Gandalf Technologies Inc.
130 Colonnade Road South
Nepean, Ontario K2E 7M4
Telephone:  (613) 274-6500
Facsimile:  (613) 274-6501


April 2, 1997

Richard D. Busto
President and Chief Executive Officer,
130 Colonnade Road South,
Nepean, Ontario K2E 7M4

Dear Dick,

- --------------------

As you know, Gandalf has engaged the services of JP Morgan to identify and enter
into  discussion  with  potential   strategic   partners  or  investors.   These
discussions,  if  successful,  could  result in a  transaction  to sell or merge
Gandalf with a third party.

It is my belief that, in order to successfully complete that process, as well as
to continue to operate the company in the interim,  you are, and continue to be,
an important and necessary member of the senior executive team. For that reason,
I am extending to you an opportunity  to become  eligible to receive a retention
bonus of up to $375,000 US, in exchange for your commitment to Gandalf.

Upon a change of control, the 750,000 options which were  granted to you on your
appointment  as  President  and CEO of the company  will  accelerate  and become
immediately  exercisable.  The exercise  price of those options is $3.90 US. The
actual  amount of the bonus for which you are  eligible  will be the  difference
between the benefit derived upon the exercise of those options and $375,000 US.

To be eligible to receive the retention  bonus, you must continue to be employed
by Gandalf  at the time of the  change of  control  of the  company  and you
must continue  to meet or  exceed  all  requirements  of your  job.  In order 
for the company to comply with its reporting  requirements  under applicable  
securities legislation,  it may become necessary for the company to disclose 
this retention bonus arrangement in its public filings. Until such disclosure,  
if required, is made by the company,  it is also a  prerequisite  that you keep 
the  arrangement that is being offered to you, and its terms,  strictly 
confidential and that you not reveal  same to anyone  except  family  members,  
your  legal and  financial advisors.  Specifically,  you are not to  
communicate  or discuss the  retention bonus opportunity, directly or 
indirectly, with employees or former employees of Gandalf.  Failure  to comply  
with  each of these  requirements  will  result in disqualification from 
eligibility for the retention bonus.

The retention  bonus is not earned until the  conditions set out above have been
satisfied.  When earned, the retention bonus will be paid in lump sum within two
months of the date of  change  of  control.  If a  transaction  to sell or merge
Gandalf with a third party is not completed  within one year of the date of this
letter, the retention bonus opportunity will automatically terminate.

Please  indicate your  acknowledgment  of this  opportunity and agreement to its
terms by signing the enclosed duplicate copy of this letter, and returning it to
me at your earliest opportunity.

I look forward to continuing to work with you.

- --------------------
John F. Gamba
Chairman of the Board

Acknowledge and Agreed

- ------------------
Richard D. Busto