EXHIBIT 10(h)(i)
     THIS  EXECUTIVE  SERVICES AGREEMENT (the "Agreement"),  made
effective  January 5, 1998, by and between QMS, Inc., a  Delaware
corporation,  and Edward E. Lucente ("Lucente" ),  an  individual
presently  residing at Sanibel Island, Florida.  QMS and  Lucente
are collectively referred to in this Agreement as the "Parties".

     In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises of the
parties  to  this Agreement, the sufficiency of which  is  hereby
acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:

     1.   Employment.  QMS employs Lucente as president and chief
executive  officer to serve at the pleasure of the QMS  Board  of
Directors  (the  "Board"), and Lucente accepts  such  employment,
subject  to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.   Lucente
will  serve  QMS faithfully and to the best of his ability  under
the  direction of the Board, and Lucente will devote all  of  his
time,  energy,  and skill during regular business hours  to  such

     2.    Term of Employment.  This Agreement and the employment
under  this Agreement shall commence on the effective date stated
above,  and  continue until terminated by the Board or  Lucente's
resignation from QMS.

     3.    Directorships.

     (a)  Lucente hereby consents to serve as director of QMS  as
of  the  effective date of this Agreement, serving as a Class  II
director  pursuant to his appointment by the Board in  accordance
with  the  By-Laws  of QMS.  The Parties acknowledge  it  is  the
expressed  intent of the Board to elect Lucente to serve  as  the
chairman of the Board as of October 3, 1998.

     (b)  Lucente  shall resign from the Board of   Directors  of
Genicom Corporation prior to January 5, 1998.

     4.   Compensation.

     (a)  Lucente's initial base salary shall be  at  a  rate  of
$350,000 per year and will be reviewed at least annually  by  the
Compensation  Committee of the Board.  QMS  shall  pay  Lucente's
base  salary on a pro rata basis every two weeks pursuant to QMS'
normal payroll practices.

     (b)   Lucente   shall  be  eligible  for   incentive   bonus
compensation in the amount of $350,000 annualized for QMS' Fiscal
1998, payable as follows:

          (i)  $29,167 per month for the months of
               January  through June, 1998.   This
               monthly amount is guaranteed by QMS
               regardless   of  QMS'   performance
               during that period.
          (ii) $87,501    contingent   upon    QMS
               realizing    a    pre-tax    profit
               (calculated     after     incentive
               compensation  payments  to  Lucente
               are  accounted  for) of  $3,800,000
               ("Profit  Target") for  QMS  Fiscal
               1998.   This  payment,  if  earned,
               shall be made to Lucente by October
               30, 1998.

          (iii)      $20,000 for each $100,000  of
               pre-tax  profit  (calculated  after
               incentive compensation payments  to
               Lucente  are accounted for)  earned
               by  QMS above the Profit Target, up
               to maximum of $200,000.

     (c) Lucente shall be granted options for the purchase of QMS
common stock as follows:
          (i)  300,000 total shares, as of January
               5,   1998,  at  an  exercise  price
               representing the closing  price  of
               QMS'  stock on January 5, 1998  for
               100,000 shares ("ISO") and  at  the
               closing price of QMS' common  stock
               on  December  12, 1997 for  200,000
               shares  of  non-qualified.  100,000
               shares  shall  be "Incentive  Stock
               Options"  ("ISO") as that  term  is
               defined  in  the  Internal  Revenue
               Code, and the balance shall be non-
               qualified  options.  The  grant  of
               100,000   shares   of   such   non-
               qualified    options    shall    be
               contingent  upon  the  approval  on
               January   20,  1998  by   the   QMS
               Shareholders     of    management's
               request  for additional shares  for
               the  1997 Stock Incentive Plan (the
               "Plan").  Vesting shall be 33,333.3
               shares per year for three years for
               the  ISO grant, and 66,666.6 shares
               per   year  for  the  non-qualified

          (ii) Contingent  upon  the  approval  on
               January   20,  1998  by   the   QMS
               shareholders     of    management's
               request  for additional shares  for
               the   1997  Stock  Incentive  Plan,
               100,000  shares (non-qualified)  as
               of  January 5, 1998  at an exercise
               price equal to the closing price of
               QMS'  common stock on December  12,
               1997,  exercisable when and if  the
               value of QMS' common stock averages
               $7.00 per share for two consecutive
               weeks.   Vesting  for  such  shares
               shall be immediate.

          (iii)      Contingent upon the  approval
               on  January  20, 1998  by  the  QMS
               shareholders     of    management's
               request  for additional shares  for
               the   1997  Stock  Incentive  Plan,
               100,000  shares (non-qualified)  as
               of  January 5, 1998 at an  exercise
               price equal to the closing price of
               QMS'  common stock on December  12,
               1997,  exercisable when and if  the
               value of QMS' common stock averages
               $12.00    per   share    for    two
               consecutive weeks. Vesting for such
               shares shall be immediate.

     (d) Lucente shall be paid a monthly automobile allowance  in
the  amount  of  $750, payable on the first  day  of  each  month
(except for the initial payment which shall be made by January 9,

     (e)  Lucente  shall be reimbursed for any  initiation  fees,
bonds and membership dues incurred by him for his membership in a
social club in the Mobile, Alabama area.

5.   Relocation  Bonus.  Lucente shall be paid a  $150,000  gross
payment  in  lump  sum upon his request following  his  permanent
relocation  to  the  Mobile, Alabama  area  for  the  purpose  of
performing his obligations under this Agreement.  This payment is
in  lieu  of  all  other obligations of QMS  regarding  Lucente's
expenses  incurred in his relocation except for QMS's  obligation
to  reimburse  Lucente  for  the  reasonable  costs  of  packing,
transporting,  storage and unpacking his household  effects  from
Nashville, Tennessee to the Mobile, Alabama area.

6. Termination.

     (a)  Except  as provided in Section 6(b) of this  Agreement,
this Agreement may be immediately terminated on written notice to
Lucente  by  the QMS Secretary on behalf of the Board if  Lucente
fails to perform or to comply with any material term or condition
of this Agreement.

     (b)  If  Lucente  shall  fail or be unable  to  perform  the
services required under this Agreement because of any physical or
mental  infirmity, and such failure or inability  shall  continue
for  three  (3) consecutive months, or for six (6) months  during
any consecutive twelve-month period, QMS shall have the right  to
terminate this Agreement 90 days after delivering written  notice
of  such  termination to Lucente; provided, however, that Lucente
shall  continue  to  receive  his full  compensation  under  this
Agreement  to  the  date of termination, in  spite  of  any  such
infirmity.  The non-competition provisions of Sections  7  and  8
shall  continue  in effect in spite of such termination  of  this
Agreement,  but  if,  after  recovery  from  such  infirmity   as
evidenced  by  a medical certificate of a physician  retained  by
QMS,  QMS  does  not choose to retain Lucente in  some  executive
capacity, the noncompetition provisions of Sections 7 and  8,  if
still in effect, shall cease to be operative.

7.   Non-Competition.  Lucente agrees that, in  addition  to  any
other  limitation,  for  a  period of two  (2)  years  after  the
termination of his employment under this Agreement, except for  a
termination  caused  by QMS in violation of  the  terms  of  this
Agreement, Lucente will not directly or indirectly engage in,  or
in  any manner be connected with or employed by any person, firm,
corporation, or other entity in competition with QMS  or  engaged
in  the  development,  manufacture or sale  of  document  imaging
solutions or related technologies in the United States.

8.   Solicitation  After Termination.  Lucente  agrees  that,  in
addition  to any other limitation, for a period of two (2)  years
after the termination of this Agreement, except for a termination
caused  by QMS in violation of this Agreement, Lucente will  not,
on  behalf of himself or any other person, firm, corporation,  or
other entity, solicit, recruit, or divert any employee of QMS, or
any candidate for employment by QMS,  for employment elsewhere.

9.  Use  of  Confidential Information.  Lucente agrees  that,  in
addition  to  any  other limitation contained in this  Agreement,
regardless of the circumstances of the termination of employment,
he  will  not  communicate to any person, firm,  corporation,  or
other   entity  any  information  relating  to  customers  lists,
unpublished   costs   and   prices,  designs,   and   proprietary
technology,  or any other confidential knowledge or secrets  that
Lucente  might  from  time to time acquire with  respect  to  the
business of QMS, or any of its subsidiaries.

10.  Injunctive  Relief.  Lucente hereby  acknowledges  that  the
services  to  be rendered under this Agreement are of  a  unique,
special,  and extraordinary character that would be difficult  or
impossible for QMS to replace, and  by reason of such difficulty,
employee  hereby  agrees  that for a  violation  of  any  of  the
provisions of this Agreement, QMS shall, in addition to any other
rights  and remedies available under this Agreement,  at  law  or
otherwise, be entitled to an injunction to be issued by any court
of  competent jurisdiction enjoining and restraining Lucente from
committing  any  violation of this Agreement, and Lucente  hereby
consents to the issuance of such injunction.

11.  Termination by Lucente.  If QMS shall cease  conducting  its
business,  take  any  action looking toward  its  dissolution  or
liquidation, admit in writing its inability to pay its  debts  as
they  become  due,  file a voluntary or  be  the  subject  of  an
involuntary  petition in bankruptcy, or be  the  subject  of  any
state  or federal insolvency proceeding of any kind, then Lucente
may,  in his sole discretion, by written notice to QMS, terminate
his  employment and QMS hereby consents to the release of Lucente
under  such circumstances and agrees if QMS ceases to operate  or
to exist as a result of such event, the provisions of Sections  7
and 8 shall terminate.

12.   Binding  Effect.  This Agreement shall be  binding  on  and
shall inure to the benefit of any successor or successors of  QMS
and the personal representatives of Lucente.

13.   Governing  Law.   This  Agreement  shall  be  governed  by,
construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the  State
of Alabama.

14. Entire Agreement.  This Agreement shall constitute the entire
agreement  between  the  Parties and any prior  understanding  or
representation of any kind preceding the effective date  of  this
Agreement  shall not be binding upon either party except  to  the
extent incorporated in this Agreement.

15.   Modification  of  Agreement.   Any  modification  of   this
Agreement  or  additional obligation assumed by either  party  in
connection with this Agreement shall be binding only if evidenced
in  writing by each party or an authorized representative of each

16.  No Waiver.  The failure of either party to this Agreement to
insist upon the performance of any of the terms and conditions of
this  Agreement, or the waiver of any breach of any of the  terms
of  this  Agreement, shall not be construed as thereafter waiving
any such terms and conditions, but the same shall be continue and
remain  in  full  force and effect as if no such  forbearance  or
waiver had occurred.

17.  Attorney Fees.  In the event any action is filed in relation
to this Agreement, the unsuccessful party in the action shall pay
to  the  successful party, in addition to all  sums  that  either
party  may  be  called  on  to pay,  a  reasonable  sum  for  the
successful party's attorney's fees.

18.   Notices.   Any  notice  provided  for  or  concerning  this
Agreement  shall  be in writing and shall be deemed  sufficiently
given when given in person, by telecopy or when sent by certified
or  registered mail, postage prepaid,  if sent to the  respective
address of each party as set forth below:
          If  to QMS:              With a simultaneous copy to:
          Secretary                Gregory R. Jones, Esq.
          QMS, Inc.                Hand Arendall, L.L.C.
          One Magnum Pass          Suite 3000
          Mobile,Alabama 36618     First National Bank Building
                                   Post Office Box 123
                                   Mobile, Alabama 36601

          If to Lucente: Mr. Edward E. Lucente
                         at QMS,Inc.
                         One Magnum Pass
                         Mobile, Alabama 36618

                         (Or  such  other address as Lucente  may
                         designate  in writing to the  addressees
                         set forth above)

     IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed and delivered
this  Executive  Services  Agreement  as  of  the  day  and  year
indicated above.

     QMS, Inc.                          Edward E. Lucente

By:   /s/ Charles D. Daley              /s/  Edward E. Lucente
     Charles D. Daley
     Executive Vice President and
     Chief Operating Officer

ATTEST: /s/ Richard A. Wiggins
        Richard A. Wiggins
        QMS, Inc.