Exhibit 4.3



                                FONAR CORPORATION

                                CALLABLE WARRANT

                    COMMON STOCK, $0.0001 PAR VALUE PER SHARE

     This is to certify  that,  for VALUE  RECEIVED,  The Tail Wind  Fund,  Ltd.
("Warrantholder"),  is entitled to purchase,  subject to the  provisions of this
Warrant,  from Fonar  Corporation,  a  corporation  organized  under the laws of
Delaware ("Company"),  at any time after the issuance hereof, but not later than
5:00 P.M.,  Eastern time, on the third (3rd)  anniversary  of such issuance date
("Expiration  Date"),  2,000,000  shares  ("Warrant  Shares")  of Common  Stock,
$0.0001 par value  ("Common  Stock"),  of the Company,  at an exercise price per
share  equal  to the  average  closing  bid  price  of the  Common  Stock on the
Principal Market for the full calendar month  immediately  preceding the date of
exercise,  provided that such exercise  price shall be no less than $2.00 and no
more than $6.00 (as such figures,  shall be appropriately and equitably adjusted
as provided  herein) (the exercise  price in effect from time to time  hereafter
being  herein  called  the  "Warrant  Price").  The  number  of  Warrant  Shares
purchasable upon exercise of this Warrant and the Warrant Price shall be subject
to adjustment from time to time as described herein.

     This  Warrant  has  been  issued  pursuant  to the  terms  of the  Purchase
Agreement  ("Purchase  Agreement") dated on or about the date hereof between the
Company  and the  Warrantholder.  Capitalized  terms used herein and not defined
shall have the meaning specified in the Purchase Agreement.

Section 1.  Registration.  The Company shall maintain books for the transfer and
     registration of the Warrant.  Upon the initial issuance of the Warrant, the
     Company   shall  issue  and  register  the  Warrant  in  the  name  of  the

Section 2. Transfers.  As provided herein,  this Warrant may be transferred only
     pursuant to a  registration  statement  filed under the  Securities  Act of
     1933,  as amended  ("Securities  Act") or an  exemption  from  registration
     thereunder.  Subject to such restrictions,  the Company shall transfer this
     Warrant from time to time,  upon the books to be  maintained by the Company
     for that purpose,  upon surrender thereof for transfer properly endorsed or
     accompanied  by  appropriate   instructions  for  transfer  upon  any  such
     transfer,  and a new  Warrant  shall be  issued to the  transferee  and the
     surrendered Warrant shall be canceled by the Company.

Section 3.

(a)  Exercise of Warrant.  Subject to the provisions  hereof,  the Warrantholder
     may exercise this Warrant in whole or in part, at any time and from time to
     time after the issuance hereof,  upon delivery of the duly executed Warrant
     exercise form attached  hereto (the  "Exercise  Agreement")  to the Company
     during normal business hours on any business day at the Company's principal
     executive  offices (or such other office or agency of the Company as it may
     designate by notice to the holder hereof),  and upon payment to the Company
     in cash,  by certified or official  bank check or by wire  transfer for the
     account  of the  Company  of the  Warrant  Price  for  the  Warrant  Shares
     specified in the Exercise Agreement.  The Warrant Shares so purchased shall
     be deemed to be issued to the holder hereof or such holder's  designee,  as
     the record owner of such shares, as of the close of business on the date on
     which this  Warrant (or  evidence of loss,  theft or  destruction  thereof)
     shall have been surrendered,  the completed  Exercise  Agreement shall have
     been  delivered.   Certificates   for  the  Warrant  Shares  so  purchased,
     representing  the  aggregate  number of shares  specified  in the  Exercise
     Agreement,  shall be  delivered  to the holder  hereof  within a reasonable
     time, not exceeding three (3) business days,  after this Warrant shall have
     been  so  exercised.  The  certificates  so  delivered  shall  be  in  such
     denominations  as may be  requested  by the  holder  hereof  and  shall  be
     registered  in the  name of such  holder  or such  other  name as  shall be
     designated by such holder.  If this Warrant shall have been  exercised only
     in part, then,  unless this Warrant has expired,  the Company shall, at its
     expense,  at the time of  delivery  of such  certificates,  deliver  to the
     holder a new  Warrant  representing  the number of shares  with  respect to
     which this Warrant shall not then have been exercised.

     Book-Entry. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth herein, upon
exercise or  redemption  of any portion of this Warrant in  accordance  with the
terms hereof,  the Warrantholder  shall not be required to physically  surrender
this Warrant to the Company  unless such holder is purchasing the full amount of
Warrant Shares  represented by this Warrant.  The  Warrantholder and the Company
shall  maintain  records  showing the number of Warrant  Shares so  purchased or
redeemed  hereunder  and the dates of such  purchases  or shall  use such  other
method,  reasonably satisfactory to the Warrantholder and the Company, so as not
to  require  physical  surrender  of this  Warrant  upon each such  exercise  or
redemption. The Warrantholder and any assignee, by acceptance of this Warrant or
a new Warrant,  acknowledge  and agree that, by reason of the provisions of this
paragraph,  following  exercise  of any portion of this  Warrant,  the number of
Warrant  Shares which may be purchased upon exercise of this Warrant may be less
than the number of Warrant Shares set forth on the face hereof.

(b)  Redemption of Warrant. Subject to the Purchase Agreement, in the event that
     the average closing bid price of the Company's Common Stock (as reported by
     the  Nasdaq  Stock  Market)  is  greater  than 115% of the then  applicable
     Warrant Price  hereunder for a five (5)  consecutive  trading day period in
     any  calendar  month  (i.e.,  June 1 to June 30,  July 1 to July 31,  etc.)
     ("Pre-Call  Period"),  the Company shall have the right, upon at least five
     (5) trading days' prior written  notice to the  Warrantholder  ("Redemption
     Notice"),  to redeem up to 200,000  shares  underlying  this  Warrant  (not
     previously  exercised),  at a  redemption  price  equal to $.01 per Warrant
     Share issuable  hereunder for the portion hereof being  redeemed,  provided
     that (1) the Company may not exercise such redemption  right more than once
     in any calendar  month,  and (2) the Company may reduce the then applicable
     Warrant Price to any lower Warrant Price  hereunder which was previously in
     effect hereunder, by delivering to the Warrantholder an irrevocable written
     notice  ("Reduction  Notice")  at least  five  (5)  days  prior to any such
     reduction.  Any such Reduction  Notice shall specify a reduction date which
     is on or prior to the twentieth day of such calendar  month (but at least 5
     days after such  notice) and shall  specify the new reduced  Warrant  Price
     hereunder.  For clarification purposes, (a) the Pre-Call Period (or the new
     Pre-Call Period if there was a prior redemption during such calendar month)
     shall commence as of the date of such reduction,  (b) the aggregate  number
     of shares  that may be  redeemed  in any  calendar  month  shall not exceed
     200,000 shares  regardless of any such reduction,  (c) any Warrant Price so
     reduced by the Company  shall remain at such reduced  Warrant Price for the
     remainder  of such  calendar  month for all purposes  hereunder,  including
     without limitation for purchases of shares of Common Stock hereunder by the
     Warrantholder  upon  exercise  hereof,  and (d) the  Company  may deliver a
     Redemption Notice following a Warrant Price reduction  hereunder only after
     the  applicable  Pre-Call  Period has expired with the average  closing bid
     price of the Company's Common Stock for such Pre-Call Period exceeding 115%
     of the new reduced Warrant Price.

     Any  redemption  hereunder  shall  occur  on  the  date  specified  in  the
Redemption Notice  ("Redemption  Date"),  provided that such Redemption Date may
not occur until at least five (5) trading days  following  the date on which the
Warrantholder received the Redemption Notice (the "Redemption Notice Date"). The
Company  may not  deliver  the  Redemption  Notice  unless and until the average
closing bid price of the Company's Common Stock (as reported by the Nasdaq Stock
Market) is greater than 115% of the applicable  Warrant Price (as may be reduced
hereunder) over a five (5) consecutive  trading day period  occurring in any one
calendar  month.  The period from the  Redemption  Notice Date to the Redemption
Date shall be referred to herein as the "Post-Call  Period".  The  Warrantholder
may exercise this Warrant, including any portion subject to a Redemption Notice,
at any time and from time to time during the period from the  Redemption  Notice
Date through the date on which the redemption price for such Warrants is paid by
the Company  (and  thereafter  if such  redemption  price is not paid),  and the
Company shall honor all tendered  Exercise  Agreements  during such period.  Any
Redemption  Notice  under this  Section  shall be  irrevocable.  If the  Company
intends (or is only  permitted) to redeem less than all of the then  outstanding
Warrants issued to Purchasers under the Purchase Agreement,  it shall do so on a
pro rata basis among such holders in accordance  with this  Section.  Failure by
the  Company  to redeem  this  Warrant  on a timely  basis  after  delivering  a
Redemption  Notice shall result in the Company being  prohibited from exercising
such right pursuant to this Section again.

     Notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary  herein,  the  Company  shall be
prohibited  from  exercising  its right to redeem this Warrant  pursuant to this
Section unless at all times during the Pre-Call Period and Post-Call  Period (i)
all the Warrant  Shares with respect to this Warrant are covered by an effective
registration  statement  under the Securities Act and a deliverable  prospectus,
(ii) the Warrant  Shares with  respect to this  Warrant are listed and traded on
the Nasdaq Stock Market, (iii) the Company is not in breach of any provisions of
this Warrant or the other Agreements,  and (iv) the average closing bid price of
the  Company's  Common Stock (as reported by the Nasdaq Stock Market) is greater
than 115% of the applicable Warrant Price (as may be reduced hereunder).

Section 4. Compliance with the Securities Act of 1933.  Neither this Warrant nor
     the Common Stock issued upon exercise  hereof nor any other security issued
     or issuable  upon exercise of this Warrant may be offered or sold except as
     provided in this  agreement and in conformity  with the  Securities  Act of
     1933,  as amended,  and then only  against  receipt of an agreement of such
     person to whom such offer of sale is made to comply with the  provisions of
     this  Section 4 with  respect  to any resale or other  disposition  of such
     security.  The  Company may cause the legend set forth on the first page of
     this  Warrant  to be set forth on each  Warrant  or  similar  legend on any
     security issued or issuable upon exercise of this Warrant until the Warrant
     Shares  have been  registered  for  resale  under the  Registration  Rights
     Agreement or until Rule 144 is available, unless counsel for the Company is
     of the opinion as to any such security that such legend is unnecessary.

Section 5. Payment of Taxes.  The Company will pay any  documentary  stamp taxes
     attributable  to the initial  issuance of Warrant Shares  issuable upon the
     exercise of the Warrant;  provided,  however, that the Company shall not be
     required  to pay any tax or taxes  which may be  payable  in respect of any
     transfer  involved in the  issuance or  delivery  of any  certificates  for
     Warrant Shares in a name other than that of the  registered  holder of this
     Warrant in respect of which such shares are issued,  and in such case,  the
     Company  shall not be  required  to issue or deliver  any  certificate  for
     Warrant Shares or any Warrant until the person requesting the same has paid
     to the Company the amount of such tax or has  established  to the Company's
     satisfaction  that such tax has been paid.  The holder shall be responsible
     for income taxes due under federal or state law, if any such tax is due.

Section 6.  Mutilated  or  Missing  Warrants.  In case  this  Warrant  shall  be
     mutilated,  lost, stolen, or destroyed, the Company shall issue in exchange
     and substitution of and upon cancellation of the mutilated  Warrant,  or in
     lieu of and substitution for the Warrant lost,  stolen or destroyed,  a new
     Warrant  of like  tenor and for the  purchase  of a like  number of Warrant
     Shares,  but only upon receipt of evidence  reasonably  satisfactory to the
     Company of such loss, theft or destruction of the Warrant, and with respect
     to a lost, stolen or destroyed Warrant,  reasonable  indemnity or bond with
     respect thereto, if requested by the Company.

Section 7.  Reservation  of Common  Stock.  The Company  hereby  represents  and
     warrants  that  there  have been  reserved,  and the  Company  shall at all
     applicable  times keep reserved,  out of the authorized and unissued Common
     Stock,  a number of shares  sufficient  to provide for the  exercise of the
     rights of purchase  represented by the Warrant,  and the transfer agent for
     the Common Stock ("Transfer  Agent"),  and every subsequent  transfer agent
     for the  Common  Stock or  other  shares  of the  Company's  capital  stock
     issuable upon the exercise of any of the right of purchase aforesaid, shall
     be irrevocably  authorized and directed at all times to reserve such number
     of authorized and unissued shares of Common Stock as shall be requisite for
     such  purpose.  The  Company  agrees that all  Warrant  Shares  issued upon
     exercise  of  the  Warrant  shall  be,  at  the  time  of  delivery  of the
     certificates  for such Warrant  Shares,  duly  authorized,  validly issued,
     fully paid and  non-assessable  shares of Common Stock of the Company.  The
     Company  will  keep a  conformed  copy of this  Warrant  on file  with  the
     Transfer  Agent and with  every  subsequent  transfer  agent for the Common
     Stock or other shares of the  Company's  capital  stock  issuable  upon the
     exercise of the rights of purchase  represented by the Warrant. The Company
     will supply from time to time the Transfer  Agent with duly executed  stock
     certificates required to honor the outstanding Warrant.

Section 8. Warrant Price.  The Warrant Price,  subject to adjustment as provided
     in Section 9, shall,  if payment is made in cash or by certified  check, be
     payable in lawful money of the United States of America.

Section 9.  Adjustments.  Subject and pursuant to the provisions of this Section
     9, the Warrant Price and number of Warrant  Shares  subject to this Warrant
     shall be subject to adjustment from time to time as set forth  hereinafter.
     For purposes hereof, the term Warrant Price shall include the $2.00 minimum
     and $6.00  maximum  exercise  prices and the  closing  bid  prices  used in
     determining the Warrant Price which occurred prior to the applicable event.

(a)  If the Company  shall at any time or from time to time while the Warrant is
     outstanding,  pay a dividend or make a distribution  on its Common Stock in
     shares of Common Stock,  subdivide its  outstanding  shares of Common Stock
     into a greater  number of shares or combine its  outstanding  shares into a
     smaller number of shares or issue by  reclassification  of its  outstanding
     shares of Common Stock any shares of its capital stock  (including any such
     reclassification  in connection with a consolidation or merger in which the
     Company is the continuing  corporation),  then the number of Warrant Shares
     purchasable  upon  exercise of the Warrant and the Warrant  Price in effect
     immediately  prior  to  the  date  upon  which  such  change  shall  become
     effective,  shall be  adjusted  by the  Company  so that the  Warrantholder
     thereafter  exercising  the Warrant shall be entitled to receive the number
     of shares of Common Stock or other  capital  stock which the  Warrantholder
     would have received if the Warrant had been exercised  immediately prior to
     such event. Such adjustment shall be made  successively  whenever any event
     listed above shall occur.

(b)  If any capital reorganization, reclassification of the capital stock of the
     Company,  consolidation or merger of the Company with another  corporation,
     or sale,  transfer or other  disposition of all or substantially all of the
     Company's  assets to another  corporation  shall be  effected,  then,  as a
     condition of such reorganization, reclassification,  consolidation, merger,
     sale, transfer or other disposition, lawful and adequate provision shall be
     made whereby each Warrantholder shall thereafter have the right to purchase
     and  receive  upon the  basis  and upon the  terms  and  conditions  herein
     specified  and  in  lieu  of the  Warrant  Shares  immediately  theretofore
     issuable upon exercise of the Warrant, such shares of stock,  securities or
     assets  as would  have been  issuable  or  payable  with  respect  to or in
     exchange  for a number of  Warrant  Shares  equal to the  number of Warrant
     Shares immediately  theretofore  issuable upon exercise of the Warrant, had
     such  reorganization,   reclassification,   consolidation,   merger,  sale,
     transfer  or other  disposition  not  taken  place,  and in any  such  case
     appropriate  provision  shall  be  made  with  respect  to the  rights  and
     interests  of each  Warrantholder  to the end  that the  provisions  hereof
     (including,  without  limitations,  provision for adjustment of the Warrant
     Price) shall  thereafter  be  applicable,  as nearly  equivalent  as may be
     practicable  in relation to any shares of stock,  securities  or properties
     thereafter  deliverable  upon the exercise  hereof.  The Company  shall not
     effect any such consolidation,  merger, sale, transfer or other disposition
     unless  prior  to or  simultaneously  with  the  consummation  thereof  the
     successor  corporation  (if other  than the  Company)  resulting  from such
     consolidation  or  merger,  or  the  corporation  purchasing  or  otherwise
     acquiring  such assets or other  appropriate  corporation  or entity  shall
     assume, by written  instrument  executed and delivered to the Company,  the
     obligation  to deliver to the holder of the  Warrant  such shares of stock,
     securities or assets as, in accordance with the foregoing provisions,  such
     holder may be  entitled to purchase  and the other  obligations  under this
     Warrant.  The  provisions of this  paragraph (b) shall  similarly  apply to
     successive  reorganizations,  reclassifications,  consolidations,  mergers,
     sales, transfers or other dispositions.

(c)  In  case  the  Company  shall  fix  a  record  date  for  the  making  of a
     distribution   to  all  holders  of  Common  Stock   (including   any  such
     distribution made in connection with a consolidation or merger in which the
     Company is the  continuing  corporation)  of evidences of  indebtedness  or
     assets  (other than cash  dividends  or cash  distributions  payable out of
     consolidated  earnings  or earned  surplus or  dividends  or  distributions
     referred to in Section  9(a)),  or  subscription  rights or  warrants,  the
     Warrant Price to be in effect after such record date shall be determined by
     multiplying  the Warrant Price in effect  immediately  prior to such record
     date by a fraction,  the  numerator  of which shall be the total  number of
     shares of Common Stock outstanding  multiplied by the Fair Market Value per
     share of Common  Stock (as defined  below),  less the fair market value (as
     determined  by the  Company's  Board of  Directors  in good  faith) of said
     assets or evidences of indebtedness so distributed, or of such subscription
     rights or warrants,  and the denominator of which shall be the total number
     of shares of Common  Stock  outstanding  multiplied  by such  current  Fair
     Market  Value per  share of Common  Stock.  Such  adjustment  shall be made
     successively  whenever such a record date is fixed.  For this purpose,  the
     "Fair Market  Value" of the Common Stock shall be the closing  price of the
     Common  Stock as  reported by the Nasdaq  Stock  Market for the thirty (30)
     trading days immediately preceding the date of the Exercise Agreement.

(d)  For the duration of the term of this  Warrant,  if the Company shall at any
     time or from time to time issue or sell  securities for a Per Share Selling
     Price (as such term is defined  in the  Debentures)  less than the  Warrant
     Price (other than issuances of Underlying Shares pursuant to Debentures and
     Warrants under the Purchase Agreement, issuances described in and permitted
     under  Section  7.2(b)(iii)  of  the  Purchase  Agreement  and  other  than
     issuances of Common Stock under the Company's duly adopted stock option and
     bonus plans for employees and  directors),  then the Warrant Price shall be
     automatically  reset (if it would result in a reduction of such price) to a
     price equal to such Per Share Selling Price.  For  clarification  purposes,
     the foregoing reset only applies to adjustment of the $2.00 minimum Warrant
     Price and the $6.00  maximum  Warrant  Price (as such figures may have been
     previously  adjusted  hereunder).  The  number of Warrant  Shares  shall be
     proportionally  increased in the event of any adjustments  pursuant to this
     paragraph.  Such adjustments shall be made successively whenever such sales
     are made.  If an  adjustment  (the  "Adjustment")  of the Warrant  Price is
     required pursuant hereto,  the Company shall deliver to the  Warrantholder,
     within eight business days of the closing of the transaction giving rise to
     the Adjustment  ("Delivery Date"), a notice  ("Adjustment  Notice") stating
     that such Warrant Price has been automatically  adjusted as of the Delivery
     Date, and such notice shall constitute an amendment to this Warrant. In the
     event the Company fails to deliver the Adjustment  Notice by the applicable
     Delivery Date, the Company shall be liable to the Warrantholder for a delay
     payment,  as liquidated  damages,  equal to 2% of (x) the number of Warrant
     Shares issuable  hereunder  times (y) the Fair Market Value per share,  per
     month  payable in Common  Stock or cash,  at the  Warrantholder's  election
     (provided,   that  such  failure  to  notify  shall  not  affect  automatic
     adjustment  of  the  Warrant   Price).   The  Company  shall  give  to  the
     Warrantholder  written  notice of any such sale of Common  Stock  within 24
     hours of the closing of any such sale and shall  within such 24 hour period
     issue a press release announcing such sale.

(e)  An adjustment shall become effective  immediately  after the record date in
     the  case of each  dividend  or  distribution  and  immediately  after  the
     effective date of each other event which requires an adjustment.

(f)  In the event that, as a result of an adjustment made pursuant to Section 9,
     the holder of this Warrant  shall become  entitled to receive any shares of
     capital stock of the Company other than shares of Common Stock,  the number
     of such other shares so  receivable  upon exercise of this Warrant shall be
     subject thereafter to adjustment from time to time in a manner and on terms
     as nearly  equivalent as practicable to the provisions  with respect to the
     Warrant Shares contained in this Warrant.

(g)  In the event of any  adjustment  in the number of Warrant  Shares  issuable
     hereunder   upon   exercise,   the  Warrant   Price   shall  be   inversely
     proportionately  increased or decreased,  as the case may be, such that the
     aggregate  purchase  price for Warrant  Shares  upon full  exercise of this
     Warrant shall remain the same. Similarly, in the event of any adjustment in
     the Warrant  Price,  the number of Warrant Shares  issuable  hereunder upon
     exercise shall be inversely  proportionately increased or decreased, as the
     case may be, such that the aggregate purchase price for Warrant Shares upon
     full exercise of this Warrant shall remain the same.

Section 10.  Fractional  Interest.  The  Company  shall not be required to issue
     fractions  of Warrant  Shares  upon the  exercise  of the  Warrant.  If any
     fraction  of a Warrant  Share  would,  except  for the  provisions  of this
     Section,  be  issuable  upon the  exercise  of the  Warrant  (or  specified
     portions thereof),  the Company shall round such calculation to the nearest
     whole number and disregard the fraction.

Section 11.  Benefits.  Nothing in this  Warrant  shall be construed to give any
     person,  firm or corporation (other than the Company and the Warrantholder)
     any legal or equitable  right,  remedy or claim,  it being agreed that this
     Warrant shall be for the sole and exclusive  benefit of the Company and the

Section 12. Notices to Warrantholder.  Upon the happening of any event requiring
     an  adjustment  of the Warrant  Price,  the Company  shall  forthwith  give
     written notice thereof to the Warrantholder at the address appearing in the
     records of the Company, stating the adjusted Warrant Price and the adjusted
     number of Warrant  Shares  resulting  from such event and setting  forth in
     reasonable  detail the method of calculation  and the facts upon which such
     calculation  is based.  In the event of a dispute  with respect to any such
     calculation,  the certificate of the Company's independent certified public
     accountants  shall  be  conclusive  evidence  of  the  correctness  of  any
     computation made, absent manifest error. Failure to give such notice to the
     Warrantholder  or any  defect  therein  shall not affect  the  legality  or
     validity of the subject  adjustment.  At the Warrantholder's  request,  the
     Company shall deliver to the  Warrantholder as of a requested date a notice
     specifying  the Warrant  Price and the number of Warrant  Shares into which
     this Warrant is exercisable as of such date.

Section 13. Identity of Transfer Agent.  The Transfer Agent for the Common Stock

                  Computershare (f/k/a Securities Transfer Trust, Inc.)
                  12039 W. Alameda Parkway
                  Lakewood, Colorado 80228

     Forthwith upon the  appointment  of any  subsequent  transfer agent for the
Common Stock or other shares of the Company's  capital  stock  issuable upon the
exercise of the rights of purchase  represented by the Warrant, the Company will
fax to the  Warrantholder a statement setting forth the name and address of such
transfer agent.

Section  14.Notices.  Any  notice  pursuant  hereto  to be  given or made by the
     Warrantholder  to or on the  Company  shall be  sufficiently  given or made
     personally or if sent by an internationally  recognized courier by next day
     or two day delivery service, addressed as follows:

                  Fonar Corporation
                  110 Marcus Drive
                  Melville, New York 11747
                  Telephone:        (631) 694-2929
                  Fax:              (631) 249-3734
                  Attention:        President

     or such other  address as the  Company  may specify in writing by notice to
     the  Warrantholder  complying as to delivery with the terms of this Section

     Any notice  pursuant hereto to be given or made by the Company to or on the
Warrantholder shall be sufficiently given or made if personally  delivered or if
sent by an  internationally  recognized  courier service by overnight or two-day
service,  to the address set forth on the books of the Company or, as to each of
the Company and the Warrantholder,  at such other address as shall be designated
by such party by written notice to the other party complying as to delivery with
the terms of this Section 14.

     All such notices,  requests,  demands,  directions and other communications
shall,  when sent by courier,  be effective two (2) days after  delivery to such
courier as provided and addressed as aforesaid.

Section 15. Registration  Rights. The initial holder of this Warrant is entitled
     to the  benefit of certain  registration  rights in respect of the  Warrant
     Shares as provided in the Registration Rights Agreement.

Section 16.  Successors.  All the covenants and provisions  hereof by or for the
     benefit of the  Warrantholder  shall  bind and inure to the  benefit of its
     respective successors and assigns hereunder.

Section 17.  Governing  Law.  This Warrant shall be deemed to be a contract made
     under  the laws of the  State of New  York,  without  giving  effect to its
     conflict of law  principles,  and for all  purposes  shall be  construed in
     accordance with the laws of said State.

Section 18. 9.9% and 19.9% Limitations.

(a)  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary  contained herein,  the number of
     shares of Common  Stock that may be acquired  by the holder  upon  exercise
     pursuant to the terms hereof shall not exceed a number that,  when added to
     the total  number of shares of Common Stock  deemed  beneficially  owned by
     such holder  (other than by virtue of the ownership of securities or rights
     to acquire securities  (including the Warrant Shares) that have limitations
     on the  holder's  right to convert,  exercise  or  purchase  similar to the
     limitation  set forth  herein),  together  with all shares of Common  Stock
     deemed  beneficially  owned  (other  than by  virtue  of the  ownership  of
     securities or rights to acquire  securities  that have  limitations  on the
     right to convert,  exercise or purchase similar to the limitation set forth
     herein) by the  holder's  "affiliates"  (as defined in Rule 144 of the Act)
     ("Aggregation   Parties")   that  would  be  aggregated   for  purposes  of
     determining  whether a group under Section 13(d) of the Securities Exchange
     Act of 1934 as amended,  exists,  would exceed 9.9% of the total issued and
     outstanding   shares  of  the  Common  Stock  (the  "Restricted   Ownership
     Percentage").  Each  holder  shall  have the right (w) at any time and from
     time to time to reduce its Restricted Ownership Percentage immediately upon
     notice to the  Corporation and (x) (subject to waiver) at any time and from
     time to time, to increase its Restricted Ownership  Percentage  immediately
     in the event of the  announcement  as  pending or  planned,  of a change of
     control transaction  (including without limitation a transaction that would
     result in a  transfer  of more than 50% of the  Company's  voting  power or
     equity,  or a  transaction  that would result in a person or "group"  being
     deemed the beneficial owner of 50% or more of the Company's voting power or

(b)  The holder covenants at all times on each day (each such day being referred
     to as a "Covenant Day") as follows: During the balance of such Covenant Day
     and the  succeeding  sixty-one  (61) days (the balance of such Covenant Day
     and the succeeding 61 days being referred to as the "Covenant Period") such
     holder  will not  acquire  shares of  Common  Stock  pursuant  to any right
     (including  exercise  of  Warrants)  existing  at the  commencement  of the
     Covenant  Period to the  extent the  number of shares so  acquired  by such
     holder  and its  Aggregation  Parties  (ignoring  all  dispositions)  would

(x)  the Restricted Ownership Percentage of the total number of shares of Common
     Stock outstanding at the commencement of the Covenant Period, minus

(y)  the number of shares of Common Stock  actually owned by such holder and its
     Aggregation Parties at the commencement of the Covenant Period.

     A new and independent  covenant will be deemed to be given by the holder as
of each moment of each  Covenant Day. No covenant  will  terminate,  diminish or
modify any other covenant.  The holder agrees to comply with each such covenant.
This Section 18 controls in the case of any conflict with any other provision of
the Purchase Agreement or any agreement entered into in connection therewith.

     The Corporation's  obligation to issue Common Stock which would exceed such
limits referred to in this Section 18 shall be suspended to the extent necessary
until such time,  if any, as shares of Common Stock may be issued in  compliance
with such restrictions.

(c)  Notwithstanding   anything   contained   herein,  in  the  event  that  the
     Warrantholder  has timely exercised this Warrant and the issuance of all or
     a portion of the  Warrant  Shares to be issued  pursuant  to such  exercise
     would constitute a breach of the Company's  obligations  under the rules or
     regulations of the Nasdaq Stock Market as they apply to the Company, or any
     other principal  securities  exchange or market  ("Principal  Market") upon
     which the Common Stock is or becomes traded (the "Cap  Regulations"),  then
     the Company shall not be obligated to issue any such Warrant  Shares to the
     extent such shares are in excess of the maximum  permissible  amount  under
     such Cap Regulations ("Excess Shares").  Within five (5) days following any
     occurrence  of  Excess  Shares,  the  Company  shall  promptly  pay  to the
     Purchaser,  in lieu of the Purchaser's right to receive such Excess Shares,
     an amount equal to 120% of the difference  between (a) the number of Excess
     Shares  multiplied  by the closing  sale price per share of Common Stock on
     the Principal  Market on the trading day immediately  preceding the date of
     the exercise of this Warrant, and (b) the aggregate exercise price for such
     Excess  Shares.  Only  shares  of Common  Stock  acquired  pursuant  to the
     Purchase Agreement (including Underlying Shares and Warrant Shares) will be
     included in determining  whether the limitation  contained  herein would be
     exceeded for purposes of this Section 18(c).

Section 19.  Replacement  Warrants.  The  Company  agrees  that  within ten (10)
     business days after any request from time to time of the Warrantholder,  it
     shall deliver to such holder a new Warrant in  substitution of this Warrant
     which is identical in all respects except that the then Warrant Price shall
     be  appropriately  specified in the Warrant,  and the Warrant shall specify
     the fixed  number of  Warrant  Shares  into  which  the  Warrants  are then
     exercisable. Such changes are intended not as amendments to the Warrant but
     only as  clarification of the foregoing  numbers for convenience  purposes,
     and such changes shall not affect any provisions concerning  adjustments to
     the Warrant Price or number of Warrant Shares contained herein.

Section  20.  Absolute   Obligation  to  Issue  Warrant  Shares.  The  Company's
     obligations  to issue and deliver  Warrant  Shares in  accordance  with the
     terms hereof are absolute and unconditional,  irrespective of any action or
     inaction by the holder  hereof to enforce  the same,  any waiver or consent
     with respect to any provision hereof,  the recovery of any judgment against
     any Person or any action to enforce the same, or any setoff,  counterclaim,
     recoupment,  limitation or termination,  or any breach or alleged breach by
     the holder  hereof or any other Person of any  obligation to the Company or
     any  violation  or  alleged  violation  of law by the  holder  or any other
     Person,  and irrespective of any other  circumstance  which might otherwise
     limit such  obligation  of the Company to the holder  hereof in  connection
     with the issuance of Warrant Shares.  The Company will at no time close its
     shareholder books or records in any manner which interferes with the timely
     exercise of this Warrant.

Section 21.  Assignment,  Etc.  The  Warrantholder  may assign or transfer  this
     Warrant  to any  transferee  only with the  prior  written  consent  of the
     Company,  which may not be unreasonably withheld or delayed,  provided that
     (i) the  Warrantholder  may assign or transfer  this Warrant to any of such
     Warrantholder's affiliates without the consent of the Company and (ii) upon
     any Event of Default (as defined in the Debentures),  the Warrantholder may
     assign or transfer  this Warrant  without the consent of the  Company.  The
     Warrantholder  shall notify the Company of any such  assignment or transfer
     promptly. This Warrant shall be binding upon the Company and its successors
     and shall inure to the benefit of the  Warrantholder and its successors and
     permitted assigns.

                            [Signature Page Follows]

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Warrant to be duly executed
as of May 24, 2001.

                                                     FONAR CORPORATION

                                                By:     /s/


      Sign: /s/
Print Name:

                                FONAR CORPORATION
                              WARRANT EXERCISE FORM

Fonar Corporation
110 Marcus Drive
Melville, New York 11747
Telephone:        (631) 694-2929
Fax:              (631) 249-3734
Attention:        President

     This  undersigned  hereby  irrevocably  elects  to  exercise  the  right of
purchase  represented  by the within  Warrant  ("Warrant")  for, and to purchase
thereunder  payment by cash, wire transfer or certified  check,  ---------------
shares of Common Stock* ("Warrant  Shares")  provided for therein,  and requests
that certificates for the Warrant Shares be issued as follows:



and,  if the  number  of  Warrant  Shares  shall not be all the  Warrant  Shares
purchasable upon exercise of the Warrant,  that a new Warrant for the balance of
the Warrant Shares (subject to book-entry).

     In lieu of delivering physical certificates representing the Warrant Shares
purchasable upon exercise of this Warrant, provided the Company's transfer agent
is  participating  in  the  Depository  Trust  Company  ("DTC")  Fast  Automated
Securities  Transfer ("FAST") program,  upon request of the Holder,  the Company
shall  use its  best  efforts  to cause  its  transfer  agent to  electronically
transmit  the  Warrant  Shares  issuable  upon  conversion  or  exercise  to the
undersigned, by crediting the account of the undersigned's prime broker with DTC
through its Deposit Withdrawal Agent Commission ("DWAC") system.

Dated:                                     Signature:
       ------------------------                        ------------------------

                                     Name (please print)


*    NOTE:  If exercise of the Warrant is made by  surrender  of the Warrant and
     the number of shares  indicated  exceeds  the  maximum  number of shares to
     which a holder is entitled,  the Company will issue such maximum  number of
     shares  purchasable upon exercise of the Warrant  registered in the name of
     the  undersigned  Warrantholder  or the  undersigned's  Assignee  as  below
     indicated and deliver same to the address stated below.