L.J.(Jim) Blattman
Senior Manager
Technology Banking Group
Royal Bank of Canada
90 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5T6
Tel:  613-564-4898
Fax:  613-564-4527

April 11, 1997

Private & Confidential
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Gandalf Technologies Inc.
130 Colonnade Road South
Nepean, Ontario
K2E 7M4

Attention:    Mr. Walter R. MacDonald
              Vice-President, Finance & CFO
Dear Sirs:

We refer to the letter agreement dated June 11, 1996 detailing a Credit Facility
made  available  to  Gandalf  Technologies  Inc.  by Royal  Bank of Canada  (the
"Agreement")  and to a waiver letter dated November 6, 1996 in relation  thereto
(the "First  Waiver") and a waiver  letter  dated  February 7, 1997 (the "Second

The Second Waiver having  expired March 31, 1997,  the Borrower is in default of
the Agreement  beginning April 1, 1997, which default continues to this day, and
has  advised  the Bank of its  inability  to remedy the  defaults in relation to
Sections 23 (a),  (b), (c) and 24 (h).  While the bank does not waive its rights
in respect of such defaults,  it agrees to tolerate the defaults  subject to the
following conditions:

     1.  Section 2 paragraphs (1), (2c) and (2d) of the Agreement are hereby 
     2.  Section 3 paragraph (1) of the Agreement is reduced to nil.
     3.  Section 3 paragraph (2a) of the Agreement is reduced to US $10,000,000.
     4.  The borrowing spreads detailed in Section 6 paragraphs (2a) and (2b) 
         of the Agreement are increased to 1.75%.
     5.  The Borrower will  provide  to the  Bank,  by  Tuesday  of each  week
         commencing  immediately,  with evidence of  compliance  with the Margin
         Requirement together with supporting documentation as required.
     6.  Acceptance  of similar terms and  conditions by GDCL as outlined  above
         with respect to a credit facility extended to GDCL by the Bank's office
         in London, England, including a reduction in said facility to a maximum
         of (pound)2,500,000.
     7.  Payment of a risk premium of US $25,000 commencing April 1, 1997 and 
         monthly thereafter.

This  tolerance  is  granted  only for the  aforementioned  defaults  and may be
rescinded on ten days written notice or, in the event of an unauthorized  breach
of the Margin Requirements, without notice.

All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain unchanged.

Please confirm your acceptance by signing and returning the enclosed copy of 
this letter no later that April 16, 1997.

Yours truly,
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J.L. (Jim) Blattman