Washington, D.C.  20549 
                                   FORM 10-K 
  (Mark One) 
          EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 
  For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1993 
     EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 
  For the transition period from ________________ to __________________ 
                         Commission File Number 1-10140 
                          AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC.
               (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter) 
               Delaware                          86-0418245
  (State or other jurisdiction of               (I.R.S. Employer 
   incorporation or organization)               Identification No.) 

             4000 East Sky Harbor Boulevard, Phoenix, Arizona 85034 
  (Address of principal executive offices)               (Zip Code) 
  Registrant's telephone number, including area code      (602) 693-0800
  Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: 
                                           Name of each exchange on which
        Title or class                                registered
        --------------                     ------------------------------ 

    Common Stock, $.25 par value               Pacific Stock Exchange 
    ----------------------------           ------------------------------ 
  Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: 
              7-3/4% Convertible Subordinated Debentures due 2010 
              7-1/2% Convertible Subordinated Debentures due 2011 
              11-1/2% Convertible Subordinated Debentures due 2009           

     Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports 
  required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act 
  of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the 
  Registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to 
  such filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes [X]  No [  ] 
     Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to 
  Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein and will not be 
  contained, to the best of the Registrant's knowledge, in definitive proxy 
  or information statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this 
  Form 10-K or any amendment to this Form 10-K. [X] 
     At March 15, 1994, the aggregate market value of common stock held by 
  non-affiliates of the Registrant was approximately $60.7 million, and the 
  aggregate preference value of preferred stock held by non-affiliates of the
  Registrant was $1 million. 
     Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant has filed all 
  documentation and reports required to be filed by Sections 12, 13, or 15(b) 
  of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 subsequent to the distribution of 
  securities under a plan confirmed by a court. Yes [ ]  No [ ]  NOT 

     Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the Registrant's 
  classes of common stock, as of the latest practicable date. 
        25,292,102 shares of Common Stock outstanding on March 15, 1994        
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
     Materials have been incorporated by reference into this Report from the 
  following documents: information and documents from the Registrant's Form 
  S-1 Registration Statements (Nos. 2-89212, 2-99206 and 33-3800); Form S-3 
  Registration Statement (No. 33-27416); Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q (for 
  the quarters ended September 30, 1986, March 31, 1990 and September 30, 
  1990); Form 8-A Registration Statement No. 0-12337; Annual Reports on Form 
  10-K for the years ended December 31, 1992, December 31, 1991, December 31, 
  1990, December 31, 1989 and December 31, 1987; Schedule 13E-4 No. 5-34444; 
  and Form T-3 Application for Qualification No. 22-19024 have been 
  incorporated by reference into Part II, Item 5 and Part IV, Item 14. 
                               TABLE OF CONTENTS 
     Item 1.   Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     4
     Item 2.   Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    22
     Item 3.   Legal Proceedings  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    25
     Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders  . .    26
     Item 5.   Market for Registrant's Common Equity 
               and Related Stockholder Matters  . . . . . . . . . . . .    27
     Item 6.   Selected Financial Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    29
     Item 7.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial  
               Condition and Results of Operations  . . . . . . . . . .    30
     Item 8.   Financial Statements and Supplementary Data  . . . . . .    45
     Item 9.   Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants 
               on Accounting and Financial Disclosure . . . . . . . . .    46
     Item 10.  Directors and Executive  
               Officers of the Registrant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    47
     Item 11.  Executive Compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    51
     Item 12.  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial 
               Owners and Management  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    54
     Item 13.  Certain Relationships and Related Transactions . . . . .    57
     Item 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules 
               and Reports on Form 8-K  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    59
  SIGNATURES  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    60
                                     PART I
  Item 1. Business.
  ------  -------- 
     America West Airlines, Inc. ("America West" or the "Company"), a 
  Delaware corporation, began operations in 1983.  The Company is a full- 
  service passenger airline which serves 43 destinations in the continental 
  United States and Mexico City, including its hubs in Phoenix, Arizona and 
  Las Vegas, Nevada and a mini-hub in Columbus, Ohio.  In 1992, the Company 
  established a code sharing relationship with Mesa Airlines, Inc. for 
  commuter service, operating under the name "America West Express", 
  permitting the Company to serve an additional 23 destinations as of 
  December 31, 1993.   
     On June 27, 1991, America West filed a voluntary petition in the United 
  States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Arizona (the "Bankruptcy 
  Court") to reorganize under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code 
  (the "Bankruptcy Code").  The Company is currently operating as a debtor- 
  in-possession ("D.I.P.") under the supervision of the Bankruptcy Court.  
  The Company is authorized to operate its business but may not engage in 
  transactions outside the ordinary course of business without the approval 
  of the Bankruptcy Court.   
  Bankruptcy And Reorganization Events. 
     Since June 27, 1991, the date America West filed the voluntary petition 
  with the Bankruptcy Court to reorganize, the Company has obtained D.I.P. 
  financing, reduced expenses and overhead and restructured its routes and 
  aircraft fleet.  On February 24, 1994, America West selected an investment 
  proposal pursuant to which it intends to develop a plan of reorganization. 
     Bankruptcy Events.  As a result of the Chapter 11 filing, the 
  prosecution of all actions and claims against America West was 
  automatically stayed pursuant to Section 362 of the Bankruptcy Code.  
  America West promptly obtained from the Bankruptcy Court a series of Orders
  ("First Day Orders") authorizing America West to pay certain critical 
  vendors and suppliers, and also authorizing the payment of employee wages 
  and benefits, as necessary to ensure that America West's passenger flight 
  operations were not disrupted and that the Company's ongoing enterprise 
  value would be preserved.  Approximately $55 million of what otherwise 
  would have been pre-petition unsecured debt was authorized by the 
  Bankruptcy Court to be paid pursuant to the First Day Orders. 
     In addition, certain stipulations between the Company and providers of 
  aircraft and aircraft-related equipment were negotiated and approved by the
  Bankruptcy Court pursuant to Section 1110 and Section 365 of the Bankruptcy
  Code.  These stipulations resulted in America West receiving certain 
  deferrals, concessions and other payment term modifications in return for 
  the assumption and/or conversion of the debts arising from the agreements 
  to post-petition administrative expense priority status under Section 503 
  and Section 507 of the Bankruptcy Code.  For further information on the 
  effect of the stipulations, and subsequent events relating thereto, see 
  Bankruptcy And Reorganization Events -- Route Structure and Aircraft Fleet 
  Reductions, below. 
      Subsequent to the case being filed, the United States Trustee for the 
  District of Arizona appointed an Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors 
  (the "Creditors' Committee") and an Official Committee of Equity Security 
  Holders  (the "Equity Committee") as provided by Section 1102 of the 
  Bankruptcy Code.  Each of these committees has certain rights and 
  obligations provided for by the Bankruptcy Code and other applicable law, 
  and have continued as active participants in the bankruptcy case since 
  their appointment.  Each of the committees has retained professional 
  advisors to assist them in the bankruptcy proceedings, including attorneys 
  and accountants, as well as financial and industry advisors.  The expenses 
  associated with the committees and their advisors, as allowed by the 
  Bankruptcy Court, must be paid by the Company as administrative expenses 
  pursuant to certain orders of the Bankruptcy Court providing for the 
  payment of professional fees and expenses.  The Company anticipates that 
  each of the committees will continue to be actively involved in the 
  bankruptcy proceedings on behalf of their respective constituents, 
  particularly with respect to the development, negotiation and confirmation 
  of a plan of reorganization for the Company. 
     The Company anticipates that the reorganization process will result in 
  the restructuring, cancellation and/or replacement of the interests of its 
  existing common and preferred stockholders.  Because of the "absolute 
  priority rule" of Section 1129 of the Bankruptcy Code, which requires that 
  the Company's creditors be paid in full (or otherwise consent) before 
  equity holders can receive any value under a plan of reorganization, the 
  Company previously disclosed that it anticipated that the reorganization 
  process would result in the elimination of the Company's existing equity 
  interests.  However, due to recent events, including sustained improvement 
  in the Company's operating results as a result of the general improvement 
  in the condition of the United States' economy and airline industry, some 
  form of distribution to the equity interests pursuant to Section 1129 may 
  occur.   However, there can be no assurances in this regard.
     On February 24, 1994, the Company selected an investment proposal as the 
  basis for developing the Company's plan of reorganization, which proposal 
  might result in a potential distribution to the Company's current equity 
  holders as part of a plan of reorganization, however, there can be no 
  assurances in this regard.  See also Bankruptcy and Reorganization Events 
  -- Plan of Reorganization, below. 
     The Company has incurred and will continue to incur significant costs 
  associated with the reorganization.  The amount of these costs, which are 
  being expensed as incurred, has affected and is expected to continue to 
  affect the results of operations. 
     Debtor-in-Possession Financing.  In 1991, affiliates of Guinness Peat 
  Aviation ("GPA"), Northwest Airlines, Inc. ("Northwest") and Kawasaki 
  Leasing International Inc. ("Kawasaki") provided $78 million of D.I.P. 
  financing to the Company.  In September 1992, America West received an 
  additional $53 million in D.I.P. financing, bringing the total outstanding 
  D.I.P. financing at December 31, 1992, to $110.8 million which consisted of
  $69.8 million from GPA, $23 million from Kawasaki, $10 million from Ansett 
  Worldwide Aviation Services ("Ansett") and $8 million from several Arizona-
  based entities.  The D.I.P. financing is collateralized by substantially 
  all of the Company's assets. 
     The financing provided by Northwest was repaid in full at the time of 
  the September 1992 D.I.P. financing.  America West also reconstituted its 
  board of directors concurrent with 
  the September 1992 D.I.P. financing.  In September 1993, the D.I.P. lenders 
  extended the maturity date of the D.I.P. financing from September 30, 1993 
  to June 30, 1994.  At the time of the September 1993 extension, the 
  financing provided by Ansett was repaid in full.   
     Interest on all funds advanced under the D.I.P. facility accrues at 3.5 
  percent over the 90-day London Interbank Offered Rate ("LIBOR") and is 
  payable quarterly.  Principal repayments in the amount of $5.54 million 
  were made on March 1993 and June 1993.  As a result of the September 1993 
  extension of the D.I.P. financing maturity date, the Company is required to
  repay $5 million of principal on March 31, 1994.  The remaining outstanding
  balance will be due upon the earlier of June 30, 1994, or upon the 
  effective date of a confirmed Chapter 11 plan of reorganization (the 
  "Reorganization Date").  The amended terms of the D.I.P. financing require 
  the Company to notify the D.I.P. lenders if the unrestricted cash balance 
  of the Company exceeds $125 million.  Upon receipt of such notice, the 
  D.I.P. lenders may require the Company to prepay the D.I.P. financing by 
  the amount of such excess.  During the first quarter of 1994, the Company 
  notified the D.I.P. lenders that the Company's unrestricted cash exceeded 
  $125 million; however, to date, the D.I.P. lenders have not exercised their
  prepayment rights. 
     As a condition to extending the maturity date of the D.I.P. financing in
  September 1993, the Company also agreed to pay a facility fee of $627,000 
  to the D.I.P. lenders on September 30, 1993 and to pay an additional 
  facility fee equal to 1/4 percent of the then outstanding balance of the 
  D.I.P. financing on March 31, 1994.  As of December 31, 1993, the 
  outstanding amount due under the D.I.P. financing was approximately $83.6 
  million.  Presently, the Company does not possess sufficient liquidity to 
  satisfy the D.I.P. financing nor does it appear that new equity capital 
  will be obtained and a plan of reorganization confirmed prior to June 30, 
  1994.  Consequently, the Company will be required to obtain alternative 
  repayment terms from its current D.I.P. lenders.  Although there can be no 
  assurance that alternative repayment terms will be obtained, the Company 
  believes that any required extension of the D.I.P. financing would be for a
  short period of time and would be concurrent with the implementation of a 
  plan of reorganization.   
     In connection with the D.I.P. financing provided by Kawasaki, the 
  Company agreed to convert advanced cash credits for 24 Airbus A320 aircraft
  (the "Kawasaki Aircraft") previously advanced by Kawasaki into an unsecured 
  priority term loan (the "Kawasaki Term Loan").  At December 31, 1993, the 
  amount of the Kawasaki Term Loan was $68.4 million, including accrued 
  interest of $21.9 million.  Until the Reorganization Date, the Kawasaki 
  Term Loan will accrue interest at 12 percent per annum and such interest 
  will be added to principal.  On the Reorganization Date, 85 percent of the 
  Kawasaki Term Loan will be converted into an eight-year term loan which 
  will accrue interest at 2 percent over 90-day LIBOR and will be secured by 
  substantially all the assets of the Company if the D.I.P. financing is 
  fully repaid.  Principal on such loan will be due and payable in equal 
  quarterly installments, plus interest, commencing after the Reorganization 
  Date.  The Company has the right to prepay the Kawasaki Term Loan if the 
  D.I.P. financing is fully repaid.  The remaining 15 percent of the Kawasaki
  Term Loan will be treated as a general unsecured claim without priority 
  status under the Company's plan of reorganization.  In the first quarter of
  1994, the Company received information that the Kawasaki Term Loan was 
  purchased by a third party. 
     Route Structure and Aircraft Fleet Reductions.  Since its bankruptcy 
  filing, the Company has reviewed its route structure and flight schedules 
  and the resulting requirements for aircraft.  In September 1991, America 
  West reduced the size of its fleet from 123 to 101 aircraft.  The Company 
  further reduced its fleet in September 1992 and, as of December 1993, the 
  Company operated 85 aircraft.  In connection with such fleet reductions, 
  the Company renegotiated many of its aircraft lease and loan agreements.  
  The Company returned aircraft to those providers whose aircraft were not 
  consistent with the Company's revised business strategy and to those 
  providers who were unwilling or unable to accept the revised terms proposed 
  by the Company.  Aircraft providers whose aircraft were returned to them 
  in connection with the Company's fleet reduction and restructuring efforts 
  may be entitled to unsecured pre-petition claims and/or administrative 
  claims in the bankruptcy case for damages arising from the return of the 
  aircraft.  See Bankruptcy And Reorganization Events -- Claims, below. 
     In general, the Company received rent deferrals in 1991 and further rent
  deferrals and rent reductions in 1992 from many of its aircraft providers. 
  The rent reductions in 1992 reduced the rents on the affected aircraft to 
  better reflect what the Company believed to be the fair market rent of the 
  affected aircraft at the time of the reduction.  In order to induce the 
  lessors to accept rent reductions, the Company agreed that the rent on 
  certain Boeing 737-300 and 757-200 aircraft would be readjusted to the 
  current market rent effective August 1, 1994 and, if elected by the lessor,
  would be readjusted at two other times during the remaining term of the 
  lease; however, such readjustments may not occur within two years of one 
  another.  The Company also agreed in certain cases that lessors could call 
  the aircraft upon 180 days notice if the lessor had a better lease proposal 
  from another party which the Company was unwilling to match.  During the 
  period August 1, 1994 through July 31, 1995, certain of these lessors may 
  call their aircraft without first giving the Company the right to match any 
  competing offer.  Call rights with a right of first refusal affect 16 
  aircraft and call rights without a right of first refusal affect 10 
  aircraft.  In addition, in order to induce several lessors to extend the 
  lease terms of their aircraft, the Company agreed that the aircraft could 
  be called by the lessors at the end of the original lease term.  One lessor 
  of 11 aircraft has the right to terminate each lease at the end of the 
  original lease term of each aircraft.  Such lessor also has the right to 
  call its aircraft on 90 days notice at any time prior to the end of the 
  amended lease term.  America West has no right of first refusal with 
  respect to such aircraft.  To date, no lessor has exercised its call rights. 
     Principal payments on certain loans secured by aircraft were deferred 
  for the period August 1, 1992 through January 31, 1993 and will be repaid 
  over the remaining terms of five to nine years.  Interest payments due in 
  July and August 1992, on such loans were deferred until the first quarter 
  of 1993 and were repaid in three equal monthly installments without 
  interest.  A more comprehensive description of the rent deferrals and 
  reductions as well as the loan deferrals is set forth herein in Item 7. 
  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of 
  Operations and in Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data - 
  Note 1 of Notes to Financial Statements. 
     Claims.  The reorganization process is expected to result in the 
  cancellation and/or restructuring of substantial debt obligations of the 
  Company.  Under the Bankruptcy Code, the Company's pre-petition liabilities 
  are subject to settlement under a plan of reorganization.  The Bankruptcy 
  Code also requires that all administrative claims be paid on the effective 
  date of a plan of reorganization unless the respective claimants agree to 
  different treatment.  There are differences between the amounts at which 
  claims liabilities are recorded in the financial 
  statements and the amounts claimed by the Company's creditors and such 
  differences are material.  Significant litigation may be required to 
  resolve any disputes.  

     The Bankruptcy Court set February 28, 1992, as the last date for the 
  filing of proofs of claim under the Bankruptcy Code and the Company's 
  creditors have submitted claims for liabilities not paid and for damages 
  incurred.  Claims for administrative expenses (administrative claims) were 
  not required to be filed by that date. 
     Due to the uncertain nature of many of the potential claims, America 
  West is unable to project the magnitude of such claims with any degree of 
  certainty.  However, the claims (pre-petition claims and administrative 
  claims) that have been filed against the Company are in excess of $2 
  billion.  Such aggregate amount, includes claims of all character, 
  including, but not limited to, unsecured claims, secured claims, claims 
  that have been scheduled but not filed, duplicative claims, tax claims, 
  claims for leases that were assumed, and claims which the Company believes 
  to be without merit; however, claims filed for which an amount was not 
  stated, are not reflected in such amount.  The Company is unable to 
  estimate the potential amount of such unstated claims; however, the amount 
  of such claims could be material. 
     The Company is in the process of reviewing the general unsecured claims 
  asserted against the Company.  In many instances, such review process will 
  include the commencement of Bankruptcy Court proceedings in order to 
  determine the amount at which such claims should be allowed.  The Company 
  has accrued its estimate of claims that will be allowed or the minimum 
  amount at which it believes the asserted general unsecured claims will be 
  allowed if there is no better estimate within the range of possible 
  outcomes.  However, the ultimate amount of allowed claims will be different 
  and such differences could be material.  The Company is unable to estimate 
  the amount of such difference with any reasonable degree of certainty at 
  this time. 
     The Bankruptcy Code requires that all administrative claims be paid on 
  the effective date of a plan of reorganization unless the respective 
  claimants agree to different treatment.  Consequently, depending on the 
  ultimate amount of administrative claims allowed by the Bankruptcy Court, 
  the Company may be unable to obtain confirmation of a plan of 
  reorganization.  The Company is actively negotiating with claimants to 
  achieve mutually acceptable dispositions of these claims.  Since the 
  commencement of the bankruptcy proceeding, claims alleging administrative 
  expense priority totaling more than $153 million have been filed and an 
  additional claim of $14 million has been alleged.  As of February 28, 1994, 
  $115 million of the filed claims have been allowed and settled for $50.2 
  million in the aggregate.  The Company is currently negotiating the 
  resolution of the remaining $38 million filed administrative expense claim 
  (which relates to a rejected lease of a Boeing 737-300 aircraft) and the 
  $14 million alleged administrative expense claim (which relates to a 
  rejected lease of a Boeing 757-200 aircraft).  Claims have been or may be 
  asserted against the Company for alleged administrative rent and/or breach 
  of return conditions (i.e. maintenance standards), guarantees and tax 
  indemnity agreements related to aircraft or engines abandoned or rejected 
  during the bankruptcy proceedings.  Additional claims may be asserted 
  against the Company and allowed by the Bankruptcy Court.  The amount of 
  such unidentified administrative claims may be material. 
     As part of its claims administration procedure, the Company is reviewing 
  potential claims that could arise as a result of the Company's rejection of 
  executory contracts.  The Company's 


  plan of reorganization will provide for the status of any executory contract 
  not theretofore assumed by either affirming or rejecting such contracts.  
  The assumption or rejection of certain executory contracts could result in 
  additional claims against the Company. 

     Plan of Reorganization.  Under the Bankruptcy Code, the Company's pre- 
  petition liabilities are subject to settlement under a plan of 
  reorganization.  Pursuant to an extension granted by the Bankruptcy Court 
  on February 2, 1994, the Company has the partially exclusive right, until 
  June 10, 1994 (unless extended by the Bankruptcy Court), to file a plan of 
  reorganization.  Each of the official committees has also been approved to 
  submit a plan of reorganization.  The exclusivity period may be extended by 
  the Bankruptcy Court upon a showing of cause after notice has been given 
  and a hearing has been held, although no assurance can be given that any 
  additional extensions will be granted if requested by the Company.  The 
  Company has agreed not to seek additional extensions of the exclusivity 
  period without the advance consent of the Creditors' Committee and the 
  Equity Committee.  
     On December 8, 1993 and February 16, 1994, the Bankruptcy Court entered 
  certain orders which provided for a procedure pursuant to which interested 
  parties could submit proposals to participate in a plan of reorganization 
  for America West.  The Bankruptcy Court also set February 24, 1994 as the 
  date for America West to select a "Lead Plan Proposal" from the proposals 
     On February 24, 1994, America West selected as its Lead Plan Proposal an 
  investment proposal submitted by AmWest Partners, L.P., a limited 
  partnership ("AmWest"), which includes Air Partners II, L.P., Continental 
  Airlines, Inc., Mesa Airlines, Inc. and Fidelity Management Trust Company.  
  On March 11, 1994, the Company and AmWest entered into a revised investment 
  agreement which substantially incorporates the terms of the AmWest 
  investment proposal (the "Investment Agreement").  The Investment Agreement 
  provides that AmWest will purchase from America West equity securities 
  representing a 37.5 percent ownership interest in the Company for $120 
  million and $100 million in new senior unsecured debt securities.  The 
  Investment Agreement also provides that, in addition to the 37.5 percent 
  ownership interest in the Company, AmWest would also obtain 72.9 percent of 
  the total voting interest in America West after the Company is reorganized. 
  The terms of the Investment Agreement will be incorporated into a plan of 
  reorganization to be filed with the Bankruptcy Court; however, 
  modifications to the Investment Agreement may occur prior to the submission 
  of a plan of reorganization and such modifications may be material.  There 
  can be no assurance that a plan of reorganization based upon the Investment 
  Agreement will be accepted by the parties entitled to vote thereon or 
  confirmed by the Bankruptcy Court. 
     In addition to the interest in the reorganized America West that would 
  be acquired by AmWest pursuant to the Investment Agreement, the Investment 
  Agreement also provides for the following: 
     1.   The D.I.P. financing would be repaid in full with cash on the 
          Reorganization Date. 
     2.   On the Reorganization Date, unsecured creditors would receive 45 
          percent of the new common equity in the reorganized Company, with 
          the potential to receive up to 55 percent of such equity if within 
          one year after the Reorganization Date, the 
          value of the securities distributed to them has not provided them 
          with a full recovery under the Bankruptcy Code.  In addition, 
          unsecured creditors would have the right to elect to receive cash 
          at $8.889 per share up to an aggregate maximum amount of $100 
          million, through a repurchase by AmWest of a portion of the shares 
          to be issued to unsecured creditors under a plan of reorganization. 
     3.   Holders of equity interests would have the right to receive up to 
          10 percent of the new common equity of the Company, depending on 
          certain conditions principally involving a determination as to 
          whether the unsecured creditors had received a full recovery on 
          account of their claims.  In addition, holders of equity interests 
          would have the right to purchase up to $15 million of the new 
          common equity in the Company for $8.296 per share from AmWest, and 
          would also receive warrants entitling them to purchase, together 
          with AmWest, up to five percent of the reorganized Company's common 
          stock, at a price to be set so that the warrants would have value 
          only after the unsecured creditors receive full recovery on their 
     4.   In exchange for certain concessions principally arising from 
          cancellation of the right of GPA affiliates to put to America 
          West 10 Airbus A320 aircraft at fixed rates, GPA, or certain 
          affiliates thereof, would receive (i) 7.5 percent of the new common 
          equity in the reorganized Company, (ii) warrants to purchase up to 
          2.5 percent of the reorganized Company's common stock on the same 
          terms as the AmWest warrant, (iii) $3 million in new senior 
          unsecured debt securities, and (iv) the right to require the 
          Company to lease up to eight aircraft of types operated by the 
          Company from GPA prior to June 30, 1999 on terms which the Company 
          believes to be more favorable those currently applicable to the 
          put aircraft.   For an additional discussion of the put rights, 
          see Item 2. Properties -- Aircraft, below. 
     5.   Continental Airlines, Inc., Mesa Airlines, Inc. and America West 
          would enter into certain alliance agreements which would include 
          code-sharing, schedule coordination and certain other relationships 
          and agreements.  A condition to proceeding with a plan of 
          reorganization based upon the Investment Agreement would be that 
          these agreements be in form and substance satisfactory to America 
          West, including the Company's reasonable satisfaction that such 
          alliance agreements, when fully implemented, will result in an 
          increase in pre-tax income to the Company of not less than $40 
          million per year.   
     6.   The expansion of the Company's board of directors to 15 members.  
          Nine members would be designated by AmWest and other members 
          reasonably acceptable to AmWest would include four members 
          designated by representatives of the Company, the Equity Committee 
          and the Creditors' Committee and two members designated by GPA. 
     7.   The Investment Agreement also provides for many other matters, 
          including the disposition of the various types of claims asserted 
          against the Company, the adherence to the Company's aircraft lease 
          agreements, the amendment of the Company's aircraft purchase 
          agreements and release of the Company's employees 
          from all currently existing obligations arising under the Company's 
          stock purchase plan in consideration for the cancellation of the 
          shares of Company stock securing such obligations.

     The Company has also entered into a Revised Interim Procedures Agreement 
  (the "Procedures Agreement") with AmWest.  The Procedures Agreement is 
  subject to the approval of the Bankruptcy Court and sets forth terms and 
  conditions upon which the Company must operate prior to the effective date 
  of a confirmed plan of reorganization based upon the terms of the Investment 
  Agreement.  The Procedures Agreement provides for the reimbursement of 
  AmWest's expenses (up to a maximum of $3.55 million) as well as a termination 
  fee of up to $8 million under certain conditions.  As of March 29, 1994, the 
  Procedures Agreement had not received Bankruptcy Court approval, but a 
  hearing in this regard is scheduled for April 12, 1994.
     The Company is currently developing with AmWest a plan of reorganization 
  based upon the foregoing terms.  The Equity Committee has agreed to support 
  the plan.  The Creditors' Committee has indicated that it does not support 
  the current terms of the Investment Agreement.  Another group interested in 
  developing a plan of reorganization with the Company has proposed to 
  invest $155 million in equity securities and $65 million in new senior 
  unsecured debt securities.  The proponent of this proposal would receive a 
  33.5 percent ownership interest in the reorganized Company, current equity 
  holders would receive a 4.0 percent ownership interest in the reorganized 
  Company and the unsecured creditors would receive a 62.5 percent ownership 
  interest in the reorganized Company. 
     Any plan of reorganization must be approved by the Bankruptcy Court and 
  by specified majorities of each class of creditors and equity holders whose 
  claims are impaired by the plan.  Alternatively, absent the requisite 
  approvals, the Company may seek Bankruptcy Court approval of its 
  reorganization plan under Section 1129(b) of the Bankruptcy Code, assuming 
  certain tests are met.  The Company cannot predict whether any plan 
  submitted by it will be approved. 
     The Company is currently unable to predict when it may file a plan of 
  reorganization based upon the Investment Agreement, but intends to do so as 
  soon as practicable.  Once a plan with a disclosure statement is filed by 
  any party, the Bankruptcy Court will hold a hearing to determine the 
  adequacy of the information contained in such disclosure statement.  Only 
  upon receiving an order from the Bankruptcy Court providing that the 
  disclosure statement accompanying any such plan contains adequate 
  information as required by Section 1125 of the Bankruptcy Code, may a party 
  solicit acceptances or rejections of any such plan of reorganization.  
  Following entry of an order approving the disclosure statement, the plan 
  will be sent to creditors and equity holders for voting pursuant to both 
  the Bankruptcy Code and orders that will be entered by the Bankruptcy 
  Court.  Following submission of the plan to holders of claims and equity 
  interests, the Bankruptcy Court will hold a hearing to consider 
  confirmation of the plan pursuant to Section 1129 of the Bankruptcy Code.  
  Although the Bankruptcy Code provides for certain minimum time periods for 
  these events, the Company is unable to reasonably estimate when a plan 
  based on the Investment Agreement might be submitted for voting and 
     If at any time the Creditors' Committee, the Equity Committee or any 
  creditor of the Company or equity holder of the Company believes that the 
  Company is or will not be in a 

  position to sustain operations, such party can move in the Bankruptcy Court 
  to compel a liquidation of the Company's estate by conversion to Chapter 7
  bankruptcy proceedings or otherwise.  In the event that the Company is forced
  to sell its assets and liquidate, it is unlikely that unsecured creditors or 
  equity holders will receive any value for their claims or interests. 

     See Item 3. Legal Proceedings, Item 7. Management's Discussion and 
         ------                     ------ 
  Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations and Item 8. 
  Financial Statements and Supplementary Data - Note 1 of Notes to Financial 
  Statements, for additional information concerning the bankruptcy process 
  and its impact on the Company. 
     The airline industry is highly competitive and susceptible to price 
  discounting.  Many of America West's competitors are carriers with 
  substantially greater financial resources.  Overall industry profit margins 
  have traditionally been low and in the last three years, have been 
  substantially negative.  Airlines compete in the areas of pricing, 
  scheduling (frequency and flight times), on-time performance, frequent 
  flyer programs and the automation of travel agents' reservation systems.  
  Price competition results primarily from the offering of discount or 
  promotional fares to passengers and, in the case of freight services, from 
  the offering of special commodity rates to shippers.  Any such fares or 
  rates offered by one airline are normally matched by competing airlines. 
     Profit levels are highly sensitive to, and during the last three years 
  have been adversely impacted by, changes in fuel prices, average yield 
  (fare levels) and passenger demands.  Passenger demand and yield have been 
  affected by, among other things, the general state of the economy and 
  actions taken by America West and its competitors. 
     United States air carriers are free to set their own domestic fares 
  without government regulation.  In the spring of 1992, American Airlines 
  introduced a new fare structure followed by a deeply discounted summer 
  sale, steps that were generally matched by other U.S. airlines (including 
  America West), resulting in substantially depressed industry yields and 
  significant 1992 losses at most of the major U.S. airlines.  American 
  Airlines and the rest of the domestic airline industry subsequently 
  abandoned that pricing structure and fare levels have since increased in 
  1993 from 1992 levels.  Nonetheless, significant industry-wide discounts 
  could be re-implemented at any time, and the introduction of broadly- 
  available, deeply discounted fares by a major U.S. airline would likely 
  result in lower yields for the entire industry and could have a material 
  adverse effect on the Company's operating results. 
     Several of the Company's major markets, including those in New York 
  City, Texas and Southern California, as well as Washington D.C., Chicago 
  and Las Vegas, are served by other larger and more established carriers and 
  are highly competitive.  On many routes, and in particular those routes 
  between Phoenix and California, fare competition has made it difficult for 
  the Company to raise fares except on a selective basis.  Intense fare 
  competition with respect to certain markets has adversely affected 
  passenger yield and as a result profitability. 
     In recent years several new carriers have entered the industry, 
  typically with low cost structures.  Aircraft, skilled labor and gates at 
  most airports continue to be available to start-up carriers.  Currently, 
  any air carrier deemed fit by the Department of Transportation ("DOT") 
  is free to operate scheduled passenger service between any two points in the 
  United States and its possessions.  The result, since deregulation, has 
  been the creation of a series of new entrant airlines.  New entrant air 
  carriers have, other than low operating costs, relatively few competitive 
  advantages.  To capitalize on the low cost advantage, new entrant airlines 
  seek to attract market share through price competition.  In doing so, they 
  keep downward pressure on industry-wide fares.  America West is subject to 
  these pricing actions.  The Company has developed competitive strategies 
  in an effort to insulate itself from the impact of new entrant carriers; 
  but, these strategies cannot be completely effective. 
  Operating Strategy.
     America West's operating strategy as a full service carrier consists of 
  (i) operating with low costs; (ii) offering its passengers competitive 
  fares; (iii) delivering quality air travel service; and (iv) providing 
  these services to cities which have the greatest demand for America West's 
  product mix and on routes which take advantage of the Company's hub-and- 
  spoke system.  The Company has determined that it will not develop an 
  overseas international route network but may form strategic alliances with 
  foreign or other U.S. carriers who desire traffic from, and access to, 
  America West's travel markets.   
     The Company endeavors to establish and maintain routes and fares which 
  will build passenger volume sufficient to permit the Company to operate 
  profitably.  The Company has selected routes which, in management's 
  opinion, had not been receiving the frequency and quality of air service 
  which such routes are capable of supporting. 
     During the first quarter of 1993, the Company entered into discussions 
  with American Airlines regarding possible joint marketing arrangements and 
  management service agreements; however, during the second quarter of 1993 
  these discussions were terminated when it was determined that proceeding 
  with such arrangements would not be in the best interest of either company. 
     During the bankruptcy, the Company has been able to eliminate or 
  renegotiate certain pre-petition debt.  Steps taken by the Company since 
  filing for bankruptcy protection in June 1991, have included: (i) various 
  cost reduction programs, which included a wage freeze preceded by a 10 
  percent wage reduction for all employees and the consolidation of the 
  Company's leased facilities; (ii) rejecting leases of certain aircraft and 
  aircraft types which were deemed surplus to the Company's strategy of 
  focusing on domestic markets; (iii) adjustments to certain aircraft lease 
  rates and interest costs to reflect current market values; (iv) realigning 
  its routes to improve load factors and yields and enhancing its revenue 
  management system; and (v) the introduction of several code sharing 
  agreements which has enabled the Company to expand its scope of service and 
  attract a broader passenger base. 
     In addition, if a plan of reorganization based upon the current terms of 
  the Investment Agreement is confirmed, the Company anticipates the 
  formation of an alliance among itself, Continental Airlines, Inc. and Mesa 
  Airlines, Inc. which could include code-sharing, schedule coordination and 
  certain other relationships and agreements.  See Bankruptcy And 
  Reorganization Events -- Plan of Reorganization, above. 
     Hub Operations.  The Company has established major hub systems in 
  Phoenix and Las Vegas and a mini-hub in Columbus.  The success of the 
  Company's hub systems depends on its ability to attract passengers 
  traveling to and from its hubs, as well as passengers traveling through the 
  hubs to the Company's other destinations.  The Company schedules banks of 
  flights timed to arrive at the hub from one direction at approximately the 
  same time and to depart toward the opposite direction a short time later. 
     During 1993, the Company enplaned approximately 40 percent of all 
  Phoenix enplanements and had an average of 149 daily departures.  Southwest 
  Airlines enplaned approximately 30 percent, and no other carrier accounted 
  for more than six percent of enplanements.  During 1993, the Company 
  enplaned approximately 26 percent of the Las Vegas traffic and had an 
  average of 74 daily departures.  Southwest enplaned approximately 29 
  percent, and no other carrier accounted for more than 10 percent of 
     The Company began service at Columbus, Ohio in December 1991 with nine 
  round-trip flights per day with nonstop service to Phoenix, Las Vegas, 
  Boston and Washington D.C.  As of February 28, 1994, the Company provided 
  non-stop jet service to 11 destinations from Columbus, Ohio.  During 1993, 
  the Company enplaned approximately 18 percent of the Columbus traffic and 
  had an average of 33 daily departures.  USAir and Delta enplaned 21 percent 
  and 12 percent, respectively, and no other carrier accounted for more than 
  10 percent of enplanements. 
     Regional/Commuter Service.  On October 1, 1992, America West entered 
  into a code-sharing agreement with Mesa Airlines to provide the Company 
  with service to 13 cities from its Phoenix hub.  Under the terms of this 
  agreement, Mesa Airlines began operating in Phoenix under the name "America 
  West Express".  The code-sharing agreement establishes Mesa Airlines as a 
  feeder carrier for the Company and provides for coordinated flight 
  schedules, passenger handling and computer reservations under the America 
  West flight designator code, allowing passengers to purchase one air fare 
  for their entire trip.  Mesa Airlines has begun to incorporate the color 
  scheme and commercial logo of America West on aircraft utilized on America 
  West Express routes.  America West Express services 13 destinations from 
  the Company's Phoenix hub operations with an average of 49 daily 
  departures.   Pursuant to a second code-sharing agreement entered into in 
  December 1993, Mesa Airlines serves nine destinations from the Company's 
  Columbus hub operations with an average of 33 daily departures.  The code 
  sharing agreements with Mesa Airlines are long term, but may be cancelled 
  by either party for cause upon 60 days notice.  In certain instances, such 
  as the cessation of operations, the agreement may be immediately 
     America West's marketing efforts focus on both the frequent business as 
  well as discretionary travellers.  The Company markets its services in 
  large part through travel agencies.  The Company has also established an 
  international sales network to market its product to the growing number of 
  international passengers passing through such international gateways served 
  by America West as New York City, Boston, Baltimore, Washington D.C., Los 
  Angeles, San Francisco and Chicago.  Marketing programs such as 
  "FlightFund", the Company's frequent 
  flyer program, and those initiated by America West Vacations, the Company's 
  tour packaging division, have increased America West's visibility and 
  improved its competitive position. 
     Travel Agents.  A large percentage of the Company's services are 
  marketed through travel agencies.  For the twelve months ended December 31, 
  1993, approximately 72 percent of the Company's passenger revenues were 
  generated through tickets written by travel agencies.  
  Travel agents and other airlines are able to book passenger flights and 
  generate tickets on America West through computer reservation systems which 
  have been developed and are controlled by other airlines.  At present, 
  approximately 98 percent of all travel agencies in the United States 
  utilize these systems.  Federal regulations have been promulgated that are 
  intended to diminish preferential schedule displays and other practices 
  with respect to these systems which place the Company and other similarly 
  situated system users at a competitive disadvantage to the airlines 
  controlling the systems. 
     Frequent Flyer Program.  The Company established its frequent flyer 
  program, FlightFund, in 1987.  FlightFund members earn mileage credits for 
  flights on America West and certain other participating airlines, or by 
  utilizing services of other program participants such as bank credit cards, 
  hotels and car rental firms.  In addition, the Company periodically offers 
  special short-term promotions which allow members to earn additional free 
  travel awards or mileage credits.  The FlightFund member accumulates 
  mileage credits up to 20,000 miles at which time four mileage award 
  certificates of 5,000 miles each are issued.  Mileage award certificates 
  automatically expire after two years if issued prior to April 1, 1993 and 
  three years for issues after that date.  The mileage award certificates can 
  be redeemed for various travel awards including first class upgrades and 
  tickets on America West or other airlines participating in America West's 
  frequent flyer program.  Travel is valid up to one year from the date of 
  ticketing.  Most travel awards are subject to blackout dates and capacity 
  controlled seating. 
     FlightFund awards may also be redeemed for flights to certain 
  international destinations and Hawaii.  America West is required to 
  purchase space on other airlines to accommodate such award redemption.  In 
  addition, America West has entered into barter agreements with certain 
  hotel and rental car agencies which permit the Company to award FlightFund 
  members with discounts at such hotels and rental agencies in exchange for 
  providing air travel to such hotels and travel agencies. 
     The Company accounts for the FlightFund program under the incremental 
  cost method whereby travel awards are valued at the incremental cost of 
  carrying one additional passenger.  Costs including passenger food, 
  beverages, supplies, fuel, liability insurance, purchased space on other 
  airlines and denied boarding compensation are accrued as frequent flyer 
  program participants accumulate mileage to their accounts.  Such unit costs 
  are based upon expenses expected to be incurred on a per passenger basis.  
  No profit or overhead margin is included in the accrual for these 
  incremental costs. 
     FlightFund's current membership is approximately 1.6 million 
  participants.  At December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991, the Company estimated 
  that approximately 238,000, 238,000 and 235,000 travel awards were expected 
  to be redeemed.  Correspondingly, the Company has an accrued liability of 
  $7.4 million, $7.3 million and $6.2 million for 1993, 1992 and 1991, 
  respectively.  The accrual is based upon the Company's estimates of mileage 
  earned that will eventually be redeemed for a travel award. 
     The number of FlightFund travel awards redeemed for round-trip travel 
  for the years ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991, was approximately 
  99,000, 106,000 and 160,000 respectively, representing 2.8 percent, 3.0 
  percent and 3.0 percent of total revenue passenger miles for each 
  respective period.  The Company does not believe that the usage of free 
  travel awards results in any significant displacement of revenue passengers 
  due to the Company's ability to manage frequent flyer travel by use of 
  blackout dates and limited seat availability. 
     Travel Services.  America West provides services designed to appeal to 
  frequent business and discretionary travellers.  These services include: 
  assigned seating; participation in travel agent automated reservation 
  systems; interline ticketing and baggage transfer; large overhead bins for 
  carry-on luggage; complimentary copies of The Wall Street Journal; 
  sandwiches and snacks on most flights of over one hour and twenty minutes; 
  meal service on long distance flights; and first-class seating on certain 
  flights.  At the Phoenix hub, the Company has two airport lounges which 
  provide members with a number of convenient services, such as a library, 
  private meeting rooms, personal computers, teleconferencing, reservations, 
  check-in and flight information. 
     America West Vacations.  America West Vacations, the Company's tour 
  packaging division, began operations in December 1987 and generated 
  approximately $100 million in gross revenues during the year ended December 
  31, 1993.  America West Vacations arranges vacation packages which include 
  hotel accommodations, air fare and ground transportation in certain 
  markets.  The marketing focus of America West Vacations is currently on 
  Nevada, with additional programs for Arizona, Florida and California being 
  developed.  During the year ended December 31, 1993, America West Vacations 
  sold approximately 500,000 room nights and over 315,000 round-trip tickets. 
     Advertising and Promotions.  America West concentrates its advertising 
  efforts on reaching a multi-targeted audience focusing on the business and 
  leisure traveler as well as the travel agent community.  The message is 
  consistent in promoting the following concepts:  America West's competitive 
  fares; quality customer service; one of the most modern aircraft fleets in 
  the sky; and superior on-time performance.  Media are chosen for their 
  effectiveness in reaching the targeted audience.  The primary medium 
  consists of newspaper advertisements focusing on fares as a primary 
  message, with supplementary advertising through radio in markets where 
  "drive-time" opportunities are present.  Travel agent publications, and 
  communications with individual agents transmitted via facsimile, are used 
  to provide the critical frequency necessary in reaching the travel agent 
  community with late breaking news and fare information as well as editorial 
  pieces focusing on preserving competition in the airline industry.  In 
  promoting America West Vacations, a consistent use of local market 
  newspapers along with selected print publications is used to advertise 
  products.  FlightFund is promoted through the use of direct mail and 
  America West's inflight publications. 
     The arena that serves as the home of the Phoenix Suns professional 
  basketball team is named the "America West Arena".  The Company pays an 
  annual fee as part of its advertising budget to maintain its association 
  with the arena and to have its name and logo appear throughout the 
  facility, including on the basketball court.  Because of this association, 
  the Company receives media exposure at no additional expense during 
  national and local telecasts of the Phoenix Suns basketball games, as well 
  as during other events. 
     In 1993, America West became the preferred commercial air carrier of the 
  MGM Grand Hotel Casino and Theme Park ("MGM") in Las Vegas, Nevada.  
  Pursuant to an agreement with the MGM, America West will develop joint 
  marketing programs with the MGM focused on travel agents and consumers.  
  The association with MGM will provide America West with benefits not 
  available to other air carriers which management believes will enhance 
  America West's presence in the Las Vegas. 
     At December 31, 1993, the Company employed 8,102 full-time and 3,117 
  part-time employees, the equivalent of 10,544 full-time employees.  During 
  1993, the Company had 1,630,400 available seat miles per full-time 
  equivalent employee and 1,064,200 revenue passenger miles per full-time 
  equivalent employee, based on the number of full-time equivalents at year 
  end.  The Company's payroll and related costs, which amounted to 1.78 cents 
  per ASM for the year ended December 31, 1993, is below the industry 
     Prior to the bankruptcy filing, employees of the Company participated in 
  stock option and stock purchase programs.  Grants under the stock option 
  programs were suspended after the Company's Bankruptcy filing.  
  Participation in the Company stock purchase program was mandatory for most 
  of the Company's employees.  Employees were also entitled to make voluntary 
  purchases under the program.  In general, the stock purchase program 
  permitted employees to purchase Common Stock of the Company at 85 percent 
  of the fair market value of the Common Stock.  Such purchases could be 
  financed by the employees through the Company and such financed amounts 
  were repaid through payroll deductions.  Since the bankruptcy filing, the 
  Company has suspended the stock purchase program as well as all payroll 
  deductions for the financed purchases.  As of December 31, 1993, the 
  aggregate principal balance of the full recourse promissory notes issued by 
  employees to the Company in accordance with the Company's stock purchase 
  plan was $17.6 million.  The Investment Agreement provides for the release 
  of the Company's employees from all currently existing obligations arising 
  under the Company's stock purchase plan in consideration for the 
  cancellation of the shares of Company stock securing such obligations.       
  Such release may result in adverse tax implications for the affected 
  employees.  See Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data -- Notes 
  6 and 9 of Notes to Financial Statements. 
     In February 1991, the Company reduced the wages of its officers and 
  other management personnel by as much as 25 percent.  In August 1991, a 
  Company-wide 10 percent pay reduction was implemented and the wages of all 
  the Company's employees have been frozen since that time.  In the second 
  quarter of 1993, the Company instituted a transition pay program which is 
  intended to restore a portion of the wage reduction to employees who 
  continue to be employed by the Company.  The transition pay program is 
  scheduled to terminate after four quarters, unless terminated earlier as a 
  result of a confirmed plan of reorganization.  On March 24, 1994, the 
  Company announced pay increases for all employees effective April 1, 1994.  
  See also Item 7. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial 
  Condition and Results of Operations for additional information concerning 
  the transition pay program. 
     The Association of Flight Attendants (AFA) is seeking certification as 
  the bargaining representative of America West's Inflight Customer Service 
  Representatives.  On January 12, 1990, the National Mediation Board (NMB) 
  ordered a re-run election of an election originally 
  held in February 1989.  The re-run election was delayed several years 
  pending resolution of a legal dispute.  On July 7, 1993, the NMB informed 
  America West of its intent to resume its efforts to conduct a re-run 
  election.  A date for the election has not yet been scheduled.  

     On October 26, 1993, the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) was certified 
  by the NMB as the bargaining representative of America West's pilots.  
  Negotiations with ALPA have not yet commenced, and no opening 
  proposals have been exchanged.  Currently, none of the Company's other 
  employees are represented by a union or covered by a collective bargaining 
  agreement.  The Company believes its relations with its employees are 
     The Company provides benefits to all employees, such as vacations and 
  life, health and accident insurance.  Employees may also participate in the 
  Company's 401(k) plan.  In addition, the Company provides child care 
  services to its employees in Phoenix, Las Vegas and other locations.  
  America West has no post-employment or post-retirement benefit plans. 
  Airport Fees. 
     In recent years, many airports have increased or sought to increase the 
  rates charged to airlines.  The extent to which such charges are limited by 
  statute and the ability of airlines to contest such charges has been and 
  may continue to be subject to litigation.  To the extent the limitations on 
  such charges are relaxed or the ability of airlines is restricted, the 
  rates charged by airports to airlines may increase substantially.  
  Management cannot predict the magnitude of any such increase. 
     One of America West's largest expenses is jet fuel, representing 13.8 
  percent of total operating expense during 1993.  Since the resolution of 
  the Middle East crisis at the end the first quarter of 1991, fuel prices 
  have stabilized.  However, substantial increases in fuel prices or the lack 
  of adequate supplies in the future will have a material adverse effect on 
  the operations of the Company.  A one cent per gallon change in fuel price 
  would affect the Company's annual operating results by approximately $3 
  million at present consumption levels. 
     The Company purchases fuel on standard trade terms under master 
  agreements and has been able to obtain fuel sufficient to meet its 
  requirements at competitive prices.  The Company does not hedge its fuel 
  costs.  In August 1993, the United States government increased taxes on 
  fuel, including aircraft fuel, by 4.3 cents per gallon.  Airlines are 
  exempt from this tax increase until October 1, 1995.  When implemented, 
  this new tax will increase the Company's annual operating expenses by 
  approximately $13 million based upon its 1993 fuel consumption levels.   

  Aircraft Maintenance and Repairs.
     Technical Support Facility.  The Company has a 660,000 square foot 
  Technical Support Facility at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.  
  The facility includes four hangar bays, engine support service shops, an 
  aircraft paint bay, an upholstery shop, sheet metal shop and two flight 
  simulator bays.  The facility provides the Company with increased 
  flexibility in its scheduling of aircraft maintenance and reduces the 
  Company's vulnerability to work stoppages and labor problems encountered at 
  the outside facilities.  Substantially all required airframe 
  overhauls are performed at this facility based on the Company's Federal 
  Aviation Administration (the "FAA") approved phased maintenance programs.  
  Periodic overhauls of aircraft engines are performed by outside contractors, 
  and it is anticipated that such will continue to be the case.  The Company 
  provides airframe maintenance and ground services to other air carriers on 
  a contract basis. 
     The Company's aircraft are maintained in accordance with FAA-approved 
  maintenance programs designed for each specific aircraft type.  The 
  maintenance programs also require that each aircraft undergo a complete 
  inspection using non-destructive diagnostic equipment following the 
  completion of specified time periods and periodically go through complete 
  overhauls.  The purpose of this detailed inspection is to detect and repair 
  any structural irregularities.   Maintenance efforts are monitored by the 
  FAA, with FAA representatives operating on-site.  The Company may amend its 
  maintenance programs in order to comply with future directives of the 
  government or the manufacturer. 
     The Company employs approximately 1,000 maintenance and support 
  personnel for the maintenance and repair of the Company's aircraft. 
  Pilot Training Facilities.  
     FAA regulations require initial and recurrent training for pilots.  The 
  Company currently owns one Airbus A320 simulator, one Boeing 737-300/400 
  simulator and one Boeing 737-200 simulator.  In addition, the Company 
  leases one Boeing 757-200 simulator and one Boeing 737-200 simulator.  The 
  Boeing 757-200 simulator can also be used to train pilots for Boeing 767 
  aircraft.  The Airbus A320 simulator and the Boeing 737-300/400 simulator 
  were certified by the FAA in 1993.  All the simulators support the 
  Company's pilot training programs.  America West also provides similar 
  training on a contract basis to FAA inspectors and several other air 
  carriers.  The Company fully utilizes these flight simulators, operating 
  each one approximately twenty hours a day. 
  Government Regulation.  
     General.  The Company is subject to the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 
  (the "Aviation Act"), as amended, under which the DOT and the FAA exercise 
  regulatory authority.  This regulatory authority includes: the 
  determination and periodic review of the fitness (including financial 
  fitness) of air carriers; the certification and regulation of the flight 
  equipment; the approval of personnel who may engage in flight, maintenance 
  and operations activities; the approval of flight training activities; and 
  the enforcement of minimum air safety standards set forth in FAA 
  regulations.  In accordance with the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978, 
  domestic airline fares and routes are no longer subject to significant 
  regulation.  The DOT maintains authority over international aviation, 
  subject to the review of the President of the United States, and has 
  jurisdiction over consumer protection policies, computer reservation system 
  issues and unfair trade practices. 
     Noise Abatement.  The Airport Noise and Capacity Act of 1990 provides, 
  with certain exceptions, that after December 31, 1999, no person may 
  operate certain large civilian turbo-jet aircraft in the United States that 
  do not comply with Stage 3 noise levels (Stage 3 is the FAA designation for 
  the quietest commercial jets).  As of December 31, 1993, 73 percent of America

  West's fleet was in compliance with these FAA noise abatement regulations 
  that will require carriers to gradually phase out their noisier jets 
  (such as the Boeing 737-200), either replacing them with quieter Stage 
  3 jets or equipping them with hush kits to comply with noise abatement 
  regulations.  The implementation of the regulations are on the following 
  schedule: by December 31, 1994, each carrier must either reduce the number 
  of Stage 2 aircraft it operates by 25 percent or operate a fleet composed 
  of not less than 55 percent Stage 3 aircraft; by December 31, 1996, each 
  carrier must either reduce its Stage 2 aircraft by 50 percent or operate a 
  fleet composed of not less than 65 percent Stage 3 aircraft; by December 
  31, 1998 at least 75 percent of a carrier's Stage 2 aircraft must be 
  eliminated, or its overall fleet must be composed of 75 percent Stage 3 
  aircraft; and by December 31, 1999, 100 percent of the fleet must be 
  composed of Stage 3 aircraft, unless certain waivers are received.   
     Numerous airports, including those serving Boston, Denver, Los Angeles, 
  Minneapolis-St. Paul, New York City, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, 
  Orange County, New York, Washington D.C, Burbank and Long Beach have 
  imposed restrictions such as curfew, aircraft noise levels, mandatory 
  flight paths and runway restrictions, which limit the ability of air 
  carriers to increase service at such airports.  The Port Authority of New 
  York and New Jersey is considering a phaseout of Stage 2 aircraft on a more 
  accelerated basis than that of the FAA requirement.  The Company's Boeing 
  757-200s, 737-300s and Airbus A320s all comply with current FAA Stage 3 
  noise regulations, as well as the more stringent noise abatement 
  requirements of the airports listed above.  
     PFC Charges.  During 1990, Congress enacted legislation to permit 
  airport authorities, with prior approval from the DOT, to impose passenger 
  facility charges ("PFCs") as a means of funding local airport projects.  
  These charges, which are intended to be collected by the airlines from 
  their passengers, are limited to $3.00 per enplanement, and to no more than 
  $12.00 per round trip.  The legislation provides that the airlines will be 
  reimbursed for the cost of collecting these charges and remitting the funds 
  to the airport authorities.  America West currently retains 12 cents 
  (reduced to eight cents in June 1994) from every PFC that it collects, 
  which in 1993, resulted in $630,000 in collection reimbursements.  PFCs are 
  currently authorized at approximately 170 airports, with a total annual 
  estimated industry collection of about $1 billion. The airports serving 
  Phoenix, Boston, Baltimore, Washington, Newark, New York City, Las Vegas, 
  Columbus, Orlando and Tampa (which are markets served by the Company), have 
  imposed or announced their intention to impose PFCs.  By the end of 1994, 
  the Company expects that most major airports will have imposed, or 
  announced their intent to impose PFCs.  As a result of competitive 
  pressure, the Company and other airlines have been limited in their 
  abilities to pass on the cost of the PFCs to passengers through fare 
     Environmental Matters.  The Company is subject to regulation under major 
  environmental laws administered by state and federal agencies, including 
  the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act and Comprehensive Environmental Response 
  Compensation and Liability Act of 1980.  In some locations there are also 
  county and sanitary sewer district agencies which regulate the Company.  
  The Company has not been named as a potentially responsible party by the 
  Environmental Protection Agency. 
     Aging Aircraft Maintenance.  The FAA issued several Airworthiness  
  Directives ("AD") in 1990 mandating changes to the older aircraft 
  maintenance programs.  These ADs were issued to ensure that the oldest 
  portion of the nation's fleet remains airworthy.  The FAA is requiring 
  that these aircraft undergo extensive structural modifications.  These 
  modifications are required upon the accumulation of 20 years time in 
  service, prior to the accumulation of a designated number of flight cycles 
  or prior to 1994 deadlines established by the various ADs, whichever occurs 
  later.  Six of the Company's 85 aircraft are currently affected by 
  these aging aircraft ADs. The Company constantly monitors it fleet of 
  aircraft to ensure safety levels which meet or exceed those mandated by the 
  FAA or the DOT. 
     Safety.  America West is subject to the jurisdiction of the FAA with 
  respect to aircraft maintenance and operations, including equipment, 
  dispatch, communications, training, flight personnel and other matters 
  affecting air safety.  The FAA has the authority to issue new or additional 
  regulations.  To ensure compliance with its regulations, the FAA requires 
  the Company to obtain operating, airworthiness and other certificates which 
  are subject to suspension or revocation for cause.  In addition, a 
  combination of FAA and Occupational and Health Administration regulations 
  on both federal and state levels apply to all of America West's ground- 
  based operations. 
     Slot Restrictions.  At New York City's JFK and LaGuardia Airports, 
  Chicago's O'Hare International Airport and Washington's National Airport, 
  which have been designated "High Density Airports" by the FAA, there are 
  restrictions on the number of aircraft that may land and take-off during 
  peak hours.  In the future, these take-off and landing time slot 
  restrictions and other restrictions on the use of various airports and 
  their facilities may result in further curtailment of services by, and 
  increased operating costs for, individual airlines, including America West, 
  particularly in light of the increase in the number of airlines operating 
  at such airports.  In general, the FAA rules relating to allocated slots at 
  the High Density Airports contain provisions requiring the relinquishment 
  of slots for nonuse and permits carriers, under certain circumstances, to 
  sell, lease or trade their slots to other carriers. 
     On January 1, 1993, the FAA implemented new slot use standards that 
  require that all slots must be used on 80 percent of the dates during each 
  two-month reporting period.  Previously, slots were required to be used at 
  a 65 percent use rate.  Failure to satisfy the 80 percent use rate will 
  result in loss of the slot.  The slot would revert to the FAA and be 
  reassigned through a lottery arrangement. 
     The Company currently utilizes two slots at New York City's JFK airport, 
  four slots at New York City's LaGuardia airport, four slots Chicago's 
  O'Hare airport and six slots at Washington's National airport.  Four of the 
  slots at Washington's National airport are temporary and the Company's 
  right to utilize such slots expires in September 1994; however, the Company 
  currently expects that its ability to utilize such slots will be renewed.  
  The average utilization rate by the Company of all the foregoing slots 
  range from 86 percent to 100 percent. 
     CRAF Program.  In time of war or during a national emergency or civil 
  defense emergency declared by the President or the Congress of the United 
  States, or in a situation short of this declared by the Director of the 
  Office of Emergency Preparedness, the Commander in Chief, Military Airlift 
  Command, or any official designated by the President to coordinate all 
  civil and defense mobilization activities, United States air carriers may 
  be required to provide airlift services to the Military Air Command under 
  the Civil Reserve Air Fleet Program (the "CRAF Program").  During the 
  Middle East conflict, two of America West's aircraft participated in the 
  CRAF Program. 
     The Company has arranged a program of insurance of the types and in the 
  amounts it believes customary in the airline industry, including coverage 
  for public liability, passenger liability, property damage, aircraft loss 
  or damage, cargo liability and workers' compensation.  The Company believes 
  such insurance is adequate as to both risks covered and coverage amounts. 
  Item 2. Properties.
  ------  ---------- 
     In February 1988, the Company opened its maintenance and technical 
  support facility at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.  The 660,000 
  square foot facility is comprised of four hangar bays, hangar shops, a 
  flight simulator building as well as warehouse and commissary facilities. 
     The Company owns the 68,000 square foot America West Corporate Center at 
  222 South Mill Avenue in Tempe, Arizona.  At December 31, 1993, the Company 
  leased approximately 650,000 square feet of general office and other space 
  in Phoenix and Tempe, Arizona.  As a result of the reduction in aircraft 
  fleet size in 1991 and 1992, a portion of the leased space became surplus 
  to the Company's operational requirements.  Negotiations with lessors 
  occurred during 1993 with the assistance of a consulting firm in an effort 
  to develop a consolidation plan.  Such plan was completed at the end of 
  1993 and its implementation commenced in the first quarter of 1994.  The 
  consolidation plan generally provides for a reduction in leased space by 
  approximately 150,000 square feet. 
     In 1990, the Company's Phoenix passenger service facilities were 
  relocated to Terminal 4 of Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, where 
  the Company leases approximately 258,200 square feet at December 31, 1993.  
  The Company presently has 28 gates with 27 of such gates having enclosed 
  passenger loading bridges at its two concourse facilities located in 
  Terminal 4.  The Company also leases approximately 25,000 square feet of 
  other space at the airport for administrative offices and pilot training. 
     At December 31, 1993, the Company leased approximately 106,000 square 
  feet of space at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada.  
  Included in this property at Terminal B are 13 gates (all equipped with 
  enclosed passenger boarding bridges) and adjoining holding room areas.  In 
  February 1993, the Company vacated approximately 26,000 square feet at 
  Terminal B, including six gates. 
     At the Company's Columbus, Ohio mini-hub, the Company leased 
  approximately 30,000 square feet of space at December 31, 1993.  The 
  Company also leased two gates from the Columbus airport authority and has 
  the ability to sublease additional gates from other airlines as the need 
     Space for ticket counters, gates and back offices has also been obtained 
  at each of the other airports served by the Company, either by lease from 
  the airport operator or by sublease 


  from another airline.  Some of the Company's airport sublease agreements 
  include requirements that the Company purchase various ground services 
  at the airport from the lessor airline at rates in excess of what it would
  cost the Company to provide those services itself. 
     At December 31, 1993, the Company's 85 aircraft fleet consisted of three 
  types of aircraft (56 Boeing 737s, 18 Airbus A320s and 11 Boeing 757s).  
  America West's fleet has an average aircraft age of 8.1 years. 
     The table below sets forth certain information regarding the Company's 
  aircraft fleet at December 31, 1993: 

       Aircraft           Number of    Average    Remaining Lease 
         Type    Status   Aircraft    Age (Yrs.)     Term (Yrs.)  
       --------  ------   --------    ----------  ----------------- 
         A320    Leased      18           3.9          16.6         
       737-100   Owned        1           24.3          --          
       737-200   Owned        5           14.8          --          

       737-200   Leased      17           14.0          5.9         
       737-300   Owned       11           5.2           --          

       737-300   Leased      22           6.6           8.8         
       757-200   Owned        2           4.3           --          
       757-200   Leased       9           7.8          11.0         
                 Total       85           8.1

     Each of the aircraft that is designated as owned serves as collateral 
  for a loan pursuant to which the aircraft was acquired by the Company or 
  serves as collateral for a non-purchase money loan. 
     At December 31, 1993, the Company had on order a total of 93 aircraft of 
  the types currently comprising the Company's fleet, of which 51 are firm 
  and 42 are options.  The table below details such deliveries. 


                                   Firm Orders 
                    1994  1995  1996  1997   Thereafter  Total   Orders   Total 
                    ----  ----  ----  ----   ----------  -----   ------   ----- 
   Boeing: 737-300    -     -     4     2        -         6       10       16 
           757-200    -     4     3     -        -         7       10       17 
   Airbus: A320-200   9     5     2     8       14        38       22       60 
                     --    --    --    --       --        --       --       -- 
              Total:  9     9     9    10       14        51       42       93 
                     ==    ==    ==    ==       ==        ==       ==       == 

     The current estimated aggregate cost for these firm commitments and 
  options is approximately $5.2 billion.  Future aircraft deliveries are 
  planned in some instances for incremental additions to the Company's 
  existing aircraft fleet and in other instances as replacements for aircraft 
  with lease terminations occurring during this period.  The purchase 
  agreement to acquire 24 Boeing 737-300 aircraft had been affirmed in the 
  Company's bankruptcy proceeding.  With timely notice to the manufacturer, 
  all or some of these deliveries may be converted to Boeing 737-400 
  aircraft.  As of December 31, 1993, eight Boeing 737 delivery positions had 
  been eliminated due to the lack of a required reconfirmation notice by the 
  Company to Boeing resulting in the 16 Boeing 737-300 aircraft total 
  reflected in the table above.  The failure to reconfirm these delivery 
  positions exposes the Company to loss of pre-delivery deposits and other 
  claims which may be asserted by Boeing in the Bankruptcy proceeding.  The 
  purchase agreements for the remaining aircraft types have not been assumed 
  and, the Company has not yet determined which of the other aircraft 
  purchase agreements, if any, will be affirmed or rejected.   
     As part of the Kawasaki Term Loan, the Company terminated an agreement 
  to lease 24 Airbus A320 aircraft from Kawasaki, and ultimately replaced it 
  with a put agreement to lease up to four such aircraft.  Kawasaki is under 
  no obligation to lease such aircraft to the Company and has the right to 
  remarket these aircraft to other parties.  Prior to its bankruptcy filing, 
  the Company also entered into a similar arrangement with GPA, whereby the 
  Company terminated its agreement to lease 10 Airbus A320 aircraft from GPA 
  and replaced it with a put agreement to lease up to 10 Airbus A320 aircraft 
  from GPA. 
     The put agreement with Kawasaki requires Kawasaki to notify the Company 
  prior to July 1, 1994 if it intends to require the Company to lease any of 
  its put aircraft.  GPA's put agreement requires 180 days prior notice of 
  the delivery of a put aircraft.  The agreement also provides that GPA may 
  not put more than five aircraft to the Company in any one calendar year.  
  No more than nine put aircraft (GPA and Kawasaki combined) may be put to 
  the Company in one calendar year.  GPA's put right expires on December 31, 
  1996.  The Kawasaki and the GPA put aircraft are reflected in the "Firm 
  Order" section of the table above. 
     The Investment Agreement provides that as partial consideration for the 
  cancellation of the GPA put rights, GPA will receive the right to require 
  the Company to lease up to eight aircraft of types operated by the Company 
  from GPA prior to June 30, 1999.  See Item 1. Business -- Bankruptcy And 
  Reorganization Events -- Plan of Reorganization. 

     The Company does not have firm lease or debt financing commitments with 
  respect to the future scheduled aircraft deliveries (other than for the 
  Kawasaki put aircraft and the GPA put aircraft referred to above). 
     In addition to the aircraft set forth in the chart above, the Company 
  also has a pre-petition executory contract under which the Company holds 
  delivery positions for four Boeing 747-400 aircraft under firm orders and 
  another four under options.  The contract allows the Company, with the 
  giving of adequate notice, to substitute other Boeing aircraft types for 
  the Boeing 747-400 in these delivery positions.  As a result, the Company 
  is still evaluating its future fleet needs and is currently unable to 
  determine if it will substitute other aircraft types or reject this 

     Over the next four years, leases are scheduled to terminate on eight 
  aircraft (six Boeing 737-200s and two Boeing 757-200s).  In addition, 
  leases for two Airbus A320-200s are scheduled to terminate during 1994; 
  however, the Company has extended one lease for an additional twelve 
  months.  The other Airbus A320 aircraft will be returned to the lessor at 
  the end of the lease term during 1994 and will be replaced by a Boeing 757 
  aircraft which has been leased for a term of three years.  In addition, 
  certain of the aircraft lessors have the right to call their respective 
  aircraft upon (in most cases) 180 days prior notice to the Company.  The 
  Company, in turn (with some exceptions), may retain such aircraft via a 
  right of first refusal by agreeing to the bona fide terms offered by a 
  third party interested in leasing or purchasing the aircraft.  See also 
  Item 1. Business -- Bankruptcy And Reorganization Events -- Route Structure 
  and Fleet Reductions. 

  Item 3. Legal Proceedings.   
  ------  ----------------- 
     On June 27, 1991, the Company filed a voluntary petition in the United 
  States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Arizona to reorganize under 
  Chapter 11 of Title 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code.  Since the 
  Bankruptcy filing, several entities have filed administrative claims 
  requesting that the Bankruptcy Court order the Company to reimburse or 
  compensate such entities for goods, taxes and services they allege that the 
  Company has received or collected, but for which they claim the Company has 
  not paid.  Entities which have or may file administrative claims, include 
  aircraft maintenance organizations, municipal airports and certain 
  financial or governmental institutions.  In addition, aircraft providers 
  whose aircraft were returned to them in connection with the Company's fleet 
  reduction and restructuring efforts in September 1991 and September 1992 
  may be entitled to general unsecured pre-petition claims and/or 
  administrative claims in the Bankruptcy case for damages arising from the 
  return of the aircraft.  See also Item 1. Business -- Bankruptcy And 
  Reorganization Events.  
     In August 1991, the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") informally 
  requested that the Company provide the SEC with certain information and
  documentation underlying disclosures made by the Company in annual and 
  quarterly reports filed with the SEC by the Company in 1991.  The Company 
  has cooperated with the SEC's informal inquiry.  On March 29, 1994, the 
  Company's Board of Directors approved the submission of an offer of 
  settlement for the purpose of resolving the inquiry through the entry of a 
  consent decree pursuant to which the Company would, while neither admitting 
  nor denying any violation of the securities laws, agree to comply with its 
  future reporting obligations under Section 13 of the Securities Exchange 
  Act of 1934.  The SEC has not yet acted on the Company's offer of settlement 

  there can be no assurance that such offer of settlement will be accepted 
  by the SEC.  If the settlement is not accepted by the SEC, the offer will 
  be of no force and effect.

  Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders. 
  ------  --------------------------------------------------- 
     No matter was submitted to a vote of the stockholders during the fourth 
  quarter of the fiscal year ended December 31, 1993, through the 
  solicitation of proxies or otherwise. 


                                    PART II
  Item 5. Market for Registrant's Common Equity and Related Stockholder 
  ------  ------------------------------------------------------------- 
     The Company's Common Stock has been publicly traded since February 25, 
  1983 and is currently listed on the National Association of Securities 
  Dealers Automated Quotation System ("NASDAQ") under the symbol AWAQC.  The 
  Common Stock has also been listed on the Pacific Stock Exchange since 
  December 20, 1988 under the symbol AWA.  From February 14, 1984 to January 
  17, 1992, the Common Stock was listed on NASDAQ/National Market System 
  ("NASDAQ/NMS").  Due to the bankruptcy filing and the Company's inability 
  to satisfy certain NASDAQ/NMS listing requirements, the Common Stock 
  listing was moved from NASDAQ/NMS to NASDAQ on January 20, 1992.  The 
  following table sets forth the high and low bid quotations for the years 
  1992 and 1993 as reported by NASDAQ. 

                              Common Stock
                                            High            Low 
                                            ----            --- 
             First Quarter                  2-5/8             1/8  

             Second Quarter                  17/32            1/4  

             Third Quarter                   15/16            5/16 

             Fourth Quarter                  15/32            3/16 

             First Quarter                   17/32            3/16 

             Second Quarter                    7/8            7/16 

             Third Quarter                   31/32           13/32 

             Fourth Quarter                1-25/32           25/32 

     The number of record holders of the Company's Common Stock at 
  December 31, 1993 was approximately 18,728. 
     Cash dividends have never been paid on the Company's Common Stock.  
  Various credit agreements between the Company and its lenders restrict the 
  ability of the Company to pay cash dividends. 
     In April 1986, the Company redeemed all outstanding shares of its 
  Series A Preferred Stock.  In September 1993, the holder of all the 
  Company's Series B Preferred Stock converted such stock into 1,164,596 
  shares of Common Stock.   The Company's Series C Preferred Stock is the 
  only remaining outstanding class of preferred stock of the Company.  A 
  discussion of the Company's Preferred Stock is contained on pages 14 
  through 16 of the Company's Form S-3 Registration Statement No. 33-27416, 
  incorporated herein by this reference.  There is no public trading market 
  for the Preferred Stock. 
     The Company filed a motion with the Bankruptcy Court on February 10, 
  1994 to prohibit the sale or other transfers of any general unsecured 
  claims, the convertible subordinated debentures or shares of any class of 
  stock.  The motion attempted to preserve the Company's tax assets as such 
  sales and transfers in sufficient numbers and amounts could, under current 
  tax law, jeopardize the preservation of the Company's net operating loss 
  and general business tax credit carryforwards.  At the request of the 
  official committees, the Company withdrew its motion without prejudice on 
  February 16, 1994.  On March 11, 1994, the Company again filed a motion 
  with the Bankruptcy Court to prohibit the sale or other transfer of shares 
  of any class of the Company's stock to or from five percent or more 
  shareholders.  This motion is more limited in scope than the motion filed 
  on February 10, 1994 in that it seeks only to restrict transfers of stock 
  which could have an adverse effect on the Company's ability to fully 
  utilize its NOL carryforwards.  On March 15, 1994, the Bankruptcy Court 
  ordered that this motion be converted to an adversary proceeding under the 
  Bankruptcy rules.  As of March 29, 1994, no hearing on such proceeding has 
  been held.  There can be no assurance that the Company will continue to 
  pursue this matter and, if the Company continues to pursue this matter, 
  that it will be successful.  See Item 7. Management's Discussion and 
  Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations -- Overview and 
  Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data -- Note 5 of Notes to 
  Financial Statements. 
  Item 6. Selected Financial Data. 
  ------  ----------------------- 
                            SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA 
               (In thousands except per share amounts and ratio 
                           of earnings to fixed charges) 
     The information set forth below should be read in conjunction with the 
  Financial Statements and related Notes to Financial Statements included 
  elsewhere herein. 

                                                        Years Ended December 31, 
  Statements of Operations Date:      1993          1992          1991         1990         1989 
                                   ----------    ----------    ----------    ---------    ---------

  Operating Revenues               $1,325,364    $1,294,140    $1,413,925    $1,315,804   $993,409
  Operating Expenses                1,204,310     1,368,952     1,518,582     1,347,435    945,293

  Operating Income (Loss)             121,054       (74,812)     (104,657)      (31,631)    48,116
  Income (Loss) Before Income
    Taxes and Extraordinary 
    Items                              37,924      (131,761)     (222,016)      (76,695)    20,040

  Income Taxes                            759            --            --            --      7,237
  Income (Loss) Before 
    Extraordinary Items                37,165      (131,761)     (222,016)      (76,695)    12,803

  Extraordinary Items (a)                  --            --            --         2,024      7,215
  Net Income (Loss)                    37,165      (131,761)     (222,016)      (74,671)     20,018
  Income (Loss) Per Common Share:
     Before Extraordinary Items          1.50         (5.58)       (10.39)        (4.26)       0.61
     Extraordinary Items (a)               --            --            --          0.11        0.39
     Net Income (Loss)                   1.50         (5.58)       (10.39)        (4.15)       1.00
  Ratio of Earnings to Fixed 
     Charges (b)                         1.28            --            --            --        1.12
  Weighted Average Number of Common
     Shares Outstanding                27,525        23,914        21,534        18,396      20,626

                                                        Years Ended December 31, 
  Balance Sheet Data:                 1993          1992          1991          1990          1989
                                   ----------    ----------    ----------     ---------     --------
  Working Capital Deficiency       $ (124,375)   $ (201,567)   $  (51,158)    $  (94,671)   $(18,884)

  Total Assets                      1,016,743     1,036,441     1,111,144      1,165,256     835,885 

  Long-Term Debt and Capital 
     Lease Obligations, Less
     Current Maturities               620,992       647,015       726,514        620,701     474,908  

  Total Stockholders' Equity 
     (Deficiency)                    (254,262)     (294,613)     (166,510)        21,141      87,203  
  (a)     Includes extraordinary items of $2,024,000 in 1990 resulting from 
          the purchase and retirement of convertible subordinated debentures 
          and, in 1989, income tax benefits resulting from the utilization of 
          net operating loss carryforwards amounting to $7,215,000. 
  (b)     For purposes of computing the ratio of earnings to fixed charges, 
          "earnings" consist of income (loss) before taxes and extraordinary 
          items plus fixed charges less capitalized interest. "Fixed charges" 
          consist of interest expense including amortization of debt expense, 
          capitalized interest and one-third of rent expense which is deemed 
          to be representative of an interest factor.  For the years ended 
          December 31, 1992, 1991, and 1990, earnings were insufficient to 
          cover fixed charges by $131,761,000, $228,680,000 and $83,070,000, 

  Item 7. Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and 
  ------  --------------------------------------------------------------- 
          Results of Operations.
     On June 27, 1991 the Company filed a voluntary petition in the United 
  States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Arizona (the "Bankruptcy 
  Court") to reorganize under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code 
  (the "Bankruptcy Code").  The Company is currently operating as a debtor- 
  in-possession ("D.I.P.") under the supervision of the Bankruptcy Court.  As 
  a debtor-in-possession, the Company is authorized to operate its business 
  but may not engage in transactions outside its ordinary course of business 
  without approval of the Bankruptcy Court. 
     The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on a going 
  concern basis which assumes continuity of operations and realization of 
  assets and liquidation of liabilities in the ordinary course of business.  
  As a result of the reorganization proceedings, there are  uncertainties 
  relating to the ability of the Company to continue as a going concern.  The 
  financial statements do not include any adjustments that might be necessary 
  as a result of the outcome of the uncertainties discussed herein including 
  the effects of any plan of reorganization. 
     Due to the bankruptcy proceedings, current economic conditions and the 
  competitive nature of the airline industry, no measure of comparability can 
  be drawn from past results in order to measure those that may occur in the 
  future.  Among the uncertainties which might adversely impact the Company's 
  future operations are:  economic recession; changes in the cost of fuel, 
  labor, capital and other operating items; increased level of competition 
  resulting in significant discounting of fares; changes in capacity, load 
  factors and yields; or reduced levels of passenger traffic due to war or 
  terrorist activities. 
     In addition, the following significant bankruptcy related events 
  occurred during 1993. 
     D.I.P. Loan.  The Bankruptcy Court approved an amendment to the D.I.P. 
     loan agreement extending the maturity date of the loan from September 
     30, 1993 to June 30, 1994.  Concurrent with the extension of the 
     maturity date, $8.3 million of the principal balance was repaid to one 
     of the participants who did not agree to the amendment.  The amended 
     D.I.P. loan agreement requires the payment of a facility fee of $627,000 
     and defers all principal payments to June 30, 1994 with the exception of 
     $5 million that will be due on March 31, 1994.  An additional facility 
     fee equal to 1/4 percent of the then outstanding D.I.P. loan is required 
     to be paid on March 31, 1994. 
     The amended terms of the D.I.P. financing require the Company to notify 
     the D.I.P. lenders if the unrestricted cash balance of the Company 
     exceeds $125 million.  Upon receipt of such notice, the D.I.P. lenders 
     may require the Company to prepay the D.I.P. financing by the amount of 
     such excess.  During the first quarter of 1994, the Company notified the 
     D.I.P. lenders that the Company's unrestricted cash exceeded $125 
     million; however, to date, the D.I.P. lenders have not exercised their 
     prepayment rights.  See Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary    
     Data -- Note 4 of Notes to Financial Statements. 
     Plan Proposals.  On December 8, 1993 and February 16, 1994, the 
     Bankruptcy Court entered certain orders which provided for a procedure 
     pursuant to which interested parties could submit proposals to 
     participate in a plan of reorganization for America West.  The 
     Bankruptcy Court also set February 24, 1994 as the date for America West 
     to select a "Lead Plan Proposal" from among the proposals submitted. 
     On February 24, 1994, America West selected as its Lead Plan Proposal an 
     investment proposal submitted by AmWest Partners, L.P., a limited 
     partnership ("AmWest"), which includes Air Partners II, L.P., 
     Continental Airlines, Inc., Mesa Airlines, Inc. and Fidelity Management 
     Trust Company.  On March 11, 1994, the Company and AmWest entered into 
     a revised investment agreement which substantially incorporates the 
     terms of the AmWest investment proposal (the "Investment Agreement").  
     The Investment Agreement provides that AmWest will purchase from America 
     West equity securities representing a 37.5 percent ownership interest in 
     the Company for $120 million and $100 million in new senior unsecured 
     debt securities.  The Investment Agreement also provides that, in 
     addition to the 37.5 percent ownership interest in the Company, AmWest 
     would also obtain 72.9 percent of the total voting interest in America 
     West after the Company is reorganized.  The terms of the Investment 
     Agreement will be incorporated into a plan of reorganization to be filed 
     with the Bankruptcy Court; however, modifications to the Investment 
     Agreement may occur prior to the submission of a plan of reorganization 
     and such modifications may be material.  There can be no assurance that 
     a plan of reorganization based upon the Investment Agreement will be 
     accepted by the parties entitled to vote thereon or confirmed by the 
     Bankruptcy Court. 
     In addition to the interest in the reorganized America West that would 
     be acquired by AmWest pursuant to the Investment Agreement, the 
     Investment Agreement also provides for the following: 
     1.   The D.I.P. financing would be repaid in full with cash on the 
          date a plan of reorganization is confirmed ("Reorganization Date"). 
     2.   On the Reorganization Date, unsecured creditors would receive 45 
          percent of the new common equity in the reorganized Company, with 
          the potential to receive up to 55 percent of such equity if within 
          one year after the Reorganization Date, the value of the securities 
          distributed to them has not provided them with a full recovery 
          under the Bankruptcy Code.  In addition, unsecured creditors would 
          have the right to elect to receive cash at $8.889 per share up to 
          an aggregate maximum amount of $100 million, through a repurchase 
          by AmWest of a portion of the shares to be issued to unsecured 
          creditors under a plan of reorganization. 
     3.   Holders of equity interests would have the right to receive up to 
          10 percent of the new common equity of the Company, depending on 
          certain conditions principally involving a determination as to 
          whether the unsecured creditors had received a full recovery on 
          account of their claims.  In addition, holders of equity interests 
          would have the right to purchase up to $15 million of the new 
          common equity in the Company for $8.296 per share from AmWest, and 
          would also receive warrants entitling them to purchase, together 
          with AmWest, up to five percent of the reorganized Company's common 
          stock, at a price to be set so that the
          warrants would have value only after the unsecured creditors receive 
          full recovery on their claims. 
     4.   In exchange for certain concessions principally arising from 
          cancellation of the right of GPA affiliates to "put" to America 
          West 10 Airbus A320 aircraft at fixed rates, GPA, or certain 
          affiliates thereof, would receive (i) 7.5 percent of the new common 
          equity in the reorganized Company, (ii) warrants to purchase up to 
          2.5 percent of the reorganized Company's common stock on the same 
          terms as the AmWest warrant, (iii) $3 million in new senior 
          unsecured debt securities, and (iv) the right to require the 
          Company to lease up to eight aircraft of types operated by the 
          Company from GPA prior to June 30, 1999 on terms which the Company 
          believes to be more favorable those currently applicable to the 
          "put" aircraft.   For an additional discussion of the put rights, 
          see Item 2. Properties -- Aircraft, below. 
     5.   Continental Airlines, Inc., Mesa Airlines, Inc. and America West 
          would enter into certain alliance agreements which would include 
          code-sharing, schedule coordination and certain other relationships 
          and agreements.  A condition to proceeding with a plan of 
          reorganization based upon the Investment Agreement would be that 
          these agreements be in form and substance satisfactory to America 
          West, including the Company's reasonable satisfaction that such 
          alliance agreements, when fully implemented, will result in an 
          increase in pre-tax income to the Company of not less than $40 
          million per year.   
     6.   The expansion of the Company's board of directors to 15 members.  
          Nine members would be designated by AmWest and other members 
          reasonably acceptable to AmWest would include four members 
          designated by representatives of the Company, the Equity Committee 
          and the Creditors' Committee and two members designated by GPA. 
     7.   The Investment Agreement also provides for many other matters, 
          including the disposition of the various types of claims asserted 
          against the Company, the adherence to the Company's aircraft lease 
          agreements, the amendment of the Company's aircraft purchase 
          agreements and release of the Company's employees from all 
          currently existing obligations arising under the Company's stock 
          purchase plan in consideration for the cancellation of the shares 
          of Company stock securing such obligations. 
     The Company has also entered into a Revised Interim Procedures Agreement 
     (the "Procedures Agreement") with AmWest.  The Procedures Agreement is 
     subject to the approval of the Bankruptcy Court and sets forth terms and 
     conditions upon which the Company must operate prior to the effective 
     date of a confirmed plan of reorganization based upon the terms of the 
     Investment Agreement.  The Procedures Agreement provides for the 
     reimbursement of expenses (up to a maximum of $3.55 million) as 
     well as a termination fee of up to $8 million under certain conditions.  
     As of March 29, 1994, the Procedures Agreement had not received 
     Bankruptcy Court approval, but a hearing in this regard is scheduled for 
     April 12, 1994.
     The Company is currently developing with AmWest a plan of reorganization 
     based upon the foregoing terms.  The Equity Committee has agreed to 
     support the plan.  The Creditors' Committee has indicated that it does 
     not support the current terms of the Investment Agreement.  Another 
     group interested in developing a plan of reorganization with the Company 
     has also proposed to invest $155 million in equity securities and $65
     million in new senior unsecured debt securities.  The proponent of this 
     proposal would receive a 33.5 percent ownership interest in the 
     reorganized Company, current equity holders would receive a 4.0 percent 
     ownership interest in the reorganized Company and the unsecured 
     creditors would receive a 62.5 percent ownership interest in the 
     reorganized Company. 
     Exclusivity Period.  On February 2, 1994, the Bankruptcy Court approved 
     the Company's request to extend its exclusivity period to file a plan of 
     reorganization through June 10, 1994.  In its motion, the Bankruptcy 
     Court confirmed the official committees' (Creditors' and Equity 
     Committees) right to also file a plan of reorganization during this 
     period of exclusivity. 
     Possible Limitation on NOL and Business Tax Credit Carryforwards.  As of 
     December 31, 1993, the Company has a net operating loss ("NOL") and 
     general business tax credit carryforwards of approximately $530 million 
     and $12.7 million, respectively.  Under Section 382 of the Internal 
     Revenue Code of 1986, if a loss corporation has an "ownership change" 
     within a designated testing period, its ability to use its NOL and 
     credit carryforwards are subject to certain limitations.  The Company is 
     a loss corporation within the meaning of Section 382.  To the best of 
     the Company's knowledge, the Company has not undergone an "ownership 
     change" that would result in any material limitation of the Company's 
     ability to use its NOL and business credit carryforwards in future tax 
     years, as of December 31, 1993.  However, should an "ownership change" 
     occur prior to confirmation of a plan of reorganization, the Company's 
     ability to utilize such carryforwards would be significantly restricted. 
     Further, any "ownership change" as a result of the Company's 
     reorganization under the Bankruptcy Code may result in carryforward 
     usage limitations.  
     In this regard, the Company filed a motion with the Bankruptcy Court on 
     February 10, 1994 to prohibit the sale or other transfers of any general 
     unsecured claims, the convertible subordinated debentures or shares of 
     any class of stock.  The motion attempted to preserve the Company's tax 
     assets as such sales and transfers in sufficient numbers and amounts 
     could, under current tax law, jeopardize the preservation of the 
     Company's net operating loss and general business tax credit 
     carryforwards.  At the request of the official committees, the Company 
     withdrew its motion without prejudice on February 16, 1994.  On March 
     11, 1994, the Company again filed a motion with the Bankruptcy Court to 
     prohibit the sale or other transfer of shares of any class of the 
     Company's stock to or from five percent or more shareholders.  This 
     motion is more limited in scope than the motion filed on February 10, 
     1994 in that it seeks only to restrict transfers of stock which could 
     have an adverse effect on the Company's ability to fully utilize its NOL 
     carryforwards.  On March 15, 1994, the Bankruptcy Court ordered that 
     this motion be converted to an adversary proceeding under the Bankruptcy 
     rules.  As of March 29, 1994, no hearing on such proceeding has been held. 
     There can be no assurance that the Company will continue to pursue this 
     matter and, if the 
     Company continues to pursue this matter, that it will be successful.  See 
     Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data -- Note 5 of Notes to
     Financial Statements. 

  Results of Operations 
     The Company realized net income of $37.2 million ($1.50 per common 
  share) for 1993 compared to net losses of $131.8 million  ($5.58 per common 
  share) and $222 million ($10.39 per common share) for 1992 and 1991, 
  respectively.  The results for 1993 include reorganization expenses of $25 
  million and losses aggregating $4.6 million primarily resulting from the 
  disposition of surplus spare aircraft parts and equipment.  During 1992, 
  the Company recorded restructuring charges of $31.3 million, reorganization 
  expenses of $16.2 million and a gain of $15 million from the sale of its 
  Honolulu to Nagoya, Japan route, while the 1991 results were affected by 
  reorganization expenses of $58.4 million.  The Company was only one of two 
  major U.S. airlines to report a profit in each quarter of 1993. 
     The Company began to realize significant improvement in its operating 
  results commencing the fourth quarter of 1992.  During 1993, the level of 
  operating income improved each quarter as shown in the table below. 

                                     1993 Quarterly Results (unaudited) 
                                               (in millions)
                                 1st      2nd     3rd      4th        Year 
                                -----    -----   -----    -----      ------ 
  Total Operating Revenues      $316.6   $324.9  $335.1   $348.8    $1,325.4 

  Total Operating Expenses       299.4    299.7   302.1    303.1     1,204.3   
                                 -----    -----   -----    -----     ------- 
  Operating Income              $ 17.2   $ 25.2  $ 33.0   $ 45.7    $  121.1   
                                 =====    =====   =====    =====     =======

     The improvement in operating results for 1993 compared to 1992 and 1991 
  is attributable to several factors, the most significant of which are noted 
  *  A gradually improving economic climate, and a more stable environment 
     relative to fare competition within the airline industry. 
  *  The reduction in fleet size from 123 aircraft in July 1991 to the 
     current fleet of 85 aircraft has facilitated a better matching of 
     capacity to demand.  In addition, the consolidation of the fleet from 
     five to three aircraft types has enabled the Company to further reduce 
     its level of costs including those related to maintenance, training and 
     inventories of parts. 
  *  In addition to reducing or eliminating certain routes as part of the 
     aircraft fleet downsizing, the Company implemented certain enhancements 
     to its revenue management system in an effort to optimize the level of 
     passenger revenues generated on each flight.  Such enhancements enable 
     the Company to more effectively allocate seats within various fare 
  *  The implementation of numerous cost reduction programs since 1991 
     including a Company-wide pay reduction in August of 1991 and reductions 
     of aircraft lease rentals to fair market rates in the fall of 1992. 
  *  The elimination of the Company's commuter operation and the introduction 
     of three code sharing agreements have enabled the Company to expand its 
     scope of service and attract a broader passenger base. 
     The effect of these programs and the other factors described above 
  resulted in operating income of $121.1 million for 1993 compared to 
  operating losses of $74.8 million and $104.7 million for 1992 and 1991, 
     Total operating revenues were $1.3 billion in 1993, an increase of 2.4 
  percent compared to the prior year and 6.3 percent less than 1991 primarily 
  due to the significant reduction in capacity.  On April 1, 1993, the 
  Company ceased service to Hawaii.  Passenger revenues for 1993, 1992 and 
  1991 were $1.2 billion, $1.2 billion and $1.3 billion, respectively.  
  Summarized below are certain capacity and traffic statistics for the years 
  ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991. 

                                                                           Percent Change To
                                       1993         1992         1991        1992      1991 
                                    ----------   ----------   ----------   --------  -------
  Aircraft (End of Period)                  85           87          101     (2.3)   (15.8) 

  Available Seat Miles (000)        17,190,489   19,271,353   20,627,472    (10.8)   (16.7) 

  Revenue Passenger Miles (000)     11,220,753   11,780,568   13,030,279     (4.8)   (13.9) 

  Load Factor (%)                         65.3         61.1         63.2      6.9      3.3 

  Passenger Enplanements (000)          14,740       15,173       16,907     (2.9)   (12.8) 

  Average Journey Miles                    970          990          962     (2.0)      .8 

  Average Stage Length                     645          631          598      2.2      7.9 

  Yield Per Revenue Pax Mile (cents)     11.11        10.31        10.22      7.8      8.7 

  Revenue Per Available Seat Mile: 

     Passenger (cents)                    7.25         6.30         6.46     15.1     12.2 

     Total (cents)                        7.71         6.72         6.85     14.7     12.6 

     In spite of the significant decline in capacity in 1993 compared to the 
  two previous years, passenger revenues per available seat mile improved by 
  15.1 percent and 12.2 percent compared to 1992 and 1991, respectively.  
  This improvement was primarily attributable to the combination of the 
  following factors. 
  *    An improved climate relative to the economy and industry fare 
  *    The reduction in aircraft fleet size in conjunction with the 
       implementation of enhancements to the Company's revenue management 
  *    The elimination of "fare simplification" in 1993 and 50 percent-off 
       sales that occurred on an industry-wide basis in the second and 
       third quarters of 1992. 
  *    The 50 percent-off sale conducted by the Company on a system-wide 
       basis in February 1991. 
     Revenues from sources other than passenger fares decreased during 1993 
  to $78.8 million compared to $79.3 million and $81.7 million for 1992 and 
  1991, respectively.  Freight and mail revenues comprised 51.0 percent, or 
  $40.2 million, of other revenues for 1993.  This represents a decrease of 
  4.6 percent compared to 1992 and 8.0 percent compared to 1991.  For the 
  years 1993, 1992 and 1991, the Company carried 110.7 million, 116.4 million 
  and 119.8 million pounds of freight and mail, respectively.  The decline in 
  freight and mail revenues during the last three years is a direct result of 
  capacity reductions, the most significant of which relate to the cessation 
  of service to Hawaii and Nagoya, Japan.  The balance of other revenues 
  includes revenues generated from: pilot training; contract services 
  provided to other airlines for maintenance and ground handling; reduced 
  rate fares; alcoholic beverage and headset sales; and service charges 
  assessed for refunds, reissues and prepaid ticket advices. 
     In spite of the significant reductions in capacity which have occurred 
  since the filing of protection under Chapter 11, operating expense per 
  available seat mile has declined to 7.01 cents for 1993 from 7.10 cents for 
  1992 and 7.36 cents for 1991.  The table below sets forth the major 
  categories of operating expense per available seat mile for 1993, 1992 an 

                                            (in cents)           Percent Change To
                                      1993     1992    1991      1992     1991 
                                      ----     ----    ----      ----     ---- 
  Salaries and Related Costs          1.78     1.68    1.86       6.0      (4.3) 
  Rentals and Landing Fees            1.60     1.76    1.70      (9.1)     (5.9) 

  Aircraft Fuel                        .97      .97    1.08        --     (10.2) 
  Agency Commissions                   .62      .55     .62      12.7        --

  Aircraft Maintenance Materials 
  and Repairs                          .18      .20     .20     (10.0)    (10.0) 
  Depreciation & Amortization          .48      .45     .47       6.7       2.1 

  Restructuring Charges                 --      .16      --        --        -- 

  Other                               1.38     1.33    1.43       3.8      (3.5)  
                                      ----     ----    ----      ----      ----- 
                                      7.01     7.10    7.36       1.3       4.8
                                      ====     ====    ====      ====      ====

     The changes in the components of operating expense per available seat 
  mile should be considered in relation to the decline in available seat 
  miles of 10.8 percent and 16.7 percent from 1992 and 1991, respectively, 
  and are explained as follows: 
  *  The 6.0 percent increase in salaries and related costs compared to 1992 
     is a result of the decline in capacity as well as the implementation of 
     a transition pay program in the second quarter of 1993.  The transition 
     pay program was designed to restore a portion of the 10 percent wage 
     reduction that was effected company-wide on August 1, 1991 (officers and 
     other management personnel received wage reductions of 10 percent to 25 
     percent commencing in February 1991).  All wages have been frozen at 
     such levels since 1991.  The program, which is to be in effect for the 
     earlier of four fiscal quarters or until the confirmation of a plan of
     reorganization, provides for the following payments on a quarterly 
     basis to all active employees during the quarter. 
     a.   Commencing the second quarter of 1993, performance award 
          distributions have been made based upon the Company meeting or 
          exceeding its operating income target for a given quarter as 
          incorporated in its business plan.  The aggregate award for 1993 
          amounted to approximately $6.5 million including applicable payroll 
     b.   Commencing the third quarter of 1993, employment award 
          distributions have been made based on the greater of .5 percent of 
          an employee's annual base wage, or $125, which ever is higher, on a 
          quarterly basis.  The aggregate award for 1993 amounted to 
          approximately $2.6 million including applicable payroll taxes. 
     The favorable variance compared to the 1991 level was primarily 
     attributable to the reduction in payroll costs related to the decline in 
     capacity as well as overhead and the Company-wide wage reduction 
     instituted in August 1991. 
  *  Rentals and landing fees decreased due to the reduction in fleet size to 
     85 aircraft as well as the reduction in rental rates to fair market for 
     certain aircraft commencing in August 1992 for a period of two years. 
  *  Aircraft fuel decreased due to the decline in the average price per 
     gallon to 61.05 cents from 62.70 cents for 1992 and 67.10 cents for 
  *  The increase in the level of agency commission expense is primarily due 
     to the significant increase in passenger revenue per available seat mile 
     from 6.30 cents and 6.46 cents for 1992 and 1991, respectively, to 7.25 
     cents for 1993. 
  *  The decrease in aircraft maintenance materials and repairs is primarily 
     due to the change in the composition of the aircraft fleet. 
  *  Restructuring charges incurred in 1992 consisted of the following: 

          (in millions of dollars) 

          Write-off for certain assets related to 
            station closures or route restructuring          $ 9.5 

          Provision for spare parts for aircraft types        12.7 
            no longer in service 
          Provision for employee severance                     2.3 

          Loss on return of aircraft                           6.8 

     The restructuring charges were necessitated by aircraft fleet reductions 
     and other operational changes.  The Company reduced its fleet to 87 
     aircraft at the end of 1992 as well as eliminated two of five aircraft 
     types it operated.  Additionally, employee headcount was reduced by 
     approximately 1,500 employees and service was terminated to ten cities 
     through the end of 1992. 
  *  The increase in depreciation and amortization is primarily attributable 
     to increased heavy engine overhauls. 
  *  Other operating expenses increased 3.8 percent compared to 1992 but was 
     lower by 3.5 percent compared to 1991.  The increase compared to the 
     prior year is primarily attributable to the 10.8 percent decline in 
     Non-operating expenses (net of non-operating income) for 1993, 1992 and 
  1991 were $83.1 million, $56.9 million and $117.4 million, respectively.  
  Interest expense decreased to $54.2 million in 1993 from $55.8 million in 
  1992 and $61.9 million in 1991.  In conformity with Statement of Position 
  90-7, "Financial Reporting by Entities in Reorganization under the 
  Bankruptcy Code", issued by the American Institute of Certified Public 
  Accountants, the Company has ceased accruing and paying interest on 
  unsecured pre-petition long-term debt.  Had the Company continued to accrue 
  interest on such debt, interest expense for 1993, 1992 and 1991 would have 
  been $73.0 million, $73.9 million and $79.3 million, respectively.  See 
  Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data -- Notes 3a and 4 of 
  Notes to Financial Statements. 
     The Company incurred expenses of $25 million in 1993, $16.2 million in 
  1992 and $58.4 million in 1991 in connection with its efforts to reorganize 
  under Chapter 11.  Such expenses for 1993 include net charges aggregating 
  $18.2 million in accruals for unsecured claims and settlements of 
  administrative claims primarily relating to leased aircraft which were 
  returned to the lessors.  Reorganization related expenses are expected to 
  significantly affect future results and to continue until such time as the 
  Company has obtained approval for its plan of reorganization. 
     Effective January 1, 1993, the Company adopted Statement of Financial 
  Accounting Standards No. 109 Accounting for Income Taxes, (SFAS 109). 
  Since there was no cumulative effect of this change in accounting, prior 
  year financial statements have not been restated. 
     Additionally, Statements of Financial Accounting Standards No. 106 Post 
  Retirement Benefits Other Than Pensions, (SFAS 106) became effective 
  January 1, 1993.  The Company does not provide any post retirement 
  benefits, thus, the standard has no impact.  Statement of Financial 
  Accounting Standard No. 112, Employer's Accounting for Post Employment 
  Benefits, (SFAS 112) becomes effective January 1, 1994.  This statement
  requires that post employment benefits be treated as part of compensation 
  provided to an employee in exchange for service.  Previously, most 
  employers expensed the cost of these benefits as the benefits were 
  provided.  The Company is still reviewing the impact of SFAS 112, but does 
  not believe it will have a material effect. 
  Liquidity And Capital Resources
     At December 31, 1993, the Company had a working capital deficiency of 
  $124.4 million and net shareholders' deficiency of $254.3 million.  The 
  1993 working capital deficiency decreased from the 1992 deficiency of 
  $201.6 million primarily as result of principal repayments on obligations 
  and significantly improved operating results. 
     Cash and cash equivalents amounted to $99.6 million at December 31, 1993 
  compared to $74.4 million at December 31, 1992.  Net cash provided by 
  operating activities increased to $153.4 million for 1993 compared to $76.7 
  million for 1992 and $19.9 million for 1991.  During 1993, the Company 
  incurred capital expenditures of $54.3 million compared to $69.2 million in 
  1992.  The capital expenditures for 1993 consisted largely of aircraft 
  modifications and heavy airframe and engine overhauls. 
     The Company's transition pay program which was implemented in the second 
  quarter of 1993 is scheduled to terminate in the second quarter of 1994.  
  The Company announced certain amendments to its compensation program on 
  March 24, 1994.  Effective April 1, 1994, employee base wages will be 
  increased between two percent to eight percent depending on the employee's 
  length of service with the Company.  Generally, each employee whose 
  anniversary date occurs between April and December 1994 will also receive 
  an additional increase on such date approximating 4% with certain 
  exceptions.  The Chairman of the Board and the President will not 
  participate in the salary increase program.  Due to the current collective 
  bargaining process with the representatives of the pilots, increases in 
  pilots' salaries will not be paid but will be accrued.  The distribution of 
  such amounts will be determined through the collective bargaining 
  discussions.  The Company is currently in the process of revising its 
  entire compensation program and anticipates implementing such program 
  effective January 1, 1995. 
     The Company has also announced that, effective April 1, 1994, matching 
  contributions by the Company under the America West 401(k) plan will be 
  increased from 25 percent to 50 percent of the first six percent 
  contributed by the employees, subject to certain limitations.  This change 
  restores the Company's matching contribution to the level that existed 
  prior to the Chapter 11 filing. 
     The Company estimates that the implementation of the increases in pay 
  and the 401(k) matching contributions will result in increased costs of 
  approximately $18 million during the last nine months of 1994. 
     Under Delaware law, as well as the Company's D.I.P. loan agreement and 
  the bankruptcy process, the Company is precluded from paying dividends on 
  its outstanding preferred stock until such time as the total shareholders' 
  deficiency is eliminated.  During 1993 the Series B 10.5 percent 
  convertible preferred stock (291,149 shares) with a liquidation preference 
  of $15 million was converted into 1,164,596 shares of common stock of the 
     In 1991, affiliates of Guinness Peat Aviation ("GPA"), Northwest 
  Airlines, Inc. ("Northwest") and Kawasaki Leasing International Inc. 
  ("Kawasaki") provided $78 million in D.I.P. financing to the Company.  In 
  September 1992, America West received an additional $53 million in D.I.P. 
  financing, bringing the total outstanding D.I.P. financing at December 31, 
  1992, to $110.8 million which consisted of $69.8 million from GPA, $23 
  million from Kawasaki, $10 million from Ansett Worldwide Aviation Services 
  ("Ansett") and $8 million from several Arizona-based entities.  The D.I.P. 
  financing is collateralized by substantially all of the Company's assets. 
     The financing provided by Northwest was repaid in full at the time of 
  the September 1992 D.I.P. financing.  America West also reconstituted its 
  board of directors concurrent with the September 1992 D.I.P. financing.  
  In September 1993, the D.I.P. lenders extended the maturity date of the 
  D.I.P. financing from September 30, 1993 to June 30, 1994.  At the time 
  of the September 1993 extension, the financing provided by Ansett was 
  repaid in full.  The principal terms of the September 1993 extension are 
  discussed below. 
     Interest on all funds advanced under the D.I.P. financing accrues at 3.5 
  percent over the 90-day London Interbank Offered Rate ("LIBOR") and is 
  payable quarterly.  Principal repayments in the amount of $5.54 million 
  were made on March 1993 and June 1993.  As a result of the September 1993 
  extension of the D.I.P. financing maturity date, the Company is required to 
  repay $5 million of the D.I.P. financing on March 31, 1994.  The remaining 
  outstanding balance will be due upon the earlier of June 30, 1994 or upon 
  the effective date of a confirmed Chapter 11 plan of reorganization (the 
  "Reorganization Date").  As a condition to extending the maturity date of 
  the D.I.P. financing in September 1993, the Company also agreed to pay a 
  facility fee of $627,000 to the D.I.P. lenders on September 30, 1993 and to 
  pay an additional facility fee equal to 1/4 percent of the then outstanding 
  balance of the D.I.P. financing on March 31, 1994.  As of December 31, 
  1993, the outstanding amount due under the D.I.P. financing was 
  approximately $83.6 million.  Presently, the Company does not possess 
  sufficient liquidity to satisfy the D.I.P. financing nor does it appear 
  that new equity capital will be obtained and a plan of reorganization 
  confirmed prior to June 30, 1994.  Consequently, the Company will be 
  required to obtain alternative repayment terms from its current D.I.P. 
  lenders.  Although there can be no assurance that alternative repayment 
  terms will be obtained, the Company believes that any required extension of 
  the D.I.P. financing would be for a short period of time and would be 
  concurrent with the implementation of a plan of reorganization.  During
  the first quarter of 1994, the Company notified the D.I.P. lenders
  that the Company's unrestricted cash exceeded $125 million; however,
  to date, the D.I.P. lenders have not exercised their prepayment rights.
     As a condition to the closing of the September 1992 D.I.P. financing, 
  the Company was required to reduce its aircraft fleet to 86 aircraft and 
  the number of aircraft types from five to three.  Consequently, the Company 
  reached certain agreements with third parties, which included the 
     1.   With the exception of four lessors (two of which participated in 
          the September 1992 D.I.P. financing), aircraft lessors whose 
          aircraft were retained in the fleet and whose payments were 
          deferred during July and August 1992, were required to waive any 
          default which occurred as a result of such non-payments and to 
          defer these payments without interest until the first calendar 
          quarter of 1993.  In addition, effective August 1, 1992, the rental 
          rates on these retained aircraft were reduced to fair market rental 
          rates for a period of two years or longer.  The August 1992 
          payments were deferred at the reduced interest rates. 
          Of the remaining two lessors, one accepted rental payment 
          reductions and the other agreed to a deferral of the rents from 
          July through October 1992.  Repayment of this deferral is monthly 
          over seven years beginning November 1992 at level principal and 
          interest at 90 day LIBOR plus 3.5 percent. 
     2.   The aircraft lessors who accepted rent reductions and agreed to 
          waive any administrative claims arising from the reductions 
          stipulated that, if prior to July 31, 1994, the Company defaults on 
          any of these leases and the aircraft are repossessed, the lessors 
          are entitled to fixed damages ranging from $500,000 to $2,000,000 
          (depending on the type of aircraft) as well as any other damages that 
          can be claimed for breach of their leases, all of which will be 
          afforded priority as administrative claims.  Lessors of 12 aircraft 
          have the option, beginning August 1, 1994, to reset the rents to 
          the then current fair market rental rates (additionally, certain of 
          these leases call for multiple resets subsequent to the August 1, 
          1994 reset date).  In February 1994, the Company commenced 
          negotiations with certain lessors with respect to determining the 
          requisite reset rates. 
          Lessors of 16 aircraft have call rights which generally provide for 
          the acceleration of the lease termination to the 180th day after 
          receipt by the Company of notice from the lessor that the lessor 
          has a bona fide written offer to lease the aircraft to an unrelated 
          third party.  The Company in turn has a ten day right of first 
          refusal after receipt of such notice to match the written offer.  
          Lessors of 10 of aircraft also have the right to call their 
          aircraft during specified periods without having received a bona 
          fide offer to lease their aircraft and without offering the Company 
          a right of first refusal.  The lessor of 11 aircraft has the right 
          to call its aircraft on 90 days notice after to the end of the 
          original lease term of the aircraft.  If a lessor exercises its 
          call option, and 1991 deferred rents are still outstanding under 
          the terminated lease, repayment of this deferral is not 
          accelerated.  Such deferral will continue to amortize over its 
          original term; however, at a reduced interest rate of 90 day LIBOR 
          plus 3.5 percent.  See also Item 1. Business -- Bankruptcy And 
          Reorganization Events -- Route Structure and Aircraft Fleet 
     3.   Certain principal and interest payments on owned aircraft due in 
          July 1992 were deferred without interest and were repaid by March 
          31, 1993.  Additionally, certain other principal and interest 
          payments due from August 1992 through January 1993 were deferred 
          and are being repaid beginning February 1993 over terms of five to 
          nine years with interest at approximately 10.25 percent. 
          In lieu of payment deferrals, two aircraft lenders agreed to 
          interest rate reductions of approximately three percent on their 
          outstanding aircraft loans to the Company, resulting in interest 
          rates of approximately 7.25 percent. 
     4.   Two of the current D.I.P. lenders, amended their existing rights to 
          put up to ten aircraft each to the Company such that a total of 
          fourteen aircraft may be put to the Company beginning in 1994 
          through 1996.  Such aircraft would be put to the Company under 
          prearranged lease agreements.  As of February 28, 1994, the Company 
          has not received any notification from the parties exercising any 
          of their put rights. 
     In September 1993, the D.I.P. loan agreement was amended and the 
  maturity date was extended from September 30, 1993 to June 30, 1994.  The 
  principal financial terms of the amended D.I.P. loan agreement include the 
     1.   The repayment of $8.3 million to the loan participant who did not 
          agree to the maturity date extension. 
     2.   The outstanding principal balance at September 30, 1993 becomes due 
          on June 30, 1994 or the confirmation of a plan of reorganization, 
          whichever occurs earlier, with the exception of a principal 
          repayment of $5 million on March 31, 1994. 
     3.   The amended terms of the D.I.P. financing require the Company to 
          notify the D.I.P. lenders if the unrestricted cash balance of the 
          Company exceeds $125 million.  Upon receipt of such notice, the 
          D.I.P. lenders may require the Company to prepay the D.I.P. 
          financing by the amount of such excess.  During the first quarter 
          of 1994, the Company notified the D.I.P. lenders that the Company's 
          unrestricted cash exceeded $125 million; however, to date, the 
          D.I.P. lenders have not exercised their prepayment rights. 
     4.   Certain of the financial covenants were revised which the Company 
          believes provide it with increased flexibility.  In general, such 
          covenants relate to operating results, liquidity, capital 
          expenditures, collateral values and lease payments. 
     5.   A facility fee of 3/4 percent of the outstanding balance, or 
          $627,000, was paid to the participants on September 30, 1993.  In 
          addition, an additional 1/4 percent of the then outstanding balance 
          must be paid on March 31, 1994. 
     Presently, the Company does not possess sufficient liquidity to satisfy 
  its D.I.P. loan obligation nor does it appear that a plan of reorganization 
  could be confirmed prior to June 30, 1994.  Consequently, the Company will 
  be required to obtain alternative repayment terms from its current D.I.P. 
  lenders, but there can be no assurances that such alternative repayment 
  terms will be agreed to by the D.I.P. lenders. 
     During 1993, the Company repaid approximately $18.4 million of scheduled 
  aircraft lease payments which were deferred in 1991 and 1992 as well as 
  $27.2 million of principal repayment related to the D.I.P. loan. 
     As a condition of the D.I.P. financing, the Company obtained from most 
  of its aircraft providers rent or principal and interest deferrals in 
  excess of $100 million for the six-month period of June through November 
  1991.  In general, the deferred amounts accrue interest at 10.5 percent.  
  In December 1991, the Company began repaying such deferred amounts.  See 
  Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data -- Note 11 of Notes to 
  Financial Statements. 
     Under the terms of the D.I.P. financing, Northwest acquired the 
  Company's Honolulu to Nagoya, Japan route for $15 million in 1992.  Upon 
  the completion of the sale of the Nagoya route, $10 million of the proceeds 
  from the sale were paid to Northwest to reduce the Company's obligation to 
  Northwest under the D.I.P. financing.  The balance of the proceeds from the 
  sale of the Nagoya route were added to the Company's working capital. 
     In connection with the D.I.P. financing provided by Kawasaki, the 
  Company agreed to convert advanced cash credits for 24 Airbus A320 aircraft 
  (the "Kawasaki Aircraft") previously advanced by Kawasaki into an unsecured 
  priority term loan (the "Kawasaki Term Loan").  At December 31, 1993, the 
  amount of the Kawasaki Term Loan was $68.4 million, including accrued 
  interest of $21.9 million.  Until the Reorganization Date, the Kawasaki 
  Term Loan will accrue interest at 12 percent per annum and such 
  interest will be added to principal.  On the Reorganization Date, 85 
  percent of the Kawasaki Term Loan will be converted into an eight-year term 
  loan which will accrue interest at 2 percent over 90-day LIBOR and will be 
  secured by substantially all the assets of the Company if the D.I.P. 
  financing is fully repaid.  Principal on such loan will be due and payable 
  in equal quarterly installments, plus interest commencing after the 
  Reorganization Date.  The Company has the right to prepay the Kawasaki Term 
  Loan if the D.I.P. financing is fully repaid.  The remaining 15 percent of 
  the Kawasaki Term Loan will be treated as a general unsecured claim without 
  priority status under the Company's plan of reorganization.  In the first 
  quarter of 1994, the Company received information that the Kawasaki Term 
  Loan was purchased by a third party. 
     As part of the Kawasaki Term Loan, the Company terminated an agreement 
  to lease 24 Airbus A320 aircraft from Kawasaki, and ultimately replaced it 
  with a put agreement to lease up to four such aircraft.  Kawasaki is under 
  no obligation to lease such aircraft to the Company and has the right to 
  remarket these aircraft to other parties.  Prior to its bankruptcy filing, 
  the Company also entered into a similar arrangement with GPA, whereby the 
  Company terminated its agreement to lease 10 Airbus A320 aircraft from GPA 
  and replaced it with a put agreement to lease up to 10 Airbus A320 aircraft 
  from GPA. 
     The put agreement with Kawasaki requires Kawasaki to notify the Company 
  prior to July 1, 1994 if it intends to require the Company to lease any of 
  its put aircraft.  GPA's put agreement requires 180 days prior notice of 
  the delivery of a put aircraft.  The agreement also provides that GPA may 
  not put more than five aircraft to the Company in any one calendar year.  
  No more than nine put aircraft (GPA and Kawasaki combined) may be put to 
  the Company in one calendar year.  GPA's put right expires on December 31, 
     The Investment Agreement provides that as partial consideration for the 
  cancellation of the GPA put rights, GPA will receive the right to require 
  the Company to lease up to eight aircraft of types operated by the Company 
  from GPA prior to June 30, 1999. 
     The reorganization process is expected to result in the cancellation 
  and/or restructuring of substantial debt obligations of the Company.  Under 
  the Bankruptcy Code, the Company's pre-petition liabilities are subject to 
  settlement under a plan of reorganization.  The Bankruptcy Code also 
  requires that all administrative claims be paid on the effective date of a 
  plan of reorganization unless the respective claimants agree to different 
  treatment.  There are differences between the amounts at which claims 
  liabilities are recorded in the financial statements and the 
  amounts claimed by the Company's creditors and such differences are material.
  Significant litigation may be required to resolve any disputes. 
     Due to the uncertain nature of many of the potential claims, America 
  West is unable to project the magnitude of such claims with any degree of 
  certainty.  However, the claims (pre-petition claims and administrative 
  claims) that have been filed against the Company are in excess of $2 
  billion.  Such aggregate amount, includes claims of all character, 
  including, but not limited to, unsecured claims, secured claims, claims 
  that have been scheduled but not filed, duplicative claims, tax claims, 
  claims for leases that were assumed, and claims which the Company believes 
  to be without merit; however, claims filed for which an amount was not 
  stated, are not reflected in such amount.  The Company is unable to estimate 
  the potential amount of such unstated claims; however, the amount of such 
  claims could be material. 
     The Company is in the process of reviewing the general unsecured claims 
  asserted against the Company.  In many instances, such review process will 
  include the commencement of Bankruptcy Court proceedings in order to 
  determine the amount at which such claims should be allowed.  The Company 
  has accrued its estimate of claims that will be allowed or the minimum 
  amount at which it believes the asserted general unsecured claims will be 
  allowed if there is no better estimate within the range of possible 
  outcome.  However, the ultimate amount of allowed claims will be different
  and such differences could be material.  The Company is unable to estimate 
  the amount of such difference with any reasonable degree of certainty at 
  this time. 
     The Bankruptcy Code requires that all administrative claims be paid on 
  the effective date of a plan of reorganization unless the respective 
  claimants agree to different treatment.  Consequently, depending on the 
  ultimate amount of administrative claims allowed by the Bankruptcy Court, 
  the Company may be unable to obtain confirmation of a plan of 
  reorganization.  The Company is actively negotiating with claimants to 
  achieve mutually acceptable dispositions of these claims.  Since the 
  commencement of the bankruptcy proceeding, claims alleging administrative 
  expense priority totaling more than $153 million have been filed and an 
  additional claim of $14 million has been alleged.  As of February 28, 1994, 
  $115 million of the filed claims have been allowed and settled for $50.2 
  million in the aggregate.  The Company is currently negotiating the 
  resolution of the remaining $38 million filed administrative expense claim 
  (which relates to a rejected lease of a Boeing 737-300 aircraft) and the 
  $14 million alleged administrative expense claim (which relates to a 
  rejected lease of a Boeing 757-200 aircraft).  Claims have been or may be 
  asserted against the Company for alleged administrative rent and/or breach 
  of return conditions (i.e. maintenance standards), guarantees and tax
  indemnity agreements related to aircraft or engines abandoned or rejected 
  during the bankruptcy proceedings.  Additional claims may be asserted 
  against the Company and allowed by the Bankruptcy Court.  The amount of 
  such unidentified administrative claims may be material. 
     As part of its claims administration procedure, the Company is reviewing 
  potential claims that could arise as a result of the Company's rejection of 
  executory contracts.  The Company's plan of reorganization will provide for 
  the status of any executory contract not theretofore assumed by either 
  affirming or rejecting such contracts.  The assumption or rejection of 
  certain executory contracts could result in additional claims against the 
     At December 31, 1993, the Company had a total of 93 aircraft on order, 
  of which 51 are firm and 42 are options.  The current estimated aggregate 
  cost for these firm commitments and options is approximately $5.2 billion.  
  Future aircraft deliveries are planned in some instances for incremental 
  additions to the Company's existing aircraft fleet and in other instances 
  as replacements for aircraft with lease terminations occurring during this 
  period.  The purchase agreement to acquire 24 Boeing 737-300 aircraft had 
  been affirmed in the Company's bankruptcy proceeding.  With timely notice 
  to the manufacturer, all or some of these deliveries may be converted to 
  Boeing 737-400 aircraft.  As of December 31, 1993, eight Boeing 737 
  delivery positions had been eliminated due to the lack of a required 
  reconfirmation notice by the Company to Boeing.  The failure to reconfirm 
  these delivery positions exposes the Company to loss of pre-delivery 
  deposits and other claims which may be asserted by Boeing in the 
  Bankruptcy proceeding.  The purchase agreements for the remaining aircraft 
  types have not been assumed and, the Company has not yet determined which 
  of the other aircraft purchase agreements, if any, will be affirmed or 
  rejected.  The Company also has a pre-petition executory contract under 
  which the Company holds delivery positions for four Boeing 747-400 aircraft 
  under firm orders and another four under options.  The contract allows the 
  Company, with the giving of adequate notice, to substitute other Boeing 
  aircraft types for the Boeing 747-400 in these delivery positions.   As a 
  result, the Company is still evaluating its future fleet needs and is 
  currently unable to determine if it will substitute other aircraft types or 
  reject this agreement.  The Company believes it will be successful in 
  negotiating new aircraft purchase agreements that will meet its needs.  
  However, there can be no assurances that the Company will enter into such 
  agreements.  As of December 31, 1993, the Company had deposits on aircraft 
  orders of approximately $52 million of which approximately $21 million were 
     During 1994, leases relating to four Boeing 737-200 aircraft, two Airbus 
  A320 aircraft and two Boeing 757 aircraft are scheduled to expire.  The 
  Company has negotiated extensions of the leases for all but one of the 
  Airbus A320 aircraft for terms ranging from one to three  years.  The 
  Airbus A320 aircraft to be returned to the lessor will be replaced by a 
  Boeing 757 aircraft which has been leased for a term of three years.  In 
  addition, up to nine Airbus A320 aircraft may be put to the Company should 
  GPA and/or Kawasaki elect to exercise its put options.  As of February 28, 
  1994, none of the put options have been exercised.  Lease agreements have 
  been arranged for such put aircraft for terms of five to eighteen years at 
  specified monthly lease rate factors. 
  Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data. 
  ------  ------------------------------------------- 
     Financial statements of the Company as of December 31, 1993 and 1992, 
  and for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 1993, 
  together with the related notes and the Report of KPMG Peat Marwick, 
  independent certified public accountants, are set forth on the following 
  pages.  Other required financial information and schedules are set forth 
  herein, as more fully described in Item 14 hereof. 


                          Independent Auditors' Report 

  The Board of Directors and Stockholders
  America West Airlines, Inc., D.I.P.:

  We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of America West Airlines,
  Inc., D.I.P. (the Company) as of December 31, 1993 and 1992, and the
  related statements of operations, cash flows and stockholders' equity
  (deficiency) for each of the years in the three-year period ended
  December 31, 1993.  In connection with our audits of the financial
  statements, we also have audited the financial statement schedules V, VI,
  VIII and X for each of the years in the three-year period ended
  December 31, 1993.  These financial statements and financial statement
  schedules are the responsibility of the Company's management.  Our
  responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and
  financial statement schedules based on our audits.

  We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing
  standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to
  obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free
  of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
  evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial
  statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles
  used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating
  the overall financial statement presentation.  We believe that our audits
  provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

  In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, 
  in all material respects, the financial position of America West Airlines, 
  Inc., D.I.P. as of December 31, 1993 and 1992, and the results of its 
  operations and its cash flows for each of the years in the three-year 
  period ended December 31, 1993 in conformity with generally accepted 
  accounting principles.  Also in our opinion, the financial statement 
  schedules, when considered in relation to the basic financial statements 
  taken as a whole, present fairly, in all material respects, the information 
  set forth therein.

  The accompanying financial statements and financial statement schedules have 
  been prepared assuming that the Company will continue as a going concern.  
  As discussed in note 1 to the financial statements, on June 27, 1991 the 
  Company filed a voluntary petition seeking to reorganize under Chapter 11 
  of the federal bankruptcy laws.  This event and circumstances relating to 
  this event, including the Company's significant losses, accumulated deficit 
  and highly leveraged capital structure, raise substantial doubt about its 
  ability to continue as a going concern.  Although the Company is currently 
  operating as debtor-in-possession under the jurisdiction of the Bankruptcy 
  Court, the continuation of the business as a going concern is contingent 
  upon, among other things, the ability to (1) file a Plan of Reorganization 
  which will gain approval of the creditors and stockholders and confirmation 
  by the Bankruptcy Court, (2) maintain compliance with all debt covenants 
  under the debtor-in-possession financing agreements, (3) achieve 
  satisfactory levels of future operating results and cash flows and (4) 
  obtain additional debt and equity. Also, as discussed in note 1 to the 
  financial statements, as part of the Company's bankruptcy proceeding there 
  is uncertainty as to the amount of claims that will be allowed and as to a 
  number of disputed claims which are materially in excess of amounts reflected 
  in the accompanying financial statements.  The accompanying financial 
  statements and financial statement schedules do not include any adjustments 
  that might result from the outcome of these uncertainties.


  Phoenix, Arizona
  March 18, 1994


                         AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                                    Balance Sheets
                              December 31, 1993 and 1992

                      Assets                              1993          1992
                      ------                           ----------    ----------
                                                             (in thousands)
   Current assets:

      Cash and cash equivalents (note 4)               $   99,631    $   74,383
      Accounts receivable, less allowance for 
         doubtful accounts of $3,030,000 in
         1993 and $2,542,000 in 1992 (note 11)             65,744        64,817
      Expendable spare parts and supplies,
         less allowance for obsolescence of 
         $7,231,000 in 1993 and $6,921,000 in 1992         28,111        34,431
      Prepaid expenses                                     34,939        37,807
                                                       ----------    ----------

                 Total current assets                     228,425       211,438
                                                       ----------    ----------

   Property and equipment (notes 2, 4, 11 and 12):

      Flight equipment                                    872,104       841,239
      Other property and equipment                        180,607       189,755
                                                       ----------    ----------
                                                        1,052,711     1,030,994
         Less accumulated depreciation and 
            amortization                                  385,776       328,870
                                                       ----------    ----------
                                                          666,935       702,124
      Equipment purchase deposits                          51,836        52,431
                                                       ----------    ----------
                                                          718,771       754,555
                                                       ----------    ----------

   Restricted cash (note 11)                               46,296        40,612

   Other assets (note 12)                                  23,251        29,836
                                                       ----------    ----------

                                                       $1,016,743    $1,036,441
                                                       ==========    ==========

   See accompanying notes to financial statements.


                         AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                                    Balance Sheets
                              December 31, 1993 and 1992

        Liabilities and Stockholders' Deficiency          1993          1992
        ----------------------------------------       ----------    ----------
                                                             (in thousands)
   Current liabilities:
      Current maturities of long-term debt (note 4)    $  125,271    $  156,656
      Accounts payable (note 11)                           62,957        90,629
      Air traffic liability                               118,479       107,496
      Accrued compensation and vacation benefits           11,704        13,004
      Accrued interest                                      8,295        15,647
      Accrued taxes                                        14,114        15,765
      Other accrued liabilities                            11,980        13,808
                                                       ----------    ----------

                 Total current liabilities                352,800       413,005
                                                       ----------    ----------

   Estimated liabilities subject to Chapter 11 
      proceedings (notes 2 and 4)                         381,114       348,322

   Long-term debt, less current maturities 
      (notes 4 and 11)                                    396,350       411,989
   Manufacturers' and deferred credits (note 11)           73,592        84,694
   Other liabilities (note 11)                             67,149        73,044

   Commitments, contingencies and subsequent events
      (notes 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12)

   Stockholders' deficiency (notes 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 
      9 and 12):
      Preferred stock, $.25 par value.  Authorized
            Series B 10.5% convertible preferred stock,
               issued and outstanding 291,149 shares in
               1992; $5.41 per share cumulative dividend
               (liquidation preference $15,000,000)          -               73
            Series C 9.75% convertible preferred stock
               issued and outstanding 73,099 shares; 
               $1.33 per share cumulative dividend 
               (liquidation preference $1,000,000)             18            18
      Common stock, $.25 par value.  Authorized 
         90,000,000 shares; issued and outstanding 
         25,291,102 shares in 1993 and 23,967,663 
         shares in 1992                                     6,323         5,992
      Additional paid-in capital                          197,010       195,407
      Accumulated deficit                                (438,626)     (475,791)
                                                       ----------    ----------
                                                         (235,275)     (274,301)
      Less deferred compensation and notes 
         receivable - employee stock purchase  
         plans (note 6)                                    18,987        20,312
                Total stockholders' deficiency           (254,262)     (294,613)
                                                       ----------    ----------

                                                       $1,016,743    $1,036,441
                                                       ==========    ==========

   See accompanying notes to financial statements.


                                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                                           Statements of Operations
                                 Years ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991
                                    (in thousands except per share amounts)

                                                     1993          1992           1991
                                                  -----------   -----------    -----------
   Operating revenues:
      Passenger                                   $ 1,246,564   $ 1,214,816    $ 1,332,191
      Cargo                                            40,161        42,077         43,651
      Other                                            38,639        37,247         38,083
                                                  -----------   -----------    -----------
            Total operating revenues                1,325,364     1,294,140      1,413,925
                                                  -----------   -----------    -----------
   Operating expenses:
      Salaries and related costs                      305,429       324,255        383,833
      Rentals and landing fees                        274,708       338,391        349,563
      Aircraft fuel                                   166,313       186,042        223,347
      Agency commissions                              106,368       106,661        128,134
      Aircraft maintenance materials and repairs       31,000        38,366         41,649
      Depreciation and amortization                    81,894        86,981         97,803
      Restructuring charges (note 13)                    -           31,316           -
      Other                                           238,598       256,940        294,253
                                                  -----------   -----------    -----------
            Total operating expenses                1,204,310     1,368,952      1,518,582
                                                  -----------   -----------    -----------
            Operating income (loss)                   121,054       (74,812)      (104,657)
                                                  -----------   -----------    ----------- 

   Nonoperating income (expense):
      Interest income                                     728         1,418          5,724
      Interest expense (contractual interest of 
         $72,961, $73,931 and $79,271 for 1993, 
         1992 and 1991, respectively (note 4)         (54,192)      (55,826)       (61,912)
      Loss on disposition of property and 
         equipment                                     (4,562)       (1,283)        (1,600)
      Reorganization expense, net (note 2)            (25,015)      (16,216)       (58,440)
      Other, net (notes 4 and 11)                         (89)       14,958         (1,131)
                                                  -----------   -----------    ----------- 
            Total nonoperating expense, net           (83,130)      (56,949)      (117,359)
                                                  -----------   -----------    -----------
            Income (loss) before income taxes          37,924      (131,761)      (222,016)
                                                  -----------   -----------    -----------
   Income taxes (note 5)                                  759          -              -
                                                  -----------   -----------    -----------
   Net income (loss)                              $    37,165   $  (131,761)   $  (222,016)
                                                  ===========   ===========    ===========
   Earnings (loss) per share:
      Primary                                     $      1.50   $     (5.58)   $    (10.39)
                                                  ===========   ===========    ===========
      Fully diluted                               $      1.04   $     (5.58)   $    (10.39)
                                                  ===========   ===========    ===========
   Shares used for computation:
      Primary                                          27,525        23,914         21,534
                                                  ===========   ===========    ===========
      Fully diluted                                    41,509        23,914         21,534
                                                  ===========   ===========    ===========
   See accompanying notes to financial statements.


                                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.
                                             Statements of Cash Flows
                                   Years ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991
                                            (in thousands of dollars)

                                                     1993          1992           1991
                                                  -----------   -----------    -----------
   Cash flows from operating activities:
      Net income (loss)                           $    37,165   $  (131,761)   $  (222,016)
      Adjustments to reconcile net income 
         (loss) to cash provided by operating 
            Depreciation and amortization              81,894        86,981         97,803
            Amortization of manufacturers' and 
               deferred credits                        (5,186)       (5,869)        (9,851)
            Loss on disposition of property and 
               equipment                                4,562         1,283          1,600
            Restructuring charges                        -           31,316           -
            Reorganization items                       18,167         3,188         44,273
            Other                                        (554)          866          9,242
   Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
      Decrease in short-term investments                 -             -            19,705
      Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable, 
         net                                             (927)       19,418        (13,945)
      Decrease (increase) in spare parts and 
         supplies, net                                  6,320        (2,384)        (3,227)
      Decrease in prepaid expenses                      2,627           812          3,208
      Increase in other assets and restricted 
         cash                                          (5,295)       (1,141)       (21,053)
      Increase (decrease) in accounts payable           9,014        (8,473)        65,083
      Increase (decrease) in air traffic 
         liability                                      8,749        30,723        (41,256)
      Decrease in accrued compensation and vacation
         benefits                                      (1,300)       (1,491)          (909)
      Increase in accrued interest                     10,368        25,640         23,676
      Increase (decrease) in accrued taxes             (1,764)        2,968         (2,945)
      Increase in other accrued liabilities               644        18,204          4,594 
      Increase (decrease) in other liabilities        (11,126)        6,465         65,945
                                                  -----------   -----------    -----------
               Net cash provided by operating 
                  activities                          153,358        76,745         19,927

   Cash flows from investing activities:
      Purchases of property and equipment             (54,324)      (69,208)       (96,803)
      Decrease (increase) in equipment purchase 
         deposits                                        -           14,425         (7,294)
      Proceeds from disposition of property             3,715           383            275
      Proceeds from manufacturers' credits               -             -             5,100
                                                  -----------   -----------    -----------
               Net cash used in investing 
                  activities                          (50,609)      (54,400)       (98,722)



                                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                                      Statements of Cash Flows, Continued
                                 Years ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991
                                           (in thousands of dollars)

                                                     1993          1992           1991
                                                  -----------   -----------    -----------
   Cash flows from financing activities:
      Proceeds from issuance of D.I.P. financing  $      -      $    53,000    $    78,000
      Proceeds from issuance of debt                     -           22,804           -
      Repayment of debt                               (77,501)      (75,871)       (44,939)
      Proceeds from issuance of common stock             -             -             7,265
      Preferred dividends paid                           -             -              (423)
                                                  -----------   -----------    -----------
               Net cash provided by (used in)
                  financing activities                (77,501)          (67)        39,903
                                                  -----------   -----------    -----------
               Net increase (decrease) in cash
                  and cash equivalents                 25,248        22,278        (38,892)
                                                  -----------   -----------    -----------
   Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
      of year                                          74,383        52,105         90,997
                                                  -----------   -----------    -----------
   Cash and cash equivalents at end of year       $    99,631   $    74,383    $    52,105
                                                  ===========   ===========    ===========

   See accompanying notes to financial statements.


                                     AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.
                                 Statements of Stockholders' Equity (Deficiency)
                                  Years ended December 31, 1993, 1992, and 1991
                               (in thousands of dollars except per share amounts)

                                                                                Notes Receivable
                                                                                 and Deferred
                                Convertible            Additional                Compensation
                                 Preferred   Common     Paid-In    Accumulated   Employee Stock
                                   Stock     Stock      Capital      Deficit     Purchase Plans     Total
                                -----------  ------    ----------  -----------  ----------------  ---------

  Balance at January 1, 1991       $ 91      $ 4,832   $ 156,573   $ (118,669)     $ (21,686)     $ 21,141

  Issuance of 253,422 shares 
     of common stock sold at:
        $5.50 per share, net of 
        expenses                     -            63       1,331         -              -            1,394
  Issuance of 2,755,938 shares 
     of common stock pursuant to
     convertible subordinated
     debentures                      -           689      28,084         -              -           28,773
  Issuance of 10,841 shares 
     of common stock pursuant 
     to exercise of stock
     options and warrants            -             3          38         -              -               41
  Repurchase of 1,356 shares 
     of common stock pursuant
     to employee restricted 
     stock plan                      -           -            (8)        -              -               (8)
  Repurchase of 3,659 shares 
     of common stock pursuant 
     to employee stock
     purchase plan                   -            (1)        (23)        -              -              (24)
  Employee restricted stock 
     deferred compensation           -           -            (1)        -               214           213
  Employee stock purchase plan:
     Issuance of 1,271,765 
     shares of common stock
        $.94-$7.50 per share         -           318       4,601         -              (889)        4,030
     Deferred compensation           -           -         1,230         -               389         1,619
  Preferred stock dividends
     Series B: $5.41 per share       -           -          -          (1,575)          -           (1,575)
     Series C: $1.33 per share       -           -          -             (98)          -              (98)
  Net loss                           -           -          -        (222,016)          -         (222,016)
                                   ----      -------   ---------   ----------      ---------      --------
  Balance at December 31, 1991       91        5,904     191,825     (342,358)       (21,972)     (166,510)
                                   ----      -------   ---------   ----------      ---------      --------
  Issuance of 346,661 shares 
     of common stock pursuant 
     to convertible subordinated 
     debentures                      -            86       3,599         -              -            3,685
  Employee restricted stock 
     deferred compensation           -           -          -            -               101           101
  Employee stock purchase plan:
     Issuance of 7,305 shares 
     of common stock at:
        $.19-$2.63 per share         -             2         (13)        -                81            70
     Deferred compensation           -           -            (4)        -             1,478         1,474
  Preferred stock dividends
     Series B: $5.41 per share       -           -          -          (1,575)          -           (1,575)
     Series C: $1.33 per share       -           -          -             (97)          -              (97)
  Net loss                           -           -          -        (131,761)          -         (131,761) 
                                   ----      -------   ---------   ----------      ---------      --------
  Balance at December 31, 1992       91        5,992     195,407     (475,791)       (20,312)     (294,613)
                                   ----      -------   ---------   ----------      ---------      --------




                                     AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.
                                 Statements of Stockholders' Equity (Deficiency), Continued
                                  Years ended December 31, 1993, 1992, and 1991
                               (in thousands of dollars except per share amounts)


                                                                                Notes Receivable
                                                                                 and Deferred
                                Convertible            Additional                Compensation
                                 Preferred   Common     Paid-In    Accumulated   Employee Stock
                                   Stock     Stock      Capital      Deficit     Purchase Plans     Total
                                -----------  ------    ----------  -----------  ----------------  ---------
  Balance at December 31, 1992     $ 91      $ 5,992   $ 195,407   $ (475,791)   $ (20,312)       $(294,613)
                                   ----      -------   ---------   ----------      ---------      ---------
  Issuance of 170,173 shares 
     of common stock pursuant
     to Series B convertible 
     subordinated debentures         -            43       1,896         -              -             1,939
  Issuance of 1,164,596 shares
     of common stock pursuant
     to convertible preferred
     stock                          (73)         291        (218)        -              -              -
  Employee restricted stock 
     deferred compensation           -           -          -            -                21             21
  Employee stock purchase plan:
     Cancellation of 11,330
     shares of common stock at:
        $.22-$1.59 per share         -            (3)        (38)        -                49              8
     Deferred compensation           -           -           (37)        -             1,255          1,218
  Net income                         -           -          -          37,165           -            37,165
                                   ----      -------   ---------   ----------      ---------      ---------
  Balance at December 31, 1993     $ 18      $ 6,323   $ 197,010   $ (438,626)     $ (18,987)     $(254,262)
                                   ====      =======   =========   ==========      =========      =========

     See accompanying notes to financial statements.


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements
                        December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991

  (1)  Reorganization Under Chapter 11, Liquidity, Financial Condition and
       Subsequent Events

       On June 27, 1991, America West Airlines, Inc., D.I.P. (the "Company"
       or "America West") filed a voluntary petition in the United States
       Bankruptcy Court for the District of Arizona (the "Bankruptcy Court")
       to reorganize under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code
       (the "Bankruptcy Code").  The Company is currently operating as a
       debtor-in-possession ("D.I.P.") under the supervision of the
       Bankruptcy Court.  As a debtor-in-possession, the Company is
       authorized to operate its business but may not engage in transactions
       outside its ordinary course of business without the approval of the
       Bankruptcy Court.

       Subject to certain exceptions under the Bankruptcy Code, the Company's
       filing for reorganization automatically enjoined the continuation of
       any judicial or administrative proceedings against the Company.  Any
       creditor actions to obtain possession of property from the Company or
       to create, perfect or enforce any lien against the property of the
       Company are also enjoined.  As a result, the creditors of the Company
       are precluded from collecting pre-petition debts without the approval
       of the Bankruptcy Court.

       The Company had the exclusive right for 120 days after the Chapter 11
       filing on June 27, 1991 to file a plan of reorganization and 60
       additional days to obtain necessary acceptances of such plan.  Such
       periods may be extended at the discretion of the Bankruptcy Court, but
       only on a showing of good cause, and extensions have been obtained
       such that the Company has until June 10, 1994 to file its plan of
       reorganization with the Court or obtain an additional extension. 
       Subject to certain exceptions set forth in the Bankruptcy Code,
       acceptance of a plan of reorganization requires approval of the
       Bankruptcy Court and the affirmative vote (i.e. 50% of the number and
       66- 2/3% of the dollar amount) of each class of creditors and equity
       holders whose claims are impaired by the plan.

       Certain pre-petition liabilities have been paid after obtaining the
       approval of the Bankruptcy Court, including certain wages and benefits
       of employees, insurance costs, obligations to foreign vendors and
       governmental agencies, travel agent commissions and ticket refunds. 
       The Company has also been allowed to honor all tickets sold prior to
       the date it filed for reorganization.  In addition, the  Company is
       authorized to pay pre-petition liabilities to essential suppliers of
       fuel, food and beverages and to other vendors providing critical goods
       and services.  Subsequent to filing and with the approval of the
       Bankruptcy Court, the Company assumed certain executory contracts of
       essential suppliers.

       Parties to executory contracts may, under certain circumstances, file
       motions with the Bankruptcy Court to require the Company to assume or
       reject such contracts.  Unless otherwise agreed, the assumption of a
       contract will require the Company to cure all prior defaults under the
       related contract, including all pre-petition liabilities unless terms
       can be negotiated.  Unless otherwise agreed, the rejection of a
       contract is deemed to constitute a breach of the agreement as of the 
       moment immediately preceding Chapter 11 filing, giving the other party
       to the contract a right to assert a general unsecured claim for
       damages arising out of the breach.


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

       February 28, 1992 was set as the last date for the filing of proof of
       claims under the Bankruptcy Code and the Company's creditors have
       submitted claims for liabilities not paid and for damages incurred. 
       There may be differences between the amounts at which any such
       liabilities are recorded in the financial statements and the amount
       claimed by the Company's creditors.  Significant litigation may be
       required to resolve any such disputes.

       The Company has incurred and will continue to incur significant costs
       associated with the reorganization.  The amount of these costs, which
       are being expensed as incurred, is expected to significantly affect
       results of operations.

       As a result of its filing for protection under Chapter 11 of the
       Bankruptcy Code, the Company is in default of substantially all of its
       debt agreements.  All outstanding pre-petition unsecured debt of the
       Company has been presented in these financial statements within the
       caption Estimated Liabilities Subject to Chapter 11 Proceedings.

       Additional liabilities subject to the proceedings may arise in the
       future as a result of the rejection of executory contracts, including
       leases, and from the determination by the Bankruptcy Court (or
       agreement by parties in interest) of allowed claims for contingencies
       and other disputed amounts.  Conversely, the assumption of executory
       contracts and unexpired leases may convert liabilities shown as
       subject to Chapter 11 proceedings to post-petition liabilities.

       Substantially all of the aircraft, engines and spare parts in the
       Company's fleet are subject to lease or secured financing agreements
       that entitle the Company's aircraft lessors and secured creditors to
       rights under Section 1110 of the Bankruptcy Code.  Pursuant to
       Section 1110, the Company had 60 days from the date of its Chapter 11
       filing, or until August 26, 1991, to bring its obligations to these
       aircraft lessors and secured creditors current and/or reach other mu-
       tually satisfactory negotiated arrangements.  In September 1991, as a
       condition to the borrowings under the initial $55 million D.I.P. 
       facility, the Company arranged for rent, principal and interest 
       payment deferrals from a majority of its aircraft providers as a 
       condition to the assumption of the related lease or secured borrowing
       by the Company.  As a result of these arrangements, the Company was 
       able to assume the executory contracts associated with 83 aircraft in 
       its fleet without having to bring its obligations to these aircraft 
       providers current.  In addition, as part of the initial D.I.P. 
       facility, the Company assumed and brought current lease agreements 
       for 16 Airbus A320 aircraft, three CFM engines, a Boeing 757-200 and 
       a Boeing 737-300.  Twenty-two aircraft were deemed surplus to the 
       Company's needs and the associated executory contracts were rejected.
       Included in 1991 reorganization costs is $35.2 million in write-offs 
       of leasehold improvements, security deposits, accrued maintenance, 
       accrued rents and other costs to return the aircraft which were 
       subject to the rejected aircraft agreements.  In certain cases, final 
       agreements were reached with such aircraft providers and no further 
       claims by such providers will be pursued as a result of the 
       rejections.  In other instances, the aircraft providers have filed 
       claims in the normal course of the bankruptcy and as of December 31, 
       1993 significant claims for rejected aircraft have not yet been 


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

       Due to the uncertain nature of many of the potential claims, the
       Company is unable to project the magnitude of such claims with any
       degree of certainty.  However, the claims (pre-petition claims and
       administrative claims) that have been filed against the Company are in
       excess of $2 billion.  Such aggregate amount includes claims of all
       character, including, but not limited to, unsecured claims, secured
       claims, claims that have been scheduled but not filed, duplicative
       claims, tax claims, claims for leases that were assumed, and claims
       which the Company believes to be without merit; however, claims filed
       for which an amount was not stated, are not reflected in such amount. 
       The Company is unable to estimate the potential amount of such
       unstated claims; however, the amount of such claims could be material.

       The Company is in the process of reviewing the general unsecured
       claims asserted against the Company.  In many instances, such review
       process will include the commencement of Bankruptcy Court proceedings
       in order to determine the amount at which such claims should be
       allowed.  The Company has accrued its estimate of claims that will be
       allowed or the minimum amount at which it believes the asserted
       general unsecured claims will be allowed if there is no better
       estimate within the range of possible outcomes.   However, the 
       ultimate amount of allowed claims will be different and
       such differences could be material.  The Company is unable to estimate
       the amount of such differences with any reasonable degree of certainty
       at this time.

       The Bankruptcy Code requires that all administrative claims be paid on
       the effective date of a plan of reorganization unless the respective
       claimants agreed to different treatment.  Consequently, depending on
       the ultimate amount of administrative claims allowed by the Bankruptcy
       Court, the Company may be unable to obtain confirmation of a plan of
       reorganization.  The Company is actively negotiating with claimants to
       achieve mutually acceptable dispositions of these claims.  Since the
       commencement of the bankruptcy proceeding, claims alleging
       administrative expense priority totaling more than $153 million have
       been filed and an additional claim of $14 million has been alleged. 
       As of February 28, 1994, $115 million of the filed claims have been
       allowed and settled for $50.2 million in the aggregate.  The Company
       is currently negotiating the resolution of the remaining $38 million
       filed administrative expense claim (which relates to a rejected lease
       of a Boeing 737-300 aircraft) and the alleged $14 million
       administrative claim (which relates to a rejected lease of a Boeing
       757-200 aircraft).  Claims have been or may be asserted against the
       Company for alleged  administrative rent and/or breach of return
       conditions (i.e. maintenance standards), guarantees and tax
       indemnity agreements related to aircraft or engines abandoned
       or rejected during the bankruptcy proceedings.  Additional
       claims may be asserted against the Company and allowed by the
       Bankruptcy Court.  The amount of such unidentified administrative
       claims may be material.


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

       Plan of Reorganization

       Under the Bankruptcy Code, the Company's pre-petition liabilities are
       subject to settlement under a plan of reorganization.  Pursuant to an
       extension granted by the Bankruptcy Court on February 2, 1994, the
       Company has the partially exclusive right, until June 10, 1994 (unless
       extended by the Bankruptcy Court), to file a plan of reorganization. 
       Each of the official committees has also been approved to submit a
       plan of reorganization.  The exclusivity period may be extended by the
       Bankruptcy Court upon a showing of cause after notice has been given
       and a hearing has been held, although no assurance can be given that
       any additional extensions will be granted if requested by the Company. 
       The Company has agreed not to seek additional extensions of the
       exclusivity period without the advance consent of the Creditors'
       Committee and the Equity Committee.

       On December 8, 1993 and February 16, 1994, the Bankruptcy Court
       entered certain orders which provided for a procedure pursuant to
       which interested parties could submit proposals to participate in a
       plan of reorganization for America West.  The Bankruptcy Court also
       set February 24, 1994 as the date for America West to select a "Lead
       Plan Proposal" from the proposals submitted.

       On February 24, 1994, America West selected as its Lead Plan Proposal
       an investment proposal submitted by AmWest Partners, L.P., a limited
       partnership ("AmWest"), which includes Air Partners II, L.P.,
       Continental Airlines, Inc., Mesa Airlines, Inc. and Fidelity
       Management Trust Company.  On March 11, 1994, the Company and AmWest
       entered into a revised investment agreement which substantially 
       incorporates the terms of the AmWest investment proposal (the 
       "Investment Agreement").  The Investment Agreement provides that 
       AmWest will purchase from America West equity securities representing 
       a 37.5% ownership interest in the Company for $120 million and $100 
       million in new senior unsecured debt securities.  The Investment 
       Agreement also provides that, in addition to the 37.5% ownership 
       interest in the Company, AmWest would also obtain 72.9% of the total 
       voting interest in America West after the Company is reorganized.  The 
       terms of the Investment Agreement will be incorporated into a plan of
       reorganization to be filed with the Bankruptcy Court; however,
       modifications to the Investment Agreement may occur prior to the
       submission of a plan of reorganization and such modifications may be
       material.  There can be no assurance that a plan of reorganization
       based upon the Investment Agreement will be accepted by the parties
       entitled to vote thereon or confirmed by the Bankruptcy  Court.

       In addition to the interest in the reorganized America West that would
       be acquired by AmWest pursuant to the Investment Agreement, the
       Investment Agreement also provides for the following:

       1.   The D.I.P. financing would be repaid in full with cash on the
            date a plan of reorganization is confirmed ("Reorganization Date"). 


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

       2.   On the Reorganization Date, unsecured creditors would receive 45%
            of the new common equity in the reorganized Company, with the
            potential to receive up to 55% of such equity if within one year
            after the Reorganization Date, the value of the securities dis-
            tributed to them has not provided them with a full recovery under
            the Bankruptcy Code.  In addition, unsecured creditors would have
            the right to elect to receive cash at $8.889 per share up to an
            aggregate maximum amount of $100 million, through a repurchase by
            AmWest of a portion of the shares to be issued to unsecured
            creditors under a plan of reorganization.

       3.   Holders of equity interests would have the right to receive up to
            10% of the new common equity of the Company, depending on certain
            conditions principally involving a determination as to whether
            the unsecured creditors had received a full recovery on account
            of their claims.  In addition, holders of equity interests would
            have the right to purchase up to $15 million of the new common
            equity in the Company for $8.296 per share from AmWest, and would
            also receive warrants entitling them to purchase, together with
            AmWest, up to 5% of the reorganized Company's common stock, at a
            price to be set so that the warrants would have value only after
            the unsecured creditors would have received full recovery on
            their claims.

       4.   In exchange for certain concessions principally arising from
            cancellation of the right of Guinness Peat Aviation ("GPA")
            affiliates to put to America West 10 Airbus A320 aircraft at
            fixed rates, GPA, or certain affiliates thereof, would receive
            (i) 7.5% of the new common equity in the reorganized Company,
            (ii) warrants to purchase up to 2.5% of the reorganized Company's
            common stock on the same terms as the AmWest warrants, (iii) $3
            million in new senior unsecured debt securities, and (iv) the
            right to require the Company to lease up to eight aircraft of
            types operated by the Company from GPA prior to June 30, 1999 on
            terms which the Company believes to be more favorable than those
            currently applicable to the put aircraft.  See note 11 for an
            additional discussion of the put rights.

       5.   Continental Airlines, Inc., Mesa Airlines, Inc. and America West
            would enter into certain alliance agreements which would include
            code-sharing, schedule coordination and certain other
            relationships and agreements.  A condition to proceeding with a
            plan of reorganization based upon the Investment Agreement would
            be that these agreements be in form and substance satisfactory to
            America West, including the Company's  reasonable satisfaction
            that such alliance agreements when fully implemented will result
            in an increase in pre-tax income of not less than $40 million per

       6.   The expansion of the Company's board of directors to 15 members. 
            Nine members would be designated by AmWest and other members
            reasonably acceptable to AmWest would include four members
            designated by representatives of the Company, the Equity Committee 
            and the Creditors' Committee and two members designated by GPA.


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

       7.   The Investment Agreement also provides for many other matters,
            including the disposition of the various types of claims asserted
            against the Company, the adherence to the Company's aircraft
            lease agreements, the amendment of the Company's aircraft pur-
            chase agreements and release of the Company's employees from all
            currently existing obligations arising under the Company's stock
            purchase plan in consideration for the cancellation of the shares
            of Company stock securing such obligations.

       The Company has also entered into a Revised Interim Procedures Agreement 
       (the "Procedures Agreement") with AmWest.  The Procedures Agreement is 
       subject to the approval of the Bankrupty Court and sets forth terms
       and conditions upon which the Company must operate prior to the
       effective date of a confirmed plan of reorganization based upon the
       terms of the Investment Agreement.  The Procedures Agreement provides 
       for the reimbursement of AmWest's expenses (up to a maximum of $3.6
       million) as well as a termination fee of up to $8 million under certain 
       conditions.  The Procedures Agreement has not yet been approved by the
       Bankruptcy Court.

       The Company is currently developing with AmWest a plan of
       reorganization based upon the foregoing terms.  The Equity Committee
       has agreed to support the plan.  The Creditors' Committee has
       indicated that it does not support the current terms of the Investment
       Agreement.  Another group interested in developing a plan of
       reorganization with the Company has proposed to invest $155
       million in equity securities and $65 million in new senior unsecured
       debt securities.  The proponent of this proposal would receive a 33.5%
       ownership interest in the reorganized Company, current equity holders
       would receive a 4% ownership interest in the reorganized Company and
       the unsecured creditors would receive a 62.5% ownership interest in
       the reorganized company.

       Any plan of reorganization must be approved by the Bankruptcy Court
       and by specified majorities of each class of creditors and equity
       holders whose claims are impaired by the plan.  Alternatively, absent
       the requisite approvals, the Company may seek Bankruptcy Court
       approval of its reorganization plan under Section 1129(b) of the
       Bankruptcy Code, assuming certain tests are met.  The Company cannot
       predict whether any plan submitted by it will be approved.

       The Company is currently unable to predict when it may file a plan of
       reorganization based upon the Investment Agreement, but intends to do
       so as soon as practicable.  Once a plan with a disclosure statement is
       filed by any party, the Bankruptcy Court will hold a hearing to
       determine the adequacy of the information contained in such disclosure
       statement.  Only upon receiving an order from the Bankruptcy Court
       providing that the disclosure statement accompanying any such plan
       contains adequate information as required by Section 1125 of the
       Bankruptcy Code, may a party solicit acceptances or rejections of any
       such plan of reorganization.  Following entry of an order approving
       the disclosure statement, the plan will be sent to creditors and
       equity holders for voting pursuant to both the Bankruptcy Code and
       orders that will be entered by the Bankruptcy Court.  Following
       submission of the plan to holders of claims and equity interests, the
       Bankruptcy Court will hold a hearing to consider confirmation of the
       plan pursuant to Section 1129 of the Bankruptcy Code.  Although the
       Bankruptcy Code provides for certain minimum time periods for these 
       events, the Company is unable to reasonably estimate when a plan based
       on the Investment Agreement might be submitted for voting and


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

       If at any time the Creditors' Committee, the Equity Committee or any
       creditor of the Company or equity holder of the Company believes that
       the Company is or will not be in a position to sustain operations,
       such party can move in the Bankruptcy Court to compel a liquidation of
       the Company's estate by conversion to Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceedings
       or otherwise.  In the event that the Company is forced to sell its
       assets and liquidate, it is unlikely that unsecured creditors or
       equity holders will receive any value for their claims or interests.

       The Company anticipates that the reorganization process will result in
       the restructuring, cancellation and/or replacement of the interest of
       its existing common and preferred stockholders.  Because of the
       "absolute priority rule" of Section 1129 of the Bankruptcy Code, which
       requires that the Company's creditors be paid in full (or otherwise
       consent) before equity holders can receive any value under a plan of
       reorganization, the Company previously disclosed that it anticipated
       that the reorganization process would result in the elimination of the
       Company's existing equity interests.  Due to recent events, including
       sustained improvement in the Company's operating results as well as
       general improvement in the condition of the United States' economy and
       airline industry, some form of distribution to the equity interests
       pursuant to Section 1129 may occur.  However, there can be no
       assurances in this regard.

       The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on a going
       concern basis which assumes continuity of operations and realization
       of assets and liquidation of liabilities in the ordinary course of
       business.  As a result of the reorganization proceedings, there are
       significant uncertainties relating to the ability of the Company to
       continue as a going concern.  The financial statements do not include
       any adjustments that might be necessary as a result of the outcome of
       the uncertainties discussed herein including the effects of any plan
       of reorganization.

  (2)  Estimated Liabilities Subject to Chapter 11 Proceedings and
       Reorganization Expense

       Under Chapter 11, certain claims against the Company in existence
       prior to the filing of the petitions for relief under the Code are
       stayed while the Company continues business operations as debtor-in-
       possession.  These pre-petition liabilities are expected to be settled
       as part of the plan of reorganization and are classified as "Estimated
       liabilities subject to Chapter 11 proceedings."

       Estimated liabilities subject to Chapter 11 proceedings as of 
       December 31, 1993 and 1992 consists of the following:

                                                         December 31,
                                                      1993           1992
                                                      ----           ----
                                                        (in thousands)
       Long-term debt (including convertible 
            subordinated debentures of $138.9  
            million and $140.8 million at 
            December 31, 1993 and 1992, 
            respectively) (note 4)                  $224,642       $235,026
       Accounts payable and accrued liabilities      113,945         73,488
       Accrued interest                               16,808         14,261
       Accrued taxes                                  25,719         25,547
                                                    --------       --------
                                                    $381,114       $348,322
                                                    ========       ========


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

       The debt balance included above consists of unsecured and secured
       obligations and other obligations that have not been affirmed by the
       Company through the Bankruptcy Court (note 4).

       Reorganization expense is comprised of items of income, expense, gain
       or loss that were realized or incurred by the Company as a result of
       reorganization under Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code.  Such
       items consists of the following:

                                               1993      1992      1991
                                               ----      ----      ----
                                                    (in thousands)

       Provisions for pre-petition and 
          administrative claims                $18,231   $ 1,748   $35,203
       Professional fees                         7,227    11,147     8,531
       D.I.P. financing issuance costs           1,378     1,760     2,660
       Write-off of debt issuance costs           -         -        2,773
       Employee termination and furlough costs    -          561     1,343
       Facility closing costs                     -        2,776     6,796
       Interest income                          (2,635)   (2,030)   (1,365)
       Other                                       814       254     2,499
                                               -------   -------   -------
                                               $25,015   $16,216   $58,440
                                               =======   =======   =======

  (3)  Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

       (a)  Financial Reporting for Bankruptcy Proceedings

            On November 19, 1990, the American Institute of Certified Public
            Accountants issued Statement of Position 90-7, "Financial
            Reporting by Entities in Reorganization Under the Bankruptcy
            Code" ("SOP 90-7").  SOP 90-7 provides guidance for financial
            reporting by entities that have filed petitions with the
            Bankruptcy Court and expect to reorganize under Chapter 11 of the

            SOP 90-7 recommends that all such entities report consistently
            while reorganizing under Chapter 11, with the objective of
            reflecting their financial  evolution.  To achieve such
            objectives, their financial statements should distinguish
            transactions and events that are directly associated with the
            reorganization from those of the operations of the ongoing
            business as it evolves.

            SOP 90-7 became effective for financial statements of enterprises
            that filed petitions under the Code after December 31, 1990,
            although earlier application was encouraged.  The Company has
            implemented the guidance provided by SOP 90-7 in the accompanying
            financial statements.

            Pursuant to SOP 90-7, pre-petition liabilities are reported on
            the basis of the expected amounts of such allowed claims, as
            opposed to the amounts for which those allowed claims may be
            settled.  Under an approved final plan of reorganization, those 
            claims may be settled at amounts substantially less than their
            allowed amounts.


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

       (b)  Cash Equivalents

            Cash equivalents consist of all highly liquid debt instruments
            purchased with original maturities of three months or less and
            are carried at cost which approximates market.

       (c)  Restricted Cash

            Restricted cash includes cash held in Company accounts, but
            pledged to an institution which processes credit card sales
            transactions and cash deposits securing certain letters of

       (d)  Expendable Spare Parts and Supplies

            Flight equipment expendable spare parts and supplies are valued
            at average cost.  Allowances for obsolescence are provided, over
            the estimated useful life of the related aircraft and engines,
            for spare parts expected to be on hand at the date the aircraft
            are retired from service.

       (e)  Property and Equipment

            Property and equipment is stated at cost or, if acquired under
            capital leases, at the lower of the present value of minimum
            lease payments or fair market value at the inception of the
            lease.  Interest capitalized on advance payments for aircraft
            acquisitions and on expenditures for aircraft improvements is
            part of the cost.  Property and equipment is depreciated and
            amortized to residual values over the estimated useful lives or
            the lease term using the straight-line method.  The Company
            discontinued capitalizing interest on June 27, 1991 due to the
            Chapter 11 filing.

            The estimated useful lives for the Company's property and equip-
            ment range from three to twelve years for owned property and
            equipment and to thirty years for the reservation and training
            center and technical support facilities.  The estimated useful
            lives of the Company's owned aircraft, jet engines, flight
            equipment and rotable parts range from eleven to twenty-two
            years.  Leasehold improvements relating to flight equipment and
            other property on operating leases are amortized over the life of
            the lease or the life of the asset, whichever is shorter.

            Routine maintenance and repairs are charged to expense as
            incurred.  The cost of major scheduled airframe,  engine and
            certain component overhauls are capitalized and amortized over
            the periods benefited and included in depreciation and
            amortization expense.  Additionally, a provision for the
            estimated cost of scheduled airframe and engine overhauls
            required to be performed on leased aircraft prior to their return
            to the lessors has been provided. 


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

       (f)  Revenue Recognition

            Passenger revenue is recognized when the transportation is
            provided.  Ticket sales for transportation which has not yet been
            provided are reflected in the financial statements as air traffic

       (g)  Passenger Traffic Commissions and Related Fees

            Passenger traffic commissions and related fees are expensed when
            the transportation is provided and the related revenue is
            recognized.  Passenger traffic commissions and related fees not
            yet recognized are included as a prepaid expense.

       (h)  Income Taxes

            Effective January 1, 1993, the Company adopted Statement of
            Financial Accounting Standards No. 109, Accounting for Income

            As more fully discussed at note 5, adoption of the new standard
            changes the Company's method of accounting for income taxes from
            the deferred approach to an asset and liability approach.  

            As with the prior standard, the Company continues to account for
            its investment tax credits and general business credits by use of
            the flow-through method.

       (i)  Per Share Data

            Primary earnings (loss) per share is based upon the weighted
            average number of shares of common stock outstanding and dilutive
            common stock equivalents (stock options and warrants).  Primary
            earnings per share reflect net income adjusted for interest on
            borrowings effectively reduced by the proceeds from the assumed
            conversion of common stock equivalents.

            Fully diluted earnings per share in 1993 is based on the average
            number of shares of common stock and dilutive common stock
            equivalents outstanding adjusted for conversion of outstanding
            convertible preferred stock and convertible debentures.  Fully
            diluted earnings per share reflects net income adjusted for
            interest on borrowings effectively  reduced by the proceeds from
            the assumed conversion of common stock equivalents. 


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

       (j)  Frequent Flyer Awards

            The Company maintains a frequent travel award program known as
            "FlightFund" that provides a variety of awards to program members
            based on accumulated mileage.  The estimated cost of providing
            the free travel, using the incremental cost method as adjusted
            for estimated redemption rates, is recognized as a liability and
            charged to operations as program members accumulate mileage.

       (k)  Manufacturers' and Deferred Credits

            In connection with the acquisition of certain aircraft and
            engines, the Company receives various credits.  Such
            manufacturers' credits are deferred until the aircraft and
            engines are delivered, at which time they are either applied as a
            reduction of the cost of acquiring owned aircraft and engines,
            resulting in a reduction of future depreciation expense, or
            amortized as a reduction of rent expense for leased aircraft and

       (l)  Fair Value of Financial Instruments

            The fair value estimates and assumptions used in developing the
            estimates of the Company's financial instruments are as follows:

            Cash and Cash Equivalents

            The carrying amount approximates fair value because of the short
            maturity of those instruments.

            Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable

            The carrying amount of accounts receivable and accounts payable
            approximates fair value as they are expected to be collected or
            paid within 90 days of year-end.

            Long-term Debt and Estimated Liabilities Subject to Chapter 11

            The fair value of long-term debt and estimated liabilities
            subject to Chapter 11 proceedings cannot readily be estimated as
            quoted market prices are not available.  Additionally, future
            cash flows cannot be estimated as the repayment of these in-
            struments is subject to disposition within the bankruptcy

       (m)  Reclassifications

            Certain prior year reclassifications have been made to conform to
            the current year presentation. 


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

  (4)  Long-term Debt

       Long-term debt consists of the following:

                                                           December 31,
                                                         1993        1992
                                                         ----        ----
                                                          (in thousands)

       D.I.P. financing, secured by substantially 
          all Company assets (a)                       $ 83,577    $110,784

       Note payable to aircraft provider for 
          advance credits (a)                            68,356      60,732

       Notes payable secured by aircraft (b)            306,837     327,267

       Line of credit agreements (c)                     18,589      24,979

       Note from an aircraft engine provider (d)          7,191      12,392

       Notes payable secured by flight simulators (e)    20,064      22,804

       Notes payable to administrative claimants (f)     10,734        -

       Other                                              6,273       9,687
                                                       --------    --------
                                                        521,621     568,645
            Less current maturities                    (125,271)   (156,656)
                                                       --------    --------

                                                       $396,350    $411,989
                                                       ========    ========


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

       Long-term debt included in estimated liabilities subject to Chapter 11
       proceedings consists of the following:

                                                           December 31,
                                                         1993        1992
                                                         ----        ----
                                                          (in thousands)

       7-3/4% convertible subordinated debentures 
          due 2010 (g)                                 $ 30,477    $ 30,752

       7-1/2% convertible subordinated debentures 
          due 2011 (h)                                   31,709      32,069

       11-1/2% convertible subordinated debentures 
          due 2009 (i)                                   76,722      78,025

       Note payable to an aircraft provider for 
          deferred pre-delivery payments (j)             21,126      21,126

       Line of credit agreement (k)                       9,854      11,000

       Industrial development revenue bonds (l)          29,497      29,497

       Letter of credit draws secured by rotable 
          parts (m)                                      22,967      23,113

       Other                                              2,290       9,444
                                                       --------    --------
                                                       $224,642    $235,026
                                                       ========    ========

       As part of the Chapter 11 reorganization process, the Company is
       required to notify all known or potential claimants for the purpose of
       identifying all pre-petition claims against the Company.  Additional
       bankruptcy claims and pre-petition liabilities may arise by termina-
       tion of various contractual obligations and as certain contingent
       and/or potentially disputed bankruptcy claims are allowed for amounts
       which may differ from those shown on the balance sheet.

       As discussed in note 1, payment of these liabilities, including
       maturity of debt obligations, is stayed while the debtor continues to
       operate as a debtor-in-possession.  As a result, contractual terms
       have been suspended with respect to debt subject to the Chapter 11
       proceedings.  The  following paragraphs include discussion of the
       original contractual terms of the long-term debt; however, the
       maturity and terms of the long-term debt subsequent to the petition
       date may differ as a result of negotiations that take place as part of
       the plan of reorganization. 


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

       No principal or interest may be paid on pre-petition debt without the
       approval of the Bankruptcy Court.  The Company has continued to accrue
       and pay interest on its long-term debt related to D.I.P. financing,
       affirmed long-term debt and secured debt included in estimated
       liabilities subject to Chapter 11 proceedings only to the extent that,
       in the Company's opinion, the value of underlying collateral exceeds
       the principal amount of the secured claim.  The Company believes it is
       probable such interest will be an allowed secured claim as part of the
       bankruptcy proceeding.  Except as otherwise stated above, the Company
       ceased accruing interest on pre-petition debt as of June 27, 1991, due
       to uncertainties relating to a final plan of reorganization.

       (a)  In September 1991, the Company completed arrangements for a $55
            million D.I.P. credit facility.  The D.I.P. credit facility is
            secured by a first priority lien senior to all other liens on
            substantially all existing assets of the Company, except that
            such lien is junior in priority to Permitted First Liens (as such
            term is defined in the D.I.P. credit facility documents) with
            respect to the property encumbered thereby.  In December 1991,
            the Company completed arrangements for an additional $23 million
            of D.I.P. financing under terms and conditions substantially the
            same as those associated with the $55 million D.I.P. credit
            facility.  Quarterly interest payments for the D.I.P. financings
            commenced in the quarter ending December 31, 1991 at the 90-day
            London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) plus 3.5% and quarterly
            principal repayments of $3.9 million were to commence in
            September 1992 with the balance due in September 1993, or earlier
            upon confirmation of an approved plan of reorganization.  

            In connection with the $23 million of D.I.P. financing, the
            Company agreed to convert advanced cash credits for 24 Airbus
            A320 aircraft previously provided to the Company into an
            unsecured priority term loan.  At December 31, 1993, the amount
            of the term loan was $68.4 million including accrued interest of
            $21.9 million.  Until the Reorganization Date, the term loan 
            will accrue interest at 12% per annum and such interest will be 
            added to the principal balance.  On the Reorganization Date, 
            85% of the outstanding balance will be converted into an 
            eight-year term loan which will accrue interest at 2% over 90-day 
            LIBOR and will be secured by substantially all the assets of the 
            Company if the D.I.P. financing is fully repaid.  Principal 
            payments will be made in equal quarterly installments, plus 
            interest, commencing after the Reorganization Date.  The Company 
            has the right to prepay the loan if the D.I.P. financing is fully 
            repaid.  The remaining 15% of the term loan will be treated as a 
            general unsecured claim without priority status under the Company's 
            plan of reorganization.  In the first quarter of 1994, the Company
            received information that the term loan was purchased by a third


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

            In connection with the D.I.P. financing, a D.I.P. lender agreed
            to acquire the Company's Honolulu to Nagoya, Japan route for $15
            million.  The Nagoya route sale was finalized in March 1992,
            resulting in a gain of $15 million, which is included in other
            non-operating income in the accompanying statement of operations. 
            Upon the completion of the sale of the Nagoya route, $10 million
            of the proceeds from the sale were paid to the lender to reduce
            the Company's obligation to the lender under the D.I.P. fi-
            nancing.  The balance of the proceeds from the sale of the Nagoya
            route were added to the Company's working capital.  The remaining
            D.I.P. balance was paid to this lender in connection with the
            September 1992 D.I.P. Facility.

            In September 1992, the Company completed arrangements to expand
            its existing D.I.P. financing by an additional $53 million (the
            "September 1992 D.I.P. Facility").

            As a condition to the closing of the September 1992 D.I.P.
            Facility, the Company was required to reduce its aircraft fleet
            and the number of aircraft types from five to three pursuant to
            certain agreements with third parties, including the following:

            1.   With the exception of four lessors (two of which
                 participated in the September 1992 D.I.P. Facility and did
                 not defer or reduce their lease payments), aircraft lessors
                 whose aircraft were retained in the fleet and who agreed to
                 payment deferrals during July and August 1992, were required
                 to waive any default which occurred as a result of such non-
                 payments and to defer these payments without interest until
                 the first calendar quarter of 1993.  In addition, effective
                 August 1, 1992, the rental rates on these retained aircraft
                 were reduced to fair market lease rates for a two-year
                 period.  The rental rates adjust to market rates effective
                 August 1, 1994.

                 Of the remaining two lessors, one accepted rental payment
                 reductions and the other agreed to a deferral of the rents
                 from July through October 1992.  Repayment of this deferral
                 is monthly over seven years beginning November 1992 at level
                 principal and interest at 90-day LIBOR plus 3.5%.

            2.   The aircraft lessors who accepted rent reductions and agreed
                 to waive any administrative claims arising from the
                 reductions stipulated that, if  prior to July 31, 1994, the
                 Company defaults on any of these leases and the aircraft are
                 repossessed, the lessors are entitled to fixed damages which
                 will be afforded priority as administrative claims.  Lessors
                 of 11 aircraft have the option, beginning August 1, 1994, to
                 reset the rents to the current fair market rental rates and,
                 if elected by the lessor, to readjust at two other two-year
                 intervals during the remaining term of the lease. 


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

                 The Company also agreed in certain cases that lessors could
                 call the aircraft upon 180 days notice if the lessor had a
                 better lease proposal from another party which the Company
                 was unwilling to match.  During the period August 1, 1994
                 through July 31, 1995, certain of these lessors may call
                 their aircraft without first giving the Company the right to
                 match any competing offer.  Call rights with a right of
                 first refusal affect 16 aircraft and call rights without a
                 right of first refusal affect 10 aircraft.  In addition, in
                 order to induce several lessors to extend the lease terms of
                 their aircraft, the Company agreed that the aircraft could
                 be called by the lessors at the end of the original lease
                 term.  One lessor of 11 aircraft has the right to terminate
                 each lease at the end of the original lease term of each
                 aircraft.  Such lessor also has the right to call its
                 aircraft on 90 days notice at any time prior to the end of
                 the amended lease term.  America West has no right of first
                 refusal with respect to such aircraft.  To date, no lessor
                 has exercised its call rights.

            3.   Certain principal and interest payments relating to owned
                 aircraft due in July 1992 were deferred without interest and
                 were repaid by March 31, 1993.  Additionally, certain other
                 principal and interest payments due from August 1992 through
                 January 1993 were deferred and repaid beginning
                 February 1993 over five to nine years with interest at
                 approximately 10.25%.  In lieu of payment deferrals, two of
                 the aircraft lenders agreed to adjust the interest rates
                 based on 90-day LIBOR plus 3.5% per annum.

            In September 1993, the Bankruptcy Court approved an amendment to 
            the D.I.P. loan agreement extending the maturity date of the loan 
            from September 30, 1993 to June 30, 1994.  Concurrent with the 
            extension of the maturity date, $8.3 million of the principal 
            balance was repaid to one of the participants who did not agree 
            with the amendment.  Interest on all funds advanced under the 
            D.I.P. facility accrues at 3.5% per annum, over 90-day LIBOR and 
            is payable quarterly.  The amended D.I.P. loan agreement defers
            all principal payments to the earlier of June 30, 1994 or
            the effective date of a confirmed Chapter 11 plan of
            reorganization with the exception of $5 million that will be
            due on March 31, 1994.  The amended terms of the D.I.P.
            financing require the Company to notify the D.I.P. lenders
            if the unrestricted  cash balance of the Company exceeds
            $125 million.  Upon receipt of such notice, the D.I.P.
            lenders may require the Company to prepay the D.I.P.
            financing by the amount of such excess.  Subsequent to
            December 31, 1993, the Company notified the D.I.P. lenders
            that the Company's unrestricted cash exceeded $125 million;
            however, the D.I.P. lenders have not exercised their
            prepayment rights.  The D.I.P. financings contain a minimum 
            unencumbered cash balance requirement of $55 million at
            December 31, 1993 and other financial covenants.  At
            December 31, 1993, the Company was in compliance with these


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

            As a condition to extending the maturity date of the D.I.P.
            financing in September 1993, the Company also agreed to pay
            a facility fee of $627,000 to the D.I.P. lenders on
            September 30, 1993 and to pay an additional facility fee
            equal to 1/4% of the then outstanding balance of the D.I.P.
            financing on March 31, 1994.  Consequently, the outstanding
            balance of $83.6 million is classified as a current
            liability as of December 31, 1993.  Presently, the Company
            does not possess sufficient liquidity to satisfy the D.I.P.
            financing nor does it appear likely that new equity capital
            will be obtained and a plan of reorganization confirmed
            prior to June 30, 1994.  Consequently, the Company will be
            required to obtain alternative repayment terms from the
            D.I.P. lenders.  There can be no assurance that alternative
            repayment terms will be obtained.  The Company believes that
            any extension of the D.I.P. financing will be for a short
            period of time and would be concurrent with the
            implementation of a plan of reorganization.

            The D.I.P. financings contain a minimum unencumbered cash
            balance requirement of $55 million at December 31, 1993 and
            other financial covenants.  At December 31, 1993, the Company
            was in compliance with these covenants.

       (b)  These notes from financial institutions, secured by seventeen
            aircraft with a net book value of $327.6 million, are payable in
            semi-monthly, monthly, quarterly and semi-annual installments
            ranging from $75,000 to $1,637,000 plus interest at 30-day LIBOR
            plus 3.5% (6.88% at December 31, 1993) to 10.79%, with maturities
            ranging from 1999 to 2008.  Approximately $105.3 million of these
            secured notes have provisions providing for the reset of interest
            rates at various future dates based on fluctuations in indices
            such as the Eurodollar rate.  Additionally, interest rates and
            principal payments for certain of these notes were modified, as
            discussed above, in connection with the September 1992 D.I.P.

       (c)  The Company has a $40 million line of credit that extends to
            December 31, 1997 for which no borrowing can occur after
            December 31, 1994.  The purpose of the line is to provide for the
            initial provisioning of spare parts for Airbus A320 aircraft. 
            The loan is repaid quarterly with level principal payments of
            $970,000 each and interest at LIBOR plus 4%.  At December 31,
            1993 and 1992, the Company had borrowings outstanding of $15.5
            million and $20.4 million, respectively, under this credit
            facility.  However, the lender will not make the unused credit of
            $24.5 million available at December 31, 1993 as a result of the
            Chapter 11 filing.  This loan was affirmed in December 1991 by
            the Bankruptcy Court under Section 1110 of the Bankruptcy Code.
            The Company also has a $25 million line of credit that extends to
            September 1997 under which no borrowing could occur after
            September 1992.  The credit line was used for spare engine parts
            and has an interest rate of LIBOR plus 4%.  At December 31, 1993
            and 1992, the Company had borrowings outstanding of $3.1 million
            and $4.6 million, respectively, under this credit facility.  In
            connection with the financing by this same lender of two aircraft
            flight simulators in October 1992 (see (e)), this loan was
            affirmed in the bankruptcy proceeding.  Consequently, the
            outstanding balance at December 31, 1993 is included in long-term


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

       (d)  This note from an aircraft engine manufacturer was originally
            made for $30 million in September 1990.  The note is secured by
            two aircraft, spare engine parts and other equipment.  Interest
            on the note began to accrue at its inception at 90-day LIBOR plus
            2.0%, compounded quarterly, until September 1993 when all such
            accrued interest, or approximately $6 million, was paid. 
            Interest is currently paid quarterly at the same interest rate. 
            In October 1992, this lender financed two new flight simulators
            which were securing this note (see (e)), and this loan was
            reduced by the amount of such financing, or approximately $22.8
            million.  Repayment of the balance of this loan is dependent on
            the future delivery of certain firm ordered aircraft scheduled to
            begin in November 1996 (however, the related aircraft purchase
            agreement has been neither affirmed nor rejected at December 31,
            1993).  In connection with the above financing of the two flight
            simulators, this note was affirmed in the bankruptcy proceedings,
            and the outstanding balances at December 31, 1993 and 1992 are
            included in long-term debt.

       (e)  In October 1992, the Company acquired two flight simulators and
            executed two notes secured by the simulators.  The notes are
            payable in 84 equal monthly principal installments, plus accrued
            interest at LIBOR plus 2%.  However, the Company has the right,
            upon the giving of notice to the lender, to fix the interest rate
            at the greater of the then current LIBOR plus 2% or 6.375%.  In
            connection with this financing, the Company affirmed in the
            bankruptcy proceedings the agreements for a certain note payable
            (see (d) above) and a line of credit (see (c) above).

       (f)  In 1993, the Company settled three administrative claims with
            three four-year promissory notes totaling $9.6 million with
            quarterly principal payments and interest at 6%.  At December 31,
            1993, the outstanding balance of these promissory notes was $8.7

            Also in 1993, the Company renegotiated a note for certain ground
            equipment for $2 million as part of an administrative claim
            settlement which takes effect upon the confirmation of a plan of
            reorganization.  The Company is required to make adequate
            protection payments of $8,000 per month from the settlement date
            until plan confirmation, at which time, the note term is 5 years
            with interest at 6%.
       (g)  The Company's 7-3/4% convertible subordinated debentures are
            convertible into common stock at $13.50 per share.  The
            debentures are redeemable at prices ranging from 101.55% of the
            principal amount at December 31, 1993 to 100% of the principal
            amount in 1995 and thereafter.  Annual sinking fund payments of
            $1.5 million are required beginning in 1995.

       (h)  The Company's 7-1/2% convertible subordinated debentures are
            convertible into common stock at $14.00 per share.  The
            debentures are redeemable at prices ranging from 102.25% of the
            principal amount at December 31, 1993 to 100% of the principal
            amount in 1996 and thereafter.  Annual sinking fund payments of
            $1.6 million are required beginning in 1996. 


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

       (i)  The Company's 11-1/2% convertible subordinated debentures are
            convertible into common stock at $10.50 per share.  The
            debentures are redeemable at prices ranging from 105.75% of the
            principal amount from January 1, 1994 to 100% of the principal
            amount in 1999 and thereafter.  Annual sinking fund payments of
            $5.8 million are required beginning in 1999.

            During 1991, certain bondholders converted $22.1 million of the
            11-1/2% convertible subordinated debentures into common stock. 
            The conversion of the 11-1/2% subordinated debentures resulted in
            a charge to other non-operating expense of $875,000 for
            incremental shares issued upon conversion.  Certain bondholders
            converted $1.4 million of the 7-1/2% convertible subordinated
            debentures and $4.4 million of the 7-3/4% convertible
            subordinated debentures into common stock.

            During 1992, certain bondholders converted $95,000 of the 7-1/2%
            convertible subordinated debentures, $100,000 of the 7-3/4%
            convertible subordinated debentures and $3.5 million of the
            11-1/2% convertible subordinated debentures into common stock.

            During 1993, certain bondholders converted $360,000 of the 7-1/2%
            convertible subordinated debentures, $275,000 of the 7-3/4%
            convertible subordinated debentures and $1.3 million of the
            11-1/2% convertible subordinated debentures into common stock.

            All of the convertible subordinated debenture interests will be
            subject to settlement of their stated amounts in a plan of
            reorganization, thereby eliminating the need for continued
            deferral of the debt issuance costs.  Therefore, the unamortized
            debt issuance costs of $2.8 million for these convertible
            subordinated debentures were charged to operations as
            reorganization expense in 1991.  The Company ceased accruing
            interest on all of these debentures as of June 27, 1991 in
            accordance with SOP 90-7.

       (j)  This note from an aircraft manufacturer for deferred pre-delivery
            payments was required under a purchase agreement entered into in
            1990.  The deferred pre-delivery payments will accrue interest at
            one year LIBOR plus 4% with both principal and interest due upon
            delivery of the aircraft.  The Company has ceased accruing
            interest on the outstanding balance in accordance with SOP 90-7. 
            The acquisition of the aircraft associated with these deferred
            pre-delivery payments is subject to the affirmation or rejection 
            of the respective aircraft purchase agreement by the Company in
            the reorganization proceeding. 


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

       (k)  The Company has a $20 million secured revolving credit facility
            with a group of financial institutions that expired on April 17,
            1993.  Borrowings under this credit facility were either made
            i) at the federal funds rate plus 1%, ii) based on a CD rate or
            iii) 90-day LIBOR two business days prior to the first day of the
            interest period.  The borrowings are secured by certain assets. 
            The Company is obligated to pay a commitment fee equal to 1/4%
            per annum on the average daily amount by which the aggregate
            commitments exceed the applicable borrowing base and 1/2% per
            annum on the average daily amount by which the lower of the
            aggregate commitments or applicable borrowing base exceeds the
            aggregate principal amount on all outstanding loans.  At
            December 31, 1993 and 1992, the Company had an outstanding
            balance of $9.9 million and $11 million, respectively, under the
            revolving credit agreement.  Proceeds from sales of assets
            securing the loan were used to prepay the loan during 1993.  The
            Company ceased accruing interest on the outstanding balance as of
            June 27, 1991 in accordance with SOP 90-7.

       (l)  The holders of industrial development revenue bonds have the
            right to put the bonds back to the Company at various times.  If
            such a put occurs, the Company has an agreement with the
            underwriters to remarket the bonds.  Any bonds not remarketed
            will be retired utilizing a letter of credit.  Any funding under
            the letter of credit will be in the form of a two-year term loan
            at prime plus 2%.  During the first quarter of 1991, the Company
            redeemed $14.5 million of the $44 million of industrial develop-
            ment revenue bonds issued and outstanding and agreed to a seven-
            year amortization schedule for the redemption of the remaining
            balance.  In July and August 1991, $29.5 million in the aggregate
            was drawn against the letter of credit facility that supported
            these bonds.  The Company intends to remarket the bonds in the
            future.  Such draws were made on behalf of holders of such bonds
            who exercised their right to put the bonds back to the Company
            for purchase.  The bonds are currently held in trust for the
            benefit of the Company.  These bonds were issued in connection
            with the Company's technical support facility.

       (m)  These draws on a letter of credit from a financial institution,
            secured by spare rotable parts with a net book value of $35.8
            million, are payable in quarterly installments of $1.3 million
            plus interest at prime plus 4.5%.  The Company has ceased
            accruing interest as of June 27, 1991 on the outstanding  balance
            in accordance with SOP 90-7.

       Maturities of long-term debt, excluding $225 million included in
       estimated liabilities subject to Chapter 11 proceedings, for the years
       ending December 31 are as follows:

                                                    (in thousands)

                      1994                             $ 125,271
                      1995                                41,949
                      1996                                44,957
                      1997                                39,544
                      1998                                32,916
                      Thereafter                         236,984 


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

  (5)  Income Taxes

       Adoption of New Accounting Standard

       As of January 1, 1993, the Company adopted Statement of Financial
       Accounting Standards No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes (SFAS 109). 
       SFAS 109 is a fundamental change in the manner used to account for
       income taxes in that the deferred method has been replaced with an
       asset and liability approach.  Under SFAS 109, deferred tax assets
       (subject to a possible valuation allowance) and liabilities are
       recognized for the expected future tax consequences of events that are
       reflected in the Company's financial statements or tax returns.

       In the year of adoption, SFAS 109 permits an enterprise to record in
       its current year financial statements, the cumulative effect (if any)
       of the change in accounting principle.  Upon adoption, the Company did
       not need to record a cumulative effect adjustment.

       Income Tax Expense

       For the year ended December 31, 1993, the Company recorded income tax
       expense as follows:

            Current taxes:
               Federal                                             $ 675
               State                                                  84

                                                                   $ 759

            Deferred taxes                                         $  -

       For the year ended December 31, 1993, income tax expense is solely
       attributable to income from continuing operations.  The difference in
       income taxes at the federal statutory rate ("expected taxes") to those
       reflected in the financial statements (the "effective rate") results
       from the effect of the benefit of net operating loss carryforwards of
       $12.6 million and state income tax expense, net of federal tax
       benefit of $55,000, for an effective tax rate of 2%.  In 1992 and 1991,
       the tax benefits at the federal statutory rate of 34% were offset
       by the generation of net operating loss carryforwards.

       At December 31, 1993, the Company has available net operating loss,
       business tax credit and alternative minimum tax credit carryforwards
       for federal income tax purposes of $530.3 million, $12.7 million and
       $700,000, respectively.  The net operating loss carryforwards expire
       during the years 1999 through 2007 while the business credit
       carryforwards expire during the years 1997 through 2006.  However,
       such carryforwards are not fully available to offset federal (and, in
       certain circumstances, state)  alternative minimum taxable income. 
       Accordingly, income tax expense recognized for the year ended
       December 31, 1993, is attributable to the Company's expected net
       current liability for federal and various state alternative minimum
       taxes.  The alternative minimum tax credit carryforward does not
       expire and is available to reduce future income tax payable. 


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

       As of December 31, 1993, to the best of the Company's knowledge, it
       has not undergone a statutory "ownership change" (as defined in Section
       382 of the Internal Revenue Code) that would result in any material
       limitation of the Company's ability to use its net operating loss and
       business tax credit carryforwards in future tax years.  Should an
       "ownership change" occur prior to confirmation of a plan of reor-
       ganization, the Company's ability to utilize said carryforwards would
       be significantly restricted.  Further, the net operating loss and
       business tax credit carryforwards may be limited as a result of the
       Company's reorganization under the United States Bankruptcy Code.

       Composition of Deferred Tax Items

       The Company has not recognized any net deferred tax items for the year
       ended December 31, 1993.  Deferred income taxes reflect the net tax
       effects of temporary differences between the carrying amounts of
       assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the
       amounts used for income tax purposes.  Significant components of the
       Company's deferred tax assets and liabilities as of December 31, 1993
       are a result of the temporary differences related to the items
       described as follows:

                                                         Net Deferred Items
                                                           (in thousands)

       Deferred income tax liabilities:
          Property and equipment, principally
             depreciation differences                          $(105,242)

       Deferred income tax assets:
          Aircraft leases                                         20,594
          Frequent flyer accrual                                   3,721
          Reorganization expenses                                 16,527
          Net operating loss carryforwards                       212,124
          Tax credit carryforwards                                12,706
          Other                                                    5,986
             Total deferred income tax assets                    271,658

       Valuation allowance                                      (166,416)

            Net deferred items                                 $    -

       SFAS 109 requires a "more likely than not" criterion be applied when
       evaluating the realizability of a deferred tax asset.  Given the
       Company's history of losses for income tax purposes, the volatility of
       the industry within which the Company operates and certain other
       factors, the Company has established a valuation allowance for the
       portion of its net operating loss carryforwards that may not be
       available due to expirations after considering the net reversals of
       future taxable and deductible differences occurring in the same
       periods.  In this context, the Company has taken into account prudent 
       and feasible tax planning strategies.  After application of the
       valuation allowance, the Company's net deferred tax assets and
       liabilities are zero. 


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

  (6)  Employee Stock Purchase Plans and Other Employee Benefit Programs

       The Company has a stock purchase plan covering its directors, officers
       and employees and certain other persons providing service to the
       Company, as well as a separate plan covering its California resident
       employees.  At December 31, 1993, the number of shares authorized
       under the plans is 10,450,000.  Each participating employee is
       required to purchase a number of shares having an aggregate purchase
       price equivalent to 20% of such employee's annual base wage or salary
       on the date of purchase.  Each participating employee has the option
       of simultaneously purchasing additional shares having an aggregate
       purchase price not exceeding 20% of such wage or salary.  California
       resident employees electing to participate in the plan may purchase a
       number of shares having an aggregate purchase price not exceeding 40%
       of their annual base wage or salary on the date of purchase at a
       specified price.

       Participating employees can elect to finance their purchase through
       the Company for up to 20% of their annual base wage or salary over a
       five-year period at an interest rate of 9.5%.  Employee notes
       receivable of $17.6 million existed at December 31, 1993 and were
       classified in the stockholders' deficiency section.  Shares issued
       under the plans cannot be sold, transferred, assigned, pledged or
       encumbered in any way for a period of two years from the date such
       shares are paid for and delivered to participating employees.  The
       employees' purchase price is 85% of the market price on the date of
       purchase.  The difference between the employees' purchase price and
       the market price is recorded as deferred compensation and is amortized
       over five years.

       The plans provide for the purchase of additional shares of common
       stock up to 10% of the employee's annual base wage during the first
       year of employment and 20% of the employee's annual base wage during
       each subsequent calendar year.  Such purchases may be financed through
       the Company at the same terms as indicated above, as long as total
       outstanding amounts previously financed do not exceed 10% of the
       employee's annual base compensation.

       Effective August 1, 1991, the Company suspended the mandatory portion
       of the Employee Stock Purchase Plan for 60 days.  Subsequent to the
       expiration of the 60-day period, the Company indefinitely suspended
       the Employee Stock Purchase Plan.  The Company also suspended payroll
       deductions related to the Employee Stock Purchase Plan as a result of
       a 10% across the board reduction in wages which commenced August 1,
       1991 for all employees whose wages had not been  previously reduced. 
       The unpaid employee stock purchase notes continue to accrue interest. 
       The Company anticipates that the reorganization process will result in
       the restructuring, cancellation and/or replacement of the interests of
       its existing common and preferred stockholders.  


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

       The Bankruptcy process has caused the suspension of the Company's
       profit sharing plan which covers all personnel.  The plan provided 
       for the distribution of 15% of annual pre-tax profits to employees 
       based on each individual's base wage.  The Company made no 
       distributions under the plan in 1993, 1992 or 1991.

       The Company implemented a 401(k) defined contribution plan on
       January 1, 1989, covering essentially all employees of the Company. 
       Participants may contribute from 1% to 10% of their pre-tax earnings
       to a maximum of $8,994.  The Company will match 25% of a participant's
       contributions up to 6% of the participant's annual pre-tax earnings. 
       The Company's contribution expense to the plan totaled $2.1 million,
       $2 million and $4.9 million in 1993, 1992 and 1991, respectively.

       The Company provides no post-retirement benefits to its former
       employees other than the continuation of flight benefits on a stand-
       by, non-revenue basis; the cost of which is not material. 
       Additionally, no material post-employment benefits are provided.

  (7)  Convertible Preferred Stock

       Annual dividends of $5.41 per share are payable quarterly on the
       291,149 shares of voting Series B 10.5% convertible preferred stock. 
       Each preferred share is entitled to four votes and may be converted
       into four shares of common stock subject to certain anti-dilution
       provisions.  The preferred shares are redeemable at the Company's
       election, if the price of common stock is at least $19.32 per share,
       at $51.52 per share plus unpaid accrued dividends plus a redemption
       premium starting at 3% during 1991 and decreasing 1% per year to zero
       during and after 1994.  During 1993, the Series B convertible
       preferred stock was converted into 1,164,596 shares of common stock.

       Annual dividends of $1.33 per share are payable quarterly on the
       73,099 shares of voting Series C 9.75% convertible preferred stock. 
       Such shares may be converted into an equal number of shares of common
       stock subject to certain anti-dilution provisions.  The preferred
       shares are redeemable at the Company's election at $13.68 per share 
       plus unpaid accrued dividends plus a redemption premium starting at 
       4% during 1991 and decreasing 1% per year to zero during and after 

       Under Delaware law, the Company is precluded from paying dividends on
       its outstanding preferred stock until such time as the Company's
       stockholder deficiency has been eliminated.

       At December 31, 1993, the Company was delinquent in the  payment of
       its sixth consecutive dividends on the Preferred Stock.  See note 1
       for a discussion of the potential effects of the Company's
       reorganization upon preferred stock. 


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

  (8)  Common Stock

       Certain "Rights" have been distributed to certain shareholders of
       record on August 25, 1986.  The Rights, which entitle the holder to
       purchase one one-hundredth (1/100th) of a share of Series D
       Participating Preferred Stock at a price of $200, are not exercisable
       unless certain conditions relating to a possible attempt to acquire
       the Company are met.  In the event of an acquisition or merger, the
       Rights will entitle the holder of a Right to purchase that number of
       common shares of the acquiring or surviving entity having twice the
       market value of the exercise price of each Right.  The Rights expire
       on August 24, 1996 and are redeemable at a price of $.03 per Right
       under certain conditions.

       The Board of Directors has authorized the purchase of up to 700,000
       shares of the Company's common stock from time to time in open market
       transactions.  The Company has purchased and retired 348,410 shares as
       of December 31, 1993 at an average per share price of $8.31.  

  (9)  Stock Options and Warrants

       The Company has an Incentive Stock Option Plan and has reserved
       13,225,000 shares of common stock for issuance upon the exercise of
       stock options granted under the plan.  Of the total shares reserved,
       10,350,000 shares are restricted for issuance to employees other than
       certain management employees.  Options are granted at fair market
       value on the date of grant and generally become exercisable over a
       five-year period, and ultimately lapse if unexercised at the end of
       ten years.

       Activity under the Incentive Stock Option Plan is as follows:

                                               Incentive Stock Option Plan
                                            Number of Options
                                          Key          Other       Option Price
                                       Management    Employees      Per Share
                                       ----------    ---------     ------------

       Outstanding January 1, 1991     1,721,326     5,215,028   $2.50 - $13.06
       Granted                            52,000     2,434,880   $0.94 - $ 7.50
       Canceled                         (254,025)     (535,116)  $1.38 - $12.81
       Exercised                          (8,981)       (1,860)  $2.50 - $ 9.13
                                       ---------     ---------   --------------
       Outstanding December 31, 1991   1,510,320     7,112,932   $0.94 - $13.06
       Granted                              -          414,060   $1.13 - $ 2.63
       Canceled                         (183,700)     (791,199)  $0.27 - $13.06
                                       ---------     ---------   --------------
       Outstanding December 31, 1992   1,326,620     6,735,793   $0.94 - $13.06
       Canceled                         (284,990)   (1,005,192)  $0.94 - $12.81
                                       ---------    ----------   --------------
       Outstanding December 31, 1993   1,041,630     5,730,601   $0.94 - $13.06
                                       =========    ==========   ==============


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

       At December 31, 1993, options to purchase 3,731,608 shares were
       exercisable at prices ranging from $0.94 to $13.06 per share under the
       Incentive Stock Option Plan.  Effective March 13, 1992, additional grants
       under the Plan were suspended.

       The Company has a Nonstatutory Stock Option Plan under which options
       to purchase 3,785,880 shares of common stock at prices ranging from
       $5.06 to $10.25 per share (fair market value on date of grant) have
       been granted, of which 1,961,410 stock options are outstanding as of
       December 31, 1993.  During 1991, 40,000 options were granted at $6.00
       per share.  During 1993, 1992 and 1991, no options were exercised.  At
       December 31, 1993, all options were exercisable.  Options expire 10
       years from date of grant.

       The Company had granted warrants and options to purchase 227,500
       shares of common stock to members of the Board of Directors who are
       not employees of the Company.  At December 31, 1993, 110,000 options
       are outstanding and exercisable through February 4, 1996 at prices of
       $6.00 to $9.00 per share (fair market value at date of grant).  No
       warrants or options were granted or exercised during 1993, 1992 or

       The Company has adopted a Restricted Stock Plan and has reserved
       250,000 shares of common stock for issuance at no cost to key
       employees.  Grants that are issued will vest over a three to five-year
       period.  As of December 31, 1993, the Company granted 93,870 shares
       and the related unamortized deferred compensation was $5,320.  In
       1991, the operation of the Restricted Stock Plan was suspended due to
       the Company's reorganization.

  (10) Supplemental Information to Statements of Cash Flows

       Cash paid for interest, net of amounts capitalized, during the years
       ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991 was approximately $44  million,
       $46 million and $33 million, respectively.

       Cash paid for income taxes during the year ended December 31, 1993 was

       Cash flows from reorganization items in connection with the Chapter 11
       proceedings during the years ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991
       were as follows:

                                                   1993      1992      1991
                                                   ----      ----      ----
                                                       (in thousands)

       Interest received on cash accumulations   $ 2,635   $  2,030  $ 1,365
       Professional fees paid for services 
          rendered                                (7,372)   (11,346)  (6,913)
       D.I.P. financing issuance costs paid       (1,378)    (1,760)  (2,660) 


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

       In addition, during the years ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991,
       the Company had the following non-cash financing and investing

                                                1993      1992      1991
                                                ----      ----      ----
                                                    (in thousands)

       Conversion of long-term debt to 
          common stock                         $ 1,938   $ 3,685   $ 27,898
                                               =======   =======   ========

       Draws taken by third parties on letters 
          of credit                            $   -     $11,201   $ 42,415
                                               =======   =======   ========

       Equipment acquired through capital 
          leases                               $   709   $   437   $ 10,028
                                               =======   =======   ========

       Notes payable issued to equipment 
          seller                               $   818   $22,804   $106,510
                                               =======   =======   ========

       Notes payable issued for administrative
          claim settlements                    $11,597   $   -     $   -
                                               =======   =======   ========

       Preferred stock dividends declared 
          but unpaid                           $   -     $ 1,672   $  1,250
                                               =======   =======   ========

       Accrued interest reclassified to 
          long-term debt                       $15,137   $16,443   $ 19,311
                                               =======   =======   ========

  (11) Commitments and Contingencies

       (a)  Leases

            During 1991, the Company restructured its lease commitment for
            Airbus A320 aircraft with the lessors.  As a result of the
            restructuring, the Company's obligation to lease ten A320
            aircraft was canceled and the basic rental rate for twelve
            aircraft was revised to provide for the repayment to the lessor
            over a ten-year period of certain advanced credits received by
            the Company which relate to the ten canceled aircraft.


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

            In the third quarter of 1991, the Company requested a deferral of
            rent and other periodic payments from its aircraft providers. 
            The deferral was requested in an effort to conserve cash and
            improve the Company's liquidity position.  As a condition of
            securing the $78 million D.I.P. financing, the Company was
            required to obtain from most aircraft providers rent, principal
            and interest payment deferrals in excess of $100 million covering
            the six-month period of June through November 1991.  These
            deferrals will generally be repaid with interest at 10.5% over
            the remaining term of the lease or secured borrowing with
            repayment commencing December 1991.  At December 31, 1993 and
            1992, the remaining unpaid deferrals are reported as follows:

                                                         December 31,
                                                     1993           1992
                                                     ----           ----
                                                       (in thousands)

            Accounts payable                        $ 7,567        $20,672
            Other liabilities                        31,425         28,196
            Long-term debt                           18,671         20,769
                                                    -------        -------
                                                    $57,663        $69,637
                                                    =======        =======

            In the third quarter of 1992, the Company requested an additional
            deferral of rent and other periodic payments from its aircraft
            providers.  The deferral was requested to assure sufficient
            liquidity to sustain operations while additional debtor-in-
            possession financing was obtained (note 4).  The 1992 deferrals
            will generally be repaid either without interest during the first
            quarter of 1993 or with interest over a period of seven years. 
            At December 31, 1993 and 1992, the remaining unpaid deferrals are
            reported as follows:

                                                         December 31,
                                                     1993           1992
                                                     ----           ----
                                                       (in thousands)

            Accounts payable                        $ 9,650        $17,528
            Long-term debt                           21,539         25,346
                                                    -------        -------

                                                    $31,189        $42,874
                                                    =======        ======= 



                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

            As of December 31, 1993, the Company had 66 aircraft under
            operating leases with remaining terms ranging from four months to
            20 years.  The Company has options to purchase most of the
            aircraft at fair market value at the end of the lease term. 
            Certain of the agreements require security deposits and
            maintenance reserve payments.  The Company also leases certain
            terminal space, ground facilities and computer and other
            equipment under noncancelable operating leases.

            Future minimum rental payments for years ending December 31 under
            noncancelable operating leases with initial terms of more than
            one year are as follows:

                                                  (in thousands)

                      1994                          $  191,606
                      1995                             182,236
                      1996                             179,110
                      1997                             169,797
                      1998                             160,759
                      Thereafter                     1,333,187

            Collectively, the operating lease agreements require security de-
            posits with lessors of $8.1 million and bank letters of credit of
            $17.7 million.  The letters of credit are collateralized by
            certain spare rotable parts with a net book value of $35.8
            million and $17.6 million in restricted cash.  

            Rent expense (excluding landing fees) was approximately $245
            million in 1993, $307 million in 1992 and $319 million in 1991.

       (b)  Revenue Bonds

            Special facility revenue bonds have been issued by a municipality
            used for leasehold improvements at the airport which have been
            leased by the Company.  Under the operating lease agreements, 
            which commenced in 1990, the Company is required to make rental 
            payments sufficient to pay principal and interest when due on the 
            bonds.  The Company ceased rental payments in June 1991.  The
            principal amount of such bonds outstanding at December 31, 1992
            and 1991 was $40.7 million.  In October 1993, the Company and the
            bondholder agreed to reduce the outstanding balance of the bonds
            to $22.5 million and adjust the related operating lease
            payments sufficient to pay principal and interest on the 
            reduced amount effective upon the confirmation of a  plan of
            reorganization.  The remaining principal balance of $18.2 million
            will be accorded the same treatment under the plan of
            reorganization as a pre-petition unsecured claim.  The Company
            also agreed to make adequate protection payments in the amount of
            $150,000 per month from August 1993 to plan confirmation. 


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

       (c)  Aircraft Acquisitions

            At December 31, 1993, the Company had on order a total of 93
            aircraft of the types currently comprising the Company's fleet,
            of which 51 are firm and 42 are options.  The table below details
            such deliveries.

                                   Firm Orders
                         1994 1995 1996 1997 Thereafter Total Orders  Total
                         ---- ---- ---- ---- ---------- ----- ------  -----

       Boeing: 737-300    -    -    4     2      -        6     10      16

               757-200    -    4    3     -      -        7     10      17

       Airbus: A320-200   9    5    2     8     14       38     22      60
                          -    -    -    --     --       --     --      --

               Total:     9    9    9    10     14       51     42      93
                          =    =    =    ==     ==       ==     ==      ==

            The current estimated aggregate cost for these firm commitments
            and options is approximately $5.2 billion.  Future aircraft
            deliveries are planned in some instances for incremental
            additions to the Company's existing aircraft fleet and in other
            instances as replacements for aircraft with lease terminations
            occurring during this period.  The purchase agreements to acquire
            24 Boeing 737-300 aircraft had been affirmed in the Company's
            bankruptcy proceeding.  With timely notice to the manufacturer,
            all or some of these deliveries may be converted to Boeing
            737-400 aircraft.  At December 31, 1993, eight Boeing 737
            delivery positions had been eliminated due to the lack of a
            required reconfirmation notice by the Company to Boeing leaving
            16 delivery positions as reflected above.  The failure to
            reconfirm such delivery positions exposes the Company to loss of
            pre-delivery deposits and other claims which may be asserted by
            Boeing in the bankruptcy proceeding.  The purchase agreements for
            the remaining aircraft types have not been assumed, and the
            Company has not yet determined which of the other aircraft pur-
            chase agreements, if any, will be affirmed or rejected.

            As part of the $68.4 million term loan (see note 4(a)), the
            Company terminated an agreement to lease 24 Airbus A320 aircraft
            and ultimately replaced it with  a put agreement to lease up to
            four such aircraft.  The lessor is under no obligation to lease
            such aircraft to the Company and has the right to remarket these
            aircraft to other parties.  Prior to its bankruptcy filing, the
            Company also entered into a similar arrangement with another
            lessor, whereby the Company terminated its agreement to lease 10
            Airbus A320 aircraft and replaced it with a put agreement to
            lease up to 10 Airbus A320 aircraft.

            The put agreement related to the term loan requires the lessor to
            notify the Company prior to July 1, 1994  if it intends to
            require the Company to lease any of its put aircraft.  The other
            put agreement requires 180 days prior notice of the delivery of a 
            put aircraft.  The agreement also provides that the lessor may
            not put more than five aircraft to the Company in any one
            calendar year.  This put right expires on December 31, 1996.  No
            more than nine put aircraft (from both lessors combined) may be
            put to the Company in one calendar year.  The put aircraft are
            reflected in the "Firm Orders" section of the table above.


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

            The Investment Agreement provides that as partial consideration
            for the cancellation of certain put rights, the lessor will
            receive the right to require the Company to lease up to eight
            aircraft prior to June 30, 1999.

            The Company does not have firm lease or debt financing
            commitments with respect to the future scheduled aircraft
            deliveries (other than for the put aircraft referred to above).

            In addition to the aircraft set forth in the chart above, the
            Company also has a pre-petition executory contract under which
            the Company holds delivery positions for four Boeing 747-400
            aircraft under firm orders and another four under options.  The
            contract allows the Company, with the giving of adequate notice,
            to substitute other Boeing aircraft types for the Boeing 747-400
            in these delivery positions.  As a result, the Company is still
            evaluating its future fleet needs and is currently unable to
            determine if it will substitute other aircraft types or reject
            this agreement.

       (d)  Concentration of Credit Risk

            The Company does not believe it is subject to any significant
            concentration of credit risk.  At December 31, 1993,
            approximately 82% of the Company's receivables related to tickets
            sold to individual passengers through the use of major credit
            cards or to tickets sold by other airlines and used by passengers
            on America West.  These receivables are short-term,
            generally being settled shortly after sale or in the month
            following usage.  Bad debt losses, which have been minimal in the
            past, have been considered in establishing allowances for
            doubtful accounts.

  (12) Related Party Transactions

       During 1989, the Company sold 486,219 shares of common stock at $6.31
       and $9.79 to the stockholder that purchased 3,029,235 shares of common
       stock at $10.50 in 1987 and $1 million of the Series C preferred stock
       in 1985.  This stockholder has the right to maintain a 20% voting
       interest through the purchase of common stock from the Company at a
       price per share which is the average market price per share for the
       preceding six months.  In 1990, the stockholder made direct purchases
       on the open market to maintain its 20% voting interest.  On
       February 15, 1991, the stockholder purchased 253,422 shares of common
       stock  from the Company at $5.50 per share.  No such purchases
       occurred in 1993 or 1992.

       The Company has entered into various aircraft acquisition and leasing
       agreements with this stockholder at terms comparable to those obtained
       from third parties for similar transactions.  The Company leases 11
       aircraft from this stockholder and the rental payments for such leases
       amounted to $33.7 million in 1993, $33.8 million in 1992 and $18.1
       million in 1991.  At December 31, 1993, the Company was obligated to
       pay $232 million under these leases through August 2003 unless
       terminated earlier at the stockholder's option.  In 1991, the
       stockholder drew upon a $7.5 million letter of credit which had been 
       issued in its favor in lieu of a cash reserve for periodic heavy
       maintenance overhauls.  This cash deposit is included in other assets
       at December 31, 1993 and 1992.


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

       In addition, the stockholder participated as a lender in the
       September 1992 D.I.P. Facility and advanced $10 million of the $53
       million in total D.I.P. financing.  In September 1993, the stockholder
       was repaid the then outstanding balance of $8.3 million as a result of
       not participating in the extension of the maturity date of the debt

       In order to assist the Chairman of the Board with certain costs
       associated with his service as chairman, the Company pays an office
       overhead allowance of $4,167 per month to a company owned by the
       chairman.  During 1993 and 1992, such payments totaled approximately
       $50,000 and $16,000, respectively.

       Additionally, a former member of the Board of Directors provided
       consulting services to the Company during 1993 and 1992 for which he
       received fees of approximately $39,000 and $47,000, respectively.

  (13) Restructuring Charges

       Restructuring charges consist of the following:

                                                              (in thousands)
       Write-off for certain assets related to station 
          closures or route restructuring                        $ 9,529
       Provision for spare parts for aircraft types 
          no longer in service                                    12,651
       Provision for employee severance                            2,284
       Loss on return of aircraft                                  6,852


       The restructuring charges were necessitated by aircraft fleet
       reductions and other operational changes.  The Company has reduced its
       fleet to 85 aircraft and has reduced the number of aircraft types in
       the fleet from five to three.


                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC., D.I.P.

                         Notes to Financial Statements

  (14) Quarterly Financial Data (Unaudited)

       Summarized quarterly financial data for 1993 and 1992 are as follows
       (in thousands of dollars except per share amounts):

                                       1st            2nd        3rd        4th
                                     Quarter       Quarter    Quarter    Quarter
                                     -------      -------    -------    -------
       Total operating revenues:
            1993                     $316,605     $324,910   $335,113   $348,736
            1992                     $337,050     $333,511   $321,590   $301,989
       Operating income (loss):
            1993                     $ 17,168     $ 25,179   $ 32,981   $ 45,726
            1992 (a)                 $ (7,974)    $(15,979)  $(48,534)  $ (2,325)
       Nonoperating expense, net
            1993                     $(14,990)    $(14,710)  $(18,285)  $(35,145)
            1992 (b)                 $ (2,010)    $(17,390)  $(22,230)  $(15,319)
       Income tax expense
            1993                     $    (44)    $   (209)  $   (293)  $   (213)
            1992                     $    -       $    -     $    -     $   -
       Net income (loss)
            1993                     $  2,134     $ 10,260   $ 14,403   $ 10,368
            1992                     $ (9,984)    $(33,369)  $(70,764)  $(17,644)
       Earnings (loss) per share
              Primary                $    .09     $    .41   $    .56   $    .40
              Fully diluted          $    .09     $    .28   $    .38   $    .28
              Primary                $  (0.44)    $  (1.41)  $  (2.97)  $  (0.75)

       (a)  During the third quarter of 1992, restructuring charges for
            employee separation costs, losses related to returning aircraft
            to lessors, write-off of assets related to the restructuring and
            a loss provision  related to spare parts expected to be sold
            amounting to $31.3 million was recorded.

       (b)  During the first quarter of 1992, a gain of $15 million was
            recorded for the transfer of the Honolulu/Nagoya route to another


  Item 9  Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and 
  ------  --------------------------------------------------------------- 
          Financial Disclosure.
     During the last two fiscal years, the Company has not filed a Form 8-K 
  to report a change in accountants because of a disagreement over accounting 
  principles or procedures, financial statement disclosure, or otherwise. 
                                    PART III

  Item 10.  Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant. 
  -------   -------------------------------------------------- 
     Information respecting the names, ages, terms, positions with the 
  Company and business experience of the executive officers and the directors 
  of the Company as of February 28, 1994, is set forth below.  Each director 
  has served continuously with the Company since his first election. 

                                                         Director    Term 
          Name           Age          Position            Since     Expires (3)
          ----           ---          --------           --------   ----------- 

   William A. Franke      57        Chairman of the        1992       1994 
                                    Board And Chief 
                                    Executive Officer 
   A. Maurice Myers       53        President, Chief       1994       1994 
                                    Operating Officer 
                                    and Director 
   Thomas P. Burns        52        Senior Vice             N/A        N/A 
                                    President-Sales and 
                                    Marketing Programs 

   Alphonse E. Frei       55        Senior Vice             N/A        N/A 
                                    Chief Financial 
   Martin J. Whalen       53        Senior Vice             N/A        N/A 
                                    Administration and 
                                    General Counsel 
   Frederick W. Bradley, 
   Jr.(1)(2)              67        Director               1992       1992 
   O. Mark 
   De Michele(2)          60        Director               1986       1993 
   Samuel L. 
   Eichenfield(2)         57        Director               1992       1992 

   Richard C. 
   Kraemer(1)             49        Director               1992       1993 
   James T. 
   McMillan(1)(2)         68        Director               1993       1993 

   John R. Norton 
   III(1)                 64        Director               1992       1992 
   John Tierney(1)        48        Director               1993       1993 

   Declan Treacy(2)       37        Director               1993       1994

  (1)     Member of the Compensation Committee. 
  (2)     Member of the Audit Committee. 
  (3)     The Company has not held a meeting of its stockholders in since May 
          1991 to elect directors.  Accordingly, each director, including 
          those directors with terms expiring in 1992, 1993 and 1994, shall 
          serve until either their resignation or the later of (i) his term 
          expiration or (ii) such time as his successor is duly elected and 

     William A. Franke was named Chairman of the Board of Directors in 
  September 1992.  On December 31, 1993, Mr. Franke was elected to also serve 
  as the Company's Chief Executive Officer.  In addition to his 
  responsibilities at America West, Mr. Franke serves as president of the 
  financial services firm, Franke & Co., a company he has owned since May 
  1987.  From November 1989 until June 1990, Mr. Franke served as the 
  Chairman of Circle K Corporation's executive committee with the 
  responsibility for Circle K Corporations's restructure.  In May 1990, the 
  Circle K Corporation filed a voluntary petition to reorganize under Chapter 
  11 of the Bankruptcy Code.  From June 1990 until August 1993, Mr. Franke 
  served as the chairman of a special committee of directors overseeing the 
  reorganization of the Circle K Corporation.  Mr. Franke has also served in 
  various other capacities at Circle K Corporation since 1990.  Mr. Franke 
  was also involved in the restructuring of the Valley National Bank of 
  Arizona (now Bank One Arizona).  Mr. Franke also serves as a director of 
  Phelps Dodge Corp. and Central Newspapers Inc. 
     A. Maurice Myers was named president and chief operating officer on 
  December 31, 1993 and was named to the Board of Director in 1994.  Prior to 
  joining America West, Mr. Myers was the president and chief executive 
  officer of Aloha Airgroup, Inc. an aviation services corporation which owns 
  and operates Aloha Airlines and Aloha IslandAir.  Mr. Myers joined Aloha in 
  1983 as vice president of marketing and became its president and chief 
  executive officer in June 1985.  Mr. Myers is a member of the boards of 
  directors of Air Transport Association of America and Hawaiian Electric 
     Thomas P. Burns has served as Senior Vice President-Sales and Marketing 
  since August 1987.  Mr. Burns joined the Company in April 1985 as Vice 
  President-Sales.  Mr. Burns was employed for 25 years by Continental 
  Airlines in various sales and passenger service positions.  From 1982 to 
  1983, he was employed as North American Manager of Sales for UTA, a French 
  airline.  Mr. Burns returned to Continental from 1983 through March 1985, 
  where he served as Director of International Sales prior to joining the 
     Alphonse E. Frei has been Senior Vice President-Finance and Chief 
  Financial Officer since April 1985.  He joined the Company in April 1983 as 
  Vice President-Controller. Prior to that time he had 23 years of experience 
  at Continental Airlines where he held a variety of management positions in 
  finance and data processing.  Mr. Frei served as a member of the Company's 
  Board of Directors from 1986 to 1992.  Mr. Frei is also a member of the 
  board of directors of Swift Transportation Co., Inc. 
     Martin J. Whalen has been Senior Vice President-Administration and 
  General Counsel of the Company since July 1986.  From 1980 until July 1986, 
  Mr. Whalen was employed by McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Company and its 
  predecessors, most recently as Vice President of Administration.  He also 
  held positions in labor relations, personnel and legal affairs at Hughes 
  Airwest and Eastern Airlines. 
     Frederick W. Bradley, Jr. has served as a member of the Board of 
  Directors since September 1992.  Immediately prior to joining the Board of 
  Directors, Mr. Bradley was a senior advisor with Simat, Helliesen & 
  Eichner, Inc.  Mr. Bradley formerly served as senior vice president of 
  Citibank/Citicorp's Global Airline and Aerospace business.  Mr. Bradley 
  joined Citibank/Citicorp in 1958.  In addition, Mr. Bradley serves as a 
  member of the board of directors of Shuttle, Inc. (USAir Shuttle) and the 
  Institute of Air Transport, Paris, France.  Mr. Bradley also serves as 
  chairman of the board of directors of Aircraft Lease Portfolio 
  Securitization 92-1 Ltd. and as President of IATA's International Airline 
  Training Fund of the United States. 
     O. Mark De Michele has served as a member of the Board of Directors 
  since 1986 and is president, chief executive officer and a director of 
  Arizona Public Service Company.  Mr. De Michele joined Arizona Public 
  Service Company in 1978 as vice president of corporate relations, and also 
  served as its chief operating officer and an executive vice president.  Mr. 
  De Michele is also a member of the board of directors of the Pinnacle West 
  Capital Corporation. 
     Samuel L. Eichenfield has served as a member of the Board of Directors 
  since September 1992 and is chairman of the board of directors and chief 
  executive officer of GFC Financial Corporation.  Mr. Eichenfield has also 
  served as chief executive officer of Greyhound Financial Corporation, a 
  subsidiary of GFC Financial Corporation, since joining GFC in 1987. 
     Richard C. Kraemer has served as a member of the Board of Directors 
  since September 1992 and is president and chief operating officer of UDC 
  Homes, Inc.  Mr. Kraemer is also a member of the UDC Homes, Inc. board of 
  directors.  Prior to joining UDC Homes, Inc. in 1975, Mr. Kraemer held a 
  variety of positions at American Cyanamid Company. 
     James T. McMillan has served as a member of the Board of Directors since 
  December 1993.  Mr. McMillan joined McDonnell Douglas Finance Corporation 
  as its president in 1968 and retired as its chairman of the board in 1991.  
  Mr. McMillan also served in various capacities for the McDonnell Douglas 
  Corporation from August 1954 until August 1990, most recently as a Senior 
  Vice President and Group Executive. 
     John R. Norton III has served as a member of the Board of Directors 
  since September 1992 and was former Deputy Secretary of the United States 
  Department of Agriculture from 1985 to 1986.  Mr. Norton is currently a 
  principal of J.R. Norton Company, an agricultural and real estate.  Mr. 
  Norton is also a member of the board of directors of Aztar Corp., Pinnacle 
  West Capital Corporation, Arizona Public Service Company and Terra 
  Industries, Inc. 
     John F. Tierney has served as a member of the Board of Directors since 
  December 1993.  Mr. Tierney is the Assistant Chief Executive and Finance 
  Director of GPA Group plc, an Irish aircraft leasing concern, and has 
  served GPA Group plc in various such capacity since 1981.  See Certain 
  Relationships and Related Transactions. 
     Declan Treacy has served as a member of the Board of Directors since 
  December 1993.  Mr. Tierney is the General Manager - Corporate Finance of 
  GPA Group plc, an Irish aircraft leasing concern, and has served GPA Group 
  plc in various such capacity since 1988.  See Certain Relationships and 
  Related Transactions. 
     In February 1993, the Company and its debtor-in -possession lenders 
  amended the terms of D.I.P. financing and in connection therewith the 
  Company and certain of such lenders entered into an Amended and Restated 
  Management Letter Agreement pursuant to which such lenders shall have a 
  right to approve the membership of the Company's Board of Directors.  Under 
  the terms of such letter agreement GPA has the right to appoint two members 
  to the Board of Directors, the remaining D.I.P. lenders (except Kawasaki) 
  have the right to appoint five members to the Board of Directors, one 
  member of the Board must be a member of America West management and two 
  members must be independent. 
     The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors, which met ten 
  times during 1993 reviews all aspects of compensation of executive officers 
  of the Company and makes recommendations on such matters to the full Board 
  of Directors.  In addition, the Compensation Committee reviews and approves 
  all compensation and employee benefit plans, the Company's organizational 
  structure and plans for the development of successors to corporate officers 
  and other key members of management. 
     The Audit Committee, which met nine times during 1993, makes 
  recommendations to the Board concerning the selection of outside auditors, 
  reviews the financial statements of the Company and considers such other 
  matters in relation to the internal and external audit of the financial 
  affairs of the Company as may be necessary or appropriate in order to 
  facilitate accurate and timely financial reporting.  The Company does not 
  maintain a standing nominating committee or other committee performing 
  similar functions. 
     During the fiscal year ended December 31, 1993, the Board of Directors 
  of the Company met on twenty-nine occasions. During the period in which he 
  served as director, each of the directors attended 75 percent or more of 
  the meetings of the Board of Directors and of the meetings held by 
  committees of the Board on which he served.  
  Item 11.     Executive Compensation. 
  -------      ---------------------- 
     The table below sets forth information concerning the annual and long- 
  term compensation for services in all capacities to the corporation for the 
  fiscal years ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991, of those persons who 
  were, at December 31, 1993 (i) the chief executive officer and (ii) the 
  other four most highly compensated executive officers of the Corporation 
  (the "Named Officers"): 

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE 

                                               Annual Compensation

                                                          Other     All
                                                          Annual    Other
                                                          Compen-   Compen-
   Name and Principal Position           Year    Salary   sation(2) sation(3)
   ---------------------------           ----   --------  --------- ---------

   William A. Franke(1)                  1993   $450,000     -0-       -0-
   Chairman of the Board and Chief       1992   $131,250     -0-       -0-
   Executive Officer                     1991      N/A       N/A       N/A
   Thomas P. Burns                       1993   $123,200   $4,004    $2,182
   Senior Vice President-Sales and       1992   $123,200     -0-     $2,182
   Marketing                             1991   $125,767     -0-       N/A

   Alphonse E. Frei                      1993   $156,800   $5,096    $2,182
   Senior Vice President-Finance and     1992   $156,800     -0-     $2,182
   Chief Financial Officer               1991   $160,067     -0-       N/A
   Don Monteath(4)                       1993   $156,800   $5,096    $2,182
   Senior Vice President-                1992   $156,800     -0-     $2,182
   Operations                            1991   $160,067     -0-       N/A

   Martin J. Whalen                      1993   $134,000   $4,368    $2,016
   Senior Vice President-                1992   $134,000     -0-     $2,016
   Administration and General Counsel    1991   $137,200     -0-       N/A
   Michael J. Conway(5)                  1993   $432,000   $8,250    $2,182
   Former Chief Executive Officer and    1992   $432,000     -0-     $2,182
   President                             1991   $444,000     -0-       N/A
  (1)     Mr. Franke was elected Chairman of the Board on September 17, 1992 
          and was elected Chief Executive Officer on December 31, 1993. 
  (2)     Represents amount paid pursuant to the Company's transition pay 
  (3)     Consists of Company contributions to the Company's 401(k) Plan on 
          behalf of the Named Officer.  
  (4)     Mr. Monteath resigned as Senior Vice President-Operations in 
          February 1994. 
  (5)     Mr. Conway was replaced as the President and Chief Executive 
          Officer on December 31, 1993. 

  Option Plan Information 
     During the fiscal year ended December 31, 1993, none of the Named 
  Officers exercised any options.  All options held by the Named Officers 
  have exercise prices greater than the fair market value of the Common Stock 
  on December 31, 1993. 
     The following table sets forth information with respect to the Company's 
  Restated Nonstatutory Stock Option Plan ("NSOP") and Incentive Stock Option 
  Plan ("ISO") as of the fiscal year ended December 31, 1993 with respect to 
  the Named Officers. 

                   OPTION/SAR VALUE AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1993 

                                         Number of Unexercised 
                                      Options at Fiscal Year End
    Name                   Plan       Exercisable   Unexercisable 
    ----                   ----       -----------   -------------

    William A. Franke      NSOP           -0-           -0- 
                            ISO           -0-           -0- 
    Thomas P. Burns        NSOP         109,640         -0- 
                            ISO          17,300         -0- 

    Alphonse E. Frei       NSOP         191,560         -0- 
                            ISO          20,000         -0- 
    Don Monteath           NSOP         206,560         -0- 
                            ISO          21,000         -0- 

    Martin J. Whalen       NSOP         143,480         -0- 
                            ISO          12,033         -0- 
    Michael J. Conway      NSOP         717,400         -0- 
                            ISO          28,000         -0- 

  Termination of Employment Arrangements

     The Company has made certain Termination of Employment Arrangements 
  in keeping with its practice under its July 26, 1991 Termination of 
  Employment Guidelines, as amended:

     In connection with the termination of employment of Mr. Michael J. 
  Conway as an officer of the Company, the Company agreed to pay Mr. 
  Conway $503,000 in termination allowances, payable as an initial 
  severance payment in the amount of $304,200, an additional $163,800 
  in six monthly installments of $27,300 each, and a $35,000 transition 
  expense allowance.  The Company also agreed to continue the payment 
  until December 31, 1994, of premiums aggregating about $33,000 on 
  certain life insurance policies owned by Mr. Conway.  The foregoing 
  payments were in addition to continuation of medical insurance benefits 
  and certain other fringe benefit arrangements.
     In connection with the termination of employment of Mr. Don Monteath 
  as an officer of the Company, the Company agreed to pay Mr. Monteath a 
  severance payment of $168,862.  This payment was in addition to 
  continuation of medical insurance benefits and certain other fringe 
  benefit arrangements.

  Director Compensation
     Each non-employee director at December 31, 1993, is compensated as 
  follows: an annual retainer of $25,000 plus $1,000 for each Board meeting 
  attended, $1,000 for each committee meeting attended and reimbursement for 
  expenses incurred in attending the meetings. Directors are also entitled to 
  certain air travel benefits. 
  Other Agreements
     Mr. Franke, Chairman of the Board of Directors, is also the president of 
  the financial services firm, Franke & Co.  In order to assist Mr. Franke 
  with certain costs associated with his service as Chairman and Chief 
  Executive Officer, the Company pays Franke & Co. an office overhead 
  allowance of $4,167 per month.   


  Item 12.  Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management.
  -------   -------------------------------------------------------------- 
     The following table sets forth information, as of March 15, 1994, 
  concerning the capital stock beneficially owned by each director of the 
  Company, by each of the named executive officers, by the directors and 
  executive officers of the Company as a group, and by each Stockholder known 
  by the Company to be the beneficial owner of more than five percent of the 
  Common Stock or Preferred Stock. 

                                  Beneficially Owned(1)    Percent of Class(1) 
                                  ---------------------    -------------------    
   Name                           Common      Preferred    Common    Preferred
   -------------------------      ------      ---------    ------    ---------
   William A. Franke                 -0-                     * 
   A. Maurice Myers                  -0-                     * 
   Thomas P. Burns                 168,810 
   Alphonse E. Frei                214,171                   * 
   Don Monteath                    227,560                   * 
   Martin J. Whalen                155,571                   * 
   Frederick W. Bradley, Jr.         -0-                     * 
   Michael J. Conway(2)            826,518                  3.2% 

   O. Mark De Michele               20,200                   * 
   Samuel L. Eichenfield             -0-                     * 
   Richard C. Kraemer                -0-                     * 
   James T. McMillan                 -0-                     * 
   John R. Norton, III               -0-                     * 
   John F. Tierney                   -0-                     * 
   Declan Treacy                     -0-                     * 
   Transpacific Enterprises, 
     Common Stock                3,527,876                  12.2% 
     Series C Preferred Stock                    73,099                 100% 


                                  Beneficially Owned(1)    Percent of Class(1) 
                                  ---------------------    -------------------    
   Name                           Common      Preferred    Common    Preferred
   -------------------------      ------      ---------    ------    ---------

   Merrill Lynch Asset 
   Management, Inc.(4) 
     Debentures                  3,604,496                  12.5%
   Continental Assurance 
     Debentures                  1,428,571                   5.3%
   Lehman Brothers Inc.(6) 
     Common Stock                1,463,025                   6.0% 
     Debentures                  3,147,172                  11.1% 
   All executive officers and 
   directors as a group 
   (17 persons)                  1,826,680                   6.8% 

  *  Less than 1%. 
  (1)     Except where specifically indicated, assumes the conversion of the 
          Company's 7 3/4% Convertible Subordinated Debentures Due 2010, 
          7 1/2% Convertible Subordinated Debentures Due 2011 and 11 1/2% 
          Convertible Subordinated Debentures Due 2009 (collectively the 
          "Debentures"), and the exercise of all outstanding options and 
          warrants.  As of March 15, 1993, the exercise price of all the 
          options and warrants held by the officers and directors exceeded 
          the fair market value of the Common Stock.  The following directors 
          and executive officers of the Company hold exercisable options 
          and/or warrants to purchase, and Debentures convertible into, the 
          number of shares of Common Stock set forth in parentheses: Mr. 
          Burns (126,940), Mr. Frei (211,560), Mr. Monteath (227,560), Mr. 
          Whalen (155,513), Mr. Conway (745,400) and Mr. De Michele (15,000). 
          All officers and directors as a group hold Debentures convertible 
          into and exercisable options and/or warrants to purchase 1,697,992 
          shares of Common Stock. 
  (2)     Represents America West's estimates.  Mr. Conway was replaced as 
          the Company's President and Chief Executive Officer on December 31, 
          1993 and resigned as a member of the Board of Directors effective 
          January 31, 1994. 
  (3)     Address: 110-110th Avenue North East, Suite 509, Bellevue, 
          Washington 98004.  The foregoing are amounts as reported on a 
          Schedule 13D dated February 15, 1994 filed with the Commission.  
          Shares beneficially owned, include shares of Common Stock owned by 
          Transpacific and by its affiliates.  Not included in the amount set 
          forth above are 128,000 shares of Common Stock owned by a 
          subsidiary of a Transpacific affiliate.  The shares of Preferred 
          Stock held by Transpacific are convertible into an equal number of 
          shares of Common Stock.  Had such Preferred Stock been converted at 
          March 15, 1994, Transpacific would have held approximately 12.5 
          percent of the issued and outstanding Common Stock.  Pursuant to an 
          agreement with the Company, Transpacific has a right 

          to maintain a 20 percent voting interest in the Company.  As of 
          March 15, 1994, Transpacific had a 12.5 percent voting interest 
          in the Company. 
  (4)     Address: 800 Scudders Mill Road, Plainsboro, New Jersey 08536.  
          Assumes the conversion of $49.6 million of Debentures into Common 
          Stock. The foregoing are amounts as reported on a Schedule 13G 
          dated March 11, 1988, filed with the Commission. 
  (5)     Address: CNA Plaza, Chicago, Illinois 60685.  Assumes the 
          conversion of $15 million of Debentures into Common Stock.  The 
          foregoing are amounts as reported on a Schedule 13G dated 
          February 14, 1991, filed with the Commission. 
  (6)     Address: 3 World Financial Center, New York, New York 10285.  The 
          foregoing are amounts as reported on a Schedule 13G dated March 9, 
          1994 (the "Lehman 13G").  The Lehman 13G does not set forth their 
          specific Debenture and Common Stock holdings set forth herein.  
          However, the Company has independently verified the Debenture and 
          Common Stock holdings set forth above as of February 28, 1994.  The 
          Lehman 13G also lists Lehman Brothers Holdings and America Express 
          Company as having beneficial ownership of the America West 
          securities disclosed in the Lehman 13G.  American Express Company 
          disclaims such beneficial ownership. 

  Item 13.     Certain Relationships and Related Transactions.
  -------      ---------------------------------------------- 
     Transpacific Enterprises, Inc., an affiliate of Ansett Airlines of 
  Australia ("Ansett Airlines"), holds all the Company's Series C Preferred 
  Stock and certain shares of Common Stock.  Pursuant to the terms of an 
  agreement between the Company and Transpacific, Transpacific has the right 
  to maintain a 20 percent voting interest in the Company through the 
  purchase of Common Stock from the Company.  See Item 12. Security Ownership 
  of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management.  The Company presently leases 
  or subleases a total of eleven Boeing 737 aircraft from Ansett Airlines or 
  its affiliates for terms expiring at various dates through August 2003 
  (unless terminated earlier at Ansett's option).  All of these leases were 
  renegotiated in 1992 resulting in reduced rents and extended terms (Ansett 
  may upon 90 days notice to the Company terminate any lease during the 
  extension periods).  As of December 31, 1993, the Company was obligated to 
  pay approximately $232 million over the respective terms of these aircraft 
     Ansett Worldwide Aviation U.S.A. ("Ansett"), an affiliate of 
  Transpacific and Ansett, provided the Company with $10 million of the 
  September 1992 D.I.P. financing.  In connection with such loan, Ansett 
  received the right to designate one member to the Company's Board of 
  Directors.  Ansett was repaid in full in September 1993 and Tibor Sallay, 
  Ansett's designated director, resigned from the Company's Board of 
  Directors concurrent with such repayment. 
     Affiliates of GPA Group, plc ("GPA") have loaned the Company 
  approximately $70 million of D.I.P. financing.  Under the terms of the 
  D.I.P. financing documents, GPA has the right to designate two members to 
  the Company's board of directors.  John F. Tierney and Declan Treacy 
  currently serve as GPA's designated directors.  The Company presently 
  leases or subleases a total of sixteen Airbus A320 aircraft from GPA or its 
  affiliates for terms expiring at various dates through July 2013.  As of 
  December 31, 1993, the Company was obligated to pay approximately $1.136 
  billion over the respective terms of these aircraft leases. 
     Effective January 1, 1994, Mr. A. Maurice Myers left his position as 
  President and Chief Executive Officer of Aloha Airlines, Inc. to join the 
  Company as President and Chief Operating Officer.  The Employment Agreement 
  between the Company and Mr. Myers provides an initial two year term at a 
  base salary of $375,000 per year.  Mr. Myers also received a $100,000 
  transition allowance.  The Company has agreed to assist Mr. Myers in 
  purchasing a residence in Phoenix, Arizona by a loan of up to $200,000 and 
  to loan to Myers up to $500,000 if he elects to exercise options to acquire 
  stock of Aloha Airlines, Inc.  The loans would be nonrecourse to Mr. Myers 
  but would be secured by such residence and stock.  Upon confirmation of a 
  plan of reorganization during the term of Mr. Myers' employment, the Company 
  has agreed to seek Bankruptcy Court approval of payment to Mr. Myers of a 
  reorganization success bonus, and grant, pursuant to the plan of 
  reorganization, options to acquire shares of common stock in the reorganized 
  Company.  The Company has also agreed to provide to Mr. Myers certain 
  retirement benefits, reduced for vested accrued benefits payable under 
  plans maintained by his former employer.  If Mr. Myers' employment with 
  the Company is terminated or his responsibilities are materially altered 
  following a change in control, he is entitled to receive a severance payment 
  equal to 200% of his base salary and, for a period of 12 months, medical and 
  life insurance coverages as provided immediately prior to such termination.  
  Mr. Myers is entitled to participate in any incentive plans or other fringe 
  benefits provided by the Company to other key employees.

     The Board of Directors has discussed and continues to discuss change of 
  control severance arrangements and a reorganization success bonus with Mr. 
  William A. Franke.  It also has discussed and continues to discuss 
  reorganization success bonuses for other key employees of the Company.

     It is the policy of the Company that transactions with affiliates be on 
  terms no less favorable to the Company than those obtainable from 
  unaffiliated third parties. 


                                    PART IV
  Item 14.     Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on Form 8-K.
  -------      ---------------------------------------------------------------
  (a)     Financial Statements.
          (1)  Report of KPMG Peat Marwick 
          (2)  Financial Statements and Notes to Financial Statements of the 
               Company, including Balance Sheets as of December 31, 1993 and 
               1992 and related Statements of Operations, Cash Flows and 
               Stockholders' Equity (Deficiency) for each of the years in the 
               three-year period ended December 31, 1993 
  (b)     Financial Statement Schedules.
          (1)  Schedule V.  Property, Plant and Equipment 
          (2)  Schedule VI.  Accumulated Depreciation, Depletion and 
               Amortization of Property, Plant and Equipment 
          (3)  Schedule VIII.  Valuation and Qualifying Accounts 
          (4)  Schedule X.  Supplementary Income Statement Information 
  Schedules not listed above and columns within certain Schedules have been 
  omitted because of the absence of conditions under which they are required 
  or because the required material information is included in the Financial 
  Statements or Notes to the Financial Statements included herein. 
  (c)     Exhibits
  Number    Description and Method of Filing 
  ------    -------------------------------- 
  3-A(1)    Restated Certificate  of Incorporation of the  Company, dated May 
            19,  1988 -  Incorporated  by  reference to  Exhibit  3-A to  the 
            Company's Schedule 13E-4 Issuer  Tender Offer Statement (SEC File 
            No. 5-34444 ("13E-4") 
  3-A(2)    Amendment to Restated Certificate of Incorporation of the Company 
            - Incorporated by  reference to Exhibit  3-A(2) to the  Company's 
            Report on  Form 10-K for  the year  ended December 31,  1989 (the 
            "1989 10-K") 
  3-B       Restated  Bylaws of the Company,  as amended through December 31, 
            1993 - Filed herewith
  4-A(1)    Certificate of Designation, Voting Powers, Preferences and Rights 
            of  the  Series of  Preferred  Stock of  the  Company, Designated 
            Series  B  Convertible Preferred  Stock, dated  March 15,  1984 - 
            Incorporated by  reference to Exhibit  3-D of the  Company's Form 
            S-1 Registration Statement (SEC File No. 2-89212) 
  4-B(1)    Certificate of Designation, Voting Powers, Preferences and Rights 
            of the Series of Preferred Stock of the Company Designated Series 
            C  9.75% Convertible  Preferred  Stock, dated  October 8, 1985  - 
            Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3-E(1) of the Company's Form 
            S-1  Registration  Statement (SEC  File  No.  33-3800) ("S-1  No. 
  4-B(2)    Series C 9.75% Convertible Preferred Stock  Certificate No. 1 for 
            73,099  Shares issued  to Transpacific  Enterprises, Inc.,  dated 
            October 9, 1985 - Incorporated by reference  to Exhibit 3-E(2) to 
            S-1 No. 33-3800 
  4-C       Form of  Certificate of  Designation, Voting  Powers, Preferences 
            and  Rights of  the Series  of Preferred  Stock of  the Company's 
            Designated Series D Participating Preferred Stock, dated July 23, 
            1986 - Incorporated  by reference to  Exhibit 1 of  the Company's 
            Form 8-A Registration Statement (SEC File No. 0-12337) ("Form 8-A 
            No. 0-12337") 
  4-D       Indenture dated  as of  August 1, 1985,  between the  Company and 
            First  Interstate Bank  of Arizona,  N.A., as  Trustee, including 
            form  of 7  3/4%  Convertible Subordinated  Debenture due  2010 - 
            Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 4 to the Company's Form S-1 
            Registration Statement (SEC File No. 2-99206) 
  Number    Description and Method of Filing 
  ------    -------------------------------- 
  4-E       Form  of  Indenture  dated  as  of  March 15, 1986,  between  the 
            Company and  First Interstate Bank of Arizona,  N.A., as Trustee, 
            including  form of 7-1/2%  Convertible Subordinated Debenture due 
            2011  -  Incorporated by  reference  to Exhibit  4-B  to  S-1 No. 
  4-F       Form of  Indenture, dated as  of December 15,  1988, between  the 
            Company and First  Interstate Bank of Arizona, N.A.,  as Trustee, 
            including form of 11 1/2% Convertible Subordinated Debenture  due 
            2009 - Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit T3C to the Company's 
            Form T-3  Application for Qualification of  Indenture Under Trust 
            Indenture Act of 1939 (SEC File No. 22-19024) 
  4-G       Amended and Restated Rights  Agreement, effective as of  July 23, 
            1986 and dated as of June 17, 1988, between the Company and First 
            Interstate Bank of Arizona, N.A., as  Rights Agent - Incorporated 
            by reference to Exhibit 2 to Amendment No. 1 to Form 8-A filed on 
            Form 8 (SEC File No. 0-12337) 
  10-A(1)*  America  West  Airlines, Inc.  Stock  Purchase  Plan, as  amended
            through February 26, 1991 -  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 
            10-A(1) to the Company's Report  on Form 10-K for the year  ended 
            December 31, 1990 (the "1990 10-K") 
  10-A(2)*  America  West Airlines, Inc.  Stock Purchase  Plan for California
            and Alberta Resident Employees,  as amended through February  26, 
            1991 - Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10-A(2)  to the 1990 
            Form 10-K 
  10-A(3)*  America  West  Airlines, Inc.  Incentive  Stock  Option Plan,  as
            amended through February  27, 1990 - Incorporated by reference to 
            Exhibit 10-A(3) to the 1989 Form 10-K 
  10-A(4)*  Restated Nonstatutory Stock Option Plan, as of  February 27, 1990
            -  Incorporated by reference to Exhibit  10-A(4) to the 1989 Form 
  10-A(5)*  Non-Employee Directors Stock Option Plan,  as of June 27, 1989  -
            Incorporated by reference  to Exhibit  10-A(5) to  the 1989  Form 
  10-A(6)*  Restricted Stock  Plan  - Incorporated  by  reference to  Exhibit
            10-A(6) to the 1989 Form 10-K 
  10-A(7)*  1991 Incentive Stock  Option Plan - Incorporated  by reference to 
            Exhibit 10-A(7) to the 1990 Form 10-K 
  10-C(1)*  Stock Purchase and Sale Agreement dated  October 9, 1985, between
            the Company and Transpacific Enterprises, Inc.  - Incorporated by 
            reference to Exhibit 10-H to S-1 No. 33-3800 


  Number    Description and Method of Filing
  -------   --------------------------------

  10-C(2)*  Stock Purchase and  Sale Agreement dated  July 31, 1987,  between 
            the Company and Transpacific Enterprises, Inc. - Incorporated  by 
            reference to  Exhibit 10-E(2) to  the Company's Annual  Report on 
            Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1987 
  10-D(1)   Second  Restated  and  Amended  Letter  of  Credit  Reimbursement 
            Agreement,  dated as  of April  27, 1990  among the  Company, the 
            Industrial Bank of Japan, Participating Banks and Bank of America 
            National  Trust  and  Savings   Association  -  Incorporated   by 
            reference to Exhibit 10-D(3) to the 1990 Form 10-K 
  10-D(2)   Third Amendment to  Second Restated and Amended  Letter of Credit 
            Reimbursement Agreement  - Incorporated  by reference  to Exhibit 
            10-D(4) to the 1990 Form 10-K 
  10-E      Official  Statement dated  August 11,  1986 for  the  $54,000,000 
            Variable  Rate Airport Facility  Revenue Bonds  - Incorporated by 
            reference to  Exhibit 10.e to  the Company's Report on  Form 10-Q 
            for the quarter ended September 30, 1986 
  10-F(1)   Trust  Indenture  dated  July  1,  1989  between  The  Industrial 
            Development Authority of the  City of Phoenix, Arizona and  First 
            Interstate Bank of  Arizona, N.A. - Incorporated  by Reference to 
            Exhibit 10-D(8) to 1989 Form 10-K 
  10-F(2)   Airport Use Agreement dated as of  July 1, 1989 among the City of 
            Phoenix,  The  Industrial Development  Authority of  the  City of 
            Phoenix,  Arizona and the Company  - Incorporated by reference to 
            Exhibit 10-D(9) to 1989 Form 10-K 
  10-F(3)   First  Amendment  dated  as  of August  1,  1990  to  Airport Use 
            Agreement dated as of July 1, 1989 among the City  of Phoenix and 
            the  Industrial Development  Authority  of the  City of  Phoenix, 
            Arizona and  the Company -  Incorporated by reference  to Exhibit 
            10-(D)(9)  to the Company's  Report on Form  10-Q for the quarter 
            ended September 30, 1990 (the "9/30/90 10-Q") 
  10-G(1)   Revolving Loan Agreement dated as of April 17, 1990, by and among 
            the Company, the  Bank signatories thereto,  and Bank of  America 
            National Trust  and Savings Association,  as Agent for  the Banks 
            (the "Revolving Loan Agreement")  - Incorporated by reference  to 
            Exhibit 10-1  to Company's Quarterly Report on  Form 10-Q for the 
            quarter ended March 31, 1990 
  10-G(2)   First  Amendment dated  as of  April 17,  1990 to  Revolving Loan 
            Agreement   - Incorporated by  reference to Exhibit 10-(D)(10) to 
            the 9/30/90 10-Q 


  Number    Description and Method of Filing
  -------   --------------------------------

  10-G(3)   Second Amendment dated as of September 28, 1990 to Revolving Loan 
            Agreement -  Incorporated by reference  to Exhibit 10-(D)(11)  to 
            the 9/30/90 10-Q 
  10-G(4)   Third Amendment  dated as of  January 14, 1991 to  Revolving Loan 
            Agreement - Incorporated by reference to  Exhibit 10-D(13) to the 
            1990 Form 10-K 
  10-H      Airbus  A320  Purchase  Agreement  (including  exhibits thereto), 
            dated as of  September 28, 1990  between AVSA, S.A.R.L.  ("AVSA") 
            and  the  Company,  together  with  Letter  Agreement Nos.  1-10, 
            inclusive - Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10-(D)(1) to the 
            9/30/90 10-Q 
  10-I      Loan  Agreement,  dated  as  of  September 28,  1990,  among  the 
            Company, AVSA  and AVSA, as agent -  Incorporated by reference to 
            Exhibit 10-(D)(2) to the 9/30/90 10-Q 
  10-J      V2500 Support  Contract Between the Company and IAE International 
            Aero Engines AG ("IAE"), dated as of September 28, 1990, together 
            with Side Letters Nos. 1-4, inclusive - Incorporated by reference 
            to Exhibit 10-(D)(3) to the 9/30/90 10-Q 
  10-K      Spares Credit Agreement, dated as of September  28, 1990, Between 
            the  Company and  IAE  -  Incorporated  by reference  to  Exhibit 
            10-(D)(4) to the 9/30/90 10-Q 
  10-L      Master Credit  Modification  Agreement, dated  as  of October  1, 
            1992, among  the  Company,  IAE International  Aero  Engines  AG, 
            Intlaero (Phoenix A320) Inc.,  Intlaero (Phoenix B737) Inc.,  CAE 
            Electronics  Ltd., and  Hughes  Rediffusion Simulation  Limited - 
            Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10-L to the Company's Report 
            on Form  10-K for  the year  ended December 31,  1992 (the  "1992 
  10-M(1)   Credit Agreement,  dated  as of  September 28,  1990 Between  the 
            Company and IAE - Incorporated by reference to Exhibit  10-(D)(5) 
            to the 9/30/90 10-Q 
  10-M(2)   Amendment  No.  1  to Credit  Agreement,  dated March  1,  1991 - 
            Incorporated  by reference  to Exhibit  10-M(2) to  the Company's 
            1992 10-K 
  10-M(3)   Amendment  No.  2  to  Credit Agreement,  dated  May  15,  1991 - 
            Incorporated  by reference  to Exhibit  10-M(3) to  the Company's 
            1992 10-K 
  10-M(4)   Amendment No.  3  to Credit  Agreement, dated  October 1, 1992  - 
            Incorporated  by reference  to Exhibit  10-M(4) to  the Company's 
            1992 10-K 


  Number    Description and Method of Filing
  -------   --------------------------------

  10-N(1)   Form of Third Amended and Restated Credit Agreement dated as of 
            September 30, 1993, among the  Company, various lenders, and  
            BT Commercial Corp. as Administrative Agent (without exhibits) 
            - Filed herewith
  10-N(2)   Form of Amended  and Restated  Management Letter  Agreement, 
            dated  as of September  30,  1993 from  the  Company to  the  
            Lenders  - Filed herewith 
  10-N(3)   Form of Amendment to  Amended and  Restated Management  Letter 
            Agreement; Consent to Amendment  of Bylaws dated February  8, 
            1994 from  the Company to the Lenders - Filed herewith 
  10-0(1)   Cash Management  Agreement, dated  September 28, 1991,  among the 
            Company, BT and First Interstate of  Arizona, N.A. - Incorporated 
            by reference to Exhibit 10-D(21) to the 1991 10-K 
  10-O(2)   First Amendment to Cash  Management Agreement, dated December  1, 
            1991, among the Company, BT and First Interstate of Arizona, N.A. 
            - Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10-D(22) to the 1991 10-K 
  10-O(3)   Second Amendment to Cash Management Agreement, dated September 1, 
            1992,  among  the  Company,  BT,  and  First  Interstate  Bank of 
            Arizona, N.A. - Incorporated  by reference to Exhibit 10-O(3)  to 
            the Company's 1992 10-K 
  10-P      Loan  Restructuring  Agreement, dated  as  of  December  1,  1991 
            between  the Company and Kawasaki -  Incorporated by reference to 
            Exhibit 10-D(23) to the 1991 10-K 
  10-Q      Restructuring Agreement, dated as of December 1, 1991 between the 
            Company and  Kawasaki - Incorporated by reference  to Exhibit 10- 
            D(24) to the 1991 10-K 
  10-R(1)   A320  Put Agreement,  dated as  of December  1, 1991  between the 
            Company and Kawasaki -  Incorporated by reference to  Exhibit 10- 
            D(25) to the 1991 10-K 
  10-R(2)   First  Amendment to A320 Put Agreement, dated September 1, 1992 - 
            Incorporated  by reference  to Exhibit  10-R(2) to  the Company's 
            1992 10-K 
  10-S(1)   A320 Put Agreement, dated as of June 25, 1991 between the Company 
            and GPA Group plc - Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10-D(26) 
            to the 1991 10-K 
  10-S(2)   First Amendment to Put Agreement, dated as of September 1, 1992 - 
            Incorporated  by reference  to Exhibit  10-S(2) to  the Company's 
            1992 10-K 

  Number    Description and Method of Filing
  -------   --------------------------------

  10-T      Restructuring  Agreement, dated  as of  June  25, 1991  among GPA 
            Group, plc, GPA Leasing USA I, Inc., GPA Leasing USA  Sub I, Inc. 
            and the Company  - Incorporated by reference  to Exhibit 10-D(27) 
            to the 1991 10-K 
  10-U      Form of Interim Procedures Agreement dated as of March 11, 1994 
            between America West Airlines and AmWest Partners, L.P. - 
            Filed herewith 
  10-V      For of Investment Agreement dated  as of March 11,  1994 between 
            America West Airlines and AmWest Partners, L.P. - Filed herewith 
  11        Statement re: computation of net income (loss) per common share - 
            Filed herewith 
  12        Statement re: computation of ratio of earnings to fixed charges - 
            Filed herewith 
  23        Consent  of KPMG  Peat Marwick  (regarding Form  S-8 Registration 
            Statements) - Filed herewith 
  24        Powers of Attorney - See Signature Page 
- ----------------
  *         Indicates management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement
            required to be filed as an exhibit to this form. 
  (d)     Reports on Form 8-K
          1.   The Company filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission 
               a Form 8-K dated October 6, 1993 reporting information 
               concerning the extension of the D.I.P Financing to June 30, 
               1994 and the resignation of board members. 
          2.   On October 26, 1993, the Company filed with the Securities and 
               Exchange Commission a Form 8-K reporting information that the 
               pilots voted in favor of being represented by the Air Line 
               Pilots Associations (ALPA). 

     Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 of the Securities Exchange 
  Act of 1934, the Company has duly caused this report to be signed on its 
  behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. 
                                   AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC. 
  Date:   March 30, 1994           By        /s/ A. E. Frei                    
                                        Alphonse E. Frei 
                                        Senior Vice President - Finance 
                               POWER OF ATTORNEY
     KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that each person whose signature appears 
  below constitutes and appoints William A. Franke, A. Maurice Myers and 
  Alphonse E. Frei, and each of them, his true and lawful attorneys-in-fact 
  and agents, with full power of substitution and resubstitution, for him and 
  in his name, place and stead, in any and all capacities, to sign any and 
  all amendments to this Form 10-K Annual Report, and to file the same, with 
  all exhibits thereto, and other documents in connection therewith with the 
  Securities and Exchange Commission, granting unto said attorneys-in-fact 
  and agents, and each of them, full power and authority to do and perform 
  each and every act and thing requisite and necessary to be done in and 
  about the premises, as fully and to all intents and purposes as he might or 
  could do in person hereby ratifying and confirming all that said 
  attorneys-in-fact and agents, or his substitute or substitutes, may 
  lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. 
     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 
  this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the 
  Company and in the capacities and on the dates indicated. 
     Signature                   Title                    Date 
     ---------                   -----                    ---- 
     /s/ William A. Franke       Chairman of the Board of March 30, 1994 
     --------------------------- Director and Chief
     William A. Franke           Executive Officer 
     /s/ A. Maurice Myers        President, Chief         March 30, 1994
     --------------------------- Operating Officer and
     A. Maurice Myers            Director 
     Signature                   Title                    Date
     ---------                   -----                    ----      
     /s/ A. E. Frei              Senior Vice President--  March 30, 1994
     --------------------------- Finance (Principal
     Alphonse E. Frei            Financial and Accounting 
     /s/ O. Mark De Michele      Director                 March 30, 1994 
     O. Mark De Michele 

     /s/ Frederick W. Bradley    Director                 March 30, 1994 
     Frederick W. Bradley 
     /s/ Samuel L. Eichenfield   Director                 March 30, 1994
     Samuel L. Eichenfield 

     /s/ Richard C. Kraemer      Director                 March 30, 1994
     Richard C. Kraemer 
     /s/ James T. McMillan       Director                 March 30, 1994
     James T. McMillan 
     /s/ John R. Norton          Director                 March 30, 1994
     John R. Norton 

     /s/ John F. Tierney         Director                 March 30, 1994
     John F. Tierney 
     /s/ Declan Treacy           Director                 March 30, 1994
     Declan Treacy 

                                 AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC.
                         Schedule V -- Property, Plant and Equipment
                      Years ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991     
                                  (in thousands of dollars)

                                              Balance at                                           Balance    

                                              beginning   Additions                                at  end
Classification                                of period    at cost    Retirements   Transfers     of period
- --------------                                ----------  ---------   -----------   ---------     ----------

- ----
Building and improvements. . . . . . . . . .  $   72,917  $      71   $    (3,340)  $   1,482     $   71,130
Flight equipment owned . . . . . . . . . . .     767,080     45,082       (19,922)     26,602        818,842
Leasehold improvements--Flight equipment . .      36,550         31        (1,183)      5,428         40,826
Ground property and equipment. . . . . . . .     111,131      1,303        (9,654)      2,111        104,891
Construction in progress . . . . . . . . . .      43,316      9,367           (38)    (35,623)        17,022
                                              ----------  ---------   -----------   ---------     ----------
                                              $1,030,994  $  55,854   $   (34,137)  $    -        $1,052,711
                                              ==========  =========   ===========   =========     ==========

- ----                 
Building and improvements. . . . . . . . . .  $   83,596  $     341   $   (11,967)   $    947     $   72,917
Flight equipment owned . . . . . . . . . . .     759,579     39,876       (33,192)        817        767,080
Leasehold improvements--Flight equipment . .      40,604        (63)       (8,234)      4,243         36,550
Ground property and equipment. . . . . . . .     117,408      1,950        (9,083)        856        111,131  

Construction in progress . . . . . . . . . .      23,955     28,034        (1,810)     (6,863)        43,316  

                                              ----------  ---------   -----------    --------     ----------  

                                              $1,025,142  $  70,138   $   (64,286)   $    -       $1,030,994
                                              ==========  =========   ===========    ========     ==========

- ----                 
Building and improvements. . . . . . . . . .  $   87,287  $     330   $    (9,863)   $   5,842    $   83,596
Flight equipment owned . . . . . . . . . . .     768,728     86,033      (104,964)       9,782       759,579  

Leasehold improvements--Flight equipment . .      35,516      2,547       (14,678)      17,219        40,604
Ground property and equipment. . . . . . . .     103,979      6,551          (936)       7,814       117,408
Construction in progress . . . . . . . . . .      27,139     42,351        (4,878)     (40,657)       23,955
                                              ----------  ---------   -----------    ---------    ----------
                                              $1,022,649  $ 137,812   $  (135,319)   $    -       $1,025,142
                                              ==========  =========   ===========    =========    ==========

                                 AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC.
                           Schedule VI - Accumulated Depreciation,
                Depletion and Amortization of Property, Plant, and Equipment
                        Years ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991
                                  (in thousands of dollars)

                                            Balance at     charged to                     Balance
                                            beginning      costs and                     at end of
               Classification               of period      expenses      Retirements       period
               --------------               ----------     ----------    -----------     ---------

- ----
Building and improvements. . . . . . . . . . $   18,163     $    4,237    $    (1,309)    $  21,091
Flight equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    226,972         59,896        (14,717)      272,151
Leasehold improvements - Flight equipment. .     16,493          4,137         (1,096)       19,534
Ground property and equipment. . . . . . . .     67,242         13,624         (7,866)       73,000
                                             ----------     ----------    -----------     ---------
                                             $  328,870     $   81,894    $   (24,988)    $ 385,776
                                             ==========     ==========    ===========     =========

- ----
Building and improvements. . . . . . . . . . $   17,790     $    4,763    $    (4,390)    $  18,163
Flight equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    174,235         72,523        (19,786)      226,972
Leasehold improvements - Flight equipment. .     14,262          4,184         (1,953)       16,493
Ground property and equipment. . . . . . . .     55,466         16,202         (4,426)       67,242
                                             ----------     ----------    -----------     ---------
                                             $  261,753     $   97,672    $   (30,555)    $ 328,870
                                             ==========     ==========    ===========     =========

- ----
Building and improvements. . . . . . . . . . $   15,418     $    5,626    $    (3,254)    $  17,790
Flight equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    133,526         67,750        (27,041)      174,235
Leasehold improvements - Flight equipment. .     15,542          6,073         (7,353)       14,262
Ground property and equipment. . . . . . . .     37,660         18,354           (548)       55,466
                                             ----------     ----------    -----------     ---------
                                             $  202,146     $   97,803    $   (38,196)    $ 261,753
                                             ==========     ==========    ===========     =========

                                 AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC.
                      Schedule VIII - Valuation and Qualifying Accounts
                          Years ended December 31, 1993, 1992, 1991
                                  (in thousands of dollars)

                                       Balance at   Charged to   Charged                 Balance
                                       beginning    costs and    to other               at end of
Description                            of period     expenses    accounts   Deductions   period
 -----------                           ----------   ----------   --------   ----------  ---------
Allowance for doubtful receivables:
  Years ended:
  December 31, 1993. . . . . . . . .    $2,542      $5,474       $  -       $4,986      $3,030
                                        ======      ======       ======     ======      ======

  December 31, 1992. . . . . . . . .    $3,603      $3,800       $  -       $4,861      $2,542       
                                        ======      ======       ======     ======      ======

  December 31, 1991. . . . . . . . .    $1,203      $5,300       $  -       $2,900      $3,603
                                        ======      ======       ======     ======      ======

Reserve for obsolescence:
  Years ended:

  December 31, 1993. . . . . . . . .    $6,921      $  902       $  -       $  592      $7,231
                                        ======      ======       ======     ======      ======

  December 31, 1992. . . . . . . . .    $3,638      $3,283       $  -       $  -        $6,921
                                        ======      ======       ======     ======      ======

  December 31, 1991. . . . . . . . .    $2,296      $1,342       $  -       $  -        $3,638
                                        ======      ======       ======     ======      ======

                                    AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC.
                      Schedule X - Supplementary Income Statement Information
                             Years ended December 31, 1993, 1992, 1991
                                     (in thousands of dollars)

ITEM                                               1993        1992      1991
- ----                                             -------     -------   -------

Advertising costs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $25,118     $25,007   $29,821
                                                 =======     =======   =======

Aircraft maintenance materials and repairs . .   $31,000     $38,366   $41,649
Amortization of deferred overhauls included
   in depreciation and amortization. . . . . .    29,870      31,482    27,453
                                                 -------     -------   -------
      Maintenance and repairs. . . . . . . . .   $60,870     $69,848   $69,102
                                                 =======     =======   =======

Other items are not listed because they are either shown in the
financial statements or the amounts are less than 1% of revenues
for all periods.