STOCK PAYMENT

     Agreement  dated as of the 20th day of  December,  2001 by and among HEALTH
MURACA, MD ("Muraca") and GIOVANNI MARCIANO ("Marciano").


     WHEREAS,  pursuant to a Stock Purchase  Agreement dated March 20, 1998 (the
"Stock Purchase  Agreement"),  HMCA,  formerly known as U.S.  Health  Management
Corporation,  purchased the issued and outstanding shares of A&A Services,  Inc.
("A&A") from Muraca and Marciano;

     WHEREAS,  pursuant to the Stock  Purchase  Agreement,  HMCA has issued,  in
partial payment of the purchase price for the shares of A&A, promissory notes as
hereinafter described (the "Notes").

     a) Promissory Note dated March 20, 1998 by HMCA to Marciano in the original
principal  amount  of  $2,000,000,  payable  in 16 equal  consecutive  quarterly
installments  of  principal  and  interest  in the amount of  $150,021.97  each,
commencing  March 20, 1999,  with interest at the rate of 6% per annum, on which
the  sum  of  the  remaining  quarterly  installment  payments  to  be  made  is
$900,131.82 as of December 20, 2001 (the "1998 Muraca Note");

     b)  Promissory  Note dated March 20, 1998 by HMCA to Muraca in the original
principal  amount  of  $2,000,000,  payable  in 16 equal  consecutive  quarterly
installments  of  principal  and  interest  in the amount of  $150,021.97  each,
commencing  March 20, 1999,  with interest at the rate of 6% per annum, on which
the  sum  of  the  remaining  quarterly  installment  payments  to  be  made  is
$900,131.82 as of December 20, 2001 (the "1998 Muraca Note"); and

     c)  Promissory  Note dated  September  20,  2000 by HMCA to Marciano in the
original  principal  amount  of  $1,000,000,  payable  in  8  equal  consecutive
quarterly  installments  of principal and interest in the amount of  $133,584.00
each,  commencing  December 20, 2000, with interest at the rate of 6% per annum,
on which the sum of the remaining quarterly  installment  payments to be made is
$667,920.00 as of December 20, 2001 (the "2000 Marciano Note");

     d)  Promissory  Note  dated  September  20,  2000 by HMCA to  Muraca in the
original  principal  amount  of  $1,000,000,  payable  in  8  equal  consecutive
quarterly  installments  of principal and interest in the amount of  $133,584.00
each,  commencing  December 20, 2000, with interest at the rate of 6% per annum,
on which the sum of the remaining quarterly  installment  payments to be made is
$667,920.00 as of December 20, 2001 (the "2000 Muraca Note").

     WHEREAS,  the total amount of the remaining quarterly  installment payments
to be made to each of Muraca  and  Marciano  under  the  Notes is  $1,568,051.80
($3,136,103.60 in the aggregate);

     WHEREAS,  there is  additional  interest of  $2,959.33  on each of the 1998
Notes or $5,918.66 in the aggregate (the "Additional Interest");

     WHEREAS,  Muraca and  Marciano  have agreed to accept  shares of the Common
Stock of Fonar, the parent of HMCA, on the terms and conditions  hereinafter set
forth; and

     WHEREAS,  Fonar has determined that it is in the best interest of Fonar and
HMCA for shares of Fonar's  Common  Stock to be used to  satisfy  the  foregoing

     NOW THEREFORE,  in consideration  of the premises and agreements  contained
herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1.   Definitions.  The terms  listed  below  shall have the  meanings  set forth

     a)   1998  Notes:  1998  Marciano  Note  and  1998  Muraca  Note.

     b)   2000  Notes:  2000  Marciano  Note  and  2000  Muraca  Note.

     c)   Marciano  Notes:  1998 Marciano Note and 2000 Marciano Note.

     d)   Muraca  Notes:  1998  Muraca  Note  and  2000  Muraca  Note.

     e)   Notes:  1998 Marciano Note,  1998 Muraca Note,  2000 Marciano Note and
          2000 Muraca Note.

     f)   Outstanding  Installment Payments:  When used with respect to any Note
          or Notes,  the  remaining  quarterly  installment  payments to be made
          thereunder as of December 20, 2001.

     g)   Total  Obligation:  When used with  respect to any Note or Notes,  One
          Hundred  and  Fifteen  Percent  (115%)  of the sum of the  Outstanding
          Installment  Payments  of  said  Note or  Notes  plus  the  Additional
          Interest on the 1998 Notes.  The Total  Obligation as so determined is
          $3,613,325.50 .

2.   Payment in Shares of Common Stock. Muraca and Marcinao shall accept payment
     of the Notes in shares of the Common Stock of Fonar (the "Fonar Shares") in
     consideration   of  Fonar  paying  the  full  amount  of  the   Outstanding
     Installment Payments plus the Additional Interest plus a premium of fifteen
     percent of the Outstanding Installment Payments and the Additional Interest
     (the "Total  Obligation").  Subject to the  limitations  and conditions set
     forth in this  Agreement,  the  number of Fonar  Shares to be issued in the
     aggregate  under this Agreement  shall be such number as shall be necessary
     for Muraca and Marciano to realize "Net Proceeds" of the sale thereof equal
     to the Total  Obligation  under the Notes.  "Net  Proceeds" for the purpose
     hereof  shall  mean the  proceeds  from the sale of the  shares  after  the
     deduction of all commissions and other costs of the transaction.

3.   Issuance of Shares.  No later than January 14,  2002,  Fonar shall issue to
     each of Muraca and Marciano the lesser of 1,000,000 Fonar Shares (2,000,000
     Fonar  Shares in the  aggregate)  or the  number of Fonar  Shares  having a
     market value (as hereinafter  computed) as of the day prior to the issuance
     of the Fonar Shares equal to the Total  Obligation  on the Notes payable to
     him. If on July 1, 2002, and the first day of every quarter thereafter, the
     sum of the Net  Proceeds  from the Fonar  Shares  sold by each of Muraca or
     Marciano shall not have been equal to or greater that the Total  Obligation
     on the Notes  payable  to him,  then Fonar  shall  issue to him a number of
     Fonar Shares having a market value as of the day prior to issuance equal to
     the Total  Obligation on the Notes payable to him, less the Net Proceeds of
     the Fonar Shares previously sold by him, less the market value of the Fonar
     Shares  previously issued but unsold as of the day prior to the issuance of
     the  additional  Fonar  Shares.  Fonar  shall  have the  option of  issuing
     additional  shares at such time or any time  thereafter to cover  estimated
     commissions  and other  costs of sale or to take  account of any decline in
     the market price of Fonar's Common Stock. Fonar shall retain the option not
     to issue more than 2,500,000 Fonar Shares to each of Muraca and Marciano in
     the aggregate under this Agreement, but such limitation is extended only to
     allow Fonar to limit dilution of its  outstanding  stock and will not limit
     Fonar's  liability for any portion of the Total  Obligation of the Notes in
     the event the Net Proceeds from the sale of Fonar Shares is not  sufficient
     to satisfy the Total Obligations, as contemplated in Section 10 hereof.

4.   Market  Value.  The  market  value of Fonar  Shares as of any date shall be
     determined  by taking the average of the closing  prices  (bid  prices,  if
     prices are reported only as bid and ask prices) of Fonar's  Common Stock as
     reported  on  the  NASDAQ  System  for  the  30  trading  days  immediately
     proceeding the issue date of the shares.

5.   Registration of Fonar Shares. The initial Fonar Shares which will be issued
     to Muraca and Marciano will not be registered  under the  Securities Act of
     1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), and as such will not be able to be
     resold until they are so registered or an exemption from such  registration
     is available.  By January 15, 2002, Fonar will file with the Securities and
     Exchange  Commission  a  registration   statement  or  an  amendment  to  a
     previously  filed  registration  statement  to cover the Fonar Shares which
     have been issued and which may be issued  hereafter to Muraca and Marciano.
     Fonar will use its best  efforts  to cause the  registration  statement  to
     become effective in as short a time period as possible.  Fonar Shares which
     may be issued  following  the  original  issuance  of Fonar  Shares will be
     registered or unregistered, depending on whether the registration statement
     covering said shares has become effective.

6.   Escrow.  All Fonar  shares to be issued to Muraca and  Maricano  under this
     Agreement  will beheld in escrow by a brokerage firm selected by Muraca and
     Marciano  and  acceptable  to Fonar.  The  shares in escrow  may be sold in
     accordance  with the  instructions  of Muraca and Marciano,  subject to the
     volume  limitations  set forth in Section 7 hereof.  The  escrow  agreement
     shall be  substantially  in the form of Exhibit A hereto.  If the brokerage
     firm does not consent to act as escrow agent, the shares may be held by the
     brokerage firm as a depository  subject to the direction of an escrow agent
     mutually  agreeable to HMCA, Muraca and Marciano,  pursuant to a depository
     agreement  substantially  in the form of Exhibit B hereto.  The requirement
     that Fonar Shares be held in escrow shall not be effective until the shares
     are registered  under the Securities Act and the  restrictive  legends have
     been removed from the certificates representing the shares.

7.   Volume Limitations.  Until June 30, 2002, each of Muraca and Marciano shall
     sell not more than 66,666 shares of the Fonar Common Stock received by them
     hereunder per month,  if the average  closing bid price of the Common Stock
     of Fonar for the prior  calendar  month is at least  $1.50 per share and no
     more than 52,083 shares per month,  if the average closing bid price of the
     Common Stock of Fonar for the prior  calendar  month is less than $1.50 per
     share. In addition, at all times, both before and after June 30, 2002, each
     of Muraca and Marciano, shall sell no more than the lesser of 10,000 shares
     of Fonar Common  Stock,  or 10% of the  preceding  business  day's  trading
     volume for Fonar Common Stock, on any day. These volume  limitations may be
     increased from time to time on the mutual  agreement of the parties,  which
     need not be in writing.

8.   Suspension of Note Payments and Accrual of Interest. During the period this
     Agreement  is in  effect,  Fonar  shall not be  required  to pay any of the
     originally  scheduled  installments  of principal  and  interest  under the
     Notes.  In   consideration   of  Fonar's   agreement  to  pay  the  premium
     incorporated  into the calculation of the Total Obligation on the Notes, no
     interest  will accrue on the Notes during the term of this  Agreement,  and
     upon payment in full of the Total  Obligation  of a Note said Note shall be
     fully satisfied and paid.

9.   Obligation to Use Best Efforts to Sell.  Subject to the volume  limitations
     in Section 7 of this  Agreement,  each of Muraca and Marciano shall use his
     best efforts to sell all the Fonar Shares  issued to him. If either  Muraca
     or Marciano shall have failed to sell all of his Fonar Shares within thirty
     (30)  days of the  time he could  have,  taking  into  account  the  volume
     limitations  contained herein,  then for the purpose of determining whether
     the Total Obligation  payable on the Notes payable to him has been paid, he
     shall be deemed to have  received Net  Proceeds  equal to the higher of the
     market value of said unsold Fonar Shares as of the date they were issued to
     him or the date they first could have been sold, as determined  pursuant to
     Section 4 hereof.  The foregoing will not apply in any case where Fonar has
     consented to Muraca and  Marciano  delaying  the sale of Fonar  Shares,  or
     where Fonar has requested them to delay selling Fonar Shares.

10.  Final Payment on the Notes;  Application  of Net Proceeds;  Termination  of
     Stock Payments.  In determining  whether the Total  Obligation on the Notes
     has been  satisfied,  the Net  Proceeds  realized  by  Muraca  and shall be
     applied  pro rata to the  Muraca  Notes and the Net  Proceeds  realized  by
     Marciano shall be applied pro rata to the Marciano Notes.

If the Total Obligation with respect to a Note is not paid by the time the final
payment on said Note under the  original  payment  schedule  would have been due
(December  20, 2002 in the case of the 1998 Notes and  September 20, 2002 in the
case of the  2000  Notes),  then  interest  at the  rate of 6% per  annum  shall
commence to accrue on the unpaid  balance of the Total  Obligation  of said Note
and be included as part of the Total  Obligation.  In such case the payee on the
Note shall have the option of continuing to receive payments in Fonar Shares, in
accordance with Sections 2 and 3 of this Agreement,  until the Total  Obligation
of the Note is fully satisfied,  or to terminate the stock payments and elect to
receive the balance of the Total  Obligation  of the Note in cash or by check or
wire  transfer.  The payee may exercise this option by giving notice at any time
commencing  thirty (30) days prior to the date final payment is due by giving at
least thirty (30) days prior written notice.

10A. Other Events Giving Rise to Termination  Option.  Muraca and Marciano shall
     also have the option to terminate the payments in Fonar Shares and elect to
     receive  the  balance  of the Total  Obligation  of the Notes in cash or by
     check or wire transfer in the event any one or more of the following  shall

     a)   Trading  of  shares of the  common  stock of Fonar  shall  cease or be
          suspended for at least five consecutive trading days; or

     b)   Fonar  shall  cease  doing  business  as  a  going  concern,  make  an
          assignment for the benefit of creditors,  file a petition commencing a
          voluntary case under any chapter of Title 11 of the United States Code
          (the "Bankruptcy Code"), be adjudicated an insolvent,  file a petition
          seeking  for  itself  any  reorganization,  arrangement,  composition,
          readjustment,  liquidation,  dissolution or similar  arrangement under
          any present or future  statute,  law,  rule or  regulation  or file an
          answer admitting the material  allegations of a petition filed against
          it in any such proceeding, consent to the filing of such a petition or
          acquiesce in the  appointment of a trustee,  receiver or liquidator of
          it or of all or any  part of its  assets  or  properties,  or take any
          action looking to its dissolution or liquidation; or

     c)   An order for relief  against  Fonar shall have been entered  under any
          chapter of the Bankruptcy  Code or a decree or order by a court having
          jurisdiction  in the  premises  shall have been  entered  approving as
          properly  filed  a  petition  seeking   reorganization,   arrangement,
          readjustment, liquidation, dissolution or similar relief against Fonar
          under any present or future statute,  law, rule or regulation,  or any
          trustee,  receiver or liquidator of Fonar or of all or any part of its
          assets and  properties  shall be  appointed;  or if there is commenced
          against  Fonar  any   proceeding   seeking  any  such  relief  or  the
          appointment of any such trustee,  receiver or liquidator which remains
          undismissed for a period of sixty (60) days.

11.  Effect of  Termination of Stock  Payments.  In the event that either Muraca
     (or his assignees) or Marciano (or his  assignees)  elects to terminate the
     payments in Fonar  Shares prior to December 20, 2002 and receive the unpaid
     portion  of the  Total  Obligation  of a Note in cash or by  check  or wire
     transfer,  then the  provisions of the  Amendment to Employment  Agreements
     executed by Muraca, Marciano, Damadian MRI in Forest Hills, P.C. and others
     concurrently  herewith  shall  terminate.  HMCA  shall have sixty (60) days
     thereafter to make full payment.

12.  Reservation of Rights Under Notes and Other  Agreements.  In the event of a
     default  under  this  Agreement  in the  payment  of any part of the  Total
     Obligation  of any Note,  then Muraca or Marciano,  as the case may be, may
     elect to  exercise  his  rights  under the Note with  respect to any amount
     which  remains  unpaid  thereunder  in  addition  to  exercising  any other
     remedies he may have under this  Agreement  or at law.  Muraca and Marciano
     shall have  preserved all of their  existing  rights and remedies under the
     Notes  and the  other  agreements  entered  into  in  connection  with  the
     acquisition  of A & A,  including  but not  limited  to the Stock  Purchase
     Agreement dated March 20, 1998.

13.  Salary of Wayne  Muraca.  Section 7(b) of the Stock  Purchase  Agreement is
     modified  to  provide  that  the  compensation  of  Wayne  Muraca  shall be
     increased to $75,000 per annum, together with the car allowance as provided
     therein,  effective  as of  November  9,  2001 and to  $85,000  per  annum,
     together with the car allowance  provide therein effective as of January 1,
     2002,  with annual cost of living  increases  based on the  consumer  price
     index, or if such index is not available, a similar index.

14.  Payment of Muraca and  Marciano's  Attorneys.  HMCA will pay Felice Muraca,
     Esq., the attorney for Muraca and Marciano,  the sum of $5,000 for services
     rendered  in  connection   with  the   transactions   contemplated   herein
     immediately upon the execution of this Agreement.

15.  Miscellaneous.  This  Agreement  shall be construed in accordance  with the
     laws of the State of New York.  This  Agreement  may not be assigned by any
     party without the prior written consent of the other parties  hereto;  this
     Agreement  shall be binding  upon and inure to the  benefit of the  parties
     hereto  and  their  respective  successors,  heirs and  permitted  assigns.
     Captions and headings are for  convenience  of reference only and shall not
     affect the interpretation of this Agreement. This Agreement may be executed
     in counterparts.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties have executed this Agreement in the manner
legally binding upon them as of the day and year first above written.

                                      HEALTH MANAGEMENT CORPORATION OF AMERICA

                                      By: /s/Raymond V. Damadian, President
                                          Raymond V. Damadian, Presiden

                                      /s/Glenn Muraca
                                      GLENN MURACA

                                      /s/Giovanni Marciano
                                      GIOVANNI MARCIANO

                                      FONAR CORPORATION

                                      By: /s/Raymond V. Damadian, President
                                          Raymond V. Damadian, Presiden

                                    EXHIBIT A

                                ESCROW AGREEMENT

     THIS ESCROW  AGREEMENT  ("Agreement")  is made and  entered  into as of the
_____ day of _______,  200_ by and among  Fonar  Corporation  ("Fonar"),  Health
Management  Corporation of America  ("HMCA"),  Glenn Muraca,  D.O.,  ("Muraca"),
Giovanni  Marciano,  D.O.  ("Marciano")  and [Name of Escrow Agent] (the "Escrow


     A. Fonar,  HMCA,  Muraca and Marciano  have  entered  into a Stock  Payment
Agreement dated December 20, 2001,  pursuant to which Muraca and Marciano agreed
to accept shares of Fonar Common Stock (the "Fonar Common  Stock") in payment of
certain promissory notes, as provided therein (the "Stock Payment Agreement").

     B. The Stock  Payment  Agreement  provided  that the shares of Fonar Common
Stock to be delivered  to Muraca and  Marciano  would be held in escrow and that
the sale of said shares would be subject to certain volume  limitations,  as set
forth in the Stock Payment Agreement.

     C. The  Escrow  Agent has  agreed to act as escrow  agent as  requested  by
Fonar,  HMCA,  Muraca and Marciano,  in accordance with the terms and conditions

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the foregoing recitals and the mutual
covenants  and promises  contained  herein,  the parties,  each  intending to be
legally bound hereby, agree as follows:

1.   Creation  and  Establishment  of Escrow;  Delivery of Fonar  Common  Stock;
     Cooperation  and  Assistance  of  Muraca  and  Marciano.  The  certificates
     representing  the Fonar Common Stock shall be delivered to the Escrow Agent
     at such times as the shares of the Fonar Common Stock are registered  under
     the Securities Act of 1933, as amended and the restrictive  legends thereon
     are removed. Concurrently with the delivery of the certificates, Muraca and
     Marciano  shall  deliver to the Escrow Agent stock  powers  covering all of
     said  shares  then  delivered  duly  executed  in blank and  undated,  with
     signature  guarantees.  Upon  delivery to the Escrow  Agent,  the foregoing
     shall be held in escrow by the Escrow  Agent in  accordance  with the terms
     and  conditions  of  this  Agreement.  From  and  after  the  date  of this
     Agreement,  the parties  shall provide  reasonable  cooperation  with,  and
     assistance  to,  the Escrow  Agent to permit  the Escrow  Agent to make any
     necessary exchanges of certificates representing the Fonar Common Stock and
     to  otherwise  facilitate  the  disposition  of the Fonar  Common  Stock in
     accordance  with the terms of this  Agreement  (the shares of Fonar  Common
     Stock  held  by the  Escrow  Agent  in  escrow  under  this  Agreement  are
     hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Escrowed Shares").

2.   Sale of Fonar  Common  Stock.  Subject to the volume  limitation  and other
     terms,  conditions and  restrictions  hereinafter  set forth,  the Escrowed
     Shares  may be sold at the  request  of  Muraca  and  Marciano  at any time
     following their delivery to the Escrow Agent.  Any sales of Escrowed Shares
     which may be permitted hereunder shall be made on the basis of instructions
     provided  by Muraca and  Marciano  in such  manner  and by such  designated
     person or persons as may be arranged by Muraca and  Marciano and the Escrow
     Agent. The disposition of the net proceeds (after deductions of commissions
     and  fees)  of any such  sales  shall be in  accordance  with  instructions
     provided by Muraca and Marciano.

3.   Volume  Limitations.  Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2 hereof,
     the maximum number of Escrowed Shares which may be sold in the aggregate on
     any day shall be  limited  to the  lesser  of  20,000  shares or 10% of the
     trading volume for the Common Stock of Fonar (NASDAQ: FONR), as reported on
     the NASDAQ System, on the previous trading day. In addition, until June 30,
     2002,  the  maximum  numbers of  Escrowed  Shares  which can be sold in any
     calendar month will be 133,333  Escrowed  Shares if the average closing bid
     price of the Common Stock of Fonar for the prior calendar month is at least
     $1.50 per share and  104,167  Escrowed  Shares if the  average  closing bid
     price of the  Common  Stock of Fonar for the prior  calendar  month is less
     than $1.50 per shares.

4.   Provisions  Concerning  Escrowed  Shares.  During the  period the  Escrowed
     Shares are held in escrow hereunder:

     (a)  Voting  Powers.  Muraca and Marciano  shall have the right to exercise
          any and all voting powers with respect thereto.

     (b)  Stock Splits and Stock Dividends.  Any dividends  consisting of shares
          of the Common  Stock of Fonar  payable  with  respect to the  Escrowed
          Shares or any additional  shares of the Common Stock of Fonar to which
          the holders of the  Escrowed  Shares may become  entitled by reason of
          any stock split,  or any  securities  into which the  Escrowed  Shares
          might be changed  pursuant to a merger,  consolidation or amendment to
          the  Certificate  of  Incorporation  of  Fonar  Corporation,  shall be
          delivered  to the Escrow  Agent and held in escrow by the Escrow Agent
          as shares of Escrowed Shares,  pursuant to the terms and conditions of
          this Agreement.

     (c)  Other  Dividends and  Distributions.  All cash dividends  which may be
          declared and paid on the Escrowed  Shares and,  except as set forth in
          Section 4(b) above, all dividends and  distributions of other property
          payable  with respect to the  Escrowed  Shares,  shall be delivered to
          Muraca and Marciano.

     (d)  Encumbrances.  Muraca and Marciano  may pledge or  otherwise  encumber
          their respective  interests in the Escrowed Shares, but any pledgee or
          other secured  party shall be subject to the terms of this  Agreement,
          and no shares of the Escrowed  Shares shall be released from escrow or
          sold otherwise than in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

5.   Compensation of Escrow Agent.  No  compensation  shall be payable by either
     Fonar and HMCA or Muraca and  Marciano  to the  Escrow  Agent for acting as
     escrow  agent  hereunder,  but  the  Escrow  Agent  shall  be  entitled  to
     commissions  and fees,  payable by Muraca and Marciano,  in connection with
     the sales of any Fonar Common Stock made through it as a broker/dealer.  In
     addition,  to the extent the Escrow  Agent  shall  incur any  out-of-pocket
     costs and  expenses in  connection  with the  performance  of its duties as
     expressly provided hereunder,  or at the request of Fonar, HMCA, Muraca and
     Marciano,  including the reasonable  fees of legal counsel,  if any, Fonar,
     HMCA, Muraca and Marciano shall reimburse the Escrow Agent in equal shares.

6.   Term of  Agreement.  Unless  earlier  terminated  by the  agreement  of the
     parties or as otherwise  provided  herein,  this  Agreement  and the escrow
     created  hereby shall  continue  until such time as all the shares of Fonar
     Common Stock to be issued and sold under the Stock Payment  Agreement  have
     been issued and sold, returned to Fonar or HMCA or otherwise distributed in
     accordance  with the terms hereof or the express  written  instructions  of
     Fonar, HMCA and Muraca and Marciano.

7.   Limitation of Escrow Agent's  Duties.  (a) All parties  hereto  acknowledge
     that the duties of the Escrow Agent  hereunder  are solely  ministerial  in
     nature and have been  requested  for their  convenience.  The Escrow  Agent
     shall not be deemed to be the agent of either party hereto,  or to have any
     legal or  beneficial  interest in any of the escrowed  assets.  The parties
     agree that the  Escrow  Agent  shall not be liable for any act or  omission
     taken or suffered in good faith with respect to this Agreement, unless such
     act or omission is the result of the gross negligence or willful misconduct
     of the Escrow Agent.

     (b)  The Escrow  Agent may  consult  with legal  counsel and shall be fully
          protected  and incur no  liability  relative to any action or inaction
          taken in good faith in accordance with the advice of such counsel. The
          Escrow  Agent  shall  have  no  responsibility   for  determining  the
          genuineness or validity of any certificate,  document, notice or other
          instrument  or item  presented to or  deposited  with it, and shall be
          fully protected in acting in accordance  with any written  instruction
          given to it by the parties hereto in accordance  with the terms hereof
          and reasonably believed by the Escrow Agent to have been signed by the
          proper representatives of such parties.

     (c)  The Escrow Agent shall not be required to institute legal  proceedings
          of any kind.  The Escrow  Agent  shall not be  required  to defend any
          legal proceedings  which may be instituted  against it with respect to
          this  Agreement  unless  requested  to do so in  writing by any of the
          parties  hereto,  and  unless  and  until  it is  indemnified  by  the
          requesting  party to the satisfaction of the Escrow Agent, in its sole
          discretion,  against the cost and expense of such  defense,  including
          without  limitation  the  reasonable  fees and  expenses  of its legal
          counsel.  If any  conflicting  demand  shall be made  upon the  Escrow
          Agent,  it shall not be  required  to  determine  the same or take any
          action  thereon  and  may  await  settlement  of  the  controversy  by
          appropriate and nonappealable legal proceedings. Upon the commencement
          of any action  against or  otherwise  involving  the Escrow Agent with
          respect to this Agreement,  or upon advice of counsel under subsection
          (b)  hereunder,  the Escrow Agent shall be entitled to interplead  the
          matter of this escrow into a court of  competent  jurisdiction  in the
          State of New York  and,  in such  event,  the  Escrow  Agent  shall be
          relieved  of  and  discharged   from  any  and  all   obligations  and
          liabilities under this Agreement. In any such action, the Escrow Agent
          shall be entitled to the indemnities provided in Section 8 below.

8.   Indemnification  of Escrow Agent.  Fonar, HMCA, Muraca and Marciano jointly
     and severally  shall hold  harmless and  indemnify  the Escrow  Agent,  its
     partners,   employees   and  agents  from  and  against  all   obligations,
     liabilities,  claims, suits, judgments,  losses, damages, costs or expenses
     of any kind or nature,  including without limitation  reasonable attorneys'
     fees,  which may be imposed on, incurred by, or asserted against the Escrow
     Agent,  under or by reason of this Agreement,  except when due to the gross
     negligence  or  willful  misconduct  of the  Escrow  Agent.  The  foregoing
     indemnities  shall  survive  the  resignation  of the  Escrow  Agent or the
     termination of this Agreement.

9.   Resignation  of Escrow Agent.  The Escrow Agent in its sole  discretion may
     resign at any time and be  discharged  of its  duties  hereunder  by giving
     ninety (90) days prior written notice to the parties  hereto,  which notice
     shall specify the date of such  resignation.  In the event the parties fail
     to appoint a successor  escrow agent and notify the Escrow Agent in writing
     of such  appointment  within such ninety (90) day period,  the Escrow Agent
     shall be deemed to be solely a custodian of the escrowed  property  without
     further  duties  hereunder,  and shall be  entitled  to petition a court of
     competent  jurisdiction  to  appoint a  successor  escrow  agent.  Upon the
     appointment of a successor escrow agent by the parties hereunder or by such
     court, the Escrow Agent's duties and liabilities under this Agreement shall

10.  Assignment.  Except to the extent  provided  herein,  no  assignment by any
     party hereunder of its rights  hereunder  shall be effective  without prior
     written  consent of the other  parties  hereto,  except  that HMCA shall be
     entitled to assign its rights to its parent,  Fonar  Corporation  or to any
     successor to HMCA or Fonar  Corporation  which  agrees to be bound  hereby.
     Notice  of any  permitted  assignment  shall  be given  in  writing  by the
     assigning party to the other parties hereto.  On any permitted  assignment,
     the assignee or assignees shall be vested with all the rights,  powers, and
     remedies of the  assigning  party  hereunder.  From and after the effective
     date of any such assignment,  the Escrow Agent shall be entitled to rely on
     any  written  instructions  received  from any such  assignee,  to the same
     extent as it  previously  was entitled to rely on any written  instructions
     received from the assignor.

11.  Applicable Law. This Agreement has been executed and delivered in the State
     of New York and shall be governed by and construed in  accordance  with the
     law of the State of New York.  Whenever  possible,  each  provision of this
     Agreement  shall be  interpreted  in such a manner as to be  effective  and
     valid under  applicable  law, but, if any provision of this Agreement shall
     be held to be prohibited or invalid under  applicable  law, such provisions
     shall be ineffective  only to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity,
     without  invalidating  the  remainder of such  provisions  or the remaining
     provisions of this Agreement.

12.  Further  Assurances.  The parties agree that they will  cooperate with each
     other and the Escrow  Agent and will  execute and  deliver,  or cause to be
     executed and delivered, all such stock powers, proxies, powers of attorney,
     dividend orders, and other instruments and documents and will take all such
     other action, as the other party or the Escrow Agent may reasonably request
     from time to time in order to carry out the provisions and purposes hereof.

13.  Notices.  Any  notices or other  communications  required  or desired to be
     served,  given or  delivered  hereunder  shall be in writing,  and shall be
     deemed to have been validly  served,  given or delivered on the same day if
     delivered  personally or by facsimile  transmission with voice confirmation
     of receipt,  or shall be deemed  given on the date  receipt is confirmed if
     mailed by registered or certified  mail or receipted  commercial  overnight
     carrier (e.g., Federal Express,  DHL, etc.), return receipt or confirmation
     of delivery requested, to the parties at the following addresses:

     (a)  If to Fonar, to:

          Fonar Corporation
          110 Marcus Drive
          Melville, New York  11747
          Facsimile No.: (631) 753-5150
          Attn: Raymond V. Damadian
             Henry T. Meyer, Esq.

     (b)  If HMCA, to:

           Health Management Corporation of America
           6 Corporate Center Drive
           Melville, New York 11747
                    Facsimile No.:  (631) 630-1070
           Attn:  Timothy Damadian

           With a copy to:

           Henry T. Meyer, Esq.
           110 Marcus Drive
           Melville, New York  11747
           Facsimile No.: (631) 753-5150

     (c)  If to Glenn Muraca, D.O., to:


          Facsimile No.: __________________

     (d)  If to Giovanni Marciano, D.O., to:


          Facsimile No.:  _________________

     (e)  If to the Escrow Agent:


          Facsimile No.:  _________________
          Attn:  _________________________

     or to such other person or address as a party may  hereafter  designate for
     notice or other communications to such party by written notice to the other
     party and the Escrow Agent in the manner herein described.  Any notice sent
     by Fonar,  HMCA,  Muraca or Marciano to the Escrow Agent shall be furnished
     to the other  parties in the same  manner such notice is sent to the Escrow

14.  Consent to Jurisdiction and Service. Any legal action or proceeding arising
     out of this  Agreement may be brought in any state or federal court sitting
     in the State of New York and the  parties  hereby  irrevocably  consent and
     submit to the exclusive  jurisdiction of said courts and irrevocably  agree
     that all claims in any such action or proceeding shall be heard, determined
     in and enforced by any such court.

15.  Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement  shall be binding upon and inure to
     the benefit of Fonar,  HMCA, Muraca,  Marciano,  the Escrow Agent and their
     respective successors and permitted assigns.

16.  General  Provisions.  This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  one  or  more
     counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original,  and all of which
     shall constitute one and the same  instrument.  This Agreement shall not be
     modified or amended except by a written instrument  executed by all parties

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by the duly authorized
officers of the parties as of the date first above written.

                                   FONAR CORPORATION

                                   By: ______________________________________

                                   HEALTH MANAGEMENT CORPORATION OF AMERICA

                                   By:  ______________________________________

                                   GLENN MURACA, D.O.

                                   GIOVANNI MARCIANO, D.O.

                                   as Escrow Agent only

                                   By: _______________________________________

                                    EXHIBIT B

                              DEPOSITORY AGREEMENT

     THIS DEPOSITORY AGREEMENT  ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of the
____ day of  _____,  200_,  by and among  Fonar  Corporation  ("Fonar"),  Health
Management  Corporation  of America  (`HMCA"),  Glenn Muraca,  D.O.  ("Muraca"),
Giovanni  Marciano,  D.O.  ("Marciano"),  [Name of Escrow  Agent]  (the  "Escrow
Agent") and [Name of Brokerage Firm] (the "Depository").


     A. Fonar,  HMCA,  Muraca and Marciano  have  entered  into a Stock  Payment
Agreement dated December 20, 2001,  pursuant to which Muraca and Marciano agreed
to accept shares of Fonar Common Stock (the "Fonar Common  Stock") in payment of
certain promissory notes, as provided therein (the "Stock Payment Agreement").

     B. The Stock  Payment  Agreement  provided  that the shares of Fonar Common
Stock to be delivered  to Muraca and  Marciano  would be held in escrow and that
the sale of said shares would be subject to certain volume  limitations,  as set
forth in the Stock Payment Agreement.

     C. Fonar, HMCA, Muraca,  Marciano and the Escrow Agent gave agreed that the
shares of Fonar  Common  Stock to be held in  escrow be held by the  Depository,
subject to the direction of the Escrow Agent as provided herein.

     D. The  Depository has agreed to act as the depository for the Fonar Common
Stock in accordance  with the terms hereof and,  except as hereinafter  provided
the Escrow Agent shall be the only party  authorized to instruct the  Depository
as to the disposition of the Fonar Common Stock.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the foregoing recitals and the mutual
covenants  and promises  contained  herein,  the parties,  each  intending to be
legally bound hereby, agree as follows:

     1. Creation and  Establishment  of Escrow;  Delivery of Fonar Common Stock;
Cooperation  and  Assistance  of Muraca  and  Marciano.  Fonar,  HMCA,  Muraca ,
Marciano or the Escrow Agent shall deliver  certificates  representing the Fonar
Common Stock to the Depository.  Concurrently therewith,  Muraca and Marciano or
the Escrow Agent shall deliver to the  Depository  stock powers  covering all of
said shares, duly executed in blank and undated, with signature guarantees. Upon
delivery to the  Depository,  the foregoing shall be held in accordance with the
terms  and  conditions  of this  Agreement.  From  and  after  the  date of this
Agreement, Fonar, HMCA, Muraca and Marciano shall provide reasonable cooperation
with,  and  assistance  to, the Escrow Agent and Depository to permit the Escrow
Agent  and   Depository  to  make  any  necessary   exchanges  of   certificates
representing the Fonar Common Stock and to otherwise  facilitate the disposition
of the Fonar Common Stock in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

     2. Escrow. The terms of the escrow are set forth in a separate agreement of
even date  herewith.  A copy of such escrow  agreement  shall be provided to the
Depository at its request, but the Depository shall in no respect be responsible
for  monitoring  compliance by the Escrow Agent with the terms thereof and shall
be fully  protected  in relying  upon the  instructions  of the Escrow  Agent or
Fonar, HMCA, Muraca and Marciano,  acting jointly, as hereinafter provided.  The
proceeds  of any sale of Fonar  Common  Stock  shall be  released  to Muraca and

     3.  Authority of Escrow Agent;  Duties and  Agreements of  Depository.  The
Depository  shall hold the Fonar  Common  Stock in an account or accounts in the
names of Muraca  and  Marciano.  Notwithstanding  that the  Escrow  Agent has no
beneficial  interest in the Fonar  Common  Stock,  the Escrow Agent shall be the
only party from whom the Depository shall accept any  instructions  with respect
to the sale, assignment,  transfer, release or other disposition or treatment of
the Fonar Common  Stock and any  dividends  or  distributions  which may be paid
thereon.  The initial employees of the Escrow Agent who shall issue instructions
hereunder  on its behalf shall be  __________________________.  The Escrow Agent
may change these employees at any time by written notice to the  Depository.  In
addition to placing sell orders,  the Escrow Agent may direct the  Depository to
release shares to Muraca and Marciano or return them to HMCA and Fonar.

     4.  Temporary  Authorization.  Upon written  authorization  from the Escrow
Agent  by one  of its  designated  employees,  Muraca  and  Marciano  may  issue
instructions  to the Depository to sell up to such number of shares of the Fonar
Common Stock per day,  week or month for such period of time as may be specified
in the authorization.  Such authorization  shall be subject to and in accordance
with the provisions of the Escrow  Agreement  relating to the maximum numbers of
shares which can be sold during  specified  time  periods.  The Escrow Agent may
issue such authorizations from time to time.

     5. Change of  Depository.  A new Depository may be appointed and recognized
hereunder only if such new  appointment or change is made in a writing signed by
Fonar, HMCA, Muraca and Marciano.

     6.  Instructions  from Fonar,  HMCA,  Muraca and Marciano.  Notwithstanding
anything  contained herein to the contrary,  if Fonar, HMCA, Muraca and Marciano
jointly issue  instructions  to the  Depository in writing,  then the Depository
shall rely on those instructions notwithstanding the absence of any instructions
from the Escrow Agent or any instructions from the Escrow Agent to the contrary.

     7. Limitation of Depository's Duties.

     (a) All  parties  hereto  acknowledge  that the  duties  of the  Depository
hereunder  are solely  ministerial  in nature and have been  requested for their
convenience.  The  Depository  shall  not be deemed to be the agent of any party
hereto,  or to have any  legal or  beneficial  interest  in any of the  escrowed
assets. The parties agree that the Depository shall not be liable for any act or
omission taken or suffered in good faith with respect to this Agreement,  unless
such act or omission is the result of the gross negligence or willful misconduct
of the Depository.

     (b) The  Depository  may  consult  with  legal  counsel  and shall be fully
protected  and incur no  liability  relative to any action or inaction  taken in
good faith in accordance with the advice of such counsel.  The Depository  shall
have no  responsibility  for  determining  the  genuineness  or  validity of any
certificate,  document,  notice  or other  instrument  or item  presented  to or
deposited with it, and shall be fully protected in acting in accordance with any
written  instruction  given to it by the parties  hereto in accordance  with the
terms hereof and  reasonably  believed by the  Depository to have been signed by
the proper representatives of such parties.

     (c) The Depository shall not be required to institute legal  proceedings of
any kind. The Depository  shall not be required to defend any legal  proceedings
which  may be  instituted  against  it with  respect  to this  Agreement  unless
requested to do so in writing by any of the parties hereto, and unless and until
it is indemnified by the requesting party to the satisfaction of the Depository,
in its sole discretion,  against the cost and expense of such defense, including
without limitation the reasonable fees and expenses of its legal counsel. If any
conflicting  demand shall be made upon the Depository,  it shall not be required
to determine the same or take any action thereon and may await settlement of the
controversy  by  appropriate  and  nonappealable  legal  proceedings.  Upon  the
commencement  of any action against or otherwise  involving the Depository  with
respect to this  Agreement,  or upon  advice of  counsel  under  subsection  (b)
hereunder,  the  Depository  shall be entitled to interplead  the matter of this
escrow into a court of competent  jurisdiction  in the State of New York and, in
such event,  the Depository shall be relieved of and discharged from any and all
obligations  and  liabilities  under this  Agreement.  In any such  action,  the
Depository shall be entitled to the indemnities provided in Section 8 below.

     8. Indemnification of Depository.  Fonar, HMCA, Muraca and Marciano jointly
and severally  shall hold harmless and indemnify the  Depository,  its partners,
employees  and agents  from and against all  obligations,  liabilities,  claims,
suits,  judgments,  losses,  damages,  costs or  expenses of any kind or nature,
including without  limitation  reasonable  attorneys' fees, which may be imposed
on, incurred by, or asserted against the Depository,  under or by reason of this
Agreement,  except when due to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the
Depository.  The  foregoing  indemnities  shall survive the  resignation  of the
Depository or the termination of this Agreement.

     9.  Resignation  of Depository.  The Depository in its sole  discretion may
resign at any time and be  discharged  of its duties  hereunder by giving ninety
(90) days prior written notice to the parties hereto, which notice shall specify
the date of such  resignation.  In the  event  the  parties  fail to  appoint  a
successor  depository and notify the  Depository in writing of such  appointment
within such ninety (90) day period,  the Depository shall be deemed to be solely
a custodian without further duties hereunder,  and shall be entitled to petition
a court of competent  jurisdiction to appoint a successor  depository.  Upon the
appointment of a successor depository by the parties hereunder or by such court,
the Depository's duties and liabilities under this Agreement shall terminate.

     10. Assignment.  Except to the extent provided herein, no assignment by any
party hereunder of its rights hereunder shall be effective without prior written
consent of the other  parties  hereto,  except  that HMCA shall be  entitled  to
assign its rights to its parent,  Fonar  Corporation or to any successor to HMCA
or Fonar  Corporation  which  agrees  to be  bound  hereby.  Notice  of any such
permitted  assignment  shall be given in writing by the  assigning  party to the
other parties  hereto.  On any permitted  assignment,  the assignee or assignees
shall be vested with all the rights, powers, and remedies of the assigning party
hereunder.  From  and  after  the  effective  date of any such  assignment,  the
Depository shall be entitled to rely on any written  instructions  received from
any such  assignee,  to the same extent as it previously was entitled to rely on
any written instructions received from the assignor.

     11.  Applicable  Law. This Agreement has been executed and delivered in the
State of New York and shall be governed by and construed in accordance  with the
law of the  State  of New  York.  Whenever  possible,  each  provision  of  this
Agreement  shall be  interpreted  in such a manner as to be effective  and valid
under  applicable  law, but, if any provision of this Agreement shall be held to
be  prohibited  or  invalid  under  applicable  law,  such  provisions  shall be
ineffective  only to the  extent  of such  prohibition  or  invalidity,  without
invalidating  the remainder of such  provisions  or the remaining  provisions of
this Agreement.

     12. Notices. Any notices or other communications  required or desired to be
served, given or delivered hereunder shall be in writing, and shall be deemed to
have  been  validly  served,  given or  delivered  on the same day if  delivered
personally or by facsimile  transmission with voice confirmation of receipt,  or
shall be deemed given on the date  receipt is confirmed if mailed by  registered
or certified  mail or receipted  commercial  overnight  carrier  (e.g.,  Federal
Express,  DHL, etc.), return receipt or confirmation of delivery  requested,  to
the parties at the following addresses:

(a)      If Fonar, to:

         Fonar Corporation
         110 Marcus Drive
         Melville, New York  11747
         Facsimile: (631) 753-5150
         Attn: Raymond V. Damadian
                   Henry T. Meyer, Esq.

(b)      If HMCA, to:

         Health Management Corporation of America
         6 Corporate Center Drive
         Melville, New York  11747
         Facsimile No.:  (631) 630-1070
         Attn:  Timothy Damadian

         With a copy to

         Henry T. Meyer, Esq.
         110 Marcus Drive
         Melville, New York  11747
         Facsimile No. (631) 753-5150

(c)      If to Muraca, to:

         Glenn Muraca, D.O.

         Facsimile No.:  ________________________

(d)      If to Marciano, to:

         Giovanni Marciano, D.O.

         Facsimile No.: ________________________

(e)      If to the Escrow Agent:


         Facsimile No.:_____________________
         Attn: ____________________________

(e)      If to the Depository:


         Facsimile No.: _______________________
         Attn:  ______________________________

or to such other person or address as a party may hereafter designate for notice
or other  communications  to such party by written notice to the other party and
the Depository in the manner herein described.

     13.  Consent to  Jurisdiction  and Service.  Any legal action or proceeding
arising  out of this  Agreement  may be brought  in any state or  federal  court
sitting in the State of New York and the parties hereby irrevocably  consent and
submit to the exclusive  jurisdiction of said courts and irrevocably  agree that
all claims in any such action or  proceeding  shall be heard,  determined in and
enforced by any such court.

     14. Successors and Assigns.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure
to the benefit of the  parties and their  respective  successors  and  permitted

     15.  General  Provisions.  This  Agreement  may be  executed in one or more
counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original, and all of which shall
constitute one and the same instrument.  This Agreement shall not be modified or
amended except by a written instrument executed by all parties hereto.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by the duly authorized
officers of the parties as of the date first above written.

                                   FONAR CORPORATION

                                   By: __________________________________

                                   HEALTH MANAGEMENT CORPORATION OF AMERICA

                                   By:  ______________________________________

                                   By: ______________________________________
                                          GLENN MURACA, D.O.

                                   By: ______________________________________
                                          GIOVANNI MARCIANO, D.O.

                                   as Escrow Agent only

                                   By: ______________________________________

                                   _______________________, as Depository only

                                   By: ______________________________________