BY AND BETWEEN

                             UNIHOLDING CORPORATION



     AGREEMENT  made  this 23rd day of July,  1996,  by and  between  UniHolding
Corporation,  a  Delaware  corporation  ("Seller"  or  "UniHolding"),  with  its
principal place of business at 96 Spring Street,  8th Floor,  New York, NY 10012
and Global Unilabs Clinical Trials Limited, a British Virgin Islands corporation
("Buyer" or "GUCT"),  with its  principal  place of business  located at 207-208
Neptune House, Marina Bay, Gibraltar.


     WHEREAS,  Seller is engaged in the  business of providing  clinical  trials
testing to the  pharmaceutical  industry through its  wholly-owned  subsidiaries
Unilabs  Clinical  Trials Limited  ("UCT") and Pharmasoft SA  ("Pharmasoft")  in
cooperation  with NDA Clinical  Trial  Services,  Inc.,  a Delaware  corporation
("NDA") of which the Seller  owns a 17%  minority  interest,  in  addition to an
option to purchase an  additional  13%  thereof  pursuant to the Stock  Purchase
Agreement and Option Agreement between NDA and UniHolding dated October 16, 1995
(the  "NDA  Interest")   (together  known  as  the  "Clinical  Trials  Business"

     WHEREAS, the parties have reached an understanding with respect to the sale
and  purchase of all the  outstanding  assets of the  Clinical  Trials  Business
(hereinafter defined) of UniHolding in exchange for all the outstanding stock of

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the mutual  covenants,  agreements,
representations  and  warranties,  and upon terms and subject to the  conditions
hereinafter  set forth,  the  parties do intend to be bound and hereby  agree as

                                    ARTICLE 1

     1.1  Purchase  and  Sale.  Subject  to the  terms  and  conditions  of this
Agreement,  Buyer, in reliance upon the representations and warranties of Seller
made herein, will at the Closing (hereinafter defined), acquire from Seller, and
Seller,  in  reliance  upon the  representations  and  warranties  of Buyer made
herein, will at the Closing transfer,  convey,  assign and deliver to Buyer, all
of Seller's  right,  title and  interest in and to the  assets,  properties  and
business of Seller, whether tangible or intangible,  wherever located, including
claims and rights under contracts,  all books and records relating to the assets
and property being conveyed,  transferred and assigned hereunder, which are used
exclusively  in  connection  with the conduct of the  Clinical  Trials  Business
(collectively, the "Assets"), including without limitation, the following:

     (a) all the Seller's rights, title and interests in Unilabs Clinical Trials
     Ltd., a United  Kingdom  corporation  and  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of the
     Seller  ("UCT"),  including  all the  outstanding  stock  of  UCT,  500,000
     ordinary  registered  shares par value  (pound)1  per share  fully paid and
     non-assessable duly endorsed.

     (b) all the Seller's rights,  title and interests in Pharmasoft  Limited, a
     Switzerland   corporation  and   wholly-owned   subsidiary  of  the  Seller
     ("Pharmasoft"),  including all the outstanding stock of the Pharmasoft, 250
     bearer  shares  par  value  Swiss  Franc  1,000 per  share  fully  paid and
     non-assessable duly endorsed.

     (c) all rights,  title and interests  under the agreements and contracts of
     whatever  nature and all other property and rights of every kind and nature
     owned or held by Seller in relation to its present 17% interest in NDA.

in exchange for capital  stock of Buyer,  as more fully  described in paragraphs
1.3 and 3.6.

     1.2 The Closing.  The closing of the transactions  contemplated hereby (the
"Closing")  shall take  place at the  offices of  UniHolding,  at its  principal
offices in New York,  commencing at 10 a.m. on the 23rd day of July,  1996 or at
such other time and/or  place as the parties may  mutually  agree (the  "Closing

     1.3 Purchase  Price.  Immediately  after the  execution of this  Agreement,
Buyer shall issue to Seller or its nominees,  217,000 shares of $0.64 par value,
fully paid, and non-assessable voting shares of the Buyer (the "GUCT Shares") in
exchange for the Assets. If Buyer effects a stock split, stock dividend, reverse
stock split,  spin-off,  or similar change in its capital  structure between the
date of this  Agreement  and the  Closing  Date,  there  shall  be an  equitable
adjustment to the number of shares to be issued in accordance  with the terms of
this paragraph to reflect such change or changes.

     1.4  Instruments of Transfer.  On the Closing Date, both the Seller and the
Buyer shall deliver duly executed  instruments of transfer and assignment of the
Assets  and the GUCT  Shares  sufficient  to vest in each  respective  party the
interests in the Assets and the GUCT Shares being  conveyed in  accordance  with
the terms of this Agreement.

     1.5 Payment of Taxes and Other Charges. Buyer shall pay, at the Closing or,
if due  thereafter  promptly when due, all transfer  taxes,  sales taxes,  stamp
taxes,  and any other taxes (other than income taxes payable by Seller)  payable
in connection with the transactions contemplated hereby.

     1.6  Assumption.  Buyer  understands  and agrees  that,  from and after the
Closing, except as specifically provided in paragraphs 1.6 and 1.7 hereof to the
contrary,  neither Seller or any of its  affiliates  shall have any liability or
responsibility  for any liability or obligation of or arising out of or relating
to the  Assets or the  Clinical  Trials  Business  of  whatever  kind or nature,
whether  contingent or absolute,  whether  arising prior to or on or after,  and
whether  determined or  indeterminable  on, the Closing Date, and whether or not
specifically  referred to in this Agreement (such  liabilities and  obligations,
except  as set  forth  in  paragraphs  1.4 and 1.7  hereof,  being  collectively
referred to as the  "Liabilities").  Accordingly,  Buyer agrees that,  effective
upon the Closing,  Buyer shall assume and shall  thereafter  pay,  perform,  and
discharge  and,  effective  as of the  Closing,  Buyer  does  hereby  assume the
Liabilities,  and  further  agrees  that  it  shall  indemnify  Seller  and  its
affiliates and hold each of them harmless against any liability,  loss,  damage,
claim,  cost or expense  (collectively a "Loss")  incurred or suffered by any of
them arising out of (i) any of the  Liabilities  or (ii) any breach by Buyer or,
or failure by Buyer to comply with, any of the provisions of this Agreement.

     1.7  Exceptions.  The  following  are  excluded  from  the  assumptions  of
liabilities provided for in the preceding paragraph:

     (i) Income and Franchise  Tax. Any liability for the payment of accrued and
     unpaid  federal  income taxes or  franchise  taxes of Seller for the period
     from May 31,  1995 to the Closing  Date,  except any tax  whatsoever  which
     could be imputed in relation to the present Agreement;

     (ii)  Undisclosed  Liabilities.   Buyer  is  not  acquiring,   directly  or
     indirectly,  any liability which is not fully disclosed to it. For purposes
     of this Agreement,  the liabilities disclosed to Buyer shall be those which
     are reflected in or reserved  against  Seller's  balance  sheets,  books of

     accounts, and records, as well as contingent liabilities and pending claims
     as more  fully set  forth on a  Disclosure  Schedule  attached  hereto  and
     incorporated herein by reference.

     (iii) Assurance.  Seller warrants and represents that Buyer will not at any
     time  suffer any  liability  in respect of the  foregoing  liabilities  not
     assumed by Buyer.

                                    ARTICLE 2

     Seller represents and warrants to the Buyer as follows:

     2.1 Corporate Organization. Seller is a corporation duly organized, validly
existing and in good standing  under the laws of the State of Delaware,  and has
the requisite corporate power and authority to execute, deliver and perform this
Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

     2.2 Financial  Statements.  Seller has delivered to Buyer unaudited balance
sheet  information  and a statement of operations for UCT and Pharmasoft for the
year ended May 31, 1995 and unaudited  balance  sheet and operating  information
for the quarters ended August 31, 1995,  November 30, 1995 and February 29, 1996
(collectively,  the "Financial  Statements").  The Financial  Statements  fairly
present the net assets and results of  operations  of UCT and  Pharmasoft  as of
such  corresponding  dates in accordance with United States  generally  accepted
accounting principles.  Further, Seller has delivered to Buyer unaudited balance
sheet  information and a statement of operations of NDA as of December 31, 1995.
Seller does not take any responsibility for the contents or representations made
within the financial statements of NDA.

     2.3  Absence  of  Certain  Changes  or  Events.  Except as set forth in the
attached  Disclosure  Schedule,  since  the  date of the  Financial  Statements,
neither the Clinical Trials Business nor Seller on behalf of the Clinical Trials
Business  has (a)  suffered  any damage,  destruction  or  casualty  loss to its
physical properties materially and adversely affecting the business or financial
condition of the  Clinical  Trials  Business;  (b)  incurred or  discharged  any
obligation  or liability  except in the  ordinary  course of business and except
obligations  or  liabilities  that  are  not  individually  or in the  aggregate
material to the business or financial condition of the Clinical Trials Business;
or (c) entered into any  transaction  not in the ordinary course of its business
except as permitted in or contemplated by other sections of this Agreement.

     2.4 Contracts.  The Disclosure  Schedule,  attached hereto and incorporated
herein  by  reference,   contains  a  list  of  each   contract,   agreement  or
understanding (including each governmental license, permit or other governmental
authorization)  whether  written  or oral  (including  any  and  all  amendments
thereto) to which Seller or the Clinical Trials Business is a party, or to which
either of them may be bound, which relates to the ownership of the Assets or the
conduct of the  business of the  Clinical  Trials  Business  (collectively,  the
"Contracts") and which is material to the business or financial condition of the
Clinical Trials  Business.  Except as disclosed in the Disclosure  Schedule,  to
Seller's knowledge,  Seller is not in default under any of the Contracts,  which
default  would have a  material  adverse  effect on the  business  or  financial
condition of the Clinical Trials Business.

     2.5 Consents.  Seller will use its best efforts,  and will  cooperate  with
Buyer, to secure all necessary consents, approvals,  authorizations,  exemptions
and waivers from third parties as shall be required in order to enable Seller to
effect the  transactions  contemplated  hereby and will  otherwise  use its best
efforts to cause the  consummation  of such  transaction in accordance  with the
terms and conditions hereof.

     2.6 Litigation. No suit, action, or legal, administrative,  arbitration, or
other  proceeding  or  governmental  investigation  is  pending,  or to Seller's
knowledge  is  threatened  against  Seller  or  Seller's  Assets,   which  might
materially or adversely  affect Seller's  financial  condition or the conduct of
Seller's business.  There is no outstanding  judgment,  decree, or order against
Seller which affects Seller in any way.

     2.7 Compliance with Laws.  Except as set forth in the Disclosure  Schedule,
to Seller's knowledge,  the Clinical Trials Business, or Seller on behalf of the
Clinical Trials Business, is in compliance with all laws, rules, regulations and
orders applicable to its business (including without limitation,  those relating
to occupational  safety and health and equal opportunity  employment  practices)
except where the failure to comply  therewith  does not have a material  adverse
effect on the business or financial condition of the Clinical Trials Business.

     2.8 Corporate  Power and  Authority;  Effect of Agreement.  The  execution,
delivery and  performance  by Seller of this Agreement and the  consummation  by
Seller of the transactions  contemplated hereby have been duly authorized by all
necessary  corporate action on the part of Seller.  This Agreement has been duly
and validly executed and delivered by Seller and constitutes a valid and binding
obligation of Seller,  enforceable in accordance with its terms,  subject to (a)
applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency or other similar laws relating to creditors'
rights generally, and (b) general principles of equity. The execution,  delivery
and  performance by Seller of this Agreement and the  consummation  by Seller of
the transactions  contemplated hereby will not, with or without giving of notice
or the lapse of time,  or both,  subject to  obtaining  any  required  consents,
approvals,  authorizations,  exemptions  or  waivers,  (c)  violated  any order,
judgment or decree  applicable to Seller,  or (d) conflict  with, or result in a
breach  or  default  under,   any  term  or  condition  of  the  Certificate  of
Incorporation  or the By-laws of Seller or any agreement or other  instrument to
which  Seller is a party or by which  Seller may be bound;  except in each case,
for violations, conflicts, breaches or defaults which in the aggregate would not
materially  hinder or impair the consummation of the  transactions  contemplated

     2.9 Representation and Warranties.  No representation or warranty by Seller
in this Agreement or any documents  provided  hereunder contains or will contain
any untrue  statement or omits or will omit to state any material fact necessary
to make the statements contained herein not misleading.  All representations and
warranties made by Seller in this Agreement and all documents provided hereunder
shall be true and correct as of the Closing  Date with the same force and effect
as if they had been made on and as of such date.

     2.10  Registration   under  the  Exchange  Act.  After  execution  of  this
Agreement,  should the  Seller  desire to  register  the GUCT  Shares  under the
Securities  Act of 1933, as amended (the  "Securities  Act") and the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the  "Exchange  Act"),  Buyer shall  cooperate
with  Seller  in  furnishing  all  information  necessary  and  relevant  to the
preparation and filing of such documentation.

                                    ARTICLE 3

     3.1 Corporate Organization.  Buyer is a corporation duly organized, validly
existing and in good standing  under the laws of the British  Virgin Islands and
has the requisite  corporate  power and authority to carry on its business as it
is now being conducted,  and to execute,  deliver and perform this Agreement and
to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.

     3.2 Corporate  Power and  Authority;  Effect of Agreement.  The  execution,
delivery and  performance  by Buyer of this  Agreement and the  consummation  by
Buyer of the transactions  contemplated  hereby have been duly authorized by all
necessary  corporate  action on the part of

Buyer.  This Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by Buyer
and  constitutes  the valid and  binding  obligation  of Buyer,  enforceable  in
accordance with its terms, subject to (a) applicable  bankruptcy,  insolvency or
other  similar laws  relating to creditors'  rights  generally,  and (b) general
principles of equity.  The execution,  delivery and performance by Buyer of this
Agreement and the consummation by Buyer of the transactions  contemplated hereby
will not,  with or without  the giving of notice or the lapse of time,  or both,
subject  to  obtaining  any  required   consents,   approvals,   authorizations,
exemptions or waivers,  (c) violate any order,  judgment or decree applicable to
Buyer or (d) conflict with, or result in a breach or default under,  any term or
condition of the  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  the By-laws or other  similar
charter  documents of Buyer, or any agreement or other instrument to which Buyer
or any of its  subsidiaries  is a party  or by which  any of them may be  bound;
except, in each case, for violations,  conflicts,  breaches or defaults which in
the aggregate  would not  materially  hinder or impair the  consummation  of the
transactions contemplated hereby.

     3.3 Compliance with Laws. To Buyer's knowledge,  the Buyer is in compliance
with  all  laws,  rules,  regulations  and  orders  applicable  to its  business
(including without limitation,  those relating to occupational safety and health
and equal opportunity  employment  practices) except where the failure to comply
therewith  does not have a material  adverse effect on the business or financial
condition of the Buyer.

     3.4 Consents. No consent, approval or authorization of, or exemption by, or
filing with, any governmental or regulatory  authority is required in connection
with the execution,  delivery and  performance by Buyer of this Agreement or the
taking of any other action contemplated hereby,  excluding,  however,  consents,
approvals authorizations,  exemptions,  waivers and filing, if any, which Seller
is required to make.

     3.5 Litigation. No suit, action, or legal, administrative,  arbitration, or
other  proceeding  or  governmental  investigation  is  pending,  or to  Buyer's
knowledge is  threatened  against  Buyer,  which might  materially  or adversely
affect Buyer's financial condition or the conduct of Buyer's business.  There is
no outstanding  judgment,  decree, or order against Buyer which affects Buyer in
any way.

     3.6 Stock.  The  aggregate  number of Buyer's  shares  consists  of 250,000
ordinary  registered shares, par value $0.64 each (the "GUCT Common Stock"),  of
which 2 registered  shares were issued and  outstanding  prior to the Closing of
this Agreement.  There are no outstanding options, rights, or warrants entitling
the  holder  thereof to  purchase  shares of Buyer or any  securities  which are
convertible into or exchangeable  for such shares.  In accordance with paragraph
1.3, Buyer shall issue and deliver  217,000  ordinary  registered  shares to the
Seller or its nominee  per its  instructions  at the  Closing  Date or at a date
thereafter mutually agreeable to the parties.

     3.7  Registration  under the Securities  Act. If Buyer shall forthwith file
with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  and  appropriate  state agencies a
registration statement under the Securities Act, Buyer shall register the shares
issued  hereunder,   and  take  all  other  necessary  action  to  validate  the
registration of such shares.  The Buyer shall pay all fees and expenses incurred
by its  counsel  and  accountants,  printing  and blue  sky  costs,  filing  and
registration fees, and expenses and commissions of underwriters, if applicable.

     3.8 Registration under the Exchange Act. In accordance with paragraph 2.10,
if Seller  elects to register the GUCT Shares,  Buyer  recognizes it will have a
duty  to file  corporate  updates  to its  registration  as a  issuer  with  the
Securities and Exchange  Commission pursuant to the rules and regulations of the
Exchange Act, specifically Section 12(g).

     3.9  Compliance  with  Securities  Laws. To the best of Buyer's  knowledge,
neither Buyer nor any officer,  director,  affiliate,  or controlling  person of
Seller has committed any violation, or been

in  any  way  in  contravention,  of  any  law,  rule  or  regulation  governing
transactions in securities, in connection with the transactions herein.

     3.10 Inspection and Value. Buyer has formed its own opinion as to the value
of Seller's  Assets being purchased  hereunder.  The parties agree that Seller's
warranties  include only the express  written  warranties  that are contained in
this  Agreement.  Seller hereby  disclaims all implied  warranties.  The parties
acknowledge  that Buyer has inspected  such Assets to the full extent of Buyer's
desire,   and  Seller  has  given  Buyer  ample   opportunity  to  conduct  such
inspections. Buyer recognizes that the success of the business in which Seller's
Assets will be  utilized is  dependent  upon  Buyer's  skills and ability in the

     3.11   Assumption   of  Business   Contracts.   Buyer   shall   assume  the
responsibility  for the  performance  of any  contract,  agreement or commitment
involving Seller as disclosed in the Disclosure Schedule.  However,  Buyer shall
have no  responsibility  to perform any such activities to the extent contracted
for by Seller between the date of this Agreement and the Closing without Buyer's
consent.  Buyer shall indemnify and hold Seller harmless from all claims,  loss,
or liability arising out of Buyer's  performance or failure to perform under any
such contract, agreement or commitment.

     3.12 Representation and Warranties.  No representation or warranty by Buyer
in this Agreement or any documents  provided  hereunder contains or will contain
any untrue  statement or omits or will omit to state any material fact necessary
to make the statements contained herein not misleading.  All representations and
warranties made by Buyer in this Agreement and all documents  provided hereunder
shall be true and correct as of the Closing  Date with the same force and effect
as if they had been made on and as of such date.

                                    ARTICLE 4
                               COVENANTS OF SELLER

     Seller hereby covenants and agrees with Buyer as follows:

     4.1  Seller's  Cooperation.  Seller  will  use its best  efforts,  and will
cooperate   with   Buyer,   to  secure  all   necessary   consents,   approvals,
authorization, exemptions and waivers from third parties as shall be required in
order to enable Seller to effect the transactions  contemplated  hereby and will
otherwise use its best efforts to cause the consummation of such transactions in
accordance with the terms and conditions hereof.

     Further Seller shall furnish  correct and complete  information,  including
financial statements, data and other documents Buyer shall reasonably request.

     4.2  Conduct of  Business.  Seller  covenants  with Buyer that  pending the

     (a) The Clinical Trials Business will be conducted its business only in the
     ordinary  course  and  use  its  best  efforts  to  preserve  the  business
     organization of the Clinical Trials Business intact.

     (b) No dividend or other  distribution  or payment will be declared or paid
     with respect to UCT or  Pharmasoft's  outstanding  shares,  and it will not
     redeem, purchase, or otherwise acquire such shares.

     (c)  The  Clinical  Trials  Business  will  make no  changes  in any of its
     contracts or commitments, except those that occur in the ordinary course of

     (d) The Clinical Trials Business will make no new contracts or commitments,
     except  contracts  in the  ordinary  course of business for the purchase of
     merchandise, materials, and supplies.

     (e) The Seller will use its best efforts to preserve  the  Clinical  Trials
     Business's relationships with its material lenders,  suppliers,  customers,
     licensors and licensees and others having material  business  dealings with
     it such that its business will not be substantially impaired.

     4.3 Additional documents.  Seller shall, at any one or more times after the
Closing  Date,  upon  Buyer's  request,  execute,  acknowledge,  and deliver all
further deeds,  assignments,  transfers,  conveyances,  powers of attorney,  and
assurances that are required for the better assigning,  transferring,  granting,
conveying,  assuring, and confirming to Buyer, or to its successors and assigns,
or for aiding and assisting in collecting and reducing to possession,  any of or
all the assets and  properties to be conveyed,  to Buyer,  and any of or all the
obligations  of Seller to be  assigned  to, and  assumed,  paid,  performed  and
discharged by, Buyer.

                                    ARTICLE 5
                               COVENANTS OF BUYER

     Buyer hereby covenants and agrees with Seller as follows:

     5.1 Buyer's  Cooperation.  Buyer will furnish  Seller  correct and complete
information,  including  financial  statements,  data and other documents Seller
shall  reasonably  request for inclusion as required in certain filings with the
Securities and Exchange  Commission  and the National  Association of Securities
Dealers in order to fully effect the  distribution  to its  shareholders  of the
GUCT Common Stock.

     Further,  Buyer will use its best efforts,  and will cooperate with Seller,
to secure all necessary  consents,  approvals,  authorizations,  exemptions  and
waivers  from third  parties as shall be  required  in order to enable  Buyer to
effect the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  and will otherwise use its best
efforts to cause the  consummation  of such  transactions in accordance with the
terms and conditions hereof.

     5.2 Buyer's  Knowledge of Business;  Seller's  Representations  Modified by
Buyer's  Knowledge.  To the  knowledge of Buyer,  Seller's  representations  and
warranties  made in this  Agreement  are true and correct.  Buyer hereby  agrees
that, to the extent any  representation or warranty of Seller made herein is, to
the knowledge of Buyer  acquired prior to the Closing,  untrue or incorrect,  if
Buyer elects to close,  (i) Buyer shall have no rights  under this  Agreement by
reason  of such  untruth  or  inaccuracy,  and (ii) any such  representation  or
warranty  by Seller  shall be deemed to be amended to the  extent  necessary  to
render it consistent with such knowledge of Buyer.

     Further,  Buyer  acknowledges  that the  success of the  business  in which
Seller's  Assets will be utilized is solely  dependent  upon Buyer's  skills and
ability in the industry.

     5.3 Contracts. Buyer shall undertake the responsibility for the performance
of any contract,  agreement or commitment  involving  Seller as disclosed in the
Disclosure Schedule.  However, Buyer shall have no responsibility to perform any
such activities to the extent  contracted for by Seller between the date of this
Agreement and the Closing  without  Buyer's  consent.  Buyer shall indemnify and
hold Seller harmless from all claims,  loss, or liability arising out of Buyer's
performance  or  failure  to  perform  under  any such  contract,  agreement  or

     5.4 Additional  documents.  Buyer shall, at any one or more times after the
Closing  Date,  upon Seller's  request,  execute,  acknowledge,  and deliver all
further  instruments or documents and

take all such  further  action  as Seller  may  reasonably  request  in order to
evidence the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby.

                                    ARTICLE 6

     6.1  Confidentiality.  Buyer and Seller mutually acknowledge that, pursuant
to their respective  rights to inspect the other's books,  accounts and records,
they  may  become  privy  to the  other's  confidential  information,  and  that
communication of such confidential information to third parties could damage the
other's business after the transaction is completed.  Buyer and Seller therefore
mutually agree to take reasonable  steps to insure that such  information  about
the other, obtained by Buyer or Seller respectively,  or any of their respective
employees,  officers,  agents,  attorneys, or other accredited  representatives,
shall remain  confidential  and not be disclosed or revealed to outside sources.
"Confidential  information"  includes  information  not ordinarily  known by non
company  personnel,  including  customer lists,  supplier lists,  trade secrets,
pricing policy and records,  and all other information normally understood to be
confidential or otherwise designated as such by Seller or Buyer respectively.

     6.2 Taxes.

     (a) In accordance with paragraph 1.6 and 1.7 herein above,  Seller shall be
     liable  for all  income  and  franchise  taxes  payable  as a result of the
     operations of the Clinical Trials Business prior to Closing. Buyer shall be
     liable  for all  income  and  franchise  taxes  payable  as a result of the
     operations of the Clinical Trials Business from and after the Closing.

     (b) After the Closing  Date,  Buyer and Seller shall make  available to the
     other,  as  reasonably  requested,   and  to  any  taxing  authority,   all
     information,  records or documents relating to tax liabilities or potential
     tax  liabilities  of or relating to the  Clinical  Trials  Business for all
     periods prior to or including the Closing Date and shall  preserve all such
     information,  records and documents  until the expiration of any applicable
     statute of  limitations  or  extensions  thereof.  Buyer shall  prepare and
     provide to Seller any  federal,  state,  local or foreign  tax  information
     package  requested by Seller for Seller's use in preparing its tax returns.
     Such tax  information  packages shall be completed by Buyer and provided to
     Seller within a reasonable time upon request after the Closing.  Each party
     shall bear its own expense in complying with the foregoing provisions.

     (c) Buyer shall  promptly  notify  Seller in writing upon receipt by Buyer,
     any  affiliate  of Buyer or the Clinical  Trials  Business of notice of any
     pending  or  threatened  federal,  state,  or local or  foreign  income  or
     franchise tax audits or assessments  of or relating to the Clinical  Trials
     Business for taxable periods ending prior to or including the Closing Date.
     Seller  shall  have  the  sole  right  to  represent  the  Clinical  Trials
     Business's interests in any tax audit or administrative or court proceeding
     relating to taxable periods for which Seller is responsible for the payment
     of taxes, and to employ counsel of its choice at its expense.  Buyer agrees
     that it will  cooperate  fully with  Seller and its  counsel in the defense
     against or compromise of any claim in any said proceeding.

     6.3 Access to records.  Before the Closing Date, the parties'  officers and
accredited representatives shall each have full access to the properties, books,
accounts,  and records of every kind,  and each will  furnish the other with all
additional financial and operating data and other information as to its business
and properties that is from time to time reasonably requested.  Each party shall
authorize and direct its  respective  independent  auditors to make available to
the other party any information,  including access to work papers,  requested by
such party.

                                    ARTICLE 7

     The  obligations  of  Seller to sell the  Assets  shall be  subject  to the
satisfaction  (or waiver) on or prior to the Closing  Date of all the  following

     7.1  Representations  and  Warranties.   All  Buyer's  representations  and
warranties contained in this Agreement shall be true in all material respects as
of and at the Closing.  Seller shall have received a certificate of Buyer,  from
an authorized officer thereof,  certifying the following as to the Buyer and its

     (i) Buyer is a  corporation  duly  organized  and existing in good standing
     under the laws of the British  Virgin  Islands and is duly  qualified to do
     business in that country.

     (ii) Buyer has full power and  authority  to make,  execute,  deliver,  and
     perform this Agreement;  all corporate and other proceedings required to be
     taken by Buyer,  its directors and shareholders to authorize Buyer to enter
     into and carry out this Agreement and the transaction  contemplated  hereby
     have been duly and  properly  taken;  this  Agreement  constitutes  a valid
     obligation  binding upon Buyer in accordance  with its terms,  and Buyer is
     and has the  corporate  power to  conduct  the type of  business  presently
     conducted by Seller.

     (iii) The execution,  delivery,  and  consummation of this Agreement do not
     conflict with result in breach of, or constitute a default  under,  Buyer's
     Articles of Incorporation or By-laws, or other similar charter documents of
     Buyer,  or any material  agreement or  instrument of which such counsel has
     knowledge  and to which Buyer is a party or by which it is bound.  

     (iv) The authorized  officer does not know of any litigation  proceeding or
     governmental  investigation  pending or  threatened  against or relating to
     Buyer which would adversely affect in any way the business of Buyer.

     (v) At the Closing, Seller or its nominees shall be issued capital stock of
     the  Buyer,  GUCT,  in the  amount of 217,000  shares,  par value  $0.64 in
     denominations,  amounts and names  requested by Seller.  Subsequent  to the
     Closing,  Buyer  shall  cooperate  with Seller upon  Seller's  request,  to
     execute all further  transfers and conveyances that are required for better
     transferring,  granting, conveying assuring and confirming to Seller, or to
     its successors  and assigns,  or for aiding and assisting in collecting and
     reducing to  possession,  any or all the shares to be conveyed to Seller or
     its nominees.

     (vi) Buyer has complied with all applicable statutes, the provisions of its
     Certificate  of  Incorporation  and  By-laws,   or  other  similar  charter
     documents,  and  all  other  laws  and  regulations  in  all  jurisdictions
     applicable to the transaction contemplated to be performed by it hereunder,
     including,  but not  limited to the federal  securities  laws in the United
     States.  Buyer  acknowledges and agrees that it shall file with the SEC all
     corporate  updates to any registration  under the Exchange Act filed by the
     Seller on behalf of the Buyer as set out in paragraph 2.10.

     7.2 Performance  and Consent.  Buyer shall have performed and complied with
all its agreements,  terms and conditions  under this Agreement on or before the
Closing, including, but not limited to, the execution of all necessary consents,
approvals,  authorizations,  exemptions  or waivers in regard to the issuance of
new  securities of GUCT,  the  assumption of contracts and  liabilities  and the
compliance with federal securities laws in relation to mandatory filings.

     7.3  Bankruptcy  or Similar.  Buyer shall not be in  bankruptcy  or similar

                                    ARTICLE 8

     The obligations of Buyer to purchaser the Assets and assume the Liabilities
of Seller  shall be subject to the  satisfaction  (or waiver) on or prior to the
Closing Date of all the following conditions.

     8.1  Representations  and  Warranties.  All  Seller's  representations  and
warranties contained in this Agreement shall be true in all material respects as
of and at the Closing  Date with the same effect as if they had been made on and
as of Closing, except as otherwise contemplated or specifically permitted by the
terms  hereof.  Buyer  shall have  received  a  certificate  of Seller,  from an
authorized officer thereof,  certifying as to the following as to the Seller and
its operations:

     (i) Seller is a  corporation  duly  organized and existing in good standing
     under the laws of the State of Delaware, has full corporate power to own or
     sell its assets and to conduct its  business,  and is duly  qualified to do
     business in that state.

     (ii) Seller has full power and  authority to make,  execute,  deliver,  and
     perform this Agreement;  all corporate and other proceedings required to be
     taken by Seller,  its directors  and  shareholders  to authorize  Seller to
     enter into and carry out this  Agreement and the  transaction  contemplated
     hereby have been duly and properly  taken;  this  Agreement  constitutes  a
     valid  obligation  binding upon Seller in  accordance  with its terms,  and
     Seller  is and has the  corporate  power to  conduct  the type of  business
     presently conducted by Buyer.

     (iii) The execution,  delivery,  and  consummation of this Agreement do not
     conflict with result in breach of, or constitute a default under,  Seller's
     Articles  of  Incorporation  or  By-laws,  or  any  material  agreement  or
     instrument  of which such  counsel has  knowledge  and to which Seller is a
     party or by which it is bound.

     (iv) At the Closing,  Buyer shall receive good and marketable  title to the
     Assets  being  sold  and  transferred  hereunder,  free  and  clear  of any
     interests, encumbrances, subject only to matters expressly set forth herein
     or in the Disclosure Schedule annexed hereto.

     (v) The authorized  officer does not know of any  litigation  proceeding or
     governmental  investigation  pending or  threatened  against or relating to
     Seller or the Assets which would  adversely  affect in any way the business
     or Assets.

     (vi) All corporate and other  proceedings and actions and filings  required
     by  this  Agreement  or by law  or any  rules  or  regulations  promulgated
     thereunder,  to be  taken  by or on the part of the  Seller,  its  board of
     Directors or  shareholders  to authorize  Seller to execute,  deliver,  and
     perform  its duties and  obligations  hereunder  have been duly and validly

     (vii) Seller has complied with all applicable  statutes,  the provisions of
     its  Certificate  of  Incorporation  and  By-laws,  and all other  laws and
     regulations  applicable to the transaction  contemplated to be performed by
     it hereunder, more specifically,  the federal securities laws of the United

     8.2 Performance and Consent.  Seller shall have performed and complied with
all its agreements,  terms and conditions  under this Agreement on or before the
Closing  Date,  including,  but not limited to, the  execution of all  necessary
consents, approvals, authorizations,  exemptions or waivers especially in regard
to the  spin-off  and  subsequent  registration  of the Buyer,  GUCT,  under the
Exchange Act.

     8.3  Bankruptcy  or Similar.  Seller shall not be in  bankruptcy or similar

                                    ARTICLE 9

     9.1 No Survival.  The representations and warranties made in this Agreement
or in  any  certificate  or  other  document  delivered  pursuant  hereto  or in
connection  therewith and the covenants and  agreements  contained  herein to be
performed  or  complied  with at or prior to the  Closing  shall not survive the
Closing.  The  covenants  and  agreements  contained  herein to be  performed or
complied  with after the Closing shall  survive  without  limitation as to time,
unless the covenant or agreement  specifies a term,  in which case such covenant
or agreement  shall survive for a period of one year following the expiration of
such specified term and shall thereupon expire.

     9.2 Entire Agreement.  This Agreement  (including the Disclosure  Schedule)
and those other documents  annexed hereto,  supersedes all prior  agreements and
constitutes  the sole  understanding  of the parties with respect to the subject
matter hereof. Matters disclosed by Seller or Buyer pursuant to any paragraph of
this Agreement shall be deemed to be disclosed with respect to all paragraphs of
this Agreement.

     9.3  Successors  and Assigns.  The terms and  conditions of this  Agreement
shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the  respective  successors of
the parties hereto;  provided,  however, that this Agreement may not be assigned
by any party  without prior  written  consent of the other party hereto,  except
that Buyer may, at its election, assign this Agreement to any direct or indirect
wholly-owned  subsidiary so long as the  representations and warranties of Buyer
made herein are equally true of such  assignee.  Such  assignee  shall execute a
counterpart  of this Agreement  agreeing to be bound by the provision  hereof as
"Buyer"  and,  if there is more than one  assignee,  agreeing  to be jointly and
severally liable for all of the obligations of the assignor  hereunder.  If this
Agreement is assigned with such consent or pursuant to such exception, the terms
and  conditions  hereof  shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of
the parties hereto and their  respective  assigns;  provided,  however,  that no
assignment of this  Agreement or any of the rights or  obligations  hereof shall
relieve the assignor of its obligations under this Agreement.

     9.4   Counterparts.   This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  one  or  more
counterparts,  each of which shall for all  purposes be deemed to be an original
and all of which shall constitute the same instrument.

     9.5 Headings. The headings of the Articles and paragraphs of this Agreement
are inserted for convenience  only and shall not be deemed to constitute part of
this Agreement or to affect the construction hereof.

     9.6 Modifications and Waivers. No amendment,  modification or alteration of
the terms or provisions of this Agreement shall be binding unless the same shall
be in writing and duly  executed by the parties  hereto,  except that any of the
terms or  provisions  of this  Agreement may be waived in writing at any time by
the party which is entitled to the benefits of such waived terms or  provisions.
No waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed to or shall
constitute a waiver of any other provision  hereof (whether or not similar).  No
delay on the part of any  party in  exercising  any  right,  power or  privilege
hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof.

     9.7  Expenses.  Seller  and Buyer  shall  each pay all  costs and  expenses
incurred  by it or on its  behalf  in  connection  with this  Agreement  and the
transaction contemplated hereby,  including,  without limiting the generality of
the foregoing,  fees and expenses of its own financial consultants,  accountants
and counsel.

     9.8 Notices. Any notice, request, instruction or other document to be given
hereunder  by either  party  hereto to the other  party  shall be in writing and
delivered  personally or sent by registered or certified  mail (or air mail when
applicable), postage prepaid,

              if to Seller to :             UniHolding Corporation
                                            96 Spring Street, 8th Floor
                                            New York, New York 10012
                                            Attn:    Melanie Stapp

              with a copy to:               UniHolding Corporation
                                            c/o Unilabs SA
                                            12, place de Cornavin
                                            CH 1211 Geneva 1
                                            Attn:  Bruno Adam

              if to Buyer to:               Global Unilabs Clinical Trials Ltd.
                                            207-208 Neptune House
                                            Marina Bay
                                            Attn:    Helen Beards

              with a copy to:               Unilabs Group Limited
                                            207-208 Neptune House
                                            Marina Bay
                                            Attn:    Helen Beards

or at such other  address for a party as shall be specified by like notice.  Any
notice  which is delivered  personally  in the manner  provided  herein shall be
deemed to have been duly given to the party to whom it is  directed  upon actual
receipt by such party.  Any notice which is  addressed  and mailed in the manner
herein  provided shall be  conclusively  presumed to have been duly given to the
party to which it is  addressed  at the  close of  business,  local  time of the
recipient, on the third day after the day it is so placed in the mail.

     9.9 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and
governed by the laws of the state of Delaware. Each of the parties agrees to (i)
the  irrevocable  designation of the Secretary of State of Delaware as its agent
upon whom process  against it may be served and (ii)  personal  jurisdiction  in
any,  action  brought in any court,  Federal or State,  within  Delaware  having
subject matter jurisdiction arising under this Agreement.

     9.10 Binding Effect.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit  of the  parties  hereto  and their  respective  legal  representatives,
successors and assigns.

       IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  each of the parties hereto has caused this Agreement
to be executed on its behalf as of the date first above written.

                                                 UNIHOLDING CORPORATION, Seller

                                                 By: /s/ Edgard Zwirn
                                                 Title:  Chairman

                                                 By: /s/ Bruno Adam
                                                 Title:  Director

By:/s/ Melanie Stapp
Name:  Melanie Stapp

                                           GLOBAL UNILABS CLINICAL TRIALS, Buyer

                                           By: /s/ Alessandra Van Gemerden
                                           Title:  Director

                                           By: /s/ Paul Hokfelt
                                           Title:  Director

By:/s/ Melanie Stapp
Name:  Melanie Stapp