                      AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC.
        (as Amended through and effective on December 31, 1993) 
   1.   OFFICES.
        1.01  Offices.  In addition to its registered office in the 
   State of Delaware, the Corporation shall have a general office at 
   Maricopa County, Arizona, and such other offices, either within 
   or without the State of Delaware, at such locations as the Board 
   of Directors may from time to time determine or the business of 
   the Corporation may require. 
   2.   SEAL.
        2.01  Seal.  The Corporation shall have a seal, which shall 
   have inscribed thereon its name and year of incorporation and the 
   words, "Corporate Seal Delaware." 
        2.02  The seal shall be kept in safe custody by the 
   Secretary of the Corporation.  It shall be affixed by the 
   Chairman of the Board, the President, any Vice President, the 
   Secretary or any Assistant Secretary, or the Treasurer to any 
   corporate instrument or document requiring it, by practice or by 
   law, and when so affixed, it may be attested by the signature of 
   the officer so affixing it. 
        3.01  Place of Meetings.  All meetings of stockholders of 
   the Corporation shall be held at the general office of the 
   Corporation in Maricopa County, State of Arizona, unless 
   otherwise specified in the notice calling any such meeting. 
        3.02  (a)  Annual Meetings.  The annual meeting of
   Stockholders for 1984 shall be held at the Corporate offices on 
   Friday, May 18, 1984, at 10:00 a.m. or at such other time, date 
   and place as shall be determined by the Board of Directors, 
   complying with Section 3.04(b) of the Bylaws of the Corporation.  
   All subsequent annual meetings of Stockholders, beginning with 
   the annual meeting to be held in 1985, shall be held on the first 
   Tuesday of May, if not a legal holiday, and if a legal holiday, 
   then on the next business day following, or at such other time, 
   date and place as shall be determined by the Board of Directors, 
   complying with Section 3.04(b) of the Bylaws of the Corporation. 
              (b)  At each annual meeting the stockholders shall 
   elect, by plurality of the votes cast, one class of Directors as 
   provided in Section 4.03 of these Bylaws and shall transact such 
   other business as may properly be brought before them. 
              (c)  The Board of Directors may, in advance of any 
   annual or special meeting of the stockholders, adopt an agenda 
   for such meeting, adherence to which the Chairman of the Board 
   may enforce. 
        3.03  Special Meetings.  Special meetings of the 
   stockholders of the Corporation, for any purpose or purposes, 
   unless otherwise prescribed herein or by statute, may be called 
   by the Chairman of the Board and shall be called by the Secretary 
   at the written request, or by resolution adopted by the 
   affirmative vote, of a majority of the Board of Directors.  Such 
   request shall state the purpose or purposes of the proposed 
   meeting.  Stockholders of the Corporation shall not be entitled 
   to request a special meeting of the stockholders. 
        3.04  (a)  Notices of Meetings.  Notices of meetings of 
   stockholders shall be in writing and shall state the place (which 
   may be within or without the State of Delaware), date and hour of 
   the meeting, and, in the case of a special meeting, the purpose 
   or purposes for which a meeting is called.  No business other 
   than that specified in the notice thereof shall be transacted at 
   any special meeting. 
              (b)  Such notice shall either be delivered personally 
   or mailed, postage prepaid, to each stockholder entitled to vote 
   at such meeting not less than ten (10) nor more than sixty (60) 
   days before the date of the meeting. If mailed, the notice shall 
   be directed to the stockholder at his address as it appears on 
   the records of the Corporation.  Personal delivery of any such 
   notice to any officer of a corporation or association or to any 
   member of a partnership shall constitute delivery of such notice 
   to such corporation, association or partnership. 
        3.05  Adjourned Meetings.  When a meeting is adjourned to 
   another time or place, unless otherwise provided by these Bylaws, 
   notice need not be given of the adjourned meeting if the time and 
   place thereof are announced at the meeting at which the 
   adjournment is taken.  At the adjourned meeting the stockholders 
   may transact any business which might have been transacted at the 
   original meeting.  If an adjournment is for more than thirty (30) 
   days or if after an adjournment a new record date is fixed for 
   the adjourned meeting, a notice of the adjourned meeting shall be 
   given to each stockholder entitled to vote at the meeting. 
        3.06  Quorum and Adjournment.  Except as otherwise provided 
   by law, by the Certificate of Incorporation of this Corporation 
   or by these Bylaws, the presence, in person or by proxy, of the 
   holders of a majority of the stock issued and outstanding and 
   entitled to vote thereat, shall be requisite and shall constitute 
   a quorum for the transaction of business at all meetings of 
   stockholders.  If, however, such majority shall not be present or 
   represented at any meeting of stockholders, the holders of a 
   majority of the stock entitled to vote, present in person or by 
   proxy, shall have the power to adjourn the meeting. 
        3.07  Majority Vote Required.  When a quorum is present at 
   any meeting of stockholders, the affirmative vote of the majority 
   of shares present in person or represented by proxy at the 
   meeting and entitled to vote on the subject matter shall 
   constitute the act of the stockholders, unless by express 
   provision of law or of the Certificate of Incorporation or of 
   these Bylaws a different vote is required, in which case such 
   express provision shall govern and control. 
        3.08  Manner of Voting.  At each meeting of stockholders, 
   every stockholder having the right to vote shall be entitled to 
   vote in person or by proxy.  Proxies need not be filed with the 
   Secretary of the Corporation until the meeting is called to 
   order, but shall be filed before being voted.  Each stockholder 
   shall have one vote for each share of stock having voting power 
   registered in his name on the books of the Corporation on the 
   record date fixed as provided in Section 6.04 of these Bylaws, 
   for the determination of stockholders entitled to vote at such 
   meeting.  All elections of directors shall be by written ballot. 
        3.09  (a)  Proxies.  At any meeting of stockholders, any 
   stockholder may be represented and vote by proxy or proxies 
   appointed by a written form of proxy.  In the event that any form 
   of proxy shall designate two or more persons to act as proxies, a 
   majority of such persons present at the meeting or, if only one 
   shall be present, then that one shall have and may exercise all 
   of the powers conferred by the form of proxy upon all of the 
   persons so designated unless the form of proxy shall otherwise 
              (b)  The Board of Directors may, in advance of any 
   annual or special meeting of the stockholders, prescribe 
   additional regulations concerning the manner of execution and 
   filing of proxies and the validation of the same, which are 
   intended to be voted at any such meeting. 
        3.10  Organization.  At each meeting of stockholders, the 
   Chairman of the Board shall preside and the Secretary shall act 
   as Secretary of the meeting. 
   4.   DIRECTORS.
        4.01  Powers.  The Board of Directors shall exercise all of 
   the power of the Corporation except such as are by law, or by the 
   Certificate of Incorporation of this Corporation or by these 
   Bylaws conferred upon or reserved to the stockholders of any 
   class or classes. 
        4.02  (a)  Number.  The number of Directors of this 
   Corporation shall be a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of 
   thirteen (13) persons.  The Board of Directors shall have sole 
   authority to determine the number of Directors, within the limits 
   set forth herein, and may increase or decrease the exact number 
   of Directors from time to time by resolution duly adopted by such 
   Board.  No decrease in the number of Directors shall have the 
   effect of shortening the term of any incumbent Director.  The 
   exact number of Directors shall be eleven (11) until so increased 
   or decreased; provided however, that so long as the Amended and 
   Restated Management Letter Agreement between America West 
   Airlines, Inc. and the lenders party thereto  dated as of 
   September 30, 1993 (such Amended and Restated Management Letter 
   of Agreement, as supplemented and amended from time to time, 
   being hereinafter referred to as the "Management Agreement") 
   shall remain in force and effect, the exact number of directors 
   shall be as prescribed in the Management Agreement. 
              (b)  At all times the composition of the Board of 
   Directors shall comply in all respects with the U.S. citizenship 
   requirements of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended. 
        4.03  (a)  Classification of Board.  From and after the 
   first annual meeting of stockholders, the Board of Directors 
   shall be divided into three classes, in respect to term of 
   office, each class to contain as nearly as may be one third (1/3) 
   of the whole number of the Board.  Of the Board of Directors 
   elected at the first annual meeting of the stockholders, the 
   members of the first class shall serve until the annual meeting 
   of stockholders held in 1983; the members of the second class 
   shall serve until the annual meeting of stockholders held in 
   1984; and the members of the third class shall serve until the 
   annual meeting of stockholders held in 1985. 
              (b) At each annual meeting after the first annual 
   meeting, the stockholders shall elect, by a plurality of the 
   votes cast, one class of Directors to serve until the annual 
   meeting of stockholders held three (3) years next following, 
   provided, however, that in each case Directors shall continue to 
   serve until their successors shall be elected and shall qualify. 
        4.04  Nominations.  No person shall be elected to the Board 
   of Directors of this Corporation at an annual meeting of the 
   stockholders, or at a special meeting called for that purpose, 
   unless a written nomination of such person to the Board of 
   Directors by a stockholder of the Corporation shall be received 
   by the Secretary of the Corporation at least thirty (30) days 
   prior to such meeting. 
        4.05  Resignations.  Any Director may resign at any time by 
   giving written notice to the Board of Directors or the Secretary.  
   Such resignation shall take effect at the date of receipt of such 
   notice or at any later time specified therein.  Acceptance of 
   such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. 
        4.06  (a)  Removal.  At any special meeting of the 
   stockholders duly called as provided heretofore, any or all of 
   the Directors may, by a vote of the holders of a majority of all 
   the shares of stock issued and outstanding and entitled to vote 
   thereat, be removed from office for cause, and the successor or 
   successors of the Director or Directors so removed may be elected 
   at such meeting.  In the absence of such an election, any vacancy 
   or vacancies may be filled as provided herein. 
              (b)  As used herein, "cause" for the removal of a 
   Director shall be deemed to exist if (i) there has been a finding 
   by not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the entire Board of 
   Directors that cause exists and the Directors have recommended 
   removal to the stockholders, or (ii) any other cause defined by 
        4.07  (a)  Vacancies.  In case any vacancy shall occur on 
   the Board of Directors because of death, resignation, retirement, 
   disqualification, removal, an increase in the authorized number 
   of Directors or any other cause, the Board of Directors may, at 
   any meeting, by resolution adopted by the affirmative vote of 
   two-thirds (2/3) of the Directors then in office, though less 
   than a quorum, elect a Director or Directors to fill such vacancy 
   or vacancies until the next election of the class for which such 
   Director or Directors shall have been chosen; provided however, 
   that so long as the  Management Agreement  shall remain in force 
   and effect, any vacancy on the Board of Directors shall be filled 
   in accordance with the provisions of the Management  Agreement. 
              (b)  If, as a result of a disaster or emergency (as 
   determined in good faith by the then remaining Directors), it 
   becomes impossible to ascertain whether or not vacancies exist on 
   the Board of Directors, and a person is or persons are elected by 
   Directors, who in good faith believe themselves to be a majority 
   of the remaining Directors, to fill a vacancy or vacancies that 
   said remaining Directors in good faith believe exists, then the 
   acts of such person or persons who are so elected as Directors 
   shall be valid and binding upon the Corporation and the 
   stockholders, although it may subsequently develop that at the 
   time of the election (i) there was in fact no vacancy or 
   vacancies existing on the Board of Directors, or (ii) the 
   Directors who so elected such person or persons did not in fact 
   constitute a majority of the remaining Directors. 
        4.08  Organization.  At each meeting of the Board of 
   Directors, the Chairman of the Board shall preside, and the 
   Secretary shall act as Secretary of the meeting. 
        4.09  Annual Meetings.  The Board of Directors shall meet 
   each year following the annual meeting of stockholders, at the 
   place where such meeting of stockholders has been held, for the 
   purpose of organization, election of officers, and consideration 
   of such other business as may properly be brought before the 
   meeting, and no notice of any kind to either old or new members 
   of the Board of Directors of such annual meeting shall be 
        4.10  Regular Meetings.  Regular meetings of the Board of 
   Directors shall be held monthly.  Such meetings may be held 
   without notice at such times and places, within or without the 
   State of Delaware, as shall from time to time be determined by 
   the Board of Directors.  In the absence of any such 
   determination, such meetings shall be held at such times and 
   places, within or without the State of Delaware, as shall be 
   designated by the Chairman of the Board on not less than three 
   (3) days' notice to each Director, given either personally, by 
   telephone, by facsimile transmission, by mail, by telegram or by 
        4.11  Special Meetings.  Special meetings of the Board of 
   Directors shall be held at the call of the Chairman of the Board 
   at such times and places, within or without the State of 
   Delaware, as he shall designate, on not less than three (3) days' 
   notice to each Director, given either personally, by telephone, 
   by facsimile transmission, by mail, by telegram or by telex.  
   Special meetings shall be called by the Secretary on like notice 
   at the written request of a majority of the Directors. 
        4.12  Quorum and Powers of a Majority.  At all meetings of 
   the Board of Directors and of each committee thereof, a majority 
   of the members shall be necessary and sufficient to constitute a 
   quorum for the transaction of business, and the act of a majority 
   of the members present at any meeting at which a quorum is 
   present shall be the act of the Board of Directors or such 
   committee, unless by express provision of law or of the 
   Certificate of Incorporation or of these Bylaws, a different vote 
   is required, in which case such express provision shall govern 
   and control.  In the absence of a quorum, a majority of the 
   members present may, without notice other than announcement at 
   the meeting, adjourn a meeting from time to time until a quorum 
   be present. 
        4.13  Waiver of Notice.  Notice of any meeting of the Board 
   of Directors, or any committee thereof, need not be given to any 
   member if waived by him in writing, whether before or after such 
   meeting is held, or if he shall sign the minutes or if he shall 
   attend the meeting. 
        4.14  (a)  Manner of Acting.  Members of the Board of 
   Directors, or any committee thereof, may participate in any 
   meeting of the Board of Directors or such committee by means of 
   conference telephone or similar communications equipment by means 
   of which all persons participating therein can hear each other, 
   and participation in a meeting by such means shall constitute 
   presence in person at such meeting. 
             (b)  Any action required or permitted to be taken at 
   any meeting of the Board of Directors or any committee thereof 
   may be taken without a meeting if all members of the Board of 
   Directors or such committee, as the case may be, consent thereto 
   in writing, and the writing or writings are filed with the 
   minutes of proceedings of the Board of Directors or such 
        4.15  (a)  Compensation.  The Board of Directors, by a 
   resolution or resolutions may fix, and from time to time change, 
   the compensation of Directors. 
              (b)  Each Director shall be entitled to reimbursement 
   from the Corporation for his or her reasonable expenses incurred 
   in attending meetings of the Board of Directors or any committee 
              (c)  Nothing contained in these Bylaws shall be 
   construed to preclude any Director from serving the Corporation 
   in any other capacity and from receiving compensation from the 
   Corporation for service rendered to it in such other capacity. 
        4.16  [Reserved.] 
        4.17  Committees.  The Board of Directors may, by resolution 
   or resolutions adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of 
   the whole Board of Directors, designate one or more  committees, 
   each committee to consist of two or more Directors, which to the 
   extent provided in said resolution or resolutions shall have and 
   may exercise the powers and authority of the Board of Directors 
   in the management of the business and affairs of the Corporation.  
   Such committee or committees shall have such name or names as may 
   be determined from time to time by resolutions adopted by the 
   Board of Directors. 
        4.18  (a)  Committees in General.  Except as otherwise 
   provided by these Bylaws, each committee shall adopt its own 
   rules governing the time, place and method of holding its 
   meetings and the conduct of its proceedings and shall meet as 
   provided by such rules or by resolution of the Board of 
   Directors.  Unless otherwise provided by these Bylaws or any such 
   rules or resolutions, notice of the time and place of each 
   meeting of a committee shall be given to each member of such 
   committee as provided in Section 4.10 of these Bylaws with 
   respect to notices of special meetings of the Board of Directors. 
              (b)  Each committee shall keep regular minutes of its 
   proceedings and report the same to the Board of Directors when 
              (c)  Any member of any committee, other than a member 
   thereof serving ex officio, may be removed from such committee 
   either with or without cause, any time, by resolution adopted by 
   the affirmative vote of a majority of the whole Board of 
   Directors at any meeting thereof.  Any vacancy in any committee 
   shall be filled by the Board of Directors in the manner 
   prescribed by these Bylaws for the original appointment of the 
   members of such committee. 
   5.   OFFICERS.
        5.01 (a) Number.  The officers of the Corporation shall be a 
   President, one or more Vice Presidents (including one or more 
   Executive Vice Presidents and one or more Senior Vice Presidents 
   if deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors), a Secretary and 
   a Treasurer.  The Board of Directors may also elect a Chairman of 
   the Board; provided that, so long as the Management Agreement 
   shall remain in force and effect, the Board of Directors shall 
   elect a Chairman of the Board in compliance with the terms and 
   conditions of the Management Agreement.  The Board of Directors 
   may also elect such other officers as the Board of Directors may 
   from time to time deem appropriate or necessary. Except for the 
   Chairman of the Board (if one shall be elected), none of the 
   officers of the Corporation need be a director of the 
   Corporation. Any two or more offices may be held by the same 
             (b) The Chairman of the Board (if one shall be elected) 
   shall be the Chief Executive Officer unless the Board of 
   Directors, by resolution adopted by the affirmative vote of not 
   less than two-thirds (2/3) of the Directors then in office, 
   designates the President as Chief Executive Officer.  The 
   President shall be the Chief Operating Officer.  If at any time 
   the office of the Chairman of the Board shall not be filled, the 
   President shall also be the Chief Executive Officer. 
             (c) The Board of Directors may delegate to the Chief 
   Executive Officer the power to appoint one or more employees of 
   the corporation as divisional or departmental vice presidents and 
   fix their duties as such appointees.  However, no such divisional 
   or departmental vice president shall be considered as an officer 
   of the Corporation, the officers of the Corporation being limited 
   to those officers elected by the Board of Directors. 
        5.02  Election of Officers, Qualification and Term.  The 
   officers of the Corporation to be elected by the Board of 
   Directors shall be elected annually at the first meeting of the 
   Board of Directors held after each annual meeting of the 
   stockholders.  Each such officer shall hold office for one (1) 
   year and until his successor shall have been duly elected and 
   shall qualify in his stead unless the Board of Directors shall 
   have provided by contract or otherwise in any particular case, or 
   until he shall have resigned and his resignation shall have 
   become effective, or until he shall have been removed in the 
   manner hereinafter provided.  Notwithstanding anything in this 
   Section 5.02 to the contrary, the Chairman of the Board may be 
   elected only by the vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Directors 
   then in office (who may include the Director who is or is to be 
   the Chairman of the Board). 
        5.03  Removal.  Except as otherwise expressly provided in a 
   contract duly authorized by the Board of Directors, any officer 
   elected by the Board of Directors may be removed, either with or 
   without cause, at any time by resolution adopted by the 
   affirmative vote of a majority of the whole Board of Directors at 
   any meeting thereof; provided that the Chairman of the Board may 
   be removed only by the vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Directors 
   then in office (excluding the Director who is the Chairman of the 
   Board), and provided further that so long as the Management 
   Agreement shall remain in force and effect, the Chairman of the 
   Board may not be removed except in compliance with the terms and 
   conditions of the Management Agreement. 
        5.04  Resignations.  Any officer of the Corporation may 
   resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board of 
   Directors or the Chairman of the Board.  Such resignation shall 
   take effect at the date of the receipt of such notice or at any 
   later time specified therein and, unless otherwise specified 
   therein, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be 
   necessary to make it effective. 
        5.05  Vacancies.  A vacancy in any office because of death, 
   resignation, removal, disqualification or any other cause may be 
   filled for the unexpired portion of the term by election by the 
   Board of Directors at any meeting thereof; provided that so long 
   as the Management Agreement shall remain in effect, any vacancy 
   in the office of Chairman of the Board shall be filled in 
   accordance with the provisions of the Management Agreement. 
        5.06  Salaries.  The salaries of all officers of the 
   Corporation shall be fixed by the Board of Directors from time to 
   time, and no officer shall be prevented from receiving such 
   salary by reason of the fact that he is also a Director of the 
        5.07  (a)  The Chairman of the Board.  The Chairman of the 
   Board (if one shall be elected) shall have the powers and duties 
   customarily and usually associated with the office of the 
   Chairman of the Board. He shall preside at meetings of the 
   stockholders and of the Board of Directors.  In the event of his 
   temporary absence or disability and the absence or disability of 
   the President, the Chairman of the Board shall have the power to 
   designate any Director to preside at any or all meetings of the 
   stockholders and of the Board of Directors. 
              (b)   If at any time the office of President shall not 
   be filled, or in the event of the disability of the President, 
   the Chairman of the Board (if one shall be elected) shall have 
   the duties and powers of the President.  The Chairman of the 
   Board shall have such other powers and perform such other duties 
   as may be delegated to him by the Board of Directors.  
        5.08  The President.  In the event of the disability of the 
   Chairman of the Board, the President shall have the powers and 
   duties of the Chairman of the Board. The President shall have 
   such other powers and perform such other duties as may be 
   delegated to him by the Board of Directors or the Chairman of the 
   Board (if one shall be elected). 
        5.09  [Reserved.] 
        5.10  The  Vice Presidents.  The Vice Presidents shall have 
   such powers and perform such duties as may from time to time be 
   assigned to them by the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the 
   Board or the President. 
        5.11  The Secretary and the Assistant Secretary. (a) The 
   Secretary shall attend meetings of the Board of Directors and 
   meetings of the Stockholders and record all votes and minutes of 
   all such proceedings in a book kept for the purpose and shall 
   perform like duties for the committees of Directors as provided 
   for in these Bylaws when required.  He shall give, or cause to be 
   given, notice of all meetings of Stockholders and of the Board of 
   Directors, and shall have such other powers and perform such 
   other duties as may from time to time be assigned to him by the 
   Board of Directors or the Chairman of the Board.
             (b)  The Assistant Secretaries shall have such powers 
   and perform such duties as may from time to time be assigned to 
   them by the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the Board or the 
   Secretary.  In case of the absence or disability of the 
   Secretary, the Assistant Secretary designated by the Secretary 
   (or, in the absence of such designation, the senior Assistant 
   Secretary) shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of 
   the Secretary. 
        5.12 (a)  The Treasurer and the Assistant Treasurer.  The 
   Treasurer shall have custody of the corporate funds and 
   securities and shall keep full and accurate accounts of receipts 
   and disbursements in books belonging to the Corporation and shall 
   deposit moneys and other valuable effects in the name and to the 
   credit of the Corporation in such depositories as may be 
   designated by the Board of Directors. 
              (b)  The Treasurer shall disburse funds of the 
   Corporation as may from time to time be ordered by the Board of 
   Directors, taking proper vouchers for such disbursements, and 
   render to the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the Board and 
   President whenever they may require it, an account of all his 
   transactions as Treasurer and of the financial conditions of the 
              (c)  The Treasurer shall also maintain adequate 
   records of all assets, liabilities and transactions of the 
   Corporation and shall see that adequate audits thereof are 
   currently and regularly made.  He shall have such other powers 
   and perform such other duties as may from time to time be 
   assigned to him by the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the 
   Board or the President.   
             (d) The Assistant Treasurers shall have such powers and 
   perform such duties as may from time to time be assigned to them 
   by the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the Board, the 
   President or the Treasurer.  In case of the absence or disability 
   of the Treasurer, the Assistant Treasurer designated by the 
   Treasurer (or, in the absence of such designation, the senior 
   Assistant Treasurer) shall perform the duties and exercise the 
   powers of the Treasurer. 
        5.13 Treasurer's Bond.  If required by the Board of 
   Directors, the Treasurer or any Assistant Treasurer shall give 
   the Corporation a bond in such sum and with such surety or 
   sureties as are satisfactory to the Board of Directors for the 
   faithful performance of the duties of his office and for the 
   restoration to the Corporation, in case of his death, 
   resignation, retirement or removal from office, of all books, 
   papers, vouchers, money and other property of whatever kind in 
   his possession or under his control belonging to the Corporation. 
        5.14 Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Executive Officer 
   shall have, subject to the supervision, direction and control of 
   the Board of Directors, the general powers and duties of 
   supervision, direction and management of the affairs and business 
   of the Corporation usually vested in the chief executive officer 
   of a corporation, including, without limitation, all powers 
   necessary to direct and control the organizational and reporting 
   relationships within the Corporation. If at any time the office 
   of Chairman of the Board shall not be filled, the Chief Executive 
   Officer shall have the powers and duties of the Chairman of the 
        5.15 Chief Operating Officer.  The Chief Operating Officer 
   shall, subject to the supervision, direction and control of the 
   Chief Executive Officer, manage the day-to-day operations of the 
   Corporation and, in general, shall assist the Chief Executive 
   6.   STOCK.
        6.01  Certificates.  Certificates of shares of the stock of 
   the Corporation shall be issued under the seal of the 
   Corporation, or facsimile thereof, and shall be numbered and 
   shall be entered in the books of the Corporation as they are 
   issued.  Each certificate shall bear a serial number, shall 
   exhibit the holder's name and the number of shares evidenced 
   thereby, and shall be signed by the Chairman of the Board, the 
   President or any vice president of the Corporation and the 
   Secretary or the Treasurer.  Any or all of the signatures on the 
   certificate may be a facsimile.  In case any officer, transfer 
   agent or registrar who has signed or whose facsimile signature 
   has been placed upon a certificate shall have ceased to be such 
   officer, transfer agent or registrar before such certificate is 
   issued, it may be issued by the Corporation with the same effect 
   as if such person or entity were such officer, transfer agent or 
   registrar at the date of issue. 
        6.02  Transfers.  Transfers of stock of the Corporation 
   shall be made on the books of the Corporation only upon surrender 
   to the Corporation of a certificate for the shares duly endorsed 
   or accompanied by proper evidence of succession, assignment or 
   authority to transfer.  Thereupon, the Corporation shall issue a 
   new certificate to the person entitled thereto, cancel the old 
   certificate and record the transaction upon its books. 
        6.03  Lost, Stolen or Destroyed Certificates.  Any person 
   claiming a certificate of stock to be lost, stolen or destroyed 
   shall make an affidavit or an affirmation of that fact, and shall 
   give the Corporation a bond of indemnity in satisfactory from and 
   with one or more satisfactory sureties, whereupon a new 
   certificate may be issued of the same tenor and for the same 
   number of shares as the one alleged to be lost or destroyed. 
        6.04  Record Date.  In order that the Corporation may 
   determine the stockholders entitled to notice of or to vote at 
   any meeting of the stockholders or any adjournment thereof, or to 
   express consent to corporate action in writing without a meeting, 
   or entitled to receive payment of any dividend or other 
   distribution or allotment of any rights, or entitled to exercise 
   any rights in respect of any change, conversion or exchange of 
   stock or for the purpose of any other lawful action, the Board of 
   Directors shall fix, in advance, a record date, which shall not 
   be more than sixty (60) nor less than ten (10) days before the 
   date of such meeting, nor more than sixty (60) days prior to any 
   other action, except that the record date for the first annual 
   meeting of stockholders is fixed by these Bylaws as of the close 
   of business on November 16, 1981. 
        6.05  Registered Stockholders.  The Corporation shall be 
   entitled to recognize the exclusive right of a person registered 
   on its books as the owner of shares to receive dividends, and to 
   vote as such owner, and shall not be bound to recognize any 
   equitable or other claim to or interest in any such shares on the 
   part of any other person, whether or not it shall have express or 
   other notice thereof, except as otherwise expressly provided by 
   the laws of the State of Delaware. 
        6.06  (a)  Powers of the Board.  The Board of Directors 
   shall have power and authority to make all such rules and 
   regulations as it shall deem expedient concerning the issue, 
   transfer and registration of certificates for shares of stock of 
   the Corporation. 
              (b)  The Board of Directors may appoint and remove 
   transfer agents and registrars of transfers, and may require all 
   stock certificates to bear the signature of any such transfer 
   agent and/or any such registrar of transfers. 
              (c)  The Board of Directors shall have power and 
   authority to create and issue (whether or not in connection with 
   the issue and sale of any stock or other securities of the 
   Corporation) warrants, rights or options entitling the holders 
   thereof to purchase from the Corporation any shares of any class 
   or classes or any other securities of the Corporation.  Such 
   warrants, rights or options shall be evidenced by such instrument 
   or instruments as shall be approved by the Board of Directors. 
              (d)  The terms upon which, the time or times (which 
   may be limited or unlimited in duration) at or within which, and 
   the price or prices at which any such shares or other securities 
   may be purchased from the Corporation upon the exercise of any 
   such warrant, right or option shall be such as shall be fixed and 
   stated in a resolution or resolutions of the Board of Directors 
   providing for the creation and issue of such warrants, rights or 
   options.  The Board of Directors is hereby authorized to create 
   and issue any such warrants, rights or options from time to time 
   for such consideration and to such persons, firms or corporations 
   as the Board of Directors, in its sole discretion, may determine 
   setting aside from the authorized but unissued stock of the 
   Corporation the requisite number of shares for issuance upon the 
   exercise of such warrants, rights or options. 
        7.01  (a)  Place and Inspection of Books.  The books of the 
   Corporation other than such books as are required by law to be 
   kept within the State of Delaware, shall be kept at such place or 
   places either within or without the State of Delaware as the 
   Board of Directors may from time to time determine. 
              (b)  At least ten (10) days before every meeting of 
   stockholders, a complete list of the stockholders entitled to 
   vote at the meeting, arranged in alphabetical order and showing 
   the address of each stockholder and the number of shares 
   registered in the name of each stockholder shall be prepared.  
   Such list shall be open to the examination of any stockholder, 
   for any purpose germane to the meeting, during ordinary business 
   hours, for a period of at least ten (10) days prior to the 
   meeting, either at a place within the city where the meeting is 
   to be held, which place shall be specified in the notice of the 
   meeting, or, if not so specified, at the place where the meeting 
   is to be held.  The list shall also be produced and kept at the 
   time and place of the meeting during the whole time thereof, and 
   may be inspected by any stockholder who is present. 
              (c)  The Board of Directors shall determine from time 
   to time whether, and if allowed, when and under what conditions 
   and regulations the accounts and books of the Corporation (except 
   such as may be by law specifically open to inspection or as 
   otherwise provided by these Bylaws) or any of them shall be open 
   to the inspection of the stockholders, and the stockholders' 
   rights in this respect are and shall be restricted and limited 
        7.02  (a)  Indemnification of Directors, Officers, Employees 
   and Agents.  The Corporation shall indemnify any person who was 
   or is a party or is threatened to be made a party to any 
   threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, 
   whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative (other 
   than an action by or in the right of the Corporation) by reason 
   of the fact that he is or was a Director, officer, employee or 
   agent of the Corporation, or is or was serving at the request of 
   the Corporation as a director, officer, employee, agent or 
   fiduciary of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, 
   trust, employee benefit plan or other enterprise, against 
   expenses, including attorneys' fees, judgments, fines and amounts 
   paid or owed in settlement actually and reasonably paid or 
   incurred by him or rendered or levied against him in connection 
   with such action, suit or proceeding if he acted in good faith 
   and in a manner he reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to 
   the best interests of the Corporation, and with respect to any 
   criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable cause to believe 
   his conduct was unlawful.  The termination of any action, suit or 
   proceeding by judgment, order, settlement, conviction, or upon a 
   plea of nolo contendere or its equivalent shall not, in itself, 
   create a presumption that the person did not act in good faith 
   and in a manner which he reasonably believed to be in or not 
   opposed to the best interests of the Corporation, and, with 
   respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had reasonable 
   cause to believe that his conduct was unlawful. 
              (b)  The Corporation shall indemnify any person who 
   was or is a party or is threatened to be made a party to any 
   threatened, pending or completed action or suit by or in the 
   right of the Corporation to procure a judgment in its favor by 
   reason of the fact that he is or was a Director, officer, 
   employee or agent of the Corporation, or is or was serving at the 
   request of the Corporation as a director, officer, employee, 
   agent or fiduciary of another corporation, partnership, joint 
   venture, trust, employee benefit plan or other enterprise, 
   against expenses, including attorneys' fees, actually and 
   reasonably paid or incurred by him in connection with the defense 
   or settlement of such action or suit if he acted in good faith 
   and in a manner he reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to 
   the best interests of the Corporation; provided, however, that no 
   indemnification shall be made in respect to any claim, issue or 
   matter as to which such person shall have been adjudged to be 
   liable to the Corporation unless and only to the extent that, 
   despite the adjudication of liability but in view of all 
   circumstances of the case, such person fairly and equitably 
   merits indemnification. 
              (c)  To the extent that a person who may be entitled 
   to indemnification by the Corporation under this section is or 
   has been successful on the merits or otherwise in defense of any 
   action, suit or proceeding referred to in subsections (a) and 
   (b), or in defense of any claim, issue or matter therein, he 
   shall be indemnified against expenses, including attorney's fees, 
   actually and reasonably paid or incurred by him in connection 
              (d)  Any indemnification under subsections (a) and (b) 
   shall be made by the Corporation only as authorized in the 
   specific case upon a determination that indemnification of the 
   Director, officer, employee or agent is proper in the 
   circumstances because he has met the applicable standard of 
   conduct set forth in subsection (a) or (b).  Such determination 
   shall be made (i) by the Board of Directors by a majority vote of 
   a quorum consisting of Directors who were not parties to such 
   action, suit or proceeding, or (ii) if such a quorum is not 
   obtainable or, even if obtainable, a quorum of disinterested 
   Directors so directs, by independent legal counsel in a written 
   opinion, (iii) the stockholders, or (iv) in any case in which 
   applicable law makes court approval a prerequisite to 
   indemnification, by the court in which such action, suit or 
   proceeding was brought or another court of competent 
              (e)  Expenses incurred in defending a civil or 
   criminal action, suit or proceeding may be paid by the 
   Corporation in advance of the final disposition of such action, 
   suit or proceeding upon receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf 
   of the Director, officer, employee or agent to repay such amount 
   if it shall ultimately be determined that he is not entitled to 
   be indemnified by the Corporation as authorized in this section. 
              (f)  The indemnification and advancement of expenses 
   provided by, or granted pursuant to, the other subsections of 
   this section shall not be deemed exclusive of any other rights to 
   which those seeking indemnification or advancement of expenses 
   may be entitled under any bylaw, agreement, vote of the 
   stockholders or disinterested directors or otherwise, both as to 
   action in his official capacity and as to action in another 
   capacity while holding such office. 
              (g)  The provisions of this section shall continue as 
   to a person who has ceased to be a director, officer, employee or 
   agent and shall inure to the benefit of the estate, executors, 
   administrators, heirs, legatees or devisees of a person entitled 
   to indemnification hereunder and the term "person," where used in 
   the section shall include the estate, executors, administrators, 
   heirs, legatees or devisees of such person. 
              (h)  For the purposes of this Section 7.02, (i) 
   "employee benefit plan" and "fiduciary" shall be deemed to 
   include, but not be limited to, the meanings set forth, 
   respectively, in Sections 3(3) and 21(A) of the Employee 
   Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, (ii) 
   references to the judgments, fines and amounts paid or owed in 
   settlement or rendered or levied shall be deemed to encompass and 
   include excise taxes required to be paid pursuant to applicable 
   law in respect of any transaction involving an employee benefit 
   plan, and (iii) references to the Corporation shall be deemed to 
   include any predecessor corporation and any constituent 
   corporation absorbed in a merger, consolidation or other 
   reorganization of or by the Corporation which, if its separate 
   existence had continued, would have had power and authority to 
   indemnify its directors, officer, employees, agents or 
   fiduciaries so that any person who was a director, officer, 
   employee, agent or fiduciary of such predecessor or constituent 
   corporation, or served at the request of such predecessor or 
   constituent corporation as a director, officer, employee, agent 
   or fiduciary of another corporation, partnership, joint venture, 
   trust, employee benefit plan or other enterprise, shall stand in 
   the same position under the provisions of this Section 7.02 with 
   respect to the Corporation as such person would have with respect 
   to such predecessor or constituent corporation if its separate 
   existence had continued. 
        7.03  (a)  Dividends.  Dividends may be declared at the 
   discretion of the Board of Directors at any meeting thereof. 
              (b)  Dividends may be paid to stockholders from the 
   Corporation's surplus, as computed in accordance with the laws of 
   the State of Delaware, or in case there shall be no surplus, out 
   of its net profits for the fiscal year then current and/or the 
   preceding fiscal year, but not otherwise.  When the Directors 
   shall so determine, dividends may be paid in stock.  A Director 
   shall be fully protected in relying in good faith upon the books 
   of account of the Corporation or statements prepared by any of 
   its officers as to the value and amount of the assets, 
   liabilities or net profits of the Corporation, or any other facts 
   pertinent to the existence and amount of surplus or other funds 
   from which dividends might properly be declared. 
              (c)  Before payment of any dividend or any 
   distribution of profits, there may be set aside out of the said 
   surplus of the Corporation such sum or sums as the Board of 
   Directors from time to time, in its discretion thinks proper as a 
   reserve fund to meet contingencies, or for equalizing dividends, 
   or for such other purpose as the Board of Directors shall think 
   conducive to the interests of the Corporation and the Board of 
   Directors may abolish any such reserve in the manner in which it 
   was created. 
        7.04  Execution of Deeds, Contracts, Etc.  Subject always to 
   the specific directions of the Board of Directors, all deeds, 
   mortgages and bonds made by the Corporation and all other written 
   contracts and agreements to which the Corporation shall be a 
   party shall be executed in its name by the Chairman of the Board, 
   the President, or a Vice President, or such other person or 
   persons as may be authorized by any such officer. 
        7.05  Checks.  All checks, drafts, acceptances, notes and 
   other orders, demands or instruments in respect to the payment of 
   money may be signed or endorsed on behalf of the Corporation by 
   such officer or officers or by such agent or agents as the Board 
   of Directors may from time to time designate. 
        7.06  Voting Shares in Other Corporations.  The Corporation 
   may vote any and all shares held by it in any other corporation 
   or corporations by the Chairman of the Board. 
        7.07  Fiscal Year.  The fiscal year of the Corporation shall 
   correspond with the calendar year. 
        7.08  Gender/Number.  As used in this instrument, the 
   masculine, feminine or neuter gender, and the singular or plural 
   number, shall each include the others whenever context so 
        7.09  Paragraph Titles.  The titles of the paragraphs have 
   been inserted as a matter of convenience of reference only and 
   shall not control or affect the meaning or construction of any of 
   the terms and provisions hereof. 
        8.01  Definitions.
              (a)  "Act" shall mean The Federal Aviation Act of 
   1958, as amended (Title 49 United States Code) or as the same may 
   be from time to time amended. 
              (b)  "Foreign Stock Record" shall have the meaning set 
   forth at Section 8.03 hereof. 
              (c)  "Non-Citizen" shall mean any person or entity who 
   is not a "citizen of the United States" as defined in Section 101 
   of the Act, including any agent, trustee or representative of a 
              (d)  "Own or Control" or "Owned or Controlled" shall 
   mean (i) ownership of record, (ii) beneficial ownership or (iii) 
   the power to direct, by agreement, agency or in any other manner, 
   the voting of Stock.  Any determination by the Board of Directors 
   as to whether Stock is Owned or Controlled by a Non-Citizen shall 
   be final. 
              (e)  "Permitted Percentage" shall mean 25 percent of 
   the voting power of the Stock. 
              (f)  "Stock" shall mean the outstanding capital stock 
   of the Corporation entitled to vote; provided, however, that for 
   the purpose of determining the voting power of Stock that shall 
   at any time constitute the Permitted Percentage, the voting power 
   of Stock outstanding shall not be adjusted downward solely 
   because shares of Stock may not be entitled to vote by reason of 
   any provision of this Section 8. 
        8.02  Policy.  It is the policy of the Corporation that, 
   consistent with the requirements of Section 101 of the Act, Non- 
   Citizens shall not Own or Control more than the Permitted 
   Percentage and, if Non-Citizens nonetheless at any time Own or 
   Control more than the Permitted Percentage, the voting rights of 
   the Stock in excess of the Permitted Percentage shall be 
   automatically suspended in accordance with Sections 8.03 and 8.04 
        8.03  Foreign Stock Record.  The Corporation or any transfer 
   agent designated by it shall maintain a separate stock record 
   (the "Foreign Stock Record") in which shall be registered Stock 
   known to the Corporation to be Owned or Controlled by Non- 
   Citizens.  The Foreign Stock Record shall include (i) the name 
   and nationality of each such Non-Citizen, (ii) the number of 
   shares of Stock Owned or Controlled by such Non-Citizen and (iii) 
   the date of registration of such shares in the Foreign Stock 
   Record.  In no event shall shares in excess of the Permitted 
   Percentage be entered on the Foreign Stock Record.  In the event 
   that the Corporation shall determine that Stock registered on the 
   Foreign Stock Record exceeds the Permitted Percentage, sufficient 
   shares shall be removed from the Foreign Stock Record so that the 
   number of shares entered therein does not exceed the Permitted 
   Percentage.  Stock shall be removed from the Foreign Stock Record 
   in reverse chronological order based upon the date of 
   registration therein. 
        8.04  Suspension of Voting Rights.  If at any time the 
   number of shares of Stock known to the Corporation to be Owned or 
   Controlled by Non-Citizens exceeds the Permitted Percentage, the 
   voting rights of Stock Owned or Controlled by Non-Citizens  and 
   not registered on the Foreign Stock Record at the time of any 
   vote or action of the stockholders of the Corporation shall, 
   without further action by the Corporation, be suspended.  Such 
   suspension of voting rights shall automatically terminate upon 
   the earlier of the (i) transfer of such shares to a person or 
   entity who is not a Non-Citizen, or (ii) registration of such 
   shares on the Foreign Stock Record, subject to the final sentence 
   of Section 8.03. 
   9.   AMENDMENT.
        9.01  Amendment.  These Bylaws may be altered, amended or 
   repealed by the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of 
   the stock issued and outstanding and entitled to vote at any 
   meeting of stockholders or by resolution adopted by the 
   affirmative vote of not less than a majority of the Directors in 
   office at any annual or regular meeting of the Board of Directors 
   or at any special meeting of the Board of Directors if notice of 
   the proposed alteration, amendment or repeal be contained in the 
   notice of such special meeting. 