Washington, D. C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT
                     PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

        Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported): April 27, 2005

                           PAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

   Delaware                         1-09720                    16-1434688
   --------                         -------                    ----------
(State or other                (Commission File             (I.R.S. Employer
jurisdiction of                     Number)                  incorporation or
organization)                                             Identification Number)

         PAR Technology Park
         8383 Seneca Turnpike
         New Hartford, NY                                        13413-4991
         -------------------                                     ----------
(Address of principal executive offices)                         (Zip Code)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (315) 738-0600

                                 Not Applicable
         (Former Name or Former Address, if changed since Last Report)

Item 2.02 Results of Operations and Financial Condition.

(a)  The information, including Exhibits attached hereto, in this Current Report
     is being  furnished  and shall not be deemed  "filed"  for the  purposes of
     Section 18 of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, or otherwise subject
     to the liabilities of that Section.  The information in this Current Report
     shall not be incorporated by reference into any  registration  statement or
     other document  pursuant to the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  except
     as otherwise expressly stated in such filing.

(b)  On April  27,  2005,  PAR  Technology  Corporation  issued a press  release
     announcing  its results of operation for the quarterly  period ending March
     31,  2005. A copy of the press  release is attached  hereto as Exhibit 99.1
     and is incorporated herein by reference.

99.1 Press Release dated April 27, 2005.


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                            PAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION

Date:  April 27, 2005

                                         /s/RONALD J. CASCIANO
                                         Ronald J. Casciano
                                         Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
                                         and Treasurer

                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit Number                        Description
- --------------                        -----------

   99.1                 Press Release dated April 27, 2005.

CONTACT:   Christopher R. Byrnes (315) 738-0600 ext. 226

                           PAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION

|X|      REVENUES RISE 29%
|X|      EPS GROWS 75%

New Hartford,  NY--April 27, 2005--PAR Technology  Corporation  (NYSE:PTC) today
announced results from operations for the first quarter ended March 31, 2005.

PAR reported record first quarter revenues of $48.8 million, a 29% increase over
the $37.9  million  reported in the same  period a year ago.  Net income for the
first quarter of $1.3 million was reported  compared with net income of $736,000
in the first  quarter of 2004,  a 77%  increase.  The Company  reported  diluted
earnings  per share of $0.14 for the first  quarter of 2005,  an increase of 75%
when  compared to diluted  earnings per share of $0.08 for the first  quarter of
last year.

PAR  experienced  significant  revenue growth in both of its  businesses.  PAR's
hospitality  technology  revenues  grew  30%  from a year  ago  along  with  the
Company's  Government business raising revenues by 26% over the first quarter of

John W. Sammon, PAR Chairman and CEO commented, "We are pleased with our results
for the first three months of 2005.  Our business units continue to execute at a
high level and with operational excellence.  We believe our growth is indicative
of the value our integrated  solutions  deliver to our customers.  The sustained
success in our results continues to reflect well on our strategy, which includes
increasing  the  software  content of the  revenue  mix to improve  product  and
service  margins.  Our  innovative  products  and  services  have  extended  our
technology  leadership in the  marketplace  by best  addressing  the current and
emerging requirements of our customers."

Sammon concluded,  "We exceeded  expectations for first quarter  performance and
posted record  revenues for the quarter.  This success is attributed to stronger
than  anticipated  market demand for our integrated  solutions and the continued
improvements  in  execution  Company  wide.  We  remain  confident  we are  well
positioned to deliver positive results for the balance of the year."

Statements in this release or by the Company's  spokespersons  from time to time
may contain forward-looking  statements. Any statements in this document that do
not describe  historical facts are forward-looking  statements.  Forward-looking
statements  are made  pursuant  to the safe  harbor  provisions  of the  Private
Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995.  Investors  are  cautioned  that all
forward-looking  statements involve risks and  uncertainties,  including without
limitation, delays in new product introduction,  risks in technology development
and commercialization, risks in product development and market acceptance of and
demand for the  Company's  products,  risks of downturns in economic  conditions
generally,  and in the quick service sector of the hospitality technology market
specifically,  risks of intellectual property rights associated with competition
and competitive pricing pressures,  risks associated with foreign sales and high
customer  concentration,  and other risks detailed in the Company's filings with
the Securities and Exchange Commission.


PAR Technology  Corporation is a leading  provider of professional  services and
enterprise  business  intelligence  software  and  hardware  to the  hospitality
industry. PAR develops, markets and supports hardware and software products that
improve  the  ability of  hospitality  business  professionals  to make  timely,
fact-based  business  decisions.  The  Company  is a  premier  provider  of  I/T
management  solutions  to hotel  and  restaurant  companies,  with  over  40,000
installations  worldwide  in  100  countries.  PAR  is  a  leader  in  providing
computer-based  system  design and  engineering  services to the  Department  of
Defense and Federal Government Agencies.  PAR Technology  Corporation's stock is
traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol PTC. For more information
visit the Company's website at


                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS
                       (in thousands except share amounts)

                                                    March 31,  December 31,
                                                      2005         2004
                                                   ---------    ---------
Current assets:
     Cash ......................................   $   3,362    $   8,696
     Accounts receivable-net ...................      33,292       32,702
Inventories - net ..............................      27,450       27,047
     Deferred income taxes .....................       6,689        6,634
     Other current assets ......................       2,785        2,617
                                                   ---------    ---------
         Total current assets ..................      73,578       77,696
Property, plant and equipment - net ............       7,972        8,123
Goodwill .......................................      15,379       15,379
Intangible assets - net ........................       9,001        9,235
Other assets ...................................       1,672        1,319
                                                   ---------    ---------
                                                   $ 107,602    $ 111,752
                                                   =========    =========
Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current liabilities:
     Current portion of long-term debt .........   $      68    $      90
Borrowings under lines of credit ...............       2,555       10,246
     Accounts payable ..........................      10,869        9,486
     Accrued salaries and benefits .............       7,747        8,072
     Accrued expenses ..........................       2,694        2,998
     Customer deposits .........................       4,468        4,861
     Deferred service revenue ..................      10,037        9,083
     Net liabilities of discontinued operation .         290          323
                                                   ---------    ---------
         Total current liabilities .............      38,728       45,159
                                                   ---------    ---------
Long-term debt .................................       2,008        2,005
                                                   ---------    ---------
Deferred income taxes ..........................         592          194
                                                   ---------    ---------
Other long-term liabilities ....................       1,190          820
                                                   ---------    ---------
Commitments and contingent liabilities
Shareholders' equity:
     Preferred stock, $.02 par value,
       1,000,000 shares authorized .............        --           --
     Common stock, $.02 par value,
       19,000,000 shares authorized;
       10,188,082 and 10,139,132 shares issued;
       8,984,406 and 8,935,456 outstanding .....         204          203
     Capital in excess of par value ............      31,900       31,560
     Retained earnings .........................      39,316       38,010
     Accumulated other comprehensive loss ......        (318)        (181)
       Treasury stock, at cost, 1,203,676 shares      (6,018)      (6,018)
                                                   ---------    ---------
         Total shareholders' equity ............      65,084       63,574
                                                   ---------    ---------
                                                   $ 107,602    $ 111,752
                                                   =========    =========

                     (in thousands except per share amounts)

                                              For the three months
                                                 ended March 31,
                                             2005             2004
                                           --------        --------
Net revenues:
     Product ...........................   $ 21,001        $ 16,239
     Service ...........................     13,402          10,307
     Contract ..........................     14,354          11,352
                                           --------        --------
                                             48,757          37,898
                                           --------        --------
Costs of sales:
     Product ...........................     12,876          11,037
     Service ...........................     10,447           8,945
Contract ...............................     13,565          10,530
                                           --------        --------
                                             36,888          30,512
                                           --------        --------
           Gross margin ................     11,869           7,386
                                           --------        --------
Operating expenses:
     Selling, general and administrative      7,393           5,016
     Research and development ..........      2,278           1,343
     Amortization of identifiable
      intangible assets ................        246              --
                                           --------        --------

                                              9,917           6,359
                                           --------        --------

Operating income .......................      1,952           1,027
Other income, net ......................        233             211
Interest expense .......................        (78)            (73)
                                           --------        --------
Income before provision for income taxes      2,107           1,165
Provision for income taxes .............       (801)           (429)
                                           --------        --------
Net income $ ...........................      1,306        $    736
                                           ========        ========

Earnings per share:
     Basic: ............................   $    .15        $    .09
     Diluted: ..........................   $    .14        $    .08

Weighted average shares outstanding
     Basic: ............................      8,954           8,570
                                           ========        ========
     Diluted: ..........................      9,541           9,129
                                           ========        ========