(As last amended in Rel. No. 34-36968, eff. August 13, 1992.)

                                  UNITED STATES


                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                     Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the

                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

      Date of Report (Date of earliest event reported) December 30, 1999

               HCW Pension Real Estate Fund Limited  Partnership (Exact name of
            registrant as specified in its charter)

           Massachusetts              0-14578                04-2825863
    (State or other jurisdiction     (Commission          (I.R.S. Employer
          of incorporation)          File Number)          Identification

         55  Beattie Place
        Post Office Box 1089
     Greenville, South Carolina                                 29602
(Address of principal executive offices)                      (Zip Code)

      Registrant's telephone number, including area code (864) 239-1000


        (Former name or former address, if changed since last report)

Item 2.    Acquisition or Disposition of Assets.

Highland  Professional Tower, located in Kansas City, Missouri,  was sold by HCW
Pension Real Estate Fund Limited  Partnership (the "Registrant") on December 30,
1999.  The  property  was sold to The Cadle  Company,  an Ohio  Corporation,  an
unrelated party, for $1,500,000.

Item 7.    Financial Statements and Exhibits

(b)        Pro forma financial information.

The  required  pro  forma  financial   information   will  be  provided  in  the
Registrant's annual report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 1999.

(c)        Exhibits

10.2       Purchase  and  Sale  Contract  between  Registrant  and  The  Cadle
           Company, an Ohio Corporation, dated December 30, 1999.

10.3       Addendum to Purchase and Sale Contract  between  Registrant and The
           Cadle Company, an Ohio Corporation, dated December 30, 1999.


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.


                              By:   HCW General Partner, Ltd.
                                    the General Partner

                              By:   IH, Inc.
                                    the General Partner

                              By:   /s/ Patrick J. Foye
                                    Patrick J. Foye
                                    Executive Vice President

                             Date: January 10, 2000

                                                                  Exhibit 10.2

                           PURCHASE AND SALE CONTRACT


                        HCW Pension Real Estate Fund, LP

                                    AS SELLER


                                The Cadle Company

                                  AS PURCHASER

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


ARTICLE 1 DEFINED TERMS......................................................1
ARTICLE 2 PURCHASE AND SALE OF PROPERTY......................................4
ARTICLE 3 PURCHASE PRICE & DEPOSIT...........................................4
ARTICLE 4 FINANCING..........................................................6
ARTICLE 5 FEASIBILITY PERIOD.................................................6
ARTICLE 6 TITLE..............................................................8
ARTICLE 7 CLOSING...........................................................11
ARTICLE 9  CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO CLOSING..................................20
ARTICLE 10 BROKERAGE........................................................21
ARTICLE 11 POSSESSION.......................................................21
ARTICLE 12 DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES............................................21
ARTICLE 13 RISK OF LOSS OR CASUALTY.........................................22
ARTICLE 14 RATIFICATION.....................................................22
ARTICLE 15 EMINENT DOMAIN...................................................22
ARTICLE 16 MISCELLANEOUS....................................................23


EXHIBIT A - LEGAL DESCRIPTION...............................................30
EXHIBIT B - ESCROW AGREEMENT................................................32
EXHIBIT 1.1.4 - SCHEDULE OF COMMERCIAL LEASES...............................38
EXHIBIT 1.1.7 - EXCLUDED PERMITS............................................39
EXHIBIT 1.1.16 - SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY CONTRACTS.............................41
EXHIBIT 6.2.1 - EXCEPTIONS..................................................42
EXHIBIT - FORM OF GENERAL WARRANTY DEED.............................43
EXHIBIT - FORM OF BILL OF SALE......................................49
EXHIBIT - FORM OF GENERAL ASSIGNMENT................................55
EXHIBIT 9.1.4 - FORM OF ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATE................................65

                     PURCHASE AND SALE CONTRACT

THIS PURCHASE AND SALE CONTRACT ("Purchase  Contract") is entered into as of the
_______ day of ________,  1999 (the "Effective Date") by and between HCW PENSION
REAL ESTATE FUND, LP, a Massachusetts  limited  partnership,  having a principal
address at c/o AIMCO, 1873 South Bellaire Street,  Suite 1700, Denver,  Colorado
80222 ("Seller") and THE CADLE COMPANY, an Ohio corporation,  having a principal
address at 100 North Center Street, Newton Falls, Ohio 44444 ("Purchaser").

      NOW, THEREFORE WITNESSETH:  That for and in consideration of mutual
covenants and agreements herein after set forth, Seller and Purchaser hereby
agree as follows:


R-1...Seller  holds legal title to two parcels of real estate more  particularly
described  in EXHIBIT A attached  hereto and made a part  hereof  located in the
County of  Jackson,  Missouri  on each of which  parcel  improvements  have been

R-2...Purchaser  desires  to  purchase  and Seller has agreed to sell such land,
improvements and certain associated property, defined below as the "Property" on
the terms and  conditions  set forth below  (which  terms and  conditions  shall
control  in the event of any  conflict  with these  Recitals),  such that on the
Closing Date as defined in this Purchase  Contract the Property will be conveyed
by general warranty or equivalent deed to Purchaser or its designee.

R-3...Purchaser has agreed to pay to Seller the Purchase Price for the Property,
and  Seller  has  agreed  to sell the  Property  to  Purchaser  on the terms and
conditions set forth below.

R-4...Purchaser  has  made  such  investigations  regarding  the  Property,  and
Purchaser's  intended  uses of each of the  Property  as  Purchaser  has  deemed
necessary and desirable, has approved the same in all respects,  subject only to
the  representations,  warranties  and  covenants  set  forth  in this  Purchase
Contract and does hereby agree to consummate the  transactions  contemplated  by
this Purchase Contract as set forth below.

                                    ARTICLE 1

                                  DEFINED TERMS

1.1   Terms with initial  capital  letters in this Purchase  Contract shall have
      the meanings set forth in this Article 1 below.

      1.1.1 "Business  Day"  means any day other  than a  Saturday  or Sunday or
            Federal holiday or legal holiday in the State of Missouri.

      1.1.2 "Closing"  means  the  consummation  of the  purchase  and  sale and
            related  transactions  contemplated  by this  Purchase  Contract  in
            accordance with the terms and conditions of this Purchase Contract.

      1.1.3 "Closing  Date"  means  the date on which  date the  Closing  of the
            conveyance  of the  Property  is required to be held under the terms
            and  conditions  of this  Purchase  Contract  and on which date full
            payment of the Purchase  Price for the Property shall have been paid
            to and received by Seller in immediately available U.S. funds, which
            Closing  Date  shall be on or  before  thirty  (30)  days  after the
            expiration  of the  Purchaser's  Feasibility  Period,  as defined in
            ARTICLE 5 or such  other  date or  extension  date  provided  for by
            ARTICLE 7 or by the written  mutual  consent of the parties  hereto,
            given or withheld in their respective sole discretion.

      1.1.4 "Commercial  Lease(s)"  means the  interest  of Seller in and to all
            leases, subleases and other occupancy agreements,  whether or not of
            record,  which  provide  for  the  use  or  occupancy  of  space  or
            facilities on or relating to the Property scheduled on EXHIBIT 1.1.4
            attached hereto.

      1.1.5 This subsection is intentionally left blank.

      1.1.6 This subsection is intentionally left blank.

      1.1.7 "Excluded  Permits" means those Permits which, under applicable law,
            are  nontransferable  and such other Permits as may be designated as
            Excluded Permits on EXHIBIT 1.1.7, if any, attached hereto.

      1.1.8 "Financing  Commitments" means the written  commitment(s) to finance
            the  purchase and  operation  of the Property  from [NAME OF LENDER]
            dated [DATE OF LOAN COMMITMENT].

      1.1.9 "Fixtures  and  Tangible  Personal  Property"  means  all  fixtures,
            furniture,  furnishings,  fittings, equipment, machinery, apparatus,
            appliances  and other  articles of personal  property now located on
            the  Land or in the  Improvements  as of the  date of this  Purchase
            Contract  and as of the  date of the end of the  Feasibility  Period
            described below and used or usable in connection with any present or
            future  occupation  or operation of all or any part of the Property.
            The term "Fixtures and Tangible Personal  Property" does not include
            (i)  equipment  leased by Seller and the  interest  of Seller in any
            equipment  provided to the Property for use, but not owned or leased
            by Seller,  or (ii) property  owned or leased by Tenants and guests,
            employees  or other  persons  furnishing  goods or  services  to the
            Property or (iii) property and equipment  owned by Seller,  which in
            the  ordinary  course  of  business  of the  Property  is  not  used
            exclusively  for  the  business,  operation  or  management  of  the
            Property  or (iv) the  property  and  equipment,  if any,  expressly
            identified in EXHIBIT 1.1.9.

      1.1.10"Improvements" means all buildings and improvements,  located on the
            Land taken "as is"  containing  approximately  118, 436 gross square
            feet of [TYPE OF IMPROVEMENTS].

      1.1.11"Land"  means all of that  certain  tract of land located in Jackson
            County, Missouri, commonly known as 6724 Troost Avenue, Kansas City,
            Missouri,  more particularly  described in EXHIBIT A attached hereto
            and made a part hereof and all rights,  privileges and appurtenances
            pertaining thereto.

      1.1.12"Miscellaneous  Property Assets" means all contract rights,  leases,
            concessions,   warranties,   plans,  drawings  and  other  items  of
            intangible  personal property relating to the ownership or operation
            of the  Property  and  owned  by  Seller,  excluding,  however,  (i)
            receivables  which includes past due rent, (ii) Property  Contracts,
            (iii)  Commercial  Leases,  (iv)  Permits,  (v) cash or other funds,
            whether  in  petty  cash or house  "banks,"  or on  deposit  in bank
            accounts or in transit for deposit,  (vi) refunds,  rebates or other
            claims,  or any interest  thereon,  for periods or events  occurring
            prior to the Closing  Date,  (vii)  utility  and  similar  deposits,
            (viii)  insurance or other prepaid Items, or (ix) books and records,
            except to the extent  that  Seller  receives a credit on the closing
            statement for any such item.

      1.1.13"Permits"  means all  licenses and permits  granted by  governmental
            authorities having  jurisdiction over the Property in respect of the
            matter to which the  applicable  license or permit applies and owned
            by Seller or used in or  relating  to the  ownership,  occupancy  or
            operation  of the  Property  or any part  thereof  not  subject to a
            Commercial Lease.

      1.1.14"Permitted   Exceptions"   means  those   exceptions  or  conditions
            permitted to encumber the title to the Property in  accordance  with
            the provisions of Section 6.2.

      1.1.15"Property"  means  the  Land  and  Improvements   described  in  the
            Recitals  and all  rights  of  Seller  relating  to the Land and the
            Improvements,  including without limitation,  any rights,  title and
            interest  of  Seller,  if any,  in and to (i) any  strips  and gores
            adjacent  to the Land and any land  lying in the bed of any  street,
            road,  or avenue  opened or proposed,  in front of or adjoining  the
            Land,  to the center  line  thereof;  (ii) any unpaid  award for any
            taking by  condemnation or any damage to the Property by reason of a
            change  of  grade  of  any  street  or  highway;  (iii)  all  of the
            easements, rights, privileges, and appurtenances belonging or in any
            way  appertaining  to the  Property;  together with all Fixtures and
            Tangible Personal Property, the right, if any and only to the extent
            transferable,  of Seller  issued to Property  Contracts  (other than
            those  contracts,  if any, which are  identified for  termination by
            Purchaser  during the  Feasibility  Period) and  Commercial  Leases,
            Permits other than Excluded Permits and the  Miscellaneous  Property
            Assets owned by Seller which are located on the Property and used in
            its operation.

      1.1.16"Property   Contracts"  means  all  purchase  orders,   maintenance,
            service or utility contracts and similar contracts,  which relate to
            the ownership, maintenance,  construction or repair and/or operation
            of the Property and which are not cancelable on ninety (90) days' or
            shorter  Notice,  except  Commercial  Leases,  identified on EXHIBIT

      1.1.17      "Purchase Contract" means this Purchase and Sale Contract
            by and between Seller and Purchaser.

      1.1.18      "Purchase Price" means the total consideration to be paid
            by Purchaser to Seller for the purchase of the Property.

      1.1.19      "Survey" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Section

      1.1.20      "Tenant" means any person or entity entitled to occupy any
            portion of the Property under a Commercial Lease.

      1.1.21      "Title Commitment" or "Title Commitments" shall have the
            meaning ascribed thereto in Section 6.1.

      1.1.22      "Title Insurer" shall have the meaning set forth in Section

                                    ARTICLE 2

                          PURCHASE AND SALE OF PROPERTY

2.1   Seller  agrees to sell and convey the Property to Purchaser  and Purchaser
      agrees to purchase the Property from Seller,  in accordance with the terms
      and conditions set forth in this Purchase Contract.

                                    ARTICLE 3

                            PURCHASE PRICE & DEPOSIT

3.1   The total purchase price ("Purchase  Price") for the Property shall be One
      Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00),  subject to payment
      in accordance with Section 3.1.2 hereinbelow.  The Purchase Price shall be
      paid by Purchaser,  subject to credit and adjustment  hereinafter provided
      subject to all the terms and conditions herein contained.

      3.1.1 Deposit

   On the date  hereof,  Purchaser  shall  deliver to  Fidelity
                  National Title Insurance Company ("Escrow Agent" or the "Title
                  Company") a deposit in the sum of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars
                  ($25,000.00) in cash (such sum being  hereinafter  referred to
                  as the "Deposit").  Purchaser and Seller each approve the form
                  of Escrow Agreement attached as EXHIBIT B.

   The Escrow Agent shall hold the Deposit and make delivery of
                  the  Deposit  to the party  entitled  thereto  under the terms
                  hereof.   Escrow  Agent  shall  invest  the  Deposit  in  such
                  short-term,   high-grade  securities,   interest-bearing  bank
                  accounts, money market funds or accounts, bank certificates of
                  deposit or bank repurchase  agreements as Escrow Agent, in its
                  discretion,  deems suitable, (provided that Escrow Agent shall
                  invest the Deposit as jointly directed by Seller and Purchaser
                  should  Seller and  Purchaser  each in their  respective  sole
                  discretion   determine   to  issue   such   joint   investment
                  instructions to the Escrow Agent), and all interest and income
                  thereon shall become part of the Deposit and shall be remitted
                  to the party entitled to the Deposit, as set forth below.

   If the sale of the  Property  is  closed  by the date  fixed
                  therefor  (or any  extension  date  provided for by the mutual
                  written  consent of the parties  hereto,  given or withheld in
                  their respective sole discretion),  monies held as the Deposit
                  shall be applied  (and paid over to the Seller) on the Date of
                  Closing. If the sale of the Property is not closed by the date
                  fixed therefor (or any such  extension  date) owing to failure
                  of  satisfaction  of  a  condition  precedent  to  Purchaser's
                  obligations,  the Deposit  shall be returned  and  refunded to
                  Purchaser,  and neither party shall have any further liability
                  hereunder,  subject to and except  for  Purchaser's  liability
                  under Section 5.3.

   If the sale of the  Property is not closed by the date fixed
                  therefor  (or any such  extension  date)  owing to  failure of
                  performance  by Seller,  Purchaser  shall be  entitled  to the
                  remedies  set forth in ARTICLE  12 hereof.  If the sale of the
                  Property is not closed by the date fixed therefor (or any such
                  extension  date) owing to failure of performance by Purchaser,
                  the  Deposit  shall  be  forfeited  by  Purchaser  and the sum
                  thereof shall go to Seller forthwith as liquidated damages for
                  the lost opportunity  costs and transaction  expenses incurred
                  by Seller, as more fully set forth in ARTICLE 12 below.

      3.1.2 Purchaser  shall,  on the Date of Closing,  pay Seller the  purchase
            price subject to credit and adjustment as provided  herein,  jointly
            in cash or by wire transfer of current funds.

                                    ARTICLE 4


4.1   Purchaser  assumes full  responsibility  to  expeditiously  and diligently
      initiate and pursue all steps  necessary to obtain the funds  required for
      settlement.  Purchaser  will use its best efforts to obtain the  necessary

                                    ARTICLE 5

                               FEASIBILITY PERIOD

5.1   Subject to the terms of Section 5.3 below,  for  forty-five  (45) calendar
      days following the Effective Date (the "Feasibility  Period"),  Purchaser,
      and  its  agents,  contractors,   engineers,   surveyors,  attorneys,  and
      employees  ("Consultants") shall have the right from time to time to enter
      onto the Property:

      5.1.1 To  conduct  and  make  any  and  all  customary   studies,   tests,
            examinations and inspections, or investigations of or concerning the
            Property (including without limitation,  engineering and feasibility
            studies,  evaluation  of drainage  and flood  plain,  soil tests for
            bearing   capacity   and   percolation   and   surveys,    including
            topographical  surveys).  Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event
            shall Purchaser conduct any invasive environmental assessment,  test
            or other  inspection  of the  Property  without  the  prior  written
            consent of Seller,  which  consent may be withheld in Seller's  sole

      5.1.2 To confirm any and all matters which Purchaser may reasonably desire
            to confirm with respect to the Property.

      5.1.3 To ascertain and confirm the suitability of the property for
            Purchaser's intended use of the Property.

5.2   Should the results of any of the matters  referred to in Section 5.1 above
      appear  unsatisfactory to Purchaser for any reason Purchaser shall provide
      Seller with written Notice during the Feasibility Period of each basis for
      such determination by Purchaser (including,  without limitation, title and
      survey objections other than the permitted  exceptions) or such objections
      shall be deemed  waived by  Purchaser in which case  Purchaser  and Seller
      shall proceed to consummate  the Closing on the Closing Date. If Purchaser
      gives Seller such Notice,  Seller at its sole discretion and option within
      (10) business days following receipt of such Notice may elect to cure such
      objection or satisfy such  condition.  Should Seller so elect to cure such
      objection  or satisfy such  condition,  or should  Purchaser  subsequently
      waive such  objection  or  condition,  then the  Closing  shall take place
      conditioned  on such cure or based on such waiver on terms  agreed upon by
      the  Parties.  Should  Seller not elect to cure such  objection or satisfy
      such condition,  this agreement shall  automatically  terminate,  in which
      event  the Title  Company  shall  return  the  Deposit  to  Purchaser  and
      Purchaser  shall  release  and  quitclaim  all of  Purchaser's  rights and
      interest in the property to Seller,  and the parties  hereto shall have no
      further  obligation to each other,  subject to and except for  Purchaser's
      liability under Section 5.3.

5.3   Purchaser  shall  indemnify and hold Seller harmless for any actions taken
      by  Purchaser  and  its  Consultants  on  the  Property.  Purchaser  shall
      indemnify,  defend  (with  attorneys  selected  by Seller) and hold Seller
      harmless from any and all claims,  damages,  costs and liability which may
      arise due to such entries,  surveys,  tests,  investigations and the like.
      Seller shall have the right, without limitation, to disapprove any and all
      entries,  surveys,  tests,  investigations  and the  like  that  in  their
      reasonable  judgment  could result in any injury to the Property or breach
      of any  agreement,  or expose  Seller to any  liability,  costs,  liens or
      violations of applicable law, or otherwise  adversely  affect the Property
      or  Seller's  interest  therein.  No  consent  by the  Seller  to any such
      activity shall be deemed to constitute a waiver by Seller or assumption of
      liability  or risk by  Seller.  Purchaser  hereby  agrees to  restore  the
      Property to the same condition  existing  immediately prior to Purchaser's
      exercise of its rights pursuant to this ARTICLE 5 at Purchaser's sole cost
      and expense. Purchaser shall maintain casualty insurance and comprehensive
      public liability insurance with broad form contractual and personal injury
      liability  endorsements  with  respect  to the  Property  and  Purchaser's
      activities carried on therein,  in amounts (including  deductible amounts)
      and with such insurance carriers as shall be approved by Seller and naming
      Seller and its  affiliates as Loss Payees or  Additional  Insureds (at the
      option of Seller),  with  endorsements  acceptable to Seller,  including a
      waiver of  defenses  of the  insurer  based on the  actions or inaction of
      Purchaser.  Such liability  insurance shall provide  coverages of not less
      than $1,000,000.00 for injury or death to any one person and $3,000,000.00
      for injury or death to more than one person and  $500,000.00  with respect
      to property damage, by water or otherwise). The provisions of this Section
      shall survive the Closing or termination of this Purchase Contract.

5.4   Purchaser  shall not permit any mechanic's or  materialman's  liens or any
      other liens to attach to the Property by reason of the  performance of any
      work or the  purchase of any  materials by Purchaser or any other party in
      connection  with any  studies  or  tests  conducted  by or for  Purchaser.
      Purchaser  shall give  notice to Seller a  reasonable  time prior to entry
      onto the Property and shall permit Seller to have a representative present
      during all  investigations  and inspections  conducted with respect to the
      Property.  Purchaser  shall take all reasonable  actions and implement all
      protections  necessary to ensure that all actions taken in connection with
      the  investigations  and  inspections of the Property,  and all equipment,
      materials and substances generated, used or brought onto the Property pose
      no material  threat to the safety of persons or the  environment and cause
      no damage to the  Property or other  property of Seller or other  persons.
      All  information  made available by Seller to Purchaser in accordance with
      this  Purchase  Contract  or obtained  by  Purchaser  in the course of its
      investigations shall be treated as confidential  information by Purchaser,
      and, prior to the purchase of the Property by Purchaser,  Purchaser  shall
      use its best efforts to prevent its agents and  employees  from  divulging
      such  information  to any  unrelated  third  parties  except as reasonably
      necessary to third parties engaged by Purchaser for the limited purpose of
      analyzing  and   investigating   such   information  for  the  purpose  of
      consummating  the  transaction  contemplated  by this  Purchase  Contract,
      including Purchaser's  attorneys and representatives,  prospective lenders
      and engineers.

                                    ARTICLE 6


6.1   Seller  shall  provide to  Purchaser a  Preliminary  Title  Report for the
      Property  within ten (10) days after the Effective  Date.  Purchaser shall
      promptly  secure a commitment  for title  insurance for the Property in an
      amount  equal  to the  Purchase  Price  ("Title  Commitment,")  issued  by
      Fidelity National Title Insurance Company ("Title Insurer") for an owner's
      title  insurance  policy on the most recent  standard  American Land Title
      Association  ("ALTA")  Policy form,  together  with legible  copies of all
      instruments  identified as exceptions  therein.  Purchaser  agrees that it
      shall  be  solely  responsible  for  payment  of  all  costs  relating  to
      procurement  of the Title  Commitment  and any Owner's or  Lender's  title

6.2   Purchaser agrees to accept title to the Land and Improvements,  so long as
      the same is  insurable  at  ordinary  rates.  Any  conveyance  by  general
      warranty or equivalent  deed pursuant to this Purchase  Contract  shall be
      subject  to the  following,  all  of  which  shall  be  deemed  "Permitted
      Exceptions"  and  Purchaser  agrees to accept  the deed and title  subject

      6.2.1 All  exceptions  shown in the  Preliminary  Title Report (other than
            mechanics'  liens and taxes due and payable in respect of the period
            preceding  Closing)  and  all  exceptions  noted  in  EXHIBIT  6.2.1
            attached hereto; and

      6.2.2 Such exceptions and matters as the Title Company shall be willing
            to omit as exceptions to coverage; and

      6.2.3 All Commercial  Leases and any other  occupancy,  residency,  lease,
            tenancy and similar  agreements  entered into in the ordinary course
            of business; and

      6.2.4 All Property  Contracts and any other existing  contracts created in
            the ordinary course of business by Seller,  which are not identified
            for termination by Purchaser during the Feasibility Period; and

      6.2.5 Non-delinquent real estate and property taxes to the extent not
            due and payable; and

      6.2.6 Defects and exceptions which do not materially and adversely
            affect the condition of title to the Property and its use as of
            the Effective Date; and

      6.2.7 This subsection is intentionally left blank.

      6.2.8 This subsection is intentionally left blank.

6.3   Unpaid liens for taxes,  charges,  and assessments shall not be objections
      to title, but the amount thereof plus interest and penalties thereon shall
      be deducted from the Purchase Price to be paid for the applicable Property
      hereunder  and  allowed  to  Purchaser,  subject  to  the  provisions  for
      apportionment of taxes and charges contained herein. Provided said amounts
      do not exceed the total cash amount being paid into escrow.

6.4   Unpaid franchise or business  corporation taxes of any corporations in the
      chain of title shall not be an objection to title, provided that the Title
      Insurer  agrees  to  insure  against  collection  out of the  Property  or
      otherwise against  Purchaser or its affiliates,  and provided further that
      the Title Insurer agrees to omit such taxes as exceptions to coverage with
      respect to any lender's mortgagee insurance policy.

6.5   If on the Closing Date there shall be conditional bills of sale or Uniform
      Commercial  Code financing  statements  filed with respect to any tenant's
      property, such financing statements shall not be deemed to be an objection
      to title.

6.6   If on the  Closing  Date,  the state of title is other than in  accordance
      with the  requirements  set  forth  in this  Purchase  Contract  or if any
      condition  to be fulfilled  by Seller  shall not be  satisfied,  Purchaser
      shall  provide  Seller with written  Notice  thereof at such time, or such
      title  objection  or  unfulfilled  condition  shall be  deemed  waived  by
      Purchaser in which case  Purchaser  and Seller shall proceed to consummate
      the Closing on the Closing  Date.  If  Purchaser  timely gives Seller such
      Notice,  Seller at its sole  option and  within  Seven (7)  calendar  days
      following  receipt  of such  Notice  may  elect in  writing  to cure  such
      objection or  unfulfilled  condition  for up to Ninety (90)  calendar days
      after date of Seller's  notice.  Should  Seller be able to cure such title
      objection or condition,  or should Seller be able to cause title insurance
      company to insure over same by the Closing Date or any  postponed  Closing
      Date, or should  Purchaser  waive such objection or condition  within such
      period for cure,  then the  Closing  shall take place on or before  thirty
      (30) calendar days after Notice of such cure or waiver.

6.7   If during the period of cure  Seller is unable or  unwilling,  in its sole
      discretion or opinion,  to eliminate such title objection or cause a title
      insurance  company to insure over such matter or satisfy such  unfulfilled
      condition,  Seller shall give  Purchaser  written Notice  thereof,  and if
      Purchaser  does not waive such  objection by written  Notice  delivered to
      Seller and the title company  issuing the  Preliminary  Title Report on or
      before  Seven (7)  calendar  days  following  the date  Seller  gives such
      Notice,  then this Purchase  Contract shall  automatically  terminate,  in
      which event Purchaser shall release and quitclaim all of Purchaser's right
      and interest in such Property to Seller, and the parties hereto shall have
      no further obligations to each other.

6.8   Seller covenants that it will not voluntarily  create or cause any lien or
      encumbrance  (other than Commercial  Leases and Property  Contracts in the
      ordinary course of business) to attach to the Property between the date of
      this  Purchase  Contract and the Closing  Date;  any such monetary lien or
      encumbrance so attaching by voluntary act of Seller shall be discharged by
      the  Seller at or prior to Closing on the  Closing  Date or any  postponed
      Closing  Date.  Except as expressly  provided  above,  Seller shall not be
      required  to  undertake  efforts  to remove any other  lien,  encumbrance,
      security  interest,  exception,  objection  or other  matter,  to make any
      expenditure  of money or  institute  litigation  or any other  judicial or
      administrative proceeding and Seller may elect not to discharge the same.

      Seller may enter into new Commercial Leases and new Property  Contracts in
      the ordinary course of business during the Feasibility Period.  Seller may
      terminate or agree to terminate  Commercial Leases and Property  Contracts
      in the ordinary course of business during the Feasibility  Period.  Unless
      this Purchase And Sale Contract is  terminated  as provided  herein,  then
      upon the expiration of the Feasibility  Period,  Seller shall not, without
      the  consent  of  Purchaser,  (which  consent  will  not  be  unreasonably
      withheld)  enter  into any new  Commercial  Leases or  Property  Contracts
      affecting the Property,  or terminate or agree to terminate any Commercial
      Leases. For purposes of this Section 6.8 Purchaser's failure to respond in
      writing to Seller's  written  request for consent within five (5) business
      days shall be deemed consent on the part of the Purchaser.  All new leases
      or  contracts  entered  into in  accordance  with the  provisions  of this
      Section 6.8 shall be deemed "Commercial  Leases" and "Property  Contracts"
      respectively as defined herein.

6.9   Anything to the  contrary  notwithstanding,  Purchaser  shall not have any
      right  to  terminate  this  Purchase  Contract  or  object  to  any  lien,
      encumbrance, exception or other matter that is a Permitted Exception, that
      has been waived or deemed to have been waived by Purchaser.

6.10  After  the  Feasibility  Period,  Purchaser  shall  not have any  right to
      terminate  this  Purchase  Contract  or object  to any lien,  encumbrance,
      exception or other  matter that is a Permitted  Exception or that has been
      waived or deemed to have been waived by Purchaser.

6.11  If  Purchaser  desires  to  obtain a survey  of the  Property  ("Survey"),
      Purchaser  shall obtain such Survey at Purchaser's  sole cost and expense,
      and shall cause such Survey to be promptly  delivered to Seller within the
      Feasibility Period. If the Survey is the basis on which Purchaser notifies
      Seller of an objection under this Purchase And Sale Contract,  said Survey
      must  meet the  following  minimum  standards:  The  Survey  (i)  shall be
      prepared in accordance with and shall comply with the minimum requirements
      of the ALTA;  (ii) shall be in a form, and shall be certified as of a date
      satisfactory  to Title Insurer to enable Title Insurer to delete  standard
      survey exceptions from the title insurance policy to be issued pursuant to
      the Title Commitments,  except for any Permitted  Exceptions;  (iii) shall
      specifically  show all  improvements,  recorded  easements  to the  extent
      locatable,  set back lines,  and such other matters shown as exceptions by
      the Title  Commitments;  (iv) shall specifically show the right of way for
      all adjacent public streets; (v) shall specifically disclose whether (and,
      if so,  what  part of) any of the  Property  is in an area  designated  as
      requiring  flood  insurance  under  applicable   federal  laws  regulating
      lenders;  (vi) shall contain a perimeter legal description of the Property
      which may be used in the special  warranty deed;  (vii) shall be certified
      to Purchaser,  Purchaser's lender,  Seller and Title Insurer as being true
      and correct; and (viii) shall certify that the legal description set forth
      therein  describes  the  same,  and  comprises  all of,  the  real  estate
      comprising the Property to be purchased by Purchaser pursuant to the terms
      of this Purchase Contract. In the event the perimeter legal description of
      the Property  contained in the Survey  differs from that  contained in the
      deed or deeds by which Seller took title to the Property,  the description
      to be used in the General  Warranty Deed  delivered by Seller to Purchaser
      must be agreed  upon by the  parties  and  insured by the title  insurance

      6.11.1Should such  Survey  disclose  conditions  that give rise to a title
            exception other than a Permitted Exception, Purchaser shall have the
            right to object thereto within the Feasibility  Period in accordance
            with the procedures set forth in ARTICLE 5 above.

      6.11.2If Purchaser  elects to obtain the Survey,  Purchaser agrees to make
            payment in full of all costs of  obtaining  the Survey  required  by
            this Purchase  Contract on or before  Closing or termination of this
            Purchase Contract.

                                    ARTICLE 7


7.1   Dates, Places Of Closing, Prorations, and Delinquent Rent.

      7.1.1 The Closing shall take place on or before thirty (30) days following
            the  termination  of the  Feasibility  Period in the  offices of the
            Title Company,  in the jurisdiction of the Land at Fidelity National
            Title Insurance Co., 700 Louisiana, Suite 2600, Houston, Texas 77002
            or at such other place as the parties shall mutually agree upon at a
            time  mutually  agreed upon on the Closing  Date.  If  requested  by
            Seller,   Purchaser   shall  agree  to  conduct  closing  through  a
            pre-closing,  an escrow or other arrangement reasonably requested by
            Seller,  whereby the Seller and its attorneys need not be physically
            present at the Closing and may deliver  documents by  overnight  air
            courier or other means.

      7.1.2 The Closing  Date may be extended  without  penalty at the option of
            Seller to a date not later  than  Ninety  (90)  Days  following  the
            Closing Date specified  above to satisfy a condition to be satisfied
            by Seller,  or such later date as is mutually  acceptable  to Seller
            and Buyer.

      7.1.3.All normal and  customarily  proratable  items,  including,  without
            limitation,  Rents (as  defined  below),  operating  expenses,  real
            property taxes, personal property taxes and other operating expenses
            and fees shall be  prorated  as of the Closing  Date,  Seller  being
            charged and credited for all of same  attributable  to the period up
            to the Closing  Date (and  credited  for any amounts  paid by Seller
            attributable  to the  period  on or  after  the  Closing  Date)  and
            Purchaser  being  responsible  for, and credited or charged,  as the
            case may be, for all of same attributable to the period on and after
            the Closing Date. All unapplied  deposits  under Tenant  leases,  if
            any,  shall be  transferred  by Seller to  Purchaser at the Closing.
            Purchaser  shall assume at Closing the obligation to pay any accrued
            but unpaid tenant  improvement  allowances and leasing  commissions,
            together with any payments due parties to other agreements affecting
            the Property  which survive  Closing.  Any real estate ad valorem or
            similar taxes for the Property,  or any  installment  of assessments
            payable in installments  which installment is payable in the year of
            Closing, shall be prorated to the date of Closing, based upon actual
            days involved.  The proration of real property taxes or installments
            of  assessments  shall be based upon the assessed  valuation and tax
            rate figures for the year in which the Closing  occurs to the extent
            the same are  available;  provided,  that in the event  that  actual
            figures  (whether for the assessed  value of the Property or for the
            tax rate) for the year of Closing are not  available  at the Closing
            Date,  the proration  shall be made using figures from the preceding
            year.  The  proration  shall be final  and  unadjustable  except  as
            provided in the  following  paragraph.  For purposes of this Section
            7.1.3.  and Section 7.1.4.  and 7.1.5.  the terms "Rent" and "Rents"
            shall include,  without  limitation,  base rents,  additional rents,
            tenants' proportionate share of operating expenses, percentage rents
            and common area maintenance  charges. The provisions of this Section
            7.1.3. shall apply during the Proration Period (as defined below).

      7.1.4.If any  of the  items  subject  to  proration  hereunder  cannot  be
            prorated at the Closing because the information necessary to compute
            such  proration  is  unavailable,  or if any errors or  omissions in
            computing prorations at the Closing are discovered subsequent to the
            Closing,  then such item shall be reapportioned  and such errors and
            omissions  corrected as soon as  practicable  after the Closing Date
            and the proper party reimbursed,  which obligation shall survive the
            Closing for a period (the "Proration  Period") from the Closing Date
            until one (1) year after the  Closing  Date.  Neither  party  hereto
            shall  have the  right  to  require  a  recomputation  of a  Closing
            proration  or a  correction  of an error or  omission  in a  Closing
            proration  unless  within the  Proration  Period one of the  parties
            hereto (i) has obtained the  previously  unavailable  information or
            has  discovered  the error or  omission,  and (ii) has given  Notice
            thereof to the other  party  together  with a copy of its good faith
            recomputation  of the  proration  and  copies of all  substantiating
            information  used in such  recomputation.  The failure of a party to
            obtain any previously  unavailable  information or discover an error
            or omission  with respect to an item subject to proration  hereunder
            and to give Notice  thereof as provided  above within the  Proration
            Period   shall  be   deemed  a  waiver  of  its  right  to  cause  a
            recomputation  or a correction  of an error or omission with respect
            to such item after the Closing  Date.  Any Rents that have  accrued,
            but have not yet been paid  shall be  prorated  in  accordance  with
            estimates  based upon the prior years'  information  (or  reasonable
            estimates  of  Seller  if  no  such  prior  years'   information  is
            available),  and shall be subsequently  readjusted and reapportioned
            upon  receipt.  Purchaser  shall  pay  Seller  for  Rents  that have
            accrued, but are not yet due and payable, at Closing.

      7.1.5.If on the Closing  Date any Tenant is in arrears in any Rent payment
            under any Tenant lease (the "Delinquent  Rent"), any Delinquent Rent
            received by Purchaser  and Seller from such Tenant after the Closing
            shall be applied to amounts due and  payable by such  Tenant  during
            the following periods in the following order of priority: (i) first,
            to the period of time before the Closing Date,  and (ii) second,  to
            the period of time after the Closing Date. If Delinquent Rent or any
            portion  thereof  received by Seller or Purchaser  after the Closing
            are due and payable to the other party by reason of this allocation,
            the appropriate  sum, less a  proportionate  share of any reasonable
            attorneys'  fees and costs and expenses  expended in connection with
            the collection  thereof,  shall be promptly paid to the other party.
            After the Closing,  Seller shall continue to have the right, but not
            the obligation, in its own name, to demand payment of and to collect
            Delinquent  Rent owed to Seller by any  Tenant,  which  right  shall
            include, without limitation, the right to continue or commence legal
            actions or  proceedings  against any Tenant  (provided,  that Seller
            shall not  commence  any legal  actions or  proceedings  against any
            Tenant which  continues as a Tenant at the  Property  after  Closing
            without  the  prior  consent  of   Purchaser,   which  will  not  be
            unreasonably   withheld  or  delayed),   and  the  delivery  of  the
            Assignment  as defined in Section  shall not  constitute  a
            waiver by Seller of such right.  Purchaser  agrees to cooperate with
            Seller at no cost or liability to Purchaser in  connection  with all
            efforts by Seller to collect  such  Delinquent  Rent and to take all
            steps, whether before or after the Closing Date, as may be necessary
            to carry out the  intention  of the  foregoing,  including,  without
            limitation,  the delivery to Seller,  upon  demand,  of any relevant
            books and records (including,  without limitation,  rent statements,
            receipted  bills and copies of tenant checks used in payment of such
            rent), the execution of any and all consents or other documents, and
            the  undertaking of any act reasonably  necessary for the collection
            of  such  Delinquent  Rent  by  Seller;   provided,   however,  that
            Purchaser's  obligation  to cooperate  with Seller  pursuant to this
            sentence shall not obligate  Purchaser to terminate any Tenant lease
            with an  existing  Tenant  or evict  any  existing  Tenant  from the
            Property.  The provisions of this Section 7.1.5.  shall apply during
            the Proration Period.

      7.1.6.Seller and Purchaser  shall each pay one-half of the Escrow  Agent's
            fee.  Purchaser  shall pay all costs  associated  with recording the
            general  warranty  deed at Closing,  including,  but not limited to,
            recording  fees,  but with the  exception  that Seller and Purchaser
            shall each pay  one-half of the  documentary  transfer  tax, if any.
            With respect to the payment of other closing  expenses not otherwise
            addressed by this Purchase Contract, Purchaser and Seller shall each
            pay their own respective closing expenses.

7.2   Items To Be Delivered Prior To Or At Closing.

      7.2.1 Seller.  At Closing, Seller shall deliver to Purchaser, each of
            the following items, as applicable:

    General warranty or equivalent deed in the form attached as
                     EXHIBIT to Purchaser. The acceptance of the deed at
                     Closing,  shall be deemed to be full  performance  of,  and
                     discharge of, every  agreement  and  obligation on Seller's
                     part to be performed under this Purchase  Contract,  except
                     for those that this Purchase Contract specifically provides
                     shall survive Closing.

    A Bill of Sale  without  recourse  or  warranty  except  as
                     provided  in this  Purchase  And Sale  Contract in the form
                     attached  as  EXHIBIT   covering   all   Property
                     Contracts,  Commercial Leases, Permits (other than Excluded
                     Permits)  and  Fixtures  and  Tangible   Personal  Property
                     required to be  transferred  to  Purchaser  with respect to
                     such Property.  Purchaser shall  countersign the same so as
                     to effect an assumption by  Purchaser,  including,  without
                     limitation, of Seller's obligations thereunder.

    An Assignment  (to the extent  assignable  and in force and
                     effect) without  recourse or warranty except as provided in
                     this  Purchase  And Sale  Contract in the form  attached as
                     EXHIBIT  of  all  of  Seller's  right,  title  and
                     interest  in  and  to the  Miscellaneous  Property  Assets,
                     subject  to  any   required   consents.   Purchaser   shall
                     countersign  the  same so as to  effect  an  assumption  by
                     Purchaser,   including,  without  limitation,  of  Seller's
                     obligations thereunder.

       A closing statement executed by Seller.

    A vendor's affidavit or at Seller's option an indemnity, as
                     applicable,  in the customary form reasonably acceptable to
                     Seller to enable  Title  Insurer  to  delete  the  standard
                     exceptions  (other than matters  constituting any Permitted
                     Exceptions to the title insurance  policy set forth in this
                     Purchase  Contract and matters which are to be completed or
                     performed  post-Closing) to be issued pursuant to the Title
                     Commitment;  provided that such  affidavit does not subject
                     Seller to any greater  liability,  or impose any additional
                     obligations,  other  than as set  forth  in  this  Purchase
                     Contract; and

    A certification of Seller's  non-foreign status pursuant to
                     Section  1445 of the  Internal  Revenue  Code of  1986,  as
                     amended, in the form attached as EXHIBIT

       This subsection is intentionally left blank.

    Any  documentation  required  of Seller by Escrow  Agent or
                     Title Company in order to complete the sale of the property
                     pursuant  to the  terms  of the  within  Purchase  And Sale

       This subsection intentionally left blank.

   Except for the items expressly listed above to be delivered
                     at Closing,  delivery of any other  required items shall be
                     deemed made by Seller to  Purchaser,  if Seller leaves such
                     documents  at the  Property  in  their  customary  place of
                     storage or in the custody of Purchaser's representatives.

      7.2.2 Purchaser.  At  Closing,  Purchaser  shall  deliver  to  Seller  the
            following  items with  respect to each  Property  being  conveyed or
            transferred by merger at such Closing:

    The full  Purchase  Price as  required  by ARTICLE 3 hereof
                     plus or minus the  adjustments  or  prorations  required by
                     this Purchase  Contract.  If at Closing there are any liens
                     or  encumbrances  on the  Property  , Seller  shall use the
                     Purchase  Price for the  Property to satisfy the same,  and
                     Seller  shall  deliver  to  Purchaser,  or  to  Purchaser's
                     designee,  on such Closing  instruments in recordable  form
                     sufficient to satisfy such liens and encumbrances of record
                     (or,  as to any  mortgages  or deeds of trust,  appropriate
                     payoff letters,  acceptable to the Title Insurer), together
                     with the cost of recording or filing such instruments.  The
                     existence  of any such liens or  encumbrances  shall not be
                     deemed  objections to title if Seller shall comply with the
                     foregoing requirements.

       A closing statement executed by Purchaser.

       A countersigned counterpart of the Bill of Sale in
                     the form attached as EXHIBIT

       A countersigned counterpart of the Assignment in the
                     form attached as EXHIBIT

       This subsection is intentionally left blank.

    Any documentation  required of Purchaser by Escrow Agent or
                     Title Company in order to complete the sale of the Property
                     pursuant  to the  terms  of the  within  Purchase  And Sale

    Executed  Environmental  Indemnity Agreement and such other
                     documents  required by  Indemnitee to be provided by Seller
                     in sub-paragraph above.

    Such other  instruments,  documents or  certificates as are
                     required  to  be   delivered  by  Purchaser  to  Seller  in
                     accordance  with  any  of  the  other  provisions  of  this
                     Purchase Contract.

                                    ARTICLE 8


8.1   Representations And Warranties Of Seller.

      8.1.1 For the purpose of inducing  Purchaser  to enter into this  Purchase
            Contract and to consummate  the sale and purchase of the Property in
            accordance herewith, Seller represents and warrants to Purchaser the
            following as of the Effective Date and as of the Closing Date:

    Seller  identified  in the  Recitals is  lawfully  and duly
                     organized, and in good standing under the laws of the state
                     of its formation set forth in the initial paragraph of this
                     Purchase  Contract  and in the state where the  property is
                     located if  required  by local  law;  and has or at Closing
                     shall have the power and  authority  to sell and convey the
                     Property  and to execute  the  documents  to be executed by
                     Seller and prior to Closing will have taken as  applicable,
                     all corporate,  partnership,  limited  liability company or
                     equivalent  entity  actions  required for the execution and
                     delivery of this Purchase Contract, and the consummation of
                     the  transactions  contemplated by this Purchase  Contract.
                     The  compliance  with  or  fulfillment  of  the  terms  and
                     conditions  hereof will not conflict  with,  or result in a
                     breach of,  the  terms,  conditions  or  provisions  of, or
                     constitute a default under, any Purchase  Contract to which
                     Seller  is a party or by  which  Seller  or any  Subsidiary
                     Owner is  otherwise  bound.  Seller  has not made any other
                     Purchase  Contract  for the sale of,  or  given  any  other
                     person the right to purchase, all or any part of any of the
                     Property applicable to the foregoing representation;

    Seller owns insurable, fee title to the Property, including
                     all real property  contained therein required to be sold to
                     Purchaser, subject only to the Permitted Exceptions;

    There are no adverse or other  parties in possession of the
                     Property,  except for  occupants,  guests and tenants under
                     the Commercial  Leases or otherwise as set forth in EXHIBIT

    The  joinder of no person or entity  other  than  Seller is
                     necessary to convey the Property,  fully and  completely to
                     Purchaser at Closing,  or to fulfill  Seller's  obligations
                     and Seller has all necessary  right and authority to convey
                     and assign to Purchaser all contract  rights and warranties
                     required  to  be  conveyed   and   assigned  to   Purchaser

       Purchaser has no duty to collect withholding taxes
                     for Seller pursuant to the Foreign Investors Real
                     Property Tax Act of 1980, as amended;

    To Seller's knowledge,  there are no actions,  proceedings,
                     litigation or governmental  investigations  or condemnation
                     actions either pending or threatened  against the Property,
                     as applicable,  or against Seller,  so as to prevent Seller
                     from conveying Title to the Property to Purchaser;

    No  claims  for labor  performed,  materials  furnished  or
                     services   rendered  in   connection   with   constructing,
                     improving or repairing  any of the Property  remain  unpaid
                     beyond the date for which payment was due and in respect of
                     which  liens  may or  could  be  filed  against  any of the

      8.1.2 Except for the  representations  and warranties  expressly set forth
            above in Subsection  8.1.1, the Property is expressly  purchased and
            sold "AS IS," "WHERE IS," and "WITH ALL FAULTS." The Purchase  Price
            and the terms and  conditions  set forth  herein  are the  result of
            arm's-length  bargaining between entities familiar with transactions
            of this kind, and said price,  terms and conditions reflect the fact
            that  Purchaser  shall have the benefit of, and is relying  upon, no
            information provided by Seller and no statements, representations or
            warranties,  express or  implied,  made by or  enforceable  directly
            against Seller, including,  without limitation,  any relating to the
            value of the Property,  the physical or  environmental  condition of
            the Property,  the state,  federal,  county or local law, ordinance,
            order,  permit or  suitability,  compliance or lack of compliance of
            the Property with any  regulation,  or any other attribute or matter
            of or relating to the  Property  (other than any  covenants of title
            contained   in  the   deeds   conveying   the   Property   and   the
            representations set forth above).  Purchaser represents and warrants
            that as of the date  hereof and as of the Closing  Date,  it has and
            shall  have  reviewed  and  conducted  such  independent   analyses,
            studies,  reports,   investigations  and  inspections  as  it  deems
            appropriate in connection  with the Property.  If Seller provides or
            has provided any documents, opinions or work product of consultants,
            surveyors,  architects,  engineers,  title  companies,  governmental
            authorities  or any  other  person  or entity  with  respect  to the
            Property,  Purchaser  and Seller  agree  that  Seller has done so or
            shall  do so only for the  convenience  of both  parties,  Purchaser
            shall not rely thereon and the  reliance by Purchaser  upon any such
            documents, opinions or work product shall not create or give rise to
            any liability of or against Seller,  any Subsidiary Owner,  Seller's
            partners  or  affiliates  or  any  of  their  respective   partners,
            officers,   directors,    participants,    employees,   contractors,
            attorneys, consultants, representatives, agents, successors, assigns
            or  predecessors-in-interest.  Purchaser  shall  rely  only upon any
            title  insurance  obtained by Purchaser with respect to title to the
            Property.  Purchaser  acknowledges and agrees that no representation
            has been  made and no  responsibility  is  assumed  by  Seller  with
            respect to current and future  applicable  zoning or  building  code
            requirements  or the compliance of the Property with any other laws,
            rules, ordinances or regulations,  the financial earning capacity or
            expense  history of the  Property,  the  continuation  of contracts,
            continued occupancy levels of the Property,  or any part thereof, or
            the  continued  occupancy  by tenants of any  Commercial  Leases or,
            without limiting any of the foregoing,  occupancy at Closing.  Prior
            to Closing, Seller shall have the right, but not the obligation,  to
            enforce its rights against any and all Property occupants, guests or
            tenants.  Purchaser  agrees that the departure or removal,  prior to
            Closing,  of any of such guests,  occupants or tenants  shall not be
            the basis  for,  nor shall it give rise to, any claim on the part of
            Purchaser,  nor shall it affect the  obligations of Purchaser  under
            this Purchase Contract in any manner whatsoever; and Purchaser shall
            close  title and accept  delivery  of the deed with or without  such
            tenants in possession  and without any allowance or reduction in the
            Purchase  Price  under  this  Purchase  Contract.  Purchaser  hereby
            releases Seller from any and all claims and liabilities  relating to
            the foregoing matters, except as provided in Section 8.1.3 below.

      8.1.3 Seller and Purchaser agree that those  representations  contained in
            Section 8.1 shall survive Closing for a period of One (1) year (that
            is, any proceeding based on the breach of a representation contained
            in Section 8.1 that  survives  Closing must be commenced  within One
            (1)  year  subsequent  to the date of such  representation).  In the
            event that Seller breaches any  representation  contained in Section
            8.1 and Purchaser had knowledge of such breach,  Purchaser  shall be
            deemed to have  waived any right of  recovery  and Seller  shall not
            have any liability in connection therewith.

      8.1.4 Any statement  contained in the  representations  and  warranties of
            this  Section 8.1 and made to the  "knowledge"  of Seller shall mean
            ONLY the  actual  knowledge  of Seller  based  upon the  information
            communicated  to Seller by Stefanie  Hall, a  representative  of the
            management  company  managing the Property as of the Effective Date,
            in a certification addressed to Seller and dated as of the Effective
            Date; and otherwise any reference to the "knowledge" of Seller shall
            not be deemed  to imply  any duty of  investigation  or  inquiry  by
            Seller and shall not be  construed  to include the  knowledge of any
            member,   partner,    officer,    director,   agent,   employee   or
            representative  of Seller or any  affiliate  of  Seller,  imputed to
            Seller or constructively attributed to Seller.

8.2   Representations And Warranties Of Purchaser

      8.2.1 For the  purpose  of  inducing  Seller to enter  into this  Purchase
            Contract and to consummate  the sale and purchase of the Property in
            accordance herewith, Purchaser represents and warrants to Seller the
            following as of the Effective Date and as of the Closing Date:

      8.2.2 With respect to Purchaser and its business, Purchaser represents and
            warrants, in particular, that:

    Purchaser is a corporation duly organized, validly
                     existing and in good standing under the laws of Ohio.

    Purchaser,   acting  through  any  of  its  or  their  duly
                     empowered  and  authorized  officers  or  members,  has all
                     necessary power and authority to own and use its properties
                     and to transact  the  business in which it is engaged,  and
                     has full power and  authority  to enter into this  Purchase
                     Contract,   to  execute  and  deliver  the   documents  and
                     instruments  required of Purchaser  herein,  and to perform
                     its  obligations  hereunder;  and  no  consent  of  any  of
                     Purchaser's  officers  or members is required to so empower
                     or authorize Purchaser.

    No pending or, to the  knowledge of  Purchaser,  threatened
                     litigation  exists  which  if  determined  adversely  would
                     restrain the consummation of the transactions  contemplated
                     by this Purchase Contract or would declare illegal, invalid
                     or non-binding any of Purchaser's  obligations or covenants
                     to Seller.

    Purchaser is duly authorized to execute and deliver, acting
                     through its duly  empowered  and  authorized  officers  and
                     members,  respectively,  and perform this Purchase Contract
                     and  all  documents  and   instruments   and   transactions
                     contemplated   hereby  or  incidental   hereto,   and  such
                     execution,  delivery and  performance by Purchaser does not
                     (i)  violate  any of the  provisions  of  their  respective
                     certificates of incorporation  or bylaws,  (ii) violate any
                     provision  of any  law,  governmental  rule  or  regulation
                     currently in effect,  (iii) violate any  judgment,  decree,
                     writ, injunction,  award,  determination or order currently
                     in  effect  that  names  or  is  specifically  directed  at
                     Purchaser  or its  property,  and (iv) require the consent,
                     approval,  order or authorization of, or any filing with or
                     notice to, any court or other governmental authority.

    The joinder of no person or entity other than  Purchaser is
                     necessary to consummate the transactions to be performed by
                     Purchaser  and  Purchaser  has  all  necessary   right  and
                     authority   to  perform  such  acts  as  are  required  and
                     contemplated by this Purchase Contract.

      8.2.3 Purchaser has not dealt with any broker, finder or any other person,
            in  connection  with  the  purchase  of or  the  negotiation  of the
            purchase  of the  Property  that  might  give  rise to any claim for
            commission  against  Seller or lien or claim  against the  Property.
            Purchaser will  indemnify  Seller against any such person making any
            claim for commission with respect to this transaction  claiming said
            commissions by or through acts of Purchaser.

                                   ARTICLE 9

                         CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO CLOSING

9.1   Purchaser's  obligation  to close under this Purchase  Contract,  shall be
      subject to and  conditioned  upon the  fulfillment  of each and all of the
      following conditions precedent:

      9.1.1 All of the documents required to be delivered by Seller to Purchaser
            at Closing  pursuant to the terms and  conditions  hereof shall have
            been  delivered  and  shall  be in  form  and  substance  reasonably
            satisfactory to Purchaser;

      9.1.2 Each of the representations and warranties of Seller contained
            herein shall be true in all material respects as of the Closing

      9.1.3 Seller shall have  complied  with,  fulfilled  and  performed in all
            material respects each of the covenants,  terms and conditions to be
            complied with, fulfilled or performed by Seller hereunder;

      9.1.4 This subsection intentionally left blank.

      9.1.5 Notwithstanding  anything  to  the  contrary,  there  are  no  other
            conditions  on  Purchaser's  obligation to Close except as expressly
            set forth in this Purchase Contract.

9.2   Without  limiting  any of the rights of Seller  elsewhere  provided for in
      this  Purchase  Contract,  Seller's  obligation  to close with  respect to
      conveyance of a particular  Property under this Purchase Contract shall be
      subject to and  conditioned  upon the  fulfillment  of each and all of the
      following conditions precedent:

      9.2.1 Purchaser's   representations  and  warranties  set  forth  in  this
            Purchase  Contract  shall have been true and correct in all material
            respects  when made,  and shall be true and correct in all  material
            respects on the Closing Date and as of the Effective  Date as though
            such representations and warranties were made at and as of such date
            and time.

      9.2.2 Purchaser   shall  have  fully   performed  and  complied  with  all
            covenants,  conditions,  and  other  obligations  in  this  Purchase
            Contract  to be  performed  or  complied  with by it at or  prior to
            Closing  including,  without  limitation,  payment  in  full  of the
            Purchase Price.

      9.2.3 There shall not be pending or, to the knowledge of either  Purchaser
            or  Seller,  any  litigation  or  threatened  litigation  which,  if
            determined adversely,  would restrain the consummation of any of the
            transactions  contemplated  by this  Purchase  Contract  or  declare
            illegal,  invalid or nonbinding  any of the covenants or obligations
            of the Purchaser.

      9.2.4 This subsection is intentionally left blank.

                                   ARTICLE 10


10.1  Seller  represents  and warrants to the Purchaser that other than Pinnacle
      Realty("Broker"),  it has not dealt with or utilized  the  services of any
      other real estate broker,  sales person or finder in connection  with this
      Purchase  Contract,  and Seller agrees to indemnify the Purchaser from and
      against all claims for  brokerage  commissions  and finder's  fees arising
      from or attributable to the acts or omissions of the indemnifying party.

10.2  Seller  agrees  to pay  Broker a  commission  according  to the terms of a
      separate  agreement.  Broker  shall not be  deemed a party or third  party
      beneficiary of this Purchase Contract.

10.3  Broker  assumes no  responsibility  for the  condition  of the Property or
      representation for the performance of this Purchase Contract by the Seller
      or Purchaser.

                                   ARTICLE 11


11.1  Possession of the Property  subject to the Permitted  Exceptions  shall be
      delivered to Purchaser at the  Closing,  subject to  Purchaser's  right of
      entry for inspection as set forth in ARTICLE 5.

                                   ARTICLE 12

                              DEFAULTS AND REMEDIES

12.1  In the Event  Purchaser  terminates this Purchase  Contract  following the
      Feasibility  Period for any reason other than Seller's inability to convey
      title as required by this Purchase  Contract,  or defaults hereunder prior
      to the Closing  Date and  consummation  of the  Closing  does not occur by
      reason of such  termination or default by Purchaser,  Seller and Purchaser
      agree that it would be impractical and extremely difficult to estimate the
      damages which Seller may suffer.  Therefore,  Seller and Purchaser  hereby
      agree that, except for the Purchaser's obligations to Seller under Section
      5.3, the reasonable  estimate of the total net detriment that Seller would
      suffer in the event that Purchaser  terminates  this Purchase  Contract or
      defaults  hereunder prior to the Closing Date is and shall be, as Seller's
      sole remedy  (whether at law or in equity),  the right to receive from the
      Escrow  Agent and retain the full amount of the  Deposit.  The payment and
      performance  of the above as  liquidated  damages  are not  intended  as a
      forfeiture  or  penalty  within  the  meaning  of  applicable  law and are
      intended  to settle all issues and  questions  about the amount of damages
      suffered by Seller in the applicable event,  except only for damages under
      Section 5.3 above,  irrespective  of the time when the inquiry  about such
      damages may take place. Upon any such failure by Purchaser hereunder, this
      Purchase  Contract shall be  terminated,  and neither party shall have any
      further rights or obligations hereunder, each to the other, except for the
      Purchaser's  obligations to Seller under Section 5.3 above,  and the right
      of Seller to collect such liquidated damages to the extent not theretofore
      paid by Purchaser.

12.2  Provided that Purchaser has not terminated  this Purchase  Contract and is
      not  otherwise  in default  hereunder,  if the Closing does not occur as a
      result of Seller's default hereunder,  Purchaser's sole remedy shall be to
      elect to terminate this Purchase Contract and receive reimbursement of the
      Deposit (or so much  thereof as has been  received by Escrow  Agent) or to
      seek specific performance of this Purchase Contract.

                                   ARTICLE 13

                            RISK OF LOSS OR CASUALTY

13.1  The risk of loss or damage to the Property by fire or other casualty until
      the deed of conveyance is recorded is assumed by the Seller, provided that
      the  Seller's  responsibility  shall be only to the extent of any recovery
      from insurance now carried on the Property.  Upon  assignment to Purchaser
      of any insurance  proceeds in respect of fire or other casualty  occurring
      between  the  date of  ratification  of  this  contract  and  the  time of
      settlement,  Purchaser  shall  have no right to  terminate  this  Purchase
      Contract on account  thereof,  but Seller shall  assign to  Purchaser  its
      interest in and to any insurance  policies and proceeds thereof payable as
      a result of such damage or destruction. Seller shall not, in any event, be
      obligated to effect any repair, replacement,  and/or restoration,  but may
      do so at its option in which case Seller may apply the insurance  proceeds
      to the costs of restoration.

                                   ARTICLE 14


14.1  This  Purchase  Contract  shall be null and void unless fully  ratified by
      Purchaser and Seller on or before [OFFER DEADLINE DATE].

                                   ARTICLE 15

                                 EMINENT DOMAIN

15.1  In the event that at the time of Closing  all or any part of the  Property
      is (or has  previously  been)  acquired,  or is about to be  acquired,  by
      authority  of any  governmental  agency in purchase in lieu thereof (or in
      the event that at such time there is any notice of any such acquisition by
      any  such  governmental  agency),  Purchaser  shall  have  the  right,  at
      Purchaser's  option, to terminate this Purchase Contract by giving written
      Notice  within  Fifteen  (15)  days of the  occurrence  of such  event and
      recover the Deposit  hereunder,  or to settle in accordance with the terms
      of this Purchase Contract for the full Purchase Price and receive the full
      benefit or any  condemnation  award.  It is expressly  agreed  between the
      parties  hereto  that this  paragraph  shall in no way apply to  customary
      dedications for public purposes which may be necessary for the development
      of the Property.

                                   ARTICLE 16


16.1  Exhibits And Schedules

            All  Exhibits  and  Schedules  annexed  hereto  are a part  of  this
            Purchase Contract for all purposes.

16.2  Assignability

            This Purchase Contract is assignable with the prior written approval
            of the  non-assigning  party. Any assignment by Purchaser shall only
            be to an affiliate or subsidiary  under the control or management of
            Purchaser,  but Purchaser will remain liable for its obligations and
            its  performance  of the  terms  and  conditions  of  this  Purchase

16.3  Binding Effect

            This  Purchase  Contract  shall be  binding  upon  and  inure to the
            benefit of Seller and Purchaser,  and their  respective  successors,
            heirs and permitted assigns.

16.4  Captions

            The  captions,  headings  and  arrangements  used in  this  Purchase
            Contract  are for  convenience  only  and do not in any way  affect,
            limit, amplify or modify the terms and provisions hereof.

16.5  Number And Gender Of Words

            Whenever  herein the singular number is used, the same shall include
            the plural where appropriate,  and words of any gender shall include
            each other gender where appropriate.

16.6  Notices

            All Notices,  demands,  requests and other  communications  required
            pursuant to the  provisions  of this  Purchase  Contract  ("Notice")
            shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been properly  given
            or served for all  purposes  (i) if sent by  Federal  Express or the
            nationally  recognized  overnight  carrier  for  next  business  day
            delivery, on the first business day following deposit of such Notice
            with such carrier,  or (ii) if personally  delivered,  on the actual
            date of delivery or (iii) if sent by certified mail,  return receipt
            requested  postage  prepaid and received by the Fifth (5th) business
            day following the date of mailing addressed as follows:

                 If to Seller:                   If to Purchaser:
                 HCW Pension Real Estate Fund,
                 LP                              The Cadle Company
                 c/o AIMCO                       100 North Center Street
                 1873 South Bellaire Street      Newton Falls, Ohio  44444
                 Suite 1700                      Attn:  Daniel C. Cadle,
                 Denver, CO  80222               President
                 Attn: Tim Works                 Phone:330-872-0918, Ext. 3101
                       Harry Alcock,             Fax:  330-872-5367
                       Martha Carlin
                 Fax:  303-504-4889


                 with a copy to:

                 David Marquette
                 Argent Real Estate
                 1401 Brickell Avenue, Suite 520
                 Miami, Florida  33131
                 Phone:  305-371-9299
                 FAX:  305-371-6898

                 Alan H. Weinberg, Esq.
                 WELTMAN, WEINBERG & REIS
                 CO., L.P.A.
                 323 W.Lakeside Avenue/Suite 200
                 Cleveland, OH  44113-1099
                 Phone:  215-363-4001, Ext. 201
                 Fax:  216-363-6913

            Any of the  parties  may  designate a change of address by Notice in
            writing to the other parties. Whenever in this Purchase Contract the
            giving of Notice by mail or  otherwise  is  required,  the giving of
            such  Notice  may be  waived in  writing  by the  person or  persons
            entitled to receive such Notice.

16.7  Governing Law And Venue

            The  laws of the  State  of  Missouri  shall  govern  the  validity,
            construction,  enforcement,  and  interpretation  of  this  Purchase
            Contract,  unless otherwise specified herein except for the conflict
            of laws provisions thereof.  All claims,  disputes and other matters
            in question arising out of or relating to this Purchase Contract, or
            the breach thereof,  shall be decided by proceedings  instituted and
            litigated  in the  United  States  District  Court  for the  Western
            District of Missouri and the parties hereto expressly consent to the
            venue and jurisdiction of such court.

16.8  Entirety And Amendments

            This Purchase Contract embodies the entire Purchase Contract between
            the  parties  and  supersedes  all  prior  Purchase   Contracts  and
            understandings, if any, relating to the Property, and may be amended
            or  supplemented  only by an instrument  in writing  executed by the
            party against whom enforcement is sought.

16.9  Severability

            If any of the  provisions  of this  Purchase  Contract is held to be
            illegal,  invalid,  or  unenforceable  under present or future laws,
            such provision shall be fully severable. The Purchase Contract shall
            be  construed  and  enforced  as  if  such  illegal,   invalid,   or
            unenforceable  provision had never comprised a part of this Purchase
            Contract;  and the remaining  provisions  of this Purchase  Contract
            shall  remain in full force and effect and shall not be  affected by
            the illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision or by its severance
            from this Purchase Contract.  In lieu of such illegal,  invalid,  or
            unenforceable  provision,  there shall be added  automatically  as a
            part of this  Purchase  Contract a provision  as similar in terms to
            such illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision as may be possible
            to make such provision legal, valid, and enforceable.

16.10 Multiple Counterparts

            This  Purchase  Contract  may be executed  in a number of  identical
            counterparts.  If so executed,  each of such  counterparts  shall be
            deemed an original for all purposes and all such counterparts shall,
            collectively,  constitute one Purchase Contract.  In making proof of
            this  Purchase  Contract,  it shall not be  necessary  to produce or
            account for more than one of such counterparts.

16.11 Further Acts

            In addition to the acts and deeds  recited  herein and  contemplated
            and performed,  executed  and/or  delivered by Seller and Purchaser,
            Seller and Purchaser  agree to perform,  execute  and/or  deliver or
            cause to be performed,  executed  and/or  delivered any and all such
            further acts, deeds and assurances as may be necessary to consummate
            the transactions contemplated hereby.

16.12 Construction

            No provision of this Purchase  Contract  shall be construed in favor
            of, or against,  any particular  party by reason of any  presumption
            with  respect  to the  drafting  of  this  Purchase  Contract;  both
            parties,  being represented by counsel,  have fully  participated in
            the negotiation of this instrument.

16.13 Confidentiality

            Purchaser  shall not disclose the terms and conditions  contained in
            this  Purchase  Contract,  and  shall  keep the  same  confidential,
            provided  that  Purchaser  may disclose the terms and  conditions of
            this  Purchase  Contract (i) as required by law,  (ii) to consummate
            the  terms of this  Purchase  Contract,  or any  financing  relating
            thereto, or (iii) to Purchaser's or Seller's lenders,  attorneys and
            accountants.  Any information  provided by Seller to Purchaser under
            the terms of this Purchase  Contract is for  informational  purposes
            only. In providing such  information  to Purchaser,  Seller makes no
            representation or warranty,  express,  written,  oral,  statutory or
            implied,  and all such  representations  and  warranties  are hereby
            expressly  excluded.  Purchaser  shall not in any way be entitled to
            rely upon the accuracy of such information. Such information is also
            confidential  and  Purchaser  shall be  prohibited  from making such
            information  public to any other  person  or entity  other  than its
            agents and legal  representatives,  without  Seller's  prior written
            authorization,  which may be  granted  or denied  in  Seller's  sole

16.14 Time Of The Essence

            It is  expressly  agreed by the  parties  hereto that time is of the
            essence with respect to this Purchase Contract.

16.15 Cumulative Remedies And Waiver

            Except as otherwise  provided herein,  no remedy herein conferred or
            reserved is intended to be exclusive of any other  available  remedy
            or remedies,  but each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and
            shall be in addition to every other remedy given under this Purchase
            Contract or now or hereafter  existing at law or in equity. No delay
            or  omission  to  exercise  any  right  or power  accruing  upon any
            default,  omission or failure of performance  hereunder shall impair
            any right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver thereof, but
            any such right and power may be  exercised  from time to time and as
            often as may be deemed expedient. No waiver,  amendment,  release or
            modification  of this  Purchase  Contract  shall be  established  by
            conduct, custom or course of dealing.

16.16 Litigation Expenses

            In the event either party hereto  commences  litigation  against the
            other to enforce its rights hereunder,  the prevailing party in such
            litigation  shall be  entitled  to recover  from the other party its
            reasonable   attorneys'   fees  and  expenses   incidental  to  such

16.17 Time Periods

            Should  the last day of a time  period  fall on a  weekend  or legal
            holiday,  the next Business Day  thereafter  shall be considered the
            end of the time period.

16.18 Exchange

            At Seller's sole cost and expense,  Seller may structure the sale of
            the  Property to Purchaser as a Like Kind  Exchange  under  Internal
            Revenue  Code  Section  1031  whereby  Seller will  acquire  certain
            property (the "Like Kind Exchange Property") in conjunction with the
            sale of the Property  (the "Like Kind  Exchange").  Purchaser  shall
            cooperate fully and promptly with Seller's  conduct of the Like Kind
            Exchange,   provided  that  all  costs  and  expenses  generated  in
            connection  with the Like  Kind  Exchange  shall be borne  solely by
            Seller,  and  Purchaser  shall not be  required  to take title to or
            contract  for the purchase of any other  property.  If Seller uses a
            qualified intermediary to effectuate the exchange, any assignment of
            the rights or  obligations  of Seller  hereunder  shall not relieve,
            release or absolve  Seller of its  obligations  to Purchaser.  In no
            event shall the Closing  Date be delayed by the Like Kind  Exchange.
            Seller shall indemnify and hold harmless  Purchaser from and against
            any  and  all  liability  arising  from  and  out of the  Like  Kind

NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto have executed this Purchase Contract as of the
date first set forth above.

                        Seller:     HCW PENSION REAL ESTATE FUND, LP, A
                                    Massachusetts limited partnership

                                    By:  HCW General Partner, Ltd., a
                                         Texas limited partnership

                                    Its: General Partner

                                    By:  IH, Inc., a Delaware

                                    Its: Managing General Partner



                        Purchaser:  The Cadle Company, an Ohio corporation




STATE OF ____________________ )
COUNTY OF __________________  )

            Before  me  ______________________________  on this  day  personally
appeared  _________________________________  known to me to be the person  whose
name is  subscribed  to the  foregoing  instrument,  and  known  to me to be the
__________________  of IH,  INC.,  a Delaware  corporation  as Managing  General
Partner of HCW GENERAL  PARTNER,  LTD., a Texas limited  partnership  as General
Partner of HCW PENSION REAL ESTATE FUND, LP, a Massachusetts limited partnership
, and  acknowledged  to me that he executed said instrument for the purposes and
consideration therein expressed, and as the act of said corporation.

            Given   under  my  hand  and  seal  of  office   this  ____  day  of
_______________, 1999.

                                          Notary Public
                                          My Commission


STATE OF ____________________ )
COUNTY OF __________________  )

            Before  me  ______________________________  on this  day  personally
appeared  _________________________________  known to me to be the person  whose
name is  subscribed  to the  foregoing  instrument,  and  known  to me to be the
__________________  of THE CADLE COMPANY, an Ohio corporation,  and acknowledged
to me that he  executed  said  instrument  for the  purposes  and  consideration
therein expressed, and as the act of said corporation.

            Given   under  my  hand  and  seal  of  office   this  ____  day  of
_______________, 1999.

                                  Notary Public

                              My Commission expires: ________________

                                                                  Exhibit 10.3


      This  Addendum To Purchase And Sale Contract  (hereinafter  referred to as
"Addendum")  is entered  into as of this  _____ day of  November,  1999,  by and
between HCW PENSION REAL ESTATE FUND, LP, a Massachusetts  Limited  Partnership,
and THE CADLE COMPANY,  an Ohio Corporation.  This Addendum shall supplement and
modify the terms and  conditions of a certain  Purchase And Sale Contract  dated
August 18, 1999, which was made and entered into by and between HCW PENSION REAL

      For and in  consideration  of mutual  covenants and agreements  herein set

      The deposit  amount set forth in Section  3.111 of the  Purchase  And Sale
Contract  is  amended  to   Forty-One   Thousand  Two  Hundred   Fifty   Dollars
($41,250.00).  Purchaser  is to pay the Escrow  Agent the  additional  amount of
Sixteen  Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars  ($16,250.00)  in order to bring the
deposit up to the required  amount.  The  additional  amount is to be paid on or
before December 3, 1999.

      THE CADLE COMPANY has completed its due diligence as provided in Article 5
and hereby  waives its right to raise any objection  based on the  provisions of
Sections  5.1 and 5.2 of the  Purchase  And Sale  Contract or based on all other
conditions  with respect to the property or the seller's  obligations  under the
Purchase And Sale  Contract  except for those  enumerated in  Subsections  9.1.1
through 9.1.4.

      The terms as set forth in this  Addendum  shall  control over the terms of
the Purchase And Sale Contract and any previous Addendum.

                        Seller:     HCW PENSION REAL ESTATE FUND, LP, A
                                    Massachusetts limited partnership

                                    By:  HCW General Partner, Ltd., a
                                         Texas limited partnership

                                    Its: General Partner

                                    By:  IH, Inc., a Delaware

                                    Its: Managing General Partner



                        Purchaser:  The Cadle Company, an Ohio corporation




STATE OF ____________________ )
COUNTY OF __________________  )

            Before  me  ______________________________  on this  day  personally
appeared  _________________________________  known to me to be the person  whose
name is  subscribed  to the  foregoing  instrument,  and  known  to me to be the
__________________  of IH,  INC.,  a Delaware  corporation  as Managing  General
Partner of HCW GENERAL  PARTNER,  LTD., a Texas limited  partnership  as General
Partner of HCW PENSION REAL ESTATE FUND, LP, a Massachusetts limited partnership
, and  acknowledged  to me that he executed said instrument for the purposes and
consideration therein expressed, and as the act of said corporation.

            Given   under  my  hand  and  seal  of  office   this  ____  day  of
_______________, 1999.

                                          Notary Public
                                          My Commission


STATE OF ____________________ )
COUNTY OF __________________  )

            Before  me  ______________________________  on this  day  personally
appeared  _________________________________  known to me to be the person  whose
name is  subscribed  to the  foregoing  instrument,  and  known  to me to be the
__________________  of THE CADLE COMPANY, an Ohio corporation,  and acknowledged
to me that he  executed  said  instrument  for the  purposes  and  consideration
therein expressed, and as the act of said corporation.

            Given   under  my  hand  and  seal  of  office   this  ____  day  of
_______________, 1999.

                                  Notary Public

                              My Commission expires: ________________