Exhibit 99(k)



Name of Associated Broker or Dealer

     Re:  SDNB Financial Corp.;
          Subscription Offering;
          Agreement to Participate

Dear Name:

      The  purpose of this letter is to reflect the agreement  of
___________________________________________________("Dealer") and
_________________________________("Selected  Dealer")   regarding
Selected  Dealer's  agreement to act as an associated  dealer  of
Dealer   in  connection  with  the  offering  (the  "Subscription
Offering")  by  SDNB  Financial Corp. (the "Company")  of  up  to
769,582  shares  of  its  Common Stock,  no  par  value  ("Common
Stock"),  pursuant  to  transferable  subscription  rights  at  a
subscription  price  of  $4.34  per  share.   The  terms  of  the
Subscription Offering are more fully described in the  Prospectus
relating  to  such transaction.  A copy of the Prospectus,  dated
August  9,  1995, is attached hereto as Exhibit A (such document,
in  the  form  declared  effective  by  the  Securities  Exchange
Commission  and  as  it  may be subsequently  amended,  shall  be
referred  to  herein  as  the  "Prospectus").   Unless  otherwise
specified,  capitalized  terms used herein  and  defined  in  the
Prospectus shall have the same meanings herein as set  forth  for
them in the Prospectus.

       Selected  Dealer  hereby  agrees  to  participate  in  the
Subscription Offering as an associated dealer of Dealer,  subject
to the following conditions and representations:

     1.        Selected Dealer will instruct each Holder on behalf of
whom  Selected Dealer solicits the exercise of, or on  behalf  of
whom  Selected Dealer exercises, Subscription Rights that payment
for   the  aggregate  Subscription  Price  attributable  to   any
Subscription  Rights so solicited or exercised must  be  made  by
bank certified check or cashier's check, payable to the order  of
the Subscription Agent.

     2.        Selected Dealer will transmit to the Subscription Agent
any funds received from a Holder by 12:00 p.m., New York time, on
the  business day following the date of Selected Dealer's receipt
of such funds.

     3.         (a)   Selected Dealer will not, in the aggregate,
solicit   the   exercise  of  or  exercise  Subscription   Rights
representing the right to subscribe for more than _______  shares
of  Common  Stock,  nor  will Selected Dealer  cause  Dealer  to,
directly  or  indirectly,  solicit the exercise  of  or  exercise
Subscription Rights representing, in the aggregate, the right  to
subscribe  for  more  than 36,555 shares of Common  Stock.   Such
limitation  shall  be cumulative and shall  apply  to  the  total
number of Subscription Rights solicited or exercised, directly or
indirectly, through Selected Dealer.

           (b)   Dealer  shall have the right to  terminate  this
Agreement  in order to ensure compliance with the limitation  set
forth in Paragraph (a) on the aggregate Subscription Rights  that
may be solicited or exercised by Dealer.

     4.        If the Subscription Offering is terminated, Selected
Dealer  will  be entitled only to be reimbursed for  its  out-of-
pocket expenses.

     5.         During the duration of the Subscription Offering,
Selected Dealer will promptly notify Dealer of any acquisition by
Selected  Dealer,  or  any  associated or  affiliated  person  of
Selected  Dealer, of any unregistered securities of the  Company.
Such  notification shall set forth complete details of  any  such
acquisition,  including,  but  not  limited  to,  the   date   of
acquisition,   the   acquisition  price,  and   the   amount   of
unregistered securities so acquired.

     6.         During the duration of the Subscription Offering,
Selected Dealer will promptly notify Dealer of any contractual or
other relationship, other than the relationship evidenced hereby,
between Selected Dealer and the Company.

     7.        Selected Dealer represents and warrants that it will
comply  with  the provisions of Sections 8, 24,  25,  and  36  of
Article  III  of  the  Rules  of Fair Practice  of  the  National
Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. ("NASD").

     8.        Selected Dealer represents and warrants that it is not
directly   or  indirectly  affiliated  or  associated  with   any
beneficial  owner  of any unregistered security  of  the  Company
acquired  within the 12 month period prior to April 3, 1995,  the
initial  filing date of the Registration Statement  on  Form  S-3
relating to the Subscription Offering.

     9.        Selected Dealer represents and warrants that it does
not  have any direct or indirect affiliation or association  with
any   officer,  director,  or  five  percent  (5%)   or   greater
shareholder of the Company.

     10.       Selected Dealer represents and warrants that neither
Selected  Dealer nor any associated person, parent, or  affiliate
of  Selected Dealer has a "Conflict of Interest" with the Company
within the meaning of Section 2(g) of Schedule E to the NASD  By-

      In exchange for Selected Dealer's services, and subject  to
the  foregoing  conditions  and  representations,  Dealer  hereby
agrees  to pay Selected Dealer a commission equal to ____ percent
(__%)  of  the  aggregate  Subscription  Price  attributable   to
Subscription  Rights validly exercised through  Selected  Dealer,
which  payment  shall be due and payable upon completion  of  the
Subscription Offering.

       Please  confirm  your  intention  to  participate  in  the
Subscription Offering in accordance with the foregoing  terms  by
executing this letter on the line provided below and returning it
to the undersigned.

          Very truly yours,


                                     Authorized Representative
     Accepted and agreed to
     this ____ day of ____________, 1995:
         Authorized Representative