EXHIBIT 99.(a)
Florida Progress Corporation
News Release
Corporate Relations Department, St. Petersburg, Florida

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                       Contact: Melanie Forbrick
                                                     (813) 866-5023

                      Florida Progress Reports 1997 Earnings

         St. Petersburg, FL (January 26, 1998) -- Florida Progress Corporation
(NYSE:FPC), parent company of St. Petersburg-based Florida Power Corporation and
Electric Fuels Corporation, today reported 1997 earnings before non-recurring
items of $254.3 million, or $2.62 per share, compared with $252.4 million, or
$2.61 per share, for the same 12-month period last year.

         Florida Progress recorded two significant non-recurring charges during
1997. Costs associated with the extended outage of Florida Power's Crystal River
3 nuclear unit and the provision for loss related to Mid-Continent Life
Insurance Company combined to reduce earnings by $200 million, or $2.06 per
share. After the effect of the one-time charges, reported earnings for the year
totaled $54.3 million, or $.56 per share, compared with $224.4 million, or $2.32
per share, in 1996. The company reported a loss for the fourth quarter of $51.5
million, or $ .53 per share, following the one-time charge for Mid-Continent.

         "The year 1997 was unique and challenging," said Richard Korpan,
Florida Progress president and chief executive officer. "We've worked hard to
get many of these hurdles behind us so we can focus on our future growth
strategy. Our sound business fundamentals position us well for improved results
in 1998, which is reflected in our stock price today."

         Florida Power, the largest subsidiary of Florida Progress, reported
earnings before nuclear outage costs of $240.9 million, or $2.48 per share,
compared with earnings of $232.6 million, or $2.40 per share, in 1996. This
reflects an increase of 3.3 percent over 1996 earnings per share. Costs
associated with the extended outage reduced Florida Power's earnings by $106.5
million, or $1.10 per share, in 1997.

         On a recurring basis Electric Fuels had its second consecutive year of
double-digit earnings growth. Expanding rail services operations and higher
volumes of coal handled by the energy and related services business group
resulted in an 18 percent earnings increase to $32.1 million, or $.33 per share,
for 1997. This compares to 1996 earnings, before a provision for loss on coal
properties, of $27.1 million, or $.28 per share.


Florida Progress 1997 Earnings
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Significant items influencing 1997 results include:

o    Crystal River 3 nuclear unit ready to restart-  Florida Power has received
     the approvals from the Nuclear Regulatory  Commission  necessary to proceed
     to mode 2, the point at which reactor startup would  commence.  The company
     has  formally  requested  permission  to start up the  reactor.  Once final
     approval  is  received  from the NRC to restart  the  reactor,  the company
     expects the plant to be back in service in approximately two weeks.  During
     1997,  Florida  Power  incurred  approximately  $173 million in  additional
     nuclear  outage  operation  and  maintenance   costs  and   non-recoverable
     replacement  power  costs  associated  with the  outage.  These  costs were
     incurred not only to address  certain  backup safety system design  issues,
     but also to perform  work that should  enable the plant to be a  productive
     asset in the future.

o    More than 22,000 new customers in 1997- Strong customer growth and good
     cost control contributed to increased earnings, before non-recurring
     charges, for Florida Power. Customer growth in the central Florida area
     around Orlando represented more than one-third of Florida Power's new
     customers in 1997. Florida Power maintained good cost control, with 1997
     Operations and Maintenance expenses increasing two percent, or $8.9
     million, over the previous year.

o    Loss  provision  for  Mid-Continent   Life  Insurance   Company-  Although
     Mid-Continent  was  placed in  receivership  in April  1997,  the  Oklahoma
     Insurance  Commissioner  has not yet  filed  a plan  of  rehabilitation  as
     ordered by an Oklahoma district court judge. In addition,  the commissioner
     filed a  lawsuit  in  December  1997  against  Florida  Progress  and other
     defendants.  As a result of the  passage of time  without a  rehabilitation
     plan and other actions of the commissioner,  Florida Progress established a
     loss  provision  for the full  amount  of its $87  million  investment  and
     accrued for  estimated  legal costs,  which  reduced 1997 earnings by $93.5
     million, or $.96 per share.

     "Safe Harbor" Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act
of 1995: this news release contains forward looking statements, including
statements regarding the restart of the Crystal River 3 nuclear power unit and
the future productivity of the plant. These statements involve risks and
uncertainties that could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially
from expectations. Key factors that have a direct impact on the actual results
at Florida Power include various factors that could impact the successful
execution of the nuclear restart plan and the future productivity of the plant.
These and other factors are described in the company's Securities and Exchange
Commission filings.


Florida Progress 1997 Earnings
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         Florida Progress is a Fortune 500 diversified electric utility holding
company with assets of $5.8 billion. Its principal subsidiary is Florida Power
Corporation, the state's second-largest electric utility with 1.3 million
customers. Diversified operations include coal mining, marine operations and
rail services.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                              Three Months Ended                     Twelve Months Ended
                                                  December 31                            December 31
                                      ------------------------------          ------------------------------
                                          1997             1996                   1997               1996
                                      --------------  --------------           -------------     ------------
Revenues                               $848,300,000    $774,900,000           $3,315,600,000   $3,157,900,000
                                      --------------  --------------          --------------    -------------
Income (loss)from:
Florida Power                            42,400,000      42,800,000              240,900,000      232,600,000
Electric Fuels                           10,500,000       7,100,000               32,100,000       27,100,000
Corporate & Other                        (9,700,000)     (2,600,000)             (18,700,000)      (7,300,000)
Continuing operations before          --------------  --------------          --------------    --------------
 non-recurring items                     43,200,000      47,300,000              254,300,000      252,400,000
Non-recurring items                     (94,700,000)     (1,700,000)            (200,000,000)      (1,700,000)
                                      --------------  --------------          --------------    --------------
Continuing operations                    (51,500,000)    45,600,000               54,300,000      250,700,000
Discontinued operations                           -      (1,300,000)                       -      (26,300,000)
                                      --------------  --------------          --------------    --------------
Net Income (loss)                      $(51,500,000)  $  44,300,000           $   54,300,000    $  224,400,000
                                      ==============  ==============          ==============    ==============

Earnings (loss) per share (EPS):
Florida Power                              $  .44          $  .44                   $2.48              $2.40
Electric Fuels                                .11             .07                     .33                .28
Corporate & other                            (.10)           (.02)                   (.19)              (.07)
Income from continuting operations         --------        --------               --------            -------
  before non-recurring items               $  .45          $  .49                   $2.62              $2.61
Non-recurring items                          (.98)           (.02)                  (2.06)              (.02)
                                           ========        ========               ========            =======
Continuing operations                        (.53)            .47                     .56               2.59
Discontinued operations                        -             (.01)                     -                (.27)
                                           --------        --------               --------            -------
Consolidated                                ($.53)           $.46                    $.56              $2.32
                                           ========        ========               ========            =======

Average Common
Shares Outstanding                      97,061,777       97,026,036              97,054,280         96,835,632

Prior periods reflect the recapitalization of the spin-off company, Echelon and
its associated treatment as discontinued operations.