55 Beattie Place, P.O. Box 1089
                              Greenville, SC 29602

May 10, 2005

Correspondence Filing Via Edgar and Overnight Delivery

United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporation Finance
Mail Stop 0409
450 Fifth Street, NW
Washington, D.C.  20549
Attn:  Mr. Daniel Gordon

Re:   Real Estate Associates Limited II
      Form 10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 2004 File No. 0-09782

Ladies and Gentlemen:

This letter responds to the comments of the staff of the Securities and Exchange
Commission  (the  "Staff")  addressed  to Real Estate  Associates  Limited II, a
California limited partnership (the "Partnership"),  in a letter dated April 14,
2005.  The  Partnership  appreciates  the  Staff's  willingness  to  provide  an
extension of time for this response.  The Partnership's  response to the Staff's
comments are set forth below and are numbered to  correspond to the numbering of
the Staff's comments in the Staff's letter.

                        *     *     *     *     *

Form 10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 2004

Note 1 - Organization and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Recent Accounting Pronouncements

   1.   Comment:  We note that you adopted FIN 46(R) and you determined that you
        held variable  interests in 11 VIE's for which the  Partnership  was not
        the primary  beneficiary.  In a  supplemental  response  tell us how you
        determined  that  you  were  not  considered  the  primary   beneficiary
        considering  that you own 95 to 99% of the local  limited  partnerships.
        Reference is made to paragraphs 14-17 of FIN 46(R).

        Response:  The Partnership  first became involved with the local limited
        partnerships in the early 1980s.  The Partnership  historically has used
        the equity method of  accounting  for its  investments  in local limited
        partnerships.   The  individuals  involved  with  the  creation  of  the
        Partnership are no longer employed by National  Partnership  Investments
        Corp, the general partner of the  Partnership.  The general  partners of
        the local limited  partnerships  are not affiliated with the Partnership
        or National Partnership Investments Corp. Accordingly, the Partnership's
        initial  consideration of the requirements of FASB Interpretation No. 46
        (Revised  December 2003),  Consolidation of Variable  Interest  Entities
        (FIN 46R) was based  primarily on documents  related to the formation of
        the Partnership and financial  information  available as of December 31,
        2003 and 2004. There may be other facts and circumstances related to the
        Partnership's involvement with the local limited partnerships that might
        be relevant in making  determinations  required by FIN 46R; however, the
        Partnership  necessarily  based its  determination  upon  those  written
        documents  and other  information  that are  currently  available to the

        The Partnership made its determination of the primary beneficiary of the
        11 local limited  partnerships  identified as variable interest entities
        ("VIE") based on a qualitative  analysis with reference to paragraphs 16
        and 17 of FIN 46R.

        Paragraph 16 of FIN 46R states,  in part,  "For purposes of  determining
        whether it is the primary  beneficiary of a variable interest entity, an
        enterprise  with a variable  interest shall treat variable  interests in
        that same entity held by its related  parties as its own interests.  For
        purposes of this Interpretation, the term related parties includes those
        parties  identified in FASB Statement No. 57, Related Party Disclosures,
        and certain other parties that are acting as de facto agents or de facto
        principals of the variable  interest  holder."  Paragraph  16(d) further
        provides that de facto agents of an enterprise include "A party that has
        (1) an agreement that it cannot sell, transfer, or encumber its interest
        in the entity without the prior approval of the  enterprise...The  right
        of prior approval  creates a de facto agency  relationship  only if that
        right could  constrain the others party's ability to manage the economic
        risks or realize the economic  rewards from its  interests in a variable
        interest  entity  through the sale,  transfer,  or  encumbrance of those

        With respect to the 11 local limited partnerships  identified as VIEs, a
        provision of each of the  partnership  agreements  prohibits the general
        partner from selling, assigning, transferring,  mortgaging, pledging, or
        otherwise  encumbering or disposing of its interest in the local limited
        partnership for which it serves as the general partner.  Accordingly, in
        order  for  the  general  partner  to  take  any  of  these  actions,  a
        modification  of  the  local  limited  partnership  agreement  would  be
        necessary and such modification would require written consent or vote of
        a majority in interest of the general  partner and the limited  partner,
        voting as one  class,  in  proportion  to  ownership  interest.  Another
        provision of each of the partnership agreements for the 11 local limited
        partnerships  prohibits any limited  partner from  assigning in whole or
        any part of its  interest  in a local  limited  partnership  unless  the
        limited  partner first  receives  consent of the general  partner of the
        local  limited  partnership  (which  consent may be withheld at the sole
        discretion of the general partner).  These provisions of the partnership
        agreements establish de facto agency  relationships,  as contemplated in
        paragraph 16(d) of FIN 46R, between the Partnership,  as limited partner
        in the local limited  partnerships,  and the respective general partners
        of the local limited partnerships.

        Having  determined  under  paragraph  16 that  the  Partnership  and the
        respective  general  partners of the local  limited  partnerships  are a
        related party group for purposes of FIN 46R, the Partnership  considered
        the guidance in paragraph 17 to identify the primary beneficiary of each
        local limited  partnership.  Paragraph 17 of FIN 46R states,  "If two or
        more  related  parties  (including  the de  facto  agents  described  in
        paragraph  16) hold  variable  interests in the same  variable  interest
        entity, and the aggregate variable interest held by those parties would,
        if  held  by  a  single  party,  identify  that  party  as  the  primary
        beneficiary,  then the party,  within the related  party group,  that is
        most closely associated with the variable interest entity is the primary
        beneficiary".  The Partnership believes that the variable interests held
        by the  related  party  group,  consisting  of the  Partnership  and the
        general partners,  would, if held by a single party, identify that party
        as the primary beneficiary.  Accordingly,  the Partnership believes that
        based on qualitative  evaluation,  that a party within the related party
        group must be the primary beneficiary.

        Paragraph  17 goes on to state that "the  determination  of which  party
        within the  related  party  group is most  closely  associated  with the
        variable  interest  entity  requires  judgment  and shall be based on an
        analysis of all relevant facts and circumstances, including:

        a. The  existence of a  principal-agency  relationship  between  parties
           within the related party group
        b. The  relationship  and significance of the activities of the variable
           interest entity to the various parties within the related party group
        c. A party's  exposure to the expected  losses of the variable  interest
        d. The design of the variable interest entity."

        The Partnership  believes that in the application of paragraph 17 of FIN
        46R, the factors  listed need to be considered in  conjunction  with the
        structure  of each local  limited  partnership  and how the  Partnership
        believes other  entities would view the role of the general  partner and
        the limited partner (i.e. the Partnership).

        The  Partnership's  consideration  of the  requirements  of paragraph 17
        revealed  factors that  individually  could identify  either the general
        partner or the  Partnership as the party with the  characteristics  most
        closely associated with the respective local limited partnerships.

        Ultimately,  as discussed  below,  the  Partnership  concluded  that the
        general partner is the party within the related party group that has the
        characteristics   most  closely   associated   with  the  local  limited
        partnerships. Factors considered most relevant include:

     o    Although  the de facto  agency  relationship  that was  identified  in
          connection with paragraph 16 does not clearly  indicate which party is
          principal or agent,  the Partnership  believes the general partner has
          characteristics  that are commonly  associated with the principal.  In
          this regard,  the  Partnership  noted that the general  partner is the
          party an  outside  entity  would  contact  regarding  a local  limited
          partnership  matter.  For example,  the United  States  Department  of
          Housing and Urban Development, or one of its agencies, ("HUD"), is the
          outside entity with the most direct contact and or communication  with
          the  local  limited  partnerships  due  to  the  interest  and  tenant
          subsidies  and  mortgage  insurance  that  exist at the local  limited
          partnership  level.  In all instances HUD contacts the general partner
          with respect to matters  involving the local limited  partnership  and
          the general partner acts with authority in addressing those matters.

     o    The Partnership  noted that each general  partner's  relationship with
          the local  limited  partnerships  involves the  following  significant
          activities  related to its rights and  obligations  under the  related
          limited partnership agreements:

     o    The general partner shall manage and conduct the business of the local
          limited partnership;

     o    Employees  of the general  partner (or its  affiliates)  are  actively
          involved in managing the operations of the local limited partnerships

     o    The  general   partner  has  the   obligation  to  fund  any  recourse
          obligations of the local limited partnership

     o    The general  partner is  authorized  to develop  land  acquired by the
          local limited partnership with off-site and on-site improvements,  and
          to construct,  rehabilitate,  maintain, operate and manage the housing
          units and other facilities of the respective local limited partnership

     o    The general  partner is authorized to borrow funds,  execute and issue
          mortgage notes and other evidences of indebtedness.

     o    The  general  partner is  authorized  to apply for and obtain from the
          respective   government  agency,   contracts  for  leasing,   interest
          subsidies,  tax  abatement  and  tax  limitation,  as  well  as  other
          supplemental payments and subsidies

     o    The general  partner shall  promptly take any and all action which may
          be necessary or  appropriate to perfect and maintain the local limited
          partnership, as a limited partnership under state law, and to develop,
          maintain,  and operate the respective  local limited  partnerships  in
          accordance with provisions of the local limited partnership  agreement
          and applicable Federal, state and local laws and regulations

o                 The general partner shall cause the local limited  partnership
                  to obtain and maintain at all times, insurance in such amounts
                  and at terms  customary  for a  project  similar  to the local
                  limited partnership

o                 The general  partner is responsible for obtaining a management
                  agent for the respective local limited partnership

     o    In addition,  the local limited partnership  agreements state that the
          Partnership, as limited partner, shall not take part in the management
          of the local limited  partnership's  business or transact any business
          for the local limited  partnership,  nor have any power to sign for or
          to bind the local limited  partnership or to subject the local limited
          partnership to any liability or obligation.

        These factors  strongly  indicate that the general  partner is the party
        most closely associated with the local limited partnerships.

        Although the  Partnership  has not performed a quantitative  analysis to
        determine the relative exposures of the Partnership and general partners
        to the expected losses of the respective local limited partnerships, the
        Partnership  generally believes that it would have the greatest exposure
        based on  provisions in the local limited  partnership  agreements  that
        provide for 95-99 percent  allocations and  distributions to the limited
        partner.  However,  this  factor is not  sufficient  to offset the above
        indicators that the general partner is the party most closely associated
        with the local limited partnerships.

        As an  additional  note,  the  Partnership  is  unable  to  make a clear
        determination  as to which parties were more involved with the design of
        the local limited partnerships due to the length of time since the local
        limited partnerships were created and the lack of individuals associated
        with that process available for consultation.  The Partnership  presumes
        that both the general partner and the  Partnership  were highly involved
        in the  negotiation  of  local  limited  partnership  provisions.  Those
        negotiations  ultimately  resulted  in the general  partner  having more
        substantial  rights and obligations under the local limited  partnership

        The Partnership concluded, based on its qualitative consideration of the
        factors in  paragraph  17 of FIN 46R as noted  above,  that the  general
        partner is the party in the  related  party  group that is most  closely
        associated  with,  and  therefore  is the  primary  beneficiary  of, the
        respective local limited  partnership.  Accordingly,  the Partnership is
        not the primary beneficiary of any of the 11 local limited  partnerships
        identified as VIEs and is not required to  consolidate  any of the local
        limited partnerships.

                        *     *     *     *     *

As  requested  by  the  Staff,  the  Partnership   acknowledges  that:  (a)  the
Partnership  is  responsible  for the adequacy and accuracy of the disclosure in
its filings;  (b) Staff  comments or changes to  disclosure in response to Staff
comments do not foreclose the Commission  from taking any action with respect to
the filings;  and (c) the Partnership may not assert Staff comments as a defense
in any  proceeding  initiated by the  Commission or any person under the federal
securities laws of the United States.

If you have further questions regarding the information provided, please contact
the undersigned or Stephen Waters.  Mr. Waters can be reached  directly at (864)
239-1554 or by fax at (864) 239-5824.


                                    /s/ David R. Robertson
                                    David R. Robertson
                                    President and Chief Executive Officer
                                    National  Partnership  Investments  Corp.,
                                    the  corporate  general  partner  of  Real
                                    Estate Associates Limited II

cc:  Stephen B. Waters