To Our Stockholders:

	You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting of 
Stockholders of TCI International, Inc. which will be held at the 
Sheraton-Sunnyvale, 1100 N. Mathilda Avenue, Sunnyvale, 
California at 8:30 a.m. on February 9, 1999 for the following 

1.	To elect two Class II directors to serve until the 2001 
Annual Meeting and two Class III directors to serve 
until the 2002 Annual Meeting or until their successors 
have been elected and qualified;
2.	To ratify the selection of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP as 
independent public accountants for the fiscal year 
ending September 30, 1999; and

3.	To act upon such other business as may properly come 
before the meeting or any adjournment or postponement 

	The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on 
January 5, 1999 as the record date for determining those 
stockholders who will be entitled to vote at the meeting.  The 
stock transfer books will not be closed between the record date 
and the date of the meeting.

	Representation of at least a majority of all outstanding 
shares of Common Stock of TCI International, Inc. is required to 
constitute a quorum.  Accordingly, it is important that your 
shares be represented at the meeting.  WHETHER OR NOT YOU PLAN TO 
may be revoked at any time prior to the time it is voted.

	Please read the proxy material carefully.  Your vote is 
important and the Company appreciates your cooperation in 
considering and acting on the matters presented.

							Very truly yours,

							John W. Ballard, III

       Sunnyvale, California
       January 8, 1999

Stockholders Should Read the Entire Proxy Statement
Carefully Prior to Returning Their Proxies


To Be Held February 9, 1999

	This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the 
solicitation by the Board of Directors of TCI International, 
Inc., a Delaware corporation, of proxies to be voted at the 
Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held at 8:30 a.m. on 
February 9, 1999 at the Sheraton-Sunnyvale, 1100 N. Mathilda 
Avenue, Sunnyvale, California, or at any adjournments or 
postponements thereof, for the purposes set forth in the 
accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders.  TCI 
International, Inc. is a holding company which has three 
operating subsidiaries, Technology for Communications 
International ("TCI"), BR Communications ("BR") and TCI Wireless, 
Inc. ("TCIW").  Unless the context otherwise indicates, the term 
"Company" as used herein refers to TCI International, Inc. and 
its consolidated subsidiaries.  This Proxy Statement and the 
proxy card were first mailed to stockholders on or about January 
15, 1999.


	The close of business on January 5, 1999 was the record date 
for stockholders entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the 
Annual Meeting.  As of that date, TCI International, Inc. had 
3,211,715 shares of common stock (the "Common Stock") issued and 
outstanding (excluding Treasury Stock held by the Company).  All 
such shares of the Common Stock outstanding on the record date 
are entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting, and stockholders of 
record entitled to vote at the meeting will have one (1) vote for 
each share on the matters to be voted upon.

	Shares of the Common Stock represented by proxies in the 
accompanying form, which are properly executed and returned to 
the Company, will be voted at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders 
in accordance with the stockholders' instructions contained 
therein.  In the absence of contrary instructions, shares 
represented by such proxies will be voted FOR the election of 
each director as described herein under "Proposal 1 - Election of 
Directors" and FOR ratification of the selection of accountants 
as described herein under "Proposal 2 - Ratification of Selection 
of Independent Public Accountants."  Management does not know of 
any matters to be presented at this Annual Meeting other than 
those set forth in this Proxy Statement and the Notice 
accompanying this Proxy Statement.  If other matters should 
properly come before the meeting, the proxy holders will vote on 
such matters in accordance with their best judgment.  Any 
stockholder has the right to revoke his or her proxy at any time 
before it is voted by delivering to the Secretary of the Company 
a written notice of revocation, or a duly executed proxy bearing 
a later date, or by attending the Annual Meeting and voting in 

	Assuming a quorum is present, the four nominees for 
Directors receiving the greatest number of votes cast at the 
meeting will be elected. The affirmative vote of a majority of 
the shares represented and entitled to vote at the meeting is 
required to ratify the selection of the auditors for the Company.  
Abstentions and broker non-votes are each included in the 
determination of the number of shares present for quorum 
purposes.  Abstentions are counted in tabulations of the votes 
cast on proposals presented to stockholders (other than the 
election of Directors), whereas broker non-votes are not counted 
for purposes of determining whether a proposal has been approved.

	The entire cost of soliciting proxies will be borne by the 
Company.  Proxies will be solicited principally through the use 
of mail, but, if deemed desirable, may be solicited personally or 
by telephone, telegraph or special letter by officers, and 
regular Company employees for no additional compensation.  
Arrangement may be made with brokerage houses and other 
custodians, nominees and fiduciaries to send proxies and proxy 
material to the beneficial owners of the Company's Common Stock, 
and such persons may be reimbursed for their expenses.



	The members of the Board of Directors of TCI International, 
Inc. are classified into three classes, one of which is elected 
at each Annual Meeting of Stockholders to hold office for a 
three-year term, or until successors of such class have been 
elected and qualified.  The nominees for the Board of Directors 
are set forth below.  The proxy holders intend to vote all 
proxies received by them in the accompanying form FOR the 
nominees for Director listed below.  In the event that any 
nominee is unable or declines to serve as a Director at the time 
of the Annual Meeting, the proxies will be voted for any nominee 
who shall be designated by the present Board of Directors to fill 
the vacancy.  In the event that additional persons are nominated 
for election as directors, the proxy holders intend to vote all 
proxies received by them for the nominees listed below.  As of 
the date of this Proxy Statement, the Board of Directors is not 
aware of any nominee who is unable or will decline to serve as a 

Nominees to Board of Directors

Name                  Principal Occupation         Class and Year          Age
                                                   in which Term
                                                   Will Expire           
Donald C. Cox         Professor, Electrical         Class II; 2001         61
                      Engineering, Stanford 

C. Alan Peyser        President and CEO Emeritus    Class II; 2001         65 
                      of Cable & Wireless, Inc.  

John W. Ballard, III  President and CEO of TCI      Class III;2002         40
                      International, Inc.

John L. Anderson      President of Celerity         Class III;2002         46
                      Systems, Inc.

	Donald C. Cox, a professor of Electrical Engineering at 
Stanford University, has held the Harold Trap Friis Professor of 
Engineering chair since 1993 and is the Director of Stanford's 
Center for Communications.  From 1991 to 1993, he was Executive 
Director of Radio Research Department, Bellcore.  Dr. Cox is a 
member of the Audit Committee and the Compensation Committee.

	C. Alan Peyser was the President and CEO of Cable and 
Wireless, Inc. from 1993 to 1997.  He was the President of Cable 
and Wireless, Inc. from 1980 to 1993.  He has been a Director of 
Cable and Wireless since 1981.  Mr. Peyser also serves as a 
Director of Network Imaging, CWI and Spaceworks.  Mr. Peyser is a 
member of the Audit Committee.

	John W. Ballard III joined the Company in 1988 serving in 
numerous capacities in the Engineering and Administration 
Departments of the Information System Division.  In 1990, he was 
appointed Deputy General Manager and later was appointed Vice 
President and General Manager of the Information System Division.  
In 1992, he was appointed President of BR Communications.  In 
1993, he was appointed Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating 
Officer, and Vice President and General Manager of the Company.  
On October 3, 1998, he was appointed President and CEO of the 

	John L. Anderson is the President of Celerity Systems, Inc.  
He founded Celerity Systems, Inc. in 1994 and is responsible for 
product definition and development.  From 1981 to 1994, he was 
Chief Engineer of New Products Group at TRW/ESL in Sunnyvale.  
Mr. Anderson was appointed to the Board on December 16, 1998 as a 
Class III Director to replace Mr. Hamilton Budge who resigned 
from the Board on October 2, 1998.

Directors Not Standing For Election

Name              Principal Occupation      Director     Class and Year   Age
                                             Since       in which Term
                                                         will expire
Asaph H. Hall       Retired. Chairman of      1992        Class I; 2000    65
                    the Board of TCI
                    International, Inc.

E. M. T. Jones      Retired. Chairman of      1987        Class I; 2000    74 
                    the Board of TCI 
                    International, Inc.

Slobodan Tkalcevic  Vice President of         1996        Class I; 2000    45 
                    Advanced Development 
                    of TCI International, 

	Asaph H. Hall, from 1991 to 1994, was Corporate Vice 
President-Information Systems and Administrative Services at 
General Dynamics, and from 1984 to 1991 was General Manager of 
General Dynamics Data Systems Division.  Mr. Hall has held 
various other positions at General Dynamics since 1977.  He 
serves on the Compensation Committee and Audit Committee.

	E.M.T. Jones, a founder of TCI, has been Chairman of the 
Board of the Company since 1990.  From 1985 to 1990, Dr. Jones 
served as Vice President, Development of TCI.  From 1974 to 1985 
he was Executive Vice President of TCI.  From 1968 to 1974 Dr. 
Jones served as Vice President, Engineering of TCI.  He has been 
a Director of TCI since 1968 and of the Company since 1987. 

	Slobodan Tkalcevic joined the Company in 1978.  He was named 
Senior System Engineer in 1986, became Technical Advisor to 
General Manager in 1990, and has served as the Company's Vice 
President for Advanced Development since 1993. 


	The Board of Directors of the Company held a total of six 
meetings during the fiscal year ended September 30, 1998.  Each 
Director attended (during the period that he served) at least 75% 
of the aggregate of (i) the total number of meetings of the Board 
and (ii) the total number of meetings held by all committees of 
the Board on which he served.

	The Company has an Audit Committee and a Compensation 
Committee of the Board of Directors.  There is no nominating 
committee or committee performing the functions of a nominating 

	The Audit Committee meets with the Company's financial 
management and its independent public accountants and reviews 
internal control conditions, audit plans and results, and 
financial reporting procedures. This Committee, which currently 
consists of Messrs. Hall, Peyser and Cox, held two meetings 
during the Company's last fiscal year.  

	The Compensation Committee reviews and approves the 
Company's compensation arrangements for key employees.  This 
Committee, which currently consists of Messrs. Cox and Hall, held 
one meeting during the last fiscal year.  

	The Compensation Committee also has responsibility for 
administering the Company's 1981 Stock Option Plan with respect 
to all individuals in the Company's employ or service, other than 
the Company's executive officers. The Board of Directors has 
responsibility for administering the 1981 Stock Option Plan with 
respect to the Company's executive officers.


	Each non-employee member of the Board of Directors was paid 
an annual retainer fee of $10,800 in fiscal 1998 (prorated 
quarterly, for those directors serving a portion of the year) and 
was reimbursed for all out-of-pocket costs incurred in connection 
with their attendance at board meetings.  Mr. Hall received an 
additional annual retainer fee of $2,700 for his service as 
Chairman of the Audit Committee.  The Company also pays each non-
employee Director $675 for each Board meeting attended, $450 for 
each committee meeting attended that is not held in conjunction 
with a Board meeting and $225 for each committee meeting attended 
that is held in conjunction with a Board meeting.  

	In addition, each non-employee Board member will receive, 
over his or her continued period of Board service, a series of 
option grants under the 1995 Non-Employee Director Stock Option 
Plan (the "Director Plan"). Each individual who is first 
appointed or elected to serve as a non-employee Board member will 
automatically receive on the date of his or her initial election 
or appointment an option to purchase 10,000 shares of Common 
Stock, provided such individual has not previously been in the 
employ of the Company.  Furthermore, each individual who 
continues to serve as a non-employee Board member will receive an 
option to purchase 6,000 shares of Common Stock at (i) the Annual  
Stockholders Meeting held in the calendar year in which occurs 
the third anniversary of the grant date of the initial automatic 
option grant, and (ii) every third Annual Stockholders Meeting 
following the Annual Meeting at which the non-employee Board 
member received his or her first 6,000-share option grant. 
Messrs. Budge, Cox, Hall and Peyser each received a 6,000-share 
option grant at the 1998 Annual Meeting of Stockholders.   Mr. 
John Anderson received an option grant for 10,000 shares in 
connection with his appointment to the Board of Directors on 
December 16, 1998.  Each option granted under the Director Plan 
has an exercise price per share equal to the closing selling 
price per share of the Company's common stock on the grant date, 
as reported on the Nasdaq National Market, and the shares subject 
to each option will vest as follows: one-third immediately upon 
grant, an additional one-third upon the optionee's completion of 
one year of Board service measured from the grant date and the 
remaining one-third upon the optionee's completion of two years 
of Board service measured from the grant date.


	The following table sets forth information regarding the 
beneficial ownership of the Company's Common Stock as of January 
5, 1999 by (i) each person who is known to the Company to own 
beneficially more than 5% of the outstanding shares of the Common 
Stock of the Company, (ii) each director, (iii) each officer 
listed in the Summary Compensation Table and (iv) all directors 
and executive officers as a group.  All shares are subject to the 
named person's sole voting and investment power except where 
otherwise indicated.

							                                       Shares		          Percent
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner 		  Beneficially Owned     Of Class
TCI International Inc. Employee Stock         494,254 (1)        15.4%
Ownership Plan	c/o Charles Schwab 
Trust Company, Trustee
1 Montgomery Street, 7th Floor., 
San Francisco, California  94104

John W. Ballard	                              447,391 (2)        13.9%	
c/o TCI International, Inc.
222 Caspian Drive, Sunnyvale, 
California  94089

ROI Capital Management					                   366,000 (3)		      11.4%
3018 Willow Pass Road, Ste 210, 
Concord, Ca. 94519

Athena Capital Management, Inc.				           210,550 (4)	        6.6%
621 East Germantown Pike, Ste 105
Plymouth Valley, Ca. 19401

Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc.	               171,920 (5)	        5.4%
1299 Ocean Ave., 11th Floor, 
Santa Monica, Ca.  90401

E.M.T. Jones		                                155,016 (2)	        4.8%
c/o TCI International, Inc.
222 Caspian Drive
Sunnyvale, California  94089

John L. Anderson (6)					                      10,000		            *

Donald C. Cox (6)	                             15,500	             *

Asaph H. Hall (6)		                            20,000             	*

C. Alan Peyser (6)	                            15,500	             *

John W. Ballard III (2)(6)	                    74,780	            2.3%

Slobodan Tkalcevic (2)(6)	                     64,324	            2.0%

Mary Ann W. Alcon (2)(6)	                      13,027	             *

Mansour  Moussavian (2)(6)	                    44,231            	1.4%

All directors and executive officers 
as a group (9 persons) (2)(6)(7) 	            412,378	           12.8%

1) Each of approximately 153 participants in the Company's 
Employee Stock Ownership Plan has sole voting power over all 
shares allocated to his or her account.  The Administrative 
Committee for the Employee Stock Ownership Plan has investment 
power over the assets of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan, 
subject to the terms and limitations of such Plan.  The 
Charles Schwab Trust Company serves as trustee in accordance 
with the terms of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan.

2) Includes shares allocated under the Employee Stock Ownership 
Plan to the participant's account through September 30, 1998.  
The shares allocated to officers and directors totaled 
189,286.  Such shares are included in the aggregate holdings 
of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (see footnote (1)).

3) ROI Capital Management, Inc. is an investment advisor 
registered under Section 203 of the Investment Advisors Act of 
1940 owns 366,000 shares according to information contained in 
its Schedule 13G filed on June 16, 1998.

4) Athena Capital Management, Inc., an investment advisor 
registered under Section 203 of the Investment Advisors Act of 
1940 owns 210,550 shares according to information contained in 
its Schedule 13G filed on January 26, 1998.

5) Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc. ("Dimensional"), a registered 
investment advisor, has advised the Company that Dimensional 
is deemed to have beneficial ownership of 171,920 shares of 
Common Stock, all of which are held in portfolios of DFA 
Investment Dimensions Group Inc., a registered open-end 
investment company, or DFA Group Trust, an investment vehicle 
for qualified employee benefit plans, both of which 
Dimensional serves as investment manager.  Dimensional 
disclaims beneficial ownership of all such shares.

6) Includes shares subject to options which are currently 
exercisable or will become exercisable prior to March 31, 
1999.  The exercisable stock option shares for officers and 
directors totaled 234,500.

7) Does not include John W. Ballard who resigned from the Board 
on October 2, 1998 and also resigned as President and CEO as 
of that date.

*  Percentage of shares beneficially owned does not exceed 1% of 
the class so owned.


Summary of Cash and Certain Other Compensation
		The following table sets forth the compensation paid or 
accrued by the Company for the years ended September 30, 1998, 
1997 and 1996 to the Chief Executive Officer, and the other 
executive officers of the Company whose salary and bonus for the 
fiscal year ended September 30, 1998 exceeded $100,000 (the 
"Named Officers").  


                                    Annual Compensation           Long Term 
                                    -------------------           Compensation
                                Fiscal                            Securities         All Other
Name and Principal Position     Year      Salary(2)   Bonus       Underlying         Compenstions (3)
                                                                  Options/SARs (#)
John W. Ballard (1)             1998      $175,090     $---              ---          $7,589
President and Chief Executive   1997       174,671      ---              ---           6,627
Officer of the Company and TCI  1996       153,271      ---              ---           8,533
John W. Ballard III,            1998       148,092      ---              ---           7,044
President and Chief Executive   1997       147,610      ---              ---           6,627
Officer of the Company and TCI  1996       123,049     25,000           7,500          8,021

Slobodan Tkalcevic              1998       144,105     10,000            ---           7,589
Vice President of Advanced      1997       139,538     20,000            ---           6,627
Development of the Company      1996       110,530     20,000           15,000         6,306

Mary Ann W. Alcon               1998       105,297      5,000            ---           5,109
Chief Financial Officer         1997        87,926      7,165            ---           4,356
                                1996        78,749      6,000            ---           4,206

Mansour  Moussavian             1998       127,375      5,000            ---           6,269
General Manager of the          1997       120,321      6,899            ---           5,246
Broadcast & Communications      1996       106,118      5,000           7,500          5,978

(1) Resigned October 2, 1998
(2) Salary amounts include amounts deferred under the Company's 401(k) Plan
(3) Represents the Company's contribution under the Company's ESOP and 401(k)
    Plan as follows:

                          Section 401(k)               Employee Stock
                      Plan/Profit Sharing Plan         Ownership Plans
                      1998     1997     1996       1998     1997     1996
John W. Ballard      $7,323   $6,627   $5,766     $ 266    $ ---    $2,767

John W. Ballard III   6,778    6,627    5,691       266      ---     2,330

Slobodan Tkalcevic    7,323    6,627    5,210       266      ---     1,096

Mary Ann W. Alcon     4,934    4,356    3,534       175      ---       672

Mansour Moussavian    6,059    5,246    4,911       210      ---     1,067

Stock Options
	No Named Officer received an option 
grant in fiscal year 1998, and no stock appreciation rights 
("SARs") were granted during such fiscal year to any Named 

Option/SAR Exercises and Holdings
	The following table provides information with respect to the 
Named Officers concerning the unexercised options held by such 
individuals at the end of the 1998 fiscal year.  No stock options 
or SARs were exercised during the 1998 fiscal year by the Named 
Officers, nor were any SARs outstanding at the end of such fiscal 


                     Shares                    Number of Unexercised        Value of Unexercised In-the-
                     Acquired on    Value      Options/SARs at FY-End (#)   Money Options/SARs at FY-End
Name                 Exercise (#)   Realized   Exercisable/Unexercisable               (1)
John W. Ballard III     None         None            63,000/12,500                    None

Slobodan Tkalcevic      None         None            49,500/15,500                    None

Mary Ann W. Alcon       None         None            13,000/0                         None

Mansour Moussavian      None         None            41,000/13,500                    None

(1) Value based upon the closing selling price of the Company's 
Common Stock on September 30, 1998 on the Nasdaq National 
Market ($3.063 per share) less the exercise price payable per 

Employment Contract and Change of Control Arrangements
 	The Company does not presently have any employment contracts 
in effect with the Chief Executive Officer or its other executive 
officers.  The shares subject to outstanding option grants under 
the Company's 1981 Stock Option Plan will immediately vest upon 
an acquisition of the Company, unless the options are assumed by 
the acquiring entity.

Officer Loan
	In December 1997, the Company loaned Mr. Moussavian, the 
General Manager of the Broadcast & Communications Division, 
$200,000 to assist him in the purchase of new primary residence.  
The loan bears interest at the rate of 6.02% per annum, 
compounded annually, and is currently secured by his former 
residence.  At such time as Mr. Moussavian sells that former 
residence, he will be obligated to secure the loan with a deed of 
trust on his new residence.  Accrued interest on the loan is 
payable annually, up to an amount not to exceed the greater of 
$10,000 or 50% of the annual bonus paid to Mr. Moussavian for 
each year the loan remains outstanding.  The entire principal 
balance, together with all accrued and unpaid interest, will 
become payable in full upon the earlier of (i) December 19, 2002 
or (ii) Mr. Moussavian's termination of employment with the 
Company.  The largest amount outstanding on this loan during the 
1998 fiscal year was $209,401, and as of January 5, 1999, the 
outstanding unpaid balance was $202,731.

Compensation Committee and Board of Directors Report on Executive 
	The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors is 
composed entirely of independent, outside directors.  The 
Committee is responsible for reviewing and approving the 
compensation policies for all employees, including all officers, 
whose annual compensation is in excess of $100,000.  

	The objective of the Compensation Committee is to establish 
a comprehensive program for the Company's executive officers 
which will (i) allow the Company to attract and retain the 
services of highly qualified individuals, (ii) tie executive 
compensation directly to the Company's business and performance 
objectives and (iii) reward outstanding individual performance 
that contributes to the Company's growth and long term success.

	In general, the compensation package for executive officers 
is comprised of three elements: (i) base salary which reflects 
individual performance and is designed primarily to be marginally 
competitive with salary levels of similarly sized companies both 
within and without the industry which compete with the Company 
for executive talent, (ii) annual variable performance awards 
payable in cash and tied to the achievement of performance 
targets and (iii) long term stock based incentive awards which 
create common interests for the executive officers and the 
Company's stockholders.

	The Compensation Committee annually evaluates the executive 
officers' base compensation and bonus eligibility compared with 
surveyed executive compensation for similar sized companies and 
divisions published by the American Electronics Association.  
Eligibility for bonuses is generally based on a weighted 
evaluation taking into account the overall performance of the 
Company, the Compensation Committee's evaluation of each 
participant's contribution to such performance, and progress made 
towards the attainment of long term growth objectives.  The 
Compensation Committee meets with the Chief Executive Officer 
(the "CEO") to review his evaluation of the officers' performance 
and eligibility for bonuses, and then reconvenes without the 
CEO's presence to evaluate his performance.  The Committee gives 
a report on its meeting to the full Board of Directors.

	For purposes of the stock price performance graph which 
appears latter in this Proxy Statement, the Company has selected 
the S&P Aerospace/Defense Index as the industry index.  However, 
in selecting companies to survey for compensation purposes, the 
Compensation Committee considered many factors including 
geographic location, growth rate, annual revenue and 
profitability, and market capitalization.  The Compensation 
Committee also considered companies outside the industry which 
may compete with the Company in recruiting executive talent.  For 
this reason, there was no meaningful correlation between 
companies surveyed for compensation data and the companies 
included in the S&P Aerospace Index.

	The base salary level for the Company's executive officers 
for fiscal 1998 ranged from the 28th to 95th percentile of the 
base salary paid by companies in the peer group survey taken into 
consideration for comparative compensation purposes.  In December 
1997, Messrs. John W. Ballard and John W. Ballard III did not 
receive any salary increase for fiscal 1998.  Messrs. Slobodan 
Tkalcevic and Mansour Moussavian and Mrs. Mary Ann W. Alcon  
received an increase of  3%, 16% and 27%, respectively, over 
salary levels paid in fiscal 1997.  

	For fiscal 1998, the Compensation Committee established a 
bonus pool to be distributed on a discretionary basis among 
executives and managers of the Company and its subsidiaries 
provided certain financial, marketing and product development 
milestones were attained.  For fiscal 1998, the Compensation 
Committee recommended to the full Board of Directors that Messrs. 
Slobodan Tkalcevic and Mansour Moussavian and Mrs. Mary Ann W. 
Alcon receive a bonus of $10,000, $5,000 and $5,000, 

	For fiscal 1999, the Compensation Committee has again 
established a bonus pool to be distributed on a discretionary 
basis among executives and managers of the Company and its 
subsidiaries.  The basis for distribution of this pool will be 
subjective, but is generally tied to the achievement of corporate 
and divisional goals as detailed in the Company's most recent 
strategic plan.  More specifically, these goals relate to 
progress on new product introduction efforts and achievement of 
certain profitability and other financial milestones.

	Stock options are considered a component of the total 
compensation of officers.  All stock option grants made under the 
1981 Stock Option Plan to the Company's executive officers are 
authorized by the Board of Directors and are intended to align 
the interests of each officer-optionee with those of the 
stockholders and provide them with a significant incentive to 
manage the Company from the prospective of an owner with an 
equity interest in the success of the business.  The size of the 
option grant made to each executive officer under the 1981 Plan 
is based upon that individual's current position with the 
Company, internal comparability with option grants made to other 
Company executives and the individual's potential for future 
responsibility and promotion over the option term.  The Board of 
Directors also takes into account the existing equity holdings, 
whether in shares or in vested or unvested stock options, of the 
executive officer in determining the appropriate level of equity 
incentive to provide for each officer.  However, the Board of 
Directors does not adhere to any specific guidelines as to the 
relative option holdings of the Company's executive officers.  

	CEO Compensation.  In setting the compensation payable to 
Mr. John W. Ballard, the Company's CEO, for the 1998 fiscal year, 
the Compensation Committee has sought to achieve two objectives: 
(i) establish a level of base salary competitive with that paid 
by companies within the industry which are of comparable size to 
the Company and by companies outside of the industry with which 
the Company competes for executive talent and (ii) make a 
significant percentage of the total compensation package 
contingent upon performance.

	The base salary established for Mr. Ballard on the basis of 
the foregoing criteria is intended to provide him with a level of 
stability and certainty each year.  However, this element of 
compensation historically has been affected to some degree by the 
Company's profitability.  In fiscal 1998, Mr. Ballard's salary 
component of compensation was at the 37th percentile of the base 
salary in effect for chief executive officers of the same peer 
group companies which were included in the survey reviewed by the 
Compensation Committee for comparative compensation purposes. 	

	On October 2, 1998, Mr. John W. Ballard resigned as 
President and CEO and Mr. John W. Ballard, III was appointed as 
his successor as of October 3, 1998.  In connection with his 
appointment as President and CEO, Mr. Ballard, III received  an 
increase of 18% over the salary paid to him in fiscal 1998.

	Deduction Limit for Executive Compensation.  Section 162(m) 
of the Internal Revenue Code, enacted in 1993, generally 
disallows a tax deduction to publicly held corporations for 
compensation exceeding $1 million paid to certain executive 
officers.  It is not expected that the compensation to be paid to 
the Company's executive officers for fiscal 1999 will exceed the 
$1 million limit per officer.  Accordingly, the Compensation 
Committee has not at this time instituted any changes to its 
compensation policies to take into account the $1 million 

   The Compensation Committee	       The Board of Directors	
	         Donald C. Cox             			John W. Ballard III
	         Asaph H. Hall			             John L. Anderson
					                                  Donald C. Cox
					                                  Asaph H. Hall		
						                                 E.M.T. Jones
					                                  Alan C. Peyser
					                                  Slobodan Tkalcevic

Performance Graph


                   SEPT 30,   SEPT 30,   SEPT 30,   SEPT 30,   SEPT 30,   SEPT 30,   
                     1993       1994       1995       1996       1997       1998
S&P 500            $100.00    $103.69    $134.53    $161.88    $227.36    $247.92

S&P AERO/DEF        100.00     111.81     172.41     236.03     292.06     217.23

COMPANY             100.00     106.25     203.13     165.63     153.13      76.58


	Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in any of 
the Company's previous filings under the Securities Act of 1933 
or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 that might incorporate 
future filings of the Company, including this Proxy Statement in 
whole or in part, the preceding Performance Graph and Report of 
Compensation  Committee and Board of Directors shall not be 
incorporated by reference into any such filings, nor shall such 
graph or report be incorporated by reference into any future 


	No member of the Compensation Committee is a 
former or current officer or employee of the Company or any of 
its subsidiaries.  However, two members of the Board of 
Directors, Messrs. Ballard and Jones, are executive officers of 
the Company.  No executive officer of the Company serves as a 
member of the Board of Directors or Compensation Committee of any 
entity which has an executive officer serving as a member of the 
Company's Board of Directors or Compensation Committee.   


	Under the securities laws of the United States, the 
Company's directors, executive officers, and any persons holding 
more than ten percent of the Company's Common Stock are required 
to report their initial ownership of the Companys Common Stock 
and any subsequent changes in their ownership to the Securities 
and Exchange Commission (SEC).  Specific due dates have been 
established by the SEC, and the Company is required to disclose 
any failure to file by those dates.  Based upon (i) the copies of 
Section 16(a) reports that the Company received from such persons 
for 1998 fiscal year transactions and (ii) the written 
representations received from one or more of such persons that no 
annual Form 5 reports were required to be filed for them for the 
1998 fiscal year, the Company believes that there has been 
compliance with all Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable 
to such officers, directors, and ten-percent beneficial owners 
for such fiscal year, except that a late Form 5 report was filed 
for each on the following non-employee Board members with respect 
to the option grant for 6,000 shares of the Company's common 
stock with an exercise price of $4.50 per share made to each of 
them on February 10, 1998 under the automatic option grant 
program in effect for such non-employee Board members: Messrs. 
Hamilton W. Budge,  Donald C. Cox, Asaph H. Hall and C. Alan 



	The firm of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP was selected to serve as 
independent public accountants for the Company for the fiscal 
year ending September 30, 1999.  Although the selection of KPMG 
Peat Marwick LLP is not required to be submitted to a vote of the 
stockholders, the Board of Directors believes it appropriate as a 
matter of policy to request that the stockholders ratify the 
selection of the independent public accountants for fiscal 1999.  
In the event that stockholders fail to ratify the selection of 
KPMG Peat Marwick LLP, the Board of Directors would reconsider 
such selection.

	The Company anticipates that a representative of KPMG Peat 
Marwick LLP will be present at the Annual Meeting to respond to 
appropriate questions and to make a statement if such 
representative desires to do so.


	Stockholders proposals intended to be considered at the 2000 
Annual Meeting must be received by the Company no later than 
September 11, 1999.  Proposals must be mailed to the Company's 
principal executive offices at 222 Caspian Drive, Sunnyvale, 
California 94089, Attention: Mary Ann Alcon.  Such proposals may 
be included in next year's Proxy Statement if they comply with 
certain rules and regulations promulgated by the SEC.

	In addition, the proxy solicited by the Board of Directors 
for the 2000 Annual Stockholders Meeting will confer 
discretionary authority on any stockholder proposals represented 
at that meeting, unless the Company is provided with notice of 
such proposal no later than December 1, 1999.


	Management does not know of any matters to be presented at 
this Annual Meeting other than those set forth herein and in the 
Notice accompanying this Proxy Statement.

	It is important that your shares be represented at the 
meeting, regardless of the number of shares which you hold.  YOU 
YOUR CONVENIENCE.  Stockholders who are present at the meeting 
may revoke their proxies and vote in person or, if they prefer, 
may abstain from voting in person and allow their proxies to be 


					 /s/ 	John W. Ballard, III
      John W. Ballard, III
      President and Chief Executive Officer

      January 8, 1999
      Sunnyvale, California