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Dear Investor:

We are writing to let you know that one of the proposals presented at
Fidelity Charles Street Trust's recent shareholder meeting has been
modified, and that we plan to ask shareholders to vote again.  The
proposal is discussed briefly below.  In November you will receive a
proxy statement with more information, at which point we will ask you
to vote one more time.

The Special Meeting of Shareholders for Fidelity Asset Manager,
Fidelity Asset Manager:  Growth, Fidelity Asset Manager:  Income and
Spartan Investment Grade Bond Fund held on October 5, 1999 was
adjourned with respect to the proposal to ratify the appointment of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) as independent accountants of the
Funds and the proposal to elect a Board of Trustees.  Shareholders
approved all other proposals.  In light of information that PwC
communicated to officers of the Funds after the Funds' proxy statement
was mailed on August 9, 1999, the Board of Trustees of the Funds
determined on September 16, 1999 to appoint Deloitte & Touche LLP as
independent accountants of the Funds.

Professional and regulatory standards pertaining to independence of
accountants set forth, among other things, that an accounting firm and
its partners and certain professional staff not hold any direct or
material indirect financial interest in a fund during the period of
the accountant's professional engagement to examine a fund's financial
statements or at the date of its report.

After the proxy statement was mailed on August 9, 1999, PwC
communicated to officers of the Funds that, as of that date, two PwC
professionals held shares of Asset Manager:  Growth.  These
investments were inconsistent with independence standards pertaining
to accountants.  The individuals, who have since sold their Fund
shares, have not provided any professional services on behalf of PwC
to any of the Funds.  PwC has advised officers and Trustees of the
Funds that its audits have been undertaken with objectivity and
independence in mental attitude as required by generally accepted
auditing standards and that its associated audit reports can be relied

The Board of Trustees of the Funds has determined, however, to appoint
Deloitte & Touche LLP as independent accountants of the Funds
beginning with the fiscal year ending September 30, 2000.  Deloitte &
Touche has represented to the Trustees of the Funds that, consistent
with professional and regulatory standards pertaining to independence
of accountants and to the best of its knowledge and belief, Deloitte &
Touche, its partners and all other professional staff subject to the
independence standards, will not hold any direct or material indirect
financial interest in the Funds during the period of the firm's
professional engagement to examine the Funds' financial statements or
at the date of its report.

We anticipate mailing to you revised proxy materials in November and
reconvening the Special Meeting of Shareholders in January 2000.  At
that time we will ask you to cast your vote on a proposal to ratify
the appointment of Deloitte & Touche.  Since we will be reconvening
the meeting in the new year, and one of the Funds' current trustees
will retire at year end, we also will ask you to cast your vote on a
slate of trustees including a trustee scheduled to take office as of
January 1, 2000.

There is no need to take action until after you receive the revised
proxy materials in November.  However, if you have any questions on
this matter, please call Fidelity Investments at 1-800-544-8888.  We
appreciate your time and consideration.


Eric D. Roiter