exhibit 99

                              FONAR CORPORATION
For    Immediate   Release                         FONAR Corporation NASDAQ-FONR

Contact:    Daniel  Culver                         110       Marcus        Drive
Director of Communications                         Melville,   New  York   11747
Web site:    www.fonar.com                         Telephone:   (631)   694-2929
Email:  investor@fonar.com                         Fax Number:  (631)   390-1709

                         AS INCOME AND REVENUES ADVANCE

MELVILLE,  NEW YORK,  November 19, 2010 - FONAR Corporation  (NASDAQ-FONR),  The
Inventor of MR Scanning(TM),  today announced its earnings for the first quarter
of fiscal 2011, ending September 30, 2010.

Income from operations for the quarter ending September 30, 2010 was $435,000 as
compared to a loss of $1,422,000  for the same period one year  earlier,  ending
September 30, 2009. FONAR has had income from operations for three quarters in a

Net income for the first  quarter of fiscal 2011 ending  September  30, 2010 was
$385,000 as compared to a net loss of $1.7 million for the same quarter one year
earlier ending September 30, 2009.

Total net revenues for the quarter  ending  September 30, 2010  increased 16% to
$8.7 million as compared to the one year earlier to the quarter ending September
30, 2009, when net revenues were $7.5 million.

Within the revenue category,  the management and other fees segment  (management
of diagnostic  imaging centers segment)  increased 30% from $2.5 million for the
three-month  period  ending  September  30, 2009, to $3.3 million for the three-
month period ending  September 30, 2010.  Total costs related to the  management
and other fees segment  increased just 1%, from $2.0 million for the three-month
period ending  September 30, 2009,  to $2.1 million for the  three-month  period
ending September 30, 2010.

The service and repair net fees were at $2.7 million, for the three-month period
ending  September  30,  2010,  as  compared  to the  three-month  period  ending
September 30, 2009, one year earlier, when revenues were $2.8 million.

Total product sales (FONAR UPRIGHT(R) Multi-Position(TM) MRI scanners) increased
70% from $1.6 million for the three-month  period ending  September 30, 2009, to
$2.7 million for the three-month period ending September 30, 2010.

At the end of the first fiscal quarter of fiscal 2011 ending September 30, 2010,
total current assets were $15.3 million,  total assets were $22.0 million, total
current  liabilities were $25.0 million,  total long-term  liabilities were $2.2
million,  and total cash, cash  equivalents and marketable  securities were $1.3

Worldwide 147 FONAR UPRIGHT(R)  Multi-Position(TM) MRI units have been installed
as of September 30, 2010.

Commenting on the results of the first quarter of fiscal 2011, Raymond Damadian,
M.D., president and chairman of FONAR said, "We are delighted to be able to show
rising income for the first  quarter of fiscal 2011.  This has largely been done
by cutting  costs.  Important  savings  have been made by reducing  our Selling,
General and Administrative  expenses and our Research and Development  expenses.
In fact,  these two  categories  have been reduced 31% when  comparing  the most
recent fiscal quarter ending September 30, 2010 with the first quarter of fiscal
2010 ending September 30, 2009."

"I am also pleased to announce that during the most recent fiscal quarter, FONAR
has  installed  its  first  UPRIGHT(R)  Multi-Position(TM)  MRI  in  Africa  and
Australia  making FONAR a true global  participant  in the MRI world," added Dr.
Damadian.   We  have   installed   14  of  our  nearly   150  FONAR   UPRIGHT(R)
Multi-Position(TM) MRI scanners outside of the United States."


The  peer-reviewed,  medical  journal "Brain Injury," in its July, 2010 edition,
published a very  significant  study of 1200 neck pain  patients  comparing  the
FONAR UPRIGHT(R)  Multi-Position(TM) MRI to a conventional recumbent MRI and the
ability to diagnose whiplash trauma from a motor vehicle accident.  The title of
the article is: `A case-control  study of cerebellar  tonsillar ectopia (Chiari)
and head/neck trauma (whiplash).'

The 1200 neck pain patients were divided into 4 groups,  consisting of 2 control
neck pain groups that did not experience  whiplash trauma and 2 neck pain groups
that did.  The  radiologists  who read the study images were blinded as to which
images were the patient images and which were the control  images.  The patients
were  examined in both the upright and  recumbent  positions.  The recumbent MRI
images were obtained in a conventional recumbent MRI and the upright images were
obtained in the FONAR UPRIGHT(R) Multi-Position(TM)MRI.

The study, as presented in "Brain  Injury," showed that the `fallen'  cerebellar
tonsillar  ectopia  (CTE) caused by motor  vehicle  whiplash  injuries was being
missed  60%  of  the  time  when  the  patient  was  scanned  laying  down  in a
conventional  recumbent-only  MRI. The study reported that the whiplash injuries
were found when scanned upright in the FONAR UPRIGHT(R)  Multi-Position(TM) MRI.
As a result of this study,  the medical  evidence  indicates  that the  `fallen'
cerebellar  tonsillar  ectopias of a whiplash injury patient can now be reliably
visualized by using the FONAR UPRIGHT(R) Multi-Position(TM) MRI.

For more details,  visit:  (www.fonar.com/news/072110.htm).  To obtain a copy of
the article  published in the  peer-reviewed  journal,  "Brain  Injury,"  please
contact FONAR or use a Web search engine.

Soon after the publication in "Brain  Injury," the Company  announced the fourth
purchase of a FONAR UPRIGHT(R)  Multi-Position(TM) MRI by Medserena, of Germany.
The CEO of Medserena,  Matthias  Schulz,  said, "From our point of view, here in
Germany,  the newly  published  1200 patient study in `Brain Injury' sets a `new
standard of care' for whiplash injury patients."

Mr. Schulz  continued,  "The first three  UPRIGHT(R)  MRI centers have had great
success.  With physicians all over Germany asking about this technology,  it has
become imperative for us to expand and install a fourth UPRIGHT(R) scanner. This
is in spite of an  intensely  active  MRI  market in  Germany,  where  there are
already many conventional lie-down MRIs installed.  The large number of requests
coming from our physicians in Germany are arising because of the special medical
need for FONAR's unique technology."

"The German  people have a long history in science and  technology  innovation,"
Mr.  Schulz  reported,  "so we  tend  to  recognize  the  potential  of any  new
technology  quickly.  We have been very  successful  in  Germany  with the FONAR
UPRIGHT(R)  Multi-Position(TM)  MRI and  its  power  for  scanning  patients  in
multiple  upright and recumbent  positions  because our physicians  have quickly
appreciated  the benefits of this new technology and want their patients to have
access to those  benefits  as soon as  possible.  With 50% of MRIs  being of the
spine, it is self-evident  that to make a satisfactory  imaging diagnosis of the
spine,  the spine  needs to be  supporting  its  normal  weight  load  which the
conventional lie-down MRI does not permit."

Mr. Schulz also said,  "Automobile  whiplash injuries are just as much a problem
in Germany  as they are in any other  industrialized  nation.  It was with great
pleasure  that we learned of the July 2010 article in "Brain  Injury," that will
now make it possible for physicians to visualize these injuries so that the most
expedient  medical  treatment can be provided.  This is a huge advantage for the
FONAR  UPRIGHT(R)  Multi-Position(TM)  MRI  when  it  competes  with  other  MRI


On October 14, 2010, the Company  received a notice of  non-compliance  from The
NASDAQ Stock  Market,  LLC.,  based upon the Company's  non-compliance  with the
minimum  stockholders'  equity requirement of $2.5 million for continued listing
on The NASDAQ Capital Market,  as set forth in NASDAQ  Marketplace  Listing Rule
5550(b)(1)(the "Rule") (the "Stockholders' Equity Requirement").  The deficiency
was noted after the Company  filed its Form 10-K on October  13,  2010,  for the
Fiscal  year ended June 30,  2010.  In  addition,  the  Company did not meet the
alternatives of market value of listed  securities or net income from continuing

Under the Rules,  the Company  has 45  calendar  days to submit a plan to regain
compliance.  If the plan is accepted the NASDAQ Panel will grant an extension of
up to 180  calendar  days  from the date of the  letter  (October  14,  2010) to
evidence compliance.  While the Company is hopeful that the Panel will grant its
request for  continued  listing on NASDAQ,  there can be no  assurance  that the
Panel will do so.


Recently,  many of our  shareholders  have  received  letters from CST (Computer
Share  Trust),   www.computershare.com,   telephone  800-962-4284.  It  is  very
important  for  investors  to  respond  to these  letters  or else risk of being
subject to state  escheatment  laws.  Essentially,  shareholders  holding older,
pre-reverse  stock-split  certificates  must exchange their old certificates for
new ones.

In addition,  investors may have changed addresses or appeared to have abandoned
their stock. If this could possibly be you, we urge you to contact CST to update
your information.

Again please call CST at 800-962-4284.

For more information on FONAR stock please visit: www.fonar.com/invest_faq.htm #
For investor and other information visit: www.fonar.com.

UPRIGHT(R)  and  STAND-UP(R)  are  registered  trademarks and The Inventor of MR
Scanning(TM),    Full    Range    of    Motion(TM),    pMRI(TM),    Dynamic(TM),
Multi-Position(TM),   True   Flow(TM),   The   Proof  is  in  the   Picture(TM),
Spondylography(TM) Spondylometry(TM) and Upright Radiology(TM) are trademarks of
FONAR Corporation.

This release may include forward-looking statements from the company that may or
may not materialize.  Additional  information on factors that could  potentially
affect the company's  financial  results may be found in the  company's  filings
with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

                              (000's OMITTED)

ASSETS                                               September 30,  June 30,
                                                         2010          2010
Current Assets:                                       -----------    -------
  Cash and cash equivalents                              $ 1,253    $ 1,299
  Marketable securities                                       32         28
  Accounts receivable - net                                4,652      4,821
  Accounts receivable - related parties - net                178          -
  Medical receivables - net                                   12         25
  Management fee receivable - net                          2,593      2,569
  Management fee receivable - related medical
    practices - net                                        1,982      1,922
  Costs and estimated earnings in excess of
    billings on uncompleted contracts                      1,225        277
  Inventories                                              2,535      2,826
  Advances and notes to related medical practices - net       42         83
  Notes receivable - net                                     236        272
  Prepaid expenses and other current assets                  516        553
                                                          ------     ------
        Total Current Assets                              15,256     14,675
                                                          ------     ------

Property and equipment - net                               1,981      2,109
Other intangible assets - net                              4,190      4,291
Other assets                                                 561        554
                                                        --------   --------
        Total Assets                                    $ 21,988   $ 21,629
                                                        ========   ========

                              (000's OMITTED)

LIABILITIES                                         September 30,   June 30,
                                                         2010        2010
Current Liabilities:                                  ----------   --------
  Current portion of long-term debt and
    capital leases                                       $   590    $   579
  Current portion of long-term debt - related party           90         88
  Accounts payable                                         2,855      3,192
  Other current liabilities                                9,512      8,065
  Unearned revenue on service contracts                    5,070      5,220
  Unearned revenue on service contracts - related parties    165          -
  Customer advances                                        5,366      4,813
  Billings in excess of costs and estimated
    earnings on uncompleted contracts                      1,292      2,743
                                                          ------     ------
      Total Current Liabilities                           24,940     24,700

Long-Term Liabilities:
  Accounts payable                                            62         63
  Due to related medical practices                           228        528
  Long-term debt & capital leases, less current portion    1,422      1,567
  Long-term debt less current portion - related party         49         72
  Other liabilities                                          484        475
                                                          ------     ------
      Total Long-Term Liabilities                          2,245      2,705
                                                          ------     ------
      Total Liabilities                                   27,185     27,405
                                                          ------     ------

                              (000's OMITTED)



Class A non-voting preferred stock $.0001 par value;
453,000 and 1,600,000 shares authorized at
September 30, 2010 and June 30, 2010, respectively;
313,451 issued and outstanding
at September 30, 2010 and June 30, 2010                     -          -

Preferred stock $.001 par value; 567,000 and
2,000,000 shares authorized at September 30, 2010
and June 30, 2010, respectively;
issued and outstanding - none                               -          -

Common Stock $.0001 par value; 8,500,000 and 30,000,000
shares authorized at September 30, 2010 and June 30, 2010,
respectively; 5,112,458 and 4,985,850 issued at
September 30, 2010 and June 30, 2010, respectively;
5,100,815 and 4,974,207 outstanding at September 30, 2010
and June 30, 2010, respectively                                1          1

Class B Common Stock $ .0001 par value; 227,000 and
800,000 shares authorized at September 30, 2010 and
June 30, 2010, respectively; (10 votes per share), 158 issued
and outstanding at September 30, 2010 and June 30, 2010     -          -

Class C Common Stock $.0001 par value; 567,000 and 2,000,000
shares authorized at September 30, 2010 and June 30, 2010,
respectively; (25 votes per share), 382,513 issued
and outstanding at September 30, 2010 and June 30, 2010     -          -

Paid-in capital in excess of par value                   172,568    172,379
Accumulated other comprehensive loss                         (15)       (19)
Accumulated deficit                                     (176,886)  (177,271)
Notes receivable from employee stockholders                 (190)      (191)
Treasury stock, at cost - 11,643 shares of common stock
  at September 30, 2010 and June 30, 2010                   (675)      (675)
                                                        --------   --------
      Total Stockholders' Deficiency                      (5,197)    (5,776)
                                                        --------   --------
      Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Deficiency    $ 21,988   $ 21,629
                                                        ========   ========

                   (000's OMITTED, except per share data)

                                                  FOR THE THREE MONTHS ENDED
                                                         SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                       2010         2009
REVENUES                                            --------     --------
  Product sales - net                               $  2,660     $  1,563
  Service and repair fees - net                        2,689        2,757
  Service and repair fees - related parties - net         55           55
  Management and other fees - net                      2,088        1,736
  Management and other fees - related medical
    practices - net                                    1,193          795
  License fees and royalties                              -           585
                                                    --------     --------
     Total Revenues - Net                              8,685        7,491
                                                    --------     --------
  Costs related to product sales                       2,506        1,657
  Costs related to service and repair fees               665          941
  Costs related to service and repair
    fees - related parties                                14           19
  Costs related to management and other fees           1,313        1,268
  Costs related to management and other
    fees - related medical practices                     739          761
  Research and development                               454          854
  Selling, general and administrative                  2,383        3,233
  Provision for bad debts                                176          180
                                                     --------     --------
     Total Costs and Expenses                          8,250        8,913
                                                    --------     --------
Income (Loss) From Operations                            435      ( 1,422)

Interest Expense                                     (    94)     (    79)
Interest Expense - Related Parties                   (     4)     (    14)
Investment Income                                         38           87
Interest Income - Related Party                            1            4
Other Income                                               9           33
Loss on Note Receivable                                   -       (   350)
                                                    --------     --------
NET INCOME (LOSS)                                   $    385     $( 1,741)
                                                    ========     ========

Net Income (Loss) Available to Common Stockholders  $    363     $( 1,741)
                                                    ========     ========
Basic Net Income (Loss) Per Common Share            $   0.07     $  (0.35)
                                                    ========     ========
Diluted Net Income (Loss) Per Common Share          $   0.07     $  (0.35)
                                                    ========     ========
Basic and Diluted Income Per Share - Common C       $   0.02         N/A
                                                    ========     ========
Weighted Average Basic Shares Outstanding           5,012,245    4,907,942
                                                    =========    =========
Weighted Average Diluted Shares Outstanding         5,139,749    4,907,942
                                                    =========    =========