Exhibit 99.1

                                FONAR CORPORATION

Fonar MRI news @ aol . com                               Inventor of MR Scanning
For    Immediate   Release                               An   ISO  9001  Company

Contact:    Daniel  Culver                               110    Marcus     Drive
Director of Communications                               Melville,   N.Y.  11747
Web site:    www.fonar.com                               Tel:    (631)  694-2929
Email:invest2008@fonar.com                               Fax:    (631)  390-1709

  FONAR Announces 39.2% Increase in Revenues for Second Quarter of Fiscal 2008

MELVILLE,  NEW YORK,  February 19, 2008 - FONAR Corporation  (NASDAQ-FONR),  The
Inventor of MR Scanning(TM) today announced its financial results for the second
quarter of fiscal 2008, which ended December 31, 2007. FONAR is the developer of
the patent-protected UPRIGHT(R)  Multi-Position(TM) MRI, which scans the body in
any position.

Total  revenues  for the second  quarter of fiscal 2008 ended  December 31, 2007
increased 39.2% to $10.7 million as compared to $7.7 million for the same period
last year.  Total revenues for the six months ended December 31, 2007 rose 25.2%
to $19.4 million as compared to $15.5 million for the same period last year.

During the second fiscal 2008 quarter,  product  sales  increased  92.1% to $4.0
million  from $2.1 million for the same period last year.  In addition,  product
sales for the six month period ended December 31, 2007  increased  45.1% to $6.6
million from $4.5 million for the same period last year.

Service and repair  revenues for the second fiscal 2008 quarter  increased 11.3%
to $2.7 million  from $2.4  million for the same period last year.  In addition,
service and repair  revenues for the six month  period  ended  December 31, 2007
increased  9.5% to $5.4 million  from $5.0  million  during the same period last
year.  Service and repair  revenues  continue to increase  because of the steady
increase of the installed base of the FONAR  UPRIGHT(R)Multi-Position(TM)MRI and
the  accompanying  service contract  agreements.  As of December 31, 2007, there
were 124 FONAR UPRIGHT(R) Multi-Position(TM) MRI units installed worldwide.

During the second fiscal 2008 quarter ended December 31, 2007, there was a 29.8%
decrease  in the net  loss to $3.8  million  as  compared  to a net loss of $5.5
million during the same period last year. The net loss for the six months period
ended  December 31, 2007,  decreased  65.0% to $4.0 million as compared to a net
loss of $11.6  million  during the same  period  last year.  The loss per common
share  (basic and diluted)  for the second  fiscal  quarter of 2008 was $0.78 as
compared to a loss of $1.13 during the same period last year.

As of December 31, 2007, total cash, cash equivalents and marketable  securities
were approximately $3.2 million as compared to $3.4 million as of June 30, 2007.
Also, as of December 31, 2007,  total assets were $41.2  million,  total current
assets were $24.0 million,  total current  liabilities  were $34.8 million,  and
total long-term liabilities were $1.1 million.

Events that  occurred  during the quarter  ended  December  31, 2007 include the
second  sale  of a  FONAR  UPRIGHT(R)Multi-Position(TM)MRI  to  the  Center  for
Diagnostic  Imaging (CDI) of Minneapolis,  Minnesota.  This second sale was made
just six months after the first UPRIGHT(R)  Multi-Position(TM) MRI was installed
at CDI.  It is  notable  that in 2006  CDI was  overwhelmingly  selected  as the
"NUMBER  ONE  FREESTANDING  IMAGING  GROUP" in the  United  States by readers of
Medical  Imaging  Magazine,  a  leading  national  diagnostic  imaging  industry
publication. For details visit:

During October 23-27, 2007, as reported in The Spine Journal, Proceedings of the
22nd Annual Meeting of the North American Spine Society  (NASS),  the University
of California,  Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Medicine  reported four  scientific
studies on 1,302 patients that compared the  visualization of spine pathology by
Dynamic(TM)  Multi-Position(TM) MRI to images obtained by Static single-position

The  UCLA   findings   were  as   follows:   The  Static  MRI  "Miss   Rate"  of
spondylolisthesis (unstable vertebra) at L4-5 is 35.1%, L4-5 being the vertebral
segment  responsible for the majority of disc herniations.  The Static MRI "Miss
Rate" of  spondylolisthesis  at L3-4 was even  higher at 38.7%.  The  Static MRI
Overall "Miss Rate" of spondylolisthesis is 18.1%. Spinal Stenosis, the cause of
the syndrome  neurogenic  intermittent  claudication,  and the dimensions of the
spinal canal were measurable in the FONAR UPRIGHT(R) Multi-Position(TM) MRI with
"high precision". Visit: www.fonar.com/news/111507.htm

On November 26, 2007, at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North
America  (RSNA),  FONAR  announced  it had invented a  radiation-free  method to
diagnose   and  monitor   scoliosis   treatment   using  the  FONAR   UPRIGHT(R)
Multi-Position(TM)  MRI. This is important,  because in 2000 the National Cancer
Institute had reported a study of 5,466 women that  demonstrated that women with
scoliosis  experienced  a 70%  greater  risk of  developing  breast  cancer that
resulted  from their  protracted  exposure  to  diagnostic  X-rays.  Therefore a
radiation-free  technology  that can monitor the treatment  success of childhood
scoliosis  without  radiation is a much needed advance in diagnostic  radiology.
FONAR's  patent-pending  breakthrough  utilizes  new software and a new receiver
coil developed for the unique UPRIGHT(R)  Multi-Position(TM)  MRI. MRI images of
the entire upright spine are produced quickly and at costs comparable to that of
the current X-ray method. Visit:

Commenting  on the financial  and  operating  results for the second  quarter of
fiscal 2008, Raymond Damadian,  M.D., president and chairman of FONAR, said, "We
are  excited  about  our  future  because  of the  advantages  to  patients  and
physicians  of the FONAR  UPRIGHT(R)  Multi-Position(TM)  MRI. Our customers are
delighted  with  the  scanner.  In  fact,  one out of  three  has  purchased  an
additional  unit.  The  primary  use of MRI is to image  the  spine.  Since  the
Dynamic(TM)  UPRIGHT(R)  MRI can do that better than a  recumbent-only,  static,
single-position  MRI scanner,  there is tremendous  benefit for spine care to be
realized from the use of the FONAR UPRIGHT(R) Multi-Position(TM) MRI."

"The  February  13,  2007  edition  of  the  Journal  of  the  American  Medical
Association (JAMA) reports that in 2005 the U.S. spent $86 billion on spine care
and treatments, an increase of 65% since 1997, and nearly as much as is spent on
cancer care. It also indicates some  disappointment with the success of medicine
to help patients with back pain. I can appreciate their sentiment.  If you can't
see the patient's problem because the diagnostic  imaging tools for doing so are
insufficient,   you   can't   fix   it,"   said   Dr.   Damadian.   "The   FONAR
UPRIGHT(R)Multi-Position(TM)MRI    and   its   power   to   provide   UPRIGHT(R)
Multi-Position(TM)   Spondylography(TM)and  Spondylometry(TM)  are  designed  to
achieve  the  enhanced   diagnostic   accuracy  needed  for  improved  treatment
outcomes." Visit:

          Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited)

                                (000's omitted)

                             For the Three Months   For the Six Months
                             Ended December 31,     Ended December 31,
                               2007        2006       2007      2006
                             --------    --------   --------  ---------
      Revenues               $10,680     $7,672     $19,350   $ 15,455
      Net Loss               $(3,838)    $(5,470)   $(4,047)  $(11,575)
      Basic & Diluted Loss
      Per Common Share       $(0.78)     $(1.13)    $(0.83)   $(2.41)

The Inventor of MR Scanning(TM),  Full Range of Motion(TM),  True Flow(TM),  The
Proof  is  in  the  Picture(TM),   Dynamic(TM),   pMRI(TM),   Multi-Position(TM)
Spondylography(TM)  and  Spondylometry(TM)  are  trademarks,  and UPRIGHT(R) and
STAND-UP(R) are registered trademarks of FONAR Corporation.

     Be sure to visit FONAR's Website for product and investor information:

This release may include forward-looking statements from the company that may or
may not materialize.  Additional  information on factors that could  potentially
affect the company's  financial results may be found in the company filings with
the Securities and Exchange Commission.
