Washington D.C. 20549


     ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ended April 30, 1995

     EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from ________ to _________

Commission file number 2-81315

Flow International Corporation Voluntary Pension and Salary Deferral Plan

Flow International Corporation
Post Office Box 97040
Kent, WA  98064-9740
(206) 850-3500

Flow International Corporation
Voluntary Pension and Salary Deferral Plan
Financial Statements and Supplemental Schedules - Index
December 31, 1994

Report of Independent Accountants                           3

Statements of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits        4 
Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan 
   Benefits                                                 5 
Notes to Financial Statements                               6
Supplemental Schedules:

   Assets Held for Investment Purposes                     11 

   Reportable Transactions                                 12 

Signatures                                                 13

Consent of Independent Accountants                         14

Report of Independent Accountants

To the Participants and Administrative Committee of the 
Flow International Corporation Voluntary Pension and 
Salary Deferral Plan

In our opinion, the accompanying statements of net assets available for plan
benefits and the related statement of changes in net assets available for 
plan benefits present fairly, in all material respects, the net assets 
available for plan benefits of the Flow International Corporation Voluntary 
Pension and Salary Deferral Plan at December 31, 1994 and 1993, and the 
results of its operations and the changes in its net assets available 
for plan benefits for the year ended December 31, 1994, in conformity with 
generally accepted accounting principles.  These financial statements are the 
responsibility of the plan's management; our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.  We conducted our 
audits of these statements in accordance with generally accepted auditing 
standards which require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain 
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of 
material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing
the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, 
and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.  We believe that 
our audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed above.

Our audits were made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic 
financial statements taken as a whole.  The additional information included in
the accompanying supplemental schedules is presented for purposes of additional 
analysis and is not a required part of the basic financial statements but is 
additional information required by ERISA.  Such information has been 
subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic 
financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material 
respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole.

/S/ Price Waterhouse LLP

Seattle, Washington
June 14, 1995

Flow International Corporation
Voluntary Pension and Salary Deferral Plan

Statements of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits 

                                        December 31,     
                                     1994         1993
Cash and cash equivalents             $2,369,058   $2,592,921
Investments at market (Notes 3 and 5)
 Large Company Fund                    2,350,583    2,096,760
 Small Company Fund                    2,230,274    1,948,063
 International Fund                    1,905,711    1,385,511
 Bond Fund                               806,311    1,055,743
 FLOW Fund                               467,964      432,959
 Loan Fund                               185,142      290,714
Contributions receivable                 127,367      223,908
Loan receivable                            6,184       30,599
Interest and dividends receivable         20,501       14,725
                                      10,469,095   10,071,903
Accrued liabilities (Note 4)              15,690        4,609
Net assets available for 
plan benefits                        $10,453,405  $10,067,294

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements

Flow International Corporation
Voluntary Pension and Salary Deferral Plan

Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits 

                                                Year ended
                                             December 31, 1994
Additions to net assets attributed to:
  Investment income:
    Unrealized losses, net                        $ (232,637)
    Realized gains, net                               46,524
    Interest                                         172,174
    Dividends                                        107,186
  Employer contributions                             496,462                             
  Employee contributions                           1,039,615
  Rollovers from other qualified 
    retirement plans (Note 2)                        131,034
    Total additions                                1,760,358
Deductions from net assets attributed to:
  Benefits paid to participants                    1,248,194
  Forfeitrues and other                              126,053
    Total deductions                               1,374,247
    Net increase                                     386,111

Net assets available for plan benefits
  Beginning of year                               10,067,294
  End of year                                    $10,453,405  

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements

Flow International Corporation
Voluntary Pension and Salary Deferral Plan

Notes to Financial Statements

December 31, 1994
Note 1 - Description of the Plan:

The Flow International Corporation Voluntary Pension and Salary Deferral Plan 
(the "Plan") is a defined contribution plan for the benefit of the 
non-bargaining employees of Flow International Corporation (the "Company"), 
effective October 1, 1986.

The Plan is administered by the Advisory Committee appointed by the Board of 
Directors of the Company.  Qualified employees may elect to contribute any 
amount between one percent and fifteen percent of their salary.  The Company 
shall contribute an amount equal to 50% of the first six percent of employee 
compensation contributed for employees with less than five years of service 
with the Company or 75% of the first six percent of employee compensation 
contributed for employees with five years or more of service.  Contributions
to the Plan are paid to a trust administered by the Plan trustees under the 
terms of a trust agreement.  The funds must be used for the exclusive benefit 
of Plan participants and their beneficiaries.

Employees are eligible for participation in the Plan upon completion of one
year of service.  Employer contributions and earnings thereon vest with 
individual participants based upon years of service with the Company; 
participants achieve one hundred percent vesting after five years of service
or at a normal retirement age.  Unvested employer contributions relating to 
terminated participants are forfeited and used to reduce the Company's 
future contributions to the Plan.  Participants are immediately vested in 
their voluntary contributions plus actual earnings thereon.  Vested benefits 
are payable upon the retirement, death, disability or request at termination 
of a participant.

Note 2 - Significant Accounting Policies:

Valuation of investments

The accompanying financial statements have been prepared using the accrual 
basis of accounting.

Deposit administration contracts are stated at contract value which 
approximates market value.  Contract values represent contributions made 
under the contracts, plus interest on the contracts, less funds used to 
purchase annuities and pay related administrative expenses.  Other 
investments are stated at the quoted market value.

Cash and cash equivalents on the Statement of Net Assets Available for 
Plan Benefits represents cash balances in the Money Market Fund as well 
as cash allocated to all other funds except for the Loan Fund.

Recognition of income and expenses

Administrative expenses are charged to the Plan and are reflected in 
these financial statements.

Investment transactions are recorded on the date of the purchase or 
sale.  Gains or losses are determined based on the fair market value 
of investments on the date of a transaction.


The Plan allows transfers from qualified plans.  Rollovers or 
plan-to-plan transfers are considered a contribution.

Participant loans

Effective September 30, 1992, the Company acquired all the stock in 
Spider Staging Corporation ("Spider") which maintained the Spider 
Staging Corporation 401(k) Savings Plan (the "Spider Plan") for its 
employees.  An amendment allowed the Company and Spider to merge the 
Spider Plan into the Plan effective January 1, 1993.  The Spider Plan
provided loans to participants, which were considered a participant 
directed investment of their account.  The loan is a trust investment, 
but only the borrowing participant's account shall share in the 
interest paid on the loan or bear any expense or risk of loss because 
of the loan.  Participant loans are secured by the vested portion of 
each borrower's account.  The rate charged on the loan is the prime 
rate as of the date of the loan's approval.  Effective January 1, 
1993, the Plan does not provide for any new loans to participants, 
except for those loans in process at that time.  Loan disbursements 
for the years ended December 31, 1994 and 1993 totaled $0 and $8,500 
and loan repayments totaled $101,531 and $140,662 respectively.

Note 3 - Investments:

Plan participants may direct their salary deferral and employer matching 
contributions to one or a combination of six investment selections, known
as the FLOW Fund, the International Fund, the Small Company Fund, the 
Large Company Fund, the Bond Fund and the Money Market Fund.  The FLOW 
Fund consists of FLOW International Corporation common stock which is 
publicly traded in the NASDAQ National Market.  The International Fund 
consists of investments in securities of companies located outside the 
United States.  The Small Company Fund consists of investments in stock 
in small to medium size companies that exhibit the potential for a high 
rate of earnings growth.  The Large Company Fund consists of investments 
in large companies that also exhibit the potential for a high rate of 
earnings growth.  The Bond Fund invests in U.S. Government and Agency 
securities, corporate bonds issued by high quality companies and group 
annuities (Note 5).  Finally, the Money Market Fund consists of 
investments in high quality corporate and U.S. Government securities 
that have maturities of less than one year.  Participants may transfer 
balances between funds as well as change the investment allocation up 
to 4 times per year, but not more frequently than every ninety days.

Changes in net assets available for plan benefits by investment account 
from December 31, 1993 to December 31, 1994 are shown on the following

Changes in net assets available for plan benefits by investment account 
for the year ended December 31, 1994:

                                   Cash         Large        Small                                   
                               Equivalents     Company      Company  
Additions to net 
assets attributed to:           
Investment income                                                  
  Unrealized gain (loss), net  $              ($145,680)    $49,254
  Realized gain (loss), net                      57,170     (34,302) 
  Interest                        63,862         17,500      15,083
  Dividends                                      44,774      17,310
                                  63,862        (26,236)     47,345 
Employer contributions            47,395        130,436     136,996                    
Employee contributions            97,200        267,729     296,955    
Rollovers from other   
 qualified retirement plans                      39,058      45,988                  
Total additions                  208,457        410,987     527,284
Participant transfers, net       259,437       (123,583)   (184,603)                         
Loan transactions, net            20,122         25,002      18,536                                     
Deductions from net 
assets attributed to:
Benefits paid to participants    619,532        182,536     202,699                      
Forfeitures and other             14,204         33,832      53,228
Total deductions                 633,736        216,368     255,927
Net increase (decrease)         (145,720)        96,038     105,290              
Net assets available 
for plan benefits:
  Beginning of year            1,746,728      2,618,547   2,302,968
  End of year                 $1,601,008     $2,714,585  $2,408,258


                       International    Bond    FLOW      Loan
                            Fund        Fund    Fund      Fund       Total 
Additions to net assets      
attributed to:
Investment income
  Unrealized gain 
   (loss), net            $(83,433)   ($7,166) $(45,612) $         $(232,637)
  Realized gain 
   (loss), net              55,366    (25,703)   (6,007)              46,524
  Interest                     918     58,003       395   16,413     172,174
  Dividends                 45,102                                   107,186
                            17,953     25,134   (51,224)  16,413      93,247

Employer contributions      99,610     50,447    31,548              496,462 
Employee contributions     210,968     97,621    69,142            1,039,615 
Rollovers from other 
 qualified retirement
  plans                     42,282                3,706              131,034
 Total additions           370,813    173,232    53,172   16,413   1,760,358

 transfers, net            137,724    (65,565)  (23,410)              0
Loan transactions, net      16,403     14,248     7,220 (101,531)     0 
Deductions from net 
attributed to:
  Benefits paid
   to participants          99,509    107,425    16,039   20,454   1,248,194 
  Forfeitures and other     11,224     10,598     2,967              126,053
Total deductions           110,733    118,023    19,006   20,454   1,374,247
Net increase (decrease)    414,207      3,892    17,976 (105,572)    386,111
Net assets available
for plan benefits:
 Beginning of year       1,520,443  1,123,949   463,945  290,714  10,067,294
 End of year            $1,934,650 $1,127,841  $481,921 $185,142 $10,453,405

Note 4 - Annual Return of Employee Benefit Plans (Form 5500):

The Form 5500 reports benefits paid to participants of $1,028,695 for the 
period ended December 31,1994.  The difference between the Plan's 
financial statements and the Form 5500 is the result of amounts allocated 
to accounts of persons who had elected to withdraw from the Plan prior to
December 31, 1993 but were paid during 1994.

Note 5 - Deposit Administration Contracts With Insurance Companies:

The Plan has deposit administration contracts with Ameritas Financial 
Services and Aetna Life Insurance and Annuity Company 
("the Insurance Companies"), which are included in the Bond Fund. As of
December 31, 1994 and 1993 the value of the contracts with the Insurance 
Companies were as follows:

                                      Contract value
                                        December 31, 
                                     1994         1993
Aetna Life Insurance 
   and Annuity Company               $530,806     $502,021

Ameritas Financial Services           149,269      139,220
                                   -----------   ----------- 
                                     $680,075     $641,241
                                   ===========   ===========
Note 6 - Federal Income Taxes:

The Plan has received an updated favorable determination letter from the 
Internal Revenue Service dated February 10, 1995 as to the qualified status 
of the Plan.  The Company is of the opinion that the Plan continues to 
fulfill the requirements of a qualified plan under Section 401(a) of the 
Internal Revenue Code and that the trust which forms a part of the Plan is 
not subject to tax.  Accordingly, no provision for federal or state income 
taxes has been provided.

Supplemental Schedules

Flow International Corporation
Voluntary Pension and Salary Deferral Plan

Schedule of Assets Held for Investment
December 31, 1994

Description                Shares      Cost       Fair value
Large Company Fund         170,194    $2,433,470  $2,350,583

Small Company Fund         136,279     2,185,159   2,230,274

International Fund          90,189     1,932,306   1,905,711

The Bond Fund:
  Aetna Life Insurance 
   Group Annuity             N/A         530,806     530,806

  Ameritas Life Insurance 
   Group Annuity             N/A         149,269     149,269

  Other                    145,000       141,831     126,236

FLOW Fund                   66,852       472,352     467,964

Flow International Corporation
Voluntary Pension and Salary Deferral Plan

Schedule of Reportable Transactions
For the Year Ended December 31, 1994 

                           Number    Number
                            of        of                 Sales/
                         purchases   sales  Purchases   maturities    
Large Company 
  Fund                   61           29    $1,282,005   $939,780 
Small Company
  Fund                  172          136     1,969,522  1,702,262    
  Fund                   35           19     1,216,855    612,974   

                      Cost of Assets           Gain/
                       Sold/matured            Loss
Large Company Fund       $888,558             $51,222

Small Company Fund      1,736,564             (34,302)

International Fund        613,222                (248)


The Flow International Corporation Voluntary Pension and Salary Deferral
Plan.  Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 
1934, the trustees (or other persons who administer the employee benefit
plan) have duly caused this annual report to be signed by the undersigned 
thereunto duly authorized.

                      The Flow International Corporation
                      Voluntary Pension and Salary Deferral Plan 

Date: June 26, 1995

                      By ________________________________

                         Jan Canon
                         Plan Advisor Committee Member

Consent of Independent Accountants

We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in the Prospectus 
consituting part of the Registration Statement on Form S-3 (No. 33-57100)
and in the Registration Statement on Form S-8 (No. 33-40397 and No. 33-44776)
of Flow International Corporation of our report dated June 14, 1995 appearing
on page 1 of this Form 11-K.

/S/ Price Waterhouse LLP

Seattle, Washington
June 27, 1995