Saratoga National Bank

                     CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

                           July 8, 1995


   1.1    This Chief Executive Officer Incentive Compensation Plan (the Plan)
          states the understanding between Richard L. Mount (Mount) and
          Saratoga National Bank regarding incentive compensation of Mount
          as Chief Executive Officer of Saratoga
          National Bank ("SNB"). This Plan supersedes the prior Chief Executive
          Officer Compensation Plan. Any employment agreement, management
          continuity agreement, or other agreement that may exist between
          Mount and SNB is separate from and shall not affect or be affected
          by this Plan.


   2.1    SNB will pay Mount a base salary at a rate approved by resolution
          of the Board of Directors (the Board). That base salary amount
          earned during the year will be used in
          calculating awards under this Plan. This Plan does not establish a
          salary in addition to
          any salary established by any other agreement between SNB and Mount.

   2.2    Any Director fees or other amounts that SNB may pay Mount that are
          not base salary will not be included as part of salary for the
          purpose of this Plan.


   3.1    Mount will be eligible each year for a cash award and a deferred
          award. The cash award will combine a growth award and a ROA award.


   4.1    The Growth Award will equal one and one-half times the percentage
          point difference (positive  or negative) of SNB's percentage change
          in assets for the year, minus the
          median percentage change in assets among other Bay Area banks in
          the same asset group (currently Group B: $50-$100 million).

     Growth Award = 1.5 x (SNB Assets Change% - Group Median Assets Change%)

   4.2      Growth Award example (illustrative data, not actual):

            SNB Assets 12/31/94                 $ 80,000,000
            SNB Assets 12/31/95                 $ 91,200,000     
            SNB Assets Change                             14.00%
            Bay Area Group B Median Change                 8.00%
            Assets Change Difference                       6.00%
            Growth Award (1.5 x Assets Chng Diff)          9.00%

   4.3      The percentage change in assets will be calculated from the end
            of the prior year to the end of the incentive period.


   5.1      The ROA Award will equal 50 times the percentage point difference
            (positive or negative) of SNB's ROA percentage for the year, minus
            the median ROA percentage among other Bay Area banks in the same
            asset group.

      ROA Award = 50 x (SNB ROA% - Group Median ROA%)

   5.2      ROA Award example (illustrative data, not actual):

            SNB ROA 1995                              1.20%
            Bay Area Group B Median                   0.80%
            ROA Difference                            0.40%
            ROA Award (50 x ROA Diff)                20.00%

   5.3      ROA will be calculated as net income for the period, divided by
            average assets from the beginning of the first month through the
            beginning of the final month.


   6.1      The Cash Award will equal Mount's base salary for the year
            multiplied by the Growth Award percentage (positive or negative)
            added to the ROA Award percentage (positive or negative).
            The payment will be made as soon as practicable after SNB's
            accounting is completed for the year.

      Cash Award = (Growth Award% + ROA Award%) x Salary

   6.2      Cash Award example (illustrative data from examples above)
            Growth Award                                       9.00%
            ROA Award                                         20.00%
            Cash Award                                        29.00%
                  29.00% x $135,000 =                     $39,150

   6.3      If the sum of Growth Award and ROA Award percentages is a
            negative value, the
            cash award for that year will be zero. There will be no negative
            balance carried forward.         


   7.1      Award: SNB will provide for Mount a deferred award each year in
            the form of Participating Units equal to Mount's cash award for
            the year.

   7.2      Vesting: Mount's rights to the Units will vest beginning at the
            end of the year for which
            the award is earned and continuing during the next five years
            of Mount's employment.

      7.2.1 Vesting will be on a daily basis during the five-year period
            (1,826 days). Each day of employment after the award year end
            will vest 1/1,826, or 0.05476 percent of the Units vested for
            that year. (For example, if Mount's employment
            terminated 183 days after an award year end, he would be vested
            in 183/1,826, or about 10 percent, of the Units granted for
            that award year.)

   7.3      Termination: If Mount's employment with SNB terminates for any
            reason (voluntary or involuntary) other than retirement after
            the year 1999, death or disability, vesting will cease at
            termination date. Mount will forfeit any Units not vested as
            of the termination date.

   7.4      Retirement, etc.: If Mount's employment with SNB terminates
            due to Mount's retirement after the year 1999, death or 
            disability, vesting will continue as though
            Mount were employed. SNB will then pay the vested Units at
            the regular times and according to the regular formula explained
            in this Plan. If Mount is not living, SNB
            will pay the beneficiary last designated in writing by Mount for
            this purpose or, lacking such a beneficiary, SNB will pay Mount's

   7.5      Termination Cause: In case of Mount's termination, the Board will
            determine the cause. The Board may revise its determination at
            any time.

   7.6      Payment: SNB will pay vested Units to Mount under one of three
            options to be selected by the Board in its sole discretion:

      7.6.1 A lump sum, paid in cash at the end of the termination year
            but not sooner than the end of 1999.

      7.6.2 A 10-year annuity, to be purchased by SNB at the lump-sum value
            at the end of the termination year but not sooner than the end
            of 1999.

      7.6.3 Ten annual installments beginning at the end of the termination
            year but not sooner than the end of 1999. Under this option, 
            the Units will continue to change in value according to the regular
            Unit value formula until the Units are paid.

   7.7      Value: The Unit value will be one dollar at time of grant.
            The value will be increased or  reduced by a factor equal to 10 
            times SNB's return on assets (ROA) rate each year,
            compounded, until the Units are paid.

   7.8      Payout Limit: If scheduled Units payments would exceed 50
            percent of SNB's net earnings for the year the Board may
            reduce the number of Units payable for that year
            and defer the balance of vested Units for one year. The Board
            may continue such deferrals in successive years to comply with
            each year's payment limit. The Units will continue to gain or
            lose value until paid.

   7.9      Early Out: SNB may accelerate vesting and/or payment of Units
            if Mount's Unit account balance is valued at less than $500 OR
            if Mount faces severe financial hardship, as determined by the

   7.10     Accelerated Vesting: Mount's rights to Units previously awarded
            will become fully vested and immediately payable if, within any
            12-month period, both of these events occur: (1) SNB ownership
            changes more than 51 percent, AND (2)
            Mount's employment terminates.

      7.10.1    "Ownership changes" here means the sale, pledge or assignment
                of SNB common stock to a party or parties other than the
                current owners or members of their immediate families. 
                Current owners and the calculation of percent
                change will be determined in reference to SNB ownership as
                of January 15, 1990.

      7.10.2    "Employment terminates" here means voluntary or involuntary
                termination except for: (1) retirement after 1999, (2) death,
                (3) disability or (4) discharge for cause, such as
                dishonesty, neglect of duty or otherwise bringing harm or
                discredit to SNB.

      7.10.3    Units payable under this accelerated vesting provision will
                be valued as of the time of accelerated vesting. The 1999
                date limitations will not apply to this
                accelerated vesting provision.


   8.1      If Mount's total pay (salary + Growth Award + ROA Award) for
            a year equals less than 80 percent of Mount's prior two-year
            average total pay, Mount may draw the difference as an advance
            against his future earnings from SNB.

      8.1.1 Advances paid to Mount or repaid to SNB will not be included in

            calculations of total pay for purposes of this section.

      8.1.2 SNB may deduct the amount of any outstanding advances from Mount's
            earnings in excess of 80 percent of his prior two-year average
            total pay. "Earnings" here includes salary, Growth Awards, ROA
            Awards and Deferred Awards.

   8.2      Mount may not draw an advance under the terms of this section
            upon or in anticipation of the termination of his employment for
            any reason (voluntary or involuntary).


   9.1      Data for other Bay Area banks is available in the Grant Thornton
            Bankers' Index.  The Index shows change in assets percentages
            and ROA percentages for each Bay Area bank in the same asset
            group.  SNB will array each of those percentages from high to
            low for all banks in the group, excluding SNB.  The median
            percentage (the middle value) will be used for comparison. Note
            that the median and not the average is to be used for comparison.
            (The median is more reliable than the average, which can be
            distorted by extreme values in the array.)

   9.2      When calculating incentive awards, SNB will compare its year-end
            data to the year-end data for other banks in the same size

   9.3      SNB assets and net income for the award year will be calculated
            before allowance for awards being calculated under this Plan for
            the award year. (This is to avoid circular calculations.)

   9.4      At the discretion of the Board of Directors, SNB may calculate
            separate awards, on a pro rata basis, before and after a major
            change in SNB's condition. A major change
            might include acquisition of another bank, a large infusion of
            capital, sale of branches,
            sale or abandonment of a large part of SNB's business, or other
            such change that the Board regards as major. SNB's asset growth
            and ROA would then be calculated and compared to other banks
            for the separate periods before and after the change. Any such
            pro rata calculation of award values will not accelerate award
            payment to before year end.

   9.5      With adoption of this Plan, the Board of Directors also terminates
            the prior CEO Compensation Plan. All deferred Units granted under
            the prior plan will be valued under the prior plan up to the
            effective date of this Plan. After that date, the old Units
            will convert to the new Unit value formula of this Plan

   10.1     Nothing in this Plan may be construed to: (1) give any person any
            right to be issued any award or payment other than under terms of
            this Plan, (2) limit in any way the right of SNB to terminate
            Mount's employment at any time or (3) be evidence of any
            agreement or understanding, express or implied, that SNB
            will employ Mount in any particular position or at any
            particular rate of compensation or for any particular time,
            except as specifically set forth in the Plan.

   10.2     SNB may amend, alter, modify or terminate this Plan at any time
            upon written notice to Mount.

      10.2.1    Any such action shall not affect the rights of Mount with
                respect to any award properly credited under this Plan
                prior to the effective date of such action.

      10.2.2    If this Plan is changed or terminated, SNB will prorate
                cash and deferred awards for the portion of the year
                worked before the change or termination.

   10.3     This Plan will be in effect from January 1, 1995 until changed
            or terminated.

                          *  *  *  *  *

Plan approved by the Board of Directors by resolution dated ________________

For the Board_______________________________________ Date____________________
                Saratoga National Bank
                12000 S. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road,  Saratoga, California 95070

Plan received and read by Richard L. Mount, Chief Executive Officer:

Signature__________________________________________  Date___________________

                      Saratoga National Bank

                     CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

                           July 8, 1995


1.1    This Chief Executive Officer Incentive Compensation Plan (the Plan)
       states the understanding between Richard L. Mount (Mount) and Saratoga
       National Bank regarding incentive compensation of Mount as Chief
       Executive Officer of Saratoga National Bank ("SNB"). This Plan
       supersedes the prior Chief Executive Officer Compensation Plan.
       Any employment agreement, management continuity agreement,
       or other agreement that may exist between Mount and SNB is separate
       from and shall not affect or be affected by this Plan.


   2.1    SNB will pay Mount a base salary at a rate approved by resolution of
          the Board of Directors (the Board). That base salary amount earned
          during the year will be used in calculating awards under this Plan. 
          This Plan does not establish a salary in addition to
          any salary established by any other agreement between SNB and Mount.

   2.2    Any Director fees or other amounts that SNB may pay Mount that are
          not base salary will not be included as part of salary for the
          purpose of this Plan.


   3.1    Mount will be eligible each year for a cash award and a deferred
          award. The cash award will combine a growth award and a ROA award.


   4.1    The Growth Award will equal one and one-half times the percentage
          point difference (positive  or negative) of SNB's percentage change
          in assets for the year, minus the median percentage change in assets
          among California banks located in a metropolitan
          service area in the same asset group (currently $75-$150 million.)

     Growth Award = 1.5 x (SNB Assets Change% - Group Median Assets Change%)

   4.2      Growth Award example (illustrative data, not actual):

            SNB Assets 12/31/94                 $ 80,000,000
            SNB Assets 12/31/95                 $ 91,200,000     
            SNB Assets Change                             14.00%
            Comparison Group Median Change                 8.00%
            Assets Change Difference                       6.00% 
            Growth Award (1.5 x Assets Chng Diff)          9.00%

   4.3      The percentage change in assets will be calculated from
            the end of the prior year to the end of the incentive period.


   5.1      The ROA Award will equal 50 times the percentage point difference
            (positive or negative) of SNB's ROA percentage for the year, 
            minus the median ROA percentage among California banks located in
            a metropolitan service area in the same asset group
            (currently $75 - $150 million.)

      ROA Award = 50 x (SNB ROA% - Group Median ROA%)

   5.2      ROA Award example (illustrative data, not actual):

            SNB ROA 1995                              1.20%
            Comparison Group Median                   0.80%
            ROA Difference                            0.40%
            ROA Award (50 x ROA Diff)                20.00%

   5.3      ROA will be calculated as net income for the year, divided by
            average assets for the year.


   6.1      The Cash Award will equal Mount's base salary for the year
            multiplied by the Growth Award percentage (positive or negative)
            added to the ROA Award percentage (positive or negative). The
            payment will be made as soon as practicable after SNB's accounting
            is completed for the year.

      Cash Award = (Growth Award% + ROA Award%) x Salary

   6.2      Cash Award example (illustrative data from examples above)
            Growth Award                                 9.00%
            ROA Award                                   20.00%
            Cash Award                                  29.00%
                  29.00% x $135,000 =                     $39,150

   6.3      If the sum of Growth Award and ROA Award percentages is a negative
            value, the

            cash award for that year will be zero. There will be no negative
            balance carried forward.         


   7.1      Award: SNB will provide for Mount a deferred award each year in
            the form of Participating Units equal to Mount's cash award for 
            the year.

   7.2      Vesting: Mount's rights to the Units will vest beginning at the
            end of the year for which the award is earned and continuing
            during the next five years of Mount's employment.

      7.2.1 Vesting will be on a daily basis during the five-year period
           (1,826 days). Each day of employment after the award year end
           will vest 1/1,826, or 0.05476 percent of the Units vested for
           that year. (For example, if Mount's employment
           terminated 183 days after an award year end, he would be 
           vested in 183/1,826, or about 10 percent, of the Units granted
           for that award year.)

   7.3      Termination: If Mount's employment with SNB terminates for any
            reason (voluntary or involuntary) other than retirement after
            the year 1999, death or disability, vesting
            will cease at termination date. Mount will forfeit any Units 
            not vested as of the termination date.

   7.4      Retirement, etc.: If Mount's employment with SNB terminates due
            to Mount's retirement after the year 1999, death or disability,
            vesting will continue as though
            Mount were employed. SNB will then pay the vested Units at the
            regular times and
            according to the regular formula explained in this Plan. If Mount
            is not living, SNB
            will pay the beneficiary last designated in writing by Mount for
            this purpose or, lacking
            such a beneficiary, SNB will pay Mount's estate.

   7.5      Termination Cause: In case of Mount's termination, the Board will
            determine the cause.
            The Board may revise its determination at any time.

   7.6      Payment: SNB will pay vested Units to Mount under one of three
            options to be selected
            by the Board in its sole discretion:

      7.6.1 A lump sum, paid in cash at the end of the termination year but
            not sooner than the end of 1999.

      7.6.2 A 10-year annuity, to be purchased by SNB at the lump-sum value
            at the end of the termination year but not sooner than the end
            of 1999.

      7.6.3 Ten annual installments beginning at the end of the termination
            year but not
            sooner than the end of 1999. Under this option, the Units will
            continue to
            change in value according to the regular Unit value formula until
            the Units are paid.

   7.7      Value: The Unit value will be one dollar at time of grant. The
            value will be increased
            or  reduced by a factor equal to 10 times SNB's return on assets
            (ROA) rate each year, compounded, until the Units are paid.

   7.8      Payout Limit: If scheduled Units payments would exceed 50 percent
            of SNB's net
            earnings for the year the Board may reduce the number of Units
            payable for that year
            and defer the balance of vested Units for one year. The Board may
            continue such
            deferrals in successive years to comply with each year's payment
            limit. The Units will
            continue to gain or lose value until paid.

   7.9      Early Out: SNB may accelerate vesting and/or payment of Units if
            Mount's Unit
            account balance is valued at less than $500 OR if Mount faces
            severe financial
            hardship, as determined by the Board.

   7.10     Accelerated Vesting: Mount's rights to Units previously awarded
            will become
            fully vested and immediately payable if, within any 12-month
            period, both of
            these events occur: (1) SNB ownership changes more than 51
            percent, AND (2)
            Mount's employment terminates.

      7.10.1    "Ownership changes" here means the sale, pledge or assignment
                of SNB
                common stock to a party or parties other than the current
                owners or members
                of their immediate families. Current owners and the calculation
                of percent
                change will be determined in reference to SNB ownership as of
                January 1, 1995.

      7.10.2    "Employment terminates" here means voluntary or involuntary
                except for: (1) retirement after 1999, (2) death,
                (3) disability or (4) discharge
                for cause, such as dishonesty, neglect of duty or otherwise
                bringing harm or discredit to SNB.

      7.10.3    Units payable under this accelerated vesting provision will
                be valued as of the
                time of accelerated vesting. The 1999 date limitations will not
                apply to this accelerated vesting provision.


   8.1      If Mount's total pay (salary + Growth Award + ROA Award) for a year
            equals less than 80 percent of Mount's prior two-year average total
            pay, Mount may draw the difference as an advance against his future
            earnings from SNB.

     8.1.1 Advances paid to Mount or repaid to SNB will not be included in

           calculations of total pay for purposes of this section.

      8.1.2 SNB may deduct the amount of any outstanding advances from Mount's
            earnings in excess of 80 percent of his prior two-year average
            total pay.
            "Earnings" here includes salary, Growth Awards, ROA Awards and
            Deferred Awards.

   8.2      Mount may not draw an advance under the terms of this section upon
            or in anticipation of the termination of his employment for any 
            reason (voluntary or involuntary).


   9.1      For purposes of determining the Growth Award and the ROA Award, 
            SNB will array
            each of the percentages from high to low for all banks in the
            comparison group,
            excluding SNB. The median percentage (the middle value) will be 
            used for comparison.
            Note that the median and not the average is to be used for 
            comparison. (The median is
            more reliable than the average, which can be distorted by extreme 
            values in the array.)

   9.2      When calculating incentive awards, SNB will compare its year-end 
            data to the year-end
            data for other banks in the same size category. 

   9.3      SNB assets and net income for the award year will be calculated
            before allowance for 
            awards being calculated under this Plan for the award year. (This 
            is to avoid circular

   9.4      At the discretion of the Board of Directors, SNB may calculate 
            separate awards, on a
            pro rata basis, before and after a major change in SNB's condition. 
            A major change
            might include acquisition of another bank, a large infusion of
            capital, sale of branches,
            sale or abandonment of a large part of SNB's business, or other 
            such change that the
            Board regards as major. SNB's asset growth and ROA would then be 
            calculated and
            compared to other banks for the separate periods before and after 
            the change. Any such
            pro rata calculation of award values will not accelerate award 
            payment to before year

   9.5      With adoption of this Plan, the Board of Directors also terminates 
            the prior CEO
            Compensation Plan. All deferred Units granted under the prior plan 
            will be valued
            under the prior plan up to the effective date of this Plan. After 
            that date, the old Units
            will convert to the new Unit value formula of this Plan


   10.1     Nothing in this Plan may be construed to: (1) give any person any 
            right to be
            issued any award or payment other than under terms of this Plan, 
            (2) limit in
            any way the right of SNB to terminate Mount's employment at any 
            time or (3)
            be evidence of any agreement or understanding, express or implied, 
            that SNB
            will employ Mount in any particular position or at any particular 
            rate of
            compensation or for any particular time, except as specifically 
            set forth in the

   10.2     SNB may amend, alter, modify or terminate this Plan at any time 
            upon written
            notice to Mount.

      10.2.1    Any such action shall not affect the rights of Mount with 
                respect to any award
                properly credited under this Plan prior to the effective date]
                of such action.

      10.2.2    If this Plan is changed or terminated, SNB will prorate cash
                and deferred
                awards for the portion of the year worked before the change or

   10.3     This Plan will be in effect from January 1, 1995 until changed or 

                          *  *  *  *  *

Plan approved by the Board of Directors by resolution dated __________________

For the Board_______________________________________ Date____________________
                Saratoga National Bank
                12000 S. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road,  Saratoga, California 95070

Plan received and read by Richard L. Mount, Chief Executive Officer:

Signature__________________________________________  Date_____________________