6 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20559 FORM 10-Q QUARTERLY REPORT UNDER SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For Quarter Ended June 30, 1994 Commission file number: 0- 10533 MAGMA POWER COMPANY (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) NEVADA 95-3694478 (State or other jurisdiction of (I.R.S.Employer incorporation or organization) Identification No.) 4365 Executive Drive, Suite 900, San Diego, CA. 92121 (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code) Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (619)622-7800 Not applicable (Former name, former address and former fiscal year if changed since last report.) Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. YES X NO . 24,027,080 shares of Magma Power Company common stock, par value $.10 per share, were outstanding at June 30, 1994. The total number of pages in this report is 17. (This Page Intentionally Blank) PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION ITEM 1. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The consolidated balance sheets of Magma Power Company and its subsidiaries as of June 30, 1994 and December 31, 1993, the consolidated statements of operations for the six months ended June 30, 1994 and 1993, and cash flows for the six months ended June 30, 1994 and 1993, and the notes thereto, appear on page 4 through 8 of this report. The unaudited interim financial statements reflect all adjustments (consisting of normal recurring accruals) which, in the opinion of management, are considered necessary for a fair presentation of the results of the periods covered. MAGMA POWER COMPAN Y AND SUBSID IARIES CONSOL IDATED BALANC E SHEETS (Dolla rs in thousa nds) June Dece 30, mber 31, 1994 1993 (Una udit ed) ASSETS Curren t Assets Cash $ 2,71 $ 18,0 7 17 36,3 32,0 Market 67 86 able securi ties 25,0 22,9 Partne 69 19 rship cash and market able securi ties Accoun ts receiv able: 29,0 18,1 Trade 24 99 18,4 14,0 Other 49 73 11,6 11,9 Prepai 15 22 d expens es and other assets Total Current Assets 123, 117, 241 216 Land 6,30 6,22 8 5 Proper ty plant and equipm ent, net of accumu lated deprec iation of 259, 265, $61,58 256 215 6 and $53,16 6, respec tively Explor ation and develo pment costs, net of accumu lated 106, 107, amorti 308 069 zation of $16,20 7 and $13,68 2, respec tively Acquis 22,5 13,7 ition 75 21 and new projec t costs Other 44,8 47,6 invest 92 42 ments Power purcha se contra cts, net of accumu lated amorti zation of 21,6 22,1 $1,527 04 85 and $946, respec tively Other 25,7 22,7 assets 73 62 and deferr ed charge s Goodwi 9,09 9,27 ll, 5 6 net of accumu lated amorti zation of $2,326 and $2,122 , respec tively $ 619, $ 611, 052 311 LIABIL ITIES AND SHAREH OLDERS ' EQUITY Curren t Liabil ities $ 8,65 $ 7,23 Trade 5 5 accoun ts payabl e 1,81 3,46 Accrue 6 3 d and other liabil ities 39,6 36,7 Curren 68 99 t portio n of loans payabl e Total Current Liabilities 50,1 47,4 39 97 Loans 169, 189, payabl 880 209 e Deferr 11,7 11,3 ed 84 87 income taxes Other 11,8 11,3 long- 34 00 term liabil ities Total Non-Current Liabilities 193, 211, 498 896 Shareh olders ' Equity Prefer red stock, $.10 par value, 1,000, 000 shares author ized, none issued and outsta nding Common stock, $.10 par value, 30,000 ,000 shares author ized, 2,40 2,39 issued 0 9 and outsta nding 24,027 ,080 and 23,989 ,763 shares , respec tively 145, 144, Additi 457 996 onal paid- in capita l (378 583 Unreal ) ized gains (losse s) from market able securi ties 227, 203, Retain 936 940 ed earnin gs Total Shareholders' Equity 375, 351, 415 918 $ 619, $ 611, 052 311 The accomp anying notes are an integr al part of these statem ents. MAGMA POWER COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS (In thousands except per share amounts) (Unaudited) For For the the Thre Six e Mont Mont hs hs Ende Ende d d June June 30, 30, 1994 1993 1994 1993 REVENUES Sales of electricity $ 39,9 $ 38,3 $ 73,4 $ 53,6 02 32 94 45 Royalties 4,56 4,98 9,43 9,31 1 9 4 6 Interest and other income 1,38 733 2,46 2,72 1 6 9 Management services 958 954 1,82 1,77 7 6 46,8 45,0 87,2 67,4 02 08 21 66 COSTS AND EXPENSES Plant operating costs 13,4 14,2 28,4 22,2 94 99 85 18 Depreciation and 5,95 6,01 11,8 9,07 amortization 2 7 62 5 Other non-plant costs 114 113 265 283 General and administrative 2,99 2,52 5,87 4,55 8 0 2 9 Interest incurred 3,12 2,71 5,96 4,15 5 1 1 7 25,6 25,6 52,4 40,2 83 60 45 92 Income from operations 21,1 19,3 34,7 27,1 19 48 76 74 Provision for income taxes 6,48 5,80 10,7 8,15 0 9 82 8 Net income $ 14,6 $ 13,5 $ 23,9 $ 19,0 39 39 94 16 INCOME PER COMMON SHARE Assuming no dilution $ 0.61 $ 0.56 $ 1.00 $ 0.79 AVERAGE COMMON SHARES OUTSTANDING Assuming no dilution 24,0 24,0 24,0 24,0 22 76 11 07 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. MAGMA POWER COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS Increase (Decrease) in Cash (Dollars in thousands) (Unaudited) For the Six Month s Ended June 30, 1993 1994 Cash Flows From Operating Activities Net income $23,99 $19,01 4 6 Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 11,86 9,075 2 Transmission credits realized 1,469 1,053 Other, net 2,782 (806) Changes in components of working capital: Accounts receivable (15,2 (16,9 01) 18) Partnership cash and (2,15 2,265 marketable securities 0) Prepaid expenses and other (1,48 (3,09 assets 5) 6) Accounts payable and accrued 4,068 5,997 liabilities Accrued interest payable (746) 778 Income taxes payable (3,54 4,579 9) Deferred taxes from 820 1,566 operations Total adjustments (2,13 4,493 0) Net cash provided by 21,86 23,50 operating activities 4 9 Cash Flows From Investing Activities Proceeds from the sale of 113,5 160,5 investments 86 77 Purchase of investments (118, (89,8 231) 16) Capital expenditures (6,45 (4,63 3) 2) Power plant acquisition costs (215, -- 274) New project development costs (6,88 (5,46 7) 8) Other, net (916) (3,27 5) Net cash used in (18,9 (157, investing activities 01) 888) Cash Flows From Financing Activities Repayment of loans payable (145, (5,48 750) 6) Borrowing from banks 130,0 140,0 00 00 Loan fees (3,22 5) -- Proceeds from the issuance of 462 2,519 common stock Other, net 250 191 Net cash provided (18,2 137,2 (used) by financing activities 63) 24 Net increase (decrease) in cash (15,3 2,845 00) Cash at beginning of period 18,01 2,106 7 Cash at end of period $2,717 $4,951 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. MAGMA POWER COMPANY AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Dollars in Thousands) (Unaudited) Note 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies: Basis of Consolidation - The consolidated financial statements present the assets, liabilities, revenues, costs and expenses of Magma Power Company (the "Company"), its 100%-owned subsidiaries and its proportionate share of partnerships in which the Company has invested. All significant intercompany transactions and accounts have been eliminated. Note 2. Loans Payable: Loans payable consisted of the following: June Decembe 30, r 31, 1994 1993 Pro-rata share of partnership non-recourse debt $ 69,991 $ 75,149 Bridge loan 140,000 -- Salton Sea debt 130,00 0 -- Other loans 9,557 10,859 209,54 226,008 8 Less amounts due within one year 39,668 36,799 Loans payable due after one year $ 169,88 $ 189,209 0 Loans payable at June 30, 1994 and December 31, 1993 included the Company's pro-rata share of the debt of the Del Ranch, L.P., Elmore, L.P., and Leathers, L.P. partnerships. The partnership loans are non-recourse to Magma Power Company and subsidiaries, however, it is collateralized by substantially all of the assets of these partnerships. On March 19, 1993, Magma entered into a $140 million unsecured one-year term loan ("Bridge Loan") with a group of commercial banks. Proceeds from the loan were used to finance the acquisition of the Salton Sea Plants from Unocal. On February 28, 1994, the Company replaced the Bridge Loan with a $130,000,000 non-recourse project level loan which is collateralized by substantially all of the assets and power purchase contracts of the newly acquired Salton Sea Plants. A secured credit agreement with a group of international banks, with Credit Suisse as the agent bank, provides for direct loans at LIBOR plus 1.25%. Restrictions in the secured credit agreement place limits on distribution of cash from the Salton Sea Plants to the Company. Note 3 . Deferred Income Taxes: Deferred income taxes as of June 30, 1994 and December 31, 1993 represent estimated income taxes payable in the future years as determined in accordance with SFAS 109 "Accounting for Income Taxes." Note 4. Net Income per Common Share: The calculation of primary earnings per common share is based on the weighted average number of outstanding common shares. In computing primary earnings per common share, adjustment has been made for common shares issuable for shares under option. ITEM 2. MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS Liquidity and Capital Resources Operations and development activities have been financed with working capital, the sale of Company Common Stock for cash and services, and loans from commercial banks. The Company has geothermal projects in the development stage, both domestic and international, which it intends to finance with a combination of Company supplied equity and non-recourse project debt. These development stage projects will require significant equity contributions from the Company during the next five years. The Company believes that its cash reserves, augmented by cash flow from its current operations, and unsecured corporate loans will be sufficient to fund these equity contributions. On February 28, 1994 the Company repaid a $140,000,000 Bridge Loan used in acquiring assets from Unocal, utilizing both Company cash and the proceeds from a non-recourse project level six-year term loan of $130,000,000 (the "Term Loan") collateralized by substantially all of the assets and power purchase contracts of the three Salton Sea Plants acquired from Unocal. In addition, a $5,000,000 working capital line of credit has been provided to the subsidiaries owning the plants by two of the banks participating in the Term Loan. No loans against the working capital line of credit have been made. Cash and marketable securities at June 30, 1994 totaled $64,153,000 of which $39,084,000 was available for general corporate use. The remainder of $25,069,000 is Magma's share of the cash and marketable securities of the four separate partnerships which are jointly owned by the Company and Mission Energy Company (the "Magma Partnerships") which own the Vulcan, Hoch, Elmore and Leathers geothermal power plants (the "Partnership Plants"), and the cash and marketable securities of the Company's "Salton Sea Partnerships" which own the three Salton Sea plants acquired from Unocal (the "Salton Sea Plants"). Certain portions of these funds are earmarked for the working capital needs of the plants. In addition, the secured credit agreements for three of the Magma Partnerships and the Term Loan for the Salton Sea Plants place limits on distributions of cash. Non-current investments at June 30, 1994, totaled $44,892,000 consisting of $31,468,000 in marketable securities with maturities greater than one year and $13,424,000 of other investments, which are not liquid. At June 30, 1994, long-term obligations (including amounts currently due) were $209,548,000, a $16,460,000 decrease over year end 1993. The decrease reflects the $10,000,000 debt reduction that occurred on February 28, 1994 when the $140,000,000 Bridge Loan was replaced with the Term Loan and the principal reduction of $5,158,00 in the Company's pro-rata share of partnership debt. Magma Partnership debt and the Term Loan are non-recourse to Magma Power Company and its subsidiaries. The ratio of debt to debt plus-equity at June 30, 1994 (inclusive of non-recourse debt) was 37 percent compared to 40 percent at December 31, 1993. The Company has an unused and available line of credit with Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of $25,000,000 at June 30, 1994. Six of the seven geothermal power plants operated by the Company sell electricity to Southern California Edison ("SCE") under Interim Standard Offer No.4 "ISO4" long-term power purchase contracts. Each ISO4 contract provides for both capacity payments and energy payments. The capacity payments remain constant throughout the life of each ISO4 contract. During the first 10 years of operation (the "Initial Term"), the energy payments are fixed pursuant to the terms of the ISO4 contract. Thereafter, the energy payments are SCE's then-current published avoided cost of energy. In 1994 the time period weighted average price for energy for the six plants combined is approximately 10.6 cents per kWh. For June 1994, SCE's avoided cost of energy was 2.4 cents per kWh. Estimates of SCE's future avoided cost of energy vary substantially, but it is expected to remain substantially below such contract energy prices. Thus, the revenues generated by each of the Company's six plants operating under ISO4 contracts are likely to decline significantly after their respective initial terms expire. Such decline could have a material adverse effect on the Company's results of operation. The initial terms expire in 1996 as to 34 megawatts of nameplate generation, in 1999 for 126 megawatts of nameplate generation and in 2000 for the remaining 58 megawatts of nameplate generation under ISO4 contracts. The seventh and smallest plant (approximately 10 megawatts) sells electricity to SCE under a negotiated power purchase contract (the "Negotiated Contract"). The energy payment under the Negotiated Contract was 4.8 cents per kWh in the second quarter of 1994. The capacity payment was approximately 1.7 cents per kWh in the second quarter of 1994. Both the energy and capacity payments escalate quarterly based on a basket of indices for the 30-year term of the Negotiated Contract. The Company's strategy is to mitigate the adverse impact of future lower energy pricing through expansion of its core business of producing electricity with geothermal resources, both through development of new projects in the United States and abroad, through strategic acquisitions and cost reduction strategies. However, competition for power purchase contracts is intense and any contracts the Company is able to secure in the future, whether in the United States or abroad, are likely to be on terms and conditions that are less favorable than those provided in the Company's current ISO4 contracts. Other than as described above, the Company is not aware of any trends or demands, events or uncertainties that would result in or that are reasonably likely to result in, a material change in the Company's liquidity or capital resources. Results of Operations Second Quarter 1994 Compared to Second Quarter 1993. Revenues Total revenues for the second quarter of 1994 were up $1,794,000 or 4% to $46,802,000 as compared to $45,008,000 for the same period last year. This increase was made up primarily of an increase in the sales of electricity. Sales of Electricity Revenues from the sale of electricity increased $1,570,000 in the second quarter of 1994 to $39,902,000. The revenue gain was due to an increase in "energy" payments reflecting a 7.9% increase in the price paid for "energy" under four of the Company's six ISO4 contracts and a 4% increase in the number of kilowatts produced. The "capacity" payments received by all plants were essentially unchanged during the period. During the second quarter of 1994 and 1993, the combined "contract" and "nameplate" capacity factors of the Magma Partnership Plants are shown in the table below: Second Quarter 1994 1993 Total Kilowatt Hours produced 345,217 330,58 (kWh amounts in 0 000s) Contract Capacity 120.2% 115.1% Factor(1) Nameplate Capacity 106.8% 102.3% Factor(1) (1) Does not exclude scheduled maintenance hours. Calculation is based on a 91 day (2,184 hour) second quarter. During the second quarter of 1994, the "contract" and "nameplate" capacity factors of the three Salton Sea Plants combined are as shown in the table below: Second Quarter 1994 1993 Total Kilowatt Hours produced 156,700 160,22 (kWh amounts in 2 000s) Contract Capacity 99.0% 101.2% Factor(1) Nameplate Capacity 90.0% 91.9% Factor(1) (1) Does not exclude scheduled maintenance hours. Calculation is based on a 91-day (2,184 hours) second quarter. Interest and Other Income Interest and other income increased $648,000, an 88% increase compared to interest and other income for the same period of the prior year, primarily due to higher investment earnings, reflecting the significantly higher cash balances available for investment. Cash available for investment during the same period of the prior year was low due to the use of cash in connection with the acquisition of the Salton Sea Plants from Unocal. Costs and Expenses In the second quarter of 1994, total costs and expenses were $25,683,000 compared to costs and expenses for the same period in 1993 of $25,660,000. While total costs and expenses were virtually the same in both periods, the component of total costs were different. A decrease in plant operating costs of $805,000 was offset by increases of $478,000 in general and administrative expense and $414,000 in interest expense. The decrease in plant operating costs primarily reflects the increased efficiencies resulting from the integration of the Magma and Unocal operations. The $478,000 increase in general and administrative costs reflects the Company's continued devotion of more of its resources towards expansion of business development activities by increasing staff and support services to facilitate the planned growth of the Company. The $414,000 increase in interest expense reflects the effect of higher borrowing costs due to higher market interest rates. Currently, approximately 83% of the company's consolidated debt is floating rate debt. Net Income Net income was 8% higher at $14,639,000 in the second quarter of 1994 as compared to $13,539,000 in the corresponding period of the prior year. The increase in net income reflects the higher ISO4 electricity revenues received by the Partnership Plants, increased interest income, and the decrease in plant operating costs which was offset, in part, by increases in general and administrative expense and interest expense. Six Months Ended June 30, 1994 Compared to Six Months Ended June 30, 1993 Revenues Total revenues for the first six months of 1994 were up $19,755,000 or 29% to $87,221,000 as compared to $67,466,000 for the same period of the prior year. This increase was made up of an increase in the sales of electricity and an increase in royalties received offset by a decrease in interest and other income. Sales of Electricity Revenues from the sale of electricity increased $19,849,000 in the first six months of 1994 to $73,494,000 primarily due to the inclusion of the revenues of the Salton Sea Plants for the full six months of 1994. The Salton Sea Plants contributed $15,899,000 of the revenue gain. The balance of the revenue gain of $3,950,000 was produced by the four Partnership Plants and consisted of a 7% increase in the megawatt hours delivered and an increase in the price paid for "energy" under their ISO4s with SEC. The annual time period weighted average price of "energy" under the Partnership Plants ISO4s increased 7.9% in 1994 to 10.9 cents per kWh. The "capacity" payments received by all plants were essentially unchanged during the first half of 1994 compared to 1993. The combined "contract" and "nameplate" capacity factors of the Partnership Plants are shown in the table below: Fiscal First Six Year Months 1993 1994 1993 Total Kilowatt Hours produced 665,100 619,700 1,305,70 (kWh amounts in 000s) 0 Contract Capacity 116.4% 108.5% Factor(1) 113.3% Nameplate Capacity 103.5% 96.4% Factor(1) 100.7% (1) Does not exclude scheduled maintenance hours. Calculation is based on a 181 day (4,344 hour) first half in 1994 and 1993. The combined "contract" and "nameplate" capacity factors of the three Salton Sea Plants during the period are shown in the table below: Six Months Nine Months 1993 1994 Total Kilowatt Hours produced 495,800 (kWh amounts in 000s) 312,645 Contract Capacity Factor 103.6% (1) 99.3% Nameplate Capacity Factor 94.1% (1) 90.2% (1) Does not exclude scheduled maintenance hours. Calculation is based on a 181-day (4,344 hours) first half in 1994 and a nine month period (6600 hours) ended December 31, 1993. Interest and Other Income Interest and other income decreased $263,000, a 10% decrease compared to interest income for the same period of the prior year, primarily due to lower investment earnings, reflecting the lower short-term interest rate environment. Costs and Expenses In the first six months of 1994, total costs and expenses increased $12,153,000, a 30% increase, compared to costs for the same period in 1993. This increase was composed primarily of a $6,267,000 increase in plant operating costs, a $2,787,000 increase in depreciation, a $1,313,000 increase in general and administrative expense, and a $1,804,000 increase in interest expense. The increase in plant operating costs and depreciation primarily reflects the cost of operating the Salton Sea Plants for six months in 1994 compared to three months in 1993. The $1,313,000 increase in general and administrative costs reflects the Company's continued devotion of more of its resources towards expansion of business development activities by increasing staff and support services to facilitate the planned growth at the Company. The $1,804,000 increase in interest expense over the corresponding period of 1994 reflects the increased cost of borrowings to finance the acquisition of the Salton Sea Plants. Interest expense related to the Partnership Plants declined as a result of lower partnership weighted average borrowings during the first six months of 1994 as compared to the same period of the prior year . Provision for Income Taxes The Company's effective tax rate in the first six months of 1994 increased to 31 percent from the 1993 rate of 30 percent due to higher profitability in 1994, as a result of the acquired Salton Sea Plants. In addition, the tax effect of permanent differences, which include depletion deductions, are diluted relative to higher operating profits. Net Income Net income was 26% higher at $23,994,000 for the first six months of 1994 as compared to $19,016,000 in the corresponding period of the prior year. The increase in net income reflects the addition of the earnings of the Salton Sea Plants for six months in 1994 compared to three months in 1993 as well as the higher ISO4 electricity revenues received by the Partnership Plants. PART II - OTHER INFORMATION ITEM 1. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS Richard Antunez v. Magma Power Company, et al. On December 11, 1992, a law suit was filed against Magma, Dow Engineering Company ("DEC"), Gulf States, Inc. and Coastal Conveyor Systems, Inc. by Richard Antunez, a former employee of Red Hill Geothermal, Inc. (now Magma Operating Company) who was injured while working at the plant owned by Leathers, L.P. The primary contention of plaintiff is that the conveyor belt equipment he was working on when injured was designed and/or constructed in violation of OSHA requirements and/or without regard to the safety of the individuals required to use the equipment. Coastal Conveyor Systems, Inc. manufactured the conveyor belt system. Gulf States, Inc. erected the conveyor belt system at the Leathers Facility, and DEC designed the facility and supervised construction under contract with Magma. The plaintiff alleges that Magma participated in the design and construction of the facility. In a statement filed with the court in mid-1993 the plaintiff claimed special damages of $750,000 and general damages of $3.5 million. However, Mr. Antunez's attorneys have indicated an intention to increase the total of such claimed damages to $10 million. At the time of the incident, Magma was insured under a policy of general liability insurance issued by Lloyd's Underwriters but Lloyd's has denied coverage. The Company is contesting this denial. In the event Magma is found to have any liability to Mr. Antunez, it is possible Magma Power Company will be entitled to be indemnified by DEC or others. The Company believes that the complaint against Magma is without merit but no assurances can be given as to the resolution of this matter. ITEM 4. SUBMISSION OF MATTERS TO A VOTE OF SECURITY HOLDERS The 1994 Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Magma Power Company was held on June 21, 1994 at 10:30 a.m. at the Marriott-La Jolla, 4250 La Jolla Village Drive, San Diego, California. The record date for the meeting was April 25, 1994 and there were a total number of 24,011,379 shares of the Company's common stock issued and outstanding and entitled to vote at the meeting. There were present at the meeting, in person or by proxy, the holders of 20,426,386 common shares, representing 85% of the total number of shares outstanding and entitled to vote at the meeting, such percentage representing a quorum. PROPOSAL ONE: The election of the Directors of the Company The results of the voting for each of the proposals are as follows: Total Shares Total Shares Name Voted For Withheld Lester L. 20,297,137 129,249 Coleman (99%) William R. 20,287,137 139,249 Knee (99%) John D. 20,304,482 121,904 Roach (99%) PROPOSAL TWO: Approval of the adoption of the 1994 Equity Participation Plan of the Company For: 16,264,65 0 Against: 3,627,422 Abstain: 347,492 Percent of Votes 81.8 Cast: Broker Non-Votes: 186,822 PROPOSAL THREE: Ratification of the selection of Coopers & Lybrand as the Company's auditors for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1994 For: 20,359,189 Against: 17,122 Abstain: 50,075 Percent of Votes 99.9 Cast ITEM 6. EXHIBITS AND REPORTS ON FORM 8-K. (a) Exhibits: 10.104 The 1994 Equity Participation Plan. (b) Reports on Form 8-K: There were no Form 8-K's filed during the three months ended June 30, 1994. SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized. MAGMA POWER COMPANY (Registrant) Date: August 5, 1994 s/Jon R. Peele, Jon R. Peele, Executive Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel Date: August 5, 1994 s/Wallace C. Dieckmann Wallace C. Dieckmann Vice President, Chief Financial Officer SIGNATURES Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized. MAGMA POWER COMPANY (Registrant) Date: August 5, 1994 Jon R. Peele, Executive Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel Date: August 5, 1994 Wallace C. Dieckmann Vice President, Chief Financial Officer