WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                  For the quarterly period ended March 31, 2006
                         Commission file number: 0-13368

                       FIRST MID-ILLINOIS BANCSHARES, INC.
             (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

                               Delaware 37-1103704
          (State of incorporation)(I.R.S. employer identification no.)

                 1515 Charleston Avenue, Mattoon, Illinois 61938
              (Address and zip code of principal executive offices)

                                 (217) 234-7454
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  Registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes [X] No [ ]

Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant is a large  accelerated  filer, an
accelerated  filer, or a  non-accelerated  filer. See definition of "accelerated
filer and large  accelerated  filer" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange  Act.  (Check

 Large accelerated filer[ ]   Accelerated filer[X]   Non-accelerated filer[ ]

Indicate by check mark whether the  Registrant is a shell company (as defined in
Rule 12b-2 of the Act). [ ] Yes [X] No

As of May 8, 2006, 4,340,725 common shares, $4.00 par value, were outstanding.

                                     PART I


Consolidated Balance Sheets (unaudited)                March 31,   December 31,
(In thousands, except share data)                           2006          2005
                                                    ------------- -------------
Cash and due from banks:
  Non-interest bearing                                  $ 14,945      $ 19,131
  Interest bearing                                           170           426
Federal funds sold                                         2,175             -
                                                    ------------- -------------
  Cash and cash equivalents                               17,290        19,557
Investment securities:
  Available-for-sale, at fair value                      147,000       155,841
  Held-to-maturity, at amortized cost (estimated
  fair value of $1,316 and $1,442 at March 31, 2006
  and December 31, 2005, respectively)                     1,292         1,412
Loans held for sale                                          777         1,778
Loans                                                    641,084       636,355
Less allowance for loan losses                           (4,729)       (4,648)
                                                    ------------- -------------
  Net loans                                              636,355       631,707
Interest receivable                                        5,970         6,410
Premises and equipment, net                               15,325        15,168
Goodwill, net                                              9,034         9,034
Intangible assets, net                                     2,640         2,778
Other assets                                               6,333         6,888
                                                    ------------- -------------
  Total assets                                          $842,016      $850,573
                                                    ============= =============
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
  Non-interest bearing                                  $ 96,827      $ 95,305
  Interest bearing                                       556,919       553,764
                                                    ------------- -------------
  Total deposits                                         653,746       649,069
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase            46,606        67,380
Interest payable                                           2,122         1,717
Other borrowings                                          53,000        44,500
Junior subordinated debentures                            10,310        10,310
Other liabilities                                          3,979         5,271
                                                    ------------- -------------
  Total liabilities                                      769,763       778,247
                                                    ------------- -------------
Stockholders' Equity
Common stock, $4 par value; authorized 18,000,000
  shares; issued 5,662,115 shares in 2006 and
  5,633,621 shares in 2005                                22,648        22,534
Additional paid-in capital                                20,302        19,439
Retained earnings                                         63,272        60,867
Deferred compensation                                      2,514         2,440
Accumulated other comprehensive loss                       (887)         (739)
Less treasury stock at cost, 1,321,390 shares
  in 2006 and 1,241,359 shares in 2005                  (35,596)      (32,215)
                                                    ------------- -------------
Total stockholders' equity                                72,253        72,326
                                                    ------------- -------------
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity              $842,016      $850,573
                                                    ============= =============

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Consolidated Statements of Income (unaudited)
(In thousands, except per share data)
                                                    Three months ended March 31,
                                                         2006           2005
                                                     ------------- -------------
Interest income:
Interest and fees on loans                                $10,286       $ 8,782
Interest on investment securities                           1,553         1,563
Interest on federal funds sold                                 17            69
Interest on deposits with other financial institutions          3            10
                                                     ------------- -------------
  Total interest income                                    11,859        10,424
Interest expense:
Interest on deposits                                        3,449         2,515
Interest on securities sold under agreements
  to repurchase                                               481           283
Interest on other borrowings                                  599           411
Interest on subordinated debentures                           190           140
                                                     ------------- -------------
  Total interest expense                                    4,719         3,349
                                                     ------------- -------------
  Net interest income                                       7,140         7,075
Provision for loan losses                                     193           187
                                                     ------------- -------------
  Net interest income after provision for loan losses       6,947         6,888
Other income:
Trust revenues                                                609           636
Brokerage commissions                                          92            97
Insurance commissions                                         576           511
Service charges                                             1,150         1,034
Securities gains (losses), net                                (1)           173
Mortgage banking revenue, net                                  67           153
Other                                                         640           572
                                                     ------------- -------------
  Total other income                                        3,133         3,176
Other expense:
Salaries and employee benefits                              3,563         3,474
Net occupancy and equipment expense                         1,136         1,036
Amortization of intangible assets                             138           142
Stationery and supplies                                       135           139
Legal and professional                                        287           386
Marketing and promotion                                       176           123
Other                                                       1,094         1,006
                                                     ------------- -------------
  Total other expense                                       6,529         6,306
                                                     ------------- -------------
Income before income taxes                                  3,551         3,758
Income taxes                                                1,147         1,323
                                                     ------------- -------------
  Net income                                              $ 2,404       $ 2,435
                                                     ============= =============
Per share data:
Basic earnings per share                                   $ 0.55        $ 0.55
Diluted earnings per share                                 $ 0.54        $ 0.54

See accompanying notes to unaudited consolidated financial statements.

Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (unaudited)           Three months ended
(In thousands)                                                  March 31,
                                                              2006        2005
                                                         ------------ ----------
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income                                                   $ 2,404     $ 2,435
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
provided by operating activities:
  Provision for loan losses                                      193         187
  Depreciation, amortization and accretion, net                  426         384
  Stock-based compensation expense                                49           -
  Gain (loss) on sale of securities, net                           1       (173)
  Loss on sale of other real property owned, net                  23          67
  Gain on sale of loans held for sale, net                      (90)       (183)
  Origination of loans held for sale                         (5,086)    (12,145)
  Proceeds from sale of loans held for sale                    6,177      13,767
  Decrease in other assets                                       392       1,612
  Increase (decrease) in other liabilities                       254       (726)
                                                         ------------ ----------
Net cash provided by operating activities                      4,743       5,225
                                                         ------------ ----------
Cash flows from investing activities:
Proceeds from sales of securities available-for-sale           4,091      19,667
Proceeds from maturities of securities available-for-sale      4,586      18,067
Proceeds from maturities of securities held-to-maturity          120         120
Purchases of securities available-for-sale                         -    (37,258)
Purchases of securities held-to-maturity                           -        (73)
Net decrease (increase) in loans                             (4,841)       3,042
Purchases of premises and equipment                            (524)       (254)
Proceeds from sales of other real property owned                 822         289
                                                         ------------ ----------
Net cash provided by investing activities                      4,254       3,600
                                                         ------------ ----------
Cash flows from financing activities:
Net increase (decrease) in deposits                            4,677    (12,605)
Decrease in federal funds purchased                          (2,000)           -
(Decrease) increase in repurchase agreements                (20,774)       5,880
Increase (decrease) in short-term FHLB advances                4,500     (2,000)
Increase in long-term FHLB advances                           10,000       5,000
Repayment of short-term debt                                 (4,500)       (200)
Proceeds from short-term debt                                    500       2,000
Proceeds from issuance of common stock                           405         353
Purchase of treasury stock                                   (3,307)     (1,566)
Dividends paid on common stock                                 (765)       (715)
                                                         ------------ ----------
Net cash used in financing activities                       (11,264)     (3,853)
                                                         ------------ ----------
(Decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents             (2,267)       4,972
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period              19,557      23,554
                                                         ------------ ----------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                   $17,290     $28,526
                                                         ============ ==========
Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information
Cash paid during the period for:
  Interest                                                    $4,314     $ 3,392
  Income taxes                                                 1,355         232
Supplemental disclosures of noncash
  investing and financing activities
  Loans transferred to real estate owned                          25           -
  Dividends reinvested in common stock                           377         355
  Net tax benefit related to option and
   deferred compensation plans                                   147          87

See accompanying notes to unaudited consolidated financial statements.

Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

Basis of Accounting and Consolidation

The unaudited  consolidated  financial  statements include the accounts of First
Mid-Illinois  Bancshares,  Inc.  ("Company") and its wholly-owned  subsidiaries:
Mid-Illinois  Data  Services,   Inc.   ("MIDS"),   The  Checkley  Agency,   Inc.
("Checkley") and First  Mid-Illinois Bank & Trust, N.A. ("First Mid Bank").  All
significant  intercompany  balances and  transactions  have been  eliminated  in
consolidation. The financial information reflects all adjustments, which, in the
opinion of management,  are necessary for a fair  presentation of the results of
the interim periods ended March 31, 2006 and 2005, and all such  adjustments are
of a normal recurring nature.  Certain amounts in the prior year's  consolidated
financial  statements  have been  reclassified  to conform to the March 31, 2006
presentation and there was no impact on net income or stockholders'  equity. The
results  of the  interim  period  ended  March  31,  2006  are  not  necessarily
indicative of the results  expected for the year ending  December 31, 2006.  The
Company operates as a one-segment entity for financial reporting purposes.

The 2005  year-end  consolidated  balance  sheet data was derived  from  audited
financial  statements,  but do not include all disclosures required by generally
accepted accounting principles.

The unaudited consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance
with the  instructions  to Form 10-Q and Article 10 of Regulation S-X and do not
include all of the information  required by U.S. generally  accepted  accounting
principles for complete  financial  statements and related footnote  disclosures
although the Company believes that the disclosures made are adequate to make the
information  not  misleading.  These  financial  statements  should  be  read in
conjunction  with  the  consolidated  financial  statements  and  notes  thereto
included in the Company's 2005 Annual Report on Form 10-K.


The Company  maintains a website at  www.firstmid.com.  All periodic and current
reports of the Company and amendments to these reports filed with the Securities
and Exchange  Commission ("SEC") can be accessed,  free of charge,  through this
website as soon as reasonably  practicable  after these materials are filed with
the SEC.

Comprehensive Income

The Company's  comprehensive  income for the three-month periods ended March 31,
2006 and 2005 was as follows (in thousands):

                                                    Three months ended
                                                        March 31,
                                                        2006         2005
                                                 ------------ ------------
Net income                                            $2,404       $2,435
  Other comprehensive income:
    Unrealized loss during the period                  (243)      (1,441)
    Less realized gain (loss) during the period            1        (173)
    Tax effect                                            94          629
                                                 ------------ ------------
 Total other comprehensive loss                        (148)        (985)
                                                 ------------ ------------
Comprehensive income                                  $2,256       $1,450
                                                 ============ ============

Earnings Per Share

Basic  earnings per share  ("EPS") is  calculated  as net income  divided by the
weighted  average number of common shares  outstanding.  Diluted EPS is computed
using the weighted average number of common shares outstanding, increased by the
assumed  conversion of the Company's stock options,  unless  anti-dilutive.  The
components  of basic and diluted  earnings per common share for the  three-month
periods ended March 31, 2006 and 2005 were as follows:

                                                     Three months ended
                                                          March 31,
                                                       2006         2005
                                                   ------------ ------------
Basic Earnings per Share:
Net income                                          $2,404,000   $2,435,000
Weighted average common shares outstanding           4,383,765    4,450,359
                                                   ============ ============
Basic earnings per common share                          $ .55        $ .55
                                                   ============ ============
Diluted Earnings per Share:
Weighted average common shares outstanding           4,383,765    4,450,359
Assumed conversion of stock options                     97,270       93,116
                                                   ------------ ------------
Diluted weighted average common shares outstanding   4,481,035    4,543,475
                                                   ============ ============
Diluted earnings per common share                        $ .54        $ .54
                                                   ============ ============

Goodwill and Intangible Assets

The Company has goodwill  from  business  combinations,  intangible  assets from
branch  acquisitions,  identifiable  intangible  assets assigned to core deposit
relationships and customer lists of Checkley, and intangible assets arising from
the rights to service mortgage loans for others.

The following table presents gross carrying value and  accumulated  amortization
by major  intangible  asset class as of March 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005 (in

                                               March 31, 2006               December 31, 2005
                                      ------------------------------ -----------------------------
                                         Gross                           Gross
                                        Carrying       Accumulated     Carrying       Accumulated
                                         Value        Amortization       Value       Amortization
                                      ------------- ---------------- -------------- --------------
Goodwill not subject to amortization
(effective 1/1/02)                         $12,794           $3,760        $12,794         $3,760
Intangibles from branch acquisition          3,015            1,810          3,015          1,760
Core deposit intangibles                     2,805            2,481          2,805          2,440
Mortgage servicing rights                      608              608            608            608
Customer list intangibles                    1,904              793          1,904            746
                                      ------------- ---------------- -------------- --------------
                                           $21,126           $9,452        $21,126         $9,314
                                      ============= ================ ============== ==============

Total amortization expense for the three months ended March 31, 2006 and 2005
was as follows (in thousands):

                                               March 31,
                                               2006          2005
                                      -------------- -------------
 Intangibles from branch acquisition            $50           $50
 Core deposit intangibles                        40            40
 Mortgage servicing rights                        -             4
 Customer list intangibles                       48            48
                                      -------------- -------------
                                               $138          $142
                                      ============== =============

Aggregate  amortization expense for the current year and estimated  amortization
expense  for each of the five  succeeding  years is shown in the table below (in

Aggregate amortization expense:
     For period ended 3/31/06          $138

Estimated amortization expense:
     For period 04/01/06-12/31/06      $415
     For year ended 12/31/07           $499
     For year ended 12/31/08           $452
     For year ended 12/31/09           $417
     For year ended 12/31/10           $391
     For year ended 12/31/11           $391

In accordance with the provisions of SFAS 142, the Company  performed testing of
goodwill for  impairment as of September 30, 2005,  and  determined  that, as of
that  date,  goodwill  was not  impaired.  Management  also  concluded  that the
remaining  amounts and amortization  periods were appropriate for all intangible

Stock Incentive Plan

Prior to January 1, 2006,  the Company  accounted for its Stock  Incentive  Plan
("Plan") under the recognition and measurement provisions of APB Opinion No. 25,
"Accounting  for  Stock  Issued  to  Employees"  ("APB  No.  25"),  and  related
Interpretations,  as permitted by Financial  Accounting Standards Board ("FASB")
Statement No. 123,  "Accounting for Stock-Based  Compensation" ("SFAS No. 123").
No stock option  compensation  cost was recognized in the Statement of Income as
all  options  granted had an  exercise  price  equal to the market  value of the
underlying common stock on the grant date.

In December 2004, the FASB issued Statement No. 123 (revised 2004), "Share-Based
Payment" ("SFAS No. 123R"), which requires the cost resulting from stock options
be measured at fair value and recognized in earnings.  This  Statement  replaces
SFAS No.  123 and  supercedes  APB No. 25 which  permitted  the  recognition  of
compensation expense using the intrinsic value method.

Effective  January 1,  2006,  the  Company  adopted  the fair value  recognition
provisions of SFAS 123R using the modified prospective application method. Under
this  method,  the  Statement  applies  to new  awards  and to awards  modified,
repurchased or cancelled  after the effective date.  Additionally,  compensation
cost for a portion of awards for which requisite services have not been rendered
that  are  outstanding  as of the  effective  date  shall be  recognized  as the
requisite  service is rendered or after the effective  date. As a result of this
adoption,  the Company's income before income taxes and net income for the three
months  ended March 31, 2006 have  included  stock option  compensation  cost of
$49,000 and $47,000,  respectively,  which  represents  $.01 impact on basic and
diluted earnings per share for the period.  The following table  illustrates the
effect on net income and  earnings per share if the Company had applied the fair
value   recognition   provisions  of  SFAS  No.  123  on  stock-based   employee
compensation for the three months ended March 31, 2005.

                                                     Three months ended
                                                         March 31, 2005
 Net income, as reported                                         $2,435
 Stock based compensation expense determined under
  fair value based method, net of related tax effect               (93)
    Pro forma net income                                         $2,342
 Basic Earnings Per Share:
    As reported                                                    $.55
    Pro forma                                                       .53

 Diluted Earnings Per Share:
    As reported                                                    $.54
    Pro forma                                                       .52


The  following   discussion  and  analysis  is  intended  to  provide  a  better
understanding of the consolidated  financial condition and results of operations
of the Company and its subsidiaries as of, and for the periods ended,  March 31,
2006 and 2005. This  discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction  with
the consolidated financial statements, related notes and selected financial data
appearing elsewhere in this report.

Forward-Looking Statements

This report contains certain  forward-looking  statements  within the meaning of
Section 27A of the  Securities  Act of 1933, as amended,  and Section 21E of the
Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  as  amended,  such  as  discussions  of the
Company's  pricing and fee trends,  credit quality and outlook,  liquidity,  new
business results,  expansion plans,  anticipated expenses and planned schedules.
The Company  intends such  forward-looking  statements to be covered by the safe
harbor  provisions  for  forward-looking  statements  contained  in the  Private
Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995,  and is including this statement for
purposes of these safe harbor provisions.  Forward-looking statements, which are
based  on  certain  assumptions  and  describe  future  plans,   strategies  and
expectations  of the  Company,  are  identified  by use of the words  "believe",
"expect", "intend", "anticipate", "estimate", "project", or similar expressions.
Actual  results  could  differ  materially  from the results  indicated by these
statements  because  the  realization  of  those  results  is  subject  to  many
uncertainties including: changes in interest rates, general economic conditions,
legislative/regulatory  changes,  monetary  and  fiscal  policies  of  the  U.S.
government,  including  policies of the U.S.  Treasury  and the Federal  Reserve
Board, the quality or composition of the loan or investment  portfolios,  demand
for loan products, deposit flows, competition,  demand for financial services in
the Company's  market area and accounting  principles,  policies and guidelines.
These risks and uncertainties should be considered in evaluating forward-looking
statements and undue reliance should not be placed on such  statements.  Further
information  concerning  the  Company  and its  business,  including  additional
factors  that  could  materially  affect the  Company's  financial  results,  is
included in the  Company's  2005 Annual  Report on Form 10-K under the  headings
"Item 1. Business," and "Item 1A. Risk Factors."

New Accounting Standards Adopted During First Quarter of 2006

Prior to January 1, 2006,  the Company  accounted for its Stock  Incentive  Plan
("Plan") under the  recognition  and  measurement  provisions of APB No. 25, and
related  Interpretations,  as  permitted  by  SFAS  No.  123.  No  stock  option
compensation  cost was  recognized  in the  Statement  of Income as all  options
granted had an exercise price equal to the market value of the underlying common
stock on the grant date.

Effective  January 1,  2006,  the  Company  adopted  the fair value  recognition
provisions of SFAS 123R using the modified prospective application method. Under
this  method,  the  Statement  applies  to new  awards  and to awards  modified,
repurchased or cancelled  after the effective date.  Additionally,  compensation
cost for a portion of awards for which requisite services have not been rendered
that  are  outstanding  as of the  effective  date  shall be  recognized  as the
requisite  service is rendered or after the effective  date. As a result of this
adoption,  the Company's income before income taxes and net income for the three
months  ended March 31, 2006 have  included  stock option  compensation  cost of
$49,000 and $47,000,  respectively,  which  represents  $.01 impact on basic and
diluted  earnings  per share for the  period.  As of March 31,  2006,  there was
approximately  $237,470  of total  unrecognized  compensation  cost  related  to
nonvested  options under the Plan.  The Company  expects to recognize  that cost
over a weighted average period of less than four years.


This  overview of  management's  discussion  and  analysis  highlights  selected
information in this document and may not contain all of the information  that is
important  to  you.  For  a  more  complete  understanding  of  trends,  events,
commitments,   uncertainties,   liquidity,   capital  resources,   and  critical
accounting estimates, you should carefully read this entire document. These have
an impact on the Company's financial condition and results of operations.

Net income was $2,404,000 and $2,435,000 and diluted earnings per share was $.54
for the three months ended March 31, 2006 and 2005.  The  following  table shows
the Company's annualized performance ratios for the three months ended March 31,
2006 and 2005,  compared to the  performance  ratios for the year ended December
31, 2005:

                                      Three months ended         Year ended
                                    March 31,     March 31,    December 31,
                                         2006          2005            2005
                                 ------------- ------------- ---------------
Return on average assets                1.15%         1.18%           1.18%
Return on average equity               13.11%        13.93%          13.64%
Average equity to average assets        8.75%         8.47%           8.64%

Total  assets at March 31, 2006 and  December  31, 2005 were $842.0  million and
$850.6  million,  respectively.  The  decrease in net assets was  primarily  the
result of a decrease in  available-for-sale  securities  that matured during the
first  quarter of 2006 and were not replaced  and seasonal  declines in cash and
cash  equivalents.  Net loan balances were $636.4  million at March 31, 2006, an
increase of $4.6  million,  or .7%,  from $631.7  million at December  31, 2005,
primarily  due to an increase in  commercial  real estate  loans.  Total deposit
balances  increased to $653.7  million at March 31, 2006 from $649.1  million at
December 31, 2005.

Net  interest  margin,  defined  as  net  interest  income  divided  by  average
interest-earning  assets,  was 3.66% for the three  months ended March 31, 2006,
down from 3.71% for the same period in 2005.  The  decrease in the net  interest
margin is  attributable  to a greater  increase in borrowing  and deposit  rates
compared to the increase in  interest-earning  asset rates.  Net interest income
before the  provision  for loan losses was $7.14  million with growth in average
earning  assets of $14.7  million  for the three  months  ended  March 31,  2006
compared to net interest income of $7.08 million for the same period in 2005.

Noninterest  income decreased  $43,000,  or 1.4%, to $3.13 million for the three
months ended March 31, 2006 compared to $3.18 million for the three months ended
March 31, 2005.  The primary  reason for this  decrease was $173,000 in gains on
the  sale of  securities  during  the  first  three  months  of  2005 as  market
conditions  and  investment  portfolio  liquidity  were  conducive  to the  sale
compared  to $1,000 in losses  during  the first  quarter  of 2006  offset by an
increase in ATM and bankcard  service fees during the first three months of 2006
compared to the same period in 2005.

Noninterest  expense increased 3.5% or $223,000,  to $6.53 million for the three
months ended March 31, 2006 compared to $6.31 million  during the same period in
2005.  The primary  factor in the expense  increase was  increased  salaries and
benefits  expense that resulted from merit  increases for continuing  employees,
additional  compensation  expense  recorded in accordance with the provisions of
SFAS 123R,  and an  increase in  occupancy  expense  for a new  Highland  branch
location added in March 2005 and a new office location for Checkley.

Following  is a summary of the factors  that  contributed  to the changes in net
income (in thousands):

                                                2006 versus 2005
                                                Three months ended
                                                          March 31
Net interest income                                          $ 65
Provision for loan losses                                      (6)
Other income, including securities transactions               (43)
Other expenses                                               (223)
Income taxes                                                  176
Increase (decrease) in net income                            $(31)

Credit  quality is an area of  importance  to the Company.  Total  nonperforming
loans were $3.1 million at March 31, 2006, compared to $3.7 million at March 31,
2005 and $3.5 million at December 31, 2005.  The  Company's  provision  for loan
loss for the  three  months  ended  March  31,  2006 and 2005 was  $193,000  and
$187,000, respectively. At March 31, 2006, the composition of the loan portfolio
remained  similar to the same period last year.  During the three  months  ended
March 31, 2006, net charge-offs were 0.07% of average loans compared to .05% for
the same period in 2005.  Loans secured by both commercial and residential  real
estate comprised 71% of the loan portfolio as of March 31, 2006 and 2005.

The Company's  capital  position remains strong and the Company has consistently
maintained regulatory capital ratios above the "well-capitalized" standards. The
Company's  Tier 1 capital to risk  weighted  assets ratio  calculated  under the
regulatory risk-based capital requirements at March 31, 2006 and 2005 was 11.13%
and 11.35%,  respectively.  The Company's  total capital to risk weighted assets
ratio calculated under the regulatory  risk-based capital  requirements at March
31, 2006 and 2005 was 11.86% and 12.15%, respectively.

The Company's  liquidity position remains sufficient to fund operations and meet
the requirements of borrowers,  depositors, and creditors. The Company maintains
various  sources of liquidity to fund its cash needs.  See discussion  under the
heading  "Liquidity" for a full listing of sources and  anticipated  significant
contractual  obligations.  The Company  enters into financial  instruments  with
off-balance  sheet risk in the normal  course of business to meet the  financing
needs of its customers.  These  financial  instruments  include lines of credit,
letters of credit and other commitments to extend credit.  The total outstanding
commitments at March 31, 2006 and 2005 were $116.9  million and $119.9  million,
respectively.  This decrease is primarily  attributable  to a decrease in unused
lines of credit to agricultural customers.

Critical Accounting Policies

The  Company  has  established  various  accounting  policies  that  govern  the
application of U.S. generally accepted accounting  principles in the preparation
of the Company's financial  statements.  The significant  accounting policies of
the  Company  are  described  in the  footnotes  to the  consolidated  financial
statements  included in the Company's  2005 Annual Report on Form 10-K.  Certain
accounting policies involve significant  judgments and assumptions by management
that  have a  material  impact  on the  carrying  value of  certain  assets  and
liabilities;  management  considers  such  accounting  policies  to be  critical
accounting policies.  The judgments and assumptions used by management are based
on historical experience and other factors,  which are believed to be reasonable
under the circumstances.  Because of the nature of the judgments and assumptions
made by  management,  actual  results  could  differ  from these  judgments  and
assumptions, which could have a material impact on the carrying values of assets
and liabilities and the results of operations of the Company.

The Company  believes the allowance  for loan losses is the critical  accounting
policy that requires the most significant  judgments and assumptions used in the
preparation  of  its  consolidated  financial  statements.   In  estimating  the
allowance for loan losses, management utilizes historical experience, as well as
other  factors,  including the effect of changes in the local real estate market
on  collateral  values,  the effect on the loan  portfolio  of current  economic
indicators and their probable impact on borrowers, and increases or decreases in
nonperforming   and  impaired   loans.   Changes  in  these  factors  may  cause
management's  estimate of the  allowance for loan losses to increase or decrease
and result in  adjustments  to the  Company's  provision  for loan  losses.  See
heading  "Loan  Quality  and  Allowance  for Loan  Losses"  for a more  detailed
description of the Company's  estimation process and methodology  related to the
allowance for loan losses.

Mergers and Acquisitions

On February 14, 2006, the Company announced it had entered into an agreement and
plan of merger to acquire Mansfield Bancorp, Inc. ("Mansfield"),  and its wholly
owned  subsidiary,  Peoples  State Bank of Mansfield  ("Peoples")  in Mansfield,
Mahomet and Weldon,  Illinois for a total cost of  approximately  $24 million in
cash with no Company stock to be issued.  On May 1, 2006, the Company  completed
the  acquisition of Mansfield and Peoples.  As of April 30, 2006,  Mansfield had
consolidated assets of $127 million, consolidated total deposits of $111 million
and consolidated  stockholders'  equity of $15 million. The Company financed the
purchase price through a dividend of $5 million from First Mid Bank, issuance of
$10 million of trust  preferred  securities  and a loan of the balance  from The
Northern Trust Company. See discussion under the heading "Repurchase  Agreements
and Other Borrowings" for details regarding this financing.  The Company expects
the acquisition to be accretive to earnings in 2006, and that it will be able to
reduce the annual expenses of the acquired  operations by  approximately  20-25%
after  conversion  of Peoples  into First Mid Bank which is expected to occur in
the third quarter of 2006.

Results of Operations

Net Interest Income

The  largest  source of revenue  for the  Company is net  interest  income.  Net
interest income  represents the difference  between total interest income earned
on  earning  assets  and  total  interest   expense  paid  on   interest-bearing
liabilities.  The amount of  interest  income is  dependent  upon many  factors,
including  the volume and mix of earning  assets,  the general level of interest
rates and the dynamics of changes in interest rates. The cost of funds necessary
to support  earning  assets  varies with the volume and mix of  interest-bearing
liabilities  and the rates paid to attract and retain such funds.  The Company's
average balances, interest income and expense and rates earned or paid for major
balance  sheet  categories  are set forth in the  following  table  (dollars  in

                                                           Three months ended                  Three months ended
                                                             March 31, 2006                      March 31, 2005
                                                     Average                Average        Average                 Average
                                                     Balance    Interest      Rate         Balance     Interest     Rate
Interest-bearing deposits                                $ 271     $     3       4.49%      $  1,644    $    10      2.47%
Federal funds sold                                       1,550          17       4.45%        12,391         69      2.26%
Investment securities
  Taxable                                              136,487       1,390       4.07%       147,942      1,380      3.73%
  Tax-exempt (1)                                        14,708         163       4.43%        22,200        183      3.30%
Loans (2)(3)                                           635,351      10,286       6.57%       589,492      8,782      6.04%
Total earning assets                                   788,367      11,859       6.10%       773,669     10,424      5.46%
Cash and due from banks                                 16,383                                18,701
Premises and equipment                                  15,201                                15,150
Other assets                                            23,479                                22,688
Allowance for loan losses                              (4,746)                               (4,697)
                                                   ------------                       ---------------
Total assets                                          $838,684                              $825,511
                                                   ============                       ===============
Interest-bearing deposits
  Demand deposits                                     $224,589     $ 1,011       1.83%      $231,657      $ 554       .97%
  Savings deposits                                      56,722          62        .44%        60,359         58       .39%
  Time deposits                                        270,963       2,376       3.56%       268,847      1,903      2.87%
Securities sold under agreements to repurchase          51,405         481       3.79%        61,665        283      1.86%
FHLB advances                                           46,078         512       4.51%        25,667        355      5.61%
Federal funds purchased                                  3,311          38       4.65%             -          -          -
Junior subordinated debt                                10,310         190       7.47%        10,310        140      5.51%
Other debt                                               3,417          49       5.82%         5,867         56      3.87%
Total interest-bearing liabilities                     666,795       4,719       2.87%       664,372      3,349      2.04%
Non interest-bearing demand deposits                    93,486                                86,390
Other liabilities                                        5,040                                 4,835
Stockholders' equity                                    73,363                                69,914
                                                   ------------                       ---------------
Total liabilities & equity                            $838,684                              $825,511
                                                   ============                       ===============
 Net interest income                                               $ 7,140                              $ 7,075
                                                               ============                          ===========
Net interest spread                                                              3.23%                               3.42%
Impact of non-interest bearing funds                                              .43%                                .29%
                                                                           -----------                        -------------
Net yield on interest- earning assets                                            3.66%                               3.71%
                                                                           ===========                         ============

(1)  The  tax-exempt  income is not  recorded  on a tax  equivalent  basis.
(2)  Nonaccrual loans have been included in the average  balances.
(3)  Includes loans held for sale.

Changes in net interest  income may also be analyzed by  segregating  the volume
and rate components of interest income and interest expense. The following table
summarizes the  approximate  relative  contribution of changes in average volume
and interest rates to changes in net interest  income for the three months ended
March 31, 2006, compared to the same period in 2005 (in thousands):

                               For the three months ended March 31,
                                       2006 compared to 2005
                                        Increase / (Decrease)
                                 Change      Volume (1)     Rate (1)
Earning Assets:
Interest-bearing deposits           $  (7)        $ (37)         $  30
Federal funds sold                    (52)         (282)           230
Investment securities:
  Taxable                              10          (457)           467
  Tax-exempt (2)                      (20)          (72)            52
Loans (3)                           1,504           722            782
   Total interest income            1,435          (182)         1,617

Interest-Bearing Liabilities:
Interest-bearing deposits

  Demand deposits                     457          (118)           575
  Savings deposits                      4           (18)            22
  Time deposits                       473            15            458
Securities sold under
  agreements to repurchase            198          (303)           501
FHLB advances                         157           582           (425)
Federal funds purchased                38            38             -
Junior subordinated debt               50             -             50
Other debt                             (7)         (107)           100
  Total interest expense            1,370            89          1,281
 Net interest income                 $ 65         $(271)         $ 336

(1)  Changes  attributable  to the combined  impact of volume and rate have been
     allocated proportionately to the change due to volume and the change due to
(2)  The tax-exempt income is not recorded on a tax-equivalent basis.
(3)  Nonaccrual loans have been included in the average balances.

Net interest  income  increased  $65,000,  or .9% to $7.14 million for the three
months ended March 31, 2006, from $7.08 million for the same period in 2005. The
increase  in net  interest  income was due to an increase in rates and growth in
earning assets,  primarily composed of loan growth,  which was largely offset by
an increase in the cost of interest-bearing liabilities.

For the three months ended March 31, 2006,  average earning assets  increased by
$14.7 million, or 1.9%, and average interest-bearing  liabilities increased $2.4
million, or .4%, compared with average balances for the same period in 2005. The
changes in average balances for these periods are shown below:

>    Average loans increased by $45.9 million or 7.8%.

>    Average securities decreased by $18.9 million or 11.1%.

>    Average interest-bearing deposits decreased by $8.6 million or 1.5%.

>    Average  securities sold under agreements to repurchase  decreased by $10.3
     million or 16.7%.

>    Average borrowings and other debt increased by $21.3 million or 50.9%.

>    Net interest  margin  decreased to 3.66% for the first three months of 2006
     from 3.71% for the first three months of 2005.

To compare the tax-exempt yields on  interest-earning  assets to taxable yields,
the Company also computes non-GAAP net interest income on a tax equivalent basis
(TE) where the interest earned on tax-exempt securities is adjusted to an amount
comparable  to interest  subject to normal  income taxes  assuming a federal tax
rate of 34%  (referred to as the tax  equivalent  adjustment).  The net yield on
interest-earning  assets (TE) was 3.70% for the first  three  months of 2006 and
3.76% for the first three  months of 2005.  The TE  adjustments  to net interest
income for March 31, 2006 and 2005 were $84,000 and $94,000, respectively.

Provision for Loan Losses

The provision for loan losses for the three months ended March 31, 2006 and 2005
was $193,000 and $187,000, respectively. Nonperforming loans decreased from $3.7
million  as of  March  31,  2005 to $3.1  million  as of  March  31,  2006.  Net
charge-offs  were $112,000 for the three months ended March 31, 2006 compared to
$71,000 during the same period in 2005. For  information on loan loss experience
and  nonperforming  loans,  see discussion under the  "Nonperforming  Loans" and
"Loan Quality and Allowance for Loan Losses" sections below.

Other Income

An important source of the Company's  revenue is derived from other income.  The
following  table sets forth the major  components  of other income for the three
months ended March 31, 2006 and 2005 (in thousands):

                                           Three months ended March 31
                                             2006          2005      $ Change
                                     ------------- ------------- -------------
    Trust                                    $609          $636        $ (27)
    Brokerage                                  92            97           (5)
    Insurance commissions                     576           511            65
    Service charges                         1,150         1,034           116
    Security gains                            (1)           173         (174)
    Mortgage banking                           67           153          (86)
    Other                                     640           572            68
                                     ------------- ------------- -------------
      Total other income                   $3,133        $3,176        $ (43)
                                     ============= ============= =============

Following are explanations for the three months ended March 31, 2006 compared to
the same period in 2005:

>    Trust revenues  decreased $27,000 or 4.2% to $609,000 from $636,000.  Trust
     assets,  at market  value,  were $411 million at March 31, 2006 compared to
     $384 million at March 31, 2005.  The decrease in trust  revenues was due to
     non-recurring executor and sales fees received in the first quarter of 2005
     that were not received in 2006.

>    Revenues from  brokerage  decreased  $5,000 or 5.2% to $92,000 from $97,000
     due to a reduction in the number of transactions.

>    Insurance  commissions increased $65,000 or 12.7% to $576,000 from $511,000
     due to an increase in  commissions  received on sales of business  property
     and casualty insurance.

>    Fees from service  charges  increased  $116,000 or 11.2% to $1,150,000 from
     $1,034,000.  This was  primarily the result of an increase in the number of
     overdrafts and an increase in the per overdraft fee to $25 from $22.50.

>    The sale of  securities  during  the three  months  ended  March  31,  2006
     resulted in net  securities  losses of $1,000  compared to the three months
     ended March 31, 2005 which resulted in securities gains of $173,000.

>    Mortgage  banking  income  decreased  $86,000  or  56.2%  to  $67,000  from
     $153,000. This decrease was due to the decreased volume of fixed rate loans
     originated and sold by First Mid Bank. Loans sold balances were as follows:

     >    $6.1 million  (representing 62 loans) for the first quarter of 2006.
     >    $13.6 million (representing 129 loans) for the first quarter of 2005.

     First Mid Bank generally  releases the servicing  rights on loans sold into
     the secondary market.

     >    Other income  increased  $68,000 or 11.9% to $640,000  from  $572,000.
          This  increase was  primarily  due to  increased  ATM service fees.

Other Expense

The major  categories of other expense include  salaries and employee  benefits,
occupancy and equipment  expenses and other operating  expenses  associated with
day-to-day  operations.  The following table sets forth the major  components of
other expense for the three months ended March 31, 2006 and 2005 (in thousands):

                                                Three months ended March 31,
                                            2006          2005        $ Change
                                        ------------ ------------- -------------
Salaries and benefits                       $ 3,563       $ 3,474          $ 89
Occupancy and equipment                       1,136         1,036           100
Amortization of intangibles                     138           142           (4)
Stationery and supplies                         135           139           (4)
Legal and professional fees                     287           386          (99)
Marketing and promotion                         176           123            53
Other operating expenses                      1,094         1,006            88
                                        ------------ ------------- -------------
  Total other expense                       $ 6,529       $ 6,306         $ 223
                                        ============ ============= =============

Following are explanations for the three months ended March 31, 2006 compared to
the same period in 2005:

>    Salaries and employee  benefits,  the largest  component of other  expense,
     increased  $89,000 or 2.6% to $3,563,000 from $3,474,000.  This increase is
     due to merit  increases for continuing  employees and $49,000 of additional
     compensation  expense  recorded in accordance  with the  provisions of SFAS
     123R.  There were 315  full-time  equivalent  employees  at March 31,  2006
     compared to 318 at March 31, 2005.

>    Occupancy and equipment  expense  increased  $100,000 or 9.7% to $1,136,000
     from $1,036,000 due to an increase in occupancy expenses for the new office
     location of Checkley and the Highland  branch  facility that were opened in

>    Expense for  amortization of intangible  assets decreased $4,000 or 2.8% to
     $138,000 from $142,000.

>    Other operating  expenses  increased  $88,000 or 8.7% to $1,094,000 in 2006
     from $1,006,000 in 2005 due to increases in various expenses  including ATM
     and bankcard expenses which were $25,000 greater in 2006 than 2005.

>    All other  categories of operating  expenses  decreased a net of $50,000 or
     7.7% to $598,000 from $648,000. The decrease was primarily due to decreases
     in various professional fees partially offset by increases in marketing and
     promotion expenses.

Income Taxes

Total income tax expense  amounted to $1,147,000  (32.3% effective tax rate) for
the three months ended March 31, 2006,  compared to $1,323,000  (35.2% effective
tax rate) for the same period in 2005.  The change in the  effective tax rate in
2006 is due to a $142,000 reduction in the state tax expense accrual as a result
of  amending  the 2004  state  income  tax  return  for a greater  deduction  in
enterprise  zone interest filed during the first quarter of 2006.  This resulted
in a $92,000 net reduction in tax expense.

Analysis of Balance Sheets


The loan  portfolio  (net of unearned  interest) is the largest  category of the
Company's earning assets.  The following table summarizes the composition of the
loan portfolio, including loans held for sale, as of March 31, 2006 and December
31, 2005 (in thousands):

                                       March 31,      December 31,
                                            2006              2005
Real estate - residential               $119,655          $117,204
Real estate - agricultural                51,037            50,730
Real estate - commercial                 287,965           282,501
 Total real estate - mortgage            458,657           450,435
Commercial and agricultural              146,507           150,598
Installment                               34,243            34,385
Other                                      2,454             2,715
  Total loans                           $641,861          $638,133

Overall  loans  increased  $3.7  million,  or .6%  primarily  as a result  of an
increase in residential and commercial real estate loans offset by a decrease in
commercial and agricultural  operating  loans.  Total real estate mortgage loans
have averaged  approximately  71% of the Company's  total loan portfolio for the
past several years. This is the result of the Company's focus on commercial real
estate lending and long-term  commitment to residential real estate lending. The
balance of real estate loans held for sale  amounted to $777,000 and  $1,778,000
as of March 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005, respectively.

At  March  31,  2006,  the  Company  had  loan  concentrations  in  agricultural
industries of $89.7 million,  or 14%, of outstanding loans and $92.3 million, or
14.5%, at December 31, 2005. In addition, the Company had loan concentrations in
the  following  industries  as of March 31, 2006  compared to December  31, 2005
(dollars in thousands):

                                            March 31, 2006                  December 31, 2005
                                       Principal     % Outstanding      Principal      % Outstanding
                                        balance          loans           Balance           loans
                                    ---------------- --------------- ----------------- ---------------
Operators of non-residential
  buildings                                 $22,886           3.57%           $22,446           3.52%
Apartment building owners                    40,822           6.36%            40,843           6.40%
Motels, hotels & tourist courts              29,191           4.55%            28,054           4.40%
Subdividers & developers                     27,550           4.29%            26,397           4.14%

The  Company  had no  further  loan  concentrations  in  excess  of 25% of total
risk-based capital.

The following  table  presents the balance of loans  outstanding as of March 31,
2006, by maturities (in thousands):

                                                                 Maturity (1)
                                                         Over 1
                                         One year        through             Over
                                      or less (2)        5 years          5 years          Total
 Real estate - residential               $ 54,123       $ 55,020         $ 10,512       $119,655
 Real estate - agricultural                10,006         33,215            7,816         51,037
 Real estate - commercial                  63,016        201,025           23,924        287,965
   Total real estate - mortgage           127,145        289,260           42,252        458,657
 Commercial and agricultural               94,752         48,182            3,573        146,507
 Installment                               16,484         17,469              290         34,243
 Other                                        687          1,435              332          2,454
   Total loans                           $239,068       $356,346         $ 46,447       $641,861

(1)  Based on scheduled  principal  repayments.
(2) Includes demand loans, past due loans and overdrafts.

As of  March  31,  2006,  loans  with  maturities  over one  year  consisted  of
approximately $322.0 million fixed rate loans and $80.8 million in variable rate
loans. The loan maturities  noted above are based on the contractual  provisions
of the  individual  loans.  Rollovers  and  borrower  requests  are handled on a
case-by-case basis.

Nonperforming Loans

Nonperforming  loans are defined  as: (a) loans  accounted  for on a  nonaccrual
basis;  (b)  accruing  loans  contractually  past due ninety  days or more as to
interest or principal payments;  and (c) loans not included in (a) and (b) above
which are defined as  "renegotiated  loans".  The  Company's  policy is to cease
accrual  of  interest  on all  loans  that  become  ninety  days  past due as to
principal or interest.  Nonaccrual loans are returned to accrual status when, in
the opinion of  management,  the  financial  position of the borrower  indicates
there is no longer any reasonable doubt as to the timely  collection of interest
or principal.

The following  table presents  information  concerning  the aggregate  amount of
nonperforming loans at March 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005 (in thousands):

                                              March 31,    December 31,
                                                   2006            2005
Nonaccrual loans                                 $3,062          $3,458
Renegotiated loans which are performing
  in accordance with revised terms                    -               -
Total nonperforming loans                        $3,062          $3,458

The $396,000  decrease in  nonaccrual  loans during the three months ended March
31, 2006 resulted  from the net of $292,000 of loans put on  nonaccrual  status,
$531,000 of loans brought current or paid-off,  $25,000 of loans  transferred to
other real estate owned and $132,000 of loans charged-off.

Interest  income that would have been  reported if nonaccrual  and  renegotiated
loans had been  performing  totaled  $35,000 and $34,000 for the quarters  ended
March 31, 2006 and 2005, respectively.

Loan Quality and Allowance for Loan Losses

The allowance for loan losses  represents  management's  estimate of the reserve
necessary to  adequately  account for probable  losses that could  ultimately be
realized  from  current loan  exposures.  The  provision  for loan losses is the
charge against  current  earnings that is determined by management as the amount
needed to maintain an adequate  allowance for loan losses.  In  determining  the
adequacy of the  allowance  for loan losses,  and  therefore the provision to be
charged to current earnings,  management  relies  predominantly on a disciplined
credit  review  and  approval  process  that  extends  to the full  range of the
Company's  credit  exposure.  The review process is directed by overall  lending
policy and is intended to identify,  at the earliest  possible stage,  borrowers
who might be facing  financial  difficulty.  Once  identified,  the magnitude of
exposure  to  individual  borrowers  is  quantified  in  the  form  of  specific
allocations of the allowance for loan losses.  Management  considers  collateral
values  and  guarantees  in the  determination  of  such  specific  allocations.
Additional  factors  considered by management in evaluating the overall adequacy
of the allowance include  historical net loan losses,  the level and composition
of nonaccrual,  past due and renegotiated  loans, trends in volumes and terms of
loans,  effects of changes  in risk  selection  and  underwriting  standards  or
lending  practices,  lending staff changes,  concentrations of credit,  industry
conditions and the current  economic  conditions in the region where the Company
operates.  Management  considers  the  allowance  for  loan  losses  a  critical
accounting policy.

Management  recognizes there are risk factors that are inherent in the Company's
loan  portfolio.  All  financial  institutions  face risk  factors in their loan
portfolios  because risk exposure is a function of the  business.  The Company's
operations (and therefore its loans) are concentrated in east central  Illinois,
an area where  agriculture is the dominant  industry.  Accordingly,  lending and
other business relationships with  agriculture-based  businesses are critical to
the Company's success.  At March 31, 2006, the Company's loan portfolio included
$89.7 million of loans to borrowers  whose  businesses  are directly  related to
agriculture.  The balance  decreased $2.6 million from $92.3 million at December
31, 2005. While the Company adheres to sound underwriting  practices,  including
collateralization  of  loans,  any  extended  period  of low  commodity  prices,
significantly  reduced  yields on crops  and/or  reduced  levels  of  government
assistance to the agricultural industry could result in an increase in the level
of problem  agriculture  loans and potentially  result in loan losses within the
agricultural portfolio.

In  addition,  the  Company  has $29.2  million of loans to  motels,  hotels and
tourist courts. The performance of these loans is dependent on borrower specific
issues as well as the general  level of business and personal  travel within the
region. While the Company adheres to sound underwriting  standards,  a prolonged
period of reduced  business or personal  travel  could  result in an increase in
non-performing  loans to this business  segment and  potentially in loan losses.
The Company  also has $22.9  million of loans to  operators  of  non-residential
buildings, $40.8 million of loans to apartment building owners and $27.6 million
of loans to subdividers and developers. A significant widespread decline in real
estate  values  could  result in an  increase  in  non-performing  loans to this
segment and potentially in loan losses.

Analysis of the allowance for loan losses as of March 31, 2006 and 2005,  and of
changes in the  allowance for the  three-month  periods ended March 31, 2006 and
2005, is as follows (dollars in thousands):

                                                   Three months ended March 31,
                                                       2006            2005
Average loans outstanding, net of unearned income     $635,351       $589,492
Allowance-beginning of period                          $ 4,648        $ 4,621
Real estate-mortgage                                        24              -
Commercial, financial & agricultural                       123             97
Installment                                                  4             50
Other                                                       30              -
  Total charge-offs                                        181            147
Real estate-mortgage                                         2              -
Commercial, financial & agricultural                        21             61
Installment                                                 10             15
Other                                                       36              -
  Total recoveries                                          69             76
Net charge-offs (recoveries)                               112             71
Provision for loan losses                                  193            187
Allowance-end of period                                $ 4,729        $ 4,737
Ratio of annualized net charge-offs  to
average loans                                             .07%           .05%
Ratio of allowance for loan losses to loans
outstanding (less unearned interest
at end of period)                                         .74%           .80%
Ratio of allowance for loan losses to
nonperforming loans                                     154.4%         127.1%

During the first three months of 2006,  the Company had  charge-offs of $100,000
on three commercial loans of a single borrower. During the first three months of
2005,  the Company had  charge-offs  of $53,000 on two  agricultural  loans of a
single  borrower  and a charge-off  of $44,000 on a commercial  loan of a single

The Company  minimizes credit risk by adhering to sound  underwriting and credit
review  policies.  Management  and the board of directors of the Company  review
these  policies at least  annually.  Senior  management is actively  involved in
business  development  efforts  and the  maintenance  and  monitoring  of credit
underwriting  and approval.  The loan review system and controls are designed to
identify,  monitor and address asset quality  problems in an accurate and timely
manner.  On a quarterly basis, the board of directors and management  review the
status of problem  loans and  determine  a best  estimate of the  allowance.  In
addition to internal policies and controls,  regulatory authorities periodically
review asset quality and the overall adequacy of the allowance for loan losses.


The  Company's  overall  investment  objectives  are to insulate the  investment
portfolio from undue credit risk, maintain adequate liquidity,  insulate capital
against changes in market value and control  excessive changes in earnings while
optimizing  investment  performance.  The types  and  maturities  of  securities
purchased are primarily based on the Company's  current and projected  liquidity
and interest rate sensitivity positions.

The following  table sets forth the amortized cost of the securities as of March
31, 2006 and December 31, 2005 (dollars in thousands):

                                                        March 31, 2006             December 31, 2005
                                                 ----------------------------- ---------------------------
                                                                  Weighted                     Weighted
                                                   Amortized       Average      Amortized      Average
                                                     Cost           Yield          Cost         Yield
                                                 -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------
U.S. Treasury securities and obligations of
  U.S. government corporations and agencies           $103,406          3.73%      $108,506         3.74%
Obligations of states and political                     14,397          4.49%        16,829         4.54%
Mortgage-backed securities                              18,875          4.39%        20,046         4.34%
Other securities                                        13,068          5.99%        13,083         6.21%
                                                 -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------
    Total securities                                  $149,746          4.08%      $158,464         4.10%
                                                 ============== ============== ============= =============

At March 31, 2006, the Company's  investment portfolio showed a decrease of $8.7
million from 2005 as various securities matured during the first quarter of 2006
and were not immediately  replaced.  The amortized cost,  gross unrealized gains
and losses and estimated fair values for available-for-sale and held-to-maturity
securities  by major  security type at March 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005 were
as follows (in thousands):

                                                                                  Gross            Gross         Estimated
                                                                Amortized       Unrealized      Unrealized         Fair
                                                                   Cost           Gains          (Losses)          Value
                                                              --------------- --------------- ---------------- --------------
March 31, 2006
U.S. Treasury securities and obligations
   of U.S. government corporations & agencies                       $103,406             $ -         $(1,609)       $101,797
Obligations of states and political subdivisions                      13,105             197             (43)         13,259
Mortgage-backed securities                                            18,875              24            (512)         18,387
Federal Home Loan Bank stock                                           5,557               -                -          5,557
Other securities                                                       7,511             489                -          8,000
                                                              --------------- --------------- ---------------- --------------
 Total available-for-sale                                           $148,454           $ 710         $(2,164)       $147,000
                                                              =============== =============== ================ ==============
 Obligations of states and political subdivisions                    $ 1,292            $ 24            $   -         $1,316
                                                              =============== =============== ================ ==============

December 31, 2005
U.S. Treasury securities and obligations
   of U.S. government corporations & agencies                      $ 108,506            $ 31         $(1,500)      $ 107,037
Obligations of states and political subdivisions                      15,417             239             (50)         15,606
Mortgage-backed securities                                            20,046              25            (442)         19,629
Federal Home Loan Bank stock                                           5,557               -                -          5,557
Other securities                                                       7,526             486                -          8,012
                                                              --------------- --------------- ---------------- --------------
  Total available-for-sale
                                                                    $157,052           $ 781         $(1,992)       $155,841
                                                              =============== =============== ================ ==============
 Obligations of states and political subdivisions                    $ 1,412            $ 30             $  -        $ 1,442
                                                              =============== =============== ================ ==============

At March 31, 2006, there were five mortgage-backed  securities with a fair value
of $16,238,000  and an unrealized  loss of $509,000,  and twelve  obligations of
U.S. government agencies with a fair value of $63,650,230 and an unrealized loss
of  $1,262,000,  in a continuous  unrealized  loss position for twelve months or
more.  At March 31, 2005,  there was one  mortgage-backed  security  with a fair
value of $3,375,000 and an unrealized loss of $46,000 in a continuous unrealized
loss position for twelve months or more.  This position is due to short-term and
intermediate  rates increasing since the purchase of these securities  resulting
in the market value of the security being lower than book value. Management does
not believe any individual  unrealized loss as of March 31, 2006 or December 31,
2005 represents an other than temporary impairment.

The following table indicates the expected  maturities of investment  securities
classified as available-for-sale  and  held-to-maturity,  presented at amortized
cost,  at March  31,  2006 and the  weighted  average  yield  for each  range of
maturities.  Mortgage-backed  securities  are included  based on their  weighted
average  life.  All other  securities  are shown at their  contractual  maturity
(dollars in thousands).

                                                One year    After 1 through After 5 through    After ten
                                                or less         5 years         10 years         years           Total
U.S. Treasury securities and obligations of
  U.S. government corporations and agencies          $30,224        $ 54,769         $13,415         $ 4,998       $103,406
Obligations of state and
  political subdivisions                               1,478           4,574           5,046           2,007         13,105
Mortgage-backed securities                             1,292          17,583               -               -         18,875
Federal Home Loan Bank stock                               -               -               -           5,557          5,557
Other securities                                           -               -           2,500           5,011          7,511
Total investments                                    $32,994         $76,926         $20,961         $17,573       $148,454
Weighted average yield                                 3.04%           4.10%           4.85%           4.96%          4.07%
Full tax-equivalent yield                              3.14%           4.22%           5.36%           5.18%          4.25%
Obligations of state and
  political subdivisions                               $ 145           $ 505           $ 140           $ 502        $ 1,292
Weighted average yield                                 5.36%           5.54%           5.75%           5.35%          5.47%
Full tax-equivalent yield                              7.92%           8.19%           8.51%           7.91%          8.09%

The weighted  average  yields are  calculated on the basis of the amortized cost
and  effective  yields  weighted for the  scheduled  maturity of each  security.
Tax-equivalent  yields  have  been  calculated  using a 34% tax  rate.  With the
exception of obligations of the U.S. Treasury and other U.S. government agencies
and corporations,  there were no investment securities of any single issuer, the
book value of which exceeded 10% of stockholders' equity at March 31, 2006.

Investment securities carried at approximately  $123,138,000 and $136,787,000 at
March 31, 2006 and  December  31,  2005,  respectively,  were  pledged to secure
public deposits and repurchase agreements and for other purposes as permitted or
required by law.


Funding  of  the  Company's  earning  assets  is  substantially  provided  by  a
combination  of  consumer,  commercial  and public  fund  deposits.  The Company
continues  to focus its  strategies  and emphasis on retail core  deposits,  the
major component of funding  sources.  The following table sets forth the average
deposits  and weighted  average  rates for the three months ended March 31, 2006
and for the year ended December 31, 2005 (dollars in thousands):

                                March 31, 2006         December 31, 2005
                             Weighted                 Weighted
                              Average     Average      Average     Average
                              Balance       Rate       Balance        Rate
Demand deposits:
  Non-interest-bearing       $ 93,486          -      $ 89,593          -
  Interest-bearing            224,589      1.83%       229,532      1.30%
Savings                        56,722       .44%        59,830       .41%
Time deposits                 270,963      3.56%       271,161      3.13%
  Total average deposits     $645,760      2.17%      $650,116      1.80%

                                                 March 31,   December 31,
          (dollars in thousands)                      2006           2005
 High month-end balances of total deposits        $654,060       $677,872
 Low month-end balances of total deposits          651,392        627,107

The following table sets forth the maturity of time deposits of $100,000 or more
at March 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005 (in thousands):

                                             March 31,       December 31,
                                                  2006               2005
3 months or less                               $28,434           $ 15,947
Over 3 through 6 months                         26,613             23,593
Over 6 through 12 months                        25,447             34,944
Over 12 months                                  28,178             28,950
  Total                                       $108,672           $103,434

During the first three months of 2006,  the balance of time deposits of $100,000
or more  increased  by $5.2  million.  The  increase in balances  was  primarily
attributable  to an increase in brokered CD balances  and to a promotion  run in
the first quarter of 2006.

Balances  of time  deposits  of  $100,000 or more  include  brokered  CDs,  time
deposits  maintained for public fund entities,  and consumer time deposits.  The
balance of brokered CDs was $40.8 million and $38.4 million as of March 31, 2006
and December 31, 2005,  respectively.  The Company also maintained time deposits
for the State of Illinois  with  balances of $3.2 million and $3.4 million as of
March 31,  2006 and  December  31,  2005,  respectively.  The State of  Illinois
deposits are subject to bid annually and could increase or decrease in any given

Repurchase Agreements and Other Borrowings

Securities  sold under  agreements to repurchase are  short-term  obligations of
First Mid Bank.  First Mid Bank  collateralizes  these  obligations with certain
government securities that are direct obligations of the United States or one of
its agencies. First Mid Bank offers these retail repurchase agreements as a cash
management  service to its  corporate  customers.  Other  borrowings  consist of
Federal Home Loan Bank  ("FHLB")  advances,  federal  funds  purchased and loans
(short-term  or  long-term  debt) that the  Company has  outstanding  and junior
subordinated debentures.

Information relating to securities sold under agreements to repurchase and other
borrowings  as of March  31,  2006 and  December  31,  2005 is  presented  below
(dollars in thousands):

                                                     March 31,   December 31,
                                                          2006           2005
  Federal funds purchased                              $ 2,000        $ 4,000
  Securities sold under agreements to repurchase        46,606         67,380
  Federal Home Loan Bank advances:
    Overnight                                           19,500         12,000
    Fixed term - due in one year or less                     -          3,000
    Fixed term - due after one year                     30,000         20,000
    Loans due in one year or less                        1,500          5,500
    Loans due after one year                                 -              -
                                                  ------------- --------------
    Junior subordinated debentures                      10,310         10,310
                                                  ------------- --------------
     Total                                             $109,916       $122,190
                                                  ============= ==============
    Average interest rate at end of period               4.61%          4.27%

Maximum outstanding at any month-end
  Federal funds purchased                              $ 2,000        $ 4,000
  Securities sold under agreements to repurchase        50,072         67,380
  Federal Home Loan Bank advances:
    Overnight                                           19,500         12,014
    Fixed term - due in one year or less                 3,000         20,000
    Fixed term - due after one year                     30,000         20,000
    Loans due in one year or less                        4,500          6,200
    Loans due after one year                                 -            200
    Junior subordinated debentures                      10,310         10,310

Averages for the period (YTD)
  Federal funds purchased                              $ 3,311         $  874
  Securities sold under agreements to repurchase        51,405         57,799
  Federal Home Loan Bank advances:
    Overnight                                           14,722          2,447
    Fixed term - due in one year or less                 2,633         13,575
    Fixed term - due after one year                     28,723         15,523
    Loans due in one year or less                        3,417          5,607
    Loans due after one year                                 -            104
    Junior subordinated debentures                      10,310         10,310
                                                  ------------- --------------
    Total                                            $ 114,521       $106,239
                                                  ============= ==============
    Average interest rate during the period              4.43%          3.74%

FHLB advances represent borrowings by First Mid Bank to economically fund loan
demand. The fixed term advances consist of $30 million as follows:

     >    $7 million advance at 4.00% with a 2-year maturity, due April 15, 2007
     >    $5 million advance at 4.58% with a 5-year maturity, due March 22, 2010
     >    $5 million  advance at 4.00% with a 5-year  maturity,  due  January 5,
     >    $5 million  advance at 4.03% with a 5-year  maturity,  due January 20,
     >    $3  million  advance at 5.98%  with a 10-year  maturity,  due March 1,
          2011, callable quarterly
     >    $5 million advance at 4.33% with a 10-year maturity,  due November 23,
          2011, five year lockout, one time call 11/23/06

At March 31, 2006,  outstanding debt balances include  $1,500,000 on a revolving
credit  agreement with The Northern Trust Company with a floating  interest rate
of 1.25% over the federal  funds rate (5.95% as of March 31,  2006) that was set
to mature on October 21, 2006.  This loan was  renegotiated  on October 22, 2005
and had a maximum available balance of $15 million.  The loan was secured by all
of the  common  stock of First  Mid  Bank.  The  borrowing  agreement  contained
requirements  for the Company and First Mid Bank to maintain  various  operating
and capital ratios and also contained requirements for prior lender approval for
certain sales of assets,  merger  activity,  the acquisition or issuance of debt
and the  acquisition of treasury  stock.  The Company and First Mid Bank were in
compliance  with the existing  covenants at March 31, 2006 and 2005 and December
31, 2005.

Subsequently,  the Company  renegotiated  and amended and  restated the existing
revolving  credit  agreement  on April 24, 2006 in  conjunction  with  obtaining
financing  for the  acquisition  of Mansfield  Bancorp,  Inc. The new  revolving
credit agreement has a maximum available balance of $22.5 million with a term of
3 years from the date of closing.  The  interest  rate is floating at 1.25% over
the federal  funds rate when the ratio of senior debt to Tier 1 capital is equal
to or below 35% as of the end of the  previous  quarter.  The  interest  rate is
floating at 1.50% over the  federal  funds rate when the ratio of senior debt to
Tier 1 capital  is above 35%.  The loan is secured by the common  stock of First
Mid Bank and subject to a borrowing  agreement  containing  requirements for the
Company  and First Mid Bank  similar to those of the prior  agreement  including
requirements for operating and capital ratios.

On February 27, 2004, the Company completed the issuance and sale of $10 million
of floating rate trust preferred securities through First Mid-Illinois Statutory
Trust I ("Trust I"), a statutory business trust and wholly-owned  unconsolidated
subsidiary of the Company, as part of a pooled offering. The Company established
Trust I for the  purpose  of issuing  the trust  preferred  securities.  The $10
million in proceeds from the trust preferred issuance and an additional $310,000
for the  Company's  investment  in common  equity of Trust I, a total of $10,310
000,  was  invested  in  junior  subordinated  debentures  of the  Company.  The
underlying  junior  subordinated  debentures  issued by the  Company  to Trust I
mature in 2034,  bear  interest at  nine-month  London  Interbank  Offered  Rate
("LIBOR")  plus 280 basis points,  reset  quarterly,  and are  callable,  at the
option of the  Company,  at par on or after  April 7, 2009  (7.40%  and 6.95% at
March  31,  2006 and  December  31,  2005,  respectively).The  Company  used the
proceeds of the offering for general corporate purposes.

The trust preferred  securities issued by Trust I are included as Tier 1 capital
of the Company for regulatory  capital  purposes.  On March 1, 2005, the Federal
Reserve Board adopted a final rule that allows the continued  limited  inclusion
of  trust  preferred  securities  in  the  calculation  of  Tier 1  capital  for
regulatory  purposes.  The final rule  provides a five-year  transition  period,
ending March 31, 2009, for application of the quantitative  limits.  The Company
does not expect the application of the quantitative  limits to have an impact on
its calculation of Tier 1 capital for regulatory  purposes or its classification
as well-capitalized.

Subsequently,  on April 26, 2006, the Company completed the issuance and sale of
$10 million of  fixed/floating  rate trust  preferred  securities  through First
Mid-Illinois  Statutory  Trust II ("Trust II"), a statutory  business  trust and
wholly-owned  unconsolidated  subsidiary  of the  Company,  as part of a  pooled
offering.  The Company established Trust II for the purpose of issuing the trust
preferred  securities.  The $10  million in  proceeds  from the trust  preferred
issuance and an  additional  $310,000  for the  Company's  investment  in common
equity of Trust II, a total of $10,310 000, was invested in junior  subordinated
debentures of the Company. The underlying junior subordinated  debentures issued
by the Company to the Trust mature in 2036, bear interest at fixed rate of 6.98%
(three-month  LIBOR  plus 160 basis  points)  paid  quarterly  and  converts  to
floating  rate  (LIBOR  plus 160 basis  points)  after  June 15,  2011.  The net
proceeds to the Company were used for general corporate purposes,  including the
Company's  acquisition of Mansfield Bancorp, Inc. The trust preferred securities
issued by Trust II will  count as Tier 1 capital up to the  regulatory  limit of
25% of core capital with the remainder to count as Tier 2 capital.

Interest Rate Sensitivity

The Company  seeks to maximize its net  interest  margin  while  maintaining  an
acceptable level of interest rate risk. Interest rate risk can be defined as the
amount  of  forecasted  net  interest  income  that may be gained or lost due to
changes in the interest rate  environment,  a variable over which management has
no control.  Interest  rate risk,  or  sensitivity,  arises when the maturity or
repricing  characteristics of interest-bearing  assets differ significantly from
the maturity or repricing characteristics of interest-bearing liabilities.

The  Company  monitors  its  interest  rate  sensitivity  position to maintain a
balance  between rate  sensitive  assets and rate  sensitive  liabilities.  This
balance serves to limit the adverse  effects of changes in interest  rates.  The
Company's asset liability management committee (ALCO) oversees the interest rate
sensitivity position and directs the overall allocation of funds.

In the banking  industry,  a traditional  way to measure  potential net interest
income  exposure  to changes in interest  rates is through a technique  known as
"static GAP" analysis  which  measures the  cumulative  differences  between the
amounts of assets and liabilities maturing or repricing at various intervals. By
comparing  the  volumes of  interest-bearing  assets and  liabilities  that have
contractual  maturities  and  repricing  points at various  times in the future,
management  can gain insight into the amount of interest  rate risk  embedded in
the balance sheet.

The  following  table sets forth the Company's  interest rate  repricing GAP for
selected maturity periods at March 31, 2006 (dollars in thousands):

                                                                Rate Sensitive Within                                     Fair
                                   1 year     1-2 years    2-3 years   3-4 years   4-5 years   Thereafter     Total      Value
                                 ----------- ------------ ------------ ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------- -----------
Interest-earning assets:
Federal funds sold and other
  interest-bearing deposits         $ 2,345        $   -        $   -       $   -       $   -        $   -    $ 2,345     $ 2,345
Taxable investment securities        36,284       14,625        9,494      14,675      14,817       43,847    133,742     133,742
Nontaxable investment securities      1,633          968        1,043       1,495       1,631        7,780     14,550      14,574
Loans                               288,259       92,862      125,933      69,157      48,674       16,976    641,861     623,859
                                 ----------- ------------ ------------ ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------- -----------
  Total                            $328,521     $108,455     $136,470     $85,327     $65,122      $68,603   $792,498    $774,520
                                 =========== ============ ============ =========== =========== ============ ========== ===========
Interest-bearing liabilities:
Savings and N.O.W. accounts        $ 38,770     $ 10,511     $ 10,977    $ 16,103    $ 16,656     $ 99,981   $192,998    $199,861
Money market accounts                65,355        1,808        1,858       2,411       2,461       13,008     86,901      88,156
Other time deposits                 184,534       73,438        6,077       5,240       7,692           39    277,020     273,086
Short-term borrowings/debt           69,606            -            -           -           -            -     69,606      69,607
Long-term borrowings/debt                 -        7,000            -       5,000      23,310        5,000     40,310      40,285
                                 ----------- ------------ ------------ ----------- ----------- ------------ ---------- -----------
  Total                            $358,265     $ 92,757      $18,912     $28,754    $ 50,119    $ 118,028   $666,835    $670,995
                                 =========== ============ ============ =========== =========== ============ ========== ===========

Rate sensitive assets -
    rate sensitive liabilities     $(29,744)     $ 15,698     $117,558     $56,573     $15,003     $(49,425) $125,663
Cumulative GAP                     $(29,744)     $(14,046)    $103,512    $160,085    $175,088     $125,663

Cumulative amounts as % of
    total rate sensitive assets       -3.8%         2.0%        14.8%        7.1%        1.9%        -6.2%
Cumulative Ratio                      -3.8%        -1.8%        13.1%       20.2%       22.1%        15.9%

The static GAP analysis  shows that at March 31, 2006, the Company was liability
sensitive,  on a cumulative basis,  through the twelve-month time horizon.  This
indicates that future  increases in interest rates, if any, could have a adverse
effect on net interest  income.  Conversely,  future decreases in interest rates
could have an positive effect on net interest income.

There are several ways the Company measures and manages the exposure to interest
rate  sensitivity,  including static GAP analysis.  The Company's ALCO also uses
other financial  models to project  interest income under various rate scenarios
and prepayment/extension assumptions consistent with First Mid Bank's historical
experience and with known industry trends. ALCO meets at least monthly to review
the  Company's  exposure to interest  rate  changes as  indicated by the various
techniques and to make necessary  changes in the composition  terms and/or rates
of the assets and liabilities.  Based on all information  available,  management
does not believe  that  changes in interest  rates,  which might  reasonably  be
expected to occur in the next twelve months, will have a material adverse effect
on the Company's net interest income.

Capital Resources

At March 31, 2006, the Company's  stockholders'  equity had decreased $73,000 or
..1% to $72,253,000  from  $72,326,000 as of December 31, 2005.  During the first
three months of 2006,  net income  contributed  $2,404,000  to equity before the
payment of  dividends  to common  stockholders.  The  change in market  value of
available-for-sale  investment  securities  decreased  stockholders'  equity  by
$148,000,  net of tax. Additional  purchases of treasury stock (80,031 shares at
an  average  cost  of  $41.32  per  share)  decreased  stockholders'  equity  by
approximately $3,307,000.

The Company is subject to various regulatory capital  requirements  administered
by  the  federal  banking  agencies.   Bank  holding  companies  follow  minimum
regulatory  requirements  established  by the Board of  Governors of the Federal
Reserve System ("Federal  Reserve  System"),  and First Mid Bank follows similar
minimum regulatory requirements  established for national banks by the Office of
the  Comptroller  of the  Currency  ("OCC").  Failure  to meet  minimum  capital
requirements   can  initiate   certain   mandatory   and   possibly   additional
discretionary  action by  regulators  that, if  undertaken,  could have a direct
material effect on the Company's financial statements.

Quantitative  measures  established by each regulatory  agency to ensure capital
adequacy  require  the  reporting  institutions  to  maintain  a  minimum  total
risk-based  capital ratio of 8% and a minimum  leverage ratio of 3% for the most
highly rated banks that do not expect significant growth. All other institutions
are required to maintain a minimum  leverage  ratio of 4%.  Management  believes
that, as of March 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005, the Company and First Mid Bank
met all capital adequacy requirements.

The trust preferred  securities issued by First  Mid-Illinois  Statutory Trust I
are included as Tier 1 capital of the Company for regulatory  capital  purposes.
On March 1, 2005, the Federal Reserve Board adopted a final rule that allows the
continued limited inclusion of trust preferred  securities in the calculation of
Tier 1 capital  for  regulatory  purposes.  The final rule  provides a five-year
transition  period,  ending March 31, 2009, for application of the  quantitative
limits.  The Company does not expect the application of the quantitative  limits
to have an impact on its  calculation of Tier 1 capital for regulatory  purposes
or its classification as well-capitalized.

As of March 31, 2006,  First Mid Bank had capital  ratios that  qualified it for
treatment  as  well-capitalized   under  the  regulatory  framework  for  prompt
corrective  action.  To  be  categorized  as  well-capitalized,   minimum  total
risk-based,  Tier 1 risk-based and Tier 1 leverage  ratios must be maintained as
set forth in the following table (dollars in thousands).

                                                                                                       To Be Well-
                                                                                                    Capitalized Under
                                                                             For Capital            Prompt Corrective
                                                     Actual               Adequacy Purposes         Action Provisions
                                            -------------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
                                               Amount        Ratio       Amount        Ratio       Amount        Ratio
                                            ------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
March 31,2005
Total Capital (to risk-weighted assets)
  Company                                        $76,194       11.86%      $51,376      > 8.00%          N/A          N/A
  First Mid Bank                                  71,614       11.25%       50,948      > 8.00%      $63,685      >10.00%
                                                                                        -                         -
Tier 1 Capital (to risk-weighted assets)
  Company                                         71,466       11.13%       25,688      > 4.00%          N/A          N/A
  First Mid Bank                                  66,886       10.50%       25,474      > 4.00%       38,211      > 6.00%
                                                                                        -                         -
Tier 1 Capital (to average assets)
  Company                                         71,466        8.64%       33,080      > 4.00%          N/A          N/A
  First Mid Bank                                  66,886        8.13%       32,896      > 4.00%       41,120      > 5.00%
                                                                                        -                         -
December 31, 2005
Total Capital (to risk-weighted assets)
  Company                                        $75,901       11.87%     $ 51,163      > 8.00%          N/A          N/A
  First Mid Bank                                  73,913       11.66        50,726      > 8.00%      $63,407      >10.00%
                                                                                        -                         -
Tier 1 Capital (to risk-weighted assets)
  Company                                         71,253       11.14        25,581      > 4.00%          N/A          N/A
  First Mid Bank                                  69,265      10.92         25,363      > 4.00%       38,044      > 6.00%
                                                                                        -                         -
Tier 1 Capital (to average assets)
  Company                                         71,253        8.55        33,330      > 4.00%          N/A          N/A
  First Mid Bank                                  69,265        8.36        33,152      > 4.00%       41,440      > 5.00%
                                                                                        -                         -

Banks and  financial  holding  companies are expected to operate at or above the
minimum capital requirements.  These ratios are in excess of regulatory minimums
and allow the Company to operate without capital adequacy concerns.  The Company
expects to continue to have capital ratios meeting  regulatory  requirements for
treatment as  well-capitalized  following the acquisition of Mansfield  Bancorp,

Stock Plans

Participants  may purchase  Company stock under the following  four plans of the
Company: the Deferred  Compensation Plan, the First Retirement and Savings Plan,
the Dividend  Reinvestment Plan, and the Stock Incentive Plan. For more detailed
information  on these plans,  refer to the Company's  2005 Annual Report on Form

On August 5, 1998, the Company announced a stock repurchase program for up to 3%
of its common  stock.  In March 2000,  the Board  approved the  repurchase of an
additional  5% of the  Company's  common  stock.  In September  2001,  the Board
approved the  repurchase  of $3 million of  additional  shares of the  Company's
common stock and in August 2002, the Board approved the repurchase of $5 million
of additional shares of the Company's common stock. In September 2003, the Board
approved the  repurchase  of $10 million of  additional  shares of the Company's
common  stock.  On April 27,  2004,  the Board  approved  the  repurchase  of an
additional $5 million shares of the Company's  common stock.  On August 23, 2005
the Board  approved the  repurchase of an  additional  $5 million  shares of the
Company's common stock,  bringing the aggregate total on March 31, 2006 to 8% of
the Company's common stock plus $28 million of additional shares.

During the  three-month  period ending March 31, 2006,  the Company  repurchased
80,031  shares at a total cost of  approximately  $3,307,000.  Since  1998,  the
Company  has  repurchased  a total  of  1,316,890  shares  at a total  price  of
approximately $33,058,000.  As of March 31, 2006, the Company was authorized per
all repurchase programs to purchase $1,149,000 in additional shares.


Liquidity represents the ability of the Company and its subsidiaries to meet all
present and future financial  obligations arising in the daily operations of the
business. Financial obligations consist of the need for funds to meet extensions
of credit,  deposit  withdrawals  and debt  servicing.  The Company's  liquidity
management  focuses on the ability to obtain funds  economically  through assets
that may be converted into cash at minimal costs or through other  sources.  The
Company's other sources of cash include  overnight  federal fund lines,  Federal
Home Loan Bank  advances,  deposits  of the State of  Illinois,  the  ability to
borrow at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,  and the Company's operating line
of credit with The Northern Trust Company. Details for the sources include:

>    First Mid Bank has $22.5 million available in overnight federal fund lines,
     including  $10 million  from Harris  Trust and Savings  Bank of Chicago and
     $12.5 million from The Northern Trust Company. Availability of the funds is
     subject to First Mid Bank meeting minimum regulatory  capital  requirements
     for total  capital  to  risk-weighted  assets  and Tier 1 capital  to total
     average  assets.  As of March 31,  2006,  First Mid Bank's  ratios of total
     capital  to  risk-weighted  assets  of 11.25%  and Tier 1 capital  to total
     average assets of 8.13% met regulatory requirements.

>    First Mid Bank can also borrow from the Federal  Home Loan Bank as a source
     of  liquidity.  Availability  of the funds is  subject to the  pledging  of
     collateral  to the Federal Home Loan Bank.  Collateral  that can be pledged
     includes  one-to-four  family residential real estate loans and securities.
     At March 31, 2006, the excess collateral at the Federal Home Loan Bank will
     support approximately $48.5 million of additional advances.

>    First Mid Bank also  receives  deposits  from the  State of  Illinois.  The
     receipt  of  these  funds  is  subject  to  competitive  bid  and  requires
     collateral to be pledged at the time of placement.

>    First  Mid Bank is also a member  of the  Federal  Reserve  System  and can
     borrow funds provided that sufficient collateral is pledged.

>    In  addition,  as of March 31,  2006,  the Company  had a revolving  credit
     agreement in the amount of $15 million with The Northern Trust Company with
     an outstanding  balance of $1,500,000 and  $13,500,000 in available  funds.
     The Company  renegotiated  and amended and restated the existing  revolving
     credit agreement on April 24, 2006 in conjunction with obtaining  financing
     for the  acquisition of Mansfield  Bancorp,  Inc. The new revolving  credit
     agreement has a maximum  available  balance of $22.5 million with a term of
     three  years from the date of  closing.  The  interest  rate is floating at
     1.25% over the  federal  funds rate when the ratio of senior debt to Tier 1
     capital is equal to or below 35% as of the end of the previous quarter. The
     interest  rate is floating  at 1.50% over the  federal  funds rate when the
     ratio of senior debt to Tier 1 capital is above 35%.

Management monitors its expected liquidity requirements carefully, focusing
primarily on cash flows from:

>    lending  activities,  including  loan  commitments,  letters  of credit and
     mortgage prepayment assumptions;

>    deposit activities, including seasonal demand of private and public funds;

>    investing activities,  including prepayments of mortgage-backed  securities
     and call provisions on U.S. treasury and government agency securities; and

>    operating activities,  including scheduled debt repayments and dividends to

The following table  summarizes  significant  contractual  obligations and other
commitments at March 31, 2006 (in thousands):

                                             Less than                                      More than
                                 Total          1 year       1-3 years       3-5 years        5 years
                         -------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------
Time deposits                 $277,020        $184,473        $ 79,577         $12,932          $  38
Debt                            11,810           1,500               -               -         10,310
Other borrowings                96,106          66,106           7,000           5,000         18,000
Operating leases                 4,058             433             920             799          1,906
Supplemental retirement            774              50             100             100            524
                         -------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------
                              $389,768        $252,562        $ 87,597         $18,831        $30,778
                         ============== =============== =============== =============== ==============

For the  three-month  period ended March 31, 2006,  net cash of $4.7 million and
$4.3 million was provided from operating  activities  and investing  activities,
respectively,  while  financing  activities  used net cash of $11.3 million.  In
total, cash and cash equivalents decreased by $2.3 million since year-end 2005.

On February 27, 2004, the Company completed the issuance and sale of $10 million
of floating rate trust preferred securities through First Mid-Illinois Statutory
Trust I ("Trust I"), a statutory business trust and wholly-owned  unconsolidated
subsidiary of the Company, as part of a pooled offering. The Company established
Trust I for the  purpose  of issuing  the trust  preferred  securities.  The $10
million in proceeds from the trust preferred issuance and an additional $310,000
for the  Company's  investment  in common  equity of Trust I, a total of $10,310
000,  was  invested  in  junior  subordinated  debentures  of the  Company.  The
underlying  junior  subordinated  debentures  issued by the  Company  to Trust I
mature in 2034, bear interest at nine-month  LIBOR plus 280 basis points,  reset
quarterly,  and are callable,  at the option of the Company,  at par on or after
April 7,  2009  (7.40%  and  6.95% at March  31,  2006 and  December  31,  2005,
respectively).  The net proceeds to the Company were used for general  corporate
purposes, including the Company's acquisition of Mansfield Bancorp, Inc.

Subsequently,  on April 26, 2006, the Company completed the issuance and sale of
$10 million of  fixed/floating  rate trust  preferred  securities  through First
Mid-Illinois  Statutory  Trust II ("Trust II"), a statutory  business  trust and
wholly-owned  unconsolidated  subsidiary  of the  Company,  as part of a  pooled
offering.  The Company established Trust II for the purpose of issuing the trust
preferred  securities.  The $10  million in  proceeds  from the trust  preferred
issuance and an  additional  $310,000  for the  Company's  investment  in common
equity of Trust II, a total of $10,310 000, was invested in junior  subordinated
debentures of the Company. The underlying junior subordinated  debentures issued
by the Company to the Trust mature in 2036, bear interest at fixed rate of 6.98%
(three-month  LIBOR  plus 160 basis  points)  paid  quarterly  and  converts  to
floating  rate (LIBOR plus 160 basis  points)  after June 15, 2011.  The Company
used the proceeds of the offering for the acquisition of Mansfield Bancorp,  Inc
and general corporate purposes.

First Mid Bank enters into financial  instruments with off-balance sheet risk in
the normal  course of business  to meet the  financing  needs of its  customers.
These financial instruments include lines of credit, letters of credit and other
commitments to extend credit.  Each of these  instruments  involves,  to varying
degrees,  elements of credit,  interest rate and liquidity risk in excess of the
amounts recognized in the consolidated balance sheets. The Company uses the same
credit policies and requires similar collateral in approving lines of credit and
commitments  and  issuing  letters  of credit as it does in  making  loans.  The
exposure  to credit  losses  on  financial  instruments  is  represented  by the
contractual  amount  of  these  instruments.   However,  the  Company  does  not
anticipate any losses from these instruments.

The off-balance  sheet financial  instruments  whose contract amounts  represent
credit  risk at March  31,  2006 and  December  31,  2005  were as  follows  (in

                                                    March 31,    December 31,
                                                        2006           2005
                                                -------------- --------------
Unused commitments, including lines of credit:
 Commercial real estate                             $ 27,315        $ 28,745
 Commercial operating                                 46,890          46,012
 Home equity                                          17,377          16,160
 Other                                                21,746          23,178
                                                -------------- --------------
    Total                                           $113,328        $114,095
                                                ============== ==============
Standby letters of credit                            $ 3,543         $ 3,694
                                                ============== ==============

Commitments to originate credit represent approved commercial,  residential real
estate and home equity loans that  generally  are  expected to be funded  within
ninety  days.  Lines of credit are  agreements  by which the  Company  agrees to
provide a borrowing  accommodation  up to a stated amount as long as there is no
violation of any condition  established in the loan agreement.  Both commitments
to originate credit and lines of credit generally have fixed expiration dates or
other  termination  clauses and may require  payment of a fee. Since many of the
lines and some  commitments are expected to expire without being drawn upon, the
total amounts do not necessarily represent future cash requirements.

Standby letters of credit are conditional commitments issued by the Company to
guarantee the financial performance of customers to third parties. Standby
letters of credit are primarily issued to facilitate trade or support borrowing
arrangements and generally expire in one year or less. The credit risk involved
in issuing letters of credit is essentially the same as that involved in
extending credit facilities to customers. The maximum amount of credit that
would be extended under letters of credit is equal to the total off-balance
sheet contract amount of such instrument.


There has been no material  change in the market risk faced by the Company since
December 31, 2005. For information regarding the Company's market risk, refer to
the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005.


The  Company's  management,  with  the  participation  of  the  Company's  Chief
Executive  Officer and Chief Financial  Officer,  evaluated the effectiveness of
the Company's  "disclosure  controls and procedures" (as such term is defined in
Rules  13a-15(e) and  15d-15(e)  under the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as
amended  (the  "Exchange  Act")),  as of the end of the  period  covered by this
report.  Based on such evaluation,  such officers have concluded that, as of the
end of the period covered by this report, the Company's  disclosure controls and
procedures  are  effective  in bringing  to their  attention  on a timely  basis
material  information  relating  to  the  Company  (including  its  consolidated
subsidiaries)  required to be included in the Company's  periodic  filings under
the Exchange Act. Further,  there have been no changes in the Company's internal
control  over  financial  reporting  during the last  fiscal  quarter  that have
materially  affected  or that are  reasonably  likely to affect  materially  the
Company's internal control over financial reporting.

                                     PART II


Since  First Mid Bank acts as a  depository  of funds,  it is named from time to
time as a defendant  in lawsuits  (such as  garnishment  proceedings)  involving
claims as to the ownership of funds in particular accounts.  Management believes
that all such litigation as well as other pending legal proceedings in which the
Company is involved constitute  ordinary,  routine litigation  incidental to the
business of the Company and that such litigation  will not materially  adversely
affect the Company's consolidated financial condition.


Various  risks and  uncertainties,  some of which are  difficult  to predict and
beyond  the  Company's  control,  could  negatively  impact  the  Company.  As a
financial  institution,  the Company is exposed to interest rate risk, liquidity
risk, credit risk,  operational risk, risks from economic or market  conditions,
and general business risks among others.  Adverse experience with these or other
risks could have a material  impact on the  Company's  financial  condition  and
results of operations,  as well as the value of its common stock. There has been
no material change to the risk factors  described in the Company's Annual Report
on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005.




                                          ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECURITIES
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                   (d) Approximate Dollar
                                                                    (c) Total Number of Shares      Value of Shares that
                                                                        Purchased as Part of        May Yet Be Purchased
                       (a) Total Number of     (b) Average Price     Publicly Announced Plans       Under the Plans or
       Period            Shares Purchased        Paid per Share              or Programs                  Programs
- ---------------------- --------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------------- -------------------------
January 1, 2006 -
  January 31, 2006                   -                      -                         -                    $4,456,000
February 1, 2006 -
  February 28, 2006             36,326                 $41.24                    36,326                    $2,958,000
March 1, 2006 -
  March 31, 2006                43,705                 $41.39                    43,705                    $1,149,000
                       --------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------------- -------------------------
Total                           80,031                 $41.32                    80,031                    $1,149,000
                       ===================== ======================= ============================ =========================

On August 5, 1998, the Company announced a stock repurchase program for up to 3%
of its common  stock.  In March 2000,  the Board  approved the  repurchase of an
additional  5% of the  Company's  common  stock.  In September  2001,  the Board
approved the  repurchase  of $3 million of  additional  shares of the  Company's
common stock and in August 2002, the Board approved the repurchase of $5 million
of additional shares of the Company's common stock. In September 2003, the Board
approved the  repurchase  of $10 million of  additional  shares of the Company's
common  stock.  On April 27,  2004,  the Board  approved  the  repurchase  of an
additional $5 million shares of the Company's  common stock.  On August 23, 2005
the Board  approved the  repurchase of an  additional  $5 million  shares of the
Company's common stock, bringing the aggregate total on September 30, 2005 to 8%
of the Company's common stock plus $28 million of additional shares.








The  exhibits  required by Item 601 of  Regulation  S-K and filed  herewith  are
listed in the Exhibit Index that follows the Signature Page and that immediately
precedes the exhibits filed.


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.


Date:  May 8, 2006

/s/ William S. Rowland

William S. Rowland
President and Chief Executive Officer

/s/ Michael L. Taylor

Michael L. Taylor
Chief Financial Officer

                 Exhibit Index to Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
Number  Description and Filing or Incorporation Reference
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 4.1  The Registrant  agrees to furnish to the Commission,  upon request,  a
      copy of each  instrument  with  respect  to issues of  long-term  debt
      involving a total amount which does not exceed 10% of the total assets
      of the Registrant and its subsidiaries on a consolidated basis

 11.1 Statement  re:  Computation  of Earnings Per Share (Filed  herewith on
      page 7)

 31.1 Certification  pursuant  to section 302 of the  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act of

 31.2 Certification  pursuant  to section 302 of the  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act of

 32.1 Certification  pursuant to 18 U.S.C. section 1350, as adopted pursuant
      to section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

 32.2 Certification  pursuant to 18 U.S.C. section 1350, as adopted pursuant
      to section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

                                                                    Exhibit 31.1

                      Certification pursuant to section 302
                        of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

I, William S. Rowland, certify that:

     1.   I  have  reviewed  this  quarterly   report  on  Form  10-Q  of  First
          Mid-Illinois Bancshares, Inc.;

     2.   Based on my  knowledge,  this  report  does  not  contain  any  untrue
          statement  of a  material  fact  or  omit to  state  a  material  fact
          necessary to make the statements  made, in light of the  circumstances
          under which such  statements were made, not misleading with respect to
          the period covered by this report;

     3.   Based on my knowledge,  the financial statements,  and other financial
          information  included in this report,  fairly  present in all material
          respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows
          of the  registrant  as of,  and for,  the  periods  presented  in this

     4.   The registrant's  other  certifying  officer and I are responsible for
          establishing  and maintaining  disclosure  controls and procedures (as
          defined in Exchange Act Rules  13a-15(e) and  15d-15(e))  and internal
          control  over  financial  reporting  (as defined in Exchange Act Rules
          13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) for the registrant and have:

          a)   Designed such disclosure controls and procedures,  or caused such
               disclosure  controls  and  procedures  to be  designed  under our
               supervision,  to ensure that material information relating to the
               registrant,  including  its  consolidated  subsidiaries,  is made
               known to us by others within those entities,  particularly during
               the period in which this report is being prepared;

          b)   Designed  such  internal  control over  financial  reporting,  or
               caused such  internal  control  over  financial  reporting  to be
               designed under our supervision,  to provide reasonable  assurance
               regarding  the   reliability  of  financial   reporting  and  the
               preparation  of financial  statements  for  external  purposes in
               accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

          c)   Evaluated  the  effectiveness  of  the  registrant's   disclosure
               controls  and   procedures  and  presented  in  this  report  our
               conclusions  about the  effectiveness of the disclosure  controls
               and  procedures,  as of the  end of the  period  covered  by this
               report based on such evaluation; and

          d)   Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's  internal
               control  over  financial   reporting  that  occurred  during  the
               registrant's most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's  fourth
               quarter  in the case of an  annual  report)  that has  materially
               affected,  or is  reasonably  likely to  materially  affect,  the
               registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and

     5.   The registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed,  based
          on our most recent  evaluation  of  internal  control  over  financial
          reporting, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the
          registrant's  board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent

          a)   All  significant  deficiencies  and  material  weaknesses  in the
               design or operation of internal control over financial  reporting
               which are reasonably  likely to adversely affect the registrant's
               ability  to  record,  process,  summarize  and  report  financial
               information; and

          b)   Any fraud,  whether or not material,  that involves management or
               other employees who have a significant  role in the  registrant's
               internal control over financial reporting.

Date: May 8, 2006
By:  /s/ William S. Rowland

     William S. Rowland, President and
     Chief Executive Officer

                                                                    Exhibit 31.2

                      Certification pursuant to section 302
                        of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

I, Michael L. Taylor, certify that:

     1.   I have  reviewed  this  report  on  Form  10-Q of  First  Mid-Illinois
          Bancshares, Inc.;

     2.   Based on my  knowledge,  this  report  does  not  contain  any  untrue
          statement  of a  material  fact  or  omit to  state  a  material  fact
          necessary to make the statements  made, in light of the  circumstances
          under which such  statements were made, not misleading with respect to
          the period covered by this report;

     3.   Based on my knowledge,  the financial statements,  and other financial
          information  included in this report,  fairly  present in all material
          respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows
          of the  registrant  as of,  and for,  the  periods  presented  in this

     4.   The registrant's  other  certifying  officer and I are responsible for
          establishing  and maintaining  disclosure  controls and procedures (as
          defined in Exchange Act Rules  13a-15(e) and  15d-15(e))  and internal
          control  over  financial  reporting  (as defined in Exchange Act Rules
          13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) for the registrant and have:

          a)   Designed such disclosure controls and procedures,  or caused such
               disclosure  controls  and  procedures  to be  designed  under our
               supervision,  to ensure that material information relating to the
               registrant,  including  its  consolidated  subsidiaries,  is made
               known to us by others within those entities,  particularly during
               the period in which this report is being prepared;

          b)   Designed  such  internal  control over  financial  reporting,  or
               caused such  internal  control  over  financial  reporting  to be
               designed under our supervision,  to provide reasonable  assurance
               regarding  the   reliability  of  financial   reporting  and  the
               preparation  of financial  statements  for  external  purposes in
               accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

          c)   Evaluated  the  effectiveness  of  the  registrant's   disclosure
               controls  and   procedures  and  presented  in  this  report  our
               conclusions  about the  effectiveness of the disclosure  controls
               and  procedures,  as of the  end of the  period  covered  by this
               report based on such evaluation; and

          d)   Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's  internal
               control  over  financial   reporting  that  occurred  during  the
               registrant's most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's  fourth
               quarter  in the case of an  annual  report)  that has  materially
               affected,  or is  reasonably  likely to  materially  affect,  the
               registrant's internal control over financial reporting; and

     5.   The registrant's other certifying officer and I have disclosed,  based
          on our most recent  evaluation  of  internal  control  over  financial
          reporting, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of the
          registrant's  board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent

          a)   All  significant  deficiencies  and  material  weaknesses  in the
               design or operation of internal control over financial  reporting
               which are reasonably  likely to adversely affect the registrant's
               ability  to  record,  process,  summarize  and  report  financial
               information; and

          b)   Any fraud,  whether or not material,  that involves management or
               other employees who have a significant  role in the  registrant's
               internal control over financial reporting.

Date: May 8, 2006

By:  /s/ Michael L. Taylor

     Michael L. Taylor, Chief Financial Officer

                                                                    Exhibit 32.1

                            Certification pursuant to
                             18 U.S.C. section 1350,
                             as adopted pursuant to
                  section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

In connection with the Quarterly Report of First Mid-Illinois  Bancshares,  Inc.
(the  "Company")  on Form 10-Q for the period ended March 31, 2006 as filed with
the Securities  and Exchange  Commission on the date hereof (the  "Report"),  I,
William S.  Rowland,  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer  of the  Company,
certify,  pursuant to 18 U.S.C.  ss. 1350, as adopted pursuant to ss. 906 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, that:

     (1)  The Report fully  complies with the  requirements  of section 13(a) or
          15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

     (2)  The  information  contained  in the  Report  fairly  presents,  in all
          material respects,  the financial  condition and results of operations
          of the Company.

Date:  May 8, 2006

/s/ William S. Rowland

William S. Rowland
President and Chief Executive Officer

                                                                    Exhibit 32.2

                            Certification pursuant to
                             18 U.S.C. section 1350,
                             as adopted pursuant to
                  section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

In connection with the Quarterly Report of First Mid-Illinois  Bancshares,  Inc.
(the  "Company")  on Form 10-Q for the period ended March 31, 2006 as filed with
the Securities  and Exchange  Commission on the date hereof (the  "Report"),  I,
Michael L. Taylor, Chief Financial Officer of the Company,  certify, pursuant to
18 U.S.C. ss. 1350, as adopted pursuant to ss. 906 of the  Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
2002, that:

     (1)  The Report fully  complies with the  requirements  of section 13(a) or
          15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

     (2)  The  information  contained  in the  Report  fairly  presents,  in all
          material respects,  the financial  condition and results of operations
          of the Company.

Date:  May 8, 2006

/s/ Michael L. Taylor

Michael L. Taylor
Chief Financial Officer