                                                                  (COLUMBIA, MD)

                            STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT

     THIS STOCK PURCHASE  AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") dated as of July 27, 2001
by and among Fentil, Inc. (the "Corporation"),  Krupp Realty Limited Partnership
- - IV ("Seller" and together with the Corporation,  the "Selling Entities"), each
with an address of c/o The  Berkshire  Group,  One Beacon  Street,  Suite  1500,
Boston, MA 02108, Attention:  David C. Quade,  Telecopier No. 617-423-8916,  and
Home  Properties of New York,  L.P., a New York limited  partnership  ("Buyer"),
with an address of 850 Clinton Square, Rochester, New York 14604.

     WHEREAS,  Seller owns all of the issued and  outstanding  shares of capital
stock of the Corporation; and

     WHEREAS, Buyer desires to purchase all of the issued and outstanding shares
of capital stock of the Corporation  from the Seller,  and the Seller desires to
sell  all  of  the  issued  and  outstanding  shares  of  capital  stock  of the
Corporation  to the  Buyer,  upon  the  terms  and  subject  to  the  conditions
hereinafter set forth (the "Acquisition"); and

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the mutual undertakings and covenants
herein contained, the parties hereto hereby covenant and agree as follows:

                                    SECTION 1

                                PURCHASE AND SALE

1.01. Purchase by Buyer.

          (a) Upon the terms and  subject  to the  conditions  set forth in this
     Agreement, the Buyer agrees to purchase all of the Stock (as defined below)
     from the  Seller,  and the  Seller  agrees  to sell all of the Stock to the

          (b) The  Purchase  Price for the Stock shall be FOURTEEN  MILLION FIVE
     HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO/00 DOLLARS ($14,500,000.00) (the "Purchase Price"),
     subject to the prorations and  adjustments as hereinafter  provided in this

1.02. Closing Date.

          (a) Except as otherwise  provided in this  Agreement,  the delivery of
     all  documents  necessary for the closing of this  transaction  pursuant to
     this Agreement (the "Closing")  shall take place in the offices of Seller's
     counsel,  Bingham Dana LLP, 150 Federal Street,  Boston,  Massachusetts  or
     such other place as Seller and Buyer shall  mutually  agree,  at 10:00 A.M.
     local  time on August 1,  2001 or such  earlier  date or place as Buyer and
     Seller shall mutually agree in writing (the "Original Closing Date"). It is
     agreed that time is of the essence of this Agreement. If Seller shall elect
     to cure any title


     or survey matter under  Section 2.02 or Section  2.03,  if  necessary,  the
     Original  Closing Date shall be extended  until fifteen (15) days after the
     earlier of (a) the  expiration  of the thirty  (30) day cure  period as set
     forth in said Section 2.02 or Section 2.03, as applicable,  or (b) the date
     Seller  notifies  Buyer that such matter has been cured.  At either party's
     request,  Closing  shall be  conducted  through an escrow  administered  by
     Escrow Agent (as defined below).

          (b) On the Original  Closing  Date,  the  following  actions  shall be

               (i) Subject to Section 1.03 hereof,  Buyer shall pay the Purchase
          Price to Seller by wire  transfer  of  immediately  available  federal

               (ii) Seller  shall  deliver or cause to be delivered to Buyer one
          or more  certificates  for the Stock,  duly  endorsed in blank or with
          stock  powers  duly  endorsed  in  blank,  together  with  such  other
          documents as Buyer may reasonably  request to evidence the transfer to
          Buyer of good and valid  title in and to the Stock,  free and clear of
          any Encumbrance (except such as may be created by Buyer); and

               (iii) Each party shall take such other actions, and shall execute
          and deliver such other instruments or documents,  as shall be required
          under Article VI hereof.

1.03 Payment  of  Monies.

     All monies payable under this Agreement, unless otherwise specified in this
Agreement, shall be paid by wire transfer of immediately available funds.

1.04 Payment of Purchase Price.

     The Purchase Price, subject to prorations and adjustments, shall be paid as

          (a)  Deposit.   Two  Hundred   Fifty   Thousand  and  No/100   Dollars
     ($250,000.00)  has been paid as a deposit  pursuant  to  Section  1.05 (the

          (b) Payment at Closing. At the Closing,  Buyer shall deliver to Escrow
     Agent cash in an amount equal to the Purchase  Price less the amount of the
     Deposit  held  by  the  Escrow  Agent,   and  subject  to  adjustments  and
     apportionments as set forth herein. The Purchase Price, as adjusted,  shall
     be paid at Closing by wire transfer of immediately available federal funds,
     transferred  to the order or  account  of Seller  or such  other  person as
     Seller may designate in writing.

1.05 Deposit; Escrow Agent.

     The Deposit  shall be delivered  by Buyer to  LandAmerica  Title  Insurance
Corporation  (the "Escrow  Agent") within one (1) business day after the date of
this Agreement.  Failure of the Buyer to so deliver the Deposit shall constitute
a breach by Buyer of this  Agreement  for  which the  Seller  may  exercise  the
remedies  set forth in Section  12.03.  Upon  receipt from Buyer of the Deposit,
Escrow  Agent shall invest the Deposit in an  interest-bearing  account or money
market fund  acceptable  to Buyer and Seller.  All interest on the Deposit shall
accrue to Buyer,  except as otherwise  provided in Section 12.03 hereof.  At the
Closing,  Escrow Agent shall


release  the Deposit to Seller,  which  Deposit  shall be  credited  against the
balance of the Purchase Price owed by Buyer to Seller.  Escrow Agent shall agree
to hold and dispose of the Deposit in accordance  with the terms and  provisions
of this Agreement.

1.06 Escrow Provisions.

     Escrow  Agent  hereby  acknowledges  receipt by Escrow Agent of the Deposit
paid by Buyer to be applied to the Purchase Price under the terms hereof. Escrow
Agent agrees to hold, keep and deliver said Deposit and all other sums delivered
to it  pursuant  hereto in  accordance  with the terms  and  provisions  of this
Agreement.  Escrow Agent shall not be entitled to any fees or  compensation  for
its services hereunder.  Escrow Agent shall be liable only to hold said sums and
deliver the same to the parties named herein in accordance  with the  provisions
of this  Agreement,  it being  expressly  understood  that by acceptance of this
agreement  Escrow Agent is acting in the capacity of a depository only and shall
not be liable or  responsible  to anyone  for any  damages,  losses or  expenses
unless  same  shall  have  been  caused  by  the  gross  negligence  or  willful
malfeasance of Escrow Agent. In the event of any disagreement  between Buyer and
Seller resulting in any adverse claims and demands being made in connection with
or for the monies involved herein or affected hereby,  Escrow Agent shall refuse
to comply  with any such  claims or  demands  so long as such  disagreement  may
continue;  and in so  refusing  Escrow  Agent  shall make no  delivery  or other
disposition  of any of the  monies  then  held by it  under  the  terms  of this
Agreement,  and in so doing Escrow  Agent shall not become  liable to anyone for
such refusal; and Escrow Agent shall refrain from acting until (a) the rights of
the  adverse  claimants  shall  have  been  finally  adjudicated  in a court  of
competent  jurisdiction of the monies involved herein or affected hereby, or (b)
all differences  shall have been adjusted by agreement between Seller and Buyer,
and Escrow Agent shall have been notified in writing of such agreement signed by
the parties  hereto.  Escrow  Agent shall not be required to disburse any of the
monies held by it under this Agreement  unless in accordance with either a joint
written  instruction  of Buyer and Seller or an  undisputed  Escrow  Demand from
either  Buyer or Seller in  accordance  with the  provisions  hereinafter.  Upon
receipt by Escrow Agent from either Buyer or Seller (the  "Notifying  Party") of
any notice or request (the  "Escrow  Demand") to perform any act or disburse any
portion of the monies held by Escrow  Agent  under the terms of this  Agreement,
Escrow  Agent  shall  give  written  notice to the other  party  (the  "Notified
Party").  If within  five (5)  business  days after the  giving of such  notice,
Escrow Agent does not receive any written  objection  to the Escrow  Demand from
the Notified Party,  Escrow Agent shall comply with the Escrow Demand. If Escrow
Agent does receive written objection from the Notified Party in a timely manner,
Escrow Agent shall take no further action until the dispute  between the parties
has been  resolved  pursuant to either clause (a) or (b) above.  Further  Escrow
Agent  shall  have the  right at all  times to pay all sums  held by it into any
court of  competent  jurisdiction  after a dispute  between or among the parties
hereto  has  arisen,   whereupon  Escrow  Agent's  obligations  hereunder  shall

     Seller and Buyer jointly and severally agree to indemnify and hold harmless
said  Escrow  Agent  from any and all costs,  damages  and  expenses,  including
reasonable  attorneys'  fees, that said Escrow Agent may incur in its compliance
of and in good faith


with the terms of this agreement;  provided,  however,  this indemnity shall not
extend to any act of gross negligence or willful  malfeasance on the part of the
Escrow Agent.

                                    SECTION 2

                            CERTAIN PROPERTY MATTERS

2.01 Property.

     The Corporation is the bare legal title owner of the following as agent for
Seller,  the beneficial  owner of the Property  (defined  below) pursuant to the
Agreement  to Hold  Title,  dated April 25,  1982,  attached as Exhibit A hereto
("Agreement to Hold Title"):

          (a)  that  certain  tract  or  parcel  of land  located  in  Columbia,
     Maryland,  more  particularly  described in Schedule A attached hereto (the

          (b) the 234 unit  apartment  complex,  commonly  known as the  Fenland
     Field  Apartments,   which  contains  related   improvements,   facilities,
     amenities,  structures,  driveways  and  walkways,  all of which  have been
     constructed on the Land (collectively, the "Improvements");

          (c) all right,  title and  interest of the Selling  Entities in and to
     any  alleys,  strips  or  gores  adjoining  the  Land,  and any  easements,
     rights-of-way  or other  interests in, on, under or to, any land,  highway,
     street,  road,  right-of-way  or avenue,  open or proposed,  in, on, under,
     across,  in front of, abutting or adjoining the Land, and all right,  title
     and  interest  of the  Selling  Entities  in and to any  awards  for damage
     thereto by reason of a change of grade thereof;

          (d) the accessions, appurtenant rights, privileges,  appurtenances and
     all the estate and rights of the  Selling  Entities  in and to the Land and
     the Improvements,  as applicable,  or otherwise  appertaining to any of the
     property  described in the  immediately  preceding  clauses (a), (b) and/or

          (e) all personal property, including, without limitation, the personal
     property  listed  in  Schedule  B  attached  hereto,  owned by the  Selling
     Entities  and located on or in or used solely in  connection  with the Land
     and  Improvements,  but  expressly  excluding  all  computer  programs  and
     computer software (collectively, the "Personal Property"); and

          (f) all of the Selling Entities' interest in all permits,  warranties,
     guaranties,  plans,  specifications,  reports,  books and records,  and any
     intangible property,  now or hereafter,  owned by Selling Entities and used
     in connection with the Land, Improvements and Personal Property,  including
     without  limitation  the right to use any  trade  style or name now used in
     connection with the same, any contract rights, escrow or security deposits,
     utility  agreements or other rights  related to the ownership of or use and
     operation of the Property, as hereinafter defined.


     All of the items described in subparagraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f)
above are collectively referred to as the "Property".

2.02 Title.

     Buyer's  obligation  to purchase  the Stock shall be  conditioned  upon the
Corporation  then holding good and clear record and  marketable fee simple title
to the  Property,  subject  only to the  Permitted  Exceptions  (as  hereinafter
defined). Seller has furnished Buyer with a copy of the most recent title policy
for the Property in Seller's  possession and Buyer has obtained from LandAmerica
Title Insurance Corporation,  Boston NCS office,  Attention:  Robert Soule, Esq.
(the "Title  Insurer") a Commitment  For Title  Insurance  (Case No. 19399 dated
June 1, 2001) with  copies of all  instruments  and plans  mentioned  therein as
exceptions to title (all of such items are hereinafter  collectively referred to
as the  "Commitment").  The exceptions set forth in Schedule B, Section 2 of the
Commitment  and any  other  matters  of  record  existing  as of the date of the
Commitment have been accepted by Buyer.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  Seller,
at its cost, shall be obligated to cure or remove by Closing or otherwise enable
the Title  Insurer to insure over all  mortgages  and deeds of trust against the
Property listed in Schedule B, Section 1 of the Title Commitment, as well as any
other monetary liens not exceeding $50,000 in the aggregate.

2.03 Survey.

     Seller has furnished  Buyer with a copy of the most recent  as-built survey
of the Property in Seller's possession (the "Prior Survey"),  and Buyer obtained
a current  as-built survey (the "Survey") of the Land and the  Improvements by a
registered  land  surveyor.   Buyer  has  accepted  any  and  all  encumbrances,
encroachments or other survey defaults shown on the Survey or Prior Survey.

2.04 Permitted Exceptions.

     The  following  items  are  hereinafter   referred  to  as  the  "Permitted

          (a) All possible title objections,  survey objections, and any defects
     in or to title to the  Property or other  matters  affecting or relating to
     the title to, or the  survey of, or the  condition  of the  Property  which
     Buyer has accepted pursuant to Section 2.02 and/or Section 2.03;

          (b) Leases described on Schedule C and Service Contracts  described on
     Schedule D, or which  Seller is  permitted  to enter into  pursuant to this

          (c) the lien of  non-delinquent  real and personal  property taxes and
     assessments not yet due and payable as of the Closing;

          (d) rights of parties in possession  not shown by the public  records,
     and any subtenants or licensees under any Leases;

          (e)  discrepancies,  conflicts in boundary  lines,  shortages in area,
     encroachments,  and any state of facts which an  inspection of the Property
     would disclose and which are not shown by the public records;


          (f)  easements or claims of easements  shown by the public  records or
     which an inspection of the Property would disclose;

          (g)  Subject  to  any  proration   provisions   hereof,  any  service,
     installation,  connection,  maintenance or  construction  charges due after
     Closing,  and  charges  for sewer,  water,  electricity,  telephone,  cable
     television or gas; and

          (h) any and all liens, exceptions,  obligations or other matters which
     are caused or  created  by or on behalf of Buyer or any of Buyer's  agents,
     employees or representatives.

                                    SECTION 3

                         SELLER'S PRE-CLOSING DELIVERIES

     3.01 Seller has furnished to Buyer, or made available at the Property,  for
inspection and approval by Buyer, the following (to the extent in the possession
of Seller):

          (a) Leases.  Seller  shall  provide  Buyer with access  on-site to the
     originals  (or copies,  if originals  are not  available) of all leases and
     related lease files.

          (b) Taxes.  A copy of 2001 real estate and  personal  property tax (if
     applicable)  statements  for the Property and tax  abatements  or abatement
     applications for such year (if any).

          (c) Current Rent Roll. A list of the current rents now being collected
     on  each  of the  apartment  units  in  the  Improvements  which  includes:
     apartment  number,  unit type,  tenant name,  commencement  and termination
     dates, lease rent and security deposits.

          (d) Service  Contracts.  Copies of all service,  maintenance,  supply,
     governmental,  utility  and  management  contracts  entered  into by Seller
     currently affecting the use, ownership, maintenance and/or operation of the

          (e) Utility Bills. Copies of all utility bills (gas,  electric,  water
     and sewer) relating to the Property for the  immediately  prior twelve (12)
     month period.

          (f)  Environmental  Reports.  Copies  of  any  existing  environmental
     reports (Phase I or other) for the Property.

     3.02 Except as  otherwise  expressly  set forth in this  Agreement,  Seller
makes  no  representations  or  warranties  as  to  the  truth,   accuracy,   or
completeness of any materials,  data, or other  information,  including  without
limitation,  the  contents  of  Seller's  or its  property  manager's  books and
records,  marketing  materials  prepared  by Seller,  the  Leases,  the  Service
Contracts,  rent rolls or income and  expense  statements,  supplied to Buyer in
connection with Buyer's  inspection of the Property.  It is the parties' express


understanding  and  agreement  that all such  materials  were provided by Seller
solely for Buyer's  convenience in making its own examination and  determination
to purchase the Stock, and, in making such examination and determination,  Buyer
relied  exclusively on its own independent  investigation  and evaluation of the
Property and Corporation and not on any materials supplied by Seller.

                                    SECTION 4


     Seller represents and warrants to Buyer as follows:

     4.01 Organization of Seller.  Seller is a Massachusetts limited partnership
duly  organized,  validly  existing  and in  good  standing  under  the  laws of

     4.02  Corporate  Organization  of the  Corporation.  The  Corporation  is a
corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws
of the State of Maryland.  The Corporation has all necessary corporate power and
authority to own the Property.

     4.03  Ability to Perform.  Each of the Selling  Entities  has full power to
execute,  deliver and carry out the terms and  provisions of this  Agreement and
has  taken all  necessary  action  to  authorize  the  execution,  delivery  and
performance of this Agreement,  and this Agreement  constitutes the legal, valid
and binding  obligation of the Selling  Entities  enforceable in accordance with
its terms. Except as set forth in this Agreement, no order, permission, consent,
approval, license, authorization, registration or validation of, or filing with,
or exemption by, any governmental agency, commission,  board or public authority
is required to authorize,  or is required in  connection  with,  the  execution,
delivery and performance of this Agreement by the Selling Entities or the taking
by the Selling Entities of any action contemplated by this Agreement.

     4.04  Capitalization.  The  authorized  capital  stock  of the  Corporation
consists  of 5,000  shares of common  stock,  $0.00 par value per share,  all of
which  shares are issued and  outstanding  (the  "Stock").  Seller is the lawful
beneficial owner of all of the Stock free and clear of any encumbrances.  All of
the shares of Stock have been duly  authorized  and validly issued and are fully
paid and  nonassessable.  The Corporation  does not have and is not bound by any
outstanding subscriptions, options, warrants, calls or other commitments calling
for the Corporation to issue, deliver or sell, or cause to be issued,  delivered
or sold, any shares of Stock or any other equity  security of the Corporation or
any securities  convertible into,  exchangeable for or representing the right to
subscribe  for,  purchase or otherwise  receive any shares of Stock or any other
equity  security  of  the  Corporation.  There  are no  outstanding  contractual
obligations of the  Corporation to repurchase,  redeem or otherwise  acquire any
shares of capital stock of the Corporation.

     4.05 Property.  The  Corporation  owns no real or personal  property of any
kind other than the Property.


     4.06  Employees.  The  Corporation  does  not have  and has  never  had any
employees during the period that Seller was a stockholder of the Corporation.

     4.07  Corporation's  Tax Status.  The Corporation holds bare legal title to
the Property,  and the Seller holds all equitable and beneficial interest in the
Property,  pursuant to the  Agreement to Hold Title.  The  Corporation  has been
treated for income tax purposes as a disregarded or pass-through  entity and has
never  reported  any income from the  Property.  True and correct  copies of the
Corporation's tax returns for 1998, 1999 and 2000 are attached hereto as Exhibit
B. The  Seller  has  reported  all of the  income  from the  Property  and taken
depreciation.  Neither  the  Seller nor the  Corporation  has been  audited,  or
received  notice  from the IRS or any other  taxing  authority  which calls into
question  the  Corporation's  status as a  disregarded  entity  for  income  tax

     4.08 Leases.  As of the date of this Agreement there are no leases or other
rental  agreements or occupancy  agreements  (written or verbal) entered into by
the Selling  Entities  which grant any  possessory  interest in and to any space
situated on or in the  Improvements or that otherwise give rights with regard to
use of the  Improvements  other  than the leases  (the  "Leases")  described  in
Schedule C attached  hereto (the "Rent Roll").  The Rent Roll is true,  accurate
and complete in all material respects as of the date hereof. Except as otherwise
specifically set forth in the Rent Roll or elsewhere in this Agreement:

          (a) to the  knowledge  of  Seller,  the  Leases  are in full force and

          (b) Except as set forth on Schedule 4.04, none of the Selling Entities
     has sent written notice to any current tenant of the Property, nor received
     any written notice from any such tenant, claiming that such tenant, or such
     Selling  Entity,  as the case may be, is in default,  which default remains

          (c) no action or proceeding instituted against a Selling Entity by any
     tenant of any unit in the Property is presently pending;

          (d) there are no security  deposits or other deposits other than those
     set forth in the Rent Roll;

          (e) no rent has been paid more than thirty (30) days in advance  under
     any Lease other than as shown on the Rent Roll; and

          (f) no leasing  commission  shall be due for any period  subsequent to
     the Closing other than for tenants who have executed a lease after the date
     hereof but do not move in until after the Closing,  which commissions shall
     be paid by Buyer.

     4.09 Service and Management Contracts. Schedule D attached hereto lists all
governmental,  utility, services,  maintenance,  supply and management contracts
(collectively,  "Service  Contracts")  entered  into  by  the  Selling  Entities
currently  affecting  the  operation of the  Property.  To the  knowledge of the
Seller,  each of the Service Contracts is in full force and effect;  none of the
parties thereto is in default of any of its


obligations  thereunder;  and no event has  occurred  that,  with the  giving of
notice, or the passage of time, or both, would constitute a default thereunder.

     4.10 No Actions.  Except as set forth on Schedule E attached hereto,  there
are no pending, or to Seller's knowledge,  threatened legal actions, proceedings
or  investigations  before  any court or  governmental  department,  commission,
board, agency or instrumentality against the Corporation or the Seller affecting
or  relating  to the  Property  and  Seller  does not know of any basis for such
action, proceeding or investigation.  Except as set forth on Schedule E attached
hereto,  there  are no claims of any kind or  nature  which  have been  asserted
against the Corporation or the Property.

     4.11 No Violation  Notice.  The Selling  Entities have not received written

          (a) from any federal,  state,  county or municipal  authority alleging
     any  fire,  health,  safety,  building,  pollution,   environmental,   deed
     restriction  or other  violation  of law in respect of the  Property or any
     part thereof, which has not been corrected;

          (b) concerning the possible or anticipated condemnation of any part of
     the  Property,  or the  widening,  change of grade or  limitation on use of
     streets  abutting the same or concerning  any special taxes or  assessments
     levied or to be levied against the Property or any part thereof;

          (c) from any  insurance  company or bonding  company of any defects or
     inadequacies  in the Property or any part  thereof,  which would  adversely
     affect  the   insurability   of  the  same  or  cause  the   imposition  of
     extraordinary  premiums  or  charges  therefor  or of  any  termination  or
     threatened termination of any policy of insurance or bond; or

          (d) concerning any change in the deed  restriction  classification  of
     the Property or any part thereof.

     4.12 No Management Contracts,  Employment Contracts, Unions, Pension Plans.
The Selling Entities have not entered into any management contracts,  employment
contracts  or labor union  contracts  and has not  established  any  retirement,
pension or profit  sharing plans relating to the operation or maintenance of the
Property  which  shall  survive  the  Closing or for which  Buyer shall have any
liability or obligation.

     4.13  Conflict  with Other  Agreement.  The  execution and delivery of this
Agreement,  and its performance by the Selling Entities, will not conflict with,
or result in the breach of,  any  contract  or  agreement  to which the  Selling
Entities are a party, or by which the Selling Entities are bound.

     4.14  Financial  Status.  The  Corporation  has  not:  (i)  made a  general
assignment  for the  benefit  of its  credits;  (ii)  admitted  in  writing  its
inability to pay its debts as they mature; (iii) had an attachment, execution or
other judicial seizure of any property


interest which remains in effect;  or (iv) become  generally  unable to meet its
financial obligations as they mature.

     4.15 No  Bankruptcy.  To the knowledge of the Seller,  there is not pending
any  case,  proceeding  or other  action  seeking  reorganization,  arrangement,
adjustment, liquidation, dissolution or recomposition of the Corporation, or the
debts of the  Corporation  under any law  relating  to  bankruptcy,  insolvency,
reorganization  or the  relief of  debtors,  or  seeking  the  appointment  of a
receiver,  trustee,  custodian or other similar  official for the Corporation or
the Property.

     4.16  No  Liabilities.  To the  knowledge  of the  Seller,  except:  (i) as
disclosed in Schedule F attached hereto; and (ii) as otherwise disclosed in this
Agreement, the Corporation has no material liability or obligation of any nature
which in any way materially affects or is related to the Property whether now or
due or to become due, absolute,  contingent or otherwise,  including liabilities
for taxes (or any interest or penalties thereto).

     4.17 Taxes.  The Corporation has filed or will file when due all returns of
Taxes (as defined  below)  required to be filed  before the Closing Date and has
paid or, if due after the date hereof and prior to the Closing  Date,  will pay,
all Taxes and other  charges  for the periods  shown to be due on such  returns.
"Taxes"  shall  mean all  taxes,  charges,  fees,  levies or other  assessments,
including,  without limitation,  income, excise, property, sale, gross receipts,
employment  and  franchise  taxes  imposed by the United  States,  or any state,
county,  local or foreign  government,  or  subdivision  or agency  thereof with
respect to the assets or the  business  of the  Corporation  and  including  any
interest, penalties or additions attributable thereto.

     4.18  Personal  Property.  The  Corporation  owns legal and the Seller owns
beneficial title to the Personal Property,  free and clear of all liens, charges
and encumbrances, except the Permitted Exceptions.

     As used in this Agreement, or in any other agreement, document, certificate
or instrument  delivered by Seller to Buyer, the phrase "to Seller's knowledge",
"to  Seller's  actual  knowledge",  "to the best of Seller's  knowledge"  or any
similar phrase shall mean the actual, not constructive or imputed,  knowledge of
David C. Quade,  Executive  Vice  President and Chief  Financial  Officer of The
Berkshire  Group and Rick Ragsdale,  Regional  Operations  Vice  President,  but
without any obligation on their part to make any  independent  investigation  of
the matters being represented and warranted, or to make any inquiry of any other
persons, or to search or examine any files, records,  books,  correspondence and
the like.

     At Closing,  Seller shall  represent  and warrant to Buyer by delivering to
Buyer a certificate (the "Seller's Representation  Certificate") certifying that
all  representations  and warranties of Seller in this Agreement remain true and
correct  in  all  material  respects  as of  the  Closing  Date  and  all of the
representations and warranties contained herein shall be deemed remade by Seller
effective as of the Closing  Date;  provided,  however,  that to


the extent that Seller becomes aware of any facts or  circumstances  which would
make a representation or warranty untrue in any material  respect,  Seller shall
promptly  deliver written notice to Buyer of such facts or  circumstances  after
becoming  aware of same (but in no event later than the Closing  Date) and,  the
Seller's Representation  Certificate may be revised at Closing to make exception
or  qualification  with  respect to such  matters as may be  necessary  for such
representations to remain true, but Buyer's agreement to allow such amendment of
Seller's  Representation  Certificate shall not affect or indicate any waiver of
any  condition to Closing set forth in this  Agreement,  and Buyer may terminate
this  Agreement  and receive the Deposit,  if Seller fails,  for any reason,  to
deliver  Seller's  Representation  Certificate  at Closing  without any material
change,  except as to changes  which are permitted or  contemplated  pursuant to
Section 8 hereof.

     Buyer agrees to inform Seller  promptly in writing if it discovers that any
representation or warranty of Seller is inaccurate in any material  respect,  or
if it  believes  that  Seller has failed to  deliver  to Buyer any  document  or
material which it is obligated to deliver hereunder.

     If Buyer  notifies  Seller  prior to  Closing  that any  representation  or
warranty  made in Section 4 is not true and correct in any material  respect and
Seller  fails to cure or remedy the same prior to Closing,  Buyer may either (a)
except as otherwise set forth in this  paragraph,  terminate  this Agreement and
the Deposit  shall be returned to Buyer,  and neither  party shall have  further
rights or obligations pursuant to this Agreement,  except for Buyer's obligation
to repair any damage to the Property and to  indemnify  the Selling  Entities as
set forth in Section 6.01; or (b) waive any such  representation or warranty and
close  the   transaction   without  any   reduction  in  the   Purchase   Price.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  Buyer shall not have the right to terminate this
Agreement on account of a breach of a Seller  representation  or warranty to the
extent  that,  prior  to  the  date  hereof,  Buyer  discovered  or  learned  of
information (from whatever source,  including,  without limitation, a disclosure
from  Seller or  Seller's  agents or  employees  or as a result of  Buyer's  due
diligence   tests,   investigations   and  inspections  of  the  Property)  that
contradicts  any  such  representations  and  warranties,  or  renders  any such
representations and warranties untrue or incorrect.

     All of the  representations and warranties of the Seller, set forth in this
Agreement,  including without limitation, the following indemnity, shall survive
the Closing for a period of nine (9) months following Closing,  and shall not be
deemed to have merged in any document  delivered  at the Closing.  Any claim for
any  breach  of any  representation  or  warranty  of the  Partnership  shall be
brought,  if at all,  within  nine  (9)  months  from  the  date of  Closing  or
thereafter be forever  barred and the  limitations  of liability as set forth in
the paragraph below shall apply to any such claim.  The foregoing  limitation of
liability  shall  not  apply in the case of fraud or  intentional  and  material

     The Seller  agrees to  indemnify  Buyer and hold  harmless and defend Buyer
from and against any and all losses,  costs,  claims,  liabilities,  damages and
expenses, including, without limitation,  reasonable attorneys' fees, arising as
the  result  of a breach of any of the  representations  and  warranties  of the
Seller, set forth in this Agreement.


     If subsequent to Closing Buyer notifies Seller within nine (9) months after
Closing that Buyer discovered  post-closing that any  representation or warranty
made in  Section  4 was  not  true  and  correct  in any  material  respect  and
specifying the breach with  particularity,  subject to the limitations set forth
in Section 17.02, Buyer shall have available all remedies at law or in equity as
a consequence  thereof.  If Buyer does not notify Seller of the breach of any of
its  representations  and warranties set forth in this Section 4 and institute a
lawsuit  therefor in a court of  competent  jurisdiction  within nine (9) months
after the  Closing,  Buyer  shall be deemed to have  waived all of its rights to
claim  and  sue for any  breach  by  Seller  of any of its  representations  and
warranties  made in this Section 4. The foregoing  limitation of liability shall
not apply in the case of fraud or intentional and material misrepresentation.

                                    SECTION 5


     Buyer hereby represents and warrants to Seller as follows:

     5.01 No  Intention  to  Liquidate.  Buyer has no current  intention  (a) to
liquidate  the  Corporation  or to merge the  Corporation  with or into  another
entity,  (b) to sell or  otherwise  dispose  of the  Stock  except a sale for no
consideration from the Exchange Accommodation Titleholder (as defined in Section
17.15(d)  below) to Buyer and from Buyer to Home Properties of New York, Inc. or
(c) to cause the Corporation to sell or otherwise  dispose of any of its assets,
except for  dispositions  of assets in the  ordinary  course of  business of the

     5.02. Buyer Acquisition of Stock.  Buyer is acquiring the Stock for its own
account and not with a view to distribution  within the meaning of Section 2(11)
of the Securities Act.

     At Closing,  Buyer shall  represent  and warrant to Seller by delivering to
Seller a certificate (the "Buyer's Representation  Certificate") certifying that
all  representations  and warranties of Buyer in this Agreement  remain true and
correct  in  all  material  respects  as of  the  Closing  Date  and  all of the
representations and warranties  contained herein shall be deemed remade by Buyer
effective as of the Closing  Date;  provided,  however,  that to the extent that
Buyer  becomes  aware  of  any  facts  or  circumstances   which  would  make  a
representation or warranty untrue in any material respect,  Buyer shall promptly
deliver written notice to Seller of such facts or  circumstances  after becoming
aware of same (but in no event  later than the  Closing  Date) and,  the Buyer's
Representation  Certificate  may be  revised at  Closing  to make  exception  or
qualification  with  respect  to  such  matters  as may be  necessary  for  such
representations  to remain true, but Seller's  agreement to allow such amendment
of Buyer's Representation Certificate shall not affect or indicate any waiver of
any condition to Closing set forth in this  Agreement,  and Seller may terminate
this   Agreement,   if  Buyer  fails,   for  any  reason,   to  deliver  Buyer's
Representation  Certificate at Closing without any material change, except as to
changes which are permitted or contemplated pursuant to Section 8 hereof.


     Seller agrees to inform Buyer  promptly in writing if it discovers that any
representation or warranty of Buyer is inaccurate in any material respect, or if
it believes  that Buyer has failed to deliver to Seller any document or material
which it is obligated to deliver hereunder.

     If Seller  notifies  Buyer  prior to  Closing  that any  representation  or
warranty  made in Section 5 is not true and correct in any material  respect and
Buyer fails to cure or remedy the same prior to  Closing,  Seller may either (a)
except as otherwise set forth in this paragraph,  terminate this Agreement,  and
neither  party  shall  have  further  rights  or  obligations  pursuant  to this
Agreement;  or (b)  waive  any such  representation  or  warranty  and close the
transaction without any change in the Purchase Price.

     If  subsequent  to Closing,  Seller  notifies  Buyer within nine (9) months
after Closing that Seller  discovered  post-closing  that any  representation or
warranty made in Section 5 was not true and correct in any material  respect and
specifying  the breach  with  particularity,  Seller  shall have  available  all
remedies at law or in equity as a consequence thereof. If Seller does not notify
Buyer of the breach of any of its  representations  and  warranties set forth in
this  Section  5 and  institute  a  lawsuit  therefor  in a court  of  competent
jurisdiction within nine (9) months after the Closing, Seller shall be deemed to
have waived all of its rights to claim and sue for any breach by Buyer of any of
its representations and warranties made in this Section 5.

                                    SECTION 6

                            ACCESS; PURCHASE "AS IS"

     6.01 Prior to  Closing,  Buyer,  its agents and  representatives,  shall be
entitled to enter upon the Property (as coordinated  through  Seller's  property
manager),  including all leased areas, upon at least two (2) business days prior
notice to Seller,  to perform  inspections and tests of the Property,  including
surveys,  environmental  studies,  examinations  and tests of all structural and
mechanical systems within the Improvements, and to examine the books and records
and all other documents relating to the Property in the possession or control of
Seller  or  Seller's  property  manager.  Buyer  shall  also  have the  right to
interview Seller's on-site personnel and vendors. Seller shall have the right to
have  a  representative  present  during  all  times  that  Buyer,  its  agents,
consultants  or  representatives  have  entered the  Property for the purpose of
conducting  its  investigations  in accordance  with this Section  6.01.  Before
entering  upon the Property,  Buyer shall furnish to Seller  evidence of general
liability  insurance  coverage naming the Selling Entities as an insured in such
amounts  and  insuring  against  such  risks as Seller may  reasonably  require.
Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  Buyer  shall  not be  permitted  to  interfere
unreasonably  with the  operations  of the Selling  Entities at the  Property or
interfere with any tenant's occupancy at the Property, and the scheduling of any
inspections  shall take into  account the timing and  availability  of access to
tenants' premises, pursuant to tenants' rights under the Leases or otherwise. If
Buyer  wishes to engage in any testing  which will damage or disturb any portion
of the Property, Buyer shall obtain Seller's prior consent thereto, which may be
granted,  refused or conditioned


in the sole and absolute  discretion of Seller.  Without limiting the generality
of the  foregoing,  Seller's  written  approval  shall be required  prior to any
testing or sampling of surface or subsurface soils,  surface water,  groundwater
or  any  materials  in  or  about  the  Property  in  connection   with  Buyer's
environmental  due  diligence.  Buyer  shall  restore  the  Property to the same
condition  as existed  prior to such tests or  investigations,  shall repair any
damage to the  Property  caused by any such tests or  investigations,  and shall
indemnify the Selling Entities from any and all liabilities,  claims,  costs and
expenses  resulting  therefrom  or from any breach of any other  obligations  of
Buyer under this Section 6.01.  Buyer and its agents and  representatives  shall
not reveal or disclose any information  obtained  concerning the Property or the
Selling  Entities  to anyone  outside  of Buyer's  organization,  other than its
agents, consultants and representatives. The obligations and indemnification set
forth in this  Section 6.01 shall  survive  Closing or the  termination  of this

     6.02 Intentionally Omitted.






     6.04 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing release provisions of
this Section 6, except as otherwise provided herein,  Buyer waives any rights it
may have against the Selling  Entities or any Seller  Affiliates  in  connection
with any and all Liabilities  which arise or which are in any way related to any
Hazardous Materials in, on, above or beneath the Property or emanating therefrom
including,  without  limitation,  under CERCLA (defined below), and Buyer agrees
that it shall not (i)  implead  either of the  Selling  Entities,  (ii)  bring a
contribution  action or similar action against either of the Selling Entities or
(iii) attempt in any way to hold either of the Selling Entities responsible with
respect to any such matter. As used herein, "Hazardous Materials" shall mean and
include,  but shall not be limited to any petroleum product and all hazardous or
toxic  substances,  wastes or substances,  any substances which because of their
quantitated concentration, chemical, or active, flammable, explosive, infectious
or other characteristics, constitute or may reasonably be expected to constitute
or  contribute to a danger or hazard to public  health,  safety or welfare or to
the environment,  including, without limitation, any hazardous or toxic waste or
substances  which are  included  under or  regulated  (whether  now  exiting  or
hereafter  enacted or  promulgated,  as they may be  amended  from time to time)
including,  without limitation,  the Comprehensive and Liability Act of 1980, 42
U.S.C.  Section 9601 et seq. ("CERCLA"),  the Federal Resource  Conservation and
Recovery Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901 et seq., similar state laws and regulations
adopted thereunder (collectively, "Hazardous Materials Laws"). The provisions of
this Section 6.04 shall survive Closing or any termination of this Agreement.

     6.05 Seller has provided to Buyer certain  unaudited  historical  financial
information  regarding the Property relating to certain periods of time in which
Seller owned the Property.  Seller makes no representation or warranty that such
material is complete or accurate or that Buyer will achieve similar financial or
other  results  with  respect  to the  operations  of  the  Property,  it  being
acknowledged  by Buyer that  Seller's  operation  of the Property by the Selling
Entities and  allocations  of revenues or expenses may be vastly  different than
Buyer may be able to attain.  Buyer  acknowledges that it is a


sophisticated  and  experienced  purchaser of real estate and further that Buyer
has relied upon its own  investigation and inquiry with respect to the operation
of the  Property  and  releases the Selling  Entities  from any  liability  with
respect to such historical information.

                                    SECTION 7


     7.01  Maintenance of Insurance.  Until the Closing,  Seller shall cause the
present insurance on the Property to be maintained. Subject to the provisions of
Section 7.02, the risk of loss in and to the Property shall remain vested in the
Selling  Entities until the Closing.  Buyer will obtain its own insurance on the
Property at Closing.

     7.02 Casualty or Condemnation. If prior to the Closing, the Improvements or
any material portion thereof (having a replacement cost equal to or in excess of
twenty percent (20%) of the Purchase  Price) are damaged or destroyed by fire or
casualty,  or are taken by eminent domain by any  governmental  entity,  and the
Selling  Entities are unable to restore such damage or destruction  prior to the
Closing  Date in the case of a  casualty,  then  Buyer  shall  have the  option,
exercisable  by written  notice given to Seller at or prior to the  Closing,  to
terminate this Agreement,  whereupon all obligations of all parties hereto shall
cease,  the Deposit shall be returned to Buyer and this Agreement  shall be void
and without  recourse  to the parties  hereto  except for  provisions  which are
expressly  stated  to  survive  such  termination.  If Buyer  does not  elect to
terminate  this  Agreement  or if such  damage or  destruction  or taking  has a
replacement  cost or is in an amount of less than  twenty  percent  (20%) of the
Purchase  Price,  Buyer shall proceed with the purchase of the Property  without
reduction or offset of the Purchase Price, and in such case,  unless the Selling
Entities shall have  previously  restored the Property to its condition prior to
the occurrence of any such damage or destruction, the Selling Entities shall pay
over or  assign to Buyer  all  amounts  received  or due  from,  and all  claims
against,  any  insurance  company  or  governmental  entity  as a result of such
destruction  or taking  and Buyer  shall be  entitled  to a credit  against  the
Purchase Price equal to the deductible amount under the insurance  maintained by
the Selling Entities.

                                    SECTION 8


     Seller covenants that between the date of this Agreement and the Closing:

     8.01 Leases.  The Selling  Entities shall not without Buyer's prior written
consent  (which  consent  shall not be  unreasonably  withheld,  conditioned  or
delayed),  (a) enter into any new lease for an apartment  unit with a first-time
tenant  unless  the  lease is for a period of no more than one year and the rent
shall be not less than the then current  lease rent for such unit;  or (b) enter
into,  amend,  renew or extend any Lease for an apartment  unit with an existing
tenant  unless  the lease is for a period of not more than one year and that the
rent for the  amended,  renewal  or  extension  term  shall not be less than the
current lease rent for such unit; or (c) terminate any Lease except by reason of


default by the tenant thereunder or by reason of the provisions contained in the
Lease. If Buyer fails to reply to Seller's request for consent in a notice given
within five (5) days after Buyer receives such request, Buyer's consent shall be
deemed to have been granted.

     8.02  Continuation  of Service  Contracts.  The Selling  Entities shall not
modify or amend any Service  Contract or enter into any new service contract for
the Property unless the same is terminable  without penalty by the then owner of
the Property upon not more than thirty (30) days' notice. Buyer shall assume all
Service Contracts at Closing.

     8.03 Replacement of Personal  Property.  No personal  property  included as
part of the  Property  shall be  removed  from the  Property  unless the same is
replaced with similar items of at least equal quality prior to the Closing.

     8.04 Tax  Procedure.  The Selling  Entities  shall not withdraw,  settle or
otherwise  compromise any protest or reduction  proceeding affecting real estate
taxes  assessed  against the Property for any fiscal period in which the Closing
is to occur or any subsequent fiscal period without the prior written consent of
Buyer.  Real estate tax refunds and credits received after the Closing which are
attributable  to the fiscal tax year during  which the Closing  occurs  shall be
apportioned between Seller and Buyer, after deducting the expenses of collection
thereof,  based upon the relative  time periods  each owns the  Property,  which
obligation shall survive the Closing.

     8.05   Access.   The  Selling   Entities   shall  allow  Buyer  or  Buyer's
representatives  access to the Property, the Leases and other documents required
to be delivered under this Agreement upon reasonable  prior notice at reasonable
times;  provided  Buyer agrees that the original  leases and all other  original
documents  shall remain on-site at the Property.

     8.06  Operations.  The  Selling  Entities  shall  manage and  maintain  the
Property in good operating condition  comparable to that existing as of the date
hereof, normal wear and tear and casualty and condemnation damage excepted.  The
Selling Entities will perform all current non-structural maintenance and repairs
as may be needed to maintain the Property or as may be reasonably appropriate to
facilitate  the leasing of vacant rental space.  The Selling  Entities will make
replacements  of items of  furniture,  fixtures  and  equipment  under  the same
circumstances  and according to the same standard  that such  replacements  have
been made in the past.

     8.07  Miscellaneous.  During the period from the date of this  Agreement to
the  Closing  Date,  and except as may be  required  or  specifically  permitted
pursuant to this  Agreement  or otherwise  consented  to by Buyer,  Seller shall
cause the Corporation:

          (a)  not  to  declare  or pay  any  dividends  on or  make  any  other
     distributions in respect of any shares of Stock;

          (b) not to adopt any  amendments to its Articles of  Incorporation  or
     other charter documents or by-laws;


          (c)  not to  issue,  deliver  or sell  any  shares  (whether  original
     issuance  or from  treasury  shares)  of its  capital  stock or  securities
     convertible  into or exercisable for shares of its capital stock, or effect
     any stock split, reverse stock split, recapitalization, reclassification or
     similar  transaction or otherwise  change its equity  capitalization  as it
     exists on the date hereof;

          (d) not to  purchase,  redeem or  otherwise  acquire any shares of its
     capital stock or any securities  convertible  into or  exercisable  for any
     shares of its capital stock; and

          (e) not to authorize,  recommend,  propose or announce an intention to
     authorize,  recommend or propose,  or enter into an agreement  with respect
     to, any merger,  consolidation,  purchase  and  assumption  transaction  or
     business  combination  (other than the  Acquisition),  any acquisition of a
     material amount of assets or securities or assumption of liabilities or any
     disposition of a material amount of assets or securities.

                                    SECTION 9

                          SELLER'S CLOSING OBLIGATIONS

     9.01 Closing,  Deliveries  and  Obligations.  At the Closing,  Seller shall
deliver the following to Buyer:

          (a) Stock Power.  A Stock Power duly executed by the Seller,  pursuant
     to which the Seller shall convey the Stock to the Buyer.

          (b) Stock Certificates.  All certificates  evidencing ownership of the
     Stock, endorsed by Seller to the Buyer.

          (c)  Corporate   Documents.   Certified  copies  of  the  Articles  of
     Incorporation  and all amendments  thereto of the Corporation  certified by
     the Maryland  State  Department of  Assessments  and Taxation  ("SDAT") and
     certified  copies of the By-Laws of the  Corporation,  and a good  standing
     certificate from SDAT.

          (d)  Lease  Records.  Original  copies  of  all  Leases,  and  related
     documents in the  possession  or under the control of Seller.  Such records
     shall  include a schedule  of all cash  security  deposits  (including  pet
     deposits and interest,  if any) and a check to Buyer or credit  against the
     Purchase  Price in the  amount of such  security  deposits  (including  pet
     deposits  and  interest,  if any) held by Seller at the  Closing  under the
     Leases together with appropriate instruments of transfer or assignment with
     respect  to any lease  securities  which are other than cash and a schedule
     updating  the Rent  Roll and  setting  forth all  arrears  in rents and all
     prepayments of rents.

          (e) Permits;  Warranties.  Seller shall deliver,  to the extent in the
     possession of Seller,  all original  warranties and guaranties and original
     copies of all certificates, licenses, permits, authorizations and approvals
     issued for or with  respect to the  Property  by  governmental  authorities
     having  jurisdiction,  except that  photocopies


     may be  substituted  if the  originals  are posted at the  Property  or are
     otherwise not available.

          (f)  Title  Affidavits.  Such  affidavits  as the  Title  Insurer  may
     reasonably  require  in order to omit from its title  insurance  policy all
     exceptions  for (i)  parties in  possession  other than under the rights to
     possession  granted under the Leases;  (ii) mechanics'  liens; and (iii) in
     the event  Buyer  elects to  purchase  a  non-imputation  endorsement,  any
     affidavit   reasonably   required  by  the  title  company  to  issue  such

          (g) Files.  Seller shall make all of its files and records relating to
     the  Property  available  to Buyer at the Property  upon  reasonable  prior
     notice for copying, which obligation shall survive the Closing.

          (h) Notices of Sale. Sufficient letters,  executed by Seller, advising
     the  tenants  under  the  Leases of the sale of the  Property  to Buyer and
     directing that all rents and other payments  thereafter  becoming due under
     the Leases be sent to Buyer or as Buyer may direct.

          (i)  Non-Foreign  Affidavit.  The Selling  Entities  shall execute and
     deliver to Buyer and Buyer's  counsel,  at Closing such  evidence as may be
     reasonably  required by Buyer to show  compliance  by the Selling  Entities
     with  the  Foreign  Investment  and Real  Property  Tax  Act,  IRC  Section
     1445(b)(2), as amended.

          (j) Seller's Representation  Certificate.  The Seller's Representation
     Certificate duly executed by Seller as provided in Section 4 hereof in form
     reasonably satisfactory to Buyer's and Seller's counsel.

          (k) Seller's  Resolutions.  Resolutions of the Seller  authorizing the
     sale of the Stock in accordance with the terms hereof.

          (l)  Closing  Statement.  A  closing  statement,  in  form  reasonably
     satisfactory to Buyer's and Seller's counsel.

          (m)  Termination  of  Management  Agreement.   A  termination  of  any
     management  agreements  affecting  the  Property,  signed by Seller and the

          (n)  Security  Deposits.  In lieu of acquiring  the existing  Security
     Deposit accounts,  Buyer may receive a credit at Closing equal to the total
     of all Security  Deposits plus accrued  interest to the extent  required by
     law. In that event,  Buyer shall execute any documentation  required by the
     lending  institution  holding the Security Deposits  directing it to refund
     the Security Deposit plus interest to the Seller.

          (o) UCC Searches.  Buyer shall have  obtained,  at its cost,  Maryland
     State UCC searches,  against the Property,  the  Corporation and the Seller
     (related to the  Property),  which shall be clear of all liens  (other than
     those filed as security in connection with any loans previously paid off or
     to be paid off by Seller at Closing).


     9.02 Seller's Expenses.  Seller shall pay its own counsel fees and one-half
of any escrow fees. As this  transaction has been structured as a sale of stock,
the parties anticipate that no state or local transfer or recordation taxes will
be due.  However,  in the event it is determined that state or local transfer or
recordation taxes are due as a result of the transaction  described herein,  the
parties shall share the cost of such taxes equally. This provision shall survive
Closing for a period of nine (9) months.

                                   SECTION 10

                           BUYER'S CLOSING OBLIGATIONS

     At the Closing, Buyer shall:

     10.01 Payment of Purchase  Price.  Deliver to Seller the Purchase Price, as
adjusted  for (i)  apportionments  under  Section  11 and (ii)  any  adjustments
thereto required pursuant to the express provisions of this Agreement.

     10.02  Buyer's  Representation  Certificate.   The  Buyer's  Representation
Certificate  duly  executed  by Buyer as  provided  in  Section 5 hereof in form
reasonably satisfactory to Buyer's and Seller's counsel.

     10.03 Other Documents.  Deliver a closing statement and any other documents
required by this Agreement to be delivered by Buyer.

     10.04 Buyer's Expenses.  Pay its own counsel fees, costs of Buyer's owner's
title  policy,  costs  of  survey,  all  costs  related  to  its  due  diligence
investigations,  and one-half of any escrow fees. As this  transaction  has been
structured  as a sale of stock,  the parties  anticipate  that no state or local
transfer  or  recordation  taxes  will  be  due.  However,  in the  event  it is
determined that state or local transfer or recordation taxes are due as a result
of the transaction  described  herein,  the parties shall share the cost of such
taxes  equally.  This provision  shall survive  Closing for a period of nine (9)

                                   SECTION 11


     The  following  apportionments  shall be made  between  the  parties at the
Closing as of the close of the business day prior to the Closing:

          (a) Buyer  shall  receive  from Seller a credit for any rent and other
     income under Leases  collected by the Selling  Entities before Closing that
     applies to any period after Closing. Uncollected rent and other uncollected
     income shall not be prorated at Closing.  After Closing,  Buyer shall apply
     all rent and income collected by Buyer from a tenant, first to the month in
     which Closing  occurred,  then to such tenant's  current monthly rental and
     then to arrearages  in the reverse order in which they were due,  remitting
     promptly to Seller,  any balance  properly  allocable  to periods  prior to
     Closing.  Buyer  shall  bill and use  commercially  reasonable  efforts  to
     collect such rent arrearages in


     the  ordinary  course of  business,  but shall not be obligated to engage a
     collection  agency or take  legal  action to collect  any rent  arrearages.
     After the Closing,  the Seller shall continue to have the right, in its own
     name,  to demand  payment of and to  collect  rent  arrearages  owed to the
     Seller by any  tenant for  periods  prior to  Closing,  which  right  shall
     include,  without  limitation,  the right to  continue  or  commence  legal
     actions or  proceedings  against any tenant.  The Buyer agrees to cooperate
     with the  Seller in  connection  with all  efforts by the Seller to collect
     such rents and to take all steps, whether before or after the Closing Date,
     as may be reasonably necessary to carry out the intention of the foregoing,
     including,  without limitation, the delivery to the Seller, upon demand, of
     any relevant books and records  (including any rent  statements,  receipted
     bills and  copies of tenant  checks  used in  payment  of such  rent),  the
     execution of any and all consents or other  documents,  and the undertaking
     of any action reasonably  necessary for the collection of such rents by the

          (b) it is the  intent  of  the  parties  that  all  security  deposits
     (including pet deposits and interest,  if any) shown on the Rent Roll shall
     be transferred by Seller to Buyer at Closing;  on the Closing,  Buyer shall
     in  writing  acknowledge  receipt  of and  expressly  assume  all  Seller's
     financial  and custodial  obligations  with respect  thereto,  it being the
     intent and  purpose of this  provision  that,  at  Closing,  Seller will be
     relieved of all fiduciary and  custodial  obligations,  and that Buyer will
     assume all such obligations and be directly accountable to the residents of
     the Property with respect thereto;

          (c) there shall be no adjustment for wages,  vacation pay, pension and
     welfare  benefits  and other  fringe  benefits of all  persons  employed by
     Seller  at  the  Property;   it  being  the  intent  of  the  parties  that
     simultaneously  with the  Closing,  Seller  shall  terminate  any  existing
     management  agreement and Buyer shall have no liability or obligation  with
     respect  to any  employee  of Seller  or its  management  company  prior to

          (d) electricity charges, water charges, sewer rents and vault charges,
     if any,  and other  utility  charges on the basis of the fiscal  period for
     which assessed; to the extent possible,  as of Closing,  Seller shall close
     each utility  account,  retain any utility  deposit and arrange for a final
     utility reading;  otherwise apportionment of utilities at the Closing shall
     be based on the last  available  reading,  subject to adjustment  after the
     Closing on a per diem basis, when the next reading is available;

          (e) all general real estate and personal  property  taxes and other ad
     valorem taxes and assessments; and

          (f) prepayments  paid by Seller under Service  Contracts and under any
     Terminable  Service  Contract,  but only to the extent not terminated until
     after Closing.

     If  the  Closing  shall  occur  before  a  new  tax  rate  is  fixed,   the
apportionment  of taxes at the  Closing  shall be upon the  basis of the old tax
rate for the preceding period applied to the latest assessed valuation. Promptly
after the new tax rate is fixed, the apportionment of taxes shall be recomputed.
Any discrepancy resulting from such


recomputation  and any errors or omissions in  computing  apportionments  at the
Closing shall be promptly corrected, which obligation shall survive the Closing.
If any operating expenses or other prorations cannot  conclusively be determined
as of the date of Closing, then the same shall be adjusted at Closing based upon
the most recently  issued bills thus far and shall be  re-adjusted  within sixty
(60) days, or such longer period as may be necessary,  after the Closing occurs.
The provisions of this Section 11 shall survive the Closing.

                                   SECTION 12

                               FAILURE TO PERFORM

     12.01  Buyer's  Election.  If Seller is unable to satisfy  all of  Seller's
obligations as set forth in this Agreement, Buyer shall have the right to elect,
in its sole  discretion,  at the  Closing,  to accept the Stock  subject to such
unfulfilled obligations and to pay therefor the Purchase Price without reduction
or offset.

     12.02 Seller's Default. If at the Closing,  Seller is unable to satisfy all
of Seller's obligations as set forth in this Agreement, and Buyer does not elect
to acquire the Stock as provided in Section  12.01,  Seller  shall be in default
under this Agreement and all Deposits made hereunder shall be forthwith returned
to Buyer. Except as set forth in the next succeeding sentence, the return of the
Deposit  shall be the sole and  exclusive  remedy of Buyer.  In  addition to the
foregoing,  if Buyer desires to purchase the Stock in accordance  with the terms
of  this  Agreement  and  Seller  intentionally   refuses  to  perform  Seller's
obligations  hereunder,  Buyer, at its option, and as Buyer's sole and exclusive
remedy,  shall  have the right to compel  specific  performance  or  affirmative
injunctive  relief by Seller  hereunder (and, if Buyer is the prevailing  party,
Buyer shall be reimbursed for its reasonable attorney's fees) in which event any
Deposit  made  hereunder  shall be  delivered  to Seller at Closing and credited
against the Purchase Price.

     12.03 Buyer's Default. The parties acknowledge that in the event of Buyer's
failure to fulfill its obligations hereunder it is impossible to compute exactly
the damages  which would accrue to Seller in such event.  The parties have taken
these facts into account in setting the amount of the Deposit, required pursuant
to Section  1.04,  and hereby  agree  that:  (i) such amount  together  with the
interest  earned thereon is the  pre-estimate of such damages which would accrue
to Seller;  (ii) such amount  represents  damages  and not any  penalty  against
Buyer;  and (iii) if this  Agreement  shall be terminated by Seller by reason of
Buyer's failure to fulfill Buyer's obligations  hereunder,  the Deposit together
with the interest thereon shall be Seller's full and liquidated  damages in lieu
of all other rights and remedies  which Seller may have against  Buyer at law or
in equity.


                                   SECTION 13

                                 BROKERAGE FEES

     13.01 Brokerage Fees. Seller and Buyer mutually  represent and warrant that
neither  Seller  nor Buyer has dealt  with any  broker in  connection  with this
purchase and sale and that neither  Seller nor Buyer knows of any broker who has
claimed  or may have the right to claim a  commission  in  connection  with this
purchase  and sale.  Seller and Buyer  shall  indemnify  and  defend  each other
against any costs, claims or expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of
the  breach on their  respective  parts of any  representations,  warranties  or
agreements  contained in this Section. The representations and obligations under
this Section  shall  survive the Closing or, if the Closing does not occur,  the
termination of this Agreement.

                                   SECTION 14


     14.01  Effective  Notices.  All notices  under this  Agreement  shall be in
writing and shall be delivered personally or shall be sent by Federal Express or
other  comparable  overnight  delivery  courier,  addressed  as set forth at the
beginning  of  this  Agreement.  Notices  shall  be  deemed  effective,  when so
delivered.  Copies  of all  such  notices  to Buyer  shall  also be sent to Home
Properties of New York,  L.P., 850 Clinton  Square,  Rochester,  New York 14604,
Attention:  Kathleen K. Suher, Esq. and Norman Leenhouts, and copies of all such
notices to Seller shall also be sent to Scott D. Spelfogel,  Esq., The Berkshire
Group,  One Beacon Street,  Boston,  Massachusetts  02108 and Richard A. Toelke,
Esq., Bingham Dana LLP, 150 Federal Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02110.

                                   SECTION 15

                             LIMITATIONS ON SURVIVAL

     15.01  Representations  and  Warranties.   Except  as  otherwise  expressly
provided in this Agreement, no representations,  warranties,  covenants or other
obligations of Seller set forth in this Agreement shall survive the Closing, and
no action based thereon shall be commenced after Closing.  The  representations,
warranties, covenants and other obligations of Seller set forth in Section 5 and
of Buyer set forth in Section 6 shall  survive  until nine (9) months  after the
Closing,  and no action  based  thereon  shall be  commenced  more than nine (9)
months after the Closing.

     15.02  Merger.  The delivery of the items listed in Section 9.01 by Seller,
and the acceptance  thereof by Buyer,  shall be deemed the full  performance and
discharge  of each and every  obligation  on the part of Seller to be  performed
hereunder  and shall be merged in the  delivery  and  acceptance  of such items,
except as provided  in Section  15.01 and except for such other  obligations  of
Seller which are expressly provided herein to survive the Closing.


                                   SECTION 16

                              INTENTIONALLY OMITTED

                                   Section 17

                            MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

     17.01  Assignment.  Buyer shall not have the right to assign this Agreement
without Seller's prior written  consent,  which consent may be given or withheld
in Seller's sole and absolute discretion.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  Buyer
shall be  entitled  to assign  this  Agreement  and its  rights  hereunder  to a
corporation, general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company
or other  lawful  entity  entitled  to do  business  in the  state in which  the
Property is located provided such entity shall be controlled by,  controlling or
under the common  control  with Buyer or an Exchange  Accommodation  Titleholder
pursuant to Section  17.15  ("Assignee").  In the event of such an assignment of
this Agreement to Assignee (a) Buyer shall notify Seller at least seven (7) days
prior to Closing and (b) Assignee  shall assume all  obligations  of Buyer under
this  Agreement,  provided that Buyer shall remain jointly and severally  liable
for all obligations under this Agreement, including, without limitation, payment
of the Purchase Price.

     17.02  Limitation  of  Seller's  Liability.  No  shareholders,  partners or
members of any of the Selling  Entities (except Seller as the stockholder of the
Corporation) nor any of their respective officers, directors, agents, employees,
heirs,  successors or assigns  shall have any personal  liability of any kind or
nature for or by reason of any matter or thing  whatsoever  under, in connection
with,  arising  out  of  or in  any  way  related  to  this  Agreement  and  the
transactions  contemplated herein, and Buyer hereby waives for itself and anyone
who may claim by, through or under Buyer any and all rights to sue or recover on
account of any such alleged personal liability.

     Notwithstanding anything set forth in this Agreement to the contrary, Buyer
agrees that the Selling Entities shall have no liability to Buyer for any breach
of Seller's covenants,  agreements,  representations or warranties  hereunder or
under any other  agreement,  document,  certificate  or instrument  delivered by
Seller to Buyer  unless  the valid  claims  for all such  breaches  collectively
aggregate more than Fifty Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($50,000),  in which event
the full  amount of such valid  claims  shall be  actionable,  up to the cap set
forth in the following sentence. Further, Buyer agrees that any recovery against
the Selling  Entities for any breach of covenants,  agreements,  representations
and warranties hereunder or under any other agreement,  document, certificate or
instrument  delivered  by the  Selling  Entities  to  Buyer,  or  under  any law
applicable  to the  Property  or this  transaction,  shall be limited to Buyer's
actual  damages not in excess of Four Hundred Fifty  Thousand and No/100 Dollars
($450,000.00)  in the  aggregate and that in no event shall Buyer be entitled to
seek or obtain any other  damages of any kind,  including,  without  limitation,
consequential,  indirect  or  punitive  damages.


The foregoing  limitation  of liability  shall not apply in the case of fraud or
intentional and material misrepresentation.

     17.03  Integration.  This  Agreement  embodies and  constitutes  the entire
understanding  between the parties with respect to the transaction  contemplated
herein,   and  all  prior  agreements,   understandings,   representations   and
statements,  oral or  written,  are merged  into this  Agreement.  Neither  this
Agreement nor any provision hereof may be waived, modified,  amended, discharged
or  terminated  except by an  instrument  signed by the party  against  whom the
enforcement of such waiver, modification, amendment, discharge or termination is
sought, and then only to the extent set forth in such instrument.

     17.04  Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in
accordance with the laws of the state in which the Property is located.

     17.05 Captions. The captions in this Agreement are inserted for convenience
of reference only and in no way define, describe or limit the scope or intent of
this Agreement or any of the provisions hereof.

     17.06 Bind and Inure.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure
to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective,  permitted successors
and assigns.

     17.07  Drafts.  This  Agreement  shall not be  binding or  effective  until
properly  executed and delivered by both Seller and Buyer. The delivery by Buyer
to Seller of an executed counterpart of this Agreement shall constitute an offer
which may be accepted by the delivery to Buyer of a duly executed counterpart of
this Agreement and the  satisfaction of all conditions under which such offer is
made, but such offer may be revoked by Buyer by written notice given at any time
prior to such acceptance and satisfaction.

     17.08 Number and Gender.  As used in this  Agreement,  the masculine  shall
include the feminine and neuter,  the singular  shall include the plural and the
plural shall include the singular, as the context may require.

     17.09  Attachments.  If the  provisions  of any  schedule  or rider to this
Agreement are inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement, the provisions
of such  schedule or rider shall  prevail.  The  Schedules  attached  are hereby
incorporated as integral parts of this Agreement.

     17.10 No Recording. Neither this Agreement nor any memorandum or short form
hereof shall be recorded or filed in any public land or other public  records of
any jurisdiction, by either party and any attempt to do so may be treated by the
other party as a breach of this Agreement.

     17.11 Time of the  Essence.  Time is of the  essence  with  respect to this
Agreement,  including but not limited to the occurrence of the Closing as of the
originally scheduled date.


     17.12  Property  Information  and  Confidentiality.  The Buyer agrees that,
prior to the Closing, all Property  information  furnished by Seller to Buyer or
discovered by Buyer shall be kept strictly  confidential  and shall not, without
the prior  consent  of the  Seller,  be  disclosed  by the Buyer or the  Buyer's
representatives,  in any manner whatsoever, in whole or in part, and will not be
used by the Buyer or the Buyer's  representatives,  directly or indirectly,  for
any purpose other than evaluating the Property. Moreover, the Buyer agrees that,
prior to the Closing,  such  information will be transmitted only to the Buyer's
representatives  (i) who  need to  know  such  information  for the  purpose  of
evaluating the Property,  and who are informed by the Buyer of the  confidential
nature of such  information  and (ii) who agree to be bound by the terms of this
Section  17.12.  The provisions of this Section 17.12 shall in no event apply to
information  which is a matter of public record and shall not prevent Buyer from
complying with applicable  laws,  including,  without  limitation,  governmental
regulatory disclosure, tax and reporting requirements.

     17.13 Press Releases.  The Buyer and Seller, for the benefit of each other,
hereby  agree that between the date hereof and the Closing  Date,  they will not
release or cause or permit to be released any press notices,  publicity (oral or
written) or advertising promotion relating to, or otherwise announce or disclose
or cause or permit to be announced or disclosed,  in any manner whatsoever,  the
terms,   conditions  or  substance  of  this   Agreement  or  the   transactions
contemplated  herein,  without first  obtaining the written consent of the other
party hereto.  It is understood  that the  foregoing  shall not preclude  either
party from discussing the substance or any relevant  details of the transactions
contemplated  in  this  Agreement  with  any  of  its  attorneys,   accountants,
professional  consultants or potential  lenders,  as the case may be, or prevent
either party hereto from  complying with  applicable  laws,  including,  without
limitation, governmental regulatory, disclosure, tax and reporting requirements.

     17.14  Return of  Property  Information.  In the event  this  Agreement  is
terminated,  the Buyer and the Buyer's representatives shall promptly deliver to
the Seller all  originals  and copies of all  information  provided  to Buyer to
Seller relating to the Property.  Notwithstanding  anything  contained herein to
the contrary, in no event shall the Buyer be entitled to receive a return of the
Deposit or the accrued interest thereon,  if any, if and when otherwise entitled
thereto  pursuant to this Agreement until such time as the Buyer and the Buyer's
Representatives  shall have performed the obligations contained in the preceding

     17.15 Tax-Free Exchange.

          (a)  Notwithstanding  any  terms in this  Agreement  to the  contrary,
     Seller  and Buyer  shall  have the  right to  consummate  the  transactions
     contemplated   by  this  Agreement  in  a  manner  which   qualifies  as  a
     tax-deferred exchange, in whole or in part, under the provisions of Section
     1031 of the Code, and the Treasury Regulations thereunder.


          (b) Buyer and Seller agree to  cooperate  with each other with respect
     to any tax-deferred  exchange pursuant to the provisions of Section 1031 of
     the Code and the Treasury Regulations thereunder and to execute any and all
     documents reasonably requested by the other party in connection  therewith,
     provided that (i) the cooperating party shall not incur additional costs or
     expenses  attributable  to the exchange,  including  reasonable  attorneys'
     fees, deed excise taxes and recording fees; and (ii) the cooperating  party
     shall not be required to purchase any  replacement  property in  connection
     with any such deferred exchange (the "Replacement Property").

          (c) Seller and Buyer  acknowledge that the cooperating party shall not
     be  deemed  the  requesting  party's  agent  in  connection  with  any such
     exchange.  Seller and Buyer  further  acknowledge  that all  agreements  in
     connection with performing the exchange shall be prepared at the requesting
     party's expense by the requesting party's counsel.

          (d) Without  limiting  the  foregoing,  each of Seller and Buyer shall
     have the right to transfer all or any portion of its  interests  under this
     Agreement  to a qualified  intermediary  (the  "Intermediary")  or Exchange
     Accommodation   Titleholder  ("Exchange   Accommodation   Titleholder")  in
     accordance with the provisions of Section 1031 of the Code and the Treasury
     Regulations thereunder.

          (e) The terms and  provisions  of this Section 17.15 shall survive the

     17.16 Audit. The Seller will provide access by Buyer's representatives,  to
all financial and other information relating to the Property as is sufficient to
enable them to prepare audited  financial  statements,  at Buyer's  expense,  in
conformity with  Regulation S-X of the Securities and Exchanges  Commission (the
"Commission")  and any registration  statement,  report or disclosure  statement
required to be filed with the Commission.


         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement
under seal as of the date first above written.

                                            SELLER ENTITIES:
                                            FENTIL, INC., a Maryland corporation
                                            By: Krupp Realty Limited Partnership
                                             - IV, a Massachusetts limited
________________________________             partnership, its sole shareholder

                                                  By: The  Krupp  Corporation, a
                                                      Massachusetts corporation,
                                                      its general partner


________________________________                  By:___________________________



                                            KRUPP        REALTY          LIMITED
                                            PARTNERSHIP -  IV,  a  Massachusetts
                                            limited partnership

                                            By:    The   Krupp   Corporation,  a
                                            Massachusetts    corporation,    its
                                            general partner


________________________________                    By:_________________________





                                            HOME   PROPERTIES   OF   NEW   YORK

                                            By:      HOME PROPERTIES OF
________________________________                     NEW YORK, INC.,
                                                       its general partner






     The Purchase and Sale  Agreement,  has been received by the Escrow Agent on
this the _______ day of ______________,  2001, and the Escrow Agent acknowledges
the terms thereof and agrees to perform as Escrow Agent in accordance therewith.

                                            ESCROW AGENT

                                            LANDAMERICA     TITLE      INSURANCE





                          LIST OF SCHEDULES & EXHIBITS

        Schedule A - Description of Land
        Schedule B - Personal Property
        Schedule C - Rent Roll
        Schedule D - Service Contracts
        Schedule E - Litigation
        Schedule F - Liabilities

        Exhibit A - Agreement to Hold Title
        Exhibit B - Corporation's Tax Returns


                                   SCHEDULE E



                                   SCHEDULE F

