816 South Garden Street, Columbia, Tennessee  38402-1148


               to be held on the 20th day of April, 1999

To the Stockholders of First Farmers and Merchants Corporation:

    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of the
Stockholders of First Farmers and Merchants Corporation will be
held at the Memorial Building, 308 West 7th Street, Columbia,
Tennessee  38401, on the 20th day of April, 1999 at 4:00 o'clock
P.M., local time, for the following purposes:

1. Election of Directors:  Election of sixteen (16) persons
   listed in the Proxy Statement dated March 29, 1999, accompanying
   the notice of said meeting.

2. Transacting such other business as may properly be brought before 
   the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

   Stockholders of record at the close of business on March
15, 1999, are entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting.

   To assure that your shares are represented at the
meeting, please mark, date, sign and promptly return the
enclosed proxy.  The proxy is revocable and will not affect your
right to vote in person in the event you are able to attend the

      By order of the Board of Directors

                                       John P. Tomlinson, III
March 29, 1999

                        816 South Garden Street
                    Columbia, Tennessee  38402-1148

                            March 29, 1999

undersigned Stockholder of First Farmers and Merchants
Corporation of Columbia, Tennessee do nominate, constitute, and
appoint Robin Courtney, Bettye Cornwell, and C. Allan Kerley or
any of them with full power to act alone, my true and lawful
representative with respect to all shares of Common Stock of
First Farmers and Merchants Corporation which the undersigned
would be entitled to vote, at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
to be held on April 20, 1999, at 4:00 p.m., local time at the
office of the Memorial Building, 308 West 7th Street, Columbia,
Tennessee  38401, or any adjournment thereof, with all the
powers the undersigned would possess if personally present, as

1. Election of the sixteen (16) persons listed below as

   FOR all nominees listed below [ ]   AGAINST all nominees listed below [ ]    
   (Except as marked to the contrary)

   Kenneth A. Abercrombie  H. Terry Cook, Jr.     Dr. O. Rebecca Hawkins    T. Randy Stevens
   James L. Bailey, Jr.    W. J. Davis, Jr.       Waymon L. Hickman         Dan C. Wheeler
   Flavius A. Barker       Thomas Napier Gordon   Joe E. Lancaster          David I. Wise
   Hulet M. Chaney         Edwin W. Halliday      Dr. Joseph W. Remke, III  W. Donald Wright


2.  At their discretion, Robin Courtney and/or Bettye
    Cornwell and/or C. Allan Kerley are authorized to vote upon such
    other business as may properly come before the meeting.

    Management at present knows of no other business to be
    presented by or on behalf of its management at the meeting.



    When shares are held by joint tenants, both should sign. 
When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee, or
guardian, please give full title.  If more than one trustee, all
should sign.  All joint owners must sign.  If a corporation,
please sign in full corporate name by President or other
authorized officer.  If a partnership, please sign in
partnership name by authorized person.

Dated the __________ day of __________, 1999


                                			(Signature of Shareholder)

No. of Shares ______________   PLEASE MARK, SIGN, DATE AND RETURN THIS PROXY 

_________ I will attend the meeting/reception.    _________ Number attending

_________ I will not attnd the meeting/reception.

                    816 South Garden Street
               Columbia, Tennessee  38402-1148

                       PROXY STATEMENT


          To Be Held on The 20th day of April, 1999

    The accompanying proxy is solicited by and on behalf of the
Board of Directors of First Farmers and Merchants Corporation
(the "Corporation") for use at the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of
Stockholders to be held on the 20th day of April, 1999, and any
adjournment thereof.  The time and place of the meeting are set
forth in the accompanying Notice of Meeting.  All expenses of
preparing, printing, and mailing the proxy and all materials
used in the solicitation thereof will be borne by the
Corporation.  In addition to the use of the mails, proxies may
be solicited by personal interview, telephone and telegraph by
directors, officers, and other personnel of the Corporation or
its affiliate, none of whom will receive additional compensation
for such services.  The Corporation will also request custodians
and nominees to forward soliciting materials to the beneficial
owners of stock held of record by them and will pay reasonable
expenses of such persons for forwarding such material.  The date
on which this Proxy Statement and the accompanying proxy are
first being mailed to stockholders of the Corporation is the
29th day of March, 1999.

                    PURPOSES OF THE MEETING

    The Annual Stockholders' Meeting will be held for the
purposes of (i) electing directors and (ii) transacting whatever
business may properly be brought before the meeting or any
adjournment thereof.

                       QUORUM AND VOTING

    At the closing of business on March 15, 1999, the
Corporation had issued and outstanding 2,920,000 shares of its
common stock.  Only holders of record of Common Stock of the
Corporation at the close of business on  March 15, 1999, (the
"Record Date"), are entitled to notice of and to vote on matters
to come before the Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

    The presence in person or by proxy of the holders of a
majority of the outstanding shares of Common Stock of the
Corporation entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting is necessary
to  constitute a quorum at the Annual Meeting or any adjournment
thereof.  A stockholder is entitled to one vote in person or by
proxy at the Annual Meeting for each share of Common Stock of
the Corporation held of record in his/her name.

    In each case where the stockholder has appropriately
specified how the proxy is to be voted, it will be voted in
accordance with his/her specifications.  Stockholders may
designate a person or persons other than those named in the
enclosed proxy to vote their shares at the Annual Meeting or any
adjournment thereof.  As to any other matters of business which
may be brought before the Annual Meeting or any adjournment
thereof, a vote may be cast pursuant to the accompanying proxy
in accordance with the judgment of the person or persons voting
the same in the best interests of the Corporation, but
management does not know of any other matter of business.  Any
stockholder has the power to revoke his/her proxy at any time,
insofar as it has not been exercised, by written notice or
subsequently dated proxy, received by the Corporation, or by
revocation given by the stockholder in person at the Annual
Meeting or any adjournment thereof.


    As of  March 15, 1999, no individual or corporation owned
beneficially, directly or indirectly, more than 5% of the
Corporation's voting securities.  As of  March 15, 1999, the
First Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Columbia (the
"Bank"), the Corporation's subsidiary held, of record in a
fiduciary capacity as trustee, executor, agent or otherwise,
265,385 shares or approximately 9.09% of the Corporation's
outstanding Common Stock, and has the sole right to vote all of
these shares.  The trust shares will be voted in a manner
consistent with the best interests of the beneficiaries as
determined by the Bank as fiduciary.

    The following tabulation sets forth the amount and
percentage of the Corporation Common Stock owned beneficially
(as determined in accordance with the rules and regulations of
the Securities and Exchange Commission) as of March 15, 1999, by
all directors and executive officers of the Corporation as a
group.  For tabulation of beneficial ownership of Corporation by
individual directors, see ELECTION OF DIRECTORS.

    Number of shares owned Beneficially      Percentage of
    by Directors and Executive Officers       Common Stock
    as a Group (a total of 26 persons)      2,920,000 shares
               505,736                          17.32%

                      ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

    At the meeting, sixteen (16) nominees will be proposed for
election as directors to serve until the next Annual Meeting of
Stockholders or until their successors are elected and

The Corporation's Bylaws provide in Article III, Section 2, that
there shall be at least five (5) and not more than twenty-five
(25) Directors.  The Board of Directors believes it advisable
that there be sixteen (16) Directors of the Corporation at this
time.  Proxies cannot be voted for a greater number than sixteen
(16) nominees.

    The Board of Directors proposes the election of the
nominees listed to serve until the next Annual Meeting or until
their successors are duly elected and qualified.  Fourteen of
the nominees are presently serving as Directors.  Mr. Harlan D.
Bowsher and Mr. Tillman W. Knox, who are present members of the
Board, have attained mandatory retirement age.  The new proposed
Directors are Dr. O. Rebecca Hawkins, President of Columbia
State Community College, and Dr. Joseph W. Remke, III, President
of Remke Eye Clinic, PC.

    Dr. Hawkins is a native of Bristol, Tennessee, and
received her bachelor's degree from Virginia Commonwealth
University, master's degree from Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University and doctorate from the University of
Maryland where she received the College of Education
Distinguished Alumna Award in 1998.  Dr. Hawkins served as Vice
President of Advancement and Planning at Prince George's
Community College, Largo, Maryland, before joining Columbia
State Community College as President in 1996.  Dr. Hawkins is an
executive board member of the Tennessee College Association,
member of the American Association of Community Colleges and
Academy of Presidents and Commissioner for the Commission on
Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. 
Active in many civic and community organizations, she is a
member of the board of the Maury County Chamber of Commerce,
Steering Committee of the Business/Community/Education
Partnership of Maury County, the Kiwanis Club of Columbia, and
the administrative Board of First United Methodist Church.  She
also serves on the Advisory Board for First Farmers and
Merchants National Bank.

    Dr. Remke is a native of Lawrence County, and resides
there with his wife, Kathy, and their two children.  Dr. Remke
completed his undergraduate studies at Austin Peay State
University and received his Optometry degree from southern
College of Optometry.  He is a past president of the Tennessee
Optometric Association and currently serves on their Board of
Trustees.  Dr. Remke has been honored as Tennessee optometrist
of the Year and is a fellow of the Tennessee Academy of
Optometry.  He serves on the City of Lawrenceburg Board of
Public Utilities and the Lawrenceburg Health Facilities
Commission.   He also serves on the Board of the 21st Century
Council, the Columbia State Foundation Board, the Sacred Heart
School Endowment Fund Board of Directors and is a past president
of the Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce.  Dr. Remke also
serves on the Advisory Board for First Farmers and Merchants
National Bank.

    Unless contrary instructions are received, it is intended
that the shares represented by proxies solicited by the Board of
Directors will be voted in favor of the election as Directors of
all of the nominees named.  If for any reason any one of such
nominees is not available for election, the persons named in the
form of proxy have advised that they will vote for such
substitute nominees as the Board of Directors of the Corporation
may propose.  The Board of Directors has no reason to expect
that any of these nominees will fail to be candidates at the
meeting, and, therefore, does not at this time have any
substitute nominee under consideration.  The names and certain
information relating to the sixteen (16) nominees set forth
below has been furnished to the Corporation by the individuals

    The following information is furnished with respect to the
nominees on the next two pages:

                             Position &         Position &   Director   Business Experience        Shares Owned
                             Office Held        Office Held  of Bank      During Last              Beneficially as  Percent
Name                    Age  With Corporation   With Bank    Since      Five (5) Years             of 3/15/99/1     of Class

Kenneth A. Abercrombie  56   Director            Director    1988       President, Loretto Casket  2,400            0.082%
                                                                        Co., Inc.
James L. Bailey, Jr.    56   Director            Director    1973       Pharmacist                 8,460            0.290%
Flavius A. Barker       68   Director            Director    1996       President, Tennessee         418/2          0.014%
                                                                        Farm Bureau Federation   
Harlan D. Bowsher       70   Director            Director    1974       Plant Manager,            17,912/3          0.613%
(Retires 4/20/99)                                                       General Electric (retired)
Hulet M. Chaney         54   Director            Director    1997       CEO, Tennessee Farmers     6,418/4          0.220%
                                                                        Insurance Companies
H. Terry Cook, Jr.      58   Director            Director    1980       President, Cook           24,154/5          0.827%
W. J. Davis, Jr.        52   Director            Director    1982       Chairman and CEO,         80,376/6          2.753%
                                                                        Davis Group, Inc.
Thomas Napier Gordon    47   Director            Director    1986       Managing Partner,         68,324/7          2.340%
                                                                        Gordon Brothers
Edwin W. Halliday       66   Director            Director    1974       Farmer                     8,448/8          0.290%

O. Rebecca Hawkins      58   Director            Director               President, CSCC              400            0.014%
(Nominated to replace
Waymon L. Hickman       64   Director,           Director,   1967       Chairman & Chief          72,584/9          2.486%
                             Chairman &          Chairman &             Executive Officer
                             CEO                 CEO                    of Bank
Tillman Knox            70   Director            Director    1966       President,Hall & Knox     28,100/10         0.962%
(Retires 4/20/99)                                                       Mining Company, Inc.
Joe E. Lancaster        69   Director            Director    1968       CEO, Emeritus             68,000/11         2.329%
                                                                        Tennessee Farmers
                                                                        Insurance Companies
Joseph  W. Remke, III   48   Director            Director               Optometrist                2,000            0.068%
(Nominated to replace 
T. Randy Stevens        47   Director,           Director,   1991       President & Chief         36,800/12         1.260%
                             President           President              Operating Officer
                             & COO               & COO                  of Bank
Dan C. Wheeler          56   Director            Director    1993       Commissioner TN            6,634/13         0.227%
                                                                        Department of Agriculture
David I. Wise           67   Director            Director    1967       Senior Exec.VP/Security/  44,096/14         1.510%
W. Donald Wright        59   Director            Director    1992       Partner H & S Pharmacies   1,016            0.035%   
                                                                                                 476,540           16.320%

/1   Unless otherwise indicated, all shares are owned of record.

/2   418 shares are registered to Flavius A. Barker or Naomi
     Barker, Mr. Barker's wife.

/3    448 shares are registered to Barbara J. Bowsher, Mr.
      Bowsher's wife.

/4    4,180 shares are registered to Hulet M. Chaney and Joyce
      A. Chaney, Mr. Chaney's wife.

/5    7,154 shares are registered to Griffitha G. Cook, Mr.
      Cook's wife.

/6    12,600 shares are registered to Wayne Pressnell
      Testamentary Trust number one.

      1,600 shares are registered to Estate of W. J. Davis, Sr.

      12,600 shares are registered to Winfred J. Davis & Starling
      Pressnell Davis, Co-Trustees.

      16,536 shares are registered to W. J. Davis, Jr., Trustee,
      the Davis Group

      640 shares are registered to Mrs. W. J. Davis.

/7    9,060 shares are registered to Thomas Napier Gordon, Jr.,
      minor son of Mr. Gordon.

      9,060  shares are registered to Edward Bradshaw Gordon,
      minor son of Mr. Gordon.

      400 shares are registered to Teri Hasenour Gordon, wife of
      Mr. Gordon.

/8    7,280 shares are registered to Polly Ann Halliday, Mr.
      Halliday's wife.

/9    38,044 shares are registered to Waymon L. Hickman and
      Carey B. Hickman, Mr. Hickman's wife, joint tenants.

/10   12,584 shares are registered to Hall and Knox Mining

/11   38,000 shares are registered to Betty L. Lancaster, Mr.
      Lancaster's wife.

/12   400 shares are registered to T. Randy Stevens, custodian
      for Branson James Stevens.

      400 shares are registered to T. Randy Stevens, custodian
      for Rebecca Lynn Stevens.

      12,000 shares are registered to Leesa M. Stevens, Mr.
      Stevens' wife.

/13   1,100 shares are registered to Mary Carol Wheeler, wife
      of Mr. Wheeler.

/14   2,000 shares are registered to Mary Neil P. Wise, wife of
      Mr. Wise.

                 COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD

    There are no standing committees of the Board of Directors
of the Corporation.  The Board of Directors of the Corporation
met six (6) times during 1998.

    The Board of Directors of the Bank has designated eight
(8) standing committees.  They are as follows:

                Audit/Compliance/CRA Committee (5 members)
                   Compensation Committee (7 members)
           Deferred Profit Sharing Benefit Committee (5 members)
                   Executive Committee (7 members)
                 Trust Audit Committee (5 members)
                      Trust Committee (5 members)
               Risk Management Committee (9 members)
            Business Development Committee (10 members)

 Audit/Compliance/CRA Committee

     Functions:  The Committee recommends the certified public
accounting firm to be employed by the Corporation and the Bank
for audit purposes and recommends the areas of responsibility of
the CPA firm.  The Committee also meets with the CPA firm to
receive the auditors' evaluation of the conditions of the
Corporation and the Bank, and brings those reports
to the Board of Directors for their consideration.  The
Committee also meets with internal auditors for periodic review
of the audit program of the Corporation and the Bank.  The
committee also oversees and advises Bank Management and the
Board of Directors in all areas dealing with Compliance and
Community Reinvestment Act.

     Number of 1998 meetings:  8

     Membership:  The Committee membership is made up of five
(5) directors who are not officers of the Bank.  They are Harlan
D. Bowsher, Chairman, James L. Bailey, Jr., Edwin W. Halliday,
Dan C. Wheeler and W. Donald Wright.

Compensation Committee

     Functions:  The Committee recommends to the Board of
Directors fees for board meetings and fees for committee
meetings for directors.  The Committee reviews, evaluates and
recommends to the Boards of the Corporation and the Bank
officers' compensation program and deferred profit sharing
contributions for all eligible employees.  See compensation
committee report on executive compensation on pages 9 through 12.

     Number of 1998 meetings:  2

     Membership:  The membership of the Committee is made up of
one (1) director who is an officer of the Corporation and of the
Bank and six (6) directors who are not officers of the
Corporation or the Bank.  They are Tillman Knox, Chairman,
Kenneth A. Abercrombie, Harlan D. Bowsher, H. Terry Cook, Jr.,
W. J. Davis, Jr., Joe E. Lancaster, and Waymon L. Hickman.

Deferred Profit Sharing Benefit Committee

     Functions:  The Committee determines the eligibility of
employees to participate in the Profit Sharing Plan; it also
supervises records pertaining to continuity of service, acts on
applications for retirement benefits, applications for leaves of
absence and request for distribution of participants' accounts. 
The Committee is also responsible for preparing annual reports,
financial statements, disclosing benefits to participants, and
reporting to the IRS and the Department of Labor.

     Number of 1998 meetings:  1

     Membership:  The membership of the Committee is made up of
one (1) director who is an officer of the Corporation and the
Bank, two (2) directors who are not officers of the Corporation
or the Bank, one (1) advisory director who is not a director of
the Corporation or the Bank, and one (1) employee who is not a
director of the Corporation or the Bank.  They are T. Randy
Stevens, Chairman, Flavius A. Barker, Thomas Napier Gordon,
Bobby Sands (Advisory) and Amy B. Slagle (Employee).

Executive Committee

     Functions:  The Committee reviews and recommends to the
Board of Directors for its approval selected actions with regard
to the general direction and conduct of the Corporation and the
Bank.  The Committee acts on loan applications and reviews
overdrafts, cash items, loans, lines of credit, and loan reviews
in accordance with Bank's policies which have been approved by
the Board of Directors.

     Number of 1998 meetings:  45

     Membership:  The membership of the Committee is made up of
one (1) director who is an officer of the Corporation and the
Bank, five (5) other directors, none of whom is an officer of
the Corporation or the Bank and one (1) Honorary Director of the
Bank, who is not an officer of the Corporation.  They are Waymon
L. Hickman, Chairman, Virgil H. Moore, Jr., Honorary Chairman,
Harlan D. Bowsher, H. Terry Cook, Jr., Tillman Knox, Joe E.
Lancaster, and David I. Wise.

Trust Audit Committee

     The functions of this committee:   recommends the certified
public accounting firm to be employed by the Bank for auditing
the Trust Department.  The Committee recommends the areas of
responsibility of the CPA firm, meets with the CPA firm to
receive the auditors evaluation of the condition of the Trust
Department, and brings those reports to the Board of Directors
for its consideration.  The Committee was combined into the
Audit/Compliance/CRA Committee.

      Number of 1998 meetings:  1

      Membership:  The membership of the Committee is made up of
five (5) directors who are not officers of the Corporation or
the Bank.  They are Harlan D. Bowsher, Chairman, James L.
Bailey, Jr., Edwin W. Halliday, Dan C. Wheeler, and W. Donald

Trust Committee

     Functions:  The Committee supervises the Trust Department. 
Its duties include establishing and reviewing the investment
strategy of the Trust Department, its major equity commitments
and collective funds performances, and reviewing the earnings
and operations of the Trust Department.

     Number of 1998 meetings:  12

     Membership:  The membership of the Committee is made up of
two (2) directors who are officers of the Corporation and the
Bank, and three (3) directors who are not officers of the
Corporation or the Bank.  They are Waymon L. Hickman, Chairman,
T. Randy Stevens, Vice Chairman, Tom Napier Gordon, Hulet M.
Chaney, and Joe E. Lancaster.

Risk Management Committee

     Functions:  The purpose of the Committee is to study areas
of risk within the bank with emphasis on insurance coverage and
bonding requirements.

     Number of 1998 meetings:  1

     Membership:  The membership of the Committee is made up of
two (2) directors who are officers of the Corporation and the
Bank, five (5) directors who are not officers of the Corporation
or the Bank and two (2) Advisory Directors of the Bank.  They
are T. Randy Stevens, Chairman, Flavius A. Barker,  W. J. Davis,
Jr., Edwin W. Halliday, Dr. O Rebecca Hawkins (Advisory), Waymon
L. Hickman,  David I. Wise, Dan C. Wheeler and Clarence A.
Powell, (Advisory).  John P. Tomlinson, III serves as Secretary
of the Committee.

Business Development Committee

     Functions:  The purpose of the Committee is to oversee and
advise bank management in the development and execution of its
marketing and business development plans.

    Number of 1998 meetings:  1

    Membership:  The membership of the Committee is made up of
two (2) directors who are officers of the Corporation and the
Bank, six (6) directors who are not officers of the Corporation
or the Bank, and two (2) advisory directors of the bank.  They
are W. J. Davis, Jr., Chairman, Kenneth Abercrombie, James L.
Bailey, Jr.,  Hulet M. Chaney ,  H. Terry Cook, Jr.,  Revis
Harris (Advisory), Waymon L. Hickman, Joseph W. Remke, III
(Advisory), T. Randy Stevens, and W. Donald Wright.  Nancy
Bohannon serves as Committee Coordinator.

Director Attendance

       During fiscal year 1998, there were six (6) meetings of
the Board of Directors of the Corporation and twelve (12)
meetings of the Board of Directors of the Bank.  Each member of
the Board, attended at least 75% of the aggregate meetings of
the Boards and committees of which they were members with the
exception of one director who attended an aggregate of 58% of
the Board meetings and Committee meetings to which he was


During the fiscal year 1998, each director and officer of the
Corporation received an annual retainer of $1,500.00 and was
paid a fee of $375.00 for each Board meeting attended up to four
meetings.  Each Active and Honorary Bank Director received
$400.00 for each Bank Board of Directors' meeting attended. 
Each Bank Advisory Director received $250.00 for each Bank Board
of Directors' meeting attended.  Each member of the Bank's
Executive Committee received a $6,250.00 annual retainer.  Each
Active, Honorary and Advisory Bank Director (excluding salaried
officers) received $200.00 for attendance at any scheduled or
officially called Committee meeting of any standing or specially
appointed committee.  Active Corporation and Bank Directors may
defer fees payable to them under the Corporation's and Bank's
Directors Deferred Compensation Plans.  During the fiscal year
1998, the Corporation and the Bank paid total cash directors'
fees of $113,190.00, and directors' fees were deferred in the
amount of $131,500.00.



    Decisions on compensation of the Bank's executives are
made by the seven member Compensation Committee of the Board. 
The Compensation Committee believes that the actions of each
executive officer have the potential to impact the short-term
and long-term profitability of the Corporation and the Bank. 
Consequently, the Compensation Committee places considerable
importance on its task of designing and administering an
executive compensation program.

    The Bank has an executive compensation program that is
focused on Corporation shareholder value and the overall
performance of the Corporation and the Bank.  The two main
components of the executive compensation program are base salary
and bonus.


    The Compensation Committee's executive compensation program
is designed to provide competitive levels of compensation that
are integrated with the Corporation's and Bank's annual and
long-term goals.  Executive compensation is reviewed by the
Committee relative to peer group executive compensation based 
on national and state survey information. The peer group 

used from the national and state surveys utilized 
institutions in the asset size range from $500,000,000.00 to 
$750,000,000.00.  The national survey also includes data on 
adjoining states.

    The Compensation Committee approved cash compensation
opportunities for executive officers in 1998 that are consistent
with the Compensation Committee's executive compensation program.

Base Salary

    Base salary represents a fixed labor cost and is designed
so that senior management receives acceptable salaries, thereby
helping the Corporation and Bank keep the talent needed to meet
the challenges in the financial service industry.  Many factors
are included in determining base salaries, such as the
responsibilities borne by the executive officer, the scope of
the position, length of service with the Corporation and Bank;
and individual performance; and what companies in the Peer Group
are paying for similar positions.  The Compensation Committee
believes that executive officer base salaries should be slightly
above the median of a market-competitive range.  Salaries are
reviewed annually.

Bonus "REAP"

    The second component in the executive compensation program
is the bonus plan referred to as the Reserve for Employee Action
Payments, "REAP".  An earnings per share after taxes goal is
established for the Bank on an annual basis.  If that goal is
achieved, eligible employees receive an end of the year payment
at the rate of 5% of the employees salary for the entire year. 
If the goal is not reached, the REAP account is reduced in
proportion to the shortage in the net earnings.  There is no
ceiling or maximum amount that may be placed in the REAP
account; therefore, employees share proportionally in the amount
that the net earnings exceed the predetermined annual goal. 
During fiscal year 1998, the bank exceeded its goal and paid to
262 eligible employees $280,420 (equivalent to 5.13% of salaries
for eligible employees).  Executive officers received REAP
payments as follows:  Waymon L. Hickman - $10,265, T. Randy
Stevens - $5,725, and John P. Tomlinson III  - $4,387 (see
Summary Compensation Table on page 12).

Chief Executive Officer Compensation

    The executive compensation program described above is
applied in setting Mr. Hickman's compensation.  Mr. Hickman
participates in the same executive compensation program
available to the other executive officers.  The Compensation
Committee reviews the executive compensation program in
relationship to the performance of the Corporation's net income
and stock value.  Net income for the Corporation and the Bank
totaled $7,340,612 for fiscal year 1998, representing a 4.0%
increase above the previous year.  Stock value increased from
$39.00 per share at December 31, 1997* to $46.00 per share at
December 31, 1998 representing a $7.00 per share increase.  The
increase represents an annualized gain of 17.95%, plus a $1.63
per share  in cash dividends declared in 1998.  Based upon these
and other factors the 1998 cash compensation of Mr. Hickman was
$216,380.  Mr. Hickman had a base salary of $200,100 which is
slightly above the median salary in comparison to his peers in
the national and state surveys indicated above.  Mr. Hickman
earned a bonus (REAP) in the amount of $19,762 that was due to
the corporation's excellent financial results in 1998.  


    The Compensation Committee believes that this mix of
market-based salaries and bonus represents a balance that will
motivate the management team to continue to produce strong
returns.  The Compensation Committee further believes this
program strikes an appropriate balance between the interests and
needs of the Corporation and the Bank in operating its business.

    Submitted by the Compensation Committee of the Company's
Board of Directors.

                Tillman Knox, Chairman
                Kenneth A. Abercrombie
                Harlan D. Bowsher
                H. Terry Cook, Jr.
                W. J. Davis, Jr.
                Joe E. Lancaster
                Waymon L. Hickman

*This is a restated December, 1997 number to give retroactive
effect to the 100% stock dividend paid to shareholders on April
21, 1998.


    The following table sets forth the aggregate remuneration
accrued or paid by the Bank or the Corporation during the fiscal
years ending December 31, 1998, 1997, and 1996, to the highest
compensated officers or directors whose aggregate remuneration
exceeds $100,000.00.


Name of Individual                                    Other Annual     All Other
and Principal Position   Year   Salary/1   Bonus/2  Compensation/3  Compensation/4  
Waymon L. Hickman,       1998  $ 200,100  $ 19,762    $  24,000      $  51,530
Chairman of the Board,   1997    193,500    23,199       24,000         46,490
Chief Executive Officer  1996    180,100    26,849       22,500         42,055
& Director of  Bank
and Corporation

T. Randy Stevens,        1998  $ 111,600  $  5,731    $  16,741      $  12,250
President,  Chief        1997    105,600     7,603       15,840         10,874
Operating Officer &      1996     96,100     7,536       14,415          9,732
Director of Bank 
and Corporation

David I. Wise,           1998  $    -     $   -       $    -         $  32,852
Director of Bank and     1997       -         -            -            31,030
Director of Corporation  1996    81,910      6,422       12,287         29,450

John P. Tomlinson,       1998  $ 85,500   $  7,402    $  12,827      $    -
Executive Vice President 1997    80,700      8,610       12,105           -
of Bank and  Secretary   1996       -         -            -              - 
of Corporation

/1     Salaries, cash bank and corporation committee fees. 

/2     Bonus includes REAP, group term replacement insurance
       provided, and use of auto.
/3     Other annual compensation is the bank's contribution to
       the Deferred Profit Sharing Plan. This benefit provided by the
       Bank does not discriminate in favor of officers and directors
       and is available generally to all salaried employees.
/4      Deferred Salary Continuation Plan, Deferred Corporation
        and Committee Fees.

Shareholder Return

    Set forth below is a graph comparing the yearly change in
the cumulative total shareholder return on the Company Common
Stock against the cumulative total return of the S&P
Composite-500 Stock Index and the S&P Major Regional Bank
Composite Index for the period of five years commencing December
31, 1993 and ending December 31, 1998.

    The graph displaying the contents of the table below will be
mailed to our stockholders.


         VALUE OF $100 INVESTED ON DECEMBER 31, 1993 AT:

               12/31/93  12/31/94  12/31/95  12/31/96   12/31/97  12/31/98
FF&M           $ 100.00  $ 118.42  $ 142.11  $ 171.05   $ 208.14  $ 254.20
Regional Banks   100.00     91.15    143.04    195.49     294.02    324.94
S&P 500          100.00    101.32    140.06    170.98     228.03    293.20

* Assumes that the value of the investment in Company Common
  Stock and each index was $100 on December 31, 1993 and that all
  dividends were reinvested.


     Messrs. Knox, Abercrombie, Bowsher, Cook, Davis,
Lancaster, and Hickman, served as members of the Compensation
Committee throughout 1998.  During 1998, the Corporation's bank
subsidiary engaged in customary banking transactions and had
outstanding loans to certain of the Corporation's and Bank's
directors, including Messrs. Knox, Bowsher, Davis, and
Lancaster, and members of the immediate families of such
directors and executive officers.  Messrs. Knox, Bowsher, Davis,
and Lancaster,  their affiliates, families, and companies in
which they hold ten percent or more ownership had outstanding
loan balances of $856,797 at December 31, 1998.  These loans
were made in the ordinary course of business and were made on
substantially the same terms, including interest rates and
collateral, as those prevailing at the time for comparable
transactions with others.  In the opinion of management, these
loans do not involve more than the normal risk of collectibility
or present other unfavorable features.


    The Bank has a Deferred Profit Sharing Plan and Trust which
has been approved by the Internal Revenue Service for deferral
of income tax.  This plan includes all eligible employees.  All
employees who attain age twenty (20) years, and who complete one
(1) year of service with the Bank are eligible to participate. 
Participants receive a vested percentage of 25% after two (2)
years of service and 15% each year thereafter until 100% vested
at the end of seven (7) years of participation in the plan.  The
Bank's contribution to the Plan and Trust is determined by the
annual performance of the Bank and is subject to approval by the
Board of Directors of the Bank annually.  The aggregate amount
placed in Trust for the two hundred fifteen (215) participants
during fiscal year 1998 was $730,606.  At December 31, 1998, the
total ending value of Mr. Waymon L. Hickman's account in the
Profit Sharing Plan was $1,462,890, Mr. T. Randy Stevens's
account was $541,152 and Mr. John P. Tomlinson's account was

                 Deferred Profit Sharing Plan

             Years of Service          Amount Vested
                   1                 No Participation
             More than 1 but
               less than 2                 0%
                   2                      25%
                   3                      40%
                   4                      55%
                   5                      70%
                   6                      85%
                   7                     100%


    Upon the recommendation of the Audit Committee of the Bank,
the firm of Kraft Bros., Esstman, Patton & Harrell has been
selected by the Board of Directors of both the Corporation and
the Bank to serve as principal accountants for the Corporation
and the Bank for the current year.  The firm of Kraft Bros.,
Esstman, Patton & Harrell and its predecessors has served as
principal accountants for more than 39 years.  A representative
of the firm will be present at the stockholders meeting and will
have the opportunity to make a statement if he/she so desires.

                       OTHER MATTERS

    As of the date of this Proxy Statement, the management of
the Corporation and the Bank knows of no other business that
will be presented at this meeting.


    Any proposals by stockholders to be included in the Proxy
Statement and Proxy Form for consideration at the next Annual
Meeting of Stockholders must be received by management at 816
South Garden Street, Columbia, Tennessee 38402-1148, no later
than November 28, 1999.

                          ANNUAL REPORTS

    The annual report of the Corporation to stockholders for
the calendar year 1998 is enclosed, but is not intended to be
part of this Proxy Statement.


    By the order of the Board of Directors

                                           John P. Tomlinson, III

March 29, 1999