Washington D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K
                                 CURRENT REPORT

                Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
                       the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                        Date of Report (Date of earliest
                                event reported):

                                 October 7, 2002

                                TriCo Bancshares
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

       California                   0-10661                   94-2792841
- ------------------------        ---------------          --------------------
    (State or other          (Commission File No.)         (I.R.S. Employer
    jurisdiction of                                       Identification No.)
incorporation or organization)

                 63 Constitution Drive, Chico, California 95973
              (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:               (530) 898-0300
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Item 5: Other Events

On October 7, 2002, TriCo Bancshares announced that on October 3, 2002 it signed
a definitive agreement with Tri Counties Bank, its wholly owned subsidiary,  and
North State National Bank,  pursuant to which TriCo  Bancshares will acquire all
of the  outstanding  stock of North State  National Bank in exchange for cash of
approximately  $13 million,  approximately  716,000  shares of TriCo  Bancshares
common  stock and  options  to  purchase  approximately  92,450  shares of TriCo
Bancshares  common stock,  subject to adjustments as set forth in the agreement.
Based upon a closing price of $23.92 per share of TriCo Bancshares  common stock
on October 3, 2002, the transaction was valued at $31.8 million.

Item 7: Financial Statements and Exhbits

(c) The following is furnished in accordance  with the provisions of Item 601 of
Regulation S-K.

     (99.1)  Press release dated October 7, 2002
     (99.2)  Acquisition  agreement and plan of merger dated October 3, 2002, by
          and among TriCo Bancshares, Tri Counties Bank and North State National


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                            TRICO BANCSHARES

Date:  October 8, 2002          By:  /s/ Thomas J. Reddish
                                     Thomas J. Reddish, Vice President and
                                     Chief Financial Officer (Principal
                                     Financial and Accounting Officer)


Exhibit No.                Description
- -----------                --------------------------------------------
(99.1)                     Press release dated October 7, 2002
(99.2)                     Acquisition agreement and plan of merger dated
                           October 3, 2002, by and among TriCo Bancshares,
                           Tri Counties Bank and North State National Bank


PRESS RELEASE                                    Contact:   Thomas J. Reddish
                                                            Vice President & CFO
For Immediate Release                                       (530) 898-0300


     Chico, CA - October 7, 2002.  TriCo  Bancshares  (NASDAQ:  TCBK), and North
State  National  Bank (OTC:  NSTN) today  announced  the signing of a definitive
agreement  under which TriCo  Bancshares  will acquire North State National Bank
and merge it into Tri Counties Bank.  TriCo  Bancshares  will acquire all of the
common shares and  unexercised  options of North State National Bank in exchange
for approximately $13,000,000 in cash, 716,000 shares of TriCo Bancshares Common
Stock, and options to purchase  approximately  92,450 shares of TriCo Bancshares
Common Stock at an average price of $6.33.  The exact number of TriCo Bancshares
Common Stock and options to be issued in the merger are subject to the number of
common shares and unexercised  options of North State National Bank in existence
at the  closing  date of the merger and  certain  adjustments  as defined in the
merger  agreement.  If the average  closing price per share of TriCo  Bancshares
Common Stock is $23.92,  shareholders of North State National Bank would receive
aggregate consideration of approximately  $31,750,000 in the merger. North State
National Bank, with its headquarters and two branches in Chico, California,  had
approximately  $140 million in assets at June 30, 2002. At June 30, 2002,  TriCo
Bancshares had approximately $1.030 billion in assets.
     North State  National  Bank's  President  and CEO, John  Lucchesi,  stated:
"Joining TriCo  Bancshares and Tri Counties Bank is the right move at this point
in time.  After careful  consideration,  it was concluded that this merger is an
outstanding  opportunity  for the  shareholders,  customers,  employees  and the
community we have served over the past 20 years. North State National Bank could
not have  performed  as well as it has over the  past  years  without  dedicated
employees and  supportive  customers  and  shareholders."  Mr.  Lucchesi is very
thankful to all employees,  customers and shareholders and is looking forward to
joining  TriCo's  professional  team of officers and staff and being part of the
president's office at TriCo.
     Richard P.  Smith,  President  and CEO of TriCo  Bancshares  said:  "We are
delighted with the opportunity to connect North State National Bank's  franchise
with Tri Counties Bank. North State National Bank is an ideal merger partner due
to its strong banking position and community focus in the Chico marketplace.  We
are  excited to be able to offer all  employees  of North  State  National  Bank
positions at the combined  company.  We look forward to increasing  our presence
and commitment to Chico and all of the Butte County market."
     North State National Bank  shareholders will receive a combination of TriCo
Bancshares  stock and cash in the merger.  Based on an average  closing price of
$23.92 per share of TriCo  Bancshares  Common  Stock,  each share of North State
National Bank stock would be exchanged,  at each shareholder's  election subject
to certain  procedures,  cash or TriCo stock, or a combination of cash and TriCo
stock,  with a value in each case of  approximately  $24.61,  subject to certain
     The merger agreement, which has been approved by the Boards of Directors of
both   companies,   is  subject  to  approval  by  North  State   National  Bank
shareholders,  and  bank  regulatory  authorities,  registration  of  the  TriCo
Bancshares  Common Stock to be issued to  shareholders  of North State  National
Bank and satisfaction of other terms and conditions.

     At June 30, 2002,  TriCo  Bancshares  had  approximately  7,025,700  shares
outstanding  and North State National Bank had  approximately  1,224,300  shares
outstanding. The parties currently estimate that the merger will be completed in
the first quarter of 2003.
     TriCo  Bancshares  and  Tri  Counties  Bank  are  headquartered  in  Chico,
California. Tri Counties Bank has a 26-year history in the banking industry. Tri
Counties  Bank  operates  from 31  traditional  branch  locations and 7 in-store
branch locations,  in 18 California counties. Tri Counties Bank offers financial
services and provides a  diversified  line of products and services to consumers
and  businesses,  which  include  demand,  savings and time  deposits,  consumer
finance, online banking, mortgage lending, and commercial banking throughout its
market area. It operates a network of 47 ATMs and provides a 24-hour, seven days
a week telephone customer service center. Brokerage services are provided at the
Bank's office by the Bank's  association with Raymond James Financial,  Inc. For
further   information   please  visit  the  Tri   Counties   Bank  Web  site  at

                 63 Constitution Drive, Chico, California 95973


                              ACQUISITION AGREEMENT
                                 PLAN OF MERGER


                                TRICO BANCSHARES
                                TRI COUNTIES BANK
                             as Acquiring Companies


                            NORTH STATE NATIONAL BANK
                               As Acquired Company

                                 October 3, 2002

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


ARTICLE 1.....................................................................1
   PRINCIPAL TERMS OF THE MERGER..............................................1
      1.1      The Plan of Merger.............................................1
      1.2      Closing Date...................................................5
      1.3      The Surviving Bank.............................................6
ARTICLE 2.....................................................................6
   DISTRIBUTIONS TO TARGET SHAREHOLDERS.......................................6
      2.1      Delivery of Total Consideration................................6
      2.2      Dissenting Shareholders........................................7
ARTICLE 3.....................................................................7
      3.1      Mutual Conditions..............................................7
      3.2      Conditions in Favor of Target..................................8
      3.3      Conditions in Favor of TriCo and Tri Counties.................11
ARTICLE 4....................................................................14
   REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES............................................14
      4.1      Representations and Warranties of Target......................14
      4.2      Representations and Warranties of TriCo and Tri Counties......22
ARTICLE 5....................................................................24
      5.1      Covenants of Target...........................................24
      5.2      Covenants of TriCo and Tri Counties...........................28
ARTICLE 6....................................................................30
      6.1      Termination...................................................30
      6.2      Expenses and Damages..........................................30
      6.3      Effect of Termination.........................................31
      6.4      Press Releases and Public Statements..........................31
      6.5      Board of Directors............................................31
      6.6      Employees and Employee Benefits...............................31
      6.7      Indemnification and Insurance.................................32
      6.8      Knowledge.....................................................32
      6.9      Desirable Amendments..........................................32
      6.10     Benefits of this Agreement....................................32
      6.11     Notices.......................................................33
      6.12     Entire Agreement..............................................33
      6.13     Waiver or Modification........................................34
      6.14     Controlling Law...............................................34
      6.15     Counterparts..................................................34



A    Agreement of Merger
B    Affiliate's Letter
C    TriCo Employment Agreement
D    Amendment to Target Employment Agreement



     This Acquisition Agreement and Plan of Merger ("Agreement") is entered into
this 3rd day of October,  2002,  by and among TriCo  Bancshares  ("TriCo"),  Tri
Counties Bank ("Tri Counties") and North State National Bank ("Target").


     A. TriCo is a California  corporation  and registered  bank holding company
organized  and  existing  under the laws of the State of  California  having its
principal office at 63 Constitution Circle, Chico, California 95973.

     B. Target is a national  banking  organization,  existing under the laws of
the United  States,  having its  principal  office at 525 Salem  Street,  Chico,
California 95927-3235.

     C. TriCo owns 100% of the  outstanding  capital  stock of Tri  Counties,  a
commercial bank organized and existing under the laws of the State of California
having its principal office at 63 Constitution Circle, Chico, California 95973.

     D. The  respective  Boards of Directors  of TriCo,  Tri Counties and Target
have  determined  that it is in the best  interest  of said  entities  and their
respective  shareholders  that TriCo acquire  Target  through a merger of Target
with and into Tri Counties on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.

     E. The  respective  Boards of Directors  of TriCo,  Tri Counties and Target
have, by resolutions, approved and authorized the execution and delivery of this
Agreement on the terms and conditions set forth herein.

     THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants,  promises,  agreements
and provisions contained herein and subject to the satisfaction of the terms and
conditions set forth herein, and intending to be legally bound hereby, TriCo and
Target agree as follows:

                          PRINCIPAL TERMS OF THE MERGER
     1.1 The  Plan of  Merger.  Subject  to the  terms  and  conditions  of this
Agreement,  including the receipt of all requisite  governmental and shareholder
approvals, the acquisition of Target by TriCo (the "Merger") will be carried out
in the following manner:

     (a) Target will  cooperate in the  preparation  and filing by TriCo and Tri
Counties of such  applications to regulatory  authorities as may be necessary to
obtain all approvals requisite to the consummation of the Merger and to register
the TriCo  common  stock,  no par value  (the  "TriCo  Stock"),  to be issued to
Target's  shareholders  pursuant  to a  Form  S-4  Registration  Statement  (the
"Registration  Statement") with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the
"SEC") pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act").


     (b) TriCo,  Tri  Counties  and  Target  will each  cooperate  and use their
respective  best efforts to consummate  the  transactions  contemplated  by this

     (c) Target shall call a meeting of its shareholders  (the "Target Meeting")
to approve the Merger and shall solicit proxies in favor of the Merger.

     (d) Subject to the provisions of this Agreement,  the parties shall execute
an Agreement of Merger  substantially in the form of Exhibit A. The Merger shall
become  effective  ("Effective  Time") upon the filing with the  Commissioner of
Financial  Institutions  of the State of California  ("Commissioner")  of a duly
executed  counterpart  of the  Agreement of Merger  certified by the  California
Secretary of State and Officers' Certificates  prescribed by Section 1103 of the
California  General  Corporation  Law ("CGCL")  and any notices  required by the
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency ("OCC") or the FDIC.

     (e) At the Effective  Time,  Target shall merge with and into Tri Counties,
the separate existence of Target shall cease, and Tri Counties shall continue as
the surviving  corporation.  (Tri Counties,  in its capacity as the  corporation
surviving the Merger,  is  hereinafter  sometimes  referred to as the "Surviving

     (f) For  purposes  of  determining  the  consideration  payable  to  Target
Shareholders under this Agreement, the following definitions will apply:

               "Aggregate Cash Consideration"  means $13,000,000 less the amount
               of cash, if any, paid in  consideration  of the  cancellation  of
               Target  Options after the date of this Agreement and prior to the
               Merger and plus the amount of cash, if any, paid upon exercise of
               Target  Options after the date of this Agreement and prior to the

               "Aggregate Merger  Consideration"  means the sum of the Aggregate
               Cash Consideration and the Aggregate Stock Consideration.

               "Aggregate  Stock  Consideration"  means 784,000  shares of TriCo
               Stock, subject to the Collar Adjustment.

               "Aggregate  Value of Merger  Consideration"  means the sum of the
               Aggregate Cash Consideration and the Aggregate Value of the Stock

               "Aggregate  Value of Stock  Consideration"  means  the  Aggregate
               Stock Consideration multiplied by the Average Closing Price.

               "Aggregate Value of Target Options" means the number of shares of
               Target Stock represented by Target Options  outstanding as of the
               Closing Date  multiplied by the  difference  between the Value of
               the Per Share Merger Consideration and the average exercise price
               of such Target Options.

               "Aggregate  Value  of  Target  Shares   Outstanding"   means  the
               Aggregate Value of Merger  Consideration less the Aggregate Value
               of Target Options.


               "Average Closing Price" means the average closing price per share
               of TriCo  Stock for the 20  trading  days  ending on the close of
               business on the Determination Date.

               "Cash/Stock  Election"  means the election  process  described in
               Section 1.1(h)-(k) below.

               "Collar Adjustment" means:

          if the Average  Closing Price is greater than $26  multiplied by 115%,
          the number of shares  comprising  the  Aggregate  Stock  Consideration
          shall be  multiplied  by a  fraction  of which  the  numerator  is $26
          multiplied by 115% and the  denominator  is the Average  Closing Price
          (provided,  that  there  shall be no such  adjustment  if the  Average
          Closing  Price is greater than $26  multiplied by 115% if, at the time
          of the  determination,  (a) there has been any public  announcement by
          any party of,  or  acknowledging  the  possibility  of or  discussions
          regarding, a proposed transaction or interest in or intent to pursue a
          proposed   transaction   involving  TriCo  and  described  in  Section
          5.2(g)(i) of this  Agreement and (b) TriCo has not issued a subsequent
          public announcement  affirmatively,  unconditionally and unequivocally
          disclaiming  any  interest in or intent to pursue or  consider  such a
          transaction); or

          if the Average  Closing Price is less than $26  multiplied by 85%, the
          number of shares comprising the Aggregate Stock Consideration shall be
          multiplied by a fraction of which the  numerator is $26  multiplied by
          85% and the denominator is the Average Closing Price.

               "Determination  Date" means the third  business  day prior to the
               Closing Date.

               "Exchange Agent" means Tri Counties.

               "Exchange  Ratio"  means  the  Value  of  the  Per  Share  Merger
               Consideration divided by the Average Closing Price.

               "Number of TriCo Shares to be Issued" means the  Aggregate  Value
               of   Target   Shares   Outstanding   less  the   Aggregate   Cash
               Consideration,  all of which is  divided by the  Average  Closing

               "Target Shareholder" shall mean a holder of Target Stock.

               "Value,"  when  referring  to TriCo  Stock,  means the  number of
               shares multiplied by the Average Closing Price.

               "Value of the Per Share  Merger  Consideration"  means the sum of
               the Aggregate Value of the Merger  Consideration  and the product
               of the  number of shares of Target  Stock  represented  by Target
               Options  outstanding  as of the Closing  Date  multiplied  by the
               average  exercise price of such Target  Options,  all of which is
               divided  by the sum of the  number of shares of Target  Stock and
               the  number  of  shares of  Target  Stock  represented  by Target
               Options outstanding as of the Closing Date.


     (g) Each  outstanding  share of Target Stock validly issued and outstanding
immediately prior to the Effective Time (other than Dissenting Shares as defined
in Section  2.2),  including  Target  Stock held as a result of the  exercise of
Target  Options,  shall,  by virtue of the Merger and  without any action on the
part of the  holders  thereof,  be  converted  into and  represent  the right to
receive the Value of the Per Share Merger Consideration.

     (h)  Concurrently  with the mailing of the Proxy Statement  relating to the
Target Meeting, a form of election  satisfactory in form to Target and TriCo (an
"Election Form") shall be mailed to each Target  Shareholder of record as of the
close of  business  on the fifth  business  day prior to the  mailing  date (the
"Election  Form  Record  Date").  The  Election  Form  shall  give  each  Target
Shareholder the opportunity to indicate thereon his or her preference to receive
the Value of the Per Share  Merger  Consideration  all in TriCo  Stock (a "Stock
Election"), all in cash (a "Cash Election") or in a combination of approximately
61% TriCo Stock and 39% cash,  subject to  adjustment  of these  percentages  to
reflect the Average Closing Price and the Number of TriCo Shares to be Issued (a
"Combination  Election") if such Election Form is returned to the Exchange Agent
prior to a date not later than the date of the  Target  Meeting  (the  "Election
Date"). If the Election Form of any Target  Shareholder is not returned prior to
the  Election  Date,  such  Target  Shareholder  shall be  deemed to have made a
Combination  Election.  Notwithstanding  anything  herein to the  contrary,  any
Target  Shareholder voting against the Merger at the Target Meeting or demanding
Dissenters'  Rights (as defined in Section 2.2) as of the Election Date shall be
deemed to have made a Cash Election.

     (i) TriCo shall make available one or more Election Forms as may reasonably
be requested  from time to time by all persons who become holders (or beneficial
owners) of Target Stock  between the Election  Form Record Date and the close of
business  on the  business  day prior to the  Election  Date,  and Target  shall
provide to the Exchange  Agent all  information  reasonably  necessary for it to
perform as specified herein. A Cash/Stock Election shall have been properly made
only if the Exchange  Agent shall have  actually  received a properly  completed
Election Form by the Election Date. Any Target Shareholder may at any time prior
to the Election  Date change his or her election by written  notice  received by
the Exchange Agent prior to the Election Date  accompanied by a revised Election
Form properly completed and signed. Any Target Shareholder may at any time prior
to the Election  Date revoke his or her election by written  notice  received by
the Exchange Agent prior to the Election  Date.  All elections  shall be revoked
automatically  if the  Exchange  Agent is notified in writing by TriCo or Target
that this Agreement has been terminated.  Subject to the terms of this Agreement
and of the Election Form, the Exchange Agent shall have reasonable discretion to
determine whether any election, revocation or change has been properly or timely
made and to disregard  immaterial  defects in the Election  Forms,  and any good
faith decisions of TriCo regarding such matters shall be binding and conclusive.
Neither TriCo nor the Exchange Agent shall be under any obligation to notify any
person of any defect in an Election Form.

     (j) If the Target  Shareholders elect to receive in the aggregate an amount
of cash in excess of the Aggregate Cash  Consideration,  then the amount of cash
to be paid to Target  Shareholders  making a Cash Election  shall be reduced pro
rata on a per share basis by the aggregate amount of such excess,  and the value
of TriCo Stock to be delivered to the Target  Shareholder  shall be increased by
the dollar value approximately  equivalent to the reduction (after adjusting for
fractional shares).  Conversely,  if Target Shareholders elect to receive in the
aggregate  a number of shares  of TriCo  Stock in excess of the  Number of TriCo
Shares to be Issued, then the number of shares of TriCo Stock to be delivered to
Target  Shareholders  making a Stock Election shall be reduced pro rata on a per
share basis by the aggregate amount of such excess, and the amount of cash to be
delivered  to the  Target  Shareholder  shall be  increased  by the Value of the


     (k) TriCo  shall have the right to make  determinations,  not  inconsistent
with the terms of this Agreement, governing the allocation of the Aggregate Cash
Consideration  and the Number of TriCo  Shares to be Issued  pursuant to Section
1.1. TriCo's  determinations shall not be subject to review or question by other
parties to this Agreement or by the Target Shareholders.

     (l) The Aggregate Stock  Consideration  shall be registered  under the 1933
Act with the Registration Statement.

     (m) No  fractional  shares of TriCo  Stock  shall be issued in the  Merger.
TriCo  shall pay cash  equal to the  Average  Closing  Price  multiplied  by the
fraction of a share to which the Target  Shareholder  would  otherwise have been
entitled in lieu of such fractional share.

     (n) If prior to the Effective  Time TriCo shall declare a stock dividend or
subdivide,  split up, reclassify or combine TriCo Stock or declare a dividend or
other  distribution  on  TriCo  Stock  payable  in TriCo  Stock or any  security
convertible into TriCo Stock, appropriate adjustment or adjustments will be made
to the Target Stock to be received as Aggregate Stock Consideration.

     (o) Target  Options  outstanding on the Closing Date will be converted into
options to purchase shares of TriCo Stock ("TriCo  Options").  Each  outstanding
option to purchase  shares of Target Stock will be converted into a TriCo Option
to  purchase a number of shares of TriCo  Stock equal to the number of shares of
Target Stock subject to the option multiplied by the Exchange Ratio rounded down
to the nearest  full share at an exercise  price per share equal to the exercise
price of the existing  Target Option divided by the Exchange Ratio rounded up to
the  nearest  penny.  All other terms of the  resulting  TriCo  Options  will be
substantially similar to the terms of the existing Target Options subject to the
requirements of TriCo's stock option plan.  Following the Effective Date, unless
such TriCo  Options and TriCo Stock  issuable upon exercise of TriCo Options are
already  registered  under the 1933 Act,  TriCo  shall use its best  efforts  to
promptly  prepare and file with the SEC a registration  statement on Form S-8 or
other  appropriate form covering such TriCo Options and TriCo Stock to be issued
upon the exercise of TriCo Options granted pursuant to this Section.

     1.2 Closing Date. The "Closing Date" of the  transaction  shall be the last
business day of the month in which the conditions specified in Article 3 of this
Agreement  have all been  satisfied and which is at least ten days following the
satisfaction of such conditions, or such other date as is mutually agreed by the
parties.  The closing of the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement (the
"Closing")  shall take place at the offices of TriCo on the  Closing  Date or at
such other place as the parties may agree.  At the  Closing,  the parties  shall
exchange the various agreements,  certificates,  instruments and documents to be
delivered pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.


1.3      The Surviving Bank.

     (a) At the Effective Time, the separate existence of Target shall cease and
Tri Counties shall be the Surviving Bank. The Charter and bylaws of Tri Counties
as in effect  immediately  prior to the Effective  Time shall remain the Charter
and bylaws of Tri Counties as the Surviving  Bank after the Effective Time until
amended or repealed in accordance with their  provisions and applicable law. The
combined  capitalization  of Target and Tri  Counties  immediately  prior to the
Effective Time shall be the capitalization of Tri Counties as the Surviving Bank
after the Effective  Time,  subject to required  accounting  adjustments,  until
changed by resolution of the Board of Directors or by action of its shareholder.
The  directors and officers of Tri Counties  immediately  prior to the Effective
Time, with the addition of Steve Nettleton as a director, shall be the directors
and officers of Tri Counties  after the  Effective  Time until their  successors
have been elected or qualified or until their  resignation or removal  according
to law and the bylaws of Tri Counties.

     (b) At and after the Effective  Time,  all rights,  privileges,  powers and
franchises  and all  property  and assets of every kind and  description  of Tri
Counties and Target shall be vested in and be held and enjoyed by the  Surviving
Bank,  without  further act or deed,  and all the estates and interests of every
kind of Tri  Counties  and  Target,  including  all debts due to either of them,
shall be as  effectively  the property of the Surviving Bank as they were of Tri
Counties  and  Target,  and the  title  to any  real  estate  vested  by deed or
otherwise  in either Tri  Counties  or Target  shall not revert or be in any way
impaired by reason of the  Merger.  All rights of  creditors  and liens upon any
property of Tri Counties or Target shall be preserved  unimpaired and all debts,
liabilities  and duties of Tri Counties  and Target shall be debts,  liabilities
and  duties of the  Surviving  Bank and may be  enforced  against it to the same
extent as if said debts,  liabilities and duties had been incurred or contracted
by it.


     1.4 Delivery of Total Consideration.  TriCo shall deliver to the holders of
certificates  formerly  evidencing  ownership of Target Stock,  immediately upon
receipt  from the holders  thereof of such  certificates,  duly  executed and in
proper form for  transfer,  the Value of the Per Share Merger  Consideration  to
which they are entitled pursuant to the following provisions:

     (a) As soon as  practical  after the  Effective  Time,  TriCo  shall send a
notice and transmittal form in a format satisfactory to Target and TriCo to each
record holder of a certificate  evidencing Target Stock, advising such holder of
the  Merger  and the  procedure  for  surrendering  to the  Exchange  Agent such
certificate in exchange for the Value of the Per Share Merger  Consideration for
each share of Target Stock represented by the certificate as determined pursuant
to Section 1.1. Each holder of such  certificate,  upon surrender of the same to
the Exchange Agent in accordance with such  transmittal  form, shall be entitled
to  receive  the Value of the Per Share  Merger  Consideration  pursuant  to the
Cash/Stock Election.


     (b) No  transfer  taxes  shall be payable by any holder of record of Target
Stock at the Effective Time in respect of the exchange of  certificates  for the
Value of the Per  Share  Merger  Consideration.  If the  Value of the Per  Share
Merger  Consideration is to be delivered to any person other than the registered
holder of the Target Stock  surrendered  for  exchange,  the amount of any stock
transfer  or  similar  taxes  (whether  imposed  on the holder of record or such
person)  payable on account of the  transfer to such person shall be paid to the
Exchange  Agent by such  person.  The  Exchange  Agent  may  refuse to make such
exchange unless satisfactory evidence of the payment of such taxes, or exemption
therefrom, is submitted.

     (c)  After  the  Effective  Time,  each   outstanding   certificate   which
theretofore  represented  Target Stock shall,  until surrendered for exchange in
accordance  with this Section  2.1, be deemed for all purposes to evidence  only
the right to receive the Value of the Per Share Merger Consideration represented
by the  certificate.  After  the  Effective  Time,  there  shall  be no  further
registration or transfer of Target Stock.

     (d)  Notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary  set forth  herein,  if any
holder of Target  Stock  shall be unable to  surrender  his or her  certificates
because such certificates  have been lost or destroyed,  such holder may deliver
in lieu thereof an affidavit and indemnity bond to be paid by such holder and in
form and substance and with surety  satisfactory  to the Exchange  Agent or such
other undertaking as may be approved by the Exchange Agent.

     (e) Until the shares of Target Stock have been  exchanged  for the Value of
the Per Share  Merger  Consideration,  the holders of such  shares  shall not be
entitled to vote or exercise any rights of ownership  with respect to the shares
of TriCo  Stock to be  received  by them as the  Value of the Per  Share  Merger
Consideration,  and shall not receive any dividends or other  distributions paid
or distributed  with respect to the shares of TriCo Stock.  TriCo shall hold all
such dividends or  distributions  for the account of the person entitled thereto
and shall pay such  accumulated  dividends  without  interest to the shareholder
upon his surrender of certificates representing Target Stock in exchange for the
Value of the Per Share Merger Consideration.

     1.5 Dissenting Shareholders. Any shares of Target Stock held by persons who
have satisfied the requirements of 12 U.S.C. ss.214a(b) related to the rights of
dissenting  shareholders   ("Dissenters'  Rights"),  and  have  not  effectively
withdrawn or lost such  Dissenters'  Rights  (such  shares being  referred to as
"Dissenting Shares"), shall not be converted pursuant to this Agreement, but the
holders  thereof  shall  be  entitled  only to  such  Dissenters'  Rights.  Each
dissenting  shareholder  who is  entitled  to  payment  for his or her shares of
Target Stock  pursuant to such  Dissenters'  Rights shall  receive  payment from
TriCo in an amount as determined  pursuant to such Dissenters' Rights which such
aggregate payments shall be part of the Aggregate Cash Consideration.


     1.6 Mutual  Conditions.  The obligations of Target,  Tri Counties and TriCo
under this Agreement are subject to and conditioned  upon the  satisfaction  of,
prior to and on the Closing  Date,  each of the following  conditions  except as
Target, Tri Counties and TriCo may waive in writing:


     (a) No Litigation. Except for litigation described in the Target Disclosure
Schedules,  no suit, action, claim or other proceeding having been threatened or
pending before any court,  administrative  or governmental  agency which, in the
reasonable opinion of Target or TriCo,  presents a significant risk of restraint
or  prohibition  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby or the attainment of
material damages or other relief against Target or its  shareholders,  or TriCo,
Tri Counties or TriCo shareholders in connection therewith.

     (b)  Shareholder  Approval.  Approval  of  the  Merger  by the  holders  of
two-thirds of the outstanding shares of Target Stock.

     (c) Approvals. Receipt of all authorizations,  approvals and/or consents as
well as the  expiration of applicable  waiting  periods,  of any third  parties,
including federal or state governmental  and/or regulatory bodies and officials,
necessary for the consummation of this Agreement and for the continuation in all
material  respects of the business of TriCo,  Target and Tri  Counties,  without
interruption after the Effective Time, in substantially the manner in which such
business is now conducted, and no such authorizations or approvals shall contain
any conditions or restrictions  that TriCo  reasonably  believes will materially
restrict or limit the business or activities of TriCo, Target or Tri Counties or
have a material  adverse  effect on their  businesses,  operations  or financial
conditions taken as a whole.

     (d) Effective Registration  Statement. A Registration Statement registering
the Aggregate Stock  Consideration  shall have been declared effective and shall
not be subject to a stop order of the SEC and all applicable state blue sky laws
shall have been complied with.

     (e) Listing of TriCo Stock.  The Aggregate Stock  Consideration  shall have
been authorized for listing on the NASDAQ National Market System.

     1.7  Conditions in Favor of Target.  All  obligations  of Target under this
Agreement are subject to and conditioned  upon the satisfaction of, prior to and
on the Closing Date, each of the following conditions except as Target may waive
in writing:

     (a) Representations,  Warranties and Agreements. All of the representations
and  warranties of TriCo and Tri Counties  contained in this Agreement or in any
written statement including, without limitation, financial statements, exhibits,
certificates,  schedules  or other  documents  delivered  pursuant  hereto or in
connection with the transactions contemplated hereby, being true in all material
respects at the date hereof,  and at the Closing Date as if then made, and TriCo
and Tri Counties  having  performed and complied with all covenants,  agreements
and conditions required by this Agreement to be performed or complied with by it
prior to or at the Closing Date.

     (b) Officers'  Certificates.  Receipt by Target of certificates in form and
content  satisfactory  to Target  from the  President  and the  Chief  Financial
Officer of TriCo and from the President and the Chief  Financial  Officer of Tri
Counties,  dated the Closing  Date, to the effect that the  representations  and
warranties made herein by TriCo and Tri Counties were on the date hereof and are
on the  Closing  Date true and  correct  and that  TriCo and Tri  Counties  have
performed the covenants, obligations and agreements undertaken by them herein.

- -8-

     (c)  Authorization  of Merger.  All  actions  necessary  to  authorize  the
execution,  delivery and performance of this Agreement by TriCo and Tri Counties
and the  consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby having been duly
and validly taken by the Boards of Directors of TriCo and Tri Counties,  and Tri
Counties  shall have full power and right to merge with Target  pursuant to this
Agreement and the Agreement of Merger.

     (d)  Secretaries'  Certificates.  Receipt by Target of, in form and content
satisfactory to it, a certificate of the Secretary or an Assistant  Secretary of
TriCo and of Tri  Counties to the effect  that all  necessary  approvals  of the
Merger by the Boards of  Directors of TriCo and Tri Counties and by TriCo as the
sole  shareholder of Tri Counties were obtained at meetings duly called for such
purposes and as to the  incumbency  of all  corporate  officers of TriCo and Tri
Counties at all relevant times.

     (e) Legal  Opinion.  Receipt by Target of an opinion of legal  counsel  for
TriCo, subject to customary  assumptions,  qualifications and exceptions,  as of
the Closing Date to the effect that:

        (i) TriCo and Tri Counties are corporations validly existing and in good
standing  under the laws of the  State of  California.  TriCo is a bank  holding
company registered under the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended. TriCo
and Tri Counties have the requisite  corporate power and authority to enter into
this Agreement and to perform their obligations hereunder;

        (ii) all requisite actions of  the Board of  Directors of  TriCo and the
Board of Directors  and sole  shareholder of Tri  Counties to duly authorize and
approve this  Agreement  and the Merger have been  taken and this  Agreement has
been duly executed and delivered by TriCo and Tri Counties;

        (iii) to counsel's  knowledge,   no  consent  or  approval  by,  or  any
notification of a filing with, any court,  public body or authority of the State
of  California  or the United  States of America is  required  to be obtained or
effected by Target in connection with the execution, delivery and performance of
TriCo of this Agreement other than those that have been obtained or effected;

        (iv) assuming  the  due  execution  and  delivery  of this  Agreement by
Target, this  Agreement  constitutes a legal,  valid  and binding  obligation of
TriCo and Tri  Counties  enforceable  against them in accordance with its terms,
except  as  enforcement  thereof  may  be  limited  by  bankruptcy,  insolvency,
reorganization,  moratorium  or  similar  laws  affecting  the  enforcement  of
creditors'  rights in general or by general principles of equity;

        (v) consummation  of  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  will  not
violate  or  result  in a material  breach of  or default  in  any of the terms,
conditions or provisions of the articles of  incorporation or bylaws of TriCo or
Tri Counties, or any applicable law, rule, regulation or order of which they are
aware of any court or governmental agency, or any contract listed as a "material
contract"  in  the Exhibits  to TriCo's  most recently filed  Form 10-K and Form
10-Q; and


        (vi) at the  Effective Time, the  Aggregate Stock  Consideration will be
duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable.

     (f) Proper Actions and Documentation.  All actions to be taken by TriCo and
Tri Counties in connection with the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement
having  been  taken,  all  documents  incidental  thereto  being  in a form  and
substance  reasonably  satisfactory to Target and its legal counsel,  and Target
having received copies of all documents that it may have reasonably requested in
connection with such transactions.

     (g) Material Adverse Change.  Since the date of this Agreement there having
been no material adverse changes, occurrences or developments in the business of
TriCo that have, or would be expected to have, a material  adverse effect on the
business,  operation or financial  condition of TriCo; and Target shall not have
discovered any fact or circumstance  not disclosed by TriCo prior to the date of
this Agreement  that has resulted in, or could  reasonably be expected to result
in, a material adverse effect on the business, operations or financial condition
of TriCo.

     (h) Federal Tax Opinion.  An opinion of  Rothgerber  Johnson & Lyons LLP as
legal  counsel  for TriCo  shall have been  received by Target as of the Closing
Date to the effect that for federal income tax purposes:

        (i) the Merger qualifies as a reorganization  under Section 368(a)(2)(D)
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code");

        (ii) no gain or loss need be recognized  by Target  Shareholders  to the
extent TriCo Stock is received in exchange for their Target Stock;

        (iii) the  holding  period  and basis  of  the TriCo  Stock  received in
exchange for Target Stock will be the same as the  holding  period  and basis of
the Target Stock  exchanged  therefor, assuming the Target Stock  exchanged  was
a capital asset in the hands of the Target Shareholder at the Effective Time;

        (iv) the aggregate tax basis of the TriCo Stock received in exchange for
Target  Stock will be the same as the  aggregate  tax basis of the Target  Stock
exchanged  therefor,  decreased by the amount of cash received in the Merger and
increased by the amount of gain recognized by the Target Shareholder; and

     (v) cash  received  in  exchange  of  Target  Stock  will be  treated  as a
distribution  in full payment for such Target Stock  exchanged  and will qualify
for capital gain or loss  treatment,  assuming the Target Stock  exchanged was a
capital asset in the hands of the Target Shareholder at the Effective Time.

     (i) TriCo  Employment  Agreement.  TriCo  shall  enter  into an  employment
agreement  with John Lucchesi as of the Closing Date  substantially  in the form
attached hereto as Exhibit C.

     (j) Fairness Opinion.  Target shall have received a fairness opinion from a
third party advisor opining that the Aggregate  Merger  Consideration is fair to
the  shareholders  of Target from a financial  point of view,  and such fairness
opinion shall not have been  withdrawn or amended in any material  respect prior
to the Closing Date.


     1.8 Conditions in Favor of TriCo and Tri Counties. All obligations of TriCo
and Tri Counties  under this  Agreement are subject to and shall be  conditioned
upon  the  satisfaction  of,  prior  to and on the  Closing  Date,  each  of the
following  conditions except as TriCo and Tri Counties may waive such conditions
in writing:

     (a) Material Adverse Change.  Since the date of this Agreement there having
been no material adverse changes, occurrences or developments in the business of
Target that have, or would be expected to have, a material adverse effect on the
business,  operations or financial condition of Target; and TriCo shall not have
discovered any fact or circumstance not disclosed by Target prior to the date of
this Agreement  that has resulted in, or could  reasonably be expected to result
in, a material adverse effect on the business, operations or financial condition
of Target.

     (b) Representations,  Warranties and Agreements. All of the representations
and  warranties  of Target  contained in this  Agreement,  in any  attachment or
exhibit  hereto,  or in any written  statement  including,  without  limitation,
financial  statements,   disclosure  letters,  deeds,  exhibits,   certificates,
schedules or other documents delivered pursuant hereto or in connection with the
transactions  contemplated  hereby,  being true in all material  respects at the
date hereof, and at the Closing Date as if then made and Target having performed
and complied with all  covenants,  agreements  and  conditions  required by this
Agreement  to be  performed  or  complied  with by it prior to or at the Closing

     (c)  Officers'  Certificate.  Receipt  by  TriCo  and  Tri  Counties  of  a
certificate in form and content  satisfactory  to TriCo,  from the President and
Chief  Financial  Officer of Target,  dated the Closing Date, to the effect that
the  representations  and  warranties  made  herein  by  Target  and,  except as
otherwise indicated in the certificate, in any other written statement delivered
in connection with the transaction contemplated hereby, were on the date hereof,
and are on the Closing Date, true and correct in all material  respects and that
Target has performed the covenants,  obligations and agreements undertaken by it

     (d)  Authorization  of Merger.  All  actions  necessary  to  authorize  the
execution,  delivery  and  performance  of  this  Agreement  by  Target  and the
consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  having  been  duly and
validly  taken by the Board of  Directors  of Target and Target  shall have full
power and right to merge with Tri Counties  pursuant to this  Agreement  and the
Agreement of Merger.

     (e)  Secretary's  Certificate.  Receipt  by  TriCo  and Tri  Counties  of a
certificate in form and content  satisfactory  to TriCo from the Secretary or an
Assistant Secretary of Target, to the effect that all necessary approvals of the
Merger by the Board of Directors  and  shareholders  of Target were  obtained at
meetings duly called for such purposes and as to the incumbency of all corporate
officers of Target at all relevant times.


     (f) Legal  Opinions.  Receipt  by TriCo and Tri  Counties  of an opinion of
Bingham  McCutchen  LLP as legal  counsel  for Target,  as of the Closing  Date,
subject to customary assumptions,  qualifications and exceptions,  to the effect

        (i) Target is a banking association  incorporated, validly existing and
in good  standing  under  the  laws of  the United States  of America,  is  duly
licensed by  the Office  of  the  Comptroller  of the Currency  to carry out the
business of a national bank and has full corporate power and authority  to enter
into the Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder;

        (ii) all requisite actions of the Board of Directors and shareholders of
Target to duly  authorize  and approve this  Agreement  and the Merger have been
taken and this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by Target;

        (iii) to counsel's  knowledge,   no  consent  or  approval  by,  or  any
notification of a filing with, any court,  public body or authority of the State
of  California  or the United  States of America is  required  to be obtained or
effected by Target in connection with the execution, delivery and performance of
Target of this Agreement other than those that have been obtained or effected;

        (iv) assuming the due execution and delivery of this  Agreement by TriCo
and Tri  Counties,  this  Agreement  constitutes  a  legal,  valid  and  binding
obligation of Target  enforceable  against Target in accordance  with its terms,
except  as  enforcement  thereof  may  be  limited  by  bankruptcy,  insolvency,
reorganization,  moratorium  or  similar  laws  affecting   the  enforcement  of
creditors'  rights in general or by general principles of equity;

        (v) consummation  of  the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  will  not
violate  or  result in a  material  breach  of or default  in any of  the terms,
conditions or provisions of the articles of association or  bylaws of Target, or
any applicable law, rule, regulation, order of which they are aware of any court
or governmental  agency, or any contract listed as a "material  contract" in the
Exhibits to Target's most recently filed Form 10-K and Form 10-Q;

        (vi) except as  disclosed  to TriCo in  writing,  to counsel's knowledge
there are  no claims,  actions,  suits  or proceedings pending, or threatened in
writing  by  or  against  Target  or  its  properties  or  businesses,  or   the
transactions contemplated  by this  Agreement  or its  directors,  officers  or
employees  in  actions  against  them  in  such capacity at law or in equity, or
before or by any federal or governmental department,  commission, board, agency,
instrumentality or  authority  which in the event of an adverse  decision  could
reasonably be expected to affect materially and adversely the financial position
of Target,  or  which  in  any  manner draws  into question the validity of this
Agreement; and

        (vii)  the  authorized  capital  stock  of  Target  consists  solely  of
2,500,000 shares of common stock,  par  value $2.50 per share.  All  outstanding
shares are nonassessable  (except  as  provided by 12 USC Section 55) and do not
possess  any preemptive  rights pursuant to Target's  articles of association or
any applicable statute.


     (g) Proper Actions and Documentation.  All actions to be taken by Target in
connection  with the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement  having been
taken, all documents incidental thereto being in a form and substance reasonably
satisfactory to TriCo and its legal counsel, and TriCo having received copies of
all documents  that it may have  reasonably  requested in  connection  with such

     (h)  Environmental  Report.  Tri  Counties  shall  have the  right,  in its
discretion and at it sole expense,  to arrange with an environmental  consultant
to prepare an environmental  report based on the consultant's  inspection of the
surface of the properties  owned or leased by Target and based on  investigation
of records  relating to such properties in the files of Target or any government
agency. Such inspections, investigations and reports shall be concluded no later
than sixty (60) days after the date of this Agreement.  If such reports indicate
an absence of Hazardous  Materials (as defined in Section  4.1(n)(i)  hereof) on
such properties, or other properties where such Hazardous Materials endanger the
Target properties,  this Section 3.3(h) shall be deemed satisfied.  If, however,
such reports  indicate the presence of Hazardous  Materials on such  properties,
Tri Counties shall have the right to investigate those properties  further prior
to the Closing Date and may terminate this Agreement pursuant to Section 6.1(d).

     (i) Potential  Dissenter's Rights.  Holders of not more than 9.9 percent of
the outstanding  shares of Target Stock shall have voted against approval of, or
given  notice in writing to Target at or prior to the Target  Meeting that he or
she dissents from, the transactions contemplated by the Agreement.

     (j)  Employee  Benefit  Plans.   Target  shall  execute  and  deliver  such
instruments and take such other actions as TriCo may reasonably require in order
to cause the amendment or termination of any employee  benefit plan of Target on
terms  satisfactory to TriCo and in accordance with applicable law and effective
as of the Closing  Date.  TriCo agrees that the employees of Target who continue
their employment after the closing date will be entitled to participate as newly
hired employees in the employment benefit plans and programs  maintained for the
employees of TriCo and Tri Counties,  in accordance with the respective terms of
such  plans  and  programs,  and  TriCo  shall  take all  actions  necessary  or
appropriate  to facilitate  the coverage of such Target  employees in such plans
and programs from and after the Closing Date, subject to the following:

        (i) Each Target  employee  shall be entitled to credit for prior service
with Target for all purposes under the employee  welfare benefit plans and other
employee  benefit plans and programs  sponsored by TriCo and Tri Counties to the
extent  that  Target  sponsored  a  similar  type of plan in  which  the  Target
employees participated immediately prior to the Closing Date.

        (ii) Each Target  employee  shall be entitled to credit for past service
with Target for the purpose of satisfying  any  eligibility  or vesting  periods
applicable  to TriCo's  employee  benefit  plans  which are  subject to Sections
401(a) and 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code.

        (iii) Each Target  employee  shall be entitled to participate as a newly
hired  employee in the TriCo  employee  stock  ownership plan for the purpose of
satisfying any eligibility or vesting periods applicable to such plan.


     (k)  Amendment to Target  Employment  Agreement.  Target and John  Lucchesi
shall enter into an amendment to Mr. Lucchesi's  employment  agreement as of the
Closing Date in the form attached hereto as Exhibit D.


     1.9  Representations  and Warranties of Target.  Except as set forth in the
Target Disclosure Schedules to be delivered no later than ten (10) business days
after the date of this Agreement, Target hereby represents and warrants to TriCo
as of the date hereof and up to and including the Closing Date as follows:

     (a) Organization of Target.

        (i) Target is a banking association duly organized, validly existing and
in good standing under the laws of the United States,  and it has full corporate
power and  authority,  and  possesses  all  governmental,  regulatory  and other
permits, licenses and authorizations,  necessary to carry on its business as now
conducted and to own and operate the  properties and assets it owns or operates,
to enter into this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder.

        (ii) Target's  authorized  capital stock consists of 2,500,000 shares of
common stock ($2.50 par value),  of which 1,224,430 shares are outstanding as of
the date of this  Agreement,  all of which are  validly  issued,  fully paid and

        (iii) Target has no outstanding  securities  convertible  into shares of
capital stock or existing options,  warrants, calls, commitments or other rights
of any character granted or entered into by Target relating to its authorized or
issued stock and no such rights will be granted or entered  into,  except as set
forth on Schedule 4.1(a)(iii).

        (iv) There are no outstanding or unsatisfied preemptive rights or rights
of first refusal with respect to Target's capital stock.

        (v) No  shares of  Target's  capital  stock  have been or will be issued
between the date hereof and the Closing Date, except upon the exercise of Target
Options outstanding on the date of this Agreement.

        (vi)  Target has  provided  TriCo with  complete  and correct  copies of
Target's charter and bylaws,  both certified as of the date of this Agreement by
the  Secretary of Target,  the same to remain  unchanged up to and including the
Closing Date.

        (vii) The deposit accounts of Target are insured by the FDIC through the
Bank Insurance Fund to the fullest extent  permitted by law and all premiums and
assessments due and owing as of the date hereof and the Closing Date required in
connection therewith have been paid by Target.3


     (b)  Subsidiaries  and Assets.  Target does not have any direct or indirect
subsidiaries  and  does  not  have  any  interest  in  any  partnership,   firm,
association,  corporation  or joint  venture  other than  investment  securities
purchased and loans made in the regular and usual course of its business.

     (c)  Financial  Statements.  Target has  provided  TriCo with copies of the
following financial  statements for Target ("Target  Statements"),  all of which
are accurate and complete in all material  respects,  are in accordance with the
books and records of Target,  have been  prepared in accordance  with  generally
accepted accounting  principles  consistently applied throughout for the periods
indicated and present fairly the financial position of Target and the results of
Target's operations for the periods ended on the dates indicated:

          Statements  of  Condition,  as of  December  31,  2001 and  2000,  and
          Statements of Income,  Statements of Changes in Shareholders'  Equity,
          and  Statements  of Cash Flows for the years ended  December 31, 2001,
          2000 and 1999 audited by Perry-Smith LLP and an unaudited Statement of
          Condition as of June 30, 2002,  and unaudited  Statement of Income for
          the three-month period ended June 30, 2002.

     (d)  Absence  of  Undisclosed  Liabilities.  Except  as and  to the  extent
reflected or reserved against in the Target  Statements,  Target has no material
liabilities or obligations,  except those incurred in the ordinary course of its
business,  whether  accrued,  absolute,   contingent  or  otherwise,   including
governmental  charges or  lawsuits or any tax  liabilities  due or to become due
whether (i)  incurred in respect of or  measured by the  consolidated  income of
Target for any period up to the close of business on the respective dates of the
Target  Statements,  or (ii) arising out of  transactions  entered  into, or any
state of facts existing, prior thereto.

     (e)  Absence  of Certain  Changes  or Events.  Since the date of the Target
Statements, there has not been:

        (i)  any  material  adverse  change  in  the  condition   (financial  or
otherwise), assets, liabilities or business of Target;

        (ii)  any  material  adverse  change in the  character  of the assets or
liabilities of Target;

        (iii)  any capital  improvements,  except for ordinary  maintenance  and
repairs,  by Target or any purchase of property by Target at a cost in excess of
$10,000 other than supplies in the ordinary course of business;

        (iv) any  physical damage,  destruction or loss not covered by insurance
(subject to applicable deductibles) exceeding $10,000 in value or affecting in a
material and adverse way the property, assets, business or prospects of Target;

        (v) any  material  change  in the  accounting  methods or  practices  of
Target  unless   required  by  regulation  or  generally   accepted   accounting

        (vi) any material change in the capital structure of Target;


        (vii)  any loss  incurred or  determined  to be probable for Target as a
result of  environmental  problems  which have,  or would be expected to have, a
material adverse effect on the financial position of Target; or

        (viii) any increase in the compensation  payable,  or to become payable,
by Target to any officers or employees, or any bonus,  percentage  compensation,
service  award or other like  benefit,  granted,  made or accrued  to, or to the
credit of, any  officers or  employees,  or any  pension,  retirement,  deferred
compensation or similar payment or arrangement made or agreed to by Target other
than in accordance  with  preexisting  plans or established  standards  (written
summaries of which are set forth in Schedule 4.1(e)(viii)).

     (f) Tax Matters.

        (i)  Target has filed all federal,  state,  municipal  and local income,
excise,  property,  special district,  sales, transfer and other tax returns and
reports  of  information  statements  which are  required  to be filed up to and
including the date hereof and have paid all taxes which have become due pursuant
to such returns or pursuant to any assessment  which has become payable.  Target
will  hereafter file such returns as are required to be filed by it prior to the
Closing Date and will pay all taxes which become due pursuant to such returns or
pursuant to any assessments.

        (ii) The  returns  filed and to be filed by Target have been and will be
accurately and properly prepared.

        (iii) To the extent that any tax liability or assessment  has accrued as
of the date of the Target Statements, but has not yet become payable or has been
proposed  for  assessment  or  determination  as  of  the  date  of  the  Target
Statements,  but remains  unpaid,  the same has been reflected as a liability on
the date of the Target Statements subject to normal year-end adjustments.  Since
the date of the Target  Statements,  Target has not incurred any liability  with
respect to any such taxes except for normal  taxes  incurred in the ordinary and
regular  course  of its  business,  all of  which  will be  fully  accrued  as a
liability on the books of Target at the Effective Date.

        (iv) Target has not executed or filed with the Internal  Revenue Service
or any other taxing authority any agreement  extending the period for assessment
or collection of any income taxes. As of the date of this  Agreement,  there are
no examinations,  reviews,  audits or investigations of any tax return or report
of Target  which are  presently  pending or, to the best of Target's  knowledge,
threatened, and Target is not a party to any pending action or proceeding by any
governmental authority for assessment or collection of income taxes.

     (g)  Title  to  Properties;  Absence  of  Liens  and  Encumbrances,  Leases

        (i)  Target  has  good and  marketable  title  to its  assets,  real and
personal  (including  those  reflected  in  the  Target  Statements,  except  as
thereafter sold or otherwise  disposed of in the ordinary course of business and
for adequate  consideration),  free and clear of all mortgages,  pledges, liens,
charges and encumbrances,  except (A) investment securities which are pledged to
secure the  deposit of public  monies or monies  under the control of any court,
(B) the lien of taxes not yet due and payable or being  contested  in good faith
by  appropriate   proceedings,   and  (C)  such   imperfections   of  title  and
encumbrances,  if any, and such liens, if any,  incidental to the conduct of its
businesses  or the  ownership of its assets as are not material in amount and do
not affect the value of, or  interfere  with the  present  use of, its assets or
otherwise materially impair its operations.


        (ii) The  structures,  personal  property and equipment owned or used by
Target comply with all applicable  laws,  regulations  and ordinances and are in
good operating condition, subject to ordinary wear and tear.

        (iii) The real  property,  if any,  leased by Target is held under valid
and  enforceable  leases.  Target is not in default  under any such leases.  All
rentals due and payable have been paid.

        (iv)  Schedule  4.1(g)(iv) sets forth a correct and complete list of all
real property owned or leased by Target.

     (h) Litigation.  There are no material claims, actions, suits,  proceedings
or investigations  pending,  threatened,  by or against, or otherwise materially
affecting  Target,  or its assets,  business or properties,  or the transactions
contemplated  by this  Agreement,  or its  directors,  officers or  employees in
reference to actions taken by it in such capacity at law or in equity, or before
or by any federal, state, municipal or other government department,  commission,
board,  agency,  instrumentality or authority,  nor is there any valid basis for
any such action, proceeding or investigation, other than (i) claims by Target in
the ordinary  course of its business for the recovery of loans or  protection of
its interest as a secured or unsecured  creditor,  and (ii) claims fully covered
by insurance, subject to applicable deductibles.

     (i) Authority Relative to This Agreement.

        (i) Target has the requisite corporate power and authority to enter into
this Agreement and perform its obligations hereunder.

        (ii) The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by Target
has been duly and effectively  authorized and approved by the Board of Directors
of Target,  subject to the  required  vote of its  shareholders,  and subject to
obtaining the  regulatory  approvals  and other  consents  contemplated  by this

        (iii) This  Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by Target and
constitutes a valid and binding  obligation of Target  enforceable in accordance
with its terms,  except as such  enforceability  may be  limited  by  applicable
bankruptcy,  reorganization,   insolvency,  moratorium  or  other  similar  laws
affecting  creditors'  rights generally and principles of equity  (regardless of
whether such enforceability is considered in a proceeding in equity or at law).

        (iv) The consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
will not in any material respect conflict with,  violate or result in a material
breach of or material  default of (A) any term,  condition  or  provision of the
articles of  association  or bylaws of Target;  (B) any  applicable  law,  rule,
regulation  or order of any court or  governmental  agency;  or (C) any material
agreement,  lease,  mortgage,  note, contract or commitment of any kind, oral or
written,  formal or  informal,  to which Target is a party or by which it or its
properties may be bound.


     (j)  Information  Furnished  to  TriCo  and  Tri  Counties.  The  documents
furnished  by  Target  to  TriCo  and Tri  Counties  (the  "Target  Documents"),
including  but not  limited to the Target  Disclosure  Schedules  and the Target
Statements,  are true and complete  copies of such  documents and do not contain
any  untrue  statement  of a  material  fact or omit to  state a  material  fact
necessary  in order to make the  statements  made  therein,  in the light of the
circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. There is no fact which
Target has not disclosed in the Target  Documents which materially and adversely
affects the properties,  business, prospects, profits or condition (financial or
otherwise) of Target or the ability of Target to perform this Agreement,  except
that  Target  makes no  representation  or  warranty as to the effect of general
economic conditions,  the condition of the financial markets, future legislation
or future regulatory action. The information  relating to Target included in the
Registration Statement that is furnished by Target to TriCo will be accurate and
complete in all  material  respects,  will not omit to state any  material  fact
required to be stated  therein or  necessary to prevent  such  information  from
being misleading, and will comply in all material respects with the requirements
of federal law at the date of first mailing of the Prospectus/Proxy Statement to
the shareholders of Target.

     (k) Compliance with Laws.

        (i)  Target  has  all  permits,  licenses,  authorizations,  orders  and
approvals of, and have made all filings,  applications and  registrations  with,
federal,  state,  local or foreign  governmental  or regulatory  bodies that are
required in order to permit it to own or lease its  properties and assets and to
carry on its  business  as  presently  conducted  and that are  material  to its
business;  all such permits,  licenses,  certificates  of authority,  orders and
approvals are in full force and effect and, to the best knowledge of Target,  no
suspension or cancellation  of any of them is threatened;  and all such filings,
applications and registrations are current.

        (ii) The conduct by Target of its business and the  condition and use of
its properties does not violate or infringe, in any respect material to any such
business,  any  applicable  domestic  (federal,  state or local) or foreign law,
statute, ordinance, license or regulation.

        (iii) Target is not in default under any order,  license,  regulation or
demand of any federal,  state,  municipal or other  governmental  agency or with
respect to any order, writ, injunction or decree of any court.

        (iv)  Except  for  statutory  or  regulatory   restrictions  of  general
application,  no federal,  state,  municipal or other governmental authority has
placed any restriction on the business or properties of Target which  reasonably
could  be  expected  to  have a  material  adverse  effect  on the  business  or
properties of Target taken as a whole.

        (v) Target is in material compliance with the Community Reinvestment Act
(12 et seq.) and all regulations promulgated thereunder.


     (l) Employee Benefit Plans.

        (i) True, accurate and complete copies of all pension plans,  retirement
plans,  profit-sharing  plans,  deferred  compensation  agreements,   collective
bargaining  agreements,  insurance plans or any other similar  employee  benefit
plans, agreements or arrangements of Target (the "Plans") have been furnished to
TriCo and Tri Counties.

        (ii) Each Plan which is intended to provide tax-deferred  benefits under
any provision of the Code, meets all requirements  that must be met in order for
such tax-deferred  benefits to be available.  There has been no change in any of
the  documents  delivered  to TriCo under which each Plan is  maintained  and no
change,  since each Plan's most recent  valuation  date, in the operation of the
Plan which could be expected to adversely  affect or alter the tax status of, or
materially increase the cost of maintaining, any such Plan.

        (iii)  The  reporting  and  disclosure   requirements  of  the  Employee
Retirement  Income  Security Act of 1974  ("ERISA") and the Code, as applicable,
and the group health plan  continuation  coverage  requirements  of the Code and
ERISA have been  fulfilled in all  material  respects.  Target has  furnished to
TriCo copies of all filings,  if any, with the Internal  Revenue Service and the
Department  of Labor or other  applicable  authority for each Plan's most recent
plan year.

        (iv) Neither Target,  any of the Plans,  any of the trusts created under
any Plan nor any trustee, administrator or other fiduciary of a Plan has engaged
in a  "prohibited  transaction,"  as such  term  is  defined  in the  applicable
provisions  of the Code or of ERISA,  or  otherwise  taken or omitted any action
which could subject the Plans, Target, any of the trusts created under a Plan or
any trustee or  administrator  thereof,  or any party dealing with such Plans or
trusts, to a material tax or penalty on prohibited transactions imposed by ERISA
or the Code or otherwise,  and neither Target, any Plan, any trust created under
a Plan nor any other  fiduciary of any Plan or its attendant  trust has breached
its  fiduciary  duties under ERISA in a manner which could result in a direct or
indirect  material  liability to Target or the trustee or  administrator  of any

        (v)  The  Pension  Benefit  Guaranty   Corporation  has  not  instituted
proceedings to terminate (or appoint a trustee to  administer)  any Plan, and no
event has occurred or  condition  exists which might  constitute  grounds  under
ERISA for the termination of (or the appointment of a trustee to administer) any

        (vi) The minimum funding requirements under the Code and ERISA have been
satisfied with respect to each Plan.

     (m)  Insurance.  The  properties  of  Target  are  insured  as set forth on
Schedule 4.1(m).

     (n) Environmental Protection.


        (i)  None  of the  assets  of  Target  (defined  for  purposes  of  this
subsection as the real property and tangible  personal  property owned or leased
by Target)  contain any  hazardous  materials  (defined as any  substance  whose
nature  and/or  quantity or  existence,  use,  manufacture  or effect  render it
subject to federal, state or local regulation as potentially injurious to public
health or  welfare  including,  without  limitation,  friable  asbestos  or PCBs
("Hazardous Materials")), other than in such quantities which are incidental and
customary  for the  maintenance  and  operation of such assets  (e.g.,  cleaning
fluids) ("Incidental Quantities").

        (ii)  No  notice or other  communication  has been made or issued by any
governmental  agency having  jurisdiction over Target, or any other person, with
respect to any alleged  violation  of any federal,  state or local laws,  rules,
regulations,  ordinances and codes governing  Hazardous  Materials and which are
applicable to the assets of Target.

        (iii) All Hazardous Materials which have been remediated from any assets
of Target  prior to or during  its  ownership  by Target  have been  handled  in
compliance with all applicable laws.

        (iv)  No  collateral  securing  any loan  made by  Target  contains  any
Hazardous Materials, other than in Incidental Quantities.

     (o) Employee Relations.  Copies of all employment agreements between Target
and its  employees  have been  delivered to TriCo and are  described on Schedule
4.1(o).  Target  has  complied  with  all  federal,  state  and  local  laws  or
regulations  applicable  to it  relating  to the  employment  of  labor  and the
provisions  of such laws or  regulations  relating  to wages,  nondiscriminatory
hiring and employment practices and procedures the violation of which would have
a materially adverse effect on the financial condition,  operations or prospects
of Target.  No claim has been made nor any proceeding  commenced  against Target
for any wages,  penalties  or other  liabilities  for failure to comply with any
such laws or  regulations.  Target is not subject to any  collective  bargaining
agreement with its employees.

     (p) Material  Contract  Defaults.  Target is not in default in any material
respect under the terms of any outstanding written or oral contract,  agreement,
lease or  other  commitment  which  is  material  to the  business,  operations,
properties, assets or the condition, financial or otherwise, of Target, or under
the  charter,  articles  of  association  or  bylaws  thereof,  and no event has
occurred which, with notice or lapse of time, or both, may be or become an event
of default  under any such  contract,  agreement,  lease or other  commitment or
under the charter,  articles of  association  or bylaws of Target.  All material
written or oral contracts are listed on Schedule 4.1(p).

     (q)  Agreements  with  Banking  Authorities.  Target  is not a party to any
written  agreement  or  memorandum  of  understanding  with any federal or state
administrative   agency  or  commission  or  other  governmental   authority  or
instrumentality  charged with  supervision  or regulation of banks or engaged in
the insurance of deposits which restricts materially the conduct of its business
or in any manner  relates to its capital  adequacy,  its credit  policies or its

     (r)  Reports.  For the last  three  years,  Target  has filed all  reports,
registrations and statements,  together with any required amendments thereto and
has paid  all  fees  and  assessments  due and  payable  therewith,  that it was
required  to file  with the OCC and all  other  federal  and  state  securities,
banking,   insurance   and  other   governmental   or   regulatory   authorities
(collectively,  the "Regulatory  Authorities").  All such reports and statements
required  to be filed  with  any  such  Regulatory  Authority  are  collectively
referred to herein as the  "Reports."  As of its  respective  date,  each Report
complied in all material respects with all the rules and regulations promulgated
by the applicable  Regulatory Authority and did not contain any untrue statement
of a  material  fact or omit to state a  material  fact  required  to be  stated
therein or necessary in order to make the  statements  therein,  in light of the
circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.


     (s) Loans.

        (i) The documentation relating to each loan made by Target, including as
to security interests,  mortgages and other liens with respect to the collateral
for  such  loans,  is  adequate  for the  enforcement  of the  loan  except  for
inadequacies  that will not in the aggregate  have a material  adverse effect on
the financial condition of Target and its subsidiaries taken as a whole.

        (ii) All evidences of indebtedness in the original  principal  amount in
excess of $5,000  reflected  as assets in the Target  Statements  as of June 30,
2002, were as of such dates in all material respects the binding  obligations of
the respective obligors named therein in accordance with their respective terms.
The allowance for loan losses shown on the Target Statements as of June 30, 2002
was, and the allowance  for loan losses to be shown on the Target  Statements as
of any date  subsequent to the execution of this  Agreement  will be, as of such
dates,  adequate to provide for possible losses,  net of recoveries  relating to
loans previously charged off, in respect of loans outstanding (including accrued
interest receivable) of Target and other extensions of credit (including letters
of credit or commitments to make loans or extend credit). The allowance for loan
losses  described in this Section  4.1(s)(ii) has been established in accordance
with GAAP as  applied  to  banking  institutions  and all  applicable  rules and
        (iii) Except as set forth on Schedule 4.1(s)(iii), Target is not a party
to any written or oral:

            (A) Loan agreement, note or borrowing arrangement, other than credit
card loans and other loans,  the unpaid  balance of which does not exceed $5,000
per loan,  under the terms of which the obligor is 60 days delinquent in payment
of principal or interest or in default of any other  material  provisions  as of
the date hereof;

            (B) Loan  agreement,  note or borrowing  arrangement  which has been
classified or should have been classified as substandard,  doubtful, loss, other
loans especially mentioned, other assets especially mentioned, or any comparable
classifications by such persons;

            (C) Loan  agreement,  note or borrowing  arrangement,  including any
loan guarantee,  with any director or executive officer of the Target or any 10%
or greater  shareholder  of the  Target,  or any  person or entity  controlling,
controlled by, or under common control with any of the foregoing; or


            (D)  Loan agreement,  note or borrowing  arrangement in violation of
any law, regulation or rule applicable to Target.

     (t) Tax and  Regulatory  Matters.  Target has no  knowledge  of any fact or
circumstance that would prevent the transactions  contemplated  pursuant to this
Agreement  from  qualifying  as a  tax-free  reorganization  under  the  Code or
materially impede or delay receipt of any required  regulatory approval referred
to in Section 3.1(c)

     (u) Brokers and Finders.  Except as set forth in Schedule  4.1(u),  neither
Target nor any  officer,  director or employee of Target has employed any broker
or finder or incurred any liability for any financial  advisory fees,  brokerage
fees,  commissions  or finder's fees, and no broker or finder has acted directly
or indirectly for Target in connection  with this Agreement or the  transactions
contemplated thereby.

     (v)  Intellectual  Property.  Schedule  4.1(v)  sets forth a  complete  and
correct  list of all  registered  trademarks,  service  marks,  trade  name  and
copyrights   owned  or  held  by  Target  or  used   under   license  by  Target
("Intellectual Property").  Target owns or has the right to use the Intellectual

     1.10  Representations  and Warranties of TriCo and Tri Counties.  TriCo and
Tri Counties hereby represent and warrant to Target as of the date hereof and up
to and including the Closing Date as follows:

     (a)  Organization.  TriCo  and Tri  Counties  are duly  organized,  validly
existing and in good standing under the laws of the State of  California.  TriCo
is a bank holding company  registered  under the Bank Holding Company Act. TriCo
and Tri Counties  and have the  requisite  corporate  power and  authority,  and
possess all material  governmental,  regulatory and other permits,  licenses and
other  authorization,  necessary to carry on their respective  businesses as now

     (b) Authority Relative to Agreement.

        (i) The execution,  delivery and  performance of this Agreement by TriCo
and Tri Counties has been duly and  effectively  authorized  and approved by the
respective  Boards of Directors  of TriCo and Tri Counties  subject to obtaining
the regulatory approvals and other consents contemplated by this Agreement.

        (ii)  The  approval  of  TriCo's   shareholders   is  not  required  for
consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

        (iii)  This  Agreement has been duly executed and delivered by TriCo and
Tri Counties and  constitutes  a valid and binding  obligation  of TriCo and Tri
Counties enforceable in accordance with its terms, except as such enforceability
may be limited by applicable bankruptcy, reorganization,  insolvency, moratorium
or other similar laws affecting  creditors'  rights  generally and principles of
equity (regardless of whether such  enforceability is considered in a proceeding
in equity or at law).


        (iv) The consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
will not in any material respect conflict with,  violate or result in a material
breach of or material  default in (A) any term,  condition  or  provision of the
articles of incorporation or charter,  as applicable,  or bylaws of TriCo or Tri
Counties;  (B) any  applicable  law,  rule,  regulation or order of any court or
governmental  agency;  or (C) any material  agreement,  lease,  mortgage,  note,
contract or  commitment  of any kind,  oral or written,  formal or informal,  to
which  either  TriCo  or Tri  Counties  is a party  or by  which  they or  their
properties may be bound.

     (c) Legal  Proceedings.  There are no legal  proceedings  pending  against,
affecting,  or to the  knowledge of TriCo or Tri  Counties,  threatened  against
TriCo or Tri Counties  which would  prevent or enjoin TriCo or Tri Counties from
carrying out their obligations under this Agreement;  and TriCo and Tri Counties
are not in default or in  violation  in any material way with respect to (i) any
order, writ, injunction or decree of any court, or (ii) any instrument, statute,
rule,   order  or  regulation  of  any  government,   governmental   department,
commission,  board, bureau,  agency or instrumentality,  and the consummation of
the  transactions  contemplated  by this Agreement  will not  constitute  such a

     (d) Applications to Regulators. All of the representations contained in the
applications  filed by TriCo and Tri Counties with  regulators with or on behalf
of Target will be at the time each were made accurate in all material  respects,
except TriCo and Tri Counties  make no  representation  as to matters  contained
therein  that are  based on  information  provided  by  Target  to TriCo and Tri

     (e)  Absence  of  Undisclosed  Liabilities.  Except  as and  to the  extent
reflected  or  reserved   against  in  the  financial   statements  (the  "TriCo
Statements")  contained  in  filings  made  or to be  made by  TriCo  under  the
reporting  provisions of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  which
comply in all material  respects  with  applicable  requirements  thereunder  or
disclosed by TriCo or Tri Counties to Target in writing,  TriCo and Tri Counties
have  no  material   liabilities  or  obligations  whether  accrued,   absolute,
contingent or otherwise,  including governmental charges or lawsuits, or any tax
liabilities  due or to become  due and  whether  (i)  incurred  in respect of or
measured by the income of TriCo and Tri  Counties for any period up to the close
of business on the respective dates of the TriCo Statements, or (ii) arising out
of transactions entered into, or any state of facts existing,  prior thereto. To
the best knowledge of TriCo and Tri Counties, TriCo and Tri Counties do not have
any liabilities or obligations, either accrued or contingent, which are material
to TriCo and Tri  Counties  and which  have not been  either  (i)  reflected  or
disclosed in the TriCo  Statements,  or (ii) incurred  subsequent to the date of
the TriCo Statements in the ordinary course of business.

     (f) Registration Statement.  Except for information provided by Target, the
information  included in the Registration  Statement or incorporated  therein by
reference, as of the date the Prospectus/Proxy  Statement is first mailed to the
Target  Shareholders,  and at all times subsequent  thereto, up to and including
the  date of the  Target  Shareholders  meeting  will  not  contain  any  untrue
statement  of a material  fact or omit to state a material  fact  required to be
stated therein or necessary to make the statements  contained therein,  in light
of the circumstances when made, not misleading.


     (g) TriCo Stock. The authorized capital stock of TriCo is 20,000,000 shares
of TriCo Stock and 1,000,000 shares of preferred stock of which 7,025,690 shares
of TriCo Stock and no shares of preferred stock are issued and outstanding as of
the date of this  Agreement.  The TriCo Stock issued in the Merger will be, when
issued, duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable.

     (h) Reports.  For the last three years,  TriCo and Tri Counties  have filed
all reports, registrations and statements, together with any required amendments
thereto and have paid all fees and assessments due and payable  therewith,  that
each was required to file with (i) the SEC, (ii) the Federal Reserve Board,  and
(iii) all other Regulatory Authorities. All such reports and statements required
to be filed with any such  Regulatory  Authority  are  collectively  referred to
herein as the "Reports." As of its respective  date, each Report complied in all
material  respects  with  all  the  rules  and  regulations  promulgated  by the
applicable  Regulatory  Authority and did not contain any untrue  statement of a
material fact or omit to state a material fact required to be stated  therein or
necessary in order to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances
under which they were made, not misleading.

     (i) Tax and  Regulatory  Matters.  TriCo  has no  knowledge  of any fact or
circumstance  that would prevent the transaction  contemplated  pursuant to this
Agreement  from  qualifying  as a  tax-free  reorganization  under  the  Code or
materially impede or delay receipt of any required  regulatory approval referred
to in Section 3.1(c).


     1.11 Covenants of Target.  Target  covenants with TriCo and Tri Counties as
an inducement to TriCo and Tri Counties to enter into this Agreement that:

     (a) Access to Information  Concerning  Properties and Records.  Target will
give to TriCo  and Tri  Counties  and to their  counsel,  accountants  and other
representatives  ("advisers"),  upon reasonable  notice,  during normal business
hours  throughout  the period prior to the  Effective  Time,  full access to the
books, records,  customer and loan files, contracts,  and commitments of Target,
except for  documents as to which there exists an  attorney-client  privilege or
except as otherwise  restricted  by law.  For the period prior to the  Effective
Time, Target shall deliver to TriCo and Tri Counties such statements,  schedules
and reports  concerning  the business,  operations  and  financial  condition of
Target as are  regularly  provided to its Boards of  Directors  at such times as
they are regularly supplied to their Boards of Directors.

     (b)  Conduct  of  Business.   Until  the  Effective  Time  or  the  earlier
termination of this  Agreement,  and except as contemplated by this Agreement or
disclosed  in the Target  Disclosure  Schedules  or as consented to or otherwise
approved by TriCo and Tri Counties in writing,  which consent or approval  shall
not be unreasonably withheld:

        (i) the  business  of Target  shall be  conducted  only in the  ordinary
course  which,  without  limitation,  shall  include  using its best  efforts to
maintain in force the insurance  policies now in effect,  or insurance  policies
providing  substantially  the same coverage to the extent such coverage  remains
available to Target with acceptable limitations and at a reasonable cost;


        (ii) no change shall be made in the charter or bylaws of Target;

        (iii)  except as the result of the  cancellation  or exercise of Options
granted  pursuant to Target's Stock Option Plan as  contemplated in Section 2.2,
no change  shall be made in the  number of  shares  of  capital  stock of Target
issued  and  outstanding,  nor  shall any  option,  warrant,  call,  convertible
security, commitment or other right be granted or made by Target relating to its
authorized or issued capital stock;

        (iv) no purchase  order,  contract or commitment  (other than  deposits,
loans,  loan  commitments and investments or the sale of other real estate owned
in the  ordinary  course of business of Target)  shall be entered  into by or on
behalf of Target extending for more than one year or involving payment by Target
of more than  $10,000 in any one  contract  or related  series of  contracts  or
otherwise materially affecting its business;

        (v) except as otherwise  provided  herein,  no  employment  agreement or
other  agreement shall be entered into with any employee of Target and no salary
or benefits of any employee of Target shall be increased and no employee benefit
plan shall be  modified  or  amended,  provided,  however,  that  Target may pay
bonuses to employees in December 2002 in a manner  consistent with Target's past
practices from amounts accrued by Target for such purpose in 2002;

        (vi) Target shall use its best efforts,  consistent  with conducting its
business in accordance with its own business judgment,  to retain its depositors
and  customers  and to preserve its business in its present form and to preserve
the good will of the depositors,  customers and others having business relations
with Target;

        (vii)  Target  shall  duly  comply  in all  material  respects  with all
applicable  laws, the failure to comply with which would have a material adverse
effect upon its business or financial condition;

        (viii) no dividends shall be paid, or  distributions  made, with respect
to Target Stock;

        (ix) no loans in excess of $250,000 will be made and no security will be
purchased or sold by Target  without  providing  TriCo and Tri  Counties  with a
reasonable opportunity to review such transaction and comment thereon;

        (x)  Target shall not enter into or be obligated to pay any  obligations
under employment, severance or other agreements between Target and its employees
related to the  termination  of such  agreements,  other than those set forth on
Schedule 5.1(b)(x) hereto.


     (c) Confidentiality.

        (i)  Until the  Effective  Time,  Target  shall not,  without  the prior
written consent of TriCo and Tri Counties,  disclose to third parties, and shall
use care to assure that its directors,  officers,  employees and advisers do not
disclose to third parties, any confidential information concerning TriCo and Tri
Counties,  which  shall  include  all  information  received  from TriCo and Tri
Counties in the course of discussing, investigating,  negotiating and performing
the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,  whether such information has
been obtained before or after the date of execution of this Agreement.  The term
"confidential  information" does not include  information which (A) was known to
Target, its directors, officers, employees or advisers from a source not under a
duty of  confidentiality  to  TriCo  or Tri  Counties  prior  to the time of its
disclosure  by TriCo  and Tri  Counties;  (B) is or  becomes  publicly  known or
available;  or (C) is  independently  developed or  discovered  by Target or its
directors,   officers,   employees  or  advisers  outside  of  the  discussions,
investigations,  negotiations  and  performance  contemplated by this Agreement.
"Third parties" do not include the directors, officers, employees or advisors of
TriCo and Tri Counties.

        (ii) In the event that the Merger is not consummated,  or this Agreement
is otherwise terminated,  Target shall promptly return to TriCo and Tri Counties
all such  confidential  information (and all copies thereof),  without retaining
any copies,  or to the extent  agreed by TriCo and Tri  Counties,  shall destroy
information and documents not to be returned,  including all electronic  images,
and  confirm  such  destruction  in  writing  to  TriCo  and Tri  Counties;  and
thereafter  all such  information  shall continue not to be disclosed by Target,
and its  directors,  officers,  employees,  agents and advisers to third parties
without the written consent of TriCo and Tri Counties.

     (d) No Shopping.

        (i) Without TriCo's prior written  consent,  Target and its officers and
directors  will not,  and Target  shall direct and use its best efforts to cause
its directors, officers, investment bankers, attorneys,  accountants,  advisors,
employees, agents and representatives to not, during the period beginning on the
date hereof and ending on the consummation or termination of this Agreement: (A)
sell or arrange  for the sale of any Target  capital  stock;  or (B)  negotiate,
solicit or encourage or authorize any person to solicit from any third party any
proposals relating to the merger or consolidation of Target,  disposition of the
business or assets of Target or the  acquisition of the capital stock of Target;
or (C) except to the extent  legally  required for the discharge by the Board of
Directors  of its  fiduciary  duties,  make any  information  concerning  Target
available  to any  person  for the  purpose  of  affecting  or causing a merger,
consolidation or disposition of Target or its assets or common stock.

        (ii)  Target  shall  notify TriCo and Tri Counties of the details of any
indication of interest of any person,  partnership  or corporation to acquire by
any means a  controlling  interest  in Target,  or a  majority  of the assets or
deposits  of Target,  within two (2)  business  days of its  receipt of any such
indication of interest.

        (iii) In the event the Board of Directors of Target receives a bona fide
offer for a purchase or transfer of 10% or more of Target's  assets or deposits,
or related ownership  interest,  and without having received the written consent
of TriCo shall have  determined to accept such offer or to recommend to Target's
Shareholders  to accept such offer,  then Target shall be liable to TriCo in the
amount of $1,000,000 as liquidated  damages,  the payment of which shall be made
before the acceptance of such offer. It is acknowledged and understood by Target
that the calculation,  ascertainment or quantification of the amount of monetary
damages  which  would be  sustained  by TriCo as a result of the  acceptance  or
recommendation  of  acceptance  of any such  offer by  Target is  uncertain  and
problematic and that TriCo would suffer substantial  damages to its business and
operations  which  cannot be measured  with  certainty  in monetary  terms,  and
recognizing such, Target agrees that the foregoing amount of liquidated  damages
is a  reasonable  estimate of the amount of damages  which would be sustained by
TriCo in the event that Target,  during the term of this  Agreement  and without
having  received the written  consent of TriCo,  shall have determined to accept
any such  offer  or to  recommend  to its  shareholders  that any such  offer be
approved or accepted.


     (e) Information for  Applications  and Statements.  Target shall furnish to
TriCo and Tri  Counties in a timely  manner all  information  concerning  Target
required for  inclusion in the  Registration  Statement and all other federal or
state  regulatory  applications  to be  filed,  and  in  any  other  notices  or
statements  to be  made  by  TriCo  and  Tri  Counties  to any  governmental  or
regulatory  body  required to  consummate  the  Merger.  Target  represents  and
warrants  that all  information  so  furnished  shall be true and correct in all
material respects.

     (f)  Shareholder  Meeting.  Target  shall  take  all  action  necessary  in
accordance  with  applicable law and its articles of  association  and bylaws to
convene a meeting of shareholders to vote upon this Agreement and the Merger. In
connection  therewith,  Target shall mail to all shareholders of record entitled
to vote at such meeting the Prospectus/Proxy Statement which shall indicate that
the Board of Directors of Target has, by resolution,  approved the Merger on the
terms and  subject to the  conditions  set forth in this  Agreement.  Subject to
applicable  laws,  Target  shall use  reasonable  efforts  to  solicit  from its
shareholders  proxies in favor of such  adoption and approval and shall take all
other  reasonable   action  necessary  or  helpful  to  secure  a  vote  of  its
shareholders in favor of the Merger.

     (g) Affiliate's  Letter.  Target shall obtain and deliver to TriCo prior to
the filing of the Registration Statement a signed letter in the form attached as
Exhibit B from each  Target  Shareholder  who may be  deemed an  "affiliate"  of
Target with the meaning of such term as used in Rule 145 under the 1933 Act.

     (h) Due  Diligence.  Target shall deliver by the Closing Date all opinions,
certificates and other documents required to be delivered by it and to cause all
conditions to Closing being satisfied in a timely manner.

     (i)  Attendance  at Target  Board  Meetings.  In order to keep TriCo  fully
advised  of  Target's   ongoing   activities,   Target  shall  allow  TriCo  one
representative to attend, as a guest, all Board and committee meetings of Target
(except  when  the  subject  matter  is  this  Agreement  and  the  transactions
contemplated  by this  Agreement and the Board  determines  that the presence of
such   representative   is  not  in  the  best   interests  of  Target  and  its
shareholders).  TriCo  shall  receive  written  notice of all  Target  Board and
committee  meetings by the later of 10 days before such meeting or  concurrently
with written notice to Target's directors.

     (j)  Conditions  Precedent.  Target  shall use  reasonable  best efforts to
satisfy the conditions set forth in Section 5.1.


     (k) Expenses. Target shall take all actions necessary to accrue as expenses
on its books as of the Closing Date those items reasonably requested by TriCo.

     1.12  Covenants of TriCo and Tri Counties.  TriCo and Tri  Counties,  as an
inducement to Target to enter into this Agreement, covenant that:

     (a) Approvals of Regulatory Authorities. As soon as practicable,  TriCo and
Tri Counties shall file applications with the proper Regulatory  Authorities for
approval  of the  Merger  and the  acquisition  of  Target  by TriCo  and  shall
thereafter  take all action with due  diligence  to obtain the  approval of such
Regulatory  Authorities.  To the extent permitted by law, all filings,  requests
for approval or other  submissions  for any  regulatory  approval  shall be made
available for review by Target prior to filing.

(b)      Confidentiality.

        (i) Until the Merger is  consummated,  TriCo and Tri Counties shall not,
without the prior  written  consent of Target,  disclose to third  parties,  and
shall use care to assure that its directors, officers, employees and advisers do
not disclose to third parties, any confidential  information  concerning Target,
which  shall  include  all  information  received  from  Target in the course of
discussing,   investigating,   negotiating   and  performing  the   transactions
contemplated  by this  Agreement,  whether such  information  has been  obtained
before or after the date of execution of this Agreement.  The term "confidential
information"  does not include  information  which (A) is known to TriCo and Tri
Counties, or their directors, officers, employees or advisers, from a source not
under a duty of  confidentiality  to Target prior to their disclosure by Target;
(B) is or becomes publicly known or available; or (C) is independently developed
or discovered by TriCo and Tri Counties, or their directors, officers, employees
or  advisers  outside  of  the  discussions,  investigations,  negotiations  and
performance  contemplated  by this  Agreement.  "Third  parties"  do not include
directors, officers, employees or advisors of Target.

        (ii) In the event that the Merger is not consummated,  or this Agreement
is otherwise terminated,  TriCo and Tri Counties shall promptly return to Target
all such  confidential  information (and all copies thereof),  without retaining
any copies,  or to the extent agreed by Target,  shall destroy  information  and
documents not to be returned,  including all electronic images, and confirm such
destruction  in writing to Target;  and thereafter  all such  information  shall
continue not to be  disclosed  by TriCo and Tri  Counties  and their  directors,
officers,  employees  or  advisors to third  parties  without  Target's  written

     (c) Registration of TriCo Stock.  TriCo shall promptly prepare and file the
Registration  Statement  with  the SEC  and  shall  make  all  applicable  state
securities  filings,  shall  provide  Target  and  its  legal  counsel  with  an
opportunity  to review  and  comment  on the  Registration  Statement  and state
securities  filings,  and shall take all reasonable steps necessary to cause the
Registration Statement and state filings to be declared effective.

     (d) Due Diligence. TriCo and Tri Counties shall deliver by the Closing Date
all opinions,  certificates  and other documents  required to be delivered by it
and to cause all conditions to Closing being satisfied in a timely manner.

- -28-

     (e) Status Reports. TriCo and Tri Counties shall advise Target from time to
time regarding TriCo's and Tri Counties' applications for regulatory approval of
the  Merger  and  provide   Target   copies  of  all   applications,   comments,
correspondence  and  approvals  to or from  regulators  in  connection  with the
applications and give Target copies of all regulatory  approvals  referred to in
this Agreement.

     (f) Conditions  Precedent.  TriCo and TriCounties shall use reasonable best
efforts to satisfy the conditions set forth in Section 5.2.

     (g) No Shopping.

        (i)  TriCo and its  officers  and  directors  shall not, and TriCo shall
direct  and use its  best  efforts  to  cause  its and Tri  Counties  directors,
officers,  investment  bankers,  attorneys,  accountants,  advisors,  employees,
agents and  representatives  to not,  during the  period  beginning  on the date
hereof and ending on the  termination or  consummation  of this  Agreement:  (A)
negotiate,  solicit or  encourage  or  authorize  any person to solicit from any
third party any proposals  relating to the merger or  consolidation  of TriCo or
Tri  Counties  where TriCo or Tri  Counties is not the  surviving  entity or the
shareholders  of TriCo  immediately  before  the  transaction  hold  less than a
majority  of  the  outstanding   equity   securities  of  the  surviving  entity
immediately  after completion of the  transaction,  disposition of substantially
all of the business or assets of TriCo or the acquisition of  substantially  all
of the  capital  stock of TriCo or Tri  Counties;  or (B)  except to the  extent
legally  required for the  discharge by the Board of Directors of its  fiduciary
duties or pursuant to federal  securities laws, make any information  concerning
TriCo  available  to any person for the purpose of affecting or causing an event
described in (A) above.

        (ii) TriCo and Tri Counties  shall not,  during the period  beginning on
the date hereof and ending on the termination or consummation of this Agreement,
acquire a financial institution in Butte County, California, other than Target.

        (iii)  In the  event  the Board of  Directors  of TriCo or Tri  Counties
enters into an agreement  for a  transaction  described in Section  5.2(g)(i) or
(ii) and, as a result,  terminates this Agreement or such agreement provides for
termination of this Agreement or otherwise  contemplates  that the Merger not be
completed,  then TriCo shall be liable to Target in the amount of  $1,000,000 as
liquidated damages,  the payment of which shall be made before TriCo enters into
such  transaction.   It  is  acknowledged  and  understood  by  TriCo  that  the
calculation,  ascertainment or  quantification of the amount of monetary damages
which  would  be  sustained  by  Target  as  a  result  of  the   acceptance  or
recommendation  of  acceptance  of any such  offer by  TriCo  is  uncertain  and
problematic and that Target would suffer substantial damages to its business and
operations  which  cannot be measured  with  certainty  in monetary  terms,  and
recognizing  such, TriCo agrees that the foregoing amount of liquidated  damages
is a  reasonable  estimate of the amount of damages  which would be sustained by
Target in the event that TriCo,  during the term of this  Agreement  and without
having  received the written  consent of Target,  shall have determined to enter
into any such transaction.


     (h) Prior to the Effective  Date,  TriCo shall take all actions,  including
adoption of an appropriate  board resolution,  as may be reasonably  required to
cause the acquisition of equity  securities of TriCo,  including TriCo Stock and
TriCo  Options,  as  contemplated  by the provisions of this  Agreement,  by any
person who is or will become a director  or officer of TriCo to be eligible  for
exemption under Rule 16b-3(d) of the Exchange Act.


     1.13 Termination. This Agreement may be terminated and the Merger abandoned
(either before or after  approvals and  authorizations  by the  shareholders  of
Target contemplated hereby and without seeking further shareholder  approval) at
any time prior to the Effective Time only in one of the following manners:

     (a) Mutual Agreement.  By mutual written consent of the parties  authorized
by their respective Boards of Directors at any time prior to the Effective Time.

     (b)  Expiration  of Time.  By written  notice  from Target to TriCo or from
TriCo to Target,  if the Closing Date shall not have  occurred on or before June
30, 2003.

     (c) Breach. By written notice from TriCo to Target or from Target to TriCo,
in  the  event  of  a  material   breach  by  the  other  party  hereto  of  any
representation,   warranty,  covenant  or  other  agreement  contained  in  this
Agreement,  which breach is not cured after 30 days' written  notice  thereof is
given to the party committing such breach by the other party.

     (d) Environmental Report. TriCo shall have the right, in its discretion and
at its sole expense,  to arrange with an environmental  consultant to prepare an
environmental  report on any  property  owned or leased by Target or Target Bank
within the time allowed by Section 3.3(h). If such report indicates the presence
of Hazardous  Materials on any such property or properties  and if the costs for
any remediation  indicated by such reports are deemed  material by TriCo,  TriCo
shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by written notice to Target.

     (e)  Review  of  Target  Disclosure  Schedules.  By TriCo  within  five (5)
business days of receipt by TriCo of the Target Disclosure Schedules.

     (f) Material Adverse Change.  At any time during the thirty (30) days prior
to the Closing Date,  TriCo shall be entitled to conduct a pre-closing  audit or
review of Target and the financial  condition of Target,  and this Agreement may
be  terminated  by TriCo if TriCo  determines,  based upon such audit or review,
that the condition of Target has undergone material adverse change from the date
of this Agreement.

     (g) By Target if the Average Closing Price is less than $20.80.


     1.14  Expenses  and  Damages.  Each  party  shall pay its own  expenses  in
connection with the Agreement and the Merger.  Nothing contained in this Section
6.2 shall be deemed to preclude  either from seeking to recover damages which it
incurs as a result of breach by the other party of this  Agreement  or to obtain
other legal or equitable relief (including specific  performance).  In the event
of the  termination  of this Agreement or the  abandonment  of the  transactions
contemplated  hereby by Target or TriCo  otherwise than as allowed under Section
6.1(a),  (b), (d), (e), (f), (g) or (h) this Agreement,  then the terminating or
abandoning  party shall pay to the other party an  aggregate  fee of $500,000 in
cash,  which amount the terminating or abandoning party agrees is reasonable and
full liquidated  damages and reasonable  compensation to the other party for its
involvement  in the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement and is not a
penalty or  forfeiture.  If Target  terminates  this  Agreement  in violation of
Section 5.1(d),  Target shall pay the amount set forth in Section 5.1(d)(iii) in
lieu of the amount  set forth in this  Section  6.2.  If TriCo  terminates  this
Agreement in violation of Section  5.2(g),  TriCo shall pay the amount set forth
in Section 5.2(g)(iii) in lieu of the amount set forth in this Section 6.2.

     1.15 Effect of Termination.  Upon termination by written notice as provided
in Section 6.1 of this Agreement, this Agreement shall be void and of no further
effect,  except as set forth in Section  6.2,  Section  5.1(c) or (d) or Section
5.2(b) or (g), and there shall be no  liability  by reason of this  Agreement or
the  termination  thereof  on the  part of  either  TriCo  or  Target  or  their
directors,  officers,  employees,  agents or shareholders,  and all such parties
shall be released from all such liability, except as set forth in, or for breach
of obligations in, Section 6.2, Section 5.1(c) or (d) or Section 5.2(b) or (g).

     1.16 Press  Releases  and  Public  Statements.  No press  release or public
statement  will be issued  relating  to the  transactions  contemplated  by this
Agreement without prior approval of TriCo and Target.  However,  notwithstanding
the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement,  either TriCo, Tri Counties or
Target may issue at any time any press  release  or other  public  statement  it
believes,  on the written  advice of its  counsel,  it is  obligated to issue to
avoid  liability  under  applicable law relating to  disclosures,  but the party
issuing  such press  release  or public  statement  shall make every  reasonable
effort to give the other party prior notice and an opportunity to participate in
such release or statement.

     1.17  Board of  Directors.  TriCo and Tri  Counties  shall  use their  best
efforts  to appoint  Steve  Nettleton  to their  respective  Board of  Directors
immediately after the Effective Time.

     1.18 Employees and Employee Benefits.  All employees of Target who continue
as employees of Tri Counties after the Merger shall (i) receive  service credits
for employment at Target prior to the Effective Time for purposes of meeting all
the eligibility  requirements and all vesting  requirements for all Tri Counties
benefit programs which such employees shall become eligible to participate in on
or after the Effective Time including,  but not limited to, health,  retirement,
vacation and disability  plans but excluding the TriCo employee stock  ownership
plan, (ii) be subject to Tri Counties'  employment  policies,  and (iii) receive
compensation equivalent to their compensation from Target as of the date hereof.
Notwithstanding  anything  set forth in this Section 6.6 to the  contrary,  each
Target  employee  shall be entitled to  participate as a newly hired employee in
the TriCo  employee  stock  ownership  plan for the  purpose of  satisfying  any
eligibility  or vesting  periods  applicable  to such plan.  Tri Counties  shall
provide   continuation  of  medical   insurance   coverage   through  COBRA  for
pre-existing  medical  conditions  (to the extent such  condition  is  currently
covered  under the Target  plan) to any  employee of Target who  continues as an
employee of Tri Counties,  and where such medical insurance  coverages available
to such former  employees of Target who become  employees of Tri Counties  would
otherwise  result in a loss of such  coverage as a result of a change in medical
insurance resulting from the Merger.


     1.19  Indemnification  and  Insurance.  From and after the  Effective  Time
through the second  anniversary of the Effective Time, TriCo agrees to indemnify
and hold  harmless  each  present and former  director and officer of Target and
each  officer or  employee of Target that is serving or has served as a director
or  trustee  of another  entity  expressly  at  Target's  request or  direction,
determined as of the Effective  Time (the  "Indemnified  Parties"),  against any
costs or expenses  (including  reasonable  attorneys' fees),  judgments,  fines,
losses,  claims,  damages or  liabilities  (collectively,  "Costs")  incurred in
connection with any claim,  action, suit,  proceeding or investigation,  whether
civil,  criminal,  administrative  or  investigative,  arising  out  of  matters
existing or occurring at or prior to the  Effective  Time,  whether  asserted or
claimed  prior to, at or after the Effective  Time,  to the fullest  extent that
Target would have been permitted  under the CGCL (as if the CGCL were applicable
to  Target)  and its  articles  of  association  or bylaws in effect on the date
hereof to  indemnify  such  person (and TriCo or the  Surviving  Bank shall also
advance  expenses as incurred to the fullest extent  permitted under  applicable
law and its  articles of  incorporation  and bylaws  provided the person to whom
expenses are advanced  provides an  undertaking  to repay such advances if it is
ultimately  determined  that such person is not  entitled  to  indemnification);
provided,  however, in no event shall any person be indemnified  hereunder if it
is ultimately  determined  that such person was not entitled to  indemnification
under  applicable law. Target shall be permitted to purchase tail coverage for a
period of two years  after  the  Effective  Date  with  respect  to its  current
directors and officers liability  insurance policy with coverage similar to that
in place on the date of this  Agreement,  unless TriCo  provides  evidence  that
directors  and  officers  of Target  will be insured  for claims  made after the
Closing Date for acts,  omissions  or events  occurring on or before the Closing
Date. This Section 6.7 shall not contradict any statutory requirements TriCo may
have to indemnify the Indemnified Parties.

     1.20 Knowledge.  Whenever the term "knowledge," "best knowledge" or similar
expression  is used in this  Agreement,  it shall  mean  knowledge  of a party's
respective directors and executive officers.

     1.21  Desirable  Amendments.  Subject to the  performance of the respective
fiduciary  obligations  of each  party,  if at any time after the date hereof it
shall  appear that any change or changes in the  structure  of the  transactions
contemplated  hereby shall be  necessary or desirable to comply with  applicable
law,  or to  comply  with the  requirements  of  regulatory  authorities  having
jurisdiction over the transactions so as to enable the transactions contemplated
hereby to be consummated,  the parties hereto agree to use their best efforts to
effect  such  changes in this  Agreement  and the other  documents  contemplated
hereby in taking such other  actions as may be required to effect such  changes,
provided  that neither  party hereto shall be required to agree to any change in
the amount or form of consideration set forth herein.

     1.22  Benefits  of  this  Agreement.  This  Agreement  and the  rights  and
obligations of TriCo, Tri Counties and Target hereunder shall not be assigned by
any party to any third  party,  except  with the prior  written  consent  of the
other.  This  Agreement  shall be binding  upon and inure to the  benefit of the
parties hereto and their respective permitted successors and assigns. Nothing in
this  Agreement,  expressed  or implied,  is intended to confer upon any person,
other than the parties hereto,  the  shareholders of Target and their respective
permitted  successors and assigns,  any rights or remedies under or by reason of
this Agreement and, except as aforesaid,  there are no third-party beneficiaries
of this Agreement.


     1.23  Notices.  Any notice,  request,  instruction,  legal process or other
instrument  to be given or served  hereunder  by any party to  another  shall be
deemed  given or  served  if in  writing  and  delivered  personally  or sent by
registered  or certified  mail,  postage  prepaid,  to the  respective  party or
parties at the following addresses:

If to TriCo and/or Tri Counties:

Richard P. Smith
Chief Executive Officer
63 Constitution Circle
Chico, CA  95973

With copies to:

Rothgerber Johnson & Lyons LLP
Attn:  Karen L. Witt, Esq.
1200 17th Street, Suite 3000
Denver, CO  80202

If to Target:

John A. Lucchesi
Chief Executive Officer
North State National Bank
525 Salem Street
Chico, CA  95927-3235

With copies to:

Stewart Humphreys Burchett Sandelman & Molin
Attn:  Ronald E. Stewart, Esq.
3100 Cohasset Road
P.O. Box 720
Chico, CA  95927


Bingham McCutchen LLP
Attn:  Thomas G. Reddy, Esq.
Three Embarcadero Center
San Francisco, CA 94111

and to such other person or address or  addresses as either party may  designate
to the other by like notice as set forth above.


     1.24 Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between
the parties  hereto with  respect to the  transactions  contemplated  hereby and
thereby  supersedes all prior and  contemporaneous  agreements,  understandings,
negotiations and discussions, whether oral or written, of the parties, and there
are no warranties,  representations,  covenants or other agreements  between the
parties in connection with the subject matter hereof except as specifically  set
forth herein.

     1.25 Waiver or  Modification.  Any party to this Agreement may, at any time
prior to the  Effective  Time,  by  action  taken by its Board of  Directors  or
officers thereunto duly authorized, waive any of the terms or conditions of this
Agreement  or agree to an  amendment  or  modification  to this  Agreement by an
agreement  in writing  executed in the same manner (but not  necessarily  by the
same persons) as this  Agreement.  No amendment,  modification or waiver of this
Agreement  shall be binding unless  executed in writing by the party to be bound
thereby. No waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed or
shall  constitute  a waiver  of any  other  provisions  hereof  (whether  or not
similar),  nor  shall  any  waiver  constitute  a  continuing  waiver  unless so
expressly  provided.  Target's Board of Directors may authorize the amendment or
supplementation  of this Agreement or waiver of any provision hereof or thereof,
either  before or after the  approval  of  Target's  shareholders  (and  without
seeking further shareholder approval), so long as such amendment,  supplement or
waiver does not result in the reduction of the consideration  given or result in
an adverse tax or other effect to Target's shareholders.

     1.26  Controlling Law. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with
the laws of the State of  California,  except to the extent that  federal law is

     1.27 Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in any number of copies,
each of which shall be deemed an original,  and all of which  together  shall be
deemed one and the same instrument.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  pursuant to  authority  duly given by the  respective
Boards of Directors of TriCo,  Tri Counties and Target,  this Agreement has been
signed  on behalf  of said  corporations  by their  respective  Chairmen  of the
Boards,  Presidents  or  Vice  Presidents,  as the  case  may  be,  under  their
respective  corporate  seals,  and attested by their  respective  Secretaries or
Assistant Secretaries, as the case may be, all on the date, month and year first
written above.  The signature of a Secretary or Assistant  Secretary is intended
not only as an execution hereof,  but also is a certification that such parties'
Board of  Directors  has duly  authorized  the  execution  and  delivery of this

                                        TRICO BANCSHARES

                                        By: /s/ Richard P. Smith
Attest:                                       Richard P. Smith, President

Name:    /s/ Wendell Lundberg
Title:   Secretary


                                        TRI COUNTIES BANK

                                        By:  /s/ Richard P. Smith
Attest:                                       Richard P. Smith, President

Name:    /s/ Wendell Lundberg
Title:   Secretary

                                        NORTH STATE NATIONAL BANK

                                        By:  /s/ John A. Lucchesi
Attest:                                 Name:  John A. Lucchesi
                                        Title:  President & CEO

Name:    /s/ Sheila Christenson
Title:   Executive Secretary/Assistant Cashier


                                                                       EXHIBIT A

                               AGREEMENT OF MERGER

     This  Agreement of Merger (the "Merger  Agreement")  is entered into by and
among TriCo  Bancshares,  a California  corporation  and registered bank holding
company  ("TriCo"),  Tri Counties Bank, a California  banking  corporation ("Tri
Counties"),  and North State  National  Bank,  a national  banking  organization
("North State"),  as of the ______ day of __________,  2003. TriCo, Tri Counties
and North State are sometimes collectively referred to herein as the "Parties."


     1. The Boards of  Directors  of the Parties  have  approved,  and deemed it
advisable  and  in the  best  interest  of  the  Parties  and  their  respective
shareholders,  that the Parties consummate the business transaction provided for
herein  in which  North  State  would  merge  with and  into Tri  Counties  (the

     2. The Parties  have  entered  into an  Acquisition  Agreement  and Plan of
Merger,  dated as of October  ___,  2002 (the  "Plan"),  providing,  among other
things,  for  the  execution  and  filing  of  this  Merger  Agreement  and  the
consummation of the Merger.

     NOW  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the mutual  promises and  agreements
contained in this Merger  Agreement and the Plan,  the Parties hereby agree that
North State shall be merged with and into Tri  Counties in  accordance  with the
provisions of the laws of the State of California  and subject to the conditions
as set forth as follows:

                                   The Merger.

     1.28 The Merger shall be pursuant to the provisions of, and with the effect
provided in, the California General Corporation Law and the California Financial
Code, and the Merger shall become  effective on the date (the "Effective  Date")
an original of this Merger  Agreement  which has been endorsed by the California
Commissioner of Financial  Institutions  and certified by the Secretary of State
of the  State  of  California  is  filed  with the  California  Commissioner  of
Financial Institutions.

     1.29 On the Effective  Date,  North State shall be merged with and into Tri
Counties,  and Tri Counties shall be the surviving  corporation  (the "Surviving
Corporation")  in the Merger in accordance with the terms and provisions of this
Merger  Agreement and the Plan. Tri Counties shall  thereupon  succeed,  without
other  transfer,  to all rights and  properties  of, and shall be subject to all
debts and liabilities of, North State, and the separate existence of North State
shall cease.

                              Corporate Governance.

     1.30 From and after the  Effective  Date and until  thereafter  amended  as
provided by law:

                                                                       EXHIBIT A

               a.  Articles  of  Incorporation  of  Tri  Counties  as in  effect
          immediately  prior to the  Effective  Date shall be and continue to be
          the Articles of Incorporation of the Surviving Corporation; and

               b. The Bylaws of Tri Counties as in effect  immediately  prior to
          the  Effective  Date  shall be and  continue  to be the  Bylaws of the
          Surviving Corporation.

     1.31 From and after the Effective  Date,  the directors and officers of Tri
Counties,  with the  addition of Steve  Nettleton  as a  director,  shall be the
directors and officers of the Surviving Corporation,  and they shall continue to
hold office from and after the Effective  Date until they shall have resigned or
shall have been legally removed or until  respective  successors shall have been
elected and qualified.

                     Effect of Merger On Outstanding Shares.

     1.32 The  outstanding  shares of common stock of North State  ("North State
Common Stock") validly issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Effective
Date  shall by virtue of the Merger  and  without  any action on the part of the
holders  thereof be converted into and represent the right to receive  aggregate
cash  consideration  of  $13,000,000  and 784,000  shares of TriCo common stock,
subject to the adjustments set forth in the Plan.

     1.33 Each outstanding option to purchase shares of North State Common Stock
will be converted  into an option to purchase a number of shares of TriCo common
stock  equal to the  number  of shares of Target  Stock  subject  to the  option
multiplied by the Exchange  Ratio (as defined in the Plan),  rounded down to the
nearest full share.

     1.34 The  outstanding  shares of the  Surviving  Corporation  shall  remain
outstanding and are not affected by the Merger.

                           Termination and Amendment.

     1.35 The  obligations  of the Parties to affect the Merger shall be subject
to all the terms and  conditions  contained in the Plan.  This Merger  Agreement
shall  terminate  forthwith  in the event that the Plan shall be  terminated  as
provided therein.

     1.36 This Merger  Agreement may be amended by the Parties at any time prior
to the Effective Date, provided that this Merger Agreement shall not conflict in
any way  with  the  Plan.  This  Merger  Agreement  may  only be  amended  by an
instrument in writing signed on behalf of each of the Parties.

     Counterparts.   This   Merger   Agreement   may  be   executed  in  several
counterparts,  each of  which  shall be  deemed  an  original,  but all of which
together shall constitute one and the same instrument.


                                                                       EXHIBIT A

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Parties have duly executed this Merger  Agreement,
or caused its execution by their duly  authorized  agents,  as of the date first
above written.

                                        TRICO BANCSHARES

                                             Richard Smith, its President

                                             Wendell Lundberg, Secretary

                                        TRI COUNTIES BANK

                                             Richard Smith, its President

                                             Wendell Lundberg, Secretary

                                        NORTH STATE NATIONAL BANK

                                             John Lucchesci, its President

                                             _____________________, Secretary


                                                                       EXHIBIT A
                            NORTH STATE NATIONAL BANK

                             CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL
                               AGREEMENT OF MERGER

     John Lucchesci and _____________________ certify that:

     1. They are the President and the Secretary,  respectively,  of North State
National Bank, a national banking organization (the "Corporation").

     2. The Agreement of Merger (the  "Agreement") in the form attached was duly
approved by the board of directors and the shareholders of the Corporation.

     3. The total number of outstanding  shares of common stock entitled to vote
was __________.  The principal terms of the Agreement were approved by a vote of
__________  shares  of  common  stock,  thus  exceeding  the  required  vote  of
two-thirds of the outstanding shares of common stock of the Corporation.

     4. The  Corporation  has one  class of  authorized  stock,  which is common
stock, and the number of shares of common stock outstanding is __________.

     We further  declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of
California  that the matters set forth in this  certificate are true and correct
of our own knowledge.

____________________, 2003

                                        John Lucchesci, President

                                        _____________________, Secretary


                                                                       EXHIBIT A

                                TRI COUNTIES BANK

                             CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL
                               AGREEMENT OF MERGER

     Richard Smith and Wendell Lundberg certify that:

     1. They are the President and the Secretary,  respectively, of Tri Counties
Bank, a California banking corporation (the  "Corporation"),  and a wholly owned
subsidiary of TriCo Bancshares, a California corporation ("TriCo").

     2. The Agreement of Merger (the  "Agreement") in the form attached was duly
approved by the board of directors and the sole shareholder of the Corporation.

     3.  The  shareholder  approval  was by  the  sole  holder  of  100%  of the
outstanding shares of the Corporation.

     4. There is only one class of shares  authorized,  common stock.  The total
number of outstanding shares of common stock is 200,000.

     5. No vote of the shareholders of TriCo was required.

     We further  declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of
California  that the matters set forth in this  certificate are true and correct
of our own knowledge.

____________________, 2003

                                        Richard Smith, President

                                        Wendell Lundberg, Secretary


                                                                       EXHIBIT B

                           FORM OF AFFILIATE'S LETTER

TriCo Bancshares
63 Constitution Circle
Chico, California  95973


     In connection with the issuance to me of _________________ shares of common
stock, no par value (the "Shares") of TriCo Bancshares, a California corporation
(the "Company"),  pursuant to the Acquisition  Agreement and Plan of Merger made
as of ____________,  2002 (the "Plan"), among the Company, Tri Counties Bank and
North State National Bank (the "Bank"), I hereby acknowledge, represent, warrant
and covenant as follows:

     1.  I have  been  informed  by the  Company  that  I may be  considered  an
"affiliate"  of the Bank.  I am  acquiring  the  Shares  exclusively  for my own
account, for investment, without any present view to making a public offering or
distribution of the same and without any agreement,  understanding,  arrangement
or intention  to divide or share  ownership of the Shares with anyone else or to
resell,  transfer  or dispose of all or any portion of the Shares to anyone else
at any particular event or circumstance.  I will not resell, transfer or dispose
of any of the Shares unless the Shares are registered  under the Act or pursuant
to an exemption  from the  registration  requirements  of the  Securities Act of
1933, as amended (the "Act") or in compliance with the applicable  provisions of
Rule  144 or Rule  145 as  promulgated  under  the  Act.  Such  registration  or
compliance  shall be supported by my sworn affidavit or written  representation,
an opinion of counsel acceptable to the Company or its counsel or by "no-action"
letters from the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  and any applicable  state
regulatory authority.

     2. I have been fully  informed  as to the  circumstances  under  which I am
required to take and hold the Shares pursuant to the requirements of the Act and
applicable state securities laws.

     3. I am aware that stop  transfer  instructions  will be placed  against my
shares  and will be given to the  Company's  transfer  agent  and that the stock
certificates  for  Shares  which will be issued to me in return for my shares of
Bank stock  pursuant  to the Plan will bear a  restrictive  legend to the effect
that the Shares represented thereby may be sold or otherwise transferred only in
compliance  with Rule 144 or Rule 145, or upon  receipt of an opinion of counsel
to the effect  that some other  exemption  from  registration  is  available  or
pursuant to an effective registration statement under the Act.

     4. I hereby  agree  that for a period of at least two years  following  the
effective  date  of the  merger  contemplated  by the  Plan,  I will  obtain  an
agreement  similar to this from each and every transferee of the Shares acquired
by me pursuant to the merger  which I sell or  transfer in a  transaction  which
does not involve a registered public offering and which does not comply with the
applicable provisions of Rule 144 or Rule 145.

                                                                       EXHIBIT B

     5. I am aware that the Company is and will be relying on my representations
to it as set forth  herein and hereby  agree to  indemnify  and hold the Company
harmless  from any loss or  expense  it may incur as a result of my  failure  to
comply with or adhere to any of the warranties, representations or covenants set
forth above.

       --------------------             ----------------------------------

       Printed Name of Affiliate        ----------------------------------


                                                                       EXHIBIT C

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT

     THIS  EMPLOYMENT  AGREEMENT  ("Agreement")  is  made  this  ______  day  of
__________,  2003  ("Effective  Date"),  by  and  between  TRICO  BANCSHARES,  a
California  corporation  with its  principal  place of  business  located  at 63
Constitution Circle, Chico, California 95973 (the "Company"),  and JOHN LUCCHESI
("Employee"), an individual residing at 728 Woodbridge, Chico, California 95926.

     WHEREAS,  pursuant to that certain Acquisition Agreement and Plan of Merger
by and among the Company,  North State  National  Bank,  a banking  organization
formed under the laws of the United  States  ("North  State"),  and Tri Counties
Bank, a California  state bank and wholly owned  subsidiary of the Company ("Tri
Counties"), dated October 3, 2002 (the "Acquisition Agreement"), the Company has
acquired North State;

     WHEREAS,  Employee served as President and Chief Executive Officer of North
State prior to the  acquisition  of North  State by the Company  pursuant to the
Agreement  for  Employment  of Executive  Officer of North State  National  Bank
between  Employee and North State dated August 1, 1999, as amended  November 20,
2001, and _________, 200__ (the "North State Employment Agreement");

     WHEREAS,  the Company desires to employ Employee and Employee desires to be
employed by the Company as Advisor to the President  and both parties  desire to
enter  into  this  Agreement  to  evidence  the  terms  and  conditions  of such

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the premises  and mutual  covenants
contained in this Agreement and of other good and sufficient consideration,  the
receipt and  sufficiency  of which are hereby  acknowledged,  the parties hereto
agree as follows:

     5. Engagement. The Company agrees to employ Employee and Employee agrees to
perform certain  ongoing  services for the Company upon the terms and conditions
of this  Agreement.  Employee shall perform these services at one or more of the
offices of Tri Counties in Tri Counties'  primary service area in the discretion
of the President of the Company.

     6. Term of Employment.

     a. The period of Employee's  employment under this Agreement shall commence
as of the  Effective  Date and shall  continue for a period of 24 full  calendar
months unless earlier terminated as provided for in Section 2(b).

     b. Upon  thirty  (30) days  written  notice to the  Company,  Employee  may
terminate this Agreement for personal or health reasons.

                                                                       EXHIBIT C

     7. Position and Responsibilities.  During the term of employment under this
Agreement,  Employee  agrees to serve as Advisor to the President of the Company
and to be responsible for: (a) customer  entertainment  and sales; (b) promoting
the  Company's  interest and  business;  and (c) such other  duties,  powers and
responsibilities  as may be mutually agreed upon by the President of the Company
and  Employee.  Employee  shall  report  directly  to the  President  and  Chief
Executive Officer of the Company. Employee shall use his best efforts to promote
the interests and business of the Company.

     8. Duties.  During the term of engagement under this Agreement,  except for
sick leave and  reasonable  vacation  periods,  Employee  shall devote his time,
attention,  skill and best efforts to the faithful performance of his duties and
responsibilities  as described in Section 3. During the term of this  Agreement,
Employee  shall  not,  directly  or  indirectly,  engage or  participate  in any
activities  which  conflict  with the best  interests of the Company,  except as
specifically  approved by the  Company;  provided,  however,  that  Employee may
engage in civic or  charitable  activities  as long as those  activities  do not
interfere with Employee's performance of his duties hereunder. With the approval
of the Company's Board of Directors Employee may serve, or continue to serve, on
boards of directors  which, in the judgment of the Company's Board of Directors,
shall not  present  any  conflict  of  interest  with the  Company or any of its
affiliates or materially affect the performance of Employee's duties pursuant to
this Agreement.

     9. Compensation.  The Company shall pay to Employee during the term of this
Agreement a salary of $36,000 per year,  payable on the first and fifteenth days
of each month in installments of $1,500.

     10. Reimbursement of Expenses. Except as otherwise provided in this Section
6, during the term of this Agreement the Company shall pay or reimburse Employee
for the following expenses incurred by Employee:

         a.  Gasoline  (by use of a Company  gasoline  credit  card) and routine
maintenance for one personal vehicle used by Employee;

         b.  One  cellular  telephone  and a  service  plan for  such  telephone
reasonably acceptable to the Company;

         c. Dues at the Butte Creek Country Club for a maximum of two years from
the Effective Date;

         d. Dues and lunches for the Chico Rotary Club for a maximum of one year
from the Effective Date; and

         e.  All air  fare,  rental  car,  hotel,  meals and  other  travel  and
entertainment  expenses  relating to Employee  and  Employee's  wife to attend a
maximum  of six  days  each  year  at the  annual  Western  Independent  Bankers
Conference ("WIBC") in 2003, 2004 and 2005.

Payment or  reimbursement  of each of the  expenses  described in this Section 6
shall cease upon the earlier of termination of this Agreement or pursuant to the
terms of this Section 6; provided,  however,  that the Company shall continue to
be  obligated  to  reimburse  Employee  for  expenses to attend the WIBC in 2005
pursuant to Section 6(e) following termination of this Agreement so long as this
Agreement has continued in effect for 12 full calendar months.


                                                                       EXHIBIT C

     11.  Confidentiality.  Employee  agrees that during the term of  engagement
under this Agreement and perpetually thereafter,  he shall hold in the strictest
confidence  all of the  Company's  trade  secrets  and  proprietary  information
including,  but not  limited  to,  information  about  the  Company's  business,
affairs, methods, procedures, plans, customers and financial performance,  other
than publicly available  information.  Employee shall not during the term of his
engagement  under this Agreement or at any time  thereafter  disclose any of the
Company's  trade  secrets and  proprietary  information  to any person,  firm or
corporation  (except  employees of the Company who are authorized to have access
to such information). Employee shall not during the term of his engagement under
this  Agreement  or at any  time  use any of the  Company's  trade  secrets  and
proprietary  information for his own personal  benefit or for the benefit of any
other person,  firm or corporation.  Immediately  upon termination of Employee's
engagement under this Agreement, Employee shall deliver to the Company all trade
secrets and  proprietary  information  of the Company  existing in tangible form
including books, records, lists and statements of account and all other property
of the Company of any kind in his possession.

     12.  Non-compete  Agreement.  From  the  date  hereof  through  the  second
anniversary of the closing of the  Acquisition  Agreement (the  "Non-Competition
Period"),  Employee  shall not,  without  the  express  written  approval of the
Company's  Board of Directors,  directly or  indirectly  own,  manage,  operate,
control,  participate  in, be employed by or be connected in any manner with the
ownership,  management, operation or control of any financial institution within
Butte County,  California,  or a radius of 60 miles from Chico,  California,  in
competition with the business conducted by the Company, except that Employee may
be a passive owner of not more than 5% of the outstanding  stock of any class of
the securities of a financial institution which is not locally owned, so long as
Employee  has no active  participation  in the  business or  management  of such
financial institution.  Moreover,  during the Non-Competition  Period,  Employee
agrees not to solicit or aid in the solicitation of any customers of the Company
for any reason or to initiate an offer of employment with any person employed by
the Company at any time during the Non-Competition Period.

     13.  Participation  in Benefit  Plans.  Employee  and  Employee's  wife and
children  shall be  entitled  to  receive  benefits  under Tri  Counties'  group
hospitalization, health, dental care and vision plans on the same basis as those
received by other Tri Counties  employees,  provided that the aggregate  cost of
such  benefits  shall  not  exceed a  maximum  of  Sixty-five  Thousand  Dollars
($65,000)  ("Health  Benefits").  Employee  shall  not be  entitled  to  receive
benefits  under  any  life or other  insurance  or death  benefit  plan,  or any
restricted or stock  purchase plan,  retirement  income or pension plan or other
present or future group benefit plan or program of Tri Counties or TriCo, except
for the Health  Benefits or pursuant to TriCo's stock option plan as provided in
the Acquisition  Agreement.  Subject to the cumulative  limitation of $65,000 in
total  benefits,  the  Company's  obligation to provide  Health  Benefits (i) to
Employee shall survive until Employee  reaches the age of 65, (ii) to Employee's
wife  shall  survive  until  she  reaches  the  age of 65 and  (iii)  to each of
Employee's children shall survive until he or she reaches the age of 21 and from
age 21 until age 24 provided  the child is attending  an  accredited  college or
university,  subject to the terms of Tri Counties' plans regarding  provision of
benefits  to  children.  The  Company  shall  provide  Employee,  his spouse and
children an annual statement of the amount of Health Benefits paid. If Employee,
his spouse or children are not eligible to  participate  in any of Tri Counties'
group  hospitalization,  health,  dental care or vision  plans,  Tri Counties or
TriCo shall pay, or reimburse  them for, the cost of  obtaining  similar  health
benefits under COBRA or from other insurance or benefits  providers,  subject to
the cumulative limitation of $65,000.


                                                                       EXHIBIT C

     14. Remedies.

         a.  Employee  acknowledges that any breach of the non-compete agreement
provision or the  confidentiality  provision of this  Agreement  shall cause the
Company  serious,  immediate and irreparable  harm and that monetary damages for
the breach of  paragraph 7 or 8 of this  Agreement  shall be  difficult,  if not
impossible,  to ascertain.  Accordingly,  if Employee  breaches any provision of
paragraph 7 or 8 of this Agreement,  Employee agrees that the Company shall have
no adequate  remedy at law and shall be  entitled  to seek and obtain  immediate
injunctive  relief in any court of competent  jurisdiction to enjoin further and
future violations of this Agreement even if Employee is no longer engaged by the
Company.  The seeking and/or obtaining of such injunctive  relief by the Company
shall be without  prejudice  to its right to seek damages for any breach of this
Agreement.  In case of any litigation  seeking  enforcement of this Agreement or
damages for breach of this Agreement,  the prevailing party shall be entitled to
recover  all its  reasonable  costs,  including  attorneys'  fees,  incurred  in
connection with such litigation.

         b.  Any and  all of the  Company's  remedies  for  the  breach  of this
Agreement  shall be cumulative and the pursuit of one remedy shall not be deemed
to exclude any and all other remedies with respect to the subject matter hereof.

     15. Effect of Prior  Agreements.  This  Agreement,  together with the North
State  Employment   Agreement  as  amended   _________,   200__,   contains  the
understanding  between  the  Company  and  Employee  and  supersedes  any  prior
agreement  between the Company or any  predecessor  of the Company and Employee.
Employee  acknowledges  Employee's sole source of compensation and benefits from
the Company are set forth in this Agreement,  any stock option agreement between
TriCo  and  Employee  and  the  North  State  Employment  Agreement  as  amended
__________, 200__.

     16. Assistant.  During the term of this Agreement, the Company shall employ
Sheila  Christensen and shall request that Ms.  Christensen  serve as Employee's
assistant.  Should Ms. Christensen be unable or unwilling to serve as Employee's
assistant,  the Company and Employee  shall mutually agree upon a replacement to
serve as Employee's assistant.

     17. Modification and Waiver.

         a.  Amendment  of  Agreement.  This  Agreement  may not be  modified or
amended except by an instrument in writing signed by the parties hereto.

         b.  Waiver.  No term or condition of this Agreement  shall be deemed to
have been waived, nor shall there be any estoppel against the enforcement of any
provision of this Agreement,  except by written  instrument of the party charged
with  such  waiver  or  estoppel.  No such  written  waiver  shall  be  deemed a
continuing waiver unless specifically stated therein, and each such waiver shall
operate  only  as to the  specific  term  or  condition  waived  and  shall  not
constitute  a waiver of such term or  condition  for the future or as to any act
other than that specifically waived.


                                                                       EXHIBIT C

     18.  Severability.  If, for any reason,  any provision of this Agreement is
held  invalid,  such  invalidity  shall not affect any other  provision  of this
Agreement not held so invalid,  and each such other  provision shall to the full
extent  consistent with law continue in full force and effect.  If any provision
of this Agreement shall be held invalid in part, such invalidity shall in no way
affect  the rest of such  provision  not held so  invalid,  and the rest of such
provision,  together with all other  provisions of this Agreement,  shall to the
full extent consistent with law continue in full force and effect.

     19.  Headings.  The headings of paragraphs  herein are included  solely for
convenience of reference and shall not control the meaning or  interpretation of
any of the provisions of this Agreement.

     20. Assignment.  Employee may not assign, transfer or pledge this Agreement
or any of Employee's rights or obligations  hereunder.  This provision shall not
impair the right of Employee's wife or children to Health Benefits under Section
9. The Company's rights and obligations  under this Agreement shall inure to the
benefit of and be binding upon the Company and its successors or assigns.

     21. Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in counterparts,  each of
which shall be deemed an original, and all of which shall constitute one and the
same instrument.

     22. Advice of Counsel.  Employee and the Company acknowledge that they have
had full and  complete  opportunity  to  consult  with  legal  counsel  prior to
executing  this  Agreement.  Employee  has  carefully  read  the  terms  of this
Agreement,  understands  its  contents  and meaning,  and freely  executes  this

     23. Execution.  This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts,
each of which  shall be  deemed  an  original  but all of which  together  shall
constitute one and the same Agreement.

     24.  Governing  Law. This  Agreement has been executed and delivered in the
State  of  California,  and  its  validity,   interpretation,   performance  and
enforcement shall be governed by the laws of said State.

     25. Binding  Agreement.  This Agreement  shall be binding upon and inure to
the  benefit  of  Employee  and  the  Company  and  their  respective  permitted
successors and assigns.

     26. Notices.  Any and all notices required to be given under this Agreement
shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when deposited in the
United  States  mail,  certified  or  registered  mail,  postage  prepaid to the
Employee or the  Company at the  addresses  set forth  above.  Either  party may
change the  address to which  notices are to be  addressed  by notice in writing
given to the other in accordance with the terms of this paragraph.


                                                                       EXHIBIT C

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Agreement to be executed by
its duly authorized officer,  and Employee has signed this Agreement,  all as of
the day and year first above written.

                                        TRICO BANCSHARES



                                        John Lucchesi


                                                                       EXHIBIT D


STATE NATIONAL BANK  ("Amendment")  is made this ______ day of __________,  200_
("Effective Date"), by and between NORTH STATE NATIONAL BANK, a national banking
organization  with its principal place of business  located at 525 Salem Street,
Chico, California (the "Bank"), and JOHN LUCCHESI  ("Executive"),  an individual
residing at 728 Woodbridge, Chico, California 95926.

     WHEREAS,  Executive has served as President and Chief Executive  Officer of
North State  pursuant to the  Agreement for  Employment of Executive  Officer of
North State  National  Bank  between  Executive  and North State dated August 1,
1999, as amended November 20, 2001 (the "Employment Agreement");

     WHEREAS,  as a material condition to the transactions  contemplated by that
certain  Acquisition  Agreement and Plan of Merger by and among the Bank,  TriCo
Bancshares  ("TriCo") and Tri Counties Bank ("Tri Counties")  dated  __________,
2002 (the  "Acquisition  Agreement"),  the Bank has  agreed  to enter  into this
Amendment   relating  to  the  payment  of  severance  to  Executive   following
consummation of the Acquisition Agreement;

     WHEREAS,  Executive  and  Bank  desire  to enter  into  this  Amendment  to
terminate and replace the Employment Agreement with this Amendment;

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the premises  and mutual  covenants
contained in this Amendment and of other good and sufficient consideration,  the
receipt and  sufficiency  of which are hereby  acknowledged,  the parties hereto
agree as follows:

     27.  Amendment.  Effective upon  consummation of the merger of the Bank and
Tri Counties contemplated by the Acquisition  Agreement,  the Bank and Executive
hereby amend the Employment  Agreement by terminating  the Employment  Agreement
and replacing it in its entirety with the terms set forth in this Amendment.

     28. Severance Payments. Upon consummation of the merger of the Bank and Tri
Counties contemplated by the Acquisition Agreement,  the Bank shall be obligated
to pay to  Executive  the  following  amounts as  severance  payments  under the
Employment Agreement:

         a. Unless previously paid, a one-time payment of $50,000 on January 10,
2003, which such amount represents a deferred  carry-over bonus due to Executive
under the Employment Agreement for his services to the Bank in 2002; and

                                                                       EXHIBIT D

         b. Unless previously paid, the amount of $60,000 payable on January 10,
2003, plus the amount of $330,000, payable in three equal annual installments of
$110,000 on the first day of February 2004, 2005 and 2006,  respectively,  which
such aggregate  amount of $390,000  represents two years' base salary plus bonus
payable to Executive pursuant to the Employment  Agreement.  The amounts payable
pursuant to this  Section  2(b) shall accrue  simple per annum  interest,  in an
amount equal to the rate of interest  being offered by the Bank (or Tri Counties
as successor to the Bank) for a three-year Certificate of Deposit as of the next
business day  following the  Effective  Date, on all unpaid  amounts until fully
paid. If, between the second and third  anniversaries of the consummation of the
merger of the Bank and Tri Counties  contemplated by the  Acquisition  Agreement
Executive  should  undertake any activity  that would be  prohibited  before the
second  anniversary  under  Section 8 of the new  Employment  Agreement  between
Executive and TriCo, the Bank (or Tri Counties as successor to the Bank) may pay
all remaining amounts due under this Agreement with interest accrued through the
date of payment in full  satisfaction  of the Bank's payment  obligations  under
this Agreement.

The  obligations to pay these amounts to Executive shall survive any termination
of this Amendment and shall be paid to  Executive's  heir at law in the event of
Executive's death.

     29. Effect of Prior Agreements.  This Amendment  contains the understanding
between the Bank and Executive and  supersedes any prior  agreement  between the
Bank and Executive,  including,  without limitation,  the Employment  Amendment.
Executive acknowledges (a) that the Employment Agreement is terminated as of the
date hereof and replaced with this  Amendment,  (b)  Executive's  sole source of
compensation  and benefits  from the Bank are set forth in this  Amendment,  any
stock option agreement  between  Executive and the Bank (or any successor to the
Bank) and the  Employment  Agreement  between  Executive  and TriCo and (c) this
Amendment supersedes the Bank's obligations under the Employment Agreement.

     30. Modification and Waiver.

         a.  Amendment  of  Agreement.  This  Amendment  may not be  modified or
amended except by an instrument in writing signed by the parties hereto.

         b.  Waiver.  No term or condition of this Amendment  shall be deemed to
have been waived, nor shall there be any estoppel against the enforcement of any
provision of this Amendment,  except by written  instrument of the party charged
with  such  waiver  or  estoppel.  No such  written  waiver  shall  be  deemed a
continuing waiver unless specifically stated therein, and each such waiver shall
operate  only  as to the  specific  term  or  condition  waived  and  shall  not
constitute  a waiver of such term or  condition  for the future or as to any act
other than that specifically waived.

     31.  Severability.  If, for any reason,  any provision of this Amendment is
held  invalid,  such  invalidity  shall not affect any other  provision  of this
Amendment not held so invalid,  and each such other  provision shall to the full
extent  consistent with law continue in full force and effect.  If any provision
of this Amendment shall be held invalid in part, such invalidity shall in no way
affect  the rest of such  provision  not held so  invalid,  and the rest of such
provision,  together with all other  provisions of this Amendment,  shall to the
full extent consistent with law continue in full force and effect.

     32.  Headings.  The headings of paragraphs  herein are included  solely for
convenience of reference and shall not control the meaning or  interpretation of
any of the provisions of this Amendment.


                                                                       EXHIBIT D

     33. Assignment. Executive may not assign, transfer or pledge this Amendment
or any of Executive's  rights or obligations  hereunder  without first obtaining
the  express  written  consent of the Bank;  however,  Executive  may assign and
transfer his rights to receive severance  payments under Section 2 to his family
trust or heirs at law. The Bank's rights and  obligations  under this  Amendment
shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Bank and its successors or
assigns, including TriCo.

     34. Counterparts.  This Amendment may be executed in counterparts,  each of
which shall be deemed an original, and all of which shall constitute one and the
same instrument.

     35. Advice of Counsel.  Executive and the Bank  acknowledge  that they have
had full and  complete  opportunity  to  consult  with  legal  counsel  prior to
executing  this  Amendment.  Executive  has  carefully  read  the  terms of this
Amendment,  understands  its  contents  and meaning,  and freely  executes  this

     36. Execution.  This Amendment may be executed in one or more counterparts,
each of which  shall be  deemed  an  original  but all of which  together  shall
constitute one and the same Amendment.

     37.  Governing  Law. This  Amendment has been executed and delivered in the
State  of  California,  and  its  validity,   interpretation,   performance  and
enforcement shall be governed by the laws of said State.

     38. Binding  Agreement.  This Amendment  shall be binding upon and inure to
the benefit of Executive and the Bank and their respective  permitted successors
and assigns.

     39. Notices.  Any and all notices required to be given under this Amendment
shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when deposited in the
United  States  mail,  certified  or  registered  mail,  postage  prepaid to the
Executive or the Bank at the addresses set forth above.  Either party may change
the address to which  notices are to be addressed by notice in writing  given to
the other in accordance with the terms of this paragraph.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the Bank has caused this  Amendment to be executed by
its duly authorized officer, and Executive has signed this Amendment,  all as of
the day and year first above written.

                                        NORTH STATE NATIONAL BANK



                                        John Lucchesi
