafter,  this
Agreement shall automatically renew for additional one-year terms
unless  the  Company gives the Executive written  notice  stating
that it does not desire to renew at least ninety (90) days before
the end of the Employment Term or any subsequent one-year term.


      (a)   During the Employment Term, Executive shall serve  as
President  of  the  Company.   Executive  shall  diligently   and
faithfully  perform such duties as are reasonable  and  customary
for  an  individual holding such offices and shall report to  the
Chief Executive Officer.

      (b)   Executive shall devote as much of his  working  time,
attention,  energies, efforts and skills to the business  of  the
Company  as necessary to fulfill his duties. Executive  shall  be
free  to engage, directly or indirectly, in other non-competitive
business  activity,  whether or not for  profit,  gain  or  other
pecuniary advantages, including serving as an officer or  on  the
board  of  directors of any non-competing company  and  receiving
compensation  therefore,  provided that  he  promptly  and  fully
discloses  any such activities to the Board of Directors  of  the

                    ARTICLE II. COMPENSATION

      SECTION  2.1  BASE SALARY. The Company shall pay  Executive
basic   compensation  of  One  Hundred  Forty  Thousand   Dollars
($140,000) per year, which shall accrue proportionately from  day
to  day  and  shall be payable in accordance with  the  Company's
usual  payroll practices with respect to officers of the  Company
("Base  Salary").  Executive's Base Salary shall  be  subject  to
required tax and payroll withholdings. Any incentive compensation
that  may  be paid to Executive from time to time shall  have  no
impact upon the Base Salary.

INCREASES.  On  or about each anniversary of the Effective  Date,
the  Company shall conduct a performance evaluation of Executive,
at   which  time  consideration  shall  be  given  to  increasing
Executive's   Base   Salary,  benefits   and   other   forms   of
compensation.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary  in  this
provision or this Agreement, on each anniversary of the Effective
Date,  on  which  a  favorable performance  review  is  achieved,
Executive's then Base Salary shall be increased by at least  five
percent  (5%),  which increased Base Salary shall remain  at  the
increased level until the next anniversary of the Effective Date,
unless earlier increased.


     (a)  The Company shall grant Executive on the Effective Date an
award  of fully vested options in the Company to purchase 250,000
common  shares, with an exercise price per share which  shall  be
equal  to  the Fair Market Value of the common shares as  of  the
date of grant, under an Inducement Plan to be established by  the
Company.  The Company hereby represents that it has the authority
to  establish  such an Inducement Plan and to  grant  options  to
Executive under such Inducement Plan without further approval  by
the shareholders of the Company; and

(b)  At its next meeting, the Board of Directors of the Company
shall (i) instruct outside counsel to promptly prepare and file a
Form S-8 registration statement with the SEC for all shares
issuable under the Inducement Plan, with the express intent to
thereby register all such stock as would be issued upon exercise;
and (ii) record via a resolution in the minutes at such meeting
its express intent to place the new Inducement Plan before
shareholders for a vote in order to approve such Plan for
statutory incentive stock option status at the next scheduled
annual shareholders' meeting via the proxy process, and will
likewise recommend same to the Company's shareholders if such
recommendation is in accordance with the fiduciary duties of the
Board of Directors of the Company.

      SECTION  2.4  INCENTIVE STOCK OPTIONS.  The  Company  shall
grant  Executive on July 31, 2003 incentive stock options ("Stock
Options") to acquire Five-Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand (575,000)
common  shares  of  the Company's stock, in accordance  with  the
Company's Stock Option Plan (the "Plan"), with an exercise  price
per  share which shall be equal to the Fair Market Value  of  the
common  shares  as of the date of grant.  For this purpose,  Fair
Market  Value equals the average of the trailing 10 day high  and
low  bids,  as specified in the Plan. Subject to the acceleration
provisions pursuant to Article III below, Executive shall vest in
such Stock Options at the rate of 25,000 options for each full or
partial month of employment following the Effective Date.


      (a)  In addition to the Base Salary, the Company shall  pay
Executive an annual incentive cash bonus pursuant to the  formula
attached hereto as Schedule A and based upon the satisfaction  of
the  revenue  and EBITDA goals established under the fiscal  2004
budget  attached  hereto  as Schedule B,  adjusted  for  expenses
incurred  outside of the budget solely at the discretion  of  the
Board  and  for  all non-recurring expenses incurred  outside  of
budget  associated in any way with the relocation of the  Company
offices  and  data center facilities.  Within 45  days  following
each fiscal quarter end or 90 days following the fiscal year end,
as applicable, the Company will estimate the cumulative incentive
cash  bonus due to Executive for the fiscal year-to-date, less  a
reserve  amount  equal  to  20% of such  amount  (the  "Estimated
Cumulative Incentive Cash Payment"), except for the fourth fiscal
quarter  whereupon no such reserve amount shall be deducted.   On
such  date,  the Company will pay to the Executive the  Estimated
Cumulative  Incentive Cash Payment, less the total of  all  prior
Estimated  Cumulative Incentive Cash Payments made thus  far  for
the fiscal year in question.

     (b)   The  payment of an incentive cash bonus  to  Executive
with respect to the Company's fiscal 2005 will be conditioned, in
part,  upon  Executive's preparation (in  consultation  with  the
Chief Executive Officer) and submission to the Board of Directors
of  a  fiscal 2005 budget to the Board of Directors on or  before
June 1, 2004.

     (c)   If Executive's employment is terminated at other  than
fiscal year end, the incentive cash bonus due Executive shall  be
calculated  by replacing the annual budget amounts stipulated  in
Schedule  A  with the year-to-date budget amount that corresponds
to the month ended immediately preceding such Date of Termination
(the  "Year-to-Date  Budget")  and  comparing  such  Year-to-Date
Budget to the Company's actual revenue and EBITDA performance  as
of  such month end date, as stipulated in Schedule A, through the
comparable   month  end  immediately  preceding  such   Date   of

      (d)   The Executive need not be employed by the Company  at
the  time of payment in order to receive any incentive cash bonus
to  which  the  Executive is otherwise entitled pursuant  to  the
terms of this Section 2.5.

      SECTION  2.6  REIMBURSEMENT OF  EXPENSES.   Throughout  the
period  of  Executive's employment hereunder, the  Company  shall
advance or reimburse Executive, upon presentment by Executive  to
the  Company of appropriate receipts and vouchers therefore,  for
any  reasonable  out-of-pocket  business  expenses  incurred   by
Executive  in connection with the performance of his  duties  and
responsibilities hereunder, in keeping with the Company's  stated


     (a)  During the Employment Term, Executive shall be entitled
to  participate  in  all benefit plans of the Company,  including
health  care  benefits, and life, disability and other  benefits,
effective as of the Effective Date.

     (b)  During the Employment Term, Executive shall be entitled
to  participate in any retirement and/or pension plan(s)  offered
to the Company's employees generally in accordance with the terms
of  such  plan(s),  as  they  may be modified  at  the  Company's
discretion from time to time.

      SECTION 2.8 VACATION. During the Employment Term, Executive
shall  be  entitled to paid vacation and sick days in  accordance
with  the plans, policies, programs and practices of the  Company
applicable  to  other executives of the Company, which  initially
provides for three (3) weeks of paid vacation and one (1) week of
personal days per year.



      (a)   DEATH.  The  Executive's employment  shall  terminate
automatically upon the Executive's death.

      (b)   WITHOUT  CAUSE. Notwithstanding any  other  provision
hereunder,  the  Company shall have the right  to  terminate  the
Executive's employment hereunder without "Cause" (as  defined  in
Section  3.1(c)) at any time during the Employment Term  for  any
reason and in the sole discretion of the Company.

      (c)   CAUSE.  The  Company  may terminate  the  Executive's
employment during the Employment Term for Cause. For purposes  of
this  Agreement, "Cause" shall mean only the following: (i) gross
negligence  or  willful  misconduct  of  the  Executive  in   the
performance of any of his duties under this Agreement;  (ii)  the
failure  by the Executive to perform his duties hereunder,  which
failure is not cured within thirty (30) days of written notice of
the   same   given  to  Executive  by  the  Company;  (iii)   any
embezzlement  or  misappropriation  of  funds  or   property   or
intellectual property of the Company; (iv) any conviction or plea
of  guilty  or  NOLO CONTENDERE in connection with fraud  or  any
crime that constitutes a felony in the jurisdiction involved; and
(v)  any  material breach by the Executive of the terms  of  this
Agreement, which is not cured within thirty (30) days of  written
notice of the breach given to Executive by the Company.

      (d)  GOOD REASON. The Executive may terminate (resign)  his
employment during the Employment Term for Good Reason upon thirty
(30)  days  advance notice to the Company. For purposes  of  this
Agreement,  "Good Reason" shall mean the occurrence, without  the
Executive's  express written consent, of any one or more  of  the
following events:

          (i)  A material change in the Executive's title, duties
     or  reporting relationship as described in Article I of this
     Agreement, which is not cured within thirty (30) days  after
     written  notice  from  Executive, or  immediately  upon  any
     removal  of the Executive from his position as President  of
     the Company.

          (ii) A failure, not caused by Executive, of the Company
     to  pay  Executive's  Base Salary,  or  any  other  form  of
     Compensation  under  Article II  of  this  Agreement,  which
     failure  to  pay  is not cured within ten  (10)  days  after
     written notice from Executive.

          (iii)      The  filing  of a voluntary  or  involuntary
     petition  of  bankruptcy by or against the  Company  or  the
     insolvency of the Company.

          (iv)  The  Company undergoes a "Change of Control",  as
     defined in Section 3.2(c).

          (v)  Executive is required to work outside of the New York
     metropolitan area on a regular basis, with the exclusion of a
     need for regular travel to the Company's regional office in the
     Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.

          (vi)  The  Company breaches any material term  of  this
     Agreement, other than as described in 3.1d(ii) above,  which
     breach  is  not cured within thirty (30) days after  written
     notice from Executive.

      (e)   WITHOUT  GOOD REASON. The Executive  may  voluntarily
terminate  (resign)  his employment during  the  Employment  Term
without  Good Reason upon thirty (30) days notice to the  Company
and no further benefits or compensation will be due hereunder.


      (a)   NOTICE OF TERMINATION. Any termination by the Company
for Cause or without Cause or by the Executive for Good Reason or
without   Good  Reason  shall  be  communicated  by  "Notice   of
Termination" to the other party. For purposes of this  Agreement,
Notice  of Termination means a written notice which (i) indicates
the specific termination provision in this Agreement relied upon,
(ii)  to  the extent applicable, sets forth in reasonable  detail
the  facts  and  circumstances claimed to  provide  a  basis  for
termination of the Executive's employment under the provision  so
indicated,  and  (iii)  if  the Date of Termination  (as  defined
below)  is  other  than  the  date of  receipt  of  such  notice,
specifies  the Date of Termination. The failure by the  Executive
or the Company to set forth in the Notice of Termination any fact
or  circumstance which contributes to a showing of Good Reason or
Cause  shall not waive any right of the Executive or the Company,
respectively, hereunder or preclude the Executive or the Company,
respectively,   from  asserting  the  fact  or  circumstance   in
enforcing the Executive's or the Company's rights hereunder.  The
Executive's continued employment with the Company after a  Notice
of  Termination is given shall not constitute consent  to,  or  a
waiver   of   any  rights  with  respect  to,  any   circumstance
constituting Good Reason hereunder.

     (b)  DATE OF TERMINATION. "Date of Termination" means (i) if
the  Executive's  employment is terminated by the  Company  other
than  for death, the date of receipt of the Notice of Termination
or  any later date specified therein, as the case may be, (ii) if
the Executive terminates his employment for Good Reason, the Date
of  Termination shall be the date not less than thirty (30)  days
after  the  date on which the Executive notifies the  Company  of
such  termination,  and  (iii) if the Executive's  employment  is
terminated by reason of death, the Date of Termination  shall  be
the date of death of the Executive.

      (c)  CHANGE OF CONTROL. The Company shall be deemed to have
undergone a "Change of Control", if:

          (i)   Any "person" within the meaning of Section  14(d)
     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act"),
     other  than  the  Company, a subsidiary  or  "affiliate"  as
     defined  under the Exchange Act, any employee  benefit  plan
     sponsored  by the Company or any subsidiary of the  Company,
     becomes  the  "beneficial owner" as defined  in  Rule  13d-3
     under  the Exchange Act, directly or indirectly, of  51%  or
     more  of the combined voting power of the securities of  the
     Company entitled to vote in an election of directors to  the
     Board; or

          (ii)  A  merger or equivalent combination occurs  after
     which  51%  or  more of the voting stock  of  the  surviving
     Company is held by persons other than former stockholders of
     the Company; or

          (iii)      The  sale,  assignment,  transfer  or  other
     disposition  of  assets of the Company  having  a  value  in
     excess of 50% of the total assets of the Company.


      (a)   TERMINATION UPON DEATH. If the Executive's Employment
is  terminated  upon his death, the amounts referenced  hereafter
shall be paid to Executive's estate:

          (i)   IN GENERAL. The Company shall immediately pay  to
     the Executive's estate in cash the amount of Base Salary and
     vacation previously earned but not yet paid.

          (ii)  INCENTIVE CASH BONUS.  The Company shall  pay  to
     the  Executive's  estate, within thirty  (30)  days  of  the
     Executive's  death, the incentive cash bonus  otherwise  due
     Executive  for  the  fiscal year during which  the  Date  of
     Termination  occurs,  calculated  in  accordance  with   the
     provisions of Section 2.5.

Executive's employment is terminated without Cause (as defined in
Section  3.1(c))  or  for  Good Reason  (as  defined  in  Section

          (i)   IN GENERAL. The Company shall immediately pay the
     Executive  in  cash the amount of Base Salary  and  Vacation
     previously earned but not yet paid.

          (ii)  SEVERANCE  BENEFITS. The Company  shall  pay  the
     Executive  an  amount equal to two (2) months of  the  then-
     current Base Salary if said termination occurs prior to  the
     first anniversary of the Effective Date, and four (4) months
     of  the  then-current Base Salary if said termination occurs
     after the first anniversary of the Effective Date, in either
     instance  payable  in  lump  sum  within  thirty  (30)  days
     following said termination.

          (iii)     INCENTIVE CASH BONUS.  The Company shall  pay
     to  the  Executive  within ten (10)  days  of  the  Date  of
     Termination  an  amount equal to 100% of the incentive  cash
     bonus  then  owed to Executive on a pro rata basis  for  the
     fiscal  year  during  which the Date of Termination  occurs,
     calculated in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.5.

     Date of Termination, all remaining unvested options held  by
     the   Executive   shall   become  immediately   vested   and
     exercisable, and shall remain exercisable for the  remainder
     of the term thereof.

REASON. In case of a termination for Cause or termination without
Good  Reason, the Executive shall be entitled to his Base  Salary
and  vacation  accrued to the Date of Termination and  any  other
benefits so accrued. Executive shall also be entitled to receive,
within thirty (30) days following said termination, the incentive
cash  bonus  otherwise due Executive for the fiscal  year  during
which  the  Date of Termination occurs, calculated in  accordance
with  the  provisions of Section 2.5. In addition,  Company  will
convert  any  and all previously vested incentive  stock  options
held  by  Executive as of the Date of Termination that  have  not
been  exercised  prior  to the 90th day  following  the  Date  of
Termination  into non-statutory stock options no later  than  the
90th  day  following the Date of Termination, with an  expiration
date equal to the remainder of their term. Other than obligations
of  the  Company  stipulated in this Section 3.3(c),  no  further
benefits or compensation will be due hereunder.


to  such  actions  within the ordinary course of the  Executive's
employment  by  the  Company which the Executive  in  good  faith
believes  to  be  in  the  best interests  of  the  Company,  the
Executive shall not at any time during the employment Term or  at
any  time  thereafter, without the prior written consent  of  the
Company,  disclose to any third party including, but not  limited
to,  any competitor or potential competitor of the Company or any
subsidiary  or affiliate of the Company, any trade secret,  know-
how   or   knowledge  relating  to  costs,  products,  equipment,
merchandising and marketing methods, business plans, or  research
results  used by, or useful to, the Company or any subsidiary  or
affiliate of the Company or other confidential information of the
Company (the "Confidential Information"). The Executive shall not
at  any  time during the Executive's actual Employment  with  the
Company or for four (4) months thereafter, if termination  occurs
prior  to  the first anniversary of the Effective Date, or  eight
(8)  months thereafter, if termination occurs prior to the second
anniversary  of  the Effective Date, without  the  prior  written
consent  of  the  Company:  (i) engage  in  competitive  business
activity  anywhere in the world either on Executive's own  behalf
or  that  of  any  other business organization, (ii)  request  or
advise   any   supplier,  or  other  person,  firm,  partnership,
association,   Company  or  business  organization,   entity   or
enterprise  having  business dealings with  the  Company  or  any
subsidiary  or affiliate of the Company to withdraw,  curtail  or
cancel  such  business  dealings; (iii)   induce  or  attempt  to
influence  any  executive of the Company  or  any  subsidiary  or
affiliate of the Company to terminate, or in any way violate  the
terms of, his or her employment, (iv) employ or seek to employ or
cause  any business organization engaged in competitive  business
activity to employ or seek to employ any person or agent  who  is
then (or was at any time within six months prior to the date  the
Executive  or  such  business employs or  seeks  to  employ  such
person)  employed or retained by the Company or  its  affiliates.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing herein shall  prevent  the
Executive  from  providing  a  letter  of  recommendation  to  an
executive  with  respect to a future employment opportunity.  For
purposes of this Section 4.1, Confidential Information shall  not
include:  (a) information that is in the public domain;  provided
that  Executive  was not responsible for the  disclosure  to  the
public; (b) information that was already known to Executive prior
to his employment by the Company; and (c) information required to
be  disclosed  in connection with any judicial or  administrative
proceeding  or inquiry; provided that Executive shall notify  the
Company  as promptly as practicable of such proceeding or inquiry
and  cooperate with the Company in taking legally available steps
to resist or narrow the required disclosure.

                    ARTICLE V. MISCELLANEOUS

      SECTION  5.1 ENFORCEABILITY.  If the scope of any provision
of  this  Agreement  is too broad to permit enforcement  of  such
provision  to  its fullest extent, then such provision  shall  be
enforced to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law,  and,
if  necessary, the scope of any such provision may be  judicially
modified  (to the extent necessary in any proceeding  brought  to
enforce such provision) and thereafter fully enforced.

      SECTION  5.2 ARBITRATION.  Any dispute arising  out  of  or
relating  to  this  Agreement or the  validity,  construction  or
performance  of  this Agreement or the breach thereof,  shall  be
resolved by arbitration according to the rules and procedures  of
the  American Arbitration Association, as amended. The rules  and
procedures  of the American Arbitration Association, as  amended,
are  incorporated  herein and made a part of  this  Agreement  by
reference.  The  parties  agree that  the  arbitration  shall  be
conducted  in  New  York City and that they  will  abide  by  and
perform  any award rendered in any such arbitration and that  any
court  having  jurisdiction may issue a judgment based  upon  the
award. The Company shall be responsible for and shall timely  pay
all applicable forum fees (including filing fees, hearing session
fees, and case service fees, however denominated) that relate  to
or  arise from such arbitration; however, if a judgment upon  any
resulting  arbitration  award  is entered  to  the  detriment  of
Executive,  Executive shall be responsible  for  reimbursing  the
company for one-half of the applicable forum fees within ten (10)
business days of his receipt of notice from the Company demanding
payment  of  such fees.  With the exception of said  forum  fees,
each   party  shall  bear  its  own  costs,  expenses  and  fees,
including, without limitation, attorney's fees and expert's  fees
that relate to or arise from such arbitration. Judgment upon  any
resulting  arbitration  award may be  entered  in  any  court  of
competent jurisdiction.


     (a)  This Agreement is personal to the Executive and without
the  prior written consent of the Company shall not be assignable
by  the  Executive otherwise than by will or the laws of  descent
and  distribution. This Agreement shall inure to the  benefit  of
and be enforceable by the Executive's legal representatives.

      (b)  Except as is otherwise herein expressly provided, this
Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding  upon  the
Company, its successors and assigns, and upon the Executive,  his
spouse, heirs, executors and administrators.

     (c)  The Company shall require any successor (whether direct
or  indirect, by purchase, merger, consolidation or otherwise) to
all or substantially all of the business or assets of the Company
to  assume expressly and agree to perform this Agreement  in  the
same  manner  and  to the same extent that the Company  would  be
required to perform it if no such succession had taken place.  As
used   in  this  Agreement,  "Company"  shall  mean  Company   as
hereinbefore defined and any successor to its business or  assets
as aforesaid which assumes or agrees to perform this Agreement by
operation of law, or otherwise.

      SECTION  5.4  WAIVER.  Failure of either  party  hereto  to
insist  upon strict compliance by the other party with any  term,
covenant or condition hereof shall not be deemed a waiver of such
term,   covenant   or  condition,  nor  shall   any   waiver   or
relinquishment  or failure to insist upon strict compliance  with
any  right  or power hereunder at any one time or more  times  be
deemed  a waiver or relinquishment of such right or power at  any
other time or times.

      SECTION  5.5  SURVIVAL.  Notwithstanding the expiration  or
termination  of this Agreement, Sections 3.3, 4.1 and  5.2  shall

      SECTION  5.6 NOTICE.  Except as otherwise provided  herein,
any  notice  required  or desired to be given  pursuant  to  this
Agreement shall be sufficient if in writing sent by regular  U.S.
mail  or registered or certified mail to the addresses set  forth
above  or to such other address as any party hereto may designate
in  writing, transmitted by hand delivery to the other; provided,
the  failure  by  the Executive to observe the notice  provisions
hereof  shall  not  in  any  way  limit,  reduce  or  effect  the
Executive's rights and benefits hereunder.

      SECTION  5.7  APPLICABLE  LAW.   This  Agreement  shall  be
governed  by  and construed in accordance with the  laws  of  the
State  of  Delaware,  without regard to any otherwise  applicable
choice of law rules.

      SECTION 5.8 TAXES.  The Company may deduct from all amounts
paid  under  this Agreement all federal, state, local  and  other
taxes  required  by  law  to be withheld  with  respect  to  such

      SECTION  5.9  RETURN OF COMPANY PROPERTY.   When  Executive
leaves  the employ of the Company, Executive will deliver to  the
Company (and will not keep in his possession, recreate or deliver
to  anyone else) any and all devices, records, recordings,  data,
notes, reports, proposals, lists, correspondence, specifications,
drawings,  blueprints, sketches, materials,  computer  materials,
equipment, other documents or property, together with all  copies
thereof  (in whatever medium recorded), belonging to the Company,
its successors or assigns.

      SECTION  5.10 ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  The parties  hereto  agree
that  this  Agreement (together with, to the extent  benefits  or
rights  are  otherwise affected by this Agreement,  any  employee
benefit plan maintained or sponsored by the Company) contains the
entire  understanding and agreement between them  and  supersedes
all previous agreements and arrangements, if any, relating to the
employment of the Executive. This Agreement shall not be amended,
modified or supplemented in any respect except by an agreement in
writing signed by the Executive and the Company.

      SECTION 5.11 COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be signed in
counterparts,  each  of which shall be an original,  and  all  of
which, taken together shall be deemed to be one instrument.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company and the Executive have duly
executed  this Agreement as of the day and the year  first  above

For: Comtex News Network, Inc.

     /S/ WILLIAM J.HOWARD         7/1/03
     William J. Howard             Date
     Chairman, Compensation Committee


     /S/ LAURENCE F. SCHWARTZ           7/1/03
     Laurence F. Schwartz               Date