D.F. King Script

                     Connecticut Mutual Income Account

Proxy mailing sent to all shareholders: March 29, 1996
Mailing contained: ballot, proxy statement, president's letter &
Oppenheimer Bond Fund prospectus
Record date: March 18, 1996
Meeting date: April 24, 1996

Opening comments:

"Hello, my name is ____________, and I am calling on behalf of
OppenheimerFunds, Inc.  Is this Mr./Mrs./Ms. __________?" [if no,
go to if person not home][If yes] As a Connecticut Mutual Income
Account shareholder, you should have received a proxy to vote on
the proposed reorganization of Income Account into Oppenheimer
Bond Fund.  I'm calling to urge you to vote and to let you know
that you can vote either by filling out the proxy ballot you
received and mailing it in the enclosed postage-paid envelope, or
if it's more convenient for you, you can cast your vote with me
right now over the phone."

If you choose to vote by phone, I need you to verify some
information for me such as your social security number and your
name and address.

(D.F. King rep verifies information, then reads proposals off
proxy card).
I want to let you know that we'll send you a letter in the mail
confirming your vote.  If for any reason you want to change your
vote, please feel free to call us toll-free at 1-800-XXX-XXXX
from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.  Thank you for

[If person not home] "Please leave a message that _______ called
on behalf of OppenheimerFunds, Inc. regarding the proxy for
Connecticut Mutual Income Account.  Mr./Mrs./Ms/________ can
contact me toll-free at 1-800-XXX-XXXX if he/she has not received
the proxy or if there are any questions regarding how to cast
his/her vote.  I also wanted to make you aware that you can vote
directly over the phone by calling 1-800-XXX-XXXX from 8 a.m. to
7 p.m. EST."

[If answering machine] "Hello, my name is ____________, and I am
calling for (name) on behalf of OppenheimerFunds, Inc.  As a 
Connecticut Mutual Income Account shareholder, (name) should have
received a proxy to vote on the proposed reorganization of Income
Account into Oppenheimer Bond Fund.  If there are any questions
regarding how to cast his/her vote or if he/she needs another
copy of the proxy material, please feel free to contact me toll-
free at 1-800-XXX-XXXX from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. EST.  You can also
vote directly over the phone by calling 1-800-XXX-XXXX."

Proxy issues:

Proposed Reorganization into Oppenheimer Bond Fund - After
careful consideration, the Board of Directors of  Connecticut
Mutual Income Account agreed that it is in the best interests of
its shareholders to reorganize Income Account into Oppenheimer
Bond Fund.  OppenheimerFunds manages both your Fund and
Oppenheimer Bond Fund.

Why does the Board and the Investment Adviser recommend this
change? - Basically, the Board recommends this change for two

     1) Both funds share substantially similar investment
     objectives and policies.

     2) The larger asset size of Oppenheimer Bond Fund offers
     shareholders the potential for greater portfolio
     diversification than is currently possible in either fund
     alone, especially Income Account.

When will this change occur? - If approved at the shareholder
meeting on April 24, 1996, the reorganization will occur on April

Is this a taxable event? - No.  The reorganization will be tax-
free to the Fund and its shareholders.
Can I still invest in Income Account? - Yes, at the present time,
you can still make additional purchases.

If asked specific questions about performance or account issues?
- - I don't have performance information on hand.  I am simply
calling on behalf of your Fund to ensure that you received your
proxy statement and to encourage you to vote because your vote is
so important.  If you have any specific questions concerning your
account, I would be happy to transfer you to a Customer Service
Representative who can help you.

If investor wants to know how shares are transferred.  Your
Income Account shares will be exchanged for the equal dollar
value of shares of Oppenheimer Bond Fund.  Of course, no sales
charge is imposed.

         OPPENHEIMER SERIES FUND, INC.   Instructions to Callers
Hello, Mr./Mrs (Shareholder).  My name is ___________.  I am
calling from D.F. King & Co., Inc., on behalf of the Oppenheimer
Series Fund, Inc.,________ Account regarding your investment in
the fund as of March 18, 1996.  we are assisting the Fund in
connection with the voting of proxies for its Special
Shareholders Meeting, which is scheduled to be held on April 24,
1996.  I am calling you to check on the status of your vote and
to assist, if I may, with the voting of your shares.  Do you have
a moment?

Have you received the Oppenheimer Series Fund, Inc._________
Account proxy material dated March 18, 1996?

If no:    Confirm shareholder's address for the purpose of
sending proxy materials.  Ask the shareholder to review the
material upon receipt and vote his/her shares by signing, dating
and mailing the proxy card (or cards if the shareholder owns more
than one fund) in the return envelope provided.  Inform the
shareholder that if he/she wishes to give instructions to vote by
telephone, he/she may call 1-800-755-3105 to do so.  Thank the
shareholder for his/her time. (End phone call.)

If yes:   Have you reviewed the material?

If no:    Offer to summarize the proxy material for the holder. 
Briefly explain the items on the meeting agenda.  Inform the
shareholder of the Board's recommendation on the proposals. 
Answer questions using the proxy materials.  (DO NOT GUESS).  Be
sure that you answer any questions fully.  The holder may make a
voting decision based upon the information you provide, so you
should not omit any pertinent information, nor may you include
any opinion or recommendation other than that of the Board.  If
the shareholder has questions outside the scope of the proxy
statement, politely refer them to the Fund at 1-800-525-7048.  If
the shareholder asks for advice inform him/her that the Board of
Directors unanimously recommends a vote in favor of the
proposals.  After answering all questions, offer the shareholder
the opportunity to vote by telephone. (see section entitled
"Voting Instructions")

If Yes:   Do you have any questions?

If Yes:   Only answer questions using the proxy materials.  (DO
NOT GUESS).  If the shareholder has questions outside the scope
of the proxy statement, politely refer them to the Fund at 1-800-
525-7048.  If the shareholder asks for advice, inform him/her
that the Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote in
favor of the proposals.  After answering all questions, offer the
shareholder the opportunity to vote by telephone.  (See section 
titled "Voting Instructions")

If No:    Ask the shareholder if he/she wishes to give
instructions to vote by telephone.  (See  "Voting Instructions"

Voting                         Instructions

Let the shareholder know that you will be recording the next part
of the call, to ensure accuracy in their vote.  Confirm the
shareholders' identity by having them repeat their full name,
address and the last 4 digits of their social security number on
tape.  Record the shareholder's vote on all proposals.

If the shareholder asks for advice, inform him/her that the Board
of Directors unanimously recommends a vote in favor of the
proposals.   Inform them that a confirmation letter will be sent
to them with a phone number to call if an error was made in
recording their vote or if they with to change their vote for any
reason.  Thank the shareholder for his/her time, and end the
phone call.

                       OPPENHEIMER SERIES FUND, INC.
Instructions for Leaving a Message on an Answering Machine

Hello, my name is ____________.  I am calling from D.F. King &
Co, Inc.  We are assisting Oppenheimer Series Fund, Inc.
_________ Account in regard to its Special Meeting of
Shareholders, which will be held on April 24, 1996.  As a
shareholder of the fund, you should have received proxy materials
dated March 18, 1996.  At your earliest convenience please sign,
date and mail the proxy card(s) in the return envelope provided
to you.  If you wish to give instructions on the vote by
telephone, or if you have questions about this message or the
voting process, please call D.F. King & Co., Inc. at 1-800-755-
3105.  Thank you for your time.  If you have already mailed your
proxy card, please disregard this call and accept our thanks.