Filed by Old National Bancorp
                                Pursuant to Rule 425 under
                                  the Securities Act of 1933
                                Subject Company: Old National
                                  Bancorp - Heritage Financial
                                  Services,Inc. and ANB Corporation
                                Commission File No. 0-10888


RELEASE DATE:  February 8, 2000

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL:   John S. Poelker - 812-464-1266
                                Executive Vice President
                                Chief Financial Officer

                                Jeffrey L. Knight - 812-464-1363
                                Corporate Secretary and General

(Evansville,  Indiana)  --  On January  27,  2000,  Old  National
Bancorp,  Inc. [NASDAQ: OLDB] received approval from the  Federal
Reserve   Board  for  the  acquisitions  of  Heritage   Financial
Services, Inc. in Clarksville, Tennessee, and ANB Corporation  in
Muncie, Indiana [NASDAQ: ANBC].

The  Heritage  Financial Services shareholders' meeting  will  be
held on February 28, 2000, and assuming that state regulatory and
shareholder  approvals  are received, and  the  other  conditions
outlined  in  the  merger agreement are met, the  transaction  is
expected to close on March 1, 2000.

The  ANB Corporation shareholders' meeting will be held on  March
10,  2000,  and  assuming that state regulatory  and  shareholder
approvals are received, and the other conditions outlined in  the
merger agreement are met, the transaction is expected to close on
March 10, 2000.

The necessary state regulatory approvals are expected in time  to
allow the transactions to close as expected.

Statements   in  this  press  release  which  express   "belief",
"intention", or "expectation", as well as other statements  which
are  not  historical fact, are forward-looking statements  within
the  meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform  Act  of
1995 and are subject to certain risks and uncertainties which may
cause  actual results to differ materially.  Among the risks  and
uncertainties that could cause actual results to vary  materially
are: (1) failure to obtain necessary shareholder approval of  the
transactions,  (2) failure to obtain necessary  state  regulatory
approval  of  the transactions, (3) necessary conditions  in  the
merger  agreement not being satisfied, and (4) the occurrence  or
existence  of  any facts or circumstances which would  allow  any
party to the merger agreement to terminate the merger agreement.

Investors  are urged to read the important information  regarding
the  transactions  which  have  been  disclosed  in  registration
statements filed by Old National, Heritage and ANB with the  SEC.
Investors   can  view  the  registration  statements  and   other
documents  filed by Old National, Heritage and ANB at  the  SEC's
web site located at http:\\  Investors can obtain any
of  the  documents incorporated by reference in the  registration
statements  free from Old National, Heritage or ANB as  the  case
may be.

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