THIS AGREEMENT made as of the 11th day of November, 1996.


GANDALF  TECHNOLOGIES  INC., a corporation duly  incorporated  under the laws of
Ontario having its head office at the City of Nepean, in the Province of Ontario
(the "Employer")


RICHARD BUSTO (the "Executive")


1.  The Employer is engaged in the development, manufacture and distribution of 
    network infrastructure equipment and services.

2.  The Employer and the Executive have agreed to enter into an employment 
    relationship for their mutual benefit;

THIS  AGREEMENT  witnesses  that the  parties  have  agreed  that the  terms and
conditions of the relationship shall be as follows:

1.  Duties

The  Employer  appoints the  Executive to undertake  the duties and exercise the
powers as  President  and Chief  Operating  Officer  of the  Employer  as may be
requested of the  Executive by the Board of Directors of the Employer and in the
other  offices to which he may be appointed by the  subsidiary  companies of the
Employer provided always that such other offices shall be in an officer capacity
consistent  with the  Executive's  position  as Chief  Operating  Officer of the
Employer.  The Executive  accepts the office,  on the terms and  conditions  set
forth  in  this  agreement.  The  parties  further  agree  that  subject  to the
provisions of this  agreement,  the Executive will be appointed  Chief Executive
Officer of the Employer (and will cease to be Chief  Operating  Officer) at such
time as Thomas Vassiliades ceases to be Chief Executive Officer of the Employer.

2.  Term

The  appointment  shall  commence  with  effect  from  October 3, 1996 and shall
continue for thirty-six months.

3.  Compensation

(1)  The salary of the Executive for his services shall be at annual the rate of
     U.S.  $200,000 while serving as Chief Operating  Officer and U.S.  $250,000
     while serving as Chief Executive Officer ("Base  Remuneration") which shall
     be paid in equal  installments  at the same  intervals as other officers of
     the Employer are paid.

(2)  In addition to the Base  Remuneration,  the  Executive may receive from the
     Employer  a bonus  payment  equal to 50% of the Base  Remuneration  for his
     services for each year during the period of his employment. Payment of such
     bonus shall be based on the performance criteria agreed to by the Executive
     and the Employer.

4.  Benefits

(1)  The Executive shall receive an annual automobile allowance of U.S. $7,500 
     which shall be paid in equal monthly installments.

(2)  It is  understood  and agreed  that the  Executive  will incur  expenses in
     connection  with  his  duties  under  this  agreement.  The  Employer  will
     reimburse  the  Executive  for any  expenses  provided  that the  Executive
     provides  to  the  Employer  an  itemized   written  account  and  receipts
     acceptable  to the  Employer  within  thirty  days  after  they  have  been

(3)  The  Executive  shall  participate  in all benefit plans which the Employer
     provides to its employees.

(4)  Recognizing  the  extra  requirement  for  customer  entertainment  by  the
     Executive,  the  Employer  will  provide  for  initiation  and annual  dues
     payments for one dinner or private business club.

(5)  The Employer  shall  reimburse the Executive for any Canadian  income taxes
     and payroll taxes payable on his income from the Employer and on income not
     exceeding  U.S.  $50,000 per year from other  sources that are in excess of
     actual U.S. income taxes and payroll taxes on such income  excluding income
     taxes relating to gains realized by the Executive  before,  during or after
     the term of this  agreement  that  relate to the  options to  purchase  its
     Shares  granted  by  the  Employer  to the  Executive.  The  amount  of any
     reimbursement  payable to the Executive pursuant to this paragraph shall be
     calculated  prior to applying  any  deduction  in Canada or in the U.S. for
     contributions to a retirement savings plan such as a RRSP or 401K.

(6)  The Employer agrees that upon the execution of this agreement it will grant
     the  Executive  options,   under  the  Employer's  Stock  Option  Plan  for
     Executives and Directors (the "Plan") to purchase  750,000 Common Shares of
     the  Employer.  The  exercise  price  shall be the market  price for Common
     Shares of the  Employer at the close of business  on the date  hereof.  The
     said options shall vest and be exercisable as follows:

              116,666 on the date of grant;
              116,667 on the first anniversary of the date of grant;
              116,667 on the second anniversary of the date of grant;
               75,000 upon being appointed Chief Executive Officer;
               75,000  on  the  first   anniversary  of  being  appointed  Chief
              Executive Officer;  125,000 on October 3, 1998; 125,000 on October
              3, 1999.

The  Employer's  obligation  to grant options as set out above is subject to the
Employer  being  able to  comply  with the  requirements  of the  Toronto  Stock
Exchange  including,  without  limiting the  generality  of the  foregoing,  the
obtaining of shareholder  approval to create a sufficient number of options. The
Employer shall use reasonable efforts to insure that all of the options referred
to above can be granted in compliance with the requirements of the Toronto Stock

Except as provided in this  agreement all terms and conditions of the Plan shall
apply to the options granted pursuant to this agreement.

5.  Authority

 (1)  The  Executive  shall  have,  subject  always to the  general or  specific
      instructions  and  directions  of the Board of Directors of the  Employer,
      full power and  authority to manage and direct the business and affairs of
      the  Employer  (except  only  the  matters  and  duties  as by law must be
      transacted  or performed by the Board of Directors or by the  shareholders
      of the  Employer in general  meeting),  including  power and  authority to
      enter into  contracts,  engagements or commitments of every nature or kind
      in the name of and on behalf of the  Employer and to engage and employ and
      to dismiss all managers and other employees and agents of the Employer.

(2)  The Executive shall conform to all lawful instructions and directions given
     to him by the Board of  Directors of the  Employer,  and obey and carry out
     the by-laws of the Employer.

6.  Service

(1)  The  Executive,  throughout the term of his  appointment,  shall devote his
     full time and attention to the business and affairs of the Employer and its
     subsidiaries  and shall not, without the consent in writing of the Board of
     Directors of the Employer  undertake  any other  business or  occupation or
     become a director, officer, employee or agent of any other company, firm or
     individual.  For greater  certainty this paragraph is not meant to preclude
     the Executive  from pursuing any other  non-conflicting  and  non-competing
     business  activities which are primarily  passive in nature or from serving
     on other boards of directors so long as such  directorships  are  disclosed
     fully to the Employer's Board of Directors.

(2)  The  Executive  shall  well  and  faithfully  serve  the  Employer  and its
     subsidiaries and use his best efforts to promote the interests  thereof and
     shall not disclose the private affairs or trade secrets of the Employer and
     its subsidiaries to any person other than the Directors and other employees
     of the  Employer or for any  purposes  other than those of the Employer any
     information he may acquire in relation to the Employer's business.

7.  Non-competition

(1)  The Executive agrees that, during employment pursuant to this agreement and
     for a period  of one year  following  termination  of  employment,  however
     caused,  he will not hire or take  away or cause to be hired or taken  away
     any employee of the  Employer or any former  employee who was in the employ
     of the Employer during the six months preceding termination.

(2)  The  Executive  further  undertakes  and agrees with the Employer  that the
     Executive will not,  without written consent of the Employer,  for a period
     of six months following  termination of employment,  however caused, either
     individually  or in partnership or jointly or in connection with any person
     as principal, agent, employee,  shareholder (other than a holding of shares
     listed in a Canadian or United  States stock  exchange that does not exceed
     5% of the outstanding  shares so listed) or in any other manner whatsoever,
     directly or  indirectly,  carry on or be engaged in or be concerned with or
     interested in or advise,  lend money to, guarantee the debts or obligations
     of or permit  its name or any part  thereof to be used or  employed  by any
     person  engaged in or concerned with or interested in, within Canada or the
     United States of America, any business carried on by the Employer.

8.  Confidential Information

(1)  The Executive  acknowledges  that as the Chief Executive Officer and in any
     other  position as the  Executive  may hold,  the  Executive  will  acquire
     information  about certain matters and things which are confidential to the
     Employer,  and which information is the exclusive property of the Employer,

       (a)  product design and manufacturing information;

       (b)  names and addresses, buying habits and preferences of present 
            customers of the Employer, as well as prospective customers;

       (c)  pricing and sales policies, techniques and concepts; and

       (d)    other confidential  information of a proprietary nature concerning
              the business operations or financing of the Employer.

(2)  The Executive acknowledges the information as referred to in paragraph 8(1)
     could be used to the detriment of the Employer.  Accordingly, the Executive
     undertakes  not to disclose  same to any third party either during the term
     of his employment except as may be necessary in the proper discharge of his
     employment   under  this  agreement,   or  after  the  termination  of  his
     employment,  however  caused,  except  with the  written  permission  of an
     officer of the Employer.

(3)  The Executive  acknowledges and agrees that without  prejudice to any other
     rights  of  the  Employer,  in the  event  of his  violation  or  attempted
     violation of any of the  covenants  contained in paragraphs 7 and 8 of this
     agreement,  an  injunction  or any  other  like  remedy  shall  be the only
     effective  remedy to protect the Employer's  rights and property as set out
     in  paragraphs  7 and 8,  and that an  interim  injunction  may be  granted
     immediately on the commencement of any suit.

(4)  The  Executive  understands  and agrees  that the  Employer  has a material
     interest in preserving the relationship it has developed with its customers
     against  impairment  by  competitive   activities  of  a  former  employee.
     Accordingly,  the  Executive  agrees that the  restrictions  and  covenants
     contained  in  paragraph  7 and  those  contained  in  paragraph  8 of this
     agreement  and the  Executive's  agreement  to it by his  execution of this
     agreement,  are of the essence to this  agreement and constitute a material
     inducement  to the Employer to enter into this  agreement and to employ the
     Executive, and that the Employer would not enter into this agreement absent
     such inducement.  Furthermore,  a claim or cause of action by the Executive
     against the Employer  whether  predicated  on this  agreement or otherwise,
     shall not  constitute a defense to the  enforcement  by the Employer of the
     covenants or restrictions provided, however, that if any provision shall be
     held to be  illegal,  invalid or  unenforceable  in any  jurisdiction,  the
     decision shall not affect any other covenant or provision of this agreement
     or the application of any other covenant or provision.

9.  Vacation

The  Executive  shall  be  entitled  during  each  year to five  weeks'  paid  
vacation.  U.S.  statutory  holidays  may be substituted for Canadian statutory
holidays should the Executive wish to do so.

10.  Termination of Employment

(1)  The parties  understand  and agree that this agreement may be terminated in
     the following manner in the specified circumstances:

   (a)  By the Employer,  in its absolute discretion,  without any notice or pay
        in lieu thereof,  for cause.  For the purposes of this agreement,  cause
        includes the following:

         (i)  any willful material breach of the provisions of this agreement;

        (ii)  any conduct of the Executive which in the reasonable opinion of 
              the Employer may bring himself or the Employer into disrepute;

       (iii)  the commission of an act of bankruptcy by the Executive;

        (iv)  conviction of the Executive of a criminal offense;

         (v)  the  inability  of the  Executive  to  perform  the  duties of his
              employment  hereunder  due to physical or emotional  incapacity or
              illness, where such inability is expected to result in death or to
              be of long-continued and indefinite duration. The determination of
              disability  shall be made by the Board of Directors of the Company
              in conjunction with physicians competent in the area to which such
              disability relates.

     Failure by the Employer to rely on the  provision of this  paragraph in any
     given instance or instances,  shall not constitute a precedent or be deemed
     a waiver.

    (b)  By the Employer in its absolute discretion and for any reason.  
         Provided that if the employment of the Executive is terminated without 
         cause, the Employer will pay the Executive as termination pay and in 
         full settlement of any and all claims the Executive may have arising 
         from such termination, an amount equal to one year's Base Remuneration 
         as at the date of termination which shall be paid in two equal
         installments on the date of termination and 180 days after the date of 
         termination. Provided further that the Employer shall give the 
         Executive 90 days written notice if termination is for any reason 
         other than forcause although the Employer may excuse the Executive 
         from his duties during the 90 day period.

    (c)  By the Executive upon giving the Employer 90 days notice in writing and
         subject to all applicable provisions of this agreement.

(2)  The parties  understand  and agree that the giving of notice or the payment
     of pay in lieu of notice by the Employer to the Executive on termination of
     the  Executive's  employment  shall not prevent the Employer  from alleging
     cause for the termination.

(3)  On  termination of employment the Executive  shall  immediately  resign all
     offices held (including  directorships) in the company and save as provided
     in this  agreement,  the  Executive  shall not be  entitled  to receive any
     severance payment or compensation for loss of office or otherwise by reason
     of the  resignation.  If the  Executive  fails to resign as  mentioned  the
     Employer is  irrevocably  authorized to appoint some person in his name and
     on his behalf to sign any documents or do any things necessary or requisite
     to give effect to it.

(4)  On  termination  of employment  the  following  shall apply with respect to
     stock options granted to the executive pursuant to paragraph 4.06 hereof:

      (a)  if termination is by the Employer for cause, the Executive shall have
           the right,  to and  including the 90th day following his receipt of a
           Notice of Termination from the Employer, to exercise all options that
           have vested to that date;

      (b)  if  termination  is by the  Executive  for any reason,  the Executive
           shall  have the  right,  to and  including  the  date his  employment
           terminates, to exercise all options that have vested to that date;

      (c)  if termination  is by the Employer  without  cause,  all  unexercised
           options held by the Executive and granted  pursuant to this agreement
           shall vest and be exercisable to and including the 90th day following
           his receipt of notice of termination from the Employer.

11.  Failure to appoint as Chief Executive Officer

If the  Employer  does  not  appoint  the  Executive  to the  position  of Chief
Executive  Officer as provided in paragraph 1 hereof the  Executive  may, at the
Executive's  option,  terminate  this  Agreement and his employment by notice in
writing  to the  Employer,  which  notice  shall be given not later than 30 days
after the date that Thomas  Vassiliades  ceases to be Chief Executive Officer of
the Employer.  If the Executive terminates his employment in accordance with the
provisions  of this  paragraph,  the  Employer  shall  pay or grant him the same
benefits  that the  Executive  would  have  been  entitled  to as if he had been
dismissed  without cause with the exception  that the option to purchase a total
of  250,000  Shares  of the  Corporation  that  would  have  vested in two equal
installments  on October  3, 1998 and  October 3, 1999 shall not be vested or be
exercisable and shall be cancelled.  The Executive  acknowledges and agrees that
the  benefits to which he is entitled to under this  paragraph  are the sole and
only  benefits that he is entitled to arising out of the failure by the Employer
to appoint the Executive to the position of Chief Executive Officer.

12.  Employer's Property

The  Executive  acknowledges  that all  items of any and  every  nature  or kind
created or used by the Executive  pursuant to the Executive's  employment  under
this  agreement,  or  furnished  by the  Employer  to  the  Executive,  and  all
equipment,  automobiles,  credit cards, books, records, reports, files, manuals,
literature,  confidential  information  or other  materials  shall remain and be
considered  the  exclusive  property  of the  Employer at all times and shall be
surrendered to the Employer,  in good condition,  promptly on the termination of
the  Executive's  employment  irrespective  of the time,  manner or cause of the

13.  Assignment of Rights

The rights which accrue to the Employer under this  agreement  shall pass to its
successors  or  assigns   resulting  from  an  amalgamation,   merger  or  other
reorganization  to which the Employer is a party or resulting  from the transfer
of a substantial  portion of the  Employer's  assets or  undertaking  to another
legal  entity.  The  rights  of the  Executive  under  this  agreement  are  not
assignable or transferable in any manner.

14.  Notices

(1)  Any notice  required or  permitted  to be given to the  Executive  shall be
     sufficiently given if delivered to the Executive personally or if mailed by
     registered mail to the Executive's address last known to the Employer.

(2)  Any notice  required  or  permitted  to be given to the  Employer  shall be
     sufficiently  given if mailed by  registered  mail to the  Employer's  Head
     Office at its address last known to the Executive.

15.  Severability

In the event that any provision or part of this  agreement  shall be deemed void
or invalid by a court of competent  jurisdiction,  the  remaining  provisions or
parts shall be and remain in full force and effect.

16.  Entire Agreement

This contract  constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect
to the employment  and  appointment of the Executive by the Employer and any and
all  previous  agreements,  written or oral,  express or  implied,  between  the
parties or on their behalf, including an employment contract dated September 12,
1995  between  the  Executive  and  Gandalf  Systems  Corporation   relating  to
employment  and  appointment of the Executive by the Employer are terminated and
cancelled and each of the parties  releases and forever  discharges the other of
and from all manner of actions, causes of action, claims and demands whatsoever,
under or in respect of any such previous agreement.

17.  Modification of Agreement

Any  modification to this agreement must be in writing and signed by the parties
or it shall have no effect and shall be void.

18.  Headings

The headings used in this agreement are for  convenience  only and are not to be
construed  in any  way as  additions  to or  limitations  of the  covenants  and
agreements contained in it.

19.  Governing law

This agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF this  agreement  has been executed by the parties to it, the
day, month and year first written above.

in the presence of:       

s/CHARLES J. GARDNER - Chairman, Human Resources Committee
- --------------------
Charles J. Gardner

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Donald M. Gleklen

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Richard D. Busto