                           March 11, 1994 
 America West Airlines, Inc.  
 4000 East Sky Harbor Boulevard  
 Phoenix, AZ  85034 
 Attention:   William A. Franke 
            Chairman of the Board 
         This letter  agreement (this "Agreement")  sets forth the 
 agreement  between  America  West  Airlines,   Inc.,  a  Delaware 
 corporation  (including, on or  after the  effective date  of the 
 Plan, as defined herein, its  successors, as reorganized pursuant 
 to the Bankruptcy Code, as  defined herein) (the "Company"),  and 
 AmWest Partners, L.P., a Texas limited partnership ("Investor"). 

         The  Company  will  issue  and  sell  to   Investor,  and 
 Investor hereby agrees and commits to purchase  from the Company, 
 a package of  securities of the Company for $220  million in cash 
 (subject to  adjustment as  herein provided),  consisting of  (i) 
 shares of Class A Common Stock of the Company ("Class A Common"), 
 (ii) shares  of Class  B Common  Stock of  the Company  ("Class B 
 Common" and, together with the  Class A Common, "Common  Stock"), 
 ------                                           ------------- 
 (iii)  senior unsecured notes  of the Company  ("Notes") and (iv) 
 warrants to purchase shares of Class  B Common ("Warrants") , all 
 on the  terms and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter 
 set forth. 
         Investor s purchase of the  securities referred to  above 
 (the "Investment") will be made in connection with and as part of 
 the transactions  to be consummated pursuant  to a joint  Plan of 
 Reorganization of  the  Company (the  "Plan") and  an order  (the 
 "Confirmation  Order")   confirming  the   Plan  issued   by  the 
 Bankruptcy Court,  as  defined herein.    The Plan  will  contain 
 provisions  called  for by,  or  otherwise consistent  with, this 
         In   consideration   of  the   agreements   of   Investor 
 hereunder, and as a precondition and inducement  to the execution 
 of this Agreement by  Investor, the Company has entered  into the 
 Interim Procedures Agreement with Investor, dated the date hereof 
 (the "Procedures Agreement"). 
         SECTION 1.   Definitions.      For   purposes   of   this 
 Agreement,  except  as expressly  provided  herein or  unless the 
 context otherwise requires,  the following  terms shall have  the 
 following respective meanings: 
         "Affiliate" shall  mean (i) when  used with  reference to 
     any  partnership, any  Person  that, directly  or indirectly, 
     owns or controls 10% or more of either  the capital or profit 
     interests  of such  partnership  or  is  a  partner  of  such 
     partnership or is  a Person in  which such partnership  has a 
     10%  or greater direct  or indirect equity  interest and (ii) 
     when  used  with reference  to  any  corporation, any  Person 
     that, directly  or indirectly, owns  or controls 10%  or more 
     of the outstanding voting  securities of such corporation  or 
     is a Person  in which such  corporation has a 10%  or greater 
     direct or  indirect equity interest.   In addition,  the term 
     "Affiliate," when  used with reference  to any  Person, shall 
     also mean  any  other Person  that,  directly or  indirectly, 
     controls or is  controlled by or is under common control with 
     such  Person.   As used  in the  preceding sentence,  (A) the 
     term  "control" means the possession, directly or indirectly, 
     of  the power  to  direct  or  cause  the  direction  of  the 
     management and  policies of the  entity referred  to, whether 
     through  ownership  of  voting  securities,  by  contract  or 
     otherwise  and  (B) the  terms  "controlling"  and "controls" 
     shall   have   meanings   correlative   to   the   foregoing. 
     Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  the Company  will be  deemed 
     not to be an Affiliate of Investor or any of its partners. 
         "Alliance  Agreements" shall  have the  meaning specified 
     in Section 5. 
         "Approvals" shall  have the meaning  specified in Section 
         "Average Closing Price" shall have the  meaning specified 
     in Section 4(a)(2)(v)(B).   
         "Bankruptcy  Code" shall  mean Chapter  11 of  the United 
     States Bankruptcy Code.   
         "Bankruptcy   Court"   shall  mean   the  United   States 
     Bankruptcy Court for the District of Arizona.   
         "Business Combination" means: 
              (i) any merger or consolidation of  the Company with 
         or into Investor or any Affiliate of Investor; 
              (ii)   any   sale,   lease,    exchange, transfer or 
         other   disposition   of  all   or   any  substantial part
         of   the  assets   of  the  Company  to  Investor  or any 
         Affiliate of Investor; 
              (iii)  any    transaction    with     or   involving 
         the  Company    as   a  result   of  which  Investor   or 
         any  of  Investor s  Affiliates  will,  as  a  result  of 
         issuances  of voting  securities by  the Company  (or any 
         other  securities convertible  into or  exchangeable  for 
         such  voting securities)  acquire an increased percentage 
         ownership of  such voting securities,  except pursuant to 
         a  transaction open on a pro rata basis to all holders of 
         Class B Common; or 
              (iv)    any   related   series  or   combination  of 
         transactions  having   or  which   will   have,  directly 
         or indirectly, the  same effect as  any of the foregoing. 
         "Class A Common" shall  have the meaning specified in the 
     second paragraph of this Agreement.   
         "Class  B Common" shall have the meaning specified in the 
     second paragraph of this Agreement.   
         "Common Stock"  shall have the  meaning specified  in the 
     second paragraph of this Agreement.   
         "Company" shall have the meaning  specified in the  first 
     paragraph of this Agreement. 
         "Confirmation Date"  shall  mean the  date  on which  the 
     Confirmation Order is entered by the Bankruptcy Court.   
         "Confirmation Order" shall have the meaning  specified in 
     the third paragraph of this Agreement.   
         "Continental" shall mean Continental Airlines, Inc. 
         "Creditors  Committee" shall mean the Official  Committee 
     of  the Unsecured  Creditors of  America West  Airlines, Inc. 
     appointed in  the Company's Chapter  11 case  pending in  the 
     Bankruptcy Court. 
         "Disclosure Statement" shall mean a  disclosure statement 
     with respect to the Plan. 
         "Effective  Date" shall  mean the  effective date  of the 
     Plan; provided, that in no event  shall the Effective Date be 
     (a) earlier than 11 days after the Bankruptcy Court  approves 
     and   enters  the   Confirmation  Order   providing  for  the 
     confirmation  of  the  Plan  or  (b)  before  all    material 
     Approvals are obtained.  
         "Electing  Party"  shall have  the  meaning  specified in 
     Section 4(a)(2)(ii). 
         "Equity Committee" shall  mean the Official  Committee of 
     Equity Holders  of America West  Airlines, Inc.  appointed in 
     the  Company's  Chapter 11  case  pending  in the  Bankruptcy 
         "Equity   Holders"  shall   mean  the   Company's  equity 
     security  holders  (including  holders of  common  stock  and 
     preferred stock) of record  as of the applicable record  date 
     fixed by the Bankruptcy Court. 
         "Escrow  Shares"  shall  have the  meaning  specified  in 
     Section 4(a)(2)(v). 
         "Governance Agreements" shall have the meaning  specified 
     in Section 6. 
         "GPA"  shall mean  GPA Group  plc or, if  applicable, any 
     direct or indirect subsidiary thereof. 
         "GPA Put Agreement" shall have  the meaning specified  in 
     Section 7(j). 
         "Independent Directors" shall have the meaning  specified 
     in Section 6(a)(ii). 
         "Initial Order"  shall  have  the  meaning  specified  in 
     Section 8(a). 
         "Investment" shall  have  the  meaning specified  in  the 
     third paragraph of this Agreement.   
         "Investor" shall have  the meaning specified in the first 
     paragraph of this Agreement.   
         "Mesa" shall mean Mesa Airlines, Inc. 
         "Monthly  Targets" shall  mean the  amounts specified  in 
     the Monthly Targets Schedule. 
         "Monthly  Targets   Schedule"  shall   mean  the   letter 
     agreement  between the  Company and  Investor dated  the date 
         "Non-Contingent Shares" shall have the meaning  specified 
     in Section 4(a)(2)(v)(A). 
         "Notes" shall  have the meaning  specified in  the second 
     paragraph of this Agreement.   
         "Outside Date" shall  mean August 15, 1994; provided that 
     Investor  shall  have  the   right  from  time  to  time   to 
     irrevocably extend the Outside Date to  a date not later than 
     November 30,  1994, but only  if Investor  gives the  Company 
     prior  written  notice of  its  election to  extend  the then 
     current Outside  Date  (which notice  shall  specify the  new 
     Outside  Date) and then only if, at the time of the giving of 
     such  notice,  Investor  is  not in  breach  of  any  of  its 
     representations, warranties,  covenants or obligations  under 
     this  Agreement,  the  Procedures Agreement  or  any  Related 
     Agreement (excluding  any  breach by  Investor  which is  not 
     willful or  intentional and which  is capable of  being cured 
     on or before  the new Outside  Date).  Unless  waived by  the 
     Company, any notice given  pursuant to this definition  shall 
     be  delivered to the  Company not less than  15 days prior to 
     the then current  Outside Date except that, in the  event the 
     Effective Date  has  not  occurred  for  any  reason  arising 
     within such 15-day period  not due to a breach by Investor of 
     any  of   its  representations,   warranties,  covenants   or 
     agreements hereunder, such notice  shall be given as soon  as 
     practicable  but in  no  event later  than  the then  current 
     Outside Date. 
         "Person"  means  a  natural  person,  a   corporation,  a 
     partnership,   a  trust,  a  joint  venture,  any  Regulatory 
     Authority or any other entity or organization.   
         "Plan" shall  have  the meaning  specified  in the  third 
     paragraph of this Agreement.   
         "Plan 9"  means the Company's  Plan Revision  No. 9 which 
     consists of  the Summary Pro Forma Financial Statements: June 
     1993 Through December 1994, dated July 15, 1993. 
         "Plan  R-2" shall  mean the  Company's Summary  Pro Forma 
     Financial Statements,  5 Year Plan:  1994 Through  1998, Plan 
     No. R-2, dated January 13, 1994. 
         "Prepetition Claims"  shall  mean, as  of  any date,  the 
     aggregate   amount  of the  allowed or  allowable prepetition 
     unsecured claims  without priority of the Unsecured Creditors 
     (other than  the Electing Parties)  under Section 502  of the 
     Bankruptcy Code  as of  such date  as determined  by a  final 
     order of the Bankruptcy Court,   provided that the first such 
     determination shall  be made at  an estimation hearing  to be 
     held  on  or  before  the   date  of    the  hearing  on  the 
     Confirmation Order. 
         "Procedures Agreement"  shall have the meaning  specified 
     in the fourth paragraph of this Agreement.   
         "Projections"  shall mean  the projections  set forth  in  
     Plan 9 on  pages 15 and 18 of Tab E  and pages 7 and 8 of Tab 
         "Purchase Price"  shall  have  the meaning  specified  in 
     Section 2. 
         "Regulatory   Approvals"  shall   mean   all   approvals, 
     permits,   authorizations,   consents,   licenses,   rulings, 
     exemptions and  agreements required to  be obtained  from, or 
     notices to or registrations  or filings with, any  Regulatory 
     Authority  (including  the   expiration  of  all   applicable 
     waiting   periods,  if   any,  under   the  Hart-Scott-Rodino 
     Antitrust Improvements  Act  of 1976,  as  amended) that  are 
     necessary or reasonably appropriate to permit  the Investment 
     and  the other  transactions contemplated  hereby and  by the 
     Related Agreements and to permit the  Company to carry on its 
     business after the  Investment in a manner  consistent in all 
     material respects with the manner in  which it was carried on 
     prior to the  Effective Date or proposed to be  carried on by 
     the reorganized Company. 
         "Regulatory Authority" shall mean any  authority, agency, 
     commission,  official or other  instrumentality of the United 
     States, any  foreign  country  or  any  domestic  or  foreign 
     state, county, city or other political subdivision. 
         "Related Agreements" shall  have the meaning specified in 
     Section 3. 
         "Securities" shall  mean  the securities  of the  Company 
     issued to  the Unsecured Parties, Investor and GPA under this 
     Agreement.  The Securities are described in Section 4.   
         "Shortfall" shall  mean, as  of any  date, the amount  by 
     which  (i) the aggregate amount  determined by the Bankruptcy 
     Court as required for full recovery  as of the Effective Date 
     for the  holders of the  Prepetition Claims exceeds  (ii) the 
     value of  the Non-Contingent  Shares as of  the date of  such 
         "Unsecured  Creditors" shall  mean, as  of any  date, the 
     Persons holding  of record  as of  such date  the allowed  or 
     allowable prepetition  unsecured claims  without priority  of 
     the Company. 
         "Unsecured  Parties" shall  mean  the Equity  Holders and 
     the Unsecured Creditors. 
         "Warrants"  shall  have  the  meaning  specified  in  the 
     second paragraph of this Agreement. 
         SECTION 2.   Commitment  to Make Investment.   Subject to 
 the  terms and conditions  of this  Agreement and  the Procedures 
 Agreement,  on the Effective  Date, the  Company shall  issue and 
 sell and Investor  shall purchase  Securities in accordance  with 
 this Agreement and the  Plan.  Such  Securities shall be  issued, 
 sold and delivered to Investor, its  designees and/or one or more 
 third  party  investors,  and  the  $220 million  purchase  price 
 therefor, as such purchase price may be  adjusted pursuant hereto 
 (the  "Purchase  Price"),  shall  be  paid  by wire  transfer  of 
 immediately available funds on the Effective Date. 
         SECTION 3.  Related Agreements.  The agreements necessary 
 to  effect  the  Investment  (the "Related Agreements", such term 
 to include the Alliance Agreements and the Governance Agreements) 
 shall  be  in  form  and  substance  reasonably  satisfactory  to 
 Investor and the Company, and shall contain terms and provisions, 
 including   representations,   warranties,  covenants,   warranty 
 termination periods,  materiality  exceptions, cure opportunities,
 conditions  precedent,  anti-dilution provisions (as appropriate),
 and  indemnities,  as   are  in  form  and  substance  reasonably 
 satisfactory to such parties; provided, however, that the Related 
 Agreements  shall contain  provisions called for by, or otherwise 
 consistent with, this Agreement. 
         SECTION 4.   Capitalization.   (a)  Upon consummation  of 
 the Plan, the capitalization of the Company shall be as follows: 
         (1)  Class A  Common.  There  shall be 1,200,000 shares of
     Class A  Common,  all of  which shares  shall, in  accordance 
     with the  Plan, be issued  to Investor.   Investor  shall pay 
     $7,964,444  for the Class  A Common.    At the  option of the 
     holders   thereof,  shares   of  Class  A   Common  shall  be 
     convertible  into shares  of Class  B Common  on a  share for 
     share basis. 
         (2)  Class B  Common.  There shall be 43,800,000 shares of
     Class B  Common,  all of  which shares  shall, in  accordance 
     with the Plan, be issued as follows: 
              (i) Investor.   Investor shall be issued  15,675,000 
         shares plus the number of shares (if any) to  be acquired 
         by  Investor  pursuant to  clause  (ii)  below minus  the 
         number of  shares, if  any, issued to the  Equity Holders 
         pursuant to clause (iii) below.  For each  share of Class 
         B  Common  issued  to  it,  Investor  shall  pay  $7.147; 
         provided  that (A)  for each  share acquired  by Investor 
         pursuant to clause (ii) below, Investor shall  pay $8.889 
         and  (B)  for  each share  not  purchased  by the  Equity 
         Holders pursuant to  clause (iii)  below, Investor  shall 
         pay $8.296.    
              (ii)    Unsecured   Creditors.       The   Unsecured 
         Creditors  (or a  trust created for  their benefit) shall 
         be  issued   20,250,000  shares.    Notwithstanding   the 
         foregoing, each Unsecured Creditor  shall have the  right 
         to elect  to receive cash equal  to  8.889 for each share 
         of Class  B Common  otherwise allocable to it  under this 
         clause  (ii).    The election  of  each such  Person (the 
         "Electing Party")  must  be made  on or  before the  date 
         fixed by the Bankruptcy Court for voting with respect  to 
         the Plan; provided, however, that in the event that  such 
         elections of all Electing Parties aggregate to  more than 
         $100 million, then (A)  the amount of cash  so paid shall 
         be limited  to $100 million  and (B) the Electing Parties 
         shall  each  receive proportionate  amounts  of cash  and 
         Class B Common  in accordance with  the Plan.  Subject to 
         the  foregoing  proviso,  Investor  shall   increase  the 
         Investment  by the  amount necessary to  pay all Electing 
         Parties  the  cash amounts  payable  to  them under  this 
         clause (ii) in  respect of the shares  of Class  B Common 
         specified  in their  elections and, upon  payment of such 
         amounts, such shares shall be issued to  Investor without 
         further  consideration.   Notwithstanding the  foregoing, 
         Investor s  acquisition  of  shares  of  Class  B  Common 
         pursuant  to  this clause  (ii)  shall,  if permitted  by 
         applicable  securities  and other  laws,  be  consummated 
         immediately  after  the issuance  of such  shares  to the 
         Electing Parties  on the Effective  Date.  If such shares 
         are  not so  acquired post-consummation of  the Plan, all 
         shares  of Class  B Common acquired  by Investor pursuant 
         to this  clause (ii)  shall, for all purposes  hereof, be 
         deemed to be part of the Securities acquired by  Investor 
              (iii)   Equity  Holders.   The Equity  Holders shall 
         have  the  right  to  purchase  up  to  1,808,036  shares 
         allocable  to Investor  pursuant to  clause (i)  above at 
         $8.296 per  share.  Such  election must  be made by  each 
         Equity  Holder  on  or  before  the  date  fixed  by  the 
         Bankruptcy  Court for  voting with  respect to  the Plan. 
         The Plan  shall  set forth  the terms  and conditions  on 
         which the foregoing rights may be exercised. 
              (iv)    GPA.   3,375,000 shares  shall be  issued to 
              (v) Escrow  Shares.   4,500,000 shares  (the "Escrow 
                  --------------                            ------ 
         Shares") shall  be  issued to  the  Unsecured Parties  as 
                   (A) All  of the Escrow Shares shall be issued to 
              the   Equity   Holders   if   the   Bankruptcy  Court 
              determines  on   the  Confirmation   Date  that   the 
              Non Contingent  Shares will  provide a full recovery, 
              as  of  the  Effective  Date,   for  the  holders  of 
              Prepetition Claims.  As used herein,   "Non-Contingent 
              Shares"   means  the  20,250,000  shares  of  Class  B 
              Common issuable to  the Unsecured  Creditors pursuant 
              to clause (ii) above less  the number of  such shares 
              to   be   acquired  by   Investor  pursuant   to  the 
              provisions of such clause.  
                   (B) If, however, the Bankruptcy Court determines 
              on  the  Confirmation  Date  that  the  value  of the 
              Non-Contingent Shares  does not,  as of the Effective 
              Date,  provide a full recovery for the holders of the 
              Prepetition  Claims, then  the Escrow Shares  will be 
              placed  in  escrow  with  a  bank  or  trust  company 
              reasonably  acceptable to  the  Creditors'  Committee 
              and the Equity Committee (the  "Escrow Agent") for  a 
              period of  one year ending  on the  first anniversary 
              of the Effective Date ("First  Anniversary").  If, on 
              any date prior to the  First Anniversary, the Closing 
              Price of  the Non-Contingent Shares  for any  ten out 
              of 15  consecutive trading days  ending on  or before 
              such date is  equal to  or exceeds the Closing  Price 
              at which the Bankruptcy Court determines the  holders 
              of the Prepetition Claims shall  have received a full 
              recovery as of the Effective  Date, the Escrow  Agent 
              shall terminate  the escrow  and  release the  Escrow 
              Shares  therefrom  for  distribution  to  the  Equity 
              Holders.    As used herein,  "Closing Price"  for any 
              trading day  means (i)  if shares of  Class B  Common 
              are  traded  on the  New York  Stock Exchange  or the 
              American Stock Exchange, the closing  price of  Class 
              B Common  for such trading day  or (ii) if shares  of 
              Class  B Common are traded on NASDAQ  or otherwise in 
              the over the counter markets, the final bid price  of 
              the Class  B Common  for such  trading day.   If  the 
              escrow is  not  terminated early  as aforesaid,  then 
              (x) the value of the  Non-Contingent Shares shall  be 
              determined on  the  First  Anniversary based  on  the 
              average of the Closing Prices  for the 20 consecutive 
              trading  days prior  to  the  First Anniversary  (the 
              "Average   Closing   Price"),   (y)   the   Unsecured 
              Creditors  shall be  distributed such  number  of the 
              Escrow Shares  as shall equal the quotient determined 
              by dividing  (aa) the  amount of the Shortfall  as of 
              the First Anniversary  (if any)  by (bb) the  Average 
              Closing Price  and (z)  the remaining Escrow  Shares, 
              if any, shall be distributed to the Equity Holders. 
         (3)  Warrants.   There  shall  be  Warrants  to  purchase 
     6,428,572 shares  of Class B Common  at the exercise price as 
     specified in  and subject to the  terms of Exhibit  A hereto, 
     and  such Warrants  shall, in  accordance with  the Plan,  be 
     issued as follows: 
              (i) Warrants to purchase  up to 2,571,429  shares of 
         Class B Common shall be issued to Investor; and 
              (ii)    Warrants to purchase  up to 2,571,429 shares 
         of Class B Common  shall be issued to the Equity  Holders 
         or a trust or trusts created for their benefit; and 
              (iii)   Warrants to purchase  up to 1,285,714 shares 
         of Class B Common shall be issued to GPA. 
         (4)  Senior  Unsecured Notes.   There shall be issued $103
     million principal amount  of Notes on the terms set  forth in 
     and  subject to the terms of Exhibit B hereto, and such Notes 
     shall,  in  accordance with  the  Plan,  be issued  (i)   100 
     million principal amount to Investor against  payment in cash 
     of  not less  than 99%  of the  principal amount  thereof and 
     (ii) $3 million principal amount to GPA. 
        (b)  Holders of the Class A Common shall have fifty  votes 
 per share.  Holders of  Class B  Common shall  have one vote  per 
 share.   Holders of Class A Common and  holders of Class B Common 
 shall  vote  together  as  a single  class  except  as  otherwise 
 required by law or  the provisions of  this Agreement.   Investor 
 may elect,  with respect to any shares of  Class B Common held by 
 it, to  suspend  the voting  rights relating  to  such shares  by 
 giving prior  written notice to  the Company, which  notice shall 
 describe such  shares in reasonable  detail and state  whether or 
 not  the voting  suspension  is permanent  or  temporary and,  if 
 temporary, specify the  period thereof.  All  Escrow Shares shall 
 be counted for purposes of determining a quorum at any meeting of 
 the Company's stockholders.  In the case of each matter submitted 
 for  a vote by  the holders of  Class B Common,  the Escrow Agent 
 shall vote all of the Escrow Shares in the same proportion as all 
 other shares  of Class  B Common are  voted with respect  to such 
         SECTION 5.   Business  Alliance Agreements.   Continental 
 and the  Company shall  enter into  mutually acceptable  business 
 alliance agreements on  the Effective Date, which  agreements may 
 include, but  shall not be limited to, agreements to share ticket 
 counter  space,  ground handling  agreements, agreements  to link 
 frequent flier programs, and  combined purchasing agreements, and 
 schedule  coordination  and  code  sharing  agreements.   On  the 
 Effective Date, Mesa shall enter into agreements with the Company 
 extending  the  existing  contractual  arrangements  between  the 
 Company  and Mesa  for  five years  from the  Effective  Date and 
 modifying the termination provisions thereof consistent with such 
 extension.  Such agreements with Continental and  Mesa are herein 
 collectively referred to as the "Alliance Agreements".
         SECTION  6.   Governance  Agreements.   On  the Effective 
 Date, the Company,  Investor and Investor s partners  (other than 
 any such  partner holding  shares of  Class B  Common the  voting 
 rights with respect to which have been  suspended as contemplated 
 by Section  4(b)) shall enter into one or more written agreements 
 (the "Governance Agreements") effectively providing as follows:
        (a)  At all times during the  three-year period commencing 
     on  the  Effective Date,  the  Company's  board of  directors 
     shall consist of 15 members designated as follows: 
             (i) nine  members  (at  least  8  of  whom  are U.S. 
         citizens) shall be  designated by Investor, with  certain 
         of   the  partners  of   Investor  having  the  right  to 
         designate certain of Investor s designated directors;  
             (ii)    four members  (the "Independent  Directors")  
         (at  least  two  of  whom  are U.S.  citizens)  shall  be 
         designated   by    a   majority   of   the    Stockholder 
         Representatives; provided that each such member  shall be 
         reasonably acceptable  to Investor at  the time of his or 
         her initial designation; and 
              (iii)   two  members shall be designated  by GPA for 
         so  long as  GPA shall  own at  least   4% of  the voting 
         equity  securities of  the Company;   provided  that each 
         such member  shall be  reasonably acceptable to  Investor 
         at the time of his  or her initial designation. 
     As  used herein,  "Stockholder  Representatives" shall  mean, 
     collectively,  (A) three individuals who, on the date hereof, 
     are  serving as directors of  the Company, (B) one individual 
     who, on  the  date hereof,  is  serving as  a  member of  the 
     Creditors' Committee and (C) one individual who, on  the date 
     hereof, is serving as a member of  the Equity Committee.  The 
     initial Stockholder Representatives shall  be selected on  or 
     before the  Effective  Date (x)  by  the Company's  board  of 
     directors  in the case  of the three  individuals referred to 
     in clause  (A) above, (y) by  the Creditors' Committee in the 
     case of  the individual referred to  in clause (B)  above and 
     (z) by  the Equity Committee  in the  case of  the individual 
     referred to in  clause (C) above.  In the  case of the death, 
     resignation,   removal  or   disability   of  a   Stockholder 
     Representative  after  the   Effective  Date,   his  or   her 
     successor shall be designated by a majority of  the remaining 
     Stockholder Representatives.   
        (b)  Until the  third anniversary of  the Effective  Date, 
     Investor will  vote  and  cause to  be  voted all  shares  of 
     Common Stock  (other than  those the  voting rights  of which 
     have  been  suspended)  owned  by  Investor  or  any  of  its 
     partners  or  by  the  assignees  or transferees  of  all  or 
     substantially  all of the  Common Stock owned  by Investor or 
     any of  its partners (other  than a Person who  acquires such 
     stock pursuant  to a  tender or  exchange offer  open to  all 
     stockholders of  the  Company) in  favor of  the election  as 
     directors  of  any and  all individuals  designated  for such 
     election  as  contemplated  by  clauses  (ii)  and  (iii)  of 
     paragraph (a) above.   
        (c)  No  director  nominated  by  Investor  shall  be   an 
     officer or employee of  Continental.  All Company  directors, 
     if  any,  who  are selected  by,  or  who  are  directors of, 
     Continental  shall  recuse  themselves  from  voting  on,  or 
     otherwise  receiving  any  confidential  Company  information 
     regarding, matters  in connection  with negotiations  between 
     Continental and  the Company (including,  without limitation, 
     those  relating to  the Alliance  Agreements) and  matters in 
     connection  with  any  action  involving  direct  competition 
     between Continental and the  Company. All Company  directors, 
     if any, who are  selected by, or who  are directors, officers 
     or  employees of,  Mesa shall  recuse themselves  from voting 
     on,   or  otherwise   receiving   any  confidential   Company 
     information   regarding,   matters    in   connection    with 
     negotiations  between   Mesa  and  the   Company  (including, 
     without   limitation,   those  relating   to   the   Alliance 
     Agreements)  and  matters   in  connection  with  any  action 
     involving direct competition between Mesa and the Company. 
        (d)  During  the  three-year  period  commencing  on   the 
     Effective Date, the Company will not  consummate any Business 
     Combination  unless such  transaction  shall be  approved  in 
     advance by   at least  three  Independent  Directors or by  a 
     majority of  the stock voted at  the meeting held to consider 
     such  transaction  which  is  owned by  stockholders  of  the 
     Company  other  than  Investor  or  any  of  its  Affiliates; 
     provided,  however, that  neither Mesa nor  any Fidelity Fund 
     (or any of their  non-Affiliated transferees) will be  deemed 
     an  Affiliate  of  Investor  for purposes  of  voting  on any 
     Business Combination involving Continental. 
         SECTION 7.   Plan of Reorganization.  The Plan  shall (i) 
 be  proposed jointly by  the Company  and Investor,  (ii) contain 
 terms and conditions reasonably satisfactory  to Investor and the 
 Company,  and (iii)  include the  following provisions;  provided 
 that  Investor and the  Company may, by  mutual agreement, modify 
 the Plan  or  otherwise restructure  the Investment  in a  manner 
 consistent with  the contemplated  economic  consequences to  the 
 Company, Investor,  the  Unsecured Parties  and GPA  in order  to 
 enable  the Company, as  reorganized, to  more fully  utilize its 
 existing tax attributes: 
         (a)  Debtor-in-Possession    Financing.   The    Company's
     debtor-in-possession  financing shall  be repaid  in  full in 
     cash on the Effective Date. 
         (b)  Administrative  Claims.   All  allowed administrative
     claims shall be paid as required pursuant to  Section 1129(a) 
     of the  Bankruptcy  Code, provided  that such  claims do  not 
     exceed  the amount  set forth  in Plan R-2  plus $15 million, 
     and  provided further that  payment of such  claims in excess 
     of those set  forth in Plan R-2 would not,  if payment was to 
     be  made  in the  month immediately  preceding  the Effective 
     Date,  cause the Company  to fail to meet  any of the Monthly 
     Targets for such month. 
         (c)  Tax Claims.   All  priority tax claims shall  be paid
     over  the maximum term  permitted by the  Bankruptcy Code, as 
     determined  by the Bankruptcy  Court, with  interest accruing 
     at  a rate determined by  the Bankruptcy Court, provided that 
     such claims do not exceed  the amounts set forth in  Plan R-2 
     plus $8.5 million, and provided further that payment  of such 
     claims in  excess of those set  forth in Plan R-2  would not, 
     if  payment was to be made in the month immediately preceding 
     the Effective Date, cause the Company to fail to  meet any of 
     the Monthly Targets for such month . 
         (d)  Nontax Priority  Claims.  All  nontax priority claims
     shall  be paid  as required  pursuant to  Section 507  of the 
     Bankruptcy Code, provided that such claims do not  exceed the 
     amounts set forth in Plan R-2. 
         (e)  Secured  Claims.     Secured  debt  claims  shall  be
     treated  as provided in Plan  R-2 subject to (i) modification 
     based  on  updated  appraisals  of collateral  values  to  be 
     conducted by the Company  and consistent with the  applicable 
     provisions  of the Bankruptcy Code,  or (ii) such other terms 
     as  shall  be  reasonably  satisfactory to  the  Company  and 
         (f)  Unsecured Creditors.   In  consideration for (A)  the 
     shares and cash issued  or paid, as the  case may be, to  the 
     Unsecured Creditors pursuant to Section  4(a)(2)(ii), and (B) 
     the  shares,  if  any,  issued  to  the  Unsecured  Creditors 
     pursuant to  Section 4(a)(2)(v)(B), the  unsecured claims  of 
     the  Unsecured Creditors  shall be cancelled  as specified in 
     the Plan. 
         (g)  Equity  Holders.  In  consideration for (A) the right
     to purchase shares pursuant to Section  4(a)(2)(iii), (B) the 
     shares, if  any,  issued to  the Equity  Holders pursuant  to 
     Section  4(a)(2)(v),  and  (C)  the Warrants  issued  to  the 
     Equity  Holders pursuant to  Section 4(a)(3)(ii),  the equity 
     interests  of  the  Equity  Holders  shall  be  cancelled  as 
     specified in the Plan. 
         (h)  Leases.   All aircraft leases which have been assumed 
     prior to  the date hereof will  be honored by  the Company in 
     accordance with their terms and without  reduction of rentals 
     thereunder,  provided that  with the consent  of the Company, 
     Investor and  any applicable  lessor, any  such lease  may be 
     amended  to reduce  the rentals payable  thereunder, it being 
     understood that, in consideration  of any such amendment  and 
     with the consent of  the Creditors' Committee, securities  of 
     the Company  may be  issued to  such lessors  from securities 
     otherwise  allocable to  the Unsecured Parties  to the extent 
     consistent  with  any agreement  in writing  entered  into by 
     Investor and  the  Equity Committee  on  or before  the  date 
         (i)  Kawasaki.  The contractual right of Kawasaki  Leasing 
     International  Inc. ("Kawasaki")  to require  the Company  to 
     lease  certain  aircraft  and   aircraft  engines  shall   be 
     modified on terms satisfactory  to the Company, Investor  and 
     Kawasaki or, in the absence of such modification, honored.   
         (j)  GPA.    In  consideration for  (A) the  shares  to be
     issued  to  GPA  pursuant  to Section  4(a)(2)(iv),  (B)  the 
     Warrants   to   be  issued   to  GPA   pursuant   to  Section 
     4(a)(3)(iii), (C)  the Notes to be  issued to GPA pursuant to 
     Section 4(a)(4) and (D) the granting to  GPA on the Effective 
     Date of the right (the "New GPA Put") to require the  Company 
     to lease from GPA  on or prior to June 30, 1999,  up to eight 
     aircraft  of  types  consistent  with   the  fleet  currently 
     operated by  the  Company, GPA  shall,  as specified  in  the 
     Plan, cancel and waive all rights to  put any aircraft to the 
     Company which  it  may have  pursuant  to the  Put  Agreement 
     between GPA and the Company,  dated as of June 25, 1991  (the 
     "GPA  Put Agreement") and/or  the related Agreement Regarding 
     Rights  of  First  Refusal  for A320  Aircraft,  dated  as of 
     September  1, 1992  (the "First  Refusal Agreement")  and all 
     other claims  of any  kind or  nature arising  out  of or  in 
     connection  with  the  GPA  Put Agreement  and/or  the  First 
     Refusal Agreement  (other than  claims  for reimbursement  of 
     expenses  incurred  by GPA  in connection  therewith).   Each 
     such lease shall provide for the payment by the Company  of a 
     fair  market  rental  (determined  at or  about  the  time of 
     delivery of the related aircraft to the Company on  the basis 
     of rentals then prevailing in the  marketplace for comparable 
     leases  of  comparable  aircraft  to  lessees  of  comparable 
     creditworthiness); and each such lease shall  have such other 
     terms and provisions  and be in such  form as is agreed  upon 
     by the  Company and GPA with  the approval of Investor (which 
     approval shall not be  unreasonably withheld or delayed)  and 
     attached  to the agreement  pursuant to which  GPA is granted 
     the New GPA Put. 
         (k)  Prepetition   Aircraft  Purchase   Contracts.    The 
     prepetition  contract for  the  purchase of  aircraft between 
     the  Company and The Boeing  Company shall either be modified 
     on  terms  satisfactory  to  Investor, the  Company  and  The 
     Boeing  Company  or,  in  the  absence   of  such  agreement, 
     rejected.   The  Company's  aircraft purchase  contract  with 
     AVSA,  S.A.R.L.   ("Airbus")  shall  be   amended  on   terms 
     consistent with  the  provisions of  the AmWest  - A320  Term 
     Sheet, dated as of February 23, 1994  by and between Investor 
     and Airbus. 
         (l)  Employees.    The Company  shall  have the  right  to
     release employees from all currently  existing obligations to 
     the  Company in respect of  shares of Company stock purchased 
     by  such employees  pursuant to the  Company's stock purchase 
     plan,   such  release   to  be   in  consideration   for  the 
     cancellation of such shares. 
         (m)  Exculpation.     The  Plan  will  contain   customary
     exculpation  provisions for  the  benefit of  the  Creditors' 
     Committee  and the  Equity  Committee  and  their  respective 
         SECTION 8.   Conditions    to   Investor's    Obligations 
 Relating to  the  Investment.   The  obligations of  Investor  to 
 consummate the Investment and the other transactions contemplated 
 herein shall  be  subject to  the  satisfaction, or  the  written 
 waiver by Investor, of the following conditions: 
         (a)  an initial order approving the Procedures  Agreement, 
     which  order  shall  be  in  form  and  substance  reasonably 
     satisfactory to Investor   (the "Initial Order"), shall  have 
     been  entered  by  the  Bankruptcy  Court  on  or   prior  to 
     March 31, 1994  and,  once entered,  shall be  in effect  and 
     shall not be modified in any material respect or stayed; 
         (b)  subject to  Section 10(b), the  Company and Investor, 
     as applicable, shall have received all  Regulatory Approvals, 
     which  shall  have  become  final and  nonappealable  or  any 
     period  of objection  by  Regulatory Authorities  shall  have 
     expired,  as applicable,  and all  other  material approvals, 
     permits,  authorizations,  consents, licenses  and agreements 
     from  other third  parties that are  necessary or appropriate 
     to  permit   the  Investment   and  the   other  transactions 
     contemplated  hereby  and by  the Related  Agreements  and to 
     permit  the  Company  to  carry  on its  business  after  the 
     Effective  Date  in  a  manner  consistent  in  all  material 
     respects with the manner in which it was carried on  prior to 
     the Effective  Date (collectively with  Regulatory Approvals, 
     the  "Approvals"),  which  Approvals  shall  not  contain any 
     condition  or  restriction  that,  in  Investor's  reasonable 
     judgment, materially impairs  the Company's ability to  carry 
     on  its  business  in  a manner  consistent  in  all material 
     respects with prior practice or as proposed to be  carried on 
     by the reorganized Company; 
         (c)  the  certificate of  incorporation and  bylaws of the 
     Company   shall  contain  the   terms  contemplated  by  this 
     Agreement and shall  otherwise be reasonably satisfactory  to 
         (d)  there  shall  be  in  effect   no  injunction,  stay, 
     restraining order or decree issued by any court  of competent 
     jurisdiction,  whether  foreign  or   domestic,  staying  the 
     effectiveness  of any of the  Approvals, the Initial Order or 
     the  Confirmation Order, and  there shall not  be pending any 
     request or motion for any such  injunction, stay, restraining 
     order  or  decree;  provided,  however,  that  the  foregoing 
     condition  shall  not apply  to  any  such injunction,  stay, 
     order  or   decree  requested,  initiated   or  supported  by 
     Investor  or any of  its partners or  other Affiliates  or to 
     any  such request or  motion made, initiated  or supported by 
     Investor or any its partners or other Affiliates; 
         (e)  there  shall not  be threatened or  pending any suit, 
     action,   investigation,   inquiry   or   other    proceeding 
     (collectively,  "Proceedings")  by  or  before  any  court of 
     competent  jurisdiction  or Regulatory  Authority  (excluding 
     the  Company's  bankruptcy  case,   but  including  adversary 
     proceedings and  contested matters  in such bankruptcy  case, 
     and  excluding  any  such Proceedings  fully  and  accurately 
     disclosed  by  the  Company  in Schedule  I  hereto),  or any 
     adverse development occurring since December 31,  1993 in any 
     such Proceedings,  which Proceedings  or development,  singly 
     or in the aggregate, in the good  faith judgment of Investor, 
     are  reasonably likely to  have a material  adverse effect on 
     the Company's  ability to carry  on its business in  a manner 
     consistent in all material  respects with prior practices  or 
     are  reasonably  likely to  impair  in  any material  respect 
     Investor's ability  to  realize  the  intended  benefits  and 
     value  of  this Agreement,  the Procedures  Agreement  or any 
     Related  Agreement;  provided, however,  that  the  foregoing 
     condition  shall  not  apply   to  any  such  Proceeding   or 
     development requested, initiated or supported  by Investor or 
     any of its partners or other Affiliates; 
        (f)  the  Company   shall  have   delivered  to   Investor 
     appropriate  closing  documents,  including  the  instruments 
     evidencing   the  Securities   being   issued  to   Investor, 
     certifications  of the  Company officers  (including, but not 
     limited to,  incumbency certificates, and certificates  as to 
     the  truth  and  correctness   of  statements  made  in   the 
     Disclosure   Statement  or   any   other  offering   document 
     distributed in  connection  with  any  securities  issued  in 
     respect  of  this Agreement  or the  Related  Agreements) and 
     opinions  of legal counsel, all  of which shall be reasonably 
     satisfactory to Investor; 
         (g)  by no  later than  March 31, 1994, the  Company shall 
     have delivered  to Investor audited  financial statements  as 
     of  December 31,  1993, and  for the  year then  ended, which 
     statements  shall  reflect  a  financial  performance  and  a 
     financial position of the Company consistent  in all material 
     respects with the  unaudited results previously announced  by 
     the Company  for such  year, and,  if requested  by Investor, 
     the Company  shall have  discussed such financial  statements 
     with  Investor and  provided an  opportunity for  Investor to 
     discuss  such   financial  statements   with  the   Company's 
         (h)  since  December  31, 1993,  except  for  the  matters 
     disclosed  in Schedule  I hereto, no  material adverse change 
     in  the   Company's  condition   (financial  or   otherwise), 
     business, assets,  properties, operations  or relations  with 
     employees  or labor unions shall  have occurred and no matter 
     (except  for  the matters  disclosed  in  Schedule I  hereto) 
     shall have  occurred  or come  to the  attention of  Investor 
     that,  in the reasonable  judgment of Investor,  is likely to 
     have any such material adverse effect; 
         (i)  the  following shall be true in all material respects 
     (in  each case based on the Company's actual monthly or daily 
     financial statements, which shall be prepared  by the Company 
     in a  manner  consistent in  all material  respects with  its 
     historical monthly and daily  financial statements previously 
     furnished  to Investor):  (A)  the Company's  actual  monthly 
     Operating  Cash  Flow  (as  defined on  the  Monthly  Targets 
     Schedule) shall not, in  any month, be less than the  minimum 
     amount therefor established as  part of the Monthly  Targets, 
     (B)  the Company's  actual  4 month  Rolling Cash  Flow   (as 
     defined  on the Monthly Targets  Schedule) shall not be less, 
     as of  the end of  any four calendar  month period, than  the 
     minimum  amount therefor  established as part  of the Monthly 
     Targets, (C) the Company's actual end of month  Reported Cash 
     Balance  (as defined  in the Monthly  Targets Schedule) shall 
     not, as of the  end of any calendar  month, be less than  the 
     minimum  amount therefor  established as part  of the Monthly 
     Targets,  (D) the  Company's actual  five-day average Minimum 
     Cash  Balance (as  defined in  the Monthly  Targets Schedule) 
     shall not  be, as of  the end  of any  five day period,  less 
     than  the minimum amount therefor  established as part of the 
     Monthly Targets;  (E) the  Company shall  not have  taken any 
     actions  which  the Company  knew or  reasonably  should have 
     known  would likely impair or  hinder in any material respect 
     the  Company's ability  to achieve  the Projections;  (F) the 
     amount  and   nature  of  the  obligations   and  liabilities 
     (including,   without   limitation,   tax   liabilities   and 
     administrative  expense claims)  required to  be paid  by the 
     Company on the Effective  Date or to be  paid by the  Company 
     following  the Effective Date pursuant to obligations assumed 
     by   the  Company   during  the  course   of  its  bankruptcy 
     proceedings  shall not be in  excess of the amounts reflected 
     in  Plan  R-2  plus  any additional  allowances  provided  in 
     Section 7  (as  reduced by  any  repayments of  the  existing 
     debtor-in-possession loan made on  or prior to the  Effective 
     Date)  and shall not  be materially different  in nature than 
     those  specified  in  Plan   R-2  (except  with  respect   to 
     administrative claims not known to the Company when  Plan R-2 
     was developed); and (G) the Company  shall have paid all fees 
     and expenses due Investor under the Procedures Agreement; 
        (j)  since  the date hereof,  there shall have occurred no 
     outbreak  or escalation of hostilities or other international 
     or   domestic  calamity,  crisis   or  change  in  political, 
     financial or economic conditions  or other adverse change  in 
     the  financial markets  that impairs (or  could reasonably be 
     expected  to impair)  in any  material respect  the Company's 
     ability to  carry on its  business in a manner  consistent in 
     all  material  respects with  prior practice  or  impairs (or 
     could  reasonably  be expected  to  impair)  in any  material 
     respect  Investor s ability to  realize the intended benefits 
     and value of this Agreement or any Related Agreement; 
        (k)  the  Related   Agreements,  including  all   Alliance 
     Agreements, to  be executed  by the  Company shall  have been 
     executed by the Company on or before  the Effective Date and, 
     once  executed,  shall not  have  been  modified without  the 
     consent of  Investor, shall be  in effect and shall  not have 
     been stayed; 
        (l)  the  Company shall  have  performed in  all  material 
     respects  all  obligations  on   its  part  required  to   be 
     performed  on  or  before  the  Effective   Date  under  this 
     Agreement,   the  Procedures   Agreement   and  the   Related 
     Agreements and all orders of the Bankruptcy Court  in respect 
     thereof that are consistent with the provisions of such 
        (m)  all  representations and  warranties of  the  Company 
     under  this  Agreement,  the  Procedures  Agreement  and  the 
     Related Agreements shall be true in all material  respects as 
     of the Effective Date; 
        (n)  the  Plan  and Disclosure  Statement each  shall have 
     been filed by the  Company on or prior  to May 1, 1994,  and, 
     once  filed, shall  have been  served by  the Company  on all 
     appropriate  parties and,  once served,  shall not  have been 
     modified  in any  material respect without  the prior consent 
     of  Investor   (which  consent  shall   not  be  unreasonably 
     withheld), withdrawn by the Company or dismissed; 
        (o)  the  Disclosure Statement  (in the  form approved  by 
     the  Bankruptcy  Court and  as  amended  or supplemented,  if 
     applicable) shall have been true and correct in  all material 
     respects as  of the  date first  mailed to  Unsecured Parties 
     and as  of the date fixed by  the Bankruptcy Court for voting 
     on  the Plan and such  Disclosure Statement shall not contain 
     any untrue statement  of a material fact or omit to state any 
     material fact necessary in order to make the  statements made 
     therein (taken  as a  whole), in  light of  the circumstances 
     under  which   they  were  made,  not  misleading;  provided, 
     however,  that  the foregoing  condition shall  not  apply to 
     statements  or  other  information furnished  or  provided by 
     Investor or any of  its Affiliates for use  in the Disclosure 
        (p)  the order  approving the  Disclosure Statement  shall 
     have been  entered by  the Bankruptcy  Court on  or prior  to 
     June  15,  1994,  and,  once  entered, shall  not  have  been 
     modified in  any  material respect,  shall be  in effect  and 
     shall not have been stayed; 
        (q)  the  Plan (including all securities of the Company to 
     be issued  pursuant thereto and  all contracts,  instruments, 
     agreements  and  other  documents  to  be   entered  into  in 
     connection  therewith),  the  Disclosure  Statement  and  the 
     Confirmation  Order  shall be  consistent with  the  terms of 
     this Agreement and otherwise reasonably satisfactory  in form 
     and substance to Investor; 
        (r)  the  Confirmation Order  shall have  been  entered by 
     the Bankruptcy  Court  in  form  reasonably  satisfactory  to 
     Investor on  or  before August  1, 1994,  and, once  entered, 
     shall  not have been modified  in any material respect, shall 
     be  in effect and shall not have been stayed and shall not be 
     subject to any appeal; 
        (s)  the  Effective Date  shall have occurred  on or prior 
     to the  Outside  Date unless  the  reason therefor  shall  be 
     attributable  to the breach by  Investor or its Affiliates of 
     any   of   their   respective   representations,  warranties, 
     covenants   or  obligations   contained  herein   or  in  the 
     Procedures Agreement or any Related Agreement;. 
        (t)  either  pursuant   to  the   Confirmation  Order   or 
     otherwise,  the Bankruptcy Court  shall have  established one 
     or more bar dates for administrative  expense claims pursuant 
     to  an  order reasonably  acceptable to  Investor,  which bar 
     date or  dates  shall occur  on  or before  dates  reasonably 
     acceptable to Investor; and 
        (u)  the  Securities and  Exchange Commission  shall  have 
     declared  effective  a  shelf   registration  statement  with 
     respect to the Securities issuable to Investor. 
 In the  event any of the conditions set  forth in clause (a) (n), 
 (p) or (r) is not satisfied by the date specified in  such clause 
 (the  "Deadline"),  then,  on  the 15th  day  following  the then 
 current Deadline, the Deadline shall be automatically extended on 
 a  day-to-day  basis unless  the  Company and  Investor otherwise 
 agree in writing or unless Investor gives a notice of termination 
 to  the  Company  pursuant  to Section  20(b)  of  the Procedures 
 Agreement  within  such  15-day  period.    If  any  Deadline  is 
 automatically  extended  as  aforesaid, Investor  may  thereafter 
 establish  a  new  Deadline  by  giving  notice  to  the  Company 
 specifying the new Deadline, provided  that the new Deadline  may 
 not be sooner than 30 days after the date of such notice. 
         SECTION 9.  Conditions to Company's Obligations  Relating 
 to  Investment.  The Company's  obligations  to consummate  or to 
 cause the consummation of the issuance and sale of the Securities 
 and the other  transactions contemplated by this  Agreement shall 
 be subject  to  the satisfaction,  or  to the  effective  written 
 waiver by the Company, of the condition described in Section 8(b) 
 and the following additional conditions: 
         (a)  payment of the Purchase Price; 
        (b)  Investor  shall   have  delivered   to  the   Company 
     appropriate  closing documents,  including,  but not  limited 
     to,  executed  counterparts  of  the  Related  Agreements and 
     certifications of  officers, and  opinions of  legal counsel, 
     all  of  which  shall  be  reasonably   satisfactory  to  the 
        (c)  there  shall  be  in  effect   no  injunction,  stay, 
     restraining order or decree issued by any court  of competent 
     jurisdiction,  whether  foreign  or   domestic,  staying  the 
     effectiveness  of any of the  Approvals, the Initial Order or 
     the  Confirmation Order, and  there shall not  be pending any 
     request or motion for any such  injunction, stay, restraining 
     order  or  decree;  provided,  however,  that  the  foregoing 
     condition  shall  not apply  to  any  such injunction,  stay, 
     order  or  decree requested,  initiated or  supported  by the 
     Company or  to any such request  or motion made, initiated or 
     supported by the Company; 
        (d)  the  Related Agreements  to be executed  by  Investor 
     or any  of  its partners  shall have  been  executed by  such 
     parties  on or before the  Effective Date and, once executed, 
     shall not  have  been modified  without  the consent  of  the 
     Company, shall be in effect and shall not have been stayed; 
        (e)  Investor, Continental  and Mesa shall have  performed 
     in  all  material  respects  all obligations  on  their  part 
     required to  be  performed on  or before  the Effective  Date 
     under  this  Agreement,  the  Procedures  Agreement  and  the 
     Related Agreements and all orders of the Bankruptcy  Court in 
     respect  thereof that  are consistent with  the provisions of 
     such instruments; 
        (f)  all  representations   and  warranties  of  Investor, 
     Continental  and Mesa  under this  Agreement,  the Procedures 
     Agreement  and  the  Related  Agreements shall  be  true  and 
     correct in all material respects as of the Effective Date;  
        (g)  the  Company shall  be reasonably satisfied  that the 
     Alliance Agreements, when fully implemented,  shall result in 
     an increase to  the Company's pretax income of not  less than 
     $40 million per year;  
        (h)  since  the date hereof, there shall have occurred (A) 
     no   outbreak   or   escalation  of   hostilities   or  other 
     international  or  domestic  calamity,  crisis or  change  in 
     political, financial or economic conditions  or other adverse 
     change in the financial markets or (B)  any adverse change in 
     the  condition (financial  or  otherwise), business,  assets, 
     properties or prospects of Continental or Mesa, in  each case 
     that materially impairs the ability of  either Continental or 
     Mesa  to   perform   its  obligations   under  the   Alliance 
     Agreements or the Company's  ability to realize the  intended 
     benefits   and  value   of  this   Agreement,  the   Alliance 
     Agreements  (as  contemplated by  clause  (g)  above) or  the 
     other Related Agreements;  
        (i)  since  the  time  of  their  initial  filing  by  the 
     Company, neither the Plan nor the  Disclosure Statement shall 
     have been modified in any material respect without  the prior 
     consent   of  the   Company  (which  consent   shall  not  be 
     unreasonably withheld  or delayed), withdrawn by  Investor or 
        (j)  the  certificate of  incorporation and  bylaws of the 
     Company   shall  contain  the   terms  contemplated  by  this 
     Agreement and shall  otherwise be reasonably satisfactory  to 
     the Company; 
        (k)   the  Plan  (including all  Securities  to  be issued 
     pursuant thereto  and all contracts,  instruments, agreements 
     and  other  documents  to  be  entered   into  in  connection 
     therewith),  the Disclosure  Statement  and the  Confirmation 
     Order  shall be consistent  with the terms  of this Agreement 
     and otherwise  reasonably satisfactory in form  and substance 
     to the Company; 
        (l)  the  Confirmation Order  shall  have been  entered by 
     the  Bankruptcy Court  in form  reasonably acceptable  to the 
     Company  and, once entered,  shall not have  been modified in 
     any material respect, shall  be in effect and shall not  have 
     been stayed and shall not be subject to any appeal; and 
        (m)  the  Effective Date  shall have occurred  on or prior 
     to the  Outside  Date unless  the  reason therefor  shall  be 
     attributable  to  the breach  by the  Company  of any  of its 
     representations,   warranties,   covenants   or   obligations 
     contained  herein  or  in  the Procedures  Agreement  or  any 
     Related Agreement. 
         SECTION 10.   Cooperation.   

        (a)  The   Company   and   Investor   will  cooperate in a 
 commercially  reasonable  manner,  and will use  their respective 
 commercially reasonable efforts,  to consummate  the transactions 
 contemplated  hereby, including   all   commercially   reasonable 
 efforts   to  satisfy   the    conditions    specified   in  this 
 Agreement.  The Company will use commercially reasonable efforts, 
 and Investor will  cooperate in a commercially  reasonable manner 
 in seeking, to obtain all Approvals. 
        (b)  Notwithstanding  anything in  Section 8  or 9  to the 
 contrary, if prior to the Outside Date, the Department of Justice 
 or any other Regulatory Authority  raises any antitrust objection 
 to  the consummation of  the Investment or  the implementation of 
 any Alliance Agreement, which objection has not  been resolved on 
 or  before  the  Outside  Date,  Investor nevertheless  shall  be 
 required to consummate the  Investment  and, to that  end, agrees 
 to  timely  make  such  adjustment  to  the  composition  of  its 
 partnership and to the Alliance Agreements as required to resolve 
 such antitrust objection; provided, however, that nothing in this 
 paragraph  (b)  shall  affect  the rights  of  the  Company under 
 Section 9(g) or obligate the Company to enter into or approve any 
 adjustment or modification  of the Alliance Agreements  which, in 
 the Company's reasonable judgment, is  prejudicial to the Company 
 or the  Unsecured Parties in  any material respect and  which, if 
 entered into or  approved, would materially impair  the Company's 
 ability to realize  the reasonably  anticipated benefits of  such 
 Alliance Agreements. 
         SECTION  11.   Registration  Rights Agreement.   Investor 
 and the Company will enter  into a registration rights  agreement 
 on   terms  acceptable  to   Investor  and  the   Company.    The 
 registration rights  agreement will reflect the  understanding of 
 the  parties  with  respect  to  their  registration  rights  and 
 obligations and will provide that Investor, its  partners and any 
 assignees and  transferees,  shall have  the right  to cause  the 
 Company to  (i)  include the  Securities  issuable to    Investor 
 pursuant  to the Plan  (including any  such Securities  issued or 
 issuable in  respect  of the  Warrants  or by  way  of any  stock 
 dividend or stock split or in  connection with any combination of 
 shares,  merger,   consolidation  or  similar   transaction),  on 
 customary terms,  in "piggyback" underwritings  and registrations 
 and (ii) to effect, on  customary terms, one demand  registration 
 under the  Securities Act for the public offering and sale of the 
 Securities issued to  Investor under the  Plan at any time  after 
 the third anniversary of the Effective Date. 
         SECTION   12.   Applicable   Provisions   of    Law   and 
 Regulations.   It is  understood and  agreed that  this Agreement 
 shall not  create  any obligation  of, or  restriction upon,  the 
 Company  or  Investor  or  the partners  of  Investor  that would 
 violate applicable provisions  of law  or regulation relating  to 
 ownership or  control of a U.S. air carrier.   At all times after 
 the  Effective  Date,  the certificate  of  incorporation  of the 
 Company shall provide that, in the event persons who are not U.S. 
 citizens  shall own (beneficially  or of  record) or  have voting 
 control over shares  of Common Stock, the voting rights  of  such 
 persons shall be subject to  automatic suspension as required  to 
 ensure  that  the  Company  is   in  compliance  with  applicable 
 provisions of law or regulation relating to  ownership or control 
 of a U.S. air carrier. 
         SECTION  13.   Representations  and  Warranties   of  the 
 Company.   The  Company represents  and warrants  to Investor  as 
        (a)  The  Company  has complied  in all  material respects 
     with  the terms  of all  orders  of the  Bankruptcy Court  in 
     respect of the Investment, this Agreement  and the Procedures 
        (b)  The  Company has delivered  to Investor copies of the 
     audited balance  sheets  of the  Company as  of December  31, 
     1992 and the statements  of income, stockholders' equity  and 
     cash flows for the years then ended,  together with the notes 
     thereto.   Such  financial statements, and  when delivered to 
     Investor the financial statements of the  Company referred to 
     in  Section  8(g) will,  present fairly,  in  accordance with 
     generally  accepted  accounting  principles   (applied  on  a 
     consistent  basis  except  as  disclosed  in   the  footnotes 
     thereto), the  financial position  and results of  operations 
     of the  Company as of  the dates and for  the periods therein 
     set forth.   
        (c)  When delivered  to Investor, the unaudited  financial 
     statements  of the  Company referred to  in Section 15(b)(ii) 
     will  (i)  present  fairly,  in  accordance   with  generally 
     accepted  accounting  principles  (applied  on  a  consistent 
     basis  except  as disclosed  therein  and  subject to  normal 
     year-end  audit  adjustments),  the  financial  position  and 
     results of operations  of the Company as of the  date and for 
     the  period  therein  set  forth,  it  being  understood  and 
     agreed, however,  that the foregoing  representation relating 
     to conformity  with generally accepted  accounting principles 
     is  being  made  only  to  the  extent  such  principles  are 
     applicable  to interim  unaudited reports and  (ii) reflect a 
     financial position and results  of operations not  materially 
     worse  than  those  set  forth  in the  pro  forma  financial 
     statements contained in Plan 9.   
        (d)  The  Projections   and  the   Monthly  Targets   were 
     prepared  in  good  faith  on a  reasonable  basis,  and when 
     prepared  represented the  Company's best judgment  as to the 
     matters set forth therein,  taking into account all  relevant 
     facts  and circumstances known  to the Company.   Nothing has 
     come to the Company's attention since  the dates on which the 
     Projections  and  the  Monthly  Targets,  respectively,  were 
     prepared which causes the Company to believe  that any of the 
     projections  and  other information  contained  therein  were 
     misleading  or inaccurate in any  material respect as of such 
     dates.   It is  specifically understood  and agreed  that the 
     delivery  of the  Projections and  the Monthly  Targets shall 
     not  be regarded  as a representation,  warranty or guarantee 
     that  the particular  results reflected therein  will in fact 
     be achieved or are likely to be achieved.   
        (e)  No   written   statement,  memorandum,   certificate, 
     schedule  or  other written  information provided  (or  to be 
     provided) to Investor  or any of its representatives by or on 
     behalf  of the  Company in  connection with  the transactions 
     contemplated  hereby,  when  viewed together  with  all other 
     written statements and  information provided to Investor  and 
     its representatives by or on behalf of  the Company, in light 
     of  the  circumstances  under  which  they   were  made,  (i) 
     contains or will  contain any materially misleading statement 
     or  (ii)  omits  or will  omit  to  state any  material  fact 
     necessary to make the statements therein not misleading. 
        (f)  The  board of  directors of the  Company has approved 
     the  Investment  and  Investor's  acquisition  of  Securities 
     hereunder  for  purposes  of,  and  in  accordance  with  the 
     provisions  and requirements  of,  Section  203(a)(1) of  the 
     General Corporation  Law of the  State of Delaware and,  as a 
     consequence, Investor will not  be subject to the  provisions 
     of  such Section  with respect to  any  business combination  
     between Investor and the Company (as such  term is defined in 
     said Section 203). 
         SECTION    14.   Representations   and    Warranties   of 
 Investor.   Investor represents  and warrants  to the  Company as 
        (a)  The general and  limited partners of Investor  (other 
     than one such partner which will  elect to suspend the voting 
     rights  of its  Securities as  contemplated by  Section 4(b)) 
     are  U.S. citizens within  the meaning of  Section 101(16) of 
     the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended.   
        (b)  Investor  has,  or has  commitments  for,  sufficient 
     funds to  pay the  Purchase Price  and otherwise  perform its 
     obligations under this Agreement. 
        (c)  No   written   statement,  memorandum,   certificate, 
     schedule  or  other written  information provided  (or  to be 
     provided)  to the Company or any of its representatives by or 
     on  behalf of  Investor in  connection with  the transactions 
     contemplated  by   the  Alliance   Agreements,  when   viewed 
     together with  all other  written statements and  information 
     provided to  the  Company and  its representatives  by or  on 
     behalf  of  Investor, in  light  of  the circumstances  under 
     which  they  were  made,  (i) contains  or  will  contain any 
     materially  misleading statement  or (ii) omits  or will omit 
     to  state any material fact  necessary to make the statements 
     therein not misleading. 
         SECTION 15.   Covenants.  

        (a)  Investor   covenants  (i)   to   support,  subject to 
 management's  recommendation, increases in employee  compensation 
 through 1995  at least equal  to those set forth in Plan  R-2 and 
 (ii) after the Effective Date, to cause the board of directors of 
 the Company to consider implementation of a broad based  employee 
 incentive compensation plan and a management stock incentive plan. 
        (b)  The  Company   covenants  (i)  to  use   commercially 
 reasonable efforts  to  cause the  shelf  registration  statement 
 referred  to in Section 8(u) to  remain effective for three years 
 following its  effective date and  (ii) as soon as  available, to 
 deliver to Investor a copy of the unaudited balance  sheet of the 
 Company as of the end of each fiscal quarter of the Company prior 
 to the  Effective Date and the unaudited statements of income and 
 cash flows for the periods then ended. 
         SECTION 16.   Certain Taxes.  The Company shall  bear and 
 pay all transfer,  stamp or other similar  taxes (if any are  not 
 exempted  under Section 1146  of the Bankruptcy  Code) imposed in 
 connection with the issuance and sale of the Securities. 
         SECTION 17.   Administrative  Expense.  All amounts  owed 
 to Investor  by  the Company  under this  Agreement, the  Related 
 Agreements,  the  Procedures  Agreement  and  all orders  of  the 
 Bankruptcy  Court  in  respect  thereof shall  be  treated  as an 
 allowed  administrative  expense  priority  claim  under  Section 
 507(a)(1) of the Bankruptcy Code. 
         SECTION    18.   Incorporation   by   Reference.      The  
 provisions set forth in the  Procedures Agreement, including, but 
 not  limited   to,  the  provisions   regarding  confidentiality, 
 liability indemnity  and termination, are hereby  incorporated by 
 reference and  such  provisions shall  have  the same  force  and 
 effect herein as if they were expressly set forth herein in full. 
         SECTION 19.   Notices.   All notices, requests  and other 
 communications hereunder must be in writing and will be deemed to 
 have been duly given only if delivered personally or by facsimile 
 transmission  or  mailed  (first  class  postage prepaid)  or  by 
 prepaid express courier to the parties at the following addresses 
 or facsimile numbers: 
         If to the Company:   America  West  Airlines, Inc.   
                              4000  East Sky Harbor Boulevard
                              Phoenix, Arizona  85034  
                              Attention:   William  A. Franke and 
                                 Martin  J.  Whalen  
                              Fax   Number:  (602) 693-5904 
              with a copy to: LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae 
                              633 17th Street, Suite 2800 
                              Denver, Colorado 80202 
                              Attention:  Carl A. Eklund  
                              Fax Number:  (303) 297-0422 
              and a copy to:  Andrews  &  Kurth L.L.P.  
                              4200 Texas Commerce Tower
                              Houston,  Texas 77002 
                              Attention:   David   G. Elkins 
                              Fax Number:  (713) 220-4285 
              and a copy to:  Murphy, Weir & Butler 
                              101 California Street, 39th Floor 
                              San Francisco, California 94111 
                              Attention: Patrick A. Murphy 
                              Fax Number:  (415) 421-7879 
              and a copy to:  Lord, Bissell  and  Brook 
                              115  South LaSalle Street 
                              Chicago, IL 60603 
                              Attention:  Benjamin Waisbren 
                              Fax Number:  (312) 443-0336 
         If to Investor:      AmWest  Partners,  L.P.
                              201  Main Street,  Suite  2420
                              Fort  Worth, Texas  76102
                              Attention:  James  G. Coulter
                              Fax Number: (817) 871-4010 
              with a copy to: Arnold & Porter 
                              1200 New Hampshire  Ave., N.W. 
                              Washington, D.C.  20036 
                              Attention:  Richard P. Schifter 
                              Fax Number: (202) 872-6720 
              and a copy to:  Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue   
                              North Point 901 Lakeside Avenue  
                              Cleveland, Ohio 44114 
                              Attention:  Lyle G. Ganske 
                              Fax Number: (216) 586-7864 
              and a copy to:  Murphy, Weir & Butler 
                              101 California Street, 39th Floor 
                              San Francisco, California 94111 
                              Attention: Patrick A. Murphy 
                              Fax Number:  (415) 421-7879 
              and a copy to:  Lord,  Bissell  and Brook
                              115 South LaSalle Street 
                              Chicago, IL 60603 
                              Attention:  Benjamin Waisbren 
                              Fax Number:  (312) 443-0336 
 All such notices, requests and  other communications will (i)  if 
 delivered personally to the address as provided  in this Section, 
 be  deemed given upon  delivery, (ii)  if delivered  by facsimile 
 transmission to the facsimile number as provided in this Section, 
 be deemed given  upon receipt, and (iii) if delivered  by mail or 
 by express courier  in the manner described above  to the address 
 as provided  in this  Section, be deemed  given upon  receipt (in 
 each case regardless  of whether such  notice is received by  any 
 other  person to  whom a  copy of such  notice, request  or other 
 communication  is  to  be delivered  pursuant  to  this Section). 
 Either party from time to  time may change its address, facsimile 
 number or other information  for the purpose  of notices to  that 
 party by giving notice specifying such  change to the other party 
         SECTION 20.   Governing  Law.    Except  to   the  extent 
 inconsistent with the  Bankruptcy Code,  this Agreement shall  in 
 all respects be governed by and  construed in accordance with the 
 laws of  the State of Arizona, without reference to principles of 
 conflicts or  choice of  law under  which  the law  of any  other 
 jurisdiction would apply. 
         SECTION 21.   Amendment.    This Agreement  may  only  be 
 amended, waived, supplemented or modified by a written instrument 
 signed by authorized representatives of Investor and the Company. 
 Investor may extend the time  for satisfaction of the  conditions 
 set forth  in Section 8 (prior to or  after the relevant date) by 
 notifying the Company  in writing.   The Company  may extend  the 
 time for  satisfaction of the conditions  set forth in  Section 9 
 (prior to  or after the  relevant date) by  notifying Investor in 
         SECTION 22.   No   Third   Party   Beneficiary.      This 
 Agreement  and the Procedures  Agreement are made  solely for the 
 benefit  of  the  Company  and  Investor,  and  no  other  Person 
 (including,  without  limitation,   employees,  stockholders  and 
 creditors of the Company) shall have any right, claim or cause of 
 action under or  by virtue  of this Agreement  or the  Procedures 
 Agreement,  except  to  the  extent such  Person  is  entitled to 
 protection  as  contemplated  by  Section  28(b)  or  to  expense 
 reimbursement pursuant to the Procedures  Agreement or may assert 
 a claim for indemnity pursuant to the Procedures Agreement. 
         SECTION 23.   Assignment.   Except as  otherwise provided 
 herein, Investor may assign all or part of its rights under  this 
 Agreement to any of its partners (each of whom may assign  all or 
 part  to its  Affiliates) or  to any  fund or account  managed or 
 advised by Fidelity Management Trust  Company and may assign  any 
 Securities (or  the  right to  purchase  any Securities)  to  any 
 lawfully qualified Person or Persons, and the  Company may assign 
 this Agreement  to any  Person with  which it  may  be merged  or 
 consolidated or  to whom substantially all  of its assets  may be 
 transferred in facilitation of the  consummation of the Plan  and 
 the effectuation  of the issuance  and sale of the  Securities as 
 contemplated hereby or  by the Related Agreements.   None of such 
 assignments  shall  relieve  the  Company   or  Investor  of  any 
 obligations  hereunder, under  the Procedures Agreement  or under 
 the Related Agreements. 
         SECTION 24.   Counterparts.     This  Agreement  may   be 
 executed by the parties hereto  in counterparts and by  telecopy, 
 each of which shall be deemed  to constitute an original and  all 
 of which together shall constitute  one and the same  instrument. 
 With respect to signatures transmitted  by telecopy, upon request 
 by either party to the other party, an original signature of such 
 other party shall promptly be substituted for its facsimile. 
         SECTION 25.   Invalid Provisions.   If  any provision  of 
 this  Agreement is held  to be illegal,  invalid or unenforceable 
 under any present or  future laws, rules  or regulations, and  if 
 the rights or obligations of Investor  and the Company under this 
 Agreement will not be materially  and adversely affected thereby, 
 (a)  such provision will  be fully severable,  (b) this Agreement 
 will be  construed and  enforced as if  such illegal,  invalid or 
 unenforceable provision had  never comprised  a part hereof,  (c) 
 the  remaining provisions of  this Agreement will  remain in full 
 force and effect and will not be affected by the illegal, invalid 
 or unenforceable provision or by its severance  herefrom, and (d) 
 in  lieu  of such  illegal,  invalid or  unenforceable provision, 
 there will be added automatically  as a part of this Agreement  a 
 legal,  valid and enforceable  provision as  similar in  terms to 
 such  illegal,  invalid  or  unenforceable  provision as  may  be 
 possible.   If  the  rights and  obligations of  Investor  or the 
 Company  will be materially  and adversely  affected by  any such 
 provision  held  to be  illegal,  invalid or  unenforceable, then 
 unless such provision is waived in  writing by the affected party 
 in its sole discretion, this Agreement shall be null and void.   
         SECTION 26.   Tagalong  Rights.   On the Effective  Date, 
 Investor shall enter into a written agreement for the benefit  of 
 all  holders  of Class  B  Common  (other than  Investor  and its 
 Affiliates) whereby Investor shall agree,  for a period of  three 
 years  after  the  Effective  Date,  not  to  sell,  in a  single 
 transaction or related  series of transactions, shares  of Common 
 Stock representing 51% or  more of the  combined voting power  of 
 all shares of Common Stock  then outstanding unless such  holders 
 shall have  been given  a reasonable  opportunity to  participate 
 therein on a pro rata  basis and at the same price per  share and 
 on the same economic terms and conditions applicable to Investor; 
 provided, however,  that such  obligation of  Investor shall  not 
 apply to any sale of shares of Common Stock made by  Investor (i) 
 to any Affiliate of Investor, (ii) to any Affiliate of Investor s 
 partners,   (iii)  pursuant   to  a   bankruptcy  or   insolvency 
 proceeding,  (iv) pursuant  to  judicial  order,  legal  process, 
 execution   or  attachment,  (v)  in  a  widespread  distribution 
 registered  under  the   Securities  Act  of  1933,   as  amended 
 ("Securities  Act")  or  (vi)  in   compliance  with  the  volume 
 limitations of Rule 144 (or any successor to such Rule) under the 
 Securities Act.   
         SECTION 27.  Stock Legend.  All Notes issued  to Investor 
 pursuant to the Plan and all certificates  representing shares of 
 Common Stock  issued to  Investor pursuant to  the Plan  shall be 
 conspicuously endorsed with  an appropriate legend to  the effect 
 that  such  Notes  or  shares may  not  be  sold,  transferred or 
 otherwise  disposed of except  in compliance with  (i) Section 26 
 and (ii) applicable securities laws.   
         SECTION 28.   Directors'  Liability and  Indemnification. 

        (a)  Upon, and  at all  times  after,  consummation of the 
 Plan, the  certificate  of  incorporation of the  Company   shall 
 contain provisions  which  (i) eliminate  the  personal liability 
 of the Company's former, present and future directors for monetary 
 damages resulting from breaches of their fiduciary  duties to the 
 fullest extent permitted by applicable  law and (ii) require  the 
 Company,  subject  to appropriate  procedures,  to indemnify  the 
 Company's  former, present  and  future directors  and  executive 
 officers to the  fullest extent permitted by applicable  law.  In 
 addition, upon consummation of the Plan, the  Company shall enter 
 into  written agreements with  each person  who is a  director or 
 executive officer of the Company on the date hereof providing for 
 similar  indemnification  of such  person  and providing  that no 
 recourse or liability whatsoever with  respect to this Agreement, 
 the Procedures Agreement, the Related Agreements, the Plan or the 
 consummation  of the transactions  contemplated hereby or thereby 
 shall be  had, directly or indirectly, by or  in the right of the 
 Company against such person.   Notwithstanding anything contained 
 herein to  the  contrary, the  provisions of  this Section  28(a) 
 shall not be applicable to any person who ceased being a director 
 of the Company at any time prior to March 1, 1994. 
        (b)  Investor  agrees,   on  behalf  of   itself  and  its 
 partners, that  no recourse  or liability  whatsoever (except  as 
 provided  by applicable law  for intentional fraud,  bad faith or 
 willful misconduct) shall be had, directly or indirectly, against 
 any person  who is a director or executive officer of the Company 
 on the date hereof with respect to this Agreement, the Procedures 
 Agreement, the Related  Agreements, the Plan or  the consummation 
 of the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby, such recourse 
 and  liability, if any,  being expressly  waived and  released by 
 Investor and its partners as a condition of, and in consideration 
 for, the execution and delivery of this Agreement. 
         SECTION  29.  Bankruptcy  Court Approval.  This Agreement 
 shall not become  effective for any purpose unless  and until the 
 Bankruptcy Court shall have entered the Confirmation Order. 
         SECTION  30.   Jurisdiction  of  Bankruptcy  Court.   The 
 parties  agree that the  Bankruptcy Court  shall have  and retain 
 exclusive jurisdiction to enforce and  construe the provisions of 
 this Agreement. 
         SECTION  31.  Interpretation.   In this Agreement, unless 
 a contrary intention  appears, (i)  the words "herein",  "hereof" 
 and "hereunder" and  other words of similar import  refer to this 
 Agreement  as a whole and not to  any particular Section or other 
 subdivision and (ii) reference to any Section  means such Section 
 hereof.  The Section headings herein are for convenience only and 
 shall  not affect the construction hereof.   No provision of this 
 Agreement shall be interpreted or  construed against either party 
 solely because  such party  or its  legal representative  drafted 
 such provision. 
         SECTION  32.     Termination.     This  Agreement   shall 
 terminate concurrently  with  the termination  of the  Procedures 
                              AMWEST PARTNERS, L.P. 

                              By:  AmWest Genpar, Inc., 
                                   its General Partner 
                               By: _______________________________
                               Title: ____________________________
 Accepted and Agreed to  
 this 11th day of March, 1994. 
 as Debtor and Debtor-in-Possession 
 By: _______________________________
 Title: ____________________________

                            SCHEDULE I 
                        INVESTMENT AGREEMENT 
     1.  On October 26,  1993, the  National Mediation  board 
         certified   the  Airline   Pilots   Association   as 
         collective  bargaining   agent  for  the   Company's 
         flight  deck crew  members in  NMB Case  No. R-6213. 
         As  of  March  3,  1994,  the union  remained  in  a 
         process  of  internal organization  consisting of  a 
         membership  drive  and   election  of   local  union 
         officers.   No proposals for a collective bargaining 
         agreement  have  yet been  tendered.    The  Company 
         anticipates a formal  exchange of  opening proposals 
         as  contemplated by  the Railway Labor  Act to occur 
         in mid-April.   
     2.  On February  15, 1989  in NMB  Case No.  R-5817, the 
         Association  of Flight  Attendants lost  an election 
         to  determine whether the  Association would  be the 
         bargaining  agent  for  certain  of  the   Company's 
         Customer  Service  Representatives.    The  NMB  has 
         ordered  a  rerun  election and  a  determination of 
         eligibility  to  vote in  such a  rerun  election is 
         on-going.   No  date for  a rerun  election has  yet 
         been set by the NMB. 
     3.  The Company is  subject to an informal inquiry by  a 
         governmental  agency  as  described in  the  letter, 
         dated February 22, 1994, from Martin J.  Whalen, Sr. 
         Vice President and  General Counsel of  the Company, 
         to Richard P. Schifter, counsel for Investor.   
                             Exhibit A
                      Stock Purchase Warrants 
           Indicative Summary of Key Terms and Conditions 
 Issuer                        America West (the "Company").
 Issue                         Stock   Purchase    Warrants   (the 
 Number                        Warrants   to  purchase   6,428,572 
                               shares  of  the Company's  Class  B 
                               Common Stock ("Common Stock"). 
 Exercise Price                The Exercise Price for the Warrants 
                               will   be    determined   by    the 
                               Bankruptcy  Court  based on  a  per 
                               share  price  for the  Common Stock 
                               which  assumes that all  holders of 
                               Prepetition  Claims  have  received 
                               full recovery in respect thereof as 
                               of the Effective Date. 
 Expiration                    The Warrants will be exercisable by 
                               the holders thereof  at any time on 
                               or prior  to the  fifth anniversary 
                               of the Effective Date. 
 Redemption                    The    Warrants    will    not   be 
 Anti-Dillution Adjustments    The  number  of  shares  of  Common 
                               Stock purchasable upon  exercise of 
                               each Warrant will be adjusted  upon 
                               (i) payment  of a dividend  payable 
                               in,  or   other  distribution   of, 
                               Common  Stock to  all  of the  then 
                               current  holders  of  Common Stock, 
                               (ii) a combination,  subdivision or 
                               reclassification  of Common  Stock, 
                               and (iii) rights issuances. 
 Common Stock                  When  delivered,  the  Common Stock 
                               purchased  upon  exercise   of  the 
                               Warrants will  be  fully  paid  and 
 Voting Rights                 The  holders of  the  Warrants will 
                               not  have  any   voting  rights  in 
                               respect thereof. 
 Merger                        The holders of the Warrants will be 
                               protected in  the case of  a merger 
                               or   other    similar   transaction 
                               involving the Company. 

                             Exhibit B
                       Senior Unsecured Notes 
           Indicative Summary of Key Terms and Conditions 
 Issuer                        (Reorganized)      America     West 
                                Airlines, Inc. (the "Company"). 
 Issue                         Senior    Unsecured   Notes    (the 
 Principal Amount              $103,000,000. 
 Maturity                      Seven years from issuance. 
 Interest Rate                 The  Notes   will  bear   interest, 
                               payable semiannually, in arrears at 
                               a  fixed  rate  equal  to  10%  per 
 Ranking                       The Notes will rank pari passu with 
                               all  existing  and   future  senior 
                               unsecured   indebtedness   of   the 
 Operational Redemption        The  Notes will  not be  redeemable 
                               during the first three years except 
                               that the  Company may redeem  up to 
                               $30 million in principal amount  of 
                               the Notes issued to Investor and up 
                               to  1  million in  principal amount 
                               of the Notes issued to GPA, in each 
                               case from  the Net Proceeds  of any 
                               underwritten  offering  of  primary 
                               shares of  the  Company's  Class  B 
                               Common  Stock at  a purchase  price 
                               equal  to  108% of  principal  plus 
                               accrued interest as  of the date of 
                               redemption.  Thereafter,  the Notes 
                               are  redeemable  at  the  Company's 
                               option, in whole  or in part, after 
                               30  days  notice.   The  redemption 
                               price   will   be   equal  to   the 
                               following    percentage   of    the 
                               principal amount  redeemed in  each 
                               of the following years plus accrued 
                               Year 4:     108% 
                               Year 5:     105.3% 
                               Year 6:     102.7% 
                               Year 7:     100.1% 
 Mandatory Redemption          None. 
 Covenants and Other Provisions            Purchasers will negotiate 
                                           in good faith standard  
                                           covenants and provisions, 
                                           including, but not limited
                                           to, limitations on 
                                           additional indebtedness,
                                           liens, restricted payments,
                                           investments,   mergers, 
                                           asset sales, transactions
                                           with affiliates, and  the 