Exhibit 10.9
                          CHANGE OF CONTROL AGREEMENT

This  Agreement is dated as of April 10, 2001,  and is by and among TRI COUNTIES
BANK  ("Employer"),  a  California  corporation  having its  principal  place of
business at 63 Constitution Drive, Chico,  California 95973,  Employer's parent,
TRICO BANCSHARES, ("TriCo") and ("Employee").

     WHEREAS,  Employer  desires to retain and assure  Employee's  services  and
loyalty during the any pending Change of Control of Employer,  as defined herein
and is willing to provide severance  benefits in excess of its regular severance
benefits in such event;

     WHEREAS,  Employee  desires to continue in the employ of Employer under the
terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth.

     NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:

The initial term of this Agreement shall be for two years.  On each  anniversary
of this Agreement,  this Agreement shall  automatically  renew for an additional
one (1) year period, unless terminated by either party ninety (90) days prior to
such anniversary date.

Employee  hereby agrees to devote his full and  exclusive  time and attention to
the business of Employer and its  subsidiaries  (collectively,  "Employer"),  to
faithfully  perform  the  duties  assigned  to  him by the  Board  of  Directors
consistent  with his office,  and to conduct himself in such a way as shall best
serve the interests of Employer.

3.1 In the event of a "Change  in  Control"  of  Employer  or TriCo,  as defined
herein,  and in the event  that,  within  ninety  days of the Change of Control,
either: (i) Employee's employment is terminated;  or (ii) Employee gives written
notice  that he wishes to invoke the  provisions  of this  Section 3; or (iii) a
substantial   and   material   change   occurs  in   Employee's   title   and/or
responsibilities,  subject to the  provisions of Section 3.3,  Employee shall be
entitled  to  receive  his  salary at the rate  then in  effect  for a period of
[eighteen (18)  months/two (2)] years following the occurrence of the events set
forth herein, as well as an amount equal to 150% of the annual bonuses earned by
the  Employee  for the  last  complete  calendar  year  or  year of  employment,
whichever  is greater paid in eighteen  equal  monthly  installments,  provided,
however,  that the  present  value of said  payments  shall not be more than two
hundred  ninety-nine  percent  (299%) of Employee's  compensation  as defined by
Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended. Employer shall be
relieved of its  obligation to make payments  under this Section if, at the time
it is to make such payment, it is insolvent, in conservatorship or receivership,
is in a troubled condition,  is operating under a supervisory agreement with any
regulatory  agency  having  jurisdiction,  has been given a financial  soundness
rating of "4" or "5",  or is subject to a  proceeding  to  terminate  or suspend
federal deposit insurance.

3.2 For  purposes of this  Section 3, a "Change in  Control"  of Employer  shall

     (a) upon  Employer's  knowledge  that any  person  (as such term is used in
Section 13(d) and 14(d)(2) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended)
is or becomes "the  beneficial  owner" (as defined in Rule 13d-3 of the Exchange
Act), directly or indirectly,  of shares of Employer or TriCo, representing more
than  50% of the  combined  voting  power  of the  then  outstanding  securities
Employer or TriCo; or

     (b) upon the  first  purchase  of the  common  stock of  Employer  or TriCo
pursuant to a tender or exchange  offer  (other than a tender or exchange  offer
made by Employer or TriCo); or

     (c) upon the approval by the  stockholders of Employer or TriCo of a merger
or  consolidation  (other than a merger of  consolidation  in which  Employer or
TriCo  is  the  surviving   corporation   and  which  does  not  result  in  any
reclassification  or  reorganization  of  the  then  outstanding  securities  or
Employer or TriCo),  a sale or  disposition of all or  substantially  all of the
assets of Employer or TriCo, or a plan of liquidation or dissolution of Employer
or TriCo; or

     (d) if, during any period of two consecutive years,  individuals who at the
beginning of such period  constitute the Board of Directors of Employer or TriCo
cease for any  reason to  constitute  at least a  majority  thereof,  unless the
election or nomination for the election by the stockholders of Employer or TriCo
of each  new  director  was  approved  by a vote of at least  two-thirds  of the
directors  then  still in office  who were  directors  at the  beginning  of the

3.4  Anything in this Agreement to the  contrary  notwithstanding,  prior to the
payment of any  compensation or benefits  payable under Section 3.1 hereof,  the
certified  public  accountants  of  Employer  immediately  prior to a Change  of
Control (the  "Certified  Public  Accountants")  shall  determine as promptly as
practical and in any event with 20 business days  following the sale of Employer
whether  any  payment  or  distribution  by  Employer  to or for the  benefit of
Employee  (whether paid or payable or distributed or  distributable  pursuant to
the terms of this  Agreement,  any other  agreements or otherwise) (a "Payment")
would more likely than not be  nondeductible  by the Company for Federal  income
purposes  because of section  280G of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1 986,  as
amended (the "Code"),  and if it is, then the aggregate present value of amounts
payable or  distributable  to or for the  benefit of  Employer  pursuant to this
Agreement  (such  payments  or  distributions  pursuant  to this  Agreement  are
thereinafter  referred to as  "Agreement  Payments")  shall be reduced  (but not
below zero) to the reduced  Amount.  For purposes of this Section,  the "Reduced
Amount"  shall be an amount  expressed  in present  value  which  maximizes  the
aggregate present value of Agreement  Payments without causing any payment to be
nondeductible by Employer because of said Section 280G of the Code.
     If under this Section the certified Public  Accountants  determine that any
payment  would more likely  than not be  nondeductible  by  Employer  because of
Section 280G of the Code,  Employer shall  promptly give Employee  notice to the
effect and a copy of the detailed calculation thereof and of the Reduced Amount,
and the Employee may then elect, in his sole  discretion,  which and how much of
the Agreement  Payments or any other payments shall be eliminated or reduced (as
long as after  such  election  the  aggregate  present  value  of the  Agreement
Payments or any other payments equals the Reduced Amount),  and shall advise the
Employer in writing of his  election  within 20 business  days of his receipt of
notice.  If no such  election  is made by Employee  within  such 20-day  period,
Employer  may elect  which and how much of the  Agreement  Payments or any other
payments  shall be  eliminated  or reduced (as long as after such  election  the
Aggregate present value of the Agreement Payments equals the Reduced Amount) and
shall notify Employee  promptly of such election.  For purposes of this Section,
present value shall be determined in accordance  with Section  280G(d)(4) of the
Code.  All  determinations  made by the Certified  Public  Accountants  shall be
binding upon  Employer  and  Employee and the payment to Employee  shall be made
within 20 days of sale of  Employer.  Employer may suspend for a period of up to
30 days  after  the sale of  Employer  the  Payment  and any other  payments  or
benefits  due to Employee  until the  Certified  Public  Accountants  finish the
determination  and  Employee  (or  Employer,  as the case may be)  elects how to
reduce the Agreement Payments or any other payments,  if necessary.  As promptly
as  practicable  following  such  determination  and  the  elections  hereunder,
Employer  shall pay to or  distribute  to or for the  benefit of  Employee  such
amounts as are then due to Employee under this Agreement.

     As a result of the  uncertainty  in the  application of Section 280G of the
Code,  it is possible  that  Agreement  Payments  may have been made by Employer
which should not have been made  ("Overpayment"),  in each case, consistent with
the calculation of the Reduced Amount hereunder. In the event that the Certified
Public  Accountants,  based upon the  assertion of a deficiency  by the Internal
Revenue  Service  against  Employer  or  Employee  which said  Certified  Public
Accountants  believe  has a high  probability  of  success,  determines  that an
Overpayment  has been  made,  any such  Overpayment  shall  be  treated  for all
purposes as a loan to Employee which  Employee shall repay to Employer  together
with  interest  at  the   applicable   Federal  rate  provided  for  in  Section
7872(f)(2)(A) of the Code; provided, however, that no amount shall be payable by
Employee  to Employer  in and to the extent  such  payment  would not reduce the
amount which is subject to taxation under Section 4999 of the Code. In the event
that  the  Certified  Public  Accountants,  based  upon  controlling  precedent,
determine that an  Underpayment  has occurred,  any such  Underpayment  shall be
promptly  paid by  Employer  to or for the  benefit of  Employee  together  with
interest at the applicable Federal rate provided for in Section 7872(f)(2)(A) of
the Code.

4.1 The parties hereto recognize that the services performed and to be performed
by  Employee  are  special  and  unique  and that by reason  of this  employment
Employee  has  acquired and will  continue to acquire  confidential  information
regarding  the  strategic  plans,  business  plans,  trade  secrets,   policies,
finances,  customers and other business affairs of Employer (collectively "Trade
Secrets").  Employee  hereby agrees not to divulge such Trade Secrets to anyone,
either  during  his  employment  with  Employer  or for a period of three  years
following the  termination of his employment.  Employee  further agrees that all
memoranda, notes, records, reports, letters, and other documents made, compiled,
received,  held, or used by Employee while  employed by Employer  concerning any
phase of the  business of Employer  shall be  Employer's  property  and shall be
delivered by Employee to Employer on the  termination of his  employment,  or at
any earlier time on the request of the Board of Directors.

4.2  Employee  and Employer  agree that in  consideration  of the payment of the
amounts payable to Employee hereunder, Employee specifically covenants to comply
with all of the restrictions and obligations  contained in this Section 4 except
as otherwise  specifically  provided for herein.  Employee and Employer  further
agree that they have discussed the  restrictions  and  obligations  contained in
this Section 4 and stipulate that they are reasonable.

4.3 The agreement of Employee  contained in this Section 4 shall be  enforceable
both at law and in  equity,  by  injunction  and  otherwise;  and the rights and
remedies of Employer  hereunder with respect thereto shall be cumulative and not
alternative and shall not be exhausted by any one or more uses thereof.

         This Agreement is terminable as follows:

5.1 By Employer,  upon the death or permanent  physical or mental  disability of
Employee. (For purposes hereof, permanent physical or mental disability shall be
deemed  to  have  occurred  when  Employee  has  been  unable,  with  reasonable
accommodation, to perform the essential functions of his job (i) for a period of
six (6)  consecutive  months or (ii) on 80% or more of the normal  working  days
during any nine (9) consecutive months.)

5.2 By Employer,  without prior notice, for Employee's  dishonesty,  disloyalty,
willful misconduct, dereliction of duty or conviction of a felony or other crime
the subject matter of which is related to his duties for Employer.

5.3 By Employer, upon ninety (90) days prior written notice without cause, or by
Employer  pursuant to Section 1.2 hereof,  provided,  however this agreement may
not be  termination  pursuant to this Section 5.3 at any time there is a pending
or threaten Change of Control of Employer.

The scope of this  Agreement  is limited to the  specific  provisions  set forth
herein and is not  intended to  encompass  all the terms and  conditions  of the
relationship  between  Employee  and  Employer  and any and all matters  related
thereto.  The  effects  of  the  termination  of  Employee's   employment  under
circumstances other than after a Change of Control and as specifically set forth
herein  shall be subject  to the  policies  of  Employer  and any other  written
agreement between Employee and Employer and/or TriCo. Neither this Agreement nor
any term or  condition  hereof,  including  without  limitation,  the  terms and
conditions  of this  Section,  any be waived or  modified in whole or in part as
against Employer or Employee,  as the case may be, except by written  instrument
signed by an authorized  officer of Employer and by Employee,  expressly stating
that it is intended to operate as a waiver or  modification  of this  Agreement,
and any such written waiver by either party of a breach of any provision of this
Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach

7.       NOTICE
Any notice  hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed effective five (5)
days after it has been  mailed,  by certified  mail,  in the case of Employer or
TriCo addressed to the address above written,  or such other address as Employee
knows to be the then corporate  office of Employer or TriCo, to the attention of
the  President of Employer or TriCo and, in the case of Employee,  to Employee's
address as contained in the personnel records of Employer.

If any term or provision of this  Agreement  or the  application  thereof to any
person,   property   or   circumstance   shall  to  any  extent  be  invalid  or
unenforceable,  the remainder of this Agreement or the  application of such term
or provision to persons,  property or circumstances other than those as to which
it is invalid or  unenforceable,  shall not be effected  thereby,  and each term
provision of this  Agreement  shall be valid and enforced to the fullest  extent
permitted by law.

Employee  hereby  represents  and  warrants  that he is not now and  will not be
subject to any agreement,  restriction,  lien,  encumbrance,  or right, title or
interest in any one,  limiting in any way the scope of this  Agreement or in any
way inconsistent with this Agreement.

This Agreement  shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Employer,  its
successors  or  assigns.  Except  as to the  obligation  of  Employee  to render
personal services which shall be non-assignable, this Agreement shall be binding
upon and inure to the heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns of Employee.

11.      HEADINGS
The captions and headings contained herein have been inserted for convenience or
reference  only and shall not  affect  the  meaning  or  interpretation  of this

This  Agreement  shall be construed and enforced in accordance  with the laws of
the State of  California  and shall be enforced  in the State or Federal  Courts
sitting in California.


                                         TRICO BANCSHARES

                                         William J. Casey, Chairman of the Board

                                         TRI COUNTIES BANK

                                         William J. Casey, Chairman of the Board