PULASKI, TENNESSEE



     Notice is hereby given that pursuant to call of its Directors, the 
regular annual meeting of the shareholders of First Pulaski National 
Corporation of Pulaski, Tennessee, will be held in the Cox and Curry 
Center of the First National Bank at 206 South First Street, Pulaski, 
Tennessee on Thursday, April 29, 1999, at 1:00 P.M. CDT for the purpose 
of considering and voting on the following matters:

     (1) The election as Directors of the nineteen (19) persons 
     named in the accompanying Proxy Statement dated April 7, 1999. 

     (2) Ratification of the selection of the Certified Public 
     Accounting Firm of Putman and Hancock, Certified Public 
     Accountants, for professional services for the current year, 

     (3) Any other business that properly may be brought before the 
     meeting or any adjournment or adjournments thereof.

     Only those shareholders of record at the close of business on March 
22, 1999, shall be entitled to Notice of Meeting and to vote at the 
annual meeting or any adjournment thereof.

By order of the Board of Directors

/s/ James T. Cox
James T. Cox
Acting Chairman

                            PROXY STATEMENT

     This proxy statement is furnished in connection with the 
solicitation of proxies by the Board of Directors of the First Pulaski 
National Corporation (the "Corporation") to be voted at the annual 
meeting of the shareholders of the Corporation or any adjournment or 
adjournments thereof, to be held on April 29, 1999, at the time and place 
and for the purposes set forth in the accompanying notice.  A proxy may 
be revoked by the shareholder at any time prior to its use by filing with 
the Secretary of the Corporation a written revocation or duly executed 
proxy bearing a later date.  This proxy statement and the accompanying 
form of proxy have been mailed on or about April 7, 1999, to holders of 
the Corporation's common stock as of March 22, 1999.

     The Corporation's principal executive office is located in the First 
National Bank Building at 206 South First Street, Pulaski, Tennessee, 

     Proxies may be solicited by mail.  All costs will be borne by the 
Corporation.  The Corporation does not anticipate paying any compensation 
to any party other than its regular employees (and then only regular 
salaries plus expenses) for the solicitation of proxies. 

     The shares represented by such proxies will be voted in accordance 
with the choices specified therein.  If no choice has been specified, the 
shares will be voted for the election of the nominees named herein as 
directors and for the ratification of the selection of Putman and 
Hancock, Certified Public Accountants of Fayetteville, Tennessee, as the 
Corporation's independent auditors for the current year.  The Board of 
Directors of the Corporation does not know of any other matters which 
will be presented for action at the meeting, but the persons named in the 
proxy (who are directors of the Corporation) intend to vote or act with 
respect to any other proposal which may be properly presented for action, 
according to their best judgment unless the proxy provides otherwise for 
the withholding of discretionary authority.

     As of March 22, 1999, the Corporation had outstanding 1,574,065 
shares of its $1 par value common stock, held by 1,382 shareholders of 
record.  Holders of its Common Stock are entitled to one vote for each 
share of common stock held on all matters to come before the meeting. 
Only shareholders of record at the close of business on March 22, 1999 
are entitled to vote at the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     The affirmative vote of a plurality of the votes cast is required 
for the election of the nominees as directors.  The affirmative vote of 
a majority of the shares represented at the meeting is required for 
ratification of the selection of the independent auditors.

     "Abstentions" and "Non Votes" are counted as "present" in 
determining whether a quorum is present.  A non vote occurs when a 
nominee holding shares for a beneficial owner votes on one proposal but 
does not vote on another proposal because the nominee does not have 
discretionary voting power and has not received instructions from the 
beneficial owner.

                        SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN

     The following table sets forth information concerning (i) persons 
who are the beneficial owners of more than 5% of Common Stock (its only 
class of voting securities) and (ii) the beneficial ownership of the 
Corporation's common stock by all directors and Executive Officers of the 
Corporation as a group (20 persons). Information concerning beneficial 
ownership of the Corporation's directors and nominees and executive 
officers of the Corporation is set forth in the table under the section 
of this Proxy Statement entitled "Election of Directors" (the "Directors' 
Table").  The information shown below is as of March 22, 1999, and is 
based on the Corporation's stock records or the ownership data filed with 
the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                OWNER                     OWNERSHIP                   
Common stock    First National Bank           81,348 (1)         5.17
                of Pulaski, Tennessee
                Profit Sharing Plan
                P. O. Box 289
                Pulaski, TN  38478

Common stock    All Directors and
                Executive Officers
                (20 persons)                 286,667            18.87

(1) The First National Bank of Pulaski, Tennessee Profit Sharing Plan 
owns 81,348 shares of Common Stock.  First Farmers and Merchants National 
Bank of Columbia, Tennessee acts as the Trustee for the Profit Sharing 
Plan and in such capacity has the authority to vote these shares of 
Common Stock.  


     Pursuant to rules promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 
as amended, the Corporation's directors, executive officers and any 
person holding more than ten percent (10%) of the Common Stock are 
required to report their ownership of the Common Stock and any changes in 
that ownership to the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). 
These persons are also required by SEC regulations to furnish the 
Corporation with copies of these reports. Specific due dates for these 
reports have been established and the Corporation is required to report 
any failure to file by these dates.  Based solely on a review of the 
reports furnished to the Corporation and written representations from the 
Corporation's directors and executive officers, the Corporation believes 
that all of these filing requirements were satisfied by the Corporation's 
directors, executive officers and ten percent (10%) holders during the 
1998 fiscal year.  

                                PROPOSAL NO. 1
                            ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     The By-Laws of the Corporation currently state that the Board of 
Directors shall consist of not less than five (5) nor more than thirty-
five (35) members.

     The persons herein named will be elected to hold office until the 
next annual meeting of shareholders and until their successors have been 
elected and qualified.  Unless otherwise directed, it is the intention of 
the persons named in the proxy to vote the shares covered thereby for the 
nominees designated by the Board of Directors as listed below.

     The following table sets forth certain information concerning each 
person nominated for election as a director.  Management of the 
Corporation believes that each of the individuals named below intends to 
vote their shares of Common Stock in favor of election of the nominees 
for director and ratification of the selection of Putman and Hancock, 
Certified Public Accountants as the Corporation's auditors. Except as 
otherwise indicated, management of the Corporation believes that each 
such person holds sole voting and investment power with respect to the 
number of shares of Common Stock indicated.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                 AS        COMMON STOCK   CLASS   OCCUPATION
**               SINCE     OWNED AS               FOR LAST FIVE
                           OF 3/22/99             (5) YEARS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

David E.    45   4/22/93    4,950 (1)*    0.31    President, Bagley &
Bagley                                            Bagley Ins., Inc.

Johnny      63  10/19/81   21,130 (2)*    1.34    Owner, Davis &
Bevill                                            Eslick Market 

James K.    56   4/07/83   10,730 (3)*    0.68    Owner, Lairdland Farm
Blackburn,                                        Real Estate Broker

Wade        35   4/20/95    4,250 (4)     0.27    Owner,Wash Master Car
Boggs                                             Washes

James H.    52   4/05/84    6,350 (5)*    0.40    Real Estate Agent, 
Butler                                            Butler Realty

Thomas L.   67  10/19/81   26,645 (6)*    1.69    President, Cardin
Cardin                                            Distributing Co.,Inc.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                 AS        COMMON STOCK   CLASS   OCCUPATION
**               SINCE     OWNED AS               FOR LAST FIVE
                           OF 3/22/99             (5) YEARS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Joyce F.    67   4/01/82    7,000 (7)     0.44    Retired Vice-        
Chaffin                                           President, First     
                                                  National Bank 

James T.    61    Never     7,599 (8)(8a) 0.48    Vice-President, 
Cox               Served                          First National Bank

Parmenas    87  10/19/81   27,877 (8)(9)* 1.77    Retired Senior 
Cox                                               Chairman of the      
                                                  Board, First National 

Gregory G.  49   4/22/93    5,580 (10)    0.35    Dentist

Charles D.  44   4/22/93   15,850 (11)    1.01    Physician

Morris Ed   68   4/07/83   19,434 (12)*   1.23    President,
Harwell                                           Harwell Enterprises, 

James Rand  62   4/07/83   13,040 (13)    0.83    Owner,
Hayes                                             Hayes Properties

D. Clayton  74  10/19/81   53,000 (14)    3.37    Retired, Attorney at 
Lee                                               Law

Kenneth R.  69  10/19/81   13,590 (15)    0.86    Retired Plant 
Lowry                                             Superintendent,
                                                  Genesco, Inc., 
Pulaski, TN

Beatrice        10/19/81   17,705 (16)    1.12    Real Estate
McElroy                                           Investments

William A.  66   4/04/91    4,750 (17)    0.30    Owner, McNairy's 
McNairy                                           Flowerama & Gifts,   

W. Harwell  64  10/19/81   38,775 (18)*   2.46    Physician

Bill        54   4/04/91    4,750 (19)*   0.30    Farmer

 (1) Shares held by Raymond James & Associates for benefit of David 

 (2) Includes 10,565 shares held by wife.

 (3) Includes 1,730 shares held by wife and 2,250 shares available but 
unexercised subject to the 1994 Stock Option Plan for Outside 

 (4) Includes 1,915 shares held by wife and 420 shares held with father, 
who is now deceased.

 (5) Includes 4,922 shares held jointly with wife, 450 shares held 
jointly with three children and 978 shares available but unexercised 
subject to the 1994 Stock Option Plan for Outside Directors.

 (6) Includes 11,365 shares held by Raymond James & Associates for 
benefit of Thomas L. Cardin IRA, 2,500 shares held by James Clarence 
Cardin Testamentary Trust, 2,345 shares held by wife, and 2,580 
shares held by mother, who is now deceased.

 (7) Includes 3,375 shares held by husband and 1,000 shares available but 
unexercised subject to the 1994 Stock Option Plan for Outside 

 (8) Parmenas Cox is the father of James T. Cox.

 (8a) Includes 432 shares held by wife and 250 shares held by Smith Barney 
for benefit of James T. Cox IRA. 

 (9) Held individually.

(10) Includes 100 shares held jointly with wife as Trustee for child and 
1,665 shares held by Raymond James & Associates for benefit of 
Gregory G. Dugger IRA.

(11) Includes 5,240 shares held jointly with wife, 300 shares held 
jointly with wife as Trustee for three children, and 10,310 shares 
held in trust for employees of Physicians and Surgeons, Inc.

(12) Includes 100 shares held by wife and 1,000 shares held by Raymond 
James & Associates for benefit of Morris Ed Harwell.

(13) Includes 6,520 shares held by wife.

(14) Includes 28,090 shares held by wife and 1,000 shares available but 
unexercised subject to the 1994 Stock Option Plan for Outside 

(15) Includes 7,040 shares held jointly with wife and 250 shares 
available but unexercised subject to the 1994 Stock Option Plan for 
Outside Directors.

(16) Includes 540 shares held by husband, 1,059 shares held jointly with 
husband, 12,406 shares held jointly with two children and 2,640 
shares held as trustee for two children.

(17) Includes 1,000 shares held jointly with wife and 3,750 shares 
available but unexercised subject to the 1994 Stock Option Plan for 
Outside Directors.

(18) Includes 17,475 shares held by wife, 10,310 shares held in trust for 
employees of Physicians & Surgeons, Inc. and 1,091 shares available 
but unexercised subject to the 1994 Stock Option Plan for Outside 

(19) Held jointly with wife.

 *     Serves on the Board of Directors of First National Bank of Pulaski, 

**     Robert M. Curry served as Chairman of the Board and CEO of the 
Corporation and the Bank until his resignation on August 11, 1998.  Mr. 
Curry, age 49, beneficially owns 18,547 shares of Common Stock, which 
constitutes 1.18% of the class owned.  This amount includes 7,780 shares 
held jointly with his wife, 6,180 shares held jointly with two brothers 
as partners, and 730 held jointly as Trustee for four children.

     The By-Laws of the Corporation restrict nomination of persons to  
     serve as directors as follows:

     Any stockholder who intends to nominate or cause to be nominated any 
candidate for election to the Board of Directors, other than those made 
by or at the direction of the Board of Directors, shall make such 
intention known by timely notice in writing to the Secretary of the 
Corporation.  To be timely, a stockholder's notice shall be delivered to 
or mailed and received at the principal executive offices of the 
Corporation within the time periods set forth in Rule 14a-8(a)(3) enacted 
pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the 
"Exchange Act"}.  Such stockholder's notice shall set forth (a) as to 
each person whom the stockholder proposes to nominate for election or re-
election as a Director, (i) the name, age, business and residence address 
of such person, (ii) the principal occupation or employment of such 
person, (iii) the class and number of shares of the Corporation which are 
beneficially owned by such person and (iv) any other information relating 
to such person that is required to be disclosed in solicitations of 
proxies for election of Directors, or is otherwise required, in each case 
pursuant to Regulation 14A under the Exchange Act, as amended (including 
without limitation such persons' written consent to being named in the 
proxy statement as a nominee and to serving as a Director if elected); 
and (b) as to the stockholder giving the notice (i) the name and address, 
as they appear on the Corporation's books, of such stockholder and (ii) 
the class and number of shares of the Corporation which are beneficially 
owned by such stockholder.  Any nominations for directors not in 
accordance with this requirement may be disregarded by the Chairman of 
the meeting, and upon instruction by the Chairman, votes cast for each 
such nominee shall be disregarded.  

     Unless directed otherwise by the shareholders, the enclosed proxy 
will be voted for the election of the nominees for Directors listed. 
Management of the Corporation has no reason to believe at this time that 
the persons so nominated will be unable or will decline to serve if 
elected.  As set forth in the By-Laws of the Corporation, the President 
is authorized to vote shares held by the Corporation in other 
corporations and in said capacity the President of the Corporation will 
elect the Board of Directors of First National Bank of Pulaski (the 
"Bank"), the Corporation's wholly owned subsidiary.


     The Corporation does not have a standing audit, nominating or 
compensation committee.  Because the Corporation is a one-bank holding 
company, decisions regarding audit, nomination of executive officers and 
the compensation of executive officers are made by the Audit or 
Compensation and Nominations Committees of the Board of Directors of the 
Bank, as appropriate, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors 
of the Bank and of the Board of Directors of the Corporation as a whole. 
The Board of Directors of the Corporation holds regular meetings every 
quarter and special meetings as called.  

     Members of the Bank's Compensation and Nominations Committee are 
Johnny Bevill, Thomas L. Cardin, and W. Harwell Murrey, none of whom are 
employed either by the Corporation or the Bank.  The Compensation and 
Nominations Committee held two (2) meetings during 1998.

     Members of the Bank's Audit Committee include David E. Bagley, 
Johnny Bevill, James K. Blackburn, Thomas L. Cardin, and Morris Ed 
Harwell.  The Audit Committee met seven (7) times during 1998.

     During the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998 the Board of 
Directors held an organizational meeting after the annual shareholders 
meeting, four (4) regular meetings and ten (10) specially called 
meetings. The Board of Directors has three (3) standing committees, (1) 
one which administers the First Pulaski National Corporation 1997 Stock 
Option Plan, (2) one which administers the First Pulaski National 
Corporation 1994 Employee Stock Purchase Plan, and (3) one which 
administers the First Pulaski National Corporation 1994 Stock Option Plan 
for Outside Directors.  Of the fifteen (15) meetings of the Board of 
Directors held during 1998, Joe Dunavant missed five (5) meetings, 
Charles D. Haney missed nine (9) meetings and D. Clayton Lee missed four 
(4) meetings. No other incumbent director attended fewer than 75% of the 
total number of meetings of the Board of Directors.  All of the Directors 
who serve on the Board of Directors of the Corporation's subsidiary, 
First National Bank of Pulaski, also serve on the Corporation's Board of 

                          EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The table on the following page summarizes the compensation paid or 
accrued by the Corporation during the fiscal years 1998, 1997 and 1996 
for (i) the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation, (ii) the 
President of the Corporation and (iii) other executive officers of the 
Corporation whose total compensation exceeds $100,000 (collectively, the 
"Named Executive Officers"):

                        SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Robert M. Curry       1998     $ 93,480   $  2,411        $ 14,470
 Chief Executive      1997     $120,557   $  8,350        $ 19,049
 Officer of the       1996     $116,511   $  6,904        $ 18,307

William R. Horne      1998     $134,900   $  4,776        $ 20,856
 President of the     1997     $120,557   $  8,350        $ 19,362
 Corporation          1996     $116,511   $  6,927        $ 18,278
Glen Lamar            1998     $107,147   $  3,678        $ 15,951
 Secretary/           1997     $ 99,763   $  7,200        $ 15,533
 Treasurer of the     1996     $ 96,323   $  5,732        $ 14,629

(1)     Includes for the fiscal years 1998, 1997 and 1996 respectively, 
directors' fees in the amount of $6,700, $11,600 and $10,725 for Mr. 
Curry, $13,800, $11,600 and $10,725 for Mr. Horne, and $13,700, $11,600 
and $10,725 for Mr. Lamar.

(2)     Represents for the fiscal years 1998, 1997 and 1996 respectively, (i) 
Corporation contributions to a defined contribution plan in the amount of 
$13,252, $17,203 and $16,597 for Mr. Curry, $18,701, $17,345 and $16,683 
for Mr. Horne, and $18,701, $14,039 and $13,464 for Mr. Lamar; (ii) 
premiums paid by the Corporation with respect to life insurance policies 
on the life of the Named Executive Officers payable to beneficiaries 
designated by the Named Executive Officers of $1,042, $1,452 and $1,431 
for Mr. Curry, $2,155, $2,017 and $1,595 for Mr. Horne, $1,552, $1,494 
and $1,165 for Mr. Lamar; and (iii) interest paid by the Bank (for which 
the Named Executive Officers serve as Executive Officers) on loans to the 
Named Executive Officers arranged by the Bank, the proceeds of which were 
used to purchase Common Stock of the Corporation, in the amount of $176, 
$394 and $279 for Mr. Curry.


     The Corporation does not have a compensation committee.  Because the 
President, the Chairman, and the current Chief Executive Officer of the 
Corporation are also employees of the Bank, and because former Chief 
Executive Officer Mr. Curry was also an employee of the Bank, matters of 
executive compensation, including bonuses, are determined by the 
Compensation and Nominations Committee of the Board of Directors of the 
Bank, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of the Bank and 
of the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

     In setting the 1998 Compensation of Robert M. Curry, who served as the 
Bank's and the Corporation's Chief Executive Officer until August 11, 
1998, the Compensation and Nominations Committee of the Bank (the 
"Committee") reviewed a Tennessee Banking Association 1998 survey of 
compensation levels for Chief Executive Officers of Middle Tennessee 
banks or bank holding companies with assets of $100-500 million and also 
reviewed compensation surveys conducted by other providers of peer group 
data.  Decisions regarding compensation were made in view of these 
sources of information with the intent to compensate the Chief Executive 
Officer with an amount comparable to other financial institutions of 
similar size that are located in similar markets.  In determining 
compensation levels, the Committee further reviewed:  (1) the Bank and 
the Corporation's overall financial performance in 1997, considering in 
particular, asset quality and growth, net income, earnings per share and 
return on equity compared to the previous year, and (2) the Chief 
Executive Officer's direct business contribution to the Bank.

     The 1998 Compensation levels for the remaining executive officers were 
based on similar criteria and considerations as well as the 
recommendations of the Chief Executive Officer to the Committee and the 
Board of Directors.  In light of these criteria, the salary levels for 
Mr. Horne and Mr. Lamar increased in 1998.  

     Executive Officers were eligible for, an received, a cash bonus as well 
under the Corporation's Bonus Program as determined by the Board of 
Directors based upon the Corporation's overall financial performance. The 
decision of the Committee and the Board of Directors to award  bonuses 
was based upon Committee's and the Board of Directors' belief that the 
Corporation's financial performance was sound and consistent with the 
Corporation's past performance.  No specific quantitative performance 
measure (of the Corporation, the Bank or any individual)  was used to 
determine the amount of bonus awarded.  Instead, bonuses for executive 
officers, including the CEO, were given in a manner similar to the 
bonuses granted to all full-time employees of the Bank or the 
Corporation, with the amount awarded being most closely tied to that 
employee's weekly salary.

The Board of Directors of First Pulaski National Corporation

                          AND INSIDER PARTICIPATION

     During fiscal 1998, the Compensation and Nominations Committee of 
the Bank was comprised of Messrs. Bevill, Cardin and Murrey.  None of 
these persons has at any time been an officer or employee of the 
Corporation or its subsidiary.  In addition, there are no relationships 
among the Corporation's executive officers, members of the Compensation 
and Nominations Committee of the Bank or entities whose executives serve 
on the Board of Directors or the Compensation and Nominations Committee 
of the Bank that require disclosure under applicable SEC regulations.


     Set forth on the following page is a graph comparing the annual 
change in the cumulative total shareholder return on the Corporation's 
common stock against the cumulative total return of the NASDAQ Index and 
The Carson Medlin Company's Independent Bank Index for the period of five 
years beginning December 31, 1993 and ending December 31, 1998.  

     (A line graph displaying the contents of the table below will be included 
in the proxy statement which is mailed to our stockholders).

     The cumulative total return reflected in the graph assumes that the 
value of the investment in the Corporation's common stock and each index 
was $100 on December 31, 1993 and that all dividends were reinvested. 


     Robert M. Curry ("Mike Curry") served as Chairman of the Board and Chief 
Executive Officer of the Corporation and First National Bank of Pulaski 
(the "Bank") throughout 1998 until August 11, 1998, when he resigned 
after the Bank discovered he had written unauthorized cashiers checks on 
the Bank and deposited them into another bank.  The total of such 
unauthorized cashiers checks was $1,069,745.00.  After receipt of 
fidelity bond proceeds, the loss to the Bank from Mr. Curry's actions was 
$208,000.00, for which amount he remains liable to the Bank.  In 
addition, Mr. Curry had indebtedness individually or jointly with his 
wife which at October 27, 1998 was $68,681.92.  On October 27, 1998, 
three creditors filed an involuntary bankruptcy petition against Mike 
Curry.  On December 14, 1998, the Bankruptcy Court entered an order for 
relief sustaining the involuntary petition and thereby placing Mike Curry 
in a Chapter 7 (liquidation) bankruptcy case.

     The following table summarizes the indebtedness of Mike Curry and 
members of his family, to the Bank.  Each loan listed was issued as a 
promissory note to the party or parties listed.

                                  Table of Indebtedness of Mike Curry,
                                   and Members of His Family, to Bank    

                                                                      ($) Amount Owed 
as of 2/3/99  

Borrower                Date Note       Amount          Interest          Principal         Accrued Interest      Late
                         Issued          ($)            Rate (%) (1)         Owed                  Owed          Charge
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mike Curry (2)           8/21/97      $16,500.00          9.5             $16,500.00             $970.98 
                         6/30/98        9,424.11          9.5               8,520.84             332.66 
Mike & Debbie Curry(2)   9/11/97       24,630.37          9.5              21,030.44             897.68           50.00
                        11/19/97       23,500.00          9.5              19,604.05             760.27           15.00
John T. Curry (3)        4/23/96       43,261.44      Prime' + 1.56                0             217.49 
                          6/6/96       63,000.00      Prime' + 1.56        36,574.95           1,766.86          250.00
                         1/29/97      370,860.61      Prime' + 1.52       344,218.05          16,559.33          350.00
                         3/18/98        8,396.84      Prime' + 1.56         8,396.84             739.75 
Carroll M. Curry (4)    12/29/95      380,458.64      Prime' + 1.53       332,086.24          17,087.42          100.00
                         3/15/96       44,238.44      Prime' + 1.56                0             188.34 

                                                                      ($) Amount Owed as of 2/3/99  

Borrower                Date Note       Amount          Interest          Principal         Accrued Interest      Late
                         Issued          ($)            Rate (%) (1)        Owed                  Owed           Charge
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carroll M. Curry (4)     6/6/96        63,000.00      Prime' + 1.56        36,446.85           1,831.00          100.00
John T. & 
 Carroll M. Curry (5)   10/17/96      199,424.10      Prime' + 1.56       103,269.12           6,385.74 
                         1/29/97      130,644.54      Prime' + 1.52                0           1,971.89 
                         8/14/97      159,676.78      Prime' + 1.53                0           1,564.79 
                        10/15/97      384,000.00      Prime' + 1.56       384,000.00          30,182.31 
                        11/26/97       47,154.88      Prime' + 1.56        45,154.88           2,338.11 
                          7/2/98      262,373.36      Prime' + 1.05       262,373.36          14,337.94 
                         8/12/98      450,006.23          9.5             364,006.23          15,126.50 
(C & C Partnership)(5)  10/30/97       55,231.00      Prime' + 1.00        55,231.00           2,620.76 
                        12/16/97       79,598.96      Prime' + 1.53        79,598.96           4,995.36 
(C & T Partnership)(5)  10/30/97      780,000.00      Prime' + 1.56       779,786.88          45,430.85 

(1) Prime' means the prime rate as quoted in the New York Stock Exchange

(2) Amounts owed by Mike Curry, individually, and by Mike and Debbie 
Curry, jointly, on promissory notes listed above  are based upon Proof of 
Claims filed by the Bank with the Bankruptcy Court on January 29, 1999.

(3) John T. Curry ("Tim Curry"), brother of Mike Curry, through 
promissory notes listed, borrowed a total of $485,518.89 of which 
$8,396.84 was loaned after January 1, 1998.
(4) Carroll M. Curry ("Carroll Curry"), brother of Mike Curry, through 
the promissory notes listed, borrowed a total of $487,697.08, none of 
which was borrowed after January 1, 1998.

(5) In addition to the notes listed above for Tim and Carroll Curry in 
their individual capacities, the Bank made joint loans to Tim Curry and 
Carroll Curry as co-borrowers.  Two of these loans were made to C & C 
Partnership and one loan to C & T Partnership, of which Tim Curry and 
Carroll Curry were partners.  The total indebtedness of Tim Curry and 
Carroll Curry jointly totals $2,548,109.85; of this amount $712,379.59 
represents loans made after January 1, 1998.

     Johnnie M. Curry, mother of Mike Curry, guaranteed all debts of Tim 
Curry and Carroll Curry, individually, and in their capacities as 
partners of C & C Partnership and C & T Partnership by executing 
guarantees dated January 10, 1989, June 25, 1996, and June 1, 1997.

     Some of the Corporation's officers and directors are at present, as 
in the past, customers of the Bank, and some of the Corporation's 
officers and directors are directors and officers of corporations or 
members of partnerships that are customers of the Bank.  Except as set 
forth above, as such customers, they had transactions in the ordinary 
course of business in 1998 with the Bank, including borrowings, all of 
which were on substantially the same terms, including interest rates and 
collateral, as those prevailing at the time for comparable transactions 
with other persons and did not involve more than normal risk of 
collectability or present any other unfavorable features.

                           DIRECTOR COMPENSATION

     The directors of the Corporation are compensated at the rate of 
$300.00, for each Directors meeting attended.  Those directors of the 
Corporation who serve on the Board of Directors of the First National 
Bank of Pulaski, Tennessee also serve on the Executive and Loan Committee 
for the Bank and are compensated at the rate of $300.00 per directors 
meeting and Executive and Loan Committee meeting.  Additionally, 
directors who serve on the Audit Committee of First National Bank of 
Pulaski receive $150.00 per meeting.  All other directors who serve on 
other committees for the Bank receive $100.00 per meeting.  Inside 
directors (Bank employees) only receive director fees for regular Board 
of Director meetings and Executive and Loan Committee meetings.

                              PROPOSAL NO. 2

     The Corporation has appointed, subject to the ratification of the 
shareholders, the firm of Putman and Hancock, Certified Public 
Accountants, of Fayetteville, Tennessee, as the independent audit firm of 
the Corporation for the year ending December 31, 1999.  James M. Putman 
and his associates, have been the Corporation's auditors since 1981 and 
the Board of Directors considers the firm of Putman and Hancock to be 
well qualified.  A representative of Putman and Hancock is expected to 
attend the shareholder's meeting and to have the opportunity to make a 
statement and/or respond to appropriate questions from shareholders.

     Putman and Hancock in 1998 provided the following audit services: 
examination of financial statements of the Corporation, its subsidiaries 
and related entities, including those in the Annual Report to Sharehold-
ers and in reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and 
others and limited reviews of the Corporation's interim financial state-

     The management of the Corporation recommends a vote FOR ratification 
of the selection of Putman and Hancock, Certified Public Accountants, as 
the Corporation's independent audit firm.  Proxies solicited by 
management will be so voted unless shareholders specify a contrary choice 
in their proxies.

                           SHAREHOLDERS' PROPOSALS

     In order for any proposals by shareholders to be included in the 
1999 proxy materials and to be considered at the 2000 annual meeting, all 
such proposals intended for presentation at the 2000 annual meeting must 
be mailed to Harold Bass, Acting Secretary/Treasurer, First Pulaski 
National Corporation, 206 South First Street, Pulaski, Tennessee  38478, 
and must be received no later than November 25, 1999.

     Proposals should be sent to the Corporation by certified mail, return 
receipt requested, and must comply with Rule 14a-8 of Regulation 14A of 
the proxy rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                         ANNUAL REPORT AND FORM 10-K

     The annual report of the Corporation to its shareholders for the 
calendar year 1998 is being delivered with this proxy statement.

     Copies of the Corporation's Annual Report to the Securities and 
Exchange Commission (Form 10-K) will be mailed to Shareholders without 
charge, upon written request made to: Harold Bass, Acting 
Secretary/Treasurer, First Pulaski National Corporation, 206 South First 
Street, Pulaski, Tennessee, 38478.

                             PULASKI, TENNESSEE


                           PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN

     Know all men by these presents that I, the undersigned shareholder 
of the First Pulaski National Corporation, do hereby nominate, constitute 
and appoint Parmenas Cox, D. Clayton Lee and Harold Bass, or any one of 
them (with full power to act alone), my true and lawful attorney(s) with 
full power of substitution for me and in my name, place and stead to vote 
all the Common Stock of said Corporation standing in my name on its books 
on March 22, 1999, at the annual meeting of its shareholders to be held 
at the First National Bank Building, 206 South First Street, Pulaski, 
Tennessee 38478, on Thursday, April 29, 1999, at 1:00 P.M., CDT or any 
adjournment or adjournments thereof, with all power the undersigned would 
possess if personally present as follows:

     (1) Election as Directors of the nineteen (19) persons listed below:
FOR   [  ]                         AGAINST  [  ]                 ABSTAIN  [  ]
all nominees listed except as      all nominees listed below
marked to the contrary below.  No      
mark through will be indicated as
a vote for the named individual.

David E. Bagley             James T. Cox            D. Clayton Lee
Johnny Bevill               Parmenas Cox            Kenneth R. Lowry
James K. Blackburn, IV      Gregory G. Dugger       Beatrice J. McElroy
Wade Boggs                  Charles D. Haney        William A. McNairy
James H. Butler             Morris Ed Harwell       W. Harwell Murrey
Thomas L. Cardin            James Rand Hayes        Bill Yancey
Joyce F. Chaffin       


     (2) Ratification of the selection of Putman and Hancock, Certified 
Public Accountants, for professional services for the current year:

[  ]  FOR               [   ] AGAINST         [  ]  ABSTAIN

     (3) Whatever other business may be brought before the meeting or any 
adjournment or adjournments thereof.  Management at present knows of no 
other business to be presented at the meeting.



     The management recommends a vote of "FOR" each of the listed 

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this the _____ day 
of ________________________, 1999.

Number of shares:________ 


                                 Signature of Shareholder(s), including
                                 title when signing as attorney, executor
                                 administrator, trustee, guardian or      
                                 corporate officer.  All co-owners must   