Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   Form 10-Q/A
                                (Amendment No. 1)
                Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For Quarter Ended September 30, 2005              Commission file number 0-10661
- ------------------------------------              ------------------------------

                                TRICO BANCSHARES
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

         California                                            94-2792841
- ------------------------------                            -------------------
 (State or other jurisdiction                              (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                           Identification No.)

                 63 Constitution Drive, Chico, California 95973
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Former  name,  former  address and former  fiscal year,  if changed  since last

     Indicate  by check mark  whether the  registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                             Yes  X        No
                                -----        -----

     Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is an  accelerated  filer (as
defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).

                             Yes  X        No
                                -----        -----

     Indicate  by check mark  whether  the  registrant  is a shell  company  (as
defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).

                            Yes            No  X
                                -----        -----


     Indicate the number of shares  outstanding of each of the issuer's  classes
of common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

Title of Class:  Common stock, no par value

Outstanding shares as of October 25, 2005:  15,717,035


                                EXPLANATORY NOTE

     This Amendment No. 1 on Form 10-Q/A is being filed to amend Part I, Item 1,
and Part II,  Item 6, of the  Registrant's  report on Form 10-Q for the  quarter
ended  September 30, 2005,  filed on November 3, 2005. This Amendment No. 1 does
not otherwise  alter the  disclosures  set forth in the original Form 10-Q. This
Amendment  No. 1 is  effective  for all purposes as of the date of the filing of
the original Form 10-Q and except as noted above, we have not undertaken  herein
to amend,  supplement or update any  information  contained in the original Form
10-Q to give effect to subsequent events.

     This Amendment No. 1 is being filed to correct two typographical  errors in
the Registrant's  Consolidated Statements of Income and Comprehensive Income. In
the original Form 10-Q the net interest  income after  provision for loan losses
for the  nine  months  ended  September  30,  2005  and 2004  were  reported  as
$5,843,000 and $9,812,000, respectively. The correct amounts as reported in this
Amendment No. 1 are $55,843,000 and  $49,812,000,  respectively.  This Amendment
No. 1 has no effect on net income,  total  assets,  total  liabilities  or total
equity as previously reported.


     Part I, Item 1 of the original Form 10-Q is hereby  amended and restated in
its entirety as follows:

                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1.  Financial Statements
                                TRICO BANCSHARES
                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                  (In thousands, except share data; unaudited)

                                                                At September 30,          At December 31,
                                                            2005              2004             2004
                                                      -------------------------------   -----------------
     Cash and due from banks                              $85,413           $64,318          $70,037
     Federal funds sold                                       218                 -                -
                                                      -------------------------------   -----------------
         Cash and cash equivalents                         85,631            64,318           70,037
     Securities available for sale                        271,134           286,067          286,013
     Federal Home Loan Bank stock, at cost                  7,516             6,719            6,781
     Loans, net of allowance for loan losses
          of $15,796, $15,167 and $14,525               1,312,294         1,111,256        1,158,442
     Foreclosed assets, net of allowance for losses
          of $180, $180 and $180                                -                 -                -
     Premises and equipment, net                           21,223            20,118           19,853
     Cash value of life insurance                          41,519            40,196           40,479
     Accrued interest receivable                            7,080             6,177            6,473
     Goodwill                                              15,519            15,519           15,519
     Other intangible assets                                4,373             5,070            5,408
     Other assets                                          20,567            19,106           18,501
                                                      -------------------------------   -----------------
         Total Assets                                  $1,786,856        $1,574,546       $1,627,506
                                                      ===============================   =================
     Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity:
         Noninterest-bearing demand                      $346,456          $298,319         $311,275
         Interest-bearing                               1,091,843           993,822        1,037,558
                                                      -------------------------------   -----------------
         Total deposits                                 1,438,299         1,292,141        1,348,833
     Federal funds purchased                              103,200            57,300           46,400
     Accrued interest payable                               3,960             2,706            3,281
     Reserve for unfunded commitments                       1,674             1,049            1,532
     Other liabilities                                     20,452            17,265           19,938
     Other borrowings                                      31,711            27,159           28,152
     Junior subordinated debt                              41,238            41,238           41,238
                                                      -------------------------------   -----------------
         Total Liabilities                              1,640,534         1,438,858        1,489,374
                                                      -------------------------------   -----------------
     Commitments and contingencies
Shareholders' Equity:
     Common stock, no par value: 50,000,000 shares authorized;
         issued and outstanding:
               15,728,106 at September 30, 2005            71,412
               15,697,817 at September 30, 2004                              70,375
               15,723,317 at December 31, 2004                                                70,699
     Retained earnings                                     77,448            64,158           67,785
     Accumulated other comprehensive (loss) income, net    (2,538)            1,155             (352)
                                                      -------------------------------   -----------------
     Total Shareholders' Equity                           146,322           135,688          138,132
                                                      -------------------------------   -----------------
     Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity        $1,786,856        $1,574,546       $1,627,506
                                                      ===============================   =================

See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.


                                TRICO BANCSHARES
                (In thousands, except per share data; unaudited)

                                             Three months ended September 30, Nine months ended September 30,
                                                    2005            2004          2005             2004
     Interest and dividend income:
     Loans, including fees                        $22,254         $18,867       $62,482          $53,157
     Debt securities:
       Taxable                                      2,528           2,564         7,865            7,829
       Tax exempt                                     468             432         1,297            1,312
     Dividends                                         80              87           218              181
     Federal funds sold                                 4               1            18               12
     Total interest income                         25,334          21,951        71,880           62,491
     Interest expense:
     Deposits                                       3,824           2,497        10,526            7,333
     Federal funds purchased                          696             221         1,117              405
     Other borrowings                                 351             327         1,007              967
     Junior subordinated debt                         648             449         1,779              890
     Total interest expense                         5,519           3,494        14,429            9,595
     Net interest income                           19,815          18,457        57,451           52,896
     Provision for loan losses                        947           1,166         1,608            3,084
     Net interest income after provision
       for loan losses                             18,868          17,291        55,843           49,812
     Noninterest income:
     Service charges and fees                       4,795           4,436        13,362           13,427
     Gain on sale of loans                            474             258         1,195            1,316
     Commissions on sale of non-deposit
       investment products                            535             578         1,727            1,707
     Increase in cash value of life insurance         420             352         1,040            1,216
     Other                                            408             737           945            1,392
     Total noninterest income                       6,632           6,361        18,269           19,058
     Noninterest expense:
     Salaries and related benefits                  8,584           8,319        25,361           24,926
     Other                                          7,096           6,904        20,949           20,087
     Total noninterest expense                     15,680          15,223        46,310           45,013
     Income before income taxes                     9,820           8,429        27,802           23,857
     Provision for income taxes                     3,859           3,226        10,865            9,030
     Net income                                     5,961           5,203        16,937           14,827
     Other comprehensive (loss) income:
     Change in unrealized (loss) gain on
       securities available for sale, net          (1,070)          3,139        (2,186)            (659)
     Comprehensive income                          $4,891          $8,342       $14,751          $14,168
     Average shares outstanding                15,687,547      15,672,300    15,706,380       15,642,799
     Diluted average shares outstanding        16,330,035      16,254,005    16,328,489       16,227,259
     Per share data:
     Basic earnings                                 $0.38           $0.33         $1.08            $0.95
     Diluted earnings                               $0.37           $0.32         $1.04            $0.91
     Dividends paid                                 $0.11           $0.11         $0.33            $0.32

     See  accompanying  notes  to  unaudited  condensed  consolidated  financial


                                TRICO BANCSHARES
                (In thousands, except per share data; unaudited)

                                   Shares of                            Other
                                    Common     Common    Retained   Comprehensive
                                     Stock      Stock    Earnings   (Loss) Income     Total
Balance at December 31, 2003      15,668,248   $69,767    $56,379       $1,814       $127,960
Comprehensive income:                                                               ----------
  Net income                                               14,827                      14,827
  Change in net unrealized gain on
    Securities available for sale, net                                    (659)          (659)
Total comprehensive income                                                             14,168
Stock options exercised              197,169     1,133                                  1,133
Tax benefit of stock options exercised             221                                    221
Repurchase of common stock          (167,600)     (746)    (2,047)                     (2,793)
Dividends paid ($0.32 per share)                           (5,001)                     (5,001)
Balance at September 30, 2004     15,697,817   $70,375    $64,158       $1,155       $135,688

Balance at December 31, 2004      15,723,317   $70,699    $67,785        ($352)      $138,132
Comprehensive income:                                                               ----------
  Net income                                               16,937                      16,937
  Change in net unrealized gain on
    Securities available for sale, net                                  (2,186)        (2,186)
     Total comprehensive income                                                        14,751
Stock options exercised              133,289       949                                    949
Tax benefit of stock options exercised             342                                    342
Repurchase of common stock          (128,500)     (578)    (2,085)                     (2,663)
Dividends paid ($0.33 per share)                           (5,189)                     (5,189)
Balance at September 30, 2005     15,728,106   $71,412    $77,448      ($2,538)      $146,322

See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements.


                                TRICO BANCSHARES
                            (In thousands; unaudited)

                                                              For the nine months ended September 30,
                                                                     2005               2004
Operating activities:
   Net income                                                      $16,937             $14,827
   Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided
     by operating activities:
       Depreciation of property and equipment, and amortization      2,818               2,431
       Amortization of intangible assets                             1,035               1,016
       Provision for loan losses                                     1,608               3,084
       Amortization of investment securities premium, net              973               1,448
       Originations of loans for resale                            (59,861)            (70,670)
       Proceeds from sale of loans originated for resale            60,396              71,352
       Gain on sale of loans                                        (1,195)             (1,316)
       Amortization of mortgage servicing rights                       490                 562
       Recovery of mortgage servicing rights valuation allowance         -                (600)
       Gain on sale of other real estate owned                           -                (566)
       Loss (gain) on sale of fixed assets                              95                 (20)
       Increase in cash value of life insurance                     (1,040)             (1,216)
       Change in:
         Interest receivable                                          (607)               (150)
         Interest payable                                              679                  68
         Other assets and liabilities, net                             234              (2,002)
         Net cash provided by operating activities                  22,562              18,248
     Investing activities:
   Proceeds from maturities of securities available-for-sale        45,147              62,476
   Purchases of securities available-for-sale                      (35,013)            (39,580)
   Purchases of Federal Home Loan Bank stock                          (735)             (1,935)
   Loan originations and principal collections, net               (155,460)           (145,989)
   Proceeds from sale of premises and equipment                         24                 541
   Purchases of premises and equipment                              (3,853)             (3,210)
   Proceeds from sale of other real estate owned                         -               1,490
   Net cash used by investing activities                          (149,890)           (126,207)
     Financing activities:
   Net increase in deposits                                         89,466              55,318
   Net increase in Federal funds purchased                          56,800              17,800
   Issuance of junior subordinated debt                                  -              20,619
   Payments of principal on long-term other borrowings                 (38)                (32)
   Net change in short-term other borrowings                         3,597               4,304
   Repurchase of common stock                                       (2,663)             (2,793)
   Dividends paid                                                   (5,189)             (5,001)
   Exercise of stock options                                           949               1,133
         Net cash provided by financing activities                 142,922              91,348
     Net change in cash and cash equivalents                        15,594             (16,611)
     Cash and cash equivalents and beginning of period              70,037              80,929
     Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                    $85,631             $64,318
     Supplemental disclosure of noncash activities:
   Unrealized loss on securities available for sale                ($3,772)            ($1,061)
   Income tax benefit from stock option exercises                     $342                $221
   Supplemental disclosure of cash flow activity:
   Cash paid for interest expense                                  $13,750              $9,527
   Cash paid for income taxes                                      $11,030             $11,030

See accompanying notes to unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements



Note 1: General Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
The accompanying unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements have been
prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for interim
financial  information  and  pursuant  to  the  rules  and  regulations  of  the
Securities and Exchange  Commission.  The results of operations  reflect interim
adjustments,  all of which are of a normal  recurring  nature and which,  in the
opinion of management,  are necessary for a fair presentation of the results for
the interim periods presented.  The interim results for the three and nine month
periods ended September 30, 2005 and 2004 are not necessarily  indicative of the
results  expected  for the full year.  These  unaudited  condensed  consolidated
financial statements should be read in conjunction with the audited consolidated
financial  statements  and  accompanying  notes  as  well as  other  information
included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December
31, 2004.

Principles of Consolidation
The consolidated  financial  statements include the accounts of the Company, and
its  wholly-owned  subsidiary,  Tri Counties Bank (the "Bank").  All significant
intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation.

Nature of Operations
The Company  operates 32 branch  offices and 15 in-store  branch  offices in the
California  counties of Butte,  Contra Costa, Del Norte,  Fresno,  Glenn,  Kern,
Lake, Lassen, Madera,  Mendocino,  Merced, Nevada, Placer,  Sacramento,  Shasta,
Siskiyou,  Stanislaus,  Sutter,  Tehama,  Tulare,  Yolo and Yuba.  The Company's
operating policy since its inception has emphasized retail banking.  Most of the
Company's customers are retail customers and small to medium sized businesses.

Use of Estimates in the Preparation of Financial Statements
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles
generally  accepted in the United States of America requires  Management to make
estimates  and  assumptions  that  affect  the  reported  amounts  of assets and
liabilities  and disclosure of contingent  assets and liabilities at the date of
the  financial  statements  and the  reported  amounts of revenues  and expenses
during the reporting  period.  On an on-going basis,  the Company  evaluates its
estimates,  including  those  related to the adequacy of the  allowance for loan
losses,  investments,  intangible assets,  income taxes and  contingencies.  The
Company  bases its  estimates  on  historical  experience  and on various  other
assumptions  that are believed to be  reasonable  under the  circumstances,  the
results of which form the basis for making  judgments  about the carrying values
of assets and  liabilities  that are not readily  apparent  from other  sources.
Actual results may differ from these estimates  under  different  assumptions or
conditions. The allowance for loan losses, goodwill and other intangible assets,
income  taxes,  and the  valuation of mortgage  servicing  rights,  are the only
accounting estimates that materially affect the Company's consolidated financial

Significant Group Concentration of Credit Risk
The Company grants agribusiness,  commercial, consumer, and residential loans to
customers  located  throughout the northern San Joaquin  Valley,  the Sacramento
Valley  and  northern  mountain  regions  of  California.   The  Company  has  a
diversified  loan  portfolio  within  the  business  segments  located  in  this
geographical area.

Cash and Cash Equivalents
For  purposes  of the  consolidated  statements  of cash  flows,  cash  and cash
equivalents include cash on hand, amounts due from banks and federal funds sold.

Investment Securities
The Company  classifies its debt and marketable  equity  securities  into one of
three  categories:  trading,  available-for-sale  or  held-to-maturity.  Trading
securities  are bought and held  principally  for the  purpose of selling in the
near term.  Held-to-maturity  securities are those  securities which the Company
has the  ability and intent to hold until  maturity.  All other  securities  not
included in trading or  held-to-maturity  are classified as  available-for-sale.
During the nine months  ended  September  30, 2005,  and  throughout  2004,  the
Company did not have any  securities  classified as either  held-to-maturity  or


Available-for-sale  securities are recorded at fair value.  Unrealized gains and
losses,  net of the related tax effect,  on  available-for-sale  securities  are
reported as a separate  component  of  accumulated  other  comprehensive  income
(loss) in shareholders' equity until realized.

Premiums and  discounts  are  amortized or accreted over the life of the related
investment  security  as an  adjustment  to yield using the  effective  interest
method.  Dividend and interest income are recognized when earned. Realized gains
and losses for  securities  are included in earnings  and are derived  using the
specific  identification  method for  determining  the cost of securities  sold.
Unrealized  losses  due to  fluctuations  in fair  value of  securities  held to
maturity  or  available  for sale are  recognized  through  earnings  when it is
determined that an other than temporary decline in value has occurred.

Loans Held for Sale
Loans  originated  and intended for sale in the secondary  market are carried at
the  lower  of  aggregate  cost  or  fair  value,  as  determined  by  aggregate
outstanding  commitments from investors of current investor yield  requirements.
Net unrealized losses are recognized through a valuation allowance by charges to
income.  At September 30, 2005 and 2004,  and December 31, 2004, the Company had
no loans held for sale.

Mortgage  loans held for sale are  generally  sold with the  mortgage  servicing
rights  retained by the Company.  The carrying  value of mortgage  loans sold is
reduced by the cost allocated to the associated mortgage servicing rights. Gains
or losses on sales of  mortgage  loans are  recognized  based on the  difference
between the selling price and the carrying  value of the related  mortgage loans

Loans are reported at the principal amount  outstanding,  net of unearned income
and the allowance for loan losses.  Loan  origination  and  commitment  fees and
certain  direct  loan  origination  costs are  deferred,  and the net  amount is
amortized as an adjustment of the related  loan's yield over the estimated  life
of the loan.  Loans on which the accrual of interest has been  discontinued  are
designated  as  nonaccrual  loans.  Accrual of  interest  on loans is  generally
discontinued  either  when  reasonable  doubt  exists  as to  the  full,  timely
collection  of interest or principal or when a loan becomes  contractually  past
due by 90 days or more with respect to interest or principal.  When loans are 90
days past due, but in Management's  judgment are well secured and in the process
of  collection,  they may be  classified  as  accrual.  When a loan is placed on
nonaccrual  status,  all  interest  previously  accrued  but  not  collected  is
reversed.  Income on such loans is then  recognized only to the extent that cash
is received and where the future  collection of principal is probable.  Interest
accruals are resumed on such loans only when they are brought fully current with
respect to interest and principal and when, in the judgment of  Management,  the
loans are estimated to be fully  collectible  as to both principal and interest.
All impaired loans are classified as nonaccrual loans.

Reserve for Unfunded Commitments
The reserve for unfunded  commitments  is  established  through a provision  for
losses - unfunded  commitments charged to noninterest  expense.  The reserve for
unfunded  commitments is an amount that Management  believes will be adequate to
absorb  probable  losses  inherent in  existing  commitments,  including  unused
portions of  revolving  lines of credits  and other  loans,  standby  letters of
credits,  and unused  deposit  account  overdraft  privilege.  The  reserve  for
unfunded  commitments is based on evaluations of the  collectibility,  and prior
loss experience of unfunded commitments. The evaluations take into consideration
such  factors as changes in the nature and size of the loan  portfolio,  overall
loan portfolio quality, loan concentrations,  specific problem loans and related
unfunded  commitments,  and  current  economic  conditions  that may  affect the
borrower's or depositor's ability to pay.

Allowance for Loan Losses
The allowance for loan losses is established through a provision for loan losses
charged to expense. Loans and deposit related overdrafts are charged against the
allowance for loan losses when Management  believes that the  collectibility  of
the  principal  is unlikely  or, with  respect to  consumer  installment  loans,
according to an  established  delinquency  schedule.  The allowance is an amount
that Management  believes will be adequate to absorb probable losses inherent in
existing  loans  and  leases,   based  on  evaluations  of  the  collectibility,
impairment and prior loss experience of loans and leases.  The evaluations  take
into  consideration  such  factors  as  changes  in the  nature  and size of the
portfolio,  overall portfolio  quality,  loan  concentrations,  specific problem
loans, and current economic conditions that may affect the borrower's ability to
pay. The Company defines a loan as impaired when it is probable the Company will
be unable to collect all amounts due according to the  contractual  terms of the
loan  agreement.  Impaired  loans are  measured  based on the  present  value of
expected future cash flows discounted at the loan's original  effective interest
rate. As a practical  expedient,  impairment may be measured based on the loan's
observable  market  price or the fair  value  of the  collateral  if the loan is
collateral  dependent.  When the measure of the  impaired  loan is less than the
recorded  investment in the loan, the impairment is recorded through a valuation


Credit  risk is inherent in the  business of lending.  As a result,  the Company
maintains  an  allowance  for loan  losses  to  absorb  losses  inherent  in the
Company's  loan  portfolio.  This is  maintained  through  periodic  charges  to
earnings.  These  charges are shown in the  Consolidated  Income  Statements  as
provision for loan losses. All specifically identifiable and quantifiable losses
are  immediately  charged off against the allowance.  However,  for a variety of
reasons,  not all losses are immediately known to the Company and, of those that
are known,  the full extent of the loss may not be quantifiable at that point in
time.  The balance of the Company's  allowance for loan losses is meant to be an
estimate of these unknown but probable  losses  inherent in the  portfolio.  For
purposes of this discussion, "loans" shall include all loans and lease contracts
that are part of the Company's portfolio.

The Company  formally  assesses  the  adequacy of the  allowance  on a quarterly
basis.  Determination  of the  adequacy is based on ongoing  assessments  of the
probable  risk in the  outstanding  loan  portfolio,  and to a lesser extent the
Company's loan commitments. These assessments include the periodic re-grading of
credits based on changes in their individual  credit  characteristics  including
delinquency,  seasoning,  recent financial performance of the borrower, economic
factors, changes in the interest rate environment,  growth of the portfolio as a
whole or by segment, and other factors as warranted.  Loans are initially graded
when  originated.  They are  re-graded as they are renewed,  when there is a new
loan to the same borrower,  when identified facts demonstrate heightened risk of
nonpayment,  or if they become  delinquent.  Re-grading of larger  problem loans
occur at least quarterly.  Confirmation of the quality of the grading process is
obtained by  independent  credit reviews  conducted by consultants  specifically
hired for this purpose and by various bank regulatory agencies.

The Company's method for assessing the appropriateness of the allowance for loan
losses and the reserve for unfunded commitments includes specific allowances for
identified problem loans and leases as determined by SFAS 114, formula allowance
factors for pools of credits, and allowances for changing  environmental factors
(e.g., interest rates, growth, economic conditions, etc.). Allowance factors for
loan  pools are based on the  previous 5 years  historical  loss  experience  by
product type.  Allowances  for specific  loans are based on SFAS 114 analysis of
individual   credits.   Allowances  for  changing   environmental   factors  are
Management's  best estimate of the probable impact these changes have had on the
loan  portfolio as a whole.  This process is explained in detail in the notes to
the  Company's  Consolidated  Financial  Statements in its Annual Report on Form
10-K for the year ended December 31, 2004.

Based on the current conditions of the loan portfolio,  Management believes that
the  allowance for loan losses and the reserve for unfunded  commitments,  which
collectively  stand at $17,470,000 at September 30, 2005, are adequate to absorb
probable losses  inherent in the Company's loan  portfolio.  No assurance can be
given, however, that adverse economic conditions or other circumstances will not
result in increased losses in the portfolio.


The  following  tables  summarize the activity in the allowance for loan losses,
reserve for unfunded  commitments,  and allowance for losses (which is comprised
of the allowance for loan losses and the reserve for unfunded  commitments)  for
the periods indicated (dollars in thousands):

                                             Three months ended             Nine months ended
                                                September 30,                 September 30,
                                              2005          2004           2005           2004
     Allowance for loan losses:
     Balance at beginning of period         $14,892       $14,613         $14,525       $12,890
     Provision for loan losses                  947         1,166           1,608         3,084
     Loans charged off                         (479)         (687)         (1,287)       (1,053)
     Recoveries of previously
       charged-off loans                        436            75             950           246
       Net charge-offs                          (43)         (612)           (337)         (807)
     Balance at end of period               $15,796       $15,167         $15,796       $15,167
     Reserve for unfunded commitments:
     Balance at beginning of period          $1,671          $916          $1,532          $883
     Provision for losses -
       Unfunded commitments                       3           133             142           166
     Balance at end of period                $1,674        $1,049          $1,674        $1,049
     Balance at end of period:
     Allowance for loan losses                                            $15,796       $15,167
     Reserve for unfunded commitments                                       1,674         1,049
     Allowance for losses                                                 $17,470       $16,216
     As a percentage of total loans:
     Allowance for loan losses                                              1.19%          1.35%
     Reserve for unfunded commitments                                       0.13%          0.09%
     Allowance for losses                                                   1.32%          1.44%

Servicing  assets are  recognized  as separate  assets when rights are  acquired
through  purchase or through  sale of  financial  assets.  Generally,  purchased
servicing rights are capitalized at the cost to acquire the rights. For sales of
mortgage  loans, a portion of the cost of  originating  the loan is allocated to
the servicing right based on relative fair value.  Fair value is based on market
prices  for  comparable  mortgage  servicing  contracts,   when  available,   or
alternatively,  is based on a valuation  model that calculates the present value
of estimated  future net  servicing  income.  The valuation  model  incorporates
assumptions  that  market  participants  would  use  in  estimating  future  net
servicing income, such as the cost to service,  the discount rate, the custodial
earnings  rate,  an inflation  rate,  ancillary  income,  prepayment  speeds and
default  rates and losses.  Capitalized  servicing  rights are reported in other
assets and are amortized into non-interest income in proportion to, and over the
period of, the estimated  future  servicing  income of the underlying  financial

Servicing  assets are evaluated for impairment  based upon the fair value of the
rights as compared to amortized  cost.  Impairment is determined by  stratifying
rights into tranches based on predominant risk characteristics, such as interest
rate, loan type and investor type.  Impairment is recognized through a valuation
allowance for an individual  tranche, to the extent that fair value is less than
the capitalized amount for the tranche. If the Company later determines that all
or a portion of the  impairment  no longer  exists for a particular  tranche,  a
reduction of the allowance may be recorded as an increase to income.

Servicing fee income is recorded for fees earned for servicing  loans.  The fees
are based on a contractual percentage of the outstanding  principal;  or a fixed
amount per loan and are  recorded as income when  earned.  The  amortization  of
mortgage servicing rights is netted against loan servicing fee income.


The following table summarizes the Company's  mortgage servicing rights recorded
in other assets as of September 30, 2005 and December 31, 2004.

                                 December 31,                      September 30,
   (Dollars in thousands)           2004     Additions   Reductions     2005
   Mortgage Servicing Rights       $3,476       $659       ($490)      $3,645
   Valuation allowance                  -          -           -            -
   Mortgage servicing rights, net
      of valuation allowance       $3,476       $659       ($490)      $3,645

At September  30, 2005 and December 31, 2004,  the Company  serviced real estate
mortgage  loans for others of $369 million and $368  million,  respectively.  At
September  30,  2005 and  December  31,  2004,  the fair value of the  Company's
mortgage servicing rights assets was $3,812,000 and $3,568,000, respectively.

Off-Balance Sheet Credit Related Financial Instruments
In the ordinary course of business,  the Company has entered into commitments to
extend credit, including commitments under credit card arrangements,  commercial
letters of credit,  standby  letters of credit,  and deposit  account  overdraft
privilege. Such financial instruments are recorded when they are funded.

Premises and Equipment
Land is carried at cost. Buildings and equipment, including those acquired under
capital  lease,   are  stated  at  cost  less   accumulated   depreciation   and
amortization.  Depreciation  and  amortization  expenses are computed  using the
straight-line  method over the estimated  useful lives of the related  assets or
lease terms.  Asset lives range from 3-10 years for  furniture and equipment and
15-40 years for land improvements and buildings.

Foreclosed Assets
Assets acquired  through,  or in lieu of, loan foreclosure are held for sale and
are initially recorded at fair value at the date of foreclosure,  establishing a
new cost basis.  Subsequent to  foreclosure,  management  periodically  performs
valuations  and the assets are carried at the lower of  carrying  amount or fair
value less cost to sell. Revenue and expenses from operations and changes in the
valuation allowance are included in other noninterest expense.

Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets
Goodwill  represents the excess of costs over fair value of assets of businesses
acquired.  The Company adopted the provisions of Financial  Accounting Standards
Board (FASB) Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standard No. 142,  Goodwill and
Other Intangible Assets (SFAS 142), as of January 1, 2002. Pursuant to SFAS 142,
goodwill and other intangible assets acquired in a purchase business combination
and determined to have an indefinite useful life are not amortized,  but instead
tested for  impairment at least  annually in accordance  with the  provisions of
SFAS 142. SFAS 142 also requires that  intangible  assets with estimable  useful
lives  be  amortized  over  their  respective  estimated  useful  lives to their
estimated  residual values,  and reviewed for impairment in accordance with FASB
Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 144, Accounting for Impairment or
Disposal of Long-Lived Assets (SFAS 144).

As of the date of  adoption,  the Company  had  identifiable  intangible  assets
consisting of core deposit premiums and minimum pension liability.  Core deposit
premiums are amortized  using an accelerated  method over a period of ten years.
Intangible  assets related to minimum  pension  liability are adjusted  annually
based upon actuarial estimates.

The following  table  summarizes  the Company's  core deposit  intangibles as of
September 30, 2005 and December 31, 2004.

                                 December 31,                      September 30,
  (Dollar in Thousands)             2004      Additions   Reductions    2005
   Core deposit intangibles       $13,643           -             -    $13,643
   Accumulated amortization        (9,201)          -       ($1,035)   (10,236)
   Core deposit intangibles, net   $4,442           -       ($1,035)    $3,407

Core deposit  intangibles are amortized over their expected  useful lives.  Such
lives are  periodically  reassessed  to  determine  if any  amortization  period
adjustments are indicated.


The following table summarizes the Company's  estimated core deposit  intangible
amortization for each of the five succeeding years from December 31, 2004:

                                               Estimated Core Deposit
                                               Intangible Amortization
                 Years Ended                    (Dollar in thousands)
                 -----------                   -----------------------
                     2005                              $1,381
                     2006                               1,395
                     2007                                 490
                     2008                                 523
                     2009                                 328
                 Thereafter                               325

The  following  table  summarizes  the  Company's   minimum  pension   liability
intangible as of September 30, 2005 and December 31, 2004.

                                  December 31,                     September 30,
  (Dollar in Thousands)              2004     Additions   Reductions    2005
  Minimum pension liability
   intangible                        $966          -            -       $966

Intangible  assets related to minimum  pension  liability are adjusted  annually
based upon actuarial estimates.

The following table summarizes the Company's goodwill intangible as of September
30, 2005 and December 31, 2004.

                                  December 31,                     September 30,
  (Dollar in Thousands)              2004     Additions   Reductions    2005
   Goodwill                         15,519         -            -      15,519

Impairment of Long-Lived Assets and Goodwill
Long-lived  assets,  such as  property,  plant,  and  equipment,  and  purchased
intangibles subject to amortization, are reviewed for impairment whenever events
or changes in  circumstances  indicate that the carrying  amount of an asset may
not be recoverable.  Recoverability of assets to be held and used is measured by
a comparison of the carrying amount of an asset to estimated undiscounted future
cash flows expected to be generated by the asset.  If the carrying  amount of an
asset  exceeds  its  estimated  future  cash  flows,  an  impairment  charge  is
recognized  by the amount by which the carrying  amount of the asset exceeds the
fair value of the asset. Assets to be disposed of would be separately  presented
in the balance  sheet and reported at the lower of the  carrying  amount or fair
value  less  costs  to sell,  and are no  longer  depreciated.  The  assets  and
liabilities of a disposed  group  classified as held for sale would be presented
separately in the appropriate asset and liability sections of the balance sheet.

On December 31 of each year,  goodwill is tested for  impairment,  and is tested
for impairment  more  frequently if events and  circumstances  indicate that the
asset might be impaired. An impairment loss is recognized to the extent that the
carrying amount exceeds the asset's fair value.  This  determination  is made at
the  reporting  unit  level  and  consists  of two  steps.  First,  the  Company
determines  the fair value of a reporting  unit and  compares it to its carrying
amount.  Second,  if the  carrying  amount of a reporting  unit exceeds its fair
value, an impairment loss is recognized for any excess of the carrying amount of
the reporting unit's goodwill over the implied fair value of that goodwill.  The
implied fair value of goodwill is determined by allocating the fair value of the
reporting unit in a manner similar to a purchase price allocation.  The residual
fair value after this allocation is the implied fair value of the reporting unit

Income Taxes
The  Company's  accounting  for income taxes is based on an asset and  liability
approach.  The Company  recognizes the amount of taxes payable or refundable for
the current  year,  and deferred tax assets and  liabilities  for the future tax
consequences  that have  been  recognized  in its  financial  statements  or tax
returns.  The  measurement  of  tax  assets  and  liabilities  is  based  on the
provisions of enacted tax laws.


Stock-Based Compensation
The Company  uses the  intrinsic  value  method to account for its stock  option
plans (in accordance with the provisions of Accounting  Principles Board Opinion
No. 25).  Under this method,  compensation  expense is recognized  for awards of
options to purchase shares of common stock to employees under compensatory plans
only if the fair  market  value of the stock at the option  grant date (or other
measurement  date, if later) is greater than the amount the employee must pay to
acquire  the  stock.  Statement  of  Financial  Accounting  Standards  No.  123,
Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation (SFAS 123) permits companies to continue
using the  intrinsic  value  method  or to adopt a fair  value  based  method to
account  for  stock  option  plans.  The fair  value  based  method  results  in
recognizing as expense over the vesting period the fair value of all stock-based
awards on the date of grant.  The  Company  has  elected to  continue to use the
intrinsic value method (see Recent Accounting Pronouncements).

Had  compensation  cost  for the  Company's  option  plans  been  determined  in
accordance  with SFAS 123, the Company's net income and earnings per share would
have been reduced to the pro forma amounts indicated below:

                                         Three Months Ended September 30,   Nine Months Ended September 30,
(in thousands, except per share amounts)      2005             2004              2005             2004
                                              ----             ----              ----             ----
Net income                   As reported     $5,961           $5,203           $16,937          $14,827
                               Pro forma     $5,865           $5,101           $16,642          $14,458
Basic earnings per share     As reported      $0.38            $0.33             $1.08            $0.95
                               Pro forma      $0.37            $0.33             $1.06            $0.92
Diluted earnings per share   As reported      $0.37            $0.32             $1.04            $0.91
                               Pro forma      $0.36            $0.31             $1.02            $0.89

Stock-based employee compensation
   cost, net of related tax effects,
   included in net income    As reported         $0               $0                $0               $0
                               Pro forma        $96             $102              $295             $369

The fair value of each option  grant is estimated on the date of grant using the
Black-Scholes option pricing.

Earnings Per Share
Basic  earnings per share  represents  income  available to common  shareholders
divided by the  weighted-average  number of common shares outstanding during the
period.  Diluted earnings per share reflects additional common shares that would
have been outstanding if dilutive  potential  common shares had been issued,  as
well as any  adjustments  to income  that would  result from  assumed  issuance.
Potential  common  shares that may be issued by the Company  relate  solely from
outstanding stock options, and are determined using the treasury stock method.

Earnings per share have been computed based on the following:

                                                               Three Months           Nine Months
                                                            Ended September 30,   Ended September 30,
(in thousands)                                                2005       2004       2005       2004
                                                            -------------------   -------------------
Net income                                                   $5,961     $5,203    $16,937    $14,827

Average number of common shares outstanding                  15,688     15,672     15,706     15,643
Effect of dilutive stock options                                642        582        622        584
                                                            -------------------   -------------------
Average number of common shares outstanding
   used to calculate diluted earnings per share              16,330     16,254     16,328     16,227
                                                            ===================   ===================


Comprehensive Income
Accounting principles generally require that recognized revenue, expenses, gains
and losses be  included in net income.  Although  certain  changes in assets and
liabilities,   such  as  unrealized  gains  and  losses  on   available-for-sale
securities,  are reported as a separate  component of the equity  section of the
balance  sheet,   such  items,   along  with  net  income,   are  components  of
comprehensive income.

The components of other comprehensive  income (loss) and related tax effects are
as follows:

                                             Three months ended September 30,         Nine Months Ended September 30,
                                             --------------------------------         -------------------------------
                                                  2005              2004                  2005               2004
                                             --------------------------------         -------------------------------
(in thousands)
Unrealized holding gains (losses) on
   available-for-sale securities                ($1,846)           $5,416               ($3,772)           ($1,061)
Tax effect                                          776            (2,277)                1,586                402
                                             --------------------------------         -------------------------------
Unrealized holding gains (losses) on
   available-for-sale securities, net of tax    ($1,070)            3,139               ($2,186)             ($659)
                                             ================================         ===============================

The   components  of  accumulated   other   comprehensive   loss,   included  in
shareholders' equity, are as follows:

                                                   September 30,    December 31,
                                                       2005             2004
(in thousands)
Net unrealized (losses) gains
   on available-for-sale securities                  ($2,765)          $1,007
Tax effect                                             1,162             (424)
Unrealized holding (losses) gains on
   available-for-sale securities, net of tax          (1,603)             583
Minimum pension liability                             (1,559)          (1,559)
Tax effect                                               624              624
Minimum pension liability, net of tax                   (935)            (935)
Accumulated other comprehensive loss                 ($2,538)           ($352)
Retirement Plans
The  Company  has  supplemental  retirement  plans  covering  directors  and key
executives.  These  plans  are  non-qualified  defined  benefit  plans  and  are
unsecured and unfunded.  The Company has purchased insurance on the lives of the
participants  and  intends to use the cash  values of these  policies to pay the
retirement obligations.

The following table sets forth the net periodic  benefit cost recognized for the

                                                                Three Months         Nine Months
                                                            Ended September 30,  Ended September 30,
(in thousands)                                                2005       2004       2005     2004
                                                              ----       ----       ----     ----
Net pension cost included the following components:
Service cost-benefits earned during the period                $104        $76       $313     $227
Interest cost on projected benefit obligation                  134        123        402      371
Amortization of net obligation at transition                    56          3        168        8
Amortization of prior service cost                              24         27         72       81
Recognized net actuarial loss                                    0         27          2       82
Net periodic pension cost                                     $318       $256       $957     $769

During  the  nine  months  ended  September  30,  2005  and  2004,  the  Company
contributed  and paid out as benefits  $393,000 and $378,000,  respectively,  to
participants under the plans. For the year ending December 31, 2005, the Company
expects to contribute and pay out as benefits $517,000 to participants under the


Recent Accounting Pronouncements

In December 2004, the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board (FASB) issued FASB
Statement of Financial  Accounting Standard No. 123 (revised 2004),  Share-Based
Payment (SFAS 123R),  which replaces SFAS No. 123,  Accounting  for  Stock-Based
Compensation, (SFAS 123) and supercedes APB Opinion No. 25, Accounting for Stock
Issued to Employees.  SFAS 123R requires all share-based  payments to employees,
including  grants of employee stock  options,  to be recognized in the financial
statements based on their fair values beginning with the first interim reporting
period of the Company's  fiscal year beginning  after June 15, 2005,  with early
adoption encouraged.  The pro forma disclosures  previously permitted under SFAS
123 no longer will be an alternative  to financial  statement  recognition.  The
Company is required to adopt SFAS 123R on January 1, 2006.  Under SFAS 123R, the
Company must determine the  appropriate  fair value model to be used for valuing
share-based  payments,  the amortization  method for  compensation  cost and the
transition method to be used at date of adoption. The transition methods include
prospective  and retroactive  adoption  options.  Under the retroactive  option,
prior periods may be restated either as of the beginning of the year of adoption
or for all periods presented.  The prospective method requires that compensation
expense be recorded for all unvested stock options at the beginning of the first
quarter of adoption of SFAS 123R,  while the  retroactive  methods  would record
compensation  expense  for all  unvested  stock  options  and  restricted  stock
beginning  with the  first  period  restated.  The  Company  is  evaluating  the
requirements  of SFAS 123R and expects  that the  adoption of SFAS 123R will not
have a material impact on the Company's  consolidated  results of operations and
earnings per share. The Company has not yet determined the method of adoption or
the effect of adopting SFAS 123R, and it has not determined whether the adoption
will result in amounts  that are  similar to the  current pro forma  disclosures
under SFAS 123.

In May 2005, the FASB issued FASB Statement of Financial Accounting Standard No.
154,  Accounting Changes and Error Corrections,  (SFAS 154) a Replacement of APB
Opinion  No.  20  and  FASB  Statement  No.  3.  SFAS  154  establishes,  unless
impracticable,  retrospective application as the required method for reporting a
change  in   accounting   principle  in  the  absence  of  explicit   transition
requirements specific to a newly adopted accounting principle.  Previously, most
changes in accounting  principle  were  recognized  by including the  cumulative
effect of changing to the new  accounting  principle in net income of the period
of the  change.  Under  SFAS 154,  retrospective  application  requires  (i) the
cumulative effect of the change to the new accounting principle on periods prior
to those  presented  to be  reflected  in the  carrying  amounts  of assets  and
liabilities  as of  the  beginning  of  the  first  period  presented,  (ii)  an
offsetting  adjustment,  if any, to be made to the  opening  balance of retained
earnings (or other appropriate  components of equity) for that period, and (iii)
financial  statements for each individual  prior period presented to be adjusted
to reflect the direct  period-specific  effects of applying  the new  accounting
principle. Special retroactive application rules apply in situations where it is
impracticable to determine either the period-specific  effects or the cumulative
effect of the change.  Indirect effects of a change in accounting  principle are
required to be reported  in the period in which the  accounting  change is made.
SFAS 154 carries  forward the guidance in APB Opinion 20  "Accounting  Changes,"
requiring  justification  of a change in  accounting  principle  on the basis of
preferability.  SFAS  154 also  carries  forward  without  change  the  guidance
contained  in APB  Opinion  20,  for  reporting  the  correction  of an error in
previously issued financial  statements and for a change in accounting estimate.
SFAS 154 is effective for accounting  changes and  corrections of errors made in
fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2005. The Company does not expect SFAS
154 will  significantly  impact its  financial  statements  upon its adoption on
January 1, 2006.

Certain amounts previously  reported in the 2004 financial  statements have been
reclassified  to conform to the 2005  presentation.  Additionally,  in the first
quarter of 2005, the Company  reclassified the reserve for unfunded  commitments
from the allowance for loan losses to other  liabilities,  and  reclassified the
provision for unfunded  commitments  from the provision for loan losses to other
noninterest expense. These  reclassifications did not affect previously reported
net income or total shareholders' equity.


                                TRICO BANCSHARES
                                Financial Summary
           (dollars in thousands, except per share amounts; unaudited)

                                                       Three months ended            Nine months ended
                                                          September 30,                September 30,
                                                      2005             2004        2005            2004
Net Interest Income (FTE)                           $20,086          $18,712     $58,203         $53,670
Provision for loan losses                               947            1,166       1,608           3,084
Noninterest income                                    6,632            6,361      18,269          19,058
Noninterest expense                                  15,680           15,223      46,310          45,013
Provision for income taxes (FTE)                      4,130            3,481      11,617           9,804
Net income                                           $5,961           $5,203     $16,937         $14,827
Earnings per share:
    Basic                                             $0.38            $0.33       $1.08           $0.95
    Diluted                                           $0.37            $0.32       $1.04           $0.91
Per share:
    Dividends paid                                    $0.11            $0.11       $0.33           $0.32
    Book value at period end                          $9.30            $8.64
    Tangible book value at period end                 $8.04            $7.33

Average common shares outstanding                    15,688           15,672      15,706          15,643
Average diluted shares outstanding                   16,330           16,254      16,328          16,227
Shares outstanding at period end                     15,728           15,698
At period end:
    Loans, net                                   $1,312,294       $1,111,256
    Total assets                                  1,786,856        1,574,546
    Total deposits                                1,438,299        1,292,141
    Other borrowings                                 31,711           27,159
    Junior subordinated debt                         41,238           41,238
    Shareholders' equity                           $146,322         $135,688
Financial Ratios:
During the period (annualized):
    Return on assets                                  1.37%            1.34%       1.34%           1.32%
    Return on equity                                 16.26%           15.57%      15.71%          15.12%
    Net interest margin1                              5.10%            5.35%       5.12%           5.32%
    Net loan charge-offs to average loans             0.01%            0.22%       0.04%           0.10%
    Efficiency ratio1                                58.69%           60.71%      60.56%          61.89%
At Period End:
    Equity to assets                                  8.19%            8.62%
    Total capital to risk assets                     11.19%           12.36%
    Allowance for losses to loans2                    1.32%            1.44%

1 Fully taxable equivalent (FTE)
2 Allowance  for losses  includes  allowance  for  loan  losses and  reserve for
unfunded commitments.



Item 6 - Exhibits

     3.1*      Restated  Articles of  Incorporation  dated May 9, 2003, filed as
               Exhibit  3.1 to  TriCo's  Quarterly  Report  on Form 10-Q for the
               quarter ended March 31, 2003.

     3.2*      Bylaws of TriCo Bancshares,  as amended,  filed as Exhibit 3.2 to
               TriCo's Form S-4  Registration  Statement  dated January 16, 2003
               (No. 333-102546).

     4         Certificate of  Determination  of Preferences of Series AA Junior
               Participating  Preferred  Stock  filed as Exhibit  3.3 to TriCo's
               Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30,

     10.1*     Rights  Agreement  dated June 25, 2001,  between TriCo and Mellon
               Investor  Services  LLC filed as  Exhibit 1 to  TriCo's  Form 8-A
               dated July 25, 2001.

     10.2*     Form of Change of Control  Agreement dated as of August 23, 2005,
               between TriCo, Tri Counties Bank and each of Bruce Belton,  Craig
               Carney,  Gary Coelho,  W.R.  Hagstrom,  Andrew  Mastorakis,  Rick
               Miller, Richard O'Sullivan, Thomas Reddish, and Ray Rios filed as
               Exhibit  10.2 to  TriCo's  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the
               quarter ended September 30, 2005.

     10.4*     TriCo's  Non-Qualified  Stock Option Plan filed as Exhibit 4.2 to
               TriCo's Form S-8  Registration  Statement  dated January 18, 1995
               (No. 33-88704).

     10.5*     TriCo's  Incentive  Stock  Option  Plan filed as  Exhibit  4.3 to
               TriCo's Form S-8  Registration  Statement  dated January 18, 1995
               (No. 33-88704).

     10.6*     TriCo's 1995 Incentive  Stock Option Plan filed as Exhibit 4.1 to
               TriCo's  Form S-8  Registration  Statement  dated August 23, 1995
               (No. 33-62063).

     10.7*     TriCo's 2001 Stock Option Plan,  as amended filed as Exhibit 10.7
               to TriCo's  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter  ended
               June 30, 2005.

     10.8*     Amended  Employment  Agreement  between  TriCo and Richard  Smith
               dated as of August  23,  2005  filed as  Exhibit  10.8 to TriCo's
               Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30,

     10.9*     Tri Counties Bank Executive  Deferred  Compensation Plan restated
               April 1, 1992,  and  January  1, 2005  filed as  Exhibit  10.9 to
               TriCo's  Quarterly  Report  on Form  10-Q for the  quarter  ended
               September 30, 2005.

     10.10*    Tri  Counties  Bank  Deferred  Compensation  Plan  for  Directors
               effective  January  1, 2005  filed as  Exhibit  10.10 to  TriCo's
               Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30,

     10.11*    2005 Tri Counties Bank Deferred  Compensation Plan for Executives
               and Directors effective January 1, 2005 filed as Exhibit 10.11 to
               TriCo's  Quarterly  Report  on Form  10-Q for the  quarter  ended
               September 30, 2005.

     10.13*    Tri Counties  Bank  Supplemental  Retirement  Plan for  Directors
               dated September 1, 1987, as restated January 1, 2001, and amended
               and  restated  January 1, 2004 filed as Exhibit  10.12 to TriCo's
               Quarterly  Report on Form  10-Q for the  quarter  ended  June 30,


     10.14*    2004 TriCo Bancshares  Supplemental Retirement Plan for Directors
               effective  January  1, 2004  filed as  Exhibit  10.13 to  TriCo's
               Quarterly  Report on Form  10-Q for the  quarter  ended  June 30,

     10.15*    Tri  Counties  Bank   Supplemental   Executive   Retirement  Plan
               effective  September 1, 1987, as amended and restated  January 1,
               2004 filed as Exhibit 10.14 to TriCo's  Quarterly  Report on Form
               10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2004.

     10.16*    2004 TriCo  Bancshares  Supplemental  Executive  Retirement  Plan
               effective  January  1, 2004  filed as  Exhibit  10.15 to  TriCo's
               Quarterly  Report on Form  10-Q for the  quarter  ended  June 30,

     10.17*    Form of Joint  Beneficiary  Agreement  effective  March 31,  2003
               between Tri Counties  Bank and each of George  Barstow,  Dan Bay,
               Ron Bee, Craig Carney,  Robert Elmore, Greg Gill, Richard Miller,
               Andrew Mastorakis,  Richard  O'Sullivan,  Thomas Reddish,  Jerald
               Sax,  and  Richard  Smith,  filed as  Exhibit  10.14  to  TriCo's
               Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30,

     10.18*    Form of Joint  Beneficiary  Agreement  effective  March 31,  2003
               between Tri Counties Bank and each of Don Amaral,  William Casey,
               Craig Compton, John Hasbrook,  Michael Koehnen, Wendell Lundberg,
               Donald Murphy,  Carroll  Taresh,  and Alex  Vereshagin,  filed as
               Exhibit  10.15 to TriCo's  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the
               quarter ended September 30, 2003.

     10.19*    Form of  Tri-Counties  Bank  Executive  Long Term Care  Agreement
               effective  June 10, 2003  between Tri  Counties  Bank and each of
               Craig  Carney,   Andrew  Mastorakis,   Richard  Miller,   Richard
               O'Sullivan, and Thomas Reddish, filed as Exhibit 10.16 to TriCo's
               Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30,

     10.20*    Form of  Tri-Counties  Bank  Director  Long Term  Care  Agreement
               effective June 10, 2003 between Tri Counties Bank and each of Don
               Amaral,  William  Casey,  Craig Compton,  John Hasbrook,  Michael
               Koehnen,  Donald Murphy,  Carroll Taresh,  and Alex  Verischagin,
               filed as Exhibit 10.17 to TriCo's  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q
               for the quarter ended September 30, 2003.

     10.21*   Form of Indemnification Agreement between TriCo Bancshares/Tri
              Counties Bank and each of the directors of TriCo Bancshares/Tri
              Counties Bank effective on the date that each director is first
              elected, filed as Exhibit 10.18 to TriCo'S Annual Report on Form
              10-K for the year ended December 31, 2003.

     10.22*    Form of  Indemnification  Agreement between TriCo  Bancshares/Tri
               Counties Bank and each of Craig  Carney,  W.R.  Hagstrom,  Andrew
               Mastorakis, Rick Miller, Richard O'Sullivan,  Thomas Reddish, Ray
               Rios,  and  Richard  Smith  filed as  Exhibit  10.21  to  TriCo's
               Quarterly  Report on Form  10-Q for the  quarter  ended  June 30,

     31.1      Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) Certification of CEO

     31.2      Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a) Certification of CFO

     32.1      Section 1350 Certification of CEO

     32.2      Section 1350 Certification of CFO

       * Previously filed and incorporated by reference.


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                     TRICO BANCSHARES

Date:  November 23, 2005             /s/ Thomas J. Reddish
                                     Thomas J. Reddish
                                     Executive Vice President and
                                     Chief Financial Officer


Exhibit 31.1

Rule 13a-14/15d-14 Certification of CEO

I, Richard P. Smith, certify that;

    1.    I have reviewed this  amendment no. 1 to the quarterly  report on Form
          10-Q/A of TriCo Bancshares;
    2.    Based on my knowledge,  this amended quarterly report does not contain
          any untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omit to state a material
          fact  necessary  to  make  the  statements   made,  in  light  of  the
          circumstances  under which such  statements  were made, not misleading
          with respect to the period covered by this amended quarterly report;
    3.    Based on my knowledge,  the financial statements,  and other financial
          information included in this amended quarterly report,  fairly present
          in  all  material  respects  the  financial   condition,   results  of
          operations  and  cash  flows of the  registrant  as of,  and for,  the
          periods presented in this amended quarterly report;
    4.    The registrant's  other  certifying  officer and I are responsible for
          establishing  and maintaining  disclosure  controls and procedures (as
          defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) and internal  control
          over financial  reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13-d-15(f)
          and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and we have:
          a.   Designed such disclosure controls and procedures,  or caused such
               disclosure  controls  and  procedures  to be  designed  under our
               supervision,  to ensure that material information relating to the
               registrant,  including its consolidated subsidiary, is made known
               to us by others within those  entities,  particularly  during the
               period in which this amended quarterly report is being prepared;
          b.   Designed  such  internal  control over  financial  reporting,  or
               caused such  internal  control  over  financial  reporting  to be
               designed under our supervision,  to provide reasonable  assurance
               regarding  the   reliability  of  financial   reporting  and  the
               preparation  of financial  statements  for  external  purposes in
               accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;
          c.   Evaluated  the  effectiveness  of  the  registrant's   disclosure
               controls and procedures  and presented in this amended  quarterly
               report our conclusions  about the effectiveness of the disclosure
               controls and  procedures,  as of the end of the period covered by
               this amended quarterly report based on such evaluation; and
          d.   Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's  internal
               control  over  financial   reporting  that  occurred  during  the
               registrant's  most  recent  fiscal  quarter  that has  materially
               affected,  or is  reasonably  likely to  materially  affect,  the
               registrant's internal control over financial reporting;
    5.    The registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed,  based
          on our most recent  evaluation  of  internal  control  over  financial
          reporting, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the
          registrant's board of directors;
          a.   All  significant  deficiencies  and  material  weaknesses  in the
               design or operation of internal control over financial  reporting
               which are reasonably  likely to adversely affect the registrant's
               ability to record, process,  summarize and report financial data;
          b.   Any fraud,  whether or not material,  that involves management or
               other employees who have a significant  role in the  registrant's
               internal control over financial reporting.

Date:  November 23, 2005                /s/ Richard P. Smith
                                        Richard P. Smith
                                        President and Chief Executive Officer

Exhibit 31.2

Rule 13a-14/15d-14 Certification of CFO

I, Thomas J. Reddish, certify that;

    1.    I have reviewed this  amendment no. 1 to the quarterly  report on Form
          10-Q/A of TriCo Bancshares;
    2.    Based on my knowledge,  this amended quarterly report does not contain
          any untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omit to state a material
          fact  necessary  to  make  the  statements   made,  in  light  of  the
          circumstances  under which such  statements  were made, not misleading
          with respect to the period covered by this amended quarterly report;
    3.    Based on my knowledge,  the financial statements,  and other financial
          information included in this amended quarterly report,  fairly present
          in  all  material  respects  the  financial   condition,   results  of
          operations  and  cash  flows of the  registrant  as of,  and for,  the
          periods presented in this amended quarterly report;
    4.    The registrant's  other  certifying  officer and I are responsible for
          establishing  and maintaining  disclosure  controls and procedures (as
          defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-14 and 15d-14) and internal  control
          over financial  reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13-d-15(f)
          and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and we have:
          a.   Designed such disclosure controls and procedures,  or caused such
               disclosure  controls  and  procedures  to be  designed  under our
               supervision,  to ensure that material information relating to the
               registrant,  including its consolidated subsidiary, is made known
               to us by others within those  entities,  particularly  during the
               period in which this amended quarterly report is being prepared;
          b.   Designed  such  internal  control over  financial  reporting,  or
               caused such  internal  control  over  financial  reporting  to be
               designed under our supervision,  to provide reasonable  assurance
               regarding  the   reliability  of  financial   reporting  and  the
               preparation  of financial  statements  for  external  purposes in
               accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;
          c.   Evaluated  the  effectiveness  of  the  registrant's   disclosure
               controls and procedures  and presented in this amended  quarterly
               report our conclusions  about the effectiveness of the disclosure
               controls and  procedures,  as of the end of the period covered by
               this amended quarterly report based on such evaluation; and
          d.   Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's  internal
               control  over  financial   reporting  that  occurred  during  the
               registrant's  most  recent  fiscal  quarter  that has  materially
               affected,  or is  reasonably  likely to  materially  affect,  the
               registrant's internal control over financial reporting;
    5.    The registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed,  based
          on our most recent  evaluation  of  internal  control  over  financial
          reporting, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the
          registrant's board of directors;
          a.   All  significant  deficiencies  and  material  weaknesses  in the
               design or operation of internal control over financial  reporting
               which are reasonably  likely to adversely affect the registrant's
               ability to record, process,  summarize and report financial data;
          b.   Any fraud,  whether or not material,  that involves management or
               other employees who have a significant  role in the  registrant's
               internal control over financial reporting.

Date:  November 23, 2005                /s/ Thomas J. Reddish
                                        Thomas J. Reddish
                                        Executive Vice President and Chief
                                        Financial Officer

Exhibit 32.1

Section 1350 Certification of CEO

In  connection  with  the  Amendment  No.  1 to the  Quarterly  Report  of TriCo
Bancshares  (the  "Company")  on Form 10-Q/A for the period ended  September 30,
2005 as filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  on the date hereof
(the "Report"),  I, Richard P. Smith,  President and Chief Executive  Officer of
the Company, certify, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant to
Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:

        (1)    The Report fully complies with the  requirements of section 13(a)
               or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and
        (2)    The information  contained in the Report fairly presents,  in all
               material  respects,   the  financial  condition  and  results  of
               operations of the Company.

        /s/ Richard P. Smith
        Richard P. Smith
        President and Chief Executive Officer

A signed  original of this  written  statement  required by Section 906 has been
provided  to TriCo  Bancshares  and will be  retained  by TriCo  Bancshares  and
furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission or its staff upon request.

Exhibit 32.2

Section 1350 Certification of CFO

In  connection  with  the  Amendment  No.  1 to the  Quarterly  Report  of TriCo
Bancshares  (the  "Company")  on Form 10-Q/A for the period ended  September 30,
2005 as filed with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  on the date hereof
(the "Report"), I, Thomas J. Reddish, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
of the Company, certify, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as adopted pursuant
to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:

        (1)    The Report fully complies with the  requirements of section 13(a)
               or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and
        (2)    The information  contained in the Report fairly presents,  in all
               material  respects,   the  financial  condition  and  results  of
               operations of the Company.

        /s/ Thomas J. Reddish
        Thomas J. Reddish
        Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

A signed  original of this  written  statement  required by Section 906 has been
provided  to TriCo  Bancshares  and will be  retained  by TriCo  Bancshares  and
furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission or its staff upon request.